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POVILAYTIS, "Lodochn:Lkit, " abs,4 te., and "Wrutit.," new minevals. Zap.Vaes.min.ob-va no.1:113--123 ?63, (MJILA 16-4) 1. Institut --eologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy petr4grafii mineralogii i 0 --eokhimii AN SSSR, ?4c)skva. (minerals) FOVILAYTIS, M.M.; ORGANOVA, N.I. Composition and properties of micas. Trudy Min. muz. no.14: 14o-165 63. (MIRA 16:10) (Mica) POVILAYTISY M.M. History of the formation of the Kuu granite massif �n central Kazakhstan and tungsten mineralization associated with it. Gool, rud. mestorozh. 6 no.5340-56 S-0 164. (MIRA 17t12) 1. Inatitut geologJA rudnykh mestorozhdeniyl petrografil, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. POVIIAAYTIS Margarita Maksimovna; BOIISFITEDT-KUPLETSKAYA, E.M. ; SHLYTOV, V.i.'_,'_red.izd-va; MAKTRII, Ye.V., [Basic mineralogical characteristics of the Dzhida molybednum- tungsten deposit] Osnovnye cherty mineralogii dzhidinskogo molibdano-voll-framovogo mestorozhdaniia. Moskva, Izd_vO Akad. nauk SSSR, 196o. 166p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut geologil rudnykh mestorozhdenii, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. Trudy, no.24) (MIRA 13:6) (I)zhida Range--Mol7bdenum ores) (Dzhida Range--Tungsten ores) POTILATNEN, M.M., inzh. Resources for prolonging the life of fluorescent lamps. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 17 no.1:38-39 '59. (MIRA 12:1) l.Altayski7 sellskokhazyaystvannyy institut. (Fluorescent lamps) PO.VILAYTIS_,Mj1, [Povilaitis, M.M.] New data on F-anitoid bodies having rhythmically zonal structures. Geol.rud.mestorozh. no.";:37-12 S-0 '61. OnLR~, : -1: 9 ) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i Feokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Rocks) I oviLAYT) S; m cjf ao 0-.IC r,1~61~rc t,rlp ri a. o7t: gvsetu rei! rf dvvo~si.L -.a in"rustOwi. lwilh qj~ 17 PGVIIAYTIS. M.M. i Feldspathization phenomena in ore deposits of the Kuu,granite massif ~dfntral Kazakhstan). Geol. rud. mestorozh. no.2;66-78 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14-5) 1. Institut geologii ruqlziykh mestorozhdenii,, petrografii~ mineralogii i geokhimii kN SSSR. I I(Kazakhstan-Feldspar) POVIIAPTIS, M.M. Correlation of mineralization and dikes as one criterion of the genetic association of ore deposits and intrusions, as in the Dzhida deposit. Izv.A19 SSSR.Ser.geol. 22 no.1:90-105 Ja '57. (KT,RA 10:3) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petroprafii, mineralegii. i geakhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Dzhida Valley--Ore deposits) 3 (8) AUTHORS: Ostrovskiy, I. A., Mishina, 0. P., SOV/20-126-3-52/69 Povilaytis, V. Y. TITLE: The PT-projection of the Alumina-water System (PT-proyektsiya sistemy kremnezem-voda) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 3, pp 645-6-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The system mentioned in the title is a limiting system for many silicate systems with volatile components which are of importance in petrology and mineralogy. At least 5 phases exist in this binary system at high temperatures: cristobalite, tridymite, quartz, liquid and vapor. It is (accordinF tn Ref 1) a multiple system with'one degree of freedom. In general, such system mnst have 5 invariant points and 10 monovariant lines. The pr-):~ent case is simplified by the circumstance that all cryst%iline phases are of the same chemical composition, and only the monovariant reactions (1)-(6) are possible between the phases. In the reactions M-(6) the liquid and gaseous phases do not take part, so that the equilibriums are degenerated. This simplifies very much Card 1/3 the building-up of a basic scheme for the system mentioned in The PT-projection of the Alumina-water Syotem SOV/20-126-~-52/69 the title (Fig 1). All 3-phace monovariant equillbrilims :ire stable in this scheme. This 13 in agreement with the oxve_-iment. In the present case, the degenerated equilibriums are stable on both sides of the invariant points. The corresponding curves pass over into one another without changinp, their directions. The variant, in which the equilibrium trid,,-mite + + gas = melt is unstable, is excluded from considerat-'~)n. kn experiment, however, makes it easily clear that tridymite can coexist with the melt. As the experimental PT-diagrp:n of the mentioned system (Ref 2) is incomplete, and does not agree with the theoretical scheme (Fig 1), the authors achieved some precision and completion by their experiments. The resulting experimental PT-diagram corresponds to the theoretical scheme (Fig 1). Figure 2 shows this experimental diagram (Refs 3, 4). A comparison of this diagram with the material found by other investigators shows differences in the position of various points and lines. There are 2 figures and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 2/3 Th-,--PT-projection of the Alumina-water System SOV/20-126-3-52/69 ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii (Institute for the Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry) PRESENTED: March 30, 1959, by D. S. Korzhinskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: March 26, 1959 Card 3/3 7~ 'P~ Vj- f 3 c i - Vi -92 t -1 1 i i"in f llfj-~Il. Vi 1 cc..irf; (1:1, 26-5",107) POVILELCKO, R..F. Promoting aesthetics in work. Mashinontro--tell no.8:21 Ag 165. (,-'!`~A 13:11) poll, I L11"Y K G [Controis and tools; experimental ~~c majorinp in design in the faculties of Mprhanical Enginooring and InArumont Manufneture of' Lho MovoMbir.-Ik E-ectrical Fngineering Institutle] Organy upravlem' lit A instrument; eksperimenLallnaia lektniia d7la st.udentcv konstruktorskikh spetsialIncoste! nzshinostro! tell nogo i Priborostroitellnykh fakidltetav I:Ovardbirskogo P-lektr(,,- te,khrilcheskogo imstilutit. Nlo-vo~dbirik, 'Elektrotekhn. Irt-, 1965. 88 p. (\,! I:u, 18 -. I) ) MESKAUSKAS, K.; FURONAS, V.; I~QVILIUMIS A - MALISAUSKAS, V.; JANUSKEVICIUS, V.; BERKAMIAS, E~; KRUTULYS, V., spets. red.; POLUMS, J., spets. red.; CIMLIOLENKA, P., red.; AI%AITIS, j.,, tekhn. red. (Twentry years of the Soviet Lithuanian national econoiny] 20 metu Tarybu Lietuvos liaudies ukiui. Vilniusp Valstybine politines ir m-okslines literaturos leidyk-la, 1960. 315 P. (MMA 15:6) 1. Lietuvos TSR Mokslu akademija, Vilna. Ekonord.kos institutas. (Lithuania-Economic conditions) POSKUS, Balys; MALISAUSKAS, V., ot-v. red.; IESKAIISKAS, K.,red.; POVILIU11AS A , red.; MIONTRIMAS, J., red.; CECYTE, V., teld~i. red. [Lowering costs on coilective farms] Savikainos mazinimas kolukiuose. Vilnius, Valstybine politines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla., 1961. 106 p. (~JJRA 15L3) (Litliuania--Collective fzirms) i]'J~D~]T T" Cr a n Lo 10 Skul-1 of a fo~~ no. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, T95Z. Unclassified. MISHCHMKO, P.I.; FOVINSKAYA, A.I. [doceaeadl Diuretic effect of promeran; prgliminaT7 communicatiou. Sav,med. 23 no.12:99-104 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz kliniki propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zaveduvushchiy - prof. A.M. Damir) II Koskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (DITAWICS MERCURIAL ther.) POVII~AYEV, N. P. , Cand Ved Scl -- "Sources of' -4U Innerva- ,,,,4 tion and topographic Aanatomleal position of the cardiac nerves.11 Tomsk, 1961. (Novosibit,sk Med Inst) (KL, 8-61, 263) - 505 - POVITSFAYA, R. S. Povitskaya, R. S. - "On the relationship of the psychopathological symptoms, syn- droms and psychoses of clinical patients with closed traurra of the brain," Trlzj~' Tsentr. in-ta psikh-iatrii, Vol. IV, 1949, P. 58-70 so: u-4934, 29 Oct 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 16. 1949). h.: V. i", d it' i.' A..F.I r C, i. If, ri I) U X re' nivei%sary of ti.e finspAl-al-Ij rau'--AirVkh L. n1l, C) 1*.,:) S V i U - s hc he nny i 15 0- Jo L i i u i) .--: - I n sy I o I i, - r. e 4- re:1V barshchikova. i N.ji.~Ll"rylov7,4-. Vlo.-Kiial rii cpri. -n:-,;3dkc lo--riiaich na cl-nishcilc s CI I r,Z,- ro udaru i :-IirSirova n,4 j -ricl-.-, no. iltll~ tr. - i. Impact of P. s,,~,rz!