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Fig. 1. 1 - centrifugal weights; 2 - spring-
loaded clutch; 3 - mechanical tie rod;
4 - distributing valve; 5 - hydraulic
servomotor; 6 - lover feedbaak
Orig, art. has: 1 figure.
SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATEs 20Aug65
Card 2/2
495 Sorta i agvotekbnika kormovykh
kylltur evekdlovokoy oblasti. SveL-dlousk. n. W.,
1954. 71b*20.sml.300 ekz. I r. - L54-54721~ p
633-2/44 (47.811).
SO: Knizhnaya Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955
KABAKOV) T. F., CandAgric cTi (diss) -- "MRIC agroblologIcal Propertif..9 of
spring vetch In Sverdloyak Oblast". Omko 1959- 18 pp (Abstvar.,ts of
Dissertations submitted at the Chsk Agric Inst Im S. M. K.-Irov), 120 copl.en
(KL, 170 10, 1960, 134)
17(8) SOV/177-58-1-2/25
AUTHOR: Kabakov, I.P., Lieutenant-Colonel (11redical Corps)
TITLE: For a Further Development of Inventive Work (Za dall-
neysheye razvitiye izobretatellskoy raboty)
PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 1, pp 6 - 8,
ABSTRACT: The author states that the invention program has ra-
pidly developed in the USSR due to the government's
support. During the 1917-1956 period, about 35 mil-
lion inventions and efficiency projects were sub-
mitted. In the medical corps of the Soviet Army and
Navy, the number of inventions is constzaitly in-
creasing, especially in the Far East and Ural mili-
tary districts, at the Voyenno-meditsinskaya ordena
Lenina akademiya imeni S.M. Kirova (Military Medi-
cal Order of Lenin Academy imeni S.M. Kirov), and
several hospitals in the Belorussian and Kiyev
military districts. Inventions of Medical Corps
Card 1/3 personnel cover hygiene equipment, medical apparatus
For a Further Development of Inventive Work
as well as improved prophylactic and therapeutic me-
thods. Lieutenent-Colonel of the bledical Corps L.A.
Smetanin proposed a portable appavitus for intratra-
cheal narcosis and a splint for Umob ili zing bone
fractures of the lower extremities. Major of the
Medical Corps G.A. Tararintsev suggested a method
for intratracheal ether narcosis under field con-~
ditions. An improved nail for intra-osteal fixation
of os longum fractures has been invented1by Colonel
of the Medical Corps, Professor A.11. Berkutov. A
device for determining the presence and,the degree
of internal hemorrhage has been invented by G.A.
Barashikov. In the North-,Caucasian military district,
Colonel of Medical Corps I.G. Ternovoy designed an
apparatus for repostion of bone fragments of the low-
er extremities. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Medical
Corps B.B. Baranovskiy (NIIIAM) proposed a new device
for investigating the optic assessment of distance.
A new paste against excessive perspiration and for
other skin diseases has been developed by Colonel of
Card 2/3 the Medical Corps G.I. Teymurov from the Transcau-
[Prepasdoutics in internal diseases] Prepodsvtilm vxutrannikh belesami.
Moskva, 1955. 23 pla age (Mm& 915)
The D-456 small tractor. Biul.tekh..-okon.infam.Gon.nauch.-iddl.
Inst.nauch.i tekb.inform. no.l2s82--83 163. (MIA 1713)
1 -1. -.1-1-',
Review various principal conditions in the establishment of water
resources development. Trudy Sekt.vod.khoz.K1r.FAN SSSR no.2:5-18
150. (MM 8:1)
(Water resources development) (Irrigation)
USSR/GeophysieR - Water :Iudget, Hydrometry JIM 5,2
"Determining the Loss of Water According to Da:ta of
the Water Budget of Channels)" M.M. Kabakov, Engr
"Gidrotekh i Melio" No 6, pp 10-27
Discusses -the -problem of the loss of water in irri-
gation syztems. States thaL a correct handling of
the data of hydrometry car reveal the actual losses-
Wf water in an irrigatioa system; irmiiely, by obtain-
ing the facts characterizing the bauic parazitters
of various channel types. Syst tization, of thene
parameters vill eliminate existing uncertainties In
the design of individual chmmels and irription.
Nov formulas for calculated water discharge in daternining the actual
losses of water in watercourses with open diversion ditches. Trudy
Inst.vod.khozA suerg.AN XIr.SM no.1:17-25 154. MU 9: 11)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7,
p 186 (ussk)
AUTHOR: .---Kabakov,-M.
TITLE: The Silting of Canals with Accelerated Flow Velocity
(Kollmatatsiya kanalov s povyshennymi skorostyami
PERIODICAL: S. kh. Kirgizii, 1956, Nr 8, pp 47-49
ABSTRACT: Many of the canals ~n boulder graveld of Kirgizakaya
SSR have exceptionally high water loss due to seepage.
It is proposed that silting be used to prevent this
loss. The silting should be accomplished without der
stroying; the top protective boulder gravel layer. In
order to accomplish this, the following method is
proposed. Before beginning the silting, the floor of
the canal along its entire length should be loosened
Card 1/2 to a depth of 20 or 25 cm in order to: 1) improve
The Silting of Canals (Cont.)
conditions for rapid penetration of the turbid waters to great
depth; 2) use more fully the granules, sand, sandy clay, and clay
immediately available in the canal bed; and 3) gain the desired
redistribution of the boulder gravel in depth and area along the
floor of the canal. The silting of the loosened boulder-gravel
floor of the channel is effected by admitting a small flow of water
carrying a heavy load of sandy clay or mud. By this method one may
expect a decrease in loss by seepage of 2.5 to 4 times, depending
on the width of the channel and the nature of the boulder gravel.
The silting may be repeated, provided that the floor of the canal
is loosened again but to a lesser depth.
C4rd 2/2 V. S. Kovalevskiy
'I if V I, P I, F I t It ~I T". !11. 1 JID11,41 I I't W I v1, 1 '4 If, I P I I~ 1 111 1
[Control installations and work on rivero in piedmont distriets]
Regulirovochnyo sooruzheniia i rabory na rekakh v predgornykh
ralonakh. lPrunze, 1957. 170 P. (MIRA 11.41)
,&Q#0,3-*jAj#M~and1dat takhniche:,kikh nauk- ARTAXONOV,. X.7., redalctor;
Te.B., tekbniche Y redaktor.
[Observations of chaumal cycles and their usefulness for operation
of Irrigation systems] Balansovye ruslovye nabliudenlia 1. ikh
ispollsovania pri ekspuatataii orositeltnykh sistem. Trunse. A W .
nauk Kirgizekot, SSR, 1957. 180 P. NLRA 10:4)
~xv~aluating anti-seepage linings according to their
and economic indices as applied to various foothill
2ones. Trudr Inst. vod. khoz,. I anerg. AN XIr. SSR
(Irrigation canals and flume)
(MIRA lOil2)
NAZAROV, M.I.; PATRUSHNV. M.P., Ins., rateenzent; LZGWTATSV, A.M., retsensent;
TALKaA, V.F., rateenzent; VAUNTINI, L.A., k:end.takh-n.nauk, retsen-
sent; IE~ ~X,-xed.-, ANOKHINA. M.G..
