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p0-" 10?/01/o6i Boo6 19609 C) 00 atevich -1-tateviola 1. 6-65 Nto . ~110&tot - neoTe t of t'sno, tooTat he& SI? 356 ,Pat," urnal a 9,9. 351 V66414te Of tl%s~& been aQV1? Loo.1111 I "Stiou tia onauc tors er :V61)0-rts on flu*. ITOV . q I Of Seoic . 0 aesTee ?a'? Ad. svl-it~ ;Lit ~n%ra. ~gsl -1 7~ts._Ivlqog~T'~ 1 031 L thW Tl-,e V weeU is SSS-11 to in bat duiltol a. twice &. tivity.) TIOLT e 131 2~95 ToVo sitto,. issis Uve Santa 1?-tlv titut "903-uv to llise Tali 0 SA& ego a0,& 'VOOT19 . ities 9. _j35 M. the ~-Lus It Is.$ Of iSIPIT IblOOt L'alLe ; Itlee" A .51 a. jj&).t lindTioe' & OIL Vdo be -too so bY -rain% tiotL 111ne 01 saure tva ,'bj tj 0 &ete ta at t wave 100 Is-to go. i illus & ~4v t 86 8-crya IA Lvi&e Vigo ~.Jts obtsine 381.019 Purity I 00STSaal-I COIL t8j3.V & he Teo diagram* stabli"he t this off fTO2 ad the bislg%xth a OIL; I t of were 2000 in &A ciflo Ilse, itious t A.51 - M spe trems ~Se0 46100 shown ' $a Of t he, the TGX -PetTo &To 601 Ot. 110 V&e in sureMents so rev an ~.G V: t CST& S/o56 o/058/02/07/06i at Low Y1101. I t of Bismuth t 5 are specific Rss, r , 464-5(T/9)09 %Vh I the Temperatures lbed by C - I + 5). Ic 'I SOIL n be desor an', 0 . (155.5 .2 e 5 sAdL results OS _2/gTSxj_gtOmD .60ific beat 'In the 2 the _53OU19*41og the' ratuTe 10 absolute Seroo )4U4611041 of a )able t..V.V.ture 461 istio I irst 03L temperature t ...,S,oter I)ebys V ezVolleut in the the STStuTe Q1) at the povel jig. 3 ShOIS L Of tamp h& IRjuilRUM at is greater them 3. a function I-rStUTS89 rang tuvoug ersturs, Re- 1.37 and- 5001L me ( tomple further rising UAV . Vigo 4 between steep &eolille at lo'l-isee with !, co,pile& in Table i range bjbitli S ;&:In slowly " stivity arl Vity i ,U the Ul )y 29 and the . and 84 Of resisti t. about 841 'easuremOnts on TesiLevendenae Of time 6 no formula S'alto 0 the temperature ~ absolute -values Plisa 0 .B:L2TO The author sp OLGS at 2 i1justratas in 3* 19 -3 The hole 9 &_ )OIL. Table 2 sPeoifieo) OIL heat 70A 5 allows R(T 0610 2 - 30( t R9 Pig. is -1 4- j 11 Jos SA& specific holdes conateA IL 0 0 gras-aton-gra lentration /one Or 116 +,ho coW ~13 I unit R , 3% culate(i frog VA 1/5 (*/'LO)T Los' 0-f bolas per was Cal C . IT , 3,86$10 nis the nusb.eT guxeUex1t8* v.. t? 0210 qOjUme9 As There -T jenot CST& 2/3 .82031 /038/0: /o7/06t S/o56 p 2 do at Low 3606y0i I th TelluT1 at of BiGsu Ty vat specific Be Torsi temperer Tempere,tu"00 0elec- hlds-401h. T 461 a is th volume. This relation was found to be oitsa for having 336019 Therefrom 0 AcatesicidA :found to b k$4*0 ion Si the IAG 'Ituts of tinall-y tk investigat for~hjq trou 0068 The &utho ;he Wressor ;Ssible to car outs 9 mx,46~0 I.J. 41at- and made it P 0 L +,he x 2i: "too. b I ~16 a oution is Rureal , -problead rt I&To 5 f'__ interest and advice* Sud'2: knericane asova and tie 9*1 IL so at,, 3 B WUk SSSR ~R- ~It- ~vjenjy kkeasaii! I 19 refev*uces: Itikh di justit'at fiziki VY60 0 jh; blem jXadevii pro 'UI3+,:LtUto of a jnst~itiuxt f ' IS-0-1 ces 'USSRY ot 1,h1sj ie, SUNUTTED: 'Lugust. 39 1959 0heskikh , the Loado*Y I prob1*1K8 ~0_D ILI jL_~ Card 3/3 26546 8/076j61/035/008/012/016 9 ho 104111213 B1101BI01 AUTHORs --- Itskevioh, Ye. So (Moscow) TITLEa The:rmodynamio investigations at low temperatures. Xi;. Specific heat of bismuth telluride betwegn 1o4 and 65 K-- Enthelpy and entropy of Bi Te at 298.15 K 2 3 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal f12icheskoy kbimii, Y. 35, no. 8, 1961, 1813. - 1815 TEXTs In view of the interest raised by anisotropic crystals, the author measured the temperature dependence of the a pecific heat of B12Tq 3having a stratified crystal lattice. The method had been earlier described by the author (Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiz., 38, 351t 1960). Numerical:values of specific heat, enthalpy, and entropy Ere given here. The temperature dependence of the specific heat below 100K in Bi To differs from that Of 2 3 other laminar lattice structures. Below the cubic-law region attained at 8 - 110K the specific heat is proportional to T3.6 * Only at T< 2,50K it 3 becomes again proportional to T Conventional theories on laminar Card I 26548 S/076/61/035/008/012/016 Thermodynamic investigations*.* B110/B101 crystals would not lead one to expect this. Measurements are stopped at OK and the curve is extrapolated tu ab8olute zero according to the cubic law with the Debye temperature a-d - 117 X oorresponding~to this region ,(while & -,G, (0) - 155-50K). In this wayt thp molar entropy was found 0 d to be S0 80K w 1-04 joules/degree (experimentally: So - 0.90 Joules/degree). 8 This is not to be explained by determination errors of.entropy at the 0 j upper limit of measurement. Extrapolation must be done'earefullyt as the specific heat in the calculation of enthalpy agd entropy is measured at 298.150K, or from 11 0K on at best, and from 11 K to 00K:extrapolation bases on the simplest assumptions. In bismuth tellurid6g an extrapolation :that would take account of the stratified lattice structure wouldcause a 1&rge eri4or. According to the author (Dis.t In'-t fizich. problem,IMOV 1957) the divergence between extrapolated and experimental values of CdI 2 and CdBr2 at 11 K amounts to 25%. he figure presents the values.seasured by the author between 1.37 and -4-8 K as well as the values oalculated,by P. V. Gultlyayev., A. V. Petrov (Ref. 3: ZhFTT, 1, 368, 1959) between Card 2/5 26548 S/076/61/035/008/012/016 Thermodynamic investigationso.. B110/B10111 80 and 300 0K, The table supplies only the values, obtained by m8ans of graphic smoothingt of the molar specific heat between 1-5 and 65 Kt because the 135 points obtained were irregularly distributed in the: temperature range. By integration, for entropy and enthalpy of Bi 2~93 0 w8re obtained, the upper limit of measurement being 65 Ki S 84-i76 � 0.32 joules/deg.mole.. In order to calculate entropy and 65 - 0 enthalpy at 298.15 K, integrated data were used in the same manners. S0 260.9 joules/deg.mole; H Ho . 