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NIRENBURGY V.L.; PO.")TOVSKIY, I.Ya. - -I.".,-- Cyanoothylation of 1-phenYl-5-tetrazolinethione. Zhur. ob. klim. 34 no.10:3200-3203 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova, Sverdlovsk. TA14ASEYCHUKJI B.S.; MSTOVSKIY, I.Ya. Some polycyc'Lic chalcone &nalog-s. Z~---,. 3282 JI '65, Ethylene derivatives of 1. Urallsldy politeklmicliesIdy Imstitut. Sverdlovsk. --.- 1 1, " ,SEvCl;UK, Ml~ VSKT4 TAN. ,!c, Mix. I n,,.831515 i tfAl' Jns:,I'V-LIt ii-rer-I N'," r Vrall:zki L~ BEDNYAGINAJ, N.P.; FOSTOVSKIY, I.Yea Hydrolytic cleavage of some heterocyclic eulfones. Part 6.- Synthesis and properties of /1-nitrophonylaul-fonyl-.*-mothylbenzirlidnzolyl- niethane and nitrophenylsulfonylbenzothiazolylmethane. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 'no.10:3193-3196 0, 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Sulfone) GRINBUT, Ye. I. POSTOVSqY, I. Ya. Reaettons involv*$ additionB of acetylenecarboxylic acids and their~.esters.: fttt 2: Reactions with tyclic thioamiMs. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.2094400 F 161. (kRA 14:2) 1. Urallski politeWmiaheskiy institut. C Kilonedicarboxyll#4kaid) (Amides) (Propiolic acid) (A ety~ - j TJSSR/ Organic Chemistry Synthetic organic chemistry E-2 Abs Jour Refermt Zhur - Khimiyap No 4, 1957' 11705 Author -Zolovskiy P.Ya., Kushkin B.V. Title ~nc ~ning ~e Structare of Disulfamides of Thiazole Orig Pub Zh- obShch 1956, 26, 150,7, 2052-2058 Abstract By alteknativel~ introducing two different sulfaryl residues into 2-ami- nothiazole (I) were prepared isomeric disulfamides, thus b~ reacting with p-chloibbanzene'sulfochloride (II) and interacting the-resulting 2-(p-chlorbenzene-sulfamiito)-thidz6le (III) with acetylsulffLnylchloride (Iv)'was synthesized 2-(p.-~chlorobe'nzene4tilfamido) 3-(acetyloulfeLnylyl) -thiazolin-4 (V);~and from 2- Lacetyl6ulfanylyl-amin6thiazole (VI) and - - r II was prepared 2-acdtyliulfanylylamido 3-(p.chlo obenzenesAlfonyl) "thiazolin-4 (VII)~'analogoti6ly fr6m'2-be'nienesulfonyl aminothiazole and IV'was-synthesized 2-(beiizene6ulfon3qimido)-3-(acetyloulfanylyl) -thiaz*olin-4 L(Vrjl ); and'from VI-and benzene sulfochloride -- 2-(acety- lsulfanyl .ylimido)-3-(benzenesulfanyl)-thiaz'olin-4 (IX). Structure of' V,'VII, VIII and IX is established by their ammonolysis with 15% solu- tion of NH3 (4 hours, 7&), as a result of which were obtained, Card 1/2 t POSTOVSKIY, V., inzh.; KHOKHLACFIEV, B., inzh. Using gas under high pressure. Stroi-mat- 3 no-7:26-27 Jl -157. (KIRA 10:10) (Cement plants) (Drying apparatus) o-: 0 0 a 9 0 0 G oeo o- 0-0-11111 -0-0-19-0-9 0-9-0-0-0- N if m 13 34 IshvX3044441 AO .4 n C C C~~ 4 4 S L 0 0 0 ft- 41 TtAf"111 It, _6 I k fit ?,it, AMD at- r-100193 ..f 1o00 roolo 93 7r, -".3 28411'sull 1,11,919 0 F4 Ptistirr".V. A.. indioft~,, Ao A.'ihilitfifich-1 15:-. -,~Wi age V. H)CPSANKSTS' WMI CO goo 1.941-"I;"IlsloTAnvxtC-i& it 00 "; -A30.9,ni. rotAry kft wa-L 1111"I withilOW brick ^00 0 1) to .. talc brick 0.4 ) in.,, te ft rn- chrmur-man", Ito brick (in -7 g I In. uk. brick 1 free M. atHl rippit-11 CMC lifiCk 12 Mr Thb lining wA, In 000 -trvicr 64 da".. With the exctptim of exchanXing the IL r 00 experimental rippletl viv no other stijimments wwre re- *OR lit -r00 0 gig 00 000 200 w 00- 90, AD 411 'Xi III WA It at 0, 'W PP, ft n it a at St a x a Oq alt 4 ff aI v 4 A & 4 9 1 It '7- ~,9-rwwm 0000000 00000 0 0 0- :06066 0 0 & 0 0 e1 0009000 0*000 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 : : 0 POSTOVSKIY V.A., inzhener; 2RYIITSEV, B., inzhener. Crusher for moist and viscous materials. TSement 22 no.5:28 S-0 156. (19ARA 10:1) 1. Bryanskiy tsementnyy zavod. (Bryansk-Gement industries) (Crushing machinery) w 0 0 0 IS 0000000000 000000: 05f$ a ICI;NUMISIA tit: X) It U M $4 n 16 It 4 4m 41 Q 41 M HXV It- L A4 0 I 00 A : 00 -00 00 a 'i"Welili W'ift em,mbiehat6m, -liwft d r"UT kil". %*Wmcicb &-f 1 D A A * & A . . . n . owv, A. YAj%dan JK. V, KrOMOVAR. PfOO. S00iW. Mdhrid. 100. NO- 45. .*e 24-7; CWm. Ztwir. too, U. 3M.-A 3D.9-m. rotary i ck 11.5 M., kiln wu Heed with Vw brick 2.0 m-p uk N clinker comm e birick 3.0 m.. chion -magneshe htick Ago* 09 (fm ifam trwm) 8.4 tn.. tak twkk 3.4 m. and With th W d k i =00 0901 e ,, m3m. n sv.v brick 12 a,. Thk lining wu Cam"Im of eldwshm the expel. r4v4", Vag no 01bw mi- juOmenu Wert ftquilrd. M. Moth o* 090 002 are o 9 ~ see ses ot, l ae* f A 5 S. S L ASITALL&MCKAL 1.1111AIL119 CLASSIOPKAT1001 go* via. 11,14111. all" 90.0v o l: wn-a -5 9 T 1434#4 Z. 0-1 Got 231111 OWE 91-1 tit - _r__ .. r b 0 0 IJ16 l u 4 LV 00 is 4 P, . 1, 4 . . I F 4 - 1 0 P 9 A T ZA L 1 0 tW 0 -m 0 v 1P or K It R a ts It X RM a I in 1 0 0 1 0 'wo 0 09 0 a 0 0 0 4110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 -o 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 00 0- 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 0-00. & 0 0 -0 0-0 We a ALAMFYF,V, P. M., FPSOBRAMENSKII, V. S., POSTOVTSEV. M. I. USSR (6oo) Geography - Congresses Brief Report. Izv. AN 888R. Ser. geog no, 4, 1952 MontUly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. November 1952. Unclassified. saw C ".n.-. rWK-W. -ma. 10TAY.- 0- ny-- C-.P-.4 --S O.ILD- EA.KP7- A.W.X-- c.rm.- na A- tb. 'ta R0.1-1 cb..I-I ,Wt Gb.1tt*4 fm am steel Pro&WI Aoem-- 30 Am 19'59- tm. v M,15-5 POSTOIVSKIJI 1. J. "Sur la roaction du dioxyde do s6len'iLbm.avec quelaues'hydrazines." (P. 37) Postows)c1l, 1. J. Lougowkille, B. P. ot Uwidr~k, G, F. SO: Journal If General Chemistry. (Zhurnal obshchei Khimii) 1937, 'll'olunie 7, No. 1. ZENKINI V.I.; POSTOY.-"; FOPOVA, Z.I.; SAVIN, O.R. Optinalizing controller for inertial processes. Biul.tekh.