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v -raphy iectcn~c~ 0~ jSj~,-, rrai-~a, Cz~-- -0: List of -,-ast Ew,opean ccessioriz, (T!21* V~Jll - 1955, Uncl. PRANTL, F. "Science, the lawmaker of hwaan society." (p.14*1). HISE IFIL-2D. (Cesko.-jlovenska spoleenost astronomicka) Praha. Vol. 34, No. 7, Sept. 1Y53. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 8, Aug 1954. .., PRANTL, F. "Some Devonian amphipori&i and corals from Hranice and Becvou in Moravia,11 p. 290 (Casopis Pro Hineralogii A Geologh. Vol. 2, no,-, 3, 1957, Czchoslovakia) Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (EEAX) LC. Vol. 7. No# 29 February 1958 ~w 4~;* Go* 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 00 it It Al at a J) Id A A 177 A m 10 if w it 14 13 it Al .4 1. 6. 4. .1 A' LI 1 4 1 )I--U LW '$ -it _1 t C N I a I -JL P, q. A_-I -jt Y- L All Y- I-A-A-L-M N (X-W- 914-2-A- -t.-j A lit Aho 2ko clot.1 00 FlICKlists ..Q PlicrINT-15 -El 0 0 `*off 'C" 00.x action through the life formation at SkAlka VF ".1tirk SYIJ~PN and 11. Praitil. Is 191144f. Thi 4 i"Clildelk peir"graphic Fe me, emstg. heillat ite, %ifivritc. 21141 Lrects CIII'mil'. Michad F a 0 a e0d 000 0 0 LI 0 0 9 00 tj all 0 JIMUDIPIKIlt WINAtitol CLAIPPRAIIIIIII 111? tot" 41104 1114, 11,4111 Ott M, .1 1 4fillil "d "t lit U Is Is WA `0 at of m w K 'a It of a I in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * : 0 :1 900000 * 0 0 IS 0-0 0 -0 -e 0-00 0 a 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 601,2 -- PRANTL, F. 75th anniversary of Joachim Barrande's death. P. 113. CASOPIS; ODDIL PPJRODOVEDNY. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 127, no. 2, 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9. no. 1, January 1960. Uncl. P,WTL, F. Systematic position of the genus Ifercy-nella Kayse. P. 159. CASOPIS; ODDIL PRIRODOVE-jNY. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 127, no. 2, 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, January 1960. Uncl. ', ..' r. t w I -.-_ "Notes on micronaliontologic mct%ocls." P.380 (Vestnik, Vol. 32, rio. 6, 1957, Prairial, Czecliosiovakia) 1-Tont'aly -,ndex of '-astu E--iro~eazl AccessionS (5 J~T) LC) =E - Vol. 7, 'jo. b, Li,-Tust -19558 L '-!-'ven ,"ames Countny: Acaderac Degrees: /not ,,,-iven/ -I:.-)artment o--:' llalc)orituoloL~y, Ueological Institute, Af filiation -. 1--.- -1 ve,,E-slm ai:ade;.:ie ved; Cl,~,eclioslovak Acaderny of ociences/ e a I o u-,---'U--,,v CSAX, sektor paleolitolo,,~ie), Prague Source: -'IrLvue, Ve--tnik Us-Grednilio Ustavu Goolo,,-,ickeho, Vo-l '~:.Hlvl, .,.Io T pp Data: -ew T'ei.taculites veaera of tiie Devonian of -edrich C ~ii ~ -ila- -n-l a- PRANTL, Ferdinand International Meeting of German Paleontological Societies in IVestnik CSAV 68 no.5:677-680 159. 1. Glen korespondent Ceskoslovenske akademie ved. PRANTL, J, Smoothening blast apparatus HIF 4430. Stroj vyr 9 no.7:358-359 161, 1. Kovo-Finis., n.p.,Praha. A -1 . ACC NRt AF60:)4934 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/0236/66/ooo/ooi/0161/oj66 1AUTHOR: Pr tskyavichyus, G. A.-Franckovicius, G.; Yurenas. V. L.-Jurenas, V.; ., _an jDauknis, . I.-Dauknys,-V.,~ Yodis, A. P.-Juodis, A.; Mayauskas, 1. S.-.'Majauskas, J. IORGz Institute of Power and Electrical Engineering, Academy of Sciences Lithuanian SSR (Institut energetiki i alektrotekliniki, Akademii nauk Litavskoy SSR) TITLE: Heat resistance of refractory materials. 1. High temperature apparatus for investigation of heat resistance SOURCEs AIN MtSSR. Ser B. Fiz-matem khim geol i tokhn n. no. 1, 1966, 161-166 TOPIC TAGS: heat resistant material, metallurgic testing machine, aluminum oxide, zirconium compound ABSTRACT: The article describes an original piece of apparatus for investigating the heat resistance of refractory materials with a temperature drop from 2500 to 300OK- The apparatus has two heating elements: the upper high temperature element is made of sheet tungsten, and the lower low temperature element of shoot molybdenum. The heating temperature of the samples in the zone of the upper element can be regulated in the Or intorval from 600 to 2500 0, and in the zone of the lower element from 400 to 1800 By replacing the molybdenum heater by a coil, cooled by countercurrent water, a temperature near 3000K can be reached in the lower zone. Cyclic change in temperature Ci3rd 1/2 ACC Mt Ap6o34934 is achieved by displacing the sample from the high temperature zone to the low temperature zone and back with the aid of an electromagnetic device. Zie test mediu= can be either a vacuum or an inert gas (argon or helium). Zie total powsr requirement of the apparatus is 10 kilowatts. Investigations of the heat resistance of samples of own refractory materials based on refractory oxides of aluminum and zirconium have sh that the apparatus iB sixitable for both long and short term cyclio tests. Orig. art. hast 4 figures. SUB CODEj 11/ SUBYA DATS&' 08Dec65/ ORIG Mg~i 002 Cori .2/2 N T` ~ 0 PA - 246 AUTHOR GNUCHEV S.M., PRANTSOV V.P., MOREHKO G.F., KOMISSARO-V G.K., KLOCHKOVA Z.F. TITLE Melting of Structural Steel in the El~ctria Furnaces with the Use of Oxygen Lance. (Vyplavka konstruktsionno stali v elektropechakh s produvkoy kislorodom. Russians PERIODICAL Stall 1957 Vol 17, Nr 3, pp 228 - 232 (U.S.S.R.) Received: ;/1957 Reviewed: 5/1957 ABSTRACT The investigation of the technology of the production of structural steel by means of the addition of greater quantities of calcium during the melting and on the occasion of the use of gaseous oxygen during the oxidation period in place of iron ore showed the following results: the phosphorus content in the metal after complete smelting of the burden amounted to 0,015 - 0,025 % in the.o"e a:! experimental smeltings instead of 0,050 - 0,060 % in the case of the usual smelting. The oxygen content in the metal before the removal of the oxidation slag at 0,055 - 0,22 % C amounted toO,0490 - 0,0190 %. The MgO content in the slag at the end of the oxidation period varied between 9,90 and 15,51 %, which does not point in the direction of an increased destruction of the bottom during the blowing. The oxygen content in the metal of the experimental CARD 1/2 PA - 2416 Melting of Structuxal Steel in the Electric Furnaces with the Use of Oxygen Land6-. ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED 13Y: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: ameltings on the occasion of tapping amounted to 0,0032-0,0062% and the hydrogen content to 3,9 - 7,0 cbcm/lOO g of the metal. The chemical composition of the slag before tapping does not depend on the kind of oxidation (ore or oxygen). The saving of electric energy during the oxidation period on the occasion of the experimental smeltings were on the average 30 kc/t of usable ingots. Oxygen-consumption was 6-12 cm/t. The quality of the finished metal in the case of oxygen blowing meets the demants set up by the technological standards of the factory. (With 5 tables, 3 illustrations and 6 citations from slav publications.) Central Scientific Research Institute for Iron Production Library of Congress CARD 2/2 DADYWIS, V.I. (Dauknys, V.]; PRANTSKYAVICHYUS, G.A, (Pranckovicius, G.1 Size factor in deterrdning reoistance to abrasive wear. Liet ak darbai B no-4:221-227 161. 1. Institut energetiki i elektrotekhniki JUI Litovskoy SSR. PRAFIULIS,--M,F.. Chemical method of cleaning heat exchangers of oil and gas refining units. Trudy VNIITD no.11:86-108 '59. (14-IRA 15:5) (float exchangers) -~_ _F -eyr-vich;-KUSHELEV, V.P., retsenzent; DZHORDZHI, PFANULIS, Mikh4k I Add A.N., ved. red.; YAKOVIEVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. [Safety measures in petroleum refineries]Tekhnika bezopasnosti na neftezavodakh. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gostoptekh- izdat, 1962. 208 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Petroleum refineries--Safety measures) PRANULIS,-~ Safety measures in using ti,u ~1-10-type semicontinuous coker. Trudy VNIITB n0-10:55-64 ~53, (MIRA 15:5) (Petrcleum refineries--Safety measures) (Petroleum coke) PRANULIS., Mikhe'J1 Thdayevich; KUSKUXV, V.P., inzh., retsenzent; ROMANOVA, U.V.9 vedushchijr red.; POLOSIZIA, A.S., [Safety engineering in oil and gas plantsj Takhniica bezopasnosti na neftianykh i gazovykh zavodakh. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekha, izd-vo nef t. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-i7, 1955 - 217 P - (MIRA 11 -.~5) (Oil induetries-Safety measures) /,//. SAMARCHYAN, R.S.; KUKHIIIA, V.N.; SUVTANOV, K.I.; PRANULIS, K.Y. Torch lines and safety valves inoil and gas refineries. Azerb. neft.khoz. 35 no-10:33-35 0 156. (MIRA 10-1) (Petroleum--Refineriet) PRANULIS, M.F. Safety measures in dismantling and repairing submersible condenser boxes in petroleum, refinerieu, Trudy VIN."ITE, no.13:90-96 160. (MIJU 14:12) (Condensers (Vapors and gases)-Yaintenance and repair) BuLGARIA/Diseases of Farm Animals. General rroblems R Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 110 9, 1958, 40598- Author : Pranszhey, I., Shoshkov, P. Inst :Higher Institute Pf Veterinary Medicine. Title :The rroblem of the Curdling cf Milk frcm Fealthy Cnws and Gnats. Irig Pub: Nauchn. tr. Vissh. veterinarnrmed. in-t, 1956, 4, 279-285- Abstract: Cases were observed when milk obtained from clini- cally healthy cows and goats curdle& on boiling. After the animals were treated with urotropin which was administered internally three times daily in doses of five grams for cows and nf one gram for goats for a period of three days, the milk ceased Card 1/2 BUY.&JUA/Diseases of Farm Animals - General Probler-nis Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol. 1 , No 9., 1958., 40598 to currile. Examination shnwed that there is more fat and albluren cnntent and less casein in curdled milk than in milk which did not curdle and which has been obtained from the same animals after urn- tropin treatment; also, in this case the relatinn- ship between casein and albumen content is smaller. Card 2/2 2 PRANULIS, M.F.-, FRIDMAN, Ye.Ye. Efficient method of cleaning equipment of thermal cracl,2,-ng units. Trudy VNIITB no.11.,109-115 '59. (MIRA 15-5) (Cracking process) 77~AFC-- - y D. Use of radioactive Isotopes in the construction induntr/ and for construction materials. P. 3. TEdNICA NOUA. (Asociatia StiAntifica a 'J. Inginerilor si Celinicienilor) Bucuresti. Vol. 2, no. 25, Nov. 1955 So. East European Acces.-ions Lint Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 PRA'i,,-TGE3CU ) . L - A gener a I izatlirr, - f fA '% ~ r,-- . , - :%; n, -L -.,.;- V. ~ - ~ i -1 ~ * p 11- In t.i c f ILYI c t i o f 1 7, . u d"y . i ~ .It . .,~ *, ~ ,1 r., a r v m -. ,.--6 rc.): ~ 1,174 164- -FRAPORDZHESKUx N.[Praporgescu, N.] On the probabilities changing in chain and connected in time. Rev math pures 4 no.3:403-423 159. (KUI 10:9) (Probabilities) (Statistical mechanics) (Functional equations) (Time-series analysis) PRAPORGESCU. N. , Vz! 1-i.? - _ - Generalization of the 0 fum-tion and its use in elliptic function study. Studii cere mat 14 no.3:423~4+51 363. WO r --TaPOr lgl~' Sur Unc clasic d'6qualTons int6gfaje.,, et a la statistique. Polytc-ch. B;icarcgt 10 (1938--39), 4B"11. Math 1111y.. r,,C. 1st) (19A0). _103 11, 140- TL -RUthor comm,,- (,A,, if, equations of t~c Odleaf(sy or K may , 'Ind cith(-r ~5 integral fAu [u(s) the p,,,bj,rO Of IninImizin p', L'K W 0 (3 + 1),* 1 --d., U and 0 ijeing gi-- -- -- by -. buitable Choice ven, 1"Or (B)# he finds that K M!Ist Sathty a certain integral equation of t1le F.;,t tcsUlts are statcj tn 11 ve to The Man Source' Vol 10 n I C ;i4 .111 leer Ie -N rg,~ is .fl J- .Y- -1), tiat i, pp it) Runfallmn. it Ild ) lit 11 cl;Iss viautit"'K Asiag alld CZE-CHOSL~V-x"L, / GonQrnl Probluips of PritlioloPly. 