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_V'q'j~_ M'Y_ W. -6. JD_ jACCESSIM NR: -AP4045449. -64/000/009/0045/0a47 S/0129/ AUTHOR: Zemskov~ G. V.; Kosinsk 1. V Prave"i Typ__q yaA L. Ls d T IT LE Pro uct.lon: of chrowsl I iconl2ed steel SOURM, Metallovedenlye I termichaskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 9, 1`964, 45-47 steeli~silicqn steel, chromium steel. chromium ailicon steel IchroalUing'-, siliconiili&_- -The paper describes the effect of the medium and temperature ABSTRACT: on the depth of:the diffusl6n layer during chromosillconization of steel. An electric t muffle furnace was used with powdered-chromium, silicon, aluminum oxide and ammonium chloride at 900, 1000 and 1100C, The flux conWnad I -- 77. st, 55 -- 49% -Cr, 42% alum'Inum oxide and 2'10 ammonium chloride. Tile depth of the diffusion layer - was-found to increase with increasing Sl contcnt and temperature, and to decrease Wth increasing C contentjh the steel, Spectral analysis showed that the chromium -and silicon diffused together In alVcases.. e When th meta I s viere introduced suc- cassively, howeverS -separate layers were. formed. It.was found that the diffused chromium attracted the carbon to the surface, leading to a lower carbon.content Ibeneath thesurface.. X-ray analysis revealed the formation of chromium silJcIldel,'~ I In the diffusion layer, and showed that the densest layers are formed with a sil;-' on-content-o 1 0 f 3-3..57,. Analysis ofthe microhardnest shvwed.a slight Increase wit S/081/61/000/01,2/024/028 B103/B202 AUTHORS: Bogdanov, N. F., Praven1kaY_~--1T---i-- TITLE: Refining of "gach " (paraffin containing oil which cannot be pressed out)of the Eastern factories for the production of oxidizable paraffins PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1961, 527, abstract 12M185. (Tr. Groznensk. neft. n.--i. in-t* 1960, vYP. 7, 115-128) TEXT: Destructive distillation was employed for the produdtion of paraffin with boiling limits between 320-4500C (which is subsequently being oxidized) from the heavy gacheeg of the Eastern factories. First, fractions of first distillation up to 4500C are separated from the gach; subsequently, the heavy residaumboiling at>4500C, is subjected Iwo destructive distillation for 60-80 min at a reaction temperature of 400-4100C and a temperature of 350-3600C at which the vaporous products are removed. As a result the authors obtained 72-78Yo of gach fraction boiling out between 320-4500C and 50-60% of paraffin with a melting point of up to 540C from which 28-38% Of Card 1/2 S/081/61/000/012/024/028 Refining of "gach" (paraffin ... B103/B202 finished paraffin with the given melting point can be produced, EAbstracter's / note: Complete translation. I Card 2/2 BOGDANOV. IT.F.; PRAVENIKAYA, T.I.; SERGEYEVA, M-I.; BIRASHCHENKO, Ye.M. Separation of aromatics from petroleum products vith the aid of an aluminosilicate adsorbent in a propane solution. Trud.7 GrozNII no.4:189-198 '59. 041RA 12:9) (Petroleum products) (Aromatic compounds) (Adsorption) PRAVETS -- lntroducinf~ operators of rrAgnon a~-nnihllation of the Bloch-L-yson spin-wave theory. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 12 no.2:296-298 Ag 161. (MIJU 14-9) 1. Vengerskaya Elarodnaya Respublika, TSentrallnyy nauchno- isoledovatell4iy institut fiziki, Budapest. (Ferromagnetimm) (Particles (Nuclear physics)) L 03772-67 FSS7.~2,LU.7( 1 TB/? ~c iir---(C~ ACC NR; AN6030515 SOURCE CODE: UR/9003/66/Ock/050/0006/'OC66 AMOR: Sisak-yanL t -(Candidate of medical sciez-Aces); (Ac~-idemic-'~an);,,Pra,,retskiy, X,., v, B. Cosmonaut) Yegoro ORG: none TITLE: Biological laboratory in orbit SOURCE: Izvestiyal 01 Mar 66, p. 6, Col. 5-7 i TOPIC TAGS: biologic space flight, dog, cardiovascular system, reflex activity, bioelectric phenomenon, space biologic experiment, dosimetry, space telemetry ABSTRACT: The article cited below gives exceptional detail on 'the program a of the specialized biological satel--~ of research caried*out by launching lite "Kosmos-110' v~/'The objective was study of the neuro-reflex regula- t4'on of the cardiovascular system. This was done by measurement of a-rterial pressure by a probe inserted in the arteries of an animal; the same probe was used for introducing pharmacological preparations, making possible evaluation of the functional state of the reflex regulation of the blood circulation apparatus. In addition, there was recording of bioelectric currents'of the heart by inserted electrodes and registry .of the mechanical activity of the heart (seismogram) and respiration. Electrodes also were applied to the peripheral nerves, making it possible L'o evaluate the activity of the central formations of. the brain respon- L 03772-67 -ACC -NR--: -AN60-3-0515 s--;'3!e for regulation of vascular tone. Ifne satellite had two separate .cabins for holding the experimental animals .. 4the dogs I'Veterok" and "Ugolek.0 I'Veterok" was the principal experimental animal, with the other servirg as a control. The cabin for the first differed from the cabin for the second in having a pharmacological container and a pneu.- matic system operating on compressed gas servicing both cabins for supplying food and pharmacological substances from corresponding containers. The ani;-.1als were fed food in a paste fom from plastic con- tainers holding specific amounts; the food was fed pneumatically directly into the stomachs of the animals. The feeding schedule was programmed. 