~Iane at rr,?ssur,~-- on t'llie rorcav,~ !)nttom of ,~ se!.riplant. 111 n u-, to !~,'amerls r)aj-.r ori thc irr-act 7!-Al -fl.d~nr, o.' senvlrnns. -.V,911.:*~.5 no. 199 :-ronautic~-,l Sci-3nc,~s ;~r-d ir jn~ri~.,t "nic-, Pos,,.~-:a ~-idrosaroletov. 1939. ~'3 (TSIA ';I. -rud,-, no. ~23) 13. litl~ f'r. : L-nnd,im- -' wat,,~r-bovne aircraft. .,:A91l.M65 'To. ~,23 LerorauV-cal Scir-nces ~,nri on in thtt "oviet -nir,-~, r Auli;-,HOR; "PovItSI.-~-iY; A. S. T 1 T Osc~illa,~.ioias 7o~ Elastic Plate in Liquids (Kolebariiya upru~;oy plastinki v zhidk~~sti) PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Vysghikh UcI--,ebn-,rkh Zavedeniy, Aviatsicianaya I tekhnika.. 1958, Nr 4, pp 30-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The two-diaensional problem of an oscillatin--, elastic '0iate is discussed', the plate being either of a constant or of a variable thickness and in contact aizt~ the free of i;he ideal liwidd (the case of a submerged plate iiiay be obtained from the above by a du'plication of the corres-oondins coefricient), Only free natural frequencies are cr-:nsidered, and especially the first mode of oscillation. in accordan-ce with the Hamilton Principle, the motion of ~,hc ,,ystem conoistin(, of the plate amd the liquid Droceeds in such a .,jay thaL the integral of Eq (1) has a stationar-Y value (,,,,.,here T is the 1~inetic energy of the system and U is i .'s potential energy). Denotin6 by T11 the energy of' he platD and bY T,, the energy of the liquid aii * v~ oi-jL j.n of the *oordinates at the U `akiiitl I c(?rit-ro of the T))a~o (ef 121,0~ ace obt..-tilleft' as S-1oz.-"n on o ~17 Oscillations of an Elactui c Plate r Li vi i -'s 47- where - u ( x t (I e f ~)rlll a '~. i o rl 0 f th e T) I a U (x Y t velocity poteil~' ial of t-1:p dae Lo Jllaling plate, sc. L - u o densill-y of the plated (,in e1 L e, Ql(x) 'p density of t he f lu id, t h i c kn e s s o f -G h e P I a tin g e ne r 1 h h x Younu lJodulas.. cj I S e c.. 0 n d m D-m e n t c f c .11 a a r e aj- n, ~"' e -a e Sand n colatour boundini; expans,~ uf liqaid and the ,:ual -o -;'- rcspoct'..vely. nor L L I., Dot~ denote time derilvativ,-.q and dashes axial de-rivatives. -ion ~he .s sho,-m Ref I , E-s -ive relal. -s be u L -~ - I-*- -r --- -plF -,c ;y potential -and _,e deformaion, of ul'-~ -te u., are S oT~e co n. - j .1"nere t_Yl and Y. stan-tS roil ,~Orldi LOI;S Cp = 0 at y = 0, , I xf > a, and f roir the circulat-~on arounci ~he plate. For purely iuioluion I of freq'uency "j), I~q (4) holds fl-i~ue, hence 'D~-7 Sos (4) and Card 214 %_e ~j.c_- _~;,j ( terval 6 - t ecual . . 1-1 L, .5). TakinG now the Lime in 0 - r, -j -i n. s o P an la. P 1t L J- . 4 .2 it co the period 0) by Eq (1) relations aria are derived from which, since 6L = 01 follow n - linear homoE;eneous equations of the. type.: -aL = 0. 6 ~.) k The roots of these equations Cive t-he approxi:-aate values of the E'requencies of the systemi. The, aulA,.oi.- tLen considers in some detail the case with the sym-mebric boundary (-,onait-ions v-;hen. X- is ;-,:' y-dynoraial of the fourth order and 8ives ti-Le resulttl in ~he form 0' a table on p 3L~, Collim-9 one E;ives the t-,q)-e of' the end fixing of 0 uhe Dlate- column two the polynomial X 0 (in all these cases b 1 b 2 = - bn = 0 only b 0 -,~ 0 hence there is only X coluffin ~-hree gives the bound ar77 conditions and columR four 'the circular frequency w : k is the elasticity of the supoorts (no rotat-ion i~ possible). (There is a misprint in this artic-Le: the formula at the J: top Of P 35 should be at the bottom of i h-.-, colLum 4 of the Table on p 34),. Card 3/4 It is se~~n from the Table that the effect Of the fluid Oscillations of an 21"Lastir Plate in Liquid-IS exhibits itself' by an additional ti--.L-;rl whic-a c~~n be interDroted simply as an additional mass atut-ac-i-led -,,o the plate; the maE;nitude of 'this additional mass depends upon the ty-pe of end fixing of the plate cso that the effective (uhe swn of the ma.-,s of che pl-a-te ni and the additional mass 1-1) also varies wit'n rhe type of u"he end f ixia.--, From the las-u formula of coituan -, one can obtain the value of the circula-r freauency of the axial osciliations by putting EI --> - ~ 'phere are 1 table and 1 Sov-i-et referc_nce. AS~SOCIATI011,7: Kafedra Aeromekhanl'.ki. samoleta. "Chair of Aeroi,,iechanics .,.)f Aeroolanes) av- t -1 tut Jatsionnyy irst.-U (Idoscow Inst.-itute of' AercnalLt.-CS) SUBMITTED; February 18.) 19-8 C"ard 4/11. 69315 s/l47/6o/ooo/ol/oo4/ol8 E031/E535 AUTHOR: Povitskiy, A.S. ------------------ --, TITLE: The Equilibrium Temperature of Slender Bodies in SuRersonic Flow\ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 1, PP 35-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper the corrections are discussed which must be made to the heat transfe4coefficients ~1 a flat 6 plate in order to apply them to thin wedgeg"and cones2- at high supersonic velocities. First of all, an approximation is introduced for the heat transfer coefficient of a flat plate. From this the effect of the shape of the body on the heat flow can be expressed in the form of a factor. The expression obtained for the heat flow is used to reduce the determination of the equilibrium temperature to a single graph, which is given in the paper. It is assumed that for slender bodies the effect of compressibility on heat transfer Card 1/6 is expressed by the variation of the density and viscosity 69315 S/147/60/000/01/004/018 E031/E535 The Equilibrium Temperature of Slender Bodies in Supersonic Flow in the boundary layer, neglecting the effect of compressibility on the structure of the latter. An expression is found for the effect of Mach number on the boundary layer and of a flat plate and this is replaced by a simple empirical expression involving the concept of equivalent temperature, which is a linear combination of the wall temperature, the temperature on the edge of the boundary layer and the stagnation temperature. Both lam�nar and turbulent boundary layers are considered and the weights in the linear combinations differ in each case, both being derived from experiment. The results obtained so far are now applied to slender bodies, a wedge, thin profile, slender cones and slender bodies of revolution being specially considered. FinalLy, the determInation of the radiation equilibrium temperature is discussed. Starting with the approximate exprassions for the flat plate (Eqs I and 2), and Card 2/6 assuming that the compressibility phenomena result 69315 S/147/60/000/01/00/o18 E031./E535 The Equilibrium Temperature of Slender Bodies in Supersonic Flow only in the change of density and velocity of the gas inside the boundary layer (this is trite in the case of a flat plate everywhere, while for the slender bodies it breaks down in the regions of strong interaction between the shock wave and the boundary layer, i.e. near the nose of the body), Eq (3) is derived in which the expression in square brackets denotes the effect of the Mach number M on the boundary layer. Employing now the fact that pressure across the boundary layer is constant and adopting the approximate variation of viscosity with temperature, Eq (4) is obtained. The effective temperature is the function of the temperature of the wall (T W), stagnation temperature (Tr) and the temperature at the outer edge of the boundary layer (T6) as given by Eq (5) in which a,b and c are some constants. (This equation is equivalent to the corresponding relations given by Karman, Tekker, Young, Rubezin and others). Card 3/6 The constants are determined by applying Eqs (3) to 69315 S/l47/6o/ooo/oi/oo4/o18 E031/E535 The Equilibrium Temperature of Slender Bodies in Supersonic Flow to the flat plate and utilizing Eq (6). The experintonts and more accurate formulae (Ref 1) confirm that it may be taken that a:b:c = 4:3:2. In Fig I the graphs of Eq (5) with the above values of a, b and c are compared with the corresponding more exact relation based on Karmen's similarity principle (Ref 1), while Fig 2 relates the experimental data available with the relation of Eq (6) and a similar relation of Ref 