30908 joules/mole.. 298-15 - 298.15 However,'both results are approximate values, and it is difficult to estimate their,error limits. There are 1 figuret i table, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki vysokykh davlenik (Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of High-pressure. Physics) SUBMITTEDt December 30, 1959 Card 3/5 0061050 '3ZNY62/042/005/ B125 108 ATU'THOR: Itakevich, Ye. S. TITLE: Electric resistLvity of cerium at low temperatures and high pressures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakay fizikis v- 420 no. 5, 1962, 1173 - 1182 TEXT: The temperature dependence of the resistivity of two cerium samples was measured between 10 and 3000K at normal pressure and at pressureii~of . V 2 UD to 10,000 kg/cm . The samples. contained less than 0-75% neodymiumi and praseodymium. each, less than 0.02% iron,.and less than 0.001% cadmium, lead, tin, and bismuth. Results are collected in Table 1 and Fig. 1.. The changes in resistivity after transitions induced by temperature or pressure (10,000 kg/cm2) are identical. The resistivity of the face- centered cubic cerium lattice increases linearly with temperature between~ 50 and 3000K, with qa'Ap/&T - 302-jo-3 de 1. Between 10 and 400K, i The abnormal behavior of resistivity inoreaseb in proportion with T1- resistivity at 12-50K, found by.other authors, was not confirmed by, the Card 1/4 8/056/62/042/005/006/050 Electric resistivity of... B125/B108 present results. The branches of the cerium phase diagram probably are parallel below room temperature. The discontinuous obange in Q in the .transition from the face-centered cubic cerium 1~ttice to the cubic lattic6 vanishes at about 5780K. The resistivity of compressed face- centered cerium has the same temperature coefficient as the majority of the metals in a wide.temperature range. There are 5 figures and 2 tablesid ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki vysokikh davlaniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of the-Physics of High Pressures of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBUTTED: December 14, 1961 Card 2/4 Z ACCESSUff IM: Ap3oo5246 evmeM,~I$/ 10071/b0821 Itsicavich yev-~ S AMCR. GWdukov,, Yu. P.; P. ~ *. I I . T=: Effect of pressure (a. thi Feimi. surfdwe kill 3M-ftitim- 7--T; :SOURCE.- Zluw. eksper. I teoret. fitiki, Y. 45, no, 2, 190t 71,091; 4ina re. T MIC TAW.- presauxized-sine-resistivity,wdoatxW,,, pr~"==xlx cscillati=, pressurized-zine meenitit! resistance-,, press Mel- -r" anisatrcrpy, pressurized.-cadmi=-resistivit,,,* asctMtlon, pTess zdii_caftlliz~ 201- natic resistance, pressurIzed-tIme Fami surfacet ABS M.CT The anibat"ropy. of ele.-ttrt crystals vms iavest'lgatea in an 8706-o'a Mdgdetio field di~ i: priO~:6r:7. Vie dependence ef the r1asistivity oaciUationd of zinc alot~g t~ei Owl] WO a a was also stxxdl,~d, A spe'C4. magnetic field under m,,essures up to 8= kg/cmg desiagued pressu-ne cylinder vas used so that tbo experlmezitq could ba ponnau, under byd-rostatic r-anditiots. It was found tlW,, the ma~peitia rossat ce but that of Zn decreases by it, the remains unchanged under presswe, current flow is in the basal plane of the Metal. Wraea the dl+~eatlft ~e 't ik"L7~ Ar. paraUel to the COW11 aiis, the magmetic resistance of., beh m*t*Ia d"r= ard c 3./2 1-j.4w "41 It :viz; ~, UP, L 1023-0 A=-SICU M: AP3005246 by 35 to Wp. The resistivity oscIllatica perio4 in. zinc decreases as MAiurgi Increases frem 6.3 x la-s ft~-' at ataosrherife VM5S=e to 2.1 tc la, e at 8100 kg/cin ~. Me magaitude of dbugoa -in the Fe=1. surOmoo In wihe causedby j uaiform comyression vas estimate& on the basis of the dhta CMMAedo The I=es3,xre at which the open cross sections disanear In thm (Wql)~ pl=e vw; eibUtt I AO,OW kg/=Z. "Me aut;hors thauk Academiciam P. L. P to a4d Notesso,': Vereshchag:Ux for making possible this iavestigaition end PMfessor if. Ye. Mq_%qMevskiy for his attention*tt Orig. art. has: 8 figm-es and 3 tables. FIVSIM.L' ASSCOIATIM: Institut fizicheski& yrdble~t MSSSM (r=1 Problem, AS MR); T=titut flzikL vyftoldkbL davlemly 999TV (TnstitutA 11~ics CC Pressurest ATT ME). SUMOMM: OW=63 DUM ACq: 063ep63 00 01"2 CM: M 013 :f ITSKEVICH, Ye,S,; ILIINAt M.A.; SUKHOPAROV, V.A. Effect of pressure onthe transistion temperature to the super- conductive state in Nb 3Pn and Nb - Zr alloys. Zhuro eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no-5:1378-1379 N 163. 17:1) ~1. Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR. ITSKEVIC ~.;-POPOVA, S. V.; ATABAYEVA, E. Ya. Xffect of pressure on the electric resistance of bismuth telluride. Dokl, AX-SSSR 153 no. 2:306-309 N 163. (miRA 16:v) 1. Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR. Predstavleno tkademikomI. V. Obreimovym. ACCESSION NR: AP4039666 s/blsl/64/bo6/bo6A765A768 AUTHORS Itskevic _�,,t;, Atabayeva, E. Ya.; Popova, S.. V. TITIZ- The effect of pressure on the electrical resistivity of bismuth solenide ej SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela,, v. 6. no. 60 1964p 1765-1768 ~TOPIC TAGS: electric resistance, bismuth selenide, quasihydrostatic silver chloride, high pressure chamber, temperature coefficient, catlinite, m~`tallic ;character TRACT; The authors studied the electrical resistivity of n-B 0 at variou.4 tABS i2s 3 ~11~ressures up to 10.4 kilobars and then between 30 and 15(l kilobars. They found :'that at apressure of about 100 kilobars the resistance fell abruptly, indicating, ta transition to the metallic state. The technique'was similar to the one used for 'Bi2T as given by Ye. S. Itskevich, S. V. Popova and E. Ya. Atab:iyava (DAN SSSR 63 F153, 306, 1963). The spec~nen was cut from bars prepared at, the Institut 'poluprovodnikov AN SSSR (Institute of Semiconductors, AN-SSSR). At room tempera- ~ture it had a resistance of 5/6 10-4ohm-em and a temperature coefficient of -70 ;ACCESSION NR: AP4039666 80 microvolt/dogree. Part of the specimens were prepared as mentioned above, ;and the others were coated with AgCl. The results of the oxperiments are given I Lin Figs. 1 and 2 of the Enclosure. The authors thank L. F. Vereshchagin, corre- i ;Gpondin.- member of the AN SSSR for his interest in this work, and V. A. Kuznostov and V. A. Sukhparov for taking measurements. Orig. ari. has'. 3 graphs. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vy*sokikh davloniy AN SSSR, Moscow, (institute of :High Pressure Physics, AN SSSR) ISUBI-JITTED: o7oTan6i, DATE ACQ: 19Jun64 ENCL:: 02 SUB CODE: SS NO REF SOV: 002 OTIMR; 001 Card 2 AccEssioN NR: Ap4o39666 ENCLOSURE. 01 Fig. 1. Effect of quasihydrostatio pressure on the electrical conduc- tivity of n-Bi Se at room temper- 2 A 24 2 3 ature. (Sample coated with AgCl),- M lie Curves 2, 15, and 23 represent Mir measurements on specimens 2, 15 and 23. Curves 2a and 23a represent measurements on specimens 2 and 93 as the pressure was released, The -ft pressure scale is correct only for t' increasing pressures. Zo 03- 9 a2 - 50 60, 70 80.0 0 IV 10 20 30 40 KILOBARS Card 3A ACCESSION NR: AP4039666 ENCLOSUREC 02 Fig. 2.. Dependence of electrical resistivity of 0`7 Bye on quasihydroutatio 3 14 pressure, obtained by. A f4a 1`7 method of Itskevich et al," LZ at room temperature. Curves.11, 24, 17 and 19., C~j LO - represent measurements,'6'a specimens 11) 14p 17 and 0.8 19. Curves 3.1a and 14a represent measuromevus on 06 specimens 3.1 and 24 as the pressure was released. 