7he satellite has the following systaris: air conditioning and air ro- generation for the cabinst ventilation,, collection of liquid and solid waste.. feeding, introduction of phaimiacological substances, regulation and control, telemetry. Air conditioning and air regeneration systems have been improved since previous flights with dogs. Data on all param- eters of reactions of the dogs were sent to eart:n by the telemetric systera. In this experiment for the firstu time the orbit of the satellite i-.ras selected ig,such a way that for a long tine it rcmiained in zones of high radiation'-d(protons of the earth's radiation bc]Lts). Other studies or, this satellite inc~udcd: study,of the radios en si tivity of different biological objects and its change under space flight conditions; invest- - C, .L'ation and checking of the method for designing protection of spaceships and protection of biological objects against cosnic radiation; study of Card 2/3 L 03772-67 ACC NR: AN6030515 distribution of doses and the composition of cosmic radiation within the satellite cabin; measurement oL' the doses of radiation imparted to the dogs and other biological objects; testing of a number of idnds of bio- lo".:cal dosimeters. The most suitable biological objects were selected: 0 different types of yeasts; sampler. of blood serum; preparations of various serums; some types of Chlorella; some types of lysogenic bacteria* Note: Considerable additional detail is given on the various aspects of this flight. IJFRS: 36,5531 ~UB CODE: 06, 22; SUBM DATE: none Card 3/3 - -c P i I I - 1 -.1 -- 1. I - .-I* 11 - - Pq~id... --2/2 L 215CO-66 FSS-2/F?,T(1)/E',-1A(d) TT/DD/RD/r,!'-? ACC MI.- AN6008015 (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/9008/66/000/064/0001/000-L AUTHORi Parin, V.; Pravetskiy. V*-, Yegorov, B, ORG: none TITLE: Unique experiment - the flight of the Kosmos-110 satellite Is completed SOMICE: Krasnaya zvezda, 18 Mar 66, p. 1, col- 3-7. P. 4, col. 1-4 TOPIC TAGS: space biologic experiment, EKG, blood pressure, life support system, drug effect, respiration, spacecraft, space telemetry, space T11, space flight, weightlessness, cardiovascular system, dog ABSTRACT: The biomedical experiments carried out on Kosmos-110 represent the first step in a planned program of biomedical experiments on orbital spaceships designed to answer two questions: Can man adapt himself to the state of weight- iessness, and if so, how dangerous will the return to terrestrial gravitation be7 Taking into account the fact that weightlessness acts in a selective manner on the circulatory system, it was decided to give primary emphasis to the study of how prolonged weightlessness affects the neuroreflex regulation of the cardiovascular system, The two dogs used in the experiment underwent certain surgical Card 1/4 L 2150,jl-66 ACC 1JR: JU16008015 alterations which made it possible to study the responses of the cardio- vascular system to the administration of standard type stimulants durir, space flight. One of the dogs served as an experimental animal and re- ceived the whole complex of stimulants, while the seccnd dog served as a control. Electrocardiographs, seismocardiographs, and sphygmo- raphs were used to monitor such parameters as average blood pressur-6 9 and pulse and respiration frequencies. Information telemetered to Earth from on-board television, physiological sensors, and the operation of the life support systems indicated that the condition of the animals during the twenty-two LaX flight was satisfactory. Some changes in the heart action of the two dogs were observed ~;durlng the course of the flight. The fact that arrhythmia became more !Pronounced toward the end of the flight indicates that.some kind of changes :took place in,the system of regulation of cardiac activity. However, i Ahese changes are not considered serious. The heart rate of Veterok i (the experimental dog) varied between 70 and 120, and that of Ugolek (the'control dog), between 60 and 90. It is considered significant that' A the individual differences of the dogs were maintained overt the entire i'duration of htlessness. 1 ~qard TT/ "/F The function of external respiration, which is essential for normal gas and humidity exchange, did not change significantly either. The res- piration rate rose from 12 to 14 in Veterok and dropped f rom 18 to I I in Ugolek. The use of television made it possible to observe the coordination of movements of the animals in weightlessness. For the first eight or nine days some disruption of coordination was particularly noticeable in sweeping head movements. After the ninth day, the dogs became calmer and their movements became more purposeful and better coordinated, jndicating that some degree of adaptation to weightlessness had taken ~Place. The data from television also threw additional light on the func- ;tions of the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for a series of ;changes in th:? organism exposed to weightlessness. The present article has examined only such data as were obtaided as a result of operational monitoring of the animals. On 16 March the dogs were returned to Earth in good condition. The data obtained from Card 3/4 L 21508-66 ACC NR: AN6008015 the flight of Kosmos-110 will require special processing before. a defin- itive evaluation concerning their condition can be made. However, it ils already possible to conclude that the experiment has, without any !doubt, great significance for assuring the flight safety of future space ventures. .-Orig, art. has,-.- 2 figures. fk'M PRESS: 4195-F-7 SUS CODE: 06, 22, 17 SUBM DATE: none Card MMV~ OEM Mm -1-26155-66 EEC(k)-2/EWT(1)Z _EWA(d)ZF5S-_-2 5Q1B TT/DD/GW ACC NRs AN6014086 ( t,~) ) SOURCE CODE:' U'R/9008/66/000/112/0004/0004 AUTHOR: Pravetskiv. V. N. . Gurovskiy, N: N. ; Yegorov, B. B. ; ]~Isgley,_ A. -A.4 ORG: nore TITLE: An important stage in space medicine. Results of the experiment with sputnik Kosmos-110 SOURCE: Krasnaya vzezda, 17 May 66, p. 4. col. 1-5 TOPIC TAGS: weightlessness, space medicine, space -flight, spacecraft, dog/ Kosmos-1101 spacee-aft ABStRACT: Clinical data on the dogs Vgolek and Veterok, following av -.