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EXCEPPTA ~EDICA See 15 Vol 12/11 Chest Ms. Nov 59 2583. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLrZICAL ST17DIES OF THE PULMONARY CON- CENTRATION OF ANTIBIOTICS AFTER ENDOBRONCHIAL ADNIM- STRATION - Cercet1ri experirner:ale �i clim-ce asi;pra concemra;;et antibiaticelor Tn plImIni d-,jp.' admin4strare eadobron4icl - -Eokpe-. M. and Lorian V. - NTED.V~TERN~ (Bucureqti) ~'959. 11/2 (li9-1bb) Graphs 6 Tables 3 Illus. 2 Qaantitative determinations were carried out in mice, guinea-pigs and rabbits. and in resection fragments from hurnan cases, after endobronchial administration of antibiotics For erythromycin, isoniazid and cycloserine the method of ad- ministration did not influence the concentration after 3 hr.; in the case of strepto- mycin. neomycin and oxytetracycline. on the other hand. the concentrations after AL endobronchial administration were much higher (10 times or more) than after an- 4 other parenteral administration, and persisted longer. Biophysics CZECHOSWVAKIA POPPER, Kikulas; Chair of Medical Physics, Medical Faculty, Comenius University ~k-itie-aia--fe-karAkeJ Fyziky LekarskeJ Fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho) "Some Remarks Concerning Magnetobiology" Bratislava, Bi2logia, Vol 21, No 10, 1966, pp 771-777 Abstract: Magnetic phenomena in biological processes are discussed. Magnetic properties of biological materials, and the innuence of magnetic fields on biological objects are described. Theoretical aspects of these problems are ovaluated. Some magnatic,phenomena common to biological materials are described- 32 Western., 1 Czech, 11 Russian, 1 East Geman referencee (Manuscript received 21 May 66) POPPIR,M.,prof.; KAUFMLN,S.,dr; CRISTPA,M.,dr; VAIIGOV,T.,dr. The association of tuberculosis with agpergillosis. Yed, innt., Bacur. 12 no.2:295-301 F 160. (TUBERMUSIS MUMONARY complications) (ASPERGILLOSIS complications) POPPER, M.;_WRIAN, V. Effect of cortisone and of hydrocortisone on the microbe-antibiotic relationship. Antibiotiki 3 no.2:67-72 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Klinika fiziologii Bukharestskogo meditsinskogo fakul'teta (CORTISONE, effects. on bact. reactivity to antibiotics (Rus)) (HYDR00013TISONE, effects, same) (ANTIBIOTICS, effects eff. of cortisone & hydrocortisone on bact. reactivity (Rua)) See. 6 Vol 13/12 Interral rpd. Dec 19 7017. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL STUDIES OF THE PULMONARY CON- CENTRATION Or ANTIBIOTICS AFTER ENDOBRONCHIAL ADMINISTRA- TION - CercetArI cxperimentale yi clinice asupra concentraiiei antibioticelor fn plAmIni dupa administrare endobronsicl Po er M1. andLorian V. - MED.INTERNA (Bucureqti) 1959, 11/2'(179_1% 'p . Tables 3 Illus. 2 Quantitative determinations were carried out in mice, guinea-pigs and rabbits, and in resection fragments from human cases, after endobronchial administration of antibiotics. For erythromycin, isoniazid and cycloserine the method of adminis- tration did not influence the concentration after 3 hr.; in the cast of streptomycin. neomycin and oxyletracycline, on the other hand, the concentrations after endo- bronchial administration were much higher (10 times or more), than after other administration, and persisted longer. Nicolaescu - Bucharest (L, 6. 15) E*1.CERPTA MEDICA Sec 6 Vol 13/3 IAernal "led. Mar 59 1691. T11L EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF PRINIARY BRONCII10-PUL'MONARY CARCINOMA - Consideratil asupra dtignosticului precoce .11 cancerului bronho-ppimonar primitiv - Popper M. and Unteanu Gh. - 1491). I.NTERNA (Bucureqti) 1957, 9'jT7_(Fg2g--1835) On the basis of the literature and of findings in 100 cases it if; asserted that bron- cho-pulmonary carcinoma in its Initial stage has only few, unspecific clinical sym- ptoms. Cough is the most frequent symptom (7576); haemoptoic sputum, sudden chest pains and dyspnoea are early symptoms in only about one-third of the cases. Febricula, asthenia, anorexia and weight loss were present in the initial stage in about half the cases studied. The methods of study employed were radiological exploration Invarinus Incidences, penetrating radiography, pneumo-mediastinunt etc. Bronchoscopy followed by biopsy and directed brouchography have led to a correct diagnosis in 75% of the cases studied. Exploratory thoracotomy should, in the authors' opinion, be carried out in all cases where doubt remains. Nicolaesco - Bucharest (XV, 5, 6, 16) EYCERPTA MDICA Sec 6 1Vol 13/3- internal Med. Yar 59' L 1666. coirrICOTHERAPY IN BRONCHOPULMONARY SLIPPURA*rIONS - L.a cor- ticothdrapie dans les suppurations broncho-pulmonaires-P Ni. Wolf A. and Jienescu Z. Centre de Pneumol. 'Elena avel', Chn. Phtisiol., Bucarest - J. FRANC. MED. C11111. THORAC. 1957. 11/5 (49 1-502) Illus. 12 ,rhis treatment, associated with antibiotics, is indicated in bronchopulmonary sup- purations when the expectoration is abundant and the disease has a lingering course. Lowys Roc des Fiz (XV, 6.9) A MLIUNDI/NUcrobiology. lkmo~~Iobirc)plluillic Bacteria. 1-','lthojc,--ic F-5 Fwigi and ActinomyccAes Ab, Jour : P,,-.f Zhur - Biol.) n 14, lr,)5,",, No 62514 Author : PoDpQr M.., Wolf J"-, untocalu Gil. irist : ::- - - Title : The Problem of Puhiomary Yoniliacis Ori I- Pub:Ftiziologia-. 1957; 6, No 5.? 387-395 0 Abstract Tio abstract Card I/' 51 EXCIERPTA Y.TDI,-`A 3ec 6 Vol 13/1 Internal Med. Jan 59 290. CORTICOT111-A-WY IN lift ONC I IIA L- ['17 LMONA RY SUPPI'HATIONS - Cor- tiewerapia In -apuratitle bronho-pulmonare - j1Qj)Rcr M. Wolf A. and lienet;va Z. Spit. Elena Pavel, flucure-ti - MED.I.NTEUNA (Bucu- r re qti) Waft. 10/1 (107-112) Illus. 