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BALZHI, M.F.; EEREZKIN, P.N.; GOLIDSHTEIN, Ya.Ye., GALIPEPUN, Ye.B.j YEDLICHKO, V. V. ; KERAS, A. F. ; LEKUS, 1. D. ; POZDNYSHEV, V. M. ; SUDBO'71N, N. A. ; ISAVINTSEV, R. 1. TAM~RTETIF' V.M.; SHEIREMETIYEV, A.D.; BAKSHI, O.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BONDIN, Ye.A., inzh., retsenzent; BOYRO, F.I., inzh., retsenzent; VASIN, Yu.P., inzh., retsenzent; LAZAIREEV, A.A., inzh., retsenzent; SOROKIN, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; KONIKOV, Arkadiy Sergeyevich, dots., red.; DUGINA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Economy of metals in the machinery industry]Ekonomiia metallov v mashinostroenii. (By]M.F.Balzhi i dr. Moskva, Mashgiz2 1962. 235 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Machinery-Design and construction) (Metals, Substitutes for) POT,KITSHTN, Nikolay Vasillyevichl, SOROKIN, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk P .9 dots., nauchn~T, -SVET, Ye.B.J. red.; KOLBICHEV, V.I., tekhn. red, (Mechanization and automation of cold pressing operations] Me- khanizatsiia i av-tomatizataiia kholodnoshtampovochnykh rabot. Cheliabinsk, Cheliabinskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 45 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Sheet-metal work) (Automation) 250) SOV/1 28- 59-5-24/35 AUTHOR: Potekushin, Engireer TITLE: Continuous Knocking-off of Runners and Risers PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo 1959, Nr 5, p 40, (US9R) ABSTRACT: Since the knocking-off of runners and risers by hand requires much energy, inthe tractor plant at Chelyabinsk, a continuously operating machine for knocking-off of runners and risers was built on the initiative of Engineer Shapiro. The basic principle of this machineois that castings which have been coo- led down to 120 C. fall into a rotating drum 200 mm in height (Fig. 2) by means of a transporter (Fig. 1). This machine works with 25 rpm and has a capacity of 10 tons of casting per hour. There are 2 diagrams. Card 1/1 POTZKUSHIN, N.V., inzh.; SVETLOV, S.A., inzh. Mechanizing operations in billet shops. Mashinostroitely no.2/11: 29-31 R-D '56. (MIRA 12:1) (Factory management) 25 (7 3'~ 7/'. AUTHOR: Potek-ushin, N.V., Engineer TITIZ-3: l'ilechailization and of PERIODICAL: ~,`.ashinostroitell' 1959, Nr 7, pp 6-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains info,,--mation on the autoi;~.rition and mechanization of sue,!, r,:)erations as the feedin.- CD of blank-s to dics, of finished staz~.-.%in--.;, and deburring. As sources of ilnformatl on the authcr used the publications li-~~I_ed tlle end of tf--,e artic1e. Several devic,',~s are de.,~cri'oed. One is an. -automatic grip,)er for feedin.-7 m-_~tal s~,riT, to th- -punchin- Up--4 dies. FiL;ure 1 s'1o,.-;s t1, di n. 2 the oripper fcoding me Tho ~)oaerful presses with sliding tables used for stw-.jing, create favor- able conditions for th,--- mechanization of technologi- cal processes. Follc,,.-dnL~ tthis ;:rinci,-'1e, one olant successfully use-s dies %-iith movable io~;;er p'ates with Card 1/3 a stampinG nress of tons p_--essure force (FiGure Mechanization and Automa~ion of Stam,ling 2 The movable lo-.,ier die -,)late slides in G-lides: f---xed to tne under plate of the press. The plate is si-iifted by a rod of the pneumatic pusher. Figure 4 is a sketch of a lever ejector (author techonolo-ist G.G. Samarets) used at the Chelyabinskiy Tra1ztorniri Zavod (Chelyabinsk Troctor plant) for ejecting heavy flat work Dieces. At the samme plant senior desiL-ner F.V. Yurkov has developed a deburring installation (Figure 7) for de;urring tractor side members usins- a special mill. Technologist Yu.G. Gerasimov, of the same plant, has introduced rotary cleaning drur-ns with mechanical disc..--,arge (Fig-are 8). Figure 9 shows a deburring device with an abrasive roller and a rubber roller used on a speciall machine tool. The abrasive roller turns at 8,000 rpm. The most lo,,;-ical and progressive method of hea~,-ing short blanks for stamping is the induction -letliod. It shortens the time necessary for heating, in comparison , ''fith 'Llame Card 213 furnaces, from 1':' to 20 times. At the Chelyabinsk .1/ Mechwiization and Automation of Stai.-.:)in- Tractor plant the blan"Is oIL tractor en~.-ine valves are heated before for:.-in-L.; in the "KIY,-20" induc-,ion heater developed b-,,, t1le IIII TVCh imeni prola-ssor Vo- locdin. Detailled des_-*, .,,1-n -Information is Given on t.,, is unit, which is provided an automatic -feed for blanks (FiL,,ureslo, 11, 12". There are 12 din:-rams, _0 and 4 Soviet -L-efererces. Card 3/3 POTEMHIN, N.V., inzh. Device for leakage test of c7lindrical parts. k"hinostroitell no.11:32-33 N '59. (MIU 13:3) (Tasting machines) POTEKUSHIN, N.V. , inzh. ~ Mechanization and autorati2ation in stamping. Mashinostroitlel' no.?:6-10 J1 '59. (MIRI- 12:11) (Forging) (Automation) ~A S,~ POTEKUSHIN. N.V.- KURATOVA, L.P.; RIGER, M.M.; BAKULIN, S.B. uHandbook on the manufacture of sheet metal working dies" by VJM.Anikin, IU.S.Lukashin. Reviewed by N.V.Potekushin and others. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 4 no.2:45-47 F 162. (IMU 15:2) (Dies (Metalworking)) (Sheet-metal work) (Anikin.. V.M.) (IAilmshin, IU.S.) ZLATK321, Moisey Grigorlyevich; DOaOKHOV, Nikolay NJ-kolayevich; LEBEDEV, Nikolay Ivanovich; NAKLIOV, Nikolay Yevgenlyev-Ich; ITEYSETAT, Zya- ma Fallkovich; SYCHEV,,Arkadiy Mikhaylovich; IYJZUYEi, F.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; TASHCHEV, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk., retsen- zent; TRUBRI, V.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; VSHIVKOV, P.P., inzh., retsenzent; KONIKOV, A.S., inzh.. retsenzent; LEBEDf',`V, inzh., retsenzent;_ POTEhUSHIV inah., retsenzent, TYAGUIII'OV, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; S K.N... kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SKORNYAKOV, V.B., red.; YAROSHENKO, Yu.G., red.; ZAKHAIqOV, B.P., inzh., red.; AMIROV, I.M., inzh.., red.; HYSHKOVSKIY, V.A., inzh., red.; SHEIEKBOV., V.A., inzh., red.; BOGOMOLOV, O.P., inzh., red.; KATS, I.S., inzh., red.; LEVANOV, A.11., inzh., red.; DUGINA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Handbook on forging practices] Spravochnik rabochego kuznechno- shtampovochnogo proizvodstva. By M.G.Zlatkin i dr. Mcskva ' Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 776 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Forging-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) POTALI , doktor (ostrov Rims) Friedrich L5ffler Scientific research Institute of Spizotiolou cn Rims Island. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 27 no-7:101-102 Jy 156. (SCHOOLS, MADICAL (MIRA 9:9) epizoologic institute of Friedrich IZffler on Rims ' Island) POTI L, J. A case of vaccination comnlicntions three months rifter mccination. J. Hyg. V-pidem., Praha 1 no-3:317-321 1957. 