[Paved canals] Moahchanya kanaly. Frunze, Akmd.natdc Lirgizekoi
SSR, 1958. 10A P. (MIRA 12:3)
(Irrigation canals and flumes)
The seepage reIPucing effectiveness of rotative water supply in
irri&mtion systems. Trudy Inat.vod.khos.i enorg. AN Kir.
SSR no-5:3-181 159- OURA 13:5)
(Irrigation canals and flumes)
Improving the accuracy of stage and dischaxga observations on
streams with increased gradients,, Iz-v.AN KIX48SR.Ser.est.i tokh*
nauk 2 no-4:49-59 160* imnu ll+:s)
(stream measurements)
Methods of correcting plans of water distribution. Trudy Inst,
vod. khoz. i energ. AN Kir. SSR no.6!15-30 159. (MIRA, 15:5)
!III !I- P I i It , f II'I ?I i!i!!;. lllj!;Iitji rl ~ I
WAKGV, MIA',!, kand. tekhn.. nauk- JAZAROV, Y.L. kand. teklm. nauk;
d tekhn
VA, K-A.-. I rjaucfTqy sotr. ; KAFLINSKIY, Y, L kar
nauk,: Al',TJU-',OlibV, K,F, : kand.. tokhn,nauk; RgIAUN., kand.
teklm. nauk; l%OSTYU='KO, E t,V, , kand.. tol-hn, nauk-, VSLEIlv' .
V.G., nauchnyy sotr.,, TERESliCHEiIK-..V.,S,..nauch,sotr.;TAlklAZA,V.F.j*
LEVITUS) B..I . redi iz~', irsl~ X!,OlUllW, 1.1,U..--~ :_1
(Field invastiga-tion -if irrlgatlon systemsjPrcIizvodstvemWe
issledovanlia na orooitellixykh alst-ennkb. Frunze, lzd-vo AN
Kirgizskol SSR, 1961,, 302 p. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Alradeniva nault KlrCizrkoy 35R, Frinne., Irstitlit onergetiki
i vodnogo khozyaystva.
q 0 ! ~U - 1 11 1 : I
ESENALIYEV, suynal; A~ ~H. M.. otv. red.; SKRIPK'L%k, %.I. p
redAzd-va; POPOVA,, M.G., takhn. red.
(Measures for preventing washout within the irrigation
eyatem of a fam] Meroprilatila lx) predot#mshchoniin ras-
myya vnutrikhoziaietyennoi orositallnoi adti, Frunsib, lzd-
vo Akad. nauk Kirgiaskoi SSR, 1962. 67 p. (MIRA 16:3)
(Erosion) (Irrigation)
H. M.
Measures fbr seepage preveintion in irrigation systems. Izv,,'Al
Kir. SSR. Ser. ant. I tekb. nauk 4 no.1037-50 162.
1. laboratorLya novykh metodoy oroshanip AN Kirelsokor SSR.
(Kirghizistan-Irrigatlon canalo and flumes)
Results of field studies of vater losses in springs and
channels in Kirghisistan. Izv. AN Kir. 88R. Ser. est. i talk.
nauk 4 ua.5:63-65 .162. JAZZI .26-10
Defects in field studios of irrigation oystenui and vays to
eliminate them. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 4
no.5t157-162 162. (M-TRA 162-4)
(I(irghizistan-Irrigation research)
IP I![
Methods for working.up.observation.,data an the loas of watpr
in periodically operated -canals. Isy. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. List. i
tekh. nauk 4 no.10:5-22 162. (KIRA 16:11)
1. Laboratoriya novykh metodov orosheniya AN Kirgimskoy SSR.
KABAUNp M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk (Frunze)
Most urgent problems of the operation of Irrigation system,
Gidr. i mel. 16 no*409-44 Ap 164. (MM 17t6)
AUTUORS: Ishin, D.A., Chief of the Nikolayev Oblast' Communication
Administration; Kabakov, N.P., Chief Engineer of the Admi-
nistration; Borokhovf_cH_,T._M_., LTU-Chisf
TITLE: The Operational-Technical Maintenance of Interdistrict Com-
minioation Lines from a Technical Line Service Point (Eke-
pluatatsionno-tekhnicheakoye obaluzhivaniye vnutrirayonnoy
svyazi lineyno-tekhnicheakim uzlom)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik avyazi, 1958,.,Nr 4, p 22 - 25 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The article deals with the experience in organizing opera-
tional-teohnical maintenance work of interdistriat commu-
nication lines in the Nikolayev Oblast'. The maintenance
crews are concentrated in so-called LTU (Lineyno-tekhniches-
kiy uzel - Technical Line Service Point) and a diagram shows
the organization of such a service point. There are two
tables, one organizational chart and one photo.
ASSOCIATION: Nikolayevskoye oblastnoys upravloniye avyazi (Nikolayev
Oblast, Communication Administration)
1. Communication syBtems--Operation 2. Communication systems
Card 1/1
S. L.
-"Operational Analysis of Contact Relay-Type Follower Electric Drive With Shunt-
4ound Motor Characteristics and Reactive Static 'Noment." Ak. Hauk S-ISH,
Otdel. Tekh. Nauk, No. 7-8, 19145. Presented 29 liar. 1945 by V. P. Mikitin,
U-15,12) 6 Dec. 1951
Conatant solimitude ftbout improving working conditions. Tekat.
prom. 16 no*10:4-7 0 156, (MLEA 10:1)
1. Direktor GosudArstvannogo proyaktnogo inatitutFA-1.
(Textile industry-Hyglento napedta)
New plans for enterprises of the textile indus-try. Prom. Arol,,
39 no.10:24-26 1 '61. (MlRA 14-10)
(Textile factories)
III 11PH I III Fit If I I It]ltmiliiifltrigilitilriomilllfill[rit; RI IIIHIRIMIMIM I
i H
to pa to to
Ell 0
Pu Egg-
a n !YV -0!-;g
a a -d
0 UO.., .00 .4
f, P
-t A,
K""Ov, V. H.
For high labor productivity in the construction industr:r.
Gor.khoz.Kosk. 28 no.6:10-14 Je 054. (HLRK 71.7)
1. Predeedatelf Gorodskoy planovoy komisaii Mosprispolkom.
(Construction industry)
lu.Blx~,'V, V.s'
ContraLized repaAr of al.ngle machine ~,Oolet. Mushincat,mitell nc).8:
14 Ag 164. (MIRA 1.7%10)
KABAKOV, V.S.; KAZANSKIY, K*V., kand* voyana-morskikh nauk
Net diagrams for equipment repair. Mashinostroitell
no.110-1-12 165. (MIRA 18ill)
11111 Ill!'M Ur,I.1,4pl r Il
FEKELIS, Govshiya Davidovich; IVANCV, Vladimir Matvayevich;
KABAKOV, V.S., red.
[Technoloa of the major overhaul of unlvemsi~l tUl'rLtable:3
of the "SIP" jig-boring machines] Tpkhn,)Iogiia kapitalt-
nogo remonta universallnykh povorotnykh stolov koor'linatno-
ra.,;tocluWkh stankov firmy "SIF" Lenlzigrad, 1964. 21 p.
