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1VANOy.-Petr-Xv4Aoy4b,- SUKHORUKOV, P.A., redaktor; MILMY, 4M'stva; TROYIKOY, A.T., tekhnicheekly redaktor [Damages to marine boilers, their prevention and correction] Pavrezhdeniia sudovykh parovykh kotlov, ikh prelupre2h(16niS i ustranenia. Moskva. Izd-vo "Morskoi transportlk 1956. 203 P. '(Boilers, Marine) (MIRh 10:7) raowv,l sergey Petrovich; KISELSV, Nikolay Alaksandrovich; IVAN NOVA, e"T, rodaktor; YbSMSZNSKIY, N.N., radak-tor; TIKHONOVA, tekhnicheskiy redaktor. (Ship's fireman] Kochegar morskogo sudna. Izd. 3-8, perer. pod red. P.I.Ivanova. Moakva, Izd-vo "Marskoi transport," 1957. 231 P. (MMI 10: 11) (Boilers, Marine) IVANOV, Petr Ivanovioh; SUKHORUKOT, Pbtr Aleknandrovich; MMYEV, A.S., -`Nr."',-TMONOTA-, Ye.A., tokhn. red. [Instruments for heat control on ships] Sudovye pribory toplotelchni- che skogo koutrolia. Moskva, Izd--vo "Morskoi transport," 1958. 175 P. (Ships-Squipment and supplies) (Heat engineering) (MIRA ll.-9) IVANff -.SMORUKOV, Petr Aleksandrovich; RHUT, I*Iat ;y ,*avA ch,, N.B., d.; [Technical operation of boiler equipment on ships] Tekhni- chaskaia eksplustatalia kotellnogo oborudovaniia morskikh audov. Moskva, Izd-vo QMorskoi transport," 1960. 1Z9 p. (MM 13:5) (Boilers, Marine) -TLA40VI-IP-AtK- jv-T~7 ~111* SEMOv G.S.# red.; TIKHONOVA, Te.A.p takha. red. (Book of problems on Gingineering mechanics for isbip captaps] Zadachnik po tekbnicheskoi zek~anike dlia sudovoditelai. ltd.2.f ispr. i dop6 Moskvaq Izd-vo "Morskoi transport " 1962. 159 P. b4M 24,98) (Marine engineering) (Macbsnics-Problems, exercises, etc.) SHNTS, Yakov Yudelevich; GUTIYAR, Ye.M., doktor tekhn. nauk., prof., retsenzent; IVANOV P I kand. tekhn. nauk red.; rANILOV, L -a 31 .9 .,N.., red. Iz -va; ELIKIND V.D., tekhn. red, [Fundamentals of the design of coaxial gears] Osnovy proektiro- vaniia optimallnykh soosnykh peredach. Moskva, Gos.naucbno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit- 9 2961. 202 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Gearinle TSIGLER, Vladislav Demlyanovich; IVANOV, P.I., red.; SKOBELING, L.V.; red. izd--ira; KHLOFOVA -., , teki~; . red. [Refractory materials for lining steam boiler fire*)oxes on Ships] Ogneuporvje materialy, primeniaenVe dlia kladki topok parovykh kotlov na morskikh sudakh. Moslcvap lzd-vo 'Uorskoi trans ort," 1962. 81 p. (KERA 15:10 Soilers, Marine) (Refractory materials) ZELITSERMAN, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; KAIIIIIISKEY, ID.F., karril. tekhn. nauk; ONOPKO, A.D., kand. tekhn. nauk ; TVV,'OV, P.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent -- (Friction clutches and brakes of crawler vehicles] Friktsionr,7e mufty i tormoza guse-ucILnykh mashin. Mo- skva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 239 p. (MUIA 18:3) Llerlents of Oz,e waterg of the Pamirs, VP,Ft,J,(",!f 20 (MIRA IM) HIT :1111 !~~i I IV,'L',IOV; P,.I.; DAVLLI',9HIN, M.G. "IlArd republic-wide ccmference of the IJZIek Section r-t the oooiety of Psychologists. Vop. psikhol. no.53187-IFV) 8-0 16A. (MIRA 18:1) m ~. 11 , . I " 11 !1 :. : , , , :, , .1 1 ~ . I I . , " I * IVANOV, P.K., kand. sellkhoz.nauk; Y121111, P.K., red.; SOVOLOVA, T.F... Te.-red. [Spring wheat] lArovaia pshenitsa. MosWal Ogiz-Sel "chozgiz, 1, 1948. 550 P. (Wheat) (MU 5: 7) V, aw ONO" Ism d domamm owl K. 1950, 34-40. Sails & Ft?t,. low, I-r-ing the enxh of the 14yw locrettsm %Oll-mOisluve aW crop yidd and redum i-iffttitim Since ttk4 favourable effect 14. ='"ia At* Ibr &t lust 4 yom. dftT p"Ing Should not be Pnfm=ed awe t m twice Ilk 8-10-year tmwjjum~ The fint deq, P'* Id I P-*-wd an plbts to be moirs; with KrasKI nnd sb,O,u to VW MW tkal are cultivated, the sm a RCM be qlarm on p6tih ,to I* mown with p&.. Mg '"I" fliet ,he I.tter. Af,I?rotk--k'm-4.!-a v t"ravoil-~ollmy':l: :;~.,vooborot~l !