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z ~,~ j [Y[,-,'Tll;"!.TA 9- -4va, 'F:l t ,,its - -,, ", Fqu','iitriu:,l in the grap - and ele7atol preg5ur6s. 2'*;-,IIT-. 38 '-' * r, 6' ra tit -,:, 3 r . . II 0 . Q .1 vir.l, IF-2) - IYEVSKIY,, A., master avtomodellnogo sporta, Novooheflcass~:, Homemade small batteries. Za rul. 18 no.1000 0 160.. (IMA 14cl.), (Storage batteries) IYEZUITOV7 A.M.1 inzh.j AKSENOV, V.F., inzh. ......- Tasks of the railroad transportation of the peat indugtr7 of the R.S.F.S.R. during the period from 1963-1964. TGrf. rom. 40 no.6: 1-5 163. MRA 16:10) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye torfyanoy promyshlexinosti Soveta narodnogo khozyzystva RSFSR. GAVRILOV, Iev Gavrilovich; ITMTJITOV, V.H., red,; GOVKOVA, Z.D., teldm. red. [Barth regenerated by the Ootober RevoIntion] Zemlls, vozrozhdonnaia OL-tiabrem. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoo, llt-ry, 19,'J~7. 180 p. (Russia-liconomio conditions) (Agricature) (HVU 1137) ACC NR- T6029930' LOJOURCI.; CODL: unloli)3166100010i~1019-'jlO'911 1 INVENITOR: Voronov, M. N. 1yezuitov, Mlorgun(rt, G, M. Saurov, 0. L. ORG: none TITLE: Mechanical lock. Class 62, No. 184144 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 194 TAGS: aircraft landing gear, mechanical lock,", 4,0- ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a mechanical lock, such as for an aircraft's undercarriage,"~onsisting of a fXlinderl'with a rod which is locked the c ylinder by the use of a Gplit collar supported by the shaft of a floatingpiston. To avoid the involuntary opening of the lock and the fixation of the piston in a position corresponding to the closed position of the rod, annular grooves are placed inside the piston and on the outside of the rod; in -Une pistoL., they are cylindrical, and in the rod, inside of which is instare&, a snap ring vith a conical jut, they are conical. (KT SUB CODE: 01, 13/ SUBM DATE: 16oct64 Card ime! 621.646,629, .135/13 ~YEZUITOVAI_NA.; UGOLEM, A.M.1 FEDYUSHINA, I.N. Effect of the perfusion rate on the Onvitary aiW parietal hydrolysis of starch and sucrose. Dokl.AN SSSIL 149 no.3046- 741 Mr 163. oam 16:4) 1. Institut fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova.AN.SSSR. Predstavleno akademi3kom V.N.Chernigovskim. (DIGESTION) (SUCROSZ) (STARCH) IYEZUI A TOVA,,A?f.-- EVA, N.M.; KOLDOVSKIY, O.K.f NURXSf Ya.Ya.; A.M. Fbfftnatal development of the enzymatic activIty of' the sur- face of the emll intestine in rats (inverlasey peptidaoes lipase). Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.43~~993 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut fiziologii im. 1.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. Predstav- leno akademikom A.I. Opurinyma L- - 1~- ~w Zvi . ,-;; f ACC NR. 060184w SOURC-E- Tbw-feyeva, 114 11- -:0 AUTHORt u I.; Nadirova, To, Ta..1 ___Sglo _ _,tA ...- ORGt Institut pav ov All SS i AN S3SR) 0 of FhvqioloF-v im, I. P (9 finiol I . ffi 11 TITIE- Digestive funotions of intestinal epitalAum In calillsat!b"rl witl% eel-IOUs SOURCC: AN SSSR. Doklady, vo 166, no, 2, 1966. 472-475 TOPIC TAGS: radiation injury, digestive system, radiatio;l~i. biologic effecto' patho- genesis, enzyme, polysaccharide, hydrolysis ABSTFA(;Tt T1,e authors determined the enzymtic activi~y-i of thii mirfacd ot 'the intestine, intestinal homogenates and the contents of the inbestine I n~ irradiated rats (1j150 r.). Invertase, peptidase and wilylolyflic activity in. control.animls and in rats 4, 24, 48., and 72 hourt eAtter il-radiation was studied$ The results led the authors to suppose hat defeets in digestion near the wall of the intestine are significant in the pathogenersis of the disturbances resulting from severe radiation injuriei, Tho ablioat completlai suppression of Invertase activity in homogenates anif intoot, inCestimall sections indicates that not only synthesis but also traddlocation of thisl enzMe to the surface of the aell is disrupted, In the one U' tKvp~ptidatses)' it is the latter process Which is mostly dtfoctedj sinco thera im no important, L 2760P,66 A C W C R-A-P6018420 Ouinge in *the store of the en;~ymq in intestinal cellos Tho levOl of aal~ldlytic; ,activity of the contents of the inte8tino was considerably highdr than nor.N11 which indicates that digestion in the intestinal cavity is less aj~fected than d1grestion alorig the vrall. But in spite of the high contaril of niqlase in the intootine, Ito activity on the surface was almost nilt Thia ireakeninG of the processes of ad8orpti2n of pancreatic enzyTme by Intlestimil cello Atuat result in a disruption of hydrolyais of polysacaharides along the walls Tho palper was presented by Academician V, N. Chornigovskiy on 6 Ham-oh 1964;. The authorit !Utank and their vOuablo ailvij.-gi alo. itssiotanoeie Oirig. art# hast 3 figurea* LiPTIS .j SUB COMs 06 SUBM DATEt 25Jan65 O'RIG Ws 001 01.111" 1&:, 009.- C ar4 1 Y 6, 1 --~ I, I, , ; s. . *.-I- . ------ --- - lli,~aterial on the Study of Toxoplasmosis in Blr;1~2,lf vol~roaz t-Oksol)lazr:ozu, report thesea of a conforkinco on trproplafm~wsic, vloccow. - 5 AprIl 3161, Publ- bY I'll't RPid-NniolOr- I : y ~'I.'Id t1c;1-00101ory im. h. F. Cravialeya, !%cad. 3ci USSR, .'lascow, 1961., 69pp. im Gvamale~a S3SIR, Moacow ZASUKHIN, D.N.;._jTqTSTE; A.K. Evaluation of laboratory data on tests for toxoplamaomic. Rush. i gin. 39 no.381+5-58 ~Ty-J063 (MIRA- 11"Itz) 1. Iz otdela prirodnoochago-rjkh infekt5i:y h2tituflm epidemio- logil i mikrobiologii immi N.F.Gamale! AIM IYGNAS, E.T., master alektromontazhrWkh rabot -... ... Glue for fastening rollers in conducting interior electric- wiring, operatione. Sugggested by N.T.lygnan. Rnta.i Isobr. predl.v stroi, no,11:61-62 159. (MIU 13:3) 1. Po materialam stroltaley g.Noril'ska Krasnnyarskogo sovmrkboza. (Glue) IYSYUK, G. -1,1~ - Obtaining 7-~ centuers of alfalfa seed per hectare, Nauka i pared. op v sellkhos. 8 no*4t29 Ap 158. (RIPA 11:5) l.GlavWy Wonom sovkhose. imeni %dennoga. (Alfalfa) 1. !*ff3.UUR3KIY, K.B. 2. U33R (6oo) 4. Compounds, Complex 7. Stability of complex compounds in water solutions, Usp.khim, 22 no. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Libnary of Congress, AP FJL -1953, Uncl. GORDETAD E, Sh.G.; ITUBCHKIKO, G.G. [Liubehonko. 