(N]AA 17.:7)
PETROV, q.T.; MLBAKOV, YO.K. (Haek-va)
0 renctive protein; survey of foreign literatare. Klin. mod. 37
no.5:28-32 Pq 159 (MIRA 12:8)
0 renctive -orotain, review (Ras))
-----DRIUYKIN--D*G*-;-KA~AKq_y.x--Xe,j*;--KkUf=Vj,-DoHo-- --
Epidemiology of cutaneow leiobmadmio in the Zu*ezen S~S~Ro;
preliminary report, Medsparaz.i paraz.bol. 29 no.41450-,451
J1-Ag 160. BOIL) (KMA 13:11)
Detection of C-reactive proteins in leprosy, Zhur.mikrobicl;Uide
i immm. '32 no.3:46-54 Yx '61. (MRL 14 6
MASHEYEV,, D,M.~ PWKIN, D.G.; K~AU~qyj-.Ye.N
Cutaneous lefBhmaniaais in the village of XaW-Y-or in
Turkmenistan. Vop.kraev.paraz.Turk.SSR 3t69-0/7 f62*
(KML 16
1. Otdellnyy protivocfiu=yy otr#ad No. U goroda Ambkhabada.
Comparative study of light and dark reactivation of yeast cells
of different ploidy injured by ultraviolet radiation. Zhur.ob.
biol. 23 no.4:302-307 Jl-Ag 162. 1NIRA 15:9)
1. Department of Biophysics, State University of Moscow and All-
Union Research Institute of Fhytopathology.
ACCESSION NR: AP4015089 S/0205/64/004/001/0076/0082
AUTHOR: Kabakov, Ye. N.
TITLE: "Effective dose removal" model and reactivation of
ultraviolot irradiated cells
SOURCE: Radiobiologiya, ve 1~, no, 1, 1964s 76-82
TOPIC TAGS: ultraviolet irradiated cell reactivation, ultraviolet
photoreactivationj ultraviolot dark restoration,. photoroactivation.
,mathematical model, effect-ive doso removal, graphic analysis method
ABSTIUCT: The dynamics of p1hotoroactivation are described by a
mathematical model '~fhich is based on "hroe positi6na. The model is:
D; = DtID, = k, + (I - k)
I-ehere D'L~L - effoctive dose; Do - given dose; Dt - dose spacifying the
same survivability as t ho'u--s after reactivation; k irreversible
damage component expressod as part of given doso; P reduction rate
of reversible damage component (I k). One of those positions, the
Card 1/3-
nosition that phot-oroaoll-ivation ropresonts a gradua.1 removal of the
aDsorbed ultraviolet doso, is invastigatod In Lbis litudy by ix r.,raphio
co"".Parativo analyLia mot-hod. Application o1' this poaitlon dark
rostoration of u-1braviolot- irradiated cells is also invosticatod,
Diploid yeast- call inacti,,rat-Lon curves after ultraviolet radia-l"ion
U k. k;
were comparred with restoration curves (Pho"oroac' ivation and daric
restorat'lon) for a given survival levol. if such a comparisoi-x could
establi-'a that the ri3lationshi-) of inact--~vation cwiros I cteris a
Ch Ira - tj
ol" a cortain survival level dia not depend on the mothod used to
obta-'Ln them (doso accumulation or roactivation), Ution it rould bo
that react-ivation can be described In torn:~~ of aff ective dose
reFoval. Graphic analysis findings show that ulturaviolat irradiated
diploid yeast cells react to photoreactivation as if the offactive
do-se was actually being reduced, but respond to dark res,~-Ioration quit-o
aliffLorontly. Thus, the mathenatoical model is applicable to - *
-'riot oroac~ ivat ion, and an lies to dar1c restoration (,.-nly In a formal
-j ~ U U V
sen3c as it does not reflect the essence of the process, The authors
exnro3s their"deep appreciation to V. 1. Korogodin for d,iacussion of
raa~erials in this article. Orig. art. has: 2 f igmroa and 1 enolo-
Card -2/3
ASSOCIATION: Institut meditsinskoy radiologii AM SSSR,, Obninsk
(Institute of Medical Radiology, AMU SSSRv Obnlzsk)
PUBMITTED: 26Nov62 DAM AC Q: Mar64 ENCL: -00
SUB CODE: NR 1W SOV: 005 On[ER: 006
ChRnge in the sensitivity to ultravl,I~qt irradlation and mactlVation
in resting yeast cello. Radiobiologlh 4 no,6029-931 164. (MIRA 180)
1. Institut maditainakoy radlologii AMN SSSR, Obninsk.
Akademlya nauk RSSA. Vral'54 filial. Gorno-geolegicheakly In-
Podmemnaya rarrabatka rudnykh mestorozhdanly (Underground Exploits-
tIon of Ore De Its) Sverdlovsk E196o) 165 p. (3eries: ltat
Truo, Typ. 54311,000 copies printed.
Witarial. Boardt X. V. Kochnev. Professor, Doctor a f Technlcal
Sciences; L. Ye. ZAbrilov, Candidate of Tectudcal Sciences; A. A.
Illyltskly, Candidate or Technical Sciences. Ed. of Publishing
Hwoes X. 3. Zbergardt; Tech. Ed. s W..P. Serodkina.
?Mt?=: This publication Is Intended for engineering and technical
personnel In the mining Industry.
COVIMA01i This is a collection or 22 articles by different authors
an problem of underground exploitation of large massive ore de-
posits In the Urals. The articles are based on studies carried
out In the Laboratory for the Exploitation or Ore Deposita of the
Gorno-geologicheakly InstItut trFAH 33IR (Institute of Mining
Q001097. Ural Branch AS USSR). between 1958-1959. No personalitlen
4" fte"tioned. Most of the articles are accomoanled by references.
Reducing the Volume of Drainage Sumps in
mks"ovskly, 1. 0. On
Metal Minas 53
Xl*kxs,yevskiy, X. 0. 3h, Drainage Sump With Vertical Well-Typo
Voter J11ts 59
Urvantsew V P New Methods of Overhand 3toping (Foreign
ZPtT,4 A. It and R. A. ftaxpir
YOrc*d level CAVI" With the Combined System Under the ConditionS
or the vypokagorskly, Ming 79
2mhr1lOv- L- To- -dA-L-.%qrrAt6 SelectIvo and Total
Zxtraction of Caner and Sulphur Gr*s of the Do4rLyarskaye, Depool
to 5
Zjbr1lov, I. Y*.O and a. M. ftltmin, Analysis Gf ZAamr In
put In
Pbreed level C&vUg at the Wsokagorskly Mine I
ko, V N.. and T. A. Shrbelkapov. lap"Tament of In_
1XV-SxW10itation at the Borezovskly Mine
-3hunrys1n. A. X. Prastlc* in Zxplaiting Thin Ore Beetions or the
rieMararoya btpoz~--z
*SrAl 11aln. B. k. On the T, altion Boundary P. Mining to P-it
Xxtractlon In XxVicitLng Dopes, to or Massive Qzvs 115
Cft tho Inrla4ooe or the Coefficient Of leading on
the =T*ct or zxploolon in Steps Cutting 121
xRW4-nx-k-A- Towards a Study of the 3simia Iffect of Strong am-
pla"Ons 125
Ulke'lln V I Rv Iu4tl the Different Methods of Forming
ia~~ Fl;:;: ornfzmber) Bl
e 131
-YAM-=-v P V.. A. N. De6nnikov,
Ube 0 dejijov;~ aye re at
vSft&b4lkAAOW. T. A. Utilizing the rare@ of axploolon and the
c-'s 40" velv4% rear Transporting Crushed Oro in Xxqlcjtjr4L
IM210*d Dep"Its
Bbcb&lkmove V. A. Ivaiuatiog Methods or Delivering Crushed Ore
In XVIOltIng ZOOLlned Deposits 155
AYAXZAWJi Library or Congress
Card 6A Wee
Use of underground excavators in steeply pitiahing ore deposits*
Trudy Gor.-geoloinst.UFAN SUR 40654&137-147 160. (MM l4t6)
(Mining engineering) (Ucavating nadhinery)
f v I ~q I -I I;;- -,I I p-I I~I1!111 !11f
VAGANOV, P.V., dotsent; IKONNIKOV, A.N.p dotsent; KOMPANEYM, V.P.,
dotsent;.KABAKOV, Yu.A. ._atarshiy prepodavatell; CHUCHUGOV,
FIX, inzh.
