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US3R/Zc)o,)drasitc)lo,-y - Mites and Insects as Disease - Vectors. G-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - BiA., No 10; 1958, 43447 EpidemioloGically dangerous females were found only among mosquitoes of the second Generation in August and Septem- ber among females who went througli 4-6 gonotrophic cycles. The age composition of the mosquitoes in untreated settle- ments was found to be comparatively low (the averaGe -Aiy- sioloGical age of the ronoactive ferale was I gonotrophic cycle). Depending on the difference in meteorolo[;Lcal conditions in 1953 and 1954, the proportion of epidemiolo- [~ically dangerous females (on the average in one barn per season) was 9.1% and 3.2%, respectively. In a settlement treated by DDT, with ,, larL;or average number of msquitoes, the number of potentially dangerous females was 1/4 that in the untreated settlements. The treatment was effective despite its late execution and the presence of mosquitoes outside the buildinGs, as well cis despite an adjacent tui- treated settlement. Times of the possible effective Card 2/3 - 18 - USSR/Zooparaoitoloa .. Mites and Insects as Disease. Vectors. G-3 ' Abs Jour : Ref Zhw.- - Biol., ITO 10, 1958, 43447 infections by mosquitoes under temperature conditions of the summers of 1953 and 1954, ac well as the periods of possible malarial infections in the same years, are indicatc.d. Liformation on mosquito infectiousness is given. Card 3/3 PROKOPENKO, L.I. (Baratov). --IfWfs-FtFe'lLi~i in the distant pAst, Yalld, i akush. z4 no.10#3-35 ja 159 (IIEDICrfM--SMW JaID TEACHING) (MIRA 1211) PROKOFENKO, L.G. Role of -~,arir.~u5 waparis in "he !,,yrithe2is r,,,L' -X. influence on the organism of -ionizing radiat.'(-,r,. 1, no - 4: 5-14.1 - 54 31 161~. ( ~Vl PdI --l 7: 11 ) 1. Kurskiy meditsinokiy instLtut, kafedra biokhimii. GOLOVINSKIY, 0.1., inzh.;,PROKOP6NKO, L.K., inzh. Strain transducer for dry Dl,'-10-type paper linen. Vast. elektroprom." 32 no.10:79-P-D 0 161. OaPA 1/,:Q/) (Papermaking mAchinery) (Transducers) TYMNIN,Dmitriy Fedorovich; FROKOPENKO L.K inzhener, rec4Lktor; YUDZOU,D.M. tekhnicheskiv r [Results of traction and heat engineering tests on series YD locomotives with wide stack steam superheateral Rezulltaty tiagovo-teplotekhnicheakikh ispytanii parovoza serii FD s shi- rokotrubnym paroperegrevatelem. Moskva, Goo. transp. zhel-dor. isd-vc, 1955. 125 P. (Moscow. Vaesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatell- skii institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no. 99) (Locomotives--Testing) (MLHA 8:8) DUBOV, L.Ya., inzh.; PROKOPENK9,.L.K., inzh. Experimental study of contactless selsyns in control transformer operation. Vest. elektroprom. 34 n0-5:34-36 ?V 163. OURA 16:5) (Servomechanisms) USTINOV, N.P.; PROKOPEIIKO L.K. Efficient dimensions of preset clearances between the leavea of locomotive springs. Trudy MIIT no.110:181-194 159. (14IRA 13:4) (Locomotiveo--Springs) SURZHIN, Sargey Nikolayevich; PROKOPEIIKO, L.K., inzh.,red.; VERNA, G.P., [IV locomotive; operational and design cbaracteriatics] Parovoz IV; konstruktivnyo onobannosti. Moskva, Goo.transp.shol-dor. izd-vo, 1958. 239 P. (MIRA, 11:12) (Locomotives) S/02 63/'148/005/006/029 B1 12YBla6 AUTHOR: Prokopea~~L_ TITLE: The uniqueness of the solution to Cauchy's problem for operator-differential equations PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Doklady, v. 148, no. 5, 1962, 1030-1033 TEXT: Weak solutions u of the boundary-value problem du/dt - Au (0 ~ t < T ~- c-), uIt-0 , 0 (1) are considered. The closed linear operator A is defined on a domain DA of a Banach space B, and has to fulfil the following condition: there are constants a > 0 and C > 0 such that JJAU _ ZU11 >> C,-,Re z1jull (2) for u C-DA, and z = re i~ + zo 1 0 < r< n/2. It is demonstrated that the solution of (1) is identically equal to zero on the interval Card 1/2 S1020163 /14t3/005/006/02 9 The uniqueness of the solution to Bi 12/Bla6 [0,T - a] for a < T < This result has been obtained by Yu. I. Lyubich (DAN, 130, No. 5, 969 (1960), UMH, 16, no. 5, 161 (1961)) by another method of demonstration, and under conditions of less generality. Further results are derived for the case of B being a Hilbert space. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko) PRESENTED: August 21, 1962, by I. G. Petrovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: JulY.',-17, 1962 Card 2/2 PROKOPENKO, L.N. Uniqueness of the solution to Vauchy's problem for differential operator equations. Dokl. AN SSSR 11+8 no.5:1030-1033 F '63. (NfRA 16:3) 1. Kiy-evskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. T.G.Shevchenko. Preastavleno akademikom I.G.Petrovskim. (Differential equations) .1(1" '3500 AUTHW-~: Prokopenko, L.N. 32446 S/044/61/000/0'C)/010/051 CIII/C222 TITLE: The Cauchy problem for an equation of the type of S.L. Sobolev PERIODICALz Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 10, 1961, 33~ abstract 10 B 151. ("Tr. Vees. soveshchaniya pa differenz- sialln. uravneniyam, 1958", Yerevan, AN Arm SSR~ 1960v 138-140) TEXT: The author considers the Cauchy problem for the equation A (x, 4-) D mu( X, t)* +M-1 xPt' D ) ~ ku(x,t) 0 X: k ~tm B" t k=o with the initial conditions 'a , k - 0,..., M-1 (2) 3t'k'lt.0 Uk(x) where A (x, " , B ID are linear differential operators of Card 1/'~ -,T-x k ( x't' -7-x) 32446 S/044,/61 /000/0 ! 