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HLI t~j!~; K J G. /Y"\, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4526 Soveshchaniye po teorii invariantnosti i yeye primeneniyu v avtomatichesk-uzh astroystvakh. KiYev, 1958 Teoriya invariantnosti. I yeye primeneniye v avtomaticheskikh ustroystvakh; trudy soveshchaniya (Theory of Invariance and Its Applications to Automatic Devices; transactions of the .Conference Oct. 16-20, 1958) Moscow, 1959. 381 P. No. of copies printed not given. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya. nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Otdeleniye tekhnichaskikh nauk. Rasp. Ed..- V.S. Kulebakin, Academician; Editorial Commission: V.A. Bodner, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.G. Ivakhnenko, Doctor of Technical Soiences,~ A.Tu. Iah- linskiy, Academiciany Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, N.A. Kachanova, Cand!idate of Technical Sciences, P.I. Kuznetsov~ Doctor of Physics and Mathematics., AJ. Kukh- tenko9 Doctor of Technical Sciences, B.N. Petrov, Corresponding Member, Audemy of Sciences USSR, Ye.P. Popov, Doctor of Teohnical Sciences, G.M. Ulanov, Doctor of T*echnical Sciences., K.K. Khrenov3 Academicianj Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, P.I. Chinayev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and N.M. Chumakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.; G.V. Kruglov. PURPOSEs This collection of papers is intended for engineers and other specialists working in various fields of automation. Gard 44 Theory -of Invariance (Cont.) GOVERAGEs .The collection includes reports and papers presented at the Conference on the Theory of Invariance and Its Applications to Automatic Devices,,,Ihich was called-by the Otdeleniye tekhnicheakikh nauk (Derpartment of Teehuic%l Soi- enees) and the Institut elektrotekhniki (Institute.of Eleatrical Enginagring) ..of the Academy of Sciences of the 'Ukraine and convened in Kiyev October 16 - 20~ 1958. The papers presented are concerned with high-quality automatle,con- trol system designed an the basis,of compensating for, the effects of dLstur- bances or maintaining the invariance of the quality to be regulated wit'a re- spect to the disturbances acting on the system. The. reports,treaT, the physical and mathematical foundations of invariance in autom .atic c6iitrol systems; they also consider methods for designing an,4.caloulating -invariant systems wid:lprob- lem connected with specific cases of practical appl4catiohs of compen.sation -in various automatic systems. On thebasis of these,xoports,it was established ~by the Gonference that, b~ utilization of the conditions of compensation and the principle of invariance, It is possible to produce automatic systems and various arrangements which are more perfect from the vievpoint.,of quality of tho regu- lation and control process$ stabilityPsImplici Ity oIf'construction.9 and reliabII- lity.of operation. The following members of the K~yev Seminar cn Automuti~o Con- trol are-mentioned as organizers of .the conference, AJ. Kukhtenko,I.Q. Ivankh- anko, Yu.G. Kornilov, O.M~ Kryzhanovskiyg N.M. Ghumakovq N.A. Kachanovaj and P.I. Chinayev. References accompany each article. eem d 27~8 ISHLINSKIY, 0. Yu. -A- C-C-t-4 -R: -A P 6-0 SOURCE CODE: UR/0331/65/000/009/0000/0000 AUTHOR: Illin, G. P. (Candidate of technical sciences, Engineer) Ishmametov, A. S. (Candidate of technical sciences, Engineer) ORG: none TITLZ: Equipment used with skid tractors in fbrest husbandry SOURCE: Lesnaya promyshlennost', no. 9, 196S, inside front cover and inside back covev TOPIC TAGS: agricultural machinery, tractor ABSTRACT: Plows, cultivators, ditch diggers, seeders, tree planters, and sprayers us- ed with skid tractors in reforestation, soil preparation, fire fighting, and fire pre~- vention are described. The basic technical specifications of the tractors are given. The authors identify the manufacturers and model numbers of the machines and recommend the various tractors with which the hook-on equipment should be used. Orig. art.,has: 2 figures, 8 tables. SUB CODE: 02/ SUBM DATE; none UDC: 631.3 634.04377.44 Card PAITICMA. G.F., ISHMMOV, A.S. Stamped plywood barrels. Standart teats It& 24 no.7:37-38 Ji 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Barrels--Standards) "UMMTOV. A.S.: BATASHEVA N.V.; GERMAN Ya.G. 14~actm7 haulage of parts In container pallets. Der.prom. 10 no.3t23-24 Mr 161. (MIM 34:5) (Viltized cargo s7items) ISH14AMETOV, L.K. Results of using radiation logging methods for geological mapping and prospecting,for certain mineral resources, Rasyed.1 okh.nedr 23 no.2:54-56 7 '57. (MLRA 10:5) l.Ushkirskoys o1upraTISTAY6. roll well logging. Radiation) (Prospecting-GeopbYsical metinol Requiredby 1-ifeo-$-37;0- 163. (MIRA l6sl2) 1. Nachallnik byuro po delain ratsionalizat ii i lz6bretatellstva Chelyabinskogo metal icheskogo zavodas to *too 4 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 94 04 o , 4. X p 1. a a 0 AS .. x o a Ai a a i, 00 gm- 1 * M ..00 .0V AAO/ lee So -00 '1111,111104" hr'.M ammWel ppaim. A. U. -00 Wes We 43 04 Oe . see die. see, 0,08 WOO ~ 00 00* so ~ lot 100 a a 00 A 14 - I L A MITACL~64. UTMIM CLAWMATM 8100 : 00 I *Dow was.-I. "no* W9 vagas'l so 4" ASO 00 fee a 4 A 4 3 V,f a '9'a So so io iro 10 0' to uo : Age -0 z i 0 0000000.0 Wo 0 o 0 0 C 1 , 0 i 1 Nl t e 0000000000f4604004690 e 0 0 we 004 0000000 ~ 0010 o , ISIJ-~AYEV, A. 111. "The Importance of Eavirormental Conditions Durirg Icteric Diseases of the Oak SiJkworm." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Zoology, Acad Sci bkrainian SSR, Kiev, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 7, Dee 54) Survey of Scientific abd Technical DiFsertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO; Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 ISHMAYEV, A.M., kand. biolog. nauk Hill placement of hexachlorocyclohexane in soils. Zashch. rant*,, ot vred. i bol.,4.-19-20 Ap 063, (MM 3.6tlo) 1. Bashkirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sellskogo khozyaystva. (Corn (Maize)-Diseases and pests) (Benzene hexachloride) (Wireworms-Extermination) ISHRAYEV, P.M. Data on the lithology of lower Camoniferous deposits in the south- eastera Tatar A.S.S.As Uch.sapelas.une 115 no.16:29-35 '56a (MLU 10:3) 1. Kafedra mineralogii. (Tatar A.S.'