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-04 roes 0 V* w Or Or 0 * Cs 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 000000*00860W, z 1 4 .11 6 F It is ad-13 It U-4 IV 0 dl 40-0 0 C A.P F r I'Ll."A'.1. 1., 11, a PNOCISM AND Pwcoix~;is 1.01-1 ,!Be 4 so, W1. rbee, Bleak is dw cmin of Lftw 1111 A. Yo. Tabil"l. David W. Taylor U 1,1181. Navy (my"anwisalm Division of A I as# 00,4? 1 Aty), Translation RUB. 41 malice, Brown univen 1947. 24 Ppa, Vrom 1"kiwitaim; Not MokhaxiW JAPPHW Mathematics -lid v. 5. ~ 3941. P. 67-ft A matMINAtiedil 01"alYdIl bawd aparatiom at 0 awbanical awe). a 4 ULLIV K LIVIA VVII LA WICA;;; lane" -A SVJOIPO It Oxv ONE 40unc"I : ' or iiiiii ONE O.V Sir- u a- v 'A V. ru a 0: v Iowa 0 IN w a to 0.0 in T4, See is 0.0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0,1111-6.9 .0.0 0.0 0,10 0 0 0:0 0 Go ~-*- ~O-t *1 641 *TO. *1 01.* go -a It U IS *4 617 "D a 30 7 m U 14 11 v m 0 43 it 4; ;f id 0 74io; i7s.7si~7 if H I a L p a AI T I AA N OMC PER tif Akq Ifto ago(q JID ..D It. covfsi PitOCIISSIS AA.V POOPCOVIC 1.019 -N 1 77t, Da mi Mkb WINNOW& A. Y. LJAbwkiL 06.0 W. Taylor NoW 94wn U & Navy-,(Bk If e Gracluato ]DivWm of Applied Rat"tics, brown UShw%~TrIA1pAdmfJom INW36/9, 1947, 9 V&M rtm I Alstemotam i Mekh*Wka jAp. PHW Hathmatles &W Kwbaaks), ~v. 7. 194 p. pra"ta a Kbme for Opprowniate deter"11480on jig of the 110ftm - wbrod in rolling or drawin tdft Oft"Ist Of tbft f1kUcO at &M rullmI at df., and of do 464 of Um Strals rate on 00 Staw see e 7;*4 of dMW - MM Oat, by a few simpli Be see "Uo" fit Or see Aw order In do can of 4mvinc, 4n4 2 such 9 O"Allm In do cam of falling. --A*i*i Ti OK a.; vw T U O's A 64 9 .0- 0 4-41e;*w*4 is.HLINSKII 3 A. YU- Osesimmetriches'kaia zadacha plastichnosti i proba Brinellia. (Prikladnaia matematika i mckhanika, 1,944, v. 8, no. 3, p. 201-224, tables, diagrs., bibliography) Summary in English. Title tr. The problem of plasticity with axial syn, metry and Brinell Is, test. Qk8ol.P7 1944 SO., Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union.9 Library of Congress, 1955. 1,9h-LR!SKIY, A'. Uravneniia deformirovaniia ne vpolne uprugikh i viazkoplastiehesk:Lkh tel (Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Izvestiia. Otdelenie tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1945, no. 1-21 p- 3h--45, diagr., bibliography) Title tr.: Equations of deformation of not completely elastic and. Visco-plastio solids. j18262.A264h 1945~ SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union,, Library of Congress 1955. ACC NRi - AF6W7576 SOURCE CODE: uRAOWNT636T66176630 AUTHORSi Ishlinskiy, A. Yu. (Moscow); Temchenkoj, M..Ye.jKi CPO ORG3 none ellipsoidal'aaftty TITLEt Rotation stability of a rigid body, ana string 6ving a:n! completely filled with an,ideal incompressible,*fluid ol SOURCEz Frikladnaya matematika i mekhanika,, v. 30 no lji 1968. Jo-41 .4 TOPIC TAGSa dynamic syste%rotation,* mechanicsg motion;m6chan ca ABSTRACT: The method previously described by th .9authors!40 malykh ~kolebaniy EL~b vertikal.1noy osi volchka imeyushchego polost', tselikom na~olnennuyu id eal. A0Y. neszhimayemoy zhidkostlyuo PHTFV1960, Not 3) is extended to consider the tc~tation stability of a rigid body on astring ellipsoidal icavity coqplet~iy Silled with an ideal incompressible fluid. The perturVed differe~ntial:,equations.%)t~motion: or the rigid b ange. -metho"), koi the; fluid are Uerived f ody (using Lagr cavity,and for the interaction foreq bftw L~.the -fluid and:.the rigid bodys, After considerable manipulationp*the equatlon f motion of the bWy ii4erivedj 44olqtion is assumedl, and a characteristic equation is -forowlatedi t lie be''hivior of the roots of this equation and their effe-ets:on stability of motiori are d"Ou.ssed for:somei limiting cases and for a general case* Orig. arte hast 51' r,,e and 54 f6rawlass figu SUB.CODEs 20, 131 SM DATES 29Jurdj5/ OPLIG REFS 008 Card- 14 ol - ..- - - - I JSjjLri;S-KIY, A. IsILIS'n-)L-) !A,- YU. USSR/Engineering Pub 49 Elasticity - Stability Yethematics, Applied "Dynamic Forms of Loss of Stability, in Elastic Systems," Acad M. A. lavrentlyev, A Yu. lsl&skly-, 4 pp I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXIV, No 6 With suddeu applicattion of load exceeding first critical value to an elastic systiem, a motion arises, and, as result of this motion, system does not return to its,original state. Considers normal motion, in which transposition of all elements in the's Ystem is proportional to the same fuOction of time. Gives mathematical analysis of this motion for an iron bar and a pipe. Submitted 24 Dec 48. PA 29/49T22 DALM I KYY, Yu. L. ; ISHLINS I KTY diyanyy chlen. Ty. .. I 'A -Yu Ivaluation of the residwd- member In TVIorl a formidle, for ftnotions of HermitUm operators. , Dop.AN MM no.4:234-238 151. (WAL 6:9) 1. Akadenlya nuvX VxMizolkoyl MU (for lshliwllqy). 2. Instytut Mtsmatyky. Akademlyl nook Ukraylvalkoyl MR (for Wetellwy). (Series. Tar2or's) YU, TEKCEMIKO, M. Ye. ISHLINS Kff YU.. diyaW chlen. M " Laminar frictional action In viscous and elastic liqaids. Dop.AN UBM no.3: 180-185 152. (MLU 6: q 1. Akademiya nxmk Ukr&ylnslkoyl RSR (for lahlinoOkyy). 2. Instytut-.matiamtykr Akadenlyl nank Ukrvinalkoyl 01 (for Tewhe*o). PANCHYSON, Y.H.; ISHLUM,Kff, i~Tu.. akademik. Aatomtic electric piesometer. Dop.Ali URSR no.4:348-350 '52.1 - Off-RA, 6:10) 1. Akademi" nauk VkTayinelkort ISR (for Ishlinalkyy). 2. Instytut natomtyky Akadftiyi nwk UkraYinalkoyl PSR (for healwahn). (Plegointer) ISHL=IY, A.Yu. SHA%WS'KYY, V.Ye.; ISHLINSIMS ~Yu., diysnyy chlen. Conformal ropreoentations of ud~sicent fieldo with stutionary pointo on the baandDxy, in the theory of filtration. Dop.AX UABR noi3;158-162 153. (MLBA 6:6 1. Instytut matematyky AN URSR (for Shamus Ikyy).: 2. Akademlya rauk Ukra- yinelkoyi RSR (for Iihlinslkyy). (Surfaces, Representation of) (Filters and filtration) KRYZHhNOVSIKIY, O.M.; ISHLINSIID.'Y, d1yanyy chlen. YU. Culculation of integral criteria for the optimum of regulation processell, Dop.AU,RSR no-3:183-192 '53. (MLHL 6:6) 1. Instvt7it hir,,vab,)yi spravy im. M.M.Yedorova,Akademiva nauk Ukrayin- sIkoy:- RSR (tor Itryzhanovalkvy). .2. AkMemiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyt HU (for Ishlin.1kyy). (Servomechanisms) (Differential equations, Linear) KRYZHANOVSIKYY, O.M.; ISHLINSIKYT. f-~Yu., diyonyy chlan. ApproximiLtion method for the study of intermittent regulatory systems in cuttera and coal combines with ratchetconveyance. DOP-AN UHSR UO-3:191- 195 '53. (MLBA 6:16 1. Inetytitt hirnychoyi spravy im..M.M.Yedorova AN UFSK (for Kryshanoval.kYY). 2. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyl. RSR (for Ishlinalky7). (Servomechanisms) (CoaI-mlning machinery) XRYZHANOVS'KrY, O.M.; ISHLlNS'KYY,,bYu.. diy.nyy chlen. Caladratic criteria of the character of transitional regulation processes defined by linear difference equations with constant coefficients. Dop. All URSR n0-3:196-202 153. (KLRA 6:6) 1. Instytut hirnychoyi sprav7,im. X.M.Pedorova AN UIRSR. 2. Akademiya nank Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Ishling'14y). (Difference,equatione) (Servomechanisms), KRYZHANOVSIKYI, O.H.; ISHLINSIKYI, O.Yu., diianyi chlen Akademiyi nauk UPSH. Investigation of intermittent control systems of cutting machines and coal cutter-loaders with feeding section pulsators-and fixed-speed servomotors. Dop,AN MOB no.4:2-IG--275 053. OMU 6:8 1. InstytUt hlrnichayl spravy lm.K.~Uedorova Akdomiyi nuuk OCR 2. Ak&- demlys. nauk UFAM (for lahlinalkyi). (Coal-mining machinery) ANISIMOVA, V.B.; ISHLINSIKYI, O.Yu., diianyi chlon Akademiyi nauk URSR. Rigidity of the compressed elements of cylindrical shells. DOP.Ax URU no.4:281-284 '51. WaL 6:8) 1. 10ivalkyl dorshavvi universytet Im. T.G.Shevchenka. 2. Akademlys, nsuk. UPAIR (for Ishlinalkyl). (Elastic plates and shells) WERITIN, O.K.-, ISHLINSIM O.Yu., diyawy ahlen. Mathematical consideration of the problem of laternal impact on an elastic- tensile rod with free endo. Dou.AN UFSR no.5;307-312 153. (MLOA 6;10) 1. Amdemiva nank Ukrayinelkovi RSR (for Ishlinsikyy). 2. Dnipropetrovelkyy instytut insheneriv zaliznichnoho transportu im. L.H.Kagilnovycha (for Weritin). (Nathematical physics) (Slastic rods and wires) FILICHAKOV, P.F.; ISHLINS'KYY. O.Yu., diyenyy chlen. On the woblem of determining the Christoffel-Schwarts constant in hydro- mechanical calcalations for double-pile cofferdams. Dop.AhT URSR n0,5:317- 322 '53. (nRA~. 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi. FZR (for Ishlinalkyy). 2. Insty%ut mtemstyky Akademiyt nauk Ukravinalkoyl HSR (for IFIlIchakov). (Coffer'dams) TEMCHXUKO, M.Ye.; YUSHCHMKO, O.A.; ISHLINSIKTT, O.Yu., diyanyy chlen. Stresses in a binding layer (glue, welds, fretwork). Dop.AH URSH no.5:365- 369 '53. NLRA 6:io) 1. Akademlya neak Ukrayinalkayi, RM for Ishlinelkyy-). 2. lustyt-at! matematyky Akademiyi nank Ukrkvinalkoyi MR (for, Teachenko and'Yushchenko). (Strains and stresses) -41 nil 11 I..W. A, On AU intagn)-daerentlat rebtfou LU the theort a: im elastic cord. (cabley, d n*ble fat&; Ukrain. Mat. tumal 3, 370-374 (WS3). (Russian) Th. ppw ?--td of an elastic cable is attaxAcd to a drum# w,Ych In forced to rotate, anti its Immr end supporta a heavy mass, m, The displacement of a cror-sa-section of the cable is assumed to be of the form u(x, 1) -z#(I), and an approxi- mate equation for OQ) is found, essentially by Rayleigh's method. To. iflustrate die degree of approximation, ill the cylinder is held fixed, the mauRing equ&tim kada to the familiar correction wherein one-third. the. ipring m4w in added to the spriag~aupported mass to find the effet6ve MM P- F- OWMI (&Attlc wuh~)- LTAPUNOV, A.M.; JaINSKly, Z.N. , otvetstveuW radaktor; 1fOLKOGOROV,AJ' alcademik; SKUMOV, V.I., akademik; SUBBOTIN, M.Y.; ISIMINSKIY, A.Tu.-, KIGIRINKO, G.S.. kandi"t fisiohookikh-matenatiches*UMwffiiWu,-'r-?BMW- VICH, V.T., kandidat fisichaskikh-mtematichookikh nauk; GnMOGXNCV. A.V.. radaktor; ALMSUVA, T.V., tekhnicheskly redaktor, (Colleoted works] Sobranio aochinonii. Koskva, lid-va Akademli nauk WSR. Vol. 1. 1954. 446 p. (KLHA 7:1i) 1. Chlen-korrospondaut.Akedtall nauk SSSR (for,Sreteaskly and Subbo- tin) 2. Deystvitel.nyy_ch1*n Akadamli nauk SSSR (for-Ishlinekly) (~Uapmnov, Aleksandr Nikhallovich, 1857-1918i (Nsthemstic~s) ISHLINSKIY. A.Yu. - - - - -- -40:. General theory of plasticity with linear reinforcing. Ukr. mt.shur. 6 no.3:314-325 054. (MM 8:5) (pl"tiCity) ISELMKIY, A.Yu. ~ -*Ielw"�llO**mql-lWC*4--& Plans flow of mande Ukre mato share 6 no.4:430-441 154a, (MM 81:5) (S,Ud)' (Statics) 1628. Ishfingkil, A- Y%:,, On 4 JL-.TL!tu,.j,, in vht'~ thio-y q4tbillity of 014stit reavir.111!t F'ate-'.% jiL~ ltwslte,"' :tkq,!. Vauk SSSR QS, s, 4-17 479, Ntv. 1954. .-t'! ~ntairm a riErt-wiIALS ju'~Cifzt=tion L-f a, Bumrfiiift~r ttAult ob- Wacd by Lho AuttUr in 4mimms flu~t jaob~ Cha two other cdzes (p&r:,',Ic! I IiWailg ".~) of a wty long plate" QI.-- bunkling toad is 404WSt"A I'D be, uintmry to wt Wfa tL-, i, tam-dit- r t&an (&Li an~, fe, 4~.j G~-- i, rua3u'a for th'-~ It! tEo fi~: uvvfl'~Pllpiczvl~ j14wdWo ri-V stating tftit Smi.1t, VvIsn0i prLarlph! un'I"r t(.116!1' G Uratammk, LSA ISHLINSKIY, A.Yu.; ZVOLINSKIY. N.V.; ST&PANENKO, I.Z. Theory of elasticity. Dokl.AN SSSR 95 no.4:729-731 AP 154. (KLRA 7:3) 1. Daystvital'Ayy chlen Almdemii nauk USSR (for Ishlinskly). (Soil mchanics) (Blasting) 4 IMMINS11Y, A.Yu. Equation for longitudinal motions of elastic fiber ropes of varying length. Dokl.AN SSSR 95 no-5-.939-941 Ap'54. (KLRA 7.4) (Rope) (Integral equations) J-Dt-; i; -,--it t OT I A I ILl~ Lailled. from (1) bi substibuUng continuous functions Xj:* for Xt, whirb coincide wift-h Xj. everywhere emm-pt a riarrow re-g-ton around the diswatinuity An example givi~T4 by the eqations, to this. +Y- -m(x) I- dy~jr= -X-Y, describing a gyroscopic system, is discussed in dk!tail. Here m(r)=-m for x0; a continuous funcLion for zEl' and for -e~~v;Se, where c posifliv. S. KUh (Colu lie USSRiPhysies Plas~iciit'y* ' ' FD_30~1 Card 1/1 Pub- 85 - 6/16 Author Zvolinskiy, N. V.; Ishlins U.; Stepanenko, I. Z. Title Remarks on S. S. G~:TgoryaWs article "Stating of dynamic problems for ideal plastic media" Periodical Prikl. mat. i mekh., 19, Nov-Dec 1955, 733 Abstract The present authors remark that S. S. Grigoryan carried out interesting investigations of the equation of state of plastic medium, which equation was proposed by them ("Dynamics of ground masses," DO SSSRI 95, No 4, 1954), and his results deserve attention. Grigoryan pointed out that the energy condition on the surface of strong discontinuity is fulfil-led during the entire time of the process only if in the external region the pressure equals the critical pressure, as was assumed in the authors' work, and he also made a conclusion concerning the impossibility of the existence of a certain zone III etc. As a result Grigoryan concludes categorically that the stated problem can- not be solved by means of the authors' equation of state. The pre'sent authors cannot agree with the categorical character of this conclusion. The authors consider their scheme as a limiting scheme and not as com- pletely solving the problem of deformation of densification of grounds. The entire problem consists in whether their description gives the main outlines of the phenomenon of dynamic densification of grounds. The problem remains open. Submitted ISHLIMIY, Poshokhanow0a pendulus. Astron.shur.32 no.5:462-468 " 155. (Km. g.. I) l.Inatitut natmatUd Akadeall nauk SSIM. (Pandulm) r ISqLINSKIT. A.Yu. Theory of a servomechanism system, PrykI. mekh. 2 na.l: 3-4 '56. (aRA 1W) 1. In2titut matematiki Akademii neuk URSR. (Automatic control) (Sez-vomeebanisms) MI . . . . . . .akademik. .Blectric modeling of channel stream flow, Dop, UN URSR no,W24- 126 156, (nM 9t 12) I* Almdenlys nauk UM, 2e Institut ustematiki Akademli nauk LRSR* Nkdraulics) (Xlectrosechanical amlogies) M i7p 7 pp. uf lfl,-r,tlg,Ai O!i ~l SOV/IZ4-57-9-98?