0/0 - r,,Ioz:' The Cauchy problem for an equation ClII/C222 the orders 2oc and B in the whole N-dimensional space E_ z 0~ 2 OC 2: (k) Au Izi 2,-ar,(x) IDFu , BkU I TIB b1c (xgt)D'u x (XJ9 ... 9 XN)E EN O~~t-/-T~~oo 1 1 'r = 'r I + + D ,a x 1 xN Let the following be satisfied s -a) Coefficients of the operators A and B k have continuous derivati,,rc-5 with respect to x up to the order n +IVI incItisively , n ~ Oli~. I., where these derivatives for Bk are uniformly continuous wirh re~;pt,-~t to t E [0,T] Card 2/,f 30-446 S/044j6I/OOO/O'O/oiO/Oq, The Cauchy problem for an equation ... C111/C222 b) The operator A is uniformly elliptic, i.e. there exists a constant c> 0 so that for arbitrary real '-P % it holds a,-(X) V > N 5 " C Z I-t:j =2w t=1 c) There exist a continuous function p(x)> 0 and a constant c'> 0 so that f or every v G C 00 it holds 0 Av 11 L2(EN) >' 11 Pv 11 LPP, N) A+v pv 11LP(E N) B+(t)v 11 --' c A+ v k Lp(EN 11LP(EN) 9 A4- , B+ are operators being formally adjoint to A and B k d) The initial conditions uo(x)l ... gum-1 (x) have generalized (in the Card 3/4 S/04 61/000/010/010/0j' The Cauchy problem for an equation CIIIYC222 sense of S.L. Sobolev) derivatives up to the n-th order inclusiv,?1y these derivatives are locally summable in the square, where ukE L2(E N)' It is asserted that under the above assumptions th--~- c-xisten~,i~ and uniqueness of a generalized solution u(x,t) of the problem (:) (2) can be proved. The given results are a generalization of th#~ earlker ones. (R Zh Mat, 1960, 7632). [Abstracter's note : Complete translation.1 Card 4/4 FROKOPENKOv L.N. (Kiyev) I inequalitieo for the lAplace operator in an unboumded region. Ujw. mat. zhur. M479-494 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Operators(Mathematics)) i. ,~.rokopenko, L.N. SOV/20-122-6- 9/49 AUTHOR: TITLEs Cauchy's Problem for an Equation of the Type of S.L.Sobolev (Zadacha Koshi dlya uravneniya tipa S.L.Soboleva) PERIODIC,kLz Doklady Akademii nauk,SSSR,1958,VOI 122,Nr 6,pp 990-993 (USSR) ABSTRLCTs In the Hilbert space the author considers the Cauchy problem (1) 11 Au + M-1 B dk . f(t) dtM Z k t dtk U k-o (2) dku U (k = 0111-,M-1) dtk LO k where the boundedness of A- 1 is not demanded. The principal aim of the paper is the determination of those operators B k for which (1) is solvable for given A. Under certain assumptions the uniqueness and existence of the solution of (1) - (2) is proved. Furthermore the solution is stable in a certain sense. Card 1/2 There are 6 Soviet references. SOV/20-1 22-6- 9 /49 Cauchy's Problem for an Equation of the Type of S.L.Sobolev ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni T.G. Shevchenko (X*wr State University imeni T.G. Shevchenko) PRESENTED: June 7, 1958, by S.L. Sobolevo kcademician SUBMITTED: June 6, 1958 Card 2/2 PROKOPENKO, L.N. --II Cauthy's ;roblem 'Or second-order paragolic equations with increasing coef ficients. Dok3.. All S-ISR. W, no.6:1221-1224 Je 162. (mia--, 15:6) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Predstavleno akad. S.L.Sobolevym. (Differential equations) S/020/62/144/006/002/015 B112/B104 A.UTHOR: Prokopenko, L. N. TITLE: Cauchy'3 problem for parabolic equations of the second Prder with increasing coefficients PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 6, 1962, 1221-1224 TEXT: Classes of uniqueness and existence are considered for the solution of the problem all IV all (x, 0 DIDIU +bi, (x, 0 Dku + c (X, U; U U. W (2) (0 < I < T < oo; x'~~ (Xi XH) E Ejv; D, jail (X, t) tit/ > > a (x, a (x, t) I .> 0). Card 1/2 Cauchy's problem for parabolic ... S/020/62/144/006/002/015 B112/B104 kn operator method is applied, which is analogous to those used for studying mixed problems for.Eq. (1) (of. M. 1. Vishik, 0. A. Ladyzhenskaya UM-PI, 11, 6(72) (1956), 0. A. Ladyzhenskaya, Matem. aborn.o 45, No. 2 (1958)~- ASSOCIATION; Kiyevskiy gosudaretvenny-y univer8itet (Kiyev State University) PRESENTED: February 5, 1962, by S. L. Sobolevt Academician SUBIMITTED: January 13, 1962 Card 2/2 88309 S/04 6o/ol2/004/010/011 16,14,00 C111YC222 - AUTHORx Prokopenko, L.W. TITLEr Inequalities for the Laplace Operator in an Unbounded Region PERIODICAM Ukrainakiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 479 - 484 TEXTs Let n be an arbitrary region of the R,,,n >2 with a sufficient- ly smooth boundary r-41 , let L - L(SI) be th at of functions two times continuously 2differentiable in A-L which vanish on F Let '32 be the Laplace operator. x j Theorem I Let k> 4 - n , m4n - 4 p k M>,4 . For every uC-L it holds m 2 k 2 (3) + r) u dx4!