0.4 - 0.2 - 50 6 ' 9 70 80 SU M7 110 . 120 02- 140 AF KIWBARS C---z4 4A 0/0181/64/006/007/2223/2225 ACCESSION Mi AP4041747 AUTHORS: Veresbchagin, L. F.; Itskeviche Ye. S.;~ Atabayeva, S. Yaj~! Popova, S. V. TITLE: On a new modification of Bi So 2 3 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 2223-222S TOPIC TAGS: bismuth inorganic compound, polymorphism, metal struc- ture,. x ray diffraction study ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of an earlier'study:(FTT vo 6, 000#~i. 1964) of the electric resistivity of Bi Se as a function of the 2 3 pressure in the interval up to 140 kbar at room-temperature. Along with the previously observed reversible transition tothe metallic ,state observed near 100 kbar at room temperature, an irreversible !polymorphic transition was observed at 800C and 120--6S kbarq to 'iACCESSION NR: AP4041747 Ia new phase Bi Se 11 which in metastable under normal conditionss 2 3 iTo confirm the polymorphic nature of the transition, the sample' was' lannealed for 2 hours in pure helium (500C), and the reverse transi- ' q tion Bi Se II -+ Bi Se X was established by x-ray diffractions 'L 2 3 2 3 'x-ray diffraction pattern has 40 lines which could be identified in !a structure of the bismuth type (Bi S ), orthorhombic cell, space 2 3 16 :group Pbran (D ). The unit cell parameters of the new phase' are 2h lia. - 11.63 + 0.,03 X, b --11.76 � 0.03 X, and c - 4.06 10.01 As.: The ','density determined by x-ray diffraction and pycnometrically is 7.8 band 8.0 + 0.3 g/cm3, respectively, confirming the correctness of the iproposed=structure. The resistivity of the new phase is 1.2--l. 5 _ohm-cm, and the temperature coefficient of resistivity is negative Ibetween 0 And 100C. The data confirm the correlation between the ~electric properties and the crystal structure inherent in compounds' A B of elements of groups V-14X. Data.on the,.ele;tric Propenies 2 3 PRO, ACCESSION NR: AP4043616 S/0056/64/047/002/0455/0463 B.; Gaydukov, Yu. P.1 Its AUTHORS: Brandt, N. #~evich, Ye. S.; Minina, N. Ya. TITLE: Effect of pressure on the oscillation effects in bismuth- SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 2i 1964, 455-463 TOPIC TAGS: bismuth, quantum statistics, resistance, magnetic sus- ceptibility, low temperature phenomenon, high pressure research, Plermi surface ABSTRACT.- This is a sequel of an earlier study by two.of the pre-., sent authors (Gaydukov and Itskevich,.ZhETF, v. 45, 71', 1963) on the effects'of uniform compression on the quantum:oscillations of. ,the electric resistance (Shubnikov-deHaas effec~)..of Zinc. The .present study is dev'oted to the effective uniformicompression on .the quantum oscillations of the magnetic susceptibility (pressures'. Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4043616 2) and the electrical resistance (at 3000--75W 1300--1600 kg/cM kg/CM2) in bismuth at liquid helium temperatures., The test proce- dure is described. In addition, 'the influence of!pressure on the deHaas-van Alphen effect was investigated using a,procedure de-- scribed elsewhere (N. B. Brandt, Ya. G. Ponomarev, PTE, no. 6,,114, The influence of uniform compression on the quantum oscilla-;- tions of the electric resistance was measured by a method of Ye. S. .Itskevich (PTE, no. 4, 148, 1963). The results showed a decrease.-in the oscillation frequency, amounting to 37% at 7500 kg/cM2. The re- sults are interpreted on the basis of a model whdrein.the Fermi sur face of bismuth consists of one hole and three electron ellipsoids#' .and the test results an the two effects in bismuth are in good .mutual agreement. An analysis of the influence of uniform compres- sion on the Fermi surface shape and on other characteristics of, bismuth at low temperatures is presented. The possibility that bis- muth would go over into a dielectric state at low,temperatures is discussed. "We thank L. F. Vereshchagin and A. I, Sballnikov for Card 2/4 TT-Y"-- "Change of Fermi-Surfaces of Metals Under Pressure" Paper delivered at the High Pressure Conference, Le Creusat, France, 3-7 Aug 1965. USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow. L L 4083 4083 !ACCESSION NR: -AP5021728. 7~ ifiiinc~; of aively that the oscillations of the ele'c ric kes a with increadng,pressures and are . in .-good aAreemeht vith:the4 __j;..-,j,-~aaed on the-model of W. At - Harrison (Phyq. - lRev Tf: liff iiq~ also confirm the existence of a neledle-like eledir onic zp~Lrt~ riable it '.the of cadmiumo which.ahoul&become dboe i~ Shei es pr present experiment. "The authoro:thank Professor., 'i FIV6 ight interest in the vork Orig. art hail. ~-l figured 1-.foriuAi ASSOCIATI Off t Tnstitut'ftziki~vy~okikh dev eniy;Akademil nwO Academy ot Scienc6s. MM) High-PressiLire Physics. SUBMITTEDt 25K~F6 MICLI, _:O` t IT. 190)~6' ~he rboultd: th6~ ~ ~ermf guri~' in'..thl i : ont ~ro c inixoui and! 1~ tabic mqqn; A1+4 +1,+,%1 ons, e K? t _-J: I h063-46 OR: AP 5021728 ANCL06URE '011- A. F1 Diagrm ot , , 2 3 an4l a~o -gas 5 ram, 6 bearing;l - -j .~;; 10' eal , beiring c~jinder S . . ~ 7 : r I Card 3/3 13q 4., wpi L IjL~8io-~o YWT(1)/LWT(m)/EWP(-t)/1TI - IJ-P(c) - JD/WV-. ACC NR:AP6032023 SOURCE CODE: UlVO386/66/004/006/0226/0230 AUTHOR: Its Ye. S.; Vornovskiyo A. N*, WON* WO ORG: Institute of High.Pressure Physics,, Academy of Sciences) SS~i (institut fi vysokikFdavleniy Akademii nauk-S9 TITLE: Change of topology of the Fermi surface of.cadmium',4nder pressure SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i'teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pis!ma, v redaktsiyu.' Prilozheniye.9-y. 4, no. 6, 1966, 226-23o TOPIC TAGS: cadmium h r .. Fermi surface,, pressureeffect) high pressure researc e-, sistivity., galvanomagnetic effect p ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work'(ZhETF v.'45., 7ip 1963) on the angular dependence P(G) of the resiitivity of cadmium in strong mAgnetic-fields-~'The measurements were made or q1our samples of ~pure 'cadmium' (ot /P4 ~.2K 3) 1 In X 10 n a bigh-pressure\i--hamber described elsewhere (PTE 11551970~ press) The' sampli axes were,parallel to t direction. The measurements have shown that _4e [11~0 n at pressures above 8 kbar and H 11 (00011, an additional thiia maximum appearej on the PM curves, as against only two at,lower pressures. The relative magnitude .of - this maximum is practically independent of the field intensity) but does. depend on! the] temperature. The form of the maximum does not change when the temperature is lowered. When the pressure rose above 15 kbar, splitting of the new maximum was observed. This splitting apparently does not take place below 14 kbar., since the ~au-thors were unable C rd -1/2 . ....................... LC-G-r ----------- - -------------------------------------- - - ----------------- ACC-NRs -Ap7001954. --- SOU*R--C-E-C-0-D-Z'-:- "U,-R*/,0*1-2-0-/66'/000/'006/0161./0164 i AUTHOR: Itakevic oparov V. A. Ye-, S.; Voronovskiy, A. N.; Gavrilov, A., F.; Sukh ORG:, Institute of Physics of High Pressures AN SSSRi Moscow (Inatitut Miki vysokikh davleniy W SSSR) TITLE: High pressire (up to 18 Kbar) chamber for operation atl4quidleliva tempers- tures SOURCE: Pribory i,tekhniks eksperimenta, no. 6. 