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S-AIER, B.M.; POPOVIC,_V,; RADIE", R. Determination of the apparent age of nuclear explosions. Axh. hig. rada 13 no.4:307-310 142; 1. Institut za medicinska isorazivanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb. (RkDIOACTIVE FALLOUT) ~-POPOVICJV V.; SALER, B.M. The efficiency of an apparatus for counting KCR~3- Arh. hig. rada 13 no.2:101-106 162. 1. Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb. (RADIOMETRY) IYUGOSLAVIA B.14. SALER and V. POPOVIC, Institute for I'ledical Research and Occupational Medicine (-Iri~titut za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu rada).#Zagreb. "Correlation of the Radioactivity of Specimens of Air." Vol 13, Zagreb, ~Lj~hiy__Sa Htg iju Radz~A No 4. 1962; pp 28-3-288. Abstract [English summary modified]: Radioactivity of 13 air specimens collected in Zagreb city during 13 consecutive weeks in Feb-May 1962 was compared with corresponding specimens collected at Sljeme, a 1000-meter mountain near city. Consistently higher values in the city are considered attributable to it being an industrial center. Diagrara, formulae, 2 tables; 3 US, I British and 1 Yugoslav (statistics' text) references. IL, 1 6 FERISIG, Milutin; FOPOVIC.,,_~~Jislav Intradural prolapse of the-inter7ertebral disk. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 90 no.9:875-8?6 3 062. 1L. Neurohirursla klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerzitata u Beoeradu Upravnik: prof. dr. Slobodan Kostic. (INTERVERTEBRAL DISK DISPLAGEM4T) 3 S/194/62/000/'002/089/096 D271/D301 AUTAHOR: Popovic, Vajin, and Marincic', Aleksander TITLE: Some improvements in the methods for measuring fre- quency by means of an electronic oscillograph _D~rRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-7-239kh (Publ. Blektrotechn. .-fL'ak.. Univ. Beogradu, Ser. Telekomun. i elektron., 1960, no. 22, 11 pp.) TEXT: When frequency ratio.. f 11f2 is determined with an oscillo- graph by the method consisting in anode modulating with f 21 the circular scanning frequency f 2P or by the method of superposition of two scanning frequencies f 1 and f 2, and thus obtaining cycloids, the counting of very numerous loops is made even more difficult because of the rotation of the display on the screen. It is sug- gested that instead of loops, intersections be counted of the 08- Card 1/2 st,194/62/000/001/060/060' D201/D305 AUTHOR: Popovi6, Vojin, S. TITLE.- The cycloid method of oscilloscope frequency measure- ment5 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radicelektronika, nol 1, 1962, abstract 1-7-227 ch (Pub!. Elektrotehn fai. Univ. Beogradu, sera Telekomun. i elektron., 1961, no. 28-29, 6-8) TEXT: A short derivation of the formula for numerical frequency evaluation with their relative determination using the oacillo- scope cycloid method. The advantages (wide range of frequencies be- ing compared, etc.) and disadvantages (dependence of the accuracy of measurements on the relative dimensions of generalized Liesaj'ou figures and of the line thickness on the CRT screen) of the des.- cribed method of frequency measurements are discussed. It is sho,,rm that sometimes, when it is impossible to measure the amplitude of deflection system voltages, it is necessary to go over to the Card 1/2 JSVTIC,Zivojin,doc.dr.; K&MVIC.Drago,dr.; ZEC.Risto,dr.; PCPOVIC,Vojln,dr. ~ Tin therapy of taenissis. Ned. galon. 13 no.11:547-549 N '59. 1. 11 Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu, upravnik: prof. dr. M. Simiic. (TIN ther.) (TAPIWORK INFACTIONS ther.) I-OF(I"VIC, V. Brief directions for the construction of road surl'ace using bituminous emulsion. p. 2F.0 (abTE- I M bTOVI. Vol. 5, No. 7, July 1957, Zagreb, 'Yugoslavia) SO: i-Ionthly List of East European Accessions (FIAL) Lc. Vol. 6, Mo. 10, Octduer1957. Uncl. 1:)',IOVICJI V. Contribution to the conversion of'paraboloidal timber. p. 1096. (TEHNIKA. 'vol.12, No. 7, 1957, Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly Listof East European Accessions(FEAL) Lc. lol. 6, No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. Fopf)"!1C) V. Belgrade city transportation in the past, at present, and in the near future. P. 139h. (TFHNIKA. Vol. 12, uo. 8, 1957, Beograd, Yuf,-oslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (FIAL) Le. Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. YOPOVIC, Vojin. Cooperative agriculture in the Feople's Republic of Serbia. Beograd Izd. I Ureda za informacije pri Fretsednistim Vlade Narodne Republike Srbije, 10,49. 