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KAFArtcv.; , --~ , :,,, SaFtonnal and nge-reLated anempp in *.hO'7nGr"J")lR'0r,:n under tho conditions of the hot. olarata of Alzorteill .Pin. .1 av. AN Azerb.S.9R.,S'or.bin].natik no.54103-.11)8 16/,. (MIRA 1814) MAWDOTI, Shainkhal, K)LFAROVA, M.I.j RZAY'EV, A.S.; A%FAAT,'SYAN', E,A. Y . Glycol. ethers nnd their doirivRtivea. Aver-b, khf:m. zhur. nc',1141~-49 165. OMIRA 18M 1. Institut neftekhImicheskikh profsasso7 AN AvorSSII, t 124o1-63 EWP(J)/Z"(0)/&4T(m)/BM RNIEWTANIM ACCESSION NR.- AP3001668 AUTHOR: Kuliyev, A, M. Ze-yn-a-lova. G. A.: Abdinq A!. B -j K Suleymanava, F. G.; Mamedov, M, TITLE: Preparation of multifunctional additive'basei D11 C011-tiinnation'Pirod~6ts th formaldehyde (I --kylphenol wi SOURCE: Kh-imL i tekhnologiya top3iv i zasel'^120-6 j-963~1 A-28 ya f oi-xulda illt~liphenal TOPIC TWS: Fuel additives, phyaicochendeal propertieis;f hyde; ABSTRACT: The investigation of a maltifunational ad(al,hive ~Isy - tho Conde isation ; cis Areaction of formaldehyde with alky3phenol and its cotq)~Arisq~% im other lei tjLng \additiven has been completed. In the process of inv*41bigatiora it was e6tablished that the use of highly effective multifunctional aadjd t~hres Jn ifte .116 i1ore! economical and since all the funct'.onal groups are Sx1J1Tf;n--GE0td into 6 'a utoiecule, ni the elimination of these additives is rapid as a resialib of ita cheinicaX ixitpr- I action with the metals at contact or adsorption to tkd 130t4l. iturface. ' 1'he .,Ad bazium salt of tho coll4susatil.oili composition of the synthesi7 ; alkylpheliol and formaldehyde products (BFK)Nith other cotabination addlLtivao: ahowed thaj-, thi? BFK additive is more siu-p-e-r-ror to other additives. It preva*tm corro3ioii of'the Card 112 L 12401-63 ACCESSION KRt JLP30OW)8 ae*s'edi~els containing as much as 1.2% of sulfur in tilair loomposition~' ~!nd to a large extentimpr -Tes -its -.wetting- ability_- An- industrial p~(Wjuatian *,C WK,basee on the original data has been proposed. Origo art# ha413 talbles. ASSOCIVION: 33(W AN AZ83H smn*m: oo DATE ACQj- Oajuj6!, ENCL3 100 SUB CODE: none NO mw sot , 000 OTIM 0001 Card 2/2 KAFANOVA, V.V. ---r, Ecology of Oreoloucieus potanini Warp. (Cypj,jnid!to, Pisces). Vop. skol. 5:94 162. (KRA 16;6) 1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Kuln-koll, Lako-Oreoloucisus) 8/593/60/000/000/001/007 D204/ 301 AUTHORS: Maltsev# V.P., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, &9~ZA, Yu.N., and Shinkarevap V*Ye# TITIE: Photocolorimetric determination of 11 in high-alloy steels SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po khimicheskomu kontrolyu. proizvodetva v metallurgicheskoy i metalloobrabatyvayushchey proutyahlen- nosti. Dnepropetrovsk, 1958, Khimicheskiy kontrollproiz- vodstva v metallurgicheskoy i metalloobr,abatyvayushchey promyshlennosti; [doklady soveshchaniyaj (Dnepropetrovsk] 19600 86 - 90 TEXT; The following procedure was developed owing to the lack of a convenient method of analysis for P in the presence of other al- loying elements in steels. The steel sample (1 g) lo dissolved in 20 ml of 1 t 1 conce HC1 and HV0 3' the solution is heated oxidized with 50 ml of 4 % KMnO 4 # boiled, cleared with 10 - i2 ml H01 and di luted to 100 ml in a vol. flask# Two 10 mi portions are put in co-: Card 1/2 3/593/60/000/000/001/007 Photocolorimetrie determination of D204/D301 nical flask, neutralized with 1 : 1 NH 4OHt acidified with 6 ml Holl ( 1.055)p treated with 2 ml aq, CuSO 4 (9-435 g salt + 7.5 ml conc, H 2s04 + water to 1 1) and with 20 ml of 7 % thiourea solut- ion. One sample (a blank) is made up to 50 ml and tne other mixed with 2 ml of 10 % aq* ammonium molybdate (dropivise) and diluted to: 50 Ml. Absorption coefficients are then measured, vrith a red filter on 5 cm. columns of solutionB# The overall determination requires 1 40 - 45 min. A calibration curve was prepared from atandard samples and P determinations were carried out by the above and volumetric methods, in a number of steels, obtaining excellent agreement. The, results are tabulated. There are 4 tables and 3 Soviet-bloc refe- rences. ASSOUIATION; Veesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'okiy trubnyy institut (All-Union Scientific liesearch Inetitute of Tubes) Card 2/2 IULITSITP V.1-F.; icind. kbim. nauk; KAFA.,,.OVA, YU,N., lw-,h. ~ - --.- ~ - - '. -- - ' 'I Excluding the effect of chror"Lium in the photorolori:*tric method of determining phosphorus in steel arO alloys high in addition elements. Proizv. trub no.10:119-121 163. (~aRA 17;10) KAFAROW, A. G. FWjuid PrzedluzmW zywataose odviertow naftovych. 80: Oil WoUs, by Z* Onyszkiewiczo PWSZq Wanavj 1955p Vaclassified. ,,, -;- -r, r-at r n 1S. . KAFARLW.-W.; FUCHMAN, L. "Optimal operative corylitions of pack(A rectiWnp coltmins." Tr. rron thr R119sian. (To be contd.) P. 273. (NAFTA, Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov 53, P:rakaw) "Technical progress and research institutes in the U. SR.11 3). 275. (LAFTA, Vol. 9. no. 11, Nov 53, Krakow) SO: Monthly List of East European Acceiasions, Vol 3 No 6 Library of Congress Jun 54 Uncl. -,A F- - 1~ ..... ... - ,4; . KAFAROWI I .; ELACIU'.Ml~ L. "Conditions for optimal operation of prjc~ed rectifying colmns." Tr. from the Russian. (Conclusion) p. 297. (L&FTA, Vol. 9, no. 12, Dee 53,, Krakow) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions) Vol 3 No 6 Library of Congress Jun 54 Uncl - LA-MINETZ5, N F. - FAYARSKAYA. D.G. New fleas from Tajikistan. Zool. zhur. 40 no.~~:1423-1427 S '61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Research Anti-Plague Institute of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Stavropol, and Tajik Anti-PlaFue Station, Stalinabvd. (Taj1k1stan--Fleas) IEVEN, E.Ya.; Y-WAKSKIY, A.Fh. Age of effusive and terrigenous formations :1-n the northern Famirs. Iz,.r. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 30 no-5:115-120 M.-I 165. (MIRA 0 1. Geolrogicheslir institut AN SSSR, Moakva, gicheskoye upravloniye. 