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1. POSTNOV, P. L. 2. USSH (600) 4. Ore Deposits 7. Results of the conference on the theory of ore foimations and regional metallogeny. Izv. AN SSS'R. Ser. geol. No. 6, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. POSTHOV. P.M., rodaktor; KMOHENEO, F.P., redaktor. [Standardifor geological prospecting (ANV); testing hard minerals. Affective as of 1 January 1953 for all ministries and departments which do geological priospecting] Adinys noraW vyr&botki ne, geologo- razvedochnys raboty (ENV); oprobovanie tverdykh poleznykh iskopaemykh. lAvliaiutsia. obiazatelInyini 9 1 lanvaria 1953 g. dlia vaekh ministerstv i vedomst, proizvodiashchikh geologo-razvedochnya raboty. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo geol. llt-ry. 1953. 54 p. (KLRA 7:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo geologii. (Ores-Sampling and estimation) POSTMOV, P.M., redaktor; NIKOLAYEV, P.S., redaktor; KHARCHENKO, F.P., ---ftdAMr. [Standarda for geolog4cal prospecting (Eff); prospecting and survey- ing. Wfective as,of I January 1953 for all ministries and depart- ments which do geological prospecting] Adinys normy vyrabotki na goologo-rasvedochnys raboty (INV); poinkovo-s"amochnyo raboty. lAwliaiut- sia oblazatel'nyal a 1 ianvaria 1953 g. dlia vs9kh ministerstv i ve- dozetv, proizvodiashchikh goologo-razvedochnys raboty. Moskva, Goo. isd-vo geol. lit-ry,. 1953. 6o p. (HLRA 7:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo geologii. (Kins surveying) POSTNOV, P,Mls,, redaktor; NIKOLAUV, P.S., redaktor; XHARCHENKO, I.P., 7A-~aktor, [Standards for geological prospecting (ANT); hydrogeology and geolo- gical engineering. Affective as of I January 1953 for all ministries and departments which do geological prospecting] ZdInye normy vyra- botki na geologo-rasvedochnye raboty (IWV); g1drogeologicheskie I In- shonerno-goologichookle raboty. lAvliaiutela obiaxatol'nymi s 1 ian- varia 1953 g. dlia veekh ministerstv i vedometv, prolsvodiashchikh goologo-rasvedoohnys raboty. Moskva, Go*. Isd-vo geol. lit-ry. 193). 67 Pe (KLRA 7:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo geologii. (Nine surveying) POSTNOV, P.M. , redaktor; NIKOLAYEV, P.S., redaktor; KHARCIMNKO, F.P., reFmto'r. LStandards for geological prospecting (M); chemical analysis and other laboratory tests..Effective as of 1 January 1953 for all ministries and departments which do geological prospectingj Edinys normy vyrabotki na gsologo-razvedoch~ye raboty (JBV); khialko-analitlchemkie i drugie laboratoraye Issledovaniia. Uylialutsis, oblazatelInymi a 1 ianvaria 1953 g. dlia veakh sinisterstv i vedomety, proisrodiashchikh geoloro- r&svsdochaye raboty. Monkya. Goo. isd-vo geol. lit-ry. 1953. 70 p. (XLRA ,?: 4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ninisteratvo geologii. (Ores-Sampling and estimation) POSTNOVp S.D.p dotsent; GRANM, A.I., inzh. ,Efficiency of mining coal with short drifts in the*Gremyachinsk deposits, Izv, vy;O.waheb.zav; gor. zhurno.2:3-8 161. (MIRA j4:3) 1. Sverdlovskiy gorny-y institut imeni V.V. Vakhrushmm. Rakmedo- vana kafedroy razrab'otki plastovykh mestorozhdeniy Sverdloirskogo gornogo instituta~ (Kizel Basin-.Xoal mines and mining) !t, ~i 4u., -, o1 ausyly, L. s, STOYI-C-1) A g PIMR,cl, 5r. Mi'l' 1. X. Concerning the review by Prof. D. A. Strellnikov Docents B. S. Lokshin and Ya. Ye. Nekrasovskiy, and Eng. V. A. Florov on Acad. L. D. Shevyakovi ~- book "Fimdamental Theory of Planning Coal Mines." Ugletkhizdat, 1950 (Ugollno. 3, 1952,) Ugoll 27, no. 7, 195-2. 1952 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - C~,.tober VW Unclassified. POSTNOV S D. dotsent Features of the development and,working of longwalls in mines of the Bul.411ash deposit. Izv. vys. ucbeL. zav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.1:21-23' 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. 3wardlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.1lashrusheva. Rekomendovana kafedroy'razrabotki plastovykh.mestorozhdeniy Sverdlovskogo gornogo instftuta. (Bulanash region--Coal mines and mining) SOROVOTIN, I.I., nauchn. red.; POSTNOVI S.M.,, nauchn. red. [From work practices of progressive enterprises] Iz opyta, peredovykh predpriiatii. Moskva, 1964. 45 P. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellsldy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy po les- noy, tsell~ulozno-bunazhnoy, dereioobrabatyvayushchey pro- myshlennosti i lesnoma khozyaystvu. SOV/1 24- 57-8-9327 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 8, p 1 10 (USSR) AUTHOR: _ Postnov, V. A. TITLE: Sizeable Deflections of a Plate in a Specific Case Where the 'if the Supported Periphery are Restrained Asymmetrically in Relation to tile Center of tile Plate (Bollshiye progiby plastiny dlya odnogo chastnogo sluchaya nesinimetriclinago, otnosiLel'no tseril-ra, Vflkre- pleniya kromok opornogo kontura) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta, 1955, Vol 16, pp 21-33 ABSTRACT: On the basis of the Kgrmin equations the author studies the stability of finite deflections of a plate supported freely along three sides and clamped along the fourth. The deflection is given in the form of the series n=00 m=Q0 W 9 Z Amn (cos P2rn ~Y- Cos P2ni F 3y) sin anx nZ1 m=O Card 1/2 where an=niT/a, Pk=k7r/b, and where x is the direction parallel to SOV/1211- 57-8-93Z7 Sizeable Deflections of a Plate in a Specific Case Where the Edges of the (cont the restraint y is perpendicular to it, and a and b are the side lenoths., it is assumed here that the boundary conditions for the deflection ot the plateare salis fied. In such a case the stress function is determined from the compatibility eqUa tions and the coefficients of such a function are expressed in the form of a quad- ratic