-ekcn. inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 18 no.1:36-37 Ja 165- (MIRA 1834) ACC NR- AR6035231 S01URCE: CODE: UR/0372/66/000/008/G017/G018 AUTHOR: Zenkin, V.: I.; Savin, 0. R.; Chertkov, 1. Yaj_Rqqtt9y,_Y. A. TITLE: Designing a computer of an extremal regulator for heat processes SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kibernetika, Abs. 8G107 REF SOURCE: Pribory i ustroystva aredstv avtomatiki t telemekhan. Reap. mezhved. nauchno-tekhh. ob., v-yp. 1, 1965, 99-108 TOPIC TAGS: heat regulation, computer, extremal heat regulator ABSTRACT: Systems of extremal regulation are investigated which consist of: 1) a nonlinear inertialess element whose input value x (regulating action) and output value y (static value of extremum-EV) are coupled by the equation where aft), b(t), e(t) are the variable parameters which determine the extremum static characteristic; 2) a linear element whose input value y and output 1/3 UDC: 62-506 ACC NRt,-'AR6035231 value 't (current value of EV) are coupled by the differential equation do 4p+ 3) a pickup unit for measuring the current value of EV; and 4) a step-type extremal regulator. To decrease the influence of linear element inertia, a static value of EV is Introduced in the logic element of the extremal regulator, I. e., a regulation law is constructed in the form &%#,=align All,, SIP Aga$ where Ar.- is the increment of the value of EV. Ifor the case when transients in.. the linear part of the object of regulation and in the pickup unit are described by differential equations of the first order, an algorithm of the operation of the extremal. regulator computer to derived. It to shown that the value of sign AF. required for reallizing the regulation law can be calculated on the basis of signal increments at the pickup output. A computer circuit which uses summing trans- formers with a"phase-sensitive amplifier to described. To improve the noise immunity of the eztremal regulation system. it Is necessary to calculate the increment of EV on the basis of the increments -of the. signal from the pickup which 213 SHCHERBAKOVY O.A.; GPRANI, I.M.; MTQYALKO,-jj.V.; BURYLOTA, R.V.; IIGSHCHAKET, M.A.,; PIROZITOVA', Z.A. Stratigraphy of the boundary layers of the Touinai and V-,sd stage in the Central Urals. New data based on the profile in the raRway groove between the Upper and Lower Oubakha. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.l.-112-115 S-01 64 (RIPA 17:8) 1. Predstavleno akademikom D.Y. Pali-Okinym. POSTOV,LKOV, K. D., Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "Effectiveness of fertilizers in crop rotation on the non-irrigated lands of Central Kazakhstan." Alma- Ata, 1958. 20 pp (Min of Agriculture KaFSSR), 110 copies (KL, 16-58, 122) POSTOTAU,_1L.S_ (Yessentuki) Practical solution of problems in the correct dosimetry and economical use of AXR-7 Plastic in preparing bases in dental prosthesis labora- tories. Stonatologiia 38 no.2:60-61 Ap 159. (KIM 12:7) (DENTAL PROSTHESIS) (PIASTICS) YESAYAN, G.T.; GALOYAN, G.A, BABAYAN,, A.A.; QjQt!4,,~, ~N.R. Interaction of sulfochlrides with dimedon. Dokl. All Arm. SSR 38 no.5001-304 164o (MIRA 111:6) 1. Institut organicheskoy khiznJ.i All Armyanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN Armyanskoy SSR V.I.Isagul'yantsem. va cf the Jii~c-af;e vrL.,s -'ri the Drrit,hcdorus 1908. iz-'. ki I-M. SSIR . Holt nauk-i IS no. 7 :87-9d L 2oig-66 )/Edk(b)'-2 JK =CESSION NR: AP5021804 UR/0296/6~('/018/007/0067/'0091 AUTHOR: 130yadzhyan, G, K,, Postogang So Ro TiTM-Survival of aphttious stlomatitis virus in 0 jtho~oru lahorensigs neum 1908 ticks. Second report: Natural"ihfdation of tickd- SOURCE: AN ArmSSR, Izvestiya, Ssriya.biologichaslcildi nauk, v. 18p !no,,-7, 1965,::87,91, ITOPIC TAGS: e: eriment animalp virus, virus disease# animal disease# XP animal. husbandry ABSTRACT: -An earlier1nve'stigation established that aphthous ] stomatitis virus survives-in the hemol7mph of Ornithodorus lQorensis ticks-for.32 days following experimental infection* The present study investigated possible transmission of,aphthous stomatitis virus from infected animals to bloodsucking P. 14hRrenois ticks and the length of,virus survival in the tick otganitme In*two series of experimentsp sexually mature 0, lahqrRnois ticks were fed on infected guinea pigs or white mice. Alimentary tract contents and hemolymph Card 1/2 L 2oig-66 !ACCESSION NR*- AP5021804 J of.ticks were:investigated,at,~regular-periods from I to 68 days to, determine,presence ofthe.virus,carrier state* The alimentary tract contents~of ticks fed.'on infected guinea pigs-gave positive results on the 5thp 7thp 20thq and 30th days. The alimentary tract contents of ticks fed on Infected-white.mice-also were positive from the 5th to the 68th days, Hemolymph investigations of ticks fed,on infected guinea pigs andmice'produced negative-results in all cases. The authors conclude that aphthous stomatitis-virus is transmitted from infected animals,to the bloodsucking 0 laho ticks with the' J. virus surviving in the alimentary traFt fftift 30"to 6U days, In contrast to experimental infection of ticksp the virus does not pass from.the alimentary tract to the hemol-3mph in the case of natural infectionj Orige art4,has: 1 table* ASSOCIATION,-:.Armyarisk1.y institut zhivotnovodstva i veterinapii (Armenian lzistitutel'qf-~Animal Husbandry and,Veterinary) ~_'9 ENCLi 00 SUBMITTED: 20,Tan65, SUB CODE: LS NR REP SOVI 001 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 "f 05TOYANP f)r.c-urrenno of Ucl:.9 of tl-ic goolls tho ~~refjeras` !voup in the Annpni&n AN L~~a. 14 Ll,~I. nauk4 15 no,12:89-92 T62, r-.8) 1. ilrotozoolog' 'nsLi,.,-,ta zhivotnovodstva i voterinarli ftm~,SR. POSTOYAN, S.R. New foci of tick-borne relapsing fever im the Armenian S.S.R. Izv. AN Arm.SSR. Biol. nauld 16 no.lOt77-85 0163r (MIRA l6al2) 1. Protozoologicheskaya laboratori7a Institute. zhivotnovodstva i veterinarii ArmSSR. 1 1266-66:' EWT(d)/T- IJP(c) 'ACCESSION NR:.~ AR5008452~ U, 0271 65/0.00/00Z/B008jB008 .42,32.001 W-5:681,1 SOURCE: Ref. zh.. ~Avtomatika, telernekMnika i.vychislitelinaya tekhnika. -71 Svodnyy tomi Abs.. 2B48 AUTHOR: Postovenkov Yui, K. TITLE:, Al orithms for co~~putation of the, carrelation-function- estimator I 9 qr CITED. SOURCE-: Nauchn. tr. Sib. fil. Vsed*. A.