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Mazan'); RMUNOVA, R.M. (Kazan#) Review of 1U.P.Shullts, T.V. Hertsalova and L.L. Savelleva's book ItTextbook of the Latin language". no.2s 88-89 Mr-Ap'63 (MIM 1611l) KALININ.-D.I.,, inzh. Give more attention-to-effic -ency promoters. Gor.khoB.Mosk. JI 062. (KM 16d) 1. Krasnopresnenskoye ray'annoye zhiliahchnoye upravleniye, (kpartment houses-Maintenance and repair) KALININ, D.I. (Mosk-ia); EPSHTKYPI, I.M. (Moskva) Remarks on a game of an automaton with a partner using a correlated mixed stratogy. Avtom. i telem. 26 r.L).11-2060- 2061 N 165. (MIRA 18:121) KALININ, D.V. j Chemical processes in the formation of the Tayaty Iron ore de;* t, (Eastern Sayaw)* Geokhimiia no.7s616-622 161. (HIRA /+1t,) 1, Chair of Mineralogy and Cryqtallograpby of the State University. (Tayaty VAWN!hIron ores) ' KALININs D.V. Formation of magnetite in cont-act-metascoatic iron-ore deposits. Geokhimiia no.7:CW4,-628 162* ()MU 15:7) 1. Chair of Mineralogy of the Tomsk State University. (magnetite) L iv , Iv j 9 U Etch wWn H 014, CH .2 p "A lis Hit 3 4 H v .0* 300' ;:a 43 a Pf to Z. .1 coal '~1-1 iAll to qg Zols :42,p:1011 ej Aa .4 T111 C; I I I f i A 014 31 j ' a'I ~ 3".vA~ UP - . 013. 91 . 4" , c I v0 'all 'Iii, IAir. i 464 Eli .5 c ~11!1 .01 ..A f4w U:v 445, - Mi. i "WhzV U ~ 10. 1208.plfl: DIES u? 9H . ,- a fail io- KALININ, )BA. -, Calculating hvdraulic losses In heat exchangers in awe of a gas flow in channels or along pipes. Trudy Lab.dvig. no.4:52-47 158. (MIRA. 12-11) (Heat exchangers) (Fluid dynamics) PffASR I BOOK EXnOITATION BOV/60722 V1ikhz?1ovj A. L., Ve V. Borisoy,, evil E. K. KaUnin I I -~ - i dazoturbinnyye ustanoyki zonknutogo tsikla; teoriya. I rasebet (Closed- Cycle Gas Turbine Plants; Theory and Design). Moscow, Xzd-vo AN SMp 1962. 145 P. Errata printed on the :inside of back cover. 4000 cogen ~rlnted. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk S8,5R, Ustitut dvigateley. Ed. of Publishing House: V. X. Klenni4ov; Tech# Ed.: G. A. Astaflyeva. FVRPOW: TUis cook Is intended for designero and for scientific amd engipeering personnel, COVKRAGE: The book reviews workB an the method of calculation of closed-cycle gas turbini engines., ~dth,particular attention paid to the design of a stage of trrbomachimes vorking on. various gases. Methods of calculating heat exchangers are given and means of reducing their weight snd dimensions are indicated. Information on atomic gas turbine engiiaeo), based on non- Card 1/8 -2 KALININ, E. K. "T~e analytical determination of the flow temoerature and tLe friction coefficient (velocit, or pressure loss) in cliannels witii unst.eady, non- isothermal flow of a heat-transfer agent." report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transt'er, Rinsk, 4-12 May 1964. Moscow Aviation Inst. ),I I I If IMM- I FAM W Ark 1 D~ "A 12 P46 t lira HR--,~'AP.4048 0 j r7l, /M AU VA Q4, S Mikhaylov A. I.: a inin' 411:~..RO t or, K I Ai :TITLEt lavesti~ption of hydrau 11 a res Is, e tot" lon K I taggered tube bundle 30URCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheakly zhumall ho. I It, 1964 441-4111 TOPIC' TAGS: gas discharges Cas f low, ~Vdvaulic rcisist~wxei, tube lwailie, 1.15,4)iberiiial- flair, m..olds number, ABSTFA(r'- The results of eXperim, -f a, ta en-taitfah 'on kydj~-Liilic ro Aqfiwicd ~ eii : $ gi,-+kod tube buxi.ile are presented. A 19-tube bundle with 3/d - 1.2, was tjj;qjd. ?kxpwL-acnJ,,s were- -Out-Xar -bath Gai' _ot~jal flow and' floir with ftqnij;jjnj,~,_ 4JIIIij C:01~ a J. na 'W'.6 m.-Auix d:- III internaL d ian6.'te II. : cl I I :diftq ftov, tubes- w(sre spc-zially calibrated w 1 th ture., and pressure reerc.- aubj-ctad 14c r-,arcful izat,, -wren, ta f i viv i-n henting ind vool-Ance. t devices and alonC the tul~~ surrives find tube ccll!i. Toni ulitr ani q;ircr, l'or complit- ing :,esif-tance -oefficik!nt and ~E!ynoldr, number. 1~,3siiits t::f' the Isotheruki te~s!,a are j;,,vr-r in a piot showing ornaparizons with earlier wQr*4 anc theorr. Special WaS ~,-LV-en to tr3na,tion from -nar to turbuliml. :'Ioa, Lmp r ca 1 o:- 7 0 1 r4, 11:2 MIES, NR "444656, foirmu -p:r Isented for ov6r:~: -thlml- I ri ~as are V 4- 'a 'fierm -rieii otit 10 Wid 4-5-10 Re 4. 10 Tho nottis 1, ml ietits wervi firwi, fcr em tempcrattare factor rarigin.~, from, 0.88 to 1-25 and wider the mxridit~iol- of coirl-aidelit di-~, of forced and f.-ee --onvection. For Re e- 500G, ithe rttil.rtuncv, coaffi. cL?r,~ pr-~Yed to be abtyatv hic orriect-Ldn gher than that for tsotherMILI fIO-ill. fa:to:-r; iccount for the non-igothermal eflect on f1w rrict~or- Tfiit3 affect Was f-)-uw to be w-th ccol-irig. The frict-.on re~;~-stjvi(:m. waif fDurid -:i- as -=-(0,316,vd-0,176)R(--"" , -uLth the s/d r:-A,tio and J*ynol.4su ntmmber. Grid. eqtuaiti'ons and 7 figwres. 