.A.-Geology. Stratigraphic) ISHIMEY, F.M. Some data on the lithology of the lower Carboniferous in the Ghekmagmsh District of Bashkiria. Uch. zap. Kaz. un. 117 no.9: 325-327 157. (MIRA 13:1) l.Kazanakiy gosudarstvannyy universitst im. V.I. Ullyanava-Lanina.: Kafedra mineralogii. (Chokmagush District--Rocks) KOCHNEVt 1. (Bodaybo, Irkutskaya, oblo)j ISHMAYSVp 1. (Bodaybos Irkutskaya oblj Under the conditions of northern regiom. Posh. delo 8 no.945 S 162o (KM l6sli)~ "r~4 j D/GD -w-2 /J G 6 C!"IT t :--L_12L7 -66 W/Eldp 11-11 JJPA~C.). ACC NR: AT6ol2689 SOURCE CODE: UR/3136/65/OOO/9TT/')OOi/oO16;. A 141419~ 4 AUTHOR Mostovoy) V. I.; Nozik, V. Z.;'Sadihov, 1.~ ~!~i,!%herniyshoy.*'-'., As As -ORG e ex State Committe on the Use of Atomic Energy SSSR,- Institute of Atomic En gy, I. V. Kurchatay).Moscow (GosudarstyenrWy komit,et po lspollzovanivu atomn IW energii SSSR, Institut atomnoy energii) F TITLE: Study of nonstationary. neutron spectra in zirconixd1wdride -SOURCE: Moscow. Institut atomnoy energii. Doklady, no. 9T7, 1965. lzuchrniye nestatsionarny1di spektrov neytronov v gidride tairkardya~ 1-16 TOPIC TAGS: neutron spectrum, zirconium compound, bydriae, nuclear reactor ~moderator, scattering cross section ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Report at -the Symposium on th Investigations with Pulsed Neutron Sources, Kbxlsruhe, 1~65) dealing with t e hon- stationary spectra of ZrHj.8g3 systems of different dimensions In a wide range of moderation times. In the present paper the experimental results are compar'ed with calculations based on the use of double- differential cross sections calculated A from the spectrum of the normal oscillations of the bydxvgen atoms in a zirconium 1/2 -:,.L 39776-66 ACC NR: AT6oi2689 r3 Ia~tice with different ratios of the acoustic.and optical branches. The time- de n, exp ini pendent neutron,spectra were measured with a er eatal vetup described by 1961~ Geneva Conference-, Paper theauthors earlier (Paper P/367 at the - at the 1965 '6f 3.5 psec. The'a-verage Karlsruhe,Sympbsium)v with a moderation-timeresolution 'neutron' energy in the investigated moderation-time, range" (T > .30 Vsec) turns out -to be lower than the energy of the first optical level of the zirconium hydride (0-13 ev), so that the energy exchange between the neutron gas: and the medium is -due essentially to excitation of the acoustic. vibrations',of the Zrif.1.88 lat~.,ice. ~~J The time necessary to establish the-equilibrium s ect is of the order of WO p rum. Ipsec in a "large" system K30 x 28 x.25 cm, B2 = 3.8 x 107 cm7--) . In a systexi (25 x 25 x, B- - 0.2 c strong diffusion, coolirg is observed, and the time necessary to establish the equilibrium energy distribution iner a e ses with! decreasing,:system dimensions. The nonstationary netitFoif~spectra were calculated in the P-wl approximation using a corqmter P_rogra~i ei~iilied by, L. V. ~~yorov et al (Diper-P/360 at the Third Geneva Conference, I 964)~. The agreement between the calculAtions and the experiment is satisfadtory.l. 7he best,agreement between the measured and calculated spectra-is obtained-if it is'assunied that the ampli- tudes'of the acoustic and optical vibrations in ZrIIj.sS have e. ratio 1/36o~~ orig. aft, has: ~3 figures,. 2 formulag,, wA 2 talbles*. ~`JE*-~~ -SUB,CODEO. 18/ B'M DATE, 00/ 1W 2/., Our M. 009 00 Card ~39 AUT110a; Pudovik. A. N.; Ishmayeva. E. A. Alifiwrova. R, 5 p; Aladsbava ~ Is 1.19 7-7 ORG: Kazan' State University im, V* Is Ullyanoy-Lenin (Kazanakly goxudarstvennyy14 ilniversi-'~ET TITIL't Addition of nucloopkilic reaeonts to 2.-*~di(diethylphosphoine)-butadione-1.31 SOURCE: Zhurnal obalichey khimij, v, 36, no. 1, 1966. i6l-i62 TOPIC TAGS: phosphorus acid, phosphorus compourvit exotlierrdc reaction, IR spectm, potassium compound -reagents i " dlme*il~;, diethyl phosphordus acids, othyl mereaptan. and diethylamine to butadiene was f0imd "to proceed in the presence of alcoholates of the alkali metals. Addition-` proceeds exothermally in the 1.2-position. l-Dimethylphosphono-2.3-di(di- .0thylphosphone)butene-3, loZ,3-tri(diethylphosphone)butene-3, 1-mareapta- othyl-2,3-di(diothylphosphono)butene-3. and 1-diethylamlno-2,3-di(diethyl-,, phosphone)butene-3 were synthesized: their structures were established by study of their infrared spectra and,oxidation vith potansium permanganate.-, V-Pils: 35,998-7 SUB COD,f: 07, 20 / SUM DATE: 23Apr65 OqIG R3F: 001 Card #118 Y-:5- 7 PUDOVIK, A.N.; KONOVALOVA, I.V.; ISHMAYEVA, B.A. New method of Mnthenizing phosphinio and thiophosphinic acid esters. Part 37:.Addition of nuc.Leophilic reagents to batadiens- and'. methylbutadienephosphinie esters. Zhur. ob. khim.~ 32 no..1:237-P.41 Ja 162i (MI-VA 1512) 1. Kazanakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Phosphihic acid) PUDOVIK,, A.U.; KOWVALOVA, I.V.; IAHMAYEVA, E.A. Reactions of the diene synthesis and addition of butadienephosphinic and butadienethiophosphinic esters. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.8:~ 2509-2513 Ag 163. .(MIRA 16.- n) 1. Kazanskly gosudarstvemW universitet. AM Rits P601265i' SOURCt.CODEt US/0079/65/03,r,/O0q/V38/Q363 AUTHOR: Pudovik, Ar. N.; Is~mayqp &~ A , A)' ORG: Mzan'.State University zanskiy-gosudarst (Ka :ye yy iudverbit TITLE4. Butadidnethio- and selenoifiosphinit estois h~ , Zh : ~ SOURCE a l i . urn l obsh im y lc 6 i 35, no. 2 1965, 3 58 3 ~ J-- , i,-;V0PIC TAGS: :ester, phosphoric acidi, mereptan, butadiene.~ BSTRACT: -Methyl *-propy an of lj:~344t, -6~dthld-;~ i-ph s W6.acid were,obta ed.and-- W o ph .~a 6t y mad 0 a' turatk ition of,unsa f th add, Ph6 7hb addi on: :'~-esters of phos ric' acids and' et&1~44Mrc~atan~o these' esters. ti :of. nucleophilic reagents to butaidiene thlophosphinic the Ap 4 position. The acid dichloride of 4-eblorob~tene.~2-sel~nophi6sphonic one phoh Pid were id and the dimethyl ester of 1 3-butadi (sole nophpis 1e a a ' ined and eharacterized. Orig. art-has: 1 table ll~ EJ PES SUB CODE: 07 SUBM UTE: 16Dec63- ORIG REF: 003. 1! 0TH IM 001 -61 5~-2254 1~ Card. 1/1 ;46 51a A .4 A A-'Ca~'C!