1. Aus dem Hyelene-Inatitut der Mnrtin-Luther-Univernitat Halle a.d.S. (VACCIIIIA., prev. and control vacc. causing otogenic meningitis 3 months later with isolation of virus) ("IDMITIS, in inf. and child 3 months after vaccinia vacc., isolation of virus) 1--t Z 0 I A--.JT*I-tGFt potel, T. LY3T Cornplication Three 'Xionths After Tf gi-f-my. epidenniol., m-Owro'bioll. -immminoll., 195 7, 1, No -t', 275-278 A 3 -3 -fl'.:-LA "j T No abstract. 1-4ARD BULGARIA/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Viruses R-3 and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolo, No 14, 1958, 64657 Author : Potel, Kurt Inst : Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Title : The problem of Encephalitis in Swine Plague. Orig Pub Izve In-ta eksperim. vet. med. B"lgar. AN, 1956, 4, 233- 2480 Abstract Gn the basis of the neurohistological and general patholo- gico-anatomic changes observed in the viral affections of swine, including that of the plague, it is assuned that spontaneous and experimental encephalites can also be cau- sed by organotropic viruses without the acquiring of ncu- rotropic properties by the latter. Card 1/2 - 19 - POTEMIN, B.A. The V-78-1 heavy-duty suaDended vibrator set. Stroi. i dor. mashinostr. 4 no.2:25 F 159o (MIRA 12:2) (Vibrators) SOV/123-59-15-59238 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 15, P 53 (USSR) AUTHM, Potemin, B.A. TI=4 Automatic Device for the Simultaneous Cutting and Trimming of Control Cables PTMTODICAL: Yaroslavsk. prom-st' (Sovnarkhoz Yaroslavsk. ekon. adm. r-na, 1958, Nr 4, pp 30 - 33 ABSTRAGT.~ The design of an automatic device for the cutting and trimming of cables with rubber or plastic insulation up to 8 mm in diameter is described. The cable is cut into pieces of 60 - 1,000 mm long which are trimmed over a length of from 8 to 35 mm. The power of the driving electromotor of the automatic device Is 0.55 kw. The control of the manufacturing cycle is effected by a camshaft. 1 figure. M.I.V. Card 1/1 SHUKHKAN, Z.; SHTAMM, V.; SHLEYMOVIGH, S.; KALMYKOV, P.; RALITSEVICH, V.; PYATENKOV, V.,- POTEWN, I.; SOKRATC(V, Yu. There are all conditIons for building strong and good e-',-va- tors. Muk.-alev,. prom. 2V no.8:18-19 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Zamestitell upravlyayushcheko trestom TSentroeleva- tormel'stroy (for Shtamm). 2. Nachallnik sektora organiza- tsil stroitellnykh rabot Gosudarstvennogo instituta Prom- zernoproyekt (for Ral2tsevich). 3. Starshiy inzh. TSentrall- nogo konstruktorskogo byuro tresta Spetselevatomellmontazh (for Potemin). 4. Zamestitell nachalinika proizvodstvenno- tekhnictieskogo otdeloniya tresta Petropavlovskelevatormall- stroy (for Sokratov). )P,0 - -r-F Al / ~. - -;2;~ -A . ,ion vs. Science USSR/ Mi see llaneous - Relig C-Ird 1/1 Pub. 77 - 2/20 Authors Potemin, 1. 1. Title S-Cdence incompatible with religion Periodical Nauka i zhizn' 21/12, 4-6, Dee 1954 Abstract Pro-.)aganda article emphasizing the conflict between religion and science irith an az)neal to historical events and logic for support. Institution : Submitted ; POMIN, ~ I,1, (&, Penza) -` Science is inco=patible with religion. Hauka I zhisn' 21 no.12: 4-6 D '54. NIRI 8:1) (Religion and science) NINCLISKAYA, O.D.;-_P~~NA Z.F. Rm complioation of nephrolithiasis. Urologiia no.4t64-65 161. (IrIRA 14311) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya bollnitsy No.16 Stalingrada. (C;AL=, TJRIVARY) 7- -T-; -11-~-,f-l ACC NRI AP6021077 SOURCE CODE: UR/0365/66/002/002/0168/0175_ AUTHOR: Tolstaya, M. A.; Ioffe, E. I.; Poteminskaya, 1. V. ORG: _Academy of Public Economy im._K. D. Pamfilov-(Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyay- stva) TITLL Electrocorrosion of underground aluminum materials in anodic and cathodic zones SOURCE: Zashchita netallov, v. 2, no. 2, 1966, 168-175 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion rate, corrosion protection, aluminum alloy, polarization, cathode polarization, electrochemistry ABSTRACT: A study of the electrocorrosion of aluminum, cable sheathing under the ac- tion of anodic and cathodic currents is described. The rate of electrocorrosion was measured by weight loss after the surfaces were cleaned in a solution Of Cr03 (20 g/1) and 85% H3PO4 (35 m1/1) at 90-950C for 10-20 min. Weight loss ia given as a function of anodic current density (constant time--30 sec) and time (constant current densi- ties of 0,02, 0.25 0.75 and 5 ma/dm2). The intensity of corrosion in the anodic re- gions is characterized by a coefficient of aggressiveness--Ka (defined as the ratio of actual corrosive wear to that calculated from Faraday's law) which ranged from 1.5 to 1.7. Polarization characteristics of Al and ANg-6 were obtained in sandy soils moist- UDC: 620.193.92 ACC NR; AP6021077 ened with 10-12% solutions containing different amounts of Na2SOL., "ar-11 and MgC12. The intensity of local clectrocorrosion was high and caused pitting as a result of erratic currents in both the anodic and cathodic zones. Under the action of, the erratic currents in stable cathodic zones, the basic indicator of corrosion danger is the displacement of the electrode potential in the negative direction, surpassing the value of the maximum safe potential -1.4 v (relative to a copper sulfate elec- trode). Above -1.4 v, alkaline corrosion of Al takes place. The results attest to the difficulty of cathodic protection for underground aluminum materials. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: 20May65/ ORIG REF: 012/ OTH REF: 007 2/2/~/,,/ /." TOLSTAYA, M.A.i POTFIGINSKAYA, I.V.; IOFFE, E.I. Flect-roly-,ic co7ro3icn of cableo 'with an S-nea-i-`-.~ under the effect of a frequency alterna!-"-n~c Zashch. met. 2 no.1:67-74 Ja-F 166. ( %ff Ful l') -. I ) 1. Akademiya kommimallnogo khozy.?ystva imeni K.D. Pamfilova, [,eningrad. SUffnitted May 20. 1965, TOL9TAYA, M.A.; IOFFE, E.I.; POTEIAINSKAYA, I.V. Effect of the sait content, ion comios-Ltion, tlm~ value of pii$ and the degree of ground aeration on the corrosion of under- ground steel pipelines under the influence of a.c. Transp. I khran. nefti i nefteprod. no. 1:16-23 164. (,%IIRA 17:5) 1. Akademiya koxmunallnogo khozyaystva im. K.D.Pamfilova. TOUSTAYA, M.A.; 10IFFE, E.I.; POiEMINSKAYA, I.V. Electrochem'cal (,.orrosion of und,~-rgrounrj ste,;I 'r,.! L i commercial freq:iency currents. Gaz. delo no. 3:19-26 11-4. (MIF,h 17- 1") 1. Akademiya koniviunallnrq~o khoz.,rqsLv.,t imf3ni S/123 ,/6 1/ooo/o 14/0_34/b45 Aw4fAloi AUTHOR: Potemkin, A.A. TITLEI Investigating the effect of vibrations on the readings of gyro- compasses PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 14, 1961, 20-21, ab- stract 14D153 ("Tr. ~sentr. n.-i. in-ta morsk. flota", 1960, no. 30, 72 - 82) TEXTg The author investigates the problems of the vibration effect of the ships hull on the accurf#cy of a double-rotor gyrocompass. It is proved that, if the ship has a heeling oA a trim, vertical Vibrations may cause considerable errors of the instrument. &commendations to reduce these errors are given. Z. Varshavskaya [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 j ~ PCYT'dHKIN. Electric and radio nnvigation eauiD~:emt cf tne "~Kazbek` ty-ze diesel engine powered VeS301S. .Ifor.flot 17 no.6.11-12 Je '57. (M-URA 10: 7) 1. PrepodRvatell Odess"cogo v-,rsshepo morekhadnago uchilishchn. (Radio in nevigation'l (Electricity on ships) POT.