-i. in,-ta mekhaniz. s. kh, vyp. .2, 1964,~ 89-100 TOPIC TAGS:. correlation function, correlation function -estimatioll -'TRANSLATION: A cla6sification is suggested of algorithms intended for computation of time -correlatiok't -function estimators~ on the -basis of: (1) Amplitude presentation of the source random processes; (2) time presentation i of amplitude or oIar data;. (3) --time -averaging method.. Shortcomings of the il - ~ ~ p algorithm are listed; . the formulas for evaluating its statistical error are supplied.'' iA block dia ram of an amplitude continuous dynamic ~orrelatoris considered, ands 9 formulas are, presented for the calculations inv lved. Fo3tmul, 0 as are given for Card 1/2 POSTOYEVY I.I. Development and importance of the t4wimology of mmaxl prefabication Of ship sections. Trudy LKI no.36:29-37 162. (MIM 16:12) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii sudostroyeniya Leningradskogo korable- stroitelnogo instituta. I . ". Izgotovienie burov i ikh re-mont s primeneniem. ~ontakctriol svarki 177'-snufact-u--re C-f bcrcr~ ---: their rcpair bi contact weldin2. , Soverd. lov j "I-,, I!etallurgizeat, 195.1. lCe. T". SO: Monthly List of llbssian Accessions, Vol. 6 NO. 5, August -1953 Fo'~ E Vj PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 551 - I I BOOK Call No.: AF1539674 Authors: POSTOYEV, I. M. and RAZIKOV, M. I. Full Title: MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR OF DRILLS BY MEANS OF RESISTANCE WELDING Transliterated Title: Izgotovleniye burov i ikh remont s primeneniyem kontaktnoy svarki PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on Ferrous and Nonferrous Metallurgy (Metallurgizdat) Date: 1953 No. pp.: 107 No. of copies: 4,ooo Editorial Staff Appraisers: Akhun, A. I., Dotsent, Kand. of Tech. 'Sci., Churin, V. A, Eng., Belov, A. I., Eng. PURPOSE: The book is intended for middle ranking technicians' and highly- skilled workers in drill-manufactlaring shops. TEXT DATA Coverage: This book discusses the experience of Ural mines in the manu- facture of drills, reinforced by hard-alloy layers, with detachable boring bits. Resistance butt welding and electric heating used for the manufacture and repair of drills are examined. The book contains 1/2 Izgotovleniye burov i ikh remont s primeneniyem kontaktnoy AID 551 svarki data on the equipment of drill-sharpening workshops and welding plants, on the selection, installation, adjusting, maintenance and operation of welding machines, and on the choice os welding methods. The pro- cessing of welded butt joints after welding, their defects, the en- durance testing of welded drills and safety measures are described. The book is provided with illustrations tables and diagrams. No. of References: 17 Russian (1934-19511. Facilities: Ural Polytechnic Institute im. Kirov, Department of Technology and Welding Equipment, V. N. Bakull, M. M'. Kravtsov, A. I. Belov, V. A. Churin, G. V. Cherepanov. 2/2 'PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 551 - I BOOK Call No.: AF639674 Authors: POSTOM, I. M. and RAZIKOV, M. I. T-NUMM-TURE AND REPAIR OF DRILLS BY MEANS OF RESISTANCE Full Title. ..WELDING Transliterated Title: Izgotovlentye burov I ikh remont s primeneniyem kontaktnoy svarki PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on Ferrous and Nonferrous Metallurgy (Metallurgizdat) Date: 1953 No. pp.: 107 No. of copies: 4,000 Editorial Staff Appraisers: Akhun, A. I., Dotsent, Kand. of Tech. Sci., Churin, V. A, Eng., Belov, A. I... Eng. PURPOSE.: The book is intended for middle ranking technicians' and highly- skilled workers in drill-manufacturing shops. TEXT DATA Coverage: This book discusses the experience of Ural mines In the manu- facture of drills, reinforced by hard-alloy layers, with detachable boring bits. Resistance butt welding and electric heating used for the manufacture and repair of drills are examined. The book contains 1/2 Izgotovleniye burov i ikh remont s primeneniyem kontaktrioy AID 551 - I ,svarki data on the equipment of drill-sharpening workshops and welding plants, on the selection, installation, adjusting, maintenance and operation of welding machines, and on the choice os welding methods. The pro- cessing of welded butt joints after welding, their defects, the en- durance testing of welded drills and safety measures are described. The book is provided with illustrations tables and diagrams. No. of References: 17 Russian (1934-19511. Facilities: Ural Polytechnic Institute im. Kirov, Department of Technology and Welding Equipment, V. N. Bakull, M. M.. Kravtsov, A. I. Belov, V. A. Churin, G. V. Cherepanov. 2/2 CMIM PM RAZIKOV, M.I. Exanufacture and repair of drill bits by the use of Imtt welding] lzgoto-vle- n1a Inirov i ikh remont 9 primeneniem kontaktnoi evarki. Sverdlovsk, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetn,oi metallurgii, 1953. 106 P. (MLPA 6:10) (Blectric welding) (Boring machinery) BEZRUKOVt G.N. Discovery of brachiopod and C~inoidal remains in tale-chloritic rocks in the Southern Urals. Izv. CI SSSR. Ser. geol. 26 no.5' 92-95 14Y 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Inatitut geologii ru4nykh meotoro24deniy petrografii, mineralogii i gookhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Ural Mountains-Brachiopoda., Fossil) (Ural Mountains-Crinoidea, Fessil) SHABLIOVSKIY, V.V., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; POSTOYEV, K.M., mladshiy- nauchnyy sotrudnik . , In the Far East. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 4 no-5:8-9 S-0 '59. (KRA 16:1) (Soviet Far East-Spraying and dusting in agriculture) ------ Pclot-TOYM 0 - , 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Forests 2nd Forestry 7. Unsuccessful book on the Tellermanovskiy forest ("Tellermanovskiy forest." Les i stept 4 no. 10 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januax$rj, -1953. Unclassified. S/044/62/000/006/007/073 C111/C333 .P AUTHORS: ',,Iikheyev, V. I. 2 ~Ioyev~,V. TITLE: The tension state of a torus shaped shell under the influence of hydrostatic pressure PERIODICAL: Roforativnyy zhurnal, Matematika7p no. 8, 1962, 33-34, abstract 8B149. ("Tr. Vses. zaochn. lesotekhn. in-tall, 1961,,no. 7, 125-137) TE'XT; Examined is the calculation*of a torus shaped shell in the general case, where the boundary.conditions are given more exact than usual*. The method of asymptotic integration is used to solve the equation for the symmetrical defo.rmation of such a Phell; the calcu-~ .lation formulas are obtained relatively easy by.this method. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 POSTOYEW, V.S., k,,r,,d. tal-Im. nauk Conference r)n probir a of' atz-;o ,;Jh t . " * ~ 1, ~ , , rr: ,. - , -!1". -;f j;Tjj, "#;,~ I- - -~, Briergomashir.,,:.,,.,I-lr-oenie 10 rjo.jog~- r* (, I. ) " .-; -.,L;. (b!