~aS NF; AP5013053 UR/0l9O/65/0Cr7/005/08O8/0SL2 AUTHOR-` : 114adovil. -A. N. TIME: Polycondensiktio of 4-clilorobut-2-enephosphirql ch3ovidelith dihycb-o=*F' Mpoullds rik SOURCE: 1~ysokom-;1F)ku2,varn7ye aoyadineniya, r, 7, no, 5, 1965t 8W-812 i TOPIC TALS. poly-condepsation, polymer, rsain, reaction kinetica, activation ABSTRACT., The imestigation is an extension of the work of V, V. Kor-shak, X. t GrIbova, and M. A. Andz6yeva (Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. n., 1957, 631). Po1j'- ~ondemsation of /.-,,-~dorl;t-'out-2-onephosuhin7l chloride (A) with aliphatic and oir,at!.c ji]hydro-.x:~, compolmds was investigated. The condensation -,rns C~arried -- 14" b-CC , 7he ve-!-~~Ity and exten- of reaction were determintod by. the quant~lty C~ -v9'L,!ad . -Die ac'~ivity of' aliphatic Clycols in Jecreasing ord-n- of activitr ilena-i 2-giycol, e!,hylene glycol, diathylene glycol, butylent, ~111p:-Opylanu glyl--ol-i and bexaethylene glycol. The acti~rity of a-rcmar, Lc gLyc--)1--. 11-1minishid Ln thri orJert pyrocatechin, diphonylolprapano, hydroquliian~. lard 1/2 ACCESSION I-at AP5013053 The reaction betwuen A amd diethylene, glycol was found to be second order uktai an anargy of activation of 17.9 + 2.3 Kcal/mole. DehydrochlorirAtior. of pal~r- bs,-~r,3 :1' A anr-, 41o'hylene gLycol and of A and butyleneglycol-1,4. yiolded -,Leaf. a :-ajiral at the phosphorus atom. Orig. u.t. haal I t4l"L9 Ac3S0CIr1TjL-T3N: Kazanskiy goaudaratvannyy universitat im. V. 1. Ullyanova-Letdxv-, 'Kazan State University~ SUB~,U= Q'-/~7L,164 a-NCL : 00 SIM GODE. rlurl~ 001 Card 2/2 -L-105163-67 EWT m EWP(.j)1EWP(0/ETI- IJP(- JD AC; NR: 7 SOURCE CODEs UR /661000766~r,12 8H~GIR~UWM R. MMOVA, A V. E. A., PDOM A. -N 77 74~!' 1natitute.of gaoic ancl Physical Chemistry 1MB133 At Be fiko. SA iences USSR (Instiutt organichaskoy i fizicheakoy khimii AN SSSR) Question of qor4ugstion with Participation of the Phosphorus A Izvestiya Akadondl.Nauk SSSHs Seriya Xhimicheskaya., No 6,, 1 1123-1224 p p stract: The ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectra f A Paman spectra o ,comp6unds containing a diene group.with aubotituento -P and re OR. OR) 2 inve'stigaied in compa#son with isoprene. In the case of a-te tuatIi firdnal si On the substituents., a bathochromia shift of the absorption maximum in the ultraviolet spectrum and a sharp increase in the intensity of the banas in A spectrum and lines in the Raman spectrum of the valence vibra- ,,the infrare C4 bonde is observed., These signs of conjugation are more pro..,.,: tions ofithe nounced for the carbonyl substituent, In the case of 61de substitution'by 0 I-P groups) the opposite pi6ture. is observed: hypsochromic shift in TJDCt 541.6 + 661.718.1 1,Cord L 35428-65 PEFF(c) EWT(k)/~DM(l ACCESSION MR: A115006659 .9/006516VOWG0310029/0033 :2 o/ AUTHOR: Abramovich, S. Sh.; Ishwayeva, R. M.; Chernot "U0_1V_A__N.J_. TILTLE: Effect of ultrasound on the deparaffinization at ait, 11, fr4ctions SOURCE: Khtniya i tekhnologiya topliv L masel, no. 36 196S, ZT- 33 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic treatment, degaraffinization, gatch oit fraction, lpagne- tostriction, cloud p-3int, paraffin crystal, filtration Mte~ MG-2.5 generntor ABSTRACT*. Recently there has appeared a large number of studieni of the effect a high-frequency vibrations on the processes of crystaltizatfan as well as on tie colloidal-chemical properties of certain gels and ashes. In this connection, the authors experimentally investigated the effect of ultrasouad on the propertte3 of -,arafftn suspensions in a mLv-ture of raffinate aud solvent subjected to departf- fiaization. Five different fractions of distilled Soviet crude were investiga:ed. Yhe solvent used was acetone-benzene-toluene In the ratio of 30:35:35, The ther- a,al processing was performed at+40OC; the cooling, at the rate of 120'clhr, -tad the mixing rate wrs constant, Ultrasonic troatment, was performed with the mLd of a magnetostriction device excited by an UZG-1.5 generator, The opitimal conditions L :24M-65 EPA )-2t.W(M)/EPFtc)/EVr,(V)/tPR/EPA(Ttl,-Z/~m*,(j -4 -JO/ -5kr PC ab pe -4/ 'W~(;M) vil~IR; AP50'00546 1 S/0286/ 5/000/0 P0061 Fa.4/h-10 AUMOR: P2krovsk 1. 7, .1 L v Yu. Hi i1 ii rAaj. U ebedn I., Lpvjn~~.- -rrvan, R-k B ~TITLM A method for producing inrulatln!-, plastics Class 39, No. 169246 JSOURCE': ByulletenO izobret,,niy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 6, 1965, 61 Tom TAGS: plastic inaulator, polar polymer, nonpolar polymer ABSTRACT:- This Author's Certificate introducts a meth d f roducin, 4nuulating plastics based on polvin~11.616vfi'i rnJified vith rubber. The. elect, cal insula- a and at L Ition propertle eat ow- . uct are iMrovqd ky using a mixture of polar and nonpolar rubb,:!vs an Ov! ;v~-;Iftera with, the addition of mineml fillers ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 31,Mar6l ENCIJ: 00 SUB C,OrE: NT OC ~NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: I Card, 1/1 0 VENDELISHTEYN, B.Tu.; BUKANOVA, M.G.; GORBENKO, A.S.; SKIBITSKAYA, N.A.; MANCHEW'CV.; SHVARTSMAN, M.D.; DAK~M.~* 9 V.N., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, prof., red.; KUZIMINA, N.N., ved. red.; POLOSINA, A.S., tekhn. red. [Album of nomograms and charts for interpreting the data of geophysical methods.for studying wells) Allbom nomogramm I paletok dlia interpretataii dannykh geofizicheakikh metodov iseledovaniia skvazhin. Pod red. V.N.Dakhnova. MoBkva, Goo- toptekhizdat, 1963. 61 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) DZHAK~Pbt, T. ;_'iSMMKHAMEWVt B. Flourishing of the Kazakh socialist agriculture. Test. AN Mmkh. SSR 13 no.10:27-40 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Kazakhstan-Agriculture) CHIMANOV, ANTONOV, P.I.; ROZKAIIOV# M-9- (Outline history of the economy of the Kazakh S.S.R., 1917 19281 Ocherki istorii nerodnogo khozisistva Kazakhakoi SSR9 1917 - 1928 gody. Alma-Ata, Vol.l. 1959. (MUU 12:1?) 1. Akademlya nauk Nazakhakoy SSR. Alms-Ita, Institut ekonomiki. (Kazakhstan--Economic conditions) GFULANOV, Gabdulla Chulanovich; ISULUKILUIEDOVI BukQDjLay-j%rg9-j3TILiCh; CIIECHEIEVA Tatlyana Vasi yevna,- ulwou, zarya Galimvna; KOLTOCMIIK, N.I.., red.; ROROKDIA, Z.P., tekbn. red. (Studies on the history of the national economy of the Kazakh S.S.R.] Ocherki istorii narodnogo khoziaistva Kazakhakoi SM. [By] G.Ch.Chulanov i dr. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nalk Kazakh- skoi SSR. Vol.2.[From 1926 to June 19411 1928 god - iiun' 1941 goda. 1962. 374 P. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SM, Alma-Ata. Institut ekonomiki. (Kazakhstan-Economic conditions), CHUIRIOV, G.Ch., doktor ekon. na--k, prof.; HISELEVA, L.I.; ZVUBANOVA, Z.G.; TAYBEKOV, I.Ye.; DZHAKSALIYEV, B.M.; ISE-IUKHAMEDOV as-7ww ]~.M,; CHECHELEVA, T.V.; KUZNETSOV, Yu.N.p re- A.S., red.; ROROKINAp Z.P.v tekhn. red. (Essays on the history of the national econory of.the Kazakh~ S.S.R.] Ocherki istorii narodnogo khoziaistva Kazakliskoi SSR. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN Kaz.SSR. Vol.3. [June 1941 to 19451 Iiun' 1941 goda .1945 god. 1963. 299 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakbskay SSR, Alm-Ata. Institt4 ekonomiki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Kaz.SSR (for Chulanwr). ISM42HAMOV. B., kand. istoricheskikh nauk; IGENBAYEV, A.,- r,and. isto- richeskikh nauk Decennial of the reclamation of virgin land. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 20 no.8:88-90 Ag 164. OMIRA 17:11) SOVA 37-- 59-- 2 -?444 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959., Nr 2, p (USSR) AUTHORS: Popov, A., Ishmukhamedov, 1. TIT LE: Some Problems of the Operation of a Metallurgi .cal Plant (Nekotoryye voprosy ekspluatatsii metall.urgicheskogo zavoda) PERIODICAL: Narodnoye kh-vo Kazakhstana, 1958, Nr 5. pp 29-31 ABSTRACT: The authors explore the prospects of the construction of a Kara- ganda metallurgical plant, which would bave to operate with high tech- nical- economical performance indices, namely: a volumetric utiliza- tion factor of the blast furnaces of 0,75 and an 11.5-ton production of steel per M2 of floor area of open-hearth iurnaces, A number of problems will have to be solved by the plant m&.allu rgists, for the first time; therefore, it is proposed that orgar,ization of a Scientific Re- search Institute of ferrous metallLrgy ir, Karaganda would be neces-. sary. To ensure a supply of Fe ore for fhe pla-nf,. f.fie Ken,-Tube mines and Antonsor deposits should be dt:~eloped as well as the "Atasuyskiy" [F~roVably typographical error in Russian original, to read correctly "Atasuskiy" (480 N; 710 E); Trans]. Ed. Note] deposits. Card, 1/2 The, co~a1 mixtprdsi whIcN, ~~ddld;"rlavel to be used~bythe plant, during the SOV-/l 17 -59--!,2444 Some Problems of the Operation of a Metallurgical Plant 'its 0ye-a-rii.shoUldi be tes te'd"CoYr master ~cokincj qualitv. The refractory shop should the production of Cr-magnesite refractories using local rav? materials M, Pe Card 2/2 , ISIDIUKRA14EDGVP MIIIZI Standard program of determining the frequencies J~Id typea of vibration of rods of variable cross section. Vop. vych. mat. i tekh. no.2t.12--w29 164. (miRA 18:1:2) SOV/130-59-2-7/17 AUTHOR: Ishmukhamedov, N. TITLE: Experience of Kaz 'Metallurgists (Op~rt kazakhskikh metallurgov) PERIMICAL:Metallurg, 1959, N-2 21 pp 19-2-0 (USSR)~ ABSTRACT: The aixthor divides existing methods of melting~on open-hearth furnace bottoms into two main groups: those using a high-magnesia charge,applied in 20 to 25 mm, thick layers with prolonged heating of* eadh; those in which a slag and/or mill-Scale- containing charge is applied in 40 to 60 mm thick layers with brief heating. He states that the:second. group,was found to be better at the Kuznetakiy metallurgiohaskiy k-ombinat (Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine) and the Kazakhskiy metallurgical Works. He gives data for bottoia-repair down-time at the latter works and describes two methods developed there. In the first, used for smaller holes, a layer of magnesite powder up to 100 mm thick is heated for 30 to 60 min and then impregnated with slag or scale. The vihole repair takes 1.5 to 2 hours and gives an average life of 22 to 27 heats., Oard 1/2 For holes over 1 M2 in area and 150 mm. deep or for SOV/130-59-2-7/17 .Experience of Kazakh Metallurgists uniform wear the magnesite is applied in layers 40 to 60 mm thick, each being heated for 60 to 90.min. This method talms under 4-5 hours and gives an average life of 24 to 27 heats. The author goes.on to discuss the materials used at the works for melting-on.,!From 1952 nd.11 scale began to be used instead of open-,hearth slag as a fluxing addition to magn6site powder and from May 1957 ilmenite concentrate, which is purer and more constant in composition was used. -This has proved successful and since.Decomber 1957, a mixture of. 88 to 89% magnesitepowder, 6 to 7% concentrateland~ 4 to 5% Mill scale has been used,,giving'a life Of 41 heats and quiclor repairs. ASSOCIATION:Upra-vleniye che3:noy metallurgii i khimicheskoy promyshlennosti (Ferrometallurgical and Chemical'Industry, Management) Kara andinski-y sovnarkhoz. (Karaganda Economic CouncM Card 2/2 ISHMUKHAMMV-,--V-.K-,---ZUBAKOV, S.M. Interaction between open-hearth furnace hearth linings and the'eam- ponents of the charge and products of open~-hearth smelting. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. met., obog. i ogneup. no-3:105-113 '61. (MIRA 15-1) (Refractory materials) (Liquid metals) ISBMUKHAXEDOV, N.K.; ZUBAKOV, S.M.; AROKHTNA, A.I.; V.-USUI-OV.'-'-, F..N. Buiming in now fattlingti. Vost. AN Fazakh.SSR 21 no.;,:'73-75 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) T131 of the dJge!3t! n n ets Trudy Lnst. fiziol. -;i!N Va-vt,h. SSR. 4:18'7-1w,) 163. om luq ISRCKUKMV, A.I. Wj4cal and tberapautic aopects of strong3rloidiamis, Med,parns., i paxas.bol. no.52521-526 161. (mnA utv) 1, to klinichaskogo otdola Twtituta seditAsitakoy: parasitologii i tropicheskay mmUtsbq imeni Te.I. Ma-Uinovkeogo Ministerstm sdravookbroumiya SSSR (dir, instituta - profe P*G. Sergiyarp =we otdolow - prof. N N. ftotnikov). iSTMGYWIDIABIS) ISHMUKHAMETOV A.I. F,xperience of a hospital in the control of tasniaels Sov.wd& 26 no.ls94-96 Ja 163. 1(;U~ 16z4) 1. Iz bolinitaY No, 3 (glavnyy vrach N.D,Ivanav,, nauabnyy rukavoditell dotsent S.V.Basanova) 'melka Tirlym Bambkirskoy ASSR. (TAENIA) MMTOV, A. I. 0.1inical and morphological characteristics of "riwntal strongy1oldiasis in dogso Mods pame L_psrav.