-EMKIN, A A,, tarshiy prepodavatel' Temperature c7cleo of "Kure"-t7pe gyrocornpanseR i(hen nfied on ships. 14or.flot 19 n0-3:8-9 Mr I 5q. (MIRA 121:4) 1. Odeaskoye vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche. (Gyrocompass) ,,Ass, Arat::--.iy 'Yeilurovih; S;,*-~~.:''--V' 4.yf-'~' nauk, a j, naul - [Electronico and rad-c zy;-,tams of shiPS] Sudovaia eiekti-c- nika i ra6iotoklmika. Tramnort, 1964. 207 p. (1,'IFtA 17:9) POTEMKIN, A. E. Cand Phys-Math -:)Ci - (diss'~ 'IT-heoretical of errors of bi-gyroscopic compass under sea- 'going ships." Odessa, 1961. 101 pp; Secondary Specialist Education Ukrainian imeni I. I. Mechnikov); 200 copies; price sup, 219) and exper-mer:tai StUd7 . - -L - L conditions of use on (Ministry of nii~her and SSR, Odessa State Univ not given; (KL, 7-61 POTEINgMT, A. G.: Ivi-tster B4101 Sci (disr,) -- "Vririalbilit-~ rf spn t(zis anC, the I propertien of -vF,-cii In Inter- and intxfi-sp~;cific hybv'M1zat.'-,Ln". !Tg. L' 15 Up (All-UnIon GrC,."r of Lenin Actid A(-~,ric F-cl In, V. T. L-nin, A1.1-1-10r)n Tnrl. c-.f Plant Giv-wing)' 150 Copies (T'J" yc' 1-fl5' r~7') ME~-EKINY it. P. "COhI7 PI-ePOdavRtOI' Torsional rigidity of rods with a noncircular cross section. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; maohinostr. no.7:45-50 163. (MIhA 16:11) 1. Volgugradukiy seL'vkcI:h.)zyaystvennyy in3tlLut. POTD !N,__~.P. (Stalingrad) Approximate method of conformal mapping. Zhur.v7ch.mat.i =at. fiz. 1 no-4s728-733 J1-Ag 161. (MIRA 14.8) (Conformal mapping) in_;h. Damping of natural vibrations caused by bending arA torsion. Vest. mash. 41 no.6:15-17 Je 161. WIRA 14:6) (Vibration) 1- . .1 L 23858-65 DR(d)/r-2 Ijp(o) ACCESSM NR: AR4046319 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Maternatika, Abs. BB617 AUTHOR: Potemkin, A, P. TITLE: Approximation method of conformal. mapping of symmetric regions CITED SOURCE: Tr. Volgogradsk. s. - kh. in-ta. v. 17, 1963,22,8-234 ,TO PIC TAGS:~ approximation, conformal mapping, symmetric region, Fourier series, trigonometric Fourier series, successive approximation, approximation error TRANSLATION: A method of conformal mapping of a circle on a given region is developed, the region having at least one axis of symmetry. It is assumed that the outline of the region has no analytic ekpreaslou, but that its polar equation may be expressed by a trigonometric Fourier series obtained by one of the known methods of practicall harmonic analysis. The proposed method represents a development of the L. V. Kantorovich method of successive approximations for Card L 2385M5 ACCESSION NR: AR4046319 curves given in the form CO 2 After. a number of transformations, function (2) is obtained from. the equation of -a family of curves -with the paramete r- *X 0* P-:Lo.+x Z Cr. cunt. Written Ls complex form ex.'s + YJ giving the conformal inappfng of the Interior.of the circlel 14 Ian the Interior of the curve (1), ForX-L, 1,1 form. ula (2) to written in a simpUtied form card 2/3 KAiTOV, Mikhail Mik-haylovich; POTEMKIN, A.V., dots., otv. red.; KO?IIILOV, Ye.A., red.""'l-t CMKO; R.I., tekhn. red. [Basic principles governing the development of the natural acienco~] Qsnovhye zakonomernosti razvitiia estestvoznaniia. Rostov-na-Donu, Izd-vo Rostovskogo univ., 1963. 300 P. (1-4,IRA 171:3) / Dis:~ertation: "Inw, ~, 1,i ,- a-,.ion o .-.1 Oy n: 1- r~- ZF.1 C.. t ez% c ~,osco!,j jr5l cj: 0 1z; C) ~Ul,; 10/54 AUTHORS: Layner, D.I. and Potemkin, A. Ya., Candidates of Technical Science-s-.-~~ ~~vetmetobrabotka). TITLE: Influence of additions of aluminium. on the speed of reactive diffusion. (Vliyaniye dobavok k alyuminiyu na skorost' reaktivnoy diffuzii). PERIODICAL: "Metallovedenie i Obrabotka Metallov" (Metallurg nd getal Treatment), 1957, No-5, PP-33-35 (U.S.S.R ~ ABSTRACT: The bi-metal Ni-Al is used as a material for anodes of special radio tubes. In manufacturing strips of alilminised nickel reactive diffusion takes place, the result of which has a considerable influence on the quality of the components. In this paper the influence of the chemical composition of the Al on the reactive diffusion in aluminised nickel is investigated; it was found that silicon and certain other additions to aluminium bring about a considerable braking of the reactive diffusion and the authors propose a hypothesis explaining this braking effect. In the same way as in the case of iron, presence of silicon in aluminium. leads to the formation during diffusion of complicated ternary compounds which form considerably slower than the binary compound Al 3Fe. This provides a real possibility of slowing down appreciably the diffusion process. As starting materials high purity (99.5%) nickel and aluminium (99.9T/o) were used, the purity of T,~ M 47 IV, UOSR/Solid State Physics - Structure of Alloys and E-4 Other Systems A a Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 11958, 951 Aut.b.or ; Petrov, D.A., Potemkin, A.Ya. Ir-FIt *. - ---------------- Title Investigatiop of Alloys of the System Ag-Mn-Al. Ozig Pub Zh. neorgin. khimii, 1957, 2,10 7o 1552-1565 A:';stract Using physico-chemical analysis methods, the diagran of state vas plotted for the Ag-cor'ner of the system Ag-Ma-Al up to 10% Al. and up to 30% Mn. The liqpidus surface con- sists of three fields'of primary c .rystallization of phases '~09% ) IC , and Ma. There exists three nonvariant equilibri- ms in the Ag-corner of the Ag-M-Al system. The satura- tion limits of the -A -solid solution in a silver base are determined approximately, and the distribution of the pha- se regions at temperatures of 700) 600, 4oo, 2oo and 2o0 is given. The properties of the alloys of silver -with Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4013096 the stresses revorsod th3ir sign and in=oarod sharply In absolute heat treatment, value. Distending stresteswere Uien active in th3 center and not along the edges (as before the treatment), with compressive stresses In effect along the periphery. The authors claim that the reason for the acute reduction in lifetime is to be- sought In the influence of external factors during thermal treatment (that is, the ''dlffusion of recombinatfon-active admixtures from the surface to the inner part of ~ the crystal). in order to determine the Influence of surface contamination during various technological operations on the thermal stability of the electrical pro- perties.6f silicon, the thermal stability.was studied in zone-purified silicon sub- jected to Incision and polishing with subsequent etching and boiling iw deloni'zed water. The thermal treatment was carried out under the same conditions as prevail- ed in the first series of experiments. The ingots were cooled rapidly (150 deg/hin)' and slowly (10 deg/min). The results of this treatment at 1200C for 30 min are given in a table for specific resistance and lifetime. From this table It Is clear that, after the thermal treatment, the specific resistance of monocrystals 2, 3 and 5 changed negligibly, while the lifetime fell from tens an4 hundreds of microsecond!; to values less than ten. In ingots 5 and 7, lifetime after the'treatment sank to values beneath the threshold of sensitivity of the test equipment. The authors that regardless of the rate of cool thermal ely Ifter their production in a devingto treatment of monocrystals immediat a ce r zonal smelting without a crucible does not lead tio any sharp reduction in the-Metime of 3/4 Card 137-58-5-10449 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958. 