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Restoring the Precision of (Cont.) 449 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. I. Kinematic Diagram and Constructional Features of Precision Gear-cutting Machines 5 1. t. Brown's precision gear-cutting machine 5 2. The Reineker URF-8 gear-cutting machine 7 3. Characteristic features of precision gear-cutting machines 11 Ch. II. Accuracy Specifications for Gear-cutting Machines 12 4. General characteristics of inaccuracies in gear- cutting machines 12 5. Geometrical inaccuracies in gear-cutting machines and their effect on the accuracy of the gears produced 13 6. Kinematic inaccuracies of gear-cutting machines and their effect on the accuracy of gears produced 14 Card 3/6 Restoring the Precision of (Cont.) 449 7. Preparation of gear-cutting machines for accuracy check according to specifications 15 Ch. III. Methods for Checking the Accuracy of Vertical Gear-outting Machines 24 8. Beds and tables of vertical gear-cutting machines 24 9. Spindle support 29 10. Feed.screw mechanism 35 11. Indexing mechanism 40 Ch. IV. Methods for Checking the Accuracy of Horizontal Gear-cutting Machines 50 12. Bed and Headstock of a horizontal gear-cutting machine 50 13- Support 56 14. Feed screw mechanism 59 15. Indexing mechanism 60 Card 4/6 Restoring the Precision of (Cont.) 449 Ch. V. Increasing the Kinematic Accuracy of Gear-cutting Machines by Means of Correcting Devices 16. General considerations 17. Increasing the kinematic accuracy of gear-cutting machines by means of proper adjustment of individual mechanisms 18. Basic layout of correcting devices 19. Determination of the possibilities for installing correcting devices 20. Measuring the inaccuracy of a machine with the purpose of installing a correctlng.device 21. Design of a circular~'tracer profile to compensate for the cummulative error of a machine 22. Measuring cyclic errors 23. Designing a circular tracer profile to compensate for cyclic errors Card 5/6 63 63 64 66 68 70 81 83 83 Restoring the Precision of (Cont.) 449 Ch. VI. Technological Requirements for Precision Worm-drives 93 24. Uses and construction of precision worm-drives 25. Tolerances for manufacturing and assembling index- i worm-gear pairs 95 26. Increasing kinematic accuracy in precision gear- cutting machines by means of new indexing gear pairs with greater number of teeth 98 Ch. VII. Manufacture of Precision Worm-gear 98 27. Basic premises tor manufacturing indexing gears 102 28. Standard manufacturing proces- for indexing gears 103 Ch. VIII. Manufacture of Indexing Worm-gear 103 29. Standard manufacturing process for indexing worm vfheels 107 30. Cutting indexing wheels on inaccurate machines 112 Bibliography 114 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 00/1 sb Card 616 11 July 1958 _,MINTSENTALt, S. G., inzh, ShavinR of t1m i-educiriR gears of turbine trangmission systems. Feergomshinostroenie 8 no.12233-36 D 162. (MIRA 1621) (Turbinea-Tranamlasion devicee) PRINTS I LYAKHOVSKIY, L.M., red.; FWGER, D,P., red.lzd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (ModernizalOn of gear-milling machines for the improvement]Mo- tsifa zubofrezernykh stesimv dlia povysheniia ikh toch- ndO -'opyt Nevskogo zavoda, imeni V.I.Lenina. Leningrad, 1962. 11 i (Leninarddskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Ob- 6n pere.4ovym 6py-tom. Seftla: Mekhanicheskaia 6brabotka mo~allov, t o.27) ' (MIRA 16:2) (Gear-cuttiho %achineB) BOLOTOVP V,V,,; GM,16DIOV, V,A! ; GOPI-:ItN, 1,,V,; lj'IILI.'SKIY, M.D.; 'ilm. p PRIET " ULUV, A. F. 14EIIhIli. L,6,; I :;Lv j~,JV,; USOV, L3.V,; 5HL Suren I:j-kolaavich Nikogosov; obi~%,Uary, Flektrichestvo no.10: 93 0 160, (MIJU. 14:9) ('Nikcgosov,. Suren Inlikolaevich, 1900-1960) KObSTANTINUV, B.A., kand.tekthn.nauk; PRINTSM, A.A., inzh. Work practices in supex-visiLg the operaticn of therml syster-S. P--c=. energ. 17 no.8:1-3 Ag 162. (MI.-I 1-6-4) (Power engineering) 8 (3) SO-1/112-57-5-10154 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, pp 81-82 (USSR) AUTHOR: Printsev, A. A. TITLE; Improving Utilization of Electrical Capacity of Industrial Plants in Order to Mobilize the Internal Energy Resources of the Plants (Puti uluchsheniya ispol'zovaniya elektricheskoy moshchnosti promyshlennykh predpriyatiy v tselyakh mobilizatsii vnutrennikh energeticheskikh resursov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Tr. nauch.-tekhn. soveshchaniya po elektrosnab. prom. predpriyatiy. M.-L. , Gosenergoizdat, 1956, pp 231-240 ABSTRACT: A survey of power performance data of a number of various industrial plants in Leningrad City is reported. The annual number of hours of utilization of installed transformer capacity does not exceed 3, 100 hours on the average. The demand factor has been: 0. 25-0. 36 at machine -building plants, 0. 6-0. 65 at spinning and weaving plants, 0. 4 at leather -shoe factories and food -industry plants. The weighted mean power factor of all industrial and quasi- industrial Card 1/2 50-1/112-57-55-10154 Improving Utilization of Electrical Capacity of Industrial Plants in Order to . . - . consumers in the Lenenergo system was 0 - 892 in 1954. Here the metallurgical and chemical industries consuming 2776 of the total electric energy had a weighted mean power factor of 0. 