-3 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 9, p I (USSR) AUTHOR- Ishlinskiy [ Ishlinslkyy, Yu. TITLE: Mutual Contacts Between Russian and Ukrairiian Scien'tistsUnAlte Field of Mathematics and Mechanics (Vzaimosvyazi russkikh i ukrainskikh uchenykh v oblasti maternatiki i mekhaniki) in Mrain,lan PERIODICAL: Narysy z i5toriyi tekhn. AN UkrRSR, 1956, Nr 3, pp 3-10. ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 Relay-type correctiOA for determining, arg-horlson errors on rolling ships. Avtomtyka.xo~ 1. UntItUt ft%Q"t*A-Akt4~mII awk U006 !SnINSM, A. Yu. -On Ahe PrecedsicW Oadnlkadai Of _4_'_ by uQ'Ishlinskiy 0. Y~.iI hlin SCOP C' 6 ki 7 J, Institute of Mathematic-s;-Tc-ademy of Sciences Ukrainian SSRP Avtomatika No 4, 1956) PP 1-5 The housings of single-axes gyroscopic stabilizers loaded vith W -constant moment effect a nondamping.oscillation about,the axis of pm*~-~ cession only if the control of the stabilized engine is by means of a:,.! .c.ontact device. The frequency of these. oscillations,,.as shown in practice, is considerably less than the. fickquency of~ nutatibn.', thiii1 jjj riitting the usezof,. prece on ~ alry:, their study. :114 ISHLIBS'KIIY, 4YTu..,Aukvnik seminaru, akademik Working plan of the seminar on the theory and techniques of automatic control at the Acadeor of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR for 1957. Avtomtylm no.4:99 156. 1, AN URSR. (Automatic control) ISBLIBSKIY, A.Tu.. (14oak7a) Slippage in the contact s6ne in rolling friction. Isv. AN SSSR. Otd. t4bkh. nauk ..JM-16-0-45 Js '56. (Km 9: 9.) (yrietion) i: A ;. ~: r.-A~ I;- A, KiL-Dn file dleory Of thii hodwnta-l r; If 10 t Veil 20 9501 48-17 q~ F-mv2-le F ~,-jme. t li.: fricoon iorces, cne obtains a iystcm) -tij !hff--~Cv it from t Oxi- 1 11 1z I lit, ')i Ill- apt IsHLINS,KIY,CWIyu. (Kliv) Sliock abnorption. at highly accelerated cotion [with summnries in Russian nnd 2nglish). Prykl.makh. 3 no.2:131-139 157. OUIU 10:9) 1. Inatitut matematiki Akpdeinii nauk URSR. (Shock absorbers) ISHLINS I KIY Curving of a box frame fixed at four points. Prykl.mW&,3 no.3:336-339 157. (In Ukrainian with summary in'.R='Iw (MIW10:12) 1. Institut natmatlkl AN MM. ADefor"tions (Nechenles)) q ~Ln-!--lj -TT- Vf T i f) ,ii k it g i ru is ko p 111 - it It 1, .1 it 14 U ;7~ ti L -`t' I'll[ 1; -r!., J As sion~," by A. Yu. Ishlinskiy, Institute of Mathengitics, Acadenw --P'rikladna Hatematika, Ro 1, 1957.1 of Sciences Ukrainian&%, pp 103 ~ZL'~ The brief item presents reference data (diagrams and formulas) an t "diformtion of cardan suspension elements, i. e., rings and yokes, under ferent loading conditions by concentrated forces and moments. (U) ..-U&IIISKIY. 0. Yu. [Iohlino-lkyll 0, IUJ, akademik Outstanding mathowttaian and mechanician. -Nauka i shrttla 7 no.6:35-36 Ja '57. (MIRA 12:10) LAN USSR" tkaptmov, Mikhail Vasillovich. 1857-1918) ISHLINSKIY, A.Yu.; PARASTUK, O.S.; SHEVEW, V.N. Gurii Nikolaevich Sevin; on the occasion of his 50th birthday. Ukr.mat.zhur. 9 no.2:225-229 157. (NLRA 10:7) (Sevin, Ouril likolaevich, 1907- YK UTHOR ISHLINSKIY.. A.m. FA - 2201 I.TITLE On the Theory of the Gyroscopic Pendulum (K teorii giroskopicbeskogo mayatnika). PHRIODIGAL Prikladnaia Matematika, i Mekhanika, 1957, Vol 21, fir: 1, Pp 3-14(U.S.S.H.) Received, 3/1957. Reviewed! 4/1957~ ABSTRACT Within the framerwork'of . the,theory,of precession of gyroscoped the author gives a-preliminary derivation-of the general''equations:of t~6 notion of the axis of the gyroscope6 The rotor of,the gyrose ape is-suspended an giinbals.-The angles of rotation occurring here are shown. ThbAl-fietic al'be neglected with regards moments of the rings of gimbal suspension c"I to their motion relatively to the: original, S~stezi of equationi ..' The equations resulting herefrom are written d6*n.'N6kt'j the auth6kattends to the equations of motion:of the rotor of the:gYroscope. Here itAs-as- sumed thatthere exist,no forces of friction in the.axes ofthe.gimbal suspension. Besidei,.it is assumed t4at no~forces.~of interaction exist. The form of the system, of equationa given h4ie is' be conserved for any xyz coordinate systems if the origin is.'.iocabiad in the 64ntei of the gimbal suspension and if the z-axis is identical With the Z! -mcis of the system of coordinates x ly Iz I . The x ty fz I SY$'tem is:rigidly co6ie'_ dited with the iiwer ring of tbe'susponsion.' The author now deals*with the main problem , e.g.:Ue investigation of the . behavior of a gyroscopic pendulum the suspension1point of which is shift- ed in any way on the surface of the earth. For this purpose also a DARBOUX tetrahedron is introduced, the vertex of which is in the center Card 1/2 AUTHOR: Ishlinskiy..L.-Yu. =, Wo s c ow) TITLE: The Theory of the Two-Gyroscope-Vertical g1roskopicheskoy vertikali) 40-91-2-4/22 (Teoriya dvml:h- PERIODICALs Prikladnaya Katematika i Yokhanika,1957,Vol 21,Nr 2, PP 175-183 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In several papers the author has treated the elementary theory of several systems of gyroscopes LRef 1,21 . The system considered in the present paper (denoted as tvro- gyroscope-vertical) is diatin,=ishod fron the spatial gyro- compass of his first paper only by another situation of the center of mass of the gyroscope frane. By another orienta- tion of the G!yroscopes the author means to obtain from this system a more exact information of the local vertical* Furthermore witih- this system the deL~-ree of latitude can be determined theoretically. 