1966, 161-164 T6PIC TAGS: high essure chamber, metal i temperaturej Pr singlb crystal, liquid hel UMI, beryllium bronze,~iorundum micralite ABSTRACt: Two modeis of a high-pressure (up to 18 kbar) chamber used for studying single cTystals of metals and semironductors in a magnetic field at liquid helium tj'mperatures are described. The chambers (6.5 mm. inside diameter). are madelof.heat-treated beryllium-bronze and the pistons are made of. TSH-322 corundum-nicrolite heat treated to a hardness of 75-78Rc. The- d require,~pressure-ia created In the chamber at room temperature by a hydraul press. The chasber is then mealed mechanically and placed In a Dewar ve sel containing liquid helius. Pressure in measured by means of manganIn'tand superconducting pressure gages. The magnitudes:of anisotropy, card 1/2 VDC: -539.89 AP 70019 55,, of magniti~ resistance and of quantum osci1lations of electric resistance of zinc. dpasumd in the chamber, showed that the compression was close to Card 2/2 ITSKHAKIN, V.D.; OBRAZTSOV, A.P. breaking with the hap of a high-frequency electromagnetic field. Obog.'rud. 8 no.2t13-15 163. (NaRA 17:2) I I " 112 621 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnalo Elektrotekhnikao 1957), Nr lp p. 104 (USSR) AUTHOR: Itskhakin, V. 1. TITIE: eable Inductance Coil for the Generation of High Voltages in Testing for High-Frequenoy Breakdown (Nastraivayemaya katushka induktivnosti dlya. polucheniya bol'shikh naprya-1 zheniy pri ispytaniyakh na vysokochastotnyy Proboy) PERIODICAL: Inform.tekhn. ab. M-vo elaktrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR., 1955,, Nr 83, pp. 26-28 ABSTRACT: High-frequency high voltages are usually obtained by con- necting a high-voltage lengthening coil to the high-frequency oscillator; the.cAl together with the capacitance of the 'tested object creates an auxiliary circuit tuned into resonance with the osolllator frequency. The amplit-Vide of the output voltage is controlled by changing the mutual d!Ls- position of the coil of the output circuit of the high.- frequency osc-11'17.ator and of the special coupling coil. The highest attainable testing voltage is determined according Card 1/2 to the formula U Fp~~ , where U is the effective voltage 112-1-621 Tuneable Inductance Coil for the Generation of High Voltages in Test- ing for High-Frequency Breakdown (cont.) In volts; Q0 the quality factor of the load.eircuit; Pr the power in watts transmitted-from the oscillator 1 to In the load circuit; h. the capacitive reactgnee of the: load in ohm. Since the Q factor of the:load~cireuit is de- termined on the whole by the Q factor of the:lengthening coil,tA their preparation high-priced coil-forms with termi- nal blocks made of radio porcelain are usually used. A simple and inexpensive lengthening coil with a aoil-form made from ordinary 10 mm plywood was successfull3r developed. The coil has a Q factor of about 550, ls,mechanically re- sistant, and has an electric strength between the turAB of about 8 kv with a frequency of 2000 kc. A table Is given permitting a simple selection of structural param- eters of the lengthening coils depending on the oscillator frequency and on the capacitance of the tested object. Inductance coils with a plywood coil-form are recommended for obtaining voltages up to 50 to 70 kv from the high- frequency osaillators operating in a range of intermediate and'medium-length Waves. For shorter waves the use of Card 2/2 apoollbasi- coils is recommended. ANOS. A/A V,,T AUTHOR% Gorenshteyn *B* Candidate of Technical Sciencesq 386 V.I., Engineer and Merzheyevskiy, A.I., Candidate of Technica- Sciences. TITLE: Delay cables. (Kabeli zaderzhki.) PE, RI ODI CAL: 'Testnik El ektroj2r Mi 4lennos ti!'. (Jouziial 'of the El ed~riical Inau dFr YT 1579 Vol.':2 9 6 NO,7; T~p. 21 -12~ (if 0,S . S, R ABSTRACT: In pulse radio technique artificial lines -are: being ~rdplaced' by delay cables. These are uniform co-a:kial'cables with a; ~spiral internal conductor - -They have a high inductAnce and a somewhat higher capacitance than normal cables. The construction of delay cables is described. The1nner wire is wound an an insulating core usually of polyethylene. When large delays are required a magnetic-dielectric core may be used. There are two main ty pes of delay cable those vAth thin layer insulation and an ex ternal wire which does not form a closed circuit for annular currents and those with thick layer insulation and closed circuit external ivire. The thin layer insulation is usually wound from one or*.two tapes of polyethylene, fluoro plastic or styroflex some hundredths~or tenthr. of a millimetre thick. Thick layer in:salation usually consists of a solid polyethylene applied by extrusion. The principal data on two, types of cable manufactuxed in the U.SiS.R. are tabulatel The influence of~cable design 6n the tic dielectric electrical characteristics is examined. Magne cores are mainly used in connection with colour television at Itsklaoki, Ya. 3. "A new m.-thod oL' calculatitir, thevolt-second ciiaracl~e--istic~j of insulation," Trudy Leningr. politekhn. in ta L%. Kalinina., 19148, P. 105-1h. SO: U-3736) 21 May 53,(LetoPis 'Zhurnal 'jVkh Stasey, ~o. Lb, i~ltq) ITSKROKI, S. impull!naia tekhnika. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1949, 295 p., illus. Bibliography: p. 292-293. Title tr.: Pulse engineering. TK7835.1 85 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union,Library of Congress, 1955. 0 ITSKTIO.KI Takov Sam upyich; KUKUSHKIN,A.A.,rodaktor; KORUZZV, N.N., _im~~Sn c ~66 YR;daktor. [Non-linear radio engine'ering] Helinsinaia radietakhnika. Koskvai Isd-vo "Snvetskon radio,".1955. 