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PSMOV, A.D.; AMRIANOV, X.A-.; CWLUBTSOV, S.A.; PONOMAYIEW.- 'T.A.; QMXATIV, V.G.; TARASOITA, A.B.; VAVIWV,- V.V.; ZADOROZHNff, I.A.; POPIWA, G*S* Continuous method of catualYtic addition of bydrosilaneir to un- saturated compounds. Xhim.nauk i pros. 3 no.5:679-661 158. 1. Institut organicheskoy khimil is. V.D. Zelinskogo. (Silane) (Unsaturated compounds) AUTHORS: Petrov, A. Do, Mironc-v, 79 F.- Fon:;marenk~-.-., V. A., ' 1~-- Sadykh-Zade, So I., Chernyshev. 9 TITLE: Synt'he-sis cf New Types cf Silicon Containing Monomer-a (Z.-,ntPz novykh vidov mcnorieroi) PERIODICAL: Izvest-1ya Akademli na-ak SSSR~ Otdelenlye khimi,-he-=kJ-kh naukq 1958, x- 8, pp. 954-963 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This lez~ture was dolivered a," the General Meeting 3f the Department of Chemical Scienaes of the AS USSR on April 25, 1958. F--'rst the previous paper (Ref 1) and the prapers written ,y other authoza (Refs 2 and 3) are discussed in shortp andl b 41 - "her. the lecture deals with -$,he three subjects: a) The, nataly'-:^. bind-Ing of hydr.'de silaaez with unsaturated and aromatl' ~;Cz- pounds. b) The condensation ;~f hydride sillanes with alkyl- aryl- and alkeny! hal--~des at high +emperature. a) The Eynthesis 0,41 polywor.-.';;ing gilloon hydrooarbona (and their The -~~esult of the expAriment6 ,arrlwl .)-,it lo w-j the presence -~;f H2PtC116alkyl dlchiorosiian4~ bind with Ca~d 1A, CH =- CH, CH2= CH 2` CH2=CHCH3 (at temperatures of --F.-cm 20 t- sov/62-,r,8-8-?/22 Syrthesia of New Typea Q44' 54411ron Cantaining VoriciTir"r1l; 600c) --n almo5l; quan-.'lativt-.~ y~e-d. In the r h-ghe- :i;e'ds -f :ata'lyst5 alkyl dichloros-'lanes ~;upp- pcund p-rodu~-t:~. In t.-he presence of peroxide.% higber are to be found due zo By means c,.f 'hp densaTion !60000) Of alkyl di*,~hloro~-,ilaneq and VJ~ w' h aZ-1 and ralkenyl ha-des nc,'~ ri,~ ahle,rc- s -1 qn c ~.- h a v e b e P. r, c b t a in- c- d u n t in ~- w . S il c; I- r -, !i. ng butadi,~re qc,114 C..., estez- and wera syntllc-zi-,,~d th~,- i'-- all cf whiz~h scl--'d p.;lymer-z tazader atzc~pherio pyess%~~e), Therp are I -,-atles, and 12 of which aze ASSOCIATION: Inatitut organi-.-neaktq khim--~ 'r. 1. D. nauk SSSR (Instiluta Cf Org&ri--'.: Chemistr,,, N. D. AS USSR) SUBMITTED; MaY 42 '1956 Card 2/2- sov/.62-56-8- 13/22 AUTHORS: Batuye--, 1. 1,, Ponomarenko-, V. A., Uat-reysva, I- D., Sneg~,-fa,, A. D. TITLE: The OptJcal In-,estigatier- of the C - H Bond of Some Alkyl Silane and Disilane Chlorides and Their Chlorine Derivatives as Related to the Properties of Their Chlorination (Opticheskoye issledovaniye :3vyaz4i C - H nekotorykh alkilsilan- J- disila4-- khloridov -I ikh kh1o--rpro1*zvodnykh -,, svyazi s osobennostyami ikh khloriroyaniya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadem-ii nauk SSSR-, Otdeleniye khdmicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 8, pp. 996-M3 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The chlorination of methyl silane and chloromethyl silane chlorides with simultaneous irradiation was first carried out by Krieble and Elliot (Krible and Elliot) and later on it was investigated in detrail by Spe-Ler (Speyer, Refs 2-4). Then some phenomena of specifically anomai-ous character were found. In the present paper 'he authors report on the result of their investigation of the C - H bond as well as of some alkyl silans and disiiane chlorides. It turned out that along wiih the Ca.-d increase in number of the chlorine atoms in silicon and in ~.he SOV/62-554-8-13/22 The Optical Investigation of the C - H Bond of Some Alkyl Silanp acd X.. silaue Chlorides aud Their Ohloriue Dexi-ratives as Relr~ted Ic- the Propertiea of Their Chi~rlnatictn alkyl chains of the alky! sliene chlori.des a regula:~- :Lr,(--:-,ease of the effective electron density of the r,-,)r--re,-zponding C -, H bonds takesplace. The anomallies in the chlorinatioD ~.f methyl ail-ane chloride and ohloromethylsilane chloride found by ct'r.,-r authors -ould not be proved by the authors. Perhaps the dire--tion taken by the mentioned chlorination could be ral-Iled an anomalcri pheriomencn. It is assumed that '11bis d"rection io ~a-L;sej by spatial hfndrancea which roomplicate the wh,--Ia process. Ther~e are 7 tables and 8 references, 4 of whi-,h are Soviet. ASS,OCIATION: institut go~qyuchikh iskopayemykh i institut organiche3koq khlmii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akadem-41 nauk SSSR (Inst-~tute z)-,P I/Aneral Fuels and Ins+itute of OrganIc Chemizt-ry --!mi-,n'L N. D. Ze-linskily.AS USSR) SUBMITTED: Jar.~,aTy 23, 19.5il Card 212- -- Symposium on organic and nonsilicate chemistry of silicon held in Dresden# Yzy 12 - 14, 1958. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no.11: 1401-1403 N '58- (MIRA 11:12) (Chemistry, Organic) SOV/20-121--2,-31/53 AUTHORS: Petroy, A. D., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Ponomarenko, V. A., Odabashyan, G. V. TITLE- Organofluorosl3iclcGompounds (Ftorkremniyorganicheakiye soyedineniya) Simple Organofluorosillcle Ethers, (Prostyye ftorkremniyorganicheskiye efiry) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 2, pp. 307 - 310 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In earlier articles (Refs 1-3) the auth ors wrote about the combination reaction of hydrisilanes to fluorolefines in the presence of platinized carbon. The experience gained in those experiments was used by them in the case of the simple ethers- , of allyl alcohol and of 1,1,2-trifluoro-2-chloro ethanol (1) as well as of 1,1,2,2-tetraflAxoro ethanol. The purpose of this investigation was not only the production and the study of the properties of hitherto not described fluorized organosilicic ethers but also the influence exerted by the structure of the hydrisilanes on the course of the combination reaction of Card 1/3 compounds having a gradually decreasing number of chlorine SOV/20-121-2-31/53 Organof I ucrosil-icic Compounds. Simple organ of lucrosilicic Ethers atoms at the Si besides a Si-H binding. The results of the experiments carried out on comparative conditions (heating to 170-1800 for 3 hours) are shown in tables 1 and 2. From table I may be seen that the best yields were supplied by the following hydrisilanes- CH 3Sicl2H, C2H5Sici 2H, (C2H5 )(CH3)SiCIH and C13SiH. The increase of the activity in this hydrisilane series agree3 with the earlier observations made by the authors (Ref 2) and by other scientists (Ref 4). The comparison of the data of tables 1 and 2 allows to draw the following conclusions: I.-The conclusion drawn earlier with regard to the high activity of the hydrisilanes of the type RSiCl 2H and R 2SiClH is confirmed. 2.-The trichloro silane combines with greater difficulty with (I) than 0 2H5 sicl2H and (C2H5)(CH 3) SiClH. In the presence of the former the combination of 01 3SiH to (I) takes place more actively. ~.-The combination of (C H gCH )9iH to (1) together with 5 6 3 C 2H5Siol2H and C13SiH takes place in higher yields thart without Card 2/3 these chlorosilanes. qOV/20-121-2-31/53 Organof luarosilicic Compounds. Simple Organofluorosilicic Ethers. 4.-The data of table 2 tend to show that the alkyl chloro siliconhydrides may be arranged in the following order: R3SiH)~R2siclH> RUM 2H~ Cl3SiH. Also in this case an flactivation" of the reaction by easily combinable compounds as well an an increase of the yield of the products of com- bination, as in case 19 seems not impossible. Most of the ethers produced are rather heat-resistant. The fluoro-ether group remains untouched in the Grignard reaction and in the h'yirolysis. There are 2 tables and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. 1. D. Zelinakogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy AS USSR) SUBMITTED: January 29, 1958 Card 3/3 _ 7 SOV/20-122 )-27,1/57 AUTHORS: PonomarenkD-..-V. A., Vzenkova, G. Ya., Yegorov, Yu. P. TITLE: Alkyl Germanium Hydrides and Alkyl Germanium Deuterides (Alkilgermaniygidrict,,r i alkilgermaniydeyteridy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 3, PP 405-408 WSSR) ABSTRACT: Since 1886 (Ref 1) only few organic (17) and inorgan-i,- /11~) germanium hydrides have been produced (Ref 2). The ger-mani,= deuter-ides known since 1954 contain no organic ones. Both of compounds mentioned are of importance for the elaboration of new methods of production of organogermanilar, compounds. Mors- over, the refraction of the Ge-H and Ge-D bindings had to be determined at least with a certain approximation. In the pre3ent. paper the production and the properties of the following ocm- pounds are described: 1) CH 3GeH 3--v-(CH 3)2 GeH2--,-(CH 3)3 GeH.2.CH3Ge D3--o- (CH 3)2 GeD 2 -.'. (CH3)3 GeD-3-C2E5GeH 3 --V~ (C2H5) 2GEH2 --O-(CH3) 2 (C H )GeH.4-C H GeD --M.