5 kviatsionn~y institut im. Sergo Ordzhonikidmo, 11os,,*J;tw, ..i,t~.,)n Inst~-tut-e-)- Slr-;- --i,7191): 26ju.,L6~ Sul, CODS: 1Z Card 2/2 J, NO SOVI 005 'L 12877-66 EWT(l)/E 6#)/ETC(F)/EPF(0)-2)%NGW! /EWAfd'1/T/~NPW/RP(b' VEWP ACC MR: AT6d0l3T2 SOLMCE CODE: tm/()Cill)0/65/obolooolo:?~)~/C),-?()T A11MOR: &4- 5 ORG! Moscow Aviation Institute im. Ordzhonlkidze (Moskovogloy AvlatsionytyyInstitut) TITU: Determination of -the temperatureland friction coerVi4ent in ducts 'with non- stead;y-state nonisothermal flow of the heat transrer mediint SOURCK: Toplo- i massoperenos. t. 1: Konvektivnyy teploobmija v odnorodnoy zrede: (Heat and mass transfer. v. 1: Convective heat exchange in 4 hozogeneou.-i ftdium') Minsk, Nauka J' tekhnika, 1965, 288-297 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, fluid flow, heat exchanger, nontiteadyi -state heat transfer ABSTRACT: An analysis was made of nonstead~-stale fluid flov with Ifriction and heat transfer under the following assumptions: cp is constant aj q/11 = -1, Vge_re~ u- fij-,the instantaneous flow velocity, and U is the average flow veloi;ity.: A solution ~wasi'ob- tained for a case -.ihere the flow rate, the heat flux, the v4jocit~r, and the: Salet tem-~ perature change with time by exponential relationships. A ipiz--pli;ried soluti6n Iflor in-~. ccmpressible fluids was also obtained. Orig. art. has: 21, foxmilas. (1'v] SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 3lAug65/ 0TH IREF: oo4/ ATD PIUM.- 411.3 Lcclrd XC"W-TAIF600-35' -C0D_---dA lb/0. 170. CE E. 1) 0 2 ?0025 AUTHOR: 11likhaylovp A* is; I U-1 1-n-1 ari 1-1 ,F K~14 Draytsaro~~G* K. ORG: Aviation Lnetitute imo Sergo Ordzhonild.dze Ovlat$16nn TY. inst!'LtutT TIM: Investigation of haat transfor::h a longitudin*1 fl I of around a istaggarad tuba bii~ SOURCE: Inishaneino-fizichaskiy zhurnal, v, LO,, nov 10 19~.66, 22-25 TOPIC TAGS: convective beat transferj, gas f:low,, boujider5i, layer theory* heat trunsfar coefficient, heat transfbar i ABSTRACT: Irbe article gives tbo~ results of an inveitigation of hesit transfor in alongitudinal flow of air around a staggered tube bv* Kth a relative -tuba spacing of s/d equal to 1,2p witb bdp'tino and cooling'of the air* Experimental Section Yo. 1 (beating) oonsi~tedrof 119 tubos 11 -.4; 0*01 mm in diameter and with a -wall tbickness of 0.65 � 0.01; 11M# Heat' transfer coo3fficients were measured in a previ6maly:: d at ermined section-urith a stabilized flow of air; length of the, see-tioin vras 800 M~mb The temperature of the tube walls was measured at the ba~i;1:nn1nk,, In the middle, oLnd attba and of the experimental section, The'2nount of hatt Card __1/2-- UIDQ t 5146.Ms. L 14639-66 ACC NR. AP6003582 evolved in the experimental'sectio'n was determin6d fr6m the cbanga~ in 7 the beat content of the air* Construction of tho adolin, tion:(No 2) ~;; 13 e c 4 was analagaud to tbat'of the beating section, Tbe*~qrpermentsl sedti6na werv placed vertically. In Section I the air f lovoid. upt,"fa~ds.' andi in! Section-2., domwards, so that in both oases the dli~e:ction: of free, and forced convection coincided, It was found that in;the ti"Irbulent r0gion tbe-experimental data ace, on the averaget 12% h1ghQ(:r,-tbip'n',-aecord1ng o the formula of Mikhe-yev for tubes: 06 Nu, - 0,0 Men' (3 Tteat;uent of the experimental data with respect to ~:tbe lilean temperature of the boundary layer shows that the data are, on tfi~e avilfr~ oI, ll%~ higber than according to the Waisman. formula: Nuj=(0,02Wd-0,006)ReOj"Prt' [4) taking Into account the dependence of heat transfer An staggered tuber bank-s on the - spacing. The experimental data for ~!oolijilgj Witb Re b n > 3 x 104., can be correlated y Jake formula: Nu. 0,0206M. and ane, on the average, 2% higher than the data for~beal-,Ihgo, Orig. arte has: 5 formulas and 2 figurese (061 SUB CODE.:- 2 SUBM DAM., 29Mar65/ ORIG REPS. 00h;/ OTH REPt 005 ATD PRES$: Card 2/2 L26650-66 EIVT (X)/EWP WIEWT(O )/ETC( f )/FPF(n) -21MIYO(NI!~ /'ETC(O414/tNAM ACC, NRI .-AP6007101 ygV/D 13OURCE WDE: UR/01110/66/pi~/~ 158/OA3~! I AMSORS t XikbaylQXj A. I.; Kalbkj~g. K.; Yarkhot Be Af F ORC;: U im. $ergo Ordzhonikidze (AyiitSicta,07 institut) ,pcow-~ ~nins~titut~ TITLE: A study of heat ex hange and hydraulic resistance of: the Agoons- gravitational flow of water in horizontal tubes with qw - ocinst SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurrAl, v. 10f no. 2, 19661"158 '163 TOPIC TAGS: viscous flow# Reynolds numbsrj-14ainat~ flows wistal: tuh4 heat transfer,, Prandtl number# Nusselt, number* hydraulic restatanDei heat trustoirr: rate ABSTRILM: The effect of free convection on the viscous flov of M~t ir is investi, P const~. T120 ga;ted ex erimentall~y in horizontal steel