11.11.j FAst-responce machine for measuring the brilliance and coordinates of stars from negatives. Dop.AN URSR no.6:766-769 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Astronomicheskaya observatoriya AN USSR i Vychilitellny7 tseatr; AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR 334nedenko [B.T.Hne- denkoh (Astronomical instrumenta) SLCDKUICH, Voevolad Sergeyevtch; IYUDIII I. redaktor; CHUSOVA, 0., telchnichaskiy redaktor [Discovery and settlement of Northwestern America by the Russians; a popular scientific sketch] Iz istorii otkrytiia I oevoeniia russkimi Severo-Zapadnoi Ameriki; nauchno-popullarnyl ocherk. Petrozavodsk, Goa. W-vo Xsrelo-7inskoi SSR. 1956. 64 p. (MIRA 10:1) (America-Discovery and exploration) f 'e " I /! " V-1 1-i ~ .L IC'~( ~( ; A-, , /, VAIMMM, Ivan Yakovlevich: IYUDIII, I.M.. -red.; SIWCIWIKO, L.V., ffl-, ~ - , I - - [Karelia in ibe sixth five-year plan] Karellia v shestoi platiletke. Petrozeyodak, Goo. izd-vo Earel'skoi ASSR, 1957. 133 p. 041RA 11:5) (Karelia-Sconomic conditions) IYSOV, M.I.., kand. tekhn. nauk. Designing and selecting types of power-steering mechanisms. Avt. prom. io.12-.75-12 D '.158. (WHA 11:12) I.Gosudaretvannyy soyuzW ordena Trudevago KraBzage Znameni ., nauchns-isoledevatellski)r avtomobilInyy i avtomo-terW insti"t. (Automobiles--Steering xears) iY-D".. ?. 1. v I "1 14 . IYUDIN, P. N. -- "Investig.-ting operated Electric Drills for Making Higher Education U513R. Moscow Hirdng Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Sciences) the Possibility of Usinp, Manually- Bore Holes in Rocky Soil," Min Institute Iment J. V. Stalin, Degree of Candidate of Technical Knizhnava L,~tQ2js' No 42, October 1956, Aloscow IMP" P. N. IYUDIN, P. N. -- "Investigating the Possibility of Using Manually- operated Electric Drills for Making Bore Holes in Rocky Soil." Min Higher EAucation USSR.. Moscow Mining Inst izmeni J. V. Stal in., Moscow, 1956, (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in TECHNICAL SCIMCES). SO: KNIZHNAYA LETOPISI (Book Register)s No. 429 October 19!3'6p Moscow, 15-57-3-3904D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 199 (USSR) AUTHOR: Iyudin, P. N. TITLE: A Study of the Possibility of Usint.,- Hand Electric-Drills During Drilling in Hard Rocks (Issledovaniye vozmozh- nosti primeneniya ruchnykh elektrosverl pri burenii shpurov v krepkikh porodakh) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the authorls dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Moak* gqrn&. in-t (Moscow Mining Institute) Moscow 1956. ASSOCIATION: Mosk. Zorn. in-t (NIToscow 'Xining Institute) Card 1/1 im~I-N)P P.N... kand. teklm. nauk Selecting the efficient power for an electric mtor of electric hand drills. Nauch. trudy Mosk. inst. radioelek. i gor. elektromelch. no.47.94-108 263. (MIRA 17:6) S C NIKIT~ildY, N. , ZUBF011) NON% Exhibl. fA ons n f n j; oril r; Ic 3 j ly'l 1. Starohly motcdiBt razsd~;-Iu ~`Torfyanayu na. V~.,st-,tvke dou tlzhon ly !q4 r xL-:zyrjj-sfvll S!.SR, Lecl -11-ya a Vy, (for Zubkov). 3. Sta-rohlY oblty:~dine-nnp--i pavill- onov "Toplivnaya promphlenrjoi-,t' I ma Vy'stalike. doottzhenly narodriogo kl,L)zyay-,lt,.,,A E~`Al (f,.w +1'* 6in 4. V", i on "Lagkaya promychlennas t. m. Vy.3 ta-llko d:,".41 17, tvi r 1,hozyaystva SSSR (for Khodo-sova). S.] Studies on mechanIsms of the development of a noninfective 48cridine" Polioantigen. Vop. virus. 9 no.6t652-65(3 N-D 164. (MIFA 18:11) 1. Tnstitut poliomiyelita i virusnvkh entsefalitov AMN SSSR, Moskva, i Tallinskly nauchno-issladovatellskty institut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyany. S/194/61/000/010/026/082 71~O D222/1)301 ALFMOR~-, Iyudu, K.A. TITLE: On utilizing phenomena of the ideal hysteresis loop to improve the reliability of aiatrix storage units 0 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhiirnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, n06 10, 1961, 29, abstract 10 B191 (Nauchno-tekhn.. inform. byul. Leningr. politelchn, in-t, 1960, no. 8, 122-130) TEXT: Criteria are given for evaluating the reliability of discrete-action systems which reduce to the principle that out of two units the more reliable is the one which -remains operational with greater allowances for changes in the nominal values of the elements, The concept of generalized scatter is introduced which can be used to determine the optimal values of currents, used for selecti-&-ig cells in ferrite storage units. The operating conditions when the ideal magnetization characteristics are used in switching Card 112 S/194/61/000/010/026/082 Ch- utilizing phenomena... D222/D301 the ferrite from one state to the other are considerecL Durin'T this kind of switching, simultaneously with the d.c. remagnetization~ current of a given polarity, an alternating current of attenuating amplitude is applied. It is shown that under these operating con- ditions remagnetization can take place with relatively small cur- rents of 10-50 ma. 4 figures. 6 references. Z-il.,bstracter's note: Complete translation2 Card 2/2 33063 S/19 61/000/012/029/09-1 D201YD303 AUTHORS: Golldbaum, I. Ya. and Iyudu, K..A. TITLE: The use of error detecting arid correctng coding fcr increasing the reliability of memory devices PERIODICAL% Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektroalka, no. 12, 1961, 25, abstract 12B159 (Naachn.-tekhn, in- form Byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, no. 12, 52-57) TEXT: Some problems in the use of error detecting and oorrecting codes for increasing the reliability of memorieg of digital. com- puters are considered. In a general case the ine::ior- stored number Y code is expressed in the form of a rectangular matrix Card 1/ 3 The use of error all a12"' al-, a a 2 a22'-a 20 a a a P2 P 33563 f)/19A/61/000/012/029/01)7 D201/D303 where the number of rows and V the number of columns. The eK- press Pon=bec ome s a single row matrix for series memory arranger'ler.