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H I V., Veterinarian of 'lie "Pasteur" Ixistitul.-e for Veteri- L U nary Research and Biological Products (Institutul de Cercetari Veterinare si Biopreparate "Pasteur"). "TIA-le International Symposium on Ornithosis of Greifswald.11 Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si Medicina Veterinara, Vol 13, No 10, Octo 63, pp 69-71. Abstract: Reviews the -proceedings of the international Symposium on Urnithosis of 13-14 June 1963 helcl at Greifswald in -r"*as'u Germany. Organized under the auspices of the German ',Hygiene 'Society, the Faculty of- Medlcine of" "Ernst-Moritz-Arndt" Uni- versity of Greifswald, the"Fr. Loeffler" Institute of Riems of the Gerai_~n Acpdemy of Aggricultural Sciences and the Inter- na-.i6nal Association o-L' Agri cul tural Medicine-, the symiposi*~.,,m considered the following: the epidemiology and virology of ornithosis, ornithosis from the point of view of clinical workers, and ornithosis as a professional disease. 9.77 a 8 ifld. P. "a 2:~= a H Cr V DIV, 21 ~n'- a Y tr Er TL";%,"A q ~.4~ ~p I qu- !34 -0 0 o:- N. r. K a W 0 &:3 Ii &1: 0 P cr P_ 1r;j -8. 4 tv 10 W :r =1 t., ~W 91 ple" op 9 E, --n h P rj q ro R. or or ~F IN" :~ 1 0Y'M 11.0 ft ri ;r -01 0 0 tTi 1 0 NANU, A.; NICHICI, A.; TTO-~7q~l, -Y~- - The M.A.M.B.1 anodic and mechanical machine cutting with band. Studii tehn Timisoara 10 no.2:377-389 Jl-D 163- Experimental and theoretical studies on the anodic and mechanical electroerosive flow productivity of the M.A.M.B.1 machina. 391-400 POPOVICI V dr Ing. "-1 1 New graphic representation of heatu cycles using a diagram p-i with rectilinear adiabatic lines. Energetics Rim 12 no. 5-205--210 My 164. SPITZER) A.; SCHWEIGERj A.; POFOVICIL V. Volumet r4 C, determ-!naT;'or. of the phosphste Jlcn uping --,- - ~ Z. indicator chmmatable acid blue. Rev chimie Ylin p;tr 15 no.9;5'16 S '64. ~ 1, The work was carz-1ed -,ut in the Regional Laboratory for Pledielre Control, Tlmis~.ara. Do~erirdnation !)f jr au a- - with soldiwm Act.~--i pbarm. Hun.g, 35 no.6-,252-2---, 1. Submitted February 26, !965. !9 0-0 0 a a 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 990, 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1- 0000-0 H V 11 14 is )AV apr 1 cat La 11 , A A - C-A-1-i I-L. -A ---k ' 6 a. A TG4i 0 A A PUP- #.~Cfl$ff -p F.Cfe-C. .&,I, .. .... -99 ' 99 00 1 :0 aromatic, Saphthenic and parakii 9 -06 hydrocarbons im P"HIft by pdW mealls. %. 1. NC.- Opole FOUNwin ". 897-9(1913)., -4 ' ' t'" 6 -00 00 " f we and A Schher (C. A. 34, &J1) 00 raw for this &Wypk, Values Of the 'Pecific re. 06 f'iO6 "d th" W-ific dispavion w"r d,j.f. 111rectly with 'nsct Abt* f" -1fr IRM Pk*ttd oft an efluilmlerill Ifi. 0 0 Tbg of tbe.2 cwvrs gave a point the ' 60-ne Pe 0 -log" (A th- aromatic, 7 lW" 0 '3 n Ic awl p 4iVVs exact ft~U1tSP-'fi";c The methmi butcoffect %mU m If J k 0 so ' mo. U- - '.Pwt wbm Okefins or aks. am present i. the Kabolines to h~ anslynd. R. Dickison %9 0 . ..... L~~_LA ~TALLU"K~&L tITINATWE CLOOPKATION - ' ' ' - - --- ---- slow 11119199. .8p 0.1 041 ;q - b U a AV No is K- .T.0 0900000*0 60 a 00 0 I Ia. a 01, 7111 j I CA -4w'- -Ii 1 AM L S a rd 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * : : 0' Ito* 0 POPOVICI,-Victor, prof. (Iasi) ...I- ------- From the activities of the circles of mathematics and pAysics of the sb~dents of professional schools at Iasi. Gaz mat B 13 T)o.l: 51-52 Ja 162. Pf0FGV-"7,:!, Vladimllr in~ ,9 r.; HKIIII-'11CII, -Ile-yandiru, ing. '~;ra;ova) Out,3'.and-'Ln-- techni,::-il a--hievement3 af, the Electroputere Piant in Elec"-rotehniaa 12 noj/2.~27-38 Ja-F '64. 1. Technical Director at the '17mlectroputere' Plant, Craiovs k1for Popovici, Heinr4 ch). -L FOPOV;CI, Vladimir; STANCIU, Valeriu,-Ing* The OFlectroputere* Works in,,WI,6~--vavian achievement of the Rumanian People's Democracy. Electrotehnica 10 no&6:215-225 je 62. 1. Director tehnic (for Popovici). 2. Inginer sef (for Stsnciu). I I . I Farm tx-inals. Honey Bees q-r- ;,bs jou:c : I Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 19, 1958, No 68198 Author : Popovici V. Inat Title : Noctarous Importcince of the Linden Tree and Its Spread in the Forests of Ibmania Orig Pub : ~*qpicultixra, 1957, No 19., 13-18 Abstract : The lindens in Rumania occupy 67,000 hectares, or 1 percent of the total forest area. The per-hectare producitivity of the linden depends on the development of its limbs, con- ditionS of the soil and atuosphere, and elevation of the locality. fmona the three varieties and several hybrids of the linden., the white linden Tilia argontea is an especial- ly nectarous one. In recent years., large linden plantations are beinG established in Rumania., with the participation of bookeepers. -- M.N. Zirmev. Card 1/1 POPOVIC~I V. Some conclu3ions dravin from the printing upon cortain varieties of offset paper. p. 292. f,'---'UjLOZA SI HIRTIE. (Asociatia Stiintifica a InEinerilor si Technicipni)-or din Rorainia si 1--linisteral Induatriei Petrolului si Chiinie) Pucuresia., Rumania. vol. 8. no. 9, Sept. 1959. ,,,ozitK I. -1y List of East Euror,-~aan Accessions Vol. 9, ra. 2, Feb. 1969. Uncl. IOSIFOVICI,, V., ing.; POPOVIGI,V., ing-. ---------- Determining the molecular weight and polymeri2ation degree of cellulose by the viscosimetric method, using the Stau- dinger apparatus. Gel hirtuie 10 no.1+2128-133 Ap'61 POPOVICI', T.., ing.; MSTAKTIVESGUO 0.., ing. laboratory research on-the production of chemical and mecha- nical pulps from annual plants by the cold soda process. Cal hirtie 11 no.72252-264 JP62. NANU, A.; ~TPYQ~1101, V,; NICHICI, Al.; ACEWSUCU, N. Determining the conditions of autc=,aLic control of --he ac--vsnc-e in electroerosive discharge. Bul St si Tehn TJIM 9 no.2:419- 4110 Jl-D 164. i;Ot"tjlj,lcil V.V.; VICTUP, C. Additional rewwration of fie.;d triam colleetivisrs. 17-robleze econ 17 no.5.32-45 My 164. i , - - ~ PO FO VICI V. V. -taDU7-7 an Naaca 1V Colintry: Rumania Jtcad;~mic- Dccgrecs: Engineer Research Institute for the Cultivation of Corn (Inst-itutul do Cercetari pentru Cultura. Porumbului) S'Ouzee: Bucharest, Probleme Zootehnice si Veterinp-re, 1,',- 2-,j 19617 ni~ pp 11-18. 