function of the parameters Amn. The equilibrium equation is solved by the Bubnov --Gate rkin method, and a system of cubic equations is obtained which deter mine the desired deflection parameters Amn, As an example the author makes a separate calculation for one specific term of the series (Amn - A01 ). Graphs are constructed for the reduction coefficient of a plate compressed by gredter-than critical stresses. G. G. Rosto;.tsev Card 2/2 S 7- 4/0 AUTHOR: Postnov, V.A. 26-10-26/44 TITLE: "Mikhail Lomonosoy" - a New Expeditionary Ship (Novoye ekspe- ditsionnoye sudno "Mikhail Lomonosov") PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 10, pp 108-109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In connection with the International Geophysical Year, the article describes the expeditionary ship "Mikhail Lomonosov" which is owned and being used by the Marine Institute of Hydrophysics of the AN USSR. The ship was built at the "Nep- tun" shipyard in the SZG in 1957 according to a project of the Department of Marine Expeditionary Works of the AN USSR. It has a displacement of 6,000 tons and is 102.4 m long and 14.4 m wide. ft develops a speed of 13 knots and can spend 35 days at sea without refueling, i.e. can make 119000 miles without calling a port. There are 16 laboratories ab -oard furnished with the latest scientific equipsent and excellent cabins to accommodate both sci*i2tists and crew. The ship has a deep sea anchor capstan with a 15,000 m long chain-cable. Aboard the ship are 2 motor launches, each developing up to 9 knots and capable of staying at sea for 5 days without refueling. For scientific purposesp the ship is equipped with 8 hydrological Card 1/2 capstans of the "Okean" type. 1 deep sea trawling capstan I "Mikhail Lomonosev" -"a New Expeditionary Ship 26-10-26/44 with a 7,000 2 cable for trawling in depths of up to 4,000 m and also 3 sounding devices, 2 of which are suitable for depths of 5,000 m and I for 10,000 m. The steamer has a fine steering gear and is of excellent maneuverability. In the research work,aboard ship will participate more than 60 scientists from the Marine Institute of Hydrophysics of the AN USSR, the Moscow State University, the Institute of Ocean- ology of the AN USSR, the Institute of Earth Magnetism and others. According to the internationally approved plan, the scientists aboard the "Mikhail Lomonosov" will conduct re- search at the 5 southern standard stations of the North At- lantic. The program comprisest the study by various methodep among them by radio-sounding, of atmospheric processes above the North Atlantic, the origin of cyclones and anticyclones, investigation of the ocean bottom relief features and of the geological structure of bottom sedimentat the inquiry into magnetic fields, the salinity of waterl the pulsation of. temperature and the distribution of zoo- and phyto-planktons in the North Atlantic, etc. ASSOCIATION; Marine Instilate of-Hydrzphyslas of the ZSSR Ac4daxy of Scien- ces, Moscow (Morskoy gidrofixicheskiy institut AN SSSR,Xoekva) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Caret 212 C4- Kyalityissitio front ill* 111ned m0owtWats. K 1. (Writi-to -;talk- Admits ) .he'llvt tWill %. llwv jillorial') a), '.'01 IN gumfit" still siwtit"~ Imse 1wril file. Its tile Willett M14.. hit ki-IlIvillife has tilikimilft fort"fir. It I. ('mild ill Otivi'll .." it'. Ac~trtii Iw,iels ul I-Ii- Aili-sti. alknil 11) Lost -nib 14 slor Wilms, II'mit'it's 41,, .11.1 lki Lill, !ill if f1w V.Wlimll ... I 0-1 NA-1111, I lie AI-0. imliss.- M file I-A jl"'v lie Sifult.4f ill thm Id flat Ifelltnit.4 lurillimir.l. i.e. -ills firmulitp-anflust,h) Hife 14wki, of %won.efinse, Lafnlil- (.ilfl wal-lite ;'11'I - i R.sibi-ir rells-1 oltralm,ic inchi-imi. 4 .1itirte. V11113611 IWUI life "ll-CVVell Tfle %ItdlAVtrl(1IlV 111111i'101 11 Ill IAW (MIMIlgite "I I-0110- title). mmict ~1141k~-ultloril %%ill " - A;k.l cortilt(Ittill With t-rpita6 of tilax. 2-cill. di.,ttle(VI. "ill$ tvpical liarulld-tvienlrd IstirtgTowills ill sillitsianife, 'I*Ije is,m. atialv-i, ill I fie t,vk shtsw,, (41 71 ',~ Af,(#,; to I 1 61:; );rj()o; 06-1.4-0 Fri); 4-4.3% Cal); hIgO; illkalir, oultowdiuAte. Mkwd, vvith tile k0itYluile 6 l4likill- lie plagioda"pincl tuck (st glidblastic 01w, ltstm,( lifilthailfly only a contact Udell, %lafiffifite allt) VVfjjjjVjjIjIP t&WkX which are typical fix tile are. buliev". entitriv llb~lll' set Cz, m I.; J4j a i All KAGNITSKIT, O.M... inzhener; POSTNOV. 1.M., inshener. -- --- - Conference on problems of j~jgf*V8~ification. Lit.proizv. no.9: 30-31 S '56. OMRk 9: 11) (7ounding) (Solidification) FOSNOVJ X.N. Adding machine equipped with throw-over relays. Uch. zap. WU no.271:37-47 158. (KIRA 12:5) (Calculating machines) POSTNOV, V. A. Shells and Plates Dissertation: 113ehavior After Loos of Stability of Compressed Plates, Reinforced With Longitudinal Ribs." Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Shipbuildilig Inst, Leningrad, 1953- (Referativw Zhurnal - Mekhanika Moscow, Mar 54) SO: SUM 213, 20 Sep 1954 POSTNOV. V.A. Zarge-scale sagging of plates in one particular case of bear- Ing edges fastened asymmetrically in relation to the center. Trudy LKI no.16:21-33 155. OGRA 13: 4) 1. Kafedra stroitellnoy mekhaniki korablya Leningradskogo, korablestroltellnogo Instituta. (Hulls (ALval architecture)) (Deformations(Mochanice)) 124-57-1-1130 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 156 (USSR) AUTHOR: Matskevich, V. D. , Postnov, V - A. TITLE: A Standardized Approach to the Analysis of Local Welding Deformations on the Hull of a Ship (Normirovaniye mestnykh svarochnykh deformatsiy korpusa sudna) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. n. -*L. in-ta rech. flota, 1955, Nr 31, pp 50-86 ABSTRACT: It is assumed that for small deformations from a plane the2 flexural deflection wo be expressed by the equation wo = B I in terms of the distance I between rigid structural elements, where B is a constant quantity dependent on the fabrication technique. Tables have been composed for values of B from a large number of shop observations. Calculations are given for the deformations that are to be expected, namely, the flex- ures and the contractions within the plane of the rib assembly resulting from the shrinkage of the welding seams, the angular deformations resulting from the nonuniform distribution of the plastic deformations throughout the thickness of the sheets, and the buckling due to loss of stability of the sheets during Card I/-?