-I- ol,','-- -;n-! jrnssd-.~n,13 ot:--ticaaj. Ku,b. obl. izdat, 1;,~51. 6" p. r Y U SC: '.-ontlil-,.- List oF iussiwi AccesAops, 1101. U', I'o. 2, i'a~' lc~`5'1 i A I be ptd -11 4 In a(plou Wp -P In 16-10 aw 4~gp I;Lag" aftwhE sot be s&pted mom thAA thfM tJfWG in lihC -half rUCAUM C U.Nowtol. arable rnozeins -cz-.-,cn-Lnlc- the . (--' bL-,-)telr',-a '.31 1; ~ Oz'!; %los,:Va) Gos. Oz. lit-17, 1952- 39 S61 3 - 1,35 iv~'"IiCi' i~' ij. Priem-; sozdanl'a mosholincra paklriotno o Z: Methciz: thick' arable ' L. Irn~zeru lands aloia iv c"ri, - . L - . I Layers on ch _/. Moskva, Sel'Rhczr:i2,, Z 19~37-/. 112 p. y 1 ~' r'4. SO: M'onthI-.,- Li:~' of Rus, i~in Accesions, Vol. 7 'Tr 9- MI-I --~ IVANOV,- P. - Reclamation of virgin and waste'lands in the Volga region. Saratov. Saratovskoe kn. izd-vo, 1955. 68 p. SIDOROV, I.S.; P.G.; SINITSINA, K., rod. STARIaM=,V., red.; LUX&SMff ICH, V., tekhn. red. Caropping practicem in the Southeast] 0 Gistem zemleideliia na IUgo-Vosto)m, [SariLtov] Baratovskoe knishnoo izd-vo, 1956, 139 Pi (Vb3,VL Talley-Agricm1ture) (HIIU 11tio USSRISoil Science. Tillate, Land Reclamation. Erosion. Abs jourt Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 6, 1958, 24807. Author Ivanov, P.K.; Gutsaki, A.D. Inst Title Methods of the Fundamental Tillage of Chestnut Soils on the Left Dank of the Volga. Orig Pub: Zemledeliye, 1957, No 1, 26-33. Abstract: The reserves of active moisture in the metric layer of the chestnut soils in the conditiou8 of the Krasnokutsk station fluctuate in the spring from 63 to 150 mm. A deep banked ploughing cf these soils 33-35 cm. with predeepening for 10 cm. increases the reserves of moisture by 20-35 I'm., whereby the! contaraination of the fields descends Card 1/2 USSRISoil Science. Tillage. Land Reclamation. Erosion. J-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 6, 1958, AM. Author Ivanov) P.K.; Outsaki, A.D. Inst Title Productivity of the Various Horizons of Chestnut Soils. OriC, Pub: Pochvovedeniye, 1957, No 2, 59-65. Abstract: The productivity of the subsoil of dark-chestnut and sodium chestnut subsoil was studied. The work was carried out by laboratory-field and vegetational methods, in the educational-experimental farm of the Saratov Agricult. Inst. with irrigation, and on the Krasnokutsk plantbreeding station without irrigation. The crop yields rdach 50-85% by compari- son with the yield on the arable layer. The subsoil E I -Z 'Yj Card. 1/2 'Y~'FVEA'~Y WSR/Soil Scienas- - C-ultivation, Amelioration, Erosion. j-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., ND 2, .1-958, 58U Author : Ivanov, P.K* Dist T:Ltl-- Inereasing the Fextility of Mernozem and Chestnut SOUB Ori g Pub NaijIm i paredoir. 09,Yt V 3- kh-i 1957; No 3: 3.7-19 Abstr-3p_t This is a review of the effect of deep (28-35 am-) Pla- -wing -dith the moldboard i~Lpon the soil properties. It is recomnended that ordinary and southexn chernozem be plo- yed at depths of ur, to 30-35 am-) that the leached and fertile cht-moze--w ot tl-.r,- southwestern part of the coun- try be plawed at up to 28-32 cm-, in the eastern part up to 27-28 cm., and on d-axk cheatnut and &Wstnut soils that up to 30-32 cm. of depth be used. Card l/I 48 USS-R/Soil Science. Mincral Forti~dzers J-5 ~bs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., M) 20, 19)18, rlj 91430 'Atuthur Ivanov P. K. inst Ti t1lo The Effectiveness )f ".TPnure an"' Mineral Fcitdlizors in Different Groups cf Rutations Orj- -; !Vt; U,-IubrL-niya i urozaa~,, !95',', Nu 6, 39-42 ;,bst----.,=t lhrce i~,ethods of fertilizers (Lanm-e ~6 t/ha, also 11651'wl',29 ) have been inveotignted at the Bezenchti.: Experi- :-'ental tatiun in a Gorics of experinents over so-zeml years. r G C-C Dic tootj wcre i-.mclc at the tii-]c un thrco ur-I.:L' m, syst ms of field rutntion: fallow, rye, wheat mith subseq:uant sowinC of f Ornso har,1 wheat S~Jft wheat, sunflower and ,~raos, GrTss, 1 .1 C;ats. (1) The fertilizer is appliud in the fallow perio-~.; we call this GrouO 1. (2) 2-ppli cation to,-Cther wi-bh the whjat wh.