14=011 U Tumors. .&Ibs Jour: Ruf Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 42160. ,,uthor Inst :Not given. Title :The Lrrost of Growth of Recurring Carcinoma of the Urinary Bledder following Unilateral Uretoro- sigmoid ,nastomostis. Orig Pub: Rorhl chirurg., 1957, 36, No 10, 666-669. ~~bstract: -*,- case of recurring carcinoma of the urinary bladder is d(:-;scribed. Following establishment of a left uretcro-siSmoid anastomosis, further growth of the tumor was arrested. Card 1/1 37 PRAPORTNIN, Joza We selected new workers councils: young producers., ya=g manag6rso PTT zbor 16 no.5-.143-1" MY 162. 11WIPPILOTINIKY Tc-_9 ---, ,Iegraph., and '11'elepbmie The eighth general meeting of the Post,, TA I Alpine Society of LJubijana. PTT zbor 146 no.3:65-70 Mr 162. LAUBENBERGER, H.,Dipl. Chem.; PRAPOTNIK, Joze, inz. [translator] Plastic mass in ship building. Brodogradnja 13 no.2:55-62 '62. PRAPROTNIK, Viljem, ing. (Ljubljana) Power, energy, and economic problems In the use of complex water streams. Vodoprivreda Jug 2 no.4/5:21-24 159. ( ETQU 9: 1. 0 ) (Yugoslavia--Water) PRAPROTNIK, Viljem, ing. (Ljubljana) Economical factor in water-power designs. Vodoprivreda Jug 2 no.4/5; n2_116 59. (EW 9:10) (Yugoslavia--Water) 06: VW*4 F 00000*0*0000 0 0 0 0 31 3*15 )&VAJO all 1) jj M A . F 36 0 2 ip 4) v U a a 0 I I AoA AS I& M U 4 9 * 0 00 00 00 1.00 04 ir so Pot"tiometric estimation of CUPW with sodium Sul- -00 Ede, C. l1ra,jd and J. It. jha. J. loid. Chvn~ ',1 12, -00 00 1 304314. -111-Trild of Adding III,, C'fd, yjaulilv OIJ11 it-L jba, C. 1. 28, 16201 it 1~ IK,I toctir% ,t,t the Of Attrutitin at pis 3 a in a uilit. bAcrtill will) Nag Oc. 00 041 00 =09 0 90 0: coo 0 00 0 i::90 WWT 00 AO !too 00 , 00 t ii4ir U 0 it It or X 11 4 'A 9 it (t It 09 An a OW a a wAO A Sa 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 a 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 q 0 0 0 4 V G 4 X L 4 0 0 PO I I I %N IT cm a s ti mm o ---- ------ 0.116,.k$ -0t% 044 '00 So C , of WP"RXPNwn Id,(- I- an Im sop- fir- qu P -** 'Mipff-rm-Awpopla A M " go _q p " 8 *0 I W"" o of M" l i so. l 4WO L w t 00 of- so go .~ ago" Chleadoed a" 003"Ba F I W to 00 go** . ......... ...... . lit A 4r C01111 "No "Croft-to wool IN C- 00 '31 Z! 00 00,3 d d &W IL P.=(N&we, . I a emu kW 10 71 SEA s", be ---I Isk W of 0. *.Wmi& bt MWNI: ds~ c LOO - "wA",lJo F.- to X FwAiw *W eve *I al gas *Mw cefj,~OH. Mqsd& AWIF thm QIWk bst to T. dmm to a amh M-Allot A A. I L a ACTALLURGOCAL LITERAILAI CtAISIFKAT#C* I/ WON* .11 Q.. 0" 14114#30-t! u u AT 10 is r I " I a I v I A tv ado 01,11fula4 3 1 1 0 No, to it 0 Ad I J .1 It a 11 1 All '00 too '00 zoo '00 60 -00 no so 1014'wi .4r*, G.Bovoo, (Pal), D,v*P, Nadras) D.A.P.E.. (~ on) I P~; b. (Lonoon) Ir Studies on the Coccidia of some Ophidian hosts, Actlk veter Hung 13 no*.l.-8J--88 263. 1. Veterinary Collegap Patna Biharp India. Ac~'-':'SSION NR; APLO16593 Y/0001/64/000/ooz/0,127/0335 AUTHOR: Radovanovic, Slobodan (Chief); Prasad, T. V. (Senior scientific officer) TITLE: Sintering of some natural magnesties at temperaturos between 1300 and 17000u- SOURCE: Tehnika, no. 2, 1964, 327-335 TOPIC TAOS: lmy temperature magnestie sintering, silica refroLctory matrix, sintering, sintering natural magnestie, natural magnesite, magnesite inpurity, periclase A13STRACT: Magnesite samples with different representative quantities of impurities were taken from four localities in Yugoslavia and heated to tempera- tures botween 1300 and 17000C, with intervals of 1000, to observe the effect of the impurities upon sintering. Sample I had a high Fe2O3 and CaO content; and Sample IV had:~a high SiO2 content. The finely ground samples were iixed with a sugar solution and pressed Into cylinders which were kept for one hour Card ACCESSION MR: AP4016593 at the extreme temperature and then cooled in a~slightly shorter time. Physical and mineralocical.examinations showed that sintqring was accompanied by an increase in density, in the percentage of linear shrinkage, and in the dimen- sions of the periclase crystals, by a decrease in the total active surface and in the tot"al volume of pores, and by moro complete formation of the silica refractory matrix,and more uniform silica distribution through the periclase cz- d ystals. The oxi es, Fe 0 speeded up sintering. CaO 2.03, sj-02' and A12 3' inhibited sintering and decreased the positive effect of good mineralizers. The small amount of impurities serving as mineralizers in very pure magnesite (Sample TI) was insufficient for sintering such magnesite at low temperatures. Depend- inE on the molar ratio of CaO/SiO during sintering, magnesium, calcium-magnesium!, and pure calcium silicates were Fo~med to make a refractory matrix between the periclase crystals. Sample IV, which was highest in Sio~, and lowest in CaO, and whose matric substance was largely highly refractory forsterite, proved the most suitable:of the four samples for sintering. Orig. art. has: 5 tables, 6 figures, and 7 microphotographs. ASSOCIATION: Mineralosko odeljenjo Instituta za vatrostalne matorijalo, Kraljevo (Minaralogical Departaont ot tho L-.atiWto fc--4 Rofraotory ';ateriuls); Card 2/3 A&ESSIOU UR: U4016593 odeljenje za vatrostalne materijale Nacionalne motalursko laboratorije, Jamshedpur) India (Department for Rafractory'Materiali of tho Rationsl' Metallurgical Laboratory) SUMITTMx 15.kpr63 DATE ACQz 14Feb64 ENCLz 00 SUB CODE: Mk, ML NO REF SOVt 001 OMR: 004 Card 3/3 OPIENSKA-BLAUTH, Janina;.PRASAL,__~~ipiew Comparative studies on the determination of amino nitrogen in body fluids. Ann.Univ.Lublin; sec. D 14:117-126 159. 