--tended space flight on Kosmos-11OV'are vresented. The aim of the experiment was t,-. jetermine the effect of extended periods of weightlessness on living organisms. Immediately follow- ing the flight, both test animals registered a decrease in muscular volume and a loss of coordination. In the first few days following the flight, an upsurge in the cal- cium content of the urine and blood was observed. Di;turbance of the calcium regime during extended space flight is earmarked for further study. In both animals, gascro- intestinal disturbances vanished after 6-8 days, The data point to the adaptation of the animals' cardiovascular systems to the state of weightlessness while the return to the earth's gravitational field served to further aggravate certain disruptions in their bodily functions, the animals ultimately returned to normal. The authors coa- S/058/6Z/bX/005/032/119 A001A,"Ol AUTHORS: Kisdinb Kosz6, L, Kro6. N., Pravetzky, E., Zsigmond, Gy. TITLE: Investigation of graphite neutron collimators PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 43-44, abstract 5B342 ("Magyar M.. foly61rat", 1961, v. 9, no. 5, 341-347, Hungarian) TFIT: The authors describe a graphite coilimator for thermal neutrons sliding into the horizontal channel of the reactor thermal column. Collimator dimensions are: diameter 135 mm. length 1,000 mm. It is possible to change quickly the shape and dimensions of the collimator slit. Divergence of a beam past the collimator in dependence on the slit diameter is calculated in detail. Calculations are compared with experimental data. It is shown that at large slit diameters, neutron reflection from the collimator surface results in some non-uniformity of beam angular distribution. A. Parlag FAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 ANTONIJEVIC, V.; PRAVICA M Spectrophotometric studies of 2,5-hydr= ybenzoic acid and RE complex with uranium. Bul Inst Nucl 13 no.2:65-73 Jl 162. I 1. The Boris Kidricb'Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Department of Physical Chemistry., Vinca. r/viv /Analytical signIfIcancoqof wine reductones, Vanadium' triose-reduc e~ a d uranyl-reductic acid complex. :n ! Muk and Itt. B. Fruvicae 0 ! ; O~Q orn 'U U ' 19 59 ). -The high molar ab!orbancy Indexes of the 656 and W mju max. at pH 5.0 of the covalently bonded ' complex of 2 Ions V(V)/mol. triose-reductone, land at pil 3.7 of I Ion V(V)/mol. triose-rtductone, facilitate the s cc- XI trophotometrte detn. of V(V) at conens. above 0.26 - I. V(VII) and V(V) are detd. as their triose-reductone com- plexes by a matrix method based on the difference In molar -absorbancy Indexes of the respective complexes at M5 and 6W mp. The V triose-reductone complex 3 2 nlaro- l i i 1l d h 5 lzr s we e .5-3 e waves. one of wh eve in t ch -graph pH range and moving from Be/. ~ -7.5 to Be/, m -0.9 ~v. with Increasing pH. and the other in the pH range of r~.&-6.0 moving from Be/, - -0.15 to Be/, - -4.5 v. ...The oxidation state of V in the triose-reductone complex I di h I d f d b 4 m V d s cate ro ese n t ata to e oes not affect +. detn. of the 1:1 molar UWll)- the spectrophotometria reductle "complex, but Mo(VI) exhlbitingsimillar absorb. ancies at all wave lengths makes the detn. of one hi the re= of the'other not posslole. C 471) interferes to a Pb 11 d Z 11 f I 11 Cd i n the.~. nter &e tent, ); an ). ) ( ( hie detn a the UNTO u f ,U 12, 1 xat ~V ~ U PRAVICZ, LaJos Pecs is an apcient city. Hung TU no.10:16-17 0 162. L 1-460-66 EW(m)IEWP( t)/WP(b) IJP(c) JD ACC NR: TP-6005878 SOURCE CODE: UR/0075/65/020/010/1054/1058 45 Akova_, G. G.; Bondarevskaya, Ye. A.; Pea~ridlo, G. Ye. AUTHOR: Terentlyev, A. P.; Lar ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. Lcmonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- versitet) TITLE: Lithium aluminum dride n analysis. Report Ho. 2. Determination of lithium aluminum hydride content SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 20, no. 10, 1965, 1054-1058 TOPIC TAGS: hydride, lithium compound, aluminum compound, volumetric analysis ABSTRACT: A previously described technique for determining active hydrogen in or- ganic substances by means of LiAlH4 was used to check the lithium aluminum hydride content of ether solutions and the composition of solid LiAlH4. A weighed sample was decomposed with ethyl alcohol, and the hydrogen evolved was driven with the vap- or of the boiling ether into an azotometer filled with a 1:1 water-ethanol mixture, which absorbed the ether vapor. From the azotometer, the hydrogen was transferred into a eudiometer for volume measurement. Analysis of three samples of 100% LiAlH4 Card 1/2 L ih689-66 ACC NR: AP6005878 showed that the error does not exceed tl%, and the results are in good agreement with the end hydrogen analysis. The method can be used for the analysis of sodium aluminum hydride and other hydrides. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 3 tables. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 030at64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REr., on vk Card 2/:Z. TERENTIYEV, A.P.; LARIHVA, G.G.; BONDARFVSKAYA, Ye.A.; PJUVIDLO, G.Ye. Lithium alumim= hydTide in anp-17i3is. ReDort No. 2: of lithium aluminum hydride content. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no.10, 1054-1-058 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. PRAVIDLO, H.U., iw,'-. 11 1 Modernizing drilling machines used for milling exhaust chariber .-rooves in cylinder heads. Kashinostroitell no. 8:1?