- their welding onto the assembly. It is assumed that the A Standardized Approach to the Analysis of Local Welding (cont. shrinkage deformations evoke internal stresses within the region of the welding seam that may be examined as external tangential stresses, so far as their effect on the external plating is concerned: -C, sin 2iTy/b for x=* a/Z Z. sin 2Trx/a for y =� b/2 where a and b are the dimensions of a plate element. The flexural deflection is then found as w = wo Cos ff x/a cos 7r Y/b. The nonlinear equation of the com- patibility of the deformations is integrated exactly, wherein the boundary conditions are satisfied by the assumption that the plate element is freely supported along the full length of its four edges and that the edges remain straight and within the plane of the plate element. The equation of equili- brium is integrated by Bubnov' s method and the relationship of wo versus the magnitude of the contraction between the transverse and longitudinal edges is thereby determined. The effect of the local deformation on the overall strength of the ship hull is examined in accordance with well-known methods [ Papkovich, P. F. , Stroitell naya mekhanika korablya, Ch. II (The Structural Mechanics of the Ship, Part II), Sudpromgiz, 1941 j - Graphs and tables indicate the maximum permissible magnitudes of the local deformations for some types of naval structures. Kh. M. Mushtari Card 2/2 1. Ship hulls--Deformation--Effects of welding 2. Ship liulls--Welding --Analysis 3. Welds--Deformation POSTNOV, V.A. ------ Straining beyond the resistance limit of rib-reinforced thin platea. Trudy LKI no.29.-91-99 159. (KMA 14:7) I* Leningradskiy korablestroitellnyy institut, kafedra stroitellnoy mekhaniki korablya. (Plates, Iron and steel) "'Olt T-T.-Tr_m p ti-on. p -=-14~ P--J V- -4 p I---= " J. -tsm.. -TI.- I -M ""I- j- p _n J. -t".d u .(.9m L I -Moindo 1 .2 UP '-t2..qT. -1 '"A SM.: 5 .7% - 0 p m. _T3.b. 'm .(.M.4) .7. -t%.-1. " p -".Au "=. j- A-m -%I m ene.,d -v I "a -0 -w- -3w A-'m R-M'ST J* w"I -a a-4m J. -r- M J. br. m (V-ftt-IrU ,r J. .34.11 m-umv VTT., p 13 31114". u L-M m -1 T~lmm I A2 Arm m r-; .09'W cddy V- TV-TZW--U Jo avwjuoD U01un-ITY '401 -4'4 29 P~nu..~d an POSTNOVY V.A. Forced vibrations of flat covers allowing for displacement. Trudy LKI no.31:51-62 160. OORA 15:2) 1. Kafedra stroitelinoy mekhaniki korablya, Leningradakogo korablestroitelinogo instituta. (Vibration (Marine engineering)) ALEIKSEIIEV, Aetur Mikhaylovich; SBOROVSKIY, Andrey Konstantinovich; BAR".Y-71) N.N., dIcktor takhn. nauk.-retsenzent; -POST110-y" V.A,, kand. tekhn.rauk,, retsenzent; PCSTNOV, V.A., n-au-cMy-y-7r-eir.-,- KUSKOVA, A.I., red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M., tekhn. red. (Marine vibration dampers]Sudovye vibrogasiteli. Leningrad, Sudovye vibrogasiteli. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 193 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Vibration (Marine engineering)) K07JEAKOV., Titaliy Vasil Iyevich; KOROTKIN, Yakcor Isayeyieh; KURDYUMOV, A-leksandr Aleksandrovich; LOKSHIII, kieksmidr ZinovIyevich; POSTNOV. Valeriy Alokpandrovich; - - SIVERS, ' te-M. Kikolay LIvovich; YEKDIOV, V.V., doktor nauks prof., retsenzent; SEGAL', V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk,, prof., re- tsenzer-t; SMOLEV, B.V., red.; ERASTOVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Book of problems on the structural mech6mi" of ships) Zadachnik po stroitellnoi mekhanike korablia. (By] V.V. Kozliakov i dr. Leningrad) Sudpromgiz , 1962. 254 P. WIRA 15:6) (Naval architecture-Problems, exercises, etc.) POSTNOV, V.A.. kan&Otekhn.nauk Eleventh Conference of~ the Scientific Technological Society on the structiiral mechanics of ships dedicated to the.memory of P.P.Papkovich. Sudostroonie 28 no.816O-61 Ag 162. (MMA 15:8) (Papkovich, Petr Fedorovich, 1887-1946) (Hulls (Naval architecture)-6omgress") CHUVIKOVSKIYj VOS., doktor t6kbn. nauk; POSTNOV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Development of A.N. Krylov's ideas in the field of ship vibration. Sudostroenie 29 no.8:21-24 Ag 063o (MIRA 16:10) (Vibration (Marine engineering)) (Krylov',.-A'~eksei Nikolaevich, 1863-1945) ACC NR, AR6036134 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0398/66/000/010/AO13/AO13 AUTHOR: TITLE: Deflection of a bottom considered to be a complex plate, taking the finite distance between stringers into consideration SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abe. 10A90 REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta, vyp. 49, 1965, 55-56 TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, bending strength, bending stress, T#F,44- ABSTRACT, The deflection of the bottom shell and inner plating, together with several cross-members 4pd a fairly large number of floors, is analyzed. The plating consists of a system of.two parallel plates joined by floors and stringers, the plates of which are considere4-as.a certain filler layer of a uniform and continuous rigidity of displacement in the direction of the oy-axis --.,and- 1i distinct-.