(c H ) GeD --v-(CH (C H )GeD. All these 2 5 2 5 3 2 5 2 2 3 2 2 5 Card 1/3 organic germanium hydrides and deuterides were produced in a Alkyl Germanium Hydrides and Alkyl Germanium DeuterideS SOV/20-122-3-23/57 ficient yield under conditions which were similar to that of the production of alkyl silane hydrides and deuterides Ref 0") i. e. from the corresponding alkyl germanium chlorides ~brorriidess) LiH and LiD. The physical properties of these compounds are given on table 1. It may be concluded from it that the refraction of the Ge-H binding is on the average about 3,38 ml/moi, that of the Ge-D binding 3,34 ml/mol. In the production of the initial compounds (CH 3)2(C2H5)GeC! and (C 2H 5)2GeC 12 by means of the organomagnesium method the exch'ange reaction of chlorine with bromine was observed (Ref 8). Bromide yield was sufficiently high. It can be concluded from this fact. that in germanium chlorine atoms have an increased exchangeability with the bromine atoms in the Grignard reaction. In analogy to the hydrisilanes (Ref 12) the authors proved in the present paper the possibil, _J t y of application of chloroplatinic acid by using the Karash re- action for the germanium hydride compounds at the example of trichloro germanium. In conclusion the spectra of the comb-inatf";,2. dispersion of the compounds mentioned in the title are di3c-ussea. There are I table and 16 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Alkyl Germanium Hydrides and Alkyl Germanium Deuterides I SOV/20-122-3-23/57 ASSOCIATION: Tnstitut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy AS USSR) Pizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademij. nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Le'bedevAS USSR) PRESENTED: MaY 9p 1958, by A. A. Balandin, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: -may 5, 1958 Card 3/3 SOV/20-121-2-31/53 Organofluorosilic CompoundA. Simple Organofluorosilicle Ethers. Card 4/4 . PONOJWiENKO$ V. A. V. A. Ponomarenko~ V. 0. Cherkayev, G. V. Odabashyan, N. A- Zadorozhnyy and A. D. 1etrov, "The Catalytic Adding of hydrosilanes to Unsaturated Compounds." Report presented at the Seoorid All-Union Uonference on the Uhemistx~v and Frqctical. Application of Silicon-Organic -ompounds held in Leiiingrad from 25-27 September 1958. - Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Nr 1, pp 238-2h0 (USSR) PONOMAR~-IJKO, V. A. V. F. Mironov,, V. A. Ponomarenko, U. Ya. Vzenkova., I Ye. Dolgiy and A. K. Petrov, "The --~mthesis of Germanium-organic Compounds." Report presented at the Second All-Union Conference on the ;hemistry and I-ractical Application of Silicon-Organic Uompounds held in L--ninFrad 'L'roln 25-27 September 195F. Zhurnal prikladnoy khifriiiv 1959, iir 1 pp 23P-240 (USSR) y .1 STAVITSKIT, I.K.; BORISOV,:S.N.; PONDMARMO. V.A.; SVIRIDOVA, N.G.; ZUMA, G.Ta. Polydimethylgermanasiloxanes. Tyi3okom.sood. 1 no.10: 1502-1506 0 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Vaesayuznvy nouchno-iseledovatellskly Institut sintoticheakogo kauchuka I Institut organicheskoy kbimii AN SSSR. (Sil6xanes) (Germanium compounU) 5.3700 77085 SOV/62-59-12-29/43 AUTHORS: Batuyev, M. I., Ponomarenko, V. A., Matveyeva, A. D., Vzenkova,--O-.-Ya- TITLE: Optical Investigation of Alkylgermanium, Chlorides in Connection With Some Peculiarities of Their Chemical Behavior PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh naijk, 1959, Nr 12, pp 2226-2233 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Several studies of similar content were published by the authors previously (Zh. obshch. khimii, 1956, Vol 26, p 2336; this journal, 1956, p 1070; ibid., 1957, P 515; ibid., 1958, p 996). The authors showed that many chemical characteristics distinguishing organosilicon compounds from carbon compounds are also present, and even more pronounced, in organogermanium compounds (this journal, 1956, p 1!46; ibid., 1957, Nr 8, p 994; ibid., Nr 2, p 199; Dokl. AN SSSR, 1954, Vol 94,.p 485; this journal,1957, Nr 3, P 310). Methyltrichlorogermane Card 1/6 and methyltrichlorosilane, unlike ethyltrichlorogermane Optical Investigation of Alkylgermanium 77085 Chlorides in Connection With Some sov/62-59-12-29/43 Peculiarities of Their Chemical Behavior and ethyltrichlorosilane, could not be chlorinated with sulfuryl chloride. Ethyltrichloro-compounds of both germanium and silicone were easily chlorinated but the Ja- directing effect of the GeCl 3-group was considerably stronger than that of the SiCl 3-group. Chlorination of CH 3GeCl 33 (CH 3)2 GeCl 2-P and similar compounds to di- and trichlorides proceeded more rapidly than the chlorination (f the corresponding silicon com- pounds. The yield of germanium monochlorides was lower than that of the corresponding silicon compounds. Dehydrochlorination of Cl 3GeCH2CH.Cl with quinoline yielded Cl 3GeCH=CH2 as main product, and also GeCl 41 whereas practically no S'C'4 was obtained on dehydro-.". chlorination of Cl 3SiCH 2 CH2Cl. This can be explained by an easier a- elimination in a- chloroethyltrichloro- Card 2/6 germane than in )a -chloroethyltrichlorosilane. These Optical Investigation of Alkylgermanium 7708 Chlorides in Connection With Some SOV~62-59-12-29/43 Peculiarities of Their Chemical Behavior peculiarities of the chemical behavior of Ge are due in the first place to its physicochemical properties; some of these were optically investigated by the authors (this journal, 1956, p 1243). The present study deals with Investigation,of the vibrational fre- quencies of C-H bonds in methylene and methyl groups of tetraethylgermane, and ethyl-, methyl-, chloroethyl- and chloromethylgermanium as compared with vibrational frequencies of the corresponding silicon compounds and normal paraffins. Spectrograph ISP-51 was used in the study, and Raman spectra of 11 germanium compounds were investigated. A possible explanation for the behavior of Ge and Si-compounds is advanced. In chlorination of CH3CH2GeCl 3-P the electrophilic Cl-atoms of S02CI2 should be apparently airected toward electronegative C-H bonds at atoms adjacent to the germanium atom. However, Ge has a larger electron shell than Si; also, the.negative pole of the CH3CH2GeC13 molecule is concentrated in the Card 3/6 region of Cl-atoms. These factors do not allow the Optical Investigation of Alkylgermanium 77085 Chlorides in Connection With Some sov/62-59-12-29/43 Peculiarities of Their Chemical Behavior other, more negative, end of S02C12 molecule to approach the region of the:methylene C-H bonds; the molecule moves away from the methylene bond region toward the methyl group, and the chlorination proceeds in thele-position to a much greater extent than in the ch rination of CH CH SiCl The ratio of CL to isomers in the chlo~lngtion3of CH 3CH2Ge C13 with sulfuryl chloride in presence of benzoyl peroxide was 1:9, whereas in chlorination of CH CH Sicl this 3 2 3 ratio was only 1:2.5. It is also evident that the deflection of the SO 2Cl2 molecule from the methyl group adjacent directly to Ge-atom in CH 3 GeCl3due to the above factors hinders the chlorination of this compound. The Rarnan spectrum of -chloroethyltrichloro- ermane showed a considerably hiSer number of lines lines more) than the number expected theoretically, M and a twofold increase of the vibrational frequency Card 4/6 of methylene C-H bonds. This indicated the possible optical Investigatio'n of Alkylgermanium 77085 Chlorides in Connection With Some sov/62-59-12-29/43 Peculiarities of Their Chemical Behavior existence of the above compound in two isomeric forms: C13Ge-CH2 C13Ge-CH2 1-CH2 GH2-v.L (cis) (trans) Intramolecular interaction Ge .... C1 in the cis- isomer can promote R-elimination: C13Ge-CH2 ---4b.CH2=--CH2 + GeC14 U-L-UI12 The formation of GeC14 on dehydr'ochlorination of chloroethyltrichlorogermane with quinoline can thus be explained. There are 8 tables; and Card 5/6 ~(2, 3) AUTHORS. Petrov, A. D. Corresponding Member, SOV/20-124-4-30J/67 AS USSR, Ponomarenko, 7. A., Odabash7a:--, G. 7. Krokhmalrv-,-S-. -I.-- TITLE: Organic Fluosilicate5 (Ftorkrem-niyorganicheskiye soyedineriya). Investigation of the Addition Reaction of Alkyl Silicon-chloride Hydrides to 1,1,2,2- Tetraflu.oro-ethyl Allyl Ether (Izuchen-i-ye reaktsii prisoyed-.".neniya alkilkhlorkremniygidr-Ldo-.r k 1,1,2,2-tetra-foloretilaililovomu efiru) PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 4, Pp 838-841- (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a previous paper (Ref 1) the authors proved that the addition of alkyl silicon-chloride hydrides to (CH2 -== CHCH2OCF2CF (Cl)H) (A) in the presence of platinized coal is an uncomplicated method of synthesizing (simple) organic silicon fluoride ethers. In the present paper this reaction waa otudied more in detail with the substances mentioned in the subtitle. All experiments were performed undur comparable conditions (Tables 1, 2). The respective results Card 1/3 confirmed those earlier obtained (Fig 1), 1. e. it was provi~l Organic FluoBilicates. Investigation of the SOV/20-124-4-30/67 Addition Reaction of Alkyl Silicon-chloride Hydrides to 1,1,2,2-Tet.rafluoro-ethyl Allyl Ether that alkyl silicon-chloride hydrides form, according to their relative yields of addition products, the following series: (CH H >(CH H Xcl)SiH~ (C H SiH> C1 SiH 3)(C2 5)2S'H 3)(C2 51 2 5)(01)2 3 In the case of an addition of the product mentioned first to the ether mentioned in the subtitle, their yield cannot be increased either by drying the catalyst at 3000 in vacuum, or by treatment with C 2H5OH, or by removal of the possible humidity by (CH L whereas even a small addition of 3)2S*C'2' C2 H5SiHCl2rapidly increases thq yield of addition productE. Thus, it may be assumed that 1) the reaction of addition to platinized coal might be a radical chain-reaction; 2) the adsorbent powers of the reagent molecules on the surface of the catalyst evidently play an important part therein; 3) the levity of formation and the activity of silyl radicals depends on the nature of the substituents located at the Si. The above- mentioned particularities of the reaction of addition can be Card 2/3 explained by the different activity of the individual sily! Organic Fluosilicates. Inve5tigation of the SOV20-1 24-4-30/067 Addition Reaction of Alkyl-Silicon-ohloride Hydridea to l9lt292-Tetrafluoro-ethyl Allyl Ether radicals (besides other factors). The structure of the addition products was proved by a counter-Bynthesis. A comparison of the Raman spectra and other physical properties confirms the linearity of the products obtained in two ways. In conclusion, the synthesis, constants and yield (in part) of 11 addition products are discussed. There are 2 figures ani 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zalinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTEDs July 14, 1958 Card 3/3 5 (2,3) AUTHORS: Petrov, A. D., Corresponding Member SOV/20-126-5-27/69 AS USSR, Ponomarenko V A., Odabashyaii, G. V. L !