18: 'Aa&zhikskoye goolo- --P R., red.; RASaVShAYAj, T.y GUSEYNOV, A.G.; AGAYEVA, Ch Kh:; KAFARZA C, red. izd-va; NASIROV; N , f~kkl-u~. red. (Badamly mineral water)Badamlinskaia minerallnaia voda. Baku, Azerneshr 1962. 21 p, (MIRA 16:1) (;RMBUZ DISTRICT-KRIERAL WATERS) K&rFAkR-ZADz7. R. A . F~AFAR-ZADEO R. A. - "The Treatment of Chrottic Dystroph:Lc ljouty Arthritis with Sunzakhany Sulfur-Water Paths.* ,zerbay-d:L1== S~,ate Institute. Bakus 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Cwuiulate in Medical Sciences.) So; Knizhaya Letopis' No 3, 1956 KADYK)VA, ItAh,, ktind. mod. natak, KAFAVZOP, B.A., knild. med, nauk Changes in the morphology of periphoral blowl undiw rhe conditions of Adzhikend Health Resort area. SWr, trud, Azerb. nauch.-issl. inst. kur. i fiz. metod. 119ch. no.9~ 128-131 163. (FIRA 18-.8) ILIEV, Angel; KAFEDZEIVI, Stoiu Some guidelines and the problem of personal nwterial interest in enterprises. Durvomebel prom 7 no.ltl3-17 Ja-F'1'4 1. lkcnomisti pri DIP "Furnir -Parket", Sofila. PCL.QM/Microbiology - Sanitation Microbiology. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 67212 F-4 Authar : Kafel, S. Inst Title : A Notation to a Project on M, ianging an Ins L!mjction for Meat Evalwition in Salmonella Infectioa. Orig Pub : Med. weteryn., 1957, 13, No i, 16-pi Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 15 - CA TRD 1/3 A.Bc. 101JR. 14891 A P-S T RA 0 T carrier state without evirlence of sickness. In the bacterial investi5-mtion Of de3Ld fowl and those which were sacrificed because thev were sick or experimentally bLfeoted, S. ty- jum was recovered from th0 liver, -11, It was not found in ths tj%ou~flj and feces. musole6. The anthora abtV:DA1t0 this tO tb'D relatively rapid (not lontrer Wmn 6 hours) evisceration of the dead and bacrifiCed birds. The experiments of the artificially infected CA -RD 2/3 r, A KAFEL, Stnnislaw(Pulavy) . ---l- - 7 - Observations made on the course of experimemtal mIxed infectlons In cases of oalmonellosis of various types. Roim naak roln wet 70 no.1/4.'413-4U 160. (EFAI 10z9) (SalmoneUosia) KAM, Stanislaw (Pulavy) VeterinW hygienic restrictions in tberapeatic aUempts at uninto, bacterlophages In canes of recidivo adIxomelloula in pigs. Roes nAnk roln vat 70 no.1AIA21-P-2 160- (UAI 100) (Swine) (Salmonallosis) (Baetibriopbage) IMLI, I.Ye. (Kiyev, Bankovskmyn u1., d.12. kv, 15) Anatomy of lyaphatic vesnals of the exterior my#- umveles. Arkh.sinnt.gist. i embr. 35 no-3:80-82 My-Je 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Knfedra normallno antitomiii (zav. -chlwa-korlwipondent ANN SSSR prof. D.A. Zhdnnov) LeningrAdskogo snnitmrno--GLj.lyeniche9kog* meditainakogo inatituta. (KUSCIES, OCULOMMOR, anat. & hintol. lymphntic vansels of exterior muse,, (Rue)) (LYMPHATIC TAOMM of exterior eye vrunc, (Rus)) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITXfIOlf SOV/4538 Kaferigauz., Aleksandr Petrovich Sinteticheskiye penoplaoty i poroplaoty (Synthetic Fcam and P*rous Plastics) [VIAAimir] Vladimirskoye kaizhnoye izd-vo, 1959. 56 P. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: S.M. Ballcheva; Tech. Ed.: L.P. Leonava. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The booklet describes in popular terms the characteristics,methods of production, and uses of different types of foam and porous plastics. The work compares the properties of foam plastics with those of traditional building materials and points to the advantages of the fbmeroiler the latter. A table is provided listing the physical properties (heat conductivity, volume weight, com- pression resistance, working temperatures, etc.) of tbe main types of hard-fos"d materials. The author cites Professor A.A. Berlin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, as an outstanding authority in the field of plastics. There are no references. C ard - ILi-- t V11 I.; 'i I oil? nO i 0, pg 0'. 21 v ERIE VIE hi fiff H 1 1.1 Ej ~ i t. oil r v A c Jk q. E -r- A r u 5~ ev, P. -S, ali 33.t g rS I O'E r pa to E gg rf i t: 54 Card 7 1 -11IMP ld,l 7 N, N.R: 3 C U-r las I, -,Te nn C. oy no. 1.146, 13-15 M PI C phcsphorcus, crgan5Lc polywor, Phosphoryl grn-jr, R r, L rLW, E zeacicns of 4ydrox -ba4uvivg ollgomern w y1 Ith eetors oL" johcsphoriv acid wmr- Tho o-P d! R11 vhol-c- R=H, C111.1p CiL CU. RoiW.1071 prc,ductd] wir-) frTmad at, tile poll- oqn tAlil 1:43 :1, L 53671-65 ACCESSION I P. 1S5009312 tabulated. Phoiphorizing af,-ent,S IL!I!Qd Im th-3 'eW~ul wer-o tiw~ oq,~Ih~:ivawm- bon:- i-lu, DVY, W', r'lic, X I L 002 Jul! D.1-11"; Card 2,/2 L 2266-66 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/RWP(J)/T - RPL PH/WW ... ..... ACCESSION NR: AP5022221 UR10191/65/000/00/00VI/0016 678.664 AUMOR: Kafengauz, A. P.; Kafengauz, 1 Murashov4s Vo 1% TITLE: Pol urethanes from polyethers. Rigid polyurathar4 IttjjMg:1_. SOURCE: Plastichaskiya massy, no. 9, 1965, 13-16 TOPIC TAGS: polyurethane, foam plastic ABSTRACT: Polyurethane foams were prepared by two methods: (1) h3i the "prepolymeer" method, in which polyethers are first reacted ulth a 41mall amowlt of diisocyanate, then the additional diisocyanate and the o4talysitsl, emulsifters~ and porosity regulators are added, and (2) the single-stage,~mothq!d* in which4ll: the components are combined at the same time. The procedurmo emolqyed in tho preparation of rigid foams by the single-stage method and oll* rigid and semirigid, foams by the "quasi-prepolymer" method are described. The quasi-1priepolymers were synthesized from polyhydroxypropylenehexols. Results of tat,i:s utj9d for seloctino: the catalysts are given. The effect of the p1l of olipwrs~ on tho duration of foaming and "setting" of the foam was determined. The physteochoitical propeetien Of certain "quasi-prepolymers" and the physic oniech&nicmtl priipertion of rigid Card L 2266-66 - - ----- ........... ACCESSION NR: APS022221 foams obtained by the quasL-prepolymer wthod are tahulat.044 ogig. art& han 6 tables. 