-,n 6rass is PAL)wini, ((-roup 11). (3) :,pplication tc)Cuthor with the ounfloworu (III). Me aftor-offoct har, ba-um C.-LVL,- 1/2 23 Country : USSIR category: soil Sciencu Cultivation. Irzpr,.,jvcw-nt. Erosion . Abs jour: R=3-ol-, No 14, 1958, No 63132 Author : Ivanov, 11 - K* Inst : ssi~t-ov '.c;r-'.cu:,.I;ur,--l Institute Title : Soria Rasuj.ts of Studying the PlouG*hinc, System of T.S. Kqlltscv Orig Pub: Tr. Saratovsh- S.-kh. in-ta, 1957; LQ, 72-76 Abstract. Ficld exporu.ionts purforned in 1954-1955 lay the agriculture dujnrtyknt of Garatov AC;r-jaultural Institute on cc-13.cative farms in the rc:Cion of chernozei.,.s '. chestnut soils and complex so:L).s with solonetzes shmrad that on beds clear o:C 11cody "lants, besides deep ploulhinG., to a depth Of 27-30 C1.1, it Card 1/3 j-65 lei MOM 10 UM; R CA T 337 0 F-Y :Cultivated Plants. Grains. ABS. JOUR-1. I RZBiOl-, --40- 21, 195's, No. 95923 AUTHOR Bedilo, Z.P. INH, Z�6~.ratov Avic. last, T rl L. 12 fte Effect of Deep Soil Drenohing on the Grom Processes and Yield of Summer Wheat In the Trans-Volga Region under IrrigatIon * OR IG .PUB. Tr. Saratovsk. s,-kh. in-ta, 1957, 10) 125-13 IiBSTRACT :As a result of thj experimunts mada by the Institute of Agrio"lture of the South-Rast, the most rational watering rates were disoov- ered for the heavy chestnut soil of the Trans- Volga region to oonsiat of thvej Wuterings: one ivitli deap drenching at a norm of i0oo 0 per ha. during the tillering stage euid two subsequent ones with norms of 800-and 60o m3 per ha. during the spikinp'and grain ripening stages. The wheat yield under an irAgation CARD, 1/2 16 Country ILI, CATEGORY 1123 . JOUR. .2 RZI B I o 1 2 1 5 95923 ORIG. PUB, c ABSTPACT : rate of 2400 ~ha. ma 29.9 contmirs pjr Buyakovich CARD, 2/2 t Z h ixr 13 10 10 (r -J 1 JOTJ', '~C-r " 1. LTHOR IMST TITLE 3 t t h T"n -f til-o -z' J'a IA y f, T) 1, 1) i: r I E-; T r "OP 0 Ir 0. n T:( t? t t !I rv D So,. ! Sciencc,, Tfl. laee. J 0 177 Vo 3 1' van-)v P.- K. 'rop otatlou-i arc Sot I 'rl l'a-q;,;, in Carx,jdl P-ii Vxv ri!., ITO IVAXQV-,-R.K.-, sasluzharnyy dayatel'nauki RSFSR, prof.; YWOR07, B.V. Btology of sedgee and cultivation of sedge-infastmd areas. Agrobiologiia na. 3:99-107 HY-Je 158. 04IRA 11~7) 1. Saratovskiy sel'alcokhozyaystvannyy institut. (Sedges) USSR / Cultivated Plants. Graina. Legumes. Tropical M-1 cereals. Abs Jour :Rot Zhur - BioloSiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6232 Author :IV44ov'..P, K Inst :S6.ratov Agricultural Institute Title :Certain Problems of Agrotechny for Corn Grown on Chestnut Soils Orig Pub :Vestn. a.-kh. nauki, 1958, No 4, 55-59 Abstract :Experiments were carried out at the Krasnokutsk Experimental Station, at the training experi- mental farm of the Saratov Agricultural Insti- tute, and at the Kolkhozes of the Saratov oblast. The effects of the following methods of plowing on the yield of corn was studiedi with a moldboard at a depth of 20-22 cm (1); at a depth of 32 cm (II); at a depth of 20-22 Card 1/2 IVAHOV, P.K., prof. Crop rotations and cultivation in the Canadian prairies. Zemledo- lie 6 no.2:76-84 '58. (MIRA 1193) (Canada--Rotation of crops) (GanadA--Tillage) ,jV4MY, P.K., doktor sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk; KOROBOVA, L.I., kand. ~ ~` ~611 skokhozyays tvennykh man Strip cropping to control drought and dry vinds. Zemledelle 6 no.4:29-33 Ap '58. (MM 11:4) (Strip cropping) : ill,~'~e*T, L - "I Country : USSR Category : Soil Science. Cultivation. Improvement. 9cosion'. Abs Jour : RZhBiol.$ No 6, 1959~ No 24665 Author Ivanov, P. K.