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vw~z - -, 66711 4?412V SOV/109-4-8-32/35 AUTHORS: KornUov, S.A* and Pomyati4hiV.*_X-A&_ TITLE: The Characteristics or a Frequency Multiplier Based on a Reflex jElystron PERIODICAL; Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 8, pp 1402 - 1404 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The multiplier is illustrated in Figure 1. The bunching of the electrons in this system is done by the modulation of the reflector-voltage. For this purpose, a coaxial resonator, tuned to the frequency which is to be multi- plied, Is connected to the gap between the upper grid of the klystron and the reflector. The harmonic of the electron current thus produced is "extracted* by a resonator connected between the grids of the klystron. This method of modulation of the electron beam permits complete separation between the input and output circuits, while employing a standard-type reflex klystron. The experiments were carried out on klystrons with external and Internal resonators; the klystrons with external resonators operated in the frequency bandwidth of UY Cardl/3 sov/log-4-8-32/35 .The Characteriaticx of a Frequency Multiplier.Based on a Reflex Klystron 3 000 Me/av while those with an internal resonator operated in the vicinity of 10 000 Me/s. The results of the measurements for the 3 000-Mc klystrons are shown in Figures 2 and Figures 2 show the output power as a function of the reflector potential for a constant power of the input signal (P1 = 6.4 W) , and the dependence of the output power on the beam current; the klystron operated as a frequency quadruplar. Figure 3 shows the output power as a function of the factor n at the optimut&;reflector potential. Investi- gation of -the frequency multiplication by means of a klystron internal resonator showed that at input powers of the order of 1.1 W , it was possible to obtain an output power of 0,4 mW, while the system worked as a frequency quintuplar. Photographs of the two types of the multiplier klystrons are shown in Figure 4. Card 2/3 -Pzdmovsluy'-Yezhi [Pomdanowtki, Jerzyj I'no best g3id&r pill,.;t. rA. 15 no.7%.18 JT 26) ,a 1% Ml RA -Liz t -1 ~ PONT- =Lwrlww., T its arfain ~10 iD-.brmd WA 9 il. thick, I 2Db, Thfir of fift-re"Ing mw "k Orwim t- . but is"wim, caw of me. 00)y 464dVasup A.CfKbo,*MkZ.Vuft Olm Kum) h the Reeftefty 61 *WV rapir an 6 xm=bw thee, by Mukam il 630010-, Holb-brick basim a tL a jm._7 IL s in, boing an am in eaves do"MMA wuldom aw Commu Used so hatels am baill with these Meas have bd"ajbV&. walb Duumom I Tb&m%Wpnojtj,,,,. wasisu of brick - a dWbb ra al bo,,M nt an end h -. . ~ ;r t, 4 tL apa4 V ln*beh~ - tbkk" m jb; W&D 1. Sin., 00 thck, Om e4 Ofth brick 2-V in, the cavity 2-4 im. - it the cavity b ORUW. Q jM& M=of'h'c wOU *Orl"Pwd to Sm Of an- 19-im. ordinary brick ,ma. it x8grepte *be b6bow Wan 13 building of Omm' ank of 3 bv4nwm~. CW"Jmt to a Min. soW "00 hfttb- MOW -cesmarims tabu 3 brkkk 2 "t"W"TO 6 *3114M findading tbo taraparmy covering 0I tb, layers bumwp to " t 01 0*9",bm bm _.c by Om 00 mm sits Urtbar redutim of mtjg Gami ac.. OWANI be Wdeved. Furtber dwvWopmmt md aftpkatklo of " metbod to I bN&AMMIMS and FlamabWX is aftessur. 114 65L) .,TIUMp J.O.; PaKYKACEK, J.; JIPXOVBKY,I.; FROTMIM. Synthetic ataractics. X. Ihioro*ed methodsof preparation of phenoharman. Cesk. farm. 13 nic.%229433 Je'64 1. V~z~y ustav pro farmacii a bioebemii, Praha. JILEK, J.;- SVAIYEK, E..; SEIDLOVA, V.; RAJSNER, M.; PELZ, K.; HOCH B. ; PROTIVA, M, Neurotropic and psychutropic substances. Pt.2. Coll Cz Cham 30 no.2:445-462 F 165. ". Forschungsinstitut fur Pharmazie und Bioch~smie, Prague. Submitted MaY 4, 1964. JII,EK,, J.O.; POMYKACEK, J.; MTYSOVAJI J.; ~ETYS, J.; PROTIVA, M. Neurotropic and psychotropic substances. Pt.3- Coll Cz Chem 30 no.2:463-47:L F '65. 1. Forschungsinstitut fur Pharmazie und Biochemie, Prague. Submitted May 4, 1964. CZECIAOSLOVAIUA PROTIVA, 1,.,,; JILD-K, J; PODIMCEKI J; JIRKOVSKY, J; VEJDELEX, - 0 Researoh Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Forschunp- institut fUr Pharmazie und Biochemie), Prague (for al--,~- Prague, Collection of C2;echoslovak Chemical Cormunications, IT To 109 1963v pp 2627-2635 "Synthetic Analgetica V. Synthetic Experiments on a Base of 4-phenyl-4-Carbetlioxypiperidine t1lorpethidine)." FROTIVA) 1,1.; JII-EK, J.O.; FOMYKACEK, J.; JIPKCVSKr, J.; IFL~BELEK, Z--J- SEIDIDVA , V. Synthetic analgesics. Pts. 5-6. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.10:2627-2636, 2821-2824 0 163. 1. Forschung Lnstitut fur Pharmazie inid Biochemie, Prag. POMYKACEK. J.; PROTIVA, M.; JILEK, J. "AntihiBtamlne Substances. XICKVI. Preparation of Some P-Substituted Analogues of Antistine", P. 232, (CHEMICKE LISTY. Vol. 48, No. 2. Feb. 1954# Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, (EBAL), LC, Vol, 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. JILIM, J. 0.; PCKYKACEK; J.; FROTIVA, M. Synthetic tests in the group of bypotenoive active alkaloids. Part 151 Synthesis of racemic homoveratryludne analogues of reoerpines and isoremerpines. Coll Cz Chem 26 no.411145-1159 Ap 161. 