1 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB Capp... vvr,i ac NO REF SOV: 000 013LER: 014 1 Card 2/2 L 2169-66 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/Z'dP(J)/T/VdA(c) RM ACCESSION NR: AP5024499 UR/0191/65100i)lol()"I(ioii/ooi~I 678.664-496 AUTHOR: Kafengauz, A. P.; Inokhodova, A. A.; KondratIpliva, V. I TITLE: Elar-tic polyurethane foams i SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 10, 1965, 11-13 TOPIC TAGS: foam plastic, polyurethane, oligomer, elast~clty ABSTRACT: The proposed synthesis of elastic polyurethaqe~!;rbamp is based 6n I the formation of a partially cross-linked prepolymer havin .n hig1ter molecular 9! weight than 11hat of the prepolymers usually used. The pre IAymer is synthq.-~izejf P! .;I in t o stagus. th-:! polyetherisocyanate is prepared by reactimig, to~jjLeiq~dftUai- natVA i .,(TDI) and propylene oxide oligomer (NCO:OH molar ratto of;1. 05:1) for'll hours at 901-7. The polyetherisocyanate is then mixed with MtditioMl TDI while maintaining pH of 5-5. 6. The desired amount of crosslinkagr4.~ in this prepolymei, is contrulled by- -;J. 3cosity measurements. The polyurethane foam is made by vigoroualy agitating the prepolymer for 10-20 seconds withun aqNtE-DUS catal. St y Card I / 2 L 2169-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5024499 solution containing a surfactant, pouring Into a form and 6ring jor 2 hours rit 60C. The 2, 4-isomer of TDI and 65/35 mid 80/20 mixtureiii,of 214 and 2, 6.ijsome~s of TDI were tried-, the product of TDI 80/20 gives the best physWal-mechankal properties. A mixture of tertiary amines or a mixture of IIertlavy amine tind organotin catalyst is suitable. Polyoxypropylenetrtol havh,,ig a roolecular w(Jight of about 3000, or mixtures of such triol with diols havingro a moWcular weigfit off about 2000 as the oligomer, give a product with the highei;f; indices. Orig. art. has, 3 tables ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 NR REF SOV: 001 Card 2/2--- ENCL: 00 OTHER: 007 ACC NR-. O*LL: UR/oa3/66,/bo0/bll/C03/O073 DMITORS: Samigulin, F. K.; Kafengauz, 1, 14,; Kafongauz, A0 P. ORG: none TITLE: A method for obtaining noncombustible polyesters. Glass 39, No. 182330 Zannounced by Vladimr Scientific Research Institute of Sp)thatic Resins (VladiMir3kiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut aintotichookikh snol)-7 SOURCE: Izobrotoniya, pronVahlennyyo obraztsy, tovarnyyo znnki, no. 3-1, 1966, 73 TOPIC TAGS: resin, synthetic material, polyester, polyester,, polyinor, phosphorus compound, hydrogen ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining noncombustible polyesters. The method involves treating heated polyoatera (containing terminal hydro.xyl groups) with chloral. To enlarge the assortment of noncombustible polymeraj, pho5phorun-containing polyesters with active hydrogen at the phosphorus atom are used as the original polyesters. To increase the thermal atability of the chloral- ated polyesters, the latter may be heated at the temperature of 85-9W in a vacuum, SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 21Apr65 0Y Card 1/1 UDGs 678o85: WENGAUZ, B. B 6 Iron Tridustry and Tr,,ioe - Ural MountAin Region. Serious inadequacies of a b,)ok on the history of Ru3ni.An mimifaelluring ("History of the Demidov industries in the 18th and 19th centuries; a study in the history of Ural metallurgy, Reviewed by F. Polyanskiy, Vop. ekon, No. 11, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Mmy 1~52, Uncla3sified. KAYAMAUZ, Berngard Boriflovioh; USTYUGOT, N.V.,, dokfor intor. nauk, owet-st- _0 vennyy red.; TROITSkIT,, SoX., red. lzd-va; 141MOT112, SoG., te)dui. red. [Russian home market during the first half of the 16th eentury; based on Russian oustome rooordel Ooherki vtmtreunago rynkEL Rossii pervol poloviny 17111 veka; po materinUm vmtrannikh tawshon. Moskra, Izd-vo Akad, muk SSSR, 1958. 353 po (mru 11:7) (Bassia-commerca) NEMCHINOV, V.S., akademik, otv. red.; KA GAIJZ,-B~B.., red.; KLDOIKO, K.I., red.; MINTS, L.Ye., red.; OBLCV51aY, Ya.A., read.; PASHKOV, A.I.t red.; FROBST, A.Ye., red.; SOROM, G.M., red., U,UP1113, B.TS... red.; KHMIYAKOV, A.I., red. izd-va; VOLKOVA, V.Ye., tekhn. red. (Problems of the national econonW of the U.S.S.R.; on the 61,;tb birthday of Academician Stanislav Gustavoviab Sti=i1inIvoprosy narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR; k 85-letiiu akadectika. Stanislava Gustavovich Strumilina. Moskva,lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. 1962. 417 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdcleniye ekonoinicheski1cho fi-losofskikh i prevovykh nauk. (Strumilin, Stanislav Gustavovich, 1877- ) (Ecorzmics) KIMITSK.TY, Z.S.,- LITSEV), H.L. Scale formation and pressure conditions in twbular beat exchangers. Kons. i av. prom. 16 no.11:11-12 N 161. (RIVA 14:11) 1, Froyektno-konstruktorokiy 12stitut avtorntizatsii proizvodst7annykh proteessov i pishchevoy promyshlennosti (for Klevitskiy, Kafengauz). 2. Ukrainakiy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut konservnoy promyshlennosti (for Malltoev). (Heat exchangers) t. Ll-gnF, 2f -b8 with entwivs of, phoa*irU acid were studl-ld. The rlclye-a'orv tmmA 011. -H- 01 chi ovox. t.~-!_t9me tintent -,f I- ~t i o iv., Mrd r L 4 N .-,"T -'C'i CY, r -ard ETV?(m)/EPF(c-)/EWP(J)/T L 2266 .. ........ --RPL -66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022221 UR/0191/65/000/0~9/006i*016 678.664 AUTHOR: Kafengauz, A. P.; Kafengauz 1. Murashova, V.11. TITLE: jolyurethanes from polyethers Rigid polyurethane faM_ SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1965p U-16 TOPIC TAGS: polyurethane, foam plastic ABSTRACT: Polyurethane foams were prepared by two methods;: (Ij~ J~y the Wi tit prepolymer" method, in which polyethers are first react04 a small aato~;nt of diisocyanate, then the additional diisocyanate anti the catalysts, emleifiers and porosity regulators are added, and (2) the single-stalle met1lod, in which, ail the components are combined at the same time, The procedvres jildixXoyed in the preparation of rigid foams by the single-stage method and of rtilid and semicigid foams by the 11 quasi- prepolymer" method are described. Tho quatil-prepolymtro synthesized from polyhydrox)rpropylenchexols. Results of tacts meed. for sojecting the catalysts are given. The effect of the pit of oligomeWd on Itbe duration of foaming and "setting!' of the foam was determined. The phynicadhomical prog-erttes of certain "quasi -prepolymers" and the physicomechanical propetties of rij;id Card L 2266-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022221 foama obtained by the quasi-prepolymer method are tabulate(14 0d1j. art, Milt 6 tables. q ASSOCIATION: none SLMMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 MTP 00 Sim NO REV SOV: 000 OTHER: 014 4 jr Card 2/2 ACC NR: IP602W9 SOURCE COX: UR/0413/66/000/011/0073/0073 INVENTORS: Samigulin, F. K.; Kafengauz, 1. 