4 Cortientherapy was applied in 30 cases of various fornis of bronchripulmonary sup- -il,ionis in association with antibiotics and symptomatic treatment. llornione i it was preferably emploved when the other treatments produced incomplete rvsults. By the use of corticoidi amelioration of the general condition, reduction of the septic reactions, diminution and even drying tip of the expectoration and favourable radiological alterations were obtained. It Is considered that cortico- to therapy is indicated in bronchopulmonary suppurations when the septic focus pre- sents a process or excessive and prolonged exudation. Nicolaesco Bucharest (XV,6,50) POPPER., R. Use of oscillographic pola-rography for determining u.-al-I quantities of thal-lium in the presence of an excess of tin and cadmium. Chem zvesti 18 no.5/6:414-417 164. 1. Elektropristroj National Enterprise., Research Section, Bechovice. L 34440-66- -EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c)- RDW/JD ACC NRiAP6026226 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0008 00 1476/147 AM;., Popper, Rudolf ~"ImGt Research Institute, Maktropristroj" n.p., Bechovice (Zlektr6pristroj tilt, VY 117 TITLE: Use of oscillographic polarography for the determination of to1lurium in the presence of selenium SOURCE: Chemicke listy, no* 12, 1965, 1476-1479 TOPIC TAGS: polarographic analysis, chemical identification. oscillograph. selenium, tellurium, solution concentration ABSTRACT: The method is important in analytical work concerned with seniconductors, iffiere these two metals are usually found present together. The advantage of the method is due to the fact that it is not necessary to separate Se from To for the analysis. It is possible to determine To contained in So at concentrations of 8.10~8 M wit~i an accuracy of 10%* Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. J-PRS: Y+,6627 SUB CODE: 07, 20 / SUBM DATE: 190ct64 / ORIG REF: 002 / SOV REF; 001 OTH REF: 001 POPPER, Rudolf Oscillopolarographic determiration of small quantity of thal-liumm. Chem prum 13 no.10-.527-528 0 163. 1. Elektropristroj, n.p., vyzkum Bechovice. 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 46 a 4 610 0 0 0 a 0 4 a 0 4 1 1 1 k7 I 1 1) is it I? is 11 jo It 11 13 it A it 14 t, p 11 11 11 14 " js 11 m h 11'.9 p ~ r Q 4 1 - I . _V" 1 1, AA 00 OP f~ f I . , 1 -0 41 PON lit -1, w, ".()Fos .00 IM A Rk a" is of ow, Y Ild 8 /led -00 4v. anillms. of I , ,, - I'll 'ImMU) .-file 0.671mi. 1.&411j. tat, k. ru I arm Avid (I,tNmg, (). - am Jukv .11 .66 .00 '%Icth'xb ftw 1h4' detu-01 Lbese acid* w,utli, =40 r.00 qjo .11i A s a S L A SITALLUPOICAL LIT111.71,01t CL.SSIPICATICM 00 __ .1 . - - I 1 10 0 s !AD 0 4jilIl7w--_ u is 49 00 sp p tv to op g Ir a It V K It It M HLO n I to d 94 IJ 03 11 it 0 0 0 0 0 If 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or 0 0 0 Zouseanna; MUK, Imrs Complexon III In the determination of metal Ions. Is Determination of blood calcium ions. liserletes orvostud. 6 no.4:374-377 JulY 54. 1. A For. Peterfy Sandor-utcai Korhazrandelo Laboratori (CALCIUM. in blood determ.v ethylonediaminotetraacette acid) (ACITIC ACID, deriv. ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid, determ..of blood calcium) (BLOW calcium, determ., otbylenediaminotatraacatic acid) BACH, Imre, dr.; FELIX, Janos, dr.; GARAS, Zsuzsa, dr.; KOMOR, Karoly, dr.; POPPER, Zsuzsa, dr. Effect of neosteron on creatine excretion in muscular dystrophy. MaU. Nlorv. arch. 8 no.4:106-108 Aug 55. 1. A Fovarosl Peterfy Sandor utcai korbaz-rendelo (Igazgato: Lendvat, Jozsef dr.) B. belosztalyanak (fonrvos: Bach, Imre dr., &z orvostiLidomanyok kandidatusa) es laboratoriumanak (foorvos: Szmuk, Imr- dr.) kozlemanys. (ANDROGETIS, effects, on creatine excretion in musc. dystrophy.) (URI NE. creatine, off. of androgens In musc. dystrophy.) (CREATINE. in brine, off. of androgens in musc. dystropby.) (PROGRESSIVE 14USCULAR DYSTRDPHY, off. of androgens on urinary creatine in.) --7 rol-rtk~' L- ~ MMK, Imre, dr.; BACH, Imre, dr.; DANZIGER, Laszlo, dr.; FSME, BaWs. dr.; FLEISCHMA1111, Laszlo, dr.; JAKO, Geza, dr.; MISSURA, Tibor, dr.; POPPER, Sffuzaanna &r.; SZABADOS, Daiffy, dr. Use of radioiodine in localization of inflamed regions (foci, abscesses). Orv. hetil. 97 no-34:949-951 19 Aug 56. 1. A Foviarosi Peterfy Sandor u. Korbazrendelo (igazgato: Lendvai. Jozeef. dr.) kozlemenye. (BRAIN, abo'cese exper., localization with radioiodine In dogs (Hun)) (IODINE, radioactive in localization of exper. brain abscesses in dogs (Hun)) 1. ~. --'I:- ~ - ~- ~:t -_ .1 .: - POPFQFF? I.D.; GHEORGHIEV, D.I. Introduction of substances into plants by the capillary method. Studii cerc biochimie 7 no.lsl9-22 164. 1. Department of Biochemistry of the Institute for Plant Culture, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria. . ?4 1 ! . -. ~ , - - . ,-, ; , - ~ :" - ;, -, - I -,, - - , L. ; N i U. .- ~ ; r.' i ',* ~. , P., ".f, ~ ... ; ~r . , - -, :-:: v i.. A :~ ~ ii; I _ L. !i .- '-;, w4c"i - , /'- /,"? - ,, ", , 11 r-..,; , *FKr .1;!.t~ki- -, -1 1, n -, . ': - `- '~ - ~ ~~I. - - - I ! ., . - 11 - d -., -1 . f 62. (.,r-r I I A I ? -.- 1~ ) .1 I. I ~-tn I-ft~nj. arch ; -.-) I-r- cf' , Xte- rfrnen~a---- li'l fortrary 5~:Isn:le.9 ,POPPRE, Forenc, okl.gepDszmernok, SVOF-type steara trap. lpari energia 2 no.4:86-r-i Ap 161. 1. Hoenergiagazdasagi es Tervezo Vallalat. PONUINNO: A.IK., inzh. , - r~i, nerd, t, 1. 