-, Balandina, Ye. I# Inst Title z beep Plowing in the Southern Chernozems of the Regions beyond the Volga. - Orig Pub : S. kh. Zavolzhfvat 1958, No. 89 28-~30 Abstract : No abstract. Card _IVANOV, etr 1~"r llovich- ANTIFOV-KAR T-ATEV, I.N.. prof.,; __t_ IVANOV, V.V., red.izd-va; SUSHKOVA, L.A., (Increasing the fertility of Chern028M and Chastnut soils] Povyshenie plodorodiia cliernozemnvkh i kashtanavykh pochv. Moskva. Izd-vo Aked.neuk SSSR, 1959. 134 p. 041m 13:12) (Soil fertility) (Chernozem soils) IVAHOV, P.K., doktor sel'skokhozyuyBtvennykh nauk Problems of increasing soil fertility. Agrobiologiia no.6: 916-923 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Sellskokhozyaystvannyy Inatitut, Saratov. (Soil fertility) IVANOV, P.K., prof. . Iwmi&vffw9w& - Concerning B.F. Linnik's article nSubsurface tinal.,e tc~t in the U.S.A." Zemledelle 7 no-3:85-86 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Saratovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. (United States-Ploving) (Linnik,'E.F.) jVMOV -. I. of.; KOROBOVA, L.I., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; UOINOVA, T.S.9 - ;)r red.; LEVINA, L.G., tekhn. rod. (Windbreak strips in the control of drought and sirocco-likeIwinds] I Kulispye posevy v borlbe s zasukhoi i sWchoveiami. Dfoskva Igd-vo N-va sell. khoz. 1960. 21 p. (MIRA 14312) Nindbreaks, shelterbelts, ate.) IVAITOV. P.K..-prof. When to use deep plowing in crop rotations of the Smitheast. Zemledelie 8 no.2:88-92 F 160. (MIEL 13.0) (Volga Valley--Plowing) I IVANOV, PetrjUrjLIlov-teh, doktor sellskokhoz,nauk; RIDIYANTSET, A.T., red.; TRUMINA, O.N., tekhn,red, [Soil anitivation practices in steppe regions] Sis,tema obrabotki pochvy v stepnykh raionakh. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo sel'khoz.lit--,7, 196-1. 222 p. (Tillage) (IGRA 14:4) IVAwV,j,K.,_profi, doktor sell skokhozyzystvennykh nauk; BIIRDNIKOVA, A.V, Increase soil fertility in the Volga-Akhtuba Flood Plain. Zemledelie 25 no.1:59-65 Ja 163. (MIRA l6t4) 1. Astrakhanslmya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya. (Volga-Akhtuba Flood Flain-Soil fertility) ACC NR: AF70oln:Dq (A, /V) SOM CE_ -CODE-: _-M-1-10 1'~l/b6/000/02-~~i'OJ-93/019-~I INVENTOR: Ivanov, P. K.; Ivanov, E. P. ORG: None TITLE: A device for changing wheels and subassemblies on aircraft J.anding gear. Class 62, No. 153665 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 193 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft landing gear, aircraft tire, aircraft maintenance equipment A~STRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for changing the wheels and subassemblies on aircraft landing gear based on Author's Certificate No. 146654. The unit is designed for changing tire casings directly on the carriage. 10wo mutually parallel hydraulic:cylinders are mounted on the carriage framework :perpendicular to :the platform. Thelcylinder rods are reinforced by a support sleeve -with an outside 'diameter equal to the inside diameter of the drum casing. Ribs are used to fasten !tie rods to this sleeve for pressing out the drum. The length of these rods excdeds the width of the drum and the height of the sleeve by the distance required for break- ing loose the tire'casings. 2. A modification of this device designed for breaking loose the tire casings with removal of the check ring. The unit is equipped with a clamp which has a sleeve connected to a pin in the disc through holes in the checking ;device. ;;SUB CODE:0113/ SUBM DATE: OgJan62 C.rd 5~Lilyl-i:Ff 17*z',Sll;ll~~;111 I Ilfl' I I If I A.- I H iiifj 1414, 111 dull U1119 WMLJIXUI"A~M~k~ ------ i91 e- r !glass fibers. To increase chemical durabilitIf t; to PreMlk' cori,ake~.It Ot ldllioyal of aluminum* aad other light metals, and; to! imptlove. process 6~ik lAy $to glas-9 - ~z.. ffj~~r- --6% li~ulated to co&tmin* 58-63% SiO~, 2-4% 13~0:3, 6-% -412tfl, O.l!