-Il rv~ -,;; ~,- , ARONSON, A.Ya., k-and. tekhn. nauk; BUGOV, A.U., kand. tekhn nauk; 1%LYS1CEV, V.M.,. kand. -t*--khn. nauk; SKMLEEV, I.A., inzh.; G.Kh., kcand. tekhn. nauk; POSTOYEV, V.S.2 kand. tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; ORGO, V.M., -15EC-L. nauk.. red. r LStrength calculation of the pprts of hydraulic turbines] Raschet na prochhost? dd-C~lell et~ro-Lurbin. Moskva, Mashino- stroenie, 1965. 391 P. (MIRA 18:10) A=- 0~ ,,A.Ye.; URAZOVSM, S.S. (deceased]; KARPUKHIN, P.P. POSTOYE~k Effect of ultraviolet rays on some properties WC p0l.7arz-71=itrile fibers and films. Khim. volok. no.4:66-68 165. (MIERA 18:8) 1. Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. S11 12/59/tWA 13/04 1/t67 AOO2/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 1,3, pp'. 172 - 173, # 27449 AUTHOR: Postoyeva, NI, TITLE- On the Approximation of Functions in the Light of Contemporary Compu r Engineering PERIODICAL: Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta, 1958, No.,35, pp. 222-2_30 TEXTi The known formulae of function development into series by poly- nomials of Chebyshev and Legendre are given, as well as formulae for calculating the corrosponding coefficients of development. Numerical values of the coef- ficients of development by Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials for some elemen- tary functions are given in an appendix. Reviewarls note: The paper was sub-,..- mitted. to the editorial board in 1954 and does not reflect -the contemporary state of the problem on the methods of representing functions for the computers. There are 7 references. E.A.G. Translator's note, This Is the full translation of the original Russian Card 1/1 abstract. 20763 S1043161 /poo/oo I IG05101 0 /6-9600 C111/C222 AUTHORs Postoyevap N.I. TITLEs On the problem of relative stationary incoppressible viscous fluid notion PERIODICALs Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki I astronamii, no.1, 1961, 89-101 TEX!~s J.Leray (Ref.2s Etude de diverses 6quations Intograles non linfiaires et do quelques probl4mes quepoee 1'Eydrodynanique. J.math. puree et appliqu6es, 12, py.12-82p 1933) investigated the integrat .Ion of the system iL-grad p uk + f + Bu, k-1 xk div 0, (21) where B is a constant soymmetric tonsor) which describes. the motion of ~ tenaciousincompressible fluid in a system rotating-uniformly around ~ fixed axis, and which besides reMOTes with-a constant velocity in the direction of the axis. The smoothness of f and the boundary S of the considered region was assumed. Card 1/5 20763 B/043/61/000/001/005/010 On the problem of relative... C111/C222 O.A.Ladyzhenskaya.( Isaledovaniye uravnenly Nav'ye Stoksa v sluchaye statsionarnogo dvizheniya vyazkoy neozhimaysmoy zhldkosti [An investigation of the equAtione of Navier-Stokes in the case of a stationary motion of a tenacious incompressible fluid) UMN, no.391959) proved the solvability of the problem in the large for the case B 10 for S and ? being'hot smooth. The author shows that the method of (Ref.1) can also be used for the proof 'of the existence of a solution of P t )-(21 ) with B t 0 for arbitrary Reynolds numbers and unamooth and S. Here the motion is investigated in a region ~1 of the three-dimensional space. The boundary S of flis assumed-to be immovable and it is demanded that Ule 0 0. (4) In the set 9 of all finite in-(I continuously differentiable solenoidal vectors 'U(x) the author introduces the scalar product U,v u v - S -jo dx -Suix v i dx. (5) _cx xk xk k xk Card 2/5 20763 r S/043j61/OPO/OO1/OO5/01O On the problem of relative... 0111IC222 it The completing of M with respect to the norm rl )A. which corresponds to (5) yields the complete Hilbert space H(Q). A function U(x) belonging to H and satisfying - -V -.*.- --,-> U -"$dx 70 d. x kdx- Sujl~, dx + fBu (8) xk S1 'k for every of K is called a generalized solution of (19)-(29) of the class H. It Is showns -~> For every Y(x) for which P4(x)(Vdx is a linear functional over 0 in H the problem ~M .AU - EZ.- grad p div u 0, '18 0 (9) U has.& unique generalized solution of H. After the linearized-problem tho author investigates the nonlinear problem for the bounded region and homogeneous boundary candi'vious;'the existence of the solution is shown according to Leray-Schauder. Then for a finite-01the author considers the problem (I')-(21)(and Ila 14) Card 3/5 20763 S/043j61/OOO/OO1/O05/01O On the problem of relative... -At C111/C222 2 1"'Is the limit -value of the where N vectoro!(X) - rotl(l), b(x)rrW 2 A f:ction -U-"' satisfying (8) for every of M and for which YOU-W-6 H is called a geraeralized a-4ution. The existence of 7the solution of ("), (21)9(14) is proved; for f there hold,the sane assumptions as above. Finally the author investigates,the case of an infinite region-01, where the problem (11),(21) and 4 u 0, -u>(x)-'a(X) -.:0 for X-*OD (16.) is considered. It is assumed that 1) the field of 1: satisfies the '1( homogeneous system of Navier-Stokes; 2) B x) - grad &(x), where a(x) is a polynomial of second degree with respecl to the coordinates; M -I(x) - rot--b'kx), where b(x) together with its 3) aikk+akx, 0; 4) three first derivatives is quadratically summable with respect to x in the neighborhood of S. Let, J(x) be a smooth function vanishing on. S and equalling I for large x. Let ~'(x) - rot ~"f(x)-,3 (x)j. JL -1 which satisfies (8) for every 0of M and for which ? - U-~?(x) belongs to H is called a generalized solu'vLon of (10)(21),(16). The7existence of the Card 4/5 20763 S/043/61/000/001/005/010 On the problem of relative... I C1117C222 generalized solution of (11),(21),(16) 1.9,proved. There Is I Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc reference. Card 5/5 - prjS-lc-,..'~*V;-l 11.1. ~ Rolr-tivc ot--tiol- - -- -, .. .- . .: ~, r, i = ~ Z: ~ Ile ~,-- t - ff. Vast. LGU 16 no. ". !,~:2) 1, i % - , - - - It, 41- .14 cz) I POSTOYEVA., N. I. 0 Razlozhenii Funktsii Kompleks-nogo Pcre=ermo=go Po Polinamax. Mmte=- S-By 4 (4t) (1938), 549-460. iy .1 SO; Mathematics in the USSR) 1917-1%7 edited by Kurosh, A. G., Markushevich, A. I.~ Rashevskiy, P.K. 11-loscow - Lemingrad, 1%8 SIMI.MKO, Lev Platonovich [deceased]; SHEPEL'SKIY, A.I., kand. sell- khoz. nauk, glav. red.; KOVTUN, I.M... kand. sellkhoz. nauk, zam. glav. red.; POSTYUK, A.V., zam. glav. red.; RODIONOV, A.P., doktor biol. naukp zam. glav. red.; DEMIYANEETSI Ye.F.y starshiy nauchnyy sotr;, red. toma; LISOVUKO,, L.,T... kand. biol. nauk,, i2auchnyy sotr., red. toma; NIKOI-IENKO, M.N., kand. biol. nauk, red. toma,- POSTUYUK, ~.V... red.; DEREUAIIKO, G.S.j, tekhn. red. (Pomology in three volmnes; apple,, pear, stone fruits] Pomologiia v trekh tomakh; iablonia, grusha, kostochlcovye porody. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukrainskoi Akad. sellkhoz. nauk. Vol.l. [Apple] IAblonia. 1961. 578 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ukrainskiy naualmo-isaledovatellskiy institut sadovodstva for Demlyanets, Lisovenko). (Apple-Varieties) MARESOVA, Z..i_POSTFWTr-,CKA I M.- Relation of bilirubin to suppurative diseases. Cesk.- gast-roent. 16 no.2:110-113 Mr 162. 1. IIL int. klinika. KU v Fraze, prednosta akademik Josef Charvat Interni nemocnice Na Slupi v Fraze. (BILIRUBIN) (ANTI IMCTIVE AGENTS) (SKI1,1 ULGER) 9. -7 5S). 2Mb:55J.5I5.4:61J,3J6.98(02) A 1l' Anek, I-adisla ill v _hd o9 jo- plea bleakem. V. a P traneck -ef, Boufky a ochrano -ClIkoslovenski AkiderniqYM, 1957.' 07 P.? numerou 73-178.~ Itev' (11, CZCCb) by. arts (old., rc P. low 6. bib W 1. Pod;lmek In Afelcoralolkkif Zprdvy, It (2).52-53, 19S8.-In this thorough 511on2arakh problems of thunderstorm electricity and lightning protection are treated In a(kencral and 'Y % an applied section. The general si~ction includes a brief discimsion of atmosphiric stnjctt=_ - -ro M~ 5p C ionization, and circulation and a thorough review~.of theories and knowledge on aG rico. k, electrical fields in the atmosphere, the formition of convectivAloud-s- thunoercloud elec-, - ' -ov h- f h l b d i i u b d it on o t o er t u e an n trification, classificat understorms, th nderstorm distri u t , g ightningi Czechoslovakia (niap. tablts;Kraphs), tliestnicttirea~din(-chinisiiiof t jies(f I Ur = . strokes, electrical currents induced by lightning and their measu jounding under, vanous 50H conditions, etc. A survey is. also made of thunderstorm and ghtning research' in various countries (p. 147-205) including the U.S.S.R.. Sweder 4,Switzqland, U. S., Great' Pritain,Ge any and Czechoslovakia tAn extensive chapter onxinstruments and techniquesi rm (p. 205-294)'concludo the : ne I tlnti~, The hole section is-profusely illustrated wlth~ ge ra sec . , w I explanatory diagrams, photographs.of lightning a'nd.of instruments, block diagrams, sample- ' ~w records, etc. (illustrations are, to a farg~ exten4 reproduced fronii foreign literature). . The l 6io i d ie n was written for )ightning rod des gners and inspectors. It contains second (app ), se e c t3 frqm~tl%6 Czechoslovak official skcificati6as for the'protection requirements of., l Iff ent 0b ects,-and detailed review c0 vic;,- American,. British, Po ish; and . niparison of the So 11 :Z S%vls5, South African,- Swedish. Dutch and German specifications.: Numerous examiln of, lightning rod desIgn'for various htrutture5'are given In diagrairiA aad photoiraphs. Added features which contFibute to the intcr4t of the book Are: a historical sumniary froin FammmiN, l l.omoxosov And DM3 (first'grwn4j' he present, a biblit ligh tifing ro8. * 1754) to t xgmphy of ' h Czechoslovak- and foreign literature,( e 450 iterAs'listed by. author , title and source) whic . 'supplements the lbtspf references Igivea at the "d I ach ch~p!er; a j16.1klot dic(lorl:lry, ' ' -- - 'AW e O - (Czech- Russian- EnWGh-Freach-G&jh 60 ever 0 h e -electrical termsi an) of nist of fiYrnboI4,~dbbiWat(oi15-qO", ut.$; a shon jjos~p( tFcliq!c~ A~d F~jt~pe!!ng Wmo, 0 in Coll- .6c and tec )nt' 'un to the nts Juable V Thilode-Otorrn~- sc". and V~ I . I A y C.,,b!nIn7 rJeadvig-'. t6d- desWI - !'Ct e%. 1, tuade an, ongin, Saw" I Lightam Np- K nd 0.6 j tj~js bol tion les 3. e Pro~cc bi~llovaqll ech) nd s "tbor C7. I an 6 dettj th search I de bl tot ".'m -'-"f'c'III -'h"Jovau ..0 St cc a e c%el th der$ Thu ot. un 00s language 6.. exib c ellItnc'ty .ou'r dicti ot -IF FGSTRMNECKY, J. Electrification of railroads by gas turbine electric traction. p. 420. (Elektrotechnicky Obzor. Vol. 45. no. 8, August 1956. Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 6. June 1957. Uncl. 3M C ZEM/2218 Rihenek, Ladislav V., Engineer, and Josef Postra"neck~r, Doctor, Engineer Boui~W a ochrana pred bier-kem (Thunderstorms and Protection from Lightning) Praha, Nalqadatelstv4 6eskoalovensVe akademie ve"d, 1957. 507 P. (Series: Ceskoalovensk~ akademie ve%'d. Sekce technicka. Studie.a. prameny) 2,300 copies printed. ka Sponsoring-Agency- Ceskoslovens- akademie ved. Sekee technicka. Scientific Ed.: Josef Stra`nak~' Professor, Engineer, Doctor, ~'orresponding Member,, Czechoslovak Academy uf Sciences; -Reviewers: BohumIr NoAk, Engineer, and Josef Podzimek, Doctor of Natural Sciences; Res . Ed.: .1 V ~p Ladislav Hrdina; Tech. Ed.: Frantisek Koncicky. PURPOSE: The book is intended for electrical engineers and scientists specializing in problems of protection from lightning COVERME: This is a comprehensive scientific survey of lightning phenomena and light- nin-9 protection devices., The book is divided into a theoretical part which discuss- es the nature of lightning, surge phenomena, and instrumentation. The practical part is devoted to methods of installing Card 1/14 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (Cont.) CZECH/2218 Lightning 19 A. THEORETICAL SE=ON I. Theory of Thunderstorms and Ughtning 3. The Earth's Atmosphere 29 3-1-- Study of the atmosphere 29 3.2. Nature of the atmosphere 30 3.;3-,;,-Wqwnts;, of. -thb~:atm;~~ere 32 3.3.1. Atmospheric layers 32 3.3.2, Air currents 34 3.4. clouds 36 3.5. Atmospheric electricity 37 3.5-1. Corpuscular and wave radiation 38 3.5.2. Ionizattion 41 3.5-3. Atmospheric conductivity 47 4. Electrical a Stable (Quiet) Atmosphere and of the Earth 50 4.1. Electrical state of a quiet atmosphere 51 4.2. Electric conduction currents in the atmosphere 53 4.3. Negative charge of the Earth 53 Card 3/ 14 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (CoIrt.) CMM/2218 4.4. Electric currents in the Earth's crust 56 5. Origin and Occurrence of T%understorms 5T 5.1. Thunderclouds ond their electrical manifestatiow 5T 5.2. Theory of the origin of electricity in clouds 61 5.2.1. Lenard effect 62 5.2.2. Simpson's theory on the br*ak-up and fall.of drops 62 5.2-3. Elster and Geitel's induction theory 62 5.2.4. Wilson's