~ C k, m) (I + r) (-% u) dx rL a Conclusion s Let El be the Hilbert space of the functions Card 1/2 8,5309 S/04 6o/ol2/004/010/011 C1 11YC222 Inequalities for the Laplace Operator in an Unbounded Region Ju(x) , xC-Rj with (1+r)1 I u(x) 12dx t~oo ; let 11 u 112 St ~ 1 j (I+r)l I u12 dx and 4 n< l< n . For every hG H, the problem (12) Av h (13) v I - is solvable in H 1-4 in the following senses v C-El-4 satisfies (12) as a generalized function and the boundary condition (13) in the mean. Theorem 2 % Let -Q - R n, n> 2, 4 - n< l< n . For every hE H 1 there exists a unique (generalized) solution of (12) which belongs to H 1-4 Theorem 3 s Let R - R n and let (3) be satisfied for every u,-E'-L. Then m. and k satisfy the conditions s k> 4 - n , k - M>,4 - The author mentions P.D. Lake. There are 2 references s 1 Soviet and 1 German. SUBMITTEDs September 21, 1959 Card 2/2 DUMANSKIY, I.A.; KHAYLENKO, L.V.;'PROKOPENKO, L.V. Viscosity of molten capron. Koll.zhur. 25 ho.6:64644S'-.A-D 163. 1. Institut khImii, polimerbv i monc~aarov, Kiyev. (WRA 17:1) PROKOPI,34-KO, M. G., Cand Agric Sci (diss) -- "Methods of improving] the a.-rotech- nical indexes of combines on slopes, on the example of their 6peration in the piedmont regions of the Crimea". Simferopol', 1960, 20 pp (Min Agric Ukr C; SEM, Crimean A.-gric Inst im M. I. Kalinin), 150 copies (KL, 116 11, 1~460, 13") Lull- Al' J-- on Sci llcj In-- t of thc, !",c c i,_; n o-,-. C, jor SO: 1, T i I v_', - -,.a -a o-, KAYNARSKIY, I.S.; ORLDVA, I.G.; PROKOPENKOSM.I.; SOENNA, G.Ye.; YEVI)OKIMOV, Yu.P. Testing of zircon dinas bricks in the arches of steel-smelting are furnaces. Ogneupory 27 no.2:77-80 '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut ogneuporov ~for Kaynarskiy, Orlova, Prokopenko). 2. Khar'kovskiy traktornpj zavod im. Ordzhonikidze (for Sokha, Yevdokimov). (Firebrick--Testing) (Electric furnaces) V ~ ,, - ORT" - Alf IV V.I. ~AYNA16K!'~ .- S., I , j VA , '7. ~ "T .~KWEINM Connectilm bet-veear, 1,7-saes during the rAlP!r-,ir-,g r., alLz-frla ~nd t-he strolag"..'n of rp--4 br-,';.ck during heat-ing. Ogne-upon, -10 nf).1007-39 0 6 5 (MI '! -, 2 ~ " jj) 9 R ... - I 1. Ukre'-'nskiy r..!iu,3hnc-s!iledovetr,-,Iskly inat"Itut ogneuporov. KAYNARSKIY, I.S.; ORLOVA, I.G.; PROKOPENKO) M.I.; NATSENKO, A.I. HardenLn~z of a raw conmdum brick d-uring fi.-M7. Ozneupory 30 no.112:28-31 165, t, M:R! I P, . :.,~ I' I 1. Ukrainskly nauchno-issledovateltskiy instl%ut ogneupoi-ov. 59,371-65 w wp _W(- I Pab-101 t_7 jrtj r _ (b _' ' - ACCESSION HR: AP5016599 UR/0363165/001/005/0804/0809 666.3:539.4 AVDIOR: qrlova, 1. G,; Kajuarskiy, 1. S.; Prok'2zlnLo It. 1. TITLE: Effect of modifiers on the sjj~e _n&tAf corundum ceramics SOURCE: M~ SSSR. m. Izvestiya, Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 5, 1965, -809 04 0 TOPIC TAGS-: corundum ceramic- ceramic additiv,6-.caramic-strength, oxide modif ler,,, tale magnesia spinel,,corundum porosity -99 87 -to tMeh-various modifiers were ABSTRACT: Samples of car. 98.9 v A1203) ded (magnesium, zirconium and aluminum titanates; titanium and zirconium ad oxide; talc) were prepared by slip casting in gypsum plaster molds and firing for 6 hr. at 1750C. It was shown that the strength of the polycrystalline ceramics increases upon addition of magnesium-containing modifiers which, by reacting with A1203 during the firing, form a magnesta spinel. However, the _7 Nit-, -AP5016599 poros ty.-. is- conclu-ded. of or t, that the-strength undm ceramics with magnesium- .con ta- Lni h g- ~addit LVe s. is -.1promoted by~ fine crystallization of- corundum,caus Ied b y -t e crystal'-growth-retardi6g effect ~of -the1orakng -th spinel and-that this strength -separation of silica, whi is'. adversely Affected by the, ch_prevents the ceramic from becoming"Sufficiently dense. A relationship between'the bending strength - - _c fc orundum` -e zamics having no open porosity (with'a density 95-97% of theoreti-, C~ "The petrograpble ste size- of the corundum crystalswas-derived. -avera the c0). and - , , studies were carried out by Prof. L. ak~Ln.11. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, ormu, as And 5-~-t ables. S IATION,.- `-Ukrainskly nauchno-i-~slodova~el", ~A _ ichar'kov (VkraihiiLn Scientific. Research -Institute ~of Aefrzictories), SMITTED:~1100ct64 ENCL, 00 SUB CODE;~, MT -A. NO.'REF SOVI.i.. A.09 '01w; - Ca MAKHINIKO, Vladimir Ivanovich,: SILIN. O.P..dots., otv. red.; PR.0KOPF1NKO, M.I.,red.; CHERKYSHEHKO, Ya.T., takha. red. [Subject and problemB of the physiolo.-Y of higher nervous activity; an introduction to a course in the physiology of hi.,,her nervous activity] Predmet i zadachi fiziologii vysshei nervnoi deiatellnosti: vvedenie k kurau fiziologii vysshei nervnoi deiatelino5ti. Khar1kov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo gos. univ. im. A.M.Gorlko.-o, 1958. 91 p. (MIRA 11:12) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) RADCHENKO, Ivan Vasillyevich; GUETOVYY, M.Ye. [Hurtovyi, M.IB.J. otv. red.; FROKOPMO, M.I., red.; THO IMEM09 A.S., [Molecular physics] KolekuliarnB fizyka. Vyd.3., parer, i dop. Kharkiv, Vyd-vo Kliarkivslkogo derzh.univ., 1959. 538 p. (Molecules) (MIRA 13:8) POGORELOV, Aleksey Vasillyevich; BLANK, Ya.F., prof., otv. red.; PROKOMKO, M.I., red.; CHMYSHENKO, Ya.T., tekhn. red. (Lectures on differential geometry) Lektaii po, differentsiall- noi geometrii. Izd.3. Kharlkav, Izd-vo Khartkovskogo gos. univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogo., 1961. 165 P. (MIRA 15:2) (Geometry, Differential) TANATAR, losif Issakovich, prof.; BMVTSEV, Ys.N.9; PROKOPENKO, M.,I., red.; TROFIK&NKO, A.S.