14.; Kafongauz, A. P. ORG: none TITLE: A mothod for obtaining noncombustible polyostors. CUss 39, 110. 182330 fannounced by Vladimir Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rosins (Vladimirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sintotichoskikh SX0010 SOURCE: Izobretoniya, promyshlennyyo obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no, 11, 1966, 73 TOPIC TAGS: rosin, synthetic material, polyester, polyester, polymer, phosphorum compound, hydrogen ADSMICT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining nonconbustible polyesters. The method involves treating heated polyesters (containing terminal hydroNyl groups) with chloral. To onlarGo tho assortment of noncombustible polymors, phosphorus-containing polyesters with active hydrogen at the phosphorus atom are used as the original polyesters. To increase the thermal stability or the chloral- ated polyesters, the latter may be heated at the temperature of 85-90C in a vacuum. SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 21Apr65 I SOV/96-59-3-16/21 AUTHORS: Ylafengauz, Candidate of Tfsc~a-iical Science;;3 bo_cEadrov, i,;ngineor ITITIE: The Influence on Heat Transfer to Water of the Ho~igtit of the Rectangular Cross-Section of a Ghannel (Vliy,-Lniye vysoty ploskoy shcheli na teplootdixchu k -vole) PERIODICAL:Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 5~ pp ?6.-?8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The tests were made on special equipment designed to study high rates of heat-transfer to water below the boiling point and contained in a flattened tube. A schematic diagrain of -the equipment is q;iven in 2ig.1 and a sketch of the experimental tube in Fig.2. The latter were seamless nickel, 3.6 mm, diameter urith a wall thickness of 0.15 mm. which were sultlably pressed to give rectangular cross-section over a worIcLr.-- section of 50 mm, length. The outsides of the 'Gube were plazed with copper but on one side only over tv-[ie working sac~tion, Here the thickness of the copper was such that when electric current was passed I.-O-hrough. the tube not less than nine-cenths of all the heat was released in the Card 113 copper layer. In fact the copper was --.bout twice as ~30V/ Per) is accompanied by Card 1/2 UDC: 536.244 KkFFYA . Imre Organizing the transportation of conmralal goods by means of mathematical methoda.':.Kozlekfjd kozi 20 no.37:612-614 13 S 164. KAFFKA. K. Regulation by means of radjoistopes of technological parameters inside the walls of a closed vessel. P. 127. (MERE-3 ES AUTOMATIKA) (Budapest, Hungary) Vol. 5, no. 4, 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 1958 T, oZO, ea Elel r7,.iznmjr!;ri olf radioisotorx23 in witomatic control. 1). 3364 ..ont'l,ly Li-t of .~~t Europ?an Atc--~31cns (ZEAl), IL, Larc!!. JAKY, Miklos; KAFFKA Karoly The use of radioactive isotopes in the analynio of the products of the vegetable oil induBtry. Elelm ipar 13 no.11033~-337 N '59. 1. Novenyolaji, es Haztartasbegyipari Kutato Intezet. Kaffkaq K,j Szeplakyj, M. Molecular distillation apparatus with contimms revolving plate. P-37h 14AGM K!NMSOK LAPJA. (Magyar Kemikusok Egyamlete) Budapest. Hungarr. VoLlh, no.9, September 1959 M ntUy List of East European Accessions (EEAI) Us Val.8, no.11 NoSve~r 1959 Uncl. KAFFKA, Karoly; ORIENT, Otto Application of radioactive absorption methodii in measurement and control tasks in the food industry. Elelm ipar no.10: 289-293 0 160. 1. Kozponti Elelmiazeripari Kutato Intozat. KAFFKA, Karoly Report on the activity of the WorkLng Group for ldean%Lmment and Control Technology at the Central Research Institute of the Food IrLdu3try. Elelm ipdr 15 no.11:321-323 N 161. SZILASK& UUMEN, Magda; $ZECHENYI, Laszlonej XAFFKA, IC&rolyj ROSE, Pour, technikal munkataro mIN06MI4,641, New methods for explaining the mechanism of difftsion in came of plaatic foils* Ilelm ipar 16 n0.111330-338 10 162. 1e Kozponti Klelmiszeripari Kutato Inteset (faT Szechmayip KaffkA and Rose). 2. Budapenti Haszaki F47atem ElelmLszerNemiai Inteute (for Sailasne Nelemen). Vi~!-Yl, Erm), K141KA, har~)ly Atlt,~-,MtttlOO In continuovi owip livitallittiolts, Elolm ipar 17 no.5%165 167 My ~ 63. 1. Albortfalvai Vegyigyar on Kozponti Eloilmiazeripail Kutato I ntezet . 0 : . -, - A. - 'IT r Ir rv, ( ri::at A irst Ac---i-icnts) Orm r dirp "n7blenn, arl .--1rCj)1F1~7S 17 :,a . : Ccrtact", P. -108, (VI11-,C C f'AG, Vol.. 2, 1;c. 4, A.-ril D ("Ivicrt, '~,-rgmry) "C: "Orthly List (T Fast Furopear, Au:o,:*,sir T-s (F Al ), I !-'o1 Varoh 1955, Urcl. NTIRO, Cyula, dr.; KAFFKA, K&r*ly, g. a.; ZSOMBOK, Oy*rd7, dr. 'iro Now Hungarian elec -convulsor an4 stimulator, Upwrimental &n4 clinical data on the physiology or electro-Aimmlation, Ideg. ssemle 8 no.1:6-12 79b 55. 1. A Budapesti Orrostudoewyl Tastes Ilme-es IlIsWagrassati Klinikajan koslemenys (lg&Wto L Vyiro Oynla dLr. ag),ot. tanar). (IMTROTHVIAPT, appare & instruments now electroshock & stimulator appar., technic & exper. & clin. applications (Run)) ZSOMBOK, Gyorgy. dr.; KATMA. Karoly. g. a. The so-called striction effect of the electric cwm6at. Data on the pathophysiolody of electroshook therapyo Idag, oseals 8 no.4.-121-124 Aug 55. 1. A Budapestl OrvostuAosanyl, ]&atom 311ma- as IdeWogyassati Klinikajanak kosleverq* (igaggatoL Mytro Gyula dro asysto tan")@ (SHOCK THZU". Imme, inj. off. striction off. on brain tissue Num)) (ISUIN, pathol. striction off. on brain tissue In slectic: shock tber. (11un)) NTIRO, Gyula, dr.,; ZSOKBOK. Worgy,dr.,; KLFFKL. Karoly. '-.1'.....I. I 1~ , ~~ J~ , Resuscitation of electric shook victims by slectrodtimulAtor. Orv. hetil. 