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24(2) AUTHORS: Garber, R. I., Kogan, V. S., Polyakov, L. M, SOV/56-35-6-7/44 TITLE: The Growth and the Dissolution oYr6-t*61ih'Cryst&ls (Rout i rastvoreniye por v kristallakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 6, pp 1364-1368 (ijsa) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors describe the experimental determination of the time-dependence of diffusion processes of sintering and of pore rock salt. The reeults obtain- ed-agree well with the theoretical formulae by I.M. Lifshits and V.V.-Sledov (Ref 1): 2(D 4/2and v QO OL - oy iffusion coefficient of vacanc co/kT (D v= dl ies,V= duration of sintering, total initial oversaturation, 6-= surface taisia4 V = the volume.of a vacancy, ao - vacancy ccneentration; the first equation describes the law of pore growth,'the second the time- depgndence of the zone breadth in which the pores dissolve). The authors'numerically deter led a number of parameters Card 1/3 characterizing diffusion in rock salt, as e.g. the diffusion The Growth and the Dissolution of Pores in Crystals SOV/56-35-6-7,/44 coefficient D(T), T in ox: T C furtherf the time-dependence of the breadth 693 7.9.10- 10 of the sintering zone for 500 and 650 0C 9 (Fig 4), the-dependence of pore dimension 773 3-1-10- 8 on sintering of long duration (t-5000C) 923 1.6.10- (Fig 5), In / ) as a function of In -7 (Fig 6)0 etc. Attached to this article are 1023 0-7-10 very good photographs of salt-, iron-, and magnesium single crystals, of pores and salt crystal bridges in various degrees of enlargement, at various sintering temperaturest and.various durations of sintering (up to 60 hoars) .- ~ It ~ is_~shown. -tha t-sinte ring: phenomena develop no t only as a xesult.-.-of %the.-.dissolution. of.-pores-.and the. direct exit of the vacancies..on .-the-free. surfaae j -but also -via an intermediate stage in which-the vacancies accumulate on macrodefects with subsequent formation of large negative crystals on the latter. Coalescence of-. pores was observed in the annealing of single crystals of metallic samplewi the-preparatlon method of which (vacuum distillation etc.) is.made responsible-for -the initial porosity. Thus, the vacuum treatment-of iron crystal took 42 hours at 1000 0C Fig 11), that 0 C. In conclusion Card'2/3 of the Mg single crystal 60 hours at 400-420 The-Growth and the Dissolution of Pores in Crystals SOV/56-35-6-7/44 the authors thank Professor 1. M. Lifshits and'V. V.,51ezov for discussions, and V. K. Sklyarov for his help in carrying out the experiments.-There are-12 figures, 1 table,~and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOR: Fiziko-tokhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainakoy SSR (Physico-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainakaya SSR) SUMITTED: June 17, 1958 Card 3/3 M-MM 24(2) AUTHORSt TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 Garber, R. I., Polyakov, L. M. sov/56-36-6-3/66 Investigation of the Initial Stages of the Plastic Deformation of Rock Salt Crystals(issledovaniye nachaltnykh stadiy plasti- cheskoy deformataii kristallov kamennoy soli) Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiz'_kiq 1959, Vol 36, Nr 6, pp 1625 1630 (USSR) Theauthors give a report on investigations of deformation processes in rock salt in the case of the formation of ele- mentary displacements constituting a special deformation state (further deformation leads t-o the formation of individual gliding bands). The following stages are distinguished: Elastic defor- mation (d -100); isotropic light scatter (Tyndall cone) (d > 120); as terism (tf > 600); destruction(6 >2000). The d-values give the normal tension in g/MM2. The aG tivation energy reqtLired f or annealing the residual stresses in elementary displacements is twice as small as that of the splittingbandr, Additional attenuationof lightwas detectednear%e Investigation of the Initial Stages of the Pllaatio S0V156-36-(,-'--'166 Deformation of Rock Salt Crystals traces of the elementary displacements. It is suggeoted that this is due to the effect of the line inhomogeneities which are differently orientated on both sides of each trace. Some traces of elementary displacements have been found to coatract after the load is removed as in the Case of elastic twins of sodium salpetero The trace of the elementary displacement on the lateral surface of the crystal was found to have a amooth profile extending over 1500 2. This smooth profile can b9 satisfactorily explained by the effect of the surface tension forces which are in thermodynamic equilibrium with the additional residual streBSeS, The figures partly show very goodphotographs of elementary displacements. Figure I shows the photog-xaph of a crystal with incomplete traces of an elementary displaoement with respect to the (11o)-piane, which was taken by means of a polarization microscope k25-fold enlargement); compression tension along the (0,10)-axis 70g/mm2; figure 2 shows analectron- microscopic picture (25000-fold) of a disturbed elementary displacement; figures 3 and 4 show,photograpbs of elementary displacements (also 25 times enlarged), and figure 6 is a very Card 2/3 good reproduction of disturbed interference strips; figure 7 Investigation of the Initial Stages of the Plastic COV/56-36-6-3/66 Deformation of Rock Salt Crystals is an electron-microscopic picture. The authors finally thank V. K. Sklyarov and I. M. Fishman for assisting in carrying out the experiments. There are 8 figures and 10 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physico-technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences,Ukrains- kaya SSR) SUBMITTFI): December 200 1958 Card 3/3 . .I 9400 AUTHORS: TITLE:., 81620 