11 ta: "Organization of the Green Corn Conveyor for Bulls. Co-authors: 0 U -0 BEPMEA. L- Engineer, Research Institute f r the Cultivati n of Corn (Institutul de Cercetari pentru Cu tura Pori=`bului). STRIMBU 7 1 .1 Engineer, Research Instituto for the Cultivation ofL Corn (Institutul de Cercetari pentru Cultura Porumbului). STAITESCU, I., Engineerg Research Institute for the Cultivetion of Corn (Institutuil de Cercetari pentru Cultura ?orunalbului). CHIRITA , N Engineer, Research Institute for the C-~:,Itivation of Corn Unstitutul de Carcotari pent-ru Cultuz~a 72=- CSIAUN Uj Ij,)' A-M-to Deasm ftlnoor ArIlUation:Rtsoarob Institute for the Cultivation of Corn (Inatitutul do Coroatarl pentru Culture Forumbulul). soureat Duaharomt 0 Problem ZootabnIns &I V*terinars, NO 6, 2961, Data; *R. Ecomordo Irflals"? of the Valuation of Corn in the reading of Kilk Covs.' 'I Inter, Rosssr4h lostibuto for the CultIVAIDA tItu'uI do Carestarl pentru Culture forumbulul CRISAN aral-,&:1moor Research Institute fqr the Cultivation 0 Itu;U do Copostarl pontru, culture ibrmwlui). PAPAHAk'jl,E. r-c--f.,- CIUML, M., dr., POPOITM, Z., dr.; CIIJR4"U, dr. r m h e 'ergency porta~-.avnl anastomosla. Med. intern. (Burmr.' 16 no.lOtl239-1244 0 164 1. IAICrare eVe:!furita Lin f-'Llinica a li-a do chl-ru--gie, de adulti al R-a-'.OfIUILII `30 Def~embrifi` (diracU ~ pr-C. 1.'Dirai, membru cores paider, w' al Aemdemlei RegublIcH F pulare Ftcjrnj-nf,). 5Th 1",3 C-OVIC, 1) rho constitution of avinicarbatidt-s of ditanic ficljs. .1-1. jl,*~ lit Ili 4 [:,vilcll (it aR- -f if it-iC aciol% to fonn 2 tyr- Of romi.f.. -Itipen, I mg tij-'s Is,:nat u-4th--id: (lit( C04N-C1wNiIvII,,- 111"'AlICON11,; till 1,. mst d-mllt, %thelt 14~4 " ;it Phlb., ".0-1111vall"tOr (11) by a IIAl Itilln., W.A. N. 30-1,W) list A,1111 m it,, pw--mv .,f NmOArl. sit. 2W NO ,!rtictairr it( tvIw (a); will, ISW. Witlo-iiv- .1,111irdri.h. I vit-1.1"I is -111141. (IN', 11'.%vt '.*.`,,i'; sOw's it "a, 11,tird .1111 aill- 1,101irde Ili., 0i iuma-d m.1 .... 1--l ... I s.- Ovillit-al %vith 111. 11 (2 Iris Ilejit'l 15 litill. ,1% .111 ,it Nall Brij fornmi a emvilmt. I -.I'. C., A. POPOVICIU, Gabriel, ing. E.',o at"'ropnown tic brft~es. itev callinr for 11, no.2:10-2,109, 1126 F t'j 5. 1. D.T.V. Section, 1123 August" Plant. I " I 0 Is Flo i-a-4 ~*"-4-6 I* $4 is 1 1. h j a- n :3 A n ft v a A Q 11 v 11 14 n m sy 0 0 A; it Q 4) CEO A It f. -9 F 9 A I I Q V 1__L_ AA 0 _0C ;9 911 4, 1- 7 sip 0 popoviclu, The I ph-totolipical actioss. (I. p()ravIvjt,. r amck"Ist" 0-(la3(ulyU27-!-A c.1 j'". s$8111le ('10j 6. Milah * -00 pm "'Iclkm' with On extri T. If. Rmu .3 zoo : 0 Age I as 0 * 000 Z I ll.-Oo 00 2 Joe ji 00 allAttloPlIKAL LIT1110"t CLAWFICAT10- cl, 414.1 - 1;0 419141"b. 11 1 foe a r AT -4a a I I "IFtoid sit K It it It 4 0 Me 0 0 0 6A * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 ' ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _tffqVICIIj, L.; CATANIA, Rozalia; MANTA, I.; DUMA, D.; IAZAR, Tr.C.~ I PIRIJUY Maria; SERBANP !".. B-iochenical research on experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Pt.2. Fiziol. norm. pat. 11 no.3:237-242 My-Je 165. 1. Catedra de biochimic si Clinica de neiirologie, Institutul medico-farmaceutic, Cluj. DUM, D.; SERBAN, M.; POPOVICIU, L.; LAZARY Tr.; MAPES, V.; TARAINU, Al. ifistochemi,ml rosearch ir, various muscular diseases. Stud. cercet. neurol. 10 no.3:159-165 Je 165. Rom= v A ------ f 1~ N 92 P itiva 2 C iu, 7-- 71 4, . -.- ~h -_Tegu,la_F._;i g-on;.:P any C AJ t e. vertices 0 a L t AN klt Ab pj~'ij~ x4iitll;j I_ef 31,(P) Lj~ jjjC,jj67j(j6t of tfiL f I I inedc- in can o it i, rm'p wers -o ~Ihe.dismncedlrcilu 0 b6i rh ines.- diids t e - aut or 'eterm P, _P Boas J Ari(p c6ritinuous at Wa 'Inve. oitt nn~:opem r u"ce eal interval I and - ' ~ a nti x -xp.o In pot of 1, defind t * 4p~ (O( yj ~U ~I )(Af) 7!i~ 4dt inetti-inean.-V v. Qver,~ E jp(jc~) h If' ctswls.oian on 1 an a' Fuidiiivrvore,~ glvm two rea up d P, Of _144 (RANA sequence w vhe-re P (J~;~Whe de6inpoikion'of-p-into HS consecutivi-I ~eac containing.Wp N, oints, t P a M0.00- uenw3 h tofm-mirrarigetnerit of P. It 13"ahowo that. p_~ 'This ge4emalizis d- Orovided them miction the - 66 rt i k w c '( w Ann i I Di Mmih at . 1 5pecta case r1 . . -JV Guslits.18tooinifigto4, 3 MA64miltod t Ravtswa-~~- 4 ourcal:, L ~ T Tibeeiu.,,. Sur les ftctipsas.'~' 4410 re~ a -Aii~ de d 4. *fInft on i~t: L - ' n - A cid. e- R A de. m 3 r RoniUnC.SdCt.-5d.- Mat, FmIChl A ' n renc suit lmo --a dT . resu -~T6 tithor-first &6-a~ newl -of - q B ~4540,. (1939);-ih R~-~-- 0 ...... [Acad. Rourm ull; -5PL i- i6t the's6t-E-of d,4,!,Ijii,itjo,n of a-rea,l fi,ifictic' - f F- s o a rea , ., to r o n ;tltlve I dec~mposahic 16 ~6 cii 17; variab e,js . -....'WHIC7 function is monotone in opposite~vierlscq; if holdr, foi each set of thr~ only3f.thi-3-- --Next, dropping th6zjq6,rc tha-ttre-s-uYsic~ -con- - ment secutive, e pointi; out.t1iit the M are unctios fi e& f a n on;,~ 'se ts ourpoints foi wbi le requir h decodiootiti6n j!) ilot p6sAle, but he:shows that if.B contain~i~6rejh~n our.pOtnts thein-the deC'ol-11 p-o,.z' iQU is 1~~iblefor E f It an Y-1 It-ISIX if )ssible far: evei,~ ik of five' r6i nt3 0 . . Mori P46 N s 0u ews 7, ~ 7 7 7 2 2 7 : -777 TIBERIU-i I Tibe $0 res a aw,que ques-formWei- !7 do 6liVa OW-h- 'ie A as 845t6 dm*u f c, os~lriq. stud. Chic.- hfk -3,43-i' 22 ad. Oub or -arid Fr~ "Ot f sam67 rop,~._ as:w c t au!di q4t 6i are f t l8im, f -h~ ti Ildving IDeriva on.. -- --- ir . .... 'The t h Cr, R. A Femaui r!6 A ..... egr - v ynomiali of degee n . but'Ri-O -auihor ynginial o qegree~ is+ I. The topme po . is C I wlih lh I-' Ii- 'b V hiffly,'~oft6eumd.,, ormu 6iained -Oo atiol f(w) with ii6d6,Xj um te intei H 'a OWS rd t Xj, !!Ac i% tqjt~.- mu up icit~, 0. h - ' I -- i -d .f 't at -a I f6 - h T' 66.6rgest de#6 of exact tu e~d rffiu as I h 6." 's n en "I a -6. 9 p --th exce e~ p Pkablo OR - - -- ------ W-M-w- ffl- Z, tities-are u a the u quan "d eq al ~ iii r-1; th 116- The or Yes fiu be Form, la (E) Is 1 1 1 -ihil" ca w iid . -in ani, di~U no CAIV of iti, t volvi ti Th* Activa Yes e rer l1w W~i be~p~t i~4i6 6im"' .14 at di~is i~ Oft cart t Poin divid IP i - ~ 1 -i4'. Wi- t 4636i ~ all of oider E : m wh I(x) 0 .