96 no.41:1136-1137 9 Oct 55, 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Igyatem Xlme- an Idegkortani V-inikajanak (Igazgato: Ifyiro Gyula dr. agyat. Tanar) kozlememye. (TINCTRICITY. injurious effects high voltage electric shock, renusCitMiOn by slactrostimulator) (XLBCTROTHEIAPT electrostimulator resuscitation in high voltage electric shook) MMGAr,Y/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries K-1 Processec and Apparatus for Cherpical, Technology Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Kh1miya., No 4., 1957) 14149 Author : Kaffka Karoly Title : Equipment for the Production of Vacuum Orig Pub : Olaj, s=pl)v-n) ko=etika, 1956; majusjuniw, 19-26 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 6 - NTIRO, Oyula, dr., egyatemi tanar; XAFM. Kar:01=Y,pojzmeraok tiidomanyos munkatars. WIM Relations between the effective forms of faradising medical instruments used in neurology and psychiatry and their effects on the organism. Ideg. esemle 9 no.5:134-138 Oct 56. 1. A Budaposti Orvostudomanyl 1gyetom Blue- as Idegrjogyassati Klinikajanak kozlemenyo (Igazgato: Nyiro. Oyula, dr, egyatemi tanar). (SHOCK THIRAPT, ELECTRIC. appar. & instruments faradizing Instruments, biol. off, of various types of currents (11un)) KHFKA Kar 1 Some questions relating to the effoot of eleotric abomkj, Munkavedelem 6 no*7/9%20-23 960* KAFFKA, Karolyp okleveles gepeszmarnok., tudomanyos munkatare Signs of electric shock on human body and the most rac(int reviving facilities, Villamossag 11 no&10:298-306 0 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi. Egyetem 11nichiatriai KlInika, >r, VYIRO, Gyula, dr.; FOIUTADI, Ferencp dr.; FARTOS~ Viilrxiaj dr.; YA FOM.' Karoly..'-- Treatment of neuro-endocr4- syndromes with t:ranscerebral electric stimulation. Ideggyogy. azemle 17 no.1:142 Ja164 -1 Testing plate he-!t 'n,*. f6r.-mil lhe point of view c~f e,)r. t 0 tl' 'I t 1 57 FT64 1. Cent-ral Rescaro~! r-.,., ani Food Tndustry r;--d P-n .--L:. J~J(JRFE-St. KAFFKA, Karoly; GYORGY, Zoltan; VAMOS, Tibor, dr.,,R17TM, Jhdrej KARKU5j --____?e-_?6ht1T-BORC11ISSZA, Gyulap dr.; BUJTAS, Laszlo, dr,; BUJUS, Lanalo, dr.; EDELENYI, Laszlo; BM, Tames, dr.; T=E, Hlklodi, dr.;WAR, Inre; KE.RECSENYI, Gyorgy; GMIGER, Gyorgy; VARGA, Isti-an. Present state-and perspootives of the atatonation in ther food industry. Elelm ipar 18 no.203-36 Ft64 1. Committee on Measuring and Control Techniquep Scientific Association of the Agricultural and Fbod Industry, Ekadapeat (for Kaffka). 2. Directorate of Instrment Industr7, Hinistry of Metallurgy and Machine Industryq Budapest (for Oyorgy). 3. National Committee on Technical Dwelopment,, Badapest (for Vanos). 4. Central Committee of Automation, BWapest (for Ritter). 5. Secretariat of Automation.. Kinistry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry, Badapeat (for Markus). 6. 14in- istry of Food, Budapest (forBojtaw).7. Technical Department Ministry of Foodo Budapest (for Alpar). KAFINA, Karoly; NOSCtil, lm-,a An accmmt of a study trip to F'olraid. Fle~r-. Ipm- 18 rio.2: 65-66 P64 1. Central Resear~h Jnstituto of Food lndurtr~v, lkidapent, and Food Tndustry Tnstrumentatirin anrl N.Umat-lon -)el-, Ice, Eiadapest. T, 22181-66 . . ..... .. ALL NK: T11600)1290 (,v w(- r,.) r*9oill, /non/, _V0781 001 AUTIFOR: Kafka, Vratialav (Engineer, Candid-ite of ncienceal ORG: none TITLE: Elastic-plastic deformation an(] strength of a layivried syottrt considting of a cohesive and a brittle material SOURCE: Acta teelmica CSAV, no. 6, 1965, 7811-80.1 TOPIC TAGS: material deformation, plastic defortwition, lwitlc litt-ength, brittleness, 'P.1 stress analysis, do'-kc, ABSTRACT: The author has demonstrated a method for calcu.1Wting 1,be i;tRte of stress, deformation, and ultimate strength of a perlodLciply 110.1-1willjogeatwi; jr,-ediutt; /con- .,tl' , A.). - sisting of layer's of a cohesive plar,�jq. .! ;.P ql~alld of it though the mathematLeal. mcdel R~t)resf!nted IL Sillligl~[fk'10,1.011 ~:-f t1W V.! ~U% I conditions, the author belte%,es that it can rc.-tzitritute 1;0 1;:lio c*ljkr1r*1;.-,i,t.!oij .,,,V _-:ume probl.,~m.s nri!~,Ing in mining n~id In fouriAnti...m Lay1tg. For !:ht--, zntileri,31, the or tl~,r? circl~~!s war, i lig Lo t,111:! G:,,1.JYi1Jj tW"Ciz~Y irl Lilt: ch,-tP- ~~'f 7, in J71 f-' -1) '1 r,"T-r, I.- r j-,,arabo I ri c; t' L I I lc.,wil vr- i- I e c ii kL!] P,0, I ur, ill)uld nct be c,~r_cnt I %J 1y cvrk-I icated i f -1 ar, 0,o:l it de 1`111c~d 1;"( another mre Cenr~ral cur-ie, wi~r(_- bt~ttec wIlL11,11 cl,f tIA: Kh.., Circles. 0 - 1 g. art. has: 63 formulas. [Author's abstract.) SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 23jul65/ ORIG REF: 0021 0711 ~IMF: ODI;/ Card 1 tl o n-, L;c C. 55il fir I KAFLU11j, K. As , 1 K. A., allaniallr V. A: sin I Vl:xrfl. ' ' " 1 *" l ' 3..N]DNI).4--l S.5 ilg . "" Qr itrilitil tryoibi inuscle itas fccuiet to flit ttlet"I of Hayashi, rt al. fillifidjetiotl of 0,05M KCJ tint1j. 0X001 rufinii,sim:triphosphite (Alirp) wu used to x itittilpid of lf:jlutcw~nt of contiAdJon wl-Ich was mextuml hy a uniianictm Al? dom not coatfut threads of jlotmls .*if,] RADL-a,.tin; thoin ve pliv! timmit: wntract vrcorcllsl~) (cumir al1wri), Agum-full"I tlxiad:s "M I v; timm. or ruyo-,,~,, at p1t 9 4nd Itigi at Of 7. This utfe-i"Ixes till ctillartlark betvlotil "Was. witractioll 11HIluWL Ikmil its &dvnminc-xipjt"_ pUlain GbOA11091 Abst- "IrtivitY. Myosin thmail- civitfact bv S- I Of-, 4-il h 17-3)% Val. 48 I'Luff 5-merciii, is not cuctloct(4 With theconunctitn' a fXinalle Mn be InairWmd by u r1ta.U ' Apr. 109 1954 ill, At,-; ATP~inilvcvd Con- force (1-3 Ms.). oil l1 bVT fraction procti:6 flit forcertIL41red to 121 1 ! Biologioal chemistry jB;7nt S 1. - . a gMR Mir, a p r*D- Y at p or 1[0 IF . Actowyoffin Mmtdil h the pru tormlittl pit)Uinulawer ; dAvelo fin as u to 2 5 f6 d l i tb f N , v o pvc, u p mili mq y v*vM kept DMIFOS Ifuji-Itilsiall SEC"s little tu'dency to contract 4plitit,abad; but outv this load ft ttl1leved aid the thmd slidwud to autunt ili 6mixed le"Mb, Off, An- : & w tr"011 And thq o"Itfactile e rl Ni wlj, l1 - ; . c i P flondw 041A Or"Ild. liosv(qtr, befflul to show wl bill:04 lit ~Nvcs Ital lit , 4111tr conlui.