1-For the practical possibilities of application tho author's considermtions, however, are in- sufficient, since the friction and all other possible distur- bances are neGlectod by the author. There are 3 Soviet re- feronces. SUBMITTED: November 20, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Gyre"*pw-4hewy Al A) AUTHORt -,Ishlinr:;k-iy, A.Y-~-. kYlescow) 40-21-6-1116 TITLE'. On the Equations of the Positi on-Finding Problem of 'a' Moving Object With the Aid ~)f Gyroscopes an&Accelerometers,(Ob: uravneniyakh zadach-1 opredeleniya mes zopolozheniya dvizhush- chagosye ,)b"Yekta posredetvom g1roskopov i izmeriteley uskoreniy) PERIODICALs Prikladnaya 'Matematika i Mekhanika, 1957,Vol 21, Nr 6, pP 725-739(USSIR) ABSTRACT: After an indiostion to the assentially inoreased exa(ctneises whizh could be obtained with modern gyroscopic instruments, the autho-z shows that' now the problem of localization without referring to external resouzzoes has come nearer,to pract'ical realization. After so-me general considerations on,the problem of inertia navigation one of' the possible.arrangemehi~s is in- vestigated in detail and a thacry for this is establishod, The author's system consists of gyroscopes and accelerome- ters and represents only one of the discussed variants.for the inertia navigation. The structure elements of the system are considered to be perfect so thatthe most interesting part of the prcblem - the questi-on of exactness - is not Investi- Gatad. The res"jlts of the paper are well-known to a large ex- Card 1/2 40-21-6-1/!8 On the Equations of the Position-Pinding Probler of a Moving Object With the Aid of Gyrosropes and Accolerometers tent or can be ded)aced. from well.-known results in a simple way. There are 8 figuras an' 7 references, 4 of ffhich are Soviet, 2 American, and I German. SUBMITTEDt Way 20, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Inertial navigation systems-Mathematical analysis 2. Gyroscopes- Applications 3. Accelerometers-Applicaticno Card 2/2 XOTHORs Ishliziskiy, A. Yu. , Member of the AN Ukrainian SSH 20-1-11/42 TITLE: The Example of a Bifurcation Which Does not Lead to th-2 Occur- rence of Unstabl-d 2oriaj of thu Stead4 Mution (Primer, b ne privodyashcheW k poiavleniyu neu:zto-chivjkh form FAULSTO'-.1Ar- nogo dvizheni~fa) PERIODICAL; ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 Doklady AN SSSR,'1957, Vol 117, Nr 1, iv-,~ 47-49 (USSR) Generallythe exisitence of one or sevural f ormu of the evili- brium or the stea Zy motion of a mechanical system de-oend~ on, the concre.te value of a certain parameter-which; essentiully de- n M (Princip! 1 1ermines tho cc dition of the system. 4.~ingle for a form).of the-'equilibrium of the steadj motion,can ourrespond:to a certain interval'of.the parameter. As example.formulae'for, the motions,of a straight-lined pillar (stoika) of Euler (Eiller): and of a pendulum are quoted here. Also other, forms, to.Kether with the fundamental form of the equilibrium or the zteady M'O- tion, can correspond to other intervala of the,main par .ameter. The values at the limit of the exiztence of one or more for:;,~ulae are deno -ted as bifurcation values. In uoLae cases, ez,~eaiaIlj the above mentioned cases, new forma of' the equilibriLa'of the steady motion develop from the fund.-i-aiental foria. A ollc5ht de- of the new -forms from thi, ori,eirial furl, ~:Orre!l~ponai The Example of a Bifurcation Which Does not Lead to the Occur- 20-1--U/42 rence of Unstable Forms of the Steady Alotion. the stability of the fundamental forms however, not being lost hure. The equations for the determination of the bifurcation values of the angular velocity are written down and their so- lution is briefly discussed.There are 4 figuree and 3 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Matheaaticsof the AN USSR (Institut matematiki Akademii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: May 179 1957 AUILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 ISHLINSKIT, A. TU. (Moscow State University) *Concerning the Autonomous Determination of the Position of a Nbodng Q)Ject by, Means of a Spatial Gyrocompass,, a Directional Gyro,, mud an Integrating Device." paper presented at the Second Scientific and Technical Intervus donfvrence~on Problems of Contemporary 0yroecopyq To, F. 0tvagin, Secretary of the Organization Comaittee; laningrad, Izvestlya UchebrWkb Zavedenity, Priborostroyeayep No. 59 Sep/Oet 1950t pp 161-163 The Second Intervus Conference on Problems of Contemporary Gyroscopy Technique, convoked by decision of the Ministry of Education USSR, took place in the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics from 24 to 27 November 1958, 21-1-3126 AUTHOR: ~~k (19blin Ikyy, O.Yu.), Academician. 0 -05-02-ra-Man Academy of Sciences TITLE: Extension of an Infinitely Long Ideally Plastic Bar of Vari- able Cross-Section (Rastyazheniye beskonechno dlinnoy ideal'- no plasticheskoy polosy peremennogo secheniya) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, # 1, pp 12-16: (USSR) A13STRACT: The article represents a theoretical:investigation of the problem of infinitely long bar extension. On extending a bar of variable cross-section beyond the limit of, there are regions in the bar where deformations remain withm. in the limits of elasticity. The bar material is supposed to be ideally plastic. In the present article, it is shown that with a special shape of the bar boundary, a "continuous" plastic state 113 nevertheless possible. The bar boundary should in this case take the form of a periodic curve lacking eve n harmonics. The length of the boundary period should be twice that of the average width of the bar, while the range of fluctuation of Card 1/2 the width should be infinitely small. The bar boundary 21-1-3/26 Extension of an Infinitely Long Ideally Plastic Bar of Variable Cross- Section should be sufficiently smooth. Otherwisel the series ex- pressing the solution will be divergent,,which indicates the presence of elastic zones in the bar which have not reached the limit of elasticity. The article contains 4 figures and 2 Russian references. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Mathematics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Instytut matematyky AN URSR) SUBMITTED: 5 April 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Jkthemstles-Theory SOV/24-58-8-9/:57. ly, Malashenko, S.V. and Temchenko,M.Ye. AUTHORS: Ishlinsk TRry-ey TITLE: On the Branching of Stable Positions:of Dynamical Equilibrium for a Certain Mechanical,System (0 razvetv- lenii ustoychivykh polozheniy dincuaicheskogo ravnovesiya odnoy makhanicheskoy sistemy) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Ak-adeinii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhniche.skilch Nauk, 1958, Nr 8t PP 53-61 (USER) ABSTRACT: In the course of investigations carried out at the Institute of Mathematics and Structural flechanics of the Ac.Sc., Ukrainian SSR, a new theoretical case was discovered of a mechanical system where the branching form and the original form are simultaneously . stable, and it is to the study of this case thatthe present paper,is devoted. The authors consider an axis-s~,mmetric rigid body suspended by a coumpletely flexible massless string which is in a position of relative equilibrium vrith. respect to a system of coordinates rotating about the axis of ~ with