tubes under the couilitiq#' q eNperiments are carried out for three Reynolds num'~epqt 840i~1170j Band 1600~-! The, I results are plotted as Ruseelt number Luid hydraulic resietatco. i iltelwo'j' versus the product of Graahoff and Prandtl numbers. Empirioal obtained to describe the data within 10%.. These equations:Oire: forthe heati transfer 4~ Nu 1,64 f7e dIL) IC, A Card- L 29733..456 EWP(m)./EV,'r(j)/LM-1 (m) W~tJD ACC N1, AP6010201 SOURCE CODEr UR/0201/66/000/001/0043/0047 AUTHOR: Kalininj E, K.; Yorkbo, S, A, f(/ B ORG: Moscow Aviation Institute (Movskovskly aviatsionnyy institut) TITLE:. Alternating nature of the floif and beat Ja~na'fer'-in the ttiinsition'~ re"gion from laminar to 'turbulyAjj6BdLjjo ube t SOURCE9 AN BSSR. Vestai, S3ryya fizika-tekbniohnykb n"u~,, no. 1, U06P 43-47 ITOPIC TAGS.- beat transfe'r,, turbulent flow,, laminar howl,bydraulio iesistonaeg Reynolds number A13STRACT.,: The experiments were carried out'in an apperatua,wbiab made it possible to investigate the_hydraulic resistance and best transfer, in tubes with heating of water under the conditions q = const, and cooling of water at T = const. Diameter of the tube was 9.6 mm and the wall. tbialmess 0.5 mm. A curve,, based on the experimentol resultsA shows the fluctuations in the temporature of the tube wall at different values of the Heynolds number. A second curve exhibits the dependence of the dimensionless amplitudes and frequencies of the fluctuations of the wall temperuture on the Heynolds number at different cross sections L_.~arcl 1/2 L 277133-66 AICC NRI AP6010201 of the tube. It was found that at critical values of the Reynolds number, the duration of the transition In a given cross section Is comparable,, the nature of the temperature fluctuations booornes symmotrical,, and the amplitudes are the greatest, At higher than critical values of the Reynolds number, the amplitudes of the fluctuations of the wall temperature decrease. The Net that the maximum amplitudes of the fluctuations decrease in cross sections of the tube near the inlet is a result of higher Reynolds numbers. With a decrease of four times in the beat loadj the maximum values of the smglitudes of the fluctuations at x/d = 73 decreased from Tmax/CiTmin-, 1e 3 to 105, Orig, art, bast 5 formulas and 2 fIgures6 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEr 03jan66/ OTH REF t 003 Card 2/2 L o4647-67 9.1P (m) /DIT (1) /EWT (m) ACC NR, APbO24005 SOURCE CODE: 0201(66fooc AUTHOR: --Kalinin,, - E,,, J& ~ Larkho) SA c ~ 4. ORG: Moscow Aviation Institute (Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut) TITLE: Alternation of flow and heat exchange under the conditions of artificial turbulization of flow in tubes SOURCE: AN BSSR. /Vestsi. Ser7ya fizika-tekhnichnykh navuk, no. 2.. 1966, 62-164 TOPIC TAGS: heat exchange, turbulent flow, Reynolds number,.turbulent heat tr er ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (Vestsi AN BSSRj. ser. fiz.-mat. navuk, No. 1p 1966), where it was established that the alternation of flow in a smooth tube in the region of critical Reynolds nuinbers, and also in the entrance sections when Be > Recr, causes alternation of the beat-transfer conditions- on the wall of the tube. Since the results of the earlier investigation have shcnvm that most efficient heat transfer is obtained under slight turbulization conditions, the authors have studied the stability of local he-it transfer in the near-critical region In tubes with turbulizers. The artificial turbulizers used were annular dia- phragms of small height on the internal wall of the tube, produced by externally denting the tube with a roller. The degree of reduction of the Inside diameter of, the tube by the diaphragms was 98.3 - 87.5%. The tube was heated with ac. The testa 4 - are briefly described. Comparison of the results with the data obtained for a smooth'-. tube indicatea that in the tube with turbulizer the temperature pulsations are pro- Card 1/2 ACC--N-R-:, ~P_4005 (2 duced at lower Reynolds numbers than in a smooth tube. The saplitudes-of the os tions of the vall temperature In such tubes is larger than in smooth tubes. The range of Reynolds numbers in vhich pulsation takes place is much smaller than in a smooth tube. libe shift and decrease of the maxima of the ImIsatione of the char- acteristics on approaching the inlet to the tube is due to the character of the vari- ation of the alternation coefficient as analyzed in detail In the earlier paper. P Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20, 13/ SUBM DATE: 03Mar66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OMI PXF: 002 kh Lo4649-67 ENP W /9,[T (1) /rAIT /T WW/DJ/JD 020-, ACC NR: AP6024006 S 0 U R C E- ' _C_ -0, D_E_ T1/6Q666/()O"i/o&o75 70 r- AUTHOR: Kalinin~ E. K.; Dreytser, G. A.; Kozlav,, A. K. SIP - - :12, ' ORG. Moscow Aviation Institute (Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut) 97TLE: Intensification of heat exchange in a bundle of tubes with transverse ribs placed in a longitudinally flowing stream SOURCE- AN BSSR. Vestsi. Seryya fizika-tekhnichny!kh navuk,, no. 2, 1966, 65-70 TUPIC r2AGS: turbulent flow, turbulent heat transfer, heat exchange, hydraulic resistance I -I- / ABSTRACT: After explaining the reason why earlier investigations of longitudinal bundles of tubes were not adequate, the authors report an investigatro-n of the possibility of inten~jifying heat exchange in a typical array of tubes fre- quent],ir used in heat-exchange apparatus. The tubes invastigated were provided vith,_ fins. The outside diameter of the tubes was 12.09 mm, and the fins were made of 1 rM Wire spaced approximately 36 mm apart. The bundle consisted of 7 tubes (Fig. 1), of vhich the central one was heated with ac, and the heat was transferred to the other tubes through longitudinally flowing water. The distance between tubes was equal to 1-5 the tube diameter. Plots of the experiTntally obtained heat-transfer coeffi- cients and hydraulic-resistance coefficient4re presented and it is concluded 'A"hat turbulization results in an increasW -ofaboui 40 - 50% in heat transfer. The effect. of different factors on the results are briefly discussed. The estimated reduction in the weight and volume of tbe tube bundle through the use of turbulence is about 25' Card UNUM URMUMKMU :' -I L 04648-67 ACC NRt AP6024006 3 Fig. 1. Experimental as- sembly. 1 - Heated tubei, 2 2 - tube flange plate, 3,4 - inlet and outlet tubes, 5'- housing, 6 current busses, 7 - ther- 0 mometer well, 8 - ribs. kh 0 6 A-A V-j MIMIMUMI~ M . I "O~ ...j U- ;11' Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 7 formulas. 1; SUB COPE 20, 131 SUEM DATE: 03mar66/ wiG mF: oo6/ ovi FxF: oo3 49',MAM;l1;i 01 'V 'U5111 V'UN1 If; U, UM-10 S, I:J 1:1, 1 -111 Tif I III ~N;I I III I 11111F If 1:11.1013 31011 M1111 1111111 d RMIR 141 ;MMIlIft) Lint; I IMINii I A 1`116 IFOR I I 1119190; J 11A 5; 'all 144'r I I L 08136-6z LW(1)/Wp(M) WW- ACC IqRi - CODE:.: UR/0170/661011/00410426/0431 AP6033531 . SOURC13 E *-Yarkhof; A. AUTHOR: Kalinin o , f ORG: A~iation Institute, ~,Moscow: (Ayiatsionnyy institut) - " Prandtl numbers on the effectiveness of heat TITLE: Effect of the-Reynb dy-n nd transfer intensifidation in tubes. 36, 426-431 o-i SOURCE: Inzhenern f t.zicheskiylzhurnal, v. 11, no.4, 196 . . . nsfeio,"g"-,-now, Reynolds number, Prandt1number ..TOPIC 97AGS: heat tra ..ADSTRA CT: , The results are gi f - an'experim ental inveatigation o f the effecl-o- , 3 ~,Jiveness of h~e`at transfer in tubes in the number ranges Re 1. 5 x 10 _105 and Pr w 0. 7-50 by an artificial flow of gases, water, and a water-glycerin mixture. Analysis is given'of the heat -transfer m echainism *under artificial Ltatiori., Orig. art.-,.has:,,4 figures and lJormula. [Based on authors' abstract) PUB COIDE: 20 If SUj3M' 0011 OTH REP: 005/ D ORIG REP .~O~t Gird nist ACC NRt AUTHOR: Galitseyokly.. B. M.; Danilovt Yu* I.; Drayteer" G. A.; KaUnin" E. K,; Koshkin., V. K. ORG: Moscow Aviation Institute (Moskovskly aviatelonqj7 LW"ut) TITLE: Convective heat exchange in a tube untler pulsations of a gaseous heat- carrying medium with frequency corresponding to the second resonant harmonic SOURCE .: AN BSSR. Vestsi. Seryya fizika-tekhnichrWkh navilk, no. 4, 1966, 32-43 TOPIC TAGS: heat exchwWer, heat transfer, heat carrier, thermodyTamic calculation, gas flow ABSTRACT: In view of the limited number of published theoretical and experimental papers devoted to heat exchange under a pulsating flaw, such as would be produced when the heat-carrying medium is pumped with a compressor, the authors investigated the influence of velocity (or presoure) pulsations on heat transfer at high frequen- cies, when the influence of the pulsations of the local heat tran:vfer coefficient is expected to be due essentially to changes in the distributicm of the turbnlent con- ductivity along the radius in a given section of the channel.. The tests were made in an acoustically closed tube at a frequency corresponding to the second resonant harmonicp when a complete standing wave subtended the length of the tube. A criterial relation is derived for the relative heat transfer in wich a ca6 In terms of the Husselts Reynolds,, and Prandt! numbers and the flow par~smeters. The tests were made Card 3/2 ACC NRt fip7OOM79 vith air in a specially calibrated stainless-steel tube heated with low-voltage alternating current. Plots are presented of the distribution of tI)C outside Van temperature and of the gas temperature along the tube., the