75 P. (55-16252) HD149l.S4F6 Agriculture, Cooperative - Serbia. rcDCV-,,,, V6 "Ccoperativor, ror T---Alal 103C o~' fv-riculturrO. -.?Chne--Y.fl n. r MIX-PRITIMM, Vol. 4, 110. 4, A-or. 1953, f9cor-rad, Yuqonlavia', SCO: T'ont~,ly List of East Europelan Acce.-M-onn, Vo] . Lib--r-i-j o.' Gmrrress ~-3, Uncl. ---RuW6ijrpve9 -that.; if --ft') (.v)-41 he ~fa 6:4, (ka a zqation 0 4 In W widt' f "if nditions forcing A giveftli#labowl'o b~ a polya~:` A, 50 fly cgs 77 77p~ 77 P C', 11. -- .- - -- - 1-1 - Fdcking firtwood bind wood for aaeiaical P-Irooses- ;~. 12. (-.". .. ,-, - Z~ Iful. 111, no. 9110, Sep'../Uct. 1953,'.1~w'--ein, YuFosla'.d;z) SO: i-ionthly list of Zast E-.uropeaa Accessi ns, LICI Vol. It, no. 1 Jun. 1955, und. ":,--asur--'Lnf,-. of the trunk and rational ixse o-" ti.,,,iber i7l T). 17. (GLASEK, No. 6, 1953, BeOj7rady Vucosla-lria) (L. orithly h-st oL' East European Accessi.-:)nsj IX, 7olL. ,jan. 1955, Uncl. FOFOVIG) V. Rational use of wood in making oars. P-133. Belgrade. Uni-verzitet. Sumarski fakutet. GLASNIK. BUUMN. Beograd. No. 8, 1954 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of ConEress Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956 PC-1,011lic I V. F-CPOVIC, V. A contriblition to the -rroblem of cuttinc- crnic lor-S. Vol. 11, No. 11, 1956. TFHMIKA TFC , T. 'iNICLCC-Y Eeorrad, Yugoslavia So: 7-=,;t European -Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, Februsry IQ,57 POPOVIO., V. (Dr. Engr.) 4. Bordering of the pavement. 10 Air, AA, Belgrade, W135-5,4, 26 April 1954# mlzcmdnJa" Ito. 1,1 for Jan & Feb. 1954, 17% info., Unclas. POPOVIC, V. Influence of vitamin E on creatinuria produced t7.-X rays. Bul Be Aft 7 no.1/2:13 F-Ap 162. 1. Institut za medicinaka istrazivanja#,~Novi Sad. )t POPOVI9, V._' SALER, B.M. The efficiency of an apparatus for counting KC10-3. Arh. hig. rade, 13 no.2:101-106 162. 1. Institut, za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb. (RADIOMETRY) I VOUK, V.B.; POPOVIC, V. Methods for determination of radioactivity in the atmosphere. Arh. hig. rada 13 no-3:245-250 162. 1. Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i med.Lcinu rada, Zagreb. (AIR POLLUTION, RADIOACTIVE) Fol-"wic, V. Effect of tires uron roar! surfac:5. p. 357, GESTE I MOSTOVI- ZeUcb. Vol. 3, No. 9, Sept. 1955 SOURCE: East Eurorean Accessions List (EEAL), LG, Nol. 5y No- 2, Feb. 1956 POPOVIC.- V. POPOVIC, V. Application of emulsions in the construction of pavements on bridges. p - 474. Vol. 3, no. 12, Dec. 1955 CESTE I MOSTOVI TECHNOLOGY Zagreb, Yugoslavia So: East European Accessions, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1956 POPO17IC P V. "Brief directives for usin.r, emulsions in construction of roadways." p. 23 (Put I Saobracaj) No. 4, Apr. 1957 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: MontUy Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W - Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 POPOVICt V. POPOVIC.9 V. White asphalt. p. 38 Vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1957 CESTE I !,IOSTOVI TECHNOLCGY Zagreb So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, no. 3, Farch 1957 POPOVIG,V. Gonstruction of pedestrian, park, and bicycle lanes by emulsions. p. 74p (Ceste I Mostovi. Vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 1957, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) I$, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957, Uncl. POPOTIG, V. '~Experiences with highways in Gerwany." P. 48 (Put I Saobracaj) No. 5/6, may/june 1957 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: Honthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 a. MM99aigiz" FOPOVIC,_Vladeta; JOVANOVIC, Bosko Our experiences and therapeutic results in malignant tumors of the otaries during 1948-1958. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 88 no.11:1111*151116 N 160. 1. Radioloaki institut Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Bogoljub Bosnjakovic. (OVAIff neopi) POPOVICI V* VIDOVICp V. I'Suprarenal glands and hibernation.,' P- 3 (AMM BICLOSKIH NAUKA., Vol. 3., no- :L/2,0 June 1951p Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: Montbly List of East i~uropean Accessions, Vol. 2, A, Librax7 of Congress Au,7ust, 1953, Uncl. V. POPOVIC "Oxygen pressure and winter SiM." P. 212. ( BULLETIN? SGIENCES NATURELLES, Vol- 4P no. 2.. 1952,, Beograd, Yugoslavia SO: Nbrithly List of last lkropeajk Accession, L. c., Vol. '... No. 7., July 19513p Uncl. "The inj lluence c~, zsr~ri ',3 ("ILAS, Vol. 2,-18, no. 1'7 --c upon Yu~;O~davia) SO: 'ion",',-Ll,l, List of LI'ast -.