507 P. OGRL 9:1) (Radio) AUTHOR itskhoki, Ya.S. TITLE A-U Sci Conf dedicated to "Radio Day," Moscow, 20-25 May 1957. "Minimum Volume of a Pulse Transformer," PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Val. 2, No. 9, pp. 1M-1224, 1957, (USSR). For abstract see L.G. Stolyarov. jo, AUTHOR: Itskhoki, Ya.S., Ordinary Member of the Society TITLE: Smallest Measurements of'Impulse-TranaformorB (Minimallnyy ob"- ,yem impul'snogo transformatora) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1957, Vol- 12, Nr 10, pp. 66 - 84 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A new method for technical calculation of heavy-type impulse transformers Ytith a minimum of their inetal (iron and copper)- volume is given. The author shows that constructions with 0,5 a per Watt of mean transformer power are possible. In order to realize this the usual method of calculation for impulse-trans- formers must be,changed in such a way that the demands for the tolerable distortion of the impulse optimum must be replaced by that for reaching the minimum transformer weight. The method given here meets this demand. There are 4 tables, 12 figures and 5 Slavic references. SUBMITTED: ASSOCIATIONt AVAILABLE: Card 1/1 June 27, 1957 Nauchno-tekbi&cbeskoye obshchestvo radiotekhnik:L i elektrosvyazi --im. A.S. Fopoya Library of Congress 9(3) PHASE I 3300K EXPLOrEATION SOV/2745 Itskhoki, Yakov Semenovich impullanyye ustroystva, (Pulse Devices) Moscow, Izd-vo "Savetskoye rafto," 1 1959. 727 p. Errata slip inserted. No. of copies printed not given, Ed,: %G. Zabolotakiy; Tech, Ed.: N.N. Koruzev. PM00: This is a textbook for the course on "Pulse Devices" ("Pulse Techni4vo!) in radio engineering vuzes, COVERAGE: The contents of this textbook correspond to the accepted progm of the above course In several schools, The basic chapters of the book are devoied to a presentation of the methods of pulse shaping, amplifying and w nver#ng and to an analysis of corresponding pulse devices omploying both vacuum tubes and semiconductor devices. Chapter 1 is devoted to investigating the basic methods of analVis of pulse processesj Chapter 2, to studying the transmission of pulses through linear systems, The book.outlines the prin- ciples of operation of pulse devices and analyzes the processes occurring in them. Basic relationships are established with particular attention on the conditions for stability and reliability of operation of such devices as Card 1/ 8 Pulse Devices SOV/2745 well as on the selection of proper operating conditions considering the influence of unstabili'zing factors. The method of presentation of the material, instead of an encyclopedia approach with an analysis of numerous circuit variants, consists in a thorough investigation of the most important components and systems of the pulsp technique, emphasizing methods of independent selection and analysis of possible alternatives. The following persons par-i ticipated in writing the book: chapter 3 of the book was written by S.Ya. Shats; chapter 10, paragraphs 2, ly -1)., 5.9 6, and 7 by V.V. Grigorin-rqabov and paragraph 8 by S.I. VJL-glin; chapter 3-1 ves written by N.I. Ovehihnikov and I.A, Boloshin. The sathor thanks the follow3xg persons for reviewing the manuscript: L.D. Golldshteyn, A.A. Kharkevich.,"A.A. Kulikovskiy, V.N, YakovIev, B.Kh, Krivitskiy, N.I. Ovehinnikov,, S.M. Nikulin and K.A. Smogilev, There are 285 references, 230 of which are Soviet, the remaining mostly English, TA33IB OF CON=S: Introdretion 5 19 False-operating conditions and their basic features 5 2, Characteristic of'the pulse shape 14 3. Some historical data on the development of pulse technique 29 Card 2/8 - iqase Devices SOV/2745 Ch, 1. Basic Methods of Analysis-of Pulse Processes 1, ftneral considerations 03 2. Classical nothod of solving linear differential equations A 3~ SuperPosition, methods 41 4: Operational method 66 5- SPeetral wthod 82 6o Relation of vwious wthods, of analysis-to the corresponding circuit characteristics 132 7, Methods of analysis of transients in radio networks 13T Ch. II . Pulse Trassmission ThiovWi a Linear System 3-53 1. Condition for an unftetortod transmission of the pulse shape 153 2. Influence of the baperfectlon of tae $YstWLft-equency-response charac- teristics on the distortion of pulse shade 156 3. Condition for an undIstorted transmission of the shape of refto-pulse envelope 185 4. Influence of the imperfection of frequency-response cbaracteriatics ef the radio system on thedisfortion of the radio-pulse shape 188 Ch. 1:11. Pulse Amplifiers 192 Cerd 3/ 8 Pulse Devices SOV/2745 I*, Basic parmwters of pulse amplifiers 192~ 2, Realstor-coupled. amplifier stage 195 3, Influence of power oUpply circuits on the pulse transmission U. Simpj~, diagram of pwallel correction .208, 5* Diagraii of series correction 6* Basic ideas on composite correction diagrams 7o Use of feedback for front correciion 2a 8. Use of cathode circuit for front correction 2~9' 9, Correction of pulse top 10. Use of feedback for top corraction 23T. 11, Md1tistage amplifiers' A2 12. Output stage 2" 13o Cathode follower 250 Cho 17. Linear Hethods of Conversion of Pulse ShapiD and Parameters 262 1. Types of converters 262 Delaq'lines 263 3, Pulse transformer 282 4. Differmtiating circuits 30- Card 4/ 8 Pulse Devices SOV/2745 .5. Shortening circuits 6. integrating circuits Ch,V. Unear Shaping Circuits 1. Introduction 2. Shaping properties of system with distributed Wameters 3, Shaping circuits equivalent to system with distributed parameters 4. Shaping circuits vitb a limited n=ber of components 5. Idea of a synthesis of B*ing circuits Ch. VI. Relaxation, Oscillators 1 Introduction 2: Principles of design of pulse generators' 3. Pulse generator with a gas-discharge device 4. Pulse generator with switching inductance 5. MItivibrator with plate-grid couplings 6. MItivibrator with a cathode coupling T. Blocking-oscillator 8. Oscillator witha secondary emission tube Card-f/8 310 330 338 338 341 355 363 381 ~85 385 38T 394 403 409 426 439 4t4 Pulse Dehces SOV/2745 Ch, VII. Pulse Frequency Dividers 482 1. Basic definitions and principle of operation 482 2. for stability in frequency-division operating conditions 487 3. Selecting the operating conditions for the frequency divider 491 4, iStep-by-step frequency divider 495 Ch. VIII. Triggers 500 1, Basic definitions and principles of trigger design 50P 2, Symmetrical trigger with plate-grid couplings 506 30 Variations in trigger circuits 53~ 4*, Some trigger applications 537 ChA,.'IX. SM-toothed Voltage and Current.Generators 542 ~1. Introduction 542 -~'2. Saw-toothed voltage generator with a timing section comiposed of i2lnearx ecoponents 1 545 %1 3. Saw-toothed voltage generator Ath a current-stabilizing nonlinear component 4. Compensating emf method 552 card 6/8 Pulse Devices SOV/2745 5, Method of capacitive ("wattless") feedback between the tube plate and grid 558 6. Phantastron circuit 571 7,, Phantastron with a cathode follower 580 8, Basic calculation relationships in the phantastror 583 9. "Sanatronr (a two-tube phantastron ciicutt) 588 10. Generation of linearly-ebanging current 592 Ch, X, Nonlinear Methods of Changing Voltage Shape and Pulse Parameters 601 1. 