distribution of the relative heat transfer along the tube for various pressure ratios and various Reynolds numberap the dependence of the relative heat transfer at the nodes and anti- nodes and of the speed of the standing vave on the relative Itarmnle, and the distri- bution of the heat transfer along the standing wave. 2he results sIWw that the res- onant vib:rations of the heat-carrylog medium lead to an approciable increase in the heat tran3fer,, by a factor 2 - 2*3 over the stationary imlve,, OrJS. art. hast 6 figures and 21 formUse MM CODE; 2D,, 13/ ww DATz3 omp66/ onG mwt oo6/ m mwi oo6 Card 2/2 ACC NR, AP7002680 SQUE"CE CODE: UR/O,'.'O AUTHOR: Kalinin, E. K. ORG: Moscow Aviation Institute (Moskovsk1y aviatsionnyy institut) TITLE: Nanstationary convective heat exchange and hydrodynamics in channels (review of liter&ture on single-phase heat transfer media) SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vestsi. 8eryya fizika-tekhnichnykh rAetvuk, no. 4, 10, 44-55 TOPIC TAGS: convective heat transfer., nonsteady flow) transient heat transfer., hydraulic resistance ABSTRACT: This review article is devoted to processes that occur in heat-power in- stal.lations during startupj emergency shutdown, and transients, and Is devoted to a determination of the kinetica of the processes occurring in such systems and means of automatically controlling them. The heat-transfer coefficient,, which is an im- portant f'unction in the calculation of stationary phenomena, is redefined to include nonstationary effects and to procedures for determining the heat -transfer coefficient. and the 17draulic resistance under nonstationary conditions. The article consists of! two parts, one describing various methods of experimerrtally determining the non- stationary heat transfer coefficient and solving the empirical equations that axe derivable from the experimentap and the other devoted -to a Itrocedure for determining i the nonstationary coefficient of hydraulic reeietance,, The various publithed Pro- cedures for these purposes are'briefly summarized and their advantages and dioadvan.- ACC NR: 4kpTO02B80 tages discussed. The article is based on material obtained by a detailed survey of literature on nonstationary heat exchange and hydrotTadcap coiqylled by 1. 1. Berlini G. A. Dreytoeyp V. G. Izosimov,, and the author# Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 38 formLLas. SUB CODE: 2Dp 'am DATzi isaw&l mm mar t wT/ REF: ool, Card 212 PAV:WV, A.; FAKROMDV, X.; LOBACHEVSKIT. S.; SIVNIKOV, B.; KALININ, Y. PooPle of the seven-year -lan. Stroitell no.2:10-11 2 160. OURA 13:5) 1. Ifachalinik otdala truda i zarplaty troata VaGmitostroy (for Sotnikov). 2. Nachallnik Haucbmo-iacladovatellekogo sekiora treats, Magnitostroy (for Lobacherakiy), 3- Brigadir komplekanoy.brigady konschnoy produktaii treat& Mooetroy-17 (for Kalinin). (Construction workers) KALININ, F.D. P Difid d drive for the TL-IW soutching drum. Obm. talc',i, r.,pyt, [11w] no.4:14-15 '56. (Textile machinery) Oflu. 11:10) K&LININ, F.I. Using core and hand electric bite for drilling underiVound boles. Razved.i okh.nedr 26 no.5:26-29 My 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Treat Anzherougoll. (Boring machinery) K�'ILININ, F. L. -3abid -.r7,e c an;N,. A., ~-15 Jkr X9.48. PA 68T85 KALININ, F. L. KALININ, F. L. Botany - Variation Cultrue of isolated seeds as a possible means to mutation in plant3, Trudy Inst. fiziol. rast., 7, No. 2, 1951. Manthl,y JAat of IW�,-gM AqSALq.LoM, Library of Congretys, YArch 1952. UNCIASSIFIED. "AN191 - - - -.1. - --- ..... . XALIIFINv F.L.; VWYUX. P.A., diysnyy chlon., .Vegetativo bybridisation of grain@ by transplanting the embryo growing point. Dov.AN MM no.3:219-224 152s (MU& 6:9) 1. Alcademlya numk Ukrayinalkoyi MIR (for Tlasyuk). 2. lastytut fitiolohiyl roslyn t& ahrokhislyl Akadeulyl nauk UkMinelkoyi MR (for Kalinin). (Orain) Mrbridisatisn, Tonstable) Itit t-MM, gl --ci66netirfe downihia ton of mono. artil disic0lariflOt! l l~ t V l t, t i Ahstrkii,, J wif. i ii,k 3.8' Mimi, 1055, Niw_8Iti4 -Pjuv.