--i~ TITLE: The Synthesis of Organosilicon Monomers From Dichlorosilane (Sintez kremneorganicheskikh monomerov 12 dikhlorsilana) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 5, pp 1009 - 1012 (TJSSR) ABSTRACT: It was to be assumed that dichlorosilane is a compound lending itself to many reactions. This might be concluded from the steric effect of the substituentso reduced to a minimum, as compared with the alkyl dichlorosilanes(Refs 1,2). At the same time, these transformations promised new possibilities which are interesting both from the theoretical and the practical point of view. The few fields of application of dichlorosilane hitherto rendered accessible, are enumerated (Refs 3,4). As could be foreseen in consequence of the two Si-H bondst the authors - according to the conditions of the experiments, have obtained the two series of compou nds RSiHCl 2 and R2Sici 2' They Card 1/4 are interested in the first series, and in particular in The Synthesis of Organosilicon Monomers From SOV/20-126-5-27/60/ Dichlorosilane C6H5SiHCl2 an these led to the synthesis of new monomers (nosici 2) with various radicals on the silicon atom (in par- ticular of such as contain fluorine). In spite of relatively severe temperature conditions of the reaction (6oo-680) phe- nyl-dichlorosilane constitutes the chief product. Table 1 shows the results of the experiments. Dichlorosilane enters also into the reaction of the thermal condensation with vinyl dichlorosilane at 535-5450C. The only stable reaction product was vinyl dichlorosilane (yield 20%). The formation of a mix- ture of reaction products boiling at a high temperature indi- cates the complicated character of this reaction. The possibi- lity proved in this manner of producing silanes of the type RSiHCl2 from dichloroollane and RC1, even at very high tempe- ratures, extends the reactions of thermal condensation (Ref 5)- The dichloromilane addition to unsaturated compounds as ethylene and propylene (in the presence of R 2Ptcl ) may be considerably deflected and controlled in the directiog of the compounds of Card 2/4 RSiHC12 (Table 2). The yields were high and in some cases al- The Synthesis of Organosilicon Monomers From BOV/20-126--5-27/69 Dichlorosilane most quantitative. With. an excess of unsaturated compounds only dialkyl-dichlorosilanes (H2sicl 2) are formed. In this connection the addition of the C12SO 2was investigated not only in the simplest of the olefins, but also in more compli- cated,unsaturated compounds (the fluorated ether -CH 2. -CHCH2 OCF2CFClH). The,RSiHC12production unazr consideration, therefore, signifies an important evolution of the synthesis methods of this kind of monomers. With acetylene the reaction of the Cl2SiH2is more complicated,'as polymer products are formed. Under the given conditions of investigation the authors have not succeeded in obtaining vinyl- and divinyl-dichloro- silanes by this method. The result has always been a mixture of liquid and solid polymers boiling at a high temperature. Table 3 shows the physical properties of the products obtained by the addition of the phenyl-dichlorosilanes as well as iof p-FC H SiHC1 to the CH -CHCP (Table 2). They formed with ex- 6 4 2 2 3 Card 3/4 The Synthesis of Organosilicon Monomers From SOV/20-126-5-27/69 Dichlorosilane cellent yields in the presence of H 2Ptcl 6' There are 3 tables and-6 references, 3 of which are Soviet., ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) - SUBMITTED: April 3, 1959 - Card 4/4 :~70C) 7'-~'2 '62 OV -6c) - S AUTHORSz Ponomarenkc, V.. A., Snegc-va, A, D. 4 C 0, TITLE-. Brief Communications. Synrlhesis of Organos -L 11 Monomers From Hexach.lorocyc'Aopentadiene and 5,5-- DiCluarotetrachlorocyclopentadiene PER.10DICAL-. Izvestiya Akademii nauk ESS.R. Otaeleniye khimichesk-lkh nauk, 1960, Nr 1, Pp 135 138 OJSSR~~ ABSTRACTi Preparation of organosiliccn monomers !see Table 3) from hexachlorocyclopentadiene (I) and '~,-,-~ifluorotetra- chlorocyclopentadlene (!I) by Diels-Lde-- reac. -ion was studied. It was found that II reacts more readily than 1, with vinyl- and a2lylchlorasiil.anes in tne D-Jels- Alder reaction, particularly when the siluflcrn is bcund to hydrogen. There is a difference between 'i` experimentally determined and calculated mcolar reflac- UiOnS fOr the COMPOUnds obtained ~'see Tabl-e 3). using the experimental data, more aCCUrate group refractive Card 1/8 indexes were calculated, for the bonds shown in Tat)le 1 . Brief Communications. Synthesis of Organ(~-- silix-,r, Monomers FrGm diene and diene 7 8 The starting compotincts and the conditions or reaCTIc-1 are shown In Table.2, The riew compoundt', ohl,,--ilned 111d their characteristics are given In Tabie 3. There are 3 tables; and 8 references, 4 U.S., 2 U.K., 1 German, 1 Soviet, The 5 most. recent. U.S. and TI.K. references area L. G(.~odman.' R. M. Silverstein, C. W. Goa1d, i Organ. Chem. 22, r-~96 fiqr-7); British p Patent 776706 k1957); M. Kleiman, U.S, atent 20"iW)e,~ 19r-4); C. W, Roberts, Chem, and Ind. E. T. McBee, D. K, Smith, H. E. Ungnade, Am ~h e Soc. 77, 387 (1955). ASSOCIATION. N. D. Zelinskiy Institute of Organic Chemistry, Akademy of Sciences USSR fInsti"ut organicheskcy khimi.i im. N. D. Zellnsko~o Akademii naux SSSR) SUBMITTED. June lr~, 19r-9 Card 2/1-P ,(8o82, Key to Table 1. (a) IIrs, (b) roup., H grouo refraction, deter-mined experimentally .L ; (d groun refraction, cal- culated from refractions for the bonds. . ........ . . Card 3A '(78082, SOV/62-6o-1-28/37 Key to Table 2. (,a) I-Irs; (b) starting products; (c) (e dienophile; (f) reaction tempera- diene; (d) in 9; ture in 0 C; (g) reaction time in hr (h) weiightk of the products of reaction, in g; W -iela of nroduct o P diene-s,rn"hesi-s; compounds prepared b%r G. V. Oda- J bashyan. 1 CI C-1 ~/,,S CII.-Clisla, 33,2 190 6,5 83,7 42,7 49,0 CUM cis 2 C j C 1 : 3,5 CII,-CIISICI,. 2, 1A 200_150 5,3 5-9 3,3 .16,0 C CI g 3 -CI C f, , 9 28,2 clit-CIISIC"i 138-JOO 3,25 7~)A 59,8 72,A, 1,I 11CI C: C1. IIC' 2, 7 I,G C1I,-CjiSicI,. I 105-150 8 I I - C \/CI CH, , F, Card 4/8 78082, SOv/62-6o-1-28/37 Table 2. (Coritd.) 0- cl cili 11c1 4, 1 of.-CII-81cf, C1,11, 2,3 i/,6,5-202 4.Z 6.0 3,2 cis cl- Cl C111 11 \/cI 9 8 5,2 137-IWI 1,6 2 F, 7 cl-cl cill lici 6.8 cn.--cii-cH_.sici,, H, 3,5 123-1311 3.75 8,13 4,3 41,7 cis 8 cl C, cl FRII \/c1 5, /A 3,2 12g-250 1,8 7:8 4,2 48,8 F. 9 ci cl 3,5 cir, 1,G 72-152 0,8 4,7, 2,9 oli .10 r cl Card 5/8 78082, SOI~/621-60-1-28/"[ Key to Table -1). (a) llro; (b) compound; (c) bp in 0 C (pressure in mm of fig); (d) found; (e) calculated. (r- ) 1 "!0 d!0 AIR D 4 Card 6/8 U H-SIC1, .01 138(2) 1,5573 1,7362 80,56 81,20 C ti, C1 2 C 130 (10) 1,5M 1,7010 7t,05 71,64 ~ C C1 .3 1036-137 (2) 1, 5,530 1,6157 80,17 C I C1 Table 3 (Cont'd) 78o82, sov/62-60-11-28/37 c ,,"N c I-SI-0, a cl ~tl LI ci c~ -Si-cl, I c0,41 It cl 130 (8) t,5120 1 i,GWt 160(7) 1.5520 J,GW5 71,25 72,01 85, to 80,20 88 (to) 1,4326 1 1,4474' 65,83 1 67,641 Card 7/8 Table 3 (Contd) 78o82, sov/62-6o-1-28/,37 CA c H-CHI-Sicl 7 t52 (6) 1,5500 1,6370 80,53 81,89 cl c1 t02-103(2,5) 1,5110 1,5982 71,4,0 72,27 CI(DI H, H co cl cli, 9 122(8) 1 , 5066 1,5355 67.12 68, 01 CA Card 8/8 PO "Lle) S/062/98/VO/02/06/012 B003/B066 AUTHORS: Ponomarenko, V. A., Snegova, A. D., Yegoroy, Yu. P. TITLE: Direction of the Chlorination and Bromination of E~.~l SilaneelContaining SiF,,Aand Si(CH3)3 Groups PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 2, pp. 244 - 250 TEXT: The following substances were investigated: (CH ) Si 3 3 -IfIN- SICI Cl Si F Si F Si F Si - CH C I xzf- Y 3 3 N=f 3 3 2 The halogenation reactions were performed both with and without iron dust: catalysts. The resultant products were identified by synthesizing them also by another.method and by.comparing the Raman spectra. The syntheses and the halogenationlof the compounds mentioned are described in detail in the experimental part of the paper. Results; On chlor:Lnation of Card 113 M 1 Direction of the Chlorinatior. a%a BrominaLion S1062160 000/02/06/012 of Phenyl Silanes Containing SiF3 and B003/B066 Si(CH3)3Groups (CH3 )3Si -0 in the presence of metallic iron, the (CH 3) 3Si group proves to be directed toward the ortho- and para-positions. Substitution of the more electronegative chlorine or fluorine for the Oil3groups bound to the Si-atom gives substitutions in the meta-position. The chlorination of Cl 38i ~0 or Cl-& SiCl3 to dichlorides yields a mixture of reaction products under the giYen conditions. On photochemical chlorination of (CH Si-,47% in the absence of iron dust only the H-atoms at the CH 3 3 N=::Pr 3 groups are substituted, whereas the phenyl radical remains unchanged. Contrary to the trichloro silyl group, the F3Si group and other groups which are directly linked by the Si-atom to the aromatic ring are rather easily split from the ring on chlorination or bromination. This behavior is apparently due to the steric or inductive effect caused by the substituents on the Si-atom and to the aourse of the reaction according Card 2/3 82 h Direction of the Chlorination and Bromination S/062/60 000/02/06/012 of Phenyl Silanes Containing SiF 3 and BOO3/BO66 Si(CH3)3 Groups to the ionic mechanism. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 8 references: 4 Soviet and 4 American. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. M. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni M. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 12, 1958 (initially) November 21, 1959 (after revision) Card 313 WD tL2 oCjl IZ13, 10~-S S/06 60/000/006/022/025/yx B020Y3060 AUTHORS: Ponomarenko, V. Ao? Yegorovy Yu. Pe TITLE: Vibration Frequencies of Si -- H and Si - D Bondsland Electronegativity of Silyj*l. Groups PERIODICAL: IzvestJya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 196o, io. 6. pp. 1133-1135 TEXT: In a number of previous papers (Refs. I - 4) the authors have already established the dependence of the vibration frequencies of the Si - H and Si - D bonds on the nature of atoms and groups bound to silicon. There is no precise relationship between the vibration frequencies of Si - H bonds and the sum of elentronegativities. Better results are obtained by making use of electronegativities of groups, determined from the vibration frequencies (Ref. 6). Howeverg as may be seen from Table 1, the empirical relation developed alsc holds for silicon hydrides. If the data obtained are recorded in a diagram, a straight line is obtained, whose equation reads: --.) Si - H ~ 1011.X 0 0). Card 1/3 856o3 Vibration Frequencies of Si - H and Si - D S/062/60/000/006/022/025/XX Bonds and Electronegativity of Sily! Groups B020/BO60 This equation serves for calculating the mean values of the electronegativities of the silyl. groups on the basis of the values indicaied in Table 1. The same equation can also be used to calculate the vibration frequencies of Si - H bonds in other a:Llicon hydrides, if the electronegati-vities of the silyl groups are known. The "effective" electronegativity of an arbitrary sily'. group containing given atoms or organic groups can be determined from the data indicated in the Table., and hence, the desired vibration frequency of the Si. - H bond by substituting into equation (1). This is clearly indicated by the data given in Table 2. For silicon deuterides the equation reads; -j Si - D ~ 734-Xc . For hydrides and deuterides of germanium the same relation holds on principle, the coefficients only being different. There are 2 tables and 10 references: 5 Soviet, 3 US, 1 British., and I French. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khim44i im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D~ Zelinakiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 2/3 87123 9,ZD c), B023/Bo64 V. A., Cherkayev, V. G., and Zadoroz)-inyy, N. A. AUTHORS: Tono qrP TITLE: Characteristics of the Addition of Alkyl Chloro Silicon Hydrides to Unsaturated Compounda in thin Pro-onoo of Platinum Hydrochloric Acid PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye. khimi(,.h(,,skikh nauk, 19609 Vo. 9, pp. 1610-W8 TEXT: The authors studied the course of the addition reaction with platinum hydrochloric acid being the catalyst, In the competitive addition of hydride silanes to ethylene in the presence of H 211,11C16, the silane activity was determined both by the induction effect and the steric- effect of the silyl groups. In this connection, the role of the steric factor is of special importance in contrast to the addition in the presence of platinum on carriers. 144 was found that the substituents exert a deactivating effect upon the capability of the double bond of the unsaturated compound to add silicon hydride in the presence of H 2Ptcl 6 Card 1/3 87123 Characteristics of the Addition of Alkyl Chloro S/062j6O/OCO/C)Oq/OjO/o2i Silicon Hydrides to Unsaturated Compounds in B023/Bo64 the Presence of Platinum Hydrochloric Acid and Pt on carriers. This is said to be due to the steric and induction effect of these substituents. The data known at present on the behavior of the silicon hydrides toward unsaturated compounds both in the presence of H 2Ptol6 and also of Pt on carriers, are in a better agreement with the assumption of a radical than of an ionic mechanism. This process is characteristic because of the particular role of the catalyst surface or the forces of complex formation. A convenient and highly productive method of synthesizing a number of organosilicon compounds of practical importance was worked out on the basis of the addition reaction of silicon hydrides to unsaturated compounds in the presence of H 2Ptcl6 and Pt on carriers. This includes: addition of methyl chloro silane to vinylidene fluoride; addition of methyl dichloro silane to trifluoro chloro ethylene; addition of methyl chloro silane to tetrafluoroethylene. Table 5 shows the conditions and results of the most characteristic experiments., The addition of silicon hydrides to olefines and acetylene in the presence of platinum hydrochloric acid is given in Table 6. N. S. Andreyev has takente spectra of silicon hydrides for which the authors thank him. There are Card 2/3 '11 00J3 8MOk V080/6P/033/04/35/045 AUTHORS: R6dzeiridh. -N.Ya Gr-irievich; K.T. 0d 2yptyan, G.V.,, Ponomarenko, V.A. The Synthesis and the Investigation of the Properties of P21yo!-ganosiloxanes Containing the Groups n' i~Ce14-, -(CH 2)3 -O-CF2CFClH and -(CH2)3--O-CF2CF2H PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 4, PP 957 - 961 TEM. The study of the reaction of cohydrolysis of trimethylchlorosilane, di- meWldichlorosilanemetbylphenyldichlorosilanc6 with various fluorosilicon-orflanic chlorosilanes showed that the reaction proceeds mainly in the direction of obtaining cohydrolysis products of linear structure. 7~e iiLLiilof these products is some- what Increased in comparison with the viscosity of pentamers not containing fluorine atoms. The study of the properties of the compounds containing five silicon atoms in the molecule showed that the freezing points of'the flu 7oroorganosilixanes1lie within the range (-65) - (70)0C, i.e. approximately dn the s--a-me- level as for polymer 6 which does not contain fluorine atoms. The endrgy of the'viecous flow of fluoroorganooxy- Card 1/2 PONOMARIM, V.A.;OAUUSHYAN, G.V.; LIFANOVA, I.E.; PFMOV, A.D. Synthesis of fluorine-silicon organic compounds by, the addition of silicon hybrides to unsaturated fluorine-containing compounds in the presence of platinum catalysts. Zhur. prikl. khim. 33 no.12:2751-2757 :D 160. (KIM 14: 1) 1. Institut orgwiicheekoy khimii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo AN 55SR. (Silicon organic compounds) (Muorine organic compounds) 6-. j ? 0 0 0;7568 -5(e), 5(51) SOV/20-130-2-24/69 AUTHORS: .-EQgomarenka, V. A- Odabashyan, G~ V., Petrov., A. D., Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE: Synthesis of Organosilicon Monomers From MjjLiylchlorosilane PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130. Nr 2, PP 333 - 335 (USSR) ABSTRAM In the present paper , the authors used CH 3SiH2Cl which can be produced easily and in good yields by dispropor- tionation. of CH3SiHC12 in the presence of cyanamide cata- lysts (Ref The carrying out of the reactions on one or both Si-H bonds of methylchlorosilane promised the rea- lization of a nonorganometallic synthesis of several or- ganosilicon monomers (see Scheme)c To realize scheme (1) the reaction of thermal condensation of methylohlorosilare with chlorobenzene and with vinyl chloride at 550-6150' and atmospheric pressure was chosen~ As compared with di- chlorosilane, methylchlorosilane reacts more difficultly Card 1/4 in thermal condensation with C 6H5Cl and with CH2.CHC'l. The 57'~68 Synthesis of Organosilicon Monomers From klethyl- SOV/20-130-2-24/69 chlorosilane yield in reaction products with the first Si-11 bond is much smaller in this case. In this respect, the same picture pre,rails as in the reactions of C1 3SiH and CH3 SiHC12 with chlorobenzene (Ref 4). Besides, up to !Cr;b' of the interaction product with both Si-H bonds was isolated at a time in thermal condensation of dichlorosilane with chloro- benzene. On the other hand, it was not possible to Ixo- duce methylitiphenylchlorosilane frorr methylehlorosilare, Table 1 shows that scheme (2) can be realized much mure easily than scheme (1)., 1'ethylchlorosilane reacts alLicst as easily with ethylene and propylene as dichlorosilEtne, This concerns the reaction on one and two Si-H bonds of methylchlorosilane to the same extent. The (CH 3)(C2H 5)SiHC1- developing :Ln a sufficiently good yield is easily trans- formed into CH 3(C2.U5)(Cl)SiCH 2CH2Si(Cl)(C2H5)CH3in the presence of E2PtCl6 in the reaction with acetylene, Card 2/4 (CH 3)(C2H5)SiHCl usually reacts with CH 2-CHCF 3 under the 6 7568 Synthesis of Organosilicort Monomers From Methyl- SOV/20-1 30-2-24/69 chlorosilane same conditions. A fluorine-containing compound of the type RRIR"SiCl develops here. Methylchlorosilane adds to trifluoropropylene more difficultly than to propylene. In this respect, CH 3SiH2Cl behaves similarly as Cl 2 Sili 2' In the above investigation, the authors succeeded in realiz- ing a nonorganometallic synthesis of such alkyl.-(aryl..)- si lane- and disilane chlorides as (CH 3)(R)SiHClf (ell )(R )(R')(R1)SiC1 and 3 )2S'C" (CH3 (CH3)(Cl)(R)SiCH 2 CH2Si(R)(Cl)(CH3), where R, R', and RI' are the group.3 CH -ell--, C H~--, C H~-, C H - CF CH,,CH 2 6 2 3 7 ' 3 ' 2 and others. Table I gives a survey of results of the addition of silicon hydrides to unsaturated compounds. Table 2'. indicates the physical propertiea of the compounds produced, Three of them are novel. There are 2 tables and 4 Sovi-Dt references. Card 3/4 MAYRANOVSKIY, S.G.; PONOMARMfKO, V.A.