~ bolJ2,noolt 108-213 Ja-F263. (HM 16:10) I* Tv klinicheakogo otdala. (nav. - profe- N.NePlotnikov) insti- tuta. meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiW Imeni IssIoMertsinovskogo (dir. - prof. P.G.Sergiyev) Mnisterstva, zdravoolchraneniya 8M -IMMEAM Clinical characteristics of duodenitis in strongy1oidiasis patients. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 32 no.39334-336 My-.W63 .(MIRA 170) 1. Iz kliniAeakogo otdela ( zav. -- prof., N.N. Plotnikor) Instituta meditsinskoy parazitologli i tropicheakoy meditsJny! imeni Ye.l. Martinovskogo Ministers-tva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dlr. - prof. P.G. Sergiyev-). ISHMUKHARETOVY P.I. ComparatAtre evaluafAon of --lelel, nrid difhiazine in the treatmenL of stn~.m- 4--O.n~raz.l Lxiraz.bole 33 n0*49 1419-421 JI-Ag 1640 (MIRA 1893) 3., 6tdol I-nstltuLt me-6-Am.nsku parazitologii i tropicheskoy me3dA. Usbrv inotil. le. t. ~Iavi--zj tno-nAwLe) lAnisterstva m1ravookhranen],ya ~,n,)R, Mlaswvv., TSYBULISMY, V.B.; ISIla-l'KWRTOV k.l. Parasitological situation In the KahemIxi Territorylof the 'It225 Congo Republic. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 33 no., -258 Mr-Ap 164 18 t1) 1. Otdel ostxykh det-skilch infektsiy (za'v. -pl-of. S.D. Nosov) Instit-Lita pediatrii A11,21 SSSR (direktor - dotsent 11. Ya. Studenikin) i klinicheakiy otdel (zavo - prof* N.N. Plutn:G-.ov) Instituta meditsinskoy Parazitologii tropicheolcoy maditsiny imeni Ye.I. 1-tartuinovskogo (dirok- tor - prof. P.G. Sergiyev) Mlinistorstva zdravoolldwaileniya SSSRI renvatagmeam of WWArIc" 0(kal (cope 'K .9,! KM UnfiftTrOMMUM, KIIVIANA~b- - M' ~ ~ "fcq~ 'r:ir~ M t i At Zh 2 7 T 4 . 1 ; t ; , SIf UKI ! . . r, ., rc M=(, . , . l j, 'X~6(1954) InItwian. It t pcmmabjlft~ f0low-4 -tile cu i6 Curic. roint Afm Ji~m unc. Orcl-k-Alf ~ tb6 ind k-,Acs :Cxcfmn _Wtwm-:stibIa go Intencilon not io'*: ticts t: Z; ..: : ~." ': ~ , "- il. dw tk anisotropic, tho OTjVfidICMM0 tttftab~fiiy be[ , f O&PcOdent-A)f tcmp=*turic',_ atid t tvd,pantIttl per. i nvabIlity d ocrident; the lattcr ticids: t6waids uto ' , ' -Yafu~ the: br Wr a d, towards thc at the, antirirt~n' M90CUO Curie pdInt, Thc: f&rn of the teqlio~tum~orv of the: ~irajjci Is diUrMined ihd rAtio am) jxrii~ffily the jktktW;:- -of -values of pirrinu*"k,and ajWfcvfbftjL W tIOA Whiprittlo C 0 poin 1100 of. th6 CtInv- rcretr ed-to tt~,lc~knltur~ Oxh nvi the turic poinit- ~Tfte~ jicj-~ja7j'&rc~,ll-ijh ~qccjil - f:, and vart Vlock's c6itcj"~` ~ bzmd 66 th~ jrjIbb tM .; - IJ, ee ' i its as MnO, and- FiFj, ~ but the9l: arGAmTtI!r :, :due to-disagitements betwech expeiialghtal conditions 1! (. * I cormt, :: ~': ~,4 far beeiv volvcd Wy f6r.4.sov~cil,hitt, , tempem ure tanp,~ P, KkAtn~ Ji AUTHORS: Svirskiy, M.S. and Ishmukhametov B Kh 126-5-3-22/31 TITLE': The Statistics of TpTlrill~ves (K voprosu o statistike spinovykh Voln) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1957, Vol 51~Nr 3, pp 548-550 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Frank-Is (Ref.1) deduction that spin~waves follow Fermi statistics, from the incorrect argument that the Wave- function for states of identical wave-numbers vanish is shown to be incorrect, because the secular equations for adjacent left-handed spins are (incorrectly) ap"plied to non-adjacent ones. The extra 'condition' introduced by Frank (Eq.(l) in the paper) is not aptilicable. A simple application of the Pauli principle is sufficient to show that Eq.(l) is self-contradictory. A simple reworking of the argument, from Eqs.(3) and (4) .I (secular equations), shows that Frank also deduced- the number of solutions to Bethe's equations incorrectly (value too large). It is argued, but not riForously Card demonstrated, that spin waves therefore follow Bose- 1/2 Einstein statistics. The paper contains 17 equations. The subject of this paper was proposed by Corresponding The Statistics of Spin WaVeS 126-5-3-22/31 Member of the Ac.Sc. S. V. VonsOvskiY4 There are 2 references, one of which is Soviet, 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Urallskogo Filiala AN SSSR (institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc., U.S.S.R.) SUBMITTED: May 21, 1957 1. Nuclear spins--Statistical analysis 2~.Wave analysis 3. Mathematics Card 2/2 24(3) AUTHORS: Vlasovj K. B.9 Ishmukhametovj B. Kh. SOV/56-36-4-49/70 TITLE: On the Rotation of the Polarization Plane of Elastic Waves in a Magnetically Polarized Medium (0 vralhahenii ploeko'eti polyarizatsii uprugikh voln v magnitno-polyarizovannoy srede) PERIQDICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19599 Vol 36t Nr 4, PP 1301-1303 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present "Letter to the Editor'l.the authors investigate the propagation of plane elastic waves in a' magneti.cally polarized medium with uniaxial symmetry. The case is investi- gated in which the constant polarized. field H. is orientated along the symmetry axis x 3* In disregard of magnetomechan.ical effectsp the propagation of these waves along H. is theoreti- cally investigated. It was found that during prop.agation'along Ho the Ame polarized transversal elastic waves experience a rotation of the polarization plane round the angle a '. For an expression of the form ?.= KH x = Bk( 0)2x C :)1/2 is (2) 0 3 3/24 44 obtained , k(O) t k )/2~ B plays the part of the Card 1/2 tensor component of the elasticity modulus; it may be complex. On the Rotation of the Polarization Plane of Elastic SOV/56-36-,4-49/70 Waves in a Magnetically Polarized Medium For the calculation of its real part is used. The imagi,- nary part of B supplies absorption coefficients for the left- and right-circularly polarized waves. During passage of the linearly polarized wave an ellipticity occurs (a circular magnetic dichroism of the transversal elastic waves) beside the rotation of the polarization plane. For the ratio.of the axes of this ellipse it holds that b/a - +th Im k(0 )2 )1/2 The authors finally .113 X3/1'(N4 11 thank S. V. Vonsovakiy for his interest in this work. There are 3 references, 2 of which are Sovieto ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (institute for Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: October 209 1958 Card 2/2 24(3), 240) AUTHORS: TITLEt PERIODICALs ABSTRACT,. Card 1/2 Vlasov, K. B., Ishmukhametov, B. Kho S0V/56-37-343/Q Rotation of.the,Polarization Elastic Wave a I ia Magnetioally.Polarized,.Magnotoelastio Media Zhurnal eksp4rimentallnoy i teoretidheak:oy.fizikig;11,9159, Vol 379' Nr 3(9), pp 745 149 (USSR). By using an~equa,tion-(1) derived,by Vlasov in reference,1, which.describes the elastic) magneti6t and:magnetodl'antic prop4rties-df a magnetoelastic -Mediumif this 'authors :in: the present.paper investigate the propagation~of magneto6lastic waves in magnetically polarized-media, viz.::.f, r,th4 sliedial case of a homogeneous uniaxially symmetric..;*:. mediua*. 