9 34, machine -building and metal -working industries consuming 391o of the energy had .0. 874. Estimates show that an increase to 0. 92 in overall weighted mean power factor would reduce trans - former loads by 416 and would considerably reduce energy losses - The survey has shown that the power consumed by Leningrad industries could be increased by 696 through an increase in the power factor. Industry load-curve analysis revealed the possibility of reducing the system peak by 4-5-57o by means of load regulation. Nonxhythmical operation of industries has artificially increased the fall-winter peak of the power system. The survey has revealed that 22% of the annual electric-energy consumption is used in the first quarter of the year, while 3076 is used in the last quarter. Saving of electric energy at the Leningrad industrial plants amounted to 2. 51a in 1954, which corresponds to energy consumed by two large machine -building plants. Card 2/2 Ye - I. S. 8 N- 30-,1/112-57-5-10159 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, pp 82-83 (USSR) AUTHOR; Konstantinov, B. A., Printsev, A. A. TITLE: Rational Use of Electric Energy in Industrial Plants in Order to Mobilize the Internal Energy Resources (Puti rats *ional'nogo ispol'zovaniya elektro- energii na promyshlennykh predpriyatiyakh v tselyakh modernizatsii vnutrennikh energeticheskikhresursov) PERIODICAL: Tr- Leningr. Inzh. Ekon. in-t, 1956, Nr 11, pl, 37-44 ABSTRACT: A considerable part of the electric energy used in the national economy is consumed by industrial plants where rational utilization of energy carriers depends on their correct choice. It is stated that the selection of an energy carrier should be made on the basis of engineering -and -economic estimates, with electrical -energy resources at the point of installation taken into account. Data on the demand factor, utilization factor, and weighted mean Card 1/2 SOV112-57-5-10159 Rational Use of Electric Energy in Industrial Plants in Order to Mobilize . . . . power factor for various branches of industry are presented. Use of synchro- nous motors and of automatic regulation of static -capacitor value is recom- mended. It is stated that reduction of per-unit electric-energy consumption and also general energy saving permit mobilizing local energy resources at various plants and using the resources for further eevelopment of industries. (Translator's note- An obvious misprint in the title: "mobilizataii," not modernizatsii. A. D. R. Card 2/2 BRLOV. N.H.; BOL'SJIAM, Ya.M*; GORDNYEV, A.N.; GRAGffAV, V.A.; YERM1LOV. A.A.; ZAIZSSKIY, A.M.; KIZEIRTUR, Ya.N.; KNORRING, G.R.; KONSTANTINOV, B.A.; KOPTTOV, R.T.; LXVIT. G.O.; XITIRR, G.P.; NATrAL'D, X.P.; li!~",A!,; SWINOVSKIT, G.V.; SOKOLOV, B.A.; STASILOTTS. A.B.1 TATTS, A.A.; KERAMUSHIN, A.M. Mikhail Konstantinovich Kharchav; obituary. Belov and others. Prom. energ. 12 no-12'33 D 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Kharchev, Mikhail Konstantinovich, 1896-1957) j 112-3-5ro6 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 3, P. 94 (USSR) AUTHORg Printsev. A. A. TITLE: Activity of the Committee on Electric Fower Su ply for Industrial Enterprises for the Period 1949-195~ - (0 de'yatellnosti Komiteta elektroanabzheniya promysh- lennykh predpriyatiy za 1949-1954 gg.) PERIODICAL.- In Sbornik,. Tr. nauch.-tekhn. soveshchaniya po elektrosnab. prom. predpriyatfy.'Moscow-Leningrad, Gosenergoizdat, 1956, pp. 244-248 ABSTRACT: The Committee on Electric Power Supply for Industrial Enterprises of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Power Engineers was organized in 1949. By 1954 the Committee met for nine sessions devoted to problems of use of electrical equipment, broadening the selection of standard voltages for plant networks, loads on industrial electrical networks, determination of load requirements made of electrical networks, automation Card 1/2 and remote control in industrial electrical networks, 112-3-57o6 Activity of the Committee on Electric Power Supply (Cont.) and other problems. The Committee also held a number of scientific and technical conferences dealing with electrical power supply of industrial enterprises, power factor improve- ment, and other topics, and prepared reports based on these conferences. G. M. K. Card 2/2 KONSTAUTIHOV, B.A.; PRIUMV, A.A. Experience of enterprises in Leningrad in the efficient use of electric power. Prom. energ. 16 no.8:6-9 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Electric power) PRINVlW,-.A.-4,--; GOLeDMKRSHTEYN, G.L. 1~ 1. - Arrangemnt of capacitors for power factor improvement. Prom.energ. 11 no.9.34-)5 S 1~6. (ML13A 9:11) 1. PredsedatelO byuro sektaii "Blaktroshabzhants promprodpriyatiy" (for Printaev). 2.Uchenyy sekretarl byuro sektaii "Blektroanabzho- nie prompredprivatiy" (for Golldmershteyn). (Blectric power distribution) (Condensers (Electricity)) PRIIMEV, A.A., inzhener; PETROV, V-Ta.; TFMROV, V.V.; LAMANDV. K.A.. ~'~~nnener; KONSTMITINOV, B.