--1.5% 9203~, 4 l 1771,12, "aC, "2-15 'r1r-2(D, and 1.5 -2% K20. fSM] Af- T A-,'- -N: Card IaTOROZHIIIY, P.S.; BELYAKOV, A.A.; VOZITESEIISKIY, A.N.; GMOV, P.D.; XACHANOVSKIY, B.D.; RASEVICH, A.Z.; TARTAKOVSKIY, D.N.; VASILIYEV, P.I.; ZARUBAYEV, N.V.; GFFUGAYEV, R.R.; WZRITUIKOV, M.P.; ZITOROZ, V.S.;--IVAIIOVI P.L.; SITICITIAULEV, D.S.!: OKORCKOV, S.D.; BELOV, A.V.; STAROSTIIT, S4M,; YAGN, Yu.I.; MASH, S.V. Ivan Ivanovich Levi; on his 60th birthday. Gidr. ijtroi. 30 no.9:61-62 S l6o. (MIILL 13:9) (Ievi, Ivan Ivanovich, 1900-) VANOV, P. L. USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics, soils Sep 51 "On Liquefaction of Sandy Water-Saturated Soils," P. L. Ivanov, Engr "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 9), PP 31-34 Investigates cases of soil liquefaction which occur in pure sands and are of mech nature. Expts demonstrated that phenomena of liquefac- tion took place only In cases when porosity was lower than crit value. There is no complete liquefaction in case of porosity above crit and certain definite inten6ity of dynamic load. 20IT98 IVANOV, P.L... kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Effect of loading an the dilution of water saturated sandy foundations. Gid.restroi*25 no*6:42-45 11 156. (IffitA 9*.'g) (Soil mechanics) (Foundations) IVANOV, P.L. (Leningrad) W- . ~, .1 -- Characteristi.cs of the fluidit7 of sandy- water-saturated sails under conditions of compaction and drainage. Izv.AN SSBR Otd,takh.nauk no.8: 65-71 Ag 156. OffyA 9: 9) (Soil mechanics) IVANOV, P.L., kand.tekhn.nauk. I Phenomena of thinning and subsequent solidification of water- saturated sandy soils subjected to treatment with explosives. Gridr.stroi. 26 no.9:33-38 S 157. (MIRA 10;10) Vi (Soil mechanics) IV'AMV, P.L.; AKULISHIMA, YO.P. Amount of free gas in sands saturated with water. Nauch.-tekb- inform.biul LPI no.1/2:i4l-146 158. (MIRA 12:6) iGases) (Soil mechanics) IVANOV, F.L. Testing the viscosity of diluted sand soils. Trudy LH no.197:11"118 '58. (MIRA 130) (viscosity) (Sand--Testing) IYANOV, P.I. Field testing of the stabilization of porous saturated soils with the.aid of blasting. Trugly LPI no.197:119-127 158. (MMU 13:3) (Soil stabj'~zation) 10(4) SOV/98-59-7-21/22 AUIHOut Hozinoar. S.T.. Chalr- TITLEc COnt-rame. on Scientific Research in the Yield of Hydramachmmic. PERIODICALS Oldrotak!;nIcteakoye straitelletro, 1959t Ur 7* ABSTRACTS Card I Card 2/6 oftsa W6 62-65 (C=a) The article In a chronicle of the above-named Con- ference. which was hold in tancow froo April 15-17 , 1959v on the initiative of the coarditory cosmic- .Ion far 1qdro=*chmn1zat1on in the Councl for Hyd. !nPe of the Acadonq of Sciencea of the , !-!-$ - US-. 7 1-1-CaLoa XTE chanization Tru t. 5 Fyaromft a the MLnice Institute of the Academy of Sciences of h t e UZW and the Moscow Oblast board of the Tochno- logical Department of the construction industry &I- partLelpated lU the organization of the confe- g . r ce. vUch was a tended by more than 400 repre. t sentatIres of 149 organizations, including the Offi- ce of St t C i h a e onstruct on of t e USSR. minIstries national econoaLe councils. institutes of the ADA demy of Sciences of the USSR and the union republi.., the AWL f th US R S SR o e S And the Ukrainian the.,_ _ --priculiaral Sclwaoiiiid the Ge,-TK of the -1- repubIleas and official scientLfio and research tmstlt~tes. The conference was opened by AcadexleLza A-M. TerpLgarsv, and at the plenary session papers were read by the followLc~~: Prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences: 'The State YlantLfle Ifesearch Work in the Field of Eydro- mechsalzatlan'; Engineer V.A. 'The Coma- _ tructiam of Alluvial Dama_~tE-eJ_Cr k of Soleati- flo, OrCLmLzatlens*; Engineer N.A. Gorin 17h o Pre- sent State of and the Outlook or an and He. search Work in the Yield of Equipment or Hydrome- chaulsation'; Engineer S.B-Poceltam: "Certain Problms of the Economy af the Hydrazachnnization of Narth Varknl; Prof. _q.A.