-t -pith ATP. 2.1joilz Wald is ,c*mtrac 4 We lible a d, nusner,ous cantrart -n-rclaia- I Thus m cycl ;in tFrmgh onin 41'"t is ca- . y 1 Cable of c if t ivith ATP, It Is Iluspstad That ba a H in 0 W3 F--4ct e`vtS 1w 4 wiprort lot tho ctv;afn Lvilts , KATIANI, K.A., TATARSXAYA, R.I., XANOPY.AYTE, S.M. Phosphorus metabolism during the embryonic dormlopmsint of sturgoone [with summar7 in English], DiAhimila 21 no*3 t416-428 Rv-Je 158 (HIU 11-48) 1. Laboratoriya biolchimii shivotnoy kletki Instituta biolthimli im. A.N. BakhR Ali SSSR, Moskya. (FISH, phosphorus sturgeon metAb. in embryonic develop (Rue)) (PHOSPHORUS, metabolism sturgeon embryo (Rue)) TITARSKAYI, R.I.; XAFIANI. K.K.; 1ANOPKAyTA, S.I. Some enzymes of phosphorus metabolism and the Intemity of ras- piration and aerobic g3jycolysis in the embryonic development of sturgeons [with summary in English). Biokhimiia 23 no.4:527-539 J1-Ag 158. (MMA 12:3) 1. Laboratory, of Animal Coll Biochemistry, Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (PHOSPHATASES, in sturgeon embryonic develop., relation to aerobic glycolytic reap. (Rua)) (FISH, sturgeon embryonic develops, relation of phoffphatases to aerobi glycolytic rasp. (Rua) -17W ALMORSr Kafiani, K. A., Poglazov, B. F. 307/2o-126-2-52/64 TITLE:z On the Contractile Properties of Surface-spre&d Fibers of Musole Proteins (K voprosu o.sakratiteltnykh Eivoystv&kh planochnykh nitey mysheohnykh belkov) PMODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk =R, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 2, PP 414-46 (ussR) ABSTRACTt The fibers of the proteins of the actomyosin eamplox mentioned in the title have been since 1952 an object of most intensive investigations as a system in which the muscle contraction can be to a certain extent imitated (modelled). The Ban* operation an earlier (Ref 2) was used for the production of these fibers. The fibers are shortened by 3-7% in a borate buffer, pH 9t -4 thout adenosin triphosphoric acid (ATPh) in the case of a IOR4 of 4-7 mg. The addition of ATPh led to a -similar contraction. Figure 1 shows that an addition of ATPb does not cause an additional oontraoidon oyez wk different pH (6.91. The authors are forced to conclude that tho mentioned contraction has no specific oharaoter. Fuxftermore tbe aotomyosin fibers were investigated. They are ahoriesed without. AT14h; however, only inconsiderably in contrast to the myosin fibers. An addition of ATPh leads to a considerable additional. oontraction (up Card V2 to 50%) with a weight increase up to 2o mg (pig 2), A considerable the Contractile Properties of Surface-spread Flbers of WV/20-126-2-52/64 Muscle Proteins influence of the KC1 concentration in the bame occurred in ths actomyosin fibers. Figure 3 shows the behavior of the surface-sp2sad aotomyosin fibers of different hydration dogzees (aterpeni g1dratirovannosti) in the case of a load 5 mg with and without Mjh. It is rather obvious that the increased hydriLtion leads to a more considerable contraction under the influence of AM. The detection of the non-specific character of the contraotion of the surface- spread myosin fibers forces the authorm to at1ndt that the usual conception according 'to which actin is necesuary for the contraction under the ATPh influence holds in this oaae ws well, Th t r8le of the aotin is not yet completely clarified (Refs '1,8). There are 3 figures and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIITICN: Institut biolchimii im. A, No Bakha Akademii mauk SWR (Inatittite of Biochemistry imeni 1. No Bakh of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: January 23, 1959 by V. 1. EngellgardtAcademician SUBaTTED: January 22, 1959 Card Z/2 KAFIANI K,A, kand.biologicheskikh nauk Mechanism of intracellular regulation of biospithesis of ribonucleic acids and their precursors. Zhur.VIWO 9 no.1#23-)2 163. (141RA l6t4) (Nucleic acids) (Biosynthesis) KAFIAIII, K.A. Self-regulation mechanisms of enzane systems of anabolism. Uup. biol.khi-,-,i. 5110O-150 163. (HIPA 17*) KAFIAIII, K.A.; TLMOFEYEVA, M.Ya. Syntheisis of RNA during early embryonic develoluent. Bokl. Aft SSSR 154 no. 3:721-72-4 Ja 164. (MIRA 17.5) 1. Institut radiatsionnoy I Miko-khimicheskoy biologil AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom. V.A.Engellgardtain. rf' thermal tje, Ell.-I (:,I' q(J.".~tI.M-AtiC I)okl. AN 156 1-.c,. 4:95l-`;H,3 -!() 164- Itistitlit t*i,,-,Ikc~--l~lil::ii(-Iit),ii~(-.~, Hoic-gal AN, I 'notitut fiLikl AN PreJ.-itavl(trio aka~:(Jrjlkom, V.A. PRIVAiMf F*r . ; KA.F'j I' , i , r,'. A.; ?4 L. 1* ,)NASELIDZEV D.R. Calorimetric study of DNA thermldenaturation. Biofizika 10 no.3093-396 165. (MIRA 18i11) 1. Institut fiziki AN GruzSSR, Tbilial, Submitted Oct, 26, 1963, ZALMANZObi, Ye.S.; ZELENIN, A.V.; KAFIANI, K.A.; LOBAHT-A, L,.S., LYAPUNOVA, Ye.A.; TIMOFEYEVA, M.Ya. Effect of some antineoplastic antibiotics on the ayatheals of ni-leic acids and reproduction of viruses in a culture of human arnion cells (strain FL). Antiblotiki 10 no.7:61- 622 JI 165. (KrPA 18%911 1. Inatitut radiatelonnoy i fiziko-khimicheskoy bioLogil AN SSSR, MoBkva. TII,!OF-IYp-,VA, M.Ya.; WIANT A-, K..A. Hrterogenalty of Jnfc)T-r ; [14, ',cn ri llhon,i 0~" at the early staget; of Do~,I. v'I :1.6, no.15:1183-11196 0 165. (MIFA 1.8:10) 1. Ins t1tut mole killy;irnoy ~ A U R. *:;-~~xn! t,U!id D,~cembir 24, 1964. TIMCFEYEVA, M. Ya.;,WUNI,,~.A. Nucleic acids in unfertilized eggs and dovelop:(.ng loach embryos. Biokhimiia 29 no. ltllO-115 -T&-F 164. (KMA 18tl2) 1, Institut radiatsionnoy i fizikD-khI;michenka,,r biologii -AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted May 13, 1963. DZH0fU1ADZE# DOIO.; 1!