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh mauk. Rates for electric power. Prom.energ. 12 no.1:18-22 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Nnergosbyt Laningradskoy elektroenergaticheskoy sisteqr (for Printsev. Petrov) 2. Energosbyt Estonskoy, elektroenergeticheskay 5istemy (for Yegorov) 3. Leningradskiy pivovarennyy sayod (for Lamanov) 4. Leningradakiy inzhenerno-takhnichaskiy inatitut (for Konstantinov). (Electric utilities--Rates) KADYIWI, V.V.-, YlRlYF,7, 11j%; P.-ONT"EV, M.D.; MATROSOVA) A.V. CharactorintlC3 Of' triP protein composition of sarcoplasm in Various mugcles. Zhur. evol. bicktilm. I fiziol. 1 no.312O5-212 Ply-Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra blokidmii IPrjirgr,-..(Iskogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo instituta. 1. PRINTSEV, N. A. 2. USSR (6oo) 4- Syrnev, N. I. 7. New collection of arithmetical problems ("Collection of arithmetical problems for the 5th and 6th classes of the seven-year and secondary schools." S. A. Ponamarev N. I. Syrnev. Reviewed b,r N. A. Print- sev.), Mat. v shkole, No. 6, 1952. 9. Monthl,.List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 953, Uncl. BXXAR.&VICII, A.N. (Gomel' );BXRISIAVSKIY, P.D. (Uzhgorod);(-'r.-iOMOV, A.P. (Melekess); DUBINCM, Ye.S.;TZSLWKO, I.F. (Kiyev);ZOWTOVITSKIY, Ye.N. (Reutovo); KAZHDAN, B.I. (laningrad);KLIMENCHBNKO, D.V. (Berdyanak);MF.LIHIKOV, K.S. (Sterlitamak);XIKHAYLOY, K.F. (Magnitogorsk);HASYROY, A.Z. (Sterl- itamak);NXFXDOV, D.I. (Moskva);NOVOSXWV, S.I. (Moskva);PRAVILOY, B.R. (s.Kanino Ryazanskoy obl.);PRINTSIV, N.A.(Kursk);S&JNOVICH, A.F. (Sverdlovsk) Discussion of the Dlans for the Drograms. Mat. v shkol* no.6:5-28 N-D '59. (" 13:3 (Mathematics--Stud,v and teaching) BEREZANSKAYA, Ye.S.,- GUREVICH, G.B.- DITSMAN, A.P. (Moskva); BUDANTSEV, P.A. (Orenburg); MKOL3V, i.G. (Perm); LYAPIII, S.Ye.(Lenlngrad) PRINTSB7, N.A. (Kursk) scussion of the new mathematics curricula. Hat. v shkole no.2:5-9.0 Mr--Ap '59. (MIRA 12,6) (14p-thematics--Study and teaching) 1. -,t '~t - i. - , - . . 2. u3r;a (6cio) 4. Arithmetic - Problems, Exercises, e-1c. 7. Aritluiletica-L method of solvin,~'- calculation pro'-Aems. I.At. v s'11:ole No. 2, 1~63- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ;iuril -1953. Unclassified. CHICMGIN, Vasiliy Grigorlyevich; dotsent, retsenzent; LAPIU, zasluzhennyy uchitell, retsenzent; SMIXOT. G.A., retsenzent; ZRTUI, S.I., dotsent, retsenzent; KARAMp ?oAop dotsent, retsenzent [deceased); DUBNOT, Ta.S., prof., retsenzent (deceased]; PA I alT, 3J., red.; TATURA, G.L., (Method for teaching geometry; plane geometry. Textbook for high-school teachers) Hatodika propodavanila geomstrii; planimetriia. Posobis dlia uchitelei arednel shkoly. Moskva, Goa.uchebno-pedapog. izd-vo H-va proov.RUSR, 1959. 391 P. (KBA 13:3) (Geometry-Study and teaching) FRINTSEV, Yu.N. (Moskva) X-ray diagnosis of the dilatation of the qyetic duct stump following cholecystectomy; so-called regenerated gallbladder. Min. med. 41 no.4:54-58 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz rentgenologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. Yu.N. Printsev, nauchnyy konsul'tant - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. S.A. Reynberg) Moskovskoy klinicheakoy bollnitsy No.1 Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (glavnyy vrach - zaoluzhenny .y vrach RSFSR M.V. Ivanyukov). PRINTSEVA, inzh.; RODINA, inzh.; IMNISOVA, insh.; VIMGRADOV, K.A., kand. sell skokhozya7stvannykh nauk; KOP2JMV, M.P., arkhitaktor Preserving forests in areas designated for housing construction. Gor. khoz. Moak. 33 no.7:29-30 JI '59. (MIRA 12:10) l.Gorproyekt, g.-Perml (for Printseva, Radina, Denisova). 2.Ruko- voditel' aektora 02eleneni7a gorodov Akademii kommunal'nogo khozyaystva (for Vinogradov). (Forests and forestry,) PRINTSEVA, L.N. (Kursk) Dictations in mathematics lessons. Mat. v shkole no.5:63 S-0 16o. (Mathematics-Study and teaching) (MIRA 13:10) FRINTSEVA, R.A. Revision of the state standard 5618-58 for raw silk. Standar-Ii- zatsiia 27 no.2-31-33 F 163. (MIRA 16~4) (Silk--Standards) CHUPANOVA, L.F.; PRINTSUA, 2.V. Synthesis and conversion ofol,-glycole of the ethylene serles. Paxt 1. Obtaining 2-mothyl-),5-diphanylpentene-L~-diol-2.3. Zhur.ob.k-him. 23 no.7:1135-1138 JI '53. (MLELL 6:7 ) 1. Laboratoriya organicheskoy "imii Leningradskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta Imeni Lensoveta. (Glycols) 1 r rl T 1 f- + Tr r. - f' r, .,-c-)nd,,-ry-T~-rtirr-., Acntyll~rvm! un(!-!r , d. Nin Hi --h,lr 1--ucutinp. '65BL ird r furi c r c 1:~` Ean-n2r Tr~ 1)55. 'D 'I: '-~--'-n fnr De.-rce rf j,',); Knizhnaya F-) 1, 135,6, i)P 1`22-12.2, '-24 km.-rs e1VA ;:4Tc0u' V. and --get Technol. S, 1010-21 C; 49, 10933h.