'It 'is chown that the magn6toelastic wave propagating along.& symmetry axis-oonsistii of three wav es; a;longitudinal.wsve and two.circularly-polarizIed waves, the p~opagatiowiratelof which is different and depends on the magnetic state'4 f 'the ~o medium (magnetization or polarization.fieid). The latterl circumstance should lead to rotation'~:of the-polarization! plane of linearly polarized elastic waves'..The analysis ~s based on the use of the phenomenological "state equationbl', Rotation of-the Polarization Plane of-Elautic SOV/56-3T_3_23/62' Waves in Magnetically Polarized Magnetoelastic Media which describe..the,dynamical properties 9f:magnetoelastic i media; displacement currents and cohauctivity. curren t9 irere taken into account. For some particiilar tykes of magneto- elastic -media somei detail~-.concernin-g the physical fiatuie of the constants determining the~rotatioln of the pqlari-* zation plane are discuseed.2 The freque.noi:0 at'whioh.lln. appreciable effect may be-expected.are es timated a 10 sea -for ferromagnetics. There are 10 refer6noea9 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki metallov kkademii nauk S'qSR (Instltute~of Metal,Physios of, the Academy of.Soiince9q:USSR) SUBMITTED: March 28, 1959 %bard 2/2 rn a U16 A 0-010 1., 4 .1 G", .09 c 'o a, ~ 0 1 - . a C 91- r c -3 'S -0 Sa: A"j;; Z. 10 0 N m m 0 0 'S R v 1015 U, I - , * Ice u ..-a I I go W_ 016 U~u 11C 1C I U .1 3. X0 r oh 1 * 4 j 8. 11 N., - 1 1 v V.~Q : Of* 3 ! 2 , A. i i V C.. 0;w Le to p 0 C~ 0 ..00. ~uchu 0, 1~ MiAm 4 1 0 : ,,a " 0 1 z..O .0 . 0 i _U rc; tz 0 M.0 r- 0"' go t 06 *Icz.m OU. am 0 Us ,m 0.0 m 2 " 0 49h0 N 0 00 *OU VS - 41A oil UC4 43 U4 0. Cid .21 u0 0 0 r. Cc U03 e* P. J, 0- of. I - - Un 0 0 0 00 'S !I; al A -u. g ro r" .4, ev *0 CO H Hv R IV I . a I A a ix 3 fia 9. elk 0 Ha 'A a gas 9/0126/64/017/003/0323/6334*'---".--'.!,,fj f,~4;~-ACCESSIOU NR: AP4028990. Ishmukhametov B. Kh. Vi TrMZ i -The Interaction of sound Vith,~PIU Waves ,:323-334~-: -W- SOURCE: lrixlka metallov I uetallavedeniye,:vol. 17, no. 1, 1964 ound veve, ferrodielectric dynamic behavior TOPIC TAGS: spin wave. elastic vave a e wave propagation, dispersion branch ABSTRACT: The behavior of the.dispersion branches of el tic (sound) and eq 4~-;_(~Pin) waves connected by means of magnetostriction and gyr is eiswliied-.,~~_VIIW omapetism In isotropic, ferro-dielectrics without consideration of absorption in the case; OIL au,~~AT~ of: arbitrary direction of propagation in relation to the equilibrium intensity c The author examines an isotropic ferro-dielectric located in an ternal homogeneous permanent magnetic field parallel to which an equilibrium value of magnstIxation to directed. 7hrough~a series of mathematical arguments,-tho suthor~*'.,4 arrives at the. conclusions that in addition to particular cases of elaxtic~ wave propagation, an "entangling" of cross sectional as well as longitudinal slaitic n V.".1veves with spin occurs either parallol'to or perpendicular to t a directi6 Of the porfloft 7M generally obtained four branches of dii equLponderant a W etination. -CCWd L 4 e, F ACCESSID11 NR: AP4028990 Ifs persion br;anch:chiracterizin g- the W(k) have the following properties: a) die' wave at small values of k converges asymptotically toward.the dispersion branch which characterizes the longitudinal elastic wave when k.- 0; b) the dispersion ":ibranch which characterizes a longitudinal elastic wave at small values of k cquvergav.. asymptot ically toward the dispersion branch which characterizes the cross sectional Aelastic wave, when k co; c) dispersion branch which determines the "ordinary" cros a isectional sound In practice does not change throughout the entire frequency rang -the cross sectional elastic wiaire' t A) the dispersion branch which characterizes a ismall values of k converges asymptotically:toward the dispersion branch wh ich:corres--.`~~ Ile ~Aponds to the, spin wave. In the propagation. of elastic waves In a direction, par& J- magnetization,- the dispersion or perpendicular to the direction of the equilibrium which characterizes the longitudinal elastic waves undergoes no changes and i-;~ Aone of the branches corresponding to the cross sectional elastic wave which inter- sets strongly when w -,/Ml with a now spin becomes "entangled" with theAispersion branch which corresponds to the spin waviso 'The author wiq'resses his thanks to ;:4s: K. B. Vlasow for his interest in the paper6 Orig, art. has g 21, formul" avid .4 q figures. T Aj .,:;".'ASSOCZAT Cgs Institut fisiki metallow: M 88 t1na itut' L SK t 4 of thil PhysIcs,6f VAtal a 'J~ J i Cafd 2 v4: ;(A 7:: AV-THOR: _IahmtjduuLatu;; B. Ka. TITLE i Tnteract.icm of SJuaa vi th Sui_nmvng~ 2 -T. 17, no. 5, i964, 6d,-6 :::I -'a-FO, wave, i-_rjrml!~3 .~mSiCkItrod on thQ L4 1~ :7 frequenct.~a a~~j madu'i us )1' e1ej-.10iV replaced L%y Me Compiam of ~he 4ndnT --~f an frinquenc7 is g-itran. ecr tilft-rep c-asee. 10 0 r --i n f-4 P ' 2.8 Re j -.s ,Ion z)(v sol."d exact1j, It is f3hovil Lhpt the optn v. e can bc~ nagleated. Than fox- 0 0; , 0 gh 1, m whe" C111 iknd 11hij remain-jiq, z e44 L 10519-65 ACCMION NP: AP4039591 azed in the previous article. are the uze those Pbr 9 TT/24 0 2 ! . + here - - k .1 A2 - _ - ' g 2 + 0 /f M.), (12 + 2,)2 .1 yr?,r 9 7T/j bo-~I transverse and longitudinal 91ast io vavsn- intei-act with rp,,Ln + 4., ji and C 3 C1 C44 (Cr - C"') (C' C) (e, - C) (C" C40 of tri --ren where LO 2t# Cj'rj C A t foi- T'h,~ chan~Tpa irx. polarizationfi of the elastic modes with the anglo Q are found Q Q neglocting r,4 i -)f tho L~~I'n vwres fknd rAbt3-.:,rpt1oq. 1"t ;.I) e rLr;~ two 7~--.Vieu wb~cb interac' weakly CAh splrl lia-IM6. 