1. Z Katedry Chemli Fizjologicznej Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie Kierownik: prof. dr. Janina Opienska-Blauth. (AMINO ACIDS urine) 1 7 7 dcdwlve~ of 11, A'- "sulIc'"nul". -AMIN benze N km Ina 4 t' T_mf JVmnd;, -R p i - ramil n -ft,v 50, -7T or m i e frum ri 123 0 3 a , . , VA. m 13 w Hide I I if ) ftr. al, g. KO heating 121 a. (1 1.4 10. of l~An-Oll with 12.7 It c I- (U) in 100 g. (GA 1101- 1: 1 01 yield by hevin- 3.1 (011)Cff,Cl (111); 7 g. .AroxyPtopyllniliae (ZVI 0,5 hr. irl 140 gal, C-41fo With, VhSOjCI (V); 69%, yield by heating0.4 t a-ad 1.3 g. H 30 Ird. 140 0.5 hr. wid'i 2A c. 111; 6217o ykid by heating 17 M 10 jr. NaOAc, and 60 gni. 11--0 to 95% and adding 18g. f T.i~t Tj 7T. rx Llb-z T-1 r,,n nf ,~nd minor n ~;er n I L IIL tmi hekl o in. n, r, c, 5 '63 .39 ,44; $6 - 64 '0 0-0 01 0 *all 1;l 11 11 110011 1 it a d W P A J1 ; 'x Jt r k -A -L - it f A. 1_1 ~ ~V, _L_ __L~ -86 W U I_ i A I , b O'~ _A'j_ ISO 0* _4 ;-Of L IN tiTza (111XIMWON OF U44UATIM). e 'Minbere w4 4. U.-PrAtchatWki (Repo Contr. so Inest. b6t. Leningradj, 1934p No, 17, Z37--241) .--Sexroc- iations contal.-Ing N were found in InCota and rail i go specimens of Beassewor ateel. More IN was found at the bottort of the Inect than at the top* Ch. Abs. (0) 00 dzes: O's 7 ze AIR- 7j Ao it t-d Arius, we* v,.,sso 4w! i It s' &A I 1 9 -4 1 is s' Vo 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 9 111 0 o -0 i0 a * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sms 0 0 o 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sea so& se I 000 006 so,, CLbSUPKATOO -SLI m4jllLuftCAL L179"'On ig b Ik K STS so 4 'lee v le-1694, so 6f tbO ickt-Thy&03.2~lpcralumitl- k' goo um ild 110 A616 I zoo tea. '.Tbe -is typim Of per. . an ;! zoo j~,id UWTOIN !; unt ZOO =men= O'w fLbmte hrkora rf, goo tho. Per.! 0 d ' 0( tbkv-.*Ucwll-,Of 0 4wka bWed on 14, detero*m"Olm Hr ,f,,wdinsOlutlware 1(0%)o," F. ELLRAL age "so- to 00 WOO 60000 ,,PRASEr, Jnroslav (31rat is Inva. U1. r--;. armady 17. Embryostatic effect of nitrogen deri-mtives of carlbon diorida. Neaplzsna, Bratisl. 5 no.1:53-61 1958. 1. Onkolo,-,iches Forschnngsinstitut, Bratislava (CARBON DIMIM, rel. cpds. nitrogen deriv., embryostatic eff. in fish (Ger)) (:UIBRYO, eff. of drugs on nitrogen deriv. of carbon dioxide, embryostatic eff. in f ish (Ger)) 4w- 40 fir - - - - - - - ft 1) 1) 14 1? 4 1. AD 1 .4 24 p tt A atudy at ptralumhutes of ithiall and alkAlfte earth owlsis. NF i4ka 64tic lion ciahoslar. C". Cpmm 2. r4l-441 1 fjcv?)~ --- Ify the addit of ?WvT#rq-W4ft-f* low Alousinate. the following conspl- wrrr A,tAinM; K,()20AI,(N M1.11. atid %hr cormstionding M& comI.N. fly osi,,ing of .4n of fill, Qfth chl'wi& -fOg 11.44 ith alkalt ahunimte. Ilmir wcrr t,l,(,[ 1.1,412(1 Ifil,( mul I i,o .00) IS W '.14) 4AI.4 It Wlift). mW 1hr ('a. st ' 44 W'.h I Ali& w, 1511.4 1. *.-).I It. fly shaliblif the lA't oisoled with vio-rav of Imbobolp, U 3~40 '21O.M.Off 210H.O. 30*0 20 A1.0,20iffit) ifferv ofifaloed I'llf- J~fillollihkAlr* life twit I~e th it I t0% %%fill '111 A'O.. at ofifinary t which Ate all lottim tho., 2K f comixf. , It , ;4A ,0411 3 it PRA'JEF , K., , Fl! MA. ,;,, , KR I X, V, p 1-23.Lbd I! tl-~- s of ~ *-,~, i- -~ r -- "', ~ .. - - - - ga2 plantr3. Fa" 4 va !,r no,. -, -, ---- -38 F '6: 1- 4 ~, - . ., Research 'Inst-itut/" cf Fuel~, Fk~chovite. I K L, I MA , J. ; PRASEA , K. Intens if ica tion of the opera -, -; on of com.D:'e s s'- -on , :,---a 44 no. 41/6:142-14.4 '-Iy-Je 164. Experiences in operating heavy duty compression generators and possibilities of Increasing the efficiency of compression gasi- fication. Paliva 44 no.5/6sl45-147 MY-Je 164. 1. Research Institute of Fuels, Bechovice. PRASEKI K.1, inz.y C.Sc. Examination of solid drying agents. Paliva 42 no.3:73-82 nr 162. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum paliv., Bechovice. PWEK, K.; KLIMA, J.; NEDORA, W. New possibility of gas production by using nuclear energy. Paliva 42 no.6:165-167 Je '62. PRASEK, I I KLIMA., J.; NEDOMA, W. Technical and economic examination of lighting gas production by gasification in generators with removal of fluid slag. Paliva 42 no.9:257-261 S 162. N! DOMI , '--1 .,, PFISEK, K.; KLMA, J. Pre5auzn ga5ification of fuel wituh liquid eLag -,-~ no.7:2JJ+--222 JI 163. PJIU,,~',~-`K5 K.1, NEDONUI, ',:~ I Prot-ction of the internall surface of -7as pipelines by plastlc coatings. Pal--'vr- 41 no.7:235-236 Jl 161. n:~ 71 Lr ~~,a PRASEK, K. ?x-9mination of solid desiccants. Prace vyzkum paliv 4:3-44 ,62. M-IMA, J.; PRASEK, K.; MO!'Vi, W. 3tudy of rUp'motion of a gasifying agent and cinder An a model of pressure generator, Paliva 42 no.1:3-11 Ja 162. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum paliv, Bechovice. L vi, , ,6 . PRASEK, K.; Ei,il- - z-sic -esearch an s-I-Istance r.