-Me.C(OH)CI CH (17.6 g.) added to EtMgBr, then treated with 43 g. (p-NlcCgH4~C0 and heated 70 his. at 60-70* pvt 70% 2-tr4jhy1-5,5-di-p- 'WyW-Penlyne-2.5-diol (1), m. 115-16*. ThLi heated with 7.5% ale. HSO. 6 hrs. at 30-5* gave 30% 2,2-di-p-lolyl-5k dimetkyl-4-furaxone (11), m. 65-6*, and 48% greenish yel- low -olid. m. 127*, identl6ed as -penten-244-one (M) (with 2,4-ds*nUrop4my1Ayd4rcsixd it pvc a red diriv., CmHuON., in. 191-2*); ozonol ' ot this gave MeCHACO, P-MCC4111COIR, and Me, 011 COJH. it ? with Aa~O-AcON;m gave the "ewe, m. 90-4 , which, hydrogenated to the said. amJog, m. 97-8'. and sapond. with ale. KOH, gave 2-mdhy1-5,54i-p,4cdY1-z penlayjol-J-one, m. 02* (mmkarbazare, m. 115*; 2."hji1r&- Pkenyllsydrawme, rn. 148*). 1 bcated 7Z brs. to 60-70' with 18% ale. H*SO4 gave 11, m. 65-6*; 2.4-dinilrophenyl- hydrawne, m. 193-4*, sensicarbazone, m. 288' (decompn.). Heating III with 18,70 ale. HSOj to W-70' gave GO% U. G. 11. KosWumal.- cl ;!~:. INN' of 01, 1y,- -r e"-0-5' , 1-2- VEIRZ-OANILOVA, E.D,,; WBITSKAYA, V,!L,,-PIUM3EVA--Z-V.; VORWYEV, L.11~ Convex-sions of secondary-tert-lary acetylenic under the effe~;t of sulfuris acl.d. Zhur.ob.kW-m. 32 no.?.2138-. 2122 J.1 162. (Mul 15.7) I. LeningradsLi.y tekJinologicheskjy J-1-ustitut A-meni Lensoveta.. I , G, I !~p 0 1- ) t A 1, AVA, 144 so A Ymisn~-2 ,or Sposmal stualyme oi forrftuican sor zincon 004 ':~ 11finflifirial. 0, finel U-1 I old 11) 111. " .4 Iv .;4 JL; it;N ir SNK17A.,fe,p. W So III FV 11110YS VIAII (X- 11VIII. bY 1j*VtfAJ %%. R. If.tra 00 so =00 60.3 COO goo =so "Oe See loss nos MOO L A, 00 111141- S'A ii zp=-- Potts, a., a all '0 Is Depw ;89 ;11 'tan '110.11 Ila 444 0000400000000 0 0 0 00 0 #00000 0 C 0 000 a 2-0-co 00000 :0 *0 IA VTNCEn.~r,~, t.;U7Vf6lZR, G. 'isofllllcal composition of tar sul-fur compounds obtained by the T.!i--:--al decomposition of lignite. Xhim. I. telch. topl. i masel 10 no.2:34-37 F 165,, (MIRA 18:8) 5Z SUCHKOVA, M.D., VDOVIN, V-M.1; NMrn?;, N.S., 4 Pral.-ITIA, I.A. Silicon-orgaine comqxnu-d with alternating 91101zans and carbon claimants. Report presented at the 12th Conference on high molecular weight compounds devoted to monomers, Baku, 3-7 April 62 P&MIZRI H. Noise generator invenstigations in microwave range. Acta techn Hung 42 no,1/3-.283-292 t63, 1. Heizwich-Hortz-Institut der Deutachen Akademie der Wissenschaften., Berlin-Adlershof. Abs jour Ref Zhur - Dicl., No -'1, 1958, 3(X)1O Author Priol, J~'_~ ----------- Inst : The Institute for Fruit Raisin~; in Maribor. Title : A Study of the Biology of Flowering, Fecundation and Fruit-Bearing in the Apple at Maribor. Orig Pub : Zbor. knet. in gozd., 1956, No 2, 261 s. (Slovenian; res. Fng., Ger.) Abstract : Research made at the Facultu of Agronomy, Forestry and Vet- crinary Medicine of Ljubljai University and the Institute for Fruit Raising in Maribor (Yu[;oslavia) in 1947-1954- LiC;ht is cast on problems of the stability of varieties, mutations and modifications in their fixity, the correla- tion between the vitality of pollen and the biolo-,-ical aCe of the variety. Particular attention is paid to the Card 1/2 7 YUGOSLAVIA/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. m-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 30010 morphological structure of the flowers and the signift- cance of this in fertility. Questions of the genesis and differentiation of flower buds, infantilism and fat for- mation. The results of research on the effect of enviror,- ment on bud differentiation are explained in detail. The author regards the number of flowers in the inflorescence, the length of the pistil and the peculiarities in the de- velopment of the stamen as the most important variety characteristics in the apple. Special attention is paid to the endosperm as a source of the hormone synaamin which provides the development of the embryo and the germ. Problems of the pariodicity of fruit-bearinL; are considered. The results of the selection of pollinators for 44 varieties and the pollen vitality of 90 varietics are elucidated. Tables are presented on the phenoluj~y of florescence. An ori-jinal formula for fertility is proposed. The biblioL;raphy lists 255 titles. Card 2/2 PRIOL, J. Tugoslavia (430) Agriculture - Plant & Animal Industry The development of apple stembuilders in nurseries. P- 3, Arhiv Za Poljop- rivredne Tauke, Vol. 3, no. 9. 1952. last lkroipean Accesgions List. Library of Congress, Vol. 2, No. 4, April 1953- UNCLASSIFIED. Cu!--- IVA.-i E r, vc f~~q -rn, r j,i.~! p J L t ri r,j v rw r TTO-9, ;27-230 ile ,!()i1 is innrove 0, by ,,,~G r t I; r- - I r ,, -, t, . 1 tj X,,-Fauaing surface -plow ovc!r tji,? tr)T~.. 7 is rucomT,,,ended t the fir ,.It Th s ore,-,tos the roat r."'vorv "If., .136 PRIOROV.M.M.