# (Principles of the theory of ore deposits] Osnovy uchenlia o rudnYkh mostarozhdeniiakh. Kharikov, Izd-vo KharIkovskogo gos. univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogo, 1959. 291 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN USSR (for Belayteev). (Ore deposits) CI KUCH&R, Aleksandr Yemellyanovich rKucher. 0.0.1; ASTAKHOV, V.I., doteent, kand.intorichaskikh nauk,; iF~91!IWKO, X.I., red., TROKHIKUKO, A.S., takhred. (Struggle of Ukrainian workers for the reconstruction of heavy industry after the civil war] Borot1ba robitnykiv Ukrainy za vidbudovu vazhkol promyslovosti pialia hromadianslkoi viiny. Kharkiv, Vyd-vo Kharkivalkoho derzh.univ. im. O.H.Horlkoho, 162 p. (mm 13:6) (Ukraine-Industries) ABRAMOV. Boris Heyerovich; KOSTYUK, D.L. doteent, PROKOPIMO, 14.1., red.; NIKUINA, H.I., I-------- (Dynamics of link mechanisms with consideration of friction] Dinamika eharnirnykh makhanizmov a uchetom treniia. Khartkov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo gos.univ., 1960. 148 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Machinery. Kinematics of) PROKOPIYEVAY M.F.; BUKINA, V.K. Determination of the solubility of chlorine and nitrosyl chloride in some hydrocarbons by gas-liquid chromatography. Uzb.khim.zhur. 8 no.l,-40-43 164. (141RA 17:4) 1. Institut khimil AN UzSSR. MTTMAN, Samuil Lazarevich; T-AGUNOV, Lazar' Takovlevich; RESHETHIKOV, B.T., dotsent,; FRCKOPBMW, X.I., red.; TSYMB=, B.D., [Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles in automotive transporta- tion units] Tekhnicheakoe"obaluzhivania i remont avtomobilei v avtokhoziaistvakh. Izd.2., perer. I dop. KharIkov, Izd-vo Khar'- kovskogo gos.univAm. A.M.Gorlkogo, 1959. 514 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Motor vehicles--Mainterwnee and repair) BULANKIN, Ivan Nikolayevich, prof.; MAKHIUIKO, V.I., dotsent,; PRCKOPNNKO ., red.; CHHMSHKNKO, Ye.T., [Physical and colloidal chemistry; course of lectures for biologists] Fizicheskaia I kolloidnaia kh1miia; kars laktaii dlia biologov. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Khar1kov, Izd-vo lbarl- kovsko.-o ordena Trudovogo krannogo snameni goa.univ. im. A.M. Gor1kogo. 1959, 355 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Chemistry. Physical and theoretical) (Colloids) KARCHEVSKIY, Mikhail Nikolayevich, prof.; DRINFELID, G.I., prof..; -.9ROXQRQMO, K.I., red.; CHRR YSHEKKO, Ya.T., [Theory of number@; brief course] Teoriis chisel; kratkii kars. Kharikov, Izd-vo Kharikovskogo ion.univ., 1958. 143 p. (Numbers, Theory of) (MIRA 12:4) BURDUN, Grigoriy Dmitriyevich, prof.; V"ITOV, Rafkat Amirkhanovich,; BRYANSKIY, Ie'e Nikolayevich,; KMSH, Vitaliy Dmitriyevich,; PROUANKO, Vitali7 Ivanovich,; red.; CHZH YSUNIO, Ya.T., takhn. red. A99=91-Im M ~-k- I (Millimeter radio wave measurement:],RAdto izmereniia na millimetrovykh volnakh. Khar'kov, Izd-vo KharIkov k go goo. -dniv. im. A.M. GorIkogo 1958. 121 p. (NIBA ll:M (Radio measurements) ARTEMDV, Vladimir Alekneyevich, prof.; BELTAYEV, K.I., otv. red.; PROKOPENKO, M.I., red.; CHEWWWK0, Ta.T., tekhred. [Course of lectures on ps7chology] Kure lektaft po paikhologii. Izd. 2., dop. i perer. KharIkov. Izd-vo KbaOkovskogo gos.' univ., 1958. 420 P. (MIRK 12:2) 1. Zaveduyusbebiy Imfedroy poikholagii. nauchn" rukovoditall Laboratorii eksperimentalinoy fonetiki i palkholqgii rechl 1-go 93skovskogo posudarstvenn9go Institute inostranny)ch yatykov Iftnisterstva vysshego obranovaniya SSSR (for Afteirw). (Parcholoff) /9--/ POGORBWV, Alsksay Vasillyevich; BIANK, Ya.P., prof., otvetstvennyy red.; PROKOFJNKO,_K.I.. red.; TROYINSHKO, A.S., [Problems of geometr7 as a whole in a Riamann space] Uekotorya ,~nprosy geometrii v tselom v rimenovom prostranstva. Kharikov, Izd-vo 1harIkovskogo ordena trudovogo krasnogo,znameni gosouniv, im. A.M.Gorikogo, 1957. 89 P. (MIRA 11:4) (Riemann surfaces) PR K L 1v ,~ c POGORRIOV, Aleksey Vasil'ye'vich; BLANK, Ys.P., prof., otvetstvennyy red.; PROKOPMO, M.I., red.; TROFIMMO, A.S.. Dectures on analytic geometry] Lektaii po analiticheskoi geometrii. KharIkov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo gos. univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogo, 1957s 161 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Geometry. Analytic) BUIANKIN, I.M., professor; MAKRINIKO, V.I., dotsent, otvetstvennY7 redaktor; PROXOPINKO, KJ., redaktor; CHJRIMEBNKO, Ta.T., tekhnicheskiv An; wecfa-!tt"-o5'rq ~~A [Physical and colloidal chemistry; a course of lectures for biologists] Fizicheakaia i kolloidneia khimiia; kurs lektsii dlia biologov. Khar1kov, Izd-vo Khar'kovekogo gos.univAm. A.M.Gorlkogo, 1957- 347 P. :.' (MIRA 10:9) (Chemistry, Physical and theoretical) FOOCRELOV, Ileksay Vaoillyevich; BIASK. Ya.P.. professor, otyetBtvennyy redaktor; LSOKWANKO. M.I., redaktor; CHERNTSHINKO, Ya.T.. t a khn i c he a qy~-RefiWdP--"~4 CIectures on differential geometry) Lektaii. po differentotalInC4 goometril. Izd. 2-oe. KharIkov. Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo goo. unii. La. A.K.Gorlicogo. 1956. 