1Nr 5, p 22'~ :.'U*_55R; AUTHORS: Layner,. D. TITLE: The Effect of Increasing Complexity in a Chemical Compound upon the Rate of the Reactive Diffusion Process Whyanlye uslozhneniy khimicheskogo soyedineniya na 5koro9t protsess~j reaktivnoy diffuzii) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. n. -i. i proyelcAn. in-ta po obrabotke tsveyn. me,, 1957, Nr 16, pp 31-35 ABSTRACT: An investigation is inade of the processeq cic(urring in the annealing of Arnico Fe clad by AB 000 aluminum with .he follo-.- ing additions: 1% Si, 1% Mn ; I'lo Co. 1% S1 il% rvin. 1% Sif iulo Co. Annealing was in the 600-6400C interval with hoWing linie- of from I sec to 30 min, followed by visual examination of ?he surface and microscopic an-Alysis of cross sections of the ~-peci- mens. It was found that the additions investigated form ~he f( 1. - lowing sequence in terms of their effect. as inhibitors of he pi-o- cess of reactive diffusion: Co, Ivin, Si.. Si+lvln, and Si ~ Co Tlw greatest thickness of diffusion layer is observed in a specimen Ga rd 1/2 clad by pure Al, and the smallest in cladding by AI+Co+Si. The 137-58-5-10449 The Effect of Increasing (cont. effect observed is related to the fact that. the Co and Mn additions enter inTo the composition of the AI,SiyFe. phase, complicating its structure and thus inhibiting its formation. Introduction of Co and Si probably results in forming a compound Al.Si yFezCou. The role of Mn in alloys containing Si is reduced to complicating the solid solution with the AIXSiYFe7 phase as base. Additions of Co and Mn to Al not containing Si are ineffective because ternary chemical compounds apparently do not come into being in three-component systems of Al-Mn-Fe and Al-Co-Fe. L. M, 1. Iron--Heat treatment 2. Chemical compounds--Analysis 3- iron-Diffusion 4. Diffusion--Inhibition Card 2/?- 137-58-4-7026 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Melallurgi7a, 1958, N- 4, 104 ~USSR' AUTHORS: Layner, D. 1, , Potemkin, A. Ya. TITLE: Optimal Thickness of a Cladding Layer in Alummum-clad Nickel (Ob optimal'noy tolshchine plakiruyushchego sloya v alyLlnliniro- vannom nikele) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. n.-i. i proyektn. in-ta po obrabotke Lsvetri. invt. 1957, Nr 16, pp 36-38 ABSTRACT: Some results of a study of the effect of the thickness of "he cladding 1,iyer of the Al on the production of soft alLIMinum-clad bright Ni, and on the service characteristics of vacuun-L-tube anodes are presented. S. G. 1. Electi-oplating-Thickness 3. Aniodes-Charaeseristics Card 1/1 137-58-4-8136 Translation from: Referativnvy zhurnal, Nletallu_rgiya, AUTHORS: Petrov, D.A., Potemkin, A. Ya. TITLE: An Investigation of the Silver- inanganese -a lurninum Phase Dik - gram (Issledovaniye diagrammy sostoyaniya sisterny serebro- ma rga nets -alyum i niy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. n. -i. i proyektn. in-ta po obrabotke tsvetn. met. 1957, Nr 16, pp 47-68 ABSTRACT: The alloys were prepared of 99. 98% pure Ag, electrolytic MEI Mn and AVI Al (99. 9% Al) by smelting in corundum cruc- ibles under a layer of BaC12. The Al and Mn were introduced into the Ag as alloying elements of the Ag with 15 '/',, Al and with 20% Mn. Thermal analysis was on a recording Kurnakov pyro- meter. Microstructure, hardness, and resistivity were studied in the molten state and after quenching from 800, 700, 600, 400~ and 2000C, and also after annealing and thermal analysis. In the presence of other phases, the W phase was revealed by the fol- lowing reagents: 1) a dilute mixture of sulfuric and chromic acids.. and 2) a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, acidified by Card 1/2 concentrated H2S04. The Mn-Al alloys were etched by diLute HF. 137-58-4-8136 An Investigation of the Silver-manuanese-alurninurn Phase Diar;r;;rn Hardness was measured on an Arnsler press and a Vickers apparatus. Re- sistivity was measured at 200 by means of a Thomson bridge. Cross sec- tions were plotted for 95, 92, and 90% Ag, and isothermic Cross sections of the Ag corner for 700.. 600, 400. 200, and 200. A phase diagram for the Ag corner for up to 10% Al and up to 301/6 Mn was plotted. The liquidus plane Consists of 3 fields of primary crystallization of the Q, /3 1 and Mn phases. Three invariant equilibria exist. in the Ag corner. liquid Mn a-Z: Pat about 8000; (X+ Mn at about, 6400 and (U + Mn + at about 4510. Typical limits of saturation of the ternary solid Ag-based C< solution were determined, and the distribution of the phase regions is given. The tempera- ture of formation of Ag3Al in the Al-Ag system was found to be equal to 4550. Bibliography: 18 references. A. F, 1. Ali.LrrLinum-manganese-sil~rei,, all.oys--Phase studies Ca rd Z/2 137-58-4-8095 Translation from, Referaiivnyy zhurnal, Melallurgiya' 1958, Nr 4 p 247 (USSR.) AUTHORS Petrov D. A - ~ Pxa+-miCrn-_.A. Ya TITLE An [nvestig:~tion of the Physicochemical Nature of Silmanal and thj~ Reasor), Co- "Is Ferromagnetic Properties (.Issledovaniye fjz-.ko-khm):,:ht-koy prirody splava sil'manal i prichiny yego ferromagrii,nykh bvoyilv) PERIODICAL~ Tr. Gos, n. - i. proyektri. in -ta po obrabotke tsvetn, met.. 1957. Nr 16 pp 69-81 ABSTRACT. A itudy o' the physicochernical nature of Silmanal IS) (86,9% Ag, 8.8% M t-t -. nd 4. 3 7. A I') was made, and the reasons for its ferromagnetj(. properties were determined. Specimens -,~;ere magnetized to slaturation by an electromagnet yielding a field of about 20. 000 oersteds in its 40-mm gap. The residual ir:dLt( uon Br and coerc;ve force Hc were measured. It was established that t,~io phases constitute structural constituents of S alloy in the solid state: a ternary solid solution of Mn and Al in Ag ithe O~ phase) and ~4 solid iolution of Al in Mn. Crystals of the second phase ~vere vis'~ble in all the microphotographs against the back- Ca rd 1/2 ground of the 0< phase. This contradicts Potter's data (Potter. 