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S/044/63/000/001/031/053 AO6O/AOOO AUTHOR: Povzner, A.Ya., Gestrin, G.N. TITLE: on some finite-difference methods of solving mixed problems for hy- perbolic and parabolic equations I PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1, 1963, 6, abstract M4 (Uch. zap. Kharlkovsk.tun-t, 1061, 120, Zap. Mekhan.-matem. fak. i Kharlkovsk.-matem. o-va, v. 28, 33'- 63) TEkT: By"imitating" with finite differences the conservation laws or inte- gr~l identities defining the generalized solhtion,.the authors construct in a na- tural way finite-difference schemes, which reducdto solutions of the correspond- ing boundary problems for second-order differential equations of the hyperbolic and parabolic type. Here, having mainly in view the construction of stable dif- ference schemes, the authors everywhere, after proving the stability of the scheme, prove its convergence to the solution of the corresponding boundary problem in the weak sense only (the necessary uniqueness theorems are assumed to be known). [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 40540 c;7 _1ov -'a..-( oscow) 3/039//32/058/001 /00 1 /001 B1 121.6186 T IT L-'-' Bolt,~mann 1:~ equation for the kinetic thpory of gases ,t~EhIGDI:: ,'atematicheskiy sbornik, v. 58 (1-00), no. 1,1962, 65-66 TEXT: llnz! author consider,,; t:,e, goneralized Boltzmann equation + 1 (p, grad. (graid U, grad, f) it- M (4) p$-pj)dgdpj= P., (x (X, P, (x V, 'H (x,P,) f MPI)IJ. (X-4*~ T ff, fl = T, ff. f] w- r- [f, n, for tt.e .-.olecular function f. 'his equation differs from the classical one by it...: derivation, io based on the assumption of a possible spatially "smeared-out" colli:;ion process. No special requirement's as to the -ipecificity of physical assu;-,~ptions used for the derivation of the equation are imposed. Instead of Eq. (4), the equivalent integral equation C ard 1 /P :3/ 0,-9/j2/058/G,0 1 /00- 1 /G01 equ-7-tion for the ?inetic ... B1 12, 3186 4-- f(x,i~,t) (Xqp)j, T[f,f] 0 1t - is inv,-,Lirated. The exi3tc-nce and uniqueness of its solution i3 proved. Tiiii-~ is obtaine,,i introducing thc special 14w of elatir- col-Li:;io., 'jut 'only u-nder t1it, atmumption of conservation laws. For nomo----vne-ou-- distributions, Zq. (4) is equival.ent to the clasLic,!.' Bolt:,.mann equation. Therefore, the author's results contain that of T. C-.rleman (Proble'mes mathe'natiques dans la the/orie cine'ticue des '-',.,jsala, 1957) asspecia1 cases. 0 - SUB. :!T,'*-~ D: February 16, 1961 Card 2/2 POVZNER, A.Ya. (Moskva); SUXHAREVSKIY, IN. (Rhar'kov) Finding asymptotic soluti.-)ns of shortwavo? dif fraction problems. Zhur. vych. mat. i mat. fiz. I no.2:224-245 Yr-An '61. (MIRA 14:8) (Boundary value problems) (Diffraction) Naves) (-POVZM, A-Ta.; SUKRAUVSKIY, I-V- (Kharlkov) Discontinuity of the Green function in a mixed problem of the wave equation. Mat. abor- 51 no-1:3-26 060. (MIRA 13:8) (Differential equations, Partial) 24(3) AUTHORS. Povzner, A. Ya., Sukharevskiy, I. V. BOV/20-127-2-16/70 TITLE: Th~eIntegral Equations of the Second Kind for the Problems of Diffraction on an Infinitely Thin Screen PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 2, pp '1191-294 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present work was undertaken with the object of developing the boundary value problem of the diffraction into an equivalent regular integral equation of the second kind. In the first part of the paper the differential-integral equation of the first kind (7) is developed with GreenlB formulas in the familiar manner, and then the principal problem of this paper is treated: the transformation of equation (7) into an integral equation of the second kind. Equation (8) is obtained from (7) with the use of an operator, and equation (9) is then developed from (7) and (8). By a corresponding transformation Predholm's equation (10) is derived from equation (9). The general formula is given for the special case of the infinitely thin plane 8creeng and it is stated that the integral equation (10) is equivalent to the Card 1/2 The Integral Equations of the Second Kind for the SOV/20-127-2-16/70 Problems of Diffraction on an Infinitely Vh-ir, Screen above boundary value problem. In the last part a scalar investigation of the diffraction is carried out, giving solutions of Dirichlet and Neumann. There are 4 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiof'lziki i elektroniki Akad,?mii nauk USSR (Instit.ute of Radiophysles and Ele:~tronics of the Academy of Scienc~es, UkrSSR) Kharikovskiy po-Ijitekhnicheskily instuitut im. V. I. Lenina (Kharzkov Polytechnic Instit-).-"-e im-ini V. I. Lenin) PRESENTED: March 28. 1959v by V. 1. Smirno-r. Academician SUBMITTED: March 26, 1959 Card 2/2 LYU-BARSKIY, G.Yu.; FOVMR, A.Ya. T theory of wave propagation in irregalar wave mildee. tekh.fiz. 29 no.2:170-179 F '501. (MNj% 12:4) 1. Fiziko-teldmicheakiy institut AN USM i Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki AN USSRt Kharlkov. (Wave guides) AUTHORS: Povzner, A.Ya.. and Sukharevskiy,I.V. SOV/20-122-6-8/49 TITLE: On the Discontinuity of -the Green Function of the Mixed Problem for the 'Wave Equation and on Some Diffract-Lon Problems (0 razryvakh funktsii Grins, smeshannoy zadachi dlya volnovogo uravneniya i o nekotorykh difraktsionnykh zadachakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk, SSSR,1958,Vol 122,Nr 6,Dp986-089 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solution u(t,x) of the problem A U utt U(O,X) = 0 ut(O'x) = f(x) uls = 0 where S is the simple infinitely differentiable boundary of a two-dimensional domain D, can be written in the form u(t,x) = U 0(t,x). + ~w(t,x,y)f(y)dQy if U0(t,x) is the solution of Cauchy's problem in the whole space under the same initial conditions. The authors in- Card 1/3 vestigate the points of discontinuity t = t k(X?Y) of the Green On the Discontinuity of the Green Function of the SOV/20-122-6-8/49 Mixed Problem for the Wave Equation and on Some Diffraction Problems ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED% function w and of its derivatives with respect to t, and the magnitude of the jumps. Simultaneously they direct to the formal connection of the considered problem with the theory of the short-wave diffraction. If namely v(x,a,k) = 1 H(l)(klx-al) +,W(x,a,k) is the Green function of the _~ ~) o Dirichlet problem for the equation inkv + k2v = 0 in D, then it is a,k) eikt w(t,xa)dt r(xt The partial integration gives the asymptotic behavior of r in dependence on the jumps of w(t,x,a). The authors present four theorems with partially indicated proofs. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.Gorlkogo (KhaAov State University imeni A.M. Gorlkiy) June 5, 1958, by S.L. Sobolev, Academician Card 2/3 52-111-1-4/9 AUTHOI'uS: Maslov, K.V. and Povzner, A. Ya. TITIB; On Infinitesimal Operators of a Class of Lar"!!.--ov Processes. (Ob i-nfinitezi-mallnykh o ratoi-akh odnogo klassa markovskikh protsessov.r F~,RIODICAL: Teoriya veroyatnostey i Yey prime-nenlya, 1958, Vol-III, Nr.1, pp. ?0-83. (USSIZ) ARS)TRACT: The basic purpose of this paper is to obtain a general form of infinitesimal operators for a class of Llarkov Drocesses in an n-dimensional space. It is Sho--jm that if the transition probabilities satisfy certain conditions, then an infinitesimal operator of the process is a natural generalization of the operator considered for the one-dimensional case by Ito (Ref.3). At the slai.-u-, t 'Ll-le Ito's reauireuent- of "stocha-,-tic differentiation" of the process is replaced by other conditions which clr~n be verified more simply. All the results in the paper are formulated in tei,,is of transition Drobabili-ties, and the connection of these results wituh t~-e investij~'-ations of L)ynkin (Ref.4), in which the property of tra ectories is taken as a starting point, is not discussed. tce this paper was submitted Martynov (Ref.7) has Dresented ,- Card series of results which agree with those of tilis paper but 1/8 are obtained by a different method. Since in -L1-h-e present ~~' 2 - 111 - I - On Infinitesimal Operators of a Class of Markov approach the n-dimensional case is not more complicated than the one-diniensional case, the main part of the paper is devoted to a discussion of the Gne- dimensional Drocess. Consider the one-dimen.,jimial T-Jurkov process with transition probabilities P(t, x; T, y). This functiori is a non-vanisi-iing funcu-ion of -7 sati--- fying the condiGions lim F(t' X; 'C' Y) = 1; q I Y---:~' + 00 lim F(t' X; -C' Y) = 0. 2) Y ---.* - 00 It is measurable in x with respect to the measure generated by it as a function of y. The func-15ion also satisfies the condition +00 F(t,x; 'r,Y) r,(tl,z; 'c,y)dz F(t,y-; tf,z) (E c- - Card 2/8 oo (0 < t < t' On Infinitesimal C~)erators of a CLass of lilarkov Proces.~:es. Let C be the space of all cont-inuouc and bounded L (on all axe s) functions with norm 11 f W -rup I f W 5 and 0 the set of all finite functions from C. SuDpose that for f(m) C +00 *(t,x; Ttf = ~ f(y)dyF(t,x; T,y)- (11;q.4) -00 Denote by 2 the set of functions from C for which +00 T,:-,f= f(y)d F(tl-6,x; tl,y)=f(x)+bKf(tl,x)+o(b) t Y (Eq-5) for any fixed t' and x and b L 0. Processes are considered which satisfy the followinE conditions: (A) for any f(x) f C for fixed t' and x, then Ttt f tends to f (x) as 6 -.-A-0; Carcl 3/8 tl-,5 ,-,. . -_ -1 J I - -I_ -,. " -_ On Infinitesimal Operatiloi-s of a Class of !.'~-tri.,ov I~ro,,;t_sscs, (B) the set 2 contains a sub-set 21 ~--on-,incjou--ly twice differentiable (on all axes) fanctl-ior.,_-, su--r,. that if f(x) ( 21 then f(x-a) S21 'or any a; t':,e sat L 91 is everywhere dense in C and if fW C C and ha s -e in a finite interval two continuous derivation-t, "her, t.1 approximating functions for f from 2" _,an b-- cnosen such that in the 6iven interval they unifori.,ily approa_--'_.-~ the first and second deri,.rations of the function f6c); (a) as N__,,+OO dY F(tI - 67 x; t's Y)___~,O. y-x >N uniformly with respect -to 6. Theorem 1. Let there be given a one-dimenS4 onal I' rk -,r process satibfyinE conditions (A), (B) and N_'). T 1 -, e -n i f ~he function IV(t, X; -U) related to 1~,(tf x; -~;j y) by Card Eq.4 is continuously differential twice with respect to 4/8 X, then it satisfies the equation On Infinitesimal OperatorS of a Class of li~arkov Prores_~:e.-;. Y a~(t'jx; ~(t'Y+X; -')4(t'x; -U)- a t 1+y2 1+y 2 X -d G(t1x2y)+y(t,x)------ 72 7 '3 x and the initial condition * (t P X; -C -__~> f (X) as t -.1vu - 0, q where u(t, x, y) has a non-vanishing function of bounded variation (on all axes) for fixed t and x. The author -then discusses some consequences of ttI.11- theorem, in particular, (1) the infinitesiiiial opre:L-ator of a homogeneous process with independent increr.,ient-S, which is contiruous with respect to t in tile sense of C , a r (I satisfying condition (A). If tho operator is denoted b7 5 /UO A and tile conditions of tile theorem are satisfied, t:ieu On Infinitesimal Operators of a Class of 1,1har',zov Processo-S. + 0o y Af = ~~f(x+y) f(X) fl(M da(y) + yf'(x); 1+y 1+y (Eq.22) (2) The conditions that the operator Kf is local. These are that the function o(t, xv y) (as a funct-ion of y) must have a finite discontinuity at the origin and be a constant in the intervals (-00, 0) and (0, +,~O). For this it is necessary and sufficient that d - F (t 6, x; t 0 (Ea.23) y 6 Y-X 6 for any fixed (3) The purely discontinuous process. In order lu--~Iat -uiae process be a purely discontinuous Feller proce2,-, t~I(:; GAUnction o(t, X, y) i-mitit rjwUL.,Jfy Uto On D-ifinitesimal Operatuors of a (,lass of Markov P_--CC~_ - 1+y2 dya (t , x, y cl. 24) To satisfy this condition it is necessary and sufficient that X+CL 1 d F (t 6, x; t y) --- C 0) (!