183 p. (KIRA 10:7) 1 (Geometry, Differential) KUYTHAN. Samuil Iazarevich; IAGUNOV, lazars Yakovlevich; RMSHBTNIKOV. B.V.. dotsent. otvetstvennyy redaktor: PMWOPBNKO, M.I., redaktor; GHKRNYSHINKO, Ya.T., tekhnicheakif-ie-cta-Ef6i-'--""~" (Maintenance and repair of automobiles in automobile depots] Tekhnicheskoe obaluzhivanie i remont avtonobilei * avtokhozisistvakh. Ihar'kov, Izcl-vo Khartkovskogo ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni goo. univ. im. A.M.Gortkogo. 1956. 303 p. (MLFA 10:3) (Automobiles-Repairing) CIRLOVA, I.G.; KAYNARSKIY, I.S.; PROKOPENKO, M.I. Effect of modIfying additions on the strength of corundtm- cerza-m-Ica. Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.51804-809 My 165. (FIRA 18:10) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut ogneuporov, Kharlkov. L 07910- ACC NR AP6032295' (14) SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/GG/000/009/0028/0036 2)3 f AUTHOR.- Kaynarskiy, 1. S.; Prokopenko, M. I.; Orlova, I. G. ORG. Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Refracto-ries(Ukrainskiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut agneuporov) 1~ lb .1e TITLE: Investigation of compaction in ho.t.pressing of magnesium oxide with additions SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 9, 1966, 28-36 TOPIC TAGS: magnesium oxide, porosity, high temperature effect, compaction, pressing, not pressing ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated the compaction of two types of mag- nesium oxide in the presence of some additives in hot pressing of samples at temperatures between 1400 and 1900C. It is shown that the compaction kinetics and the kinetics of growth of the poreless "crust" in periclase crystals are proportional L to . t 3 during the last stages of pressing when any intergranular porosity is eliminated. The diffusion mechanism of compaction during the last stage of hot C-,d 1 / 2 L 07910t67 NR' AP6032295 pressing of magnesium oxide was demonstrated. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 2 tables. j Based on authors' abstract] SUB CODE: I I/ SUBM DATE: 07Feb6G/. ORIG RE F: 014/ OTH Rr.,P: oog/ CG,d 2 2 FROKOnHKO# N., inzhener; SMYUK, A.. inzhener. -- New method of laying rail tracks. Xast-ugl-5 no.12:6-7 D '56. (Mine railroads) (KLR& 10:2) PROKCPIMKO, N., inzhener. Results of testing large-size blocks with chimney flues. Pozh. delo 3 No.6:31 JS '57. (XLRA 10:7) (Concrete blocks) BUSHEVS V., inzh.; PROKOPENKO, MDunted panel wallB. Pozh.delo 8 no.3.8--10 Mr ',62. (YJRA 15~4) (Fire prevention--Laws and regulations) (walls) PROKOPENKO, N. Children - Institutional Care Factory sponsoring children s home. V pom. profaktivu 13, No. 4., 1952. MonthlX List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1952. Unclassified. KAYZHKO, I.; PROKOPRNKO, N. Practice In using auxiliary workers norms in Donets Basin coal mines. Biul.nauch.inform.: trud I zar.plata 3 no-5:19-21 160. (MIRA 13-.8) (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining--Iabor productivity) DENISENKO, A.; PROKOPENKO, N.; SAY, V. Workting-out waif -Jed comprehensive output norms for development . mining. Biul.nauch.inform.: trud i zar.plata 5 no.8.-34-37 162. (HIRA 15z?) (Donets Basin -Coal mines and mining--Froduction standards) PROKOPENKO, N.; KRYZHKO, I. Unifying and consolidating comprehensive norms for mining. Sots. trud 7 no.3:90-96 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Donets Baain--Coal mines and mining--Production standards) PROXOPENKO. N.-..-inzh. Horizontal furnace partitions. Pozh.delo 8 no.,7:16 ja 162. (FURA 15-1) (Furnaces--Safety measures) DENISENKOv A.; PROKOPENIKO) N.; SAY, V. Methodology for establishing norms for the ntmber of workers in miners' briaades and morms for the ratp of development mining. Biul. nauch. inform. * trud i zar. plat~L 5 nc.2*.32-36 162. (MIRA 15s2), (DonetB Bauin-Coal m1nes and mining) FROKOFENKO N. Job deocription of an organizational operation in the clothing ind~istry. Bots.trud 7 no.4sl28-129 Ap 162. (MIRA i~-211 1. Nacahllnik planovo-proizvodstvennogo otdela Armavirskoy shvepoy fabriki. (Armavir-Clothing industry-Job descriptions) 1. P-i-ioKOR~-IN2110, N. 2. U-30M (15m) 4. Factories - Safety Appliances ?. Through the halls of the 11!useum of Labor 3afeguards, V pom. Drofaktivu 14 no. 9, 1953. 9. Month! List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APHIL 1953, Uncl. PROKO, --N.; KRYZEIKO, I.; GOLUBOV, N. Chronometric groups attached to departments of labor organization. Sots.trud 5 no.8:118-120 Ag '60. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Nacballnik sektora tekhniebookogo normirovaniya i zarabotnoy platy Donetskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo ugollnogo instituts. (for Rrokopenko). 2. Rukovoditel' gruppy sektora takhnicheakogo Dormiroyaniya I zarabotnoy platy Donetakogo naucbno-isoledoratell - skogo ugollnogo instuta (for Kryzhko). 3. -yachallnik khrono- metrazhnogo byuro tresta, "Sverdlovugoll" kombinats. "Doubaseantrateit" (f or Golub ov). (Sverdlovsk Frovince-Coal mines and mining) FROKOPENKO, N. Wages for assembly-line work In a clothing factory. Sots.trud 5 no.8:122-123 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Naebal'nik planovo-ekonomicheekogo otdola Armavirsko.V shve7no7 fabriki. (Armavir--Glothing industry) (Wages) (Aseembly-line methods) JkA9KQffMM*_IL,. iazh. Fire-testing of a large-pauel apartment house section. Pozh. delo 6 no. 11:10-11 V 160. (MIRA 13-.12) (Fire-Testing) (Apartment houses) r roip, , m,s 1' T" K(,111-:PfKO, N. A, tnq' As of -.h-a Drcriuets of synlh,~sis -)f y oxacyclobutane by the jreluhod of 30 nrj,4:415.