- A i i d a u.. ;re 1l *, mam w h ig hiii ~tfiw~ L Co i n that' .Mfiairidef-b ;-siifii 0 . e case f th ni~ -I.Tinatlyjh6 , a forinula .(E)- ei~licltjy, -and-4rites -64-v &Wkltly~'tb 7 -exc'e'ptio' 16-46iin*z, *hbi~:. ii; na - --` "~~- ~ - tt '-, --,.-. Z M -J, 7 ~-77- vmpgma YWCA F-12- POPOVICIU, T. Achievements and tasks of the mathematics and physics sections. P. 107 Vol. 4, no. 2, 1955 ANALELE Bucuresti SO: 146nthlv List of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 On the PreciBion of Uumerical Calculations by Interpolating With Newtonis Polynomial -20 - P"-0%,-TLbqdq- Sur la pricision #.a cdnd-x-~ _qu olynomd-Newfon -Jumu ~~diifllnterpoktloWpar le p iquidistantes. Acad. R. P. lRunshic. Fil. Cluj. Stud. Cerc. ~ti. Ser. 1. 6 (1955), no. 3-4, 27-35. (Romanian. Russian and French summaries) In calculating the value of New-ton's polynomial. M n 4V- 1) ... (.v-v+ 1) V Z0 one uses the algorithm y,,+I=Ah*-I(a)+ Y.. Y=O, 1, - - -, X: Y0=0;YX+1~L(X) Approximations used in the successive calculations result in an accu mulation of error!; In the final value y.jl, The aqthor develops a formula for the total error c, and tlwre- by optains a bound on Jel, in terms of x and of the maxt- mum absolute value of the succevsive errors. For discrete values of x, by tenths from 0 to 1, tables of factors are constnicted to facilitate the calculatio4s. E. F. Beckenbach (Log Angeles, CaJiQ POPO V I Q, U )P~tionm -a on Sam V. lbmmk Sur qu AMT-R7.T-Rom1ne. Fil. Cluj. She COM 3-4, 37-49, atomanian. Itumm Ser.1 6.(!155 and'French summaries) 'Let V denote the detenninant oU 8 x21 ... X141 -and lit es i. 1 2. V X+k, x Jn the first part of the present m, the author shows -that If the functions li(s), i-0, a- 1, me Continu- OUR, and satisfy 1V -AO for each set of m xx distinct points st, In the Interval [a, b], then 1, 2, the general solution of the functional equatiori orm Ah x4o.h. - - ad%-Jj h-0, X, X+Xhecd,b], Is of the f where the ej are arbitrary constants, (See the following review.) ietD( Zip xmw; F) denote the deteminant of GUJ ~Io - - Ym+1 11Z values F(xi, Vf), i, m+ 1. A function of the form 4~E m ma 0 16(1) PHASE I BOOK UPWrTATION SOV12660 V$QsQYUZnYY "tGeAticftG*kiy 3'yod. 3rd. Moscow. 1956 TMdy. t. 41 Xratkoye 3oder-hantye 3*ktAlonnykh dokladov. Doklady inQStrw%nykh uch6nykh (Transactions or the 3rd All-Unton RAthe,ca- tIc&I Conference In Moscow. vot. 4: summ4ry or Sectional Report&. Reports of Foreign Scientists) Moscow, Xzd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 247 P. 2.200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Alcademlya nauk SSSM. Katematicheskly institut. 7-1 Todh. 5d.t. G.M. ShevchLnko; Iditortal Board. A.A. Abramov, V.0. BoltyanskLY, A.M, Vaall'yevo B.V. Medvedev, A.D. Myshkls, S.M. Ulkol-skly ,(Romp. 9d.), A.0. Postnikovs Yu. V. Prokhorov, K.A. Rybn3kov# P. L. Ultyanov, V.A. Utiponskty, M.G. Chatayev, 0. Ye. Shilov. and A.t. Shirshov. PURPM: This bo~ok to Intended for mathematicians and physicists. COVWLAGZ.- The book to Voluise rV of the Transactions or the Third All- UnIon Mathematical Conferenca~ held In June-and July 1956. - Tme book In Parts. The first Part contains sun- series or the Paper* $)resented by Soviet scientists at the Can- forenc* that were not Inc ludod In the first two volumes. The second Part cQntains the text or reports submitted to the editor by non-Soviet scientists. In those case* when the non-Sovi-t sci- ontlot did not submit a copy or his Paper to the editor, tne title Of the paper is cited and, If the paper was prlnted -r. A prvloux voluss~ reference Is made to the appropriate volume. The Papers. both Soviet and n0n-SoViat. cover various topics In number theory, algebra, dirrerential and Integral equations, function theory, functional analysis, probability theory, topology, =tnemixticsa Probless of mechanics and physics, computational. mathcmatics, uAtheastleal logic and the foundations or math*,~tics, and the blatory of aut Fo v (Rumania). Convex functions or higher orders - 8 iwwtft&l term In certain approximation forwilat or ansayste 164 T2S!Sh-A-JL-(?u6OGlavW. On the s.7mpt.tIC behavior of a a= ' Or a trigonometric sgrjeg of sines In the neighborhood of . sero 167 TrIcoul. ?.a. Utely). On the thsOrY Of ccnflUent hypergao. Metric functLona M Fewer- J- (Francs). On the theory or the mpproximst. . of runctIonas development of the theory and problems 16S 2"0 &O-k~n4 (Chinese PG*Ple's Republic). Harmonic analysis In cl"91c&l. field* IT2 (Bulgaria). On certain classes of Univalent Vanctionm ITS Card 26/34 POPOVICIU., Tiberiu, prof. On the remainder in some linear formulas of the approximation of the analysis. Studii cer mat 10 no.2;337-389 159. (EEAI 10:9/10) 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R., redactor responsabil, "Studii si cercetari de matematica" (Filiala CluJ). (Mathematics) (Functions) (Approximate computation) POPOVICIU, Tiberiu, prof.(Cluj) Divi(fed and derived differences. Studii cerc mat Cluj ll no.1, 119-145 '60. (MI 10-9) 1. Membru. corespondent al Academiei R.F.R.; Comitetul de redactia 'Studii si cercetari de matematica" redactor responsabil. (DIfference equations) (Ap roximate computation) (Vector analysM POPOVICIU, Tiberiul, prof. 15 years sine the liberation of our country. Studii cerc mat Cluj 10 no-1:7-15 '59- (EEA1 10:6) 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine, mumb-u corespondent; Comitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari de matematica (Filiala Cluj, Institutul do calcul), redactor responsabil. (Rumania--History) (Rumania--Mathematics) RUMAIIIA SIRBU, Z., Dr, and POPOVICI, V.0 Veterinarian, of the "Pasteur" Institute for Veterinary Research and Biological Products (Ins- titutul de Cercetari Veterinare si Biopreparate "Pasteur"). "Cases of Bovine Lymphadenosis.86 Bucharest, Revista de ZOOtehnie si Pledicina Veterinara, Vol 13, No 7, Jul 6T, -PP 76-81. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: Describes 5 cases Of lymphadenosis in cattle. Two different MOrUhO_ logical pictures were observed: either hyperplasia oi the spleen and lymphatic gland lymphoid tissue, or hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue and lymphoid metaplasia of the mesen- chymatose tissue Of other organs,acCompanied in some cases by a Proliferating reaction of the glands and the spleen. Con- tains 7 figures and 10 references, of which 8 Western. 17 Rw,,,qq;~Oloutivatua Vvviti .- Focldc-rs - . Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., Plo 18, 1953, 82377 ~Yaqs, fertilizor if increased thb C coil.te-..t bY 5VP. Fertilizer P clid uot increate tLe C coute--.t. 9 14 Card 2/2 TXCERPAT M-MICA Sec.12 Vol.11/10 Ophthalmology OCt57 ^&VJrcr_tf_ V.- _7 1574. P2P0V _JU_Y_ * Arsurile oculare ql tratamentul lor actual cu o contribuoe - T _ Eye burns and their present personall1a tratamentul conservativ. treatment (personal ~ontrlbutio'n) OPTALMOLOGIA(Bucureqti) 1956, 1/1 (86-89) It was observed that injections of procaine HCl carried out from the start peri- corneally, subconjunctivally and into the cul-de-sac, can replace all treatments. The effectiveness oi the Injections is due to the following facts: by suppressing the pain and the neurotrophic reflex, the inflammatory process and corneal disturb- 14 744 CON re ances are prevented, cure being produced in a short time. Injections of 0.5- IS should be made e'very day. In severe cases. excision of the necrotic tissue with grafts of buccal mucosa and non7perforating keratoplaaty are indicated. Puscariu - Buchardst NU~TAT4., Leonard; DANULESCU, Irina; POPOVICI, Veronica I m6xim= flofi of the rivers f;~; ~be so~uthernpart of Rumania in I"*.. fbrviation conditions. Studii hidrol 3:3-14 162. :!~q I GAJZAGO, Ianslo; POPOVICS, Ivanne Forperimente-for measuring with therzistor-the surface temperature of various road pavements. Idojaras 64 no.3-3175-177 My-Je 161. 1 I , - - -., 't~.. r-._, , .~ , ` ~., _ ~ ~~;"- __ 7 ~ .-: . - -. - GARAGO, Laszlo; POPOVICS, Ivanne Experiments for the determination of areas of heat sensitiveness. Idojaras 64 no.3tl7O-l74 ?1y-Je 160. (EEAI 10i1) (Atmospheric temperature) rorNIC04) 9 Ponovics, S. ; Ujbelyi? J. " The Results of Research on Cezrant in 1952! P. 315 R-Ditoan-vair. Vol. 5, No- 10, October, 1953, Blidapest) East European Vol. 3, No. 3 3.954 50; Month List ofA444WAccessions~jibrary..of Congress, March __Jjjj, Uncl. -,77 71 Desigit prablems cif-concrefe mixtures (fit L / - Ter S. Popovics: '(Aek Ilnica Acaffemiac Scienti- 1111114 1 IIIII.-M sceic -VaL I 1, 1955. No, 1 -1 85 n4 7 PP' 7- - . 5 figs.) A very 51111PIC forlimila, the remilb of which closel ,i. tipproxinrhe-actual valilues, has been ~ elaborated;. for Witter when-ming Danube sandy-gravel. Art Jtidex.tnetlj(xl.ejisujhjg the specified consistencies Is: tr eated theoretically and Proof is fntuLsUd of the exWence, of parabolic and hyperbolic relationships between the index- of consbiency and the Wnter-cesuent ratio when using the usual Ificalm of ' Inv, The _.L composition of the,concrete inix and the grade of cenwit requited for obtainhw. the ' speciffed citnerete sirength at a ininimunt'6st and given c0tisisiency can be obkaftind Uy nit appro-diuating nieth- 01 nintiou t tit, calc This: also proves that. cemenbi, of lower standard strength have their particular fields of -0. MMW~- ----------------- A /0, fl-.-) HUNGARY/Cheraical Technology. Chemical Products and Their 1-9 Application SilicateG. G'Lasa. CerardcB. Binders. Abs Jour -Referat Zhur 12iiniya, No 4, 1957, 12685 Author :?opoviEL�=O-T Title Problems Pertaining to Computation of the Composition of Concrete Orig Pub Madatok a betontervezes kor6bol. 14-agyar tud. akad. 14usz tud. oszt. kozl.,.i955, 15, INO i-41 261-277 (Hungarian) Abstract 'Card 1/2 Analyzed is the intLrrelationship betiveen water:ceraent ratio, consistency, strength and composition of concrete. A formla is provided for the deterLaLnation of water:ce- zlent ratio for concrete of rigid and plastic consistency: (W,*Lter:Came1it) Pigid (60/c) L Of + d) / ioo + 1.401 4 0.10 (Water:Ceraent)P2.astic 1-20 (Water.Cement)Rigid 132 POPOVIQ5,-,S.; UJHELII, J. POPOVICS, S.; UJHELYI, J. Methods of investigating the solidity of concrete. T). 336. Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept. 1956. EPITOANY,IG TECHNOLOGY Budapest, Hungary So: East Euronean Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 PopmcsbE GUB=, Maria Biometebrological research in Poland. Idojaras 67 no.34.172-173 Kv-J'e 163. . i PbP,ovf,GSn GUBOLA Maria Daily variations of equivalent temperature in Budapest. Idojaras 67 no.4:242,).43 Ji-Ag '63o POPOVICSIFE GUBOUL. Maria %~-~f.-,.- _ Sultry weather conditions in Budapest. Orsz meteor int besz tud kut 26:268-278 162(publ.,63). Ki m g a r n Y,,~; ljolar~s 68 no.3 -S' Ja--- GAJUGO, Laszlo; EOPOVICSM.GUBOLA, Maria Formation of the cooling values during the daily ho in the summer. Cras meteor int beBz tud kut 25:286-28i 161 (*bl.162). 1. GAJZAGO, Laszlo; POPOVICS14E G4MOLA, Maria An experiment for the establishment of temperature sensation ranges. Orsz meteor int *ss tud kut 25:28&290 161 (publ.162). GAJZAGO, Laszlo; POPqgq=-AUEOIA., Maria Biometeorological data on Heviz. Cras meteor int beoz tud kut 25:373 161 (publ.162). WAJA, Milutin; POPOVIE, Sreten A case of echinococcosis of the spleen in a 12-year old girl. Med. pregl., Novi Bad 8 no.4;246-249 1955. 1. Decja hirurska klinika Medicinskog fakultets, Beograd. Upravnik: prof. dr. Dimitrije JovcIc. (BOHINDCOCCOSIS, spleen in child, surg., splenectomy (Ser)) (SPLM, die. schinococcosis, surg.. splenectomy in child (Ser)) .. .... .... 25 POPOVIN V S - KORNEV., A.M. -.9 - Efficient methods of designing apparatus for deep prospecting drilling for oil and gas. Razved. i okh. nedr 28 no-9:45-48 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Popovin). 2. Mookavskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akad.Gubkina (for Kornev). I I (Boring machinery) POFOVIN, V.S.; APANOVICH, Yu.G. Drilling the Aralsor well. Razved. i okh. nedr 29 no.5:56 My 163 - (MM 16 -.7) 1. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet SSSR (for Popovin). 