Investigation of ore cbuting in loading with excavators. Iz7s
vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.4:42-47 160. (MIRA 140)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut ixeni Y.V.Vaichrusheva. Rakcalumic-
vana kafedroy rudnykh i rossypnykh mestorozhdaniy.
(Mine haulage)
;"CIT P"i lyll.! ye . e',~
fuitilres (~f 01,31 oxidit, j on of r
o k I A 14 15~ n o ~ 1 1 10 2 Mr "'A. (KIRA 1'7:4)
Imititut neft, - i qtrteza pri Irlattskom
tavlono akadomLkom
nni U',,arslwnnom urdveraltete. ilrcds
1 43 4., F ~ 11.
W`f-h mclybdenum
Pal Ki.n. 1 5 m.22,V4-329 Mr-Ap '64,,
(MARA 271T,8)
stri,7'aza S h r k - '0
13 rE
otoelinlya .'N
~.K~ABA .0_14
Mechanism of toluene oxidation on copper catalysts Vith
added heavy metal oxides studied by tracer tealmique.
Dokl. AN SSMt 159 no.3t6l5-618 11 164 (MTRA 18al)
1. Institut nefte- i uglekhimicheskogo sinte5za pri Irkutskom
gosudarstvennom universitetep Angarsk. Predstawleno akademikom
B.A. Kazwskim.
Foym," KJ~BiivM. B-V-
yv~j~ :sr. the pre-genc!
Vapoi- phnso oyldatlon of xyltsneg Ort cOPPOr - r
I.- *4~iO4,AO3 MY-T-4 165.
- ia ildvllltuTl~z- Kin-i lqkt,, f) t - , - -
of heavy mtal OXJ* (M-TR~. I& 1(j)
1. Tn.,.qtitLit nefte- i uglttkhimicheskcgi~ slrtfjzdl; tnvqrqk.
BYSTRITSKIY# I.A.p doteentj KARA 07Ap D,Ye,
blood transfusion in tubermdosis manincitis in ahildrien, abor.
trud. Kursk. goo. mod. inst. no.l3s245-246 158,. (MLU 1483)
1. Is lrlinilr4 detakikh boleaney (sav, - dotsent I.A*Sj6tritskiy)
Nurokogo gomarstyennogo neditsinakego institutao
Case of abdadnal rheumatic fever with phenoirena of diawtes
mellitus in a 10-year-old girl. Sbor. trud. Kursk. goo. med.
inst. no.16:373-375 162. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Iz kliniki detskikh bolezney (ispolnyayushchiy obfazannosti
zaveduyushchego - dotsent S.I. Kopeliovich) Kurskogo, =editsinskago
instituta i Detskoy bollnitsy No.1 .(urska (glavnyy vrach - M.N.
Regularization of the wage system in the baking Induntry; disq4sSion
of the article by R.U. Torovitsknia and G.I. Kleiman. KhlebA kond.
prom. 1 no.8:2.0-25 Ag '57. (XLPA 10:8)
l.Moskovskiy gorodskDy treat khlebopechaniy&,
(A*ers and bakeries) (wages)
Glinical and epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of
Q fever in children@ Pediatriia. 42 no*5:73-76 Ky'63
1. Iz kliniki infektsionnych boleznoy (zav. - dotaert L.V.
Yarovoy) Stavropollskogo meditsinskogo institutap Stavropol'-
skogo protivochumnogo instituta i otdola osobo opagn-yCh in-
fektsiy sanitarno-epidemiologichaskoy stantaii. Cbecheno-Ingush-
skoy ASSR.
ACCESSIO~ XR: AP402798'3 --'----"--------ii/02--6-5'/'64'/0'04/002/0289/0296
AUTHOR: Norogodin, V. I.; A.; Perestoroninap No WoV
Sokolovs Yu, V,; Kholevat So Yao
TITLE: Possible effect of-irradiated least cell 1-yale on
,regeneration curves
SOURCE: Radiobiologlyag Vo 4. no. 2. 1964p 289-296
,TOPIC TAGS; irradiated ye&.3t cellp lysis effect, refeneration our"#:
imacrocolony method# microcolony method,, regeneration ourve shapep
ISacch, vini Magri,, Sacch. oerivisiaet radiation damage irreversible
ABSTRACT: The possible effect of lysis of irradiatod jeast Cellsj'
incubated in a nonnutritive mediumo on the dynamics of their postrad-
iation rageneratirn is analyzed theoretically and experilwntally. It
is demonstrated that a comparison of regeneration curvesj determined
by maoro- and microoolony methodap can determine assentUlly whether
lysis of yeast calls affects: the curves and which type of lysis in
Aominant in the irradiated population - an equiprobable '17sie of arq
adiated cell or a predominating lysis of nonlethally damaged colls
Change in the sensitivity to ultraviJet irradiation And reactivation
in resting yeast calls. RadiobiologA 4 no.6029-931 164. (MA 18:7)
1. Institut meditsinakoy radiologit AMN SSSR, Obninsk.
Find of iron ore in the Uporovo area of Tyumen' Prov-J.we. Trudy
SNIIGGIM no.lsl75-176 159. OKIRA .15 -4)
(Uporovo region-Iron ores)
KHC','."K INA , M. 1L., . K," 1" IV, I...%, ~"I'W M~~" K.~BAKOVA, in ~Wll... AL-n Ii dliieada~,- ~,f Lhe st-~mat~h
durIng a lb.'rejraL at Irohan PY',111th lielill~rlj,,
Sb-:~r, nauc:n,. rab, p AL.-89
164., kimllu 181:LO)
2 . Wa f t- tra fe~kU'l ' ot~ 1; k Z& v,- jus'as rl ~: n ~ i v ka f,-. d T cry S. S. Ilo z dno v)
Irkul-qkogo t7,j.-okcg,-,- A-..itLta'l3 vrach
V. '!~. L--' ii -'.n!i '; ~
20 USSR (600)
4. Corals, Fossil Moscow Basin
7. Corals of the genus Pilasosmili& from the Lower Carboniferous of the Moscow
Basin. Trudy PaleontAnst., no. 40) 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,. April 1953, Uncl.
SARYCHEVA, T.G., otv. red.;
[Inetructions for the collection and study of Faleozoic
corals] Nastavlenie po sboru i izucheniiu paloozoiskikli
korallov. Moskvap Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 55 p. (Nastav-
lenii po sboru i izueheniiu iskopaerqkh organict*skikh
ostatkov, no.9) (MIRA 17:6)
KABAIA., Jozsef., mgr Inz.
Contribution of the
ment of pesticides.
