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Polycondensation. of Glycine Ethyl Ester in the SOV/2o-124-1-20,/0'9 .. Presence of Its Carbamate ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: August 29, 1958, by B. A. Kazannkiy, Academician SUBMITTED: August 26, 1958 Card 3/3 SHIBNEV., V.A.; KOZARENKO, T.D.; PLROSHIN, K.T. ' - Fleptide ethers containin L-proline and glycine. Izv.Pdl SWR Otd. khim.nauk no.8!1500-1506 Ag 160. OURA 15:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Peptides) (Proline) (Glycine) Wig ,POROSHIII, K.T.; JMMGIN, Yu.I.;PROKHOROVA, R.I. ll~~Olysis of ?-nitro*phenyl acetate in the presence of N-car~obenzoxy- asparag7leerylglycine. Izv. AN SSBR Otd. k,him. nauk no.10:1901-1902 o l6o. (MIRA 13:10) l.. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinakogo Akademii nauk SSSR. (Glycine) (Acetic acid) FOROSHIN, X.T.; KBURGIN, Yu.I.; DMITRIYEVA, M.G.; KOZARENKO, T.D. Kinetics and mechanism of the polycordeneation of amino acid eaters and peptides. Report lin.12: Polycondensation of ethyl glycylglycinate. Izv. AN SSSR.Otd. khim. nauk no.12:2215-2220 D 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut organicheakey khimii im. N.D.Zelinakogo AN SSSR. (Glycine) (Condensation proclucts) 8/02 60/132/03/37/o66 BO 11 YBOO8 AUTHORS: Foroshing K-,_T,*.a_,.Academieian AS TadzhSSR, Xhurginp Yu. I.? yevat MQ G* TITLE: Hydrolysis of the p-Nitro-phenyl Estexsof Glycine, Glycylglycine, Diglycylglycine and Their Carbobenzoxy Derivatives PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19609 Vol. 132, No. 3, pp. 623-625 TEXT: The paper of the authors deals with the resistivity of the substances mentioned in the title against the basic hydrolysis in the aqueous medium. As is well known, the activation of the carboxyl group is one of the most important-phases of the protein biosynthesis (and the peptide synthesis). This activation takes its course in the aqueous medium under much milder conditions. At the biosynthesis, the carboxyl group is activated by means of the decomposition of aminoazyl adenylates. The latter are related to the activated esters of the Card 1/4 Hydrolysis of the p-Nitro-phenyl Esters S/02 6o/132/03/37/o66 of Glycineq Glycylglycine, Diglycylglycine B011YBOO8 and Their Carbobenzoxy Derivatives a-amino acids and similar with regard to their chemical properties. The reactions of these eaters can therefore be used for the simulation of biosynthetic processes, under conditions which are similar to the physiological ones. Since the p-nitro-phenyl esters are only slightly soluble in water, the hydrolysis was studied in aqueous-alcoholic medium (50 volume %) at a constant concentration of the hydroxyl ions. This was obtained by means of buffer solutions (phosphate-buffer M/15, PH 7.20). Alooholio solutions of the hydrobromides of the esters mentioned in the title, as well aa of the oarbobanzoxy-diglycine were mixed with the same volume of the buffer mentioned in nuoh a way that the final concentration of the eater amounted to jo-4 Mol. The time slope of the hydrolysis was recorded spectrophotometrically. The rate constants of the hydrolysis of the activated esters (Table 1) were calculated from the data (rig. 1) and used for the evaluation of the reactivity of the esters. The absorption spectrum of some eaters in alcoholic solution was measured before mixing with the buffer, and the intactness of the eater was checked. Spectrophotometers of type Card 2/4 Hydrolysis of the p-Ifitro-phenyl Esters S/020 60/132/03/37/066 r/ of Glycine, Glycylglyoine, Diglycylglycine B01IJB008 and Their Carbobenzoxy Derivatives C41-4 (SP-4) were used. The authors compare the values of the rate consTints of the hydrolysis determined by them with those of other scientists. These two values are in good agreement. The data obtained by the authors also agree with the data from publications, according to which the resistivity of the (nonactivated) ester groups decreases often at the transition from carboxylic acids to the amino acids. As expectedv the hydrobromide of the glycine-p-nitro-phenyl esterslis most readily hydrolized of all substances investigated. In conclUSiong the authors state that the influence of the amino group decreases with- the elongation of the peptide chain, whereas the resistivity of the ester group increases and approaches that of the esters of the carboxylic acids. An inverted conformity prevails in the series of the N-carbobenzoxy derivatives: the stability of the p-nitro-phenyl esters decreases through the removal of the carbobenzoxy group. The hydrolysis is considerably accelerated at the transition from glycine to the peptides. The difference in the hydrolysis rates of the peptides is relatively small. There are I figure, 1 table, and 13 non-Soviet references. Card 3/4 TOROSHIN, K.T,; SHIMIEV, V.A.; DEBABOV, V.G.; KOZARENKO, T.D. Hydrolytic stability of some di- and tripeptides including L-proline, I,:hydroxyprolino and glycine. Biokhimiia 25 no.4: 693-700 -11-Ag 160." (MIRA 13:11) 1, Laboratory of Protein Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry-, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (PIEPTIDES) (HYDROLYSIS) tA ~ro -41 wi R a VN V V jai a jj~ -El 5 4w,"7 -4- t go 1 4 k- 1 -0 i i a In 0 oil v STEPAINOVA, N.B.; KHUIAGIV, YU.I.j FOROSHINt K.T. Polycondensation of ethyl glycinate in the presence of ethyl alcohol, Izv. All SSSR. Otd, khim. nauk no. iii6o-162 ja 61. (14IR A 14:2) I. Insti-tut organicbsokey 'hilaii. im.N.D. Zelinskago All SSSR. (Clycine) MAKSIMOVp VYach.Io; FOROSIIINq K.T. S~mtheois of dibanzyl peptides ViL'Op-nitrophenyl estom of dibenzyl amino acids. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no. 1:186-187 Ta 61. (KM 14:2) 1. Institut orgL~nicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Peptides) (Amino acids) FOROSHIN, K.T.; DEMOV, V.G.; MPMDIOV,, Vyach.l. flydrobrominolysia of g2yolne eatero. S33R40td-kbi-m--nauk no.6sU34,1137 Je 161. (KML 14.- 6) 1. Institut organicheskoy kbimll im. N.D.Zeliwkogo AN SSSR. (Glycine) (Bromine) . . . . . . . . . . POROSHIN, SHIBIEN, V.A.; KOZA.~CIMKO, T.D.; D),'11ABOV, V. 0. Synt! 'esis of pentides, a.-P-lo,-Les of a colia--.---n fraL=ent, cL--,Posed of glycine ana amino acids. Vysokc-,n. soed. 3 no.1:122-130 ja 161. (MII'A 14-2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khindi All SSSR, ini. Y.D.Zelinskot.- .o. (Peptideo) POROSHIN) K.T.; IKAZARENKO, T.D.; SHIMILT, V.A.; DEBABOV, V.G. -------------------- Study of the action of co-Uagenase on synthetic subatrat6s,, Biokhimiia 26 no.2:244-248 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) Moscow. (COLLAGENASE) (PEPTIDES) POROS41N, X. T.) DET"A.~OV) V. (G., Silp"'Ey, U. A. NsjR) "Action of OollaFenase on Synthetic Substrates." Report presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochem-4stry ConEress, C.) No~cow, io-i6 Aut 19'1. POROSHIN, K.T.; DEBABOV, V.G.; SHIDNEV, V.A.; KOZARENKO, T.D. S~mthesis of a collagenase substrate, a methyl ether of carbobc-n- zoV--L-nrolyl-L-alanylglycyl-L-proline. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.9:300~5-3110 - S '61. (MJRA 14: 9) (Collagenase) (Ethers-) (Proline) FOROSHIN, K.T.~ CHUVAYFVA, T.P.; SHIBNEV, V.A. Effect of the nature of the amide group on the rate of cleavage of a carbocyclohexyloxy protective group durtng hydrobrom-f,iolysis. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8i1548- 1550 Ag 164., (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR i Tadzhikskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. benina. POROSHIN K.T.; SIONEV. V.t-,,,- GRECHISHKO, V.S. Synthesis.-.df carbocyclohexfloxyamino acids. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.7.-1294-1295 165, MRA 18:7) I. institut biologic~eskoy flziki AN SSSR I Institut khimi-L AN lp-dzhSSR. ACC NR,'AP6032968- SOURCt -CODE -:'-~R/04i~/66/009/009/0017/00iI !AUTHORI Rarichenko, V. K. (Academician AN TadzhSSR); Foroahin, K. T.; Davidyantap IS. B. ; Kuzyat, L. S. ORG: Chonistr-j Institute, AN Tadzhikokaya SSR (Institut khiaii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR) TITLC: Synthesis of phosphinic poptidos and phosphinic acids modified vith alkaloids SOURCEt AN TadzhSSR. Doklady, v. 9, no. 9, 1966, 17-21 TOKC TAGS1 phosphinic acid, peptido, alkaloid ABSTRACT: Synthosos of phosphini6 poptidos and phosphinic acids modifiod with tho al- kaloids cytisine and salsolidino by using A-(N-eytisyl)propionic acid and newly syn- thosized 0-(14-salsolidyl)propionic acid'wore carried out. The condensation of pho3- phinic poptides-with the alkaloids was carried out by using the mixed anhydride method N (CHI), COOH + N(C21i5)3-- -oR" > N (CH2)2 COOH - N (C2H6)a C1OCOQ3H6..*... > N - (CH2)j CO - 0 --: CO - OC2 H6 + + HBrN1H,3 CHRCONHCH (C,, Hj PO (0C. H6)j N (C3 H&)3 R' > N - (CH,), CO - NHCHRCO - -NHCH (C,~,) PO (OCIH,)2 ~F: +C0, + C, H, OH + HBr - N (CI 1-16)3 Card 1/2 ACC_ NR-. 'AP6032968 A similar reaction was carried out between alkaloid darivativos of propionic acid and a-aminolbenzylphospbinic acid; it gave diothyl 0.-(N-eytisyl)propionyl-a-aminobanzyl- phosphineto (I) and diothyl 0-(N-salsolidyl)l)ropionyl-a-aminobenzylphosphinate. The ester group of W was saponified, and the corresponding P-(N-oytIsy1)propionyl-a- aminobenzy1phosphinic acid was obtained. The synthesis of alkaloid derivatives of phosphinic acids of the typo R">N-CH2-PO(OH)2, cL-(N-cytisyl)nothyIphosphinic: acid and cL-(N-salsolid.vl)moth.vlphosphinic acid, vas performed by roacting~heterocyclic imines (the alkaloids cyti:4no and salsolidino), paraformaldohydo and diethyl phosphite in absolute ethanol. The synthesis of diethyl y-bentyl-N-oarbobenzoxyglutamyl-a-amirta- benzoxyglut=Wl-a.-am:lnobenzylphosphinate.was also performed.- -SUB CODES 07/ SUBM DATES WUr66/ ORIG RVI 004/ OM MI 008 Card 2/2 POROSIIIN, K.T., akademik; DAVIDYANTS, S.B.; ISMAILOV, D.I. Condensation of some amino acids with 2-phenyleinchonlrile acld. Dokl. AN Tddzh.SSR 8 no.9-.18-20 165. (14IRA 18:12) 1. Institut khimii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Submitted June 20, 1965. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Tadzl,,ikskoy SSR (for Poroshin). __fO-RO,%MLj-K.T.,.,-akademikj red.; MAZITOVA, F.S.,, kand. tekhn. nauk., red.,- VINOGRADSKAYA., S.N., red. izd-va; KOTSABENKO, Ye.G.,, red.izd-va; GELLER,-S.P., tekbn. red. [The Nurek Hydroelectric Power Station and objectives of Soviet sciencel Wirekskaia GES i zadachi nauki. Stalinabad Izd-vo Akad. nauk Tadzhiskoi SSR,,1961. 155 P. IMIRA 14:11) 1._Akademiya nauk:Tadzhiskoy SSR, Dusbanbe. 2. Vitse-prezident AN Tadzhikskcy SSR (for Poroshin). 3. Otdel energetiki AN Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Mazitova). (Nurek Hydroelectric Power Station) PC Friosphi-ne cieri-,,,ati-vs:3 z1f, !acil- and pepti-~es~ AN .3T')R 1136 I T 't1 T[ij, Ari:3titilt kh'Imil 1i L ,;'K e)y Ak ad .3m! ya na ik Tadzhik3koy SSR (for Foro3hj.-' 50) AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 SOV/79-29-9-76/76 Ioffe' B. V.,.,Poros-hin L. Ye.. Synthesis of Tertiary Aliphatic Hydrazines by Means of Mixed Organo-ma.-nesium Compounds Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 9, PP 3154 - 3156 (USSR) Only two cases of Grignard reaction with dialkyl hydrazones are known: the reaction of methyl-magnesium bromide with di- methyl- and diethyl hydrazone of formaldehyde in anisole under the formation of dimethyl-ethyl (Ref 1) and triethyl hydra- zine (Ref 2). For the purpose of applying this Grignard re- action also to the synthesis of higher tertiary hydrazones, the authors investigated the reaction of methyl-magnesium io- dide, ethyl-magnesium bromide, propyl-magnesium chloride, bu- tyl-magnesium bromide with dialkyl hydrazones of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, and isobutyral- dehyde. 