constant angular velocity., It- is as$umed that the force of gravity and the tension in the string Card 1/1 are the only external forces. Let a denote the an'e-:ld SOV/24-58-8-9/37 On the Branching of Stable Positions of Dynamical Equilibrium for a Certain Mechanical System between the direction of the string and the verti6~1 and let ~p denote theangle between the vertical and the axis of symmetry of the body. ConsiderinE the case when the body-is not far from a position in which 'the string and the axis of symmetry of the body coincide with the vertical, in which case a and (p are small, the condition is derived that the approximate,equations for cc and (p should have a non-zero solution * oblong body this yields four values of theangular~ velocity � col I + W X Thus, apart from the position of dynamical equili~?iL in which a = 0 and (p = 0 there are two other possible equilibrium positions. To test the theoretical results, a series of experiments was performed. The authors consider that the-theoretical. and experimental investigations axe in satisfactory agreement. Card 2/3 SOV/24-58-8-9/3? On the Branching of Stable Positions of Dynamical Equal-libriua for a Certain Mechanical System There are 1? fiSures, 2 tables and 4 'Soviet refer=906i. SURNUTTED: May 29, 195?. I. Mechanica--Theory 2. Mathematics Card 3/3 AVTHOR: ~11'yu._ -(Moscow) SOV40-22-3-8/21 TITLE: On the Theory of Complicated Gyroscopic Systems for Stabil- ization (K teorii slozh;iykh sistem giroskopicheskoy stabilizatsii) PERIODICAM Prikladnaya matematike. i mekhanika,1958,Vol 22,Nr 3t pp 359 - 373 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the calculation of motions of complicated gyroscopic systems the second method of Lagrange is generally applietl for the set up of the equation of motion. Now the author wants to show that it is often more suitable to start direct- ly from the theorem of momentum. He thinks it is possible to save the clearness of the equations in this Ymy. At first it is shown that in the calculation of motions of complicated gyroscopic systemst which are used for stabil- ization or navigation, in general there occur only very slow displacements of the gyro axis. Por these so-called pre- cession motions it is allowed to disregard the inertia effects of the housing of the gyroscope and of the Cardan rings. Equations of motion are-thus obtained, the degree of which is Card 1/2 considerably decreased compared with the degree of the complete On-the Theory of Complicated Gyroscopic Systems SOV/40-22-3-8/21 for Stabilization equations. The exactness of the solutions of 'these si lifted MP equations is generally sufficient for practical purposds,* Ift however, transition functions are to be investigated, then in most cases it cannot be avoided to take into account the in-- fluence of massesq housings and Cardan rings. It is shown that the simplified theory of the gyroscopic instruments can be enlarged in such a way that the gyroscopic system is installed on a moved carrier so that the character- istic motions of this carrier occur in the equations of motion. Such equations were already applied, howeverp some d_e- cades ago$ e.g. by Schuler. In the paper onlysome quite general set ups are contained and equations are calculated without investigating the solutions of these equations or the behavior of special gyroscopic instruments. There are 9 figures, and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 1 is English. SUBRITTEDt February 149 1958 Card 2/2 KaWBAKIN, V.S. , akademik,; BODN&R, V.A., doktor takhn.nauk. red.; IVAKHNIKKO, A.G., doktor tekhn.nauki red. g use alai- jA.T damik, red.; XACHMOVA, N.A.. imnd.takhn.nauk, red.; KUZk*Sbv, lisle# doktor fis.-matem.nauk, red.; ZUKHOOKO, A.I., doictor takhn.nauk, red.; PJMT, B.Ng red,; PCPOT, Te.P., doktor telchn.nauk, red.; ULANOV. GeV., doktor tekhn.nauk,' red.; XHMOT. K.K., akademik, red.; CHI- KAYN, P.Lj, kand.takhn.nouk, red.; CHUKAXOT, N.M., icand.takhu.nauk, red.; KRUZOT, GeV., Elmariancy theory and Its application to automatic devices] Teoriis Invariantnosti I so primenenie v avtomaticheskikh ustroistvakh; trudy saveshchanila. Moskva, Akad.nauk USSR. Otd-nis tekhn.nauk, 1959. 381 P. (KIRA 13:7) 1. Sovashchanlye po teorii invariantuosti I eye primeneniyu v avto- naticheikikh ustroystvakh, Xirm, 1936. 2. AN USSR (for Ishlinakiy. 1hrenow 3. Chlen-korresp.AN'SM kfor Petrov). ('intomfitic control) ISHLI.IiSKIY,,___Q,yu.--t~?sh2in,.zlicyip O.IU.]; POGIUSTSKI.Y, Y.B. [Polireby'alk7i, I.B.] Contribution of O.M. Liapunov to the sclid state dynamice. Ist.-vat. zbir. 1:140-150 159. (MU'd 14:2) (Dynamics) ISHLINBUY,. A.Yu. .(MOokva) Autonomous determination of the position of,a moving object by means of a gyroscopic space compass, dirsetiongyroscope, and intergrating device. PrW. mat. i mekh. 23 no-1:58-63 Ja-7 '59- (07roscope) SCLODOYRIKOV, V.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; DOGOLYUBOY, M.N., akademik, red.; ISKLMIY. A.Yu.. akademik, red.; KAZAKIVICH, V.V., prof., doktor takhnni-RE-gred.; LTAPOOT,.A.A., prof.. doktor fise-mt.nauk, red@;. PWROV, B.N,p red.; P(WOV, TeePe, profs* doktor toklm.nank, red,; POVEWY, 0.3., prof,, doktor takhn.nauk, red.; RYABOT, B.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; ANISIKOV, B.T., dotsent. kand.tskhn.nmpk. red.;_ PJNROTO V.T., dotments daktor tekhn.nauk, red.; PLMNIKOV. V.I., dotment. I-r-'.tskhn--u . rod.; USMOT. T.B.. doktor tekhn.nmu , red.; PCLYAKOV, G.F., redAzd-va; GMOLOVA, T.F., [Automatic control and computer engineering) Avtomaticheskoe upravienie i vychislitelluaia takhnike. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo mehinostrolt.lit-ry. No.3. 1960.,, 489-p. (KIRA 13:7) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN WOR (for B.N. 'Petrov). (Automatic control) (Ilectronic calculating machines) ISI=SKIY., A.U.; TEVICHENKO,, M-Yee Slight oscillations of the vertical axis of a gyroscope having a cavity completely filled with an ideal iieDmpressible liquid. PHTF noo-3:65-75 S-0160. 141RA 14:7) 1e Inttitut.alatematiki AN USSR. (Gyroscope) L 51103160102110.511.~1013 B007/B011 AUTHORS; Topchiyev, A. Vo, Academician, Vice President of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Fedorov, Ye. K., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, Acting as Seniot Scientific Secj*e- tary of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR,;,, Dorodnitsyn, A. A. IshlinskW A. Yu. Members of the Commission TITLE: Information, Byuro prezidiuma. Akademii hauk Soyuza SSR (Office of the Presidium of th e Academy of Sciences of the USSR). Resolution of February 12, 1960s~ No. 134, Moscow PERIUDICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1960, Vol.