~q.25) Y X-CL y - he for any fixed t' and x and all 6. For simplicit- u n-dimensional case is troated for n = 2. 11-t P(tt p; r, r ) be the transitional probability of a tvio- dimensional Markov process; p a point on the plane, %vith coordinates (x P X2), r a Borel set on Uhe plano on which is defined the probability mea~,ure P(t, P; TIF). Card The same conditions as for the one-dimensional DrOces-I 7/8 are imposed. On Infinite-sima-1 0_-Iel"_~tOrS Of,. U (111-OSS 0j" 1. Theorefa 2. For a If-arlICOV Dl'ocess s_a't:4._r.fyJ_n.c above conditions the 'Lune-Lion ~(t, T), if Lt ha, r. w o continuous derilratives, satisfies tHe 61 and -the initial condition 71, wh, e reH2 is a tvic-di:_iensional space, Dr, is some neiShbourhood of ulip. wit.-II diameter c, q is the point on the coordinat,_-s (yj, Y2)1 and 1j.(b, p r) is a me;_tr,,ure ori. Lhe plarif; :;_iAi LIt: -_. t ve - p(t, p, R 2 ~ 'c::- 00 for each fixed p and t. W, ore o a2 a a for any -Tralues of p ar.6_ t-. 12 - 11 22 v< 0 There are 8 references of which 6 arc; and 21 ~3UBMITTEID: July 20, 195/. kVAII,ABI,L,;: Library of Gongre.~s. 1. Markov processes 2. Probability (Statistics)-Mithematical 3. Stochastic processes Card 0/8 / e, . :1,-- 0- . .;I ~. r DRINM ID, G.I.; MARCHINKO, V.A.;,POVZM, A Concerning certain works on analysis and algebra published by the Kharkov University. Uch.zap.KHGU 65:59-64 156. (MLRA 10:7) (Kharkov--Kathematica--Study and teaching) POTZNEER, Z.B.,, gornyy lnzh.~ :J'EiWf IN' V I y, P . ., gcrn y inzb.; CHERKONGS, A.f., gorayy inzh., TKACHUK, K.N., gornyy irizh. Dolomite strip mine Ln Krivoy Rog BasIn. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.15:86-89 163. (MIRA 17:8) ALEKSEYEV, F.K.; ANDRIYUTS, G.L.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I.; ASTAFIYEV, Yu.P.; BEVZ, N.D.; BEREWVSKIY, A.I.; GENERALOV, G.S.; DOROSHENKO,, V.I.; YESHCHENKO, A.A.; ZAPARA, S.A.; KALINICHENKO, V.F.; KARNAUSHENKO, I.K.; KIKOVKA, Ye.I.; KOB02EV, V.N.; KUPIN, V.Ye.; LOTOUS, V.K.; LYAKHOV, N.I.; MALYUTA, D.I.; METS, Yu.S.; OVCDENKO, B.K.; OKSANICH, I.F.; PANOV, V.A.; POVZ AR _., Z.B-; PODORVANOV, A.Z.; U y V. G. ; FO-TAP&-' I.- .- POLISHCHUK, A.K.; POLYAKOV L; SAVITSKIY, I.I.; SERBIN., V.I.; SERGEYEV, N.N.; SOVETOV, G.A.; STATKEVICH, A.A.; TERESHCHENKO, A.A.; TITOV, O.S.; FEDIN, A.F.; KHOMYAKOV, N.P.; SHEYKO, V.G.; SHEKUN, O.G.; SESTAKOV, M.M.; SHTANIKO, V.I. Practice of co4struction and exploitation of open pits of Krivoy- Rog Basin mining and ore dressing combines. Gor. zhur. no.6: 8-56 Je 163. (~MU 16:7) (Krivoy Rog Basin--Strip mining) SHESTAKOVY M.M.;,POVZNER, Z.B., inzh.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; YESHCHENKOJ, A.A., gornyy inzh. System of mining-with lateral judo and without cross trenches. Gor. zhur. no.2:9-12 F162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera TSentrallnogo gornoobogati- tellnogo kombinata (for Shestakov). 2. Trest po proyektirovaniyu zhelezorudnykh predpriyatiy Krivorozhskogo basseyna (for Povzner). 3. Krivorozhskiy gornorudnyy institut (for ArsentiYev, YeshchenkoY. 1. POVZUN, 1. 2. USSR 600 4. Rape (Plant) - Diseases and Pests 7. Damage to winter rape due to the weevil Ceutorrhynchus pleurostigma and its effect on yield, Sbor. stud. rab. Umansk. sellkhoz, inst, No. 1, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Librajy of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. SAYKOVSKIY, P.P., nauChn. sotr.; ISAYEVA, Ye.V., nauchm. sotr.; OLIFER, A.V., nauchn. sotr,, SHCHERBAKOV V.V., nauchnj sotr.;.PO nauchn. sotr.; MASLO, Ye,M., nauchn. sott.; KRrIDVA, A.S., nauchn. sotr.; MAUMV-SKlY, A.S., nauchA. sotr.; VASILIKOVAI A.K., nauchn. sotr.; VOVCHENKO, D.P., nauchn. sotr.; BOGDAN, L.I.J. nauchn..sotr.; GROTTE, G.M., nauchn. sotr.; SKUTSKAYA, N.P., red.; DAKHNO, Yu.B., tekhn. red. (Pests and diseases of fruit and berry crops] Vrediteli i bo- lezni plodovo-iagodnykh kulltur; 8pravochnik. Kiev, Izd-vo AN Ukr.SSR, 1962. 275 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Fruit-Diseases and pests) SAVKOVSKIY) P.P., nauchn. sot'r.; ISAYEVA, Ye.','., nauchn. sotr.; OLI=y A."., nauchn. sotr.; -SHUTIRBAK.CV, V.V., nauchn. ootr.; ~QVZUN,-I.D., nauchn. sotr.; VA510, Ye."., nauchn. sotr.; KRYLOVA, A.S., nauchn. sotr.; t,!ATVIY-T'VSKFI, A.3., nauchn. sotr.; VASILIKOVA, A.K., nauchn. sotr.; VOMMKO D.P., nauchn. sotr.; WGDAN, L.I., nauchn. sotr.; GROTTE I.I.G., nauchn. sotr.; CHEFUR, N.D., red.,, [Peoto and diseases of fmit and berry plants; a manual] Vreditall i b()I(:znl p.Lodovo-Lai,(,dnykh kul-It.ur; opravoch- nik. Kiev, Naukova diunka, 1965. 287 p. (1,1111LA 18~:9) POVZUNP I.D. some ecologic characteristics of orchard scale insects in the wooded steppe nnd Folesye of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Vop. ekol. 7:141-142. ,62. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Donetskaya opytnaya stantsiva sadovodstva, Artemovsk. (Ukraine--Scale insects) (Ukraine-Fruit-Dise"es and pests) ?OVZ!j-:, !. 11J. 1, f - nd A, - r -'-'c i - - ( da -s ,; )"Coccidia (Coccoil'-,C-I~ ) f;n': ',,r controllinr, them in the of the forcstftsmol-steppe~a-rer~ Onul t,-.f3 pol'~-Slye of the LTISSR." Kiev, 19bU. lG :)p (Min of AGr 1,P.-cS.;R. Ukr,dnian !.L:r Sci), 200 conies (KL, 36-58, 114) -53- POVZUN, 1-.V.,,.--kanq.sel'skokhoz.nauk Acacia scale Parthenole.10 anium corni Bouche in plum plantations. Ufl'h6h. rast. ot vred. I bol. 6 no.9-28-29 S '61. (~gRA 16:51) 1. Donetskaya opytnaya stantsiya sadovodstva, Artemovsk. (~lum--Diseases and pests) (Scale insects) POW) J - 'rile M.Itajur KR--6, a Yugo6jav lij,,ht plbne. p. 7. (S0ZYbbtTii POI.AA. Vol.. 12, no. 'iii, SapL. 1956, Wtirsurkwa, lloj;~rld) SC,: Monthly List of East 1-urop-an Accessicns (E!