-_BARASHKOVA, N.V.; SNEGOVA. A.D. Polarographic study of iodometbyltrialkyloilanes. Unusual polarographic maximmion the iodomethylpbenyldimethyloilane. Dokl.AN SSSR 134 nc..2:387-390 s 16o. 04IRA 13:9) 1. Institut organicbeskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinakogo Akademii nauk SSM. Predstavlono akademikow A.A.Balandinym. (Bilane) 86395 "D B/02 60/135/002/022'/036 Bol 6Y3052 AUTHORS: Fonomarenk(L2_..V. A , Snegova, A. D., Pitina, M. R., and Petrov, A. D., Corresponding MATIer of the AS USSR TITLE: High-temperature Chlorination of Phenyl Trichlorosilane PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol-.135, No. 2, pp. 339 - 341 TEXT: The authors report; on high-temperature chlorination (200-9000C) of phenyl trichlorosilanef. This reaction has not been described so far. The principal aim of their work was to study the possibility of using a continuous process and determine the quantitative proportion of the ortho-, meta-, and para-isomers formed. The first experiments made in a tube filled with quartz, gave a 19% yield of monochloro derivatives re- ferred to the amount of initial substance passed through, or a 58% yield referred to the reacting phenyl trichlorosilane. The quantitative pro- portion of the isomers obtained is given as o-: m-: p- = 22 : 39 : 39. This indicates that the meta-orientating property of the SiCl 3 group Card 1/2 86N5 High-temperature Chlorination of Phenyl S/020/60/135/002/022/0-6 .3 Trichlorosilane Bo16/BO52 (Ref.2) has no effect. The amount of the meta-isomer in the mixtu:re hardly changes with an increase of temperature up to 4500C, although the quantitative proportion of ortho- and para-isomers changes in favor of ortho-chlorophenyl trichlarosilane. The application of activated carbon instead of quartz hardly affecte the quantitative proportion of the isomers at equal tomperatures, although the reaotion sets in at lower temperatures and is accompanied by a slight destruction of phenyl tri- chlorosilane on the Si-C bond. Furthermore, it is shown that dimethyl dichlorosilane mixed with SiCl4 is easily chlorinated on both acti.vated carbon and quartz at 250-4000C. In all cases, a considerable cleavage of the Si-C bond took place, and di- and trichlorides were formed. High- temperature chlorination is thought to be a homolytic reaction, arid the changed quantitative proportion of the isomers (like in high-tem- perature halogenation of chloro- and bromobenzenes) is due to the tem- perature-dependent change of activation energy in the chlorination of the various positions on the benzene ring. There are 2 tables and 8 references: 4 Soviet, 3 US, 1 British, and I Dutch. SUBMITTED: August 11, 1960 Card 2/2 FRTROY. Aleksandy Dmitriyevich; MIRONOT, Vladimir Florovich;-_PONOKA- ;4y Andreyevich; CHRRMHNF. Yevganiy, Andre~%vich; 7v TOPCHIYV,,A.T., akadevIlf;'otv. red.; POTAROT, va,* IATJT, Me* tekhn. red.: STREMSKIY, I.A., tekhn. red. [Synthesis of organos'Ll.icon monomaral Sintez kremniiorgenichs- skikh monomarov. Moakxa. Izd-vo Mcad. nnuk SSSR, 1961. 550 P. (KIRA 14:5) (Silicon organic compounds) S/66 61/000/006/018/,")81 D205YD302 AUTHORS: Ponomarenko V."A., Petrov, A. D., Krokhmalev, S. I. V. TITLE': Catalytic addition of hydrosilanes to unsaturated com- pounds SOURCE: Khimiya i pralcticheskoye primeneniye kremneorgani,:!hes- kikh soyedineniy; trudy konferentsii, no. 6, Doklady, diskussii resheniye. II Vses. Konfer. po khimii i prakt. prim. kremneorg. soyed., Len. 1958. Leningrad. Iz,41-vo AN SSSR. 1961, 95-99 TEXT: The reactions of C13SiH, (CH 3 )Cl 2SiH (C2H5)Cl2SiH, (-,;3H7) Cl SiH, CH (C H )ClSiH, and CH (C H SiH with CH =CHCH OCF ",IF H 2 3 2 5 3 2 5)2 2 2 2' 2 (i) were performed at 160 - 1800C and 10 16 atm., during 3 hours in thelpresence of 0.3 g of 1% platinized carbon. The total charge of the reactants was 90 g. The highest yield of 63% was obtained with (C 2H 5)C12 SiH, while with CH3(C2H5)2 SiH only traces of t'he Card 1/2 '000W/jX 5/661/61/000/006/019/081 D205/D302 AUTHORS: Tarasova, A. S., Petrov, A. D., Amblanov, K. A. F 'ao- lub-us~~S-~I. 1D!naonaaEZjoj7V. A. Cherkayev, V. G. , -fa-dorozhnyy, X. A 0-V:- -, ~' - TIM: Continuous addition of hydrochlorosilanes to unsatura- ted compounds SOURCE: Khimiya i prakticheskoye primeneniye kremneorganiches- kikh soyedineniye; trudy konferentaii, no. 6, Doklady, diskussii.resheniye. 11 Vses. Konter. po khimii i prakt. prim. kremneorg. Soyed., Len. 1958, Leningrad, Izd-vo Ali SSSR. 1961, 99-100 TEXT: For practical application of the addition reactions of me- thyl dichlorosilane, ethyl dichlorosilane and trichlorosilane to liquid and gaseous unsaturated compounds an apparatus was des4gned and optimum conditions of synthesis were established. The chloro- silane and the gas are fed into a reactor. The producis are dis- charged via a oobler into a receiver equipped with a reflux. Dur- V0 Card 1/2 :S/661/61/000/006/019/031 Continuous addition of D205/D302 ing the reaction the reactor and cooler are cooled by water, the receiver and the reflux by brine. The arrangement was tested on the reaction of ethylene with mothyl dichlorosilane and ethyl di- chlorosilane. The experiments have shown that in the 35 - 2000C temperature range the reaction is unchanged giving a 65 - 75% yield. 11o by-products are formed and the output is high (,> 6 kg oil methyl ethyl dichlorosilane/hr/l of reactor volume). The pro- case is amenable to automation owing to its insensitivity to tem- perature changes. There are 1 figure and 1 table. Card 2/2 PONOMARENKO, V.A. - ZUYEVA, G.Ya-,* VMRUEV, XS. Inductive effect and oseMatory frequencies of Ge - E and Ge - D bonds. Izv.AN SSSRiOtd%khJAoAa;uk-. ~*D,,10:1758-1762 0 161. (NDA 14:10) 1. 1~#cheskly inotitut im,*P.N.- Lebedeva AN SSSRp, 40~. (Gwuwd3a by&ide)' (Elootrochemiotry) LEYTES, L.A.; YEGOROV, Yu-P.; ZUYEVA, O.Ya.; PONOMARENKOP V.A. Dependence of the oscillation frequency of the Ge - C tond in spectra of alkylgermanes on the nature of substituents. Izv. !Jq SSSR Otd.kbim.nauk no.12:2132-2140 D 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR i Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR. (Germanium organic compounds--Spectra) 5/892 4'N1/'D30/CO8/G01/rI02 5---S700 B117/B226 AUTHORS: Obadashyan, G. V., Ponomaranko, V. A., and Petrov, A. D. TITLEs Bilicofluoro-organic compounds PERIODICALt Uspekhi khimii~ v- 30, no. 6, 1961, 941 - 961 TEXTt The authors criticized the papeison the,production of organic silicon fluorides. The following problems are discussed with respect to the physical properties of these compounds: Energy, length, and oscilla- tion frequency of the Si-F bonds, chemical displacement in the spectra of nuclear magnetic resonance, refraction of the Si-F bond, the dipole moments of silicofluoro-organic compounds, and complex compounds of silicon fluor- ides. Silicofluoro-organic compoundsv which contain fluorine atoms bound to silicon, can be synthesized by various methods. (a) replacement of halogens of the Si-X bond by F (X - C1, Br, I); (b) reDlacement of oxygen of the Y-1" Si-O bond by F; (a) replacement of nitrogen oi the Si-N bond by F; (d) splitting of the Si-C bond, with formation of the Si-F bond; (e) re---lace- ment of hydrogen of the Si-H bond by F1 (f) splitting of the Si-Si bond with formation of the Si-F bond. All known reactions of silicon fluorides Card 1/17 26280 3/074/61/030/008/001/002 Silicofluoro-organic ... B117/B226 can be classified accordin,, to the following principal typest Replacement of fluorine of the Si-F bond by (a the elements of the IV-th group; (b) the elements of the V-th group; (c~ the elements of the VI-th group; (d) the elements of the VII-th group and hydrogen; (e) reactions, in which the Si-F bond remains unchanged. It can be concluded from the chemical zeactidns of organic and inorganic silicon fluorides that as compared to other halo- gens, the silicon bound to fluorine shows a number of specific features corresponding to the physical peculiarities of the Si-F bond. A consider- able number of silicofluoro-organic compounds with fluorine atoms bound to silicon have hitherto been obtained. Although their physical and chemical properties have been investigated to a certain degree, they are almost not practically applied for technical purposes. Organosilicon compounds con-- taiiiing fluorine atoms in organic radicals seem to be more promising in this respect. At present, the follo-aing,principal methods of produz:ing these compounds are availablet (a) elemental-organic method; (b) replace- ment of hydrogen of the Si-H bond by organic radicals; (c) reaction according to Svarts; (d) direct synthesis; (e) reactions of alkezWl silanes, and (f) all other reactions. The reactions of silicofluoro-organic com- Card 21 17 26280 S/074/61/030/008/001/002 Bilicofluoro-organic ... B117/B226 pounds containing fluorine atoms in organic radicals can be classified as followst (a) Reactions in which the Si-C bond is split; ~b) effect of acids and alkalis upon fluorinecontaining polysiloxanes; kc) reactions of silicofluoro-organic hydrides; (d) reactions of silicofluoro-organic hal- ides. In the last ten years, the development of the chemistry of silico- fluoro-organic compounds has been essentially governed by the requirements of practical purposes. This becomes evident from numerous patents. It is proposed to produce heat-resistant rubbers, vulcanized rubbers, lubricants, hydraulic liquids, dielectrics, and electricinsulhting materials, insecti- cides and herbicides on the basis of fluoropolyorganosiloxanes. Table 4 gives the physical properties of all silicofluoro-organic compounds known at present. The following authors are mentioned: V. A. Ponomarenko, Yu. .P. Yegorov, M. G. Voronkov, G. V. Medoks, N. Z. KotelkoY, V. S. Chuganov, A. D. Snegova, A. Ya. Yakubovich, V. A. Ginsburg, I. L. Knunyants, B. A. Sokolov, V. G. Cherkayev, A. D. Petrov, G. V. Odabashyan, N. A. Zadorozltiq~y, L. D. Shchukovskaya, V. F. Mironov, V. V. Pisarenko, G. V. Motsarev, A. la. Yakubovich, and'B. N. Dolgov, There are 4 Tables and 254 referencest 44 So- viet and 210 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English-lan- guage publications read as follows; G. M. Konkle, Rubber Age,.