2. Agreement is quite satisfactory. As seen from this figure, even if it is assumed that a=b=c (full line in the graph) the result does not differ much from the experimental data. The above results apply to the case of the boundary layer being turbulent; when the boundary layer is laminar the coefficients will be a:b:c = 0.271 0.55:0.18. Hence the approximate coefficients of heat transfer for the case of the flat plate are given by Eq (7) when -the boundary layer is turbulent ftnd Eq (8) when the boundary layer is laminar. For the case of Card 4/6 slender thin bodies (wedges, cones, profiles etc.) , 69315 S/l47/6o/ooo/ol/oo4/oi8 E031/E535 The Equilibrium Temperature of Slender Bodies in Supersonic Flow with the turbulent boundary layer it is given by Eq (14) and when the boundary layer is laminar, Eq (15) holds. The graphs of these relations are shown in Figs 5 and 6 respectively, tho ordinates in these graphs being as defined by Eqs (17) and (18), respectively. There are 6 figures and 5 Soviet references (one is a translation of an English textbook). ASSOCIATION: Kafedra aeromekhaniki samoleta, Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Chair of Aircraft Aeromechanics, Moscow Aviation Institute) SUBMITTED: July 30, 1959 Card 6/6 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Sov/5822 kneytv, Semen 94khaylovich, Yakov Vladimirovich Balkind, Aleksandr 4 elKironovich Gorshkovich, Veniamin Semenovich Yeremin, Alekoandr Solosonovich Povitakiy, and Naum L'vovich Umanskiy Sovremennyye aredstva avarlynogo pokidaniya samoleta (Modera Facilities for the Emergency Abandonment of an Airplane) Moscow, 0hurongiz, 1961. 450 pe Errata slip inserted. 4000 copies printed. Reviewer: A. G. Brunov., Ingineer;,.Zd.: A. I. Sokolov, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: A-. 0.*Belevtsevaj Tech. Ed.: P. V. Shcherbakov; Xanaging Ed.: S. D. Krasilinikov. PURPOSE: This book in intended for engineering and technical per- sonnel,in the aircraft industry, scientific workers, and flying and technical personnel of the Soviet Air Force. 102lew0i COURAM Based on non-Soviot sources'. the book reviews briefly the de,7elopment of flyers I escape equipment,, describes the con- struction of ejection seats, and giWes design and calculation, Card-4q2- 3 14 0 otb 4 4& 0, a .4,~ leo O'l4r, 4 6 qe 0 00 "'tt O'b Ah to e45e4& 44 ~60 4& V2 1-4 46 0!4qp 04 ,&. el 0 440 9 4 06 0 % 4644 196 a, ft te2e 44Q, ej~ -1 04P2, 04 Op NO q'A -*o . ~4 ols, 0 4s or net 04. C'O 44 :6. 1-4 64, 40,1 0 4& "it -9 0t. 0, Re 4%, Y, Ot 0,0 Or Ll 6460, e' ' ~? 114 oir ee OQ;, '90" 4POk C" 1N0'994 z0 OA-rd :"SO q~ Zp *43' 0 Oe fop t -t4 0 404 0 0 % O~ 2 4AR "~ CZq 41 ev~ e4V 41P* %/ 41be POVITSKIY, A.S.; LYUBIM, L.Ya. Emptying and'filling vessels under weightlessness conditions. lak.sput.Zem no.15R22-37 163. (MIRA 1634) iWeightlessness) (Hydrodynamics) 532.529.6 AUTHOR: Povitskiy, A. S.; Lyubin, L, Ya.- TITLE: Gas flow into a liquid under weiehtlessness conditions - -7 SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 3, no. 5, 1965, 718-729 TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamics, gas flow, axial flow, weightlessness ABSTRACT: The effect of near-zero and zero gravity on the process of bubble formatioq (bubbling process) in a flow of gas injected into a liquid through a tube is consid- ered.Flows of gas into stationary and moving liquids are analyzed for various values of Bond and Weber numbers under conditions of weightlessness. Conditions are estab- lished under which the bubbles may break away from the tube. The main parameter characterizing the process, the ratio D/d where D is the diameter of a bubble at the time of breaking away and d the diameter of the tube, is expressed in terms of the Bond number. The analysis shows that the absence of mass forces and even the un- fayorable direction of g forces can be compensated by the motion of the fluid under specific conditions. The Interaction bctween a forming bubb1c --..;d an already detacbeC. bubble, that'is, between pulsating and oscillating bubbles in Wltliquid is evaluated by. using Zhukovskiy's method for solving the Bjerknes problem. Orig. vl-b. has: 6 figurei and 25 formulas. [AB]' Card ACC-RG--KP6009052 SOURCE CODES UR/0207/66/000/001/0083/0092 AUTHORS Lyubin, Le Yas (Moscow); FovLtskLj2-As S. (Moscow) ORGI none TITLES Oblique impact of a solid body on soil SOURCES Zhurnal prikladnoymekhanLkL L tekhalchaskoy fLxLkL, no, 19669 83-92 TOPIC TAGS: impact, soil machanicel."(soil. impact deformation ABSTRACTS The oblique impact on a soil surface of a solid body having a parabolic (plane problem) or paraboloidal (axisymmetric body) fors- body is reviewed. The soil is assumed capable of significant density change during compaction and is -an elastoplastic- medium in which uniaxial deformation is governed by the piecewise- linear law. In the first case considered, it is assumed that before impact the body does not rotate, and during penetration angular acceleration is negligibly small, since the corresponding inertia moment to significantly great. Outlined are five stages into which soil deformation can be divided when the initial-velocity component normal to the soil surface is sufficiently large. Various stages Card L 2lia-i.66 ACC NRi LP6009052 are discussed, and formulas are derived to descrLbet' then and their formation in terms of a plans problem, Expressions for an axisys- metric body are derived analogously* OrLS9 arts hast 4 figures and 40 formulase (LAI SUB COM~09'j 10/ 'SUBH DAM 06Jul65/ ORIC RZFt 008/ ATD P.R1%, L Card 2/3 SEVCENKO, V.B. (Shevchenko, V.B.); POVICKI-I , ". S. (Povitskij, N.S.]; SOLMIN, A.S.; KORTUS, J. (transl.,oj Some peculiarities in processing the burnt out fuel elements from the first atomic power plant in the Soviet Union. Jaderna energie 4 no.11:342-3" N '58. --. . j j I . I- " -, . , I' - " " / - Ii ) '.-f;.-( I , SHE, VCHEMKO) V. B.) POVITSKIYY N. S. and SOLOVIUN., A. S. "Some Features of Processing Irradiated Ftel Elements at t1he First Atomic Power Station in the U.S.S.R" peper to be presented at 2nd b1i Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58. Ir V 1 -1 A 7 4 G / 4 z, AUTHORS: Povits ~if~lr. S. , Solovkin, A. S. , Shilin, I. V. TITLE: Extraction of Perchloric Acid With TrIbutil Phoopliato ('ritmi) (Ekstraktsiya khlornoy ki4loty tributilfosfatom) PERIODICAM Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 1, pp.222-224 ITISSR) ABSTRACT: The second author proved (reference 1) that with zirconiur- -extraction frora perchloric acid containine solutions HC10 passes over in analyzable quantities. Their complex-formatii, with TBPh was worth investigating in view of their application for the maintenance of a constant -Jonic density. Perchloric acid was extracted from water by TBPh oolution in benzene or petroleum. The phases were equal with all teats (23 ml). The equilibrium was attained within 10 to 15 minutes. Tn tests on the distribution of perchloric acid between water and 3,67 mol TBPh it was found that with increasing concentration of HC104 in the initial solution the quantity pasain& over into Card 1/3 TBPh increases also (table 1). With the mixture of the phases Extraction of Perchloric Acid With Tributyl Phosphate ('-'3P'-) 78-1-40/43 an exothermic reaction takes place which is most intensely in the case of stronger acid solutions (table 1, test 6). it was tried to compute the equilibrium constant of the reaction of, complex-formation of HC10 with TBPh (KO , from tl,,.e obtained results. It is shown in thle 1 that Ki is variable within vast limits. This is apparently achieved by the ionic density of the solution which flud;uates under the influence of the chan- ges of concentration of the acid. With a constant ignic densi- ty K1 remains sufficiently constant (6,7 � 0,5),10-'-. In this case the equilibrium constant of the reaction of complex for- mation of HITO with TBPh(K2) amounts to 0,16 + 0,01 (table 2). The K2- value is neither changed by usin.