-20 Ag 15S. (MIRA 11:8) (Drilling and boring machinery-Attacbwents) AUTHOR: Pravidlo, N.N. Engineer SOV-117-58-8-4/28 TITLE: Modernization of a Drilling Machine for the Milling of Croove of Exhaust Chambers In the Cylinder HeAd (NIodet-nizatsiyn sver- lil'nogo stanka dlya frezerovaniya kanavok vykhlopnykh kamer v golovke tsilindrov) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr A, pp 17-20 ABSTRACT: Grooves for the exhaust chambers must be cut in the machining of the cylinder head for the engine ZIL-150B. In the Motorcar Plant imeni Likhachev a vertical drilling machine has been adapted for this purpose by fitting it with a special three- spindle planetary-milling head and an appliance with a turn- table. Three grooves are cut simultaneously by the three spindles of the planetary-milling head. The design of this three-spindle head is shown in Figure 2. The spindles are fitted in eccentric bushes which may revolve around their axis and change tl-.eir eccentricity. The hydraulic system of the lathe is shown in Figure 5. The oil from the pump passes through a four-way valve into the upper part of the cylinder. The technical data of the modernized lathd is as follows; 3 spindles, 2,300 revolutions of the spindle per min, cutting Card 112 speed 320 m/min, power of the electric motor of the head SOV-117-58-8-4/28 Modernization of a Drilling Machine for the Milling of 'Iroove3 of ---xha-,;at Chambers in the Cylinder Head 4.5 kw, with 1,440 revolutions per min, diameter of the cutter 40 mm. There are 5 diagrams and 1 table, ASSOCIATION: Avtozavod imeni Likhacheva (Motorcar Plant imeni Likhachev) 1. Drilling machines - Applications Card 2/2 f " " ; v " - ! ~ , , - .-- it.. - A. PRAVIDLO, N.N. Undercutting supports with hydraulic drive. Mashinostroitel' no.10:37 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Drilling and boring machinery-Attachments) PRAVIKOV G.A.; MPOVA, Ye.S.; PETRISHCHKVA, PA.A.; REVUNOV, Ye.F.; --o KARAPETYAN, A.B.; SAFIYANOVA, V.M. Eradicat'-~On of pappataci fever in Ashkhabad. Vop.kraev,,Paraze Turk.SSR 3:31-53 162. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniya Tarkmenskoy SSR i Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F.Gamaleya, Moskva, (ASHKHABAD--PAPPATACI FEVER) KER13ABAYEV,Fjaill Berdyyevich; POPOVA, Ye.S., red.; U4VAQv,__q.A., red.; MAYOROVA, Yu.M., red.izd-va; IVONTIYZVA, G.A., (Annotated bibliography on parasitology in Turkmenistan] Bibliografiia po parazitologii Turkmenii (annotirovannaia). Ashkhabad, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, 1963. 145 p. (M T 13A 16 s 7) (Bibliography--Turkmanistm--Parasitology) (Turkmenistan--Parasitology-Biblio'graphy) FRAVIKOV, G.A., dotsent Some Droblems of the epidemiology of cutaneous leishronlasis of the desert type and the Improtance of preventive vaccinations, Vop.kraev.paraz.Turk.SSR 301-76 162. (MIRA 1534) 1. Turkmenskly gosudarstvennyy meditsinkiy institut, Ashkhabad. (DELHI BOIL-PREVENTIVE INOCULATION) PRAVIKOV, G.A. JL-i)lacement of rialaria mosquito snecies by others in certain, of Turkmenistan and its caitses. Izv.AN Turk.SSR no.1:62-69 '52. (91-RA 6:8) 1. Institut malyarii i medparazitologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Turkmenakoy SSR. (Tarkmeniatan-Mosquitoes) (Mosquitoes-Turkmenistan) S/204/62/002/004/008/019 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Shatenshteyn, A.I., Yakovleva, Ye.A., Kovrizhnykh, Ye.A., Manochkina, P.N., Pravikova, N.A. TITLE: Acidic properties of some monomers PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya, v.2, no.4, 1962, ~07-511 TEXT: A method of deuterium exchange was used to determine the acidities of butadienei 2-methylbutadiexie-1,3; 2,3-diniethylbutadiene-1,3; hexadiene-2,4; 2,5-dimethylliexadiene-2.4 and a-methylstyrene. Theexperiments were conducted at 250C with 0-05N KNH2 in liquid ND3. In all cases low molecular polymers were formed and separated from solution. ' It was found that H atoms in the methyl groups in allyl position in respect to double bonds exchange for D more rapidly than the H atoms next to double bonds. For a-methylstyrene in 0.02N KNH2 the hydrogen exchange proceeds rardly, the rate constant K being about 1.2 + 0.1 x 10 -sec . This rate of H exchange is faster than that in 'the methyl group in propylene and a little slower than that in the methyl group in toluene. The main role in the polymerizatbm of a-methylstyrene is played by the processes connected with proton Card 1/2 S/2o4/62/002/004/008/019 Acidic properties of ... E075/E436 transfer, in contrast to the polymerization of styrene- This is confirmed by the high content of N (1.4%) in polystyrene compared with that in poly a-methylstyrene 0.16%). It is expected that similar differences in the mechanism of polymerization exist between methylated dienes and butadiene. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova (Physico-Chemical Institute imeni L.Ya.Karpov) Card 2/2 FRAVIKOVA, N.A.; RYABOVA, L.G.; VYRSKIY, Yn.P. Application of turbidimetric titration for determining the molecular weight distribution of polystyrene and 0(-roethylstyrene. Vysokom. soed. 5 no.8:1165;-1170 Ag 163. (MIRA 16;9) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.V.Karpova. (Styrene polymers) (Molecular weights) (Turbidity) SMENSWEY.1i, A.I.; PRAVIKOYL, N.A. ---., i Effect of co-7ploz for,,ation on tbm properties of t:nlutlnns of methyl estnr polymers of nothncrylle acid. VyBokon.soed. I no.?:215~221 F 159. (IIIIL" w:10) (Mntbacrylic acid) RYABOVA. L.G.9a BEMINEIIA. Mao.; FRAVIKOVA, N.A. micros.-2;ope- study of turbidimetric titration of polyst~"ena. Vysokam.aoed. 7 no.10:1796-1797 0 165. (MIRA 18.-1I) 1. n,!ko--khim-4cheskJ.y insLitut 1-mani L.Ya.Karpova. PRAVIKOVA, N.A.; DAVYDOVA, V.P.; KIRICHENKO, V.A.; YAKUSHINA, T.A. Application of the turbidimetric titration method for determ-Lininla the molecular weight distribution in siloxane polymers. Kauch. i rez. 24 no.10:19-22 165, (MIRA 18t10) 1. Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova, Moskva. i Vseso.wuznyy, nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut sinteticheskogo kauchuka imeni S.V.Lebedeva. SHATENSH-Mli, A.I., prof.; V!M--Kl'Y, Yu.F., i~anrl. PRAVIKOVA, N.A., kard. tekh_-.. nauk: AMIKII,'~,GV, kand. khirr. nauk; ZiMOGIIIA, ir.l., kzvnd. MUMNIKOV, A.L.y uilnd. nauchn. lcjtr.; red. ll~luk; Y.F., kc~m. LEVINSKlY, Yu.V., [Fractical laboratory manual. on the determination cf the molecular weights and molecular weii'lit. distrihition polyiners] PralcticheAoe rukovocl.Avo po opredult'.1i'l ill lelculiarr~ykh veoov -.1. rasprede-le- niia polir.erov. [By] A.I.Sllatep.Afteln i dr. Khimiia, 19/1. 