-416 161,. 1. VFe,7oyaznyy nauchno-issledovat,,~.,llskiy ins~.-Irui. protsessov. PROKOPENKO., N.A.; LYLOVA, L.N. Latest in the arsenic-soda process of sulfur removal from gas. Koks i khim. no. 3:52-54 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Moskovskiy koksogazovyy zavod. (Moscow-Coke-oven gas) (Gases-Purification) FROKOPENKOv N.A. About M. . -1triev's article. "Terminology of the coke chemiczdls industry.ff Koks i kh'in. no.4:63 161. (IMIRA 14-3) 1. ~bskovskiy koksogazovyy zavod. (Dimitriev, M.N.) (Coke industry6-By-products) I.V Using s 7 c .177 -nc -;a Ttokhimiia 2 ;v-,.c/,-l~2-,.-.;,6 i- VS'~,SOYUZIIY'r MRUCI-1111CiS31f)~10VI-te i 1 Oldy institut protsessov. T-F-OKOPENKOi -NeDe,- DENISENKO, A.M.; MIKHALI:ZIY, S.Z.; KftYZHYO, I.D.; KACHKO, Yu.Ta.; VYGOLKO, F.Ye. Unification and strengthening of integrated mining norms in development mining operations. Sbor. DonUGI no.28:181-208 162. (MIRA 16:8) (Coal mines and mining-Management) RUBINSKIY, Yu.N., dotsent; PROKOPEffKOy-N.D., itizh. Means and impravemqnt of technical standardization in the coal industrf. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav..; gor. zhur. no.'3:39-43 160. (MIRA Il,-5) 1. Dnepropetravskiy ~ornyy institut (for Rubinekly). 2. Donetskiy nouchno-issledovatel'skiy ugoltriyy institut (for Prokopenko). (Coal mikes a.4d mining-Production s't'andards) PROKOPENKO, N.D.,, inzh.; KACIIKO, Yu.ya., inzh.; DENISEEKO, A.M., inzh. Potenitals for increasingg the labor productivity in mines. U.-goll. prom. no.4:11-13 J1--Ag 162. OMIPA 15:8) (Coal mines and mining) Piz 10KCP".~N, KOI 7,n ti: in thc coal indust.ry. Sbor. FonjC- rtc;."2.23C--"35 SLT-pl if i e' me thod of I-, ro c e j n g s -3 ---u I t a o f t i me 5 ln.~ Ob C- vations. Ibid. %215-2146 ( 7 .1 7-11 R'UBINSKIY. Yu.H., dotsent, kand.okonom.nauk; VOROBIYZVI, A.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; FRCKaPSUE:O, N.D., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; DULIN, G.T., starshi-y-na-u-c-TE-yy aotrudn1k; KRUM, I.D., starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik. Prinimali uchastiye: KACHKO, Yu.Ya., mladshiy nauabnyy sotrudnik; FILIKOHOVA, V.I., mladshiy nauchnyy notradnik; TUTHR 0, G.S., m1adshiy nauchW sotrudnik; VXBMW, Ye.N.. stershiy prepodavatell; SLUNITSYN, D.I., student. MIROSHNICIM 0, V.D.. red.izd-vh; KCROMMOVA, Z.A., (Time study research in coal mines] Khronometrazhup issledovaniia na ugollnykh shakhtakh. Koskva, Uglatekhizdat, 1959. Z78 P. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Dnepropetrovsk. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. 2. Dnepro- petrovskiy gornyy inetitut (for Rabinskiy, Kachko, Filimonova, Veremey). 3. Donetakiy nauchno-isoledovatel'Bkiy ugollnyy insti- tut (for Voroblyeva, Prokopenko, Dulin, Kryzbko, Yokimanko). 4. 5-Y kurs gorno-ekonomicheakoy spetsiallnosti Dnepropetrovskogo gornogo instituts im..Artems (for Slunitsyn). (Time study) (Cobl mines and mining--Production standards) PROKOPENKO lllko'~V, DTttX%,y-j!.r:'.rjii KOfU'!,;AQll'.l, N.V.) Otv. - _ 1- Al., 11 - . ~ . , [Principles of planning work for mlrdr~e wo~rk u-s"Ing Calculating Wilchineol Osrlovy pruoktil-rMird-la n)rm tnida. na garnye rnboty a pi-Irtioner,,loln mil- shin. Moskva, Nadra, 1965, 12) 8 p . (IMIFLA 18,~Il) LEYGHIK, V.Ya., inzh.; PROKOPENKO, N.F.; SHLAFER, I.M. Equipping standard batchers with pneumatic pickups. Melf-h.i avtom.proizv. 15 no.8:43-45 Ag 161. (MDJ,. 14:9) (Pneumatic control) PROKOPENKO, N.I. (Armavir) Improve planning in the clothing industry. Shvein. prom. no.3:1-4-15 Je-J1 [i.e. My-Je] 161. (111IRA 16: 11) I PROKOPENKOI Nikolay Illich; SMTSOV, N.S., prof., otv. red.; KOLCMIRO, reU-.j--UZMMTA, L.V., tekhn. red. [CPSU in the struggle for preparing the mass collective-farm movement, 1927-1929] KPSS v borlbe za podgotovku massovogo kol- khoznogo dvizheniia, 1927-1929 gg. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1961. 182 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Comm.unist Party of the Soviet Union-Party work) (Collective farms) .10 Al- -, All 4 Is a )OM311 Ulf Mrs Ulf liftc .1 .1.1 .1 A J Al- 8 "A at M U" A -AV* A deposit of compact Irsollit (Isollb-talshi In the AlAt-Tall of Dillungart. .I'MALWO"Mot" I-C. "MV read. awad. its It' R S S ) 1930A, 44.11 S Tlli~ "loll " " is in Turklmlan KrsIyb-t&Qv Is a ctmipart kaillin ~)j velbiwi4h groy 011(jr (w,"Irtitn" While r i t id l I t k l m v n e1 n s at tel INfphry tuly lt~ hardn-4 i4 it, 11 a1"'411 177 11' s I . . One i.( the an4ly" Ins% shnolls it Ill Cs"WO -4 '41% 4123. Ails 1. 441 !Ill. F~,4 i, - , - o o I. . rio, it 4.5. cat) iiiiii, %te) it w. X.O Is 141 and NA.0 f? 1017. 1 111MI 1141-K 00 00 .31 =00 i 90 .3i of 00 60 of 00 zoo ..66 .00 AS..SLA tT ALLVPGKAL WINA101 CL*j$l#JCATIC% t o IS 11 * r o lo 'nj iAn IAs 0 w is T WX 7 , is .9 t It 0 0 0 0 0 O'o 0 0 * 4 0 e1 f 0 40 0 40 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a a a 00 SL 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 04 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 41 0 0 4 04_6 * -4. 