-Ilarak, Dootor of Tach- n1cal Scl=cess 61ho Prevent State of and the Out. look for the Davelop=ent of the Hydro;tochanization of Opaccast CO&ISAining-; Engineer B.M. Shkundi.: Means of Perfecting HydromechanIzzition 1E tE_a_T5h_ Metall1c F.Imar&2 Induntry.' The remainder CC the conference w= divided into 3 bessionat on technolo- BY s4ml;xment and transport. At the sea also dealing 14h V tecL=loxy papers were read by the follovingi Prof. 2-3. W-10 Doctor at Tech i l S l . n ca o ancon: In the Planning of Alluvial Dams-1 lv~ Candidate of Technical Sciences (Imati- ' &~lcs of the Acado=y of Soloncoa of the USSR): -.oclLar Featuras of the Dilution and Can- Predsion of SA--d Inundations-; P,D _LqbqA2y.. Candl- data Of Tec-laleal Sciences CTNI I 'liecomoal Al- 5 luvial Ca~rtrmctlono I VA, w^1-tXey, Candidate of Technical rcle=es (B.B. V.danoyov VNIIG) and-Y-2. 3 U1,11 a-did C t - a P . e of Technical Soiancon (Institute Of Noc"-fes of the Acedeny of Sciences of the U5.11,I)l *The Cc-=cli_-~tloxx and Cooprosslon of the PO,_--d.-jtjS_ Of the 107 Pmr-n of Earth D=B-: (OISX)I '2ezaarch an Alluvial ConstrSSatiom by Of COhO::1TQ YO=-dationfi.; X.j Candidate of _rj~,mi!jQv Technical Zcltncoj: 'The Llydru a Coma ruction of , , Z&rthworkx t, Volume of Loans Foundationna ; Ulm -Tha Alluvial ConstruotL~ia of the Sim-- on tho Nurgab Rlv&r by 14oem.S, of Pine-Gralmad Sand'; Ija__Rumjn~ , Candidate of Technical :iclenaaz (A.F. Mathnf,kv VVTAI, -W.... ~Zoma-; Z Or AOr=, F) =d Z_Z r 3 Orm no fo Z r the Dotexminat;o f the AzZle of Inclination of 4arth FouudationtS- IT~ d t: of Tachnlenl 3clances: cul~andi a Aeth~ tinz th Thawing mate of Nrozan roan,,~tl=s an the Ugpor Slope of Sand Daza when Como- tructad I= Winter'; L Melms-it. Candidate of Tech- aloal Sciezees X.P. Kopt)-aij, (OrTx or tts raidavian Ssa)s -Problems of Spannin Rivers With-at th, n,, af -- " -- _g IVANOV, P.L., kand. tekh. nauk. Stabilizing sand soils by using small blasting charges. Anerg. stroi. no.2:77-79 '59 04IRA 13:3) 1. leningrodskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M.A. Kalinina. (Blasting) (Soil stabilization) 14 WIT 4; -in "TAM a- -nd .-Mto- a 3L t~7 7 p.nq- -irt --42 pa. -41 XTT-I*-ni .,J. '-T ft%v-q -.Tr- J. d- fttm --"TV -Wbft -TS-Pi -a a (---M am 00 ktp-~ III^ A-viwo -n -rrt dTll wn P. ".n. v- tr-rm -0-r. p PM- "Mj T -Wt -IGT w-b-i J. 4m -Tt-C) "X-c -VT -T---R In v_-d- Axi-n-M 4-1 T-I-TP~--l j -'o I f-li-M %gy;m im -12-PW '1=7412A, ,09. qj j - --f LZ I.T,d4y Vu. j0 -.1-n-Try %-I -n I. Ue_ IVAI,'OV., Petr Leotitlyq7i h; --!Z --KASNIKOV, N.D., kand. teklii-;. nmik, red.; - ---2,HTT1-4fkOVA, 0. S. 19 tekhn. red. (Liquefaction of sandy soils] Razzhizhenie poschnnykh gruntov. .1 M oskva, Gosenergoi-dat, 1962. 2:59 . UMA .15: 10) (Sandy soils) (Soil mechanicj JF~ITOVj,. P.L., kand. takhn. naukj TRUNNOV, G.T., kand. tekhn. cauk; " . _ -OSIROVSKIY, V.I., inzh.1 RASNErSOV, L.S., in?,h.,, 3AZONCJV,'7.9., inzh. Stabilizing the rock fill and the foundation bed of the pier of a potroleum port by undemm-tor blasting. Tramy. atroL. 15 no.61 20-22 Je 165. ('MIRA M.,U) lvanov, P. I'll. DissertQtion- lllep,~rvtion of Pi0ent from 61arlzbcrr-y Fruit, Its ,oinposition ~nd Indicator -'ropertios." 18 llay 49 I .-loscow Or(!-::z- of D~nin Statt 1; L?13ni ". V. Lomonosov. 80 Vecheryaya Moskva 0- Ourn 71 IVANOV --P.M.. inshenei~ UWYAN. A. I., inshensr; BAO'DiWWROV., B.S., I "w- i n Creviewafs]; ISCOTIMISKIT, K-Te (authorl. About K.M.Lsont levsklil a, book "Processing cottoitseeds.0 P.M.Iviuwv, A,I.Zarabyan. B.G.Bagdasarov. Haal.-zhir. prom, 18 no.11-125-27 '53- (MMA 6:12) (Cottonseed) (Leontlevskii. K.I.) IVANOV, F. M. IVANOV, P. M.; 'On the interconnection between terching subjects in the school course (based on material In teaohing plkysica and mathomatici3 in the eighth class)." Alma-Ata State Pedagogical Inst imeni Abay. Chair of Pedagogy. Alma-Ata 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Pedagogical Science.