1.3 7 - 58 - .1 - 8 09 5 Ar, Investigation of the Physicochemical (cont. H. , Phil. Mag. , 1931, Vot 12, p 255 'I on the homogeneous structure of S a I - though the X-rays failed to reveal the second phase, as had also been Potter-- experience. A study of the stability of the c~ phase and of its mechanical and electrical properties resulted in S being classified as an aging alloy, The ef- fect of aging on the magnetic properties of S was studied by means of speci- mens quenched in water from 8000 and aged at 2500 for from I to 146 hours., Maximums for hardness, Hc,. and Br are attained at different times durina aging. It is assumed that the aging of S is accompanied by decomposition of the C)( phase with precipitation of very fine crystals of a ferrornagnetic phase. constituting a solid solution of Al in Mn. It is most probable that the second phase is precipitated from the nonmagnetic base metal of S in the form of single-domain ferromagnetic particles. The effect of various heat treatment regimes upon the magnetic properties of 5 was studied. It was established that the alloy is nonmagnetic in the quenched condition, but weakly maonetic in the annealed. The maximum magnetic properties are attained as the result of quenching from 8000 and subsequent aging at about 2500. Hc attains 6100 oersteds after 40 hours of tempering at 2500. Bibliography; 9 references. S.S. 1. Aluminum-manganese-silver alloys--Magnetic propercies Ca rd Z/2 - -Analysi_s el Ferromagnetic niaterials--Magneti,~ propertLe-, 3 Ferroimgnet_-,, materials-rlhase studies 4. Ferroaia,-net,-i,~ analysis 5. Ferromagnetic r --Phys-ica-L 1-.roperties AUTHORS: Smiryagin, A. P., Potemkin, A. Ya., 78-3-4-3/38 Martynyuk, R. P. TITLE3 Investigation of the Phase Diagram Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium (Isaledovaniye diagrammy soatoyaniya nikel!-molibden-khrom) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Heorganicheskoy Khimiij 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 4, pp. 853-859 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The nickel corner in the phase diagram of the system Ni-Mo-Cr (up to 40% molybdenum and up to 40% chromium) was investigated using the thermal and microscopic analysis. Eight polythermal sections of the nickel corner in the phase diagram nickel-molvbdenum-chromium were constructed. The phase composition and the hardness of the alloys were investigated at temperatures of 12700, 12000, 9500, 8000 and 7000C. The saturation limit of the ternary solid solution of the basis of nickel was determined at temperatures of 7000, 8000, 9500 and 10000C. It was shown that with a drop of temperature the solubility of molybdenum and chromium in nickel decreases markedly. Also the sectional diagrams with a constant content of Card 1/2 4%, 8,5%, 3,5% and 20% of chromium were constructed. Ca r-d - 2/2 5W AqTHORS: Potemkin, A..Ya., Potapovy V. I.p SOV/20-127-6-31/51 Neiti6v' *1)..-A . TITLE: A Contribution to the Study of Copper Ion Mobility in Germanium PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 6, pp 1256-1258 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the beginning the insufficient and partly contradictory data about the state of the Cu-atom in Ge are mentioned (Refs 1-4). Therefore the mobility (electrodiffusion) of the Cu-ion in n-germanium at 500-6800 was investigated. The plane surface of a sample, that was cut out of a Ge-monocrystal was electro- lytically covered by a copper coat of 10 g thickness. In vacuum (10-3 to 10-4 torr) the sample was inserted into a circuit (ammeter type M-340, rheostat and rectifier type VSA-6M) of 0-5-1 v/cm and 4-10 a. After disconnection and cooling the potential line at the intersection plane of the sample was measured. As shown by figure 1 this line proceeds linear for samples without copper, whereas for copper-coated samples the Card 1/2 linearity is disturbed at the edges by the diffusion of Cu-ions. A Contribution to the Study of Copper Ion Mobility in SOV/20-127-6-31/51 Germanium The effect of the thermal and electric diffusion is unidirect- ional at the negative charged copper plane, but is opposite directed at the positive charged one. Hence a different depth of penetration at the surfaces follows!, and the electrodiffus- ion rate of the copper ions, which were negative charged in the case under review, was determined according to this differ- ence (Table 1). Figure 2 represents the dependence of the dif- fusion on temperature. Measuring results, which disagree with the data given by C. S. Fuller and J. D. Struthers (Ref 5), are due to the different temperature ranges in which the measure- ments were made. The scientists mentioned used temperatures above 7000, where the Cu-ions are positively charged. The authors thank L. S. Milevskiy for advice and V. S. Zemskov for Ge-monocrystals made available to them. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut metallurgii ij3LA. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Insti- tute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) 1959, by I. P. Bardin, Academician PRESENTED: April 20, SUBMITTED: April 20, 1959 Card 2/2 8 2 S/1 8X2'~0'02/008/021/04 51 ;4. 17 BOo6 o63 AUTHORS: Potemkin, A. Ya., Potapov, V. I. TITLE: The Problem of Investigation of Copper - Antimony Interaction in Germanium '~21 PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, Pp. 1846 - 1848 TEXT: A preceding paper has shown (Ref. 1) that the two latter elements of the system Ge - Cu - Sb enter into chemical reaction if their concen- trations exceed the limit of solubility in solid germanium and the atomic ratio is Cu:Sbl~'-2:1. Cu28b is formed, which crystallizes totra- gonally and has six atoms per unit cell. At lower concentrations, the state of impurities has not yet been examined (again with Cu and Bb being present simultaneously). The present paper Is a contribution to this problem. The authors studied the behavior of copper in pure and Sb-doped single crystals of germanium. They determined the mobility of the impurity ions at elevated temperatures by a method previously de- scribed. The samples were prepared from two series of n-type Ge single Card 1/3 83002 The Problem of Investigation of Copper - B/181,/60/002/008/021/045 Antimony Interaction in Germanium Boo6/Bo63 orystals:,l) pure germanium of a resistivity of 10 - 30 at room temperature (carrier concentration of up to 1014cm-3); 2) sb-doped germanium (impurity concentration of up to 1017atoms/cm3). All samples had a dislocation density of 10 2_ 103om- 2. They were out perpendicular to the direction of growth of the single crystal (111) in order to render the impurity distribution along the sample as uniform as possible. The experiments were made on a special apparatus under jo-3 - jo-4 torr. The samples were isothermally tempered by sending a current of 4-10 a at 0.45 - 0.8 -F/om through them. The potential distribution along the samples was measured, and the mobility was determined accordingly. The L>( experiments showed that both in pure and Bb-doped Ge between 5400 and 6500C and/or 6000 and 6250C a pure drift (shift by Xe) of the copper ions occurred toward the positive electrode in the electric field. The ionic mobility p . X./ET9 where E denotes the field in the sample, and T the time for