0.8 mol dialkyl hydrazone in diisoamyl ether was added to the Grignard compound, which had been produced from 1 mol alkyl halide in diisoamyl ether. The mixture was heated in nearly boiling water bath within two hours. The reactant was 'Synthesis of Tertiarykliphatic Hydrazines by Means 30V/79-29-91-76/76 of Mixed Organo-magnesium Compounds then poured into a mixture of ice and concentrated hydro- chloric acid. The aqueous layer was separated, then half of it evaporated, and after the addition of caastic soda solution it was overdistilled until the volatile bases were completely separated. The distillate was salted out !.,,it,h solid alkali hydroxide and fractionated. In all cases the main product or one of them consisted of tertiary hydrazines (Table). Up to the present, only two (1 and 14) of the 14 synthesized trialkyl hydrazines have been known, In untightly sealed vessels they are converted into the corresponding hydrazones with equal hydrocarbon skeleton through the oxidation of atmospheric oxy- gen. The yields of hydrazines decrease in the transition from dimethyl- to diethyl- and dipropyl hydrazones, they are, how- ever, still sufficient if the alkyl radicals are not too compound so that the Grignard reaction with dialkyl hydrazones can be considered a generally applicable method of synt1hQsiz4n_g tertiary aliphatic hydrazines. The by-products of this re- action are amines. The diethyl- and dipropyl hydrazones of formaldehyde tend to form great quantities of secondary.-anines Card 2/3 in a slight cleavage of the N-N-bond. There are 1 table and L, 1. Synthesis of Tertiary Aliphatic Hydrazines by Means SOV/79-29-9776/76 of Mixed Organo-magpiesjum Compounds 2 references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Lenin.-rad State University) SUBMITTED: June 23, 1959 Card 3/3 I KIYASHKOP Zakhar; POROSHIN, N., red.; RUCHIYEV, L., tekhn. red. (Years of collective farm life; notes of a collective farm chairman] Gody kolkhoznoi zhizni; zapiski predsedate- lia kolkhoza. Krasnodar, Kraevoe knishnoe izd-vo, 1951. 130 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Krymak D~Istrict-Collective farms) VOYSHVILLOt G.V.; POROSHIN, N.D. Analysis of a reactive capacitive amplifier. Radiotekhnike 18 no.10:43-53 0 163. - ()U?,A 16:12) 1. Deystvitellnjrj chlen Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotakhniki i elaktrosvyazi im. A.S.Popova. M VOYSHVILLOY G.V.1 POROSHIN, N.D. Concerning the tJheOr7 of a parametric amplifier. Hadiotekhnika 16 no.6:45-50 Se 161. (MIRA 34:6) 1. DaystvitalIny7e chlen7 flauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki 1 elektroSVY121. kAmplifiers(Electronies)) TITLE: PERIODICAL: TEXT: The authors show that the relationships between currents and voltages in the input and output circuits of frequency changers may be reduced to a single system of linear equations. The generalization is based on the theory of linear 2n-terminal networks and may be applied to a wide range of radio and electronic circuits, such as frequency changers, modulators and parametric amplifiers., -There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Card-1/2 S/108/63/018/001/10061011----] D201/D308 Voyshvillo, G.V. and Poroshins N.D., Members of the Society (see Association) Generalized theory of frequency spectrum convertersi Radiotekhnika, v. 18, no. 1, 1963, 35-39 1 Nauchno-tel,-hnicheskoye elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Tech-I nical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni A.S. Popov) L Abstracter's obshchestvo radiotekhniki i VOYSHVILWP G.V.; PO SHIN H Generalized theory of frequency spectrum converters - Radio- tekhniks 18 no.105-39 J& 163. NM l6x2) 1. Deyetvitellnyye ohleny Nauch-tekhnicheakogo obshchestva radiotekhniki I elektrajivyazi imeni. Popova. (Frequency changers) VOYSHVILLC, G.V~!~POROSIIIN, N.D.- Analysis of a low-fre-quericy capaciUve amplifier. Radiotekhnika 20 no.8s4k-51 fig 165. (MIRA 18,8) ~ye chleny Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva 1. DaystvitelIny radiotekhniki i elektros-vyazi imeni A.S. Popova. 2362D S/108/61/000/006/006/008 D201/D305 '7, 6- 7.2 AUTHORS: Voyahvillov G.V., Porg _ehin,_j.Dj_ Meibers of the Society (See.Assoclition) TITLE: On the theory of the parametric amplifier PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnikap no. 6, 19619 45 - 50 TEXT: The authors consider a parametric ampliiier as a non-linear dipole Yo-with additional admittances Y3 and Y4 due to coupling of the diDole to the signal source and the load; and admittances Yj and Y2 representing the internal source admittance and load admit- tance resDectivelyp all connected in the cct as shovm in Pig. 1. Fig. 1. V, j" Y, Y. V, Card 1/6 Ate- I '236in S/1 '61/000/006/006/008 D2007 On.the theory of the.... 1 D305 Solving this system coefficients Yll ... Y66 are found permitting the determination of the relationship between voltages and currEnts in.the cot of Fig. 1 in the form of matrix V11 Y12 Y12 Yid yis Y14 UIS Y21 Y22 Y22 Y24 Y23 Y24 Y" Y'12 Y33 Y341~ Y35 Yft &1e Y41 Y42 Y13 ydat" Y U Y31 Y32 Y53Y 1,ki Y.I, Y.. Y. Y~i -Y~ The notation within the matrix is as followg Uls, UlPV Ulp, ils, ilp"11F components of voltages and currents at frequencies f., fpp f , of voltages and of current respectively, f being F S Card 2/6 2363:0 8/108/61/000/006/006/008 On the theory of the D201/D305 the signal frequency, f P = /fLO - fS/I fF =.:fLO + f where f LO is the frequency of the local oscillator and TJII and being volta- ges and currents respectively at all freq*fftcies except fLO, 2fLW 000. The expression (9) shows that a parametric amplifier, ampli- fying small signals, is equivalent to ~L 2n - pole, the properties of which in the Y-parameter systpm of notation are determined by the coefficients Y11 09-0 Y66' In particular the ampiifier of Fig. 1 is equivalent to a twelve-pole. Matrix (9) can be used to find various parameters of an amplifier such as gain, input admittance etc. The authors do it for the case of a low-frequency parametric amplifier for which f -CC--f Thus the gain is derived as S LO' U2 Y41 K U2f Y61 Kp 17~2_ - - Y44 + Y Y66 + Y2f (14) is 2p F UlS the input admittance as Card 3/6 23620 S/108/61/000/006/006/008 On tW theory of the D201/D305 ils Y144 1 Y16 Y61 Yin 4 = Y 11- Y + Y Y (16) Ul S 44 2p 66 + Y2f' the output admittance as yp.