0 4 0-0 4_W -C 4 _k -C ! A IT II 1 4 1 6 1 1 9 * if I) I) it 11 16 11111 ripalla AIMAJOVIII a m a 4 V a W as u $I a .3 IC AA 1- 0 9 F G_ ft A It L A r,-IL -Olt, 9 p L 3 i S 4 . vrlvj~ imfirrope U, T* ljkoj peat Tb* nocritit vein of the truPtiv# fOck 0 - , ,I W - 10 h 110 ? 1 " fr. 4,61, ew . "' . c emJ4' J, I V M. S S. 102it, " FIJrA" ( A; hO Th i 1 il l M h H ew r W e4' tT I . A1 'it h-C cu" i I he nacri it, it ri y0low, kh -if U Wtr MA tVt y pu 10 6 Ir 1 'Sinscritir is free from unpuritim white the 3rctinw j, c4nitarninottil with cAlcite stut pyrite. -00 cfxnjrn. tif life while nimlificalif" lot that 44 kaojinitr. The Y&JI'm Irhe .00 ~ . fit;, Al.-OsM.11. Fr.ov'2 40. NNO0.37, CaO 7.99. Mg0traces. In ignition An a~wil. carimmute %vtn i% timil")Ncd of ifolinnitiml calcite. Walm. 1'.1ife '410 G. k'"W'Wil V 00 .3 z 0 0 l 0o 1 At. It. tj '00 00 S .0d.. 90 U a K It ; I Q AA I tm 0 1 v go -1 It a il ) ft I 1 9 ?I it M It K 4 t K 0 4 0 a 0 * 4 P V ; p 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 : d4d 4 6 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 6 0 6 0 0 " 00 0 0 0 * 0 0, '00969000090690869 ooooooootoooooooooo:;;::Ooloo:oooooooooooooo-0000 IC Ile-we ~!11&9:! 0 0 00 00 At e04 oev o 4D 0 00 so. 00"i 00*000*0*00000'0000: 11 u D )A b It v 00 AC 41 0 it IT CIA AT Ts OffC111 X_L 1 0 000 0 1 TtN""A' 4 1 b - 01goo YL t 1 -72 tilt. 1s!'# 61 -0 .011IFNAM1,13 11111011111) 1130.1111VIII, wit R%v 00 tvis o 00 -c-~wt-v-p As oi --it) o op '(,!jI-~F4g.'dLujj) SWULids 3UtAUvdtUEm suawaill -2 !kI.or'n o1 at -"it) to 1) Ito 1( "11 ro lut j. J.T 111 v!.x AAWN '(1 1 .(1 11 . 4 ju 11JUXIAII 11V JU4..I~j VIIIIJAIV UIX14"JUIPAq (c) !will PUV 91i,) sjjfl (?~v ro) Ioj TILRI-90 10 'Nam 181 ploa SUIAUVIJUR).mv sumulil N (.91-6 dtuat) slauds 9 0-M (1-11 S-11 -(~~t,a-vo) Ito anu awoo liL&v M W-Mt) lo N 'on . I IN ustiuds [TruliatIl vulAtivilluto 7.0 --"1 611173215 lNS N (1) pa"Hoaki ajo smvY III "W jtit,.q -11 Wt ISM 'D 41-13H 70APIkIN '94vf MW :(M-111M IJI 'I PPAlu?N&7 '!Illll~~PINFV '001 011101`4 -r4 of-pi, -vqv Olq-dmruA IN (Wpslj"sv-p in sipaod ps, mw-wm -M in wiftwo no 0 9-, 1 W #3 Id d 0 or- I 1 1 1 1 F 1 4 oil] 0 b TV -T- I - r 4 1 1 v ad -w-W 1. ;d1cm ityl upf fin 1101:u w a q crttv atriffla @Ill 91 %1 " It tj A-6 -0 A A AD 2 -a -&-A-Ab_ f 2 0's 0 o 0 e &1 *0 0 0 0**a - - - - - - - - - A - R . III . CL. - . - M-M--T- ~ -. -z it 00 00 v09 1,00 p00 00 00 It 00 ;y 00 41 00 r00 70 lim. it tilt I U 0 o ego**** 0 -- -~- - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 o 0 0 Ill 0 C. v V% Tia i. It .4 0 1, 1, IW km k~ Iml, rs _00 0 0 60 !jF 00 laro '119"t (mv;j fill, ;I u&,j8p4AV ,;L aqI JO Illujid, plaria"d Ifq) In alu 60 00- 0 so" *0 of I I T ou eg 41 a W 9 it 9 a it! C, 61 fill %.tItIfIlilict 4 1 1 _Ab 111I n str-7ct'~)no ooncern!~- C;1.1.1'-ct"--, and FrO"O-G'hO !) P"4,.! f (~ ~ r, -~- 1 v of 1LOCy- for e _,rjjj~4 jVt, r,osu,j. aai- e,4r,,,o In F4 W-- w w - v- w it 14 is 14 V 'A 5, 11 12 a Ad Is h yl N r, J, 11 1" 11 11 1. 11 a ft A, .1 a L I I 0A Be A, I el . 00 tiorninalum to some sulfide arcs In V S. S. R. S. .1 00 ll,n,,vik will N. M. hoki)Iwoki), M-11. afad if. I*. R S. S., V;,, tU. 1938, No. 2, :141 A; Khms. Mel-lt -00 00 Zhur. Z, S.,. 1, _"9419MV. ct. C. A. JJ. Nulvtv. 00 Once caniple,4 of ~ulfidv ntmvfalt froist %hildh A%i4 -00 ~qlositly), Balk-al rrgitln. t tal, Cwic.tsn~, Vkiailiv, anti itle .00 09 A northrrn pArC ill the Flitopvan 1'. S. S. R. wete joalvit-d so j,ectiligraphically, Of AS y1jairrilvi, Ill colit-lined Ge -00 00 sit small anti%. Zts b1cutle cunit. Cle i% i% a role light - .00 -lored 21141 is vilarjetcrilrd by a very 'fil.311 allit. "r total 0 00 alm-live of In. Sphulerltvl cullix. Cw ate Illosils, folill'I with I.)w-tellip. nw.,. .1,1.1 'pi-tilctilml The ;00 X10,11, A~i. -nifid, c,incain hill, Ge. In ,I so oxidAtion tin Cv wai f,nind. Cw wai biand ill somll 3int, -00 in Zti bl,ndc front Canva,ti%, 1'ral and the Northern r- zoo giotl%. Other irtvcstigjwr~ Illind Or ill 'Jillah-rit', fr .... I o S oo ; Airdyci.Wil, Mcfbaldthan anti Riddrr, a~ wcII as in ~.m~ 00 00 0 clialcupyriies front Caucasus, Ural and file Mintisin fe- 0 00 gion. W. It. I Icon ~40 0 0 00 Id ;so ;o 0 .0 0 _J, ..Of A 0 L S L E TALLURrICAL LITERATURE CLA$SlFtC&Tlrh il 0 0 . J, c.. too ., U 9 Af -a Ll ~ mr. * " 1 "m n V19n, arts Via INE K it 11 It is 0 0 0 0~ 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 a a a .0 a * 0 o 0 a 4 o a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 CIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 00 coo Coe moo Are a qof moo m livivalva It Aw a 'Al; J it d jt_j il_ JL fIj&_j 0 0:41 0 40 0 00 Is .0 0 0 .0 9 e fb ~ 0 0 1: W 0 fe 9 OLO 0 *~J*-WA N -0 94- 1a" ""My of"ll ON Q%' 'I' 1A 1 1 11 4M 0 It I V Of 0 A a 3, 11 f .0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 00040 0 0 0 0 0 '40 W.)LA. ; ; ; 'OF : : VO : : 1199 :- : T : ; go ; g- 7* ; ; ; o- ; -0 ; -0 ; Z -6 G 4- -0 -6 0 11 1 Is 1 4 :1 '4 It 9 Ii I.' n 14 6 A V A 11 F L 13 W r I 'I. L p 1. io I P L - 0111 U1 PD Et e 0 Distribution of indium in rocks. S. A. Ismovik. N M, -0 0 pki, And 1'. 