which the sample is placed in the field. The diffusion coefficient is determined from the relation D - pkT/q. Experimental data are compiled in Tables I and 2. The experiments prove that a Card 2/3 0 c' AUTHORS: TITLE; 3 6 h 11'2' 3/137/62/000/003/108/191 A0601AI01 Potemkin, A. Ya., Kuznetsova, Ye. S. Study of the phase constitution of alloys In the system Ge-Cu-Sb PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 9, abstract 3157 ("Tr. In-ta metallurgii AN SSSR", 1961, no. 8, 135-142) TEXT: Ge (99.9%,). vacuum Cu (99.99%), and metallic 3b (99.9N) were taken as the starting materials. The alloys were smelted in evacuated quartz ampoules in the resistance furnace TF-3 (TG-3). The stirring of the melt was carried out by shaking the ampoules. The alloys were annealed in evacuated ampoules at 500 0C for 350 hours, and then some of thein were hardened in water, and the other part was cooled down to 3000C, soaked for 200 hours, and thereupon partly hardened in water and partly furnace-cooled. The investigation was carried out by the method of microscopic analysis. The following sections were studied: isoconcentrates at 80% Ge and 60% Ge, the radial section to 49% Sb, 51% Cu, and the section from 26% Ge, 73.5% Cu to 4% Sb, 51% Cu. It was found that in the solid state at temperatures up to 500 0C the Ge is in equilibrium with the -d-phase on the base of the chemical compound Cu2Sb. In the Cu vertex Card 1/2 Nprov,4 Liwl [.111irit,-riarice f mari-ne r~Aur 23 D 163. (14111P 17-,5.1' 1. KaGAr-t "Tjkhri;~-,houki e srt!~inLvii ~3u:lov len! Y,.il' Odev, ~-f, vyoohego imhwinecril.,,go mo~ khtxhingo DOBRCV--NSKIY, V.V.; POTEMIN, A.Ya. Effect of heat trepitment nt 12000 C on chitngeq in the renintivity and, lifetime of minority charge carriers In the volume of a single cryital of silicon. Piz. met. i metallavod. 17 no.1!83-87 Ja 164. (14IPA 17:2) 1. Closudarstvannyy nauchno-isnledovatellskiy proyoktnyy institut redko- ine tall Iche-tkoy pi-orripshlannosti. S/120/62/000/003/035/036 E19VE535 AUTHORS: Po t emic i 11 A.Ya. and Pashintsev, Yu.I. TITLE: A universal device for'applying strain and heat treat;-,ient to semiconductors PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenia, no-5, 1962, 196-197~ TEXT: Apparatus was reqf1ired in whicft the influence of dislocatioa And hent treatmLeat on the properties of semiconductors could be studied. An apparatus is described and diagrammatically illustrated which can test a sample of 20 x 3 x 3 mm in bending and torsion at temperatures up to 13000C. The maximum rate of heating is 1000C/min with a 2 k-If heater, 'the te:uperature error is + 90C. The equipment is built of pure graphite (for the heaters) and quartz with tantalum screens to efisure that the serlicondur-tor is not contaminated. Evacuation is effected by a vacuum and a backing pump. A prograia controller is used to set up and maintain 'the required thermal conditions, its schematic circuit diagram is given. 'There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION; Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy instit-it red!corietallicheskoy promyshlennosti Card 1/2 A universal device for applyinl,~, ... S/120/62/000/005/035/03G E194/E535 (State Scientific Rebearch and Design Institute of the Rare Metal Industry) SU3MIT,rZD: December 22, 1961 /c- Card-2/2 J3~OLE _~~Mik~h~yLoyj-ch; SHCRIN, V.I., inzh., retsenzent; LMU,N GABOVA. D.M. red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Development and improvement of warp-knitting machines] Razvitie i usovershenstvovanie osnovovyazallnykh mashin. P.oskva, hostekhizdat, 1963. 98 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Knitting machines) .V,,, I-nzh. FOTEKKIN, D.M., kand. teklm. n,lki KOVAjiSKH, A .1 -31 or, ?r4. - I , - - I --- [DevelopMent Of the design I I -- 19E5. konstrul-tsii trikotazhn-ykh mashin, F-,0,3kvap ~1,, SSsR) (M-IRA 18 -i 5 128 P. / -11 '.-) ) , -- fi i;~ I;,-- t" f i. j~_'; /! ,/ SIHO, Solomon Khononovich. kandidat toldmicheskikh nauk; TORMOZOVA,L.I., redaktor; POTDKIlf,D.M., kandidat tekb-ich skikh nauk, retsenzent; redaktor [High-speed warp knitting machines] Bystrokhodnye oanovoviazallnye mashiny. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekha. izd-vo Ministerstva tekstill- noi promyshl., 1955. 158 P. (MIRA 9:3) (Warping machines) YESIPIMO. Vladimir Neymovich, inzh.; POTMIKIN, Dmitriy Mikhaylovich. kand. tekhn.nouk; ZAGARINSKAYA, T.A., retsenzent; LIPKOY. 1.A., nauchnyy red.; MINA'-,rBVA. T.M., red., MKNIN, M.T., [Cardigan atitch and reversible machines and the technology of weaving outer garments) Fangovye I oborotnye meehiny i tekhnologita verkhnego trikotazha. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyehl., 1958. 408 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Knitting machines) FIDT D.14. Ustroistva., mntazli I rala:-Ika M-LI.-h- sistemnof,m krui~locrmloclnnoi~o n-itorn;--ta (Construction, asneribly, ancl adjustment of two-system ;mtomatic circular-.,Aocklirlf~ iiizie'dilfc.,i). I~oskva, k',Izlvf?pl-om, P~53. 72 -,. SO: I.,unthly List of !'Ussiali- i-ce-essions, Vol - 7, 'No. 5, "Jwlj~;t l'),,)i POTEMM,r). M. PMMKIN, D.M.; WALOV, I.I., reteenzent; GUTCHM, M.Ya., redaktor. [Design, installation and setting up of double-system circular hosiery machines.1 Ustroistvo, montash I makladka dvWrhoistemno- go kruglochulochnogo avtomata. Moskva, Gos. vauchno-takha. izd-vo Mixisterstva promyshlenx~i& tovarov shirokogo potrebleatia SM. 1953. 69 P. (MT.RA 7:8) (Knitting machiass ) POTMIN, D.M., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Ways of improving a high-speed, warp-knitting machine. Leg. prom. 14 no.11:15-21 N '54. (MLRA 7:12) (Knitting machines) T - Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, "-~~mrc'rl 195X.,2Uncl. M1KUYI'OV~-Wkhai1 Ivanovich PUMKIN yp,4oZ_yRp,"~evich,,BOGOLYUBOV, N.D. red.; NATMOV, K.M.9 tela~nrej. [First indenendent actions of the industrial proietprint in Great Britain, France and GermanYl Pervye snmostointellnye vystuDleniia promyahlennogo proletariats v Anglii. Frnntsii i Germpnii. koskva, Vysshnia partiinsia shkola Dri TSK KPSS, 1958. 66 p, (MIRA 11:9) (Great Britnin--Labor and laboring clnsses) (France--Labor and laboring clnsses) (Germnny--Labor and 1nboring c1nases) ;.,.MIKAYLOV, Mikhail Ivanovich; BOGOLY POTIKKIN, Fedor Vapil,"yg~jo UBOV, or.; Efft#Ct. K.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. rWorkersla'and national liberation movements during the revolutions of 1848-18493 Rabochee i natsionallno-oavoboditellnoe dvizhenie vo vremia revolil.mtsii 1848-1849 Codov. Moskva, Vy-sshaia partiindieL shkola pri TaX KPSS, 1957. 102 P. (la-RA 10-6) (Europe-Labor and laboring classes) PMDMIN, G, Demographic consequences of wrs. Biul.SNO WU no.1:123-148 '59. (MIRA 13:6) (*s (Statistica, etc.) (Demography) POTEMKIN, G.A.; BhZhENOV, V.A. Scientific bases for climattic testing of articles and witerials. StancUa-tizatsiia 29 no.7:23-25 Jl 165. (MIRA 18:11) POTEI/am, G.A. Standardization and --e2iability. Standartizatsiia 29 nc.5: 13-16 11V 165. (". 