- solitions which are diluted by benzene or petroleum, if the ionic density of the solution is preserved (,,3) (table 3, 4). The value of K in- creases with diluting the TBPh-solution3 Up to 0,22 � 0162 (little different from references 3 to 6). It is noticeable that the TB~h-dilution with petroleum lead to the formation of a third phase after the extraction if the HITO -content in the initiallisolution was small, compared with that of HC10 4 (table 4, -Vast 1). The light organic phase (d250 - 0,750) is Card 2/3 formed of almost pure petroleum with only a small admixture T Extraction of Perchloric Acid With Tributyl Phosphate (TBPh) 78-1-40/4" 25 0 of TBPh and contains no HC10 . The heavy organic phase (d = 1,001) is a solution of HCIO TBPh in TBPh. '2he third phase. appears also with the mixtures4of 0,49 n HC10 with 0,25 mol TBPh in petroleum. The heavy organic phase dAsolves in petro- leum after HC10 was re-extracted in water. It is not formed with the TBPh-dilution with benzene. There are 4 tables, and 7 references, 4 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: I-day 22, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Shevchenko, V. B.,-Povitskiy, N. S., Solovkin A. S. ~ , I. V. , Lunichkina, Z. N. TITLE: The Extraction of Nitric Acid With Tributyl Phosphate (Ekstraktsiya azotnoy kisjoty v tributilfosfat) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol '.1, Nr 9, pp 2.00-21,12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The distribution of nitric acid between the aoueous and th,~ organic phase containing tributyl phosphate in dependence on the aqueous phase and the nature of the solvent of tributyl phosphate was investigated. From the results may be concluded that K consider,,-bly dppaads on the nature of the solvents cf p tributyl phosphate. The influence of the nature of the solvents on the distribution of nitric acid between water and tributyll. phosphate was investigated in the case of an ionic strength of the solution of 1, 0,5 and 3. The maximum value of K in P nitric acid solution with the ionic strength of 3 is ob-~ained if toluene is used as solvent for tributyl phosphate. The Card 1/2 change of K by the nature of the solvent in the case of an p The Extraction of Nitric Acid With Trib,.ityl Ph*rlphrite SO V/78 /'78 ionic strength of 3 is to be divided as follows: toluene, benzene, kerosene, CC1 2F-CCi2F, CC1 4' The following variation of the above sequence takes place if the ionic strength is reduced to 1: kerosene, toluene, benzene, CC! 2F-Cci 2F, CC1 4* Compar,nttive investigations of the extraction3 in HCIO, and 1+ HNO, solutions showed that the complex HC10 TBPh is to a 4* greater extent polar than the complex ILNO 3' TBPh. There are 2 figures, I t9ble, and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: August 3, 1957 Card 2/2 FHM I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5084 International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic fter&r. 2d, Gene-7a, 1958. DDklady sovetskikh uchenykh. N-41 Xhimiya radioelementov i radiatsionnykli prevrashcheniy (&ports of Soviet Scientists. v. 4.: Chemistry of Radio- elements and Hadiation Transformations) Moscow, Atomizdat, 1959. 323 P. 8,000 copies printed. (Series: Its: Trudy) Id. (Title page): A. P. Vinogradov, Academician; Ed.: V. I. Labaznov; Ti--ch. Ed.: Ye. I. Mazell. PU : This collection of articles is intended for scientists and engineers interested in the applications of radioactive materials in science and industry. COVERAM: The book contains 26 separate studies concerning various aspects of the chemistry of certain radioactive elements and the processes of radiation effect on matter. These reports discuss present-day methods of reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel.. research in the chemistry of mercury, thorium, uranium, plutonium, and americium, problems related to the sorption and bury- 0 uj~AYA V. --a _V.1.4orlde (&,y 16ctza - Se Crk~ .Port toe tj 011 hr P44VItt, Q2 Ith 012 Of "cl tzto_ Ether .34 5W SOV/78-4-6-40/44 AUTHORS: Solovkin, A. S., Povitskiy, N. S., Shilin, 1. V. TITLE: On the Influence of the Nitrates of Barium, Nickel, Cobalt, and Copper on the Extraction of Nitric Acid in Tributyl Phosphate (TBP) (0 vliyanii nitratov bariya, nikelya, kobal'ta i medi na ekstraktsiyu azotnoy kisloty v tributilfosfat (TBP)) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 'j, Nr 6, pp 1454 - 1456 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The distribution of nitric acid between the aqueous and in- organic phaou of the solution of TBP in kerosene was investi- gated in the prcsence of barium-, nickel-, cobalt-, and copper nitrates in the case of an ionic strength of the aqueous phase of I and 1.5. The results are summarized in a table and given in figures I and 2. The nitric acid extraction in the organic phase increases with the rise of the ionic strength in the solution. A low distribution coefficient of the nitric acid is obtained by the use of barium nitrate as salting-out compound. The same effect is obtained by cobalt-, nickel-, and copper Card 1/2 nitrates as saltinrrl,-out compounds in tile case of the nitric On the Influence of the Nitrates of Barium, Nickel, SOV/78-4-06-40/44 Cobalt, and Copper on the Extraction of Nitric Acid in Tributyl Phosphate (TBP) acid extraction in the tributyl phosphate- and kerosene phase. The extraction of the nitric acid in the organic phase TBP- kerosene in the case of the use of salting-out compounds does not go under the ideal distribution law. Yu. F. Zhdanov and Z. A. Smyk assisted in the experiments. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 references, I of which is Soviet. SUMITTED: ~arch,25, 1958 U! Card 2/2 S/076/6o/oo5/oo91/o B015/BO64 AUTHORS TITLE: PERIODICAL- Solovkin, A. S., Povitskiy, N, S,, Formation of the Third Phase in the UO2(NO5)2 - HNO 3 - H20 - Tri-n-butyl Lunichkina, K, P, System PhosphatJ - "Kerocon.-21' Zhurnal. neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 2115-2118 TEXT: The formation of a third phase of the system mentioned in the title was investigated, The uranium content was gravimetrically determined. and the tributyl phosphate content in the organ .c phase (after separation) was colorimetrically measured with a C(~ 2 F-2) spectrophotometer, _ N S All experiments were conducted at room temperature, It was found that theL formation of a third phase was independent of the concentration of' urany) nitrate (at sufficiently high acidity) (Table 1)~ A decrease of acidity below a certain point leads, also in the presenoe of large amounts of uranyl nitrate, to the vanishing of the third phase (Table 2), Absorpticn spectra (recorded by L, V, Lipis) showed that uranium appeared in the organic phase as neutral, non-ionized molecules UO,(NO solvated V61tel Card 112 Formation of the Third Phase in the System UO (NO )2 - HNOA - RIO - Tri-n-butyl Phosphate - B015/Bot,)-,l 2 3 "Kerosene" two tributvl phosphate molecules, The determinatiOn rf t~,e srivar ,r, number showed (Table 3) that the complex compound formpd in tn., I-hird prtane 4 corresponded to the formula H 1102(No1),]-2 tributyl phosphRti?. There aro 1 figurp, 5 tables. and 9 referen:~Ps: 5 Soviet! 2 British. and i G-rtilan, SUBMITTED- April 21, 1959 Card 2/2 S/078/61/OG6/G02/01=/C17 B017/BO54 AUTHORS: Tevetkova, Z, N., Solovkin, A. S., Povitskiy, N. S., Davydov, I. P. ------ I TITLE: Mechanism of Extraction of Zirconium Nitrate by Means of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate From High-acidity Solutions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1961, Vol.6, No. 2, pp. 469 - 492 TEXT: The distribution of many heav metals between nitric acid solu- V~ takes place according to the tions and tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP equation: X+ + nTBP =;~ M X+ 2+ 2+ 2+, p 4 + pu4 + pa3l- M + XNO (110 3)X TBP& M U02 1 1"2 PUO 2 N 9 1 - The extraction of Am3+, Th-4+9 Cr 4+ and the rare earths from highly con- centrated nitric acid solutions does not take place according to the above equation. The extraction coefficient grows with rising acidity of Card 1/3 Mechanism of Extraction of Zirconium B/07a/61/oo6/oO2/0155/G17 Nitrate by Means of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate B017/BO54 From High-aoidity Solutions the solution. To explain the extraction mechanism of zirconium nitrate with tributyl phosphate from high-acidity solutions, the authors studied the effect of the hydrogen ion concentration on the extraction coefficienL The extractions were conducted by the method described by A. S. Solovkin (Ref. 3). Carbon tetrachloride was used as solvent for tributyl ph03- phate. The zirconium concentrations were determined with the aid of the radioactive isotope Zr95. Results are given in Figs. 1 and 2. The authors discussed the possibilities of increasing aZr by changing the hydrogen ion concentration$. It is assumed that the extraction of Zr(NO 3)4 with the organic phase occurs as Zr(NO 3) 4' 4(HNO3)-TBP and Zr(NO 3)4* 2(HNO5 )-TB:p Fig. 2 shows a as a function of concentration. The presence of zirconium acido complexe jrin the aqueous phase hardly influences the extraction coefficient. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references: 6 Soviet and 2 US. Card 2/3 Mechanism of Extraction of Zirconium Nitrate 3/078/61/006/002/015/017 by Means of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate From High- BOI?/BO54 acidity Solutions 0 SUBMITTED: January 2o, 196o 4dzr 5 Legend to Figs. 1 and 2: a) waterp b) organic, c)-TBP -4S S-40 tg&-47J' 4f/ t9f5 .0 45 41 IgIHN034610) Card 3/3 Pxc. I Pive. 2 0 LUNICHKINA K.P.-, POVII-SKIY, N.S~,, SOLOVKIN, A.S. Three-phase demixing in the UstAO-m U020~3)3 HN03 - H20 - diisoamyl ester of methylphosphinic acid - *kerosine" in the presence of oxalic a,,id. Znu-r-. neorg. khim 7 no.8-,, 2019-2020 Ag %2~ iMIRA l6a6) (Uranyl nitrate) (5ystems(chmistry)) I' , - ~ - t - Ii " ", I, I ; . I I . - - I I I POVITSKIY, N,S,: SOLOVKIN. A.S.; SHILIN. I.V. 1---, 7 , , Nrchloric acid extraction by tributyl phosphate. Zhur. neorg. khim. 3 no.1:222-224 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:3) (Systems (Chemistry)) (Perchloric acid) (Butyl phosphate) SOLOVKIN, A.S.; TSVETKOVA, Z..V,.; POVITSKIY, N.S. I - -- - --- - Study of complex formation of zirconium with c~,- and ~-aminopropionic acids in nitric acid solutions by a method Involving extraction. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.4:937-939 A 162. (MA 15:4) (Zirconium compounds~ (Propionic acid) I~P- 3:55U;~ 1 S/ 704 /6 1 /OOC;/O ~. -'1/0(, A ,/00 Fj 7 ~/b AUTHOR TITLE, A reproducing magnetic head with viagnetic aiiiplifi.ratiov SOURCE,; Ukraine. Gosudarstvennaya planovaya komissiy;i, I(IStItUt avtomatiki. Avtomatizatsiya i pribot-ostroyvaive; sbornk nauchr,y1th trudov, no. 2, Kiyev., 1961, 88-06 TEXT., The author describes a highly sensitive modulated ipagnet~c head (WIH) . The recorded signal is reproduced by two standard permalloy cores, with their ends cut-off at 2/3 of the distance from the tape end. A thi,., ferrocast - 2000-11 toroid on an insulated base is placed on top of the cores. The toroid has two excitation windings L, and L,)% which toL~,ether with the capacitors C I and C 2 and a variable resistor R bal' form an AC bridge. Two subsidiary windings are placed on the two cores~ L,,,, and L record which areused for recording the signals and for applying a small a.c. current initiating the reproduced signal. The head circuit. forms LIV\ Car d 1 / -1 S/70,l/61/000/00.,!/Ow/OO() A reproducing magnetic head with D201/D302 a m*_niature magnetic amplifier, in which the ~:ontrol flux _.S produced ra*. by the control windings, but ~s introduced into the core during reprodu~- tion of the recorded magnetic signals The high reproduction efficir,w-v of the head is achieved by use of a highly sensitive lialf-wave linear mag- netic, signal. voltage amplIfter,svith sec -ond harmonic output, an interna) positive feedback and the use of ferrite as the saturating magnetf-c ma- terial. The amplifier is designed as a resonant brIdge circuit with a three-limb core. The magnetic flux from the reproduced signal paSses through the toroid in one direction from one reproducing core to another. The excitation windings (L I and LId are connected so that the exci!ation flu)l.. in the toroid closes on itself -.n a circle. in tlie absence or tbe signal the bridge circuit is balanced for the minimum of the Outj)ut -olt-- age. During reproduction of magrietit; recording., the excitat-on flux adds, to that of the signal in one of the arms of the corp (-) and substraO from it in the other (-". Theexcitation is chocwn in as to he near the saturat-ion of the head core. During the proces.-i or cummjilg of thc alagnetz.- fluxes, the tiaturation occurs somewhat earlier .P. the arm of the bridgr- in Card 2/4 S/704/61/000/002/00,1/006 A reproducing magnetic head with ... 0201/0302 which at the given instant the direction of fluxes is the satim'. As a result asyjmiietrical non-linear distortions of the magnetic 4lux appe;.-r- 'n each of the core limbs, i.e. even harmonics, shifted by 180 , are developed in the br-idge arms. The difference magnetic flux circuit is completed by the middle limb and the e.m.f. induced by the latter, in L wid L., is the I IL useful part of the head output;voltage. This voltage is detected by in zwiplitude detector (semi-conductor diode A 7E WYO; R f and C f) aLid is then applied to either an amplifying or shaping circuit. The re-sonzince tuned brid-e and the special properties of the excitation circuit Fiii-e it possible to obtain a high head arc as follows. Modulator - forrocast 2000-11, dia 21/11 mm; height - 0.5 mm. Excitation windings 2 x 800 turns of n5jl_ox-/ (PEL-0.07); recording winding 2 x -150 turns of PEL- 0.1; gap - 15 microns; capacitors - 470 OpF; balancing resistor 430 ohms: excitation frequency f exc ~ 13.9 kc/s; excitation voltage 22.5 V; the D7Ye diode with the highest reverse resistance. rhe signal frequency range reproduced by it modulated maj,,netic head is a max. 210% of that of the Card 3/4 5/704/61/000/002/004/006 A reproducing magnetic head with D201/D302 carrier, the fundamental carric,r frequency be--r)g the second harmonic of tf~e excitation voltage 20-30 kc/s. This range is in practice narrower, olvinf" to the distortion at low recording speeds inherent to magnetic recording. The actual efficiency of reproduction is irrespective of its limitatlun~~, several hundred times better than that of earlier systems and permits con- siderable simplification of the associated circuitry, improving the -n.. terference-suppressing properties of magnetic recording c s new pos- and open sibilities in application. There are 6 figures and 10 references. 8 SC.. viet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the En-,lish-Janguage publications read as follows: L.M. Ferber, IRE national conventional He- cord, 1958, v. 6, no. 4; D.L. Iftegand, Frontier, v. 17, no, 4. Card 4/4 MALYUCHKOV., O.T.; POVITSKIY, V.A. Investigation of transition metal borides and pure boron by nuclear magnetic resonace. Forosh.met. 2 no.4:26-34 Jl-Ag 162. ORIRA 15:8) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali. (Borides) (Boron) (Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation) IIALYUGHKOV., O.T.; POVTMKTY.--V.A. Investigating CrB, LaB6 and crystalline boron by the rriethcd of nuclear magnetic resonance. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 13 no.6:933-934 Je 162. (~MIA 15:7) 1. Moskovskiy, institut stali. (Borides) (Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation) MALYUCHKOV., O.T.; P(JVITSKIY, V.A. Investigating transition metal borides by means of nucloar maznat-J-c rosonanco. Fiz. met. i mutal-lovad. 13 no.5:676-68o my 162. (1,111RA 1-5-6) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali. (Tramition metals) (Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation) l'oV] 1y I V. A. - T., A: ~Ai'AY',V , ,,. . . Use Of a ~~ e - :::a lel: t :T a,:, n .- -- --' I - . .. -, - ~:- - , . - .- ~ - . . t-ekh. f i Z- 341~ ria. 05; 12 6--- 1, !, - -" . . . - _-.- .I L 9043-�~ r,?