'Intioduction 6M 2. Limiters 602 3. Shaping pulse by limiting and differentiating sinusoldal voltage 62-5 4, Peak-transformers 618 5. Calibration pulse-shaping by the method of impact excitation of the oscillatory circuit 626 6, Electron methods of pulse delay 636 7. Lev6l fixators 642 8. Pulse selection 6W Ch. XI . Transistorized Pulse Systems 660 Card 7/8 Pulse Devices SOV/2745 1. Introduction 66o 2. Voltanpere characteristics of emitter circuit witb POint-contact tran- sistor 662 3. Possible balanced states of a circuit with point-ermtact transiotor W 4, Pulse systems vith point-contact transistors 67i 5. Special features of pulse a tems with junction transistors i ys 6% 6. Multivibrator witb junftjoa transistors 688 7. Maltivibrator with emitter cotz~ling 6�6 8. Trigger vita collector-base coupling 793 9. Blocking-oscinator 707 Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 'Aw6dix 3, AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 8/8 MORUGIN$ L.A. Prinimal uchastiye LEZIN, Yu.S.; jTSKHOUj._ja.S*p Prof., doktor tekhn. nauk,, reteenzent; KKZE, S.N.) prbf,.,doktor tekbri. nauk, retsenzent; SUKHMOV, Yu.1.0 red.; 34UROV., tokhn. red.~: (Pulse systems with delayed feedback] Impul'snye.ustroistva s za-. pazdyvaiushchei obratnoi aviazliu. Moskva, Iz6-vo "Sovetskoe radio$". 1961. 207 p. NMA 14:12) .(Palse teabniques (Electronics)) (Delay lines) 27. 6YZ602/~07~,~P~?/ 'D D24: D3 AUTHOR: Itskhokip,Ya.S. TITLE: Probability of n-overlapping of chaotic pulses of' random duration and the distribution of their over- ,lapping length PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, i elektronika, v. 7, no. 1, 1962, 16 - 24 TEXT: The present work gives a General distribution law and the problem is worked ouf for pulses of random duration. The author first finds the distribution law for two channels, assuming that the length distributions 'are independent and the distribution of the starting time is Poissonian. The expression is: x2m XIM [21V, (z)'T2 (z) + /t (Z) ~T2 (x) dx + /2 (z) YX W d~ XI+XS z 2 where X 1 and X2 : mathematical expectation for X and Y# which take Card 1/3 34025 S/109/62/007/pOl/002/027, Probability of n-overlapping of ... D246/D301 z values x and y, and T~(z) 1 (Y) dy where f (xj),: distributi-e -on law for the duration (x- Y of pulses in a partioular:ohannel-., i -,,(z) (for n 1 channels)' one can obtain Using ('11) and knowing Wn V W. It essentially deponds'on f (x ).,Then the,author finds the n probability P2 of overlapping pulses in two channelst.,'when the du- ration is the'laws fi(x,.) 1,2).~; The, probability for pulses. Iof random duration in n*channels can be found by averag..; ing p for duration x in all channels. This probabilit is deter-I n 7 mined solely by the average value of pulse duration an'd,their ave- rage repetition freVency: n n Xn-1 (17) Card,2/3 VLASOV, Viktor Fedorovich; Prinimal uchastiye OVCllllli4IIKOVp N.L. dots.; IZYUMOV, N.M., prof., retsenzent; ITSENOP li~* j Ya.3 prof.., nauchr7y red.; LARIONOV.. 0.70., (Course in radio engineering) Kure radiotekbniki. Moskva Goo energ. izd-vo., 19620 927 p. ~(MIRA 15131 (Radio) GONOROVSKIY, I.S.; doktor tekhn. naukA prof.) retsenzent; VLASOV, V.F., kand. tekbn. nauk, dote., retsenzentj LAPIS, A.A.x kand. tekbxL. nauk, dots*, retsenzent; ZABOLOTSKIY, N.G., red. [Radio circuits and signals) Radiotekhnicheakie tsepi I'sig- naly. Moskva.. Sovetskoe radiop 1963. 694 (MIRA 1715) ITSKHOKI, U.S. Choice of the duration of pulse normUsation in theAniti%l treat- ment of radar pulse pack,*. R&Uotekhhika 18 no~.1207-~65 D.- 1636~ OIIRA, 1711) 1. Dqystvitellnyy chlen Nauohno-tekhnichaskdgo'obahchestva radio;- tekhhW i elektrosvyazi'imelii Popov&. GOINOROVSKIY, doktor tekhri. nauk, prof. retsenzent; VLASOV, V.P., kando teklin. nauk, doto., retsenzent; 1APIS, A.A.p kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; ZABOLOTSKIY, N.G., red. (Radio circuits and signals] Radioteklmicheskle tsepi i signaly. -Lzd.2., ispr. Maskvaj Sovetskoe rndio 19&... 694 P. (MIRA N.D.) ACCESSION MRs AP4040453 S/0108/641019/006/0003/00101.- AUTHORt Itakhoki# Ya., So:(Aoti" mdwber) TITLE: Frequency of false signal appearance at the output of the: initial processing device of radar pulse packets ,SOURCEt Radiotekhnika, v. 19, no* 6, 19649 3-10 TOPIC TAGSt radar, radar pulse packet, radar signal, false signal# false signal frequency, pulse coincidence probability, probability theory, logical circuit, noise packet ABSTRAM On the basis'of the pulae-coincidence probability theory,.. an all-purpose formula has been developed for calculating the averagal frequency,)of false signals at the cutput of the gelecting device of the type k-out-of-mi k+1P . OA- P.V) f8 T C11 k [Card 1/4 AP4040455 1ACCESSION NRt The formula in compared with known approximate semiumpirical formulasi of the type Ffa Pfs Af" C23 where Af is the energy landwidth of the receiver's IF amplifier and the probability of detecting the false signal (the noise pu 100*1 Ppfatkeist), the beginning of which is fixed at a given azimuth position,:' Formula [2] contains only the two magnitudes Af.and Pf both of which are relatively easy to determine. However, formula 2 is based on assumptions which are difficult to analyze and whose reliabili .ty i~ questionable. V. N. Dymchishin (Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, v 4 no. 6, 1959] developed an analytical method of determining the aver age frequency of tripping (F,,) of a logical circuit of the k1m tyP;#1 but~its usefulheas is subjec to objections because Dymchishints formula expresses the average rate of triggering the logical circuit and not ' the rate of false signals* It is,thers'fore, nIacessary:to' obtain a more accurate formula for dotermintaR the averaAa frequ nay of false signals. The author based his formula (1) on a logical c r i Iduit into which a random sequence's of fixeA rectangular noise pul:a's !Card 2/4 ACCESSION NRt AP040453 enters whose duration is constante The distributionalong the-ti"4 axis'of the moments of pulso.appearance is of the Po'fason-typet and the average pulse-repetition-rate is assumed to be knowno:' It Is also'! assumed that the fixed noise pulses are nonc *orrelated. The condition',4, of triggering this logical circuit may bejor ulated as*f6llowst the',.: m circuit responds when coincidence of not less than k pulses in m channels with a duration T is established, In order pb find the MiTt r gna 9, the probability of only the'first noise, average ate of false si packetvwhich triggers the logical dircuit during eveiry de"tactioAltieled be determined. The probability of forming a false signal is pa-it I PAqB qC9' from which the average frequency of false signal appdarancs is a pressed as m-k P q qC9, fs A avol nPA D. 1where v is the average frequency'-of appeaiance of fixed noise Pulnes [Card 3/4 :.A 1~_ 4 NP A. P r, r) Of hrt,!ar:,je~i :i. a, 11 sCM: An a;,,allog V-." Y,A r1all o.j alld A . IV- h d 9 no. 