- ifigidity in the ox-direction. The'assumption is made that the shell and inner bottom pl,ating follow the Kirchhoff-Love law, and that the floor and stringer plates follow the hypothesis of a straight line. The differentiation method is used for plotting the general differential equations. An exact integration of the obtained system for determining the bending moments of 'the plating can only be made for.the condition of plates freely supported on transverse bulkheads. SUB CO E: 13/ SUBH DATE: none/ 'Card 171 ffPA---W~ Inn ACC NRs AR6036134 SOURCE CODE: UR/0398/66/000/010/AO13/AO13 AUTHOR: Postnov, V. A. TITLE: Deflection of a bottom considered to be a complex plate, taking the finite distancC-1~fil~.'~Te-iFo-tringers into consideraEl'oti SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 1OA90 REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta, vyp. 49, 1965, 55-56 TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, bending strength, bending stress 2 7//644- ABSTRACT: The deflection of the bottom shell and inner plating, together with several cross-members 4pd a fairly large number of floors, is analyzed. The plating consists of a system of.two parallel plates joined by floors and stringers, the .Plates of.which are,a certain filler layer of a uniform and continuo" rigidity . o.f displacement in the dirLti`on of the oy .-a-cis and-d d is ti_nct_,'_ r"idity in the ox-direction. The assumptioa is made that the shell and inner bottom]_ plating follow the Kirchhoff-Love law, and that the floor and stringer plates fol the hypothesis of a straight line. The differentiation method is used for plotting the general differential equations. An exact integration of the obtained system for ,.determining the bending moments of 'the plating can only be made for the condition, .~,of,plates freely supported on transverse bulkheads. .SUB COPE: 13/ SUBM DATE: .none/ -Card Ill UDC; 6291:6Z;'�ZL021O9,- 1. POSTNOT) V. M.) Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Electric Power 7. Economizing electric Power, MasI. zhir. prom., 17, No. 3v 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. DRO'T, V.N.; SH J S rneano of jjT -1 165. M- F~1;1-r_--,-:~~li4i~w~~FTI-~,~~4lfww.-~~,;z"41:~---:ii~~-~- I if : Ye.A. e Sr).,,v-, prablems of the organizatior, of drilling operaticrig on tkir-, oil fields of Western Siberia. Neft. khoz. 43 no.6;9-12 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) "--I. MMI FOSTITOV Ye A 'f,~ ~" Results of drilling with Ito. 8 bits in fields of the Tuymaz7 Petroleum Trust. Naft. khoz. 36 no.4:13-15 Ap '58. (HIM 11: 3) (Tuymazy.region--Boring machinery) POSTNOV, Yu.V. (Ryazan') Cutaneous changes in rheumatism. Arkh.pat. 21 no.2:19-27 159. (MM 12:12) 1. Iz b-afedry patologicheskoy anatomli (zav. - prof. V.K. Beletskiy) Ryaxanskogo meditainakogo institute, im. akad. I.P. Favlova. (SKIN, pathol. in rheum. fever (Ras)) (RMWMTIC FEVIM, pathol. skin (Rue)) EXCIRPTA MEDICA See 5 Vol 12/10 Gen'eral Path Oct 59 3228. CUTANEOUS CHANGES IN RHEUMATIC FEVER (RuBsian texl) - P o a t - nov Y. V. - ARKH.PATOL. 1959. 21/2 (19-27) Illus. 7 Organ-9--and AM-of 36 autopsies were examined. Of these. 5 men and 23 women had died from rheumatism, in 7 subjects accompanied by endocarditis. in 16 by rhetunatic granulomatous myocarditis and in 5 by myocarditis only. In the acute stage, even if no external changes had been observed~the skin contained small fibrinoid foci with a proliferative reaction in the connective tissue and inflammatory phenomena in the vessels. The latter were also observed in the vessels of the in- ternal organs. A histiocytic reaction with increase in the number of inast cells was particularly striking. In the nervous apparatus dystrophic phenomena of the nerve fibres of the skin. up to disintegration of axon cylinders. were observed during the acute stage; afterwards regenerative phenomena set in. subsequent to atrophy of the nerve fibres. Brandt - Berlin (V, 13) . . ................. 4%7 A-5 -ki :-, I :-P t, cf-i A~ r; or zlh e 4 n ~, ro,-5,u-c !;I c ri r f Freund's ad'uwait,. D~ol. e~~p. lool. I ri~d~ 60 no.3;110-121 Ag 165. 1. G---uppa deystvitellnogo -hllena AIMIN - SR pro SS f. Yo.M. Tareyeva i laboratoriya miorfolc-gii jjrof, A.M. Vikhert) Irstit-ata terap`,~ chlen AMN SSISR prof'. A.L. Mlyasnilcov) Amil SSSR. Mos'ova, FOS I NOV IIIKO TLA' FEE74'14 , T L' ~ 'm0, -, -. I (I gi-va., LIpo'-dosis of the endocardiut and coronari, ar-terieg In -w'el~Lte rats follaving action on the system off coriaectf-7e, zmast, cells. Arkh. Pa,'~ no.l,-41-46 163. I -patologoanatomicheskoy laboraLor!' (zav.- doktor med. nauk- z L A,M. ViWhert) Ins"Atuta terap~.J ANN SSSSR deyst-vILe-i'ry-y -hIen AMI SSSR prof. A.L, 14yasnikov"i. MATOVA, Ye.Ye.; POSTNOV, Yu.V. (Mosk-ra) Endocardial fibroelastosis in adults. Arkh. pat. 27 no. 121: 68-72 165. OMA 18:12) 1. Patologoanatomicheskaye otdeleniye (zav. - prof. A.M.Tlkbort) Instituta terap-li (dir. - deystvitel.Inyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.L. 14,vasnikov (deceased]) AMN SSSR. Submitted Sept. 29, 1964. WASNIKOV, L.A.; POSTIMV, Yu.'I. Weakering of t'l-Ap- m7ccerdct~,xic action of thyro~ndin in aliment-ary ri-1percholestaremia. Kardiologiia no.lz22-26 164~ (M'.~Rk 17i!C) Institut tarapli I.dir.- dsystv!tel'ryy chlen At-V SSSR prof. A.L. ~trasnikovl AIMN SSSR, Moskvn. POSTINOV, Yu. V. (Moskva) Histological characteristics and histogenesis of reticulohist-io.- cytoma kreticulo~histiocytic gra-nuloma) of the akin. Arkh. pat. no, 12:69-73 161. (MIRA 35:7) 1. Iz kafadry patologicheakoy anatomii (zav. - Prof. V. X. Beletakiy) Ryazanskogo meditainakogo instituta imeni akad, I. P. Favlova. (SKIII--TUMORS) POSTNOV Yu. V - Master lied Sci (diss) -- '1,1,aterial on the histopathology 11-1~- ~ - - - ~ -~ ~Z F4V of the skin in rheumatism". Ryazan', 1958. 