2. lqachallnik Aralsorskoy ekspeditsii (for Apanavich). (Caspian lowland-Boring) POPOVIN, V.V. ProspectIng for 00. pocla In L~le ~,5rr!.genvus 391-nents Uf T,;,e Devonian in the southwestern SeCtor of 1,;Le 'Udnmrf, A.S.S.R. Neftegaz. geol, i geofiz. n0.900-32 164. edavatellskly geL)Icgo:---ZVadO,;hny:y VseSQYLIZTIYN' nauchrc,,las' neft.yancy inscititt, Mc-sk-va. Tom POPOVINJO V.V. Distribution of the Devonian terrigenous layer in the north- eastern slope of.the Tatar Arch and adjacent regions, Geol. nefti i gaza".2sl5_2l F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovateliskiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy institut, Moskva (Tatar A.S.S:R.--Petroleum geoloRy) (Tatar A.S.S.R..;o_Gasf Natural-Geology) NISHURIS, I., inzli.; POPCIVEN, A., akotlomi~t . Polymers In conBtruction. Zhil. atroi. 164.- (,',-"RA IS.-4) PIGULEVSKIY, Sergey Viktorovich; POFOVKIN, Aleksandr Petrovich; TOVSTOLUZHSKIYO N.I., inzh., retsenzent; GONCHAROV, A.F., inzh., retsenzent; KD-MLI, L.S., red.izd-va; GRECHISFICIEVA, V.I., tekhn. red. [Construction and maintenance of 750 mm-gauge logging rail- roads] Ustroistvo i soderzhanie lesovoznykh zhelezurkh dorog kolei 750 mm. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 224 P. (MIRA 17:3) POFOVK-N, B.A.; STI-VMOV, Yu.P. [dece-aaedi X-ray study of basic lead ,,~-~Ienates and selsni,.es. Zhl,=. neorg. khim~ 10 no.'(;1630'-1641 il '65. (1,CRA l8t8) T 6 2 46 1~ ---- LTJ E(,- 'Wk-'_"X_PG0il659 SOURCE CODE: UR/00'20/66/167/003/0604/0606 CC A AUTHOR: Turoval N. Ya.; PopoVdn, B. A.; Novoselova, A. ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (MoskovsIdy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: X-ray analysis of methylates of alkali-earth metalsq 5 C,-) SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 3, 1966, 604-606 ITOPIC TAGS: X ray analysis, beryllium, m -agnes ium- calIcium, strontium, barium ABSTRACT: The authors made an x-ray analysis of methylates of Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba in the form of powder products obtained upon desolvation of Me (0C113)2 4 CH 30H (Me= Mig, Ba) or in the form of unsolvated coholates. The x-ray patterns of the powder were obtained on Fe-K-radiation in an RKD-57Camera.loThe parameters were refined on the basis of the powder patterns recorded on CuKa-radiation with the use of a monochromatic illuminator. The specimens of the alcholates for photographing in the RKD camera were prepared by filling capillary tubes made of pyrex glass in a dry chamber in an argon atmosphere. Suspensions of powders in absolute liquid petrolatum were used for recording in the monochromator. The 1/3 UDC: 546.4/.5+548.736 L 38929-66 ACC NR: AP6011659 D density was determined pycnometrically and by the suspension method in mixtures of absolute i benzene with CC14 or CHBr3 with preliminary pressing of the powders in a vacuum. Both methods yielded results which agreed well. The quality of the x-ray patterns of the alkali- earth methylates somewhat deteriorates upon changing from strontium to calcium, only diffus6 rings were present on the powder x-ray patterns of Mg (OCH3) ? ;ed ,, and Be (OCH3) 2 represent a completely x-ray amorphous substance. The x-ray patterns of Ca (OCH3)2, Sr (OCH3)2, Ba (OCH3) 2 were fully identified in the hexagonal cells. On the basis of the coincidence of the indexes of the lines of the powder x-ray patterns of Ca (OH)2 and of the methylates, their sequence, and the relative intensity, the authors conclude that all alkali-earth methylates are isostructural to calcium hydroxide and have the same space group Plml (C5m). These methylates apparently have a laminar structure with the following alternation (in the direction of the c -axis) of atoms: I (CH3)OmeO(Cfl3) (CH3)OMe.... each of these atoms forms a layer perpendicular to the c-axis. This structure of the methylates is confirmed by the difference of the parameters of c in hexagonal cells of Ca (OCR and Ca (01-1) A 2 to 3.44 A, which is very close to the difference between the heights of the cells of and LiOH (3.55 A). The constancy of the heights of the unit cells which was observed upon transition from Ca (OCH3)2 to Ba (OCH3)2 is attributed to the rather sharp increase of the degree of ionization of the metal-oxygen bond from the former to the latter compensating the t increase of the radius of the metal. The same constancy of heights is-observed in the meth- ylates of lithium and sodium and for Na.(OCH3)0.66 (OH)0.33 and KOCH3. Orig. art t. has: 2/3 POFOVKIN, B.A.; CHRM[IS121OV., V.P.; SDIMOV, Ta.P. [deceased] "tal structure and vibrational spectrum of lead aelenite' ZIxur. strukt.khim. 4 no.1:1+3-49 Ja-F t63. (~~ 16z2) 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstvemyy universitet imeni H.V. lomonosova. (Lead selenite orystalo-Absorption spectra) PPPOVKIN, B.A.; CHXREM]310V# V.P.; SIMANOV, Yu.P. [deceased] Crystal structure and vibrational spectrum of lead selenite. Mxur.strukt.khim. 4 no.1:43-49 Ja-~? 163. (MIU 16t2) 1. Roakovsk gosudaratwennyy universitet imeni M*T* Lmonosova* IfLead oelenite crystals-Absorption spectra) POPOVKIN, B.A.; SIMANOV, Yu.F. t lp-r4 examimiLtion of tvo Modifications of lead selenate. ~kur.raorg,k-Mm. 7 no.7:1743-a746 Jl 162. ~I?IU 16,3) (Lead selenate) AX-ray'erys*logra'jiy) LOF2.VKLN,_~.A.; ODIN, I.N.; NOVOSELOVA, A.V. Lead oxide - lead selenide system. Mur.neorg.khim. 8 no.5: 1224-1227 My 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Lead oxides) (Lead selenides) , P~A.; TANANAYEVA., 0.1.; I#DVOSEWVA, A.V. ZIIOMANOVIP V.P.- J~q Some properties of lead selenite and oxyselenites. Zhur,neorg, khim. 7 no-12. -2751 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 0 -2746 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy- universitet imeni Iomonosova. (Lead selegte) POPOVKIII, B.A.; NOVOSELOVA, A.V. lead selenite - lead oxide system. Dokl. All SSSR 139 no.1:117-119 ji 161. (141W, 14: 7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvemyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. 2.. Cbisn-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Novoselova). .