---'urorcan !xcesoions, Lf", Vol. SAHOVIC, K.;.2:MLC,-V. ANAF, M. Study of thermoregulation; effect of 17popkqsectony and mdrenalectom7. G1&v arpake akad. nauk&. ode1j nod. 211 no-7:27-31 1953. le PrimlJono na XVIII skupu Caelj. mod, nauka 18 XII 1952 god. (BASAL OTABOLISM. pbyniol. off. of adren&1ectoxy & kqpophysectomr in rate) (AMER&L GLAMX, off. of excis. on basal metab. In rate) (PrfUlTART GLAND, off. of excis. on basal motab, in rate) A 1.0 Q J 4-THS's. ~renll squinel =0 V VO M r -during hibim t1 . Popo-IC (Fac. I! L . d Belgrude, Yupmlavial'.: J. Endmwdmmwu~l' in the. -1-2 hrs - after ikal adrernalectomy a-- --p ' during biberrmtiort (4:481) becine ficrinal (37*) 1--- :: ~;-17'. a -werc kept fter tulfenalectomy.iih,4h the animalq. i -the 7M d#*.04 times that at 0 comumotion at 4':on s 31 Survival -2* on the 6th day;. body tempi; were normal, time after-adrenalectoniy in lab.-kept nonhibernailfig squir.; er: than during lrds.during.Nov~ and Dec. averaxed great Soipt.-Oct. andi Ftb;-Zfardt.- 11n,uptak-e-by the thymid, In'- noahlbemating squirrels is considerably smaller in Sept.-Oct. than during the winter, - Fn 13 n6t itcumulated by the th Y7 ter! void of the biberna ting gTnund kain el, but 3 idy, if adrenalectomy Ithe 1131 accutnuhted Is eqt&. to that taken b the thyroUt of the nooljib~crn *Ming aninial- In adre.; UP y ! 7 -its., 0 consumption at V nveraied less than nalectomized r. twice that at 31-2*, and body tempu fell rapidly; In intact 34old. ~ During autumn, the T -rats it averagtdabout was greater Ahan; that for the uptake of the rai-thyro! squ winter. irrel, IMC little difference iwas seen: during ' -sConclusion- iraEtors other Wn the adrenals arc.cancernid: temp. regulation in hiberuating anitnals -7-~--7- ~7 T. 7- J .3 GIRBEA, Lt , prof.; POPMCU, D., prof.; TURCFRIJU, L., conf.; DUNAR&AITU,O., dr.; POPO -ITICI, V., dr. 1he role of diseases of inothers In pregnancy, labor and the puerperium in the origin of deafness in the newborn. Otorino- laringologie (Bucur) 10 no.1:80-88 Ja-4-Ir'65- POPOVIC, VO I I Crisis of passenger traffic on the European railroads.,~ and tourism, Medun transp 9 no.3:188-191 Mr 363. POPOVIC, Veljko., inz. (Rudnik, Aleksinac) Marsala Tita 7a) Geologic and stratification conditions in the Bogovina- Ildne, and application of the Blazny stoping method. Pt. 2. Tehnika Jug 18 no.Q,:Suppl.:Rudarstvo metalurg 14 no.9:1668-1675 S 163. 1. Glavni inzenjer investicija u Rudniku Aleksinac,, Aleksinac. Li 'Inr 7j 1STIr" Neumeurgical Clinic me,11cal C), Onivrer~~ity !,'2,1,jtj-jjA0-F ~111'u~tllta U'r; i~- :UaUr-~, I! -,Y. -1 (Upv~; 4m.W) Vrok Dr -clob~-Iun ROSTIC, Bftlgrld-s. VOU.C's- rbe Disk.': -n~ Src.~tki Ar.6i- z& Lelcavscva Vol 90, No 9, Sept 1962; -r -q mot: in 48-ye-ar-OLC. a-mer jnglish sumis-ar~ Ctse reporr f i ,~h bz~~k and hta of mariv years? durojz~ "or... 2 4--ys of vlg~rv;a brr,----.ghz on ac-?Ize ay- (10 tj 1- 1 -- incontinence, impotence, pai:,Ov~~.i3 and dis-noWc difficulties- operation 6 MOVI.hs z~tcr criset; slo,~.T LncamirLfstc rt;covery. Early diagnosis and I iS Westerr rer,-renc*-Q, Yuaoslav JEVTIG, Zivojin, doc.dr.; WOVIC, Drago, dr.;. POPOVIC, Vojin, dr Our experiences with hydrochlorothiazide. Med.glasn. 14 no-5:246- 248 YT 160. 1. Interna klinika medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Upravnik: prof. dr B.Zimonjic) (CHLOROTHIAZIDE rel cpds) GUZINA, Bosko, ing.; PCPOVIC, Velizar, inZ. Hydrologic analysis and investlg,~,ions of stream sources in the vicinity of Niksic. Vodoprivreda ing 2 no.4/5:63-70 159. I%EEAI 9:10) 1. Energoprojekt, Beograd, Carice X-lice 2. (Montenegro--Water) JIVTIG,Zivojin; POPOVIC,Vojin; MAROVIC.Dmgo; RAJZVIG,Nedeljko Contribition to Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Mod. arh,', Sarajevo 12 no.2:41-57 Kr-AP 159. 1. 11 Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu, sef, v.d.: doe. d-r Miron Simic. (HICART BIOCK) S/194/62/000/001/061/066 D201/D305 AUTHORS: Popovi6, Vojin, S. and Radovib, Miodrag, B. TITLE: Some variants of the oscillograph HF power measurement method PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no, 1, 1962, abstract 1-7-229 m (Publ. Elektrotehn., fak. Univ. Beogradu, ser. Telekomun. i elektron., 1961, no. 30, 12s, i1.) TEXT: An improved method of measuring power dissipated in the load in the HF range by means of a C.R.O. is given. The disadvantages of the above method are discussed together with those of the so- called graphical method (Ljubljana 'Eleketrotech. vesn.1, 1954, no. 1-2 which result in large measurement errors. It is shown that if a capacitor of a predetermined capacity is connected in series with the dissipative load then, in order to determine the dissipa- ted power, it becomes enough to evaluate the area cf one or three ellipses obtained on the C.R.0 screen. Both variable and fixed Card 1/2 POPOVIG,V.; REZAKOVIC,Dz.; GMAZ,H.; CVJETICANIN,A. Clinical contribution to plasm.7cytic lenkemia. Med. arh., Sarajevo 12 no.2:77--82 Mr--Ap 159. 