'il-ut -u-rhe transverse wave cliaxactarizad by the polarizut-,on The qecond modn Is elaatio qiljrqtion ch&ru.04; Rn.-!,11 by h po 1 a-r i is t I on 1 \f '11, C tn t-1 91 In 2 0 c cy h, 41~ U, CEW 4 + Q Coll 2D 2h, in addition, there is R third al.astio mode inter&cting strungl3t with gpin WILvits .3/4 L 10519-65 ACCMSION URt AP4039591 4-4 ... with the polari2-ation td, 0If ri'7 ~ I 2 AF- 21 Expressions for the planes of polmrization an& the motions of ma,44w,~al pointwi wh-inh follow d'i~ectly from these. equations, are alac, givc-M. It ia shm that, tire -,f 1ragnetic --ibrat-ons ar-ci oxcited by eLastic waveet PApin v4mee and mggliciti, zat4.on vi.lbraticnip, Neglerti-ng abijorptIon, the amplitudea are givon reepoictimel:,T by -VQ 2 T U C-03 24 a,iCDs 1 r4~ s i it 2io, do N Orig. art. ha--: 53 equations and 2diagrams. EAT TCLN iTmatit-at fiziki ufqtallov AN SUR (Inntitute oe Pbyalas or MetiLls AS SSSR) --- --- TJB=ED t2-7NOV63 DATE ACqa 19jun64 KITCL 100 M *C=t EK, GP NO REF SM 002 Omni Oce 474--.- VLASOV, K.B.; ISMKHAMETOV, B.Kh. Equations of motion and state for magnetoelectric media, Zhur. eksper. i teor. fiz. 46 no.1:201-212 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut fiziki metanov AN SSSR. ISHM-LJKWd,L,'MV, Interaction of sound witil spin vave--. Fiz. met. i r ,~~jt.ajj()ved. 17 no.5:641-650 My 164. (KRA 17:9) 1. Institut fiziki met&Uov AN 5W"SR. NINDIA, V.S.; USt-LklOV,,: n.U.; ISHMUKILANEDOVA, M.S.; LUBRIETS, A.T. Effeot of ionized radiations on polysacebarides. K~,jm, I Piz,- khim. prirod. i sint. polim. no.lt53-60 162 Nm 18:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UzSSR (for U.9manov). ISilHUYdW[M'OV R.U. (Ura) 1 131 treatment of thyrotoxicoses. Med.rad. 7 no.Ut3-~ N 1621. (11UL 16:9) _3 1. Iz kafedry f a~GtIsk'o'y (Zav.,I.G.Kadyrov) Bashkirskogo meditainskogo JMStituta imeni 15-latiya Vsesoyuz~- nogo Ioninskogo Kormunisticheskogo soyuza molodezhi. (HYPERTHYROID13M) (IODINE ISOTOPM-TIUMPEUMC USE) L 16ZZ8-66 - ACC NRt AP6001322 q 600 rad each. Four phases were didcernible diring!~ the; course o f- I the, disease: Phase I--primary reaction (1~-2 day.s followinjArradi4ti 0.9, 0 II- hidden (3-6 days), III--peak (7 15,days), 'IV-~pecovery'(20-~d'da~s) Detailed descriptions are presented, of the. physicai'app6~rance a .n'd, b�- havior of the animals during the four phases a:s wei a ci:, oif t lie ~ ~h~ang f. s, found in the.cellular- composition,of-the blood, bo~'e marr owr and is'ple' The following changes in the'stem of the blop'd; b1;drtOPJ4i' were o s following irradiation.- initial decrease,(Phase I .~foll wed :by an~ in4. crease in the coagulation time,,reduce-d toleranee~of plasma to diminished prothrombin activity, Increased thrombin~.timeland fibri~oien concentration, first an increase, (phase -I): then a.A'e:cre~se (Phisia~ III in thrombin concentration, reduced thermal: stability,, t'he'! emergenice ~ of fibrinogen B,-reduced fibrinase and-increased fibri~oly~.iic activit4t; diminished platelet count and delayed retraction. 6i iheJelot. . ho le T, tron microscope showed disturbances inthe.fibrin foers: :'such asirup-.! ture and vacuolization. It is evident,that.th6 hemorrhaigic syndrome appears in the first phase only 24 hours after irradiation as.in4lcated by the presence of blood in the feces at that ~c~n: theire~ore~ be concluded that in acute radiation sickness damago,r- to the w blood vesa~ sel walls first occurs in the gastrointe',.Only later. spreads to the vessels of the skino Also responsible for~'the ~emlqr'rh~A- ;:4 6rd. 2/3 "Tile effect of certain pharviacodynaidc; rev;edie.~ on the cel~-ular reaction of the sepsitizod ort'anisr.,11 T-tudy Fazansk. ~-os. stonatol. in-ta, IssuEr 2, 1110, P. 77 Bibliop 58 items USO; U-524,0p 17Dec53y (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey~ No. 252 1949). EXCERPTA Y.F.DICA 59C 6 Vol 13/1 Internal Yed. Jan 59 149. M-AWNI C11OLESTEROL HN IIYI'Fltl'FNSIVF PATIMN-1-STREATED 13Y ME- DICAL SLEF11 AND HICE AND VFGE*rABLF, DIET (Husizian text) -, Is it it U. kitarn-tiova G. Z. - KLIN.MED. (Mosk.) 1957, 35/6 (51-55) Gra-,M~., rabies I Nifist (if the 100 patients had elevated scrUni cholesterol levels. Sixty patients were 10-12(inys. During this lit! nod serum cholesterol had a tendency to increase. A low-sodium anti low-cholesterol diet si ti , f vegetables. potatoes anti rice and containing 73 g. protein and 2,165 "n"s "g o was given for 10-12 days to 40 patients with hypertenrion. This regimen lowerinR of serum cholesterol In 37 pitlents. A lieneficial effect of this dlet tin blood pressure levels and the patients' general well-being was also noted. Surawict Burlington, Vt.(XVIII,6) 5 ~7- 7= ISHMKHAIIETOVA, G.Z., dotsent; KICHEYEVA, G.V, Use of hypothiazide in the ccopound treatment of hypertension. Kaz. med. zhur. no.1:31-.)4 Ja,-F 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kafedra prouedev-tiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - dotsent, O.Z. Ishmukbametma) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta rig baze 7-oy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vraah - S.G. Sorkina). (TRIADIAZINE) IMMMOET(TVAJ, G.Z. Biochemical shifts in the organism of patients with hypertension during hypertensive crises. Vauch. trudy Kaz. gos. med, inst, 14:439-441 164. (MI-RA 1~:9) 1. Kafedra propedeytiki vnutrennik-h bolezney (zav. - dotsent G.Zelahmukhametova) Kazanskogo instituta. 1 , EM L- -. I-shmulchamatova, L. I. "On the clinical treatment and pathogenesis of carotenodex-mia," Vnprosy dermato-venerologii, Vol. IV, 1948, p. 101-09, --ftbllogj 7 items. SOI U-373-59 21 May (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 18, 1949). Act. NR AP6035034 SOURICE CODE: Ult/0122/66/000/oog/0074/oo-?