14 pp (Ryazan' Med Inst im Acad 1. P. Pavlov, Chair of Pathological Anatomy) 200 copies (KL, No 7, 1959, 129) POSTHOVJ,--Yu.V.; DIKOLAYEVA, L.P. (Ryazan') Nodular nomouppurative panniculitio (Weber-Christian disease). Arkh.pat. no..Us78-82 161. (14IRA 14:10) Io Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.K. Beletakiy) i kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. DA Vbronov) %razanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Eikad. I.P: Pavlova. (ADIPOSE TISSUES-DISMSES) POSTNOV . (Ryazan', 10. IndustrialInaya u1., 41/8, kv. 5) __jTjN _Xu-V Innervation of smooth muscles of the hair follicles in -man. Arkh. anat.gist.i embr. 38 no.4:108-109 Ap '60. . (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kafedra patologichaskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.K.Beletskiy) RytAnskogo meditsinskogo instituta imani akademii I.F.Pavlova. (MUSCLES-INNERVATION) (EPITHELIUM-INNE RVATION) I 11 - "o-~T-wVI.-Yu. -'L- CeLse of local anyloidonis as a emplication of rhinoselorcma. Arkb.pat 21 no.8:74-76 159. (MMA 13t12) ?FMOBCLRM) (AMMIDOSIS) PO-STNOV, Yu. V. (Llyamnl) Itsenko-Cushing d1veave in connection vith ependymoma of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis. Probl. endok. i gorm. no.6:102-104 161. I (MIRA IJ,: 12) 1. Iz kafedr7 patojpg~cheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V. K. Beletskiy) Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni'akad. I. P. Pavlova (dir, - prof. L. S. Sutulov) (PITUITARY BODY-TUMORS) (CUSHING SYNDROME) POSUMV, Yu.V.; JIXX"'CH:~271:0, V.G.; ULIMIA, P.D. iM skva) Effect of disorders- of vascular-connective tissue peimeability caused by histamine on some physiological indices of the blood anticoagulant svstem under experimmLal conditions. Arkh. nat. 26 no-5:31-38 164 (MIU 18:11 1. Patologoanatomicheskaya labo-ratoriya zav. - doktor med. nauk A.R. Vikhort) InntItuta terapil AM SSSR (dircktor- deystvJ+elln~y chlen AM SSSR p-of. A.L. Myasnikov) i labora- toriya biokiimii i fizLologii mepttyvaniya ',--rovi (zav. - prof. B.A. Kudryashov) Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova. POSTNOV., Yu.V. (Moskva) Myoepitheliomas o-P the glnds. Arkh. peat- 27 nr,.2.,-,8-4-3 '65. (MIRA 18:5) i. Patologoanatomichesl-wfa laboratoriya (zav. -- prof. A.M. Vikhert) InstLtut& terapii (dir. - deyotvitellriyy chlon ININ S-S-SR prof. A.L.Myasnikov) AMN SSSR. - -pm- . Yu,V.-(Moskva, Malaya Gruzinskaya 34, kv. 3311 qTflov ll-, Hibernam-a of the "dl-lary region. Vop onk, 8 rc,. 1-(-):qG-9j 162. (WIRA 17:71, 1. Iz kafedry patologichaskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.K. Beletskly) Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova (faktor - dotsent A.A.Nikulin). POSTNOV, Yu.V. (Ryazan') Charges in the ok-in In rheumptic fever, Nau.-Ili. trudy Riaz. mad. inst. 14-.214?,-250 163. (AURA 17--5) USSR / Human and Animal MorpholoBy (Normal and S-2 Pathlogical). Skins. Abs Jour: Ref-Zhur-Biol., No.10, 1958,45650. Author : Postnov, Yu. V. Inst 'W - : I -azan-Medical-Inatitute. Title : Concerning Changes of the Skin and Its Nervous Apparatus in Rheumatism. Orig Pub: Materialy 18-y nauchn. konferentsii Ryazansk. med. in-ta po probleme: "Patogenez revmatizma." Ryazan, 1956,%69-76. Abstract: The condition of the cutaneous covering was stu- died in the per-.10d:yof,an attack of-acute rheumatism (relapse) in the,absence of a definite skin aflic- tion and iathe period of the disease between at- tacks. In particular.,-the skin of patients with a rheumatic condition of the heart shows a constant Card 1/2 56 POSTNOV, Yu.V. (Ryp-zant) I Materials on the histopathology of the sidn In rhaumatic fever. Nauch. trudy Riaz~ med. inaL. 1t'-:42-67 1`3. a (MI-RA 17~ 5) POSTNOV, Yu.V. Changes in the neural apparatus of the skin in acute rheunntic fe'ver in children [with summary in English]. Pedintriia 36 no.7:33-37 JO 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Iz knfedry patolo-icheckoy nnatomii (zav. - prof. Y.K. Beletskly) RynznziE;kogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akndemika, I.Pq Pavlova (dir, -- -prof ~ L'S .... Sutulov). (RHMX4;IC FEVER, pathol, skin nerves (Rus)) (SKIN. Pathol. changes in nerv. appail. in acute rheum. fever in child. (Rus)) ,A . . -- I RESIETKET I D.E.; YAKU-BOV, Kh.; SUVII. B.A. - POSTITOV. Yu.V.; :01, SOKOLMIS-1,:hYDA., Ye.A.; ITI-LUOV, A.; RAR 11~ Constraction of vertical drainage in the Gc,lodn.-ya SLepp--. po proizv. oil. Uzb. no.15:281-306 160. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekhniki All UzSSR; Uzbekskiy gidrogeologicheskiy trest i Glavgolodnostopstroy. (Mirzachull region-Drdnage) d-raina-e f,)~- 30 no.6::70-53 Je '64. 1. Uz~:iprovaffl:hoz (for 2. ("Flawrolodimstp--stroy (-f'Cr Pos-ziov). GIUNAT, S.S.; BALLEASOV, Ye.Ya., nauchn. red.; PWOOVA, LD.. red.; SHENDAREVA, L.V., tekhn. red. - - -f [Control of the composition of the paper stock] Regulirova- nie kompozitsii biLmazhnoi massy. Moskva, TSentr. in-t tekhn. informatsii i ekon. issledovanii po lesnoi, bumazhnoi i de- revoobrabatyvaiushchei prom. 1963. 30 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Gosudarstvenrjyy institut po proyektirovaniyu tsel-lyulozno- bumazhnoy promyshlennosti (for Gr6nat). POSTNOVA I D. Theoretical outline for establishing the drift circulation in a basin having a eross section of the bottom profile. Izv. AN SSSR. S,er. geofiz. no.3-1;1663-1670 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy institut, AN UlcrSSR. (Hydrology) ARKHIPOV$ B.A.; KOMAROV, YU.S.; TITKO, B.S.; CHERNUKRA, V.Kh.; BALMkSOV, Ye.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; ALYkKRINSKIY, A.K., inzh., nauchn. red.; D. red.; PETRENKO, V.M., tekhn. red, [Wood processing at the Bratsk Woodworking Cimbine) Podgo- tovka drevesiny na Bratskom lesopromyshelnnom komplekse. Moskva, TSentrallnyi nauchno-issl. ln-t informatsii i tekh- niko-derevoobrabatyvaiiishebei promyshl. i lesnomu khoz., 1963. 