(Uad selenite) (Lead oxide) AUTHORS: _Tqmovkin,_~. AS USSR TITLE: Study of PERIODICAL: Akademiya S~482 020/61/139/001/014/018 B103/B226 A. and Novoselova, A. V., Corresponding Member the aystom lead selen1te - lead oxide nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 139, no. 1, 1961, 117 - 1'6 TEXTt The authorn studied the system PbSeO 3 - PbO by thermal and X-ray phase analyses with a view to precisely defining composition and limits of existence of lead oxyselenites. The fact has been proved earlier (B. A. Popovkin et al. Ref. 1: DAN, 129, No. 4, 809 (1959)), that only lead selenite is produced by the interaction between lead selenide and oxygen at 500-6000C. The authors prepared mixtures of analytical-grade productstAga-(ch, d, a) consisting of yellow lead oxide and lead selenite, the latter of which has been produced of analytical-grade selenious acid and lead nitrate.. For conducting the thermal analysis, carefully pulverized and mixed samples were prepared by annealing in evacuated quartz ampoules. Equilibrium mixtures with less than 70 mole % PbO required a 20-hr annealing at 560-57dc, Card 1/6 25482 S/020/61/1139/001/014/018 Study of the system lead selenite ... B103/B226 those with a higher PbO content - 40 hr at 630-650 0C. ThenK-52 (PK-52) pyrometer with platinum-platinum rhodium thermocouples by N. S. Kurnakov served for the differential thermal analysis. A120 was taken as a standard. Weighed portions of 0.8 g were heated in platinum cLcibles. Average heating rate was 10-120 C/min (in individual cases 5-60C/min); heating curves were recorded. X-ray diagrams were recorded by the powder method. Fe-K radiation inPkARKD) cameras, or, at high temperatures, the IIYHMVdM"(Unikam) camera served for the purpose. Capillaries of "Pyrex" glass contained the substance. The intensity of the lines was visually e7aluated according to a 5-stage scale. Fig. 1 shows the phase diagram of the PbSe03 I - PbO system; Fig. 2 the results of X-ray phase analysis. The melting points of PbSeO 3 at 6ao0C and of PbO at 885 OC were determined. The presence of oxyselenite: A) 2 PbO-PbSeO 39 and B) 4 PbO*PbSeO3 was proved in the system (in accordance with Ref. 1). A) melts with decomposing at 7550C: 2PbO-PbSeO 3< "Pmelt + 4PbO-PbSeO 3, and with lead selenite forms a eutectic at 6050C and 0~~ .0 33-3 mole 11~ PbO. B) melts congruently at 805 C and with PbO forms a eutectic Card 2/6 25482 5/020/61/139/001/014/018 Study of the system lead selenite ... B103/B226 (8000C, 63.3 mole % PbO). In addition to effects unambiguously belonging to decomposition or to melting of the phases mentioned, others were recorded in thermal analysis that cannot clearly be interpreted: between 45 and 63 mole % PbO when heating with 5-6 0C/min, endothermic effects (625, 650, and 7100C) became visible. When heating with 10-12 0C/min, these effects did not appear on the curves or were only indicated by small breaks. With slow heating, the temperatures of the final melting of mixtures with 55 and 60 mole % PbO decrease from 750 and 755 0C to 7300C. The eutectic effect (6050C) in each case appears independently of the heating rate. According to the authors' assumption, these unclear effects can be exerted by the formation and conversions of the unstable oxyselenite PbSeO 3' PbO. Mixtures with 5 to 20 mole % PbO showed a reversible endothermic effect at 625 0 C being absent in the thermograms of pure lead selenite. The Debye powder pattern of the sample with 95 mole % PbSeO and 5 % PbO annealed at 640 0C showed some linss neither belonging to PbSL 3 nor to 2 PbO*PbSeO 3' The authors assume that this effect is related to the reversible polymorphous Card 3/6 25482 S/020/61/139/001/014/018 Study of the system lead selenite ... B103/B226 conversion of lead selenite which is stablized by 2PbO-PbSeO Furthermore, 3' this effect may be due to melting the eutectic of the PbSeO 3' PbO compound with lead selenite assumed by the authors. The effects 275 � 100 and 370 '+ 100C which are not always reproducible appear in mixtures with 25-75 mole %. They are independent of both the formation and decomposition of new crystalline phases; they possibly belong, however, to second-order conversions of 2PbO-PbSeO 3' The structure of the oxyselenites mentioned is identical with that of the crystalline phases being proved earlier (Ref.1) in the oxidation products of lead selenide. A) crystallizes in the tetragonal lattice with the parameters of the body-centered cell a = 3.92 kX' c = 5-37 kX; B) crystallizes in rhombic lattices with the parampters of the body-centered cell a = 3.92 kX, b = 3.73 kX, and c = 5.72 kX. There are 2 figures and 7 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: F. N. Pollard et al. (Ref. 4: Ann. Chem. Acta, 20, 26 (1959)); H. Lipson, A. Yi'ilson, Ref. 7: J. Sci. Inst. 18, 144 (1955)). Card 4/16 -:;4 I~Lz pin 25482 * S/02q/61/139/001/014/0~8 Stud~y of the.s y stem le'ad selenite... B100226 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonos6va" & (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) . SUBMITTED: April .6~ 1961 Legend to Fig. j- System-PbSeO PbO. heating rate 10-120C/min,*(6)~ the same 0 5-6 C/min. Abs cissae-- mole 700 600 so 300 200 -5 Pbse MOA 'C'ard -5/6 2-1 01D t DWI, I j 3 to, 12 7 S 20620 S/06 60/005/005/009/021 /5100 11-o~ ILIS-4 A051YA029 AUTHORSa Novoselova, A.V.9 Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Pashinking A.S.j Candidate of Chemical So-'encee, Popovkin, B.A. TITLEt On the Production of Particularly Pure Selenium and Tellurium PERIODICALs Zhurnal Vsesoyuznogo Khimicheekogo Ob9hohestva, im. D.I. Mendeleyeva, 1960, No. 5, Vol- 59 Pp. 5157-562 TEXTs Selenixim, tolltxrium and also Bslenideek and tellurides of certain me- tals are used in the produetion of seminonduot,,raq reotifiere, valve-type photocells and sensit-1ve eleetzo-phatograph-le. layers, EI t~', Pu.