1. Forechungsinstitut fur Pharmakie und Biochemie, Prag. (Alkaloids) (Reserpins) JILEK, J.O.; RAJSNER, M.; POMYKACEK, J,,; PROTIVA, M., inz. dr., PrSc., (Kourimska 170 Prala-~r----,- -, -- Synthetic atarazics. Part 12. Cesk. farm. 14 no.6:294-303 Ag 165. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro farmacii a biochemii, Praha. Submitted December 21, 1964. PCHYKAU, Kazimierz Winning crude oil and deep-well pumpo in the Polish petroleum industry. Wiad naft '~ no.10:224-228 0 162. _?OMYqU., Kazimierz ...............a........ L- ------- .Automation of natural oil vinbing. Wiad naft 8 no.11:255-257 N 162. \11- .1 FOKYKALA, Kazimierz Me.thods of creative work of inventors. Wiad naft 11 R.e.91 no.2: 38-40 F 163. PCMMIA, Kazinierz - - 1- ---------- Mining raw petroleum with borehole pampo in the Poli,5h peatrolelun industry. Wiad naft 8 no.9.-200-203 S '62. POWKALA., Stanielaw, mgr inn.; BUROWSKI, lx,:~Janp mgr in2~ I -- - - Unive.-Al spot welder for fine uIxes and Wm shfats. Techn :Lotp. 19 no.10-1/3-1083 O-N 164. POMYKALk, Zofia, mgr ,~w Determination of the eonteA of oullfur and light hydrocarbon compounds in Lubaczow gasoline. Nafta Pol 19 no./,; Suppl: kul inst naft 13 no. 2/3:4-5 163. i .4 PCHIULAp Zofia . Gas hydrates and methods of control. Wiad naft 9no,5:n7-118 IV 063. Elaboration of exact methods for full analysis of gas amd gaso2ine. Nafta, Fol IS no.6. Suppl. z Biulet7n -Imtvtlatu Naftowego 12 no.2/3:5-6 162. KWACISZMKkp A.., mgrl Fp_ T, Z., inz. ,gr; SZADA. Analytic methods for ethanolamine in gas desulftrization in Lubaczow. Nafta Pol 19 no.2:guppl.4 Biul inst naft 13 no.1:2 163. POLAVID Churaical Tochilology. Cliamical Prodlicts- 23 and Their Applications. Cbemical Procoss- ing of Natural Gasos and Potrolowea. 17otor and Rockot Fuol Lubricants. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khiraiya, No 3, 1959, 9732. Author Pppykaja , Z. inst Ni~oi gi von. Title Hydrogen Sulfide Content of Polis-Ii Natural Gases. Orig Pub: Nafta (Polska), 1958, 14, No 5, Biul. inst. naft., 8, No 3, 5-6. Abstract: A simDlo method was dovisod for qualitative do- torraination of H2S in natural g scs WIG) in which the NG do,:~s not contact liquids (,vvator, ate.), as 1noll as a variant of a quantitativa method basod on thoso roactions: 1) H2S ~ Cd(CH3COO)2 Card 1/2 E-fKol~' Z. POT The h.,drogen-sulfide content of the gas of Lubaczow. Biuletyn. p.1 Nafta. (Insty-tut Naftowy) Krakow, Poland. Vo145, ~io.2, Feb.1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions Rdex) (hEkl) LC) Vol.8, no.6 Juhe 1959 Uncl. POMMAIAP Z. High-pressure drying of natural gas with the uce of silica gal and activated alumkLia. p-3- PRACE. Instytut, Naftowy. Katowice., Polmd. %,. 59, 1958 Month3,v List of East European Accessions. (EEIA) LC. Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. said condensatei Us,, lou plants. ME-! afto t Nuxif carbons' CON line ad-. rtyk*- 4 POMYKALA,.Zofta, mgr content io organic sulfur compa"t-in nitural gaa from Lubaczov. Nafta, Fol 18 no.9:250-252 S. 162. 1. Instytut -Naftowyj, Warszawa. POKYKANOV, N., inshener. Using special electromagnets in assembling and welding marinas structures. Mor.flot 16 n9*8;3l Ag '56. (MA 9:10) (Blectromagnpts) (Shipbuilding) RIDELI, E.I.; SIITEFKO, I.V.; pa-lyKANov ali.. h., retBenzent; VI ,, in7 TSARENKOI A.P.j, inzh... r ANSY-U, A.A., red.izd- va; TIKHAVCV, A.Ya.; tekhn. red. [Over-all mechanization and automation of loading and un- loading operations with packaged piece goods] Kompleksnaia mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia pogruzochno-razgruzocbnykh rabot s tarno-shtuchnymi gruzami. Moskva, Mashgiz., 1963. 205 p. (NDU 16:12) (Loading and unloading-Equipment and supplies) (Automation) SOSRIOV, Nikolay Alekseyevich; GRUNMiYSIOV, Nikolay Aleksandrovich,- KUPI-IINI, Nikolay Ivanovich; POMYKANOVI Nikoja NikolMevich; SHCHEGOLEV, A.F.., red.; GR61-Iff- ., N.D.., red. izd-va; VAYNSF.TM,I, Ye.B.,, tekhn. red, Neebanization of loading and unloading operations in tran rta_ tiZ tion; review based on the materials of a thematic exIdbi Mekhanizatsiia pogruzoohno-razgruzochr7kh rabot na transporte; obzor po materialarn tematicheskai vystavki. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- te.khn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tErvetnoi metallurgii, 1962. 223 p. (14MA 15:3) 1. Moscow. Vystavka dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR. (Loading and unloading) - - i -- . . ! 1 7 . , . I - . I - - 1 I' "' C. 4 11 sr,' C. VwaiAll.u,.~.Aj M, htdiri.vu4 1r"%Wl*n of rarquri Floorin; ftiv:k% A. ---f-ri-6191nerring and rronowle ryablem. predakeJa dri4xvitulok posattakowych )akv Wr icelml---mv I go-AlvAlitrete MAterlily lludwAlatit, NO 2 -A ")3'. 51) a), .1 VIIR Prech i4, nem to oak, %h# nuvil, suitable variety of noui tur -j-., minu fact ure of parquet. fkIoring blocks. AlothotI3 tf sawina ifie wn.'. tirr. III ortier to produce a neatly 19mitiM wood. Opprathivs Invit'he4 III 1jjq7 CUJ'111V~ Of 1):Inell. Drying by mitural mealls. ArIllit'Lal d.