%*t Y44 - Y Y14Y 41 Y16 Y61 (19) 11 +*S Y66 + Y2f and Yf out Y Y16Y61 66 Y Y 4 Yll + YIS - Y44 + y2p the power gain as K2 2 Kp P2 P 92D + KF 92F (22) Pi Re(YinT----- Card 4/6 23610 S/108/61/000/006/006/008 On the theory of the D201/D305 where g 2p and 9251 -_ conductances of load Y 2p and Y 2F0 If the load consists of a resonant circuit tuned to one of tV output frequen- oies, which is normal for frequency changers, the gain at frequen- v cy f P becomes f fLO f8 __R (25) pp f 8 f and at frequency f F would become K f F fLO + f8 (26) pF f a fs If both output frequencies are present at the output of the ampli- fier then, for f LO ;~;;' fsl Kp ';:~f LO (27) f The relationships (25) and (26) have been obtained by +te diffe- Card 5/6 2362D On the theory of the S/10 % 61/000/006/006/008 D201 305 rent methods by J. Manley and H. Rowe (Ref. 2: P ? v. 44, no. 7, 1956) and also by B. Salzberg (Ref. '~; PIRBp v It no. 11, 1957). It is pointed out in conclusion that the proposed method of analy- sis could also be applied to other passive systems, such as to a diode mixer working into any kind of load and to other similar cir- cuits. There are 3 figures.and 3 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publicati- ons read as fo%lowst J. Manley, H. Rowe, PIRE, V. 44, no. 7, 1956; B. Salzbergj PIREt V. 45, no. 11, 10,57. ASSOCIATION4 Nauchno-tekhnichesko e obsWqjiestvo radiotekhniki i elektroavy$ei im. AT Popbv~a (Radio Engineering and Electrical Commimications Society im. A.S. Popov). LAbstractor's noze: Name of association taken from first page of journalj SUBMITTED: August.29, 1960 Card 6/6 - POROSHIN, N., kand.tekhn.nauk From the institute to industry. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. 4 no.11: 5-6 N 161. (MIRA 14.12) 1. Direktor Ivanovskogo instituta okhrany truda Vsesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta professionalInykh soyuzov. (Textile industry--Hygienic aspects) S/108/62/017/007/006/008 a -57 'a- (6 1~o 46 0 3) D288/D308 AUTHORS: Voyshvillo G V. Poroshin, N.-D-, Members o f the Societ~ (Lee Liaciation) TITLE;. Parameters of a semiconductor diode acting as a non-linear capacitor PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, v. 17, no. 7, 1962, 55-57 TEXT: It is shown that the diff"erential capacitance of a semiconductor diode chosen for applications like parametric am- plifier or modulator is accurately given by 0 - dq/du 2 00 + alu + a2 U where u is the applied d.c. voltage. Mean capacitance values change with frequency. A useful parameter is the active conductanes g = .wo/0 , and the easiest measurement to undertake is that of Q. Four-curves are reproduced, plotting C and. Q vs. voltage and frequency and showing good agreement Card 1/2 CaucasusY Uorthern - Faleantclog- y Occurrence of Spirialis in the Upper Miocene deposits. Dokl. Ali SSSP~ 83 no. 4 (1952) Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy LaL-oratoriya Geologo-dPoiskovoy Kontory Tresta Krsnodarnefterazvedka rcd. -Q Dee 1051 l,onthlv List of Russian Aecessions Library of Congress, August, 1952. MICLASSIFIED. MR POTZGSIMI~, N. S. Textile industry and fabrics Ways of further improvement of working conditions., Tekst. prom., no. 2, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1958. Unclassified. - 2 nve ~j Caf, -i-eab; 14 tyo r s ;on of E: c- r. zalb rc s. as a funat-----i~ o- Higher -Educatl oit Leniri--rad iextile. In5t li;;kelli Wirf,v. C, (Dissertation for ti,e Degree of GatidiciLte of Technical Science.) SO: KnizIrmay-a Letopis', No. h-1, 22 October 1955. I-Ioscow ~ ,~ c ". N 1, ., i -'-- . POROSHIN, N.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Air permeability of cotton fabrics. Tekst.prom. 17 no.9.39-41 s 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Cotton fabrics--Testing) .XOROSHIN, N., kand.tekhn.nauk Workers should have work clothes of good qualitvo Okhr. trudA i notis.stmkh- 3 no.042-44 Je 160. (MIRL 1317) 1. Direktor Ivanovskogo instituta okhrany truda Vaesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov. (Work clothes) FOROSHIN, H.S., kand.tekha.aauk Water absorption capacity of cotton fabrics. Tekst.prom. 20 no.8:46-47 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Cotton fabrics) _5,,kandte~hn.nauk \,,, FOROSHIN, _Y. For further improvement of working Tekst.prom. 20 no.10;3!-56 ol6o. (Textile workers--Diaeases (Teztile industry--Safety conditions in bztile factories. (MIRA 13:11) and hygiene) measures) V ,-ACCESSION XR: AP4031098 5/0120/64/0001002/0019/0021 AUTHOR: Demirkhanov, R. A.; ?6*oshIn,, 0. re; Belensov, P. Ye.; Ukheidzes Go pe TrrLE: Heavy-current Wector of hydrogen Ion's SOURCE: i Pribory* I takhnika e~sperimenta. no. 2,. 