1., -00 i. "I,R. 25, 1;1)4 '-'jj 19:111)1111 PlIK111111. . 1, C .1. 34, Aflir Alivin. ,,jacn.. In ;" found 'l-it- 00 it -pically ill varl.-U, Wl"(411 igilrous Fmk, ill will, -09 jjjKfliLl and -mcwhat lowt-r than th, ~% -ntagv iv,td. by Cla7k) in the auth's criW. C4 asid -00 GA wum Am) found !,pectro-wopically in souicafthi,- r- L,. indium i, wit ptc-rit ill delrelable aml - in ba~w fix k, lam. 1~% - -miall, it. 1.1 oil 11. 1,111 lom"'I -4 ...... I 16- 1,, m. ", ".. I.... 1- .1". .. ".." "'. " .1. -1 .... I "I . ... . ..... .. d I., -J A 4, ; SC . L A A atTALLUPLKAt LITEXATLIft CLASSIFICATIC* - , d F I q U A, 43 L% F 0a o a .3 2 S, to 11 v 9 If It K IT rt if of HID n i A" 1 1 it 01 :U (Compt. tepid Pro" eviiiiisom 1w Wftn. N. M. I'tok9o '41.14. Sli. I~R.S.S.. 1941, in. firphigim and E dn;l Transtmilial ean Iw regarded " enriched with In. viblial AltAt Salair we impoverished; the Units occupy an interninliAtO Distribution of In in sphaleritas (1) dqwnds in an unknown we the Fe coelca. ; In Is more fmquently contained in (1) from the er hodzons of a i1cp(mit. M"k7eiruginous (1) are especially rich in In. Proapectinq for to should b: conducted in polymetallic deposit% of hypothermal. hype triesothernial, and meanthermat tYPeS. tart Cu. larl~ mulphid". t.. ~. 1'. , .-. - f i - i COMMON of i"Um In waim mite M~ UM UJjJL N. At. NO'k 9~ (Comfl. Frod. s.. I fA4 1. U. 10 fl) - -'r$,Tka!n Otement typical of the illetallogrilic %,JkriwlAs cv.-le It" occlifivnce tit this amt other cycl- Ow .11. 11-1 I s 'I - -1 4 -f/ -". "I., DWzibutim of bidbm in Ural an 4qmdW S. A. Burovsk and N. M. PrukopMko (Compe. rexd. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S., 1941, RL '12 -23).-~LThi 'distribution of In. which is fr uent but Nwiable in the pyrite and Cu-Za diposits of the UcaLs iMiseu.1 I.. S. T. F--W- 4V-W-4v-v W-0- W-0 -W -411W -0 - W -0-W -0 - W 0 W1 W W W - W, W 11FI-1111:2W W-WW W-W-wFW-W W 413 1 1 4 1 t I t I I o 13 m q, a y a it a it a a is a v is W off Ifulds up is"iss'alij a JC a L a -6 -A 1 1. a it V 1-1-AA OL -&-t. ii~ A 1 Nuo and DisomisaW 111kiiiiieu Is the Raw X&MM&W, PmduM. aM -00 Rehm of Uw " Iftdro-Zim " nut S. A. 1;,)n,vik and %;,.MjtrukupcWw. -as 00 (C,m)d. rrwl. (04hjdy) .4rad. Sei. 19". SL (11). AZI in Ynglish). A dracriptit-n of a slAvi" ludy A'( materials taken frwn - = -00 h"Wes at the - Flevlrw Various #law* of thr Iw4vaping of 6111 1 red .00 j, Bille " Plant ON'twth (11suessuaL, ukkk owitA-%* raw Inatrcial Lf Ostivasiall a origift. silver. g0d. radmium, &mt Vs&=u1h'&rr reovenA as by linniu,ts. 90 It is suggratrd that recovery of indium and robalt is crontunially possible. 11ir former conventrates in the n-fuw of the cadmium ritrai-14as, whik : the latter is ftiund in apprceiaW quantity in the wilutions used in the electri). d" - d 1 l ti i i i i h l d A Go 0 J! . ,e revvivrm s amic atr w en an . c lamer". nt mony t . an "v - 110wr virinents detretril its thr raw material* air p1hum. thAlium. tin. zoo 411, 0 hisnaulli. arsenic. molvlArnuin. and. in small quantitiva. Ix-ri lbum. vanadium. 400 j and chromium. 71w pn~visr stages of the at ;rhi,h the vari,ma V l l d b 71 1 d d I o g 00, - e ements ten to aceumu ste am escri e . . t. in zo* us a I a - I L A allAkLUPGOCAL OTINAT1,111 CLASSIFICA11ON 01 t a --, I -U 15 AT PO M tItt it K rW I., 13 1 An I a ad a 4 - I it it so 0 see 0 0 *Go 0 a 0 0 9 Q 0 0 a 0 ~~ 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 of 0 0 a 6 0 0 690 as* USSIR/Einerals Urthite "Orthite fru-., the of the ,dvp-r in .,orthern I'dr)dzi~,," E _IohI's-_e'2_ Kupletska- I Prok-ontin;,:o, 8 pp "a., an. ,: 1- r Zap 0'%shch UL;'J"iO Vol ()5, s o 3 discugsion. of the coinposition _'4nu cr-,r3taline forms of orthite occ_,rii.: a_~- ~a acc~_:;Oor,- irdj-:eral in t1lie eruTitive roc%-s of Kir::hizia PESOV, A.I., inzh.; TARASOV, V.R. ` *, _79PEPK~~ostovoy master Improving the current roadbed maintenance. Put'i put.khDz. 4 uo.7:16-17 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Nachallnik distantsii, stantsiya Rtishchevo, Privolzhsko7 dorogi, (for Prokopeako). (Railroads-Maintenance and repair) ~~-'_ROKOPMO' N. N. Suggestions from our efficienc7 promoters, Konsei ovepromo 15 no-7:15-17 J1 16o, (MIU 13: 6) 1. ~'Kamenets-Fodollskljv konservnyy zavoda (Canning Industry-Nquipment and supplies) ___~~04OPMO a N.P. masbinist (stantziya Beelan, Severo-Kavkazokaya doroga) - Simple but effective technical solution. Zlc~k.i tepl.tiaga 14 n0-3.123 Xr 160- OMU 13:7) (Diesel locomotives) PROKOPE31KO, Nikolay Semenovich; ISSREDEMO, M.M., doktor ekonom. nauk, 'WIDISH; B.O.-, red. izd-va; LISOVETS, O.M., tekhn. red. (Development of chemical machinery manufacture in the Ukraine] Rozvytok khimichnoho mashinobuduvannia na Ukraini. Kyiv, Vyd- vo Akad.nauk URSR, 1961. 74 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Ukraine--Chemical engineering-Equipment and supplies) PROKOPENKO, N. YE. Prokopenko, N. Yo. and Blokh, E. L. and Plantonov, G. Ye. - "The effect of Streptomycin on cellular reaction in tubercular infections", Trudy Akad. med. nauk SSSR, Vol. 11, 1949, p. 35-42. SO: U-4329, 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 21, 1949).