S1181J6010021061081050 B122/BO63 Garber, R. I.,, Gindin, I. A.,.Polyakov, L. M. Dispersion and Re-establishment of Contacts Between Micro- blocks During Plastic Deformation~O PERIODICAL Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 6, PP- 1089 - 1095 TEXT: The low strength of solid bodies after deformation is.ascribed to dislocations, fractures, and microcracks and the resulting concentratioA of strains which attain the value,.of theoretical strength in microregions. Furthermore, the formatioN splittingp and disorientation of microblocks are observable. The concentration of strains may be regarded as an increase in ~latent energy which is due to the extension of the inner surface brought about by disorientation. The surface energy of the liberated parts of the block surfaces would pass over into latent energy. The block dimensions themselves have a specific value for every material. According to B'. M. Ro- vinskiy and L. M. Rybakova (Ref. 7), this value constitutes a mean value of split and restored blocks. In this 'connection, the saturation of the latent deformation energy corresponds to the stabilization of the mean block Card 1/3 81620 Dispersion and Re-establishment of Contsbts S11811601002106108,1050 Between Microblocks During Plastic Deformation B122/BO63 dimensions. The surface energy is determined by formula-.1 where a - /]_~,-v denotes the volum Ie,of the block, 1 its lengthp S/12, 3 is,..the surface, ~is the material density, Q is the latent energy of plastic deformation on saturation teferred to the sample mass, and Cf is the mean surface tension. As an exaiple, I has the value 0-5 for copper, i.e. on plastic deformation of copper a considerable part of the block surfaces is withou t contact with the neighboring blookb-0 It is then consi- dered that a part'bf the latent deformation energies must be also ascribed to other causes, 'iuo'h as lattice defects~, dislocations, and residual stres- ses. The latter aie determined in metals roentgenographically, and do not amount to more than 2 ~ of Q. Atomic dispersion and imperfectionso de- termined,from the change of resistivity as a result of7plastic deformation, correspond to only,5' %'of the,latent energy Q. Thuajalziost!,the entire latent energy.of'the plastic,deformation was found to be present as the energy of the free block surfaces. The process of contact re-establishment was studied onpressed and-high-vacuum. heated copper disks, on the'change of the flow velocity of hydrogen through iron tubes, which were deformed at the temper- atures of liquid nitrogen, and finally, on the change, caused by anneali Card 2/3 GARBER, R.I.; "FOLYAWV,-L.M.- Distribution of residual stresses in plastically deformed rock salt crystals. Fiz. met. i metallaved. 10 no.3:462-471 S 16o. (MIRA 13: 10) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheakiy institut AN USSR. (Rock salt) (Dislocations in crystals) 85o44 S/126/60/010/oo4/014/023 230% 2709 V_), E021/E406 AUTHORS: Garber, R.I. ?;la Ilk, G. N. TITLE: Welding, opper by Exposure to Sonic Vibrations PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov 1 11,11 tallovedelliye , 1960, Vol.;O' 9100.11, TEXTs Investigations were carried out using an oscillator, a magnetostriction device, an arrangement for loading and a vacuum chamber. The apparatus is shown in,Fig.l. The specimens were simultaneously loaded with static and dynamic ressures. The experimentswere carried out in a vacuum'of 10-3 mm mercury. The influence of the applied pressure, the temperature, the time and regime of vibrations on the strength of the joint were investigated. The samples were heated by a molybdenum,heater and shields of thin ..sheets of stainless steel. The samples were prepared from oxygen-free copper in the form of a disc, 16 mm in diameter and 10 mm hi h (Fig.2)~. The strength of the joints was tested on an lvim_4p NM-4R) machine. The optimum time of exposure to sonic il;;vlbrations in order to produce the strongest joint is 20 to 30 seconds at 825% and a pressure of 1.5 kg/mm2 (curve 1, Fig-3) and 2 to 3 minutes at 700 C and a pressure of 2.5 kg/mm2 (curve 1, Cavd 1/3 85044 s/i26/6o/oio/oo4/oi4/023 E021/E4o6 Welding of Copper by Exposure to Sonic Vibrations Fig.4). ~ The curves were obtained after a ten minute heat treatment after the sonic treatment at the same temperature. Curves 2 in Figs-3 and 4 show the strength of joint without the sonic vibrations. To obtain joints of similar strength to those obtained with vibrations, the pressure has to be maintained for one hour at 8250C or three hours at 700*C without the application of vibrations. Thus the time is considerably reduced by the use of .the vibrations. Fig.6 shows the microstructure of a specimen after 4 minutes application of vibrations at 6000C (the optimum ti e M for this temperature). The grain size is 3 to 4 times smaller than that of the original material. The strength of this sample was 2 19 kg/mm After 20 minutes vibration, the grain size becomes coarser and cracks begin to develop (Figs.7,8). The strength fell to l4to 15 kg/mm2. Fig.9 shows a sample after 10 minutes vibration at 825*C. Cracks have developed in the grain boundaries of the coarse grains., Fig.10 shows the relation between the strength of the joint and static pressure at 6000C, Curve 1 is after 4 minutes -v!bjrat�on tx-eatment, curve 2 after 10 minutes and curve 3 after 3 minutes treatment without vibrations. It can be Card 2/3 5/126/6o/olofOOT/014/023 E021/E4o6 WeldiLng of Copper by Exposure to Sonic Vibrations seen that with vibrations the static pressure can be considerably reduced to obtain the same strength. The use of vibrations also enables joints to be obtained with low values of plastic deformation of the samples. There are 11 figures and 8 references: 6 Soviet, 1 German and I English. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physics and Engineering Institute AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: February 29, 196 0 Card 3/3 20129 s~ I I S7~ it 6 o V1 a 1 /61/003/02/027/050 B102/B212 AUTHORS: Geguzin, Ya. Ye. and Polyakov, L. M. TITLE: Investigations in the field of crystal ceramics. 11. The effect of a uniform Dressure on the healing kinetics of macro-defects in ion crystals PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdo6yo tela, v. 3, no. 2, 1961# 520-527 TEXT: The present paper is a continuation of Ref. 13 (Geguzin and V ' I Startsev, Kristallografiya, ~, 2, 1960) and brings results of an experi- mental and theoretical investigation which has been performed to study the influence of uniform -oressure on the healing of defects (coalescence of pores and micro-cracks) occurring during plastic deformation of NaCl- .crystals. Samples 0measuring 5 * 6 - 15 mm (natural rock salt) have been heated to 650 C for two days and after that cooled down slowly. Samples without any defects have been selected for the test. In order toproduce micro-defects (of one magnitude smaller than the wavelength of visible light) in these samples they have been deformed with an exponential- ly increasing load. An increase of light scattering could be observed Card 1/5 Investigations in the field... 20129 3/181/61/003/002/027/050 B102 B212 during the deformation process. The mean loads applied (or) varied be- tween 1250 and 1350 g/mM2. Then, the deSormed samples have been exposed to heat treatment in an autoclave (60 cm ) under uniform pressure (argon). After this, the light scattering has been studied at room temperature using an ultramicroscope. Several test series have been performed, in order to obtain useful results (isothermal treatment at 400, 500, 6009 and 7000C at 1-50 atm, during T - 30 min). The results are shown in Fig. 1: i = (i o-ib)/(in- ib) as function of pressure at four different temperatures; where 1 0 is the intensity of the light scattered in the crystal, i n is that after crystal deformation, i b is the intensity of the background. The time dependence 0(T) of the lighttransmittance of a crystal at p - const, T - const (500 C, 1, 30, and 70 atm) has been investigatedin another teat eeries. The reoults are 8hown in 0Fig. 2. The temperature dependence i(t) at a constant h8ating rate (10 /min) has been studied also for 1 and 30 atm. At 100 C a noticeable healing process can be observed. The results may be interpreted in terms of the diffusion theory. At given test conditions and a given value of the relative supersaturation of a crystal having the vacancies there Card 2/ 5 20129 Investigations in the field... S118116110C,3100210271050 B102/3212 is a critical defect dimension r at which defects larger than r+ coagulate at the expense of those smaller than r r is given by r* 20QVA~ kT, where ~'e is the crystal volume per atom. It can be expeoted that a uniform pressure promotes this coalescence, i.e., heals small pores. The excess vacancy concentration 6 P near the surface of a Ir pore with a radius r (under the influence of pressure p) is given by 6:p p 5r ' Ir where is the.vacancy concentration near the pore surface, P that far from the pore. These two concentrations are de- 2 a Q termined by F (1 + jp - Fo exp(-pg/kT). The change of Ir = ~o r M , if a pressure is applied, may also be expressed by the change of the ~r ri 2 6 _Q3 _ EY pore radius (r is substituted by r): - - I + 2- exp (-p!2/kT) . rv kT r kT r For pQdkT 'r r/(l + ap), where a r/2d; analogously, the following Card 3/5 Investigations in the field ... S/181/61/003/002/027/050 B102/B212 expression is valid for the critical dimensions if pressure is applied: r r*/(l-pp), where P - r*/2o. It is shown that experiments can be well 0 described with these formulas. The experiments also show that under otherwise equal conditions the same healing effects (observed via light transmittance) may be obtained by either raising the temperature or the pressure. I. It. Lifshits and V. V. Slezov are mentioned. There are 4 figures and 13 references: 12 S oviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy.filial IRYeA Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AV SSSR Khartkov (T(11.r'kov BrAnch nf TRYeA, Institute of Physical Technology AS USSR, Kharikov) SUBMITTED, May 30, 1960 Card 4/5 22964 S/126/61/011/005/009/015 D D All' E193/E183 AUTHORS: Garber, R.I., and Polyakov, L.M. TITLE., Investigation of the process of sIntering metals. PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov J. metallovedeniye, Vol.11, No.5o 1961, pp. 730-740. TEXT; Part I of this paper was published in the Ukr.Fiz.Zh., 1956 9 Vol. 1 88. The process studied by the present authors consisted in butt- joining two flat, ring-shaped aluminium specimens by simultaneous application of heat and pressure and constituted, in facto pressured welding. The object of the present investigation was to study the relationship between the strength of joints, produced by this methodq and the pressure employed, temperature, and duration of the process. In addition, the variation of the microstructure near the joint interface was studied, and the temperature dependence of hardness of aluminium was determined, To minimize the effect of oxide films and gases absorbed on the metal surface all experiments were carried out in vacuum of io-5 to 1;-6 mm Hg. Card 1/6 2296U S/126/61/011/005/009/015 E193/E183 Investigation of the process of sintering metals. Ii. Immediately before each oxperimento the surfaces to be joined were cleaned with a steel brush after which the surface roughness was 0.5-1.5 1&. The two rings were then assembled in a specially designed press, the whole was placed in the vacuum changer.