~wementls in pressi-1-c- :7snera-~s:- models. Prace Ust oaliv 8:5-38 '0'4. I , AUTHOR: Prasek, Ladislav, M~-. Mat. 0 TITLE: ema ti calDetermination of Ingots and Forgings (Matemati-,kd pnuti v ingotech a v-,6kovelch) PERIODICAL: Hutnick4 Listy, 1959, Nr 6, CZECH/34-59-6-6/23 the Internal Stresses in / .1 urcenif vnitrnich pp 489-493 (Czechoslovakia) ABSTRACT: The author deals with determining the distribution of temperatures and internal stresses in large ingots caused by non-uniform cooling. To simplify calculations the ingot is substituted by an infinitely long cylinder of a constant radius and it is assumed that its surface is cooled at a constant speed h. It is further assumed that -the constants of the material and the thermal parameters do not depend on the temperature and on time. States occurring in the steel after exceeding the yield point are not dealt with. The results in the given case are entered in diagrams using dimensionless parameters. The same calculating procedure can also be applied to forgings for the heating as well as for the cooling process. The heating speed is +h during heating and -h during Card 1/3 cooling. During the further phases of the calculations CZECH/34-59-6-6/23 Mathematical Determination of the Internal Stresses in In6o-.3 and Forgings the ingot, or respectively the forging, is substituted by a finite circular cylinder or a body corresponding in profile to the real product. The cooling speed h will be a function of time, the thermal parameters and the constants of the material are assumed variable with the temperature. Particular attention is paid to analysing the stress state which is almost always elastic- plastic. Such cases are calculated by means of the difference method using a computer. The theoretical results will be verified experimentally and the accuracy of the solutions discussed. Only Type I internal stresses are dealt with,, which are present throughout the body of the component. Type II stresses, existing within the limits of a few grain sizes, and Type III stresses, existing within the range of a few atomic spacings near faults in the lattice structure, are not dealt with. This article should be considered as an introduction to the problem , which is extremely Card 2/3 complicated and requires the cooperation of several CZECH/34-59-6-6/23 Mathematical Determination of the Internal Stresses in Ingots and Forgings ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 branches of science. As an example the internal stresses are calculated in an octaEonal Ni-V steel ingot weighing 48 tons, 270 cm long, 150 cm dia. at the bottom and 170 cm dia. at the top, with the following chemical composition: 0.4y/o C, O.l-jV/0 V, 0.5001o Mn, 0.25% Si, 0.20016 Cr. 2.201o Ni. The case is considered of removal of t~e ingot from the ingot mouldoand cooling it fr 0 8m 1450 C with a cooling speed of 50 C per hour to 700 C. The ingot is substituted by an infinitely long cylinder of 150 cm. dia., as the thermal and material constants those are taken which correspond to a material of sim,~lar chemical composition at a temperature of about 800 C. There are 4 figures and 8 references, 2 of which are Czed~ 1 Soviet, 3 English and 2 German. V�zkumnj (Research Pilsen) March 16, a zkus'ebn3*' u'stav Zavodu V. I. Lenina, Plzen" and Test Institute of the V. I. Lenin Works, 1959 V/ PRASEK, L. "Mathematical determinati )n of inttxnal s lxe.~i-es in in,i,ot.s ,in(! i'orgings." HUTNICKE LTSTY, Brno, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 11L, Nlo. 6-, June 1959. 4onthly List of East European Accessions I.C, Vol. 8. No. 9, Lepfember 1959. inclassifie,4. PRASEK, Iadislav,_Mg. mat* Calculation of temperature distribution and of internal stres3 in ingots during cooling. Part 2. Hut listy 16 no.9:630-637 S 161. 1. Zavody V.I. Ienina., Plzen FRISEK, Ladisla I - mat. . ~vl` - - Distribution of ten: eratures and residual internal stre3ses during the cooling of cylindrical bodies. Aplikace mat 8 no.5): 367-384 163. 1. Vyzkumny a zkusebni ustav V.I. Lanina, n.p., Plzen. FRASEKX L.1 Mg. Mat.; KRATGCHVIL, P., i)romovany matematik Calculating noLtural frequenecies of turbine bla6e flex-aral vibrataisr-- on digita-l computers. Strojirenstv-i 13 no.' '/ 'T, : -, t -490-4C70 010 1. Vyzkumny a - ~~sehni ustav, Leninavy zavody:, Plzen. HASEK, L.,, 1.1g. mat. Calculation of the stress distribution in rotating disks of steam and gas turbines. Strojirenstvi 14 no.9:643-652 S 164 I.. Research and Testing Institute of the Zavody V.I. Lenina National Enterprisep Plzen. L 1 Dri T /E-"~-;T L_L52?-~-65 dIF A SD (a)-5/A'53D (f -;~2/: AXEMON NRs AP4045057 AFkC(b)/'FSD(dp) FIN 74/0032161+,/0141009/0643/0652 (Master of mathe ties) AUTHOR: Prasekt Ma TITLE: CalcUation of stress distribution in the rotating wheels of steam and combustion turbines I SOURCE: Stmjireristvi- -v. 14, no-. 9,, 1964j, 643-652 -TAGS: stress calcula TOPIC ~t*oni~ratating wheel, stress distributioncalculations steam turbizej, comBuatfon ur5lne, physical parameter, material parameter, geometric paramster,, Gra=el methodp Hampl method, automatic computer ABSTRACT: T he calculation of the distribution of radial and tangential stresses in the,rotating wheels of steam-and combustion turbines,is investigated. with the aid of the differential method expressions are derived which give the stress distribution in rotating wheels in relation to changing radius. The physical and material parameters are considered as varying with the radius. The stress dis- tribution is solved in relation to changing wheel radius, since the axial dimen- aions of wheels are small in relation to the radius and it vould have complicated 1 the calculations to take into account the three-dimensional stress statep and ic ard L 15224-65 AGGMION:NRI;. AP4045057 further, the physical and geometrical parameters are:distributed symmetrically with respect to the wheel axis. Several sample cases ware chosen and calculated and the results compared with the Grammal method and the method of Professor Himplp in particular for the cases of thermal stresses# stresses from centrlfugal.