1. 11 Interns kliniks Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevusef,v.d.: doc. d-r Simic. (NTBWK& PIASMA CZLL c ompl. ) (LVJMIA etiol.) RIZAKOVIC,Dz..d-r; KULENOVIG,S.,d-r; POPOVIC,V.,d-r Clinical contribution to the abdominal form of Hodgkin's disease. Med. arh.,Sarajovo 13 no.6:107-112 N-D 159. 1. 11. Interm klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajavu, sef* prof. d-k Simic. (STOMACH N310PIASMS) (HODGKIN'S DISUSE) POPOV.-LC' V. Detormining forms of logs, P. 552 , Prob. of our construction industry; material for discussion, P. 553 TEHNr,KA (Savez inzenjera i tehicara Jugoslavije) Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 14, no- 4., Apr. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accession EEAI IC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncla. ,POp0Vl,7,,__Vpljko,-inz. ("Ludr-i-k Aleksinac, i,'arsaia "ita. za; Hoisting tower as SLatically uadetenmineif latr-fca gird~.:~. Jug Suppl-.Gradevinarstvo 17 no.11.20-13-:.:,022 N 163. 1. Glavni inzenjer za investIcije u fladniku Aleksirac. STEFAYIOVIC, Bozidar- POPOVIC Vladeta; CVETKOVIC, Stevan; DORDEVIC, Miroslav- lialignant tumors of the maxilla. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 91 no.9:819-824 S163 1. Otorinolaringolooka klinika 14edicinskog falculteta Univer- ziteta u Beogradu (upravnik: prof.dr, Brecko Podvinea) i Ra- dioloski institut Medicinskog fal-ulteta Univerziteta u. Beo- gradu (upravnik: prof.dr. Bogolub Bosnjakovic). POPOVIC, Vladeta, dr. Cancer and bone metastasea. SrD arhiv leimr 82 no.4:LW3-468 Ap '54. (AF-A-L 3:7) 1. Radioloski institut Nedicinakog fakulteta u -Beogradia. Uprarnik: prof. dr. Stojan Dedic. (Rad je Urednistvo primilo 26-IV-1953 god.) (BRIAST, neoplasms (130NIS. neoplasms Ometaetasis to bones) Owtastatic from breast) JOVANOVIC, Vasilije- POPOVIC Vukosava; MINIC, Bozidar Glucose t1tration curves In 2 cases of renal diabetes. Srpski arb. calok. Ink. 84 no.4:468-475 Apr 56. 1. 11 Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u. Beogradu- Upravnik: Djordje Brkic. (GLTCOSURIA, renal, blood sugar titre determ. (Ser)) (BT,OOD SUGAR, In various die. renal glycosuria, titre determ. (Ser)) POPOVIC, Vojin S. A variant of impedance measuring method with the aid of transmission line. Publ telekom elektr Univ Beograd "1 :1 o.~ -9 156 n POPOVIC,Z.; PRICA,V. Movement of phosphorias through natural earth and earth in test tubes. ZemIjiste bi-IJka 11 no.1[3:559-561 162 1. Poljoprivredni fakultetp Sarajevo* Popovic, Z.; Arsenijevic, M.; Jovanovic, R. Conditioning of some types of Yugoslav wheat. 1. P. 1597 Tehniks. Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 14, no. 9, Sept. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. I anvic, L'. DeLermination of possible cases of grading for telephone selector outlets. p.l. ZDOIINIK RI.DOVA. Beograd. 110. 37, 1554 SOURCE: East European Acce3Sions List (EEAQ, Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956 F.CFCVIC,.,---Z'- Quality of cyclic connections of teletAxne selectors. p. 3. (,H7-f-GP;E VC-1. 14, No. 1, Jar, 1';.',551 SO: Vonthly Lists of East. Etiropean Accessions. (FEAL, LC, Vol. 4, No. 6, june 1955, Uncl. POPOVICI Z. Practical laboratories for research on soils. p. 20. (HUfIZACIJA FOLJOPRTVWE. JOUbNAL OF FERTIL12ERS AND CFCP PROTECTION. No. 2, 1956. Yugoslavia.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) W, vole 6p no, 7, July 1957, Uncle --, ". of phmsphoric ac--!i -iri t~he principal t,-pes o.;' :5o!]-!: 0' 3r;r~-,Ia. 11 ' "E"T -'"*-- - Ijj,jo;.t., "'o-1. " no. IP! rr6 ~ . j -1 ~: , J . _j(j , ) C~ 30: *:ont-ril,~r lnrle,. o ~ --, 13 1, Eurocirian Acce~5sioi,3 ~ T,". Vol. 7, No. . 1-,ffri ~ 1, A . . ------------ .?Effeci,df'CAchuu cyanamide and calcium 'ammonium n1-. _ l kt ., rate on y eld and qualikyof sugar beets, DurdeD.Jelt Und 2iVota popoV,6_(UjjiV.L 13elcjUde,_ Yugo- _Z V IA). -Ca CN. (( MM..dT&.NA,- nitmte;7-01), Le MIM, + ~ CaCO were used on various kinds4chernozena sol's for fic zinc of sugar beets; - the s6li~rcceivcd in , cient. as sul - as. 40%, KCl P xrphosphat6 and.;suflicledt K $ - The dose of N of either I or H was 30, 60, 90; 120, or 150. kg./ha ' and all expts.