~U) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. POWAZKAY Antoni, inz. Now form of perfoctioning teachers of vocational schools. Przagl techn 85 no.3:8 19 Ja 164. J e cz".- s.., aw GN,~T~ Tadeusz; POWAHA, fj* Preliminary report cn the use of haloanizone psychiatric therapy. flelurol. ne-uroch--r. psyc'- no.2:293-297 Mr-Ap 165. 1. Z Panstwowego Szpitala d1a Psychicznie i EF-Irwo-wrc "Kochanow',call w Lodz-L (Dyrektor: dr. med. T. POWEL, C.F. The,21st M4eting of the Executive Council of the World Federation of Scientific Workers in Budapest, Septeimber 4-~-25, 1960. Vestnik CSAV 70 no.1:138-139 161. POWEL, G.F. (Briatol) The origin of cosmis rays. Fiz szemle 10 no.4:105-111 Ap t6O. PAUELL, S.F. [Powell, S.F.], Prof. Moscaw Symposium of Higher Education. Mir nauki no.4:1-6 162* (MIRA 16-11) 1. Ghlen Korolevskogo obshchestva, Angliya. F(A-LERTOWSKIP llierowm,doc. dr.; STACHOWSKI, Bronisllax C-.I ir,-'c a 1 obBervations or. the treatment of tr~lum I a.', i :-- -!It r-,-Y~ , ~ of the cervical spine. Chir. narzad. ruchm ort-p. Pr.!-. 28 nc..~., 823,331 163 1. Z Kliniki- Ileurochirurgii Xkademil Illedy~~z:--I .4 F3zna,---i (Kierownfic., doc. dr. H. Poviert-w-ski). BORUCINSIA, J.; POWIERTO IISKI, H.; WENCEL, T. Methods of research on speech disturbances in person5 s, ering from focal brain lesions. Przegl psychol no-5:97-107 162. -7-- 1< POWIERTOWSKI, Hieronim; LXBKOWSKI, Jerzy Neurcsurgica&-4 -f-Tactures-of- -tj%4';Nj)txbe-41t'h`6ord Chir,.marz :-mwf-hm-2-2-=.4--373-376 1957. 1. Z Kliniki Nourochirurgicznej A. M. w Pbznaniu. Kierownik: z-ca. nrof. dr. H. Fowiertowaki. Poznan, u1. Przybyszewskiego 49, Klinika. Neurochirurgianna. (SPINX, fractures causing spinal cord inj.. surg. (Pol)) (SPINAL CORD, wds. & inj. caused by fract. of spine, (Pol)) RAMOSZ, Zenon; POWIERTOWSKI, Ifieronim, doc. dr. med. Familial incidenr- of craniosynostosis. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.4: 123-126 25 Ja 165 1. Z Kliniki Neurochirurgii Akademi Medycznej w Poznanii, '111,'irow- nik: doe. dr. med. Ific-ronim Powiertowski). POWIIAIISKI, Izidomir; 1041IGNER, Zygrmint Clinical value of the reaction of complement fixation. Folski t7god. lek. 14 no.26:1214-1217 29 June 59. 1. (Z Katedry Mikrobiologii leknrskiej Akademii Medycznej w Inblinie; Kierownik: prof. dr J. Parnas) (CONPIMM) Pawouly, J. "The secret of the flyinF enrine.11 p. 10 (Slrzudlata Polska) Vol. lb, no. 1, Jan. 1958 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, no. h, April 1/056 2C nc . -16: ~,~~--~'67 1. Z Oddzialu Polomiezo-Ginekologicznego Centralneq,-) V'Linilcmip-go Mdmaterstwa Spraw Wui~iietrznych w lll'aroza,;.io nat.or: d-, mod. '.,fjir-Lan Zielinsk-fl. POW0114Y, Michal Acute hydramnios during twin pregrancy. Wiad. lek. 'IF nc. 21: 1671-1673 1 N 1 65 1. Z Oddzialu Polomiezo-Ginekologicatego Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego MSW ( Ordynator.- dr. med. M. Zielinski). Z., 1, 6 WU T., w.-i rl w ar za cr. ;7'._; POVIOLNYI Michal 111yaothenia gravls aric pregnancy. Pol. tyg. Iek. 2~; 696-699 10 I'Aly 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Polomiczo-Ginekologicznego Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego Ministerstwa Spraw Welmetrznych w Warszawie (odry- nator Oddzialu: dr. med4 Marian Zielinski). PC)WOIIIY, Michal Fetus papyraceus in the course of twin pregnancy. Wlad. lek. 18 no. 23:1821-1824 1 D 1 65 1. Z Oddzialu Polozniczo-Ginelogicznego Centralnego Szpitala MSW'(Kierownik: dr. med. M. Zielinski). SURWEP Given Names Countr7: Poland Academic Degrees : 67ot given7 Affiliations Zn-ot giver.7 Source: Warsawq Medycyna tieterynaryjna, Vol XVII, No 8, August 1961, pp 467-468. Datas "Control of Cattle Tuberculosis on the Terrain of Zakopane." Authors: GAIIROFER, Jan Tr pqXf, -,\Jan &M- SKI,' Wieslaw. GPO 9a1643 POWRCZNY, Wlad7slaw; PRZESMYCKI, Jan Effect of combined therapy and attempted use of biochemical tests in the diagnosis of lupus erythematosus. Pol. tyg. lek-. 18 no.22:780-783 27 My 163- 1. Z Oddzialu Dermatologicznego Szpitala Miejskiego Ur VI im. dr R. Ieszczynsklego w Katawicach; ordynator: dr W. Powrozny. (LUPUS ERYTM4ATOSUS, SYSTEHIC) (ENZYME TESTS) (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE) (CBLOROQUINE) IFOLAND j?OWRQZNY..-W"dxs1&x and PRZESMYCKI, Jan, Dermatology Divi- ~i-on(bddzial Dermatologiczny), Municipal Hospital (Szpital Miejski) No IV im. Dr. R. Leszozynskiogo in Katowice (Ordy- nators Dr. W. POWROZNY) "Effect of Combined Treatment and Use of Biochemical Tests in the Diagnosis of Erythematodes." War aw, Polski Tygodnik LoIcarski, Vol 18, No 22, 27 May 63, pp ;80-7fli. Abstracts [Authors' English summary) Authors report their observations concerning 20 patients with erythematodes and the results of biochemical and enzymatic tests. 1he tests are of diagnostic value only in acute and subacute forms of erythematodes. Combined threatment with ATP and Aroohine was effective, but did not prevent relapses, There are 21 references, of which 10 are Polish, 5 Western, 3 Czech, two German, and one Soviet. 8 POWROZNY, Wladyslaw.- PRZESKYCKA, Irena; PRZESMYCKI, Jan Evaluation of -paraprotein C in oyphilis and certain dermatoses. Przegl.derm. Warez. 47 no.6:479-486 R-D 160. 1. Z Oddzialu Dermatologicznego Szpitala Miejsl--iego Nr VI im. dr R.Leszczynskiego w Kntowicach, Ordynator: dr W. Powrozny. (SYPHILIS blood) (DERMATOLOGY blood) (C-REACTrVE PROTEIVS) -~G W 7- POLAND 3A 'J":--- , Jakub. ldar(2 of Cocte""rico and Poloznico-C--'Lnekolop:ic7nv) '~=A~Apel Chlof Pl-ricician of the W,,xd: ~',,,d -T. ski) , Y-atowica,, Director of tll,~l HOSUAtal: T) T 11 e U a P- o f 'I "h c; V 9. c c u mr -:-'- t r a c t n, r Is t -;,q d c F o r -,,i -1 1 k 1?o!Rk' ",,7o~nik ol -,,'o 7, 11 ~g Lelzars . 