~ force.ep and frod the pressure of the wheel on the shaft at rest. The same aasump- tions and given constants were used in all the methods compared. All three meth- ads used give similar results with a maximua error of 4% in the region where the blade blends into the hub where various modifications of the methods were used. The calculations by both methods mentioned lasted 2 to 3 days and were programmed for an electronic computer. The setup program. and the possibility of maWng the calculations on an electronic computer out cakWatlon time from 16-24 hours to /+-S min in one case. The computer method is also advantageous in that it is Poe- sible to divide the profile into 20 parts equidistant from each other (instead of 10 parts).. considerably increasing accuracy. The errors noted in the other methods of calculation are practically eliminated. It is possible to calculate several variants and choose the best, which was wt possible before because of the time element; it is also poooible to analyze Ole offset of cartain physical con- stants. Engineering safety,, howeivert has not yet been programmed for calculation. Orig. art.. has,, 7 figurest I tablet and n foraulas Card C mom ACC NR: ..%.UTHOR: Prasek, Ladislav (Graduate inathcrna'.:cian) __qeqearch and the V. 1, Lenin Worl's Wyz"urnny ORG: a zhuselDni ustav, Zavody V.I. L. ), *Plzen TITLE: Calculating critical speed of a turbine on URAL I compater SOURCE: Celostatna konferencie o problemoch dynamiky strojov. 2d, Smolenice, 1961. Dynamika strojov (Dynamics of machines); sbornik prac z konferencie SAV. Bratislava, Vyd-vo SAV, 1963, 388-401 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic analysis, turbine rotor, vibration analysis, computer application ABSTRACT: A method is described for calculating the critical speed of a system of rotors (of a turbo-set) on the URAL I compoter. The calculation is hased or. Prohl's difference method which has been modified for computer application. method is applicable for a system of a maximum of 10 shafts represented as fields, each field divided into a maximum of twenty sections. The given dynamic problem is defined by a differential equation with four boundary conditions. The Card 1/2 L 47550-66 4CC-NR:- --AT6029438 r ~ ,, idity of bearings is considered as a function of 'the revolution Oil' the sh'aft, expressed in the form of a third degree polynomial. A program is compiled for the floating point system, using an external magnetic memory. It was later established that the same calculation could have been done five times faster, i. e. , in about three hours, by using the fixed point system, and in about one hour by using the URAL 11 computer. An example illustrating the theory is presented. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, and 1.2 formulas. [KPI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ 2/2 V" Card L 36840-66 EW(k) /T-2/T,P (w) /FT,.T- (f Ijp(o AP6ol7O4O -, "17 1" ACC NR b 0 L41 71 1/0~57700'(i;~ SOURCE CODE: CZ/ 670007CO dislav--,~" o~ malhemnat'cs); g~?asek, La rashek, LadJslav (Flaster I (zng-incer) Cendelin, iiri--Tsendelin, Yirzh ORG: Research and Testing Institute, ZVI p., Plzen (Vyzkumny a zkusebni ustav ZVIL, n.p. TITLE: Calculation of the tem '- Rgrature distribution in the turbine disk and the turbine blade of an internal combustion_engine SOURCE: Strojnicky casopis.* no.1, 1966, 57-74 TOPIC TAGS: turbine blade, turbine disk, internal combustion engine, heat conductivity, temperature distribution ABSTRACT: Two methods of calculation are described for determining the temperature distribution in the turbine disk and blade of an internal combustion engine. In the first case, the solution of corresponding differential equations Is carried out for the heat conduction by a differential method and the variation in the parameters of the material'! in the radial direction is taken in consideration. A one-dimentional heat flow is proposed in the tu~.~blne disk and blade. Gas flows L around the turbine blade while the latter Is cooled by air at a L 368hO-66 FACC ~R: 0' constant temperature. In the second case, the Laplace's equation with the third boundary condition is solved by the relaxation method. Both methods are programmed for the National Elliot 803 cor,puter. in an example, the calculation of a two-stage compressor turbine is given.~ The control measurement was carried out on a net-type analorr circuit. paper was presented by 1. Plander, Engineer, Candidate of Sciences, Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 26 formulas, and 3 tables. (Based on author's abstract] [NT1 SUB CODE' 13,20/ SUBM DATE: 1OFeb65/ ORIQ REF: 001/ OTH REF: LACICIA, Zdenek, MI)Dr.; ZIDOVA, Vlasta. MUDr.; FISIROVA, Eva; PRASEK, Ladislav, MgKat. 1WRI'Ma" Normal levels of cerebrospinal proteins in alectrophoretic picture. Ceek. neur. 19 no.4:256-265 Nov 56. 1. Yourologicka klinika v Plza'i. prednosta prof. Dr. V. Pith& Interni Oddelent OUNZ v PlznI, prednosta prim. Dr. 0. Zwetechke. (PROTMINS, in cerebrospinal fluid, electropboretic standards (Cz)) of' he "L-2-1 1-Da(,er. D.300- Economic evajuaL~on of oppratlonzal tests vItY prototype t RUDY. Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1956 Praha, Gzechoslovukia SOUTIGE: EasL European List (2EAL) Librar~v of Congress, Vol. 6., No. 1, January 1957 PRASEK, Z.; FRANK, J. PPASEK, Z.; FRANK, J. Technological and economic evaluation of the Manda-UM boring machine. P. 75 Vol. h, no. 3, Mar. 1956 RUDY TECHNOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession,, Vol. 6, No. 2j, 1957 TEVSTRATOV, V.; FRASHGHIKIff, V., inzh.; STRONGIN, M., inzh. Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry. Avt.transp. 