1 .. ~Or7,ance &I' -,, jnve3tLgfL"nP Z~,.e B" new type stations of deeply laid aubways. Sbor. trud. 1.1-I"."'T (,! I F no.209:56-71 163. POPRALVYIO,-A,-V., Cand. Agri. SGi. (diss) "Selection and Reveal- ing of Varieties of Permanent Fodder Grasses for Flooded Meadows of Forest-Steppe of Central Chernozem Oblastsn Leningrad,~ 1961, 23 pp. (All-Union Acad. Agri. Sol.) 150 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 280). POPRAVK09 A. V. Grasses Some characteristics of the deveolpment of perennial grasses. Agrobiolog-iia, No. 4, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,November 1952. Unclasslfil)d. POPRAYKO, X. A, Cand Geol-Min Sri -- (diss) ".Petrolo~~y of the of the of the Fri~,~rLLbera (viestern Azov region)." Kharlkov, 1958. 16 pp (Min of Higher Educstion Uk-SSR. Kharlkov Order of IZ or Red Banner State Univ im A. 11. Gorlkiy. Chair of Mineralogy), 150 copies (KL, 52-58, 100) -27- POPB.&VKO, K.A. _.-I.- - - --, _:'I.I.:7' Z -11 Boudinage atructures in crystalline rocks of the western Azov region. Geol.zImr. 19 no.l:lo4-lo8 '59. (HM 12:2) (Azov region-Rocks, Crystalline and metamorphic) MOM= AUTHOP. Popravko, K. A. SOVI 2o- 12o-6-4 5/~:9 TITLE: n errelations in the Geological Age of the Crystalline RockQ in the Basin of the Lower Reach a' the Berda River J. (Lurid bordering the Miest Azov Sea) (iozrastnyye vzaimoct- nosheniya kristallicheskikh porod basseyra nizhnego tc-cheniya r. Berdy (Zapadnoye Priazoviye)) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk NSSIR, I Q58, Vol, *12o, Nr 6, PF, 1326- 1 -;2(? (USSR) AL.STRACT: These relations have not yet been con2idered in publications, itmorig all stratigraphic conse true IV- ions concerning the Pre- -Cambrian of the mentioned area (Refs 2, 3, 5, 12, 13, 17-19-1. 22, 23) the diagram by 1. S. Usenko strikes because of its completeneee. 1lo-wever, considerable corrections are necessary as tile investigatioria carried out by the author have shown. This refers especially to the position of the ultra-basites and the metabaoites as well as to the size of the old meta- morphoue formation. According to the opinion of the author Ueanko had 4ncluded also more recent rocks. The author de- Card 1/4 :3crlbes the geological development of the mentioned district. SOV/ 2o-12o-6-45 'i59 Interrelations in the Geological Age of the Crystalline Rocks in the Ba-ZJ*n of the Loner Rpach of' tho Berda River (Land Bordering the Zfeot Card 2/4 Qld gneitis luyers belong to the Archeozoic era. After the termination of the geosynclinal stage of this oldest atrur- ture an orogenic 2tage followed. The first important folding of the gneisR 1,4vers as well as the 1-netration of graniter of the kdrovograd type ;.nto the gneiss are connected with the latter. The sedimentation-of the effu~ aive-eedimentary Euite took place at the:.initial stage cf F. new Lower .1'roterozoic geosynclinal zone. The alternation of sedimentary and effusive rocks indicates that the latter apparently belong to a typical sp3litic formation. Their fcr, mation Wok place tinder repeated eruptions of basic and tiltra- -basic lavi-t. The effusive-sedimentary suite shows a relativs~ ly considerable thickness (1,5 - 2 km). This indicates a formation under geogyriclinal conditions. The conseinati-,r~ of structural relies in some stones as well as a complel-e ing of formations of migmatization indicate a more age of the mentioned suite. The author places it to Hie, Loy-V '(Refs 10, 24) cannot foijnd Proterozoic era. This suite in the mentioned diagrams by Usenko (Refs 18-20, 22)~ The author is of thp-.0pinion that the effusive-sedimentary suite. S0,11 2o-!2c-6-45/5~1~ . I I liitorr~lations in the Geological Lge of the Crystalline Rocks in the Bas;n he Lo wer Reach of the Berda River (Land Bordering the '~Yest Azov Sea) and tl~,e old gnoistles ImIst not Vie Placed into the Ultine P.,00- logical stage. I'lore over, - the exclusion of this suite does not at all mean its inclusion into the Krivoy-Rog- (kri- vorazliskays.) suite. These rocks must occupy the place3of the greenztone cover (Ref 15) or of the metabasites which are otratified below the Krivoy-Rog suite (Refs 10, 12, 15, 24)- In conclusion the intermediate and the most recent i1ccici of the district are discussed, There are I table and 24 ref~,rences, -.-rhich are Scviet. ASSOCIATION: Xharlkovskiy gornyy institult (i'harlkov Institute) PRESELVED: ;,,arcq 20, by D. '-,. 'Korzhinskiy, Member, Academy of 'O'ciew-es, U ~;.S i M LTTr,*3 - ,!&rch 18, 19 5 Card 3/ 4 SOV/ 2,,I-)2C-6-4-7;,!"j,9 'nterrelaticns Iae Ie~)Iogical ge of the Crystal"ine Rock~! in the of the Low-~r iezich or' the berda iiver and Eordering In TF--. --'Lzoi Zf e a 1. Rock--Geology 2. Geological tirte-Determination 3. Geophysics ..Prd ki4 PANOV, Boris Semenovich; POPRAVKO, K.A., otv. red.; AIIABIYEN, N.Z. , red. [Fluorite in the Donets Basin] Fliuorit v Donetskom Basseine. KharIkov., KharIkovskii gos. univ., 1965. 98 1;. (MIRA aP,!-12) POPRAVKO, K.A. C --------- Age relationships of cr7stalline rocks in the lover --Benrda YaUey (western part of the Azov region). DDkl. AN SSSR 120 no.6:1326-1329 Je '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Kharlkovski7 gorny7 institut. Predstavleno akademikom D.S. Korzhinskim. (Berda Valley-Rocks, Crystalline ancl metamorphic) POPRAVKO, K.A.; SAVICH-ZKBLOTSKIY, K.N. Pre-Cambrian crystalline limestones from a newly discovered outcrop in the western part of the Azov region. Min.sbor, no.12:430-435 '58. (MIRK 13:2) 1. Gosuniversitat imoni A.M.Gorlkogo. Kharlkov. (Azov region-Limostons) GREBENYUK, M. S. ; FOFRAVKIN, V. A. The 11-7 and "Xek-h"obr 6T" flotation machines. Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.10:4-6 160. (milu 13: 10) (Ore dressing-Eqaipment and suppliea) KOTOV Jq G.; POPRAVKO, L. (Zhitomir)i BOYKO, P. (Kiyev); HERG, I. (Simferopol') I ~, They are from the Mr-rains. Pozh.dala, 9 no.11:26- ? N '63.