-),1:.,4 nw,,hcxI* and principles of steaming beech panels. Quality clawaticz- .Ion of panels after drying. Machining on surface planers and ratt, of output of tire relative machinek Teditilcal requVrinents for par- quet flooring blocks. Omdlng according to thicktiviLs. 1PI11,111. mad jiiln rhameter. Constructionid vartelles of partlurt Muntnq Wooks Flulpment, and managernent of stockyards. Alethods ct swk- Ing flooring blocks. Factors influencing proper yield from raw ma- terial. Trend towards effecting savings. USSR/Microbiology - Microbes Pathogenic in Man and Animals. F. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biolij No 1~; 1956) 673C)a Author Pavlov, P.V., Akimova, V.V., Pomyankevich,-AgN. Inst Title Purified adsorbent Scarlet Fever Toxins Commmication No 1. Acquiring Scarlet Fever Toxin with a High Titra- tion Standard and Purif)emg It, Orig Pub Zh. taikrobiole, epidemiol i immunobiols, 1957, 110 11o 120-125. Abstract 11o abstract. Card 1/1 PM7YADVA.m.~., Inxh. 4killed, workere are excIvAnging practiceso Tekst.prom. 19 no.2:75-76 F,'59. (MIR& 12:5) (Textile inaustry) 28(l) SOV/118-59-4-23/25 AUTHOR: Pomykanov, N.N., Engineer TITLE: The Remote Control of Electric Hoisting Cranes PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1959, Nr 4, P 63 (USSR) ABSTRACT; This is the description of a Norwegian built ("Mach" Company) ultra-short wave radio transmitter for the remote control of eleoft-ic telphers and cranes. There is 1 photograph. Card 1/1 P01-nMILSM f Z. POIWALSY1, Z. J*Iethcds of drying transformL-rs and controlling m~.asjre:--ent5. P. 775. Vol. 31, No. 12, Dec.,1955 FRUGIAL MEYT ROTE, CHI%1CU'Y TECHtt-LOGY Poland So: East Europeon Accession, Vol. 5, ho. 5, Mat, 1956 r ? ,p low 3 It 01 LT I S~ I 9 :2, 6 IF ail -,A rr -1 "H jp~ f! av ld 9 F5 9 dr 8 v g h0835 S/535/6A: 100/1471001/010 1011/121.1 AUTHORS: Pomykayev,jk~r, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: ThT7absolute- acceleration of the sensing element in an inertial navigational system SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy, no. 147, 1962. Navigatsionnyye i giroskopicheskiye ustroystva, 5-21 TEXT: In order to separate the elements of motion of a flying apparatus in a given coordinate system one has to describe the motion in an inertial frame (the "absolute" motion) by the elements of relative motions of some coordinate systems including the given one, Definite coordinate systems are therefore chosen here and an expression for the "absolute" accelaertion of the accelerometer mass is then derived. The, inertial coordinate system: origin in the center of the sun and axe Is pointing towards "stationary" stars. The center of gravity of the solar system is chosen as the fixed point In space and the accelerations of the Sun in respect to this point are neglected. The system for describing the motion of the acroplanc in rclation to the Earth: one of the axes is pointed in the direction of the geodetic perpendicular at the point where the object is. The geodetic perpendicular is to a very good aproximation the normal to the earth spheroid in the same place. The origin can be placed either on the earth surface or in the object center of gravity. The other two axes lying in the plane tangcnt to the earth spheroid are chosen according to the character of the given flight and Card 1/2 TT~ 99 June TIFIC ECHNICAL CONFERENCE, 02!~ MODE -4 GYROSCOPE TECH RL ~~Nqg~O_Gy.' (USSR) IzIestiya..vy"hikh iichebnykh zaypden Priborostroyeniye, v. 6, no. 2, 1963A. iy S/146/63/006/002/010/010 The'Yourth'Conferezice on Gyroscope Technology, sponsored by the Mini8try 9t H; igher and Secondary Special Education 'RSFSR, was held at the Leningrad Ins- tftute~ of -Precision Mechanics and Optics from 20 to 24 November 1962. "_Thib~-colllferenceLwBB attended-by representatives from 93 organizations in '30 cities,:, including-eduCational establishments, scientific research in- stitutes, desig'bureaus.-andAndusria concefts.-Mie-folldwin aresome t n q -9 of~ the topics cove,red inL the 92 ~papers presented and discussed at &e__cbnference. J Vibrations of a gyroscope, pendulum with a -moVable ouspension in a nonuniform. vi 1o__ Wo L gravitational -field M, Lit. n-Sedoy,- Sen' r Scientific rker; improving dynamic char4etaristics of so e giro instruments and devices: A. V. Reprikov, Docent- -.Candidat o" Technical Sciences; some problems of.the dynamics of a e gyros-cope with%an electrW drive installed a gymbol suspension!. S.. A. Car& 1/3 Technic-al-3ciences)- "Problems of the theory of the inertial methoct for measuring aircraft acceleration." report presented at the Scientific-technical Uonl:erence on i-iouern Uyroscope Toolinology Ministry of nigher and Secondary Special 6ducation ILSFSR, held at tne Leningrad Institute of Precision kiechanic.s ancl Optics, 20-24 November 19uld - klzv. vys3hikh uchebrWkh zave(fordy. Priborostroyerdye, v. 6, no. 2, 1963) FMUA'YEV. I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Auxi-liary acceleration and the jeneral method for its determination. Trudy MAI no.147:22-26 162. (miRA :L6:2) (Acceleration (Mochanics)) POM M YEVI I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk .Theoretical bases for determining trarwmission coetficients and the method for the selection of allowe4l,,,errors of the basic circiait of navigat4pnal acc;1erometers-. Trudy 14AI no.2.4706-i67 162. (miELA 16:2) (Accelerometers) POMMYEV I.I. kand.tekhn.nauk Absolute acceleration of the sensing element of a navigational inertial system. Trudy MAI no.147:5-21 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Inertial navigation (Aeronautics)) POMYKAYEV$j?T. _ - Prob2ams in the theory Of,inertial meamirement of the acceleration of an aircraft. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; prib. 6 no.5:58-68 163 -: (KRA 16: 3-1) 1. Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut. 40836 S/535/62/000/147/002/010 1011/1211 AUTHOR- Pomykayev, _L LCandidate of Technical Sciences .7 TITLE- Additional acceWation and a general method for its determination SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy, no. 147,1962. Navigatsionnyye i giroskopicheskiye ustroystva, 22-26 TEXT: When investigating the motion of an aeroplane in a non-inertial coordinate system additional accelerations caused by the non-uniflom motion of the coordinate system arise. The total additional accele- ration equals the difference between the acceleration in the non-inertial system and the acceleration fi; an inertial one. In some cases a number of non-inertial coordinate systems (connected to different moving bodies) has be to used. Using the general expression of the acceleration of a point in relation to a number of non- inertial coordinate systems a general expressions for the additional acceleration is derived. It is: )2r-. (" d2P, d dt2 dt2 a j 1-1 + 2 2: Z 1: J-2 1-2 k-1 Card 1/2 1 d(1)2fj + y_j it X ij + J-0 a-12 J., 1-1 J-11 YE1 X M j x x ij) + 2 E (5) 1-1 dt AUTHOR: TITLE: SOURCE: Pomykayev, 1. 1., Candidate of Technical Sciences W843 S/535/62/0001147/009/010 1011/1211 Theoretical principles of transfer coefficients determination and a method of choosing the allowable errors of the main loop in navigational accelerometers Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy, no. 147, 1962, Naviptsionnyye i giroskopicheskiye ustroystva, 76-107 TEXT: This paper is devoted to finding a rational method of determining the transfer coefficients by analysing the static errors in the main loop of static and astatic accelerometers. Three types of accelerometers are analysed; (a) static accelerometer with elastic suspension; (b) astatic accelerometer with dry or viscous friction supports; (c) astatic accelerometer with elastic suspension and motor. The analysis is divided into the following steps: (a) the system tranSfff function and deviation are found; (b) the in- fluence of small changes in the parameters on the output is investigated for the case of relative balance and the open-loop amplification is established so as to keep the output within the prescribed limits; (c) the error caused by zero drift in the elements of the fdrward path is analyzed to a first approximation and conclusions pertaining to transfer coefficients of the forward path elements are reached; (d) the accelerometer operation interval is divided into two sub-intervals by the 0.3 g point; the allowable error is specified in the lower sub- interval by the sensitivity limit of the instrument multiplied by an integer; in the other subinterval it is speci- fied as a constant fraction of the acceleration instant value; (e) the effect of considerable non-lincarities in Card 112 L. 1557446 EWT (0)/FS3-2/EEC(k) -;2 DC ~ACC HR: AT5020335 SOURCE CODE: UR/2535,163/000/161/0056/0075 AUTHOR: Pgy a"e -chnical sciences) 1.~;.(Candidate of te C, 0RG:__,,%0zcov LXistion Giftute (Avidt3i0mlYY institut) ~TITIX: An inertial method of measgt~n, the acceleration of an a ircraft relative. Ao the. earth.. Moscow. Aviatsionnyy-,institut. Trudy, no. 161, 196.5. Sistemy oriyentatsii fi-~%redeniya letatellnykh apparatov (Aircraft orientationand guidance systems); sbornik:statey, 56-75 TOPIC TAGS: gyrostabilized platform, acceleration measurement, coordinate system -ABSTRACT.;-~- Me.asurements were made by a sensing element mounted on a~latfom sta- -bilized with respect to. thethree axes of'the chosen coordinate.system. The basic discussed is the geocentric system with coordinates x0 and z0 lo- cated in the:plane of the equator, and coordinate yu lying along the axis of rota- tion,.and intersecting with oo and zo in tile equatorial plane. Other earth jqstems of.coordinates.mentiotied art!'associated with a tribedron C, n, UDC- 629.130.1(04) Card 1-/2 POI.UAY3-.*Vj_ pp.)p"q* takhas nauk Vertical and the relative equilibrium of a Mathematical pendulum, Trudy MAX no,1610-15 0659 Relative iquilibriUm of a physical pendulum in the general case of a movement of its Warms Ibids e16-28 Fundamentals of the thebry of inItial measurement of aircraft Inertial measurement of aircraft acceleration relative to earths lbidea$6-75 Determining the transfer ratic.4 regular error of an air-P sed motors Ibide 106M (MIRA It jq~ ADLEROVA, E.; ERNEST, I.; HNEVSOVA, V.; JIM, J.O.; NOVAK, Ls; POMYKECEK,J., RAMER, M.; SOVA, J.; VEJDELEK, Z.J.; PROTIVA, M. Experiments on synthesis in the group of hypotensive alkaloids. VIII. Synthes*s of some tryptomine derivatives, substituted in positions 5,6, and 7. Coll Cz chem Z5 no-3:784-796 Mr 160. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Forschungsinstitut fur Pharmazie und Biochemie, Prag (Alkaloids) (Aminoethylindole) (Hypotensioni IDRICHANU T.v dotsent- FOMMYANU V,,, nauchnyy sotrudnik P., -, - -.. -., ''. - -:P~ , Mirchi Savulp 1895-1964; obitaary, Geokhimiia no.3:3?6-377 mr 65. (1411A 18t7) P(W=Iup B*A* ---- Some information on currents in iscuthern Ieke Baikal, *vteerei gidrolo noo3.1&47-3D 19 162o (KM .15:22) I* Lenimpadskoye otdeleniye Gosudarstvannogo okeanograficheakog6 inatituta. (BLikal, lake"4urrents (Hydrology)) P09YTKIN. B.A. Water level fluctuations in. Lake Baikal due to vind tides. Trudy Baik. limnol. sta. 18:242-263 160. (MA 14:1) (Balkal, Lake--Hydrology) POMYTKIN, B.A. '*,-~~~~~Aph'ic research ship *Cko-anograf 9. Trudly GOIN no.70t109-3-15 162. (Mmu 15.- 10) (Okeanograf (Ship)) --MMrTKIN* B.A. Octopus tre,se Priroda, 53 no.MI20 #64, (Ya-A 17;11) le Sibirskiy lianologicheakiy inatitut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, poselok Lietvenichnoye, Irkutskoy oblasti. --MTKIN Boris AlokqqndrovIq~jjIVSHITSq B.Kh,v red.; SOLOVEYCHIK9 A.A.9 j_ tekhn. red. (Baikal's daughter Angara] Dochl Baikala Angara. Leningradq Gidro- meteor. izd-vdt 1961, -113 PO (MIRA 14:8) (Angara River-Description) , roffITIN9 BOAO ~.l !6-- v-'+h TrIZZ47 Y, - J -., -ater 2 sr; tJ -~!i ':'-7L f 4 r i. 1 -10 - ,a R." :-0,! 1 , j 3 rio,:.~.3:3' -' '6-5, SA42/61/oo/i/ooVol8/o18 E192/E382 AUTHOR: TITLE: Use of neutralization circuits for compensating the changes of the dynamic input capacitance PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchebnylch zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, v. 4, no. 4, 1961, 499 ~- 501 TEXT: The dynamic input capa6itance of an amplifier stage is expressed by: C C + C (I + BX gk ag where Cgk is the static input capacitance of the tube, Cag is the anode-grid capacitance and K is the gain of the stage. It is'shoini that by introducing the neutralization into the amplifying stage, it is possible to reduce the changes of the input capacitance when the capacitance CaS and Cgk vary Card 1/k/ 31997 s/l42/6l/oo4/oo4/ol8/ol8 Use of neutralization circuits .... E192/B382 during the change of the grid biasing the potential of the tube. The system considered is illustrated in Fig. 1. The system is described by.-'- /I U,(I-Cgk+I-C-9+J'Cg-)-U-I'C-9-UBJWC,;; 0- Sug + Ua C 1 4- UO + -JWL + JwL C2 + 0 Soug - Ua -j~+ -J-) I+ 11, (J- I.L -where the quantities JwC agi JwCa B , JwCcr.? , l/Ri and -1/R., are small in comparison with S, S , JwC and i~ 11 JwC2 I/R+jwL in the above equations C is the capacitance bet-ween the control and screen grids, R is the resistance o1. Card 21P 31997 S/142/61/004/004/oA/W Use of neutralization circuits .... 2192/9382 .j is the slope of the screen Current the inductance coil, S: characteristic and Ri~ is the internal resistance of the screen cathode gap, such that: t Rl R1'4 RA BY solving Eqs. (1) and assuming that C 2/C2 >-\ W2 C2R 2 , it 1 2 1 is shown that the input cVacitance of the stage is expressed by-. R(S - S X) R(S.3X2 Sx) CBX Cgk + Cag 11 x2 C9) 11 2 B Card 3/ ?OYMD4$ M.P* Use of neutralizing networks for compensating the cbanges of the dynamic input capacitance. Izv. vys, ucbeb. zav.; radiotekh. 4 no.4:499-501 J1-Ag '(1. (YJRA 14:11) 1. Rekomendovano kafedroy teoreticheskikh osnov radiotekhniki Tomskogo politekhnicbeskogo instituta. (Radio--Receivers and reception) IT, -lar FS v, I-IC-P AM) (r) IIIV US! k FT DD ACCFSSION M AF4047236 S/0219/64/058/010/007810081 AUTCOR: r2ml*tBAR. Yu. M ~TTTLEi Effect *of ACTH on the Itlucokinaae reaction rate in tissuee of: whit& rato during acute hypoxit v a.a d the- isif lue~vi of :b~ -vt Tate-urk eT ACTH and without ACTH, Single subcutaneous injections of ACTE ,units) were administered 2 hr before the experiment to the first au~ second experimental groups, the2 acute hypoxia was induced in ths necond experimental group by sul)cutaneoua injections of sodlum nitrite, Repeated subcutaoeons Injecticna of ACTH (2 units daily) iACCESSION M., A134047236 a:ad f4qu7rt;h.exPex-:ImentaI groups for 6 eays, then noute h7poxia 'was bacla*b I'- .::. ~~ In the fauith experinental grvap, a.- the anima3's W-0-ro invesi -Aklp~ iuii-nitrite I ~i 1 24 Jby , - -gatec I or 6tt - *the laat JCCTH injection. Aaute hMpoxih was induced in -the V first control group and the secand control group was -not subjected to', ,any action. After the animals v3re killed, skeletal umscle, tastr3a, 6" .L6~ Accffigi KR: AP4047236 .---.1depress the em7me activity in the testes. 'Preliminary rep6ated ACTE injections prevent glucokinase activity reduction in the muscles under aGute hypoxia. Me mechanifm of ACTH action is not clearly understood at this time, Orig. art. has: I table. jASSOCIATION: Kafedzra biolchimii I Loningradskogo meditsinakoon --ATD Sam= UB ESS' -3119 ENCL 00 -011 0 O-V-14 OTHERt 009 313 nA-le-rata weigbing 150-250 g were induced into E 7 card ACCESSION RR: A74048760 A930CIATIONi Kafedra biokhimii 1 Leningradakogo meditsinskogo in- -..; -.I- . ,. ~- id - - T3 d~., - - ~ .1 wine .1 1 FWACHUGIN.