1,9- 1 ; poTaUCITI., G. A. ; HIKIS11OV, 1~' S. L.P.; YA-EG"'I Engrrp. -r -,aria-rlc presslu,ef; ,,tinf, cj, sar The to 7 1 Vest 1,jasli D. 28, SeP 51 POTEIII;IN, G.A. Standards for ne-4 equirment. Standartizatsiia 29, rio.9: 1-3 S 165. (MIRA 19 '. 12) 1. Direklu-or Vsesoy-uznogo nauchno-isslcdovatellskaro in-st-tuta 1~ standartizatsii. POTEMIN G.F. NAZAROVA, Z.N Chemistry of 5-substituted furans. Part 21: SynthesiB of furan sulfur compounds. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1-157-161 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu acsudarstvennyy universitet. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1-157-161 ja 164. NAZAROVA, Z.N.; POTEMEIN, G.F. Synthesis of sulfides of the furan Beries. Zhur. org. k-h-'i 1 no.9:1709-1710 S 165. (MIRA 18-12 1. Suhnitted March 26.. 1965. ilc)= "'I III - . I , F :d ii "Investigating the Alkaloids Aconitum Talassic'M V. P--j? "'0' 1. No, 2, pp 21-23, 10,54 Isolated talatizamine, talatizine, and a third alkaloid (not named) fron the roots and stem of the above plant. lists physical properties and stoichiometric fomulas of the alkaloids. (RIZ111M.1im, '.~o 22, 1954) Sin No. 631, 7 Oct 55 -rCA4K tAlkidolda of Atanit= bilitsolcunt. S~ YVI, yununFW4 Sichlinva, dud !;. F, lIpt-Lihill. Zkur. Obikkef KUNI; 24, 2T7 20954): cf. C-4. 42, 7040J.-.:rhe CUCIs txt. Of VI the Z kalold mixt, obtained frrkm22,?*q--bf dried plant ICAVCS and Z -tVM3 was TO h VM H So fluxed 5 his . , ' O l, - tA - cooled and ttdarl~ With'N11 exid witir 1: filtcrto 011 , . , , , The pptd. inaterial was v-xtd. with ClIC4 and the "t. atL tat: sandite tvapI and rubbLA with MeOlf Rivin 712 S . g 1). ~"jjl. further aints. recovogti from the soln. the total, 911 ll~ The BW rxt. y1elded verattic a(M. M. 8 1 Fractional pptn. ()f the rr3idual mixt. of alknlold:i 'HtOH, followed by fron 0% 1-GSOA by gradual addn. of Ix tin ave 10.97 g. I and 4.07 g. taiati- trea ut with cold C.Ho. g, sine. L in. 145--3' (from I&OH), is Culfi,%N; I[Br sail- 2H,01 m. 78-80' ~froiu EIOAc). HI mit-31[gO, in. 67.5- * 8.5'. WD -12.8 (11.0) farthyd. sa.1t, decamp. 130 , 14 -Ac deriv., m. 97-8'. forms on faln V (H%0)1; mono standing with Ac.0; AcCI yields the di-Ac deriv., m. 1277- 9* fain -5.05* (Ifeblf); hydrolysis of this with ale.-I NaOll gave the original alkaloid. IAcI m. 220-10.~ 0 1 with KMnOrff.SO, gave AtH. Thus I can 11dation be representrA by CjHu(-VEIXOHMOAfe)j. Takl'i -5* (cf. Konovalova and r6hov C.A shown by a . ti~n Ill 34 AW), has I double bond as rn~:I'! ii over PA. G. N Kosola ff 7.' POTERKIN, I., inzh.-konstruktor New method of cantering ships on the jamb cradlets of platform slipways. Rech.trans-o. 19 no.9:44-45 S 160. OURA 13-9) 1. Kiliyskiy sudoremontnyy zavod. (Ships--Maintanance and repair) KITZENKOV, A.F.; POTEMKIN, I.G. Some results of aerological observations by means of radar aboard the ship "IU,M.Shokallskii. Meteor. i gidrol. nc.7: 46-49 Jl 162. (ERA 15:6) (Radar meteorology) ACCESSION NR: AT4033564 S/2922/63/009/000/0145/0153 AUTHOR. Gorelik, A. G.; Kostarev, V. V.; Potemkin, 1. G.; Chernikov, A. A. TITLE: Increasing the sensitivity of the receiver of an aerological radar set SOURCE: Vscsoyuznoye nauchnoye 'meteorologicheskoys soveshchanlye. Ist, Leningrad, 1961. Pribory* I metody* nablyudeniy (instruments and methods of observation); trudy* soveshchaniya,, v. 9, Leningrad, Gidrometeolzdat, 1963, 145-153 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, aerology, meteorological instrument, meteorological .radar, signal-to-noise ratio, radar sensitivity ABSTRACT: The use of ordinary radar apparatus in aerology for observation of many meteorological objects Is impossible because of inadequate sensitivity. The sig- nal reflected from the object often is so weak that It Is lost in the instrument noise. The authors therefore have devised a signal accumulator which improves the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the receiver of an ordinary centimeter- range radar set. The signal accumulator makes It popsible to 'detect a weak radar echo, determine the coordinates of Its source and obtain data on the strength of the reflected signal. A simplified block diagram of the detection of a weak sig- nal by use of thiSrdevice Is shown In Fig. I of the Enclosure. The amplitude char- acteristics and gain of the signal accumulator are d?scribed. A very detailed Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4033564 circuit diagram accompanies a text which fully describes the components and opera- tion of the device. Orig. art. has: 18 formulas and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: TsentralInaya aerologicheskaya obs6rvatoriya (Central Aerological Observatory) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 01. SUB CODE: ES, EC NO REFSOV: 003 OIH ER:' 000 Ccrd 2/3 91W, L 4 a-4 Jj -2948-65 (j)/FCC/4_rC (t)/EED-2 Rii-h/Pn-h/Fa /Pi /PJ-4/ Pk-4/PI-4 Glit-eJR ACCESSION NR: AT5008982 UR/2789/64/000/057/0067/0071 AUTHOR! Totemk I G. radar observations TITLE: Adaptor for. the automation of SOURCE: Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya.observatoriya.' Trudy, no. 57, 19646 Radiolokatsionrlyyd metody aerologichoskikh nablyudeniy.(Radar methods of aerological obs'drvation), 67-71 TOPIC TAGS;! weather control,~hail prevention, cumulonimbus radar scanning, radari ,observation,automation, atmospheric sounding, meteoraloaical radar, radar in- I strumentation,. cloud seeding ABSTRACT: The author notes that radar is presently being used to observe the evolution-of cumulo-nimbus clouds during their natural development and to check the results of active attempts at cloud seeding for the purpose of averting hail.; The documentary and objectiva nature of radar-derived information constitutes an Unquestionable advantage of this method; however, if errors are co itted in es-., tablishing the-proper regime or in logging the observations during the operatiort-~ al phase of the radar facilities, these advantages can be 'all but cancelled out. Hence ch-i need for the development of devices which will automate both the ob- Card 1/3 1,--L 42948-65 ACCESSION NTR: ATS008982 servation process and the recording of the results., In 1962, in the radar labor4 atory of the-Tstintrallnaya'derologicheskaya observatoriya (Central Aerological -Observatory), an adaptor was developed which permits the execution of vertical cuts~ this constituted the basic,method in observations conducted during bility studies.of hail prevention in the region~of the Samsar Valley. Thc- ~Pechanism was tested at the end of the 1962 se,'ison. The present article con- tains a brief description of this adaptor, which can be employed in radar opera-; tions carried out with equipment similar to the ARS-3 unit (the ARS-3 is des- cribed as a meteorological rodar set). Designed for J&int operation with this, or an analogous, radar unit, the device provides automatic station operation with simultaneous recording of observational results in the case of vertical sections'. and semi-automatic operation for horizontat sections. The adaptoi, consists of a prog ing unit, control panel,and photo-recorder, designed in the form of individual components, and also of driving (actuating) electrical motors and data-units for fixed antenna positions. The author describes the principle of operation of the ensemble a-ad presents a basic diagram schema t ical-1. ly,illustratingthe control arrangement for both the antenna and the camera Card 2/3 L h2948-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5008982 shutter together with the mare relevant technical specifications of this cir- -.