~ the temperature of the aluminium rings was raised to 6oo IC and kept constant for 15-20 minutes, after which they were cooled to the Vx test temperature and the appropriate load applied. The strength of the joint was determined on a tensile testing machine. The results are reproduced graphically. In Fig.4, U.T.S. (Op, kg/mm2) of the joint obtained under 'pressure P = 0.32 kg/mm2, is plotted ,against the sintering time-(T, minutes), curves 1-4 relating to sintering at 450, 500, 550 and 600 OC respectively. A similar set of curves, constructed for joints obtained under p -- 2 kg/mm2l is reproduced in Fig.5. in Fig.6, ap is plotted against p .(kg/mm2), curves 1-6 relating to joints obtained at 300, 400, 450, 500, 550 and 600 CC respectively. It was inferred from these results that the process studied takes place in two stages. The firststaSe consists in the formation of metallic bond between the Card 2/ 6 2 2 9,,~~ S/126/61/011/005/009/015 E193/Ei83 Investigation pf the process of sintering metals. ii. clean surfaces brought into intimate contact by the action of the applied pressure. The strength of the resultant joint is deter- mined mainly by the conditions obta-Ining during this initial stage. It in pointed out here that for the joint to be formed, it is not only%necessary to bring the two mating surfaces within a distance equal to the lattice parameter of the metalo but a re-grouping of the atoms has also to take place in order to create conditions favourable for-the formation of the metallic bond. The activation energy for the re-grouping of atoms in aluminium has been found to be 6.4 kcal/mol. In the second stage of the process, in which diffusion plays the predominant partg the areas of contact established during the first stage increase as a result oft (1) movement of vacancies to the boundaries of the welded regions; (2) coalescence of the excess vacancies and formation of large pore a due to dissolution of small pores; and (3) dissolution of large pores. The effect of the second stage of the process on the strength of the resultant joints becomes significant only at high temperatures and after a prolonged sintering. Card 3/ 6 22964 S/126/61/011/005/009/015 Investigation of the process of E193/E183 There are 10 figures and 16 referencest 8 Soviet and 8 non-Soviet. The English language reference reads: Ref.7s G.J. Finch and R.T. Spurr. Physics of Lubrication, Supplement, 1951, No.l. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR g., Khar~kov (Physico-technical Institute, AS Ukr.SSR, Khar,kov). SUBMITTED: August 1.59 1960 Card 4/6 r %A z- ANDONOYEV, V.I.; BAM4, V.A.; BAUHGART~HN, IT.K.; Bm'S, IN, V.D.; BIRYUKOV, l.K.; BIRYUKOV, S.M.; BLCKHIH, S.I.; BCHOVOY, G.A.-, BULW, H.Z.; BURAKOV, N.A.; MTSAYZXR, B.A.; YOU, G.M.; VORY-AN, B.A.; YOSECHININ, A.P.; GAIAVIONOV, V.D., kand. tekhu. rzzk; UNKIN, Te.M.; GILIVIOBIAT, Ya.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GINZBUWr, N.M.; GLYLBOV, P.S.; GODES. B.G.; GOMCM, V.H.; GRZHID, B.V.; GRW=V, L.F., kand. S.-Idi. nauk; , I.Ya.; DANILOV. A.G.; DKITRIYZV, I.G.; DMITRIYAKO, Yu.D.; DCORCKHOTOV, D.D.; DUBININ. 1.G.; DUNDUKOV, M.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZAH"WIGH, D.K.; ZIMADW, Ye.V.; ZDMSKOV, S.V.; ZUBRIK, K.M.,, KARWTOV, I.F.; UYAM, S.M.; KOLAGAY3V, U.K.; KOMARUSKIT, V.T.; KOSMO. T.P,; KCHINISTOV, D.V.; KOSTROV, I.N.; KOTLYARSKIY, D.M.; KRIVSKIY, M.N.; KUZIWSOV. A.Ta.; IJLGARIKOVi N.I.; I&UOV, V.G.; LIKUCH37, V.P.; LOWHOV, P.I.; MATSlWICR. K.F., MELINICIMNO, K.I.; HNNIMLIVICH. I.R.; MIYdUYLOV, A.V., kand. tekhn. mult; HUSIYWA, R.N.; NATANSON, A.V.; NIKITT-11, M.V.; OV3S. I.S.; OGULINIK, 4.R.; OSIPM, A.b.;' OS143R, N.A.; PETROV, V.I.; PHRYSHKIN, G.A.. prof.; POYAliKOVA, Ye.V.; BAPOPORT, Ya.D.; RFJ47ZOV, N.P.; RWANOV, M.P., kand. biol. nauk; ROCIDMV, A.G.; RUBINCHIK, A.M.; RYBMWSKIY. V.S.; SADCHIKOV, A.V.; SEMMSOT, V.A.; SIDEWO,-P.M.; SIbYATSUYA, Y.T.; SITAROVA, M.N.; SOSNOVIKOV, K.S.; STAVITSKIY, Ye.A.; STOLYAROV, B.P. Edeceaseill; SUDZILOVSKIY. A.O.-, SYRTSOVA. Ye.D., kand. takhn. nauk; FILIFPSKIY, V.P.; KMTURIN. A.D.; TSISlWSKIY, P.M.; CBMUZASOV, M.l.; CIEWYSHIV, A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A ; SHISTOPAL, A.O.-, SHIL&M, P.A.,; SHISMO, G,,A.; SHGHXHBIX&, I.N:; BMILI, F.F.; YAKOBSON, A.G.; YAMMOT, P.A., ARUANGW--'SKIY, (Continued on next card) ANDONIYBV, V.L.... (coutinvBd) Card 2. rel-'Benzzant, r Ye.A., ret-senzont' red.; ARHUTIN, A. N. BALUM01r, YU.S., retsennut, re (1. ;BARABANOV, V.A., ratoenzaa-;, reel.; BATIRM, P.D., retsenzent, rod.; BOROD11T, P.V., Imnet. 'voklm. nauk, retseazent, red.; VALUTSKIY, I.I., Imud. taFwu. retsenzent, rad.; GRIGOR I WV, V.M., kand. tekhn. rznk, retueanzent, red.; GUBIN, M.F., retoensent, red.; GUDAY]ff, i.N.,, rod.: Y3RMOLOV, A.L. kELnd. teldin. uai*. ra"Usenzent, 'red.; YAlLPIULOV, B.F., returiesivan, red': KRITMClY,'S.N.. daktor tuldm. w-uk, roe.. -, ININ. V.V., zatsenzent, red.; =-IN, V.*T., rotaauzeir~, rad.; 1USKIll. Z.D., retsietizont., zed.; HATHMOSOV, AXh., 2.76".-SOn23r1t, Immiam-r, D.M., retsanze&., red.; MMMUL', M.P., dold;o= teldin. ijwak, ratsencont, red.; aB Ov, S.S., re.;cenzimt, zGd.; PETRA-SWW'j P.Y., reteenzent, red.; retuenuent, red.; RUMY&NTSW, A.M., rotsenzent, red.