~ KIANIj i TINOFEYEVAp H.Ta. - -b4- Matrix activity of DNA and chromatin fram -the embrylo of )Usgurnus foss:Llis in RM synthenive Soob, AN Cruz, SSR 39 no.3t577-582 S 165* (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut fiziologii AS GruzSSR,, Tbilisi, SkItmittod December 1p 19649 KOICHLV, V.G Oil potential and prospecto for exploring in tho oxtresw south of Tatarstan. Geol.nefti i gaza 6 no.4s15-17 Ap 162. (10M. 1514) 1. Treat Tatneftegmzrazvodka. (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Petroleum geology) illf Pill DUtri, - trust , rk- tj'$j W. Y'4 temp Visli. ill, of Yi, il I'll, (mug 1164011, ote.) ad the 14(In. Of AM41AI,,~tll'A 'hydres, (mul havr pocamm 11Y41 lit 1,2104i) Whe "pide Six of "m*U001-virl" c41 C if r IiRlOos imal abutood iii t ow, - of utts allid-tariu It allaw t tht, di 4 Ot, JA owuMa-bcarAre 0 4to t 11:0011 161.3. at teltip. QNZ I or. Or iflslcl~" ihe coulpt" With 100 4. 11, Sind19 I I MrA cd jymil'a, S=All &=I2. 01 fin Oil no, pm-rtnt tb't fo"natfolt of 4fia 03M;Agq if I-ro 4; 101 ntw ct"mwct app. fur U" fik thl, Can t q X~i fA W KORB' I - IrU'2'IK, L. I Trade union life. 17eftianik 6 no.20:24-25 0 161- (14IRA 14:10) (Petroleum workers) VEYSMAN, A.D.IJUEITIN, I.D. Practice of using shooting plugging devices. Razved.i okh.nedr. 28 no.ns48-49 N 162. (HIM 15112) 1. Volgo-.Donskoye geologicheskDye upravleniye. (Oil vell cementing--Equipment and suppliem) FJ%FITIN, Ye.D., irzh. Mechanization of welding procesoes at tha KolejnTya ugiAculturul machinery plant. Svar. proizv. no.2t26-2S F ~65. (141RA 18:3) I# Proyektno-konstriktnrskiy tekhnolop ~) ImWitut Llvovskago soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. . . " - ".- .. , ,/, r) ~ I-, ".; , " ~ i;,, , ~~ t f; '.I: t- , , 14 i -* " ~ , . . . 0 . , I li;~i. I ~'!.! i : I ~~ . 9 KAFITI --- . --P Conference on Imrroving the quality and raising thio level of moohanizationin d3lding operations. Avtom. over, 18 no.4s 78-79 Ap 165. (MIRk 18W PHASE I BOOK -'cv/kS93 Vsosoyulnole Sov*Shchanlre PO fit"&, Bvoystvam . forritov 1 f ISI ch*8kim Ganovam lich primenenly3. !:3. Minsk. 19!59 PerrIty. flzlch*skiye I rIzlk0-kh1=Icheskly* avcyst~&. Dcklady (Fgrrlt*l._PhyslC&l and Ph73Ic0M*mlc3I ftO;*rtlvs. Reports Xlnsk, I2d vo AN WSR. 1960. 655 P. Errata slip Inserted. 4.000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: lauchnyy savot po x,agr.*tIzx-u AX !=. Otdel rlztki tyerdago tela I poluprovodn Ikov A3 BSSR. Editorial Doardi Reap. Ed.z M. N. 31rota. academician of the academy of Sciences 93SR; K. ?. Belov. Professor, Ye. 1. Xondar- skly. Professor, K. M. PollvangVs PrOC03SOr, A. V. Teleanin, Pra- fessor, 0. A. 3volenakly. Profolsor-, I. A. StIol Its. Candidate Of, Physical and PLathematleal 3cl:nces; 1. X. dualywren&O: and L. A. Bashlclrov; Ed. of Publl nine House: 3. Khol7avacly; Tech. Zd.8 1. volok"novich. ___rURMM This booic Is intended for physicists. physical Chemists. radio electronics engineers. and technical pgrsonrsl, z2ged In .813. ~!=Sey also the Production and use of ferro~agngtjc xatvr4 be used by students In advanced course& in radio elevLztca. Pk"1406. and "Ical chemistry. COVERAM' The book contains reports prefent*d at the Third All- Union Conference on Parrites hold In ftnsc, belorussIan SSR. elgetr4.41 Th* reports deal with magnetic t-s"for2stio, _ And gsl-n*mgrQtlc PrOPOrtles of forrlt*s. Studies or tne growth or rarrito single crystals. problems In tne chemical and phyal- cociMMIC&I analysis of r*,rltea. studies of ferrite* navu,, roct&ncular hysteresis loops AM aulticoop~*nt fe,rit. ,st.,as exhibiting I'Pcnt&nQOus rQctLn6uljLrlty, problems In wm~.ettc &tt"etlon, highly 40*rctv* rarritas. maar,4%1c spectr"capy. cr. fOrrONAPOtIc resonance, magnato-optics, r.,"ic&l using ferrite components In electrical circults, x.njxzt=py or slsctr4.csl And magnetic PrOpertles, etc. T~- Cc~-t~.. on j~g_ DOUSE, AS U33R (S. V. Vonscmalcly. cnalreM) org.~, the con- rarenev. Rare accompany Individual articles. FerrIt*4 (cont.) 34w/t"3 IL SCIOT. L. P.:*. A- r0tic and Resonance P,o;crtl., of ftr-tta 0z_.ct3 Of Yttrlun 3ubstitut*d bY AlumInUM. CL~Jum,&nd X#odyelua .205 S-10-. 9. A. Uytzova. and A. a. red*k2_300t ChArSct*rlGtlt Pe4turv* Of the of Frrlt. 02 RAbkIn L 1 .1112. 1. Novlkava. and`i.. D. labedev. Fag- "tic tj-tl4Ctrlc&l PrOPOrtids of ForrIt, PG-ulors 219 37rkin. L. It. On Ragnatca~cr,,nica, XOnlInearlty In Pwrr-tss 22110~ Annayev, R, a , snd.v- i r,rj, _RV*tot,l,tjon of Ft"1346 Of C*wPl4xsT3WpMDMT3-n 233 Te-peraturo Dependence or the z"tial of Ferromagn*ti oide M-ecwjo i.r the Breton Mn0_Zn0-P*203j 2M Card IL48 Card 4A8 ANNAMV, R.G.; J.WUZAitOV, A.; ]-W-A~L-V, S.; RIMAILUV, A.h.; DAj1ir;VJKIY, M.Ya.; KAF~IIEV I,rLIlDMV, V. Investigating the magnetoelectric properties of 'K.- and P-type germanium monocrystals along their main drystALUographic a"s. Trudy Fiz.-tekh.inst. AN Turk. SSR 7:3-34 161. VURA 15:2) Germanium crystals--Elootric proportion) A trmanium orystals-Magnotie proportion) KAFIYEVA, K.Ya., inzh. Gomposite high-frequency EFO-2K telephone cownwi-Leation and remote control apparatus. Trudy VNIIE no.7s244-260 158. (MIRA 36tl2) 80618 (0 r ~V/ 6 S/105/60/000/012/002/006 B012/BO58 AUTHOR: Kafiyeva, K. Ya. (14oncow) TITLE: Study of Interferences on Long-distanre Linen Caused by Corona PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1960, No. 12, pp. 28-54 TEXT: Work is carried out in two directions at the Institut elektroenergetiki (VNIIE) (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric Power Engineering). Radio interferences emitted by long-distance lines and influencing radio receivers with antentian, are studied, as well as the ("High Frequency Interferences") interferenoes spreading on long- distance lines and hampering carrier transmission channels. The results of studies by the VNIIE on interferences caused by corona in long-dist&nce lines of the USSR are given in this paper. The standards for the maximiLm permissible disturbances and those for the measuring apparatus are given. The standards for industrial radio noise were elaborated by the Gosudarstvennaya, inspektsiya elektrosvyazi pri Ministerstve avyazi SSSR Card 116 56618 Study of Interferences on Long-distance Lines S/105/60/,000/012/002/006 Caused by Corona B0121B05B (State Inapection of Electrocommunication at the Miniatry of Communicatiors of the USSR) (Ref. 1). They provide for a 50-M zone on both sides of the long-distance line , in which the erection of antennas for radio receivers is not recommended. As a rule, inadmissible