-Cuitry.1 Two figures-are given in the text showing examples of horizontal and vertical scans of cumulo-nimbus clouds on different dates and with different angles of elevation and shutter atteauation values. The camera usedwas-aKS-50 motion-picture camera modified for frame-by-frame photography. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCTATION: Toentral.1naya aeralogicheskaya observdtoriya (IZAntral-Aorolo 4cal-_1 Observa SUMUMD: 06 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES NO REP SOV. 000 OTHER: 000 rd ~3/3 POTEMN, I.S.; KHALILI, R.O. Readout amplifier and shaping device for the somicurrent of a ferrite storage system. Trudy NEI no.41:121-134 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Electronic computers) j__VLADIMIROV, Yu.V., red.izd-va; POTEMKIN, Konstantin DmL~~j~~ko~ DOBUZIIINJIKAYA, L.V.9 takhn. red. (Heat treatment and drawing of high-strength wire]Termiche- skaia obrabotka i volochenie vysokoprochnoi provoloki. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 119 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Wire drawing) (Annealing of metals) .j POTEMKIN, K. D., Cand Tech Sci __ (diss) "Structure and Properties of high-strength wire,and production aiethods-11 Moscow, 19 pp; (Main Admiristration of Scientific Research and besign Crganizations under Gosplan USSR, Central Scientific Research Inst of Ferrous Mietallurgy im I. P. Bardin); 110 copies; price not given; (KL, 18-6G, 152) POT7--'FIN, K.D. The effect of different factors on the patenting speed. SPrCIAL STEMS &ND ALLOYS (SPT--'rSIALINYYE STALI I SPLAVY), Collection of Studies# TsUUG 2.7# 240 pages, publIshee by the State Scientific and Technical Publishing House for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Yetallurgy, 74oscow, 'WR, 1962. POTEMN. K.D. Effect of various factors -on the speed of patenting. TSNIIGHM no.27:211-239 (Wire industry) 162. (Annealing of metals) Sbor.trud. (HBA 15:8) SOV/13~7 AUTHOR: Potemkin) E-D. TITLE; S~tren~Sthe-n~in~, oDWire Yade frof,-~ Patented' C,: I '-' 5 Steel (Uprochneniye uf-lerodisto~r :~rovoloki )atentirov- an.noy zaEotovki) PE'RIODICAL: Stal' 1 10,53, ~Tr 7, pp '54 C59 (US6R) AP-SIRACT:As existin- folmulae for Calculatin- t1---C Yield strength o.n. dra--;A.~)r; f-1ve uasuklisfacuory rc-.lts, a--, c5 L' inves-tigation cj" tl,e L;i:obleL. crr:r-icd ji-it. T.1--ree of steols wcrr~ u2cu-' for the chc~icnl mean yield strenLth and tic Je,.ree of IL-1-eir red~-zcticr. Table 2; the ifif lucnce- :)f vcrious f-,c-t-'-,rs ~Dn the in the yi-eld strenc-'t-L- olf drak~n ,,,,ire - Talcles 7, 4 aiid 5. 1 t. was found ti' at. r--te of i.. '11he -;ield st-~e-a---t-h of dravm -.:71re i-crec-les steel, diameter ol~' 'U'Le billeb, -,:-1-artial azid total zedut-is--'.. An 0.1% increase in- the c~--rbon content 2-ncroases t-Ile -.--ield strength of dEavvn as an incrca-ze -11,1 th-- of p ca t e nt e dbillet by 4 :)r an of par's,- i al red,--Ic b,y 105~. On the basis 3f the-~-c findi,,.Ls and exi?eri--ental results) ,a numb r-a: .3 'L formalae vic rp- der ived f ) r t*"-e dr-, t -- r- m, i ra ~- t i o nof the chanr~e in the yield, stl-co-,,th. Of these, C,-. r d l/ 2 C.;1 :3r- y17 _-'-5~-?-25/27 Stxenb.thenine of YE~de_ 1PI-3-letus -.'J. Formiula (L,,) f-iv,-,s res;tlt3 1,1,j.clj a-rce, !.iuvr: ciotely to U_0 actual data a ranr"(" of v"riatiort of I influencim- t"'0 Yield i~treptctI,, of _'Irc is U d(:vc-looin:7- 'U-he techn.oloLy of tic ;rodl.ictioz for usc ,.-rire. TLe usual vice-- :)i-.. tl:c rclatio-ashiji bet!.~!eeo ,-!ork- .,rt4 "; 0 hardeninr~ and decrc;.i.:ie in pl,,istic prof; .1.0 nt-1 is n)t valid to lastic defor,,,!r: t _io-p of s tce 1 711 th ic structure There ai,c ? -tables, 5 fiL:~ires aitd 5 Of wh'ich are Soviet and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: TsBIIChM Card 2/2 1. Steel wire--Production 2. Steel wire--Processia.:f 3. Steel wire--Test results GREBNEV, S.K.; POTEMKIN, K.N. Reduction of ferric oxide with car-non Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.12:2579-2583 D163. (MIRA 17-2) FOTMFfi,-X.X.; GREBNEV, S.K. Prinimali ucliastiyeg KMANOV, A.K.) BACIMM? R.V.-, ILICHEIIKO, P.L.) FOLFSHNO, Ye.S.; USTRIA, A.I. Quantitative detemination of wagnetite by a gravimetric magnetic method. Zhur. prikl. Mim. 36 no.5; 981-988 My 163. (MIRA 160) (Magnetite) (Magetochemistry) _j K.N. t). -!~ I-, - " , -.LqZFqR, - - A A, I ~g 'r . . I , I Fomation of dur-!ng rad,~ :tl",-n ' - " hematite awl magriet.-Ilte. 7zrv. AN F7,'R 1 gcr. -, , -, . '-, 4' 17-21 MY---!a 1~4- (M!"11 POTEMKINY K.N. Magnell-ochemical phase analysis of Iran oxides obtainedi by the reduction of a "Fe 0, with methame 'and. carbon. Zhur. prikl. kh1m. 36 no.8.-1697'-1402 Ag 163. (KM 16-M) POTEMKIN, K.N. (Kerch,F); GREBNEV, S.K. (Kerchl) Magnetic properties of' the system iron oxide - ferric oxide. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk Met. i topl. no.2:Z7-31 Mx-Ap '62. (14IRA 15:4) (Iron oxides-Magnetic properties) Inve4tization of "fire clays And soits by the method of V dilution. - V- N, Potemkin and P. T. Danil'chenko.A c-:: Fr*,dy s.s.s.R. 4, No. 1, 45-M chlorMe and water iontent of moist saline cl2ys and soils c-tr bt deld. indirectly by diln, with 1W 2 or raore th-nes, centrifuRing, aLd dug. the chloride rontent of the rtsultint wins. The rnethod gives low femilts for Ca 'owin to atiporptlan on the clay. The chloride content founi for e sAmples of Crimeart soldacbak or wtanetz soils a&rted with thu dctri.,by leaching Vie Wl until no chloride wgs 1pund In the laachme. Ronnld G, Menzel of P.OTafKIV, K.V.; SPITSYN, A.; SHUGAYEV, I.A.; YOLIKIN, S.I.; SAKSAGANSKAYA, I.P.; ANDROIEV, F.I.; POLYAKOV, R.M., red.; VERIGO, K.M., red. [Production of zirconium and hafnium in capitnlist countries] Proizvodstvo tsirkoniia i gafniia v kapitalisticheskikh stra- nakh. Moskva, Pts.1-3. 1962. 157 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut informatsii tsvetnoy metal- lurgii. POTEMKINI K.V.; SPITSYN, A.N.; VLASOV, K.A., glav. red.; SERDYUCBENKO, -D-.-P-., doktor geol.--miner. nauk, otv. red.; RADZINSKAYA, M.V., red.izd-va; YEEPIFANOVA, L.V., tekhn. red. (Rare elements in the placer deposits of foreign countries] Redkie elementy v rossypiakh zarubezhnykh stran. Moskvs, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 99 P. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlasov). (Metals, Rare and minor) (Placer deposits)