(~C.RA -17:1) 1. Zameatitall nachallnika uchebnogo otdola Kharlkovskogo pozharno- tekhnichoskogo uchilishcha (for Kotov). GUREIVICH I A. I.; KOLOSOV, M.N.; KO.','ViKO, V.G.; POPRMKO, S.A.; Sirr: " ff,'. Kill, i Tetracyclines: -Farz. 4-13: Michae--" Is reacLicn vith- d, e r f -, ~- -- f v ~- B. ~ 12- -- L tricycline DCB. 7hur. ob. khim. 35 Ap (21U-ifi 18: 5) 1. Institut khimii prirocnyk.- nloyedineniy All SSSR. KOLOSOV, M.N.; 1~9~~ATKO,. S.A.; SHEMYAKIII, M.M., akademik Construction of the DGB system of tetracyclizie-S. Dckl. LN SSSR 150 no.6:1285-1288 Je 163. 1. institut khimii prirodn/kh soyedineniy AN SSSSR. (ANTIBIOTIGS) (TRICYCLINE) YUDINJV L.G.;.POPRAVKO, S.L.; KOST, A.N. Gondensed systems with a nitrogen heteroato--. Part 5: Formation of the hYdrdI%pOAMhNMr. structure in the Fisher reaction involving 1-aminoindolines. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.11:3586-,3590 N 162, . - (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Quinolone) (Indoline) KOSTY A.N.; YUDIN, L.G.; POPRAVKO, S.A. Condensed systems with a nitrogen heteroator- Part I,.- - Synthesis of benRopy=ollzines with functional groups. Zhur.ob.kbim. 32 no.5:1541#,-1550 My 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Pyrrolizine) KOLOSOV, M.N.; POPRA,VKO, S.A.; GUREVICII, A.I.; KOROBKO, V.G.; VASINA, I.V.; SHE14YAKIN, M.14. Tetracyclines. Part 28: Synthesis and reversible isomerization of the derivatives of 9-keto-4,5,10-trihydroxY"1,4,4a,9,9a,10-hexahydro- anthracene. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.8:2534-2539 Ag 164. (MIRA 17: 9) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. KOLOSOV, M.N.; J~qPRAVKO, S.A,; KOROBKO, V.G.; KARAPETYAN, M.G.; SIHEMYAKIN, M.M. Tetracyclines. Part 30: Construction of a tricyclic system DCB of tetracycline anti-biotic. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.8:2547-2r53 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. SAPHRIN. L.D.; ORALOV, L.N., inzh.; POPHAV 9 V.I., inzh. - - P _-- -- ~ Constructim of a subterranean underpa3s by the graphic work sahedule methcd. Transp. stri-A. 15 no.9-17-290 S 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Nachall-alk 'Upravlenlya a Lroitallstva Kiyevskoga metropolltena (for SaprfK].n). ARTSYBASBEV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; ALEKSEYEV, V.V., otv. red.; POPRET1NSKIY,1_jj.., red.; BORUSHKO, T.I., red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekhn. red. (Concise manual for determining the density-.of rocks and ores by the method of gamma ray attenuation) Kratkoe ruko- vodstvo po opredeleniiu plotnosti porod I rud metodom os- lablenila gamma-luchei, Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 57 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Rocks-Density) (Ores--Density) (Gamma rays-Industrial applications) POPRETINSKIY., I.F. Determining coefficients of diffusion of radon and ema-mation capacities of rocks from emanation probing curves. Vop.rud. geof. no.2:105-114 161. (19RA 15:4) (Radon) (Radioactive prospecting) T1 N S& 11) T AUMORS: Grammakov, A. G. and-,Popretinskiy, I. F. 49-6-io/21 TITLE: Distribution of radon in loose deposits in presence of oreols of radium scattering. (Raspredeleniye radona v rykhlykh otlozheniyakh pri nalich-ii oreolov rasseyaniya radiya). PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geofizicheskaya" (Bulle of the Ac.Sc., Geophysics Series), 1957, Ro.67 789-793 (U.S.S.Re) ABSTRACT: Some data are given ofthe study of the dependence between radon concentration in loose deposits of the weathered Earth's crust and of the radio activity of these deposits. Numerous investigations have shown that the distribution concentration of radon in loose deposits depends on the content and character of the radium distribution in these deposits and on their emanation; the character of distribution of radon also depends on the conditions of gas exchange between the loose deposits and the atmosphere. The steady state values of the radon concentration at any point of the cross section of the loose deposits and their relation with available sources of emanation are sought by solving the diffusion equation. It is shown in the graph, Fig.2, that the distribution concentra- 'Card 113 tion of radon in the middle part of the layer of loose 49-6-10/2, Distribution of radon in loose deposits in presence of I oreols of radium scattering. (Cont.) There are four graphs. SUBMITTED: August 20, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 313 POPRIKOV, St.; DIANKOV, L. Differential diagnostic diffuculties in the interpretation of supplementary shadows in the area of the -liver cupula. Suvr. me'd. 14 no.12:31-35 163. I NEVMERZHITSKAYA, E.A.; BELYAYEVA, A.N.; POPROTSKAYA, V.A.; KUDRYAWSEVA N.A. Studying the composition of gas from methane electrocrackJng. Khim. prom.. 41 no. 12t895-896 D 165 (V,--'iA 19:1) KUZ'KIN. S. (Moskva); KOLSSNIKOV, V. (g.Lugansk); lAhRININ, I.; RDMUS, K.; -EQMUaA-.-A.; OGORODIIIKOV, K.; IVAWV. G.; YAKOUNT, K. (g.Che- bokEsary); FBRULEV, A. Readaralis lattera. Izobr.i ratts. no-7-30-31 JI 059. (141RA 12: 11) 1. Predeadatell zavodskogo Bovata Vnesopiznogo obsbchef3tva izobre- tateley I ratsionalizatorov teplovozostroitellnogo ordana Laninu zavoda im. Oktyabrli3koy revolyutaii (for Kolonnikov). 2. Otvatst- vannyy sakratarl rayonnoy gazety "Borioovokaya kommuna". Belgorod- akaya obl. (for Marinin). 3. Ilachallnik Byuro sodeyetviya ratsionali- zataii i izobrotatellstvy (BRIZ), g.Dneprozarzhinsk (for Rimkus). 4. Radaktor gazety "Znamya Dzerzhinki". g.Dneprodzerzhinak (for Popruga). 5. Direktor Urallskogo Doma t"kbnil-,I, g.Sverdlovsk (for Ogorodnikov). 6. Starshiy Inzhaner Byuro sodaystviya* ratsionalizatsil i izobratatelletvu (BRIZ) Voronezhakogo parovozoremontnogo zavoda imeni Dsorzhinnkogo, g.Voronezh (for Ivanov). 