-.S and a single column matrix for the parallel type memories. Owing tc. the introduction of additional symbols, the coding may be repre- sented as an extension of the single row or column matrices. The number of these symbols depends on the number c-f symbols ia the co- ded information,and on the number of errors b-3ing :corrected. In reading the information from the memory all rc,~7 and :clumn sums Card 2./ 3 33563 S/194/61/000/012/029/097 The use of error ... D201/D303 added and compared with those written in the (1A + 1)-th row and (0 + 1)-th column. If a single error has occurred then the row sum will be out of coincidence in the row with distorted element and in the column in which this element is distributed. Thus, the element appearing at the cross-section of a known row and of a known column must be corrected. This method makes it possible to correct more than one error, provided they are distributed inx,rows and columns of the same numerical order. Every row and column of the matrix may be coded and checked according to the methods of obtaining a code correcting a single, and detecting a double, er- ror. Thv3 a large number of errors may be detected which are dis- posed at the vertices of a polygon formed by the matrix elements. From the point of view of reliability this method gives a high coding efficiency. Formulae permitting evaluation of efficiency of specific memory devices are derived. The problem of error correc- tion methods and their effect on reliability is considered. Z-Ab- stractor's note: Complete tranalation,-7 Card 3/3 40.3 ',17 S/19' "'10001000611,36/232- 1-3. 0~9'0 0 D29574D30048 C3, 2 1 S-0 AUTHOR: Iyudia, K. A. .L TITLE: Spectral rethod for calculating reliability PI -, 11110 D I C A L'.Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika :L radioelektronika, no. 6, 19062, abstract 6-7-25 t (Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul.t Leningr- politekhn. in-t, -no. 12, 1960, 43-51) T-'; The reliability of equipment is characterized by the relia- u bi',i4-y pf its individual components, and is also dependent on the design parameters of its functional stages. The mean frequency of n m failures, ~,, is equal to /'L Xi + ;Ld j where ~,i is. the j!= 1 mean frequency of failures oIL the i-th component, n is the nur 'ber of components, m is the number of operating conditions of the eaulp- Ment (i,e. the number of functional inequalities s-. i ~> 0, the argu- ments of which x-It' X29 "'t Xn are currents, voltagesp resistances Card 1/3 S/194/62/000/006/186/232 S-oectral method for calculating D295/D308 and other primary parameters of the equipment), and A,, = fTTj exp r 2 ~j /2-Dj), where f Iij is the value of the frequency of the spectrum, is the mean value and D is the dispersion of the sta- tionary random function y j having norm.5111 amplitude distribution, By expanding each function c?j into a Taylor series and neglecting terms of the first and hicher orders one obtains r,,.(Fc t>- ; 9 - 13 1 1 5': 2 xi, TC where R. , X are the mean values of the Dri- n 1 2F 'W rpary parameters. The dispersions are determined on the basis of the disDersions of the primary parameters n D D.., D.- ('a7yi/8xi)Dxi, and the mean square of the fre- quency of the total random function speczrum ii eaual to th--- aoight- ed. quadratic mean of'the r.ri.s. frequencies of its iAndividual com- ponents Curd 2/3 3/' 9 1 '62 UNDIC,0611 30"/'2;2 !~pcctral riethod for calculating D265XD3'0/8 n 2 -1 7---7 2 f Dj Z~ Djif iiji. The weighting f actors being equal to the i=1 dispersions. Assuming that the components of the random functions Lave uniformly-distributed spectra from 0 to f i one obtains 2 2 f -r./3. The desicn reliability of the memory circuits of ma- JTji I > tri-X.-type memory devices is evaluated as an example. A graph of ',,d as a furction of the relative mean value of a si-Fle coordinete cur- rent is'plotted. Complete experimental verification of the reliabi- lity calculated would take an extremely long time, but the cual-ita- tive fe&'.ures of the phenonenon observed coinaide aitth the predic- ted behavior. It is confirmed that reliable oDe:~aticn of me.;ory eouipment based on a tao-current-coincidence principle is possible by specifying very narrow tolerances for the parameters. In the pre- sence of large -temperature, variation of the surroundin.-, medium tiie operatign of such memory equipment becomes unreliable. 12 ces. [Abstracter's note: CO'mpiete translat-ion.] Card 3/3 IYUDU, X.A. I inzh. Calculating mean frequency and duration of failures in combized automatic control systems. Izvov7souchebazavo; mashinostr. no. 12-130-134 l61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Leningradskiy politakhriteheakly institul. (Automation) Wt~ ACCESSION YR: AR3CC0545 S/00B,1/63/0()D/OD7/041.1jOCa SCURCE: R2;h. FJLimiyzL, Abs. 7til~40 AUThOR: iyudvinskiy A. I. TITLE: Irmestigation of properties ot basic refmzt"iOlt produced I.-lom ftnel3r E;rct=.d cha-w-tte ai-A muZnesit4, na deterdmiutR by IhO --,4+4n- e%-r thf. mir linti tmi3surature of firing TOM TAM: refractories; ccqpasftic6; firint te4hpautim. es ,nnce stability v2-s fou-nd that refractmiea having thio best p hU-vi cea Ln-dices fu~3 obtaUlned f!ran m-ucea I:av4Ang th4a povdcr 2C-50. Pti-l-na ti-ovrperv- :.R: &R3000545 :hun~?-ium spilnelid-s- cUstributed t~--c%whDut the buD-, of U4-- re- resisl;ance to 31aq ptLnatral~on. Ln pe.-r- -,y tnese re-fract.,orl SUrpaSS =Lgri Frm, a~;thorls ,A'=,, ACQ: ^1,XaY--3 =2 - 00 cc-fd 2,i;;~ IYULI, Yu.; MALYSHEY, ~. . . .... .....I.. Destiny of a great invetiono Izobr*i rats. m.9-.P.3 S7162. (MIPA .16:3) (Electric welding) CatQgory : U-6--31II/Solid stnte rtiyzics -Stems I U Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, No "59~ Author : Grigorlyev, A.T., Sokolovakaya, Ye.M., Budennayn, L.D. Maksimova, M.V. Title : of the Palladium-Gold-Cobal-L System Orig Pub :Zh. neorgan. khimii, 1956, 1, 110 5, 1052-lo63 Abstract :TI-j--rmal-Analysis methods and studies of the hardness and the microstructure after annealing and hurdeneing from dif- ferent temperatures., of the specific electric resistivity, and of its temperature coefficients were all used for the first time to study the Pd-Au-Co triple system. The two-phase region in the gold-cobalt system spreadB extensively into -the triple regi6n, which reaches up to 47% Pd at the center of the diagram at room temperatures, and is gradually reduced 0 with increasing temperature, reaching 35% Pd at looo The double-eutectic line starts out frovi the eutectic point of the Au-Co system and extends into the triple s,' stem until it reaches a section with 2C,','b Pd. The remairing portion of Card 1/2 Category : Ussp,/'Solid State Physics - Systt--mfl E-Ij Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, ITO 3, 1957, 11110 6599 diagran adjacent to the palladium corner, is occupied by the region of the triple solid solution, F.Ill.'I'liur in- creases considerably Mae mutual solubillty of m*,J-d and cobalt. Card : 2/2 IZAAK, A. P. Cand Mod Soi -- (disa) "Clinioal X-ray obserivations of the duodenum in op~storohosis and oertain other parasitosooo" Omsk, 1959* 12 pp Pi 1, MV., of. (GVSU M k;-T i ~s~iilroad Glinioal 'Iffoapital), 225 ooples (KL, 46-59, 140) ~y -0- lZAAK, A. P. (Onsk) Cliolecyatograph7 in opisthorchiaoitis KlInsmad,, 38 noo3356-59 Va- 160. (HIRA 16M 1. Iz rentqenologleheskogo otdaleniya (nachallmik A-P.Izaak) Qmkoy dor6zbno-y klinicheakoy bollnits-y (naeliallnik S.F.Mellnik); (nauchnyy rukovoditelt - zavecluyushchiy kafedroy gospitallnoy terapii Qnskogo meditsinskogo instituta prof6 MaE.Tinnikov; na-uchnyy konsulltant - zasluzhennyy de7atell nauki prof. S.A. Reynberg). (DISTCHATOSIS) (GALL BLAMM-RO10GRORY) IZAAK, A.P., (Owk) Diagnosis of adenomatous polypi of the duodenwa. Elin.medo 40 no#6:1.18-120 Je 162, (MMA 15t9) (DUODMiM4-TUMORS) IZAAKI D.F. . Role of the drawing in a geometry class. Uch. zap. Orsk. gos. ped. inst. no.3.