ionization theory 65 5.2-5. Aerological exploration of clouds in the Kew Observatory 66 5.2.6. Findeisen and Rossman's theory 67 5.2-7. E. Wall's theory 70 5.2.8. Frenkelts adsorption theory 71 5.2.9. Gunn and Kroner's theory 74 5.3. Evaluation of theories of the origin of electricity in clouds 75 5.4. Main types of thunderstorms 76 5.4.1. Thermal thundQratorms 76 5.4.2. Orographic thunderstorms 78 5.4-3. Nocturnal thunderstorms 78 5.4.4. Frontal thunderstorms 79 Card 4/14 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (Cont.) CZECH/2218 5.5. Occurence of thunderstorms 79 6. Mechanism of Thunderstorms and Lightning 87 6.1. Main types of lightning 87 6.1.1. Saint Elmols fire 88 6.1.2. Streak lightaing 88 6.1-3- Sheet lightning 89 6.1.4. Chain lightning 90 6.1.5. Ball lightning 90 6.2. Origin and path of streak lightning 91 6.2.1. Investigation of streak lightning by Szpor's method 95 6.2.2. Energy of streak lightning 97 6.3. Composition of lightning striking the ground 97 6.3.1. Ni=ber of flashes [discharges] 101 6.3.2. Time intervals between discharges 102 6.3.3. Duration of a flash 104 6.3.4. Length of a fl.-b 105 6.4. OL,--ren-'%,- and charge of light" 105 6.4.1. Wave shape of the lightning current 320 Card 5/14 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (Oont.) C=/208 6.4.2. Plolarit-y of lightning 113 6.4-3. Superposed oscil2ztions in the lightning discharge 114 6.5. Lightning voltage 117 6.6. Laboratory studies of electric discharges 119 6.6.1. Discharge im-ve 120 6.6.2. Discharge generator 122 7. Grounding 126 7-1. Resistance of a ground contact 127 7.1.1. Typen of soil and their specific resistivities 127 7.1.2. Effect of moisture 130 7.1-3. Effect* of t*emperature 131 7.1.4. Effect of depth 131 7.1-5. Spacing of graund contactS 132 7.1.6. Improvement of grounding properties 132 7.2. Electrical conditions in the soil 133 7.3. Properties of small grounding rods exposed to high voltage currento 135 7.4. Surge iMedance of antenna-line wire gmunding 140 Card 6/14 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (Cont.) CZECH/2216 7.5. Specific features of the d1scharge of current in the ground 141 8. Concrete Examples of Research on Thunderstorms and Lightning 8.1. Soviet research 8.2. Swedish research 8.2.1. Mew=ement with a suspended antenna 8.2.2. Measurement with a loop antenna 8.2-3. Remarks on 'the methods cited 8.2.4. Examples of lethal and incendiary lightning 8.3. Swiss research on lightning 8.3-1. Measurement of atmospheric voltage 8.3.2. Measurement of lightning currents 8.3.3. Device for the measurement of lightning at Monte San Salvatore (Lugano] 8.3.4. Results of measurement taken from 1947-1954 8.3-5. Swiss program for further research 8.4, M research (hbpire State Building) 8.5. The Thunderstorm Project (USA) 8.6. British research 8.6.1. Lightning research In Nigeria 8.7. German research Card 7A4 147 148 155 156 157 16o 16o 161 161 162 163 170 177 178 184 192 194 197 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (Cont.) CZECH/2218 8.8. Czechoslovak research 198 8.6.1. Lightning research applications to the present 198 8.8.2. Sugges-tions for the future development of Czechoslovak lightning research 201 I!. Measuring Instruments and Methods 9. Instruments for Meaml-ring Electricity in Normal Atmosphere and for Lightning 206 9.1. Instruments for measuring invisible radiation 206 9.2. Electrostatic measurements 208 9.2.1. Electrometers and ballistic galvanometers 208 9.2.2. instrtments for recording the electric gradient of atmosphere 210 9. 2. _3. New method of measuring the vertical electric field of atmosphere P11 9.2.4. Potential gradient recorder 212 9.3. Measurement of atmospheric electric currents 213 9.3.1. Pointed recorder (EEA recorder) of currents between atmoE;, phere and ground 214 9.3.2. instrument for simultaneous recording of the potential Card 8/14 gradient, and t7he current between the atmosphere and ground 215 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (Cont.) CZECH/2218 9.3.3. Device for measuring the currents in clouds and the surge voltage 218 9.4. Wilson's instrument for measuring the Earth's negative charge 220 9.5. Voltage divider for surge waves 221 9,6. Klydonograph and recorder of surge voltages 222 9.7. Magnetic cores for measuring Ughtning current 21-YT 9.8. Fulchranograph 232 9.9. Other instruments with magnetic cores 234 9.9.1. Magnetic surge integrator 234 9.9.2. Instrument for recording the surge wave front 236 9.9.3. Instrument for recording the sharpness of a surge wave 237 9.10. Oscillographs 237 9.10.1. String oscillograph 238 9.10.2. Cathode-ray oscillograph 239 9.10.3. Swedish (ASEA) oscillograph. for measuring atmospheric 3urge voltages 253 9.11. Lightning discharge counter for a limited area 256 10. Cameras for Photographing Lightning Discharges 263 10.1* Boys' high-speed camera 263 10.2. Boys' lorv-speed camera. 267 Card 9/14 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (Cont.) CM;CH/2218 11. Radiogontometric Measurements in Thunderstorm Axrens ZT2 12. Measurements of Earth Resistivity and of Measurdble Ground Resistivity 2TT 12.1. Measurement of earth resistivity 277 12.1.1. Measurements with low-frequency instruments 279 12.1.2. Measurements with high-frequency instruments 284 12.1-3. Methods of measurements with low-frequency end high-frequency instruments 288 12.1.4. Determination earth resistivity from three measurements 290 12.2. Techniques of measuring ground resistivity 292 B. PRACTICAL SECTION 13. Protection of Human Life 13.1. Effect of lightning on human 'beings 13.2. How to behave in thunderstorms 295 295 297 14. Damage to Property C=sed by Lightning and the Role of Lightning Rods 297 14.1. Damage to property by lightning 297 Card 10/14 Thunderstorms and Protection From Lightning (Cont.) CZECH/9*18 14.2. Significance of lightning rods 300 15. Czechoslovak Standards and Specifications for Lightning Rods 301 16. Foreign Standards, Specifications and Proposals for Lightning Protec- tion 311 16.1. Sovi et standards 312 16.1.1. Some data on light" discharges 312 16.1.2. Various effects of lightning 313 16.1.3. Thunderstorm areas in the USSR 318 16.1.4. Classification of buildings by categories, according to to the code for lightning protection 318 16.1.5. Protection of installations