Institute of Organic Industry to the develop-
Chemik 16 no.10s298m299 0 163.
1 .1 1! It ! !~ ! , i I , 0, v ; ~,j~=
Eln Beitrag zur YeridUmrekt:LfMmt:Lon (tacbech.) S. 93-94
11 i_ 1 1 T14 1 1 , , I , ~ - I , . .
SO: VermesLuW TeabnJLk, Nov 1955., Unal.
K-ABALALIYEV, Yu.$ inzh.
flew outlet wires for electric motors. Prom.Arm. 4 no.6:
35-3F7 Je- 161. (KM 14: 8)
1. Armyanskiy filDil Vaeaoyuznogo naucbno-isoledovatellskogo
institute. elektromakhaniki,
(ELectria wire)
jw,rm.-us: Oranesyan, K. I and Kabalaliyev Yu.
TITLE; New lU W power cable
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektroteldinika i energetika,
no.10, 1962, 15, abstract 10 B89. (Ayastan!
ardytinaberutyuny, no.9, 1961, 33-J8 (Arm.),
Prom-st' Armenii, no.9, 1961, 30-311 (Russian).
TEXT: The characteristics are given of.six designs of
sheathed power cables with rubber insulation, for laying into the
ground. As electric insulation ozone-resistant butyl-rubber was
used. The various designs differed by the presence or absenco of'
semiconducting rubber on the core, a graphite 1dyer and rubberized
strip wound on the electric insulation. The results of
investigations of the electric insulation and of hose rubber are
given. 5 reforencos.
FA~stractorls note: -Complete translation.__~
Card 1/1
Experimental study of the resistance *f tube rubber to aggre6sivo
media. Brom.Arm. 5 no.308-60 Hr 162. (KM 1514)
1. Armyanskiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchno--isoledo.vatellskogo
instituts, elektromekhaniki,
(Rubber., Synthetio-Testing)
Calculation amd experimantal testing of the permissible
load of e2ectric wireo. Prom.Am. 5 no.1108-~ N 162.
(MIRA 15:12)
1. Armyotaldy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledmtel'skogo
instituta elektromekhaniki.
(Electric wire)
KABALALMV, Yu., inzh.; NISKARYAN, G... inzh.
Experimental investigations of materials used in geophyalwa
cables. From.Arm. 6 no.104-57 J& 063. (HIRk l6s4)
1. Arnyanskiy filial Vassoyuznogo nauchno-is4iledovate2takogo
instituta elektromekhanikio
(Electric cables)
L 9291-66 EVJT(1)/E,.qA(h)
AP5028032 SOURCE COM Wtjpltqt~ 11 8
A.: V (&M~ Wart R. sw
I AUTHOIts 311in, Tu. S. (Engr.); robslevok!Zy
ORGs none
TITIZi Broadband operational
& - M, -Or
SOURGEt Priboro3troyonlye, no. 11, 1965, 18-20
TOPIC TAGSt do amplifter, operational amplifier id;4 i~
ABSTRACTs Th% develoyment of a wr broadband low-drift eiectro Aube operational
d-c amplifier is briefly reported. The first 6F:LP -tube A~~ge has two inpitts
(triode and pentode control grids' led via i-~413P-W69 cathoa~loliow6r
and is coup
to the second 6FIP-tube stage. Tbe amplifier d-c gain i0',,1about! VOO; it ii deiigned:
for a 10-kohm, load. Addition of a two-014P-tube output Aagei ireduces the rsqi~ed
load resistance to 2-5 kohms. These characteristics are nportide passbaM, 2J trc
M, vaz us
(at 0.7 level); linearity,:Mo v. The same fundamental 4.rcuil od~for
designing another operational amplifier Intended for a Wgh-a !'ted* analog~qomputer
with periodic solutions; Its yassband was 300 kc (at 0 7 love Orig- art4 h
5 figures and 3 formulas- 130131
UDc: -621 315'
Card IN
..... ............ ...------ .......... ....... -
4FRIVIN01:0 D INIIII.P1 ~-T, 1111ROAR WHAIIIIIi FIVII [it 111171P.1211111311411113 111111 Milli 111111 rinIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIN lllfD I'M 111911111 H
WVT-6-666 6 5 0 0 0
AUTHOR: Kabalevskiy, A. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: Application of the theory of Markov processes In the Investigation of the influence of
disturbances on discrete automatic search systems
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut avtomatild I telemekhaniki. Tekhnlcheskaya k1bernetika
(Technictil cybernetics). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 24-31
TOPIC TAGS: Markov process, search system, discrete system, discrete automation, signal
A.BSTRACT: The purp6se of the present article is to apply the results of the theory of Markov
processes to the analysis of search systems. The author proposes a method for the determi-
nation of the limits of applicability of the method of accumulation for processing signals in
search systems. The assumption that the function y(x) is unknown is made in order to deter-
mine whether the optimal accumulation law differs from zero at any time, i.e.. if there is
any use of employing accumulation in the transient search prooeiss. In two examples this
question is answered in the negative. An Investigation of differential equations, corresponding
to thel difference search equations, will make It possible to provide an answer to this question
card 1/2
L 370-99-66
ACC NR3 AT6006207
for more complex y(x) functions as well when taking Into consideration the losses due to the
processing of the signal and in the examination of the penalty function (P(x). Orig. art. has:
16 formulas and 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 12,13/SUBM DATE:i~Nov66/ORIG REF: 010
Card 2/2
7800-66 BIT (d)/EW P (V)/r-..VIP (k) /EW P W/EN P(
ACC NRt AP5027886 SOURCE CODE: Uft/0403/18 /!~26/01 16/14.4
AUTHOR; Kabalevs1dy, A.H. (Moscow)
ORG: None
TITLE: The analysis of the search In presence of interfereac'e u~fj'io, th(i tf~~ory of Malftirl
SOURCE: AvtomaWm i telemekhanika, v. 26, no. 11, 19650 1930-!iID46
TOPIC TAGS: optimal control, Markov process, automa.tto co the6t-y~ stochlst!i
1 1: prJoe Sao,
differential eauation
1BSTRACT: The author disougaes one of the apprbachos for the ~~Ji~r~jn~luon
parameters of discrete proportional step Search system's for whi6f~. the 4i~ir'ch 6r,
the minimum of the y(x) fixaction Is of the form
1n+1 'a' (X
Here, K is the a tep coefficient; d. trial Indrement of the x ooort*uite; mn~i 6, th'e sicW de4iUl
error accompanying the measurement of the hy(X quantity. j~ The ge~rch syst~M4 is inadet
-itirnnm on Aiv~
either of an automatic optimizer, or of a grogram for the search the ~461'
Card 1/2 UDC: U1. 142.2
L 7800-66
A-CC NRs AP5027886
computers. The system Is described by means of the Offeria"M 11 ht equa-Luo to
author describes the transition from the differences' search equatkift to tie' diffiiie-417ii e4tation
discusses the optimization condition during the diffusion process, cpntrol~ iletermin(~sjthe i
optimum parameters (if the search system, and applies the newlk ildveloped procedllrj)s td
1) the optimum , Y n of ilia
c 4W means of the step coefficient; and 2) the' diaterininatio
optimum accumulaUoa'within the search system. It Is noted that; Sihice tjje:apparatu~i f
Markovian processes covers also multidiimensional cases, the e4thre apop.~aoh can 1i
to nt
the search of extrema of functions of eieveral variables. The iu~'Ahor 1ji hidebted ti A'
Kogan for his participation in the discusfidon and numerous valual)16 advNiet Orig, r 7