--3- AUTHOR: Ishmukov, G. 1. (Engineer) CRG: none T=: Finishing of, orifices With Application of ultrasonic vibrationm to the instrument SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyaniya, no. 9, 1966, 74-75 TOPIC TAGS: -ultrasonic grinding, grinding machine, ultrasonic vibration emitter ABSTRACT., Finishing of precision orifices is generally done by the grinding method. With the aim of increasing the productivity of the process, the article reports an investigation of a method for imparting ultrasonic vibrations to the finishing instrument, in an axial direction. The tests were mado*in a special unit which included a magngtostrictive transformer set into rotation by an electric motor. The high-frequency vibrations were produced by a Type UZG-10 generator with a frequency from 18 to 22 kilocycles. The grinding material was a paste with abrasive grains with a diameter of from 1-2 to 10-25 microns. The gap between the piece being ground and the grinding instrument before the start of the operation was within the limits of 0.03-0.06 mm. The diameter of the orifice was 10 mm and its length 50 mm; the material was i5Kh steel; the surface being worked was cemented and hardened to HRC 58-63- .1he Card UDCs &62i.q.M.6 ACC NR: Af6035034 experimental results are shown in graphic form. Based on the data obtained, the foU(x;ing conditions are recommendeds amplitude of vibrations 0.04 mos; frequency of vibrations 18-22 kilocycles; rotational speed of the grinding instrument 12-15 mmlain; size of the abrasive grains in the paste from 2 to 5microns; gap not greater than 0.005-0.02 m. Orig. irt. has 8 3 figures. SUB CODES 11, 13/ SUBK DATES none cc 2/2 ISHNAZAROVP N.I. Find of two trilobites in Middle Devonian sediments of the Khanabandy-Tau (Nura-Tau). Trudy Uz. geol. upr. no.2:63-65 162. (MIU ~ 16:8) (Nura-Tau-Trilobites) I . LSHNAZAROV. N.I. stratigraphy of the Devonian sediments of the system of the Chatk&l Mountains, Uzbe geol, zhure 9 U04:17-28 165o (MIFLA 18..9) 1. Glavnoye upralveniya geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Uz,qSR. ISHNIYAZOV,, D.; MUKHAMEDZHANOV, S.; PERTENAVA, V.A. Mineralogy of the Tyubegatan salt deposit. Uzb.geol.ahur. 6 no-4:61-71 1.62. (NIRA 15:9) 1. Institut geologii AN UzSSR i Kashkadarl.inskeya ekspeditaiya Uzglavgeologii. (Gissar Range-Salt deposits) ISHNIYAZOV, D.; PARPIYEV, N.A. Conditions governing the formation of accessory minerals of boron in the Upper Jurassic chemogenia formation of Uzbekistan. Uzbegeol. zhur. 7 no.5t26-31 163. (MIRA~17$3) 1. InstItut geologii im. Abdullayeva, AB UzSSR i In.9titut khimij AN UZSSR. POCHEPTSOV9 B.,, izobrotatell (Tbilisi) ;-.MH0FZ -1. mekhmAk (g. Kaunas, 0 1- 0 u2, Kestuche, 36); KOLOfUN0 I., inzh Odessa, ul.1905 godaj d.4p wOrgtakhatroy"); MMUUTIN, :Vg, zhurnalist. Working on high structmve. Isobr.i rate. no.5313-14 Yq 062. (NIPA 15 -.5) (Hoisting machinery) FIA !9/4~C145 - - - - -I.SHORINp P. - -- - -- - -- - - --- - ---- -- - - - - - j i idil I ~ ~i~"-"40 B 13!'PAYKE~A' Ye. I. "Cabbage Diseases in Alma-Atinskaya Oblast ard tLe Fight Again.~-t Tielr;." Cand Viol Sci, Inst of Botany, Acad Sci Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, 1954. (IMMol, Nio 8, Dee 54) Sm-vey of Scientific and Technical Dissibrtations Defended at U'S'SR Ligher Educational Instiltutions (12) SO: Sum. 11o. 556, 24 Jun 55 ISHP.AYKIIIA. Ye.I., kandidat biologichookikh nauk. I Cabbage diseases in Alma-Ata Fro7ince and control mensures. Trudy R,esp.sta.sashch.rast.2:290-346 155. (MLRA 10:1) I I (Alma-AtR Province--CnbbAge--Dis~Rees and nests) j:V.; jSqp,,E-yj -.Al '-~ ~ g cX pF%rqi,tt-jt- bw Semiautomatic line for thq prc~:eisln~ ~"ilds Bum. I der. prom, no,2:8--9 Ap-je .64~ 1--?) ISHVKOV) ve Drying of poultry meat by sublimticme -Mias ind SSSR 34 no. 6: 6-8 163. (MIRA 170) 14i~ Vsesoyuznyy n&uchpq7-iesledovateI**iY Inetitut .. -ptitne pererabatyvaytmbeik~j pr~myshlevnosti. PALIMIN, V.V.; ~SHTJKOV, V.P. Effect of high-frequencY currents on autol7tic processes In muscular tissue. Isv, vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekh. no-3: 21-25 #58. OaRA 11: 9) 1. Moskovskly takhoologicheekly tnetitut aWasnoy I molochnoy prourahlonnosti. (Autolysts) (Meat) (Induction heating) -.,ISHUKOV. V.P.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Using the sublimation method for drying poultry- meat. Trudy TSNIIPPa 9:7-18 162. . (MIRA 16:6) (Pbu:Ltry plants-Squipment and suppUes) I ~ ISHUKOV., V.P starshiy naudhnyy ootrudnik; PUGACHEV, P.I.,'inzh.1 , V.A,, insh. Manges occurring during Awage in the proteins mid fats of paaltry mat debydrated by sublimation. Trudy TSNII?Pa-9: 18-22 1620- ORIRA 146) (Meat,, Dried-Analysis) ISHIJKOV ., starshiy nauchnyy aotrudnik; TROMOVA, V.F., mladshiy -99-J-2 nauchnyy Botrudnik Inveatigating-moisture absorption by dried poultry meat debydrated by sublization. Trudy TSKIIPP& 9122-24 162. (MIRA 16:6) O%at., Dried-Testing) -Y USSR/Morphology of MAn and Animals (Normal and Pathologic). S-3 The Nervous System. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 31 1958, 12397 Author Ishukova, A.K. Inst Title On the Structure of the Peripheral Neural Apparatus of the Pharynx. Orig Pub : Jr. Goa. n.-i- in-ta ukha, gorls i nos&, 1956, V7P- 7, 195- 201 Abstract : Mucous nombranes of the pbarynx contain numerous meduUa- ted and non-zedullAted fibers, and encapsulated and non- encap.-3ulated nerve endings. fterivents done~~on 12 cats by severing the glossopharynge&j nerve at the.base of the skull have demnstrated that the nUCOSa of the arches of the oral and nasal pharynx is innervated by branches of the ninth nerve. Card 1/1 4723. ISHUKOVA, F. Produprozhdoul" boleznoy telyat rannsp vozrasta. ufa, bashkir. kn. W., 1954. 27 a. 20 m. 2.000 sks. 30k.--na bashkir. yaz. (54-55662) 619-2-053.2t616-084 SO: Lotopis' Zbrun&10 mykh Statey, Vol. 7, 1949 Fz USSR zrm Animals. Cattle Q-2 'Abs Jourz.Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12090 Author Ishukova F. A.,,,Katkov.N. Ii Inst Title I &perience in-Raising-Calve6 in Unheated Sheds (Opyt vyrashchivaniya telyat.v peotaplivayeulkh pomeshcheniyakh) Orig Pub: Tr. Bashkirsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1956, 7, 1:55,7161 Abstract: Calves were kept in groups in.,unheated shedslon thick bedding, in the winte.r-spring period, at a .temperature of 1 - 11.10C-. The~amount ofteed used during,one year:p1er one:Galf Was (irCcentners)v whole milk 3.0, defatted milk 6.0) oat flour and bran 3.8,'Bilage 4.0, beetroot 6.0, bay,1.6, green fodder supplemi~nt 4.0.. In a space of one,year,. an average daily increase in weight of 697 -715.g'. Card 1/2