128 p. f 0- 18:2) PRAVILA 0' 0 4559. PRAVILA -pa tekhnike bazopasnosti na losoz tovkakh i lesotranspgrte. futv. am lesnogo khozyaystva SSSR, a iz:m. ot 2 1953 g. Riga, 19.5_4/. 18 a. M-v 'N 2,U sm. (Nvo lesnogo khozyaystva latv. SSR). 00 ekz. b. ts. na latysh. yaz.- L54-541CL2/ 634.98t658.283 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', Vol. 1, 1956 PRAVIDLO, U.N.; LKBPMIIISKIY. YU-11- Machine for cutting abrasive cloth. paper, and carton in bands. Mushinostroltoll no.2:29-30 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Cutting machines) USSR/M:Lcrobiolo(;y - Microbes FathoGenic for Man and Animls. F Drucellae Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 22, j-956, 99432 Author Pravilo, N.P. Inst Title On the Problem of the State of OpsonophaCpcytic ReactLon in Persons Inoculated ACainst DrucelloGis with Living Attenuated Vaccine (Author's neport) OriG Pub Zh. rlikrobiol., epideraiol. i irmunobial., 1958, No 2, 107-108 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 85 - PRAVILO, II.P. N90nocytophagic reActions in humR-n subjects vRecinpted with living nitenuated'brucellosis vnccine, author's nbstrpct. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 29 no.2:107-108 F 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Chelyabinskopo meditainskogo institutn. (BRUGELLOSIS, euidemiology, vacc. with attenunted living vnecine, eff. on opsono- phagocytic renction (Rus) FRAVILOV, B.R. (S.Kaninn Ryazanskoy obl.) Studying the topic "Powers and roots." Mat.v shkole no.2: 54-55 Mr-Ap '59. OURA 12:6) (Alzebra .-Stlidy and teaching) BMAR VICH, A.K. (Gomel' );BZR.ESIAVSKIY, M.D. (Uzhgorod);GROMOV, A.P. (Helekess); DUBINCHUK, Ye.S.;TASIJ=, I.F.(Kiyev);ZOLOTOVITSKIT, Ye.N. (Reutovo); KAZHM , B.I. (leningrad);KLIMCHENED, D.Y. (BerCxyaask);XXLIHIXOY. K.S. (Sterlitamak);XIMUYWV, X.F. (Magnitogorsk); HASYROV, A.Z. (Sterl- itamak);NZFXWV, D.I. (Moskva); NOVOSAWV, S.I. (MosVva)iLRAYII4ff.-LA,- (s.Kanino BVazanskoy obl.);PMTS3V, N.A.(Kursk);SAMOVICH, A.F. (Sverdlovsk) Discussion of the plans for the programs. Mat. v shkole no.6:5-28 N-A-D 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Mathematica--Study and teaching) ACC INPk: AI)603,,l r-)!, soma. com: uR/ool8/66/oop/oll/0111/0115 AUTHOR: Pravilov, M. (Licutenant Colonel) ORG: None TITLE: Firing training in the mountains SOURCE: Voyennyylvestnik, no, 11, 1966, 111-115 TOPIC TAGS: military personnel, military training, ground weapon, infantry weapon, weapon component, weapon test range, military geography ABSTRACT: Artillery and rifle training on ranges does not always permit the working out of fire adjustment problems according to the requirements for firing in mountain- ous terrain. That is why such training is conducted in an area with a terrain pro- file similar to that of mountainous country. Special equipment can be fashioned from materials readily available to troops for portable rifled barrels and tripod- mounted guns. MoUntain gun batteries have mounts with brackets for PGP-70 sights and for RPM-44(M),sights on mortars. Details of the mountings are shown in accompanying sketches. One such training exercise in fire adjustment in mountainous terrain-was simulated in order to provide the most realistic training of commanders, scouts, range finders, radiotelephone operators and gunners in their functional specialties. Reconnaissance of the training area, siting of observation points, and Card 1/2 ACC NR:AP6036154 firing positions for portable weapons, leveling and calibration of these weapons for fire against visible and masked targets, are described. Movements of obsez-va- tion posts and firing positions provide the training in adjustment of fire from different positions, with the consequent requirements for laying out new fields of fire and new adjustments for both the 76-mm, gun and 120-mm mortar batteries. All personnel thus gain the most realistic experience in their specialties, even under simulated fire conditions. Orig. art. has: figures. SUB CODE: 15/SUBM DATE: None PRAVILOVA, T.A.; SOLECIDUK, N.Ya.; KHODLUNOVA, G.11. Effect of the electromagnetic field of hi.ah-frequency currents on paper. Trudy LTA no.91:1.45-153 160. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Laboratoriya konservatsii i restavratsii dokumentov All SSSR. (Paper-Disinfection) (Electromagnetism) (Materials at high temperatures) PR~VILGVA, T.A.; SOLEGIINIK, N.Ya.; KHODARINOVA, G.H. Effect of the electromagnetic field of high-frequency currents on paper. Trudy LTA no.91:1-45-153 '60. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Laboratoriya konservatsii i restavratsii dokumentov KN SSSR. (Pa-lx-r-Diainfection) (Electromagnetism) (Materials at high temperatures) PRAVITSKIY, Nikolay Klement 01-3hp --- -- - ----- retsenzent; retsenzent; DIYAKOVICH, 'yetii~n. P.-inimal uchr!stiye SHISHKC-:V., I-., prof- doktor tekkin. nauk, KLEMPUV, M,F, dots, kand. telrhn,, nauk, PLOTNIKOV, K.S, ., kand, tekhn, nauk, otv. red,; G.B.,; red,; Bf)LI)YREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red, (Mine hoisting apparat-us] ffiid,-dchnye pud"emnye ustanovki., Moskva, osgortekhizdat, 1963., 416 p~ (MIRA 16:9) (Mtne hol5talng) MK~TSA~T._Mikolay 14~menVyevich; XACHEROVSKIY, V.M., otvetstvannyy radaktor; LIBMAN, B.S., reclBktor izdatellstva; ANDRMV, S.P., .tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Hoisting apparatus for mines] Rudnichnya pod*emnys ustanovki. lhargkov, Goo. nauchno-takhn. lzd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 301 P. (MLRA 10:1) (Hoisting machinery) PRAVITSKIY, N.K.,l kand. t,-,khn. naul~ (deceasedl- CHERTAVItLYIL9, V kand. tekhn. nauk Limiting valuee of startang acceleration and slowang down of multirope hoisting machineri, Gor. zhur. no.9;41-43 S 16.. 