�A, No 16, Card 3/ 17 20360 s/b2o/61/136/005/021/032 BbO4/BO58 AUTHORSs AfanaOyev, V. Ao, Ponomarenkop Ve A., and Zadorozhnyy, N. A. TITLEs Adsorbability and catalytic activity of platinized carbon with regard to the addition of some silanes to unsaturated compounds PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 136, no- 5, 1961, 1123-1126 TEXTs In previous publications (Refs. I to 3) on the addition of alkyl- and chloro-alkyl silaues on halogenated allyl ether it was found that the adsorption interaction of the reaeting molecules with the catalyst surface has a great effect on the addition reaction. This effect was checked in the present study by investigating the capacity of platinized carbon (1~ Pt) to adsorb (C H ) SO MP CH C H (C 9 "H (III)' 2 5 3 "~(C2H02SH (11)' 2 5 3 7)2"> C13SiR (IV), C2 H5SiHC12 (V), and CH 3(C2H5)SiHC1 (VI). The experiments were conducted in a continuous apparatus at atmospheric pressure and 200C. The relative partial pressure of the vapors was varied between 0 and 0-5- Nitrogen served as carrier gas. Before the experiment, the catalyst was Card 1/7 20360 S1020V6111361005.1'0211032 Adsorbability and catalytic ... B004/BO58 heated to 3000C in a vacuum (approximately 10-4 mm Hg). The pressure P. of the saturated vapor of I - VI was determined in the same apparatus. P. was determined from the equation P./P - v/V. P is the total pressure (atmospheric pressure ') in the -system, v the volume of the substance vapor- ized per unit timag and V is the :rheometrically measured total volume of the mixture. A linear increase of adsorption with increasing length of experiment was found for all alkyl silanes. P. was calculated at v1 = 1 ml/min (velocity of silane vapor) and v 2 - 20 ml/min (velocity of the carrier gas). The experimental data for the compounds I - VI are com- pared in Table 1 with the values calculated according to Raas and fiewton and Antoine. Fig. 2 shows the adsoxption isotherms at 200C for P/Ps from 0 to 0-5- A different adsorbability of the substances was found. Chloro- alkyl silanes aTe adsorbed more intensively than alkyl silanes. A quantitative estimate of adsorbability was made by a comparison of the various areas cZo occupied by the molecules W 0 was calculated from the BET equatiun by usingt,;o for benzene (40 A 2~. These data were compared with the reactivity of the compounds in the case of -sinjultaneous addition to 191,2-trifluoro-2-chloro-ethyl allyl ether (Table 2)'.0 With increasing Card 2/7 20360 S/020/61/1,36/0051()2,1/032 Adsorbability and catalytic B004/BO58, 00.(decTeasing adsorbabil-ity).of the silane., and increasing yield-of.its addition products resulted. For substances with equal coo, the yield.of addition products-is-equalp too*, The following,interpretation is,given for concurrent reactionss Owing' to the increased adsorbability G:f', chloro- alkyl silanes, Kfghly a -silyl radicals (01 bi and Cl otive chloro 3 2Sic 2E~) form on the- cat&:~ys7t surface,, They selze upon the hydrogen of the.tri-tr alkyl siilane under the formation of a less active trialkyl-silyl'radidal. Only the latter;.rqact,.s with.the unsaturated bond of the ether, Apart from this, howeverp also a direct addition of the chlorp-silvl radical to the iinsaturated compound,. With the concurrent additidn re- action o'f (CH. .0'with Cl Sill or C H SiHC1 e 3) (92-dO (Cl).S! 3 2 5 2P th highe3~.adsorb- .ability of-(CH,)(C,H )(CI)SiR and its weak Si-I bond, as compared with the 31 2 5, other two compounds, oa-dees the predomfbant formation of the radicals (CH3)(C~H,)(Cl.)Si on the catalyst surface. These radicals are, havdver, unable to seize upon -the more strongly bound hydrogen of Cl SiR or 3 Card 3/7 20360 S/020161/136/005/921/032 Adeoriability and watalytic BO04/BO58 - C1?5 SiEci 2'- Inspite of the stronger adsorbability of CH3C2H5Clsill, a ptedolpinant addition of'this compound to the unsaturated ether sets in in lhji.pase~ This int,erp3~etaffou may also be*validl.foi the forming radioals X` I R CH 06 9CFC ~H),k Thdr6 are 2 figure s,,, 2 -t abl e a, 2. 2 and 5.-,-Sovi%et-b1.oc meferenceso ASSOCIATIOVa. Ifistitu-t organiaheakoy khimii imp N, D*,Zelinakogo kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni. N. B. Zolinskiy- Academy of Sciences USSR) . Sr PRMENTED3 September '179 19609 by A. A. Balandin, Academician SUBMITTEDi September 14, 1960 ~ " 417 G :ed 20360 B/020/61/136/005j/'021/032 Adsorbability and catalytic ... B004/3058 Ta6axits I P, (UPE W) MoA. T. xRn CoeAv- KpemxuAr"APvA O P, Mquem. no MMAY X1- DMIMA. no Dec C GnUM on H PODS. j: 4, t HbOMMA V.-r" II aH ).SIH )'SIH 014041H ~ ~ Its 29t 102:25 125 19 1 0 0 78. 152.5 745 748.5 754 27.0 93 3310, 28.1 ,3:! 29.1 64.0 6 IV 1 c 135:47 31 8 766 4 4 3 V SIHCI, 12907 . 78 0 . T70 57.8 86 9 498.5 495:0 VI C4H,)SIHCI OB 65 . 69.0 69 . 114,0 91 121 91 1 ~ j Table 1) no. of , Table 1. compound; 2) silane; 3) molecular.vei -ght; 4).boiling point; 5) P, at 20OC; 6) 0 found experimentally; 7)-calculated according to lla&&*~.and Newton; 8) ca lculated according to Antoine* A ~ardfi/7 20360 S/026/61/136/005/021/032 Aasorbability and catalytic B000058 , Ta6ntnts 2 M J] Kounonemu KTxBHocrb . . it 1 01 SIH SIHCI R IV V 42 42 1 50 so 2 , SIH IV 40 33 7 1 bo 58 .3 Issi IV 31 , bo .4 H I 1 V W 29 t.7 64 50 5 C.H,)sS[H HSA ~~, 1 11 IV 63 .32 .2.2 7 5 0 0 ., CHII(CINSIHO H C1 VI V 35 tj io 4 , 1H , H.)( t~)SIHCI ~ IC V1 27 33 1.2 50 40 7 H J C S HXCH~41H V 11 25 47 50 1.9 58 Table 2 71. -Ldeend*to Table 2. 1) running no.; 2) components; 3) designation of com- pound according to Table 1; 4) yield; 5) relative activity. Card 7/7 2Z0 9 5/020/61/137/002/012/020 B103/B215 AUTHORS: Odabashyanp Gv V., Ponomarenko, V. A., Kovalev, Yu. N. and Petrov, A. D. Correiponding Me~er TS'USSR TITLE: Organo-silicon monomers with cyclobutyl rings containing fluorine PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 2, 1961, 338-340 TEXT: Pollowing Brit-",sh and US papers on the synthesis of organosilicon monomers with cyclobutyl rings containing fluorine (Scheme A, at 2100C, for 24-36 hr), 2101 CF* C YCI + CH, CHSICIS CIjSi&CFCICFSCH1-; A. 210* CFs CN + CH3 CHSI (CH#) Cis -~ CH, (CIS) SI&C]Fa~Hj it T. A. 36 the authors studied a new method of synthesis (Scheme B: (I), (II)). Card 1/4 20739 S/020/61/137/002~012/020 Organo-silicon monomers with... B103/3215 CHI = CH CH = CHI + CF, Us CHI CH&& F~H2; maptcl, Fcl,-"SIH+CH,.CliEHCFCF.LHo--R,C13-,slcHtcHiCHCF3~F~Ht: (11) R CHI. C&H&. C4Hs; n = 0. 1. 2,-.3. They found that butadiene can easily be condensed by ethylene tetrafluoride k r-. --- (I). The yield of CH == CHCHCF CH 6H was 90% (Ref- 5 2 2 2 2 D. D. Goffman, P. L. Barrik et al., J. Am.-Chem. Soo- 712 490 (1948)). From Table 1 it follows thit high yields of the silicon hydrides used by the authors are added to 'Anyltetrafluorocyclobutane in the presence of chloroplatinic acid. The autho-.-s succeeded in adding dichlorosilane to two molecules of vinyl- tetrafluorocyolobutane under harder conditions (in the autoolave at 1300C and in toe presence of the above acid. -The corresponding monomer (no. 7) wus in a yield of 46~4. It is noted that the polymers produced from the above monomers show valuable properties according to non-Soviet publics- tions. There are 1 table and 5 non-Soviet-bloc references. The reference Card 2/4 20739 S/02 61/137/002/012/020 Organo-silicon monomers with.;. B103YB215 to English language publications reads as follows: J. D. Park, J. D. Groves, J. R. Lache5~9 J. Org Chem., a, no. 9, 1628 (1960). ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelin- skiy, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBIMITTED: December 7, 1960 Organo-silicon monomers with... 20739 8/020J61/137/002/012/020 B103/B215 -Ta6.qHaa I M 0, , nPOAYXTLd PeAKItull to r I CI.SIH 13.0 154 0.1 27.5 'Ct.SICHCII.6WF.CF~-H. 26.5 91.0 2 CII.SICI.H (0j) 0.0 (0.1) 10.5 0,2 29.5 C"'(CIS)SICH'CH.~CHCFXF~H' 25.8 91.0 3 C211,51CIA" (0,12) 5.0 (0,11) 0.0 Oj 16.0 rHACMSICHCHJ-HCPC-jj6H. 13.0 82.v 4 CH.(CUjSICUI (0106) 0.0 MOO 15.4 011 25.7 CHACA)(CI)SICHCH~HCFCF~H. 20.6 79.0 5 CII'(c'Iij'v.IH 10.5 15.4 0.1 ?A.5 CH,(CjIj9SICH&CH,&CFCFC'J4, t8,3 72.0 6 CASICIIII O.t) 6.8 to.l) 0.0 0,01 11,3, C*H,(CIjSICHCH" ICFSCF.6H. 8.9 70.0 7 CIAIH, (0,04) 7.5 (0.01) 23.2 1 0.3 25.6 CISI(CHCIf*~HCFjCF3LHI)I 14.2 4G.U (0,075) (0j5) Legend to Table 1: 1) current number; 2) silicon hydride;, 3) quantity in g (moles); 4) vinyltetrafluorocyclo butane in g (moles); 5) quantity of the 0.1,M.solution of H2PtCl6, ml; 6) weight of the reaction p roducts, g; 7) reaction products;. B.)*yield, g; 9) yield, Card-4/4 t blot) 33272 S106216210001001101711015 B1O1/B11O AUTHORS: Petrov, A. D., Ponomarenko, IT A and Odabashyan G, V~, TITLE; Synthesis of bis(t-trifluorc-propyl) dichloro si2arie PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SBSR. Izvestiya, Otdeleniye khim-~chesk-._kh nault, no- 1, 1962) 174 -- 176 TEXT: An improved method of synthesiziug (CF CH CH ) SiC19 (1) is des-. 3 2 2 2 - cribed,, The addition of dichloro silane to CF 3CH-CH2 de3cribed b-~,fcnr~- (Dokl, AN SSSR~ 126, no. 5, 1009 (1956)) yielded only 20"~~ of I ~_r the presence of H 2Ptcl 6~ It was found that with compeiiluive addition of si- lanes to unsaturated compounds the addition of tibe one silarne ,-,,as acceler- ated while that of the other one was retarded, Experl-ments conf-_,Ymed that the reaction between H Bicl and CH =CHCF or betweZn 2 2' HS'C13) 2 3~ H2Sici CH3SiHCl , and CH =CHCF 3 yielded between 31 and 36~o' after 2-3 hr 2' 2' 2 in the Dresence of H2PtCl6' The reaction components are filled an she Card 1/3 33272 S/062/62/000/001/01 3/015 Synthesis of bie(t-trifluoro-propyl) B101/B110 autoclave at dry-ice temperature, and heated to 1600 C" C13SiCH2 CH2OF3 or CH 3 (Cl2)SiCH2CH 2CF3are fortned as by-products. The reactionCF 3CH 20H2SiHC12 + CH 2-CHCF3was also studied; it took 5 hr, ths- yield of I was 37%, CF 3CH2CH 2SiHC1 2 was synthesized in cooled ethereal solution by dropwise addition of OF CH CH MgC1 (produced from CF,CII,GH,,CI, 3 2 2 1~ I,- I- Lig) to HSiC1 3' yielld 2C-,5%. The infrared spectra showed that she sily! group added to the terminal carbon atom of the double bond. Compound I Is considered to be a promising monomer for fluorinated polyorga=siloxanes, There are I table and 6 referencest 4 Soviet and 4 non-Soliet.