19640'-19-21 TOPIC TAGS: injection, ion'injection, hydrogen Ion Injection, heavy current Ion inje'- qtioa BSTRACT: A n w hydrogpn-ion injector (whose development Is claimed to have A -.e been c-o'mpleted in 1959) operateR continuously at a drawing voltage 50 kv or lower. The system -uses a- inagnatic-type arc plan=& source with oscillating e1 6 ions. -beam currant, 275 ma ectr The following operating ~ data, Is reported: ion at 45 kv (drawing); beam diameter at 250. cm from the source, 5 cm; aperture of t~i converging beam, 2.5x.1-0, beam directivity., 7 ac= cuzrent of the IL-Y Card ACCESSION-NR:- AP40;31.q9A_. -2. source, 500 ma; g4s, pressure! in, the source in the cathode region, 3z 10 torrs* same --in the ilinte~mediate-;elepttode -,anode" region, 6xio*.;& torral arc voltage, 2*iO v; arc current,, 12 a;np;; pjagnetic.: field of the source, 600 oerst; magnetic field of the principal fo.c_us,ing,lpns~. 1,,500ioerst. magnetic field of the.auxillary lens, 2.20 oerst. '~The authors; thank-.Yu.. V. Xursanov, T. L Gutkin, N. -I.- Leontlyev, I.' Bolial, 4yqk&yja.for.-tbe1r. participation In the initial phase of the project; I. A. Chulo"Jor,-desig~%mork;. and A. M. Abx4anitize, A. A. Kolodub, and S. L Filatovllor.- thel1r,: practical help with the project. Orig. art. has. 4 fikures and-, I formula ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-t*kJWcheskiy.instit~tGV.AESSSEL (Phys A Lco-Tochnical Iubtitute. GKAE SSSR SUBMITTED: 28Apr63 DkTEA-CQ.-,,. IlMay64 ENCL: 00 SUB-CODE: NS INW=,~50.V: 003 OTH93t: 002 1.~ard 212 ro,,.~cqn-IN, F. h2560. Za Polnoye Ispollzovaniye Prizvodstvennykh Moshchnostey Vagonoremontnykh Zavodov. Zh-D Transport, l9h8, No. 11, S. 10-18. MW/)QngIneerIng mw Cars,Railroad Railroads - Rolling Stock t- '*Far car-Repair Shope - Advanced Technology," P. ~T. CIN I Paroshin, Engr, P. P. Sokolov, MOV, 3 PP cQ "Tekh Zhel Dor" No 3 Gar-repair shops.are not meeting demand. Full use of existing, facilities must go band in hand Vith ,VaUding of nev shops'. Advises simultaneoua repair of 3-4 cars, by one Mmg - Recomende that,. each Shop specialize In me, type of car. Describes, duction of aseemb3jy-line methodic,,:, Ott_, A USM/MManeerlug (Contd)' r W In Barnaul and Manash shops. Methods are now being introduced in other shops. 37: 1: GdL 2 /4~T A. t7, ~~I; 05904 9( SOV/107-59-7-7/42 AUTHOR: Poroshin, V. TITLE., 236 Exhibits PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 7, P 9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the llth exhibition of radio amateur work in Novo- sibirsk, 236 exhibits were shown. At the regional exhibition in 1958, only 154 items were shown. A TV set, designed by V. Boshko, a worker of the Sibirskoye otdeleniye Akademii nauk SSSR (Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences), attracted great atten- tion. V. Voroblyev, a worker of the Novosibirsk first- aid service, displayed a radio combination. At the end of the exhibition, the Novosibirsk Radio Club conducted a conference of radio amateur designers and representatives of the radio engineering industry. The conference participants praised the creative work of the radio amateurs in Novosibirsk and in the Novo- sibirskaya oblast'. Card 1/1 POROSHIN, V., zamestitell predsedatelya. A model airplane group for ever7 school. Kryl.rod. 4 no.11:13 H 153. (14LRa 6;11) 1. Novosibirskiy ablastnoy orgkomitet Vseooyuznogo dobrovollnogo obahchestva. Bodayotviya armii, aviataii i flotu. (Airplanes--Models) I 261143 A. SIOAA1611000100510051025 011~70444 ~THRz Poroshin, V. A. TITLEt First order differential equations with harmonic integrals PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurna19 Matematika, no- 5, 1961, 22p abstract 5B114 *(Nauchn. tr. TuAk. gorn. in-t, 1958, sb. 1, 223 - 228) TEXTa Lot in the equation M(xgv)clx + N(xgy)dy - 0, M and N have continuous derivatives of seoond order in a domain D. Besides M and N are supposed not to vanish in the same point in D. One in- vestigates, whether there exists an integrating factor -S( Xqy) such that the corresponding integral y (x,y) of the equationr(Mdx + Ndy)- 0 is an harmonic function. It in proveda For the existence of V-(x,y) it is necessary and sufficient that the function V - M/N is harmonic. Then GeU IM f(z) d.), M2 + N2 where U is an harmonic fun.:tion, conjugate with V - are tg MIN, and Ca.-d 1/2 ZHIZZ"'HIN', S. iM. , POiLGHIN) V. ii. A.-ricultural Education Organization of labor for increasing the qualification of agriCLItUrzkl SpeCiLliStS in 1952. Dost. sellkhoz. No. 8, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified. FISHZONPRYSSP YU.I. (m3skva); FOiW8f!IN-KLE3fIGI,IUK., K.K. (Moskova). Dysembryogenetic retroperitoneal tumrs. Vop.onk. 9 no.2169-73163. WIRA 16:9) (RETROPERITONEAL SPACE--CANCER) MARTIROSYAH, V.V.; POROSHIIIA'i A.Ao Phenol.metabolism in the brain and in the muscles in intracranial neoplasms. Zhur. nevr. i paikh 58 no.12:1436-1437 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Kliniku nervuykh bolezney i,neyrokhirurgii (zav.. - prof. V.A. Nikollokiy) Rostovskogo-na-Donu meditainokogo instituta. (PHMIS, metab. bmin & muc., In brain tumors (Rus)) (BRAIB NEOPIASMS. M'Stab. phenols in brain & musc..(Ruz)) (KMCIM. metab 8, ;n brain tUMO ,phenol rs (Boa)) PCP,OSHIKAI, A. A., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "Blood phenols in schizophrenia, and their clinical significance". Rostov na Donu, 1958. 12 pp (Rostov as Donu State Ned Inst), 200 copies (KL, No 25, 1959, 142) V ~i.* iM. rpa,lit. valus oVibe'detem th- 7 N5TIm-, m (Mm. jn~t,,-Ao5tov)~ Zhar. X4,z,t45iej-.t. gonal-ava 5 %~, 2 111 G- 81 d rj,,, LID Q t wl.Kbi o i ii b1p,ld plkilv)v 40 With Otiv lictiloguile. flud 00 norlIVI oo~6b 14 win a iticau.-itiat, of the TL t Iliellud. 