-.21, No. 5, ppo 65.5 - 656 TEXT: The paper under review contains the literal text of the above re- solution. This consists of two parts: resolution on the theory of iava- riance and its application to automatic devices of October 20, 1958 (Kiyev), and the judgment of the Commission in connection with the dis- Card 1/5 Information. ByIuro prezidiuma Akademii nauk Soyuza SSR s/1o3/6o/02i/o5/i3/013 (Office of the Presidium of the Academy of BOO?/BO11 Sciences of the USSR).' Resolution of February 12, 1960, No. 134, Moscow cueaion on the theory of invariance. After having heard the Academician A. A. Dorodnitsyn's communicAtion,(Presideht of the komissiya. Prezidiuma AN SSSR (Commission of the Presidium of the AS USSR)).'gon the resolution , adopted on the theory of'invariance and its application to automatic d.e-. vices of October 20, 1958 (Kiyev), the Byuro Prezidiuma Akademii nauk SSSR (Office of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) decided, to approve the judgment of the Commission of the Presidium of the AS USSR and to order its publication in the periodical "Avtomatika i tele:- mekhanika". The judgment reads as follows: the Commission consisting of Academician A. A. Dorodnitsyn, Academician of the AS~UkrSSR A. Yu. : Ishlinskiy, and Corresponding Member of the AS-USSR B. N. Petrov, and appointed by Academician A. V; Topchiyev, Vice President of.the AS USSR on October 28, 1958 examined the following materials: the afore-men- tioned resolution of October 20, 1958, the resolution of the Presidium Card 215 Information. s/1q3/6q/o,21/o5/13/o13 Byuro prezidiuma Akademii nauk Soyuza SSR B007/B011 (Offi6~ of the Presidium of the.kcademy of Sciences of the USSR). Resolution of February 12, 1960, No. 134, Hoscoll of the AS USSR of April 1, 1941, the conclusions res:.ched by the Commis- sion of the Presidium of the AS USSR on Professor G. V._Shchipanov a work "Automatic Regulation of Systems With Some Degrees of Freedom", the work itself, as well as papers resulting from the discussion there- ono The Commission established the following: The work published by Professor G. V. Shchipanov in the periodical under considerations 1939, No. 1, gave rise to a detailed discussion. By order.of tile Presidium of the AS USSR of March 4, 1940 a commission was formed consisting of Academician 0. Yu. Shmidt, Vice President of the ASUSSR, Academician S. A. Chaplygin, Academician S. L.-Sobolev, Academician Ye. Kochin, and Corresponding Member of the AS USSR N. G. Bruyevich. The conclusions reached by the CO=Isslon were discussed at the session held by them Presidium of the AS USSR on April .1, 1941. These included the particu- lar opinion of Academician V. S. Kulebakin and Academician N. N. LuO.n. Papers 1)y Acadtomiciai) 11. N~ Luzin, Academician V. S. Kulebakin, Ao G,, Card 3/5 'Information. S/103/60/021/05/13/013- 'Byuro prezidiuma Akademil nauk Soyuza SSR B007/BO11' (office of the Presidium of,the.Academy of Sciences of the USSR). Resolution of February 12, 1060p Koo 134 Moscow Ivakhnenko, B. N. Petrov, G. M. Ulanov, and others were published on this subject in the following years. The meeting under discussion wad held on October 16 to 20, 1958 in Kiyev. It had been convened by the Otdeleniye tekhnicheakikh nauk kkaaemii nauk USSR (Department of Technic- al Sciences of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR), Kiyevskiy gorodskoy's-3- min'ar (Kiyev Municipal Seminar), and Institut elektrotekhniki AN USSR (Institute of Electrical'Engineering of the AS UkrSSR). In their reso- lution, the delegates referred to the necessity of working out methods of compensating disturb&nc68 and of-.further delveloping the principle of~ invariance. On the strength of its investigations, the Cormnission states the following in its judgment: The conclusions reac4ed by tie Commission in 1941 are right, but the.statement of the principal mistake contained in the work by G. V. Shchipanov "Condition of Compensation" is too.gene,r- al and, therefore, inexact. His principal mistake Nvaz not to have formu- lated the said condition, but to have applied it to the calculation of G~rd, V5 Information. S110316010211051131013 Byuro prezidiuma Akademii nauk Soyuza SSR B007/BO11 (Office of.the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR). Resolution of February 12, 19600.~No. 134, Moscow such a class of control systems as do not allow the use of compensation: conditions. The "Compensation Condition" or "Invariance Condition" for- mulated by Professor G. V. Zhchipanov led to a new mathematical relation which can be successfully applied when projecting a determined class of dynamic systems. With reference to the inaccurate formulation of the 1941 resolution, it is recommended that an article be published in'one of the technical periodicals to make it clear in which cases the prin- 71 ciple of invariance can be used, and in which cases it is not admissible, ASSOCIATION: Byuro prezidiuma Akademii nauk Soyuza SSR (Office of.the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences. ;of the Union SSR) 38o88 3/040/62/026/003/011/020 D407/D301 AUTHORS; Barenblatt, G.Iat and Ishlinskiy, A.Yu. (Moscolv) TITLE; On the impact between a viscous-plastic 'bar and a rigid .PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika,, v. 26, no. 3, 19062v 497 - 502, .TEXT: The im-pact- problem is formulated and an effective approximat- solution is obtained. A bar of finite length, made of incompressible viscous-plastic material, moves along its axis and hits at the Mo- ment t = 0 a rigid obstacle. It is assumed that the stresses, velo-, cities, etc. are averaged over the bar-section. The relation bet- ween the mean stress a and the strain-rate bv/Sx, is 6v (/Cy/ 0,0 - = 0 0 iCard S10401621026100316111020 On the impact between a viscous- D407/D301 where cro is the critical stress and is the viscosity coefficient.,-. .At t -;- 0 0 the pattern of-motion is as follows; The elasti 0 distur- bances travel instantaneously through the entire bar whichis.divi- ded into 2 regions: the viscous-plastic regiont where the critical stress is exceeded and viscous-piastic flow occurs, acid the rigid. region, where the critical stress is not exceeded and the bar-move s -like a rigid body. At the moving boundary between these two regions which has to be determined in the solution of the problem, the*stres- ses and velocities are continuous. The velocity satisfies, in-the, viscous-plastic region, the heat-conductivity equation 6v 2 d2v 2 11 a a (0 '-:c x -::-~ X (t) 2 0 ax The equation of motion of the rigid region reduces to dv 0(t) 010 (1.7) dt r- -7 pL1 xo(t The initial and boundary conditions are also.set-up..Thus, the prob- Card- 2/5 3/040/62/026/003/011/020 On the impact between a viscous. ... D407/D301 lem amounts'to determining the functions v(xp .t), v (t) and x (t),, 0 0 satisfying the above equationsp i.e. to the problem of the moving boundary for the heat-oonduct-ivity equation, which does not lead to .a viell-known boundary-value problem. Dimensionless va-.6iables are in- troduced v(x, t) x Xo(t) r = a2t uo(T) = v0(t) u vo SO 121 Vo, (2,.1) Eas. (1-3)t (1.7) and the boundary conditions are used for obtain- ing the system d)U a2u (2.2) w, 's " Ed M (2.31) U [to (T), Tj Uo (T), U [j0 (T), Tj 0,~ U(O,'r)=O (V>0) (2-4) where s is Saint-Venant's parameter. An approximate solution -to sys- tem (2.2) - (2-4) is obtained on the basis of von-K6rman-Poh1hauserft method of boundary-layer theory. Thereby the function u(g, r) is.