1) 3, pp 259-2-62 Abstra^*: CXunor's Sj_jnl,,Yjp,-*u modiflsf7/ Vacuu-l Zxtmact.or was used' Inste-ad of force,)s in 42 caae-5; of io:;:~ic labor; t1he total -111.,Lber of rllel-!~7erLef-, in tlriic, period (I clet 19~59- 31 Au;: !961) beinc! 2846. The Indlon.ClIons and the advantap,.eE of t-is safe are n ,.ih 1 c' 'I It may be; uEe~l snouldi be cars-rul v hove,;er, A tiie ;-.1rt*-,er2! aii, rif::wborn balbles d..?livor t- -- 10-~, were t- 10 drv,,E after d,:?ll ,1,3 t-,L U - - - - I'v, c- r, I r prc od c nd I t i o ~-,. T 'h r,2- S 11 7 S cl, ;.-Ommle:-C -stUles e 1. er; r).. in 200 childreri n-;zcc'- to 2 4. j ---ulst and- Foltorff are -iert'llonod.. 2 tablea; 10 W stez,."I, 2 Ea!3tr-.r-! m,,fereziccs; PWOZNY, Wladyslaw; PRZZSMYCKA, Irena; PRZESMYCKI, Jan Evaluation of paraprotein C in eryphilis and some dermatoses. Przegl. dorm. 49 no.2:137-143 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Dermatologicznego Szpitala Miejskiego nr VI im. dr L. Leszczynskiego w Katowicach Ordynator: dr W. Powrozny. (G REACTIVE PROTEIN) (SYPHILIS blood) (SKIN dis) POWROZNT, Wladyslaw; SROGZTNSKA, Maria A case of acrodermatitis enteropathica. in an infant. Pediat.polska 34 no.11: 1432-1438 159. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Dzieci w Zabrza. Kierownik: llbogowski i z Od(IzJalu Dermatologiczuego Szpitala Miejskiego no.6 v Ratowicach. Ordynator: W. Powrozny, (ACRODF2M&TITIS in inf.& child. ) POWINRTOWSKI.Hieronim; MALECKI,Jan; BUTTNBR,Gabriol Rhino-neuro Burg ica 1, method in the treatment of fractures of the base of the anterior cranial fossa. Otolar polska 14 no-1:5'-"-- 59 160. (SKULL fract. & disloc. ) POWIERTOWSKI, Hieronim; HUBER, Zdzislaw Tests in patients with brain damages. 1. Results of Yohst te-st &ad EEG studies in patients with epilepsy. Rozpr.wydz.nauk med. 6 no.2: 243-252 '61. 1, Zespol prac z Kliniki Neurchirurgii AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: zast. prof. dr H. Powiertowski. (EPILEPSY diag) (PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM) -q OYA skqYa t I.i.10 starih'y ,e--er!narnyy vra-;h Prophy2axis of in ca-ut,.'~; a (,f aztlcles. 'Vetivinarlia 41 Ap 165. (KIRA 1-8-6) 1. Upravlardya vater.111arl! sellakc)-o khozycLytltva n IIS FS R ( f o r G he -r -n c 1,; 2. v,?.~t.erlttarnogo otdo:31a I'mulenskuy cb2aati (for 3. Rnhdvt3k,~~y voter.-Inarricy laboratcriy-~y Yalfrir-i*~,Dj- (fc-.r Testfn,~r I'achaPrilk (for ~Gyar"ov ns L t'j n o:.-U r 1 -,-v alcado.nijlcn F-1. rvai- na f or lAwmi 44 111, Ow w-_ a I A I A 9 10 11 11 U1. 1. In In 6401 1`01~ with T ME t o i a , It it Ile Eauv 5 f X it a tj r. 00 a I- It L_A_ J!_ 1 . yw w j 4 p A iYa Pro&. ArIff. it Na. IG- If, 31 a the etpt4, W114 to WleCt Itlightly Alli4cd Iterl -nth ito. proved mech. prope"Ie4 for pip" used in deep drilling, 1-1 develop if mr(hod few file prixtuetion if thin qt.vl from l I I O ll %l jo n"tr l tile Khatil.)v rant I e III all o1wil- olefol-I for 41-its. drill fifteen, J.0, ev".q. a Itfolirt fival let-M lilellf 4 1 Ile 141W4 Rod (1) allillyle I Ile 11141pi-I 114 1 ~j tile pIIW4 at .1iflerrut .140e'4 q,f prodoc(I"ll. C4,( Iwo 09 All. 6-011'el. C 4.31".52. Nj 0.1~1-0.(W. Mo 0.3111 4UNA1, 1' -00 024241~259, S iI.0t2A.fPZ7. Cr 11.111-2.33 anti Nj O.Rekq) M(N), -KLral, Fe I:e oct. We. bon,torev 7,00 and INtuxite 175 fig. vrme -hawecrd into a -,Ik-li brarthfurnarr. Thr fresip.of thr initial I, io~f -,( titelting , " MOO 1111-301 ~ .4 [fir final ntagl,, M.11 4W. 111, 1 .... foil wan 1 ~atkfivt all requireireentA few deell-dtilitim llilw-. II- client. compn. 14 C (1.44 41.10. Mn, St OAS. " N O 1 00 P 11.1 ,,,1 N, Ut .M. S 41JUl Wir- . Cr 1 " 0 :11.1 4I.MIt '. fit fah. ripen. incteaw if I v oltole, did 11"I =00 kwr tile in. it. of late, vither tich lo I%%" ill Ci,l 1,, 1 fit, x 00 0 0 :1 to tile unravorahl, V.1 I., F', I Si(s,. Ill. I---, A It Is in theslag it) alinevc 7% hail no ca"i tile tile lie. p. 00 r of the %lag. IA)wtring the In. p. of lag "mig. Mile. 15 lif the line ill siC4. Fro. %let() and Coo k taken I, o o 7v 11"IrP 11 1111C ill III, Ilitolilig if CMP 'Aillt A1,11, % ~00 .~I,041 XW';L ill tile %lag ll'%rlrll ill'. ol. 1' , 00 x fly INI Ategardfr- if tile .,f 4 1015"', -f --qKiA tionx, AW). 1M.M. Stih IS 1, UW Soo 2:4.5 and Ko + S;uO 4.7% lowrivil the lie. p, of I lie 4ax ' . A 111,-W, arldn, of ImLiwe if,, ':v NW-UNI I Ii. of -lag- con-lderably. I fir lie. it. ,( Cr Liec- imw Iie regarded it% the lie. it. of tile low-niching ot.i- wfo.-Ii ' ss-s A -Ittaill~ hard pal licle, l,f Co. I llin h. nteniq o( Site,. C%O. iFeO + Mae), aild -Wh- A IT.LLUk(,KAL LiTIN f Z_ ~~ z triangular diagram of ific iyo,,m Coo Mili ii t 'a., 0 qK) f l d h b i f i oo , wan con4 oil t 4 re ruc e e a% t le ricins U U 4v 1 0 '11 ; z ?A pw 01 19 1 Me it An L s a 0 0 1 it 5 a 0 f ; a a I, &V a x it ft a 11 * 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 4110 10 0 pi Z 0 0 0 o 4111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W* & o 0 0* 0 *10 0-0 * 0 000 0 0 090 00900 00 1 0 0 0 l VO IA)V IK. F. L. ; ORB HMN, P. I. ; ZRIMISK IY, V. D. ; P0YjJIx0V, A.H. , Use of forsterite checkers. Stall 20 no.2:125-127 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Open-hearth furnaces) (Firebrick) 18-3200 776oB -OV11 33 -;S 0-~- -S/25 AUTHORS: Volovik, F. L., Gor-,!htein, P. I., Zelenskiy, V. D., Poyarkov, A.--M. TITLE: Concerning Application of Forsterite Checkers PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, Nr 2, pp 125-127 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investigation was to establish the reasons for the impaired performance of the furnace after replacement of dynas brick by forsterite brick in the 8-12 top checker rows. It was found that decreasing heat conductivity of forsterite brick has little influence on the thermal performance of the checkers. The main cause of poorer performance is the irregularity of smoke and air distribution in the horizontal cro:,,s ,ectlon. The distribution of temperature in the horizont-al cro.,,-- --ection was determined on a fire model and on the 1.