_ bn24,/t~ -1~0 _jp~(q)/RADM(t)/ (MOIL. ACCESSIM Mi AP042935 3/0057/64/OWOC A.' I. AUTHORs Povitakiy., V. A.; Tsarapayev TITLEs Possibility of constructing a-permanent-magnet microtron SOURCE: Zhmvrua takhnicheakoY fiaild, v* 349 no. go.1964t 1462-1465 TOPIGTAGSs microtron magnetic system* perrment temperature.. stability ABSTRACTs Ths possibility of using mdern magnetically hard materials for con- .,netic system is discussed. Since t~e relatively hi structing andcrotron mag gher. power capacity of permanent magnets makes it possible to obtain a more effective structure of a microtron magratic system and to reduce its weight 2-1+ times t1fe operation- of -a permanent- maLmet microtron becomes simpler and more reliable, and consumption is reduced by moro than-50 percent. When adjusting a microtroul. the intensity of ita-magnotic field can ba controlled by ahunting ths Imagnatio f1v_-~vith iron insertsp by varying t4i~ height,of the gap,and by varying th6 current flow in the ragulating coils. 'The-preolse acoomplishment, of resonance I corAitions for-electron.acceleration in the microtror. can be achiovad by the ad- justment of the h-f field frequency and amplituda* The high temperature stability C04 3/2 "V~126/62/013/006/015/oA ,)q S t- 7qoo E202/E492 AUTHORS: Malyuchkov, O.T., Povitskiy, V.A. TITLE: Nuclear magnetic resonance study of CrB, LaB6 and crystalline boron PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, V-13, no.6, 1962, 933-934 TEXT: NMR signal from Bil was observed in CrB, LaB6 and three allotropes of B; all samples were 99% pure, the compounds being in powder form 7211, and B in pressed cylinders of 11 mm diameter and 22 mm height. The radiospectrometer used was described by O.T.Malyuchkov and V.S.Pavlovskaya (NDVSh, Metallurgiya, no-3, 1958, 231). In CrB, the quadrupole bond constant b = 72 + 7 kcs, but when one or two p-levels of B were filled b = 4700 ics, and when all three 2p-levels were evenly filled b = 0. In the b.c.c. LaB6 , each La atom must transfer two electrons to the B6 octahedron while the B -B bond is highly anisotropic consaquently giving more distorted.line than rB. Frequency shifts were etermined viz. parallel 6.7 x 10- and perpendicular 16 x 10-~ from the resonance frequency and Card 1/2 Nuclear magnetic resonance ... b = 50 +- 10 kcs. First Boron amorphous phase, while second P-rhombohedral modifications. determined from the background photographs at low scattering gave low intensity INMR spectra consisting of a narrow central wings, the width of the latter is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: S/126/62/013/006/015/018 E202/E492 sample comprises 50 to 601/0' v/v and third contained the a- and The degree of amorphousness was intensities of X-ray diffl~action angles. All three Boron samples with the absorption spectrum line with wide, gradually falling-off differing in each sample. There Moskovskiy inatitut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) August 5,.1961 (initially) December 12, 1961 (after revision) Card 2/2 SUBJECTt USSR/Flood Conduits AUTHORi Shtepa, B.G., Engineer, and Povlotakiy,M.Z., Engineer TITLEt "Prefabricated, Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Flood Condui~s" Oborz*7* livneprovody iz napryazhenno armirovannogo zhelezobe- tona). PERIODTCALi "Gidrotekhnika i Malioratsiya", 19579 # 79 pp 24-289 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Flood conduits across canals are built of reinforced concrete, and are generally either trough or tubular shaped. Prepara- tion ofdesigns for the building of prefabricated flood conduits will enable to mechanize and speed up installation, as well as effect considerable savings at construction costs. The aqua- duct designed by the authors has a capacity of 2.5 cu M/sec, a cross section of 0.51 square meters, and a difference of levels between the upper and lower pools of 2.7 m. The structu- re consists of a total of 97 concrete blocks of 6 different types. The prestressed units are manufactured by means of hydraulic jacks of the type TsNIS MPS (Ugn( nRC) with a capa- city of 60 tons or the conventional hydraulic Jack DG-100 Card 1/2 (,Qf- 100) with the special stressing attachment DORNII (noppM. TITLEt "Prefabricated, Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Flood Conduits" Sborny.,a livneprovody iz napryazhenno armirovannogo zhelezobe- tona). Considerable savings in metal and cement can be made by using prestressed prefabricated reinforced parts. The article contains 2 figures and I table, and lists 1 reference (Slavic). ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTED: AVAILIBLE: it the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 .6/22 j/6 2/C~Cj/0G-4/C-G4/01 2 100-3/1203 i--61 io~~: 1~.alyucilkuv, Z~-;. Povitskiy, V.A. T:LTL-: !,4VCZt1i:ut1D~, Of t-c L~0-rlue6 01: tra=itiuu =.-tals ar-A of aixe boron by .UC~I:ur PorosiLkovaya -u-4, IJ621 26-34 In w:uer tu tau imtura of "he chcc-ical bonds of -21e above iuo~-arp,;-ic dil~o!"~Uct3 '2J-,-r,.-b,Ta,Cr, ~z 2B5, CrB,LaB., and three differ- ent- ;' uoro., ;ici,e uy aji X-I-a~ 5pectroL.Aer. TIo iz;vistiga- tio..z wci-e curr:.,~L! u -t i" a W-Lt,-' W, a..~teL.6ity of W% oersted Euld a 6860 d4et Of '-.e A Zor t;.lc -calzulatiwi of the gra electric fit: id et t`le aite ;I* t."Ic With COLplute etc.) do rot for- borides. In dl,-Zori-cs 1"s ~.11 "0zLocarL)-,,1' es ai-al triue!3, t'.--.e d-s.ieli uf tide transJ -~-oa zetal is co;~.pictc. I", c~c are 5 471OU-cri- Cart! 112 J12 26/6 2/UCO/0,9/(Y-'4/01 2 Inves'"J Catio;~, O.-L* tile boriat~o. . . 1/603/i 203 1 ~ L 1 6 Jlj~ioui.AT.Lult: 1-IOs'-OvukiY - atcil! ~k,03cow 6teol inst.4tute) SL,-;-*..I,.L,2LZ: Jaiuary 15-, -'),,2 Card 212 C/126/62/013/005/oo6/031 E202/E492 MY! 1[0:zS Malyuchkov, O.T., Povitskiy, V.A. TITLE: Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of transitional metal borides PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.13, no-5, 1962, 676-68o TEYT: Diborides of Ti, Zr, Xb Ta and Cr, and also MoDB5 were 6Lud ic!,j. The N-YR signal from ~11 was observed at 6866 kcs in a ",Iaz-~nctic field of 5030 oersted, using an RF spectrometer previously described. The field nonuniformity within the 2 cm3 sample did not exceed 0.1 oersted. Samples were 99% pure and approaching stoichiometric composition. In all the compounds X-ray phase analysis showed the presence of single phase. The quadrupole bond constant BI was measured from the distance of the two satellite lines and the (strong) central line. Except for CrB2 and ~10-1135, the satellites were observed directly; -in the case of CrB0, the secondary effects of the strong quadrupole in~_eraction made the value of B very inaccurate. The satellite Of 1"102B5 was not found in the range 0 < B < 200 kcs, Card 1/3 s/126/62/013/005/oo6/031 Nuclear magnetic resonance ... Z202/E492 hence only a very approximate value was given. Experimental values of the authors are compared below with those calculated by C. Townes and B.Daily (J. Chem. Phys., v-17, no-3, 1949, 782). 7'i 8 2 ZrL39 N b B'7' TaBo CrB2 ~102B5 30ri B kcs 127 13 30~ 3 114 11 900 + 300 300 CX 13 -100 Bcalc kcs 175 58 46 68 542 473 The authors studied also the change in the physical properties when a boride is formed from the respective metal and when one metal replaces another in the boride molecule. The former reaction was attributed to the filling of che incomplete d-shell. I formation is responsible for a negative Hall constant, Th i s lowering the probability of the*s-d transitions and making the s-electrons participate in the conductivity. With the gradual filling of the d-shell the modulus of the Hall coefficient also `zcreases and the bond boro-.,-.-..ctal weakens, which bard 2/3 S/126/62/013/005/006/031 Nuclear magnetic resonance E202/E492 givcs hii4her phonon dissipation and lower electron mobility. These relations were further exei-,iplified on a plot of relative melting points of diborides, It was concluded that in common with moriocarbides and mononitrides, the diborides undergo characteristic filling of the d-shell of the transitional metal with the valeacy electrons of the metalloid atoms. There are 3 figures and I table, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscoxf Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: July 15, 1961 Card 3/3 2 1 14 .5 ,4. 