~ HYADGHlEd?, -rasj., STASMKOT, N G., =6ts Zent: red., UKANLYN. P.F., rut-sonuent, prof.. dollezor takhn. uauk, yatswa,,eulu, TIZDELI, R.R., Zent, red.; F11DOROV, Ye.M., re'usenzent, rad SMffYAKOV. M.N., retsenzent.' red.; SHMAKOV, M.I., red.; ZHUK, S.v-a. [deceased], a)mdomik, Glav-ayy rod.; IrlilSO, G.A., imud. tekhP., nvujc, red.; FILIMONOV, N.A., red.; VOIK(Af. L.N., rod.,, GRISHIN, M.M., red.: ZHURIN, V.D., prof., doictor teldin. ro-ak red.; KOSTROV, I.N., red.; LIERACHIU. V.P., red.; MEDVEDXV, V.M., Lnd. telenn. nauk. red.; A.V., kand. teldin. uank, red.; PZZRM, G.D., reel.; RAZIN, N.V., red.; SOBOLEV. V.P., r6d.; YMNG.3a, B.P., red.; FRICYGUM, (Coutinixed ou nw~-j card) ANDONIY]ff, V.L.... (continued) Card Ye.y., red.: TSYPLAXOV, V.D. [deceasedi, red.; KORABLIBOY, P.N., tekhn. red.; GIVIKIN. Ye.M., red.; KACHXR07SKIY, N.V., red. [Volga-Do-a; technicall accou'u'. of the construction of he V.I. Ierldu Volga-Don Narleation Canal, the TSimlyansk lkyd-roelectric Center, and irrigation systems] Volgo-Don; %ekhr-icheakii otchet o stroitel'- u Ave Volgo-Donskogo sudoldiodzogo kamla imen! V.I. Lonina, TSi-m.- lianskogo gid2ou--la i orositfj'l lz~7~ sooruzhonii, 19149-1952; v piati tomakh. MoWkwa, Goo. energ. izd-vo. Tol.l. [ silructitTal descriptions] Obuhch6e opisanie soo.-ashenli. G2ar. rad. S. IA. D-iuk-. Red. tome. M.M. Grishin. 1957. 33P, P. Vol.2. [Opganization of con- ativetion. Specialinod. oprn ationa In hydraulic eneinnering] arLa- ~Qizatoiia stroitollotva. Spatsialinyti gid ro'unidinldhe sk-le raboty. (Continued on next card) ANWN t yRV, V..L.... (Oontiuuod) Card 4. Glav. red. S,IA. Zhuk. Red. toma I.N. Kostrov. 1958. 319 P. (NIRA 11:9) 1. Ibissia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Jdnisterstvo elekttzrostantBii. 3.-,Rro t4 -Dona. 2. Ghlen-kor- tokhnicheakogo o'*cheta o stroitellstvo Tolgo respondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademil stroitellst7a i arzkhitektury SSSR (for Grishin, Razin). (Volga Don Ganal-Hydraulic enginoering) 8/10IJ62/004/003/031/043 B108/B104 60 A-UT'HORSs Kang Ya. S., and TITLE# Method of determining the tangential stresses in a medium under high pressure, PKRIODIGALt Fiiika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 3, 1962, 810-811 TEXT: A method of.determining tangential stresses in a solid compressed by solids is described. It is based on determining these atreases for standard single crystals which at relatively low tangential stress show traces of residual deformation. From the stress - strain diagrams a standards compressed under hydrostatic conditions one can then find the tangential stresses in any specific case by determining the difference between the hydrostatic traces and those obtained by compression between solid's. -Bythis is also possible to determine the solidifica- tion point ofla liquid. There are I figure and I table. 'The-English-- language-referenoes ares J. T.-Stevart. Phys. Rev.$ 2J-t 578P 19551 C- A, J. Swenson. Phys. Rev., 21, 423, 1955- Card 1/2 C 1. P-CLYAKOV, L. 14-: BO.U-TSKIYO A. B., Arch. 2. USSR (60o) 4. Hotels, Taverns, etc.--Moscow 7. 17-story hotel building on Kalanchevskaia Street. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 23 no. 7 1949. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress April 1553, Uncl. 3 g-:th'' t -de t nrl in- g ~ an-du remains --cons anV w thinz.'ai- certaiin'~stiain d t it whic -."rup ecrease: in- he-densi y h - 0'- e' e:~ crys &.1 -fai 6.-Z,~:,-, 'instant-Vhen fi: of: ' * ' - ~~-p n-- th rio-cie~s`qit Obc visib s 11 on of. a cr;~ tal. into - e main he~ a yi , -- '- .- I i- rbsto n, en'-s p. ' : of "OAch leads 0d wAtWi ion. bk, - 'large- e eA- hi oc the:-Jcr,~siaxp- thd-'.efitire -plasiic,-.P.ELrt,.-of ~,th4i: deformation, . . .- en A~gifid- ~bk-;-4~ioxdm- kite4- i - " 11j, tjt~ 1p.-.5-'). whereas: .e -:' the ".U)*~~i~di-.i~~~u-'nt~to-rio:~-- es !The authors in=-_'sn N for-*. h04 h.,the---r-aeasurem6ntsO- r g. 0 figurkes:~~', 2 forrmlas. .6. sic'~t6chnigg Kh'6r k6v: (Ay I WB. C H I SO I#C . ... .. z 6/65/00/007/0122/012 oi 9 5k~ POLYAKOV, L.M., inzli, Asyrehronous stlepping motor, Izv, v-1s, uahab. zav.; en-r_Pfl~ 7 no~1002-39 0 164, (YIRA l7il2) 1. Moskavskiy stankoinfitrumenta-llnyy institute Predstavlona kafedroy elektrotekhniki. FAVC WR- AP6012963 SOURCE CODE: UR/0143/65/000/002/0040/0044 AUTH0R:-Pb1yakov,-.L. M. Ungineer) ORG: Moscow:-Institute of,Machine-Tools and Instruments (Moskavskiy stankoinstrwoentall- nyy inatito) TITLE:'~ Dynamics of-asynchronous motor operation in the step mode SOURCEr~ - Izvestiyd vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy.~ Energetika, no..2, 1965, 40-44 TOPIC-TAGS: electric motor differential equation, electronic circuit, electric resistance, electric inductance ABSTRACT: The~Article anaVze'-s thedynamic behavior of an-~nduction motoi ..energized b~-a unit stop input. First~the stator and rot r phase currents 0 are found from th.e.differential equation ofthe circuit accounting to the ..-.inductance,-,and,resi,st~nce,. with the total voltage,drop being equa~l to the ''rate of change of fluX linka ge6. Next, the torque is found and the appro-- priate.expression,is.E~Ubstituted into the general differential equation of motion* The solution ~f thi -terms of angular velocity: s equation is given,in angular displacement; both are plotted as.functions of time. The torque is-shown,to vary.ainusoldally-witi, time. Tn.addition there are shown: 1 oscillograme of the-stator.-and rotor currents during phase commutation, 2~ .:oscillogram of the speed and torque after applicatiom,of.a. unit step*_ Orig. art. has: 4. figures and. 30 formulas. IJPRS] SUB-CODE: -6 ORIG REF: 001 9~ SUBM-DATE:. 24Feb65 Card 1/1 uDo: 621.316.718.~ AP6011248 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/006/0091/009i .