7. Predsodatell zavodskoy organizatsii Voesoyuznogo obehchestva izobrotateley i ratuionalizatorov Lyalvenalcogo metallurgicheflkogn zavoda, g.kvslva (for Ferulav). (Efficiency, InduBtrial) FOPHUGA, V.A. In the front ranks of the aeven-year plan. Histallurg 5 ao. 12:34-35 D 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Metallurgicheskiy zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo. (Open-hearth furnaces) FEDOROTI NikolAy Fedorovichyprof., doktor.t-lrhn. nauk; GUSEV9 Valerian KikhaylovJxJ4 datomtp. Icard. i-.e'kbn - maulc - POPRUGIF I. V. I ratpanzaut; MOROZOVI, V.I., im-ab., ratnanzent; GZFDING, A.K., kand. kgil-'hn. "mik, -nauelmn.rod.; ZMANOV9 D.A. 9. J=h. p.-nauebW7 red.; ZHMVSKH9 N.A., red.; TOLCROK, K.M.9 tekhn. red.; PLILIKINA9 Ye.A., takhn. red. [Sanitary euginserinil Sanitarnaia tekbnika. lanirgrad, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialamp 1961 371 p. (Sanitary engin6wring) WRA 14:6) co 0(--:5-1 rq, I - v AGRANONZ. Te.Z.. kand.tekhn.nauk; BELOT, A,N.. dotsent; OLADKOT. A.M., Insh.; GLUSKIN, S.A., inzh.; ITANOT, L.T., doteent. kand.takhn. nau ; LIPKIN, Te.T., kand.takhn.nauk; NIKIFOROT, G.N., doteent, kand.takhn.nauk; FVSHNSON, I.B., Insh.; PRIGIR, le.A., doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk; PTATOT, Ta.N., insh.; ROXHCHIN, Te.Z., insh.; FEDOROV, H.F., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SHYARTS, R.B., inzh.; SHIGORIN. G.G., dotsent. kand.tekhn.nauk; SHIFRIN, S.M', prof., doktor takhn.hauk; ;P_=__VAIN, 1 T , inzh., retoenzent; KATS, L.F., insh., retsenzent; ROTMERG, A.S., red.izd-va; VORONETSKAYA, Lj.,, EManual of water-supply engineering and sewerage] Spravochnik po vodosnabzhoniiu I kanalizateli. kod red. B.F.Pedorova. Lenin- grad. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arWt. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 410 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Moscow. tkosudarstyennyy proyektnyy Inetitut Vodokanalproyekt. Leningradekoye otdeleniye. (Water-supply engineering) (Sewerage) RADIUN., S.V., inzh.;,,POPRU.GO, S.M., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: VASILIYEV, G.A., inzh.; BUTYRSKIYY, S.I., tekhnik Automatic skip lifting. Mekh. i avtow. proizv. 17 no.8-.11-13 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) . J-~- TITLZ: Conr~reac. on ;Wtoc-147e rroc.azes F=ODICjLL- T3vazayY~ Nr 7. PP 84-87 IUSSR) ABSTRACT: On 23-.1d February 1959 a conference was hold In Noscow for awmaing-up and coordlmatln~; work on outoclave processes in the metaUurgy of boary, aaa-forrous, rare and noble ij, A~ - - s. The conference board jcparts ~ 3 rOll w- ho _1 D.U. Yukhtanov, Gintavetmet, an progress throughout t o ~ world on the use of hydrozatallurgicea, particularly auto- i s eve. Methods rar mon-farrous and rare metal production; ' Dobrokbotov, Olproaikall, on nickel leeching practice a Card 1/5 ; .oma Soviet workst N. _1~6ftoobklnm mad ~,. It. Dohr~h-ny on the thermodynamics mod kinetics or the selective reduo- Zion by hydrogen and carbon Monoxide under pressure of nickel and Canals rr= 3olutloA; and X._Al_ She acifil .1opgya, GiprooikeLl, on design d one on the appli- Vjttioa or the flow3bects dealt with by r. N. Dobrokbotov it% the TuzhuralaikeLl and Sevo:roalkel Cc=blras and the ,,raloyakly (Ura) Nickel Works. Lorsingrodakty garcyy iantitut (Leningrad Mining Institute) on the advantages of a ccmbinod r1atation-autoclave method for of slime% containing platlAum-group metal S*varoaikall combine, and 3. _Z~Sobcll , GiatwTatmet, On the eamenti ale of %be a utral method of orldizing leaching or nickel concentrate convarter-matte rlotmtiou'. 13. 1. Sobal-I on preliminary = investigations as the development of sulyhurLo mthad for leaching nickel and cobalt from. oxidized tackol area; -N. H. Makhmmobr, on the Main result* of invoatUnitions of the autoolave-Go4a Card 2/5 process for treating tuagaten-ore bonsficiation products. Uckh=obr, and-D--A. 3,1a~WL'Av, Skopla. okay& (Skopinsk) Toor, separately, on pr;allams in the appllcatioA of an autoolavo-soda flow3beeZ to fichoolito and woLframito raw tertal; 0. &. Ucjsr3on, K. To. a -' ~s kjy R. A.-N41juk and A.- P. s Shapiro, N. V. Xhjty - _31"Ut t dvatn iii'tallov kh d t1 2 anoya s y Metals Inst t t on the treat- 1 u f sent Of tungsten concentrates in ftermatical. heated bell- mills with acids or caustic alkalies; V. 1. Spirld0novit, 3.-1. Soboll . To. 1. CuIyAyqyo. 1_ L. Berlin, 1. ' and on the treatment of - ed-Ud-auprapmro1 sulphtda molybdenum raw mattrIL1 pr*;aF I I. Vol "I by ozldizicZ autoclave alkaline lowblzg; ff _ . and S. T., Sqtol~ an the kinetics of oxidt.;~ kto loacbLlzg;'- X. N. Zelik--an and Z.-M.-I.Yapina. F-rascoyarsk xon-rarrou*-Wetals Institute. an the results of a Stu4 of coaditicas for the saleotiTo separation or lower OxId.s of tungsten and molybdentan from their Belt solutions by bydroGea under pressure; DarblAyaa,, rorzo- Card 3/5 matmIlurgicheakiy instit-at crtaing-uOtAllurgical Institute) of the Sarnarkhoz (d-oaozi- comnaill of the Army- itya SSR (Armenian SSR), on his Investigations Of omMaziacal ftutm~ clove leaching under oxygen pressure or moIrIcIdenum Cocoon- trates; on technic &I-ecoacclic factors or ammoat 4041 leaching; A. 1. Sinallaikove and 1. N. PIcksin. Xrosaolrak Xon-rertou-s-lMirlelcstltutc, on an oxtailthi auto4l%vo process rot! gold-goatntaiag raw material . 0- 0. 21=1)x, Urallskiy politekhtichaskly institut (Ural Polytechnic Icstitutej on the ocharlOur of cable motals in ox1dizzirg arroclove llcaChtza In thlosulptatt solutions; A. L. T3rft and 0. A. Tazdjki and A. Yu._Padaba 1 llr4t~ i Ob4,;a3hab4rlYi_A fRZt allurgy and Benariciattoz nAtituto or ttm As raz sm), respe4ttv.ty, On the P1170icOcbe=104. f-4rAm=nn-_aIs ani an wOrXd1tr1%1* or I auto:iew. oa,.