38 To-rmulaB and 1 figure.
J, i I
ACC NRI AP6021399 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/66/000/006/0171
AUTHOR: Kabalevskly, A. N. (Moscow); Liptser, R. Sh. (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITLE: The design of a random-function generator for the simulation of Markov diffusion
processes on analog computers
SOURCE: Avtomatika I tolemekhanika, no. 6, 1966, 171-177
TOPIC TAGS: optimal automatic control, Markov process, analog computer. probability,
stochastic process, random process
ABSTRACT: The time requiredfor the use of the Monte-Carlo method, frequently employed
for the solution of the linear and nonlinear partial derivative equations in statistical control
problems, can be significantly reduced by Integrating the stochastic differential equations on
high-speed analog computers Avith a repetition of the solutions. This requires the Incorpora-
tion of randoxn-~functlon generators in the computer. The present authors consider certain
problems which arise in the design of such "white noise" generators as employed for the simu-
ladon of Markov diffusion processes on computers. Thyratron generators in particular are
analyzed from this point of view. The random-function generator described was used In the
Cord 112 UDC: 62-505:621.391.82
ACC NRs AP6021399
solution of several partial -derivative equations on analog computers with perlodization of the
solutions by the Monte-Carlo method. Satisfactory results were obtained (e.g. maximum
errors of not reore than 1 -1. 5%, for a sampling of 10, 000, in the solution of the initial and of
several boundary problems for a homogenouB heat-conduotion equatioa with constant factors).
In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to Ya. A. Kola for the many useful sugges-
tions made during his reading of the manuscript. Orig. art. has-, 3 figures and 12 formulas.
Card 212,1-~k&/o
ACC NR:-- -6022694 SO.URCH CODE: Ult/0000/66/000/000/0273/0279
AUTHOR: Kabalevskiy, A. N.
ORG: none,
TITLE: The problem of-optimizing storage and a method for its approximate solution
SOURCE: Moscow. Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki. Samoobuchayushchiyeaya
avtomaticheskiye sistemy (Salf-instructing automatic system). Hoscow, Izd-vo
Nauka, 1966, 273-279
TOPIC TAGS: approximate solution, nonlinear automatic control system, system
reliability, optimal automatic control
ABSTRACT: This article proposes a method of approximate solution of the problem of
optimum storage in which not every optimum storage function is sought, but there is
merely a regular determination of the storage volume which is advisable at a given
moment. This volume is considered to be the storage volume which at a given moment
gives the maximum mathematical expectation (or minimum, depending on the sense of the
problem) of a value which represents a part of the whole criterion characterizing the
quality of the solution. If productivity of any system is utaximized this approach
recommends selecting storage so as at any moment in time to miximize the mathematical
expectation of current productivity. If the time to obtain any result is minimized
this approach recommends that at every moment in time the atorage be chosen so as to
L 07209-67
ktc t~R-,ki6022694
minimize the mathematical expectation of the time that a certain "elementary result'
will be obtained. The proposed approach in some sense resembles the widely-uaed
gradient method, which also provides the "locally fastest" route to the extremum,
while a trajectory is obtained which, despite its "local optimality", may on the wholq!
be nonoptimum. Examples of two systems are.given: in one total yield depends on the
accuracy of adjustment and operating time; the other the extromum regime must be de-
termined. It is enough to maximize MM to minimize WO (v is random variable;
t, time). Orig. art. has: 15 formulas and 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 09,12/ SUBM DATE: 02Mar66/ ORIG REF-. 008
rAHALI __ - a, ~' ~' .
Blectronic key. RMio no.6:20 Js 156. (ILRA 9:8)
(Telegraph. Wireless--Apparatus and supplies)
K.A.BA L 1 N -J S). 1. - - -
"Valuable Species In Forest Cultures at Novosibirskoya Oblost."
Lesn. kh-vo, 1958, n0. 3, 45-46.
S/19 60/000/0!0/010/017
AUTHORS: Kabal-inskaya, M. P., Gladchenko, I. P.
TITLE: Honeycomb Plastics, Their Properties, Methods of Their
Production, and Their Fields of Application
PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 10, pp- 42-46
TEXT: This report deals with properties of honeycomb plastics on paper,
cotton tissue, and glass fabric base. Products on paper base are said to
be preferable because of their inexpensiveness, The follc~-ning datatre
supplied for various resinsp paper type OT-63 (IP-63) and 7-mm large cella:
Bitumenous Carbamide resin Phenolformal- Epoxy resin
varnish 17 7 type M~f (1AFF) dehyde varnish type ~)R-5
P-21 (R-21) (ED--5)
compressive strength
kg/cm2 1 3-4 7.7
weight by volume,g/CM3 0.04 0.07 0.096 0.12
water absorption,_14 10 3 - 1.5 1.1
Card 1/4
Honeycomb Plastics, Their Properties, Methods
of Their Production, and Their Fields of
The cells impregnated with phenol fqrmalde'hyde varr,.ish are too brittle,
and epoxy resin is too expensive. Carbamide resin itas therefore preferred,
Paper impregnated therewith does not burn any further, once it is removed
from the flame. Brittleness can be reduced by dilu!,ing tho resin with
water, but stability is then impaired. Less brittle material is obtained
with M~-17 (MF-17) carbamide resin,. Honeycomb plastics from IP-63 paper
and MFF resin retain their stability after seven days of atanding in
water. The compressive strength differs depending on the direction of
stress. The following values are given for 5 mm cells (in kg/cm2): 12-14
parallel to the wall of cell; 1.15 in perpendicular -to the side of cell,
and 0.5 in perpendicular to the edge of cell. For cotton plastics with
R-21 varnish the compressive strength parallel to the cell wall amounts to
70-80 kg/cm , for glass reinforced plastics with ED-5 resin 90-100 kg/cM2.
Tests conducted jointly with the nauchno-isBledovatellskill institut
kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of
Refrigeration Industry) yielded for honeycomb plastics with 7-mm cells
a coefficient of heat ~-.-onductivity of 0.083 kcal/m h.GC parallel to the
cell wall, and of 0.057 k1al/m-h,OC perpendicular to the cell wall, An
Card 2/4
Honeycomb Plastics, Their Properties, Methods Sit 11) 1/6o/c.oo/o O/o 1 U A; I'l
of Their Production, and Their Fields of BOOVD060
addition of aluminum powder leads to a further reduction of heat Con-
ductivity due to heat reflection. A test for stability to frost (-300C,
thawing at 100% air humidity) proved the stability of the material. A
method for the continuous production of such a material was worked cut fit
the NIIPM (Scientific Research Instituteof Plastics). Honeycomb plastics
are used as insulating materials in the building industry. They are
produced by profiling the paper by means of chilled rolls, gluing,
stretching, and drying, The following types were experimen tally pr-:)duced
and respective data are given:
type compressive strength weight by
parallel to cell wall volume
kg/cm2 g/cm3
ATI-63-74177"'(IP-63-7-BI77 al ) 1.0 0-044
klii-63-12-tb'17-~" (IP-63-12-13177") 0-5 0.023
kID-63-5-MIO (IP-63-5-MFF 12 0.1
~AT-63-7- M9 (IP-63-7-MFF~ 4.3 0.07
Air-63-12-MN (IP-63-12-.MFF) 2.7 0.04
Card 3/4
AUTHOR: Kal.~alkin, A., 7'ecretary of the Komsomol Committee
TITLE: Wi~e ~Futu-ie Constructors (U budushchikh stroit eley)
PERIODICAL:, ProfLessionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 1958,4Nr 7,
p 25 (US'-'?R)
ABSTRACT: On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol
the students of Construction School fir 40 have decided to per-
form a total of 750,000 rubles worth of extra work.