*34-54 162. (IIJRA 16-8) IZAAI, D.F. (Orsk) '..'W"Zow About the article of I.I.Smirnov "Trigonometric equations In a course for schools." Hat. v shkole n0.1:31-34 Jo.-Y 155. (Trigonometry-Study and teaching)(Smirnov,1*1.)(MLRA 6:2) IZAAK D.P. - - 2 __ - -__ Representation of three-dimensional figures in secondary scbools. Uch. zap,', MPI 151352-110 160. OMU 16: 5) (Geometry--Study and teaching) -_- NAAK D.-&-JOrsk) . P Ascertaining the shape of a georrietric figure w1jer, solving problems in geometry. Mat. v shkole no.249-53 Mr-Ap 161. (KIRA 1-4:4) (Geometry-Study and teaching) IZAAKO ;.Yal-- Incidence of angina among workers of the vacnizi industry, and the dispensary treatment of chronic tonsillitis. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.12: 38-41 D 161. (tll'A 15:2) 1. Iz medsanchasti. Tashkentskogo predpriyatiya imani V.I.Lenirz (glavnyy vrach 0 S.A. Akbarov). kTHROAT-DISLAS63) (VACUUM K&TALLU.~G)L-HYGIZNIG ASPECTS) (TONSI16-DISEASES) TSATURYANTS, A.B.; IZABAKAROV, M. Establishment of the gas condensate factor denmation, pressure of condensate systemo. Ser. geol.-geog. nauk i neftl no.5:33-41 and -xim= colk- IzT,, AN Azerb. SSR 162. (MIRh 16:6) (Condensate oil vells) Urine - knalysio and Fathoioty Rcle of hormones in the pathoEenesis of mastopathy. First communication- content of female sex honnones In the urine in :-astopathy. Medych. zhur. 20 no. 6. '51. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, AUF.Ust 19552 Uncl. OF limp see 00 000 so 0 0 0 v a 41 OR U 4d it; Y w 11 u U U 14 1, Irv 'x C it U U is A x -a. .A It- -L--gL r r. r-SL 9 A OiIACFMS A.0 4110#141191 WDIN -A 12 ft -O*dd" ald Na"GIN Of We d*NWS Of Catkilk lftftr1W weretifte astl ,getati" Poisons- S- M- [Aftes and R. M. lX&bOfin?;OTa- Arrh. et. S bW- (U. S. S. R.) A UMTW (1033); ef 13&~Ikh 431-2) C. A. 27.48M.-Two-hour obsmajisos on 8 ClOWN with chr0ek biliffy 1131(du etc made otter tkt jutI. culAttem 1"Jeclim of vatkw subtlAfteft Bile senown 041 w- decreased by admusilint, paratityrold ftt., thyrolliat and stropint; it was lacresied by lusulln (large dome) &nd I** histamine (in 1-hr. period); it was uncban&vd at variable' we* sift tuitary pmpns.. sunint, histamine (in Z-hr. O's zoo perzj), Thtcoocn.olwacidswasunchangtriorJ4. crca!Kd after adrenaline, pituftary prqms. and Insulin (un- chjupd)~,:V or lo-.ed by atropine. histamint; it as In ag~~bie 1. h nd Y. Zee n3iinc. The cholesterol coom. was =217=4 ed tt)hnly by thyroxine (d preceding abstr.); the Pro I -Z Inconst. effect. - an' drugs produced these tub. stances had any definite effect upon the conen. of Na o 1. in I he hue. YV. A. 11. tI UO* at L A of TALLUSIGICAL U71RATURI! CLASSIFICAM" ...... .14.1 T- jA I -'i- 's '04"'0 M $i 0 a 4 1 IF a It I I U a if It 61 " AIqIt K ft 174 1. :14 06 000 111, a0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 IS 04.e a 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 a e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 a Mi- IZABOLINSIXA, R.M.,; FAFF, Ye.K. Aole of hormones in the pathogenesis of ralignant neoplasms. Report No.l: Luteal hormone and estrogen tonteat of the urine in cancer of the female genitalia. Medych.zhur. 21 no.3:64-71 151. (HIRA 11:1) 1. Viddilu andokrinologii(zav. - diyaniy chlen AN MIM V.P. Komissrenko) Institutu. eksperimentallnoi biologii i patologii im. akad. O.O.Bogomolitsa Ministerstva okhoroni zdorovlya URSR (direktor - Prof. 0.0-Bogomoletal) I akusheralko-ginokologichnoi klinki (zav. - chlen-kor. AN URSR, prof. O.YuAurlye) Xiivolkogo medichnogo institutu (direktor - dots. T-Ya.Ytalinichanko) (HORMOMS, SBX) (UTERUS-CANCER) (URIIIR--ANALYSIS AND PATHOLOGY) IZABOLINS I XA 'P? -M.; GREBOTAR'OV, Ye. Yu. 1~4.:--~Slc Effect of X-ray irradiation of ovaries upon the amount of sex hormones in the urine in cancer of the cervix uteri and of the mawmry gland. Kedych.mhur. 22 no.5:49-57 152. (mnu 6,-lo) 1. Instytut eksperymentallnoyi biologiyi and patologiyl im. akad. O.O.Bohosoll- tsya. (Uterus-Cancer) (YA=ary glands--Cmacer) (1-ray-physiological effect) IWOLDISKAYA, R.M.; CHEPTAYA, L.H. Certain data on metabolium in taimors of the h7pVhysical and hypothalamic region before and after X-ray irradiation. Top.neirokhir. 17 no.4:IR-55 JI-Ag '53. WaA 6:8) 1. Institut neyrokhirurgil Kiniaterstva, adravookhrane-aiya MSR. 2. Institut ekaperimentallnoy biologil i patolaggii Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya USSIL (Hypothalamus-Ttwors) (Radiotherapy) (Pituitary body-Tamors) _ZZ-fda,61.41S Ife IZABOLINSIKA, R.K.; 73VDOKIMOV, A.Ye. quantity of corpus lutsum hormone, estrogens =d ardrogens hamones In the urine in cancer of the uterus* Medych. shur. 23 no.2:33-41 153. (MM 8:2) 1. Institut okeparimentallnoi biologii I patologii im. akad. 0,0. Bogom-olltaya I Kilvalkiy medichnijr instituto (UMUS--UNMM) (HDRMCMS, SIX) (URINE--ANALYSIS AND PATHOLOGY) IZABOWNsrAYA, RI.M. (Kiyev, u1. Mel'nika. d.69a, kv,4); ULITHAN, H.P. Protein fractions In blood serum in tuberculosis before and after lung surgery. Nov.k-hir.arkh. no.1:73-77 -Ta-Ir '59. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Khirurgicheskaya klinika (zav. - prof.N.M.Amooov) I biokhimi- cheekaya laboratori7u (zav. - R.M.Izabolinokaya) UkTainskogo aanchno-i3sledovatellskogo instituta tubericuleza. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (IMTGS,SUHGMRT) ZUBOLINSKAYA, R.N..; MITKU, R.F.9 muchuyy sotrudn.1k Blood proteins in patients with fibrous-cavernous -tuberculosis. Pat.,klin.i terap.tub. no.8t4l-44 158. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Is biokhimicheskoy laboratorli (rukovoditsll - starshiy nauchnyy sotradmik R,X. habolinskaya) Ukrailaskogo Vauchuo- lealedovateliskogo instituta tuberkulaza im. akad. T.G. Yanovakogo. (BIMD PROTEINS) (TUBY2C=SIS) JZABOLINSKATA, R.M.,,Jmzdmed.nauk.; MITK&N, R.P., muchnyy notrudnik; CRXM;~~O, Te.F., nauchv7 aotrudnik Changes in the blood protein fractions in g-ainea pigs under.the influence of vaccination and infection with tuberenlosie Pat* klin,,i terap, tub, no.8:79-82 1-38. (MI6 l3tb 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-iosladovatellskogo instituta tuberku- leza im. akad. 7.G. Tanovskogo. (BLOOD PROTNINS) (BOG TAGMATION) (MIRMWSIS) IZABOLINSKLYA, R. KOGOSOVA, L.S. Some experimental data on the effect of phthivazid and tubazide on the microorganism. Biul.ekep.biol. I med. 48 no.10:-56-59 0 159- (MINA 13:2) 1. Iz patofizicheskoy'laboratorii (zav. - deyetvitelinyy chien AMS SSSR N.N. Gorev) i biokhimichaskoy laboratoril (zav. - starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik R.M. Izabolinskays.) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledo- vatellskogo iistitute, tuberkuleza, iment F.G. Tanovskogo (dlr. - dots. A.3. Mamolat), Kiyev, Predstavlena deyntvitottnym oblenom AMN SSS11 V.N. Cherni Ovskim. MONIAZID pharmacol.) AIZKSANDROVSKIYP B.P.; VOLODINA, N.G.; GOREV, V.P.1 YMGRMXO, A.A.; jZABOLDiSKAYA$--ReMq ~OGOSOVAO L.S.; LOSEV, V.A.; MAYTULINA, S.P.; NIK'OLAiMTS, V.P.; OftLIYANENKO, U.N.; RICHENKO, S.G.; CIIERKASSKIY, YUSHKEVICH, M.b.; YASIICHENKO, T.T. Compensation of'the principal functions of tho organism within, 3-4 years after pheumonectomy. Frobl. tub. 38 no,2:47-53 160. (1110 13 1 -u) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledavatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - kandidat meditsinskM nauk A.S.Mamolat). (LUNGS--SURGERY) IZABOLINSKAYA,, R. M.1 KOGOSOVA) L. S. Clinical and experimental study of lactic and pyruvic acid metabolism during the prolonged use of antibacterial preparations. Vrach. delo no.7:80-85 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Biokhimicheakaya laboratorlya (zav. - starvhiy nauchTqy sotrud-- nik R. M. Izabolinakaya) i patofiziologicbeekaya laboratoriya (zav. - starohiy nauchnyy sotrudnik L. P. Cborkasskiy) Ukrainskogo, nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta tuberkule2a. (TUBMULOSIS) (IACTIC ACID) (PYRUVIC ACID) I.ZABOLINSKAYA,.R.M., kand. med. nauk; FLOSOVA, L.S.; VELITIOM, R.P., nauchnyy aotrudnik; GRIGORIYEVA, K.Ij.; SOSHINA, T.K. Some indices of metabolism and reactivity of.the organism in extensive.pulmonaq tuberculosis.. Klin. khir. no.2.-4?-53 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tuberkuleza i grudnoy khirurgii. [Izabo1ino'ka, IZABGLIITSE~ Role of the lungs in the formation of protein fract:Ions of the blood serum. Fiziol. zhur. [Ulu-.] la no.6:76,'-774 N-D 165. ( 1, Mi 1'/" : 1, ) 1. Labo.ratoriya biokhimii Ukrainakogo na7tichno-isaletiova-te"~lgkc)~o L; instituta tuberk-uleza i grudnoy lchirurgii im. ak-adendika F.G. Yanovskogo, Kiyev. Subraitted Autust 28, 1903- IZABOLINSKAYA, R.M.; SHFWKEti, F.I. Role of the lungs in the regulation of the content of ketone bodies in the blood. Vop. med. khim. 10 no.4-058-362 J1-Ag 164. (MIRA 1834) 1. Biokhimicheskaya laboratoriya Ukrainskogo inStitlfta tuberkuleza i o,rudnoy khirurgii imeni Yanovshago, Kiyev. Z YOVALICMI, T.M., polkevnik;,NOSOV, F.V., doktor istoricheol0kh nauk, kapitan I rang&, redaktor; GRA , I.P., zsjor. rodaktar,, VaM"IEY, P.T., knpi- tan 3 ranga; XMIN, N.N., podpolkmik; MOTMVINIOV, R.W., )madidat veenno-morskikh nauk. kapitan I ranga, redaktar; 11 N.G., kontr- admiral, redaktar; LYUMOYMT, N.T., polke .1 Mat, vnil~ I-A or Ichaskikh nauk-, redaktor. & YIV' N.I., kapitan 1 ranp, r'odaktor; BOLISHAt- KOV, N.V., kapitan 2 rangs, rodAktar; MOT, F.D., kapitan I rangs v obstanovke, redAktor; KOVAUV, S.I., professor, redaktior. [History of naval art] Istoriia Yeenno-morskoge iskusstra. val. 1. [Naval art of slaveholding and feudal societyj Itsenno-norskse obehahestva. 1953. 275 P. (PTAL 7:5 I..Rassia (1023- U.S.S.R.) Glava" shtab voyezue-morskikh ail Ist9richeakeye stdolealys. (Naval art and science--History) CZEMOSIOVAUA IZAKv D. No affiliation given Bratislava, Farmacouticky obsor, No 1 Lian] 196T, pp 45-A *Meeting of Polish pharmacists in the Eastern Bohemian and Northern Moravian Districts." CZWH06WVAILIA ___ IZU&-D.; FAJMv Z. No affiliation given Bratislava, FarmaceuticM obzor, No 10 LOctoberl 1966, pp 4-65--6$ "Polish pharmacomobile,O of, . . of cr t 4 'kcce.-'Sjc)fjS Lis, '101 "0 1(), C)ct of Corv,,ress ACC NRi AP7001517 (j~ SOURCE CODE; UR/0229/66/000/011/0027/00-31 AUTHOR: Antonov, V. N.; Izak, M. D. :ORG: None TITLE: An automatic remote control system for a marine generator drive SOURCE: Sudostroyeniye, no. 11, 1966, 27-31 ~TOPIC TAGS: remote control system, electric generator, automatic control equipment, marine engineering ~ABSTRACT: The authors describe a remote system for automatically controlling and nonitoring the operation of a 6D50A marine diesel generator with a power of 700 kv at 750 rpm. The installation provides for programmed start-up of a stand-by genera- ~tor when the main generator fails or when the electric system is overloaded. A !general schematic block diagram of the system is given and each of its modes of op- feration is discussed separately. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 13, 091 SUBM DATE: None UDC; 629.12-83-52 Card 1/1 81, Q LiMiglin 4nd. ((% proof fa lilac- i,.!; ... :'Vet f" 1"'I 3 1;5 --B,; Aetg F,),I~ jwj i tm,j,,j 1) rr~Lz!lovl , ,,"A 1. Nai ------------------ ----a ". _.., " - Cou.41TAT Czechoslovakia H - 2, CATEWRY A BS, JOUR, t RZKhim*,, Roo 5 1960j No, 199153 AIMOR lia., S. I NS T, Czechoslovak Academy for Veterinary Medicine Tjq'l~' The Effect of ChemicalB Used in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry on Meat 41jality CRIG, PUB, j Sb Ceskoolov Acnd Zemed VedVeterin med, 4, No 6, 455-460 (1959) IABSMACT i No abstract. 379 IZAKOV, F. Ya. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of seed sorting in an electrical field of corona discharge." Pushkin, 1961. 20 pp; (Ministry of A~;ricul- tu.