1b fild blood of litewigrols towl plictioli mied betmen O.U5 ilA, FOROSHINA) A.A.); SOKOLOVA, L.P.; KOZHANOVA, L.A. Comparative characteristics of the correlation of protein fractions in the blood sert= in schizophrenia, involutional psychosis and cyclothymia. Vrach. delo no-5:91-94 MY 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. H.H. Korganov [deceased]) i kafedra biokhimii (zav. - prof. Ye.M. Gul-arev) Rostovskogo-na- Dom moditsinskogo instituta. -(BLOOD PROTEINS) (SCHIZOPIN, NIA) (MANIC-DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSES) (PSYCHOSES) 1OWBAKH, V.O.; i"JVIMVA, N.A.; POROSHINA, A.H. ffew methrxl of producing 1,6-hexamethylene-bia-(dimethvlamine). Med.prom. 13 no.7:1;6-0 Jl '59. (KM 12:10) 1. Lentnegraduldy naiiahno-ineledovatellskiy institnt antibiotikov i khimilco-farmtsevticheekly zavod "Farmakon". (DIMETHYIAMIIIE) POROSHINA, G.I. [Poroshynn, 11.I.1 Antibiotic activity of actinomycetes, isolated from the sails of Kirghizia and Armenia, as related to lactic acid bacteria. Mikro- biol. zhur. 26 no.5:23-27 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut mikrobiologli i virusologii AN UkrS,9R. -L 1682-66 ACCESSION NR: AR5018561 tM/0299/65/000/011VB043/,9044 615-779-931 'SOURCE: Ref,,zh. Biologiya. Svodnyy tom, Abs. lIP322 G? ~AUIMOR: Foro.shynag X* I* vit at ITTLE: An antibiotic from actinom-yeete having high acti y w th :respect to lactic acid bacteria, C ITED SOURCE:. Antybiotyk,z alctynomitsetu Z VYSO -k0yu aktyvnistyu ymolochnok - I V. 26- no. 6, 1964, ~prot yalyldi balcterly# Mikrobiol, zh. L25-31 !TOPIC TAGS: antibiotlej, bacteriap lactic acid,, pharmaeognosy.0 -solvent extraction ;TRANSLATION: A culture of hetinomyc'ete.135/1v relatod to tho violet ..,actinomycete group, was inolato'd from soil. Aetinomycete 135/1 growing in synthetic media is characterized by a pinkish lilao aerial! :Myceliump spiral spore.earriers and elongated smooth spores; the I jp i Mycelium substrate Is of a plum or violet color, and there is no ~soluble pigmerit, Actinomycete growing, in organic Ydedia forms an Card 1/2 MM. wz~_-_ M. L 1682-66-- -ACCESSION NR: AR5018561 ,antibiotic with Indicator properties The antibiotic was extracted ~from th; mycelium and the producer ~:with Isobutanol or n-butanol iculture liquid at a pH of 7.5. The extract was concentrated by Ivacuum evaporation and then precipitated.with petroleum etherp and the ~Precipitate was washed with other-and dried in a vacuum. The isubstande is soluble in mothanolp-dimethylformamide, acetone,, and 'benzene; It is Insoluble in petroleum ether And in sulfuric and 7hydrochloric acids. It has. indicator properties and possesses iabsorption maxima in ultraviolet light at 258-490 millimicrons (in ,methanol and ethanol). With respect to its combined physical and (chemical indicesp determined by chromatographic means in various I ~solvent systemsl,the isolated antibiotic is close to compounds of the~~ Iviolarine mycetin group. It is active with respect to gram-positive .':bacteria with preferential suppression of the lactic acid bacteria 'groups T, Maksimovae 1SUB CODE: LB ENCL: -00 I Card POROSHINA. I.1. Effqa~ive treatment of patients with myocardial infarct during the period of convalescence. 24 no..11:100-106 N 160. '(KIRA 14:3) 1. Iz tretfyey kafedry terapii (zav. - chlen-korre'spondent AMN SSSR prof. LA.Mssirskiy) TSentrallnogo insIdtuta usavershenstvavaniya vracheyp-Moskva. (HFAW-INFARCTION) ABRA%'OV, M.G. dok-or med. nauk; ALEKMP-,V, G.A.. prof. ASTA.PaIKO, M.G., prof.3 BUREIKO, V.M., dcts.; VAPSHANIOV., L.A., prof.; VINOGRJADSKIYJ A.B.. KARPOVA, G.D.; KASSIRSKlY, I.A., p--of.3 K U HKIY, R.O., doktor med. nauk; LIBERMI, B.I.; LIKHTSIYEL 0 R, I,B., prof.; LUZ"HETSKAYA, T.A., kand. med. nauk: MIOISEYEV, S.G.. prof.; NASONOVA, V.A., dots.; NESGOVOROVA, L.I.; POROSHIPA I.I.; PREOBRAZZ501SKlY, A.P., dots.; RADVILI, O.S., on~~.. ATNER''M.Ya., doktor med. nauk; RASHEVSKAYA, A.M., Y prof.; M-1ENWAYEVA, M.N.'~ kand. med. nauk: SIGIDD, Ya.S., kand. med. nauk; ARTEWYLIV, S.G., red. [Therapeutist's handbook] Spravochnik terapevta. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Meditsina, 1965. 863 p. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Deystvitellrryy chlen AMN SSSR (for Kassirskly). USSR/Medicine Chemotherapy, Combination Jan 5 31 "Combination Treatment With Antibiotick.." Prof. 1. A. Kass irskiy,0-1. I. Poroshina, and-~Iu. L. Milevaliaya (Moscow) P~berapeutic Clinic, Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians Klin Med, No 1, Vol 31, pp, 14-25 Experimental and clinical data confirm the suita- bility of combination treatment of infectious or septic diseases with antibiotics. Two,or more chemotherapeutic agents, each acting differently on the microorganisms, produce both th~ 255T23 ,bacteriostatic and the, bactericidal action;~ .this action is more rapid and lasting than that due to the effects of one of these chemical prepns alone. -TI 255T23 - POROSHINA, L,A, Stratigraphy of the Heocomian sediments i'a the surroundings of Konakhkend and the Kyzy1kazmachay Valley (northeastern Azerbai- jan). Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 20 no-3:41-45 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Institut goologli AN azerSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzerSSR K.A.Ali-zade. ALIYEV,, R.A.; ALIYEV, Kh.Sh.; POROSHINA, L.A. Presence of an Epicheloniceras subnodouocostatum zone in the southeastern Caucasus. Dokl. Aft Azerb. SSR 20 no.8s 45-48 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Jnatj.t~ut goologii AM kvorSSR. Produtavlono itkadomikom AN AzerSSR k.k. Alizade. a ZOTIKOV, Ye. A.; POROSHINA,, L. P.; KkNYSHKINA, R. P.; URINSON, R. M. "Bound antibodies of akin homografts." report submitted for 10th Cong, Intl Sac of Blood Transfusion, Stockholm, 3-8 Sep 64. Inst of Blood Transfusion & Hematology, Moscow. .FOROSHINA, M.N. .1/ Device for dividing and Ormwing scales of instruments. Izm. tekh. no.2s44.46 F 163. OMU 16s2) (Dividing engine) PORUSt'l-riA. "PlxspLorcucerit Yetnod of Inaivirl.;.