- ioactiag or pcymotauic matirials: 1. Y-4. leshth, Giproalkel I, on t4i noullobility Of a.1t0Cl*ve laachl4g for liz-~cnt0alao, =ucerlals: V. A. Beras~tt.yn. VA=. on lad4strial exporin4c. of leaching process for baizites', V. 15. Troacy, ZO..v-,A LN Card 4/5 SSSR (IONra AS USSR!, on mpou=s a' semo rari in various valffacy states under oxygen and hydrogen pressure I the presence of anhydrous aximonla; Z. L. Berlin, * Lats To cmat, ca auroclave deaLtA and Operation; 1~. 0. G _ -- shnav3kiy, VNII .111~OVIOT, Giproolkell and 11~1 _ie_ vi I ._ u -coo U7.3 C14 the deV.- i tiodol at adfr6khtm on !Los an du red-at, on x 10 a P=- nt a =I r Polyanov, 1.. B. i the design or an experfmantal. ateh-predsurd julp Pump. Q. L. Shvwrt3. nIIXhX1.1'A3n, am the selection or steel for sold leachloC 0:' Cobalt Matte Add =ettte-flotatl0ft conc antruto; Y-i. 1. Jrchakov, VHI1nofLekh41=, on aorro~ .10. CC typ"a IKh13NVT, 10.zZIND and lOaZ.D steel. in bola Owl alkaline solutions iR the presence of motel ffft1ta an't oxyger. at5- 15 ice/=-; V. 1. Daryabini wit N. N Kml,:,1ttn. 5epor,%.Iy~ an pro-;rLQn of stdeib. T%t 00..rr~no. mmde rocornondutionz ~t trio ox-ennlon or.1 PERLOV, P.M.; POPRUKAYLO, V.M. Interaction of iron and manganese tungstates. vith sodAUM solutions -,in conditions of the autoclave process. Obog. rud 4 no.5:15-19 159, (MIRA 11*:8) "states) (Hydrometallurgy) LJSSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Digestion, Stomach. T Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biel.) No 15, 1958, No. 70259 Author Popr-~.qbx if 16 Inst Crd6ftnOV YRi'Cfirj1E;titUtO Title :,The InfLionco of Drug-Induced Sloop on the Devolopmoil'. of Exporiwntal Ulcers and tho Secretory Functions of the Stomach of Dogs Subjected to the Action of Atophan Orig aib :Tr. Kishinovsk. bbd. In-ta, 1957, vol 6, 211-217 Abstract :In dogs with isolated Pavlov stomachs atophan (in doses of 0.1 gm/kg for a -poriod of 3.3 days) produced in the larger stomac:z t1io formation of ulcers, and a considerable intensification of gastric secretion from the isolated stomach in roeponse to a fooding stimilus in both phases of secretion, but it did not inflixonco the quality and componition of the gastric juice. With the simultaneous adminiEftration of ataphan and madinal (given tvico daily Card 1/2 79 POPRYADUKHIN, A.P. Behavior of the lines of force of a closed stellarator magnetic the ease of disturbances. Zhur.tekh. fiz. 34 no.4t 658-665 Ap t64, (MIRA 17:4) POPRUZEM" J. (L~dz) A property of particularly ordinated sets. Fund math 53 no.l: 13-19 163. A theorem of W. Sierpinski. 51-53 , M 1. Instit#t Matematyczny, Polska AlIcademia Nauk, Warszawa. POPRUZENKO, J. A Property of a class of abstract measures. In French. D. 189. (COLLOWURIM PIATHRIATICINI. Vol. 4, no. 2, 1957. Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) DC. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. POPRUZENKO, J. On the speed of growth,of.the infinite series of positive integers. 1. In French. p. 235* FUNDAMENTik MATHEHATICAE. (Polska Akademia Nauk) Warszawa, Poland. *4- 46,' no. 2, 1959 Monthly, List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9,, no. 2, Feb. 196o Uncl. L 10403-67 Ap CE N'Rj A - M633035 SOMWE CODE: UR/2504/& i660i604610050 AUTHCR: Popryadukbin. A. P, ORG: none TITLE: Motion of particle and pla eqjallibria in:a, stellarstor 4,IM magnetic' f1el4 j SOURCE: AN SSSR. Fisichaskly institut- TrudY~V- 32, 1966- yizi~ta "Pla=y (FLWM& physic.-~), 46-59 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic. field. particle notion, magnetahYdrodynamics ABSTRACT: From the point of view of the Possibility Of equilAbriua in a system, the important question arises as to the existence of magnetic surfaces. when taking into account corrections to the nuU approximation. This question is the main subject of the article. In addition.-on the basis of the drift kinetic equation, the author .,,~;..:considers the application of magnotohydrodynamics to the question of equilibrium. Ike ""':article starts with a mathematical treatment of the problem of a helical magnetic field,.and then goes on to consider the motion of particles in such a field, The next section is devoted to the question ofequilibrium in a helical magnetic field. This is followed by a consideration of perturbation of magnetic surfaces and determination of the conditions for the existence of closed surfacese The final section treat@ the effect Of toroidal characteristics an the magnetic surfaces of a helical field* It in Card L 10403-67 ACC NRt AT6033035 concluded that the magnotohydrodynamic description of a paaams without collisions in a strong stellarator type magnetic field Is valM only for the partial. case of isotropic Injection in'a minim= magnetic'field on a magnetic surfaces; Qr1g* arts has: 37 formulas and 10 figures. SUB CODIC: 20 ,SUBK DAM'-- 1=0 RE6 M3 - kz ~ . ~ I;Y P % Y o rz t L pi ; P A 7, Cmd 21270 ~T, INT(l) IJP(C) ACC NRs P6002439 SOURCE CODE'. UR/0057/65/035/012/2167/2]L75 AUTHOR: Berezhotakiy,,M.i;.; Grebenshchikov, S. To. Popryedukh1n, A9P, ORd:- Physics-InotlZtuto la. P.N.Lebodev, Moscow (Fizichookiy Institut) TME- Investigation of the structure-of ~.'.mngnetle surfacos,in 2 stellarator with Y, 35 no '12 ;1965~_2167_2175 SOURCEf.::Zhurnai: teil~icheakoy f Wki TOPIC.'%AGS.- helical. magnetilb f I-eld, magnotte'trap magnetic 77-, s~M, The gnetic suifaces of.Ahb~' tellaiitoi,field in.