37 no-1:56-57 Ja '59- (MM 12:2) 1. Ispolnvayushchiy obyazannosti direktora Nauchno- issledovat ell skogo instituta ahinnoy promyshlonnosti. (Tires, Rubber-Research) V, ABOLIKA, I.; PRASHCHIKIN, V. The R and HS new-design tires. Av-t.transp. 40 no.1-1:38-41 N 162. OURA 15:12) 1. Nauqhno-issledavatellskiy institut shinnoy prciphlennosti. (Tires, Rubber) FRASHCHIKIN. V. - Tires with a removable protector. Avt. transp. 38 no. 12:50-51 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Automobiles--Tires) PFASHCEIKIN, V.,!. Ez f ff e c, t c, h r- b r e ar5 c- r a a c o f t y p e t r i i c a r e z, ri o9 1. Nauchno-Lssladoirifel'skiy institut shinnoy promyshlennoot' PRASHCHTKRI I V.N. Analyzing the radial deformation of type "R" and "RE" tr-,:ck tires. Kauch. i rez. 23 no. 3:9-2-2 Mr 164. (14, MA 1-71 -5) 1. Nauchno-issledOVaLellskiy institut shirutoy - Yi STR t..TO V " T. PRASH0911CM. V.N. .1 r 1* Tir-,n, (~r r~jw Zh-~". 110 1.,;: - . 0. ,M.- -.1 LRA BUKHINp B.L.;_TRASHCHIKINq_Y,N. Tires with removable tread. Avt-*prom. no.2:41+ F 161. (MIRA -14:3) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut shinnoy promyshlennaotI4 (Automobiles-Tires) S/l38/61/uu6/oO2/UO5/UO6 A05l/Al29 A 1jT'r 10 ILS Grinberg A. Ye.; Tsvetkov, A.I.; Yal'tseva, Ye.-'.; 'lakeye-ia, Peschanskaya R. Ya.; Prashchikina, N.P.; Prashchikina, A.S.; Kr-jru- kova, A.F . TITTLE: Furfurhydramide and its v-ulcan-4--ation activity PERIODMAL: Kaiichuk i rezina, no. 2, 1961, 25 - 29 TEXT: The Soviet rubber industrN, uses diphenylguanidiric as a nitrogen-con- taining accelerator with a basic nature. Its production is based on toxic and inflammable materials (aniline, carbon sulfide, lead silicarels and isopropyl al- cohol). An attempt was m;.ide to find a cbeaper rdtropen-containinv orranic Furfurhydramide w-): tested in combination with dulfur accele-rators as an acceler- ator of vulcanization. A method for prodiicing the furfurhydrar--ide from cheap and accessible raw material ~ra!- fleveloped. -Lt is an nitrogen-contai-ning orgamc base which can be used as a vulcanization accelerator in combination with altax, captax or thiuram. In mixtitrps based on natural ruhber and a series: of synthetic rlzbbers containing dinhenylguanid4ne in combination-with altax or captax, fur, flirhydram j Cie can be used instead of d i,phenylgua ni dine. -Lt increased the iuraMlity of the Card 1/3 2W~S) Furfurk,rdramide and its w-ilcanization activity ~0511/11129 vulcanizates in repeated deformations. ~'Ihen it is used in co,&jinat-ion ,P-th cao- tax, altax or thiuram in mj-xtiirr-3 based on natliral an(! a number of Synthetic rub- bers, the rate of vulcanization does not change and vulcanizates are obtained with satisfactoi-y technical properties. Its use extends the asEortment of vlil- canization accelerators and decreases the consumption of caPtax, altax, diphenyl- giianidine and thiuram. Its physical and cherical characteristics are: finely crystalline powder of strawwellow color with dKO 1.15 - 1.16, melting point when crystallized from ethyl ether 117 - 1180G. It is easily soluble in me'tlrjl, ethyl and isopropyl alcohol, acetone, ether, benzene, but is insoluble in water. T he molecular heat of combustion at P = const. is 1,828-15 cal, at V = const. it is 1,827-87 cal. Acids decomoose it to furfurole and ammonium, when ")o--'-led in d-J- luted alkali it is converted to the isomer base furfurin. It absorbE ultraviolet rays, whereb.y its color changes to a dark brown. It has a specific furfurole odor. It is !)roduced from furfurole and. ammonium according to the equation: cit - 3 11 CIA C - C- ).tj Ff Qt+ jc~ CR WVU9 Furfurhydramide and its ,rulcanization activity A051/11,129 Commercial furfi.irhydramide melt-, at 110- ll~OC. Its nitrogen tcontent is 10.4,1" '10% found. Obtained data showed that when natural rub- calculated and 10.20 - 10.3 ber is heated in the presence of furfurhYldramide and siilfur, there is a sic-nifi- cant decrease of the plasticity, whereas the plasticity of natiiral rub!-~:-r con- taininE only sulfrr or furfurhydramide hardly changes at all when heated under the same conditions. It is concluded that Pirfurhydramide strengthens the struc- turalizinC effect of sulfur. It does not affect the incl4-'nation of the mixtures to scorching. There are 3 tables, L- figures and 8 references: 2 Soviet, L Lng- lish and 2 German. A11OCIAT! ;N: k4auchno-issledoliatells"-.i,,r inFtitut resinovych 4 7.;~teksnych 4z(ielj,,- (B.Cientific i7esearch Institute of itubber and L-ite., .-rticles) Card 3/3/ PRASHCHIKINA, A.S.; GRINBERG., A.Ye.; MAKAROVA, I.M. Dependence between the chemical stnicture of some sulfur-conta-ining compounds and their activity as accelerators of natural rubber plasticization. Vysokom.soed. 5 -io.11:1641-1644 N 163. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskly institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh izdeliy. ACCESSION NRt APOo9l,56 S/0190/64/006/001/0112/0117 AUTHORS: Prashchikina, s A. S.; Gurlyanoval Ye. N.; Grinberg, A. Ye. TITLE: The radical nata-te of breakup of a series of rubber plasticization organo- sulfur accelerators SOURCE: Vy*sokomolokulyarny*ye soyed-ineniya, Y. 6. noe 1, 1964, 112-117 TOPIC TAGSz rubbers rubber plasticizationp accelerator, organo sulfur accelerator$ dibenzoyldisulfidep dibenzoylsulfides diphenylpicry1hydraxylp accelerator breakups radical, radical breakups mobile group ABSTRACTs The plasticizing effect of derivatives of thiobenzoic acid was investi- gated to discover tendencies toward radical reactions and whether a breakup into radicals was essential for their performance. The exchange4 ility of Mi groups was studied, using dibenzoyldisulride (DBDS), tagged with the SP isotopes as the standard, Its interaction with dibenzoylsulfide) Zn-thiobenzoatej