- were repeated 5 times.*. The re-~ , -suits ~;. not too easily ititerpreted, as the meteorological canditions have a large influence on the beet yields and qual- ities Howeveri these large-scak expts. showed beyon any dou~t,'that. N. if added as U, shows bettereffects than Ifl, added as I. NIKOLIG Stevan, prof. dr.; JELENIC, Darde, prof. dr.; POPOVIC, Z. Fertility of Yugoslav soils, and use of fertilizers. Zemljis',4) biljka 10 no.1/2.-.11-52 t6l 1. Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. 2. Odgo- vomi! urednik, "ZemljIste i biljka. Soil and Plant" (for Nikolic). 3. Clan Rsdakcionog odbora, *Zanljiste i biljka. Soil and Plant-12 (for Jelenis). 0 POPOTIC, Zlatoje, dr. Itiology of torsion of normal falloplan tube; case report. Med. pregl...Novi Sad 7 no.4:309-312 1954. 1. G!Lnekolooko-porodjajno odeljenje Glarne pokrajinake bolnice, Novi Sad,-oaf dre Djura*Dekanice (TALU)PW'TMS. die. . torsion. atiol. & surg.) POPOVIG, Zlatoje. dr. Case of torsto coll.1 uteri myowtosia. Ned. pregl.. Novi Sad 7 no. 5:400-401 1954. 1. Ginakolooko-porodjajno odeljenje Glayne pokrajinake bolnice - Novi. Bad. Sef: dr. DJ.Dekanic. (CERVIX. UTERINE. neoplasms lelozVoza, causing torsion, purg.) (LBIOKTOKAL uterine cerwix, c.ausing torcion, surg.-) POPOVIC, Zivpjjn M., dr (Cuprija) Speranskii and hiB teaching. Yed. glasn. 15 no.11:407-409 11 161. (BIOGRAPHIES) POPOVIC. Xatoja,. Dr.. Lactognnasis and delactation, our experiences. Ned.pregl.,Novi Bad 8 no.1:31-34 1955. 1. Ginokolooko-porodjajno odelenjo Glavne pokrajiuske bolulce. Novi Sad,Sef: prim. dr Dj Dakanic. (MILK. HUUN, delactution., physiol.(Ser)) FANINGER, Aleksandur, dr; POPOVIC, Zivana Case of herpes gestationis. Med.pregl.Hovi Sad 7 no.6:475-476 1954 1. Kozno-veneriche odeljonje Opste bolnice Djordje Joanovic, Zrenjanii. Sef: dr A. Faninger. Ginskoloako-akusersko odeljenje Opste bolnice Djordje Joanovic, Zrenjani. Ser:dr Bozidar Novic; (MMATITIS. HICRPNTIFOINIS, in pregnancy) (PBEGNANCY, complicatioan. dermatitie her-petiformis) MIHAJLOVIC, V., Dr.; POPOVIC, Z. dr. 11 --- Evaluation of BCG vaccination In tuberculous meningitis. Tuberkuloza. Beogr. 8 no-3-4:167-169 XW-Ang 56. 1. Antituberkulo%ni dispanzer u. Leakovcu (s4ts dr. V. Nihajlovic) Infektivno odeljenje u Lqskovcu (advaef: c1r. Z. Popovic). (TUBERCULOSIS, MENINGIAL, prev. & control BCG vacc. In child. (Ser)) (BCG VICCINATION,) POPOVIC-DANI, Ivc-, ~1,1JD1--,14, Albert; WUMNOVIC, Aleksandar .r Our experience with pul;-nonary echino-coccosis. Tuberlhdozaa no.!: 72-74 162. 1. Hirursko odeljenje bolnice "Dr Dragisa Misovic", Beograd, (nacelni-k: prof. dr I. Popovic-Dani). (E CHINOCOCCOSIS PU11,10INARY) (PjIE-LRjONECTOMy) POPOVIC-D-ANI, I.; RISTIC, M.; MADER, A. Case of leimyoma of the ellophagns. Acts. chir. Iugosl. 10 no.1:71-74 163. 1. Hirursko odelJenje Bolnice "Dr Dragisa Misovic" u Beogradu (Nacelnik prof. dr 1. Popovic-Dani). (ESOPHAGEAL NEOPLAW) (LEIOMYOMA) 3ee 15 Vol 13/2 ChL-~t D13. eh 60 404. NIKDIASTINAI, TUNIOURS - Medijustinali tunlorl - 1, 6 -~ 1) ~an iand 1 01) -C I Njajder A. MrurgkoOdcl.Bolnice OrDra"i9aArigovP ~C0.1rad-TUFIFIt- KUL.OZA 1958, 10/5 (274-284) Came report of 9 cases of mediastinal turnours with the description of the sympto- matology and diagnosis. In all the cases surgical intervention was performed witil the pathohistological verification.. Furlan - GoInik (.%-V, 16) INDIN, Katarina, dipi. hem.; POPOVIC-DIMITRI-ITEVIC, Persida, dipl. inz. Rational analysis of manganese ores. Rudar glasnik 1 53-54 164. 1. Bureau of Analytic Chemistry of the Mining Institute, Belgrade. IYUGOGLAVIA Ilihailo IIOJOVIC, Ljubisav PAKIC and Rj.Erdjc_PQPOVjC ER."K Department =7_ _ of Pbysiolo3y of Iledical Faculty of University (Fizioloski institut Nedicinskog falculteta Univerziteta)..Ilcad (Urravnik) Prof Di; Nilutin NESKOVIC, Beloradc. "Effect of Fatigue on Chronaxia of Les, Muscles." Belgrade, AM!~ILt Arhiv za CelpISHVnq~ 'o 1, Jan 63; Vp 1-5. Vo 1 9 1, 1. Abstract [English summary modified]: Chronaxy studies in 30 ballet 'jYr;~~frii--students aged. average 16&7/12 before and after strenuous practice period of 2 hours: chronaxy of m. fibularis longus and m. tibialis anterior increased by average 0.34 sigma in all, back to normal in 15 minutes. Table; 3 Soviet, 2 liesternp3 Yugoslav refl. 1/1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TASOVAC, Borivoje; CALIC-PERISIC, Nada; DUKIC, Dragica; POPOVIC-:-FQW~ITC, Milans, Early tonsillectomy in acute glome.