ASSOCIATION: Stroitellnoye uchilishche Nr 40 - Luganskaya oblast,
(Construction School Nr 40 - Lugansk Oblast )
1. Education--USSR 2. Building--Construction 3. Personnel--Per-
Card 1/1
KABALKIN. V.A., kiLndidat takhnicheakikh nauk.
Method of comparing technological coats of alb*mative meolutnical processes
under conditions of mass production. Ayt.trakt.prom. no.10:3-8 0 '53.
(KTLBA 6:11 )
1. Sibirskiy avtodoroshnyy institut im. Kuybyshev&. (Costs, Industrial)
Screw-rotary snowplows used in Bavaria. Stroi. i dor. mashinos*r.
3 no.1:39-40 Ja 158. (KIRA 11:1)
255Q:�&L_ tro p(hYMP(l)
NRs AM500482l Monograph .2
Bevroyj K. P. z loozgM Rg.:A.;
Road construction machinery (Doro2hnostroitellnyyo malihiv) M444 Tzd_~Oi, 714~-Phino-
strayeniye'r. 1565. 384 p. illus. 0 biblio. errata $4
int4irtedo 10~000 ci3piee
printed. Textbook for students ap"IrAll dovtra~tion machl, ixt in-
in a Wry
stitutions of higher learning
TOPIC TAGS: hlghvay engineeringy excavatirg machinerr, 0~ st 6tion xse"ryi, rosA
9a ro
PURPOSE AND CGVE1VAE: The book describes the constructiops. of ~raad buildlie ~miwhines
of Soviet manufacture (predominantly new models)j, amd c*,iina * ibrief review 6f the
constructions of foreign machines as well as a descriptloi4 of oiriginal W44 diisigns.
The main trends in the development of road builtling macbioery aire indicated# 112a
purpose of the book wu to help future emineerst in the simdty o~f t~e constiuctlon of
such machinery and is a textbook for students lit cowaso ~f "Co~iziruction-,A;nd Aoad
Building Machinery and Equipment" and "Automobile,. Roads"~ ~f. po34rbichnia and,
automobile-road institutes* It can also be use,4 by wginters 04id technicl*asp
mechanics., and constructorsp during the operatica of Meuse, 'it
is intended to serve as-& companion to the existing texttooks 0i the theoV7;i~ de-
sign of machinery. Chapters 1,, 2,# and 4 were written by~%oginvi4!r~4&I-A. 6-Vt
Ch* 3 by Candidate of Technical Sciences D. A. 1=2v_A Ch., 5 by ~Ohadi a prlQ - Cal
Sciences K. P. Sevrawp Ch. 8 by candidate~o~ZFE-Tcix adincep, 11V4 A, Chs*
9, and 10 by Candidate of Technical Sciences H* I# Pulkins Ch. 5 '4Y Candidatw or iftob-
nical Sciences N. L. and Ch, 7 by D. I. ZakhtW994 00 overau 6~ Itar of
rA V2
ACC H P- A95OM21
the textbook vas Candidate of Technical Gaievee9je Profeesfti., K. Pi. Oev"W
Section 1. Machines for preparatory and earth excavution 5
Cho" 19 Propulsion means and control meebanims
Ch. 2. Machines for preparatory vork - - 27
Ch. 3*~ Machines for earth work - - 45
See, no Machines for construction of road coverings usi4org"I
a binding mater-
Isla 140
Ch. 4. Equipment for transportation.$ storegeo preparation :am '~Mwlva of ~dsanic
binding materials - - 140
Ch. 5. Machines for mixing materials during transportatlatiII.
ch. 6o Machines for preparing and pouring asphalt-concrete OUX's - 3JW
See. III. Machines for the construction of reinfoced cona4te i
surfac-4i - 241
Cho 7. Machines and equipment for the preparation of cowl4te autures - Oki
Cho Be - Machines for the construction of the Immep potrinao irst an& finishing
concrete - - 267
Sec* IV. Machines for packlzg ground and road surfaces
Ch. 9. Machines for ground packing - - 312
Cho We Machines for packing road surfaces e. 353
lAterature - 362
-Cm,d 2/2 cICL
KOALKIXA,, N.A., starobly agronom-bakteriolog; LISITSYN, F.T.
Information and brief news. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol.
6 no.8:58-59 Ag 161, (MIRA 15:12)
1. Direktor Leningradskoy karantinnoy laboratorii (for Lisitsyn).
(Plants, Protection of)
"A atudZr of the bacterial diseases of sorghum and fruit trees In the Soviet
report submitted for Symp on Host-Parasite Relations in Plant, Pathology,
Budapest, 19-22 Oct 64.
Stalk rot of sorgo, Zashoh. rasto ot, vred, i Inl. 9 no.10:
45-46 164 (MIRA 18 tl)
1. Starnhiy baktariolog TSentrallnoy karantJxinoy laboratoriio
lies fileft so InIfirsimmilk dleftom in Armstle VOM-
ponsillfi, A. I. lCitaligaroldliail and IL 24, NAbalklust Octal.
t*#, Chem., Aftd, IM. ly-S-SX), DOWY-Alid."NOO
X)(19M.-Titeltempletitrtmilhal. lit
almustic comrAp.. all C-C d1filark-es a" equal (11.40 *
it W A.). Is Iduted by eww dau an the strim,tut" 44 l'It.
dirlskirmoplubskme (1) W4 1 5-ditlildwatnthirarrae Ml~
to 1. "Umorlinip. space Kno t:.. A214, a - 16 lit). Al
4,111, c - 14.2 A.. p - 9314" sla. cd mula. lit the mll
I'llsentatim of the WAI. re6tive to 1hr Ate. cv( flit 4vll
X1 3' ov - 7.%.A*. the C -V ties.
are 1 .1
11A 1'. d.-C. - 1.411, C.-Cs - 1,32.
and Cr4C, a I M A. In 11, amachnic. CO.., .4 24. Cell
conAL a - 1911. 6 - 4.05. c - 14.4 A., 0 - 93 40'.
it wAls. 4. adenta" o1 30 *JU I
1-40,C88-col 1.37'ell-C 1 1. 44, C' C.
IZJ Cw-C. IJK4 C.A.4 M. CAtit - 1.42 Vvi-
drutiy. tbe dmble boo&. clistairtesiml by the dipiwi~
1-10-1.34 A.. a" to a LArm etWat iWatiml. sud ttw
Apsir-bond shiltAxict Is abartived. 77itrr is no am-mi
awriletis of ibe toul dislawts As prdicted by quAntum.
b. VA-1111. %, 'Irl""I
MA the
tun la
And fiv
Am. wo
at, di4
. 6=t
& Md. is cow.
tm owttatinj
gow.dedim-dirmit- Tbl'"Uo'
ggggTornmut bol not ft 0"'
eg., 1w Ag so IM 40,
40 -03. AQ,
i6 bmW db(WWN
4 Or., '
I A I Ce-Ch I
A4. at *OAS A.