-the-L-1tordidal Petic, r .8 ma e~cp 'beams. _h ad7been . de8crib .ed*else- trap.have. been lored:with electko'n* The L-1 machine. * ,her'et Ial. ~(DA~ SOR, 160,' 1293 1.965)0 The.stainlesg steel chamber wds a torus with large and small radii of 60 cm and 5cm. The longitudinal magnetic field had a strength of 3 kOe during the measurements and its corrugation on the axis was about 1.5%.~ The helical magnetic field was produced,by four.helical conductors of 7,:turns eachipeighboring conductors carrying currents-in opposite directions. The ratio h/H of the fundamental harmonic h.of the helical field-to the longitudinal field H could be varied from 0.3 to 0.7. Three different techniqued were employed to explore- the magnetic surfaces: IM beam of 60-100 eV electrons was directed along a line of force at a selected point in the chamberband was collected after a single revolution Card 1/2 UDC: 538.122 L 131,59-66, 'ACC NRt AP6002439. on an electrode that filled the entire cross'section of the chamber. By~.-varying t'ffe position of the gun the area was, mapped out from which substantially all the injected electrons reached the collector.. 2) Apulse of 20 eV electrons was injected along a line.of forceand the lifetime of the electrons in 'the chamberwasdetermined with an electrostatic induction probe. Lifetimes of 200 306 11 sec, corresponding to 150-200 revolutions, were usual. 3) An electron pulso.was injected and the corresponding magnetic surface was mapped outwith a small movable electrostatic induction probe. By measuring the time between injection and detection oUthe pulse, the number of revo2uti6ns (up to about 20) corresponding to a given-point on the magnetic surface could be determined. The presenceof closed magnetic surfaces was established for values of h/H less than 0.6. The magnetic.surfaces were-highly distorted or destroyed when b/H was increased beyond 0.6; the reason for this is not understood. Low order resonant perturbations were detected. These were evinced by a sharp decrease in the lifetime of the injected electron pulse at the resonant values of h/H and by break-up of the magnetic_surface into two or three pieces, depending on the order of the reson- ance. The resonances.were observed at,the predicted values of.h/H. The effect of a transverse magnetic field on the magnetic surlaces was investigqted. This was found to shift the positions of the magnetic surfaces without significantly distorting them, in accord with theoretical calculations. The authors thank HM.Zverev and G.S.Voronov for assistance with the experiments, and U,S,Rabinovich for his in-Te-irest and for' valuable discussionso, Orig. art. has: I formula and,8 figures. SUB CODS: 20 SUBM DAM 16Apr65 ORIGS' REF1 OW OTH REF: 004 KICHIKOV, I.I.; KROTKOV, F.G., redaktor; ANIGHK(N, N.N., redaktor; BXUMISIW, Y.N., redaktor; TYGCDCHIKOV, G.T., redaktor; WASOT, V.M., rodaktor; ZILIM, L.A.. redaktor; KRATXTSKIY, N.A., redAktor; PAVLOVSKIT, Ye.N., redaktor; SOBOLI, S.L., redaktor; BMIN, R.I., redaktor; DOGELI, V.A., radaktor; GABERLAND, M.I., takhnicheskiy redaktor; POPRYADUKRIN, K.A., takhaicheekt- redaktor. [Collected vorks (Acm4emy edition)] Akademicheakee sobranis sochinenii. Red.kollegiia: F.G.Krotkoy i,c1r. Moskva, Go@. izd-vo med.lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1955. 390 P. (BIOU)GY) (HLBA 9:5) GAS"ICH, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich; LYUBARSKIY, Ya.Yu., radaktor; ZOMYA~U- XHIN, K.A.. tekhnichookiv redaktor;s predioloviyon professors. A.Y..-, BakulwW~- [Nikolai Ivanovich Progov's scientific literary and spistolar7 legacy] Nauchaos. literaturnos i spistoliarnoe naeledie Nikolaia Ivanovicha Pirogova. S predial. A.N.Bakulava. Moskva. Goo. iEd-vo mod. lit-ry, 1956. 261 P. (MIU 9:8) 1. Prezident Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Bak-ulev) (Pirogov, Nikolat Ivanovich, 1810-1881) UDEV i.A., rF. d P i LD red. 4~ c-n the Scientific Basis th -T eir ':u the rl: c;,~ e- of anf, -ods for .. h o -naucluWm osnovam prc-- I mprovement Tr%dy pc-,*-atp~-~ j.;-j s-.e-vershanstvovaniia Mo- l'i:7 7..L izdatellstv. No.l. RA MIl 18:5) ( po osno,7am protsessov pechata- nd-ya pu-'IYE~.m ilk,'; Moscow, 1961. POPRYADUKIIIN, P.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Some auestions concerning the theory of gluing processes used in book ititching and binding. Nauch. trudy MPI no.7/8:143-.155 '58. (MIRA 14:12) (Bookbinding) (Gluing) SUVOROV. P.I. [author]; POIPRYADUKHIN, P.A. [reviewer] (Moscow). mLithographic art." P.I.Savorov. Reviewed by P.A.Popriadukhin. Poligr. proizv. n0-7:28 Jl-Ag 153. (MI-RA 6':9) (Lithography) (Savorov, P.I.) POPEUZhh-Y)E~, I. I. , Csnd of Bio Sci -- (diss) "Thle Effect of Drug Induced SleeP on the Secretion kativity of tLE: Stomach in Dogs in Physiological Conditions and Under an Experimental 6tomach Ulcer Induced by Ataphene," Kishinev, 1959, 15 pp (Kisbinev State Institute) (KL 4-60, 117) -i M 1: 7.- -.. - I ~ U , - , I '. - ~ .-, .... ...... ACCESSION NR: AP4028954 S/0057/64/034/004/0658/0665 !IUMOR: Popryud.ul,di-in,...A.P..,..,.,, TITIX: Behavior of the lines of force of a perturbed closed stollorator magnetic field :SOURCE: Zhurnal toldinichoskoy fizihi, v.34, no.41, 104, 658-665 ~TOPIC TAGS: stollerator, stellorator fjold, stallarator field perturbation, stello- rater nagnetic surface porturbatioii This paper is.concerned with fir:st-ordor (linear) perturbaiion calcula- tion of "he change in the rotational- transform of a stellerator field induced by a j small perturbing field. The perturbation technique is applied to the equation II-grad u = 0 (H isithe magnetic field), the integrals of which are constant along a line of force. The first-ordGr ch-inge in u is expressed as an integral around the stellerator along an unperturbed line of force. The change is calculated for"only that one integral of the above equation that represents the topologically toroidal :magnetic surfaces, b3cause the second unperturbed integral is now know-n. Thus, on yl one component ofIthe change in the rotational transfLorm*is obtained. 