'rhs afrople and efficient mehod parn-Atf, _t I? . . . .. : ;- -11 1 ?".- ~- .!" H "_1 f (~[.] e ne r C L. [I r'I . I'M p 1 adwe*iir, sucli a. teswt presupposes a very accurate to a few tentho of one per cent - nclictlor~ o1 the Yho pri!sent mliort articIt offerti it I-F:,, ;I cm1pirical !ormuJa) for the above rcs:w.or and '-zi !hccjre~ically- promine a birther cij~tinqz ~)f the g, art. h-ss~ figures &nd 114 farxrmla~; ............. :h-ikoyei ohohi-hanh-o radiutitkhlfl~i i of Aa.d I o Erq I n to r; ag arltd 1, 1 f;- r: , oc , uv J EN C L. 0 Ol SUB -1)1) R P, P U C) V: 0 T HER 0 0 0 ITSKIN, S.A. Potochnye metody raboty na mnogonoinenklatumykh uchastkakh Mekhanicheskoi (Ve.-tn. Mash., 190, no. 6., p. (60-67) Assembly-line methods in various sections of.mechanical working. MG: TN4. V4 80; Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. KXTT. G,,Ya,#.rsd*;. BUXJMWA, HoAsp tekhn.;red. [Organization of technological services In machinery mnufacturlIng plants] Organizataiia",tokhnologichookoi slushby na,mashino- stroitellnom zavode. Moskya. i(oskovskii d'o*m' pagandy,'1958. 42 p..-SPeradovoi opyt proikvodstva. Serlia "fto- nomika I orgsnisatsiAaproIzvodstva,'w no.6) (KIRA i2:5) (Industrial organization) (Machinery Industry) B2:RKBMAR-j---D A. j- -dot sent -(Leningrad) (U n-- ingra-d A, KAVMOVSKAYA, O.S. (Leningrad)--,-TMH=A7, .A.1. (Leningrad); ROTEMLID, M.Z. (Leningrad). Treatment of tuberculous meningitis in adults. Klin.mad. N no.12:31-36 D '53. (MLTU 7:1) 1. Is tubarkulesnogo otdoloniya bollnitsy im. Kuybysheva. (Tuberculosis) (Streptomycin) (Meningitis) ITSKO, D~L (L~n-ingrad, Ne-vakiy p-r.,--d. 7-2, --k--v--- 5) Osteogenic sarcomas of the patella. Vop.onk. 5 no.4:485-488 159.: (MMA 12:12) 1. Iz rentganologicheekogo otdolenlya (zav. prof. L.M. Golldsht4yn) Instituta onkologii. ANY SSSR (dir. - deystvitellny7 chlen AW SSSR prof. A.I* Serebrov). (SAROOKA., OSTWGRMC, case reports. patella (RaW (KNU, neoplasms, patellar osteogenie sarcoma (Rua)) GERA-SIMF#NKO, --I-1.; LlBrzov.-N.10; NIKOL"SnTA B S ;-SATSY Ov --P.A' [deceased]; ITSKOT N.Y4 -kandidat eel:ek;;~osyaystve;~4 nauk, redaktor; Mol-tor meditsinskiy nauk, redektor; ZHUKOV, G.L., redaktor; BILICHIKOVA. Yu.S.,, tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Indian datura (D. innozia-Mill Damn indeiskii. Pod,'red. MA. Itskova i A.D.Tttrovol. Koekva, Goa. isd-vo me&. lit-r~, 1953. 77-p4 (Hiorofilml (NITU 7:10). (Ilatura) ITSKOV, N.Ya. row-- Plants that contribute to the public health. Med.prom. 11 no.10: 22-28 0 '57- (MIRA 11:1) (BOTANY, KEDICAL) ITSKOV, N-Ta. ~-~X=dic plants of India. Xed N 158 prom. 12 n0-1107-59 (mm 11912) (INDIA--BOSNT, HEDIGAL) ITSKOT, N.Ya. Cultivation of principal medicinal plants. Tr%idy Bot.inst.Ser.6 no.7:275-279 .159. (WRk 13 -.4) 1. V:esoyuzrWy institut lekarstvennykh i arovatichaskikh rest niy (VIUR), 14oskva. - ..(BOTAW, MICAL) ITSKOV, F.I., kandidat maditsinskikh nauk Significance of the circulation factor in the genesis of some forms of subfebrile condition. Terap.arkh. 28 no-3:59-66 056. 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vnutrannikh bolesney (nache chlen- korrespondent AHN SS.SR prof. I.N.Savitskiy) Toyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenins. akademit iment S.M.Urova. 'IFAVICR safebrile, oirc. factor In geDesis) (BLOOD CIRMUTION circ. factor in genesis of subfebrile fewlar) ITSKOV, P. Role of the functional state of the small peripheral vessels in the development of prolonged subfebrility and methods.for its determination. Terap.qrkh. 29 no.2:51-56 157. (KIRA*11:1) 1. 1z kafedry propedevtiki'vnutronnikh bolezney.(nach. - chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. N.N.Savitakiy) Voyeano-me(litsinskoy ordena Lenina akedevil iment S-M.Kirova. (BLOOD VESSSLS, physiology, sna 11 peripheral vessels In physiol. bypothermia (Ras)) (BODY TEMPERATURE, hypother mia, role of small oeripheral blood vessels (Rue)) -- EY-CERPTA ~IEDICA See--6 Vol- 13/3-- Internal Med.-- Mar 59 1823. MINUTE BLOOD VOLUME IN PATIENTS WITH PROLONGED SUBFEBRILE TEMPERATURE OF UNKNOWN AETIOLOGY (Russian text) - It a -kov P. 1. -TER. ARKH. 1957. 29/11 (48-54) Tables 3 A stu-dy-is made of some haemodynamic indices in 40 subjects which might indicate the pathogenesis of prolonged subfebrile states of unknown origin. (a) The Minute volume was evaluated by Grolman's method using acetylene, or by Bremzer and Ranke's method; the calculation was done by Savitsky's formula. In the majority of the cases a 1516, 5076 and even 100% increase was found. (b) The cardiac index (ratio between the minute volume and I sq. m. of body surface) was likewise in- creased in most patients. (c) The difference in oxygen between the arterial and venous blood was slight (consequently. the Oz requirements of the Usisues were not Increased). The basal metabolism was normal. (d) In the majority of patients a peripheral vasodilatation and functional disturbances of the capillaries were en- countered. (e) The endogenous temperature was normal. The conclusion of these studies is that these subfebrile states are the result of peripheral circulation disturbances. and not the consequence of an increased heat production In thwbody, as believed by some authors. The increase In the minute volume is due to pert. pheral circulation disturbances. which also explains some of the asymmetric tem- peratures registered in these patients. Goldenberg - lassy -7 '776-~ IF USSR/Human and i'mimal Mysiology. TherwreC~aation T-3 Abe Jour : Bef Zhur - Diolop No 14., 1958, no 65055 Author :Italmv P.I&' Inst Title :A M-thod for Measurbaghaastruc Temperature Orig Pub :Fiziol. zh. SSM, 1951p 43, rio 6, 586"588 Abstract :In order to measure Gastric taVoratures., use was made of,a differential thermocouple which consists of two or several thermocouples connected in such a way that their e..n.f.'s were directed to meet each others In order to make the entire arranGmmt more sensitive) six thermocouples were joined in series, with three in a group, It is more con- venient to employ a Galvanometer with two vindin,-p on a carriaac--one of the order of 100 lhms and the other of low- ohm windin.- (5 ohms)- The compensatory e.m.f. was drawn from a potentiometer to the hi6b-ohra windine and from the thermocouple to the low-ohm winding. Gastric temperature was measured in the basal metabolic state; a tube of the duoOlenal Card 1/2 & D 0 L USSR/Human and Pinimal. PhysioloCW. TlhermoreZ;ulation T-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Diol., No 14.. 