~_1 Dosimetric Control". p. L-Lj Truay Vsesoyuznoy Konferea--'i po Mectil6siusewy Raciioiogii (Vogrosy Gigiyeny i Dozimetrii) Mearis, lytpt' Mocco-Of Russian, Dkc. ProccecLings of tnc A.11-Union Conference on '.! Prdiolor:y (HyC-ieuic and Dosime-tric Proolerts). Of 'a e radiations by aid of 199FUI9 L/The dosim ~dioactiv rphosph6rs. tonov-1tomanovsSul, 1. it. Keirisa Ls. 110roshma, and Z. . I rapezin ova. Markus, N zeislyd p- wziz-.~- -Zor 111yu '1101"1109 '31sfy)0"m 13pos a Energii, Zasedardya 01del, Fir-Alat.-Warib .1955, 342-01 -j-dosimetry Is given n (English siimmary).~~A method of which Infrdred.stimulaftil phosphors are Itsed, Cu,Pb; Sr&Ce, Sm; SrS-Eu,Srn (1). 1 was most suitable, therefore it was used to construct a sturdy, portable lnstrum inent for the dosage of.thermal neutrons, 0- and The- work was done mostly with -y-rudiation. where the dose was dctd by the lirli;htness'of the- flasit Of --rray excitation. after thWturninescence had been induced with infrared. , I showed detj)4rap levels and, good excitability by hard ra- diation. ~ This dccptrap level caused a lons4lme light-suin accumulation up. to 40*.-which was the reason why I was - .-selected. : The doses .-registered were between 0.005 and 1000, For' dosec of 'more than 0.5 r., 2-3 readings were , 0: i;ken. ~'Raclt rcadhiff took about I/# min,, and therg was n tim. Instrument responded sponts. rcldXntlCn tlme'(delAy), cous Y.- C t s On was lusthis'wasnotanlit t to n For measure A. cn research but rather or co trot, 9 of tibit ud of thermal neutron flux the Instru- W.. L eiit Shleldid-with Cd env i*. inzh. The VAS-42 sectional oil vell drilling rigs. Rezop truda v prom. 4 no.11:21-23 N 160~ iYIRA 13:1-1) (Ott vell drilling rigs) V. 1. Poroshina, V. I. - "The determination of the LY)tern&l residual stresses in the surface layers (of metal)," Tmdy Stuiench. naucb.-tek~hn. o-va (IMIC'scow -technicall college i-m. Bauman), 2, 1949, p. 67-73,- Bibliog: 6 items SO: U-4355, Ili Aurpst 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnnl Inykh Statey, No. 15, 19,49) IJh PORMINA, Y.L., starehiy nauchny7 sotrudnik. -,:VV! Affect of stirring on the cooling process of tomato products in SED 83-3 jar@. Ref.nauch.rab. VNIIKF no.2:62-65 '54. (MLRA 9:4) (Tomatoes-Preservation) POROSHINA, V.L., starshiy nauchnyy Gotrudnik. Nev apparatus for thermal procesning developed by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Canning Industry. Ref.nauch. rab.VNI11P no.2:65-72 '54. (MLRA 9:4) (Canning and preserving--Apparatus and supplies) FOROSHINA, Y.L., starohiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. Testing the VIIIIKP-2 double-cell hoating apparatus. Trud7 VNIIKOF no.6:58-60 156. (MM 10: 5 ) (Ganning and preserving--Apparatus and supplies) POROI!~!~ V.L. Nodirnizing Ing," August the process of glazed fruit production (from OPood Bnginser- 1956). Kona. i ov. prom. 12 no'.2.-44-45 7 157. (San Francisco--Fruit) (HIBA 10:6) POROSHINA, V.L. Sterilization apparatus with rotation of cans (from American periodicals). Ilona. i ov. prom. 13 no.6:44-46 A '58. (MIRA 11:5) (Canning industry-Equipment and supplies) (Sterilization) POROSHOA, V.L. .... ... - - Checking the quality of canned food with X rays. ZDns. i oT. prom. 12 no-7:W3.-47 J1 '57- (MIRA 12:4) (Pood, Canned) (Z ray&-Industrial applications) KUPCHINSKAS, Yuozas Kazevich;POROSHIVA, Yu.A., red.; MATVEYEVA, M.M., tekhn. red. .~ I .- . - - . [Clinical aspects and immunology of autoallegic diseases and medicinal allergy] Klinika i immunologiia autoallergi- cheskikh zabolevanii i lekarstvennoi allergii. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 131 p. (HIPLA 17:3) FORDSHINA, Yu.A. (Mbsk-va) Unusual case of anmalous position of the stcmach. 39 no.2:129-130 F 161. (WU U-0) 1& Ivpropedevticheskoy teraperticheakay kliniki (zav. - prof. A,A. Shelagurov) lechebbogo fakullteta II Moskovskogo meditain- skogo instituta imeni Mc. Pirogova. (STC14ACH-ABEORMITIES AND DMERITAS) SHELAGUROV, A.A., zasluzhonyy deyatall nauki, prof.; YUREVEV, P.14; POROSHIPA, Yu.A.; ALEKSEYEVA, T.A. Study of allergic factors in the clinical aspects of internal diseases; prelimiray 26 no.2:17-23 F163. ('141RA 16z6) 1. Iz kafedry propedev-tiki vnutrannikh bolezney (Zav. - za- sluzhennyy deyatell-, nauki prof. A.A.Shelagurov) lechebnogo faiullteta Il Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instit- imeni If.I.Pirogova i nauchno-issledovateltskoy alle-Algicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMI SSSR prof. A.D. Ado). (ALLERGY) (MEDIUM, INTERNAL) DOBROVOLISKAYA, T.I.; 110ROSIMIA, Yu.A.; KORIKINA, M,V. Toxic encephalopathy developed following insulin Zhur.- nevr. i psikh. 63 no.8:1208-1216 163. (MIFI 17:10) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki -mutrennikh bolezney (zav. - pro'l. A.A. Shelagurov) lechebnogo fakullteta i kafectra psikthiatrii (zav. - prof. 0.V. Kerbikov) II Moskovskogo med-itsinskogo instituta imeni Pirogova. POROSHINA5 Yil.A.; POLINII-Ul, A.A.; LUK14ANOVA, F,F. Specific diagnosis and clinical aspects of pollinosis (hay fever). Sov. med. 27 no.3'.42-./8 I-Ir 164, (KIRA 17: 11) 1. Nau!:Yn.~:-4~ss."-edovatellskaya allergologicheskaya laboratoriya (zav.- chlen,ko.-resDondent OIN SSSR prof. A.D. Ado) ANI SSSR., Moskva. PORWHINA, Yu. I. (Moskv-a) Case of Gaucher's diseasso Klinomedo 39 no.4t].42-144 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz kliniki propedevtiki vnutreimikh bolezney,(zav. - profo A.A. Ohelaguror7) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute. imeni N.I. Pirogova. (LIPIDOSIS) TO, 97,M 1 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 11 it IT U U is it U 0 ' 11- __X~ P_A~_A I - L 00 A Itt .-v D 00 00 _ D A hi"Iftabs of as OjiQW7R ~~ Stal 0.0 . . . Poroahkin and V. S. Taregorocitser. (Metallurg, 1938, No. 7-8, go a 'pliA$P39). (In Russian). The authors describe some experiments 00 on the cyaniding of steel containing mrbon 0-740/, chromium io 00 a 4-W.