4300 39222 S/207/62/000/003/00 1 /016 1029/1228 AUTHOR-. Lyubin, L. Ya. and Povitzkiy, A. S. (Moscow) TITLE: Motion of gas bubles caused by pressure fluctuations in the liquid in the absence of mass forces PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mcklianiki i tcklmicheskoy fiziki, no. 3, 1962,-3-9 TEXT: The paper extends the Bjerkness-Zhukovskiy analysis of the force of interaction between fluctuating spheres to the case of motion of gas bubbles caused by pressure fluctuations. The translational motion of two gas bubbles, suspended in a liquid occupying a spherical volume on whose external surface acts a fluctuating pressure p(t), is examined. The Lagrangian equations of motion are integrated for the case p(t) = po i- p sin mt under some simplifying assumptions and neglecting the mass forces. The results obtained are extended to the case of a liquid contained in a vessel of arbitrary shape, and also to the case of an unique bubble placed near the vessel wall. There is I figure. SUBMITTED: January 30, 1962 Card 1/1 PETROV, I.T.; SKIY, B.A.; CHMMOV, V.I. (decearedj; __.B.V.; BLIKHAP KLITDIA, S.Ye.; RoMsOV, Ye.M.; SMUT, A.11. Incidence of influenza and acute cararrhs of the upper respira- tox-y tracts in miners of Chervonograd.. Lvov-VolynI Basin. Vrach. de.1o no.1:105-109 Jal(-V, (MIRA 17 -.3) 1. Ghervonogradskaya mediko-sanitarraya cbasi I kombinal-a Ukrzapadugeoll (for Petrovq Povkh, F!:Dtharakdy). 2. Ka-['cdra propedevticheskoy terapii lechebnogo fakul'teta - sav. dotsent M.Chernor [deceased]) Llvovskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta, ( for Klitina, Rozanov, Shuflat). 1 v 4 11TT"T fix( A I, it 0 ' so 9 00 plessaull Offoct an the late of 164C410.1 its Miluti"n. %I. G. (limikti"S and U., S. lluvLlt. Z4mr. Fij. A As.. 13, A B fi t le vo . a 0 I)( the activatni roniplex should lie almost eclovil to that of t6 t f th i d -0:1 . in ra rinv I e mov smil flit pyr-oure drilen Al , l hl i 4 f le Vil , H.U lvvrvll f fir deld. fly the dif rieller 1)4 It A 111 l t t A f R w i t f -:00 I . ,i w ti ani . -mi- t .. . &ni it i %. (vi Addu. of Hit to pyTkItne tit Cohle,, Swtru mul vyti~q 'IrW 11 h h 6 d f l ,~Ver rw atiot rt t "wy~ 3 oj~ ) , 040 In SoIn%, 1-1 may Ats1war to fir IfifIrtrut fri"It ritfinium i-li.t~ J. L.MN 4 For I -eth SolvAtilil l . py y If Ist'llm, (151.5 - 1) twtw"n 1r2' AIIII ISI P; I r. 11% "If. Bit Is t4d d tv. lilworis. it, I"'tUl Itil'V Vill. III OMIC, & I M tv. The V.6111t, I lot 0 'idFrel Willi cwticn. from the pressure cfftvt tivi (hr rule -if %thIn. (it IM to pytidilve. Cf. Peffill, ("t. 3 1. Z.S 14 I;z --t-T U 5 AV 11111,11'"49 wit Zo 0 o Wlb-u *&OssI11Io** -a si'~i I i-Owt- Q~v 's a 09 u M qaO A 1 8 F%d 0 9 9 1 v so I is ~ so 09 DIJBOVYY, M.I., assistent; SHCIIERBAKOVA, A.K., assistent; POVKH, B.V.; GZIIEGOTSKIY, M.I. Therapeutic and preventive measures in reduc-*P[-- stip7mrative .L , diseases among miners of the Lvov coal basin. Ve~;t.derm-i ven. no.9:51--53 161. (MIRU 15 z 5) 1. Iz kafedr-y kozhnyl:h i venericheskil& bolezney (zav* pr0f. A.A. Shteyn) Llvovskogo neditsinskogo instituta (dir. prof. L.N. Kuzmenko). 2. Zam. glavnogo vracha medilo-sanital-noy chasti (for Povkh). 3. Glavnyy vrach sanita--rnc-epidemicloricheskoy stantsii Chervonograda (for Gzhegotski-y). (LVOV-VOLYI-,' MIE-COAL MIRSERS-DISEASES ARD ITYGIEKE) BEERY A. A.; ZAGORETS, P. A.; INOZEMTSEV., V. G. S.; POPOVY A. I. Radiation-induced chemical telomerization of olefins. Nefte- khimia 2 no.4:617-623 J1-Ag '62. (NIRA 15:10) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva. (Olefins) (Polymerization) (Radiation) ? Ao -nst. C' KIRILLOV, N.I.; ANTONOV, S.M.; POVKH, G.S.;KIRUIOVA N.Ye. '.. Accelerated HIKFI processes for the treatment of multila7er photosensitive color materials for motion-picture photography. Part 1.3tatement of the problem and order of operations in de- veloped processes. '55. NLRA 9:4) (Color photography) &ILCXVA *het-. for the nnc ess in, of ritlitill;tr r-Glof mttells P Wi, cmd L4, and H 4 47 Ci arip: , rapi !U- , , cu--- PL teps: development, ]it Wa~h' fi"L~'twc' ~--Ubilwd ' bleaching and ftation, i=d 29d wash, Ine flixing bth. whi. s Maintain oth i led at [if! 6-0 6.5, crmtai~zs auffite. and bisulfite ;ons. Wheft tlj-~ fij,,~j is it- M.54 tD UACt. With thL Midatiw-"' let of thA residual dcvclop~r' thu-S znj nir. 'izinu' ml'md~ completely the Ag !~;tjt prada by the: blm&'inc Ugent. The fixtug hath givinz the Itat ca!(~red (07 Contained I hfu Oj.6110 2W g- KqISOL 2-5 9-1 HIS04 tnt., and w traki! one 1. Tota) pioces:Ant time at temp-q. up 10 184 was 26-38 Mill. lof !Iegative &M, 22-35 min. for pq:51tIvc fillal, and 14--131 cain. for paper.,' The d. of the co" fog 1;~ about tfie~ saire as in ca;Uex Rfflq'-~~ RK, s/2o4/62/002/004/018/019 E075/E435 AUTHORS. Beer, A.A., Zagorets, P.A., Inozemtsev, V.F., Povkh, G.S., Popov, A.I. TITLE: Radio-chemical telomerization of olefines PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya, v.2, no.4, 1962, .617-623 TEXT: Additional data are presented on the tolomerization between ethylene and carbon tetrachloride, and the reaction between tetrafluoroethylene and isopropylalcohol. The experiments were conducted in a thermostatically controlled autoclave at 16 to 100 atm pressure in the absence of oxygen *60 The ethylene- CC14 mixture was irradiated with y-rays from C. with the activity of about 350 g/equiv radium. The activity of the source for the C2H2F4- alcohol mixture was 120 g/equiv radium. The molar ratio C2H4- CC14 was varied from 0.2:1 to 3.8:1 and the reaction was. studied at 20, 50 and 100"C. It was established that the content of individual telomers in the reaction product is given by the following approximate equations Fl -- ClR F = C2R - ; F3 = (c C3R CIR+ 1 2 (CIR + 1) (C2R + 1) lR + 1) (C2R + 1) (C3R+ 1) Card 1/2. etc. S/2o4/62/002/004/018/019 Radi-chemical telomerization ... E075/E435 where Fn is the niolar proportion of telomer with n olefine residues, Cn - the chain transfer constant for the radical leading to the formation of telomer with n olefine residues and R - the niolar ratio of telogen to olefine in the reaction mixture, When the ratio is changed from 3.8:1 to 0.2:1, a marked increase in the yield of tetrachlorapropane is observed (from 3 to 5q/ to 63 to 1000C). The results were used in the development of radio- chemical plant with an output of 8 kg/hour of tetrachloroallcanes with Co source activity of about 15000 g/equiv radium in a reactor of 0.5 m3 volume and 800 min in diameter. Telomerizati-:,r. between C2H2F4 and lower alcohols was studied at room temperature. The radio-chemical yield decreases in the series propanol-2 > butanol-I \, ethanol > butanol-2 > methanol. The reaction conditions were selected so as to eliminate completely the formation of high molecular weight compounds. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Noskovskiy khimiko-telchnologicheskiy institut iin. Mendelle-y-:iva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni Mendeleyev) Card 2/2 7 C,inci. Tec~i~ilcal Scl. 1 V, I I : I r ~ 1 114 ~' ~-r., LeninFr-td - 1 1 - ~ , -I' --r .... V I'Exp,;~tal ::f Lp:r--r 1.~ a Doablp-an.p-lf~d Zhur. Tel~-'-i. Fi z. 1L t,. 10-11, "Stild-v of thc 'Upd~ms of 'lac',"Ine- ~n ;dr Eru-- )~-ont -Kf)tl.(,tllr.1~ str y. ''T'IC- T,Ifl .p y- rc f I lp q1, IL ii NG neerIng Jkr/Apr 48 Tarblnee--Bladea Dynamics "Study of the Blades of Turbine Machines in Static AIr Zquipment,- 1. L. Povkh, Cand Tech Scl, LPI Imeni. Kalinin, 4j pp "Lotloturbostray" No 2 Describes methods used for studies conducted on gtatic air experimental equipment to determine effects of operating and control blades, which campriae.central assembly. to 1/49T48 USSR/Engineering. Nov/Dec 48 Turbines Blades -The Influence of Spacing on Aerodynamic Char- acteristics of Fixed Turbine Blade Profiles," I_1. Povkh, Cand Tech Sci, 3-3- PP 2 nKotloturbostroy" No 6 Establishes influence uf spacing on-pressure dis- tribution, losses, coefficient of leverage, and coefficient of drag of the fixed blade profiles. Gives results for experimental investigation of J;fects of spacing on efficiency and the value P 63/4gr2l USM,)Ena-ineering: (Coutd) Nov/Dec:48- Of the effective Outltt-flow angle. Concludes that effect of spacing depends to large extent--ba the nature of flow (expansive or compressive). An8jVsjs Of Pressure distribution curres also reveajej-~=M_ sons for changes in the total ch acteristics of' the blades. 