1958, No 65055 type with the differential thermocouple was introduced into a GastinG subject to a lenath of 40 to 60 cm depending upon the patient's sizes It io important that,the thermcouplo be approximately in the retAon of the gastric fundus. Data obtained in examinition of individuals with normal tempera- tures showed that the Gastric temperature did not excecO 37*50, and more frequently was 37.,40. The mean value of fluctuations in auxill!Lry temperature was 040, The Gastric temperature., according to the data of measurements made over a period of 3 to 4 hours, was more stable than the auxillary, oral and rectal temperatures, Measurement of the gastric temperature with a thermoelectric apparatus with an accuracy of 0.010 is a very convenient and precise method of investigation--F.I. Muniadze Card 2/2 12 ITSKOV, P.I., 'dotsent, podpoii-o-~~i~-~~e-di-t-iaslio-y-oluihbj, -- --- ---- Subfebrile temperature in patients with neuroo~rculator7 dystonia . with a hypertensive reaction. Voon.-med. zhur,. no.5sl9-22 My 160. I (MIRA 13:1) (BODY TEREUTURE) (BLOODrIRGUIATION, DISORDW OF) ~.Ikovnik meditsinakoy ITSKOVt Prophylaxis,and therapy'of various forms of prolonged subfebrile temperatures Voen.-wd.zhur. no.108-41 A 1.61* (KM 14S.1) (BODT TWERATURE) 11SKOVI F. I. r__42t=t (Leningrad) Subfebrile temperature in th~Totcxiaosiv. ProbLendakli gorm* 7 no.073-77 161. (MIRA 1439) (nacb. deyst- 1-0 Iz kafedry popedevtZU vnutrennikh bolezneyi vitellnyy eblen AMN SSSR zasluthewW.dej&tel',nauki prof. MIS Savitsk~y) Voye=o-meditainskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (THYROID GLAND-DIS&SES) (BODY TDIPERATURS) ITSKOV, Ye.D., inzh.; MAKEYEV, A.V., Inzh.; GUBERMAN, F.S., inzh.; -------- -GURTN-, M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk The VP-25 vibratory-percussion machine for loosening frozen grounds. Stroi. i dor. mash. 10 no.9:5-6 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) ITSIOV, Z.(Vollsk) - - Mixed repair crows. Strolonat. 3 no,2:19-21.7 1579 (KLRA 16:3) (Tollsk-Coment industries) (Nachinory-Kaintenance.and repair) im two (.,o r jog luko;4~ (Amd., xf L Vl O=c tin" I it to ~M46 (C$t* jVere:, it S:. 'rA !fJ m 1" ITSKOVA, A.I., kandidat neditsinskikh nauk Basis for hygienic standards for wind protection nessurese Gig. I man. 21 no.9sll-18 3 156, (MUU 9110) 1. Is fisiologichaskoy laboratorii Institute obehahey I keomm"ll-i Roy .6161"ar M-SLU. (OMPATB, off. cold wind off*, control In ftsmis) Obseivati6ns--,art-r~pori' bnjhe'~*'. 0 -jas exc ind e m ph~rl~!iempe'r-ature onrespfritidn, hange h i'at reg6latl6d: iA ~ ''-~.*~ ki'! attemot is made to ;stablish hygienic standards and certain recblmme~ditionsare: put forward in connection with a series of individual and coUt,ctl ve r h.a 30 u.resIfor pr~otection azainst iiind. IT6Y,QV.k,_A. I., RAFOPUIRT, K. A., SKVOKTSO'JA, ~J. J., DRACIIE.V, Z.. M., XONDRORY I. S.1 I,_,MTYSSFIY, YE. I., KOLTUPIOVA, A. S. "Hygienic,Standardization of the Contnet of Yd.neral Salts in the Drinking dater." report submitted at thd 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, q)idemlologists and Infectionists, 1959. DRA(;BU,t.S.M.,, prof.; "KV4--Av-I-rp---)mnd,med.nauk; SOIXUB, A*M*j kand.medonauk Some bygienio problems of water aupply in c6ntiticma of the Par North, Oig*i san. 25 vo*705-97 JI 160~: (KMA 3485) 1. Iz Iwtituta obahchey i kcmmuwAllnoy gigl~erq imeni A.N.~ Spira AM SBSR. (RUSSIAl NORTMW.~VATIR SUPW) IIMA, A.I.; DRACHEV, S.M. Hygienic requirements in organizing drinking water 04ply In the Far Irorthe Problo Sev, no,6:66-70 t62, (Kn 16o8) 1. Institut 'obshchey I kommmal*noy gigiyany Imni A.N. sysina AMU SSSR. (RWSIk, NORnWX--WATER SUPPLY) L 38697-66 EWT(m)/EWP(j) RM ACC NRs AP6021416 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/011/0020/0020 'INVENTOR; Mandelbaum, Ya. A.; Mel'nikov, Itskova A, L. N._ ORG: none TITLEt Preparative method for higher dialkyln osghite.~ Class 12, No. 182151_-~ SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, 20 TOPIC TAGS: dialkylphosphite, methyl alcohol, higher alcohol~ ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method of higher dialkylphosphites involving the treatment of Rhosphorus trichlorid with a mixture of-I mol methyl alcohol and 2 mole higher alcohol. [BOJ SUB ~66E: 07/ SUBM DATE: 14Jun62/ III ZC- mcs 5iz.2�8'118.07 'A, Ya HAMELIBA6 I.; GRAPOV# A.Fa; IMKOVA A.L. Determination of phoophoms in organic compounds by photometry Ia Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no.80*73-874 065. (MIRA 18:10) l,'7sesoyu,zw nauchno-issledmutellskly institut khimiabeskikh oredstv zasbahity rasteniyp Moskm. ~ IT~~OVA G.P._ I Treatnent of closed diaphyseal fracture of the leg bones* Orto.P* travm.i proteze 21 no~6t5l.56 Je 160, (MIRA13:12) (Iar.--MGTURN) v 4f ITANOTt-SoL.0 doktor biologiobeskikh nauk, professor; ITOXOTAO X.Ta., kandidat sellske-khosyVeWeanykh n&vJc (Squill) Morskol luk. Pod red. XJA. Itskova, Mookwa, Gas. ist-TO mod. lit-ry, 1954. 52 p. (WM 7: 10) (Squin) X&KMVO Vo; KAMMto Os; ITSKOVIM. A.; PAR&YOTI, YV4 Observation of eclipsing variable stars. Astron, Imir. uo9wtI&l7 D. 157. (Kim 11:61). 1. -rclloktiv n~blyWL&telsy Otdoleslys Tessoymogo aetromom'o- geodezichaskogo dl~mbchpstvag qftima~ (;%are.' Variable) Subject Card 1/2 Author Title, Periodical Abstract AID F 2625 USSR/Medicine Pub. 37 - 2/22 Itsko A. A., Kand. Kid. Sii., Honored Physician, Investigation of the stimulation of the olfactory analyzer as a method .4'-,)r h7gienic e7aluation of air pollution Gig. I san.., 8, 9-11,~Ag 3955 Describes tests performed for detemining the sense of smell of 4 groi~ps of subjects: ~workera and technicians of a coke plant, ne:Lghborhood retsidents, neighborhood schoolchildren, and workers of the Sanitation Institute not subjected to air pollution. The testa were made by the Ellsberg-Levi instrujiO_nt as modified by the Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Acad. Ned. Sei., USSR. It was demonstrated that the health-protecting zone of 1,000 m. established for coke plants is Wauf- ficient. Table- 5 refs., 1933 - 1952. AID P.-~ 2625 Gig. i san., 8, 9-11, Ag 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 37 2/22 Institution Novosibirsk SoienSifle Research Sanitation Institute Submitted D 3, 1954 ITSKOVIGHP A.A.; VINOGRADOVA, V.A. Establishing permissible concentration of phenols in the atmosphere. Okhr. pr1r. Sib, i Dal' Irost. no.l-.139-.145 162. Ow In, 5) 11~ffdffftj~ A.A.. inzh. Met.iods of joining paneling with framework in aluminum and,plastic sandwich panels* Trudy TSNIISK no.24:374-396 163. (MIRA 17:1)