-INVENTOR: Polyakov, L. M. none ORG: TITLE: Device for determining the du ~d tra.nsverse-defo ,rmation coefficients ct! of solids in tenslon and compression. ass 42, No. 179970 SOURCE: -9Z I .1zobreteniya, -promyshlennyye obr.aztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 91 TOPIC TAGS: plasticdeformation, plastic deformation test, coupression test, metal test, tensile test, test equipment, test instrumentation, dtictility A13STRACT: An Author Certificate has bee i sued f or. a device for determining the n s and transverse-deformation coefficient of solids in tension and com- ductility The-device (see Fig. 1) contains a casing with two liquid-filled inter- connecting cylindrical chambers, and two plungers rigidly connected together and moving within the -above chambers. One of the plungers t ,ransmits'the load to the sample mounted between the plungers, while the other compensates for the change in volume caused by displacement of the -first plunger. To improve precision, meas- urement sensitivity, and automatic' recording of diagrams reflecting changes in sample volume,due to.deformation, the pluager resembles a ---tgid cup with the sample t readed into its bottom; this eliminates the effect. of elastic def6rmation of the' 1 on the measurement of sample volume, since the tubul unger ar p~art p Card 1/2, UDC: 539.374.08:(620.172.23+620.173.23.) Lr~t-u pkl4w:~;~lt-gl--:~59al5~.rFg-A~- ?i ~i ~"Mlmi~lit~.V.VRAWk - - *'MM--x4W;pu, - - GARBER, R.I.; _POLYAKCit, L.M. Change in density of plastically deformed ionic crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.1:167-176 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Fiziko-tel,.hnicheskiy institut AN LJkrSSR, Kharlkov. POLYAKOV, L.M.; MALIK, G.N. Investigating the sintering of metals. Porosh. met. 3 no.4: 6-16 Jl-Ag 163, (MIRA 16:10) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichookiy institut AN UkrSSR. (Sintering) L 19909-62 EWP (q /DIT (m) /FWT (B) /B DS AFF?C/ASD JD ACCESSION NRi JALP3005808 S/0226/63/000/OOL/0006/0016 AUTHORS: Polyakov, L. Malik, 0. N. TITLE.- Investigation of metal si nterir4 MUM Poroahkovaya motallurgiya, no. 4, 1963, 6-16 jTOPIC TAGS: sintering, activation energy :ABSTRACT: -Experiments were made on the sintering ?f technically pure iron samoles.! ,Wm at 525-1060G-,pressures of ISintering was crried out in a vacuum 1.33-0.131K 1.0-607.6 M,Wm~ and time intervals from 3 minutes to 10 hours, The relation the consolidation strength to temperature, pressure afid sintering time was ~detcrmined, and the relation of the beginning of setting to crystallographic grain orientation roughness of grain surface, and the presence of scales on the surface ihave been studied. It was established that the increases in pressure, temperature, ;and sintering time increase the strength of the product, The inicroroughness the fragment surfaces prevented a simultaneous contact along the whole contact- J !surface. , The contact was achieved subsequently by a further increase in pressure to level the rough places. An increase in strength is possible because of the diffusive growth of contact areas due to creep, coalescence, and closing of voids Card 1/2 -L iggog-63 'AMSSION Ifit; AmZM :between the coalescing surfacesi This is achieved by increasing temperatures .,and sintering times. Durable bonds were obtained by a close contact between the particle surfaces and by nondiffusive local rearrangements of.the crystal lattices ~on the contact surfaces The activation energy of atomic dibplacement during rear- rangement was 35-1 kjImol., considerably smaller than the activation energy of iron diffusion. "The authors express their appreciation to R. 1 Garber and V. S. Kogan, -for their participation in the discussion of the results and to V. K. SKIyarov for ormula this assistance in conducting the experiment., Orig. art. hadi !figures and 7 vaphs. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physico-Technical Institute, -Academy- of Sciences, Wqaainian SSR), SUBMITTED; 203eo62 DATE ACQf 06Sep63 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: NO REF SOV: Oll OTHERi 010 Crd 2/2 ME SVIRIDENKO, S.Kh.; AKHMECHET, L.S.; VOLKOV, A.A.; MEYSTELI, A.M.; NIZIEVSKTY, L.L.; FOLYAKOV, L.M.; RASHKOVICH, M.P.; SRI3)ER., L.A.; KHMMT,. u.G.; SMGLER, L.A.; SMAGO, L.K.; ORLIKOV, M.L., inzh., retsenzent; SVECMUKOV, L.V., inzh., retsenzent; MATSHEVSK11Y, A.G., inzh.p red. (Elements of the automation of machine tools] Blementy avtomatizatsii metallorezhushchikh stankov. Mloskvaj Mash- giz, 1964. 210 p. (MIRA 17:12) VOROBIYE;V, A.T., glav. red.; ~Q~Y_AKOVL.,N., zam. glav. red.; BORISOV, Ye.G... red.; IVASYSHIII, S.N.., red.; IVAIZALIYE;V, Sh.I., red.; M- Sh-MKOp LV., red.; 01MNIX,'A.Y., red. Prinimall uchautiye. BEY, KIRKIN, M.F., spets. red.; TETEVIN, G.P., BOYEV, D.B.,, spots. red., e, 4 spets. red.; YUDAKHIN, N.P., red.; YEFIMOV, N.A... tekhn. red. [Agriculture of Kirghizistan] Sollskoe khoziaistvo Kirgizii; kratkii upravochnik, Frunze, Ob-vo po raspr. polit, i nauobn. znanii Kirgiz- skoi 88R, 1961. 199 p. (MI11A W10) (Kirgbizistan-Agricuiture) POLYAKOVY L.P.; IUZUVAYEVq V.D,~ GOLIKOV, A.Ye. New mathod for excluding lost-circulation zones in well drilling. Burenleno.qt&10-165. (KRA 18:10) 1. Konstruktorskoye byuro neftyanoy i geLzovoy pronyflUennosti ob"yedineniya "Saratovneftegaz". 'kttM POLYAKO'V,_L.P.., dokior tekhn.naulc Constructing lines of infl-uence of internal forces with the aid of models of structures. Stroi.konstr. no.1: 153-161 165. (MIRA 19-.1) 1. Kiyevskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut. 124-57-1-1049 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekbanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 147 (USSR) AUTHOR: Polyakov, L. P. TITLE: Approximate Calculation of Arch Bridges With Consideration of the Superstructure Above the Arches (Priblizhennyy raschet arochnykh mostov s uchetom nadarochnogo stroyeniya) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Kiyevsk. inzh. -str. in-ta, 1954, Nr 10, pp 35-45 ABSTRACT: Formulas are given for the, calculation of an arch bridge with consideration of the simultaneous working of the arch and of the structure above the arch. It is assumed therein that the braces of the superstructure are equipped with hinges at their ends. 1. Arch bridges--Mathematical analysis P. S. Morozov Card 1/1. POLYAKOV, Leonid Petrovich;-REMICHMIKO, I.Ye., red.; BABILICIMOVA, -G.A.p tekhn. red. , [Calculations for arched bridges]Raschet arochr7kh mostov. Kiev, Gosstroiizdat USM, 1962. 