~ tie I W ul~-tswj, ~wtljklc ilitki it llak; adil UtO iind g(til tit M. 111'~ lut It 1111,11 auke np t,, 11) ill). Vpt~ ImAvini (in 11tv !wllpl:~ ILA) with It,;'t ka I wiling (Ali it tk,ktve liath fi-r a min., vwk ull.iia jnAe tip -7A) ' 9v:A %% sl1v o-Urti, 11.:,~O. ~tit,j V~Aty4lruj W, tilit-4y. I quo N', V, U.141 K, !I 111ttate wit I .,4i ul;& wA atill 110. N. 1'. an't I~ . [),.t , -~riv ~t i1w (14,;slly Ly dic pt~ cid I-, J,Wvass tv ~st,jil velill'-wtit w ;jl- -1~ I wit. N jilivilit rIIv l') 111 l1will'.1 --nailar Itaij. -1 A wsl)~A it I V It " .1101U! Qf!WM j,%AxkmlLt t2m US 41UIIILF Name a. YAWMg Isdar Dissertations Physiological and biochenaoal features, of the embryonic development of plants; Degrees Doe Biol 301 Affiliations Inst of paysiology of Plmts~ and kgr Chemistryl Aced Sai UkSSR Defense Dal,,el Places 3.1 YhY 56, council of Inst of T&hYsioloa Of Plants imeni Timiryezav, Mad Sci IMP Certif icatipn Date 1 6 Apr 57 Sources BLM W57 i7( 1) AUTHOR: Kalinin, F. L. SOV20-124-3-60/67 TITLEt Some Morpho-Physiological PeculiaTities of Plant ~nbryogenesis (Nekotoryye morfo-fiziologicheekiye osobennosti embriogeneza rasteniy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii neuk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 3, PP 703-706 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The process of seed formation covers the entire period of the embryonic formation of the plant organism. The physiologico- biochemical trend in embryology facilitateD the study of the rules that govern the more intricate interrelations between form and metabolism and which provide a material bai3is for the development of experimental embryology. 'The author uoed tho winter wheat Lutescens 17 (Lyutestsens 17), the summer wheat Arnautka Nemer- chanskaya, and the radish variety Grayvoronskaya to study the peculiarit-Jes,mentioned in the title, of the embryo and endosperm during their formation. The following factors were observed a'. different stages of embryogeneuiss the peouliaritioo at the stage of vernalization at 0 - 3,5, and 120i -zhanges in germiaative capacity; germinative energy; proceso of growth and differentiation into tissues and organs; increase in dry substance; the capacity of Card 1/4 the germ in vitro to grow on simple and complex organic culture 30120-124-3-60167 Some Morpho-Physiological Peculiarities of Plant Embryogenesio media, and finally changes Jn the water contents of the tissues. From the character and the date of the noticeable changes in the embryo 3 different states can be indicated: (1) S t a g e o f t h e p r e p o n d e r a ;:t t f o r m a t i o n o f t h e e n d o a p e r m, laoting to the 7th - 10th day of seed maturation. At this stage; the fiTst call diviuiono take place in the embryo. Cell mass is accumulated, but, there is r-) differentiation into organs. Tie endosperm grows intensively, and 7 - 8 days after pollination, reaches its defirite size; -the tisuues are highly enriched in water. At this atage, the increase in dry substance is insignificant. (2) The p r e p o n d e r a n t. d e v e 1 o p - m e n t o f t h e e m b r y o lasts from about the 7th ~- 10th day to the 17th - 21st day of seed.maturation. In the embryopro- cesses start that lead up to organ differentiation. Towards the end of this stage, the embryo attains about 90~ of its strurtu:ral and biochemical development., Even then the increase in dry sub- stance is low. It is only at this stage that the embryo acquires the capacity of growing and developing, separated from the mother organism, in complex synthetic culture media into a full-grown plant. The endosperm grows little,, the increase in its dry Lubatance Card 2/4 is intensive. The tissue moisture content gradually decreaues. The SOV/20-124-3-60/67 Slome MorphD-Physiological Peculiarities of Plant Embryo&anesia seed is in the "milk" or green stage of maturation. The embryo shols considerable physiological activity. (3) The a % o r i n g o f n u t r i t i v a s u b a t a n c e s lasts from the 20th - 21st day to the completion of seed maturation. In the embryo the differ- entiation processes are completed. It attains its definite size. A marked tissue moisture decrease is accompanied by an inteasive accumulation of dry substance. The isolated embryo is capable of growing on culture media of mineral salts with saccharose. In the endosperm, the prooesses initiated at the ~nd stage continue and are completed. The seed attains its full maturity, it possesses germinative capaoity, and its susceptibility to low temperatures deareaeea again. The two other initially mentioned plant varieties show similar courses of development.-There are 1 figure and 5 refer- ences, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fiziologii ratiteniy Ukrainskoy Akademii sollskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (Scientific Research Institute of Plant Physiology of the Ukxahie Academy of Agricultural Sciences) Card 3/4 l7'(1Y AUTWRz Kalinin, F. L. SOV/220-125-5-55/6i TITLEt rae Periodicity of the Redox Rate of a Plant %bryo During Its Development (Periodichnost' okislitfjl''nogo rezhima formiruyushchegosya zarodysha rasteniy) PIMODIC AL - Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5, PI) 1154-1157 (USSR) ABSTRAM: In the characterization of the redox rate of plant embryos and -endosperms the authcr proceeded from a given adjustment of the living cell to an enfrgy exploitation in small quantities. Those small quantities