63/49T21 POVKH, 1. L. I . C7 - "Calculations of Efficiency and Resistance of Profile." Grlds. LH, J. "Cavitation Characteristics of Profiles"., No 5, PF 17-21, 1953 On the basis of data concerning the distribution of pressure for wing profiles in a flat parallel flow, this article investigates the relation of the value K (coefficient of cavitation) to the coefficient of lift and geometric characteristics of the profile. In the investigation of condi- tions of cavitation formation in a profile, occurring in a system of infinite lattices, the solution given in the work of F. Liblayn Z--Lieblein?-7 (Votir. rakethoy tekhniki, 1952, No 3. p 9 ) is used. (RZhMekh, No 8, 1955T SO: Sum No 812, 6 Fab 1956 POVKH Ivan Lukich; BOCYNNOVA, V.V., redaktor-, ZR3RODINA, A.A., takh- nichwikiy rmdaktor. f M niature- scale operation of hydraulic turbines in air -mrrent!%] Modelirovanie gidravlicheskikh turbin v vozdiishnykh potokakh. ?4osk-va, Gns.energ.lzd-vo, 1955. 147 p. (nibi 8: u. ) (Hydraitlir turbines- 1-fodmls) 10(3,4) FHASS I BOU EX?WrTATION SOV/3193 Leningrad. POlItGXhn1Qh~Sk.1Y in3t-"Ut imeni R.I. Kalinina Irrudy, no. 1~a) Takhniobaskaya g1dromekhanika (ImustrIal Hydro- mechanics) Moscow, haahZiz. 19-,e. 220 p. Errata slip Inserted. 1,500 copies printed. - Rasp. Bd.: V.S. ftximov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Proresnori Id. of tb.Is book: L.Q. Loytsyao3k_-7, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.; FAnA81n?,Ed 'Or Literature on the Design and Operation of Machinery ~.j nE7&d Division, Mhsh&jz): F.I. Fatisov, Engine*.-. Tech. Ed.. R.O. Pol-skaya. FUMSE: This book Is Intended for engineers working in the field of machino construction. COVERACM: This colleation of articles contains the result& or original work In the field or theoretical and applied hydroacro- dynamics, completed In the aerodynamics laboratory or the LPI (UnLngmd Poly-t.chnlc Institute) by members of the department of*hydroaerody1~ft=IQs and the detarzment of thec _retl_ I mechanics. The book is divided into four ;--rto. The first p~~acontalns studies of turbine steam-oxhau3ts. The first article gives the results of a laboratory study e= toodel-experlotents on a test- tend and the general conolusIcne drawn therefrom. The second Part contains Lrtioles On the t.-e-OrY or lamln&r and turbulent motion of a viscous fluid. The B~tloles treat the hydrodyna:xic theory or friction in bearings and suspensions, boundary layers and Jets, the initial part of a pipe in the presence of vortox, and the motion of air under the action or a corona conductor. fte articles In the thArd part belong to the field Of KPP116d h7drodynamics. One of the ar-1-cles is a theoretical and experi- mental study or now around the purtB of a radar antenna. The second article contains the rtsaxts or aerodyna=ical analyzea of ftsh-nat models. The fourth part of the book contains the results Qf-labomtory experinents an establishing new methods of acro- dynamical ne&su. res~ents (CrLctl= forces on the surface of a 6treftn't ad body, pressure distribution* In nonstationary flown). Referencos accompany Individual. artialen. P&RT ONE. A sTurj-_di_Tt~tn~i snm EnAum Pw1'h_X_L_ Some Results of Stx--'V-ng HydrotaLrbine Models by Using Air 1 A :t .udy of new types or :~blnsfi 2: A tudy or radial-&XIS1 =rzine3 11 3. Something new In the metzod of analysis 17 Bogd=ox,X,V. A Study of Flow Ttrough a Vertical Pranclo Turbine Rotor 19 1. A description or the installation and the method of alerim"t 19 2. The rlow in rrant of the 21 3. Pressure d1fitfiWktion &.=& the surrace Of the blades 4. or the rotat In& r1otor 24 Th. flow ~sehind the ro-O, 27 5. Energy balkneo 31 Tmaahk;Lnq_-,.._Q.P. The Plow Ara-- a Circular Orid Consisting or a Profile of Artitrary Form 32 1. Con:Ormal mapping 32 2. Plow around a circular S~14, consisting of segments or logartthM14 spirals 36 3. Turbulent-source flow a circular grid consisting 4. or profiles Or arbitrary fc= 30, Plow In a circular grid rotating about Its own center .3 DANILEVSKIY, Viktor Vasillyevich, akademik; BRITKIII, A.S.. prof., red.; POVKH, I.L., prof., doktor tel:~m.nauk, retsenzent; GOFY-t'-TII .Ye.K., red.izd-va; SOKOLUIA, L.V., tekhn.r-,d. [Hartov and "Clear si '-ht of machines"I Nartov i *IAsnoe zrelishche mashin.* Pod red. A.S.Britkina. Moskva, Gos. mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1958. 271 D. (M'IRA 13:1) 1. AN USSR (for Danilevskiy). (Nartov, Andrei Kongtantinovich. 1683-1756) ~: - POVKa, I.L. .Some results of investigating rodels of hydraulic tur-Olnes 41, the air. Trudy LPI no-198:7-18 158. (IMA 12:12) (Hydraulic turbines) 28(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/31C0_ Povkh, Ivan Lukich Aerodinamicheskiy eksperiment v mashinostroyenii (Aerodynamic Ex- perimentation in Machine Building) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 394 P. 3,000 copies printed. Reviewer: I. I. Kirillov, Doctor of Sciences, Professor; Ed.: V. V. Bogdanova, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Eds. 6f Publishing House: N. Z. Simonovskiy and G. A. Dudusova; Tech. Ed.: L. V. Shchetinina; Managing Ed. for Literature on the Design and Operation of Machinery (Leningrad Division, Mashgiz): F. I. Fetisov, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers and technical personnel In laboratories, scientific research Institutes, and design offices. It may also be used by students of schools of higher technical education. COVERAGE: The book dealg with-derodynamic experimentation. Des- cr4tions of experimental wind tunnels and other testing Instal- lat ons, together with such component elements as test sections, Card 1/ 9 Aerodynamic Experimentation (Cont.) SOV/3106 confusers, diffusers, elbows,, screens, and honeycombs,ara~- pre- 2ented. Methods of measuring pressures and velocities of al.- flow and methods of measuring steady-and unsteady-state para- --meters of flow and rotating parts are discussed. Electro- hydrodynamic and gas-hydraulic analogies are drawn. Part of Chapter VII and other sections of the book dealing with elec- trical-and radio-engineering measurements were written by Engineer G. V. Smirnov. There are 173 references: 1-1.4 Soviet, 25 English, 13 German, and 1 Polish. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 PART I. PRINCIPLES OF MODELING AND THE FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGNING EXPERIMENTAL INSTALLATIONS Ch. I. Theory of Similitude as the Basis for Modeling of Flow 5 1. General principles of similitude of flow 5 2. Reynolds number. Traneition from laminar to turbulent flow 9 Card 2/9 ~Ccop- T mic "zpe A e C'~ 0 tIle The Wtch number and Euler and Strouhal numbers o C Isenfror)I, (,Lir'Vi~ 0 Prandt I number and t he exponerit Froude number and other, numbers of s irri I I Id Clh . I I. Wind Tunnels 1. 0. Metnods, of aerciaynaa-Ac experimen'~at`on wind t-unziels Ati.ent-type viind runneis ru arid nozzle )f' t1he 5upersonic wind tunrel ck b es, -hE e Flow Passa~-.e~ of J I- 1. 1. allatioris for "C:-. t-bowa c h i tie r.y -~s of investlgat4 on I-I~-al'ations foi- the srudy of r i al s e: ~'n o r] s o f e xp e r i irie r, r L n g in h,;rids 110 Experimental machines nsa on for the ng of f low in hyd rail Lic, Card 3/ Aet,odynaml,,-- Exp~rlmentatiorl S machinery a 1 n I n performanc--r- --;ar~; in an ail, mod~~Iint:j, "h, IV. Elements of Flow Passages of Experimental Test Section and Diffuser 1'~ TeZt seerions of' expe.-Irlental installations 2C. Cnarac t er 1 s t i c -: o f d ,. f fu s o e r F% t 10 1, 21, Strallght-line-form jiffusers 22 . Curv'11near-form and slt-lepped-fo-nm.- diffusers 2 Ef fee" of inlet and oit let cond i tiorjs on d1.ffki3,--r T) e r f o rma nz e nnular-section dif 11'users A 2 1) 2 o n 1, c a n d s ut P es c, r s,--- F -~-emeni-s of F.~:perirnental Insta I 17~ i: Lons C r Foneyccmbs , Conf usert; , -ti;d El ~tnd charl~fes F 1;--,-w D i re c t i on and u s e r F, Ca rd, 4