22_p- (MIRA 16:11) (Bratsk--14oodworking industries) MORGENSHTERN, V.S.p red.; MAZING, L.A., red.;FOSTNOVA, I.D.y nauchn. red. [Purification of waste waters] Ochistka stochrjykh vod. I Moskva, 1963. 56 p. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy in- stitut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy po lesnoy, tsellyulozno-bumazhnoy, dere-voobrabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti.i lesnoma khozyaystvu. VINOGRADOVA, O.P.; POSTNOVA, I.D. Some results of studying a wind current over the see by two methods. Okeanclogiia 5 no.6:1084-1088 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR, Sevastopol'. Submitted July 25, 1962. KOZAROVITSKIY, L.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; FLYATE, D.M., red.; FOSTNOVA, 1-1L, re& ; SHENDAREVA, L.V., tekhn. red.; PETRENKO, V.M., tekhn. red. (Basic characteristics of chalk overlay paper-for printing and methods for their control] Osnovnye.svoistva melovaqnoi bumagi dlia pechati i metody ikh kontrolia. Moskva, TSehtr. in-t takhn. iaformatsii i ekon. isBl. po lesnoi, bumazhnoi i 4 1 derevoobrabatyvalushchei promyshl., 1962. 11+7 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Paper-Testing) (Printing) POSTNOVA, I.D., red.; KOLOOYER, V.Z., (New paper mill equipment in Finland] Movoe oborudovanis blimqzhnyk.h fabrilc Finliandii. Koskva, TSentr.biuro tekhn. informataii Glavatandartdoma, 1958, 47 P. (KIRA 13:7) 1. Rassis, (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvannyy komitet po delam stroitel'stva. (Finland--Paper industry--Equipment and supplies) IVPJ'lITSKIY3 Yu.!--.; cf -the wurk of Fp-!-YmakA:Lg zp-hiLe-p; survey) Inten3ifi-k-at-,11% --atfj,y pressw Pykh ine Inin; f)bzoi,. 1.:.oi3kva, TS-ent-Ir. ratichro-issl. in-t informatsi-i i tekimiko-ekon. issl. pu lesnoi, tselliulomr- uurrLazhnoi.? dorevoobrabRLYVaillShC'rlOt provjsl,:',., 1 iesno= khoz. , 19&j. 36 p. (MIRA 27:11) 3 NVMA~ -t-"CWM D.WykdA.- e~ _-- 9r.17-1pw 2! NR: AP6011948 SOURCE CODE*. UR/0213/65/005/006/lOW84/lOW88 AUTHOR; Vinogradova,-0. P Pbstnova, I. D. ORG: Marine . Hydrophysical Institute AN. URrSSR _�qMjtopol 04orskoy gidrofizicheskiy in stitut AN. UkrSSR) "S 5 TITLE: Some results of investigation of the wind flow Over the sea ty two methods SOURCE: Okeanologiyal.v. 5, noV6,1965, 1OZ111-1088 TOPIC TAGS: mind wind.velociiy, wind:rieter, an emomeber, oscillograph ABSTRACT:. I~ the study of the characteristics of wind flow Y different instruments A the problem arises of the comparability of the.results these instruments. The Marine Hydrophysical Institute has made repeated measurements of mean wind velocil and its fluctuations with a sensor in the-form of a platinum filament with a.diametar of 0.02 mm, recorded on the tape ot-a.magnetoelectric oscillograph, and a cup anemometer with recording on an oscillograph tape. Using the thermoanemometer, with an inertia of about 0.01 sec, it was possible to obtain records of fluctuations of wind velocity with a frequency appro)dxn4tely up to-10-30 cps, while by means of cup anemometers-with an inertia of about I see it was possible, to record wind velocity fluctuations with an upper frequency lindt*of several tens of cps. This article reports on the comparison of the results of the two instruments as used in the coastal zone of the Black Sea in September 1960. Measurements were made 2 m above mean sea level. The autocorrelation functions method was.used in the comparison. The analysis.shows that the autocorrelation functions and the characteristics 1/2 UDC: ~51.~Ol: 551.55(26) ACC NRi AT6035005 (IV SOURCE GODS3 Ult/3025/66/035/000/0031/001il AUTHORS; Postnova, 1. D.; Popovj S. 14. (deceased) ORG: none TITLE: Fluctuations of heat balance in the tropical zone of the Atlantic Ocean (from data of the 12th voyage of the Russian research ship Mikhail Lomonosov) SOURCE: AN U1--SSR. Morskoy.gidrofizichesiciy institut. Trudy, v. 35, 1966. Gidrofizicheskiye i gidrokhimicheskiye issledovaniya tropicheskoy zony Atlantiki (Hydrophysical and hydrochemical research in the tropical zone of the Atlantic), 31- h1 TOPIC TAGS: heat balance polar radiation, evaporation, research sh ABSTRAZ ~Is pa~fr ista rlorLiais sane,) suiwey of the heat balanf e observed along the route of the Russian research ship Mikhail Lomonosov during its 12th voyage from 0 15 October to 26 December 1962. 'Elie area of study lies between 550 N. Lat. and 220 S. Lat. and between 50 E. Long. and 410 W.-Long. Data are also compared with earlier voyages of the same ship. The elements considered are expressed in the formula for heat-balance employed by the authors q Aq - q., q. � q, where q is the amount of heat falling each second 6n a square meter of ocean surface ACC NRi AT603 as a result of direct and scattered solar ~Sq is tile amounb of heat lost per second from each square motor of ocean surface throu Op reflection of incident solar radiation, qr is the amount of heat lost each second per'squaro motor through long-wave radiation, qe is heat loss through evaporation, and qc is heat loss through contact heat exchange with the surface layer of air. Analysis of daily fluctuations in heat balance of the ocean and consideration of the various components shou that two components are fundamental in changing the heat balance of the Atlantic in the tropical belt--the total radiation reaching the ocean surface from the sun and the loss of heat by evaporation at the ocean surface. The amount of radiation loss in this region ranges between rather narrow limits because of the thick layer of water vapor above the ocean. The authors plan to use the data from the 12th voyage in combination with a compilation of data from the other voyages to arrive at a clearer picture of details in changes of heat balance over the Atlantic. Orig. art, has: .4 figures.. 