-ulonephritis. Srpski &rh. celok. lek. 93 no.1:1-5 Ja 165. 1. Pedija'urijska klinika Modicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (Upravnik: prof. dr. Borivoje Tasovac). POPOVIC-ROLOVIC. Hilana; BAKLAJA, Radmila; TASOVAG, Borivoj , ----- -- Blood coagulatim factors in newborn infants. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 93 no.2tl55-161 F 965. 1. Ginekolasko-akuaerska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta. Univerzi- teta u Beogradu (Upravnik: prof. dr. Bosiljka Milosevic); Pedija- trijskp- klinika Hedicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (Upravnik-. prof. dr. Boriroj Tasovic) ; Zavod za transfuzi~u kryi SR Srbije u Beogradu (Upravnik: dr. Paula Lah). YUGOSLAVIA / Chemical Teohnology. Artificial and H Synthetic Fibeib. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya) ~o 22; 1958, 758751 Author : Popovich, Inst : nrOt-ffTrM.,.-- Title : The Significance of the Copper Number in the Determination of the Degree of Decomposition of Cellulose Fibers. Orig Pub: Tekstil. ind., 1955, 3, No. 12, 18-21. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 Card 1/1 I /./~. /--/, " - I C~ /V , //I . POPOTICH, A. .,. 71, -, ~-*,,;" -;~32 -.~ - .1 - - [Kurgan breed of cattle] Kurgenskaia Doroda krupnogo rogntogo skota. Kurgan, "Krasnyi Kurgan," 1956 .. 123 P. (MIRA 10:12) (Cattle breeds) -- ;4- - V49 r ~ 3 .-. Cotton - Diseases and ?asts Using a suspension of hexachloran Oust in controll;m7 and t*-I-s on co-It-on. I b . :j Khlopkavodstvo No- lu, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. ]g9c3cl Uncl. RWOVICH. Audrey, (Bukharest, Rmsynakaya Waroduays. Reepublika). Nonlinearity and conformal reelprocity. DokI.AN SSM Ill no.1:74-77 N-D '56. (MM 10:2) 1. Predstavleno akademikom N.N.Bngolynbowym. (Yield theory) (Relativity (Physics) 56-4-19/r-2 ~~TWR PUPOVICH, ANDM (Bucharest, Romania) ftTIS Ine Nonlinearity of the Field in the Conformal Theory of the Reciprocity Theorem .(NelineynosV polya v conformnoyteorii vzaimnosti. Russian). PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim ia Teoret. Fizilci~ 1957,, Vol 32, Nr 4, pp 781 - 793 ABSTRACT paper under review derives the first variant of the nonlinear elec- The , trodynamica-by-Bohr-Infold and the inconstancy of the gravitation con- stant from the.conformal-covariant gravitation equations which corre- spond.,to &.certain generalized reciproc' -by- theoiem. This theorem is based on the group theory and.-it leads to a nonpunctiform field theoryw Then the paper.under revie* also set's up a principle of correspondence bet- ween the reciprocity theorem and the theory of relativity. Chapter I deals with the field equations. Inthis context, also the case or 5e static and of the spheric distribution of matter tof the pasL- ticle and.of the field is dealt with. Chapter 11 .. The groups of the conformal quantities.,In this chapter, tne autnor or the paper under review defines, inter alia, generalized scalar curvatures, Lagrange functions and certain tensors. The normalized fundamental scalirs.of the nonlinear conformal theory of reciprocity form isomorphous,, cubic, dihedral (projective) groups Db in,qu~Lntum Card 1/2 theory they therefore are substituted by-groups of operators. POFOVICII, A. (pt.Kizner, Udmurtskaya ASSR); PLOTNIKOV, I. I ~ Res6lutions of the November Plenum of th6 Central Connittee of the'CESU inspire new labor'victories; comyunist labor at grain recieving enterprises. Muk.-elev.prom. 29 no.D3-7 Ja 163. (KM 16:4) 1. Vostochno-Kazakhatanskoye upravleniye khleboproduktow (for Plotnikov). (Grain elevators) P o CC) V I c F1 0 - SUBJECT USSR /,,PHYSICS GARD 1 / 2 Pk - 1973 AUTHOR POPOVIC,A. TITLE Nonlinearity and Conforming Reciprocity. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk 111,fasc.1, 74-77 (1956) Issued: 1 / 19~7- This is a very concisely written purely mathematical treatise. There f6llow several important points of this work: The variation of Lrg according to gik and pi results in conformingly-covariant equations Qik Sik (or Lik-Lgik/4) 0(pik r and g)/a xk _ 0. The first equation applies to the field of gravitation, the second to the electromagnetic field. Here g and pi (with the potential pi) ik r 2 2 denote the electromagnetic field, Lik' F F~k + PP ik9 L ! Lr F + P r Pik Pir pk/p' qik - [(Fik - gik/4), Fik - the contracted gravitation tensor, F the gravitation scalar, P/ 2 - the absolute amount of the electromagnetic - (3k -r field. It further holds that (Q~iy 9)'k + i g) ;k - 0' Next, the equations for L and their solutions are