-Y&L., Typusk; HORAINVICH, O.D., red.izd--va; BOBROVA, "h n-red. [Rate manual) Tarifnoe rakovodstyo. Moskva. Izd-vo wRachnoi transport.'* No.4-R [Distances for computing rates in inland steamship lines of the Central Basin: Moscow, Volga, Kama, Belaya, and Viatka Rivers; Volga-ganker and Volga-Don Lines] Tarifnye rasstolaniia rachnykh parokhodstv TSentrallnogo basseina; Moskovskoe, Volzhakie. *Volgotanker,O Kamakoe, Bel'skoe, Vistakoe, Volgo-Donskoe. 1959. 500 P- (MIRA 12:8) 1. Pbassia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo rechnogo flots. (Inland water transportation-Rates) Pon= w 12i ramm n mm W Ta U6869810 n Ta Me Of TUMUM C? V.I. WnLTAW. N.V. ftw 00 A --.SAW (jawl" isms yet, WMIMA, Nm*04*AWMO 00 2w_M)'-AvAwwl data AM the *ftmlt of a Clow foost tu vis.0 the disropucla 'pw poru artbe SWAM In the vp on of Um Cb* Abe. (P) 604 ass" - Am ou U.- 4w -LS -Wb u in M!D Asili 1~ i il ii ip. st a gl v IN a IV 0 3 9 1 due 0 ~x a -4 ~04p**% 'w 00 0 !!j9 0 :~* * 0 0 So A w0 0-0 W WWO 0-0-0 WOV 0 0 wo 4 *00 -00 .00 -00 goo go* coo see L-1- At- 1% SIP _u con is I" liomw 1;r~ Tb' pd "Alwo r0 ad of 'w a o jamw I~ 00 b mted on a p(MIslif are i Hw(b wolsm U, X. obcoilm the r of a rims-od &*"I awmk*tim ra $be PrANW Pwm-. s ift I he "Olively the ftiruptim 94 d* AboollWWWole fl ftr 4sp1mr pmtkm of the girmlatilipsid bmimn. one j j 04 .00 .00 mot co 0 goo ILA A~VALLVN"At umotar CLASIMPICAU" -V list --j-3 Mx. u 91 AV #3 A 1 -.1 Ai 4 1 N a I of to 0 a 1~ a It 442 4 0 0 '00 'a 0 0 o to 0 0 Sooeoi*** 0 to D7111;, 00 0* 00 '09 o o 0 to 'a 'S :.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 so 0 0 0 0 & 0 a 0 & 0 goo! '00 Roo :77_ ""rWP(k)/8'WP(b) Pf --4/Ps-4 ASD(n)-3 NR: AT401hlo S/-1981/63/000/002/0031/0040 AUTHOR: Kovrlzhny*kh, V. 'U.; Ponagaybo, Yu. N.; Sverlov, V. i. TITLE: Technology of extruding large, flat or rounc;, SAP bar5 -ey, no. 2. Spechenny*-ye splavy*. I ye splavy*. Sburnik stat _$OURCE; Alyumin yevy* Moscow, 1963, 31-40 too-i-i-TAGSf )u~ -p r~rnir_ m~zintered aluminum ow4er, SAP, pn~trttsion,. AP alloys, alloy -extrusiDn, extruded SAP, SAP property a- n_6w piocess'- f or the,extrusion of flator round - I ex st-Ing'. mic Inery can be used the n9.) oud -extru- rtiquet Alth lr~' i f s djo' lvaluniiintim all if V osi'.U e r. con ona ~s~, oh_.'c6ndi Lbhs _f_,6r'soin at ven t 'he--SAF~ b1 1 ets~'shou)4.-. aVe~_'a~ tenjperatvire-~ot us -t 520--550C, the- -contal tier should. Th -iffi -p r d d Ar be: i ncreased rather rapidly and the ate -t-6 e--p *jD. 4 ressure s ou. extj5uslbn~_rzie -should be maintained between 4-6 and 10 meters/mInt;te, since lower .-.-rates J ead. to the form)tlon of hot transverse cracks while higher rates favor the dinat-tracks" Lub r'! cat I on has a ve_ry~beneficiial effect. tjon:o :co. ongi u orma sse of the -Ext,rus i'b.n:- rates.t.,,zbove 10 Wmjn. also promote blistering, apparently becau ~~-_resu tant'rl.sie~-.In:tempera ure,.~ --The-: roechan Jcal - propert i es of - SAP bars eKt ruded n0er~ the~peoper* ow no signiflicant anisotropy and are not affected u -condi t I bns.', sh co 74" -be-_-ti666d-:bD-Jnta -b Its~-- r --b lIs and- I ining of _,F t 'St-~Aafi r-oki I i3, f 0m tbI6-qrjndln I t2cles uni- -th biill: he.'.MIcrostrurture:sbowed no grains on y a umina par &tbrbu bout the a) mi um matrix. This method was used in the form] Y;,~djst r,j bute u n c-ti-on bUround.bars 45-170 m In diameter and flat bars up to 30 mm mm-widel :extruded from found !SAP bi I lets 135-500 on. in diameter and -.25.07-900 mm long with reductions of 88--94%. "Engineers V. Ii, Baranchikov, V. A. bert, Ye. S. Volkiyv, D. 1. Pasy*nkov, M. V. IkhomJrov,,.,6..F. Gulgakov, 0. 1. All m LOXTIONOVA,I N.A.; RASTVOROVA, N.M.; KOVRIZIU-IYKH, V.G.; KCIIAROVA, N.K.; TELISY M.,Ya.; DOBATKIII) V.L, rukovoditell raboty; Prinimah uchastiye: VINOKUROV, N.G.; PONAGAYBO, Yu.N.; PERETYKINA, I.N.; BULGAKOV, G.F.; PYATUNIPIA, Vol,; TITF,07,03.m.; KALMYKOV, K.V.; BRASLAVSKIY, D.N.; VEYS14AII,, S.Ya.; APERIYANOVA, N.N.; PANTYUSHKOVA, N.S.; PRIVEZI.?,MEVA~ T.V. Ways to reduce warping of large-size parts made of the AK4-1 alloy. Alium. splavy no.3:271-284 164. (MIRA 17:6) S163V61 -D205/D303 .9- 10 AUTHOR: Ponagaybo. YuN. _T" TITLE: Coarse,crystalline structure in the plated layer of the aluninum sheathiri:p1alies SOURCE: PridlyandeT, I.N., V.I. Dobatkin, and Yo-D. Zakharov, eds. Deformiruyemyye alyuminiyevyye splavy; sbornilic stat-ey. Iloscow, 1961, 44 - 52 TEXT: Recrystallizat-ion lead'"ng to the forr..ation of a coarse struc- ture in the Dlated layer of the sheathiygplates made of E1, --.16 and P 95 (DIt D161 V95) alloys is well known. According to previous investigations three -forms o.-OL coarse structure can be distinEuished: 1) Large crystals forned in cannealed material at relatively low de- formations. 