1 table,- and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 0.51.0 SUBM DATEz none/ ORIG REF: oo6 USSR/jiur,-nn and AnJmal PhYsjQlo6y TheL~morebulation. T-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - BiOl., No 7, 1958, 31539 Author Postnova, Ird'I0 Inst Title ConTurative Study of Heat Regulation in Healthy and Feverish Anirals in Cases of Chilling. Orig Pub V sb.: Ezhegodnik. In-t eksperim. med. akad. med. naulk 1955, L., 1956,128-132. Abstract In healthy and fe7erish rabbits, the rate of hypothermic development was investigated during severe doses of chil- ling. In one series of experiments in feverish animals after the introduction of Be mesentericus (in a dosage of 2 ml/kg), chilling for the course of 30 minutes at a water temperature*of 160 caused a cirop of the rectal temperature to 3,40 on the average, while in healthy animals - to 4.40; the 02 requirement increased 4608%, while in healthy ani- mais - 65%. The primary temperature level in both groups Card 1/3 23 Card 2/3 FOSTNOVAP I. I. Cand Mled Sci _(diss) "Comparative study of thermoregulation in healthy and febrile rabbits under conditions of-, Qla." Len, 1957. 4&~Oin 1-1 12 pp (Acad fled Sci USSR. Iwt of Experimental Med), 200 copies (KL, 42-57, 94) -0- S'l-~li'ul,Dfll.l.',Vp I.!.; I..... Operating the -, -L neftekhim.,. no.9:23w-25 17:10), 1. 0-',ctyabriskiy Ifilial Vsesoyuznogo n--uclino-isr3ledovatel?tilcogo i proyeictno-konotruktorokor.--o inatituta lcomplekonoy wrtomatizatsii naftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti. FIC),,:,TNOVA, V., red.; VAIRIK, ........ [Yatsalu rneadow2, islands arvi birds' Matsaluskir, lure,%, ostrova i ptitsy. Tallin, Estonskoe gos. izd-vo, 47 P. (MIRA 18: 1 )' A. P.0,011.1fal zl.-'l.1(. Glaviloyt! hlw-zyny, LNI- i okhrany prirody. POTAFOVA, N.M.; KIRINA, Y.N.; FEWROVA, Z.H.; POSTNOVA, N.P.; DRUMMOV. A.H., red.; BALIGIWA, S.M., red.; W&OTA-,~'L.P.', [Sconomy of the city of Vladimir; statistical collection] Narodnoe khoziaistvo goroda Vladimira; atatistichaskii abornik. Vladimir, Vladimirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1958. 38 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Vladimir (Province) Oblaotnoye statiatichaskoye upravleniye. 2. Statisticheskoya upravleniye Vladimirskoy oblasti (for Potapova, Kirina, Fedorova, Footnova). 3. Nachaltnik statisti- cheskogo upravleniya Vladimirskoy oblasti (for Druzhkov). (Vladimir--Statistics) XYLART, Yan Gansovich Eilart 'T.1; YYGE, Ayno Khugovna f6iga, A.1,- KULISHOVA, M [transla'torl; POSTNUVA, V., red. [Viiduma, i. a preserve of rare plants. Translated from the Estaniani Viidumiagi - zapovednik redkikh rastuiii. Tallin, Eesti Raaraat, 1965. 38 p. (MIRA 18i11) KOVALICHUK, A.A.; PIDPALYY, G.P.;.P0PTM,.Aj~,_7 Functional state of the adrenal cortex in patients with vibratory disease of first and second stage. Vrach. delo no.10:114-117 0 163. 1 (MI-RA 17:2) 1. Krivorozhskiy Institut gigiyeny truda i professional'- nykh zabolevaniy. PESKOVATSKIY, S.A. (Pieskovatslkyi, S.A.]; CHIMIETS, A.N. (Chernets'. A.11.]; A r.UARn- r T POS I - (Postohvard H.I.1; SHEINA, T.G. [Sheina, T.H.]; T. H_], OLEYNIK, I.N. [0.1iinyk, I.M.1 11n3- um Growing lanthanum ethyl sulfate single crystals with gadolinium and cerium ethyl sulfate impurities and their physical _1 properties. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no.1:22-30 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki All UkrSSR, KbarIkov. (Crystals-Growth) (Ethanol) 35o95 p0-5/0' sp, '_j _j T e S"f e y etf'Y ties '02 -?-r O'p e - 3 jL-n S 0 a ce~ C:c im tf,.,e r5 sOne 0l '--en -- iSY C 0. Y via. c -ec. ese 0v, '11Y e vt 5c -0, 22 G 4--- c, e TI i s of j _F 0-, o dL 0 - "Y' u !YnIOL- 0. t rle s I::- los - e cor _.e '-jectr-I CC. by -.he ro~~ .Xlc e V, cl e Saos'~. --l - S *_It 5 - ea- t cer- ~te 2)~ICL jed - dL DY tr' , -0:::.-ra:: - -t _e 1 -1 s. -ee e --. 200__ -relo ur" ')S ,re %3 e -re COO St'- C. vlo- ,cies ca 2CICL e all e C'ys_a2_ 01.1el: I. ).%I i -F"lr j ", a j eTre. u J e h e S e a of Cry e'_r S/!&5j/62/GG7/_'- G-o A;_ Growing o 'L lanthanum ethyl sui fate D299/D302 lonr and 12 - 15 mm tnick. It is important -~o properly sel ec-c shle rate of temperazure decrease, as at high rates an opaque solution is formed and -uhe c.L~ystaai becomes inhomogeneous. The shape of the cry-,'- stals depends on -the concentration of the solution; thus, some o1C the crystals were hexagonal prisms and (wituh higher gadolinium-ethy- sulfate concentration) others viere hexagonal double-Plyramids'. The crystals grovin from pure solutions Nere stable in air and in* i? '1,ra- cuum, during repeated cooling -from room temperature to that of li- quid helium, followed by hea-t-ing to the original temperature. The jielectric constants (permittivity &I and the tangens of the dielec- tire-loss angle tg 6 = were neasured at a frequency f off 9000 tic, over a temperature range of 290 - 4.20K. In-the literature, no'such data were previously given. The method of measurement ,uas based on the perturbation of the resonator through introduci*xi- ~niall- L7 size specimens into its high-1frequency field. This pernitted measu:~-- ing at each temperature point the perturbed and unperturbed values 1 1. .. j o f the natural frequency and Q-factor of' the resonator by sim.-ly c- ving the specimen from the region with maximum field-strergth to that where the field practically vanishes. The permittivity _-z' va- Card 2/3 B.Z.; POSTOL, G.R., glavnyy inzh.; TVFMTINOV, A.Ye., red.; red. (The 4D j9/30 GSD-160-500 diesel-powered generator; description. mounting, operation) Dizell-generator 4D 19/30 M-160-500; opisanie, montazh. ekepluatataiia. Koskva, Izd-vo H-va sell. khoz. SSSR, 19508. 