given. They are similar to the formulaelpf the first variety of BORN-INFELD electrodynamics. The close connection between the tensors ( ik and Pik has also a connection with the theory developed by V.A.FOK, Zs.f. Phys. 51, 261 (1929). On this occasion the following "conformal" relations are obtained as well as some analogous relations for th? quanta ofl~~me, omentum", and amperage; a/eo.e0pl= A 6 (a/e- c/m- qo/e 0- e 0 - (c t. r 0) - 1 /2. /(p0 o) 2 Dokl.Akad.Hauk 111,fa3c.1,74-77 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1973 Here q, and got - cgo denote the electric and magnetic (canonically conjugated) 0 measures of the charge, eo - e/b - the mechanical ("gravitation-" measure of the charge, a - the radius of the charged elementary particle, W - M/b2 _ its energy, 6 - Y-k/c. The modification of the dielectricity constant E I E 0 demanded by nonlinear electrodynamics as well as the modification of the gravitation con- stant demanded by DIRAC and by the projective theory of relativity follow here automatically from the conformal character (i.e. which is quadratic with respect to Fand P) of the LAGRANGIAN L1 the equations for E I E0 and k/12 resulting from it become variable quantities on this occasion. These nonlinearities of the "second kind" on this occasion express the interaction of various fields, i.e. the interaction law and the existence of several maximum fields. These nonline- arities of the second kind are distinguished from nonlinearities of the "first kind" of the curvature tensor with respect to the Christoffel symbols. The formulae obtained are specialized also for the electrostatic spherical case. The case g, M G1 - 0 is analogous to the relativistic static case. Next, the more general case and the case with any relative tensor are discussed. The here dia- cussed conformal theory generalizes the interaction law leading to covariant physical laws and can be generalized also for complex LAGRANGIANS, asymmetric gik' etc. INSTITUTION: Bucarest, Roumania AIEKSANDRU L. [Alexandru, L.]; KOWLN M. [Coutan, M.1; RIZESKU, T. [Rixesou, T.J; ~FOFWICH., A. [~opcvici,, A.) Effect of the nature of stabilizers on the stability of polyca.- prolactam. Khim.volok no.4:/+-8 162. (MRA 15:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, khimii,, Bukharest,, Rumynskaya Narodwya Respublika. (Nylon) C I MMIRY :YUGOSILMA :Weede and Weed Control ABG. JOIJI.R.: lio.2,q, 195K4 No4' 104939 AIJ-1HCR :POPov't-cI,-A---- TMAE :Wild Oat.~Considerubly Contaminate the Sovings of Cereals. GRI.Q. IPIUB.;Poll o-privroda, 1957, 5, No. 3, 39-42 AMTRACT Vo abstract. i. Card: 111 POPOVICH, A. D., Cand. Medic. Sol. (diss) "Effect of Some Factors of Internal and Externa. znvironment on Course of Ex- perimental Syphilis of Rab'.j3.ts, " Minsk, 1961, 25 pp. (Minsk Med. Inst.) 200 copies (KL 6upp 12-61, 28B). PROKOPCHUK, A.Ye POPOVICH A.D. 3ffect of interoceptive stimulation on the co-arse of ezperizental syphilis In rabbits. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN BSSR 1:119-128 156 1 (MLRA 10:5) (SYPHILIS) (BUDDXR-INIn2VATION) PROKQPGHUK, A.Ya., professor (Minsk); Effect of interoceptive stimustion of experimental syphilis. Yes (SYPHIIIS) (BIADDIR-UMVATION) POPOVICEI. A.D. (Mirsk) from the bladder on the course ~.ven. i derm. ao,,3:55-516 My-%Te 'JI6. (NW 9;9) POPOVICH, A.D. --- Influence of ionizing irradiation on the cour30 -:if experimntal syphilis in rabbits. Sbor-nauch.rab.Bel.nuach.-issl.kozhno-ven. inst. 6:63-68 159. (MIRA 13:11) (X RAYS--PHYSIMOG-CCAL KFMT) (SYPHILIS) POPOVICH A.D.; KNO]MICH, F.A. -- ~ 11 P, - Influence of cortisone on the course of experimental syphilis in rabbits surviving radiation sickness. Sbor.nauch.rab.Bel.nauch.-issl. kozhno-ven.inst. 6:130-132 159. (MIRA 13:11) (CORTISONE) (SYPHILIS) (RADIATION SICKNESS) PROKOFCHUK, A.Ya. (Frakapchuk, A.IA.1; SOSNOVSM,, A.T. [Sasnouski, A.T.]; GRINGAUZ, 14.Ya.~.-POPOVIC4, A.D. [?apovlch, A.D.]; SOSNOVSKIY, G.A. (sasnouski, H.A.-j-;7N-d~*~kft,-P.-F,. [Smollski, F.F.] Radioactive cerium (Cel4l+), cesiwa (csl37), promethium (pm!47) and their therapeutic effect. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. bliBl. nav. no-4:84-90 162. (MIRA 17-8) WE T.- URMM 540M -ft 24 POPOVICH, A.D. Influence of stimuli from the stanach and the urinary bladder in rabbit3 on the course of experimental syphilis. Sbor.riauch.rab.Bel.nauch.- issl.kozno-ven.inst. 6:321-329 19?. (MIRA 13:11) (SYPHILIS) (STOMACH) (BLADDER) 5 0 1 t 4 it f: it u n 14 1? 4 ro 24 S a v x )I mo lin ism iso movo V Qu vdx: A I'll I., In -jL--A -r an -W. -CC. IR, et Ist C.vf., I-e,:11111 .