interferences do not occur during normal operation of 35, 110, 220, and 440 kv long-distance lines. Nevertheless, studies were made on such lines in order to ascertain the influence of atmospheric conditions and the design of these long-distance lines. The following was established on the basis of these studies: Rain and wet snow equally influence the interferenceei radio interferences fluctuate much more in dry snow and hail than in rain and not snow; phase separation greatly reduces the influence of mointure on interferences; with an increase of air humidity from 52 to 71% on 110 kv lines along the coast, the potential of radio interferences increases by a factor of 1-5 - 2. The study of 110 kv long-distance linea on high mountains MOO to 2300 m) showed that for potential gradients on the conductor surface of 20-22 kv/cm, interferences arise that correspond to those on lines with 20-22 kv/cm and up to 50 m above sea level. The levels of radio and high-frequency interferences are lower on dry winterdays than mbright Card 2/6 86616 Study of Interferences on Long-distance Lines S/105/60/'000/012/002/006 Caused by Corona B012/B056 summerdays. This can-be explained by the higher air density in winter. The studies confirmed foreign data (Ref. 4) on the influence of the surface conditions of lines. The diameter of, long-diotance lin'es is most significant. The earth wires and the reduction of Ou! sunpension height of lines increases the interference field below the linep but accelerates its vanishing with increasing distancetfrom the line, Mea4jurements on 110 kv lines showed that'the level of radio interferences caused by two- circuit lines- with vertical suspension is 1.2 timer. ias high as the level of radio interferences caused by single-circuit lineli with horizontal suspension, The possibility of a transition to higher voltages was studied/ nextt. Studies were-fdrat made on an expe'rimental-lin4j, and then in 1956/1959 oin 112, 220, and-440 kv lines. .Results are given here. Transmission of 140 kv.on a 1,10 kv line does not aMict radio reception. The following could be ascertained on the basis of studies on 220 kv lines:-The radio and high-frequency disturbances cauiied by corona on long-distance lines with separated linen are within the p4irmissible limits if the maximum gradients is 26 kv/cmt It is-therefori! recommended to use a line' diameter of at least 33 mm for now 330 kv linen. 11' the gradient CaTd 3/6 8&18 Study of Interferences on Long-distance Lines 5111J5/60/000/012/OOZ/006 Caused by Corona B612/BO58 amounts to.more than 26 kv/cm in a transition,from 220 ky long-distance lines to 330 kv, carrier transmission channels must be fitted with strong output amplifi~ra ahd radio' receivers in-the-vicinity with outlying antennas. Radio interferences,decrease.4uiokly with-the Traqueney and the distance'-from lon67distance.lines..Studies on 440 kv.long41stance'-lines showed that radio interferences are within the range of the standard in dry-weather and with gradients of up to 26 kv/cm. With gradients up to 27 kv/cmj they-are-1.2-to 1-5 times aa high as the ;ie-_mi:r~sible values. It was established that-in humid weather, radio 1nt-i)rfer4tnaes decrease more*quickly with the diatance from long-distance line. In dry weather, high-frequency interfer;pces in the feeder loaded.with 100 ohms..(at. 450 kV) amount to-2.5 n P er. In wet snow and at 4,88 kv, high-frequency interferences - reach- 1.5 nd'per.. The study. of the frequency responds showed the following results: The.characleristic of the interference-field between 0.16 and 150 megacycles shows an almost-horizontal partfor-long and medium waves (UP to 1-5 megacycles), and-a decraasing~ part at . frequencies of more than 1.5 megacycles. In first approximation it can be assumed that above 1.5 megacycles the potential of frequency interferences Card 4/6 W3.8 Study of Interferences on Long-distance Lines S/105/601,?000/012/002/006 Caused by Corona B012JB0513 is inversely proportional to the frequency. A study i)f high-frequencl interferences at 30-300 kilocycles showed that the frequency re3ponse of interferences in this range is approximately parallel to the abscissa, If no interfering signals occur. The atudieu of the decreasc of interferences with increaoing distance from lon~-diatanQe line con:ffirmod the opinion that in rainy weather the potential of radio interferencen decreases more quickly with increasing distance than in dry weather. The interrelation between radio and high-frequehey interfer-ncen was a:1130 Ivtudied. It was ascertained that'at a suspension height of 13 m, the ratio between high- frequency interferences and radio interferences amounts to 50 below the line and to 350 - '450 at a dfstance of 50 m from the line. The dependence of high-frequency interferences on the voltaGe polarity with industrial frequency was finally studied. In contrast to A. Chevallier (Ref, 6), it *as found that the interferences caused by corona. on lonK-distance lines belong to the type of "smooth" interferences with a continuous frequency spectrum. They differ from white noise in that they are not uniformly distributed in time, but pulsate in tact with the 50-cps -valtage (Pef. 2). There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and Vreferences; 5 Soviet. Card 5/6 KAFIYEVA, K.Ya., Inzh. --- Measurement of radio interference duo to corona on electric power transmission lines. Trudy VNIIE no.1200-83 161. (MIRA 18t4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy- instittit elaktroenergetiki. ROKOTYAN, S.S., red.; 1311LIDTAYEV, N.A.V tekhn. red. (interference generated by the corona on electric-pow*r transmission lines] Pomekhi ot korony na provadukh l1nii elektroperedachi. Moskva, Oosenergoladat, 1963. 114 p. WIRA 16t6) (Corona (Electricity)) (Radio-Interferenco) KAFIYEVA, T.A., aspirant Wriability of the origizi of the obturator artery. Mrau-.Turk. 2 no.6t2l-23 lq-D 158. (MIRA 16:3) Iz kafedry nomallnoy anatcmii (zav. - prof,, S.S. Denilov) Wkuenvkogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinakogo inatituta imeni ~ I.V. Stalina. (01PURATOR ARTERY)