-s selenium is expected to be used in the If"Itlare in the synthesis of othe_r 5elsaides fo-- luminophors, photo-resistozs, crystal eountere., etv. The semiconduolvor pr~)- perties of tellurium and tellurides are the subject of intensive studies. in the present article the authors daeoribe and comment on the -.arioua methods developed for the production of pare uelenllum and tellurium from Card 1/11 20620 S/063/60/005/005/009/021 A051/A029 On the Production of Particularly Pure-Selenium and Tellurium commercial products. It is mentioned that t-he technology of selenium and tellurium production from raw materials and theIr primary purifica'~--Ion methods have been desaribed in detail fn Soviet literatare (Ref.1-4). The main raw material for selenium production are the by-produotg of non-ferrous metallurgy plants and of the sulfuric- acid production, Commercial selenium contains usually up to 98-5 ~ of the baeic substan~,,e and admixtures or tellurium, sulfur, oxygen, arsenic, phosphorugi chlozine, sil-loon, sodium, copper, silver, magnesium, cadmium. mere-ury, aluminum, ling leadj antimony, bismuth, iron and n 'ickel. Penin (i8f.5) studied the effects of admixtures on the electrical properties of selenium rectifiers. It was found that the admixtures of many metals introduced Ln the form of sel6nides in relatively low concentrations (0.1-0.01 at~ %) Qauea a weakeiing of the rectifying action of the rectifiers. Copper and niokel were found to oauae a decrease of the rectification coefficient. Abdullaye-v and Shapiro (Ref-7, 8) found that the introduction of hali4"ea (UP to 0-15%) and thallium improve the Card 2/11 2062p S/063 601/00;/005/009/021 A051)/AG29 ,Ujar'y 'Dare $slenivz ar-.11 Tell.~X:~-J.M- On the Product4on of Pa~-ti,, rectification oharaoteristios. Other Soviet a-athors, rIr_-,%h ad Putseyko (Ref.9), Kozlovskiy (Ref.10), Luklyano-r (Ref. 11) and Naaledwr (Ref. 12) deal'. with the effects of admixtures on -~ha photc~eenaitl,,rltrof sei,~nlum photocells. The effects of non-metallio and metal-lio admixtares on tha tonj-_,0ti-rity of selenium were investigated in Ref.13-15- Poreign admirt'ares J'.n selenium were found to affect the rate of 0:ryetallization of ihe latt6r. Alkaline metals, halogens tellurium and t1hallium.. :'.razesse the :7a~a rof tion (Ref.16, 17~- The -r,~Iatllity ~,I' aeleni-,)m, .119 -aved In its purifioati*n and in the pir-ific-,ation of Its -rmpo,"de (peroxidee, hal".de.1). Other faz,- tore used in thie 6o=6~-tiorA axe the h~gL r~f se',snious acid, ease of reduction of ite c-rzpounde t~,-Y elementary eelanlum~ tha abilLty of sele- nium, contrary to '~oaliuriurq "Zo f-.,rm varfca2i add-_'tlon wht,lh det,-om_ pose unde.- aertain cor_V.ticr%a Zlo:7ming plire Other meth-do are con- -a -1 4" : e C-j nected with th6 ~xldatlo2% -f j~ommeroial aaleni-er, p, _4_.L-,ati n of th b- tained pe_-Gxtdi, aad re-I'Llotion. tz-, The rxidation of con, Marcial sellen-lum " t"! pazox!.dt -:1-th ~:oi!98qu4nt 3ti*:~!Imat~..:.-a wag rsoommanded by Card 3/1.. 20620 S/063/60/005/005/009/021 A07II/AO29 On the of Part4_--,uI&7].Y FlIZ1, S,!~' 6MI-IJA. at'd Lobanov and Tabunin (Ref. 20~ 22). In Ref. 2-7 Aleksaye-7 ;~alpnrta thal, by a single dileti'llation of saleniar. per~,xide, :~Dntaining 106 of P_dmixturea at 4000C a product oan 'Loa obtained oontaiikrg admixtizre5~ -af iron 0.000.11%P nickel 0.00003%v nopper 0.0002%.. r!'L Relenium percxide from admixtures of heavy metals ~s oarr~ed olit by p~~eairltatlo_n of these from the solutions of seleniou, aoild in -the form -f seler-lites. Th.'5 wethod is aleo recommended for puriflloatlion frim, tellixrium, the paroxide 'it vhlch f9 very k i . J. ggeeted selen-toas a.-id poorly soluble in water IRef.24~- 1"' Je su should be purified by using ion-exc-hange re-s-1n;2 inatead r-f the me thod re- commended in Ref-25-26; whioh invol-4-es the ~cprscipitat-.Lon of admixtures with aluminum hydroxide or iran, leadIng to a significanto drop in the admixture content of arsenia, lead-9 titenium, manganese and silvez, but cau5ing a certain pollutj.,:~,u by and By distilling a sollation of selenious acid at 33,00C a separat.on of selenium peroxide froz admixtures of tellurium., Itror., &I-cminlim, magnesium, eilicon, mercury and arsenic can be ao~oomplishad af ter ox.J"dizing it to 6, pentavalent state (Ref.21). Card 4/11 20620 V06 r':'G/")0-/.'0V009/021 O;z A .' On the Prodmtion cf Partioularly Pnre, Selloni-,m iad T81111r,',ii-x, One of the aimplogt msthnd3 for redli-In-3 the per::rile ia the redu-,tiori wilv*b aultur Otner re.- 3A'Id .~ to- d6- ducing agents a5ed are fozml,-, af~"J, aMZ,".-n~dM x rivati7es. The tenden:,Y cf saler..Lwrl t-:~ Addft!~-7;. --,.3 'aged in P.-C'- ducing pu:-,e selenium. C(~mmtr~,ial- eelan!Aim It ut-~' ins of riyan"deq su3.fidA- or eulf-i*VA ?,he-,A, 6~-id With the g raa~ti'-Ds tak!".ke Se KC'N f C11 OW4 ~-j S,~ -4 X Se + H'So S'~ SO H,C, Pure selenium 'Le tv-hen by --eqlaltant --o- lut-lomp, The sulfite-.;Y~!"-- fc: th'~ -vz~Z.8 eelanium Ile one of the .7-nst 7w!.dcly I-v, tke Sc-rl-st U:nt~,;% (%RF,~~ 1~1., '113). 0.haz- mrit.hods c-f byd~o- recorwmands2 &re baqi~d :,,n "he lys"A.a of the ;Ref &ad by thermal Tt;~ is Card 5/ 20620 S/06 11 ,/60/005/005/009/0,21 AC5 1 A029 On the Prodiic.`.I.,tr, of.' Pure m!d based an th6 differeat towari hYdra"I-,-,, A u,31vatuz and thp &d-. mixture elements ana the difZILerent the-t-mal ot aelenium hydrLde and the hydrides cf the otheZ elemenvii~~, --re lcrfued, ma~h~:ds eub lima t io~m and dls~!"at.Jrx- sx~ "--i ~--, ma-'Ihclg~ 'fyitg Z-slq- nium (Ref,14, 37-40). TIA-19 ~,f tlne d.ffere--,. sim~,x',!;:7as tz, the eubli- mation prck~~e7s wai etud.el ~7-.'UM~~kr vc-!,.Ic~ (R,?". 37~ -,,q" 12)~ Aja In- vestigation -as -f tl-~ne listribut--on ~:,f Thr- adm.Ixti-ires of s--,Ifur, thell"Lum a.-nd msr~-.uzy in th-i zoneg r:-f the of selenium at 200-21ii50C. T-5- wan. "-at -~t thr-, ths-.1 alm-4.yturp. v- hardly volatilizea at- all with a e I enluxm 3 lo, t a P"" 5'~ C u idd oai to s e 1 e - Tt j -ut hexs that .9 pol ted rw niumq thalli-am staxts volat.41117k.- the presenne of mixed and in the gaseous phase is a great obatautle .17i th~? zl-- rl li a';,'. oz, ---f frem ausif,--r- admixtuxes at low temperaturee (Ref.L3).~ dilst' -xE.E, fcund Ir-, have little effeat in the of f.-rox, mez-~~,v7y admixtijrx6ie (Ref,42).. Card 6/11 20620 4Z/06,1/60/05/005/000/021 A'051/AQ_210 On the Production of Particular17 Pu-Ze- 58161~!