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk Methods of an lyzing railroad ooerntion indices. Tekh.zhol.dor. 6 no.10:24-26 0147. (MLRA 6:12) (Railroads-Management) PRIOROV,M.M., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk Taking account of empty cars in the formulpt for railroad car turnover. Tekh.shel.dor-7 no.6:21-23 Je'48. (MI-RA 8:11) (Railroads--Rolling stock) PRIOROV., !T. N. DECIAs"ID (of c . &64 19(A/67- PRIOROV, V.I. Utilizing the "Kiev-1" mobile electric power station in rural schools. Fis. v shkole 16 no.6:69-71 M-D '56. (MLR4k 9:12) 1. Gorinakaya eamiletrqaya ahkola YaroBlavskoy oblasti. (Electric power plants) 47-6-17/37 AUTHORt Priorov V I. (Skokovo, Danilovskiy rayon, Yaroslavskaya -~FlasZ ~1- TITLEt Useful Advice (Poleznyye Sovety) Yethod of Painting Bulbs (Sposob okraski lampochek) PERIODICAL: Fizika v Shkole, 1957, # 6, page 63 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The bulb is taken by the cap and submerged in liquid, warm (28-300) joiner's glue. The bulb is then placed cap down on a board with holes for drying. It is then dipped into a paint solution (aniline cloth dye may be used). The thickness of painting depends on the length of time the bulb is submerged. In order to avoid stains, the bulbs should be washed with soap before they are covered with glue, and the paint solution should be filtered. ASSOCIATION 8 7 - Yeex School, Skokovo (Skokovskays semiletnyaya shkola) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 PITSKMLAURI, G.Z.; PRIOZEKOV, V.V. 'Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov in Tiflis. Khirurgiia no.11:138--Ija t61. (Ml-,,A 3Jzi2) (PIROGOV, 17-IKOLAI IVAEOVICH, 1810-1881) GORSTKA, V.N,; PETERSIL'YE, I.A.- PRIPACHKIN, V.A. Combustible gases in the rocks of the contact zone in the Khibiny alkali massif. DokI. AN SSSR 162 no.6sl386-1,389 A 165. (KRA 180) 1. Geologichaskly instLtut Kol'skogo filiala im.'S.M.Kirova AN SSSR. Submitted March 13, 1965. PRIPAS, Alexandru How a Rumani(Ln Trade Union organized the work of its groups in branches of production. Manes. sindia 6 no.7:6-10 Jl 162. 1. Presedinte al consiliului. local al sindicatelor, Sibiu. PRIPECHEK, F.V. Diagnosis and treatment of subconjunctival laceration3 of the sclera. Vrach. delo no.8:79-.82 Ag-161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kafedra glaznyk-h bolezney (zav, - dotsent T.H. Gerasimenk-o) Kiyevskogo instituta usovorshenstvovaniya vrachoy. (F.YE-..WOljlU)S AND INJURIES) PitIPECHNNKOV, Konstantin Filippovich; ANIKEYEV, Ye., red. [Put full loads on ,nachlner-tj Tekhnike - polrriaiu zagruzku. Smolensk, Smolenskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 54 p. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Brigadir traktornoy brigady kol.khoza imeni Lenina Fochinkovskogo rayona (for Fripechenkov). "The Efied of Press on the Hall Efled In Iran Nickel AHOY$ with Positive 1111senetoddetlon. skol.r. TP'Wfl. Full. 1918, 1& 111). toll 11m). If,, Ru-i^nl. '11- [fall .-ff.,t m setnds.-d in auk .11,.v mntg. Fe 144-96. Ni I.I. anti V GOP'.. annt-alt4l for It fit. ai WIN) 4'. in H and fumarr-cmied. Flmlir Ptrrm in"framA the flail oury.f. by a ron4t. am-,unt. jisdelomi lent of My, inIffitlity of mMnetizAtinn : plastic Atrr-A cauxeld hyptPravo in I),p rwri- of 11411 p.m.f. rp. firbi anti elperramil file TAIUV (If th" 11411 intolMitV n( MA T14-117. mrff. j?, (Ifill P. rn.f. Illy inillf V C.11. 'K 1z A tilml. At a strr" -I Illy kit,nim.1 Oll. I'll l,iL- j- i lilgWir Awl the Mill ".11l.r. ".14 Qf (1,e fiel It. If. L 1 . fl,:1111KIN, N. ~~. : _% i . 2. U")3R (600) 4. Tool steel 7. Hall-Kikoin effect as an indicator of the structure of steel. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 23 no. 4, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congn-ass, 1,11arch 1953. Unclasrified. C, USSR/Physics - Thermo=agnetic effect FD-1365 Card 1/1 t Pub. 146-lo/18 N. 7-1. Priporova, G. P. Author Genhin, and I Title Investiflation of the transverse thermomagenetic effect Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 26, 323-326, Mar 1954 Abstract The authors investigate qualitatively the transverse thermomagnetic ef- fect of low-carbon steel. 'niey show that t1le transverse thermomagnetic effect is proportional to ma.-netization. In the region of fields with technical saturation the transverse thermomagnetic effect does not vary wit!% the field. In lesser fields there exist hystereses of the trans- verse thermomagnetic effect. Institution t Yaroslovl Pedagogic Institute Submitted : July 14, 1953 CHISROV, A.D.; BAZARNOVA, G.V.; BEK, N.D.: BELIKOVA, V.1.; BLIHOVA, M.Ta.; KABAZIOVA, P.G.; MAKAROVA. M.D.; PRIPISTSOVA. K.D.; SIHONOVA, L.F.; TOIXACiWA, Te.M.; TTUNTATEVA, V.S., red.izd-va; PAVLOVSKIT. A.A., [Foreign trade of the U.S.S.R. for 1918-1940; statistical survey] Vneahniaia torgovlia SSSR za 1918-1940 gg.; statistichaskii obzor. Moskva, Vneshtorgizdat, 1960. 1134 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye tamozhennoye upravleniye. 2. Otdol statistiki Glavnogo tamozhennogo upravleniya Ministerstva vneshney torgovli SSSR (for all, except Zinchenko, Pavlovskiy). (Commercial statistics) 77 V /,EE- CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Analysis of Inorgrinic Su'L..;t-Incoo G-2 Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-K-himiya, ;'o G, 1957, 19579 Author Valdimir Sir;ion, EuCunio Fri-olatova Ins t Title Columetric Dotermina Lion of UranitLin ~-.,ith Appli- cation of Farricyanide Orig Pub: Chem. Listy, 1956, -150, !to 6,. 