~ Knizhnaya letopist, No. 30, 1956. Moscow. AUTHOR: Ivanov, P. M. SOV/50-58-9-9/19 TITLE; Hydrogen Peroxide in Sn6w-Water (Perekis' vodoroda v snezhnoy vode) PERIODIUL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 9, PP. 34 - 34 (USSR) ABSTRkCT: It was found that onow, ice and fog contain about 0,04 - 0.05 mg/liter H 202' Near Moscow 1 mg/liter was found in a thundershower, in ordinary rain 0,004 m~,'/liter. In order to determine the qualitative and quantitative H 0 2 2 content in snow the snor, cover was investigated near Barnaul in places without smoke (1950-1952, 195s, ). The samples were taken from the upper as well as the lower layers of snow. The water caused by the melting of the snow at room temperature was filtered through a paper filter, then the paper filter was qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed with respect to its H 02 contont.. T~e difference in the quantitative H20 conient at an instantly carried out ana- lysis and after ~4 hours showed a decrease by the 1,38 fold. Card 1/2 Table I reveals that the H 202 content iii snow varies Hydrogen Peroxide in Snow-Vater SOV/co-C8.-g-9/19 between 0,000158 and 0,000344,Tlo (average data after several months). A certain increase of the H 202 content was o3b- served in the samples from the lower snow layers where snow had become solid corn snow. There J_s 1 table. Card 2/2 FACSD= "OscilloGraphic Method of Measuring "Swings" in the Scannin,, and Trans- raitting Sections of Facsirdle Apparatus" by M.A. Kudryaahov and,P.N, Ivanov, Elaktrosvyazl, No 5, May 1957, pp 61-64. Examination of problems involved in measuring the irregulai7ities in the notion of the scanning mechanisrLs of a facsirdle aryaratua. A me- thod is described for naeasurin6 the "swings" of the scanning devices of a facsimile transmitter. Card 1/1 - 3 - -T- t 1~ 1) f ~ 11 , \ " 0 ~ N 1 RkWffSIMICH,I.R.. kan dat takWchlWkh n=k; APANASIM,N.V., kandydat fizika-matevatychuykh navuk; IVANoWp.N. Mechanization of checkrow seeding and planting. Vestsi AN BssR no.4:36-5o Jl-Ag 954. (RUA 8:9) (Sowing) (Agricultural machinery) IVANOV, P. R. Tasks of the seven-year plan for the Lena Steamabip Line. Rech. transp. 18 no.6:7-9 Je '59. (MM, 12.9) 1. Nacballnik Lenskogo parokbodstva. (Yakuteir Province--Inland water transportatiou) IIIANOV) P. N., MALKDI, V. B., IWSUIROV, A. R., USACHEV, V. V., 1COLNETILINTOV., G. L. and DABUSHKIN, V. I. "The Effect of Accelerations Upon the Human Organism" (The Eighth all-union Cangress of Physiologists, Biochemists, and Pharmacologists), PP. 313-314, Moskva, 10155. IVAWOV I P. it. Two-slit roantgenokymograDby of gnglinhJ. i rAd. 32 (RADIOGRAPHY roentgenokymop,raphy (RESPIRATION, roentgenok,vmogrRphy respirntioa Lwith aummnry in no.6:22726 K-D '57. WIRA 11:3) of resp. (Rus) (Rus) 7MUV, P-11.,, polkovnik meditainskoy sluzhby Atelectasis after inspiration of oxygen under high pressure at great heights. Voen.-med.shur. no.6:37-38 Jo '59. (MM 12:9) (ATWACTASIS, etiol. & pathogen. inspiration of oxygen under high proesure at great heights (Rue)) (AVIATORS, die. atelectasis caused by inspiration of oxygen under high pressure at great heights (Rua)) ,-IVANOV, P.N.I_-KUZNr-,TSOV, A.G.; WaXIN, V.B.; POPOVAv Ye#O. Decompression phenomena in the human body at extremely low atmospheric pressures. Biofizika 5 no. 6-,704--709 160. (M7JU 13: 10) (DECOMPRESSION SICKNESP) IVANOV. polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby,; IIAN,9UROV, A.R., -pod~olkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby..; SOZINOV, S.I., pQdpolA'ovnik meditsinskoy aluzhby Anomalies of development of the skeleton in aviators. Voen.