-e RSFSR, Leningrad Agricultural Inst); 150 CwPies; price riot given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 218) IZAKCV, F.Ya. Standards for frequencies of electric units. Standartizataiia 25 no.8:26-27 A 161. (MIRA 14:7) &iectric generators--Standards) TZAKOV, Feliks Yal.c,,, kayid.takhn.nauk, doteent-, TAVORSHCHENK01 Nin% -Ica 3 yc Jtc-curw~y --f sorting matartfjis using drum-type flect-ric corona discharge aeparatoris . X7,v.vys.ucheb.zav.; aleld.ronakh. 8 rt-.1,~W-948 1615. (MIRA 18:2.0) 1. CWY~Wbinekiy inatitut, ff-e-khanizataii i &IeAtrifikatsii vellslcogo khozyaystv,a (for Izakov), ;~. Kafedra elaktroteUniki Rostovskogo,ula szl'akckhozyay.-ztvt~,nnogr, mashinostroyen-1-ys (for Yavorshchenko). S/115/62/000/002/oo6/oog E032/E414 AUTHM- Izakov, F.Ya. TITLEi Measurement of the electric field strength in a corona discharge PERIODICAL, Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no.2, 1962, 40-43 TEXT. The author reviews methods for measuring the electric field strength in a corona discharge in which the field strength is measured by determining the forces acting on a test body introduced into the discharge. There are three main types, namely deflection of a ball, balancing of a ball and rotation of an ellipsoid. The first of these methods suffers from the disadvantage that the result obtained depends on the propertices of the suspension, i.e. its weight and its elastic and initial deformation. This can be reduced by the second method In which a metal ball is suspended from a torsion balance. However, neither of these methods allows for the presence of pondermotive forces on the test body and therefore can only be used whenever the field gradient is not too large. The author gives a summary of the working formulae for all three methods and describes some Card 1/2 Measurement of the electric S/ll5/62/ooo/oo2/oo6/ooq E032/E414 experiments which were carried out to verify the applicability of the methods. For example, he has succeeded in measuring field strengths of 1 to 5 kV/cm by measuring the deflectiLon o' f a 0~1 to 0.3 mm diameter metal ball. It is stated that the range of the field strengths can be extended by the use of tht. third of the above three methods, This method is said to have been developed by A.M.Basov and V.N.Shmigell (Ref.2: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1961, no.8~, Ref.31 Izmeritellnaya tokhnika, 1961,, no.10), There are 4 figures and 4 references, 3 Soviet--bloc &nd 1 Russian translation from non-Soviet-bloc publication, Card 2/2 S/143/62/000/007/002/003 D236/D308 AUTHOR: Izakov, F.Ya., Engineer TITLE: Calculation of field strength of unipolar corona in the 'conductor-plane' system PERIODICAL; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny kh zavedeniy. Energetika,' no- 7; 1962, 40 - 46 T~;M. The author reduces to Cartesian coordinates the formula for the field intensity (E) given by L.E. Tsyrlin, and deduces the equations of the lines of force and the components of E. Volt-ampere characteristics of the field given by Tsyrlia are diboussed. E is ex- pressed in relative units. The following conclusions are drawn: .1) The vertical components of E (E y) is equal to zero at the equipotential sur- face of the plate electrode, also in a plane perpendicular to the plane electrode and intersecting the oorona, producing electrode. 2) The curve of the variation of E in the direction of the y,axis has a maximum. T~e position of the maximL is practically independent of the applied vol- tage- 3) The curve of the variation of the horizontal component E. in Card 1/2 S/14 62/000/007/C02/003 Calculation of field strength D236YD308 the direction of the y-axis has a maximum at y - 0. 4) Ex has a raini- mum in the inter-electrode space.-With increasing y this minimum is displaced towards the corona electrode and finally vanishes. There are 3 tables, and 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Chelybinskiy inatitut mekhanizataii i el(3k,trifikateii sellskogo khozyaystva (Chelyabinsk Institute of Rural Mechanization and Electrification SUBMITTED; June 9, 1961 Card 2/2 IZAKOV p F. Ya. ' '- - 11, Coron~iovoltmeters Izv*vyaoucheb&zav.; prib, 6 no.ltlL-18 163, (KIM 16:2) 1, Cholyabinskiy institut mekbignizataii i elektrifilcataii oellskogo khozyaystva. Rekomandovana kafedroy primeneniya elelctrichastva. v oellskom khozyaystve, (Vdltmeter) T ;17, 1 W i ~ ~ 4 -/- C-- r I F \ v v -I I- r rr, ALKKSBYBV, P.P.; BESYADOVSKIT, Ye.A.; GOLYSUV, G. I.; KASAXIM, A.M.; KOKIN, G.A.; LIVSHCHITS, H.S.; KASANOVA, N.D.; SHVIDKOVSKIT, y8 . (F. Rocket exploration of the atmosphere. Meteor. i gidral. no,8:3-IY Ag '57. (MIRA, 10j8) (Atmosphere. tipper) (Rockets In matoorology) IZAKOV, M. The Geophysical Year; where, what should be done? 'Technology" for subversion. pages 17-18 (ZA RODINATA) Vol. 7. no. 8, Augg 1957p .. Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 1-7 V, Y PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4560 Tsentral,naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya Trudy, vyp. 25 Transactions of the Central Aerological ObBerya- tory, no. 25~ Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1959. 83 P. 700 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Glavnoye upravlenlye gictrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. Ed. (Title page): Ye. G. Shvidkovskiy; Ed.: Yu. V. Vlasova; Tech. Ed.: N. V. Volkov. PURPOSEz This issue of the Transactions Is intended for special- ists in the physics of the atmosphere arid aerology. OVERAGE: This collection of 4 articlen deals with problems .connected with research of the upper atmosphere. The scien- tific use of artificial Earth satellites and rockets for the investigation of the upper layers of atmosphere is described. The energy distribution in the spectrum of solar rays In an Card 1/3 Transa--tions of the Central Aerological (cGnt.) SOV/456o atsolutely pare and dry air Is calculated for the troposphere 9-nd for the lower part of stratosphere, taking into account absorption by ozone. Experimental data on the change of the +.-.emperatuzr-e coefficient of resi8tance for tungsten wire under various conditions of preliminary heating, as well as data on ,;he tensiometric coefficient of tungsten, tised in ror,,ket experament3 are presented. The two artle'les by L. A. BiryukovEi were written under the guidance of I. A. YJivostlkov. Refer- en..:~e8 follow each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS; Repnev, A. I. Properties of the Upper Atmosphere and Artificial EaT-th Satellites 5 Izakov, M. N., and A. F. Chizhov. Investigation of the Tem- pt~z4UT'are~04.317ficient of Resistance and Tensiometric Coeffici- ent of Tungsten Used in Special Thermometers and Manometers of the Central Aerologioal observatory 63 Card 2/3 of the Central Aerological (G'ont;.) SOV/4560 Biryukova, L. A. Distribution of Energy in the Spectrwn of Solar Rays at Various Altitudes 72 Biryukova, L. A. An Attempt to Determine the Sky Brightness lip tr-, an Altitude of 60 Ion 77 AVAIIJABLE: Library of Congress JA/dwni/ec. Card 3/3 12-7-6o S/169/(~3i/000,11(j,33/006/iD,~?