907 - 910 Abstract- The salts of U (6-r') (15 - 50 ng of U) are rt-,ducod using Yf Zn am-algain and 50f H SO in a separating 40f which is stable funnel to U(S04)2? the solutKn in ai ~4 5 hours. After the removal of the ama-li-am, the U solution is neutralized with 3 - 5 E of Nalfco , 2 - 3 g of 1:C1,r ~nd 1 g of N114C1 are added and F is oxidized to UO 2 + with 0.1 n. solution of Card 1/-P E4 GARTAINOV, S.A.;..PRIPOLOV, E.Ya. '.- ~__- - Investigating video amplifiers equipped with point contact crystal triodes. Poluprov. prib. I ikh prim. no.2:263-287 157. WRA 11:6) (Transistor amplifiers) -,ECRS: P.r4 E.1a. &,ad C-a-r,7ain;:,i, S.A. 'LE. The App!_J,~-aticn of Tunction Transistors to Fil (Primenem-ye ploskostnyll-7,Y, ILI tr~-dov v Z''TODICAL, B 1 6' (USSR) r +rosvYaz'-' ., 1958 _ Nr 2. P-,) 55 STRACT. The basic 3ir,;uit, shown in A.., is Similar to its tl--.,be, p:,ctct-.rre in that the alternat-inE- 10 femrl- ve (I opposed by a compensatang com-~onent in-je-ted at j - - ,~cn elle--t--rode of the series element, The thenry of t.!-,e -L-r r -)J t -s g-~ven and also a step U - - ., .1 - - -by-step desiEn irethr-,-I, A f ei3 e of the !--'-.ter is the choice cf an optLinum value C--r laze fe:-.i5taL.ce. A .cmparisori of falculated and experImental va~!Jp-s in F"gi-re 9 shows good aCreement The performance of the p.ra-,t--J~al circuib of Figure 10 usinC, a -Iype P2A ~ramqisto,: Is 20 C ~~O "'C 6; -7-e n Tab -I e 1. Ove~~, the temparature range - t-'r-c- lead voltacre hardly c-11--nges? (no~ and t",e i. r- rira o c- -f t'a e E mc o t ~I -. n.- ejement is 3 000 H. ZJ D c p7V ~-ranj, for the a- Card -1/2' Y"Ie Ap~ J. Cr' of j--Ll T:,arz;- SC'I/IC,3- 58. tL a Smcct-, -i 11 ~7 e Thp---ne are --,-o fjolres table and I transilaticn of a- -all textbo+"),,,~: ri A31 e . " SUBLUTT "D, D 24 Q Card 212 PRiPOL&V, E. Yu-., and GARYLL-ig1j, S. A., "Inver, tigation of a Point-contact Transistor Video A.,..Tlifier," 5cynilconductor Levfces and Their User.; Collection of Articles.? No. 21 P. 263, Moscow, Izd-vo Sovetstroye fl radio, 1957- FRIPOLOV, E.Ya. Calculation of a grounded emi+ter circuit with corTIex trarisip- tor parameteri3. Radioteklin-'ka 19 no.2~52-58 F '64. (MIRA 17.6) 1. Deystvitel'nT ~!hlen Nauchnc-'.9khn!chaskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elaktropvyazi imeni A.S. Popova. PITROV, A.P.; PRIPOLITSEV,-V.A.-, SHULIGA, V.T&.; FRIDKAN. K.I., Otv. z8 vyprask; BOBROVA. Te.H., (Railroads of India] Zheleznye dorogi Indii. Moskva, 1958. 65 p. (Informataiia o zarubezhnoi tekhnike, no.3) (MIRA 12:6) 1. Delegaty IV sesaii Podkomiteta po zholesnodorothnomu transportu Zkonomicheskoy komisaii d1ya atran Azii i Dallnego Tostoks (for Petrov, Pripolltnev, Shullga). (India--Railroads) BERG, P.P.; V'URUTYNT,'~EVf M.1".; N.M.; PAROV,; 11RIVOROVA, G.P. tr.e w----,-,r Of au~'/ 6;-es, Lit. ~rcfz-'r. nc.1:39-40 Ja 165. (MIRA 18: 3) BERG, P. P.; GOLUBCHIK, G. K.; PRIPOROVA, G. P. - Using the method of replicas for op51dql microscopes. Lit. proizv. no.10:41 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (MICROSCOPY) ~ui Fs ra~ -'an ahead Let's -'uifill the 1?52 ti:7~e. Sellstr.-I., TA IAC j:31 "IFTED ~,-~t of Riir,.,,,!!,.n -(,o-slons, Lihniry of TARMOV, K., kand.biol.nauk; ANIICMY, I.; MARKOV, A. Chemical preservation of grain in Ryazan Pravinc6. Muk.-elev.prom. 26 no.1:14-16 Ja '60. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly inatitut konevodstva (for Taranov). 2. Ifachallnik elevatorno-okladekogo otdala Ryazanskogo upravleniya khleboproduktov (for Anike7ev). 3. Direktor Rybnovskogo khlebopriyamnogo punkta (for Priputnev). 4. Glavnyy agronom 98-go konnogo zavoda Pyazanskoy oblaati (for Markov). (Ryazan Province-Grata-Storage) PROMS*,, K. Kanagament experience of two &purtm*nt-houss officol. Zhil.-kem. khoz. 5 no.8:5-7 155. (KIHA 9:3) (Apartment houses"Kawesent) MIRONCHIK, K.,, starohiy nauchn)-j satrudnik; PRIPUTINA, L.,, btarshiy nauchnyy -,otrudnik; EWTSKAYA, V., inzh.-tekhnolog Rational feeding of workers operating in high temperature shops. Obshchestv.pit. no.8:23-26 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti (for Mironch1k, PrLputina). PRIPUT _L~~ Characteristics of institutionjal feeding of miners in the Lvov-Volynl Basin. Vrach.delo no.lOtIO91 0 '58 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Kafedra gigiyeny pitaniya (zav., - prof. A.I. Stolmakova) Llvovskogo meditainakogo inatituta. (LIVOV-VOLYNI BASIN--COAL MINERS--NMITION) PRIPUTINA, L.S. Vitamin a in some fruJ4~ And vegetable products, Vrach.delo no.4:413-416 AP158 (mm i1:6) 1. Wedra gigiye-q pitaniyA (zav. - prof. I.P. Bnrchenko) Kiyovskogro meditainskogo institute. (ASCORBIC ACID) PRIPUTINA L.S. (Pryp4tina, L.S.) j Effsot, of vitamin A and thyroidin on the aOtivit7 Of catalueltAd cholizesterase in white rate. Ukr. biokhim, W=.'33 no.3%392- 395 161. (HIPA 1436) 1. lafedra, igiyany pitaniya ;1vovsk6go meditsinakogo Wtitata, fvlITAMNS-A) (CATALLM) (CHOLINESTEME), I (THYROIDIN) FRIPUTIM, L. S., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "Me C-vitamin activity of the food as a function of its copper content". Kiev, 1959. 