-iorking checke--r,s of a 185-ton furnace. The checkers have a cubic shape Card 1/6 with rib size of 6 m, shown in Fig. 2. PC 7 76 0 8 S 0-','/'! Fig. 2. S'chematl.c diagram of thermocouple location (1-8) and o- movement of products of combustion (iDc) :~nd air (A) thro~,I '-h tile right furnaee checkers. Card 2/6 3oncerning Application of :.'orsterite Checkers Card 3/6 776oP 'ZOV/1? -4 -60-2 -3/2~-, The temperature was measured with a 2.5 m long thermocouple in two horizontal planes (Fig. 2). The measurement results shown in Fig. 3 lead to the following conclus-Ions: (1) Combustion products outgoing from vertical ducts wialce in the slag pocket and move mainly to the front 7.-iall of ti)e regenerator (F-Ig. 2). (2) ' Most of the corribustiort productL"s pass through t~ie cliecker ai-ea adjacent to 1-111o f*votlt' wal.], and most of the air, through the checker arl--a 1,(..) the bridge wall. (3) The distribution of tomperature showed that the gas and air flows do not coi;,,cide, .-riiiclh leads to poore.- heatinir ol" the. a1r. (11 )T,-ie~ distribution of the smoke and air by mean:, ol' t,~::i',poravy arl(j partial closing of the sla- pocket allows a decrease in fuel consumption and an increase in furnace productivity. Credit is given to Orman, V. Ya.,for his participation. There are 5 figures; and 3 Soviet references. of Co' ncerning Application Forsterite Checker5 - Fig. 776o8 ' SOV/132-~0-2-8/25 3 G 6 Card 4/6 :vning Applicatlon ol' l,'r)vsterite Clieckers, - Card 5/6 P-ig. ~ kconG,a) (Caption Card 6/6) 7-(6o8 L d SOV/3 33-6 0-2 -P-;/2= Concerning Application of Forsterite Checkers 776o8 SOV/133-60-2-8/25 Fig. 3. Temperature distribution(in 0C) in right checkers of open-hearth furnaces. (a) Toward end of passage of combustion products (in charging) (b) same, toward end of air passage period; M toward end of combustion product passage in smelting; (d) same, toward end of air passage. Card 6/6 BAPTIZMANSKIY, V.I.; DUBROVSKIY, Yu.A.; IAPITSKIY, V.I.; POT1MOV,.k-M-; ROSTOVTSEV, S.T.; SESYUK, G.S.; OGRYZKIN, Ye.X Refining bl&17 phosphorous cast iron in converters with ox-gen blow. Report No.l. 11auch.dokl.vya.shko1y; met. no.1125-27 159. (MIRA 12r5) 1. Dnepropetroveldy metallurgicheekiy institut. (Cast iron--Metallurgy) (converters) BAPTIZMANSKIY, V.I.; DUBROVSKIY, Yu.A.: LAPITSKIY, V.I.; POTARKOV, A.M.; RDSTOVTSIV, S.T.; SICSYUK, G.S.; OGRYZKIN, Ye.M. ' Refining highly phosphorous cast iron in converters with ojqgen blow. Report No. 2. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkol-y; met. no.1:28-33 159. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskly metallurgichaskiy institut. (cast irou--Metallurgy) (converters) AUTHORS: Baptizmanakiy, V. I., Dubrovskiy, Lapitskiy, V. I.,.__~oyarlov A ?'(-,Stovtsev, S, T., Sesyuk, G. S., Ogryzkin, Ye, M. TITLE: Conversion of High-phosphorus Pi.T- Iron in Oxygen-blast Con- verters (Peredel vysokofosforistogo chuguna v konvertere s kislorodnym dutlyem). Communication I. Convera-ion of High- phosphorus Pig Iron in a Converter 'With Combined Lateral Blast (Soobshcheniye I. Peredel vysokofosforistogo chuguna v konver-- tere s bokovym kombinirovannym dutlyem) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. !,Ietallurt~iya, 1959,~ Nr 1, pp 25-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results obtained by the investigations carried out in the steel melting laboratory of the DMI from 1956-1957 are presen- ted. The collaborators of the 1ChM AS 91rrSSR assisted in the recording of the case historier of tile heats, and in the selection and analysis of metal and slag samples. In the IChM AS UkrSSR in collaboration with the DMI the convertiria of Kerch pig iron in the laboratory furnace was investigated, For this purpose the 0,9-1.0 t laboratory converter was adapted to Card 1/4 combined lateral blastinCi The converter had a capacity of Conversion of High-phosphorus ?iC Iron in Oxy;,~en- S ", V /`1 1/ 5 0 blast Converters. Communication 1. ConverEion of -ron in a Converter 'Nith Combined Lateral Blast 0-85 m3, the depth of the metal bath was 3,55 mo. 11i,:; iron of the following composition was converted: ) 4 1'0' C--;.B ','~ C, f 1.3-1.8 ;L P, 1.0-1.3 I'An, 1.10-0,r 'a ~) `,' Si, 0,08-0.20 /~, S_ 0.10-0.25 Oit. V. The pij?, iron had been melted in :L ctipola fur- nace. Previoun to convertin,~,. it Intid it Lompo-VaLilre of 1,140-1,2000. Limeatone vi:t~, atldod 1, o a po rc,(~n Lf I I of the charge weight. A special. device permitted to andd the fluxing a8ents at any moment without interruption of the con- verting process. In the experiments with combined blastin- the air was supplied to thle converter throul-h 4 tuy~res with a diameter of 40 mm at a pressure of 0.1'i.-0,25 atmos,-,heres, excess pressure by a centrifulf,:J blo-ner With 11 C.'11MCity Of 50-60 m3/min. The oxygen was 6upplied throui~h two s~jecial copper tubes mounted within the tuYeres under 6-10 atmospheres excess pressure. The flow rate of oxygen varied between 1.7-4.2 m3/min the oxy~,en consTimption per ton b(-ln,- 11-25 f,13., In this investigation special interest was riven to pl-oblems Card 2/4 of slag formation and of early dephosphorizat ion.. Several iron in Oxy-en- SOV/1 67 -6/co ConversLon of Hij~:h-phosphorus -Pij t, / I blast Converters. Communication I. Convers-on -iZ" -Z: a Converter With Com-ined Lateral Blast methods of blast arrangement were studied. The bect results were obtained with the second test ueries zhcrp the incilinalion of the tuy'e'res was reduced to 0-50 (from the horizontal) and the flow rate was reduced by closing two tuye'res. These measures lead to quite respectable results. A comparison with information from publications (Refs 8-10) showed that the formation of slag with a high solution value and the oxidation of the phosphorus proceeds much faster in a converter with. a combined air-oxyr,en blast than in a converter with only bottom or lateral air blast. In converters with combined blast it is possible to produce a slag with a P 205 content meeting the specifications and an ingot steel with a lov. nitrogen and phosphorus content (-C0.04 lo) without anyconsider.