-med. zhur. no.3:60-62 Mr 161. (MI RA 14: 7) (AVIATION MEDICINE) (SPINE-ABNOFNITIES AND DITOFNITIES) IVAROV, F.P. (MosIrva) Pathogenesis of high-altitude emphysema, Pat.fiziol. i ek.BD. I terap. 7 no.~':19-19 Mr-A,fAl. MTRA Y,.In) (M-TITYSEW (ADIOSPEMC PRESSUPY,-PHYSIOLOGICAL M=T) IVAVOV P.P. CAR MED SCI Dessertation: "Special Rbactions of Patientii 14fter Air Contusion." 12 Apr 49 Central Inst for the Advanced Ti-aining of Physicians SO Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 605~,-66 av (m)/WP(t)/84P(k)/W?(b)/WA (a) JD/11V- ACC NRs AP5026492 SOURCE CODEs *W86/65/000/00/0025/W26 AUTHORS: Ivanov, P. N.- Silivestroy, L. D.; MeAvedgy -As- ORG.- none TITLE: Eleatrohydraulic shockrecorder. Class 21, No. 175084: SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov,.no. 19 196 -26 25 MPIC TAGS: t,, recording equipmqt,~ 4;, ABSTRAGT: This Author Certificate presents an.e'lectrohych-aulld 6b6ck recorderi' For contactless recording of electrical signals utilizing'tho viethod'of t1W cr~iatlon of high pressure in the interior of a liquid with an electrical 'discbargo~ i.the recorder is in the forza of a reservoir with inM g liquld~ and 'Qlhlch termink;tes. In a capinary tube with sealed-in electrodes In the bulged pziit (soe Ylg, 1),' Tbe'elec lator with a Mgh trades aro.conneoted through a spark gap to the output of it mo&L 401tage oscillator controlled br the received signal. Qwd 1/2 UD011: KMIAYLCV# V*Iop inahol XWIOV# P.11*# inub. Iabomtm7 invoot4oatiom of tbo rouldual momtion of the gas-Uquld mLxturo flovIng &m an air Lift, sbar. trud, MgMkwW no.4*214-Ul 16% (Milth 181-U) YOMIMENT, Mikhail Ivanovich; IYANOV, P.P., redaktor; BWOLYUBOVA, R.N., tekhaicheskiy re6ktor ' - [Greater production from every square meter of working area) Bollehe produktsii a kazhdogo kvadratnogo metra proizvodstvannoi ploahchadi. 'RA 9:12) [Ivanovol Ivanovskoe kn-vo. 1955. 59 p. ML (Efficiency, Industrial) 17-AI-07, P.P. 5-~20~ 17--'M7 P. P. Zelenara lza"-oratori-,,a. uchastok). Stalin-rad, Kn. iz~l-, 1054 5-GCO el=- 2r- FO'-. 11')1-10~r: s 106- 1. 371. (o16.-3) brishlollr*-y uchebno-opytnY.--v 1912. s ill.; ;I. Z,Lan. 20s :.:. 1`7 (77 nazv)- (55-3-005b SO* TnizIm%ya- Ietonisl, Vol. 1, 1955 :1 . I . fjI . j 206-58-5-28/57 AUTHOR: ivanov, P.P., (Pavshino, fjoscow Oblast') TITLE: The Vedantangal Birds Reservation in India (Vedantangallskiy ptichiy zapovednik v Indii) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 5, pp ~1-6-97 (USSR) ABSTRAM The author gives a brief historical survey on the better than 150-year-old reservation for birds 94 km south of Madras. He points out the scientific value and the useful services it gives to surrounding farm lands. He also describes bird species he has seen there and some research results obtained by Indian ornithologigta. Finally, he states that this re- servation deserves the attention of Soviet scientists in the field. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Birds - India IVAIIOV, P.P. Urea and ite utilization. Khim. v shkole 16 no. 3t8-13 ?4y-Je 161. (MIRA 14;5) 1. Moskovskiy obl tnoy pedag gicheskiy institut imeni N.K. Krypskoy'. * " . ~s ~ z - - - , - - (Urea) 1VANOV) 1).F.f red. (Atlas of the stellar sky with numbered st&rsl Atlas ~vezdnogo neba a pronumerovannymi zvezdami. Moskva, 1964-1965. 3 v. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Akadeirdya nauk SSSR. ITABOV, PIP', inwhener. Mechanization tn radio engineering. Vest. sviazi 7 no,?':22 il 147. (Radio relay systems) (KRA 9: 1) TSOY? S.V.; IVANOV, P.P,,; SOLNITSYN, B.P.; Spww~ V.I. Automatic circuit breaker. Trudy Inst.gordela AN Kazakh.SSR 8:184-186 261. (MM 15 4) (Dust collectors) (Automatic contm1) 1,001186-66 'i'r2/tWP(b)7EPA(ap)-2/9~IA(m)-2/ (.d)/W-(t) IJP(C') JD/AT ACCESSION NR: AP5020556 UR/0,29411151003100410BO'di.10568 14 AUTHOR: Ivanov, P.* P.- Kovbasyuk, V. L flyi