of energy are necessary for the realization of the processes of synthesis, structure ftmation, and vital action This liberation of energy is based upon gradually proceeding redox processes which reflect the physical and biochemical state of the tissue, the organs, and the organism as a whole. The author occupied himself above all wifh the respiration energy, the activity of oxidative enzyment the value of the redox po-tentie-L, the pH value of the medium, and witL several redox systems. Winter wheat Lutescens (Lyatestserts) '17, summer wheat Arnautka liemerchanskaya and radish served as experimental objects. Figure A represents graphically the variation character of each index of the redox rate Card 1/4 ftthe aflare-mentioned Anter vsheqt. These results (Yigs I : 1,11) show The Periodicity of the Redox Rate of a Plant &bryo, During SOV/2D-125-5-55/61 Its Developmext that the respiration energy of the embryo and the endosperm decreases continuously with the gron-tb of the embryo. This is someilme3an abuptredution. Figure *1 shows furthermore that in the formation of wheit seads the activity of the catalase,peroxiduse, and polyphenolgj~ldase differ -onsiderably from one another. In the first formation period (Figs-1:2,12-) the peroxidase activity increases rapidly and has a high level. The activity of the -polyphenolexidase is, however, nearcely obser,.ed. The oxidative reactions of later stages take place on the whole tinder the influence of polyphenoloxidase (Figs *10,14). Thus, the activity of the two afoxa-mentioned ferments changes in opposite directions. A similar dependence was found in the activity of the peroxidase and catalase, however, only in the endosperm (Figs '1-.4,14). In the fetal part of the seed the peroxidase- and catalase activity proceed in parallel. The variation of the activity of the cytochrome system (characteriatic of organisms with a heterotrophic rutrition character, as is the case with plants during the fetal period) is rather interesting. The cytochrome oxidase activity (Fiirs -10,15) in the embryo and in the endosperm is peculiar during their formation period. It occurs in Card 214 -the endosperm only during the predominating ondosperm development. Mie Periodicity of the Redox Rate of a Plant Wbrjo '.:107/20-125-5-55/61 Ihiring Its Development, in the embryo an well exists then a high cytoebrome oxidase aot-.'Lvity which is roduced rapidly during the prelominating fetal development. In the last stage - accumulation of aupply substances - it is not observed. Thus the aotivity increase of certain enzymes is accompanied its a rule by -the activity reduction or by the complete vanishing of other enzymes in each morphological embryogeresis stage. The mentioned rapid transitions of the activity of individual enzymes to various stages of the embryogenesis confirm the existence of 3 morpho-physiological stages of the fetal development separated by the author. This is a proof that the respiration procesues are qualitatively different in certain stages. The redox reactions are catalyzed here not by one but by several enzyme systems. Dcample3 are given (Refs 4-6, 8-10). The respiration enzyme m-mot be a mixturo, but is bound to be a complex of coordinated redox-enzymes of the cell. The total activity of the dehydrases of the malic-, citric-, succinic., and glutamic acid is gradually reduced in the course of the embryogenesis (Figa It6,10). The redox procosses are in a living cell nisver in equilibrium and are chemically as well as with Card 3/4 respect to energy related to each other (Fifl;s'1:7,16). The The Periodicity of the Redox 1ULte of a Plant Embryo SOV/20-125-5-55/61 Airing Its Development ascorbinic acid and oompounds with hydrosulfide groups play an important r8le in the redox processes.. There are I figure and 10 Soviet references. ,iSSOCIATIM: liauchno-issledovatel'skiy insti-but fiziologii rasteniy Ukrainskoy Akademii sellskokhozyays-tvennykh nauk (Scientific Fesearch Institute of Plant Physiology of the Ukr. Acad,smy of Agricultural Sciences) PIMENTED: October 29, 1958, by A. L. Kursanov, Aeademician MrMTTEDt September 29, 1958 Card 4/4 VLASTUK, Petr Antipovich, akedemi3c; KALININ, P.L.. doktar biolog.nauk. red. Exickmrin5s teaching in the people's service] Plichurinolke vchennia na sluzhbi naroduo Xylve 1960, 79 P, (Tovarystvo dlia , posbyrannia polityohnykh I naukovykh snan' Ukrainalkoi RSR. Ser.4, no.2-3). (MXRA 13:6) 1. Pnzident Ukrainskoy Akademii. sell skokhosyayst7emVkh nauk (for Vlasyuk). (Agricultural research) KAUNTNo F.L. Morphophysiological periodicity in the embryogenesis cT angioslmma. Izv.Aff SSSR, Ser.biol,, no.6:886-908 N-D 160. (MIU 13,111) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fizictlogii rastonlyp Kiyev. (BOTANY--EMBRYOLO(rf) (ANGIOSPEW) KALININ, F. L.; YA8'-;'1-Ui-a31YVICH, -N. I. [ lAstrembovych, 14. 