- D263/D3C,17 A.Mcllls: Uelcseyev, P.P., Desyadovsldy, Diryulcova, L.A.., Golysh~.-v, G. 1. , Ivanovskiy, A. I I Liv-11"ET37K., '4 ~i~ - , K okin, Kurilova, Yu. I !,'ozhdestvenslci.y, B.G., So I alv'yc,i,, ;J Y - sk~, Mivostilcov, aP4 31ticherba, 1.A. T ITLE: Study of the upper layers of the atmaa;phere vith the aid of m-toorologicaL roclmts PERIODIC.%L: Reforativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 45, 19630 211-10 abstract 3.U66 (Tr. Vaes. nauchn. 1;etatorol. solrLsh., chaniya. T.I.L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1962, 91-103) ors 1,rive -_~XT: In the present review-type artial.e the auth -he r2sults of studies carried out at TsentraLnaya ac-xolorich.-_&lcaya ~1--nimairni CjhsP_-%-rtorv) an atmas-,iheric i3ou:.~-'_ 0: Card 1/2 al Study of the upper Layers S11 69/6 3/0 OG/GFj 3/00 6/042 D263/D307 Istic's as pressure, temperatcurc~, and wind. Certaln rasults aiN.-, giv- en: data of seasonal temperat-urc variatLona at heights up, to 50 lama -'- -'-- --' -3-11 - I -' - _42' o-l- T14ZQM --A 4 - --I .,~ -"~ -I-- Card 212. IM12111 al 3 1 i 8/179/()2/00(.)/00.1/4"7,,--/027 AUTHORS lzakovt M.N. and Perov, S.F. (moscow) f 0 TlTLL Study o Ii ,at transfer for a cylinder in a stream of rarefied gas PLIZIOD1CAL: AkademiYa nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdelertiye teklinicheskikh nauk. Mckhanika i mashinobtroyeniye, no.1, 1962, 42-51 TEXT: The study of heat transfer of bodies in a stream of rarefied gas is relevant to problems of aerodynamic heating in flight at great height and at re-entry of a ba llistic missile into the atmosphere and to meteorological me asure mie tits by riteans of rockets. The present article describes experimental measure- mants of the recovery coefficients and of heat transfer for cylinders placed across tile axis of tile stream of gas for a wide range of Reynolds numbers. To elucidate the laws governing the of these quantities for conditions ranging from free Study of heat transfer for a ... S/179/62iQ00/001/003/027 EllIt/El8l 6.5. Theoretical equations which were derived by taking into consideration free molecular and continuous flow and heat loss by convection and radiation were found to be linear, with the exception of the heat conducted away through the supports. Means are described for minimising this source of orror. Air or nitrogen from heated high pressure bottles entersthe wind tunnel through a pressure regulator and a reducing valve. The static tube was situated at the end of the divergent nozzle in which the gases were accelerated before entering the experimental zone, containing the Pitot tube and the tested models. Beyond the convergent nozzle with a diffuser to reduce the speed and increase the pressure of the gas stream, there was a connecting tube with-a valve leading to an evacuated gas holder. Before each experiment the gas holder was evacuated by means of Pumps. Syr,wi-,etrical nozzles were used with nominal ',Mach numbers, 1.5, 2.25 and 3. The thickness of the boundary layer, and therefore the real Mach number, varied significantly during the experiments because of the considerable variations in density. Care was taken that the models were contained in the isentropic core and Card 2/4 Study of heat transfer for a ... S/179/62/000/001/005/027 that the boundary layer did not fill the whole throat of the nozzle. The models wcre tungsten filaments, 114.26 and 90 wicrons diaiTieter, supported on needle brackets. These filnments served -Ils o as the temperature ireasuring element and vrere suitably calibrated before and after the axperimcnt. The prei5sure wa4j measured by mearts of 3 11-tubes connected re3poctivoly to the Pitot tube, to an opening in the wall of the nozzle and to the receiver. The hydrodynamic time constant of' the connecting pipes and of the tzianomcte~r pipe itself in the conditions of' minimum pressure differences occurring during the experiments was of the order of several seconds. Therefore, temperatures of the models and in the receiver were recorded. Temperatures were measured by inclans of self-balancing resistance bridges. The experimental accuracy was considered to be within the limits of 3-59(" for the Y;ach num,ber and 4-61/G' for the coefficient of recovery. The experimental results obtained by the present authors were compared with the results obtained by others and were found to agree well with the results of other experimentors, except Laufer and MacLellan. At stable temperature - at which the aerodynamic heating is Card 3/4 Study of heat transfer for a ... S/179/62/ooo/ool/005/027 E114/EI81 balanced by heat dissipation - the limit of free molecular flow lay somewhere in the region of Knutsen number 10 - 20, which agreed with the experimental findings of Stalder. The limit may depend on the Mach number. The limit between the shear and continuous flow was found to be between Knutsen numbers 0.02 and 0.03. 'I'he results concerning the recovery coefficient were less definite and the spread of the experimental points indicated that I.-here may have been factors influencing heat transfer which were not controlled in the experiment. There are 8 figures and 2 tables. SUBMMED: October 13, 1961 Card 4/4 . 1. 8/050/63/OUO/001/001/007 D218/D307 AUTHORS: Klivostikov, I. A., izakov, M. N., Kokin, G. jL., Kuri- lova, Yu. V. and LivsHits, TITLE: Studies of the stratosphere with tile aid of meteoro- logical rockets in the USSR PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, no. 1, 1963, 3-8 TEXT: This review paper was first read to the symposium on meteoro- logical rockets and satellites which was held in Washington oil April 23-25, 1962. The following topics are reviewed: (1) seasonal, latitudinal and longitudinal temperature variations, (2) sudden in- creases in the temperatures of the stratosphere over the Arctic, (3) temperature stratification of the stratosphere, (4) thermal conditions in the upper stratosphere during the polar night, and (5) data on winds in the stratosphere. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 14 references (6 Soviet-bloc references). ASSOCIATION: Tsentralnaya aerologicheskoaya observatoriya (Central Aerological Observatory) Card 1/1 L 17340-63 ;E'Ir 2. "9rr) S, ODC "AFT! - i4,11- Lf.1 7 z 1 T L Er Heasuremen t ot stuos pluari a done t ty by megins o f ins trirdievits mounted on an unoriented ffatelltte SOURCEt Kosmicheskiye issledovmaiya, v. 1. no. 1., 1963, 156-158 TOPIC TAGSi atmospheric density measurement, t2tteorological me&- surament, meteorological tnstrumerit, satellite 'tiorne Initrument, satellite orieatacton, manometer, mass spectronwiter, batometric pressurc ASS TRACT t A tmethad it oroposed by which ataospharLe derts!cy i(ad temperature at a given moment in the rotation Of d a4tellit:a Ctn Lie measured without the customary une of additiqpal clri,!intatlc~n Inatru- ments 3Lx manometers or nana spactro,meters are tnstal.~led in the satelItte with thetz apertures ortented aloag tho thrtei prLnctpal axes . The pertcd of rotatton of the satellite (9n seconds) is as- sumed to %,e much slower than the recording time of the iftstruments Card 1/ 2 L 17340-63 ....... . ..... LCCESSION HR: AP3007345 (mic%-oseconds). Since molecular weight in the Instruments is rela- -ted to mass separation and recombination of atomic oxylgen, the author ts able to demonstrate that the difference; between the mailet- ular weight established by the instruments and that: ilk the atmasphoire Ls only 2-5% in most cames. Only at an altitude of 100 km ac night does i- amount to about 18%. Theoretical compul:~ttionti to test the proposed method indicate that an accuracy of 8% may be obtained if most measurements are made during periodsof small. deni;ity changies., Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 8 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none -SUBMITTED: 2411o~!62 DATE ACQ: 210et63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 005 0,THER: 000 Card 22 IZAKOVIV M.N, ~' - Representation of the charaeteristics of a flow of.r4riefied gases as dependent on the Knudden number. nuly TSAO'no-46: 34-40 163. (MIRA 17:1) L 3444-66 EUT(I)P- CC/EWA(h,)..... GSIGJI. ACCESSION NR: AT5023555 URII(MO~.65/000/000,10030ilOO39 AUMOR: TITLE: SOURCEA(W 1965, Issledc konferentsii. niya icosm:Lcnosicogo prostranstva Moscow, Izd-vo 11auka, 1965, 30-39 TOPIC TAGS: earth atmosphere, atimspherio densityg atmosphere modelp tamperdttu~:',3' distribution, pressure distribution ABSTRACT: Density, temperature and concentration distributigmi In the:04trthls upper atmosphere are evaluated, using experimental data ilond irith seve;~atl atmos- pheric models. The models used are those of 1. Harris ktid W. Priester (~r. Atmose Sci., 190 N 4, 286, 1962) which include gravitation-d irfus ion terms an irell as heat source terms to account for solar radiation, and tho wdol of L. Jiwchia (Smithson. Astrophys. Observ., Spec. Rept. N 150, 170, 1964) ithich includes ultraviolet solar heating and steady state heat conduction eolpressions. In aiddi- tion, a simple data analysis is made by the author, usiiMp aatejUlte drug d&tAi* The density field in this analysis is given by Izakov, M. N. 0 0 3 problems in the study of the upper atmoV,,~%TSA.~'rilid= Card 113 L _344440- MCESSION NR: AT5023555 and the species concentration by H4 (ho) axe MOO The various results of the above analyses are &iven graj*dcall~r for the di~tribu- tion of the various parameters in the,upper atmosphere, MjiM douta on bqt4 dw-7- maxim and night-minima,, density versim altitude curves axe oblained first, The present calculation is shown to differ from the other tw- modals by as =c)2 an a factor of two. The concentration-altitudo curves had imufficient experim3mtdl data. The temperature-altitude curves show isothermal comilitious at 4C0-500 Ion altitude. It is found that the altitude of the thermopmmse cb4mges sharpl,,r i&th the solar cycle from an altitude of 300 km to 700 ka. Similar variations are ob- served in the concentration curves. Some of the problem. ansoolAted with tho Card.2/3 IhAMMIME L 3444-66 MCESSION NR: AT502-3555 above models stem from the fact that analysis has been tased:on local t-6 r3" dynamic equilibrium, which is not strictly correct for a driomic atmosphere" For example, the concentration estimates should be modified to read rib nill, lie) (h) I(,) which includes thermal diffusion terms. It is*suggeatdd that, the variatiow in the paramaters of the atmospheric structure should be mtudiad more acc=mte~y as functions of various determining factora; probably different instrutaonts on artificia'I satellites should be used to pinpoint the leical -variations In these parametera. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas and 6 figuremi, ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: O2Sep65 NO SOVs 008 P#~ 313 ENCLt 00 OT .022 S0V/112-5q-20-42!12(', Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, fir 20, pp 105-106 (USSR) AUTHORt Izakov, N.P. TITLE: Methods of Express WeJqTesting of Toothed VlheelAby Means of Radio- active Isotopes V PERIODICAL: Nauch. tr. Mosk F-~orn. in-t, 1957, Nr 19, pp 303-308 ABSTRACT: The method of determining the wear of teeth by the amount of iron in the oil (COST 3878-47) is a very laborious one, also inconvenient is the method of imprints and cut-out holes. The described method uses inserts of a radioactive metal (Zn 65) in the working surfaces of the teeth of geared toothed wheels. A sketch of a testing stand of simple design with utilization of standard radiotechnical'equipment for com- paring the wear-resistance of toothed couples is supplied. The taain~/ wheels. assemblies of the stand are reductors containing the tested By means of a torsional clutch various torquos are produced. The amount of wear products which is separated during an equal time )f '~; t1jo Card 1/2 work of the tested wheels oerves as a critorion for C o I.,, L, r 4 1, SOV/112-59-20-42529 Methods of Express Wear Testing of Toothed Wheels by Means of Radioactive Isotopes wear resistance. 2 illustrations, 12 reforences. M.L.G. Card 2/2 . ZISLD, Abram Grigorlyerich; IZAXOV,N.H., redaktor; NADEINSKAYA,A.A., tek.hnicheakiy redaktor LTechnology of mining machinery engineerinej Tekhnologiia gornogo mashinostroaniia. Monk-7rL, Ugletekhizdnt, 1955- 3e,5 P- (Mining machinery) (MLTIA 9:3)