of various cabegories from lightning 320 16.1.6. Protective devices against direct strokes of lightning 324 16.1.7. Protective range of lightning rods and their distances from protected installations 328 16.1.8. Installing of lightning rods 330 16.1.9. Preventing the entity of voltage surge into installations by the use of outside conductors 333 Card 11/14 Thundg-estorms and Protection From Ughtning (Cont.) CZM/2218 .16.1.10. Protection against secondary effects of lightning 334 16.1.11. Grounding technique 337 16.1.12. Exmples of protection from lightning in buildings of various categories 342 16.2. US standard specifications 347 16-3. British Atandards 355 16.4, Polish standards 358 16.4.1. A proposition for new Polish standards 358 16.5. Sviss standards 374 16.6. South African standards 380 16-7. svedish-standards 382 :L6.8. Dutch standards 385 16.9. German standards 389 17. Comparison of Standards 394 17.1. Sumary of thunderstorm and lightning conceptions 394 17.2. Standards for protection from -lightning 394 17.3. Protection of special objects from lightning 400 17.4. Conclusion 406 18. Examples of Protective Devices Against Ligaitning 406 Card 12)(k POSTRANECKY, Martin First British research US-IFK-1 Ariel. Cs cas f~-rs 15 286-289 165. 1, Sutmitted January 11, 1965, POSTRANECKY, Martin (Prague 2, Neklanova. 30); GRUN, 1-larcal (Prague 2, Na The Alouette research satellite, Cs cas fys 15 no.2!186-137 165. 1. Submitted November 30, 1964. YERSHOV, Pavel Nikolayevich; POSTRELOV. G.A., red.; VOROBI MEA, U.N., red. Ixd-va: BRATISJUKO, rT.-.--T-eVM Mad. [Using Portland cnmmnt fibrolite alp-be in standard houning constmetion] Fibrolitovye plity na portland-teemente v standartnom domostroenti. Moskva. TSentr. biuro tekhn.infor- mataii lasnol pron7shl., 1958. 6 p. (YJRA. 12:1) (Sillimanits) (Building blocks) BARYSHEVA, M.D.; TRULEVICK, V.K.; TULIZMTKOVA, F.F.; TSME AYEVA, Ye.M.; ~-,T*A. . red, [Vegetable and potato growing in the For North; bibliographic Index for 1932-19571 Ovoshchavodetva I kartofelevodstvo no Krainem Severe; bibliografichaskil. ukazatell 1932-1957 gg. Lenin- grad. 1959. 51 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Koscow. TSentral'nBys nauchnoya sellskokhozyaystvennays biblio- teka. (Russia, Northern--Vegetablo gardening) (Russia. Northern-Potatoesi AM~ANZIUJLOV, S.A.; AMOSEITKOVA, N.I.; PUSTRICHEVA, O.V. DoLor,Llon of ffickottnia himott In thli horaefly 'r4lAnuti staegerl. Mod. paraz. i paraz. bol. 34 no. 5:612-614 S-0 165 (mm lg-.i) 1. Kazakhskiy institut krayevoy pntlologli AMN SSSR, Alma-,Ata I otdel osobo opasnykh infekt-oly Lenin-gradakogo instituta opidemiologil I mikroblologAi Jmeni FkiilteTtl. Sulmitted Noveia- ber 22, 1963. AMAIMMOV, S.A.; AMOSENKOVA, II.I.;_TPSTRICIIEVA, O.V. I Results of virological confirmation,of Q fever in Kazakhstan. Trudy Ian. inst. epid. i mikrobiol. 25:83-94 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz Instituta krayevoy patologii AN KazSM i otdela osobo opasnykh infektsiy Leningradskogo instituta epidemio- logii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera. POSTRIOHEVA, O.V.; AMUZHULOV, S.A.; BORISOV, V.D.; KARAKULOV, I.K. Spread of,Q favor in the Virgin Territory. 7,drav. Kazakh. 21 no.8: 50-54 161. (MIRA 14:9) L Iz Instituta krayevoy patologii AN Kazakhakoy SSR i kafedry epidemiologii Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (VIRGIN TERRITOfff-Q FMR) RAYEVSKIY, V.G.; POSTRIGAN", M.V.- GULI V.Ye, Studying the thermostability cf welded joints of combined fillz: materials. Film materials with one-sided polyethylene coating. Plasto massy* no.9;23-25 165. (MML 18:9) RAYEVSKIY, V.G.; POSTRIGANI, M.V.; GULI, V.Ye. Heat resistance of the welded seams of composite film materials. Plast. massy no.2:45-47 166. OMITA 19:2) maw W~ aaum%&~ M L -227o~66--FwV-m)/zP T" I A C M AP5022M M Wal'.025 ACCESSION NR: 01 678- 16 678 029.43 AUMOR: Rayevskiy, V. G.; Postrigant, M. V.; Gulf, Ve Yee TITLE: Study of the thermal stability of welded joints of composite film, materials. SOURCH: Plastiche kiye massy, no. 9, 1965, 23-25 TOPIC TAGS: weld.evaluation, aluminum foil, polyethylene terephthalate, -Fl-astic,, cellulose, thermal stability polyethylene~ ABSTRACT' The-authors studied the temR rature dependence of the str th f eng 0 welded joints of two types oil tw lay material awittL polyethylene UEoati s.15'W, The base materials were aluminumqoill~~60 pthick) wikfi hydrated cellulose (cello hane) and polyethylene terephthalate (da ron7films. A polyethylene p coating 25-35 p was deposited by extrusion. Joints,5 mm wide were then prepared, band their strength characteristics were measured. The strength of the joints at room temperaturej relative to the stiength of the material was 12.57. in the case of the foil, 6.37. in the case of cellophane, and 19% in the case of dacron.- When the temperature was raised to 10OC9 the strength o! the joints:dropped to POSTRIGANI P.A.. - C=Sear-su-r,g,,i~c~al removal of a 15-centimeter nail from the duodenum of a one-year-old child. Xhirurgiia, 34 no.5:132 NY '58 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Iz Takhtinskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Xhabnrovskogo kraya. (DUODENN, foreign bodies nail in young child.. surg. (Rug)) POSTRIGAN' P.A~ Acute empyeme of the gall bladder caused by ascariasis. Vest.khir. 79 no.81l23 Ag 157. (mmi 10:10) 1. Is khirurgicheekogo otdoleniya (zav. - P.A.Postrigan') Nevell- skoy gorodakoy bolinitay Sakbalinskoy oblasti. Adres avtora: Yuzhno-Sakhalinek. gorodakeys bollnitas. (ASGARIDS AND ASCARIASIS) (IMMKA) (GALL BLADIMIR-DISRASES) POSTRIGANI, P.A. (Khabarovsk) -U Traumatiam at enterprises of the Okhotsk Fishing Trust of the Kba.barovok Economic Council. Ortropotram.1 protez. 21 n0-4; 51-53 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:9) (FISHMES-BYGIENIC ASEECTS) (KHABAROVSK TERMTORY-INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS) POSTRIGAN' , P. A.,_-(Khabarovsk, Militseyskaya u1. # d. 59) Industrial injuries in the Khabarovsk repair yar4c of the Mivistr7 of *ver Navigation of the R.S.F.S.R. Ortop.stravmA protes. 22 no.31'k9-50 16le (min 414) 1. Iz imbarovskoy lineynoy bolinitay Ballnevootsochnogo vodidrav- otdela. (MBAMUSK-SHMUILDING VOMM-DISMIS AVD HYGIM) POSTRIGANI P S.A. [Postryhan', S.A.] .0 Suckering plants growing in patches. Ukr. 