- V~(_- fcnr references to English-language publications read as follows! E. T- 14cBcc~ C. W. Roberts, G. F. Judd~ T~ S. Chao, J. Amer. Chem. Sac_ 17,, 1292 (1955); A, M. Geyer, R, N. Haszeldine, K. Leedham, R, J. Marklow, J., Chem,, Soc', j3U, 44721 R. N, Haszeldine, M. J. Newland3, J. B. Plumb., Proc, Chem. Soc.,,no,, 4, 147 (1960); Engliab Patent 805028 (1958), Chem, AbstTs, 51~ 9059h (1.959), Card 7/-~ PONOMARENKO V A k6i.d.tckhn-.nauk; PAVWVv M.S., inzh.; GORELIK, I.S., Industrial tests of an expe ental set of TKP-2 pushers. Sbor.DonUGI no.23A90-199 162. .(K* 3.6:2) (Mine milroad"quipment and supplies) 34974 S/080/62/035/002/014/022 D204/D302 AUTHORS: Petrov, A. D., Zakharov, Ye. F., Zadorozhnyy, N. A. and TITLE: Synthesis of organosilicon monomers containing nitrile groups PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 2, 1962, 385-389 TEXT: The. authors studied the catalytic effects of bis(B-cyano- ethyl)-cyanamide (I), dimethylaminoacetonitrile (!I) and dimethyl- aminoproionizrile (III) on the addition of unsaturated nitriles to trichlorosilane. Compotrids II and III were found to be most ef- fective, giving 60% yields of the -substituted products (cyano- alcyl trichlorosilanes). Identification of the latter by infrared spectroscopy proved unsuccessful owing to the great similarity of the spectra. Addition reactions of C1 3SiH to 0 _CN and acrylo- nitrile with the above catalysts, as well as in the presence of H2PtC16 and benzoyl or tert.-butyl peroxides were studied. The Card 1/2 tK SOBOLEVSKIr, X.V.; RODZEVICH, N.Te.; GRIHVICH, K.F.; FEMOV,, A.D.; ---POXDMULEM- V.A.; SMWVA, A.D. Preparation and properties of organoilloxanes containing betachlorobicycloheptenyl radicals. Zhur.prUl.khim. 35 no.10:2302-2307 0 162. (KDtA 15:12) (Silicon organic compounds) KHIDEKELI, M.L.; YEGOROCHKIN, A.N.; IONOMARENKO, V.A.; ZADOROZHNYY, N.A.; RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; PETROV, A.D. Nuclear magnetic resonance of silicon hydrides. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.6:U30-1.132 Je 163. (K[RA 16:7) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni Zelinsk AN SSSR. (Silicon hydrides__Spectralo EVIT ('11'6FSS -2/9SC-4/ESC(t). _Jn74/Pp-w4Z fic-4 L R: AP501 723 UR/0286/65/ooo/oi hl/ 41 0 621.315.052-T Y AUTHOR: Berkman, N. A.- Gontarl V. M.; Gurov, V. S.; Darova. P. 1. I L T._FT5-__ W. N.9 Zolotarey. Ya. M.; pp, T.' M. , Pamechnik, N. D. rergeyev. r-V.-- T16no-marenko, V.'A.; Pugach, A. B.; Raykin. P. V. TITiX: System for measuring the duration and number of interruptions In a commi-: cation channel. Class No..171023 SOURCE: Byulleien' lsobt'eteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 10, 1965, 41 Man, TOPF TAGS: noise measure nt, frequency meter, communication channel, pulse meter 41YA ABSTRACT: The propose 'd measuring device converts the spectrum of theinvestigated pila~,.(weasuring) frequency-to a region of higher frequencies and uses a filter to seplate the side band containing information on the signal envelope. Provision lel made -for simultaneous analysis of pulse noise and decline in the level of the pilort~' frequency vitb respect to voltage and duration. Information on Interruption time In transmitted In the fois of quantized pulse packets to a measuring circuit em-; slating of flip-flops, AND gates, and registers. OrIg. art. bast I figure. (DWI !cdif;tiOKwi:- -id0i6n-37 ASSOCZATIONj Kiyevskoys otdelonlye Tsentrallnogo nauchno-Iss2edoratellskago Institute ovyazi.Mnisterstys svyazi SSSR (Kiev DeD&ftwnt of the Central Scientifid Research Institute of Commmmications of. the Ministry of Communications 555H ~ smmrrm ioNov63 KNCL., 00 SUB COW.-Tu"O, 50 MW SOV 1 000 000 ATD PPOSS: 4038 tcwt 49,02-" EWT(d)/FSS-2/FCS(f) AG: NR% AP5023279 UR/0302/65/000/003/0054/0055 .620.1.087.4 AUTHO .R: -BIerkmani N. A.; Bobreshav, Ye. N.; Ponomarenko, V. A.; Raykin, P. S. TITLE: Multichannel recorder SOURCE: Avtomatika i priboroBtroyentye, no, 39 19650 54-55 TOPIG TAGS: data recording, data processing, multichannel analyzer, multitrack recording, statistic analysis, data transmissi6n electronic device, communication equipment ABSTRACT: Numerous processes are inves"tigated by statistical analyzers which Incorporate devices for the registration of results. The majority of such devices are either extremely cumbersome and expensive or utilize single channels preventing the simultaneous registration of data. The present article describes a comp-aratively simple. recorder which simultaneously e registers, with a reaBonable degree of accuracy, th results of the analysis of random quanti- ides in twentychannels. This device, developed at the Kiyevskoye otdeleniye Tsentrallnogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo,.JneUtuta avyazi (Kiev Department, Central Scientific-Research In- stitute of Communtcatlonsr4 based on the tir,TrcffWan*-2e-rB.-W~_b1oek diagram of the uporder and the basic triggeriug scaler circuit are presented and their operation is described. I The device to presently in use at the Kiev and Moscow communication centers in conjunction vdth the study,of statistical characteristics of interferences and interruptions during transmission of data. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. L 4902-66 -I AM -M, AP5023279 ASSOCIATION: None k () I . - wBmwrED: 00 1 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: DP .,,t IEv EC - KADINA, M.A.;_Tq~ ~KO,__V.A. Photochemical chlorination of t-ifluoropropylehlorosilanes and the synthesis of unsaturated trifluoroalkylchlorosilanes. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.4i654-659 165. (MIRA 18-.5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. PONOMARENKO, V.A.; SNEGOVA, A.D.; SEFGEYEV, I.A. Preparation of fluoroar7flhalosilanes by high temperature condensation. Izv. AN 35SR. Ser. khJm. no.9,-1684-1,687 '65. (MLPA 1819) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. -1-1 786-�6 EWMAWPM nkc) -Bg/Gohn C,Z) C UR/0302/65 ob/dW/663f/do v M-- NH, APOOM515 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR.- b0breEhOlis Ye. Ya. M. Ponomarenko. V. n, P. S. Zolatarev -A.. R ORG: none* TITLE: Counter for conversion of numbers from the binary to the decimal system SOURCE: Avtomatika i priborostroyeniye, no. h, 1965, 31-32 TOPIC TAGS: pulse counter, binary code f ABSTRACT: A binary-to-decimZ1 -copytder particularly useful for the conversion o large numbers, was developed at the Kiev branch of the Central Scientific Research Nf Institute of Communication. A block diagram is shown in Figure 1. Input circuit 1 after the entry of the binary number to be converted causes pulse generator h (1 me) t send pulses to binary counter 7 and decimal counter 6 through inhibit eircuit 3. When the count in 7 is equal to the number at the input, block 2 causes inhibit circuit with memory 3 to close the gate connecting generator h with the two comters. After the decimal equivalent stored in 6 has been read out, both counters are reset to 0, and the inhibit signal in 3 Is lifled. The ca acity of the converter is limited by the capacity of the binary counter, which is 231 1. The counters use nonsaturating Card uDc: 68i.ih2.621 ~ I II L ~ 10786-66 lip AP6011281 (A) SOURCE CODE,' UR/0413/66/000/00610158/0158 _'3 43 INVENTOR: Sobolevskiy,_ M. _ V. ; Rodzevich, N. Ye. ; Grinevich, K. ; Bogacheva L P.; A-, Usmnskays, Ye. A. ORG: none TITLE: Preparation of Voly2rganosiloxane.61 Claso. 23,' No.! 142368 SOURCE. Izobreteniya, promyshlennyyeobraztay, tovarnyyeznaki, no.6, 1966, 1 TOPIC TAGS: siloxane, polyorganosiloxane, liquid polyorganosiloxane, Po,- Y T/ 10 ,rmv C ABSTRACT: This Author. Certificate Introduces a method for preparing liquid PpWorganosiloxanes. IlTo Increase high -temperature oxidation resistance and the atin roperty because of introducing j4~~and nuoroaryl radicals Into the o1 e structure in both the end groups and the basic chain, liquid polyorgano- O=&e ' Fxalnes siloxanes a e prepared by either cohydrolysis or heterofunctional condensation of corresponding monomers. LD] SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATE: 25Jan6l/ C,,d I / 1 f EWT(1) IJP(c) ACC NRs AT6033192 SOURCE CODE: TJR/3138/66/000/433/000.t/0008 AUTHOR: Dolgov, A. D Ponomarev A L. A. ,ORG: none TITLE:'-Three-photon decay of particles with 0 and I spin SOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po ispolIzovaniyu atom's energii. In'stitut teoretiches 71 'eksperimentallnoy fiziki. Doklady, no. 433, 1966. 0 raspade chastits so. spinom 0 11 na tri fotona, I - 8 I`TOPIC TAGS: photon, matrix element, particle ABSTRACT: A form of three-photon amplitude decay of particles with 0 and 1 spin is studied. It is shown that the decay amplitude of a scalar particle is deter- mined by two form factors if spatial parity is maintained, and by four form factors if parity is not maintained. The minimum degree of impulse in the matrix element is equal to seven. - the decay amplitude of the vector particle depends on six (or' twelve, if the R parity is interrupted) form factors. It is shown that if the minimum (fourth) degree of impulse in the matrix element is used, than only two (four) independent form factors remain. The authors are deeply grateful to_l~ B. 1 / 2 Ion L 05788-67 ACC NR- AT6033192 I. B. OkyW r the'attention he gave to the work and to A. V, Taraspy for useful discussions. Orig. art. has: 10 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ ~SUBM DATE: 23Mar66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 002/ ACC NR-AP60~3662 _CbDE7 SOURCE 06/66/000/010/003 /0037 UR 01 1 WITHOR: Kopp, V. M.; Pononarenko, V. A.; Yevtushenko, V. V.; Raykin, P. S. ;oxu: none !TITLE; Pulse noise an.alyzer foi, multiple high frequency telephone channel systems us- led for data transmission SOURCE: Elektrosvy4z*, no. 10; 1966, 31-37 ITOPIC.TAGS:. multichannel telephone system, carrier frequency telephone, data trans- mission, transmission line, noise analyzer, random noise signal, ergodic theory,.sta- tistic analysis, statistic distribution i AE(STRACT: Technical characteristics, design principles, and the operation of a pulse noise.arialyzer for use with digital data in multichannel transmission liTks are de- ~scribed. The analyzer generates an integral distribution function of the instantane- ious amplitude values of pulse wise and, simultaneously, the probability distribution lof noise.pulse durations at a predetermined amplitude level. The integral distribu- tion function of noise pulses 13.deterrhined-by measuring the dwell time of the instan- taneoud values of their amplitudes at the seven following voltage levels: 18, 24. 