1. Biological characteristics of unripe corn seods, Ula-.but.zhur, 18 m-4:30-37 161. (MM 14:8) 1. Ukrainskaya akademiya se1'skokhozyaystvemi3,kb naul:.. Institut fiziologii rasteniy. (Corn (Mmize)) (Seeds) KALININ, F.L.; SUD'INA, Ye.G. [Sud*ina, O.H.] Fift7i International Biochemical Congress and main problems of the biochemistry of plants. ' 18 no.6:114-118 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Biochemistry--Conf,,resses) ,-KALINI.N, F.L.; YASTREMBOVICH, M.I. Device for determining the energy of plant respiration, Nauch, trudy Ukr.nauch.-Isol,inst,fi.ziol,rast. no.23:34-M 162. (MIRk 16:2) (Plants-Respiration) (Botanical apparatus) TASTRIOMVICHP N.I.;_KALIqINq F.L.; SHAIABAY, M.S. Effect of the nature el' !rt-- - .11sm in stems and reproductive organs on the produict' -:-:- oi vheat. Nauch.trudy Ukr.nauch.- It isel.inst.fisiol. rap-" 162,. 1 KIRA 16s2) (Polesys'ahc1t) (Plants-Metaboli, TASTIUMBOVICHP N.I.; KALININ, F.L. Determining carboWrateo-and soluble nitrog' compounds in a single batch of vegetative material* I Mdy Ukr.naucb.- isel.inst.fiziol.rast. no.23tU9-131 162. (MIPA 16:2) (Plants--Chemical analysis) AAARSHIS, G.I.; KALININ, F.L., prof., rukovoditell raboty Physiological and bio0emical evaluation of promls~ng mibthods for controlling Acroptilon picrin (Fall) Fisch et May. Naucho trudy Ukr.nauch.-isel.inst.fisiol.rast. no.23%157-172 162* (MIRA l6s~) (Ukraine-Centaurea) (Ukraine-Weed control) LOBOVj, V.P.; KALININ, F.L.; LEPPIll L.A. Studying the effect of 77 different vubstancem on Acroptilon picria. Nauch.trudy Ukr.nauch.-iosl.i:nst.fizi~i.-t-ast. no.231 173-183 162. 4 (MMA 1632) (Acroptilon) (Herbicides) SEMENOVP A.G.; KALININ F.L.,prof., rukovoditell raboty Physiological principles of the application of beirbicides together with ferti3izers, Nauch,trudy Ukr.naucb.-do3l.inot. q! fiziol.rast. no.232184-199 162. (MIRA 1~s2~1 (Herbicides) - (Fertilizers and mamures) ii VLASYUK, P.A,, qkademik, otv. red.3 MANORIK, A,V.[I-Iznory):, A.V.J, kand. biol. nauk, red.; OKANENKO, AI.S., doktor biol. nauk, red.; OSTROVSKAYA, L,K.[OatrcvB'ka, L.K.), doktor biol. nauk,, red.; K doktor biol. nauk,, m,d.; PROT~ENKO, D.P.,, prof., reid.; KAPITANCIM, V.A., nauchn. sotr., red.; BLANINA, L.F., rid.; LAPCHENKO, MI., telchn. red. [PhyBiological and biochemical principles underlying in- crease in the productivity of plants] FizIologo,.-biokhImicho& osnovy pidvyshchennia produktyvnostl roslyn; pratSi. Kyivp Derzhsillhosp,rydav UPZRv 1963~ 458 p_ - (MIRA 16.10) 1. Ukrains'ka Respublikans1ka naukova konferentniia nolo- dykh uchenykh v haluzi fiz;ologii roslyn, let, 1962. 2. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR I Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sellsko- khozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Vlanyuk). (Plant physiology) (Plants, Cultivatef) ,KALjjj�..XA&; ZMLYUK, V.M. Physiological and biochemical changes 'An winter rape during the transItion to the reproductive development under the influence of gibberallio acid. Ukr. bot. zhur. 20 no.2:14-20 163. (MIRA 1616) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno.-iseledovatellskiy inatitut, fiziologii raotAniy. (Gibberellic acid) (Rape(Plant)) (Plant physiology) LOBOVY V.P.; KALININ, F.L. Nature of physiological changes in monocotyledons and dicotyledons under the influence of herbicides. Ukr. bot. zhur. 20 no.3:19-24 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy AN UkrSSR. KALININ, Fedor LeonVyevich, vrof.; BELOUSOVA, O.M.fBialmusavaj O.M.), --, ----f6depe NEMCHENKO, I.Tu., tekhn. red. (Plant growth regulators] Reguliatory rostu roslin. Kyiv., Derzhsillhospvydav URSR, 1964. 47 P. (MIRA 17:3) KALINUI, F. L "Concentration arid potentlul gradients betwcen embryo and eniloq)erm t1souen e factor of embryogenesis." report submitted for 10th Intl Botanical Cong, Edinburgh, - I 1- 2 Aug, 64. AS UkSSR, Kiev. KALINEN., F.L. [Plant growth regulating oubetanceal Rohulintol-i rofitu roslyn. Kyivf D2rzh. vyd-vo eel Islitoliospodaralkoi lit- ry URSR, 1964. 47 p. (RIHA 17-9) VLAS.'UK, P.A., akaderikp otv. red.; OKMEMO, A.S., doktor biol. nauk, red.1 MANORIK, A.V.p kand. biol. nauk, rad~; MJ1111111Y F.-L,p doktor biol. nauks red.; PROTSUIRO, D.P., Olct~'r"` biol, nauk, red.; SIROCHENKO, I.A.p dokior sellkhoz. nauk, red.; KAPITANCHUK, V.A., red.; ANDRIYOUX, M.D. red. (Photosynthesis and cror yields] Fotosintez i produktiv- nost' rastenii. Kiev, Naukova dur-ka, 1965. 2610 p. (MIRA 18if)) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Irstytut fiziologii roslyn ta agrokhimii. "),UMA! -KAV~ , ~,i 1'. 1 Siminte I kil, V.V. J-, K A LIN IN ~ F.!,, Addinp 2,4 d'nhloropheno., anid to ferk'llizerg ~,.n *U