- able overconverting. The experiments showed that the following measures must be taken in order to accelerate slag formation and depi-loophorization: 1) DurinE.7 the initial stage of the process (25-30 6/6 of the total time) the blast must be directed Card 3/4 onto 'the metal surface or into the upper layer of the bath. Conversion of High-phosphorus Pif:' Iron in Oxy,,,en- SOV/1 63- --,9-1 -6 blast Converters, Communication 1. Converalon of Hi-h-~h--,p a Converter With Combined Lateral Blast 2) A well calcined limestone must be used tnd it MUst be ,1,1ven in portionsat certain irtervals There are 10 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Metallurgy) SUBMITTED: June 5, 1958 Card 4/4 180) AUTHORS: Baptizmanskiy, V. I., Dubrovskiy, Yu,A.,SOv/163-59,-1-7/50 Lapitskiy, V. Roc-tovtsev, S.. T Sesyuk, G. S., Ogryzkin, Ye,, M, TITLE: Conversion of High-phoophorus Pig Iron in an Oxygen-blast Con- verter (Peredel vysokofosforistogo chuGuna v konvertere s kislorodnym dutlyem). Communication II. Conversion of High- phosphorus Pig Iron by Top Blasting (Soobshcheniye II,, Feredel vysokofosforistogo chuguna v konvertere s verkhnim kislorodnym dutlyem) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. I.Tetallurgiya, 1959, 11r 1, pp 28-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This investigation was carried out with water cooled blast tuye'res with a diameter of 8-10 mm, blasting oxygen with a purity of 94-98 % under 5-8 atmospheres excess pressure into the converter. The rate of oxygen supply varied between 3/min, the average oxygen consumption 'or the last 3.3-6.1 m I heats wais 70 m3/ton. Limestone and for some heats pir, iron 0 with a bauxite content of 1.5-2.0 'J~o were used as a fluxing C, Card 1/3 agent. For the last heats limestone-ore briquettes with an Conversion of Ifigh-phosphorus dig Iron in an Oxygen- SOV/1 63- 59 - 1-7/"5(-i blast Converter. Communication 1I. Conversion of Hi.:-h-.~h~'s:;1-orus 'J T-- I--- Top Blasting ore content of about 50 "; were used. The fluxing a,-ents -.-.,ere added in portions, 3 to 4 times, in intervals of 1.5-4,Cj minu- tes. All in all 12 experimental heats were prepared It appeared from the results that the cotirse of sla:r formation and of dephosphorization in convertinj~ hi,,h-phosphorus pill- iron in a converter witil a top oxygen blast are essentially dependent upon the following factors: 1) Upon the iron oxide constituent in the primary slaj. 2) Upon the oxygen supply and the rate of oxygen consumption by the heat- Both factors are determined by the circulation in the heat. 3) Upon the state and the composition of the slag constituents. 4) Upon the thickness of the solid phase layer in the converter durin.- the initial sta-ge of converting, 5) Upon thf- temperature con- ditions during blasting. The experiments showed thaT 1) if hiCh-phosphorus piC iron is converted in oxygen top-blast con- verters the formation of a basic slag with a hi.17h solution value, which can be brou.-ht up to the specified ? 205 content Card 2/3 can be guaranteed at the be.-inniniZ of blastin,'- (by addin,,, tip Conversion of High-phosphorus Pi,_7 Iron in an Oxygen--- SCV/1"_5 -::-1- 1 -7/"rrj blast Converter. Communication II, Convereion of lith-phosphorus Pi~ Tron by Top Blasting to 15 % of limestone). By the same way an early dephoapnoriza.- tion may be ensured and thus a metal with a phosphorus con- tent of less than 0~1 '/'r, at a high carbonconcentration (1-1.5 can be produced. This may be achived without using fluor-spar or rabbling the slag. 2) In converters of such a type carbon steel can be produced from basic Bessemer pig iron with a low phosphorus content (< 0,05 'It) and a low nitrogen content. This may be achieved by stopping the process at the specified carbon content- 3) The formation of a slag with a hi -h solution value and the oxidation of phosphorus in a converter with combined lateral blasting (with a separate air and oxy.gen supply) pro- ceed much faster than in converters with a bottom and lateral air blast. There are 5 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy in3titut (Dnepropetro,r3k Institute of 'Metallurgy) SUBMITTED: June 5, 1958 Card 3/3 POYARKOV, Aleksey M-il-hailovich 14/5 733 Proizvodstvo stali Csteel xoductior~7 Khar-kov, .?8 Metallurgizdat, 1955. 519 p. diagrs., tables. "Literaturall: p. 513-51L FOYAMOV, Alskeei mikbailoviob. Steel productionj textbuo'k for technical schools KharIkow, Gas. nauchno-tokhn. iad-vo lit-ry po obernol i tevetnoi metallurgii. 1955. 519 p. (%-36925) TH73O.P63 1. Steel - metallurgy. 'MALKOV, Aleksay Mikhaylavich; DOYARSHINOV, V.A., radak~or: KAZACHKOV,Ye.A., . -~ ttftSIN, A.Ya., redaktor; OYKS, G.N., redaktor; LIMUMAIT, S.S., roplaktor; ANDRMV, S.P., tekhnicheaki7 redaktor. [The production of steelj Proizvodstvo stali. KharIkov, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi matallurgiii, 1955, 519 P. (steel) (MIRA 8:4) .JKOV J, Aleksey Mikhaylovich; KOTIN, A.G., otv. red.; DAWSOV, FOY A_7 -otv. red.; t7lafillAll, S.S., red. --zd-va; AIEDPPEIM, "I.F., tokhn. red. [Steelmziking]Proizvodstvo stali. lzd.2., ispr. i dop. Khartkov, 14etallurgizdat, 1962. 520 p. (MMA' 15: 10) (Steel--44etallurgy) POYARKOV, A.-S inzh. New automatic bale feeder--breaker. Tekst.prom, VL no.7:lVI6 Jl 161. (1,0--A 14:6) (Spinning machinery) FOYARKOV. A.