%, tungsten 18-40/1,, and vanadium 1,27%, which had been oo subjecte4l to quenching and a double tempering treatment. 7%e s eff t 1 b w i f diff ddi i t i l i 44 ai ec mment on or (x s us Cai eren per ng ng y o Rrre WIT sodium cyanille at (W*C. for 15 MIT), to ( )T 1" " go 70/. of potamium cyatilde and &10% of mlium .. f it 6 fir., (b) (V - "Ya"Wo at MO-5200 C. for 15 min. to 2 fir., anti (r) A mixture of I of + F-10%, Koff at 5WO 0. W).4 for 15, 30, 46, and min. Tito surfitoo layers obtained using hath (e) Wervi slightly thinner Anti their hanIn"M was Slightly lei" than tho" of _ ' layon obtainett In the straight cyranide baths, but the K Fe(( N), b M 0 Hon of bath had the ailvantage of eing non-po6onnum. The AlI 0 X 10% of fIntanium firfrate lowers the melting point oft lie K Ve(C ). fmin 62S' to 5'20-5~5C and thus makes It mijitablo for till trvAt. ., ment of high-Pliml star). Tfiv authors carried out exporimenta on 9 the roinlimition of the surface layers obtained by tho cynnitling of high-m 11 steel and Armoo Iron, 4nd the results confirmetl thtit with r me nisterials.-Arbon an well as nitrogen werl oliffnm4l into the t oth h 1411r(ISEV. Ift c4inclusiott they rofifirt brivily (in 0141 lifi. fif miniv titillilig b f 1 li 4dis o s ffim,j)t voinim)"itimim. Its Clitters whiah had bivii trrAt#4 14! Alm-ILA AITALLURGOCAL t#rC*&T4N CLAStMKATCN 4,j.~ ..r MV ~4i MIT Ora TV" x itn'1114 0 *too 000"00 000 0-0990 0, 00000 __ __9 00000*06009000 &*&see 0 1 ADS SW1140 it *IV 01*4114 1 114 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 o_*,9 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * & 0 WO 0 0 0 0 .00 .00 Vo 199 loo loo too see Cos io 11so moo qDo ACCESSION NR: AT3012750 ''AUTHORS: Grishkevich, L. V.; Gusev, Mirkotan, S. F.; Porshkin, Ye. G. S/283,AO/000/002/0019/0032 V. D.; Kusbnerevskiy, Yu. V.; TITLE: Results of investigations of ionospheric inhomogeneities and their motions, obtained at the Soviet stations during the IGY SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomst. komit..po prov. Mezhdunarodn. geofizich. gdda. 5 razdel program. MGG; Ionosfera. Sb. statey, no. 2, 1960, 19-32 TOPIC TAGS: ionosphere, ionospheric inhomogeneity, international geophysical year, upper atmosphere circulation, diurnal variation,. seasonal variation, drift in the ionosphere radio wave reflection, inhomogeneity lifetime ABSTRACTs This is a preliminary report of systematic observations made in the Soviet Union as cart of the international Geophysical Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT3012750 Year and aimed at investigating the circulation of the upper atmos- Phere, the diurnal and seasonal variations, the behavior of iono- spheric-wind velocity, latitudinal and longitudinal effects, and the' connection of various geophysical phenomena with drift in the ionosphere. The stations at which the motions in the ionosphere were investigated are listed and the measurement equipment and pro- cedures briefly- described. Data are presented on the magnitude and direction of the drift velocity in the E and F2 layers; the aniso- 'f the form of the inhomogeneities in the F2 layers and the ropy. 0 statistical properties of the inhomogeneous structure of the iono- sphere -as described by the behavior of*the turbidity coefficient; the angular spectrum and angles of arrivals of the reflected radio waves; random drift of the ionosphere and the lifetime of the in-. homogeneities; the amplitude distribution; and period fluctuations,., The authors state that although the presence of latitudinal or longitudinal regularities in the parameters investigated cannot b6 deduced-as yet, it is obvious that the.variations of the small- Card 2/4 N ACCESSION NR: AT3012750 scale inhomogeneities are of local character. Comparison of iono- -sphere drift investigations made by different methods indicates that both large and small scale inhomogeneities participate in the generAl.circulation of the ionosphere, their different behaviors are probably due to different origin, and a common cause controls their motion. The preliminary results indicate good agreement be- tween the data obtained in the Soviet Union and abroad. It is urged that thd obtained data be reduced in a more precise fashion than afforded by similarity methods, using correlation analysis and electronic computers. The article is an abbreviation of a paper based on work per'formed by N. M. Yerofeyev and V. P. Perelylgin ~(Ashkhabad), L. V. Grishkevich and N. A. Mityakov (NIRFI, Gorkiy), Yu. V. Kushnerevskiy and Ye. S. Zayarnaya (IZMIRAN, Moscow), V. D. Gusev, L. A. Drachev, S. F. Mirkotan, Yu. V. Be*rezin, M. P. Kiyanov- skiy (Moscow, MGU), V. E. Zelenkov and V. N..Checha (Tomsk, SFTI),- B. L. Kashcheyev, Ye. G. Proshkin, V. V. Tolstov, and N.' T. Tpimbal (Kharkov, XhPI) and V. Kokurin (Simenz)'* Orig. art. has.- 11 figures, Card 3/4 ACdESSION NR: AT3012756 :`3 tables, and 2 formul". ~ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: .00 DATE ACQ:' 220ct63 00 SUB CODE: ASg Al NO REF SOV: 013 OTHER: 007 Z Card 4/4 POROSHKOV, V.A.1 Cand Tech Sci (diss) IIS~udy and Aj--t4,kz~', I-aweif of the rational of the center of gravity j of the swamp tractor." Minsk)1958, 18 pp (Acad Sci B4Sa- Department of ~--hys-Matn and Tech Sci) 150 copies M, 32-58, 109) - 37 - YA3;-,r,jNSKrf, 'k,:ikhail Favlovich; FORObYAGNIKOV, it.1%, nauchn. red.; [Manual on operation of RU-6 streetcars] ",aniat~ka po ekspluatuatsii tramvairiogo vagora RVZ-6. Moskva, Stroi- 0 izdat, 1961". 86 D. (MI.U. 18:9) FORGSZIAi I *Brief review of the forest management in the Vietnam Domocratic Republic' P- 327 ( Gorsko Stopanstovo. Vol. 13, no. 7. Sept. 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7, No. 2. February 1958 PORCSZLAI, Jozaef Rice culture in Vietnam. Mezogazd techn 1 no.11:22 161.