_,Im ano, T911-jr:111~im It is suggested to heat seleni!lm In aMP&U'-?1~ at 7000 C w-;Th eub~ie- quent sharp cooling in order to pu3:tfy .-It --!f cxygen (Ref.40). Pure selenium was obtained in this way with a in lk-.he order Of 10-6 ohm-cm. Distilla,.;.on with 9. fraotionaQng r-:Aumn -was al9r. i~.,;ed for the same purpose. Zonal liquefaotion for p~~=:Lfyiaq 3eienium hAH proven unan.ciess.1111 due to severe of the 1?utid B918nium and Solidification of it into the vitreoue a 4a 46 fRelf, 36). KozyZe-1- (Ref. 4-7) p,3!.rtad out that purift- catiGn by the zonal 1'qliefE.- 'Oion- ma-thnl -;ax, p-~e' -e re5ult5 u:nder high pressure. In 'he lattez the rate of Is SaLJA '40 :~n- orease. In refa=Lng to the methcdo fj:-z ru:ze talluzium. the fvllow~ ing facts are listedt `.ha zaw-materiala aze sf ths non- ferrous metaill--mg,71 tellurium usually ~a c.- the F-214-n a grea" deal of admixtures of te-Illirii=2 pa-z-oxide, eodii=, copper, silver, 19=d, bi--muth, at-,;. The 1%ttez are In th~_ 'Ibotun'A state, fo-~m- ing tielluridea, oxid,,.~r;, a 9,a.-14 solution with Pa'.-e tellurium -114 _~i3ed in th6 Card M, 1 20620 S/063/60/005/005/003/02, A051/AO29 On the Prodv.~'Iion of Partioul&rly Pure Selen~uz. and industr-i for the Droductloz% of alloys with p-ropez- ties. The -Ncxks of Ref-46-5'~ are ded',7,ated tc~ ~;hs P"ady of the effect of various admixtures and acti7~ting additlon5 ~_'n ~he t1tNermoslectrical ties of the alloys. Lead and tir. ar6 ths m,~t -~;.adea_;Zalble in tellurium. Methods fts a:,-e az~d --hemizal 4.7. na- ture or a combination -f The ohexloal are based oza the Te- crystallization or i-epzecilpltati~:,n -?f tellurium arad -"Is compounds. Re- duction potentials of tetravalent. a~ad salan4um are different aad depend on the an4dity of the med~.,arz (Ref.2,0, 54, 46). 71 waa shown recent- ly that this method is U.11nuitable for separating out small admixtures of selenium. Tellurium can be puzif:Led of heavi mvtals and selenium by apply- ing the properties of the amphollario nsture of the tellurium peroxide and its low solubility (Ref.24)- Tellurium pert~xide ---- purified of iron or heavy metals by belng dl-3,soived ia sodi,.im hydroxide. At a pL1 - 10 precipi- tation of the hydroxide or that of the tellurites of various compositions is accomplished (Ref.56, Solov-a-thkov 'n Ref.1-5 the means by Card 8/11 20620 9/06 601005100510091021 A051YA029 On the Production of Particularly Pure Selenium and Tellurium which tellurium peroxide can be purified of copperg magnesium, aluminum, lead, antimony, bismuth, v--!z.p using the low solubility of tellurium peroxide in nitric acid. The purification of tellurium by recrystallization of the compounds is used more rarely than other methods at the present time (Ref. 59, 60). Tellurium can be purified of selenium and sulfur admixtures by melting with potassium cyanide (Ref.64). The physical methods of purifica- tion are consideredi the sublimation and distillation of metallic tellurium in a vacuum, distillation in a flcw of hydrogen or of an inert gas, distil- lation of tellurium compounds, zonal liquefaction and dirGcted crystallize- tion (Ref.58, 65, 66). A study of the admixture behavior in vacuum distil- lation has revealed that the chloride admixtures oondense ir. the colder sections of the zone of condensation (Ref.66, 613 and their content in the main zone of condensation can be reduced (Ref.68~ by 300-400 times. The author has establiahed that the selenium admixture in tellurium, both in sublimation and distillation, --ondensea actually together with tellurium (Ref.70). It is recommended that tellurium be Ghemically parified prior to Card 9/11 20620 S/063/60/005/005/009/021 A051/AO29 On the Production of Part_L~ularly Pure Selanium, and Telluriam vacuum sublimation, in order to eliminate the selenium admixture. However, the authors doubt the need for eliminating the selenium admixture in the case of semiconductor manufacture. Sublimation J-a a hydrogen o= inert gas flow is another effective method suggested for purifying tellurium (Ref.71- 73). The sublimation and distillation of ~elluriun compounds, 1.4ke tetra- chloride and peroxide, have only a limited 6ignificance (Ref.60, 75, 77). A high difference in the vapor pressure of the selenium peroxide and the tellurium peroxide could be used for separating tellurium from selenium ad- mixtures (Ref-78). Due to the complexity of the apparatus needed the re- cently suggested method of t-ollurium purification based on tho thermal diB-. sociation of tellurium hydride is unpractical. Besides, the latter method would give a low yield of the pure product,viz., 24 ~- and less (Ref.79). Tellurium is subjected to zonal liquefaction when it is necessary to have a product of the highest purity. This is necessary for research purpoaea (Ref.83). Zonal liquefaction is uneffective in the case of eliminating selenium and magnesium admixtures (Ref-46, 80). The direct crystallization Card 10/11 206 S/063'90 005/005/009/021 A 0 5 1,YA 0 2 10 On the Production of Parti,~ularly Fure Selenium and Talluziliz, method is simple but not very effective when purifying tellurium from ad- mixtures in the order of 0.001 at.% (Ref.63) and selenium admixtures. In 4. -1 conclusion the authors point out that a aummary cf all -the exis4ing me 4hods. of purification both in the Soviet Union and other oo-tzntries has shown that the purest samples of these elements oan be obtained by the e-,)mbination of physical and chemical methods of parification ander the condition that the physical methods are used in thc- last stage. There is I table and 83 re- ferences' 54 are Soviet, 9 German, 20 English. Card 11/11 I NOVOSELOVA, A. V.; PASINKIN, A. S.(Pashinldn, A. S.]j POPOVKIN, B. A~ Prepamtion of the highly pure selenium and telluri= knalsle chimis 16 no.3198-ID7 JI-S 161. (Selenium) (Tellurium) NOTOSELOVA, A.Y.; PASHINKIN,.A.B., kand.khimicheskikh nauk;, POPOVEIN, B.A. Preparation of highly pure selenium and tellurium. Zhur. nMO 5 no. 5:557-562 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Ohlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Novoonlova). (-Selenium) (Tellurium)