36, 54, 72, 108, and 144 millivolts. The lower value was selected'to eliminate the effect of the demodulator offset while the upper value was based on preliminary experiments. UDC: 621.317.795.3 'Card 1/3 ACC NR: AP6033682 The*integral distribution function, assuming that the random process is stationary and .ergodic, is determined through instrumentation as a result of the measurement of the relative dwell time of one of its-states above a predetermined level. To this end, th6 random signals are fed into an amplitude threshold discriminator. Every excursion of the input signal above the preset trigger level of a particular threshold discri- minator causes an output pulse to be generated, the duration of which equals the dwell i tim of the random pulse at this level. The additive dwell time of such pulses dur- ing the experiment equals the total.process time. It is expedient to measure this parameter digitally. Hence, the dwell pulses are converted into pulse trains by using the former as gates for clock pulses. The number of clock pulses in each train cor- iresponds to the dwell time of the original noise pulse. The clock pulses are counted land the relative process time is obtained as a ratio of the total noise time to the total duration of the experiment. In addition to this result, the probability densi- ty of the dwell time at a given voltage level is generated by counting the pulses in the individual trains and recording the original pulses in appropriate tine incre- Iment channels in accordance with their dwell times. The analyzer based on these prin- ciples is described in some detail, including a block diagram, and an example is us- ,ed to illustrate the operation of the instrument, The authors conclude that for the statistical analysis of noise in a multichannel communication link it is sufficient to determine the total dwell Tim of the noise pulses above a given level,. The ana- lysis of the instantaneous mplitudes and duration& of the noise pulses provides the I ACC NR:----AP603'36-8-2"- ;possibility to compute the two.-dimensional. probability distribution Of thim' nOiss- jorig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 09,1*7/ SUBM DATE: 09Nov65/ 9RIG IRErt 004 L 10958-67 DD/qD 01 ACC NR. A 6036~64 _665kdi DE ODD/ AUTHOR: Zavalova, N. D.; Ponomarenkop V. A. ORG: TITLE! Psychophysiological characteristics of human activity in an automated control system [Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine held in Moscow from 24 to 27 May 19661 SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam ko~smicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problenty kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space redicine); materialy konferentaii, Moscow, 1966, 173-174 1/' TOPIC TAGS: man machine coitmunicationj, space psychology, psychophysiology,, cosmonaut training ABSTRACT: . It is known that in automatic flight the basic activity io monitoring# while actiVe iunctions occux during an ejection or emergency situation. :Such functional distribution is of practical importance to the pilot- i cosmonaut in that the flow of afferent impulses from the motor analyze&, i important to control, is almost entirely suspended during automated night. Here the motor analyzer of the pilot plays the unusual role of mairitaining a constant state of readiness for action. A similar condi- tion described by A. A. Ukhtomskiy is considered as a state of operator inactivity. Apparently, the level of operator inactivity will affect reac- tion time when intervention in a control priocess is necessary. The problerri of operator activity is closely related to the prot" am of main- taining operator "vigilance, since a state of -prepairedness on a.back- L 10958-67 __ f-ACC NR: AT603656~_- ground of even partial sensory impoverishment is characterized by- lowere d human tonus. Results of an experiment involving pilot-operator reliability during a process of transition from a state of lowered activity to an extremal situation with a stress background (flight experiment) will be Isummarized in a separato report. Here., special attention to accorded to a study of the effectiveness of human inclusion in a control process as a function of an information model. The work capacity criteria are time characteristics, the level of physiological reserves, and the quality of activity. On the basis of the characteristics of an operator 1- _. a't* - nsatory'llni'31-fi-aini au'tdmitI*C contr6l' system ~sycl~o- c ing as a compe physiological recommendations relative to man-machine functions distribution principles.under specific flight conditions are enumeratede [W*A. No* 22; ATD Report 66-1161 1 -SUB CODE: 05p 06 SUBM DATE i OW&y66 Card 21~r'w fA - I ;it 41 F. FL ILI CIS Ertl 1 4 mill 11 k 11 T 8/020/60/132/03/36/066 B011/BO08 AUTHORS: Zakharov, Ye. P., Zadorozhnyy, N. A., Tovo orresponding Rem er AS USSR e e A* D.o C TITLE:. On the Peculiarities of the Effect of the Silyl-groups. The Chlorination of the Alkyl-chloro-silioon-hydrides PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No- 3, pp. 619-622 TEXT: In the paper under review the authors continued their investi- gations on the induction influence of the silyl- and germy-l-groups on the properties of the bond neighboring the Si, as well as of that further away from it. In the further development of these investigations they studied the photochemical chlorination of the alkyl-ailane- chlorides of the following series: (C2H5)2S'H2, (C2H5)3S"H' (CH3)(C2H5)2$iH, (CH3)(C2H5)(C1)S'H1 (C2H5)'(Cl2)SiH, (CH3)(CI)2SiH and C13S'E' 802C12 served for the chlorination under conditions worked out lately by H. G. Voronkov and V. P. Davydova (Ref. 11). Furthermore, the Card 1/4 on the Peculiarities of the Effect of S/02 6o/132/03/36/o66 the Bilyl-groups. The Chlorination of BO 11 Y33008 the Alkyl-cliloro-silicon-hydrides authors wanted to study the influence of the electric negativity of the chlorine atoms, and of the alkyl- and aryl-groups on the oscillation frequencies of the Si-H bonds in some silicon mono- and dihydrides. The data in Table 1 concerning the "competing" chlorination of the Si-bonds of the hydrides mentioned above proved the expectations of the authors. They expected that the transition from (C2H5)3S'H to C13S'R must retard the chlorination of the Si-bonds rapidly. The se:ries of the relative activity thus corresponds completely to the increasing k-I electric negativity of the silyl-groups (Table 2). it is surprising that only the SI.-H-bonds are chlorinated here, but never the C-H-bonds of the alkyl-chloro-silicon-hydrides, although they can, as a rule, also be chlorinated, as known. This differing behavior of both bonds is connected with the specificity of the Si-H-bond and the Si-atom itself. The Si-atom distinguishes itself, contrary to carbon, by an increased electrophily. On the basis of these data, the formation of mainly (C2H5)2S'RC' could be expected at the photochemical radical- Card 2/4 On the Peculiariti4a of the Effect of the Silyl-groups. The Chlorination of the Alkyl-chloro-silicon-hydrides 3/02Y60/132/103/36/066 B011 BOOB chlorination of tho diethyl-silane with S02012- At the chlorination of the (C2H5)2SiH2 tho authors obtained actually only diethyl-ohlorine- silane. An analogous result was obtained at the "competing" chlorination of a mixture from (:C2H5)2SiH2 and (C2H5)3SiH. The separation of the induction-, the steric- anii other effects of the group Rnx-3n on the basis of the data of the reactivity is difficult. The data on the oscillation frequencies of the Si-H-bond may to some degree be helpful for the solution of this difficult problem (Refs. 7,8). According to the opinion of the authors it would be beat to utilize the group- electric negativities of the silyl-groups for the transition from the oscillation frequencies to the electric n*gativities. They refer to their previous papers (Refs. 13,14) and state in conclusion that the effective electric negativity of the silyl-gToup is considered to be the sum of the influences of the 3 substituents connected with Si. The effective elec*io negativity of other eilyl-groups is determined by the summation of the values of the 3 substituents which form the Card 3/4 On the Peouliariti*s of the Effect of the Silyl-groups. The Chlorination of the Alkyl-ohloro-silioon-hydrides 3/020/60/132,103/36/066 BO11/BOO8 corresponding silyl-group. The values of the oscillation frequencies of the Si-R- and Si-D.-formations are easily determined on the basis of the equation mentioned.. Table 2 shows a good agreement of the computed and the experimentally-determined values. The substances produced by the authors ares di-(m-trifluoro-mothyl-phanyl)-silane(l), di-p-tolyl-silane (II)p bia(Igyply-trifluoro-propyl)-ailane (III)p methyl-(m-trifluoro-aethyl)-phenyl-ailane IV~, methyl-p-tolyl-silane ~V)p)methyl-Igypy-trifluoro-propyl-a-ilane RI , methyl-vinyl-silane VII . There are 2 tables and 14 references, 10 of which are 'Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USEM) SUBMITTEDs February 17s, 1960 Card 4/4