14 pp (Kiev Order of labor Red Banner Med Inst im Acad A. A. Bogomolets), 200 copies (KL, No 24, 1959, 152) PRIPUTI114 &�,.,(Kiyev) '-~:~ect of an admixture of copper on the vitamin C content of earned vegetables and fruits [with summary in Nnglishl. Vop.pit. 17 no.1: 73-76 Ja-F '58. (MILA 11:4) 1. Iz Imfedry gigiyeny pitanlya (zav. - prof. I.P.Barcheako) Kiyovokogo ordena Trudovogo Kraenogo Znameni meditsingkogo institute imeni aked. A.A.Bogomolltea. (OW-PM, effects, on vitamin 0 In canned vegetables & fruits (Rua)) (VITAHIN C, in canned vegetables & fruits, eff. of copper (Rua)) (FOCD PREMVATION, off. of copper on vitamin C content in canned vegetables & fruits (Rue)) TARANOV, M.T., kand. b to logi cheek ikh nauk; MY.LINIKOVA, T.S., kand. sallskokhozyaystvannykh P-auk; MARKOV, A.K.; AKSENOVA, L.N.; ZAY-ARKO, I.N.; ANIUM, I.S.; PRIPUTIM, V.S. Chemical preservation. of forage grain of high moioture content. Zomledelie 8 no.9:53-57 S 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovateliskiy institut konevodstva (for Taranov). 2. VseBoyuznyy institut zhivotnovodstva (for Mellnikova). 3.Glavnyy agronom 98-go konnogo zavoda Hyazanskoy oblasti (for Harkov). 4. Glavnyy vetvrach 98-go konnogo zavoda Hyazanakoy oblasti (for Aksenova). 5. Zaveduyyshchiy zernookladami 98-go konnogo zavoda Ryazanskoy oblasti (for Zayarko). 6. Nachalnik elevatorno-skladskogo otdela Ryazanskogo upravleniya Xhleboproduktov (for Anikeyev). 7. Direktor Rybnovskogo Jchlebo- priyemnogo punkta "Yazanskoy oblasti (for Priputnev). (Grain--Storage) (Sodium pyrosulfite) so - ; 9 1 0 * 04-6 0 v 0 0 e 0 0 to 0 0 1 0 ". ;. .. I W tt at 1 4 1 , A - 44 if q u w t$ '4 it to "A lanxii all 21 It At u If A is It v go a x )f ~ Q at- a . It I JL-Ak- I - 1. m is M U+ I 0 - I I i A , "*aft, a t -,Aig 0 .610f.f.11 -t. : 0 C 1 lAvelitiptian Of tkf Ugtdn 10 nit"KCHUIOW CUAllitill 0 1 . Niumoirzandifyi~ - 0 81; ppow. IM. No. 6-7. 19 20.-'wnnr nit'-wrilul-, -1-1 '-00 ~ 1010 ineot;.wat"I Initi enallicls litodilt r is "noung" ~fl- I .,it -66 4 the Off whirb wrokens the filin mmitAuscally, A tudir *0 0! 4 the pbewwrimun di~11-11 111,11 W'Fl)r I)JI11-11ol- -00 dto not have a suft-irutly hich wdo. tak- ismirr ilm -.1,11 - tv liow-Ituantif. It tic"Usalligildrd thAt lit, rat. ~4 Aw 'd j incorning nitrocellul~s Im drid. Worc thrY err aL crptvtJ for nito'ceutilow rnAtnels. David Aclony 00 041 a 00 Ap '00 40 0 SO& 09 a** U60 A$&.SLA EfALLIJRGKAL LITCOAT46t CLAiMCATICM tv tt UVi AV No At; I i 1 -7- a 3-6 " n fluWA 1 1 t ....... a Ad a a Ka 1 l 6 PRIS, G.V. Parameters of cylindrical conductors in induction prospectin-g. -Izv. All SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.11:1640-1648 N '61. ( 14: 2, ~L ) 1. Eompleksnaya tematicheskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeaitEiya tresta "Geofiznefteuglerazvedka". (Electric prospecting) PRIS, G.V. Magnetic field sources having a directional effect. Iz-.,. All SSSR. Fiz. zem. no.1:67-75 165. (HIRA 18:5) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut imeni Ordzhonikidze. PHIS; G. V. Determination of the parameters of ore inclusions accordl~ng to the transient curve in the method of transients. Part 2. Izv. AN SSSR. r, Ocr. i,-ofiz. no,6:7/a,,-749 Jrj 162. O."ITiA 1. Kompleksnaya tematicheakaya geofizicheakaya ekspeditsiyai Tr,--.,,t "Geofiznefteuglerazvedka.11 (Electromagnetic prospecting) PRIS 2 G V TransientL ~n a:!yrlindr.-Ical conductor after exclsi-d, Lng thc, e-xternai magnetic field. Ivr. Alt' SSSR. Ser. geof-,z. no.6::73&:743 je ',62. 1. Komplokonaya tematicheskaya gcofizicheskaya 0' Rapedits,iya.. Trezi-, 'Geofiznefteuglerazvedka*. (Electromagnetic prospecting) PR is G. V. Electromagnetic field of a circular horizontal frame sit-,,;atP-d above a conducting halfspace. Izv. AN SSSR. Fiz. zem. no.4.,73-82 165, (WRA 18:8) 1. Trest "Geofiznefteuglerazvefta".. Kompleksnaya tematicheskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditslya. PRIS . G.V. Possibilitv of quantitative interp-retation. of low-frwp~n-ay induzt.ive anomalies. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.1;67- '75 A 162. (MIRI 15-2) le Kompleksna-ya tematicheskaya geofizicheskaya ekspEditsiya. (Electric prospecting) Photom---,tr, K-12 Abs Jou--- 2,~.L' i,huj.. I~c, No Aut-:'.-D:! V I.;olux Ur~,!.. 0--,i -,I"- -.3u1]-. Dist. poi. 15,57, Ho ,t-~,Ct 1'~Olux ploto, (L-.vr, th-.~ diotril-,utlon cui,,.,---, 0,.' th,- Int2nnitj of of 101- -w. flta 0- f cl y-, K,., -,A s r2-v IIt 00 so 4: Of a !'! 1, x I , ;,'L 11 1; u 0 J5 .4 1: w J. 12 .1 at cc m tt of witb bides 0 self-dischat&z dmm for TINHOus WrIttic"I All, S. ~,. %letchinkin and I'llixid and skins. pIIv,.h2,35j,L*c.3j,jq3-,. Consttuct ion dcmils. 00 Ito 10 0 r t, it it ei' 9000000000000000 oo*00000*0000040:00::Oioo*o*oooooeoooooo*00000000 0 -00 -00 -00 -0 IS Q0 0 z0 o coo z00 Soo ;00 f I w R't a n! It i_, 0 000*00000000*00004 I ~A K-- R I '~nrj Z~K i Y'K i-i ED, stakhanovkikozheven),ogo zavoda. lm. radishcheva(otpy-~&novite lea'Lher factory) opvt ovladeniya 11 huzhs;,dni Trofeesivpmi koskva gizleoprsn, 1940. 34p MuE., diagm SAU IRANOV, S. 'LA.; PRISADSKIY, E. F- Tanning New apparatus for treating hides in solutions. Leg. prom. 12, No. 6, 1952. 