Wed lit
leg tims bou4 d6bl-"
~0,, J.. C.A' 44'IMP- 7"
wo C. bY lkw*l- OA2 A - wbkb't
Mkbel swaart
4 0001s- Fee Wdt
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TITIZ The Investigation o e Crystal Utructure of thoi Halides of
Rubidium at flig4 Pressure.
(Issledoyanlye kristallicheakoy struktury galoitenidov:rOidlys. prt
vysokom davlehii -Russian)
MIMICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSMg, 1957, Vol 113,, Nr 14, pp 7~7-798 (U.668DRo)
Received 6/1957 Reylomod 7/1957
ABSTRACT The authors determined ths~,adiograzs of RbJ and RbOl ut. pressures of Ilooo
and 75oo ke/cm4 with the help of a chamber, the con3twuotiori of 'which was
described by L.F. MaHCHAGIN and I.V.MUNDT, The cylindric all-stl aped samp-
le obtained oy, pressing of the materi.04 "as titted Into the chan-
nel of the beryllium cor* -f illed with lithium. 11ressw-e was produced by a
steel piston having a diameter of 3 mm. Monochromatie copper radistiv'n was
used for recording and pentaerithrite served as a reflecting crystall. Ex-
posure lasted from 3o to 4o hours. The construction of the chamber permits
the recording of two radiograms on one films with as ivell as without pres-
sure. Hereby pressure can be estimated from compressibility. The radiograms
of RbJ and RbCl obtained here contain, besides.the lines of the sample, a
large number of lithium- and beryllium lines. The separation of the lines of
the sample to be investigated are discussed in short.,The data obtained by
BIRDGMAN on the compressibility of the lithium at different values of p
were usedfor the determination of the pressure p. The data obtained fortlie
Card 1/2 crystal structure of RbJ and RbC1 at pressures of lloo and 75oo k&/CM" at
AUTHORS: Vere she hag in, L. F.,_Ycnb-a=n5~,. ~-. and Yevdokinaova, If. V.
TITLE: A Camera for X-Ray Studies of the Sbructure of.Monocr7stals
under High Pressure (Kamera dlya rente;enostrukturn,711ch
issledovaniy monokristallov pod vysokim davleniyem)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eecsperimenta, 1955, Nr 3, PP 90-92
ABSTRACT: An X-ray camera has been built for studie s2of mono-
crystals under a pressure of up to 7000 kg/cm . The
pressure is transmitted by a steel pii5ton a'nd the liTaid
employed is benzene. The piston is fixed in the working
position by means of a special nut. The pressure is mea-
sured by means of a manganin manometer. The camera viorks
on the rotation principle. An exam-ple is gdven of an X-ray
photograph of sodium chloride under a pressli-re of 4000
(Fig.4). A sectional draviing tlirou~;h tlie qiL:jl
Card 1/2
A Camera for X-Ray Studies of the Structure of Monocrystals under
High Pressure
pressure chamber is shown in Fig.2. V. G. Gors4kov is
than~".ed for his advice. There ~Lre, 4 figures and 11
references, if which 4 are Soviet, I German and the rest
are English.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya fiziki sverichvysokikh davleniy AN SSSR
(Laboratory of Physics of Ultra-High Pressures of the
Acade~-ny of Sciences of -the USSR)
SM'dITTED: August ?, 195?.
1. X-ray diffraction camera s--Desi gn 2. Single crystals--
X-ray analysis
Card 2/2
.2,1(2); 50) 1
A UT HOR i Kabalkina; S. S. SOV/20-125-1~30/67
TITLE: invueti-ation of the Crystal Str-octur,~ of Norma'
Paraffins n-C 30 H62 and n,-,C 32 H6,, at High Press-are
(lt3sledovLniyelcrir,t!illiche3koy 3truktury nor,-,1l'nykh
para.rinov n.-C 30 H62 1 n -.C 32H66 pri vyi;,Aom davlenii)
1URIODICAL nauk SSSR, 1959~ Vol 125i _Nr 11,
1~ i .6
PP 114-117 (USSR)
ABST-ILICT t The present paper deals with the explanation of tho
influenced exerted by a high prei:.ure upon the structure
of n-%" 30 1: 62 and n.-C 32a 66' The investigation took place at
hjdroatatic and quasihydrostatic prc3sure by ineans of a
high-preosure X--ray camera. Tho paraffin gample of a
diamuter of from 0,4 to 0,5 mr, -was plac4ud in the ch,-,nr.(!l
of a beryllium cone. The h:fdrostitJr. prousurp was
transferred to the cample by mcan-s of A figure
shows a lon-itudinal section of the cxnez-i-zental arrangement.
The second figure show~5 the rcentgenograma of n-C 30 H62'
Card 1/5 which -i,,ere taken vith cop_ier rndi!ttion at dif,~'erent
Investigation of the Crystal Structure of Norciall Paxaff3.LL-j n--C
and n-C H ,
6 at High Pressure
32 hydrostatic pressures. Each couple of roentgenograms
consists of two photographs: one was taken at high
pressure and the other at atmospheric pressure.
Photographs taken at high pressure only contain the
lines (110) and (200) of the R-modification, in the name
way as the photographs at. atmospheric pressure. A table
shows the values of the parameters a,b, and ab for n-C
and n-C 32H66 at different pressures 1). The value of ab
corrasponding to absolute zero can bu attained at room
temperature by compressing the sub~7.tance at a pres.--ure of
3500-A,000 kg/cm , The parameter o of" n-C ~OH62 does not
change at high pressures, and consar,uuntly the
compressibility in the direction of the molecule chains is
but neglegible, as compared to the COMDres-sibility in the
direction vertical to them,. Accordiag to the data obtained
here one mhy write with sufficient accuracy V - const ab for
the volume of the paraffin cell. Tho third figure shoy,s the
Card 275 function V(p) for n-C 50 11 62' The second table contains the
807/ /20 - 125-1-30/67
investi-ation of the Crystal Structure of Nor~ial Paraffins n-C if
U 30 62
and n.-C H High Pressure
32 66 a4
coefficit-.iits of linear coia,)vcusibility of (1/p)4a/a and
('/p)tjb/b for variou:i p. In the i~rc:fmiure r~in(-"e of from
7(.100 'z_1 "'JI th(.- ~:onpreot:ibility .,oefficients are
th~_-m in tho uf fro;~. 7000 - 13500
/(:t. 12 Iccording to the result.-i yi,Aded by the
investigation under rvvic-;; therf, irc, ao abrupt variations of
volume in n...C 11 2 at high prmoires, but the coe."'Cicient
30 6 91
of comprezAbility chanC;es abraptly. Therofore even at high
Preq.-Ur(:3 ~n -I-C 361162 therf-- is no trui,,oition of the first
order, but,Of -the second order. The data for n-C,.11 ' d
' 62 "
n-C 32H66 aErp-(; ~Iuite viell with one another. and whatever has
been said for n C 30H62 holds for n-C 5"? 11 66 as well, The third
table shorts the distanc(29 betweun the hydxogen molecales at
Card 3/5 pressures up to 6000 kg/clli 2., The secon. d part of the present
paper dealL ,,.,ith the crysta-1 structure of n,C 11 d
If 30 62 an