7he co;.tribu- Card 1/,$.,2 I ACCESSION NR: AP4026954 tion of the perturbing field is calculated in cylindrical coordinates as.though the stallerator tube were straight, and the effect of curvature due to closure of the stollerator tube.,is obtained separately by a second perturbation calculation. The pai-turbation of u-is siammed over successive image points of an unperturbed line of Xorce (the points at which-the line of force intersects a plane normal to the axis of the stallerator tube on successive traversals around the stellerator), and the ~su-m is replaced by an intcgral under the assumptions that the line of force densely fills the magnetic surface and that successive image points are close together. The, ,result presumably giy~ps the perturbation of the magnetic surface. In case of degene"!" ra6y,, when the unpert~rb4i~ 'line of force closes on itself after several traverses ofi ;the stallerator (the author refers to this;as "resonance"), the perturiation calcu-i ilated in this way is infinite, and it is concluded-that lin .ear theory is not appli- cable. The perturbation of the magnetic surfaces due to a small perturbing dipole :is calculated as an example. "The author expresses his gratitude to L.U.Kovrizhn5ft&! for valuable discussions." 54 formulas and 3 figures. POPRZEGKI., Witold Speedy-assembly platform for telpher repair and testing on gantry cranes. Frzeg1 techn 84 no. 31:4 4 Ag 163. POPRZECKI,,Witold The important role of capital investments for the Warsaw railway junction. Frzegl techn 84 nc.40:6 6 0 163. POPSHITSKIY, Yu. A. ~"' Treatment of acoustic neuritis with nicotinic acid. Vest. otorinolar., Moskva 14 no. 5:42-44 Sept-Oct 1952. (GLKL 23:3) li Of the Glinte for Diseases of the Bar. Throat, and Nose (Director -- Prof. M. I. Vollfkovich), Saratov Medical Institute, TAS]KY, R.; POPSTOIANOV,.S. Radical surgical treatment of fistula of the abdominal wall after isparotomy. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 11 no.3:231-237 Mar 58. 1. 11 Gralska. obedinens bolnitsa--Sofia Gl. Lekar; Al. Krustev. WDOMINAL WALL, fistula ftfter laparotomy, surg. (Bul)) (A33DONIT, surgery, laparotomy. postop. fistula of abdom. wall, radical repair Ir PRIY"jjK(j, -Pavel Alakcandrovich; Zu:;iXUV. Ivan Hlikhaylc .rich; ?ONCHAILEV, AlekBey Timofeye-iicb: :-xh7xiN, red-&~:tor; STIKE10. T.Y., tekiinicreskiy rodaktor Claoerience in r educing Idle tima of loromotives in repair shop? the Ilaaskiy depot of the Krasnoyarsk Railroad) Onyt sokmshchenila aroe~toia narovozov v remonte: depo Ilansk-ala Krasrotar,31ko-, zheleznoi doro,gi. Moskva. Gos.transp.zhol-dor. izd-vo, 194,"(. '.~' p. (14L.TiA 10:10) ( Ilansk-*A.Y-- Lccomot ives-1-1a into na nee arA roop-ir) I POPSUYENKOp K,V., inzh, Calculations for the work of filling In in determining the ballasting of pipelines at-submerged sections. Stroi. trubdprov. 7 no.8:7-8 Ag 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Stroit~llnyy uchastok No.7 tresta Ukrgazneftestroy, L'vov. ,"I (Pipelines) POPBUYNV,A.Y., kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk Determining the optimum istopover and dispatch interval of trains going to and from intra-plant stations. Trudy Khab. IN no.8:15- 27 155. (Kw 9:1) (Railroads--Management) POPSUY3V.,A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; TILICHHNKO, A.G., kand.takhn.nauk (Khabarovsk) Uniform procedures for the operation of railroad and marine transportation. Zbel.dor.tranap. 40 no.4:28-31 Ap '58. (MIRA 13:4) (Freight and freightage) (Shipping) (Railroads--Management) pWSUMV,.,,A,.V.:;,(IhAbarovsk): TILICHKM. A.G., kwAidat takhnichookikh nauk ONabarovsk) Production-laboratory base for scientific investigations. 2hel. dor.transp. 38 no-10:83 0 '56. (mm 9:11) (Railroad research) POPS-UYEV.,.A.V.,-kand. LAM. nauk (Dnopropotrovsk)), CILIKIVAIDZE, V.S. (Dnepro- petrovsk) -"oncentration of freight operations in base-load stations. Mel. ~d)r. transp. 46 no.10:62-64 0 164. (KLE RA 17: 11 ) 1. Glavn3y inzh. gruzovoy sluzhby Pridneprovskoy dorogi (f3r Chik- vaidze). PC P S U 'L fi /V i V Vladimir Aleksayevich; 303ROVA, UfAIT,Xtell Isaakovna; TSARMO, A.P., redaktor, U.N.-, tekhnicheski7 redaktor. [Putting through local and destrict freight by through traineJ .rrodyishenis mestnogo i uchaetkovogo gruza. transitnymi poezdw- mi. Moskva, Goo.transpahel-dorAzd-yo, 1957. 41 p- ~mLRA lo:6) (Railroads--Freight) FOPSUYSHAMO, N. N. Wediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema in the puer-peral period. Akush.1 gin. 35 no.5:105-106 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:2) (FNWMMRD1ASTINUM, case reports) (EMPHYS3M. Case reports) (PUERPERIUM, complications) POPTFAw' P. I I. . . . . I - . ntij~ou~ier'; A stiori storj.w P. 16. (AVIATIA SPOR=TA, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan. 1954, Bucuresti, Rumania.) SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions, (ML), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1. Jan. 1955 Uncl. POPTEANU, P. "Today t%e F:Lrst- Day of Fligm.8 P. 4. (AVTATI.A. SPORTIVA, Vol. 5, No. 5, I-lay, 1~54, Rucuresti, Rumnia.) SO; Month],y List of &-nst Raropean Accessions, (=)s LC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl- P "15 Klinika ostrogo tetraetilavinteovogo psikhoza (Clinical report on acute tetraethyl~lead psychosis) Moskva, 1956. 181, (1) p. illus., tables. At head of title: Russia. Ministerstvo Zoravookhratieni-ya. (Moscow) Nouchnoissledovatel'skiy Inatitut Psikliiatrii. MEA Iv n-C