'Dot, zhur. 22 no.5: 91-92 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Llvovskiy lasotakhnicheakiy institut, kafedra botaniki. mm~fflmlmm_ POSTRIGANI, S.A. [Postryhant, S.A.] Boissiera and Koelpinia in the environs of Lvov. Ukr. bot. zhur. 20 no.3:108 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra botaniki, Llvovskogo gasudarstvennogo universiteta. POSTRIG&NI, To. [Postryban', ISJ Ready for the building season. Sill.bud. 10 no.4:18-19 Ap 16o. (KM 13:7) 1. Starshiy inzhener upraylaniya stroitalletva Cherkasskogo obleellkhosupravlaniva. (Cherkasay Prorrince-Brick industry) POSTRIKOV, N.N., F.V. BRITZY,7,-, Olin. -Syrje Zwet. Met., 1929, 4, 375-387) IBOTVINIK, S.A., dotsent, saveduyushchiy; POPKOVA, N-F-; KURWHKIN, I.D.; PMTRO14A, Ye. V ~Nwly and accelerated methods of laboratory. diagnosis of dysentery. Second report. Zhir.aikrobiol.epId.i I==. n0,9:34-37 8 153. (MLRA 6:11) 1. TiLfedra m1krobiologii Yaroslavsk9go zeditsiuskogo instituts. (Dysentery) POSTRUM dr. Colpo-bysterectoeW in total prolapse in Benility. Med.arb., Sarajevo 15 no.1:107-115 Ja-F 961. 1. Ginekolosko porcMjni odjel bolnice Sibenik (Sef: dr Srecko Postruznik) ( old age) (UTERINE PROLAPSE surg) CIZMIC, Marinko, dr.; POSTRUZNIK, Srecko, dr. Value of hysterosalpingography in the diagnosis of genital tuberculosis. Lijecn. vjesn. 85 mo.4.-415-421 163. 1. Iz Rendgenskog zavoda I Ginekolosko-porodajnog odjela Medicinskog centra u Sibeniku. (HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAPHY) (TUBERCULOSIS., FMUME GENITAL) pGoSIAVIA CIZI,Ic, Dr an(I Dr, Srecko X-Iiay Insti- tute (.qendC; Zavod) _andDerartment of ~ynvcology -and Obstetrics (Ginelcoloslo-porodjajni Odjel), hedical Cen- ter (1-1,edicinski Centar), Sibenilt. "The Value of -Hysterosalpingography in the Diagnosis of Genital Tuberculosis-" Zagreb, Lijecnicki Vjesnik, Vol 85, No 4, April 1963, pp 415-421. Abstract: ZA-LIthors' English surwriary modifie470 d Adne; 1 tu- bercu is can be diagnosed with a combinat' on of riolog- ical, bacte~riologicalj pathohistological7 and radiological methods of investigation. hysterosalpingograplV is of particular diaGnostic irmortance in adnexal tuberculosis, especially in cases of latent tubal tuberculosis when the specific process cannot be revealed by any other methoa. The value of this procedure has been amply proved by X- rayst clinical examinationsy and operative treatment. -i/i/Eieven photographs, 15 Western and Yugoslav references. 17 FOSTRUZNIK, Srecko, Dr. --- I t Intubation of the intestine with Miller-Abbot tube in Qrnecology. Lijec. vJes. 77 no.10-12:498-503 Oct-Dec 55. 1. Iz Ginekoloako-porodiljakog odjela Opce bolnice dra M. Stojanovica, u Zagrebu. (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION, diagnosis, Miller-Abbott tube. (Ser)) S/080/60/033/04/25/045 AUTHORS: Levitskaya, K.V., Postukhoy. Pj.,_,~Danilov, S.N. TIME- The Effect of Oxidizing and Reducing Additives to Viscoselon Its Properties. Communication 11. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 4, pp 896 - 902 TEXT: On adding sodium hypochlorite to finished viscose directly after dis- solution of xanthogenate the amount of fitrable sulfur decreases in proportion to the ripening of viscose, mainl)r at-the expense of xanthogenate sulfur; the polymer grows more quickly than in experiments without addition of an oxidant. It is evident that under the action of the oxidant celluiose dixanthogenides are formed which split up easily in an alkaline medium, speeding up the ripening of viscose. The addition of persulfates into the mercerization alkali strongly decreases the viscosity of the viscose obtained. If-persulfate is introduced during the dissolution of xanthogenate the viscosity of viscose, the salt index and the total quantity of the titrable sulfur decrease strong- ly, mainly at the expense of xanthogenate sulfur. Sulfate which is formed from per- sulfate affects little the properties of viscose. The addition of 5% of sodium peroxide in relation to theIweight of OL -cellulose prior to anidirectly after the dissolution of C A ard 1/2 S/080/60/033/04/25/045 The Effect of oxidizing and Reducing Additives to Viscose on Its Propertips. Communication 11. xa~thogenate increases the ripeness and viscosity of viscose, but reduces the total quantity of titrable sulfur. Sodium peroxide partially speeds up the ripening process of viscose. The treatment by oxygen on various stages of viscose manufacture changes the properties of the viscose obtained,'especially during the-stages between the mercerization and the dissolution of xanthogenate. The addition'of sulfite (1.5% of the weight of the OiL-cellulose in alkali cellulose prior to xanthogenation) increases the content of xanthogenate sulfur in viscose and decreases also considerably the viscosity of viscose and inhibits its coagulation. The introduction of sodium sulfite into the finished viscose affects the viscosity of viscose, but does not change the distribution of carbon bisulfide. There are: 7 tables and 13 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 2 German and 2 Japanese. SUBMITTED: November 14, 1959 Card 2/2 J. j. Li;~htu-stepl Rocfim7 not fc,r c in 1--'Priking. ,). 27. VBY. 1,71inisterstvo staveonictvi) Praha, Czeckoc-lovakia Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 1959 East Suropean imns-Ion, No. -1.2, Dec. Monthly LiNt of T Uncl. On eer 1PON ft al Z" leer 01 leer sel- G00000.00q0Ge*:::::: a so w n a a a 9 0 If &v Is n s WWII a Iw314"llf 12a a If aft 11 Ifill 1011111111TIP tilluttill 11,11 of-, ".110111111 1-111, lilplatill! 'VII.Illy .331%.11J43 -.11p .rt "'I 1111M 111011 4311.)11~18 wmas -) 41 S. 11 I%lv ;Ilr rlrp rm 1 00. ::;*4,** e0" 'Glen 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ASI IT It OrM till #III "I'llIll M i I I t 1 0 7 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 v 0 0 * 0 It 00 so 00 rOO Ojo- 01 FOSTULKA, Josef., inz. . Rotund boiler house with a suspended roof. Poz stavby 11 no. 6: 306-308 163. 1. Krajsky projektovy ustav Bratislava. 'POSTULKA, Jozef, inz. A uport ha.U with a suspended roof in Bratislava. Inz otavby- 11 no.2; 41~-46'F 163. 1. Krajsky projektovy ustav, Braiislava. POSMALISUU, M. MWOMWOMM Looking through.the window. IUn.nat. no.2:15 My '56. (MLRA 9:11) (Birds)