358 p. NIRA 15:10) (Bridges, Concrete) POLYAKOV, L.P. inzhener po tekhnike bezopasnosti. Provide modern equipment for structural drilling. Bezop.truds v prom. 1 n0-7:37 JI '57- MRA 10:7) 1. Goologo-poiskoveya kontora treatai Saratovneftegasrasvedka. (oil fields--Bqaipment and supplies) SENIOR IM 1111 M, IN INIRRIVEMM": m - -*`-.r..~..-,~ ~. - . ! MV15,99041-MA-9 Rafflffl! MOLDAVSYD', Oleg Petrovich, MARKUSHRI, Gennadiy -~qrqyichi, 'RANVATV, Vladimir &-l-t-r'iyevich; FTMUMA L., red. [Improving boring equipment and techriolopfl Sovershan- stvovanie tekhniki i teklinologil bureniia. [By) O.P. Yloldavskiy i dr. Saratov, S bratovskoe krazlinoe izd--.'o, 1963. 80 p. Omw 1'?,'7) POLYAKOV, L.V., inzh.; USTINOV., B.G., inzh. Now two-stand 12-00 mill for the'skin-pass rolling of sheet steel. Sbor. st. NIITIAZHMASHa Uralmashzavoda no.6:104-117 165. (MIRA 18-11) POLYAK()V, L.Ye.,-kand.mea.nauk. LASHKOV, K-v- History of the establishment of Soviet public health statistics (1917-1920). Sov.zclrav. 17 no-7:49-53 Jl '58 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Is kafedry organizataii meditainakogo obeepecheniya voyak Voyenno-meditainakoy ordena Lenina akadamii imeni S.M. Kirova. (SAWITATION, hist. sanitary ststist. (Rua)) (STATISTICS, sanitary statist.. hist (Rua)) (PUBLIC HRAICH, stfitist. In Russia (Rua)) (VITAL STATIST., same (Rua)) I IN VM P-M-MM POLY,AKDV, L.Ye.,, LASHKOV, K.V. Work of P.I. Kurkin. in military medical Btntistics and oanitary demogr~ph7 on the 100th anniverenry of hift birtbo' Sov.zdrov. 17 no.8:39-43 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Is Voyanno-zeditaingkoy ordena Leninq akademii imeni S.K. Kirovas KEMKIN. P7:TR 1TAROVICH, 1858-1934) ATISTICS, M sed.. contribution of P.I. lulkin (Rua)) - 4A,*--qM1px INS, a* A OR SM! Rig I A: Jr M- f R K&41WSXIY, Lev Semenovich [da,.-~aasedj; prof,, FOI:YAKOV, L.Ye., red. [Statistical processing of laboratory and clinical data; uae of statistics in the scientific and practiud wDrk of the physician] Statisti--heskaia obrabotka laboratornykh i kliniches'kikh darxykh..-, primenenle statistiki v nauchnoi i prakticheBkoi rabote vracha. Izd.2. JonJngradj, Yledit,Blnat l964. 250 P. (MIRA 17-.1-1) 1099'- - --- 1 1. - , 11 ~~ - - -- VE~kW~wl POLYAKOV, L.Ye., dotsent (Leningrad) From the history of-Ru8sian sanitation and military medical statistics. Sov.zdrdv. 21 n0.8:63-68 162. (MIRA 15:11) (MILITARY MEbIGINE--STATISTICS)(DISF-ASES-REPORTING) ?;-0b- 'Uod" of 7'-ach' rif. 5t~ c-, to 1~` -'e L)~' +C 1,15 ,;rd and ?I-Ophy.,~CU-C inkstitution.,;, I report presented at tho I~rd Owiference on the use of Entrilemr, tics in Sioloa, !.K-rdnj-~rad University, 23-26 Jan 1961. (Primene e mateinatichaskikh Hetolov v Bioloz~'A. 1.1. 196', !~Yj. -11 ray .5 "Olias-cow Agi~icu'ltura-~-kcadp-i;iy--iii-tani- '-'~ilrdryazzev) FOLUKOV, L.Ye., dotsent M.V.Lomonosov and his letter "On the preservation and multiplication of theRussian nation"; on the 250th anniversary of his birth and the 200th of hin treatise on the Doioulation of Russia - ;,'. .1 (MIRA 15:4 GiCs. i san. 27 mo.3:4&1+9 Mr 162-",W, (LOMOIMSOVP HJUA j6 VASILEVICH, 1711-1765) (TPUIATION) KAMINSKIT. Lev Semenovich; POLTAKOV, L.Te., red.; SHUCHMO, F.Ya.. (Processing clinical and laboratory data; use of statistics in the research and practice of the physician] Gbrabotka klini- cheskikh i laboratorn.*h dannykho. prim nefiie statistiki T nauchnoi i prakticheskoi rabote vracha. Leningrad. Goo.izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, Loningr.otd-nie, 1959. 195 P. (MULA 13:4) (KEDICAL STATISTICS) r P0TuIoOV, B.M. POLYAKOV. L.Ye. Works of a'u-'Zut'sIt'anding worker of Soviet public health. 21 no-9:152-155 3 '57. (MLU 11:1) (SOLOVIRV, ZINOVII PETROVICH. 1876-1928) j to t i s I r research and !.--, hiu tivit i sar.. 22 y Gi e '~7 ( ylii 'A 47 (-PUL)LIC contril-jululon Z.P.Solovle-v) i"IN-GIM PETROVICIF. 1876-1-97-8) POLYAKOV. L.Ye., mayor med.sluzhby, of a study of the health of Individual members of militar7 personnel. Voen.-med.zhur. no.10:75-77 0 158. (.%a?A 12:12) (ARMED FORCES PERSUM phys. develop. & morbidity of soldiers (RaB)) GRIGOWYEV. A.N.. Prof.. gvardii general-mayor meditsinakoy sluzhby; GAVRILOV, O.K., doteent, polkovnik meditsinakoy oluxhby- POLYAXOV, L.Te., dotoent, ma.vor maditsinskoy sluzhby; L&SHKOV, K.V., p~dpln~~~nnkoy sluzbby Cybernetics und problems of administration in medical service. Voon.-med.zhurg no.6:76-80 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) (CYBREMICS in militarY med. (Rug)) (H&DICINN, MILITARY AND FAVAL cybernetics in military med. (RUB)) UNION E, I Em ~UWWMEMKWU OWN95MI Farm ME POLYAKOV, L.Ye., dotsent (Leningrad) New problems in the statistical organization of public healthin the U.S.S.R6 and measures 16i'their solutions Sav.zdrav. 19 no.lo*,- 59-64 1600 (MIRA 14:1) 1.1 Ix kafedry organizataii i taktiki meditsinskoy sluzhby (nachallnik prof.-A.N.Arigorlyev) Voyenno-meditsinskoy Lenina akademii imeni S.M.,xix-6va (nacballu~k - prof.P.P.Goncharov). (PUBLIC HEALTH--STATISTICS)-' 7 - -If- POLYAKOV, L.Ye., dotsent; LASHKGV, K.V. Work of N.I. Teziazlov in the field of ailitary- sanitation and sanitary statistics. Gig. i san. 25 no.4:58-62 Ap 160 iMIR& .13:8) 1. Iz Voyenno-meditsinsko7 ordena Laning akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (TEZIAKOV, NIKOIAI IVANOVICH~ .1859-1925) POLYAKOV, L.Ye., dotsent, MALMM, D.M. "Statistical studv of malignang neoplasms* by A.M.?4p-r'k-nr, A-V. Chaklin. Reviewed. by L.E. PoliakovO.T.M.Malinskii Vop. onk. 9 no.7.