047,4 17:,!-.e"I 1. Dnepropet-ovqkly gornyy initltut (f.,-)r 2. KrivorozhskJy go,-ncr-,idny-y ins"Itut- (for Cheriwtlyk',O. -PR~VITSKIYJA.K.j.dotsent [deceased); RIPP, M.G., dotsent; FETUKHOV, A.I., ~. Aotsent; SHISHKOV, M.; dotsent; TSrYTLIN, N.A., dotsent Criticism concerning a textbook. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;gor.zhur. 6 no.11:154-156 t63. (MIRA 17-4) PUVITSKIY, V. Shortcomings of the PKG-36 water tank truck. Pozh.delo 6 no.10:25 o l6o. (MIRA 13:10) (Fire engines) PRAVITSKIY, V.N., inzh.; KORSUNI, M.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk Measuring device for testing bilckets of rotary excavators and study of the process oil cutting hard rock. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 6 no. 12:104-106 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornyy institut imeni Artema. Rekomendovana kafedroy gornykh mashin. I KORSUNI, M."a., kand. toldLn. rLauk; Using rotary excavators for mining orc in the ':erch i_, on oT,-- basin. Gor. zhur. no.7.D~-20 J1 (:rlu l'i:10) 1. Dnrapropetrovskiy gurry- y inititut. SITNIKOV, Vasiliy Sergeyevicb,-_PRAVKIN, G.p red.; YELAGIN, A., tekbn. red. [Obtaining 238 poods of millet per hectare],Dvesti tridtsatt vosem' pudav prosa s gektara. Moskva, Izd-vb,"Sovetskaia Ros- siiapu 1961. 12 p. - (MIRA 14:8) 1. Starshiy traktorist zvena kompleksnoy mekhanizatsii kolkhoza "Krasnaya zvezda" &rshechenskogo rayona Kurskoy oblasti (for Sitnikov) (Millet) 1"RAVIM"', G.A. 1:inth lefendeleev Conjres-- on General and App~~ed -;. ~I., ~ I'lim. I tekh. top!. i :-,,asel 10 no.12:54-56 D 165. (I'LE'A 119: 1) x w.v K Problems of hydrolysis In the problema of general cherrdst-,-7; fr,,r, the materials of the Ninth Mandeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry. Gildroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 18 no.6:30 165. (MIRk .18:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-S.9sledovatel'skly i=titut bizainteze belkovykh veshchestv. FdJDENKO, Ivan Romanovich, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta RSFSR; ERAVKIN, G.A,_,.red.; YELAGIN, A.S., tekhn. red. (Give careful attention to collective farm machinery] Kol- khoznym, mashinam - zabotlivyi ukhod. Moskva, Izd-vo _'"Sovetskaia Rossiia," 1961. 23 P. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza im. Stalina Shebekinskogo rayona Belgorodskoy oblasti (for Rudenko). (Agricultural machinery--Maintenance and repair) RUDNITSKIY, Vitaliy Valarianovich, deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta RSFSR; PRAVKIN, G.A., red.; KUZNETSOVA, G.I., [Work teams on construction jobs] Kowpleksnye brigady na stroikakh. Moslcwa. Izd-vo "Sovetskaia Rossiia," 1958. 29 p. (Building) (MIRA 12:4) RTABOHIKOV& Tevgeniy Ivanovich; PUVKIN, G.A., red.; KATVEYEV, A.P., [Flame over the Arctic] Plamia nad Arktikoi. Movkvs, Savetaknia Rosaiia, 1959. 185 p. (KIM 12:6) (Russia. Northern-Description and travel) ANISIMOV, Nikolay Wich; PRAVKIN, G.A., red.; MATVEYEV, A.P., [At a new stage] He novom etape. Moskva, Izd-vo *Sovetakaia Rossiia,* 1959. 149 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Agriculture) L 1 78-66 -7cC NRt AP6001884 i AUT11OR% Pravkin, Go A, ORG: none SOURCE CODEs UR1006516510001012100YPI0056 TITIE-. Ninth Mendeleyev conference on general and ap~Ued chenistry SOURCE: Khixlya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no. 12, 1965, 54-56 TOPIC TAGSt agriculture science, chemical conference, food toohnolo chemistry ABSTRACT: The Ninth Mendeleyev conference, hold in Kiev in July 19~5, had as its main theme the role of chemistry in the development of agricultural production of food products. More than 2200 Soviet delegates participated in sessions of this conference during which more than 800 papers were presented. ZA-TD PRESS: 4177-3F SUB CODE: 07, 02, 06 / SUBM DATE: none i Card BELAN, Roman Vasillyevich; PHAVKIN, G.A., red.; YELAGIN, A.S., teklm. red. ------ (Third metallurgical supply contor]Tretlia metallurgichoskaia. Moslcva, Sovetskaia R-ooniia, 1959. 1+6 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Siberia-Iron, and steel plants) ILIIN, Valentin Mikhaylovich; MAYEVSKIY, I.V., doktor ekonom. nauk, red.; PRAVKIK,-IL.A,,-red.; POPOV, N.D., tekhn. red. (Fasterlbetterg cheaper.'; Prefabrication techniques in capital constructionjBystree, luchshe, deshevlel; industriali- zatsiia ~I-apitallnogo stroitellstva. Pod red. I.V.Maevskogo. Moskva) Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1960. 86 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Construction industry) RYABCHIIOV, Yevgenly Ivanovich; PRAVXIN, G.A.. red.; nYUCEMVA, T.D., (The sun is shining on the seven-year plan] SoIntse ovetit semiletka. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetakaie Rossiia." 1960. 86 p. (KIRA 13:6) Onssis-Economic conditions) BLOKHIN N.N.. red.; FEDIKIN. Gavriil Ivanovich; PRAVKIX 9 KAKAROVA, A.H0, iWrM91=r8-d. [Legal problems in the organization of scientific work in the U.S.S.R.] Pravovye v4rony organizateii nauchnoi raboty v SSSR. Noakva, Gos.izd-vo iurid.lit-ry, 1958. 355 P. (MIRA 12:2) (science) 1000909111111 900t00006009 ~9~0 - 9 0-0-0- 0 too www www-. : 64000006 ,or 16 0 Is 0000000 0 *** s 41P '1 0 o off 911110 11 1 .1 4 " a ton nba isvmm .bjl 11" Nis Ulf umdj 041 "dlj:O It 2 AAA -it Y- I-L-M a 1% up U I 7~O 0 el 06, #1 CA l -00 00, -00 00 c 00 * .60 it) ;U) Get, 65, I S*mf, J'lh'h 1 lw'.L 1034 . . . . Fl~wll w%vt-11 Nn~ lu-I-. 3.' tt lot. jet i., L -00 go .4 Alleflule IAVSfN of linc-polallikil IK111,11%tv -00 OF a aild lulf-w In ... 14. 111. 11 1-171MM.1 111114111111A111" 9A%. 