~L Electromechanical drive for the valve gates of branched air ducts. Tekst.prom. 20 no.3:72-73 Mr- 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nachallnik tsekha-fabriki "Krasnoys Vereteno". (Remote controll (PneumAtic tube transportation) (Textile factories-Heating and ventilation) VAYMRMN, G.A.;_ POYARKOV, A.S. Continuous production line for the manufacture of batting and padding cotton. Tekst.prom. 20 no-10:56-58 0160. (MIRA 13:11) (Assembly-line methods) (Cotton manufacture) POYARK01T. P. F. 224h9. POYARKOV, P. F. Yalonapornye vodosnuski pri vysokonapornykh plotinakh. pidrotekhn. Stroit-vo 190, No. 7, S. 21-25) SO: LETOPTS' No. 30., 1949 . (1- 1 - ,E.-nts K, tran PALC- o f A lay g e :-~a c, g e (j S ""a ni a n Stratigraphic position of tho cong-'omerates of th,-~ Ad 'ka-Hara Range, and the Ilyachlin and Ishkall Mountains (so,;',hern lbid.:76,08 17: ` " - -1 Foraminifera from Famen and Tournal deposits in the Tien Shan western spurs. Vest. LGU 12 no.2:26-41 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Tien Shan-Foraminifera, Fossil) POYARKOV, B.V. Cano, t~~-ol-i-,in Sci -- (diss) "Str-l-Itigrraphy and foraminifers of the Famennian and Tournaisian denos-i-ts of the western spurs of Tyanl~-Shanl." Len,1957. 22 pp, 20 c,,,I. (I~iin of Hiirher nducation. Len Order of Lenin Stz.te Univ ii,,i A.A. .',,hdaliov). 100 copies. (KL, 23-57, 110). -40 - ORLOVSKIY, M.B.; POYARKOV, B.V. New data on the stratigraphy of Tournai sediments in southern Fergana. Izv.AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh.nauk 4 no.7:1-18 no.7:5-18 162. (NIRA 16-3) (Fergana--Geology, Stratigraphic) ORLOVSKIYP M.B.; POYARKOV, B.V. Bryozoa from Famennian mediments in the Chatkal-Naryn zone of the Tien Shan. izv.AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh.nauk 4 no.7:85-90 ,62. (MIRA 16:3) (Tien Shan--Polyzoa, Fossil) ORWVSKIY, M.B.; POYARKOVP B.V. Paleogeography of southern Fergana in the Early Devonian. Sov. geol. 8 no-3:110-113 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy proizvodstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet KirgSSR. POB'4.r,,.cn of Umbel-la. Dckl. AN SSSR 163 Po.3-72P,7 r-,v.5tv'iu-stvennyy proi,,.vodstvennyy geologicheakiy komitet Kirgizskoy Mitted April 13, 1965. POYARKOV, B.V. Fir:3t colloquium on the study of fossil Charophyta and their significance for the staratigraphy. Paleont, zhur. no. 1:143-144 164. NIRA 170) PURKIN, M.M.; POYARKqV, BV -.ROZHAVETS, V.M. Stratigraphy 4nd n ' foraminifer species from Tournaislan deposits of t - Bortldoy Range (Tien Shan). Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 3 no-4:15-36 161. (KIRA, 14:12) (Borkc doy Range-Geology., Stratigraphic) (Foram:~nifera, Fossil) Translation from: Referativnvy zhurnal, p 67 (USSIP) AUTHOR: Poyarkov, B. V. TITLE: A Break in Sedimentation (Central Asia) COb odnom karbone Alaya (Srednyaya 15-57-2-1625 Geologiya, 1957, Nr 2, in the Carboniferous of Alay perer ve osadkonakopleniya v AziyaD PERIODICAL: Vestn. Leningr. un-ta, 1954, Nr 7, pp 165-169 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 POYARKOVP B. V. Boundary between the Devonian and Carboniferous in the western spurs of the Tien Shan, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav,j geolo i razv. 6 no.2:20-29 F 163. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete *nietrov Kirgizekoy SSR. (Tien Shan-Geology, Stratigraphic) POYARKOV, V.E.;, POYARKOV, B.V. N.M.Sinitsyn's warks and geoloi;-icsLl characteristics ralf Lhe ciis- tribution of mercury and antimony deposits. Sov.geol. 6 no.8:141- J-48 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Kazaldiskiy insti tut miheral I nogo syr t ya Tpravlcniya ge olecii i ekhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Kirgizskey SSR. (Mercury ores) (Antimony ores) T.r.,MJL17~VA, NOP.; POYARKOV, P.V. Border lavers betwenn the Devonian and Carboniferous in thp w~toterr- Tien Shan in connection with a revision of the systemitic -,-csition of some brachiopod species. Trudy Ion. ob-va cat. 69 no.2:52-60 '57. (Tien-Shan-Brachiopoda, Fossil) (MIMI 11:2) POYARKOV . B.V. Stratigraphy of Fammenian and lover Tournaisian sediments of the western spurs of the Tien Shan. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. eat. i tekh. nauk 2 no.9:23-49 160. (MIRA 14:6) (Tien Shan-Geology, Stratigraphic) STARIKOV, A.Ye.; P0YAILK0V,,__D..V_.; SILIVERSTOV, V.B. Present border of the area and characteristics of the colonies of the gerbil Rhombomys opimus Licht. in the Ural-Emba Plain. Zool. zhur. 41 no.9:1402-1408 S '62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Central Anti-Plague Observation Station, Ministry of Public Health of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Ural Valley-Gerbils) (Emba Valley--Gerbils) POYARKOV, D. V. "Ecology of the Gray Partridge of the Steppe-Rayons of the European Part of the USSR.0 Cand Biol Sci, Moscow State Pedagogical Inst, Moscow, 1953. (RZb]3iol, No 1. Jan 55) Sarvey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: SUM No. 556, 24 Jun 55 KUDRYAVTSEV, S.M.; MARKOV, V.I.; POYARKOV, D.V. Now bird species in the Volga Delts, [with summary in English]. Zool.zhur. 36 no.9:1423-1424 S '5?. (YIRA 10:10) l.Kafedra zoologii pozvonochnykh biologo-pochvennogo fakullteta Moskovekogo gosudaretvennogo universitate, im. M.V. Lomonosova i Moskovskaya nablyudatelinaya stantsiya Ministeratva:zdravookhra- neni7a SSSR. (Volga Delta--Birds) FOYARFOV, D.V. Recent data on the ~,rown rat (Rattus norvegicus Berk.) in natural biotopes of the European part of the U.-S.S.R. Zool. zhur. 40 no.10:1552-15':6. 0 '(1. (IVIRA 14:9) 1. Central Anti-Plame Observation Station, Ministry of Public Health of t)-e U.S.S.R., Moscow. ( Ra ts ) ZAYTSEV, Yevgeniy Viadilixi-civicki; of lurgical. Vlantl 'Famintnye .9tranits.-l; iz metallurgicheckogo zavoda. Rostov-na-iunu, Ho..t.ovskoe, knizii- .1 1961- 155 1" :3) oe Lzd-vo, n