-123-126 163 411RA 16:12) qW1i FOLYAKOV, L.Ye., pgdpolkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby, dotsent - --------------------- First medical report on the health of Russian army troops, Voon.- med. zhur. no.7:93-9 Jl 161. 1MIhA .15:1) tMILITARY MEDICINE) POLYILKOV, L.Ye., dotsent (Leningrad) Medical cy:bernatics for Soviet public health. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.8:27-31 161. 15:1) (CYBERIILTICS) (PUBLIC MALTH) R LJLJL ALAL.AL A-4-itfiU. 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a O~ 1*5 f, f, m it 11 11 It I A 34 n littl 19 It 1) .4 U JS It 11 31 It 49 0 41 43 a go A -ai A K J1, go *fit i jjd2. 30. (11- 60-) 06 06% AIM.ILA 4FIALLUI.&ICAL LIT11MUNIf CL*jjWKATWW - -00 lee to 0 0 9*0 vo* U00 9 v Ax Et u a IV 00 it I I fw o I IF 0, " (p 11 , ; "( a 4 Aq - #" 0Ogg* *see 0000 4 6 6 0000 *010141101* 0 0 0 ;TIM, :1 0000100 OO(,o a 0 0 6 * 0 1000 &0000 0000 OLO 0 0 0 0 So POLUKOV, M.,slesarl Univorual wroncho Na otroi*Nook. no.1;28 JS 1390 (MIRA 12: 1) 1, linkhaniohnWomys materskays zavoda zholemobotoWkh izdeliy Ho949 (Nw~inistsl toole) . . . . . . . . . . . . _4 - L I - _~' I / 071 r/ 136-3-1/25 AUTHORS: Dzhumatayev, F,j Ferkaleva, V and Folyakov, M. e Development of a Scheme foF the 'Flotation of TITILE: On th Polymettalic Ores. (K voprosu razrabotki skhemy flotatsii polimetallicheskikh rud). PIMIODICAI: Tavetnyye Metally,. 1957, No-3, pp.1-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an article -in "Tavatnyye Metally"I 19'6, No.11 by I. N. Plaskin,.A. M. Okolovich, V. V, Shikhovaya- N6ginikaya and G. M. Dmitriyeva some problems in the develop- ment of a scheme for the flotation of polymetallic ore were formulated and proposed for discussion. The present article contains discussions of theae and additional problems, based mainly on experience at the Belousovsk beneficiation works. The quality of the ore (Pb 4 1%) there has recently been cWmging and a two-stage ore grinding process has been adopted; while research is proceeding on the corresponding two-stage flotation of the lead sulphide, which is especially important at this works because of the extensive.adoption of direct successive flotation'there. . A qualitative flow-sheet for two-stage flotation is shown and discussed, different variants being 1/2 compared. Agreeing with the contention of Plaskin et al. that it is very difficult to obtain with tWO-Btage flotation.t 9(2) SOV/10?-59-4-11/45 .AUTHORS: Polyakov, M., klitrofanov, V., Filyukov, L., Levintov, TITLE: New Mass-Production Radio Receivers (Novyye massovy-ye radiopri~,eumiki) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 4, pp 12 - 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Soviet radio industry has begun the mass-product- ion of the "Zarya" and the "Strela" radio receivers. Although the same types of miniature tubes are used in both, their circuitry is different. Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of the "Zarya" and Figure 2 that of the "Strela" receiver. They are designed for reception of radio stations working on medium (187- 577) and long (723-2000)-waves. They may be connected to any type of record player. The sensitivity of these receivers at an output of not less than 0.5 watts and a sound pressure of 3-3.5 bar, is not less than 400 microvolts. The range of reproducible sound fre- '.Card 1/2 quencies is from 150 to 5000 cps at a non-linear M. elf-supporting factory. Sill.bud. 12 no.2AI-18 F 162. (MA' N Predsedatell soveta Volochiskoy mezhkolkhoznoy stroiteltdkoy irganizataii Khmiellnitakoy oblasti. (Muiellnitskiy Province Brick industry) -)I~MMUTIRV, P.;PWIXALNVA, V.;POLTAKOV,.M. Developmmt of a flotation diagram for complex ores, TSvet, met* 30 no.3:1-5 Mr 157. (MIRA 10:4) (Flotation) POLTAKOV. M., (g. Yaroslavl'). Province Producers Council they suppress critIcIsm.- Prom@ koop, no*12:29 D 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Tarosl"l Province--Cooperative soclist (Lime) M POIXAKOV, M.; LICHIN, 0. [Lyabyn, 0.], kand. tekhn. nauk Ore mining withoug human power. flauka i zhyttia 12 no.12:58 D 162. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UkrSM (for Folyakov). 2. USSR (600) Rendering Industry 4 7. UnU5ed Possibilities in the production of food fats. Mias. ind. SSBR. 24, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Rusi~ian Accessions, Library.of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. -- - -- - -- - - - --_ - -ago&=- - - .-, . -- tv~q~ 41 Vim POLYAKOV,M. Currency exchange conflicts between West Germany and Great Britain. Den. i kred. 13 no.6:46-52 Je 155. (MLPA 8:9) (Great Britain--Foreign exchange problem) (Germany, West--- Foreign exchange problem) POLUKOVP N. Overcoming Beasonal fluctuationo in ths, work o-,^ "."1e meat industinj of the S.R. Mias. ind. f SS" 32 no. 1. Gospl, SIRE. POLYAKOV,, M.A. Practices in controlling wireworms in corn fields. Zashch. rast. ot vred..i bol. 7 no.11:29-30 N 162. (14IRA 16-7) 1. Agro'nom po zashchite rasteniy Verkhne-Khavskogo rayonal Voronezhs- kaya obla6tI. z T - Am RIDER, V.A.; POLYAKOV, M.A.; DROZDOVSKIY, E.M., kand, sellskokhoz. nadk-,--M=GkOV---A M NE14TSOVA, I.A., fitopatolog Questions and answers. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.3:37,39 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Nachallnik Voronezhskay stantsii zaabehity rasteniy (for Rider). 2. Nachallnik Verkhnekhavskogo otryada po borlbe s vreditelyami i boleznyami rasteniy (for, Polyakov). lnzb.* SAMMY, A.P., kand. tekhn. nauk Increasing the operating efficiency of water jet elevators. . 11sk.sta. 29 no.9:25-28 S '58. (MIRA 11:11 II (Heat engineering) 366&,66 .0c) I Card 1/1. Vq