Ni-thiobenzoatep benzylthiobanzoate, and bis-thiobanzoatabonzilidens was studied, using equimolar ratios of 0.15 Mol/1 solutions in toluene, at temperatures up to 140C for 30 miaztes. It was found that these accelerators readily enter into reactions. The experiment was rjyjated, using ethanol, acetone, isopropylbenzene, toluene# and benzine as Card ACCESSION UR: AP4009156 solvents (at 55C)e Since polar solvents did not accelerate the reaction, its homolytic character was stressed. In order to find out whether the reaction proceeded via exchange of sulfur atoms or via RS groups, the same thiobenzoic acid derivatives were reacted with a solution of elementary radioactive sulfur in toluene, which showed that the reaction with MDS proceeded only at 125C and at a very slow rate (amounting to only 10% within 2 hours). The next experiment was in- tended to prove the mobility of the thiobenzoyl radical. The thiobenzoic acid deri- vatives were reacted with a solution of diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPH) in benzene at 20-22C, the optical density of DPH being checked at a wave length of 520 m by means of a SF-4 spectrophotometer. The results showed that the activity ot4the various derivatives of thiobenzoic acid varied greatly, depending on their composi- tion and the structure of R. Parallel experiments were conducted with natural rubber) which was plasticized at 80-90C for 7 minutes on rolls in the presence of 10-2 Mol RS/kg of rubber, the resulting plasticity being determined in Muni's viscosity units at 100C, This supports the view that the activity of the particular .plasticizer is directly related to the ease of radical breakup, as established by the reaction with DPH. Since Zn-thiobenzoate proved to be the most effective plasticizer, a number of Zn-mereaptides were tested for their plasticization activ- Ity. towards rubber " their reactivity with DPH, which confirmed their close correla%ion. Orig, art. hass 2 charts and 1 table. Card 2/3 ACCESSICH Nit: Ap4oo9156 A4SOCLITIONt Nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut rezinovy'*kh i lateksny*kh itdeliy 'S iontific Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Product3) Fiziko-khimicheskiy iZatitut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physical " Chemical Institutel t SUBMITTED: 22Aug62 DATE ACQ: 1OFeb64 VCLs 00 SU ODDE1 CH NO REF SOVs 005 OTHERt 001 C.,d 313 EPSHTETN, V.G.; PTIONFITEV, Ya.N.; MAKEYEVA, A.P.; TSVF.TKOV, A.I.; POZIN, A.A.; PRASHCHIKINA, A.S. Butadiene-styrene resins as reinforcing agents for rubber mixtures. Khim.prom. no.5:261-265 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12) l.Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh izdeliy shirokogo potrobleniya i Yaroslavskly tekhnologicheskiy institut. (Rubber, Synthetic) (Resins, Synthetic) 83296 S/138/59/000/010/008/010 A051/AO29 AUTHORS,,, Grinberg, A.Ye.; Tsvetkov, A.I.; Makeyeva, A.R.; Prashchikina, A.S.; Levitin, I.A.; Shapiro, A.L.; Mamayeva, I.A. TITLE. The Synthesis and the Investigation of Rubber Mastication Accelera- tors PERIODICAL; Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, No. 10, PP. 35 - 39 TEXT~ Numerous articles have been published on the subject of acceierat- ing the mastication process both of natural and synthetic rubbers by using vari- ous organic compounds, such as mercaptanes, amines, nitro-compounds, nitroso-com- pounds, guanidines, etc. The present article deals with the different methods of obtaining them and the results of a comparative study of the action of dibenzoyl- sulfide and zinc thiobenzoate, which were the first substances to be recommended by the authors as accelerators (Ref. 4) in the mastication process in natural and synthetic [CkC-30 (SKS-30),,CkH-26 (SKKN-26)]L?ubbers. The effect of these two a?- celerators on the prop;7r-ties of the mixtures and vulcanizates were compared to Renacite IV and Peptone 22, two mastication accelerators used extensively in 01 'n- er countries. Dibenoylsulfide and thiobenzoate are non-toxic and are more easi-Y Card 112 83296 S/138/59/00O/0io/oo8/oio A051/AO29 The Synthesis and the Investigation of Rubber Mastication Acce'leratrr_z and simply to obtain than Renacite IV and Peptone 22. Dibe=ylsulfide has also a higher activity. Other chemical properties of the latter compcund are listed (Ref. 6). The synthesis of dibenzoylsulfide for this study is outlined and the obtained product described in detail. Thiobenzoate was obtained from sodium thio- benzoate and zinc sulfate by means of a mutual exchange of the salts in an aque- ous solution (Formula 1). The laboratory procedure is explained (Formulae 2, -~, and 4), and the experimental results discussed. It was seen that dibenzcylsul- fide as a mastication accelerator of natural rubber, on the rollers and In the rubber mixer, surpasses Renacite IV, Peptone 22 and zinc thiobenzoate- it also accelerates the thermomastication of SKS-30 and SKN-26. Zinc thiobenzoate as an accelerator of mastication of natural rubber is equivalent to Renacite 17V and Peptone 22. Dibenzoylsulfide and zinc thiobenzoate just as Renacite IV and Pepto- ne 22 have no effect on the properties of raw mixtures and on the physico-mechan- ical properties of the vulcanizates. Mass production of dibenzoylsulfide and zinc thlobenzoate should be started, since they are simple to manufacture and have a high activity as accelerators of rubber mastication. There are 8 graphs, 4 tables and 6 references.,- 4 Soviet and 2 German. ASSOCIATIONS Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinovykh I lateksnykh izdelly (scientific Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Products) Card 2/2