-o -&-fol-ft -~to A Unk-lo-cWa chmeter of tb~ Procou. At. , Kkimsirol 0. 2m 441(tikw).- An miumpt s mat c to Itive a math, interprvtatima of the -00 ki""k- McchAstiln' Of Nllb %Yntht%6 as a function of the unimol, law. The emp".al treatment is Im%"j entirviv -00 on hteratme mairrial. Chas. 116ne oil 00 oo~ LIVERATt.41 CLASSIPICATICIN b u it ft tt 1( of IV to ; of 0 0 0 0 so 0 0 a 0 0 coo '00 00 '00 '00 so too M I v 56 0 0 a 1 9 0 1 a 0 ila n 1 114 dole t to Ii it If 4 111 It v It a it a 11 so a A A It It ii 14 J* 16 At 16 it 0 a to If, A . A A 6. 0 te'llis 1, 1 #1 0 #1 w A wAdMin IN soon *a sivis ww. A 11 . NONN With KNO. in a biend 0e . do tim is dod. by #a eqwatka .00 of 01 In of tk bi adirt i - 12JW/b(,s - 6) s fun 0 w 6 d wow 800 on s w u. 0& md Oh w wmb NOUN MA HMO i , s lim Id 1:1. s X)S. C, 0 0 Iddl -d a UbMw pumuldm at the. . . . 7 at wo =00 Xtw-. C.. zoo betam namits dAshmd by an Ingo ad M NC .7 ~ h, + N&N% ZOO Ass.11. 09TALLURGICAL LITER*?" CLAWFICATIC06 , goo, AV OD Ll ; of a An I 1 -0 so v KLI2 a I Ip it x 1 1 0 0 0 0 ~-Slw It w vt It i 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 is o, 9 0 4 & * o 0 a 0 * a 0 o o 0 q 1 0 * 0 0 * 0000 0 f * * *16 # 0 0 0 0 o, 0 * a 0-0 a e a o 1 PGPOVIC.4 Agnes" Gri,9,qr' yevaa; GXRASIMMO, N.I., radaktor; BILICHIKOVA, =eetiy redaktor (GuardW the health of school cUldran in the village] Okhrana zdoraylia shkollnikov na sale. Kooky&, Goa. Lid-vo mod. lit-r7. 1956. 44 p. (MLRA 9:7) (RUBAL SCHOOLS--SANITARY AMIRS) KOGAN$ F.I.; POPOVICHP A.I.- Applicatioh of the statistical analysis in selecting 'the pressure gauge for the IIAPRS-10 sterilization regulators. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.ltl26-131 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut konservnoy promyshlennosti i Proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut, av-tomatizatsli pishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Mathematical statistics) (Sterilization-Equipment and supplies) POPOVIGH, A.-T. (Komscmollok-na-Amura); FARC1,LK, Ye.G. (Komsomollsk-na-Amure) Using a positicna!, 7~'!-;e !Ield,lfna of flat plaz'e, 5var. 17 no.8:79-81 -6,4. (M!R~ 17: 11) POPOVICHY A.I.; KOGAN, F.I. Make a more efficient use of the capacity of tin containers. Kons.i ov. prom, 18 no,4:21-Z4 Ap 1639 (Mlla 16:3) 1. Proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut avtomatizataii pishchevoy promyshlennosti (for Popovich)q 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut konservnoi promyshlennosti (for Kogan). (Tin cans) POPOVICH A.S. starshiy agronom-entomolog; VOYTEITKO, A.N., master po rasteniy Steaming of soil in greehouses to control the root knot nematode ~bloidogyne mg ioni. Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 4 no.6:31,-35 N-D 159. OKIRA 15:11.) (Root 1,1100 (Soil disinfection) (Greenhouse m,,,,gement) COUNT.iY USSR CAUPIORY Farm Animals. Cattle ABS. J01JR. RZBiol., 'No. 13, 1958, No. 59502 AUTHOR Popovich, A. S. Instituto T IT L2; Experience and Tasks of the Brooding Work for the Improvement of Cattle of the Exirgan Breed ORIG. PUB. Tr Nlovo3ib. s.-Ich. in-ta, b. g.4 11, 75-91 ABSTRACT In 35 raYons of Kurganskaya Oblast, as viell as in Tyumonakaya, Cholyabinskwja and_Omska- ya Oblasts, the Eurgan breed is the most widespread. Its population amounts to 12-0,00( heads. The live weight of cows on the leadiq fams avoraps 520-580 kg. and the milk pro- duotion is 4,500-5,000 kg. The percentage of of fat in Vae milk of cows on the breading farms a,~erages 4.03%. on farras poorly sup- CARD, 112 19 UTCHERENKO, Ye.T.; POPOVICH) A.S. - , ApparaLwl for controlled pidsod adminnion of gats. PrJb. i Wkh. eksp. 8 rio.5:165-166 s-o 163. (MIRA 16:32) 1. K:LyovL3kiy gosudargtvenW universitet. USSR/Farr, Aninals. Cottle Q-2 Abs Jour i Rof Zhur,- Biol., No 8, 1958, No 3564o Author ~opovioh'A S Inst Title An Inrortant Fpctor in the Roaring of A Ininals of a Desired Type (Vnzhnyy fvktor v sozdanii zhivotnykh zholatellnogo tipa) Orig Pub Zhivotnovcdstvo, 1957, No 6, 55-59 Abstract The results of the experiments in the rearing of young cettle of the lCurgan breed with the use of different typos of feed- ing Pro described. The reising of thoroughbred young cattle on r-odornto rations of nilk (26o kg. of whole milk and 550 kg. of skin milk), concentrotos (80 kg.) and increased feeds of roughages (25 centn6rs), succulents (36 contners) end groan foods (56 contnors) fed to tho animals up to 2 yeers of ago furthered the roaring of the aninals of the dairy-most type. Csrd 1/1 18