9. Mont~l List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. PRISADSKIY, X.M. -, Improved techniques and growth of-labor productivity in leather plants. Leg.prom.17 no-3:9-10 Mr 157. (mmk lo:4) (Leather industry) FRISAYZENq P.Z.; SHABLD9 A.L. Prolapse of a tFeterocele from the urinary bladder. Urologiia 24 no-6:53-54 159. VC9% (MIRA 13:12) (URETER-DISEASESj TEODORESCUP P., prof.; BERCEANU, St.; SASAW-WI, Maria; IMUGOT, Lucim; MANESCUP Gh.; PIUSCU,-,k1. Clinical, haematological serological, and histopathological investigations on splenopathies with a therapeutic indication of splenectomy. Rumanian M Rev. no.4:21-28 O-D 160. (SPLEEN diseaBei)-- :E BURLUI, D.; PRISCU, Al.; MIULESCU, I.; MUITTEANU, R.; MIIIAI, V.; SPINLUIU, 1. Surgical treatment of the peripheral ischaemia syndrome by Ognev's operations associated in a single stage vrith m-edullosclerosis of the left adrenal gland. Rumanian med. rev. no.2:76-81 162. (VASCULAR DISEASES) (SYMPATHECTOMY) (ADRENALECTOMY) L-; GATOSCHI, Gh.; LUPU, A.; PRISCU, Al. Clinical and radiological study of biliary, duodenal and pancreatic disordere after the Roichol-Polya type of gastropylo- rectomy. Probl.ter.. Bucur. 2:7-31 1955. 1. Institutul do terapeutica al Academiei R.P.R., Sectia de chirargle, spitalul Coltea al clinica a V-a chirurgicala. (STOKACH, gurg. gastropylorectomy, postop. biliary, duodenal & pancreatic disord.) (BILIARY TRACT, die. dysfunct. caused by gsatropylarectomy & postop. dystonia) (DUOM". dis. postop. dystonia & dysfunct. caused by gastropylorectomy) (PANCREAS, die. (same)) PRISCUP R.1 STOIAN, Alex Barrages with heavily ribbed battreasen. Studil cerc wc apl 12- no.4: 783-794 161. 1. Institutul de constructii, Bucuresti (for Prisau). 2. Institutul de proiectari energetics, Bucuresti. (for Stoian). (Dams) L 37984-66- ACC NRt AP602687-) SOURCE CODE: RU/0022/66/011/002/0057/0066 AU-MOR: Priscu, Radu (Engineer); Gonz;tantinoscu, Florin (Engineer) ORO: Hydropowor Study and Planning Institute (Institutul do 3tudil si prolow"a,"I hidroonargetice) TITIZ: Secul-Resita buttress dam SOURCE: Hidrotehnica , goopodarirea apolor, mateorologia. v. 3-1. no. 2. 1966. 57-66 TOPIC TAGS: waterway engineering, geology ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the 5ecul-ResitR dam, built in 1961-63 to increas the repilated flow of the Birzava River and restrict its maximum discharges. After :is- cussing the geological characteristics of the area. the authors describe the construe-1 tion elements and design solutions used as well as the actual execution of the project,~, Origo. art. has: 11 figures and 4 tables. /.Eased on authors' Eng. abstraci7 11YRS: 36,45.27 SUB COM: 13, 08 / SUBM DATE: --Nov65 ORIG REF: 001 _R ACC NRj AP6029591 SOURCE CODE: RU/0022/66/01-1/004/0177/0183;; AUTHOR- Priscu Radu, (Engineer; Specialist); Petcu, Andreea (Engineer; Designer); Const;~Trii~scu, 01-7o~~ (Engineer; Designer) ORG: Hydropower Study and Planning Institute (Institutul de studii si proiectari hidroenergetice) TITLE: Behavior of the Secul-Resita Dam in the first two years of operation SOURCE: Hidrotahnica, gospodarirea apelor, mateorologia, v. 11, no, 4, 1966, 177-18) TOPIC TAGS: waterway engineering, concrete ABSTRACT: The authors describe the measuring apparatus installed at the Secul-Resita buttress dam and present the results of the measurements taken during the first two years of operation of the dam. The factors observed are: evolution of temperatures in the concrete, amount and distribution of subpressurep displacement of building blocks in the crest, and opening of the contraction joints. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. [Based on authors' Eng. abst.] [JPRS: 36,8441 SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: -Dec65 .--dy on the me n It 11 L,C FRISCUP R., conf. ing. Stability of the barrage of the type Incze in Rurania. Hidrotchnica 6 no.2:41-46 F 162. 1. Membru al Comitetului de redactie, "Hidrotehnica.n FRISCU, R.; CACIULESCU, S. A study of lightened gravity barrages. p. 1205. Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Mecancia Aplicata. STUDT,I SI CERCETARI DE RECANIC-4 APLIGATA. Bucuresti, R11manias Vol* 89 no. 4, 1957. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFJI) LC. Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 10,59 Uncl. Considerations on the suparrt-lavation cvnsLruction of b sta.gc3 ~y Vpcstrcssin;,. ~j. lj HIDicuf si Tihni,--ieriilor (14-In 1,.ontnly list of rl~ast Zuroptan (ELAI) 1C, Vo-L. .3, no. '/ Julv 1)~'i unc-l. ,3tu,-Jy o,-L th~! constrwAion in s of .,r, archf!, b.,-jrr r). 2 HILIH~9EHII ~Is oci ~, t ia it i it it Lf' i i i () r .3 n1i i- 1 Ir, r ~ jr, Ito mAna ) Bucurpst-J, Aur-ania Vol. 4, no. 11, Jan. ast i~uror)t-arl Acc-3s;c-ks (i~`A) IC, "Vol. ~j, 'lo. 7 julY 1',7)J-'9 "Onthly I..i,-t of uncl. R.; CCI,"3TAJTT,,'EXU, PaISCUP Computation of arched barrageg by mr,,thod of no-tworks. ~~-1049 1 jTUDI[ 3F UICEfAIC DE ~2LA;'4'TCA A ' ICATA. Academtn Republiel-I h-pil'ire icomln~- Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 9, no. 4, 195F 1 Vol. 9, no. I., Jan. 10,60 Monthly List of East Europein AccesFions (EEAT) I.C.) Uncl.