41LAIyAll Of Wilk 11 11111W4 ()I 0A, Cot 112, Ili ~kl 1. N, 19.0, A, Kr anti Xe 11.47A anti Ile It ikir,. nor "ficill 14 'hu-11,owd alld th"Ilght firt'Imbir I.? Ik- lmllui 14.1 with vol'~;lllic C. A, Nliwfla.l coo 09 a00 00 00 00 goo w0 00 .1 ago e woo A S 0 1 L A MITALL~PUKAL Llft**Tlgf CLA%%W�C&fiCm f 1 0 woo a t1w a I W I #a a It 'v .13 Lv ; ; u 9 &V 9v it 00 9 g ; Ow ea *!Ooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 06 0 :0 MDMATLOV, Ivan Tefimovich; ILICHENKO, Aleksay Ignatlyevich; PRAVNICH=-O,____ -A.,__insh., retsenzent; ZHUKOVSKIT, L., inzh., retsenzent; SMOKA, M.S., red. (Reductors for mining machinery] Raduktory shakhtnykh mashin. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 254 p. (MMA 13:5) (Mining machinery) (Gearing) ZHMBIN, 14.M-,kELnd.tekhn.nauk; PBAVIIICHENKO. A.N.,Inzh. Shaft sinking with use of a boring rig. Ugol' Ukr. 2 -no.10:39- 42 o 158. (MM,12:1) (Shaft sinking) (Boring machinery) AUTHOR: Pravnichenko, A.N, SOV/128-58-11-17/24 TITLE: ~-.:bonveyer*- Lifies~,for-Casting Trolley Wheels in Metal Molds (Konveyyerizatsiya otlivki vagonetochnykh kol9s v metalli- cheskiye formy) PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 11, pp 28-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A new technological process for chill casting trolley wheels was developed at "Ukrgipro3hakht" and introduced at the Toretskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod im. K.Ye. Voroshilova (Ttretsldy Machine-Building Plant imeni K.Ye. Voroshilov). The semi-automatic closing and opening of th2 molds, their me- chanized cleaning and painting, mechanized beating out of ingots from the molds, preheating and cooling of the molds, are carried out on the conveyer 4nstallation. The new pro- cess reduced the work cycle for wheel casting to 22 minutes. There is 1 diagram. 1. Vehicle wheels--CaBting 2. Fqundries--Equipment Card 1/1 PRAVON,_V,,_, Work experience of the enterprises of the Istonian SSR. Moloch. prom. 17 no.6:42 '56. (.W.RA 9:10) 1. Pyarnuskiy treat. (Estonia--Dairy industry) a 0 6 a 0 a a 0 Oj3 Is It 11 Il v a 14 as as 0 It A a 11 m 33 ld As 36 v m it a A S-. JL. AL- J--J .-Jr,-A -A-JL-I- it MIp0AI I u I !-l.,, go I , , I a k . I I AA 00 CL u W. I.P Tho hydrogeology of thq Kubg~ SjgW, Plavo. ll&vlrV._ 09 C; Nows Jaw. mintrai. ( . ~nsl. IM. Relemle 11, 87-8. --A chctn~ anstlYsis of arttsian woler is giw.. i." t P. Schaire 00 S L A ETALLURC'KAL LITINATIAl CLAISIFICAMN I z a a 6 0 0 it 00 .0em . , a ,AJ so I .0* -60 00 00 coo 00 roe r oo ASO 1 wjrl dric 0 0 0 Oi so .1111 00 t -9 ad 0 0 a I N 1w I d3 43 3 U U AV -0 IS',*, 17 L? OP K K It K It ft cl If x KL0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 PRAVDINA, K.I. Determination of deoxyriboDuclease by the viscosimetric method. Lab delo 6 no.1:27-30 Ja-Ye 160. (MIRA 13:43 (DWXYRIBONWCLRASN) (VISCOSIMETRY) MINOVA, Kariya Borisovna;l-PRAYDIBA-VINARMAYA,.Yelena Hikolayevna; TARASOVA, K.V.-, red.; TARASOVA, V.V., (Gerebral palsy in children and ways of overcoming it] Detskie tearebralinya paralichi i puti ikh preodoleniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.pedagog.nauk RVSR, 1959. 1959. 215 P. (CWMRn PALSLID CELMO) (MIRA 13:7) .P~AVDYUK, L. M. ". Scattering of light in the dbromosphere by hyclrogen atoms (according to the chromospberic line H,4 ). Izv.G:LO 21 w. -3: 19-23 158. ) WIRA 1314) (sun) BUGAR-MZZAROS, Karoly. dr. ;PBAZNOVSZKY, Marta, dr. Anticoagulant therapy of myocardial infarcts and other heart dissanes. O-rv. hetil. 101 no.26:901-907 26 Je 160. 1. Budapesti Istvan korhaz, I. beloaztaly. (ANTICOAGUUNTS ther.) (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT ther.) (ROM DISIUSIS ther. ) GRIGORITEV, S.V., kand.takhn.nauk, zasluzhannyy deyatell nauki Karellakoy ASSR,; PRAVDIN, I.F., doktor biolog.nauk. zasluzhannyy daystell naaki Karel'skoy AM, red.; Ah-MYEV, I.Y., kand.biclog. nauk, red.; LUTTA, A.S., kand.biolog.nauk. red.; LOBZA, P.G.. kand. geograf.nauk, red.; SAVELITKY, M.M., rod.; POD"TMISKATA, K.M., (Transactions of the Syamozero Expedition] Trud7 Sismozerskoi kompleksnoi ekBpeditsii. Vol.l. (Hydrology and hydroebomistry3 Gidrologiia i gidrokhimila. 1959. 237 p. WRA 13:6) 1. Byamozerskaya komplekonaya ekspeditsiyag 1954-1956. 2. Rukovo- ditell otdela gidrologii Instituta biologii Karellskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Grigorlyev). 3. Rakovoditell sektora zoologii Instituta biologil Karellskogo filiala AN SSSR (for rravdiO. 4. Rakovoditell laborstorii parazitologii Instituta biologii Karel'skogo filiala AN SSSR (for Latte). 5. Rukovoditell laboratorii gidrokhinii Inatitu- ta biologii Karellskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Lobza). (Syamozero region--Limnology) NMMABOV, Valeriy Ivanovich; MTDjR,-4,F*, prof., doktor biolog.nauk,; TIKHOHIROVA, Te.V., red.izd-va; ULITANOVA, O.G., [Fre-sowing cultivation of foreBt-tree seeds at low temperatures] Predposevnaia obrabotka semian leanykh drevesnykh porod ponizhannymi temperst-arami. Mosk7a, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 105 P. (Trees) (MIRA 13:7) FETUKHOV, Ale~sey lva-arp~/!:Lv~'al"Yevi"ll . R PP.; Mlar'- G-~u r Z~ C- !~S. T 1~- zt::T MEAD IT jij'~ kand. D'YAKCIVA C-.,E7 'ek -j. red, (Mining 0-Ing) neer, ng 1965. 400 P. I'MARA SHATS, Yakov Yudelevich; PRAVNICHENKO A N., inzh., retsenzent; 31 '~4= red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., BY-KOVSKIY A.I., nzl.,, tekhn. red. (Packing of assembly bearings] Uplotnenlia podshipnikovykh uzlov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 142 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Packing (Mechanical engineering)) (Bearings (Machinery)) IGNATENKbq N.; KARPOVAj O,p inzho; PRAVON9 E. Letters to the editor. NTO 3 no.4:51 Ap 161. OMIRA 14:3) 1. Predsedatell Belgorodskogo oblastnogo prevleniya Nauohno-tekhni- cheokogo obahoheotva pishchevoy promyshlennosti (for Ignatenko), 2. Chlen soveta Nauohno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva shelkotkatskoy fubrikip g. Kalinin (for Karpova)o 3o Predsedatell pervichnoy organizatsii Nauchno-tekhnichaskogo obahchestva kombinata molochnykh .',produktovp Go Pyarnup Estonskoy SSR (for Pravon). (Technological innovations) PRAVOSLAVJZV. P.A.Edace&Hadl. , - _ .,. Some "B-O'ivediona an the group of contpmpor,,ry Didne-na trigoncides .Pall.Uch.sAp.Len.un. no.102:20-27 150. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Geologicheskiy kRbinat Laningrndskiy Gonudqrstvennyy ordenA Lenins. universitet imeni A.A- Zhdanova. (CRispiah Sea-Lamellibranchioxta) PWOSL.kVLBV, P.A., [deceased] Traces of fossil mud vocanoes near Lake Zlton and volcanic phenomena in the lover trans-Volga region. Trudy Len.ob-va est. 68 no.2: 39-46 '51. (MLBA 9:3) (Blton, Lake--Mud volcanoes) (Volga Valley--Volcanoes) FRAVOSUDOVICH, Nk., iAA The D-551 roller. Stroip i dor. -nqh 7 no.8:18-19 Ag 162. (NIPA 15:9) (Rollers (Vprthwork)) VASILIYEVA, V.V.; PRAVOSUDOV, V.P. Rate of heart systoles as an index of the effect of physical effort on the heart. Trudy ISG14I 72:31-38 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra fizicheskogo vo5pitaniya i vrachebnogo kontrolya Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (zav. kafedroy - dotsent V.P. Pravosudov) i kafedra fiziologii Gosudarstvennogo ordena. Lenina i ordena Krasnogo Znameni instituta fizicheskoy kulltury imeni P.F. Lesgafta (zaf. kafedroy -prof. Ye.K. Zhukov. :r., r !r no o.- n s h n VASILIYEVA, V.V.; KOSSOVS11YA, Z.B.; P11AVOSSUDOV, V.P.; SALICHN11KO, I.N. Study of gas exchange, cxygenation of the blood, and rate of cardiac contractions during intensive work under laboratory conditions. Fiziol. Zhur. 46 no. 7:842-850 J1 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. From the P.F. Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture, Lenin&rade (EXERCISE) (HEART) (BEESPIRATION) (BIJWD-OXYGE, N CONTENT) KUPILOV. P.S.-, Factors influencing the course of conditioned motor reflexes. Vest. AMU SSSR 14 no.1:19-26 '59. O(IRA 12:2) 1. Fiziologicheakly otdel imeni I-P- Pavlo---a Instituta eksperl- mentallnoy(meditsbW AMN SSSR. REPIM, CONDITIOMM, relation of force of conditioned stimuli to force of conditioned motor reaction (Rue)) PRAVOSUDOVICH, N.P., inzh. The D-599 rubber-tired roller. Stroi. i dor. mash. 9 nooJ:14-15 Mr 164. (MIRA 17: 6) FHAVOSMVICH, N.P., inzhener; BUIH, VA., inzhener; ROZMIAT, A.Ya., , , !~. The ET-142 trench cutting machine. Stroi.1 dor.mashinostr. no.1:16-18 Ja '57. (KLRL 10-2) (Excavating machinery) FRAVOTOROVA, G.A.; SAMORUKOVA, A.N. Geography of the agricultural lands of the Rumanian People,?, Republic. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.208-94 Vx-Ap 162. (KRA 15:3) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. .(Rumania-Agricultural geography) SEMENOVP P.I.j PRAVOTOROV, A.F. Changing the obsolete method =7 laying tubular s-.P--ds fr; ~'-e mine shafts under construction. Shakht. stroi. 9 no.7:28--,q il t65. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom Luganakshakhtostroymontazh (for Semenov). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika proizvodstvennogo otudela I tresta Luganskshakhtostroymontazh (for Pravotorov). CHUVATOV, V.V.; BEREZIN, N.N.; METSGER, E.Kh.; NAGIN, V.A.; KA~TASHOV, N.A.,- kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; MILIKOV, N.V.J. kand. tekhu. nauk; BYCHKOV, M.I., kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; SUKHANOV, V.?." SHLYAPIN, V.A.; KORZHENKO, L.I.; ABRAMYCHEV, Ye.P.; KAZANTSEV, I.I.; YARESIKO, V.F.; LUKOYANOVq Yu.N.; DUDAROV, V.K.; BALINSKIY, R.P.; KORUTKOVSKIY, A.E.; PONGMAREV, I.I.; NOVOSELISKIY, S.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; ILIINYKH, N.Z.; TSITKIN, N.A.; RDGOZHIN, G.I.; PRAVOTO-RQI,--B.A,; ORIDV, V.D.; RACHINSKIY, M.N.; KULTYSHEV, V.N.; gfffG-IN, G.N.; KUZNETSOV, V.D.; MACHERET, I.G.; SHEGAL, A.V.; GALASHOVP F.K.; ANTIPIN, A.A.; SRALAKHIN, K.S.; RASCHIKTAYEV, I.M.; TISHCHENKOY Ye.I.; FOTIYEV, A.F.; IPPOLITOV, M.F.; DOROSINSKIY, G.P.; ROZRKOV, Ye.P.; RYUMIN, N.T.; AYZENBERG, S.L.; GOLUBTSOV, N.I.; VUS-VONSOVICH, I.K., inzh., retsenzent; GOLOVKIN, A.M., inzh., retsenzent; GUSELETOV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; KALUGIN, N.I., inzh.,, retsenzent; KRAMINSKIY, I.S., inzh., retsenzent; MAYLE, O.Ya., inzh.J. reteenzent; OZERSKIY, S.M., inzh., retaenzent; SKOBLO, Ya.A., dots., retsenzent; SPERANSKIY, B.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SHALAMOV, K.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; VOYNICH, N.F., inzh., red.; GETLING, Yu., red.; CHERNIKHOV, Ya., tekhn. redi [Construction handbook] Spravochnik stroitelia. Red.kollegiia: M.I. Bychkov i dr. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. Vol.l. 1962. 532 p. Vol.2. 1963. 462 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Construction industry) AN11AXLYCIMY, Aydogdy A.; rRAVOTMV,.G.,~,, red.; ABDULOVA, O.A., red. izd.-va; XASPARIYANTS, L.T., tekhred. (Industrial development of Turkmenistan during the years of Soviet power between 1921 and 19371 Razvitie promyshlennosti Turkmanistana za gody Sovetzkoi vlasti, 1921-1937 gg. ArhkhB- bad. Izd-vo Akad.nauk Turkmenskoi SSR. 1958. 1?2 p. (HIM 12:9) (TurkmaniBtan-Industries) UIKIFORGV,,L.G.) FRAVOTOROV, I.A. Using the hydrometeorological methud for studying the dynamics of the coasts of resemoirs and seas. Okeanologiia 3 no.4: 739-748 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Geograficheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo m universiteta. PRAVOTOROVY I.A. % Using the hydrometeorological method in sti:dying alongshore shifts of Marine alluvium. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5: Geog. no.2:42-47 Mr-Ap .161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Kafedra okeanologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Alluvium) (Coast chaues) FALVOTM7, L.. -,~ LOW, G. wooftZ.11- Continsum cleaning and drying of grain. Muk.-elev.prom. 22 n9.5:7-9 My 156. (WaA 9.9) 1,Vysshaya zagOevitelInaya shkola. (Graia--Cleaning) (Grain--Drying) PRAVOTOROV, M.A., inzh. Get ready for the big leap in agricultural engineering. Zemle-odelie 23 no.lo:66-72 0 61. (MIRA 14:9) (Agricultural machiner-j)