113 P. (KIRA 12:9) 1. Berislavskiy mekhanicheskiy zavod. 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdola Berislavskogo mekhanicheskogo zavoda (for 16MV). 3. Beri- slavskiy mekhanicheskiy zavod (for Postol). (Electric generators) (Diesel engines) POSTOL, G.S.- SHAPIRO, S:'Xe.; FRISHIW4, R.B.; RYLOVA, ye.S.; GRAKHOVA, L.I.; X . ;- M&URIN, N.D. X ffUH0 IGH, P V I Study of serous-viral meningitis in Khabarovsk in 1959 Vop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no.11;9-14 N 161. 41IRA 14:12) 1. Iz kliniki pediatrii (zav. - dotsent G.S.Postol), kliniki infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent, S.)~e.Shapiro) Khabarcrvskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. S.K.Nechepayev) i sanitarno- epidemiologicheskogo otryada Dallnevostochnogo okruga (nachallnik M.I.Lev). (MENINGITIS) (KJ1ABARWSK--V1RUS DISEASES) POSTOL, G.S. Complication caused by encephalitis following smallpox 'Vacci- nation in a 41/2 months old infant. Vop. okhr. materin. dots. 8 no.1:86 163 (14IRA 17:2) 1. Iz kliniki pediatrii Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. POSTOLP G.S. Complicat,ion caused by encephalitis following smallpox vacci- nation in a 1a12 months old infant. Gor.zhur. no.12s86 D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. 1z kliniki pediatrii Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. POSTOL, G.S. Clinical aspects of dysenteriform di~~eases in children in Khabarovsk caused by Breslau and Gartner bacilli. Trudy Khab. med.inst. no.20:12-16 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kliniki detskikh bolezney (zav. dotsent G.S.Postol), Khabarovskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (KHABAROVSK--SALMNELLA INFECTIONS) or, r4lvwtic f9ver Incidence In abi2dm In ZbOmovsk T=* t to boRWtaa'dati'for nis rears Vop.qkb' -0 - MI. "r-Olng mat., 1,-.Oat 62- 7 16:7) --#e7uool2s79D' 1. kliniki dateklA bolmmg Dabamr* wditelaskago inr stiti sla od imill4a. .1% 1, Dabaraw&sgo kray Ad ravoiAr . go k;sy 0 POSTOL, G.S. Dysentery in children in Khabarovsk based on clinical matterials for a teb-year period (1950-1959). Trudy no.20:9-11 16o. (MM 15:10) 1. Iz kliniki detskikh bolezney (zav. dotsent G.S.Postol), Khabarovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (KRABAROITSK-KYSENTERY) POSTOL, G.S Clinical X-ray characteristics of staphylococcal pneumonia in children. Fediatriia 41 no.9:U--14 3 162. (MIRA 15-.12) 1. Iz kliniki pediatrii (zav, - dotsent G.S.Postol)Xhabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (STAPHYLOCOCCAL DISWE) (IINEUMDNIA) PO-OTOL, ('t.. S. Tram,,,fu sion of blood of differcalu periods of convorqation ca r3--' hod of F 11atovt a ticatia therapy. Vopr. podiat. V): 5, 1950, P 0 61-2 1, Of tho 03-tnic for Ghildren' a, Dissa sai3j, Khmbirov,* 11odical (Ifead of Clinic - Praf, Yo. Ye-. 'GiTmat ~ Ydia-barovak. C-12ILT 20; 3. Marr,-Ift 2.951 LMRTUVA., L.A.; FOSTOL., -G.S. Physical development of creche children, in -Khabarovsk in- 10/501. Vop. vkh. mat. i det. 6 no-4:70-73 Ap 161. OPURA 14:6) 1. Iz kafedry pediatrii zav. - dotsent G.S.Postol) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta ~dir. - prof. S.K.Nechepayev). (KHARAROVS -CHILDRE ROWTH) POSTOL NIK YII-S- 11 , ---- ' -4-J6 ~jj uf,,"Ifl -` ( m T T, u, I B - 1, ) F,ad4 ant heRti ng of a plai,e- Doop .1 1. Dneprod-7.erzhinskiy metallurgicheEiki-y zavc)d-VLul,- POSTOLACRE, Sergiu, prof. Conference on the activity of the Rumanian pedagogic circles. Ga,z mat fiz 15 no.2:105-106 F 163. "1 \ . 1.,Scoala medie 2, Bacau. A. . . V. FMCIAC'H2, V. A stsnd of Fvonvrmis Inti"OlAa Mill in Poiana Maro. n, 611 Vol. 70 0- e, ?1~ No. 0, S-i)t. 10156 RWISTA FiTURILOR AGt7z.ICUI;f OF D-icuresti, Rumania So: Fa-.t ~:uropean.Ac-iesMon, Vol. A-, N,,. ?, Feb. IQ5? POSTOUCHE, V. Few notes,about succession of kinds of trees in the Caransebes region. P. 254. REVISTA PADURILOR. Psociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Technicienilor din Rominia si al Ilinisterului Agriculturii si Silviculturii) Bucuresti. Vo. 71, no. 4, Apr. 1956. So. East European Accessions Idst Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 V0. 14 1959, ;,o.03193 :'Ae of CA,-?D CO Ver V o a occ. rO pd tr 0' tm--::cara -,ea level on ricli, r,*-.- ~Is Or ~ujjj rMr-c C,- 5 P. Tlie cO!~:nc:iLbtc.-j of ~he ar of tile .1 rm . r; trees fare cnvej, POSTOLAKIY, A.!. flow occurrence of Notosudis lepida (Pieces, Notoaudidae) Jn waters of West Greenland. Zool. zhur. 44 no-4:622-624 165. (MIRA 18 - 6) 1. Polyarnyy naucbno-issiedovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut morskogo rybnogo kbozyaystva i okeanografii, Murmansk. POSTOLAKIYY A.I. .Occ=ence of Lumpenus medius Reinhardt (Pisces, Lumpenidae) near Cape Breton Island. Zool.zhur. 41 ne.8:1262-1263 Ag 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. The Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceano- graphy, Murmansk (;ape Bretonleland-Blennies.(Fish)) POSTOLAKIYY A.I. -- - ---Rind-of-J~~ftopterus pharas Zugmayer (Pisces, Scopeliformes) in the North Atlantic. Vop. ikht. 2 no.1:25-28 162. (KIRA 15:3) 1. Polyarnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnri institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii (PINRO), Murmansk. (ATIANITIC OCEAN-ANOTOPTERUS) TOLATIYEV V. Turn signals are needed for all city-transportation vehicles. Avt.transpo 37 no*3:43 Ur 159. (MIRA 12:4) (Signals and signaling, Automobile) POSTOLEWO, A. I. "Investigation of the Operation Process of Ejecting Devices Used in Locomotive Watpr Heaters." Sub 15 Oct 47, Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Electromechanical Inst of Railroad 4ngineers imeni F. E..Dzerz~inskiy Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947. SO: Sum.No. 457, 18 Apr 55