- :approximated~ by the formula ~Card 3/5 ---------- - ....... S/040/62/026/003/011/020 On the impact between a viscous ... D407/D301 200 (V) (T) (0 i if M) to (Y) to, (T) U0 (r) (to (YK i < 1) It is required that the function (3-1) satisfy Bq'. (2.2) in the mean i.e. an integral -Cormula obtained from (2.2). From this formula, in conjunction with (2-3~, it-is possible to obtain the approximate solution. New variables are introduced: p = uo ('r) q go 2 (,r). (3-5) 8 Thereupon one finally obtains 12(1 "VT) + (3. 8) dp p This equation is investigated graphically. The following qidit-ative conclusions were reached: The viscous-plastic region expanas a"L., the begiraiing of the motion, until it reaches a maximum; then it decrea- ses and finally vanishes. In all the cases, a certain part of the bar,adjacent to the free boundary,.remains unde-forraed. Dq general, Caxd~ 4/5 S/040/62/026/005/011/020 On the impact between a viscous- D407/D301 the integral formula obtained, requires numerical integration. The results of the integration are plotted for various values.of Saint- Venant's parameter s. Ylit-h large s, it is possible to give the solu- tion explicitly. Formulas are obtained for the inost im-oortant -oara- meters: the inaximum value of the viscous-plastic region and the to- Ual time of motion. The obtained approximate formulas yield satis- .L.actory results with s ~:-2 already. The function f("-) is plotted (for various s), representing the changes in the shape of the bar after impact. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Inst-itut mekhaniki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni-. versiteta (Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State Uni-., versity) - SUBIMITTED: February 15, 1962 3 6,; Oh S/020/62/144/004/006/62it FOO B172/BI12 7 AUTHORSs Ishlinskiyo A. Yu., Academician, and Barenbiatt, G. I. TITLEs Collision of a Viscoplastic rod with7a~s;olid~obbtaole PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk 585R. Doklady, v. 144,:no 4, 1962, 734-737;1 TEXT: The authors first show that the impact problem of a~rod consisti4 of viscoplastic material, when considered.quasi-unidimensionally (i.e. veraged over the cross section), can be described by the equation of a heat conduction. Here, unlike in the classical problems of mathematicali- physical the boundary to the dom in of solution is independent of time. a By aformulation based on the Kfirmfin - Pohlhausen method of the boundary:. :layer theory the problem is reduced to solving an ordinary differential equation. This formulation is such that instead of the differential -equation a corresponding integraA relation is s6iisf ied. For very small -.:-and very high values of the Saint - Venant. number a closed! integration of.'. the equation is possible6 The results of numerical e4alualionsand';P~f qualitative:oonsiderations-are set out in several diagrams:.~ Finally it!. is shown how~the-ohanges in~the i3hape-of,the rod can be calculated from Card 7a; PHASE I BOOK 4XPLOIr, TIONI SOV/6421 IV lshlinskly,. Aleksandr Yullyevich Mekhanika giroskopichesifth. sistem (The MI ch'sn'ics bf G*ros, In c ..-Moicow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 482 pe 00 c9pii i R riAted Sponsoring. Agencr. Akademiya nauk SSSR. teMnicbewifth nAuX nly I % SI!, rjb~ub I* Ch Ed. of Publishing House: L. V. Kudryavtiel m; Te 0.1 t P.Ps PURPOSE. This book is ititended'for en and es ed iwith,-.!i,- gners4con u e of problems of guiftnce ajid stabilitAtion by' u Co 8; COVERAdE-- The b6ok coveis the theory 'of 02cc Pi a te d t e.,pricticav:`w:. g~( IY-91 application of gyrosco*z in guidance and a lliz~t ystp I treats::,;, a b . Tin a gyroscope ve ica 8, gyro - stabilized.. platforms'. 1 ros Dir. bnat gyroq,: j.., Cara ll~ t 0 1- 71 - v -tin he Mechanics. of Pyrox6opic Systems J.. WV1642~. t gyro stabilization, the effects of a ructu r4 1 i0 efor rilitioniof. gyr9sco 9 pe and their suspensions, 4he analysis of errb . in gyro dnatru mIentati6n., . it - 1 i. .. linear and nonlinear gyroscope systems, .. . the the ry of s'!ervo systems~ No personalities are mentioned. There a ' ' 4 refer 'ces, 'of4hich 73 -are--Sbvf6t'. (fili-cluding, 2 ranslations from Y t n n ; . oh and I frDMC;i anL n ABLE OF CONTENTS:, if 1 if Preface, 3!" Ch. 1.,'Geometry and, Kinematics Of Gyros L-i. Geometry of a giiabal suspension. Dot mining ti e r 9 angles and the course: of a ship. Gimb I error. I gimbal suspension 2'. On the reciprocal :rotation of two stabil #e d during rolling-of a ship, :21 L 3. Stabilization errors caused by the inacl u m ~t ii ikemb] CY of giinbal suspensions (geo~netry of two 4 ei-gunbal I oubl 'suspensions) 28. tard,2/7 KIJLE13kKIN, V.S~,, akadernik,, otv. red.; PETROV, B.N.j, akademik, otv. red.; BODNER, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; VORONOV, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; IVAMMKO, A.G., red.; I I AIKIYJ'A.Yu akademik, red.; KOSTYUK, O.M., kand. :e. F.T'0."HRASSOV,, I.N. 9 kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;. n KUNTSEVICH, VX.., kand. tekbn. nauk, red.; KUKHTENKO,A.I., red.; RYADOV, B.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SDIONOV, N.I., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; UIANOV, G.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; FEDOROV, S.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; TSYPKIN, Ya.Z., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; CHINAYEV, P.Lp kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KRUTOVA, I.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; RUTKOVSKIY, V.Yu., kand. tekhn. nauk, red, [Invariancy theory in automatic,control systems; transac- tions] Teoriia invariantnosti v sistemakh avtomaticheskogo upravleniia; trudy. Moskva, Na~ka.. 1964. 5UP. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po teorii invariantnosti i. yeye primeneni7u v avtomaticheakikh ustroystvakh. 2d, Kievp 1962. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Ivakhnenko, Kukhtenko). Card 2t 2 ....... .... . . L 15633-65 Ewr(i) ACCESSION JFR: AP4049123 LIS: insiciyp A. Yu. (Academiclian)~ AU7.201 -Arj~~argellskiy. Yu. A..; Ishl TITLE: New particular solutions to the problem o f Va-ff of ._q so~,,IA_~Eqyy_ bo arotnnd a f ixed point SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*9 v. 1s 19641 36-38 TOPIC TAGS: solid body, Euler equation, motion ABSTRACT: The author studies Ak (C B) qr Mg(yat' dt pqr x4gi F subject to r. large ,r.41-0- 1;-~ 11 (Pz* + q0 < (a9 2 (A-CI(B-C) Let Cd - AB He gives conditions for periodic solutions whdn ci 1/2 4MA1 relates them to the Euier angles. He applies his results to the Y4ovalevskiy-4sei. Orig. art. has: 8 formlas. Card 1/2 d L 15633-65 ACCESSIO-19 NI: IP4049123 ASSOCTATIOT-ii- Nloskovskiy gomd%rstvenrty,*y uh:Lv~rattot Lodonaamra CMAm0*1 State University)- .~~3 "1 514-6-5 ACCESSION HR S/0000/641000/00010056/0064 IJP(c) G3 AWROR: IshlLnskfy A. Yu. (Acrademician) TITLE: Me ideas of the theory of invarlance and inertial ~4yi -q.~ 11~ L -AVOL SOURCE: Vseaoyuznoye soveshchaniye pa tearti.invariantnosti i yTye primeneniyu v m -avtomaticheakikh aLstemakh. -2d, Kiev, 1962. Teoriya invarEautnast' v sista. alki --hesko- avtomatfc (Theory of invarLance in automatic control systevs); trudy soveshchani-a. Moscow, Jzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 56-64 TOPIC TAGS: invariance, self regulating system, control tboory, $Yrascope, e rth satellite, automatic control system, inertial navigation a ABSTRACT: This is a review article dealing with the basic. concqpts of the theqry of invarLance as pertains to automatic central systems, Chat is, systems in, uhich perturbations impinging on the system are automatically cmpensotted for. T.56! basic ideas are illustrated using the case of a pendutum, both ueglectiog and coristddring the curvature of the Earth. This example is then appLied to the problem of inertial navigation of a satellite'as illustrated ia Fig. t of the Encloaute. The object in the figure is assumed to be traveling.along a great circle of tho! Earth. Frow,the point of view of the theary of tavartance, the compennatime Card 1 2/1 I I SH LI NSUY , A . Yu . ( Fiyljv ) ; , G, i I. ( Kiyu-v ) Impact of a viscoplastic rod on a rigid obstacle. Prikh mekh. 1 no.2:1-9 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Institut matematiki All Uki-SSR I Kiyevskiy irtzhenerno-stroi- tellnyy institut. FELIFOR) Dmi-trI7 Sergeyrovich. PrinimaIJ ichastiye: KOLOSOV, Yu.A., kand. tekhn. nauki-SUK&ROKOV, N.P., aspirant; ,SHLINSKIY A Yu,, akademik retsenzent; MIKILUM, I.A., ka;-dT. ~te nauk, prof,p nauchn, red.; SUVOROVAj I.A.V red, [Theory of giroscopic stabilizers3 Teoriia giroskopiche- skikh stabilizatorov. Moskval Maohinostroenie, 1965. 347 p. (MIRA IW2) FEDORENKO., N.P., akademik; SUKAUEV, V.N., akademik; KARAKUYEV, K.K.; MINK, G.M.; KOBSTANTINOV, B.P., akademik; ASTAUROV, B.L.; YEFMOV, A.K.; SHUMILOVSKIYI N.N.; IS_ SKIX,,.Aj4,p aMdemik; GERASMOV, I.P., akademik; KAZARNOVSXIY, I.A.; BYXHOVSKIY, B.Ye., akademik; ZHEBILIK, A.R., akademik Discusaion of the annual report. Vest.AN SSSR 35 no.3:95-112 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Prezident AN Kirgizakoy SSR (for Narakeyev)o 20 Chleny-korres- pondenty AN SSSR (for Frankp Astaurovp Yefimovp Kazarnovskiy). 3, AN Kirgizskoy SSR (for Shumilovskiy), 4, AN BSSA (for Zhebrak). L '~, 0 26' 6 EEO- 2/27WIT (d ) /F'SS -?-/EEC W _2154G; (v) /E M-2/9WA ( c Pn-4/Po-V 7J30 ~6_ _4/Pk_4/Pl_4 BG /Pq Pg ACCEW10K MR: AP501M7 UR/oogo/65/161/006/1291/1~94 i AUTHOM lshUnskiy, A. YU. (AcaAemician) T M. Z, :Coacerning one mechanical analogy of gyroscopic wtm'vW#&r vith elewnta that hwre elastic compliance souRcv-. An sm. Douad,,r, v. i6l., no. 6. 1969, 1a91-i29k TOPIC T=- gyroscopic utabilization system, elwMo ecMVIA,ance, sitability ama- ABSTRACT: It is pointed out that the equations of motion, of a gyroscopic stabll- izer, which are usually based on the assumptlon that the stabilizer elements a:~e absol~lteLy rigid, lead in some caces to incorrect values of ratural ftequenciet of the s7stem and to erroneous conclunions, concerning its stability, Unless th! elae.1c compliance of the Qrroscope suamension and of the minchaniaml trwimrlasLonz in the ~.7--,stabillzer are takert into account. Equations of motion exe derli,qd vit)- &LIowunce for the comp-li&nce of the gy-roscope rotor bearingn, in -~he rpuljaL direc4,lin arA of the reduction-gear teeth (other compliancea are rm;jch am&Unz ind !Card 10 L 505a(-6.5 AWMION NR-. AP5032757 are neglected). We reducen the, aroacopic system to an qgregdta c)f row, Ott- solutely rigid bodies (gyroscope rotor, gyToscupe case, outeft glAbal of the: stlq- pension, Lnd rotor of the dr~vlng motor). A mechaaictLl analog of ituch a gyro- scot,ic FTy~tpm Is used to derive. a set of eauatiorts of mot~an, 1rhe origI.n&l scopic stibilizer vand itis mt-cheaiical analog w-!-- sho~m in Tig. I (,.f the Frcl.mitre. An approximate equation nis obtekinr-d, under the assuraption thiLt the ocsciLlations of the Urasca-pir stu~otllzcr cbajWe little, Tran wtvich it is noia- sib-Ir! ',c F--.timatc the stiibl-lity of ff:Tstem witbo-ut a pre."!-Millil-rr ana.4sts of the total se,~ of its eqvations. Orig. art. han- LI IlTures ELnd formulas. ASSOGTATIONt hone suamm: 2wan65 No MP WVI 001 ENOL: 01 OTMt 000 MB CCOR: WS M, Ain PMISOGOT v L 0907,147 - ~-`NT (d) 1JP (c) ACC NRi SOUIC 6 GODE,-3 URA44/66/000/003/000.1 /0008- AP6030805 AUTHOR-. Ishlinskiy, A. Yu* (Moscow) 119 ORG: none TITLE: On the azimuthal mismatch of two Cardan joints SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal. Hekhanika tverdogo, tela, no- 31, 1966, 3-8 TOPIC TAGSs trigonometry,, motion mechanics ABSTRACT: The trinonometric relationship between two Cardan joints are studied in 'Y order to obtain the azimathal mismatch between them and to calculate the relative angle of rotation of the rings connected by these joints. It is assumed that the system carrying the two rings (an outer ring and an inner ring) is moving relative to the object whose azimuth is to be determined. It is shown that the mismatch aN:18 can be given 0. 3inr C05V*3i11'(*- 3in.V*- Cos.# C06,# where is the angle of rotation of the internal ring relative to the outer, vid 0 is the angle of rotation of the outer ring relative to the system. The above expression is then given in terms of three independent parameters,, cost is coal coal, 1e + 2cos IL cam le am T ma - Card 1/2 Wn P lick., 1W.- L 09073-67 AC~: Rt AP6030805 Where and the remaining angles are shown on Fig, le A rr Fig* 1 e J4 Orig. arto'hast 30 equations and 5 figureag' SUB GODEr 20/ SUBM DATEs l9Xar66/ ORIG REFt 001 mechanisms Card 2/2