2) Unifo--mly enlarged structure having a grain of 10 - 12 r.,M2, 3) A pseudo-coarse structure, revealed only be etchinG which ~~_s the form of elongated strips. According to performed investiL,-,.,a-vJLcns _L_ Ti additions can induce a :diner grain and siiift the value of the cr4 tical deformation towards hj.~-,her values. At final annealing of an Card 1/3 MEMW S/68 61/000/Co D205yi)303 r4-u,.e _rU Coarse CrYstal"ne s C o ar s e c r y s I .05 S Ti the -,taining 0 0.01 10.5 On 1"; ations of d e fo 2--:1 OL V95 alloy co' tj-e defOr-M I -ter A-.5 - 5 f,'? onlY at ' 71rS a-' tu.,d ~vpears re ap-,jOa -1 0, Vs ~7 rse structu j 0 C., rv the cOa U 0, 4 on o ing allre',-LI ~), e .-- e 0~ Zn in 'he 1,1 0 " I e prese-n- t 1 tions. .1-ol,,wrds 1OWer Coarse _rain a,:Lor value U - ;10 tA al deforM v .-e !-,,anner. cc .LC y in the OI)_P,SI U rj', e t C) or ~Cts ,-enex j s un ;us thermt? Treau- 25 - 0 oy at ejea~ed I b.,.r ate d al I ~ Oe Ti -in ~'e - _)-c sccorlcl UJ -1 c -tents 01 rse L) ~ I ` 121) e c 0 C-I q res-pectively. ts 0.025 - 0-05 Cf 0 sence of hC-q in conten 2 4- 0 s e I e 0 e - f- . , e 1)resen IS ~_I, Che arlOun t 1-10 (,Oarse P-1 C, -f Fj S s has re%rec od th- t1jese in.- b-cCj,'b si re, Of tructu: 1, U C) s c coarse grai influence tjCp totions. _.C_C )r -p-_Iating 0 U- S,,Oci,(7~ted I o ri e n - estined fc pluminur- incots 6 de:~OrLlati0r- value 0 of .1. Its (0.-12 structure wnd the cTit cal r.e, Se low Fe c0 U in-~,lueace; --ted. At T)ronouncea ur e Was inves_ua-b- ure has 110 - ,,.Ot_rollj t _n,!, ap e r 2-1; hot_roljij-,rr ter 0 the increase contents (0 25 card 2/3 !3/ 6 8, 6'1000100ruv!_~.'S 610-;'~, z Co,,,.rse crystz;Uline ctructi;.re in ... D21,6X336,10 zhe critical defor=.tion i-lue towards hi -her values and docreases to a --ez~Lt extent the -rain size. 2hus The roiling temmerature of -jiatea alu~..Anum ,-,,as raised To 440 - -,150()C, 'the 2e content of the D1, Dlo, V95 -oiates alloys .-.,as ma-Latained at.0.2 - 0.3 ,/, and that o-f 11i at O.U3 - U.U5 ',S for the first Two -,,I--,oys and 0.05 - 0.1 ~~ for V95, ir- to its special tendency towards coarse 6rair. formation. 'L'here LD are 6 figures. Card 3/3 S/137/62/000/005/101/15c) A0061AI01 AUTHOR-. Ponagaybo, Yu. N. .r-, _-- TITLE: Coarse-crystal. structure in a cladding layer of aluminum faolng, sheets PERIODICAL: Refera*7W 2hurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 71, abstract 51:429 (V sb. "Deformiruyemyye alyumin. splavy", Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961, 4k - 52), TDCT: The author studied conditions of arising and methods of refining various types.of coarse-crystal structure in a claddihg layer of A I (D1), A 16 (D16) and B 95 N95) alloy facing sheets. A coarse-crystal structure.of type I is formed in the cladding layer as a result of quenching previously deformed material (packing, straightening by elongation, etc.). The addition of small amounts of Ti into A1(AOO) with 0.9 - 1.3% Zn, used for the cladding of V95 alloy sheets, refines the grain-and shifts the critical deformation degree towards a range of higher values. Additions,of 0.05 - 0.06% Ti shift the critical deforma- tion degree, in the case of slow heating, from 2.- 3% to 10.5 - 11%, and in the Card 1/2 S11 317/6Z/bOO/005/101/150 Coarse-crystal structure on... A006/A101. case of rapid heating from 0.7 2% to 4.5 - 5% simultaneously with a reduction of the average grain size by a factor of 2 - 3. To avoid the coarse-crystal stTx- ture in the plane-table sheet :Al (A00) alloy, used for the cladding of D1 and D16.alloys, it is necessary to.raise the Fe content up to 0.25 - 0.3% with a si- multaneous increase of the Ti content up to 0.1%. A coar~e-crystal structure of type 2 is connected with~the presence of 0.025 - 0.05% Mn in the composition of the.cladding layer of Dl, D16 and V95 alloy sheets; it can be fully eliminated by limiting the Mn content within up to 0.02%. The pseudo-coarse-crystal struc- ture (type 3) is characteristic of sheets manufactured by cold rolling without intermediate annealing but with the use of preliminary annealing of a hot-rolled blank in rolls. It is distinguished by the presence of domains or a series of fine grains with a very close or similar orientation in each coarse macrograin. The elimination of the coarse-crystal structure of -this type is achieved by introducing into the plane table sheet Al (A00) 0.2 - 0.3% Fe and 0.03 0.05% Ti and also by raising its hot rolling temperature up to 440 - 4500C. E. Kadaner [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 P(XAIO!EOV. P.. &-r.; GRIGCRDV, lv,; KALCHIVA, D. Amrlase properties of certain nicroorgantems. lzv. mikrob. inet., Sofia Vol.4:61-72 1953. 1. Ot Nikrobiologichaskila institut pri BAN (for Ponalatoy, GrIgbrov) 2. Ot'Khimichaskata laboratorlis, DRWI (for Ulchava) (BACMIA, mvlass properties) (CARBORYNILUS, amWImme In-bact.) "TqsL Wft "Umpefte JO ;o IqTmoa 3 OR gX TOA .10399401 T IOTWXM. dd 9 "Aedwgaoa *v so 07[oz VO=TATUVRnS ;0 ZhO7[OD=XWU,, OTOZW;q4vRrATA,Mqa J.161 q*j or I~h mkh , Irkutskoy obl.); KHARITaKOV, I., OXh ere 0 or (Ku_ - KZBNIKOV G*, pomoshchnik prokurora skj, 9 (Kursk); RUNOV, P., master (Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovskoy dbl.); GORBANEV, V. (Orel); OKHASOV, S. Readers relate,, advise and criticize, Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no-15: 42-43 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Neshtatnyy korrespondent. zhurnala 83ovetgkiye profsoyuzy", g.Gurlyev (for CkhaEiov). (Chereakhavo-Courtesy) (Kursk;~.Xonstruction industry) (Machitiery industry workers) PONAKORVA. P.A. All-Russian Conference of Student Pediatricians. devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.A. Kizell. Fediatriia 37 no.8:93-95 Ag '59. (KIRA 13:1) (PEDLAMICS--CONGRESSES) POPOV, B.V.; PONAMAREVA, L.K., red. [The young electrician) lUnyi elaktrotekh~iik.. Perm'. Permskoe knizlmoe izd-vo, 199.9. 85 P. (M IIRA 17 - 6) PONAXARCHUN, M.K. iic,,' ;~i :-.z-- In the 'Graing pavilion. Priroda 43 no.9:47-51 2 054. (XLU 7:9) (Grain) (Mocow-Agricultural exhibitions) (Agricultural exhibitions-Noscow) 2,A: ftb 8 6 - 6/416, -:Au~~M Ponamarchik, M. K. Ti raWWMIo -.rrjj~oda Sep 1954 43/9 P 'AbjDtra~t A description is given of the grain pavilion's exhibits consist- ' ing of products or portraying the activities.of outstanding col-lective farms., machine-tractor stations2-which attend to the mechanization of such fams, and scientific institutes which carry on research to kmprove the quantity and quality of fam products, Illustrations Ins titution eta..* SubmAUA Speech at the electoral v meeting of the Alma-Ata city electoral district, March 10, 1954. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1954. 14 p. (55-16527) 1. Agriculture-Kazakhstan. BATU V, M.I.; PONAMARENKO, V.A.; MATVXIXVA, A.D.; SNEGOVA, A.D. Cis-4rans-Isomerism of 1, 2-4i - (triehlorosilrl) etVleme. Izv. All SSSR, Otd.khim.*&uk no.1111420-1421 N 156. (HLRA 10:3) 1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akademi *auk SSSR. Oilicon org&nIc compoundel 5OT17 ..~-~,"Sizgle-Flement Three-Mise Power Directional Docent V. K. Ponamareuko, Caza Tech Sei, ~Moscow~ 5 Pp 7 ."Elektrichestvo' No 7 Examines theory of subject relay which has been fomd superio;r to P-11 pz,--viously known typeas. '..,Show,,3 that eight-pole tbr--e,-phase relay is best of problem of rotational moment of multi- polar drmn relays "g PARMUTOT, Valentin 111~'OiZy'evich; P(NANNIMI A*W;P.~0*-LA-"47 ch; RISHAR, fttr Nikolayevich; IWC-4ko, I.Y., inshemer. redaktor; CHEUMHBV, V.I.. redaktor; SCBROV. Ye.l., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Wages for construction organization workers; a aanual) Opiate trod& rabotnikoy stroitellnykh organizatsil; spravochniks' Pod obshchei red.I.F.IUrchanko. Moskva, doaetransp.shel-dorAzd-vo, 1957. 270 P. (MIRA 10:5) (Wages) (Construction industry) 4HIKANOYMY, Leonid Andreyevich, aspirant; PONAMAREVA, V.P., red.; HICUDMINA, N.G., (Underground waters in agricultural regions of the south- eastern part of Peru Province and possibilities for their utilization] PodseraWe vody sellskokhoziaistvannykh raionov iugo-vostoka Permakoi oblasti i vozmozhnosti ikh ispollsovantia. Perm', Permakoe kn12hnoe izd-vo, 1958. 51 P. (MIFLA 13:2) 1. lafedra dinamicheakoy geologli I g1drogeologii Permskogo universiteta (for Shimanovskiy). (Perm Province-Water. Underground) ,Dr.?11-11 -,p N - " ,~~ -Ope (go I I ~.; ~ I ~, IfypErbrjl-i.c siiie~ cf P tetrel~wL'ron rA a 1-ent e5roid -n Lobachev- ah sk.L.' spacao T2,-V. AT:i--. ljontb. nn.4'.1 3-21 165 0 (i,17IR", . 'I ~. - jo L!,~n f 't)(c:~JD/JH L &A __ , 'o-URCE CODES UR _WLN4,_'_ AT6024918 0 AUTHOR: Anisimovap N. V.; Archakovat Z. N.; B.elxayevp ~S. Yee; P4Rjj2v.L Yu._S.; Kish- i kina 5 1., Petrov, lee Ae-,--71o-R'Fa-noyjL N. Go; Ponarlina. K.; Radetakaya, So Me; ORG: none TITLES Mechanical propertiesof VAD23 al;oy II (b SOURCES Alyuminiyevyye splavy,, no. 4, 1966. Zharoprochnyye i vysokoprochnyyo splavy (Heat resistant and high-'strength a1loYs), 85-106 TOPIC TAGS I aluminum alloy, solid mechanical property / VAD23 aluminum alloy ABSTRACT: Sections andIsheets of VAD23 alloy were tested in the artificially aged 1. state (16 hr at i7c-c). -Trom the standpoint of cree I ktress-rupture s re Ira -re-* covered strength, the properties of VAD23 are 20 igher than those of D16T under-*, ilong-term performance conditions at 125-1500C. In compression at temperat~i~s 60 to 111.50-1750C, the yield points of sheets and sections of VAD23 are 10o,20% higher than in extension. -From Oe standpoint of endurance and fatigue streng-thp VAD23 is not infer- ior to V95 alloy 14,VAD23 has a high sensitivity to notching and sharp cracks; sheets of VAD23 alloy display a high sensitivity to notching and crigIOX as compared to pressed semifinished products. 40rig. art. hasi 12 figures and 14 tables. SUB COM t 11/ SUMI DATES none / ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 005 Card 1h vmb -.-PONARS.KIY,--I-.-T-., inzh. Work of the Central Scientific Research Institut-e for Boilers and Turbines in the field of hydraulic turbines. Energomaabinostroenie 10 no.3s48 Mr 164. (WRA 17-4) PI)N"-V,KII, T.I.p in--h. Work of the Central doi6ntific R-nearcb Lnatituta for Boilers and Turb-,LneB. 10 no-5.-48 vy 164,