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ARTYUSHIN,Y..F.; SHUBINAp Me.; ANTONOVj S,,M.1 KIRILT4Vp X.I.; ~MTANI A.Tu.; MIKOBRA, V.V.; F A"Iwvv jq,~kand, takht6nmikp redo; ftlYp A.A.0 V"Of- V.A., tekhn. red, (Color pho+~ograpbyl TSvetanaia fotografiIa%!Ixd,2,#,ispri i Pod red, I.A.1ofisa. Mon)MR, IskusetI60 1904 228 pe (UtLliotaka fotoliubitolia, no.13) (MIW160) (Color photograpby) BARINOVO L.V.) GEODAKOVI A.I.; GRINEVICHp G,Ya.; IOFIj~.,,-XeA*r-kand* tekhn. nauk; MWORMAN, P.H.j IAPAURI, AJ-.j-'RifJMIKQV,, I.B.; PANFILOV, N.D.; PELLIp V.G.y kand, takhn# D&Ukp PEMIK) A.G.; POIZANSKIr" N.N.; POPOV, A.N.; SLONOV3, A'G.P ROV, ~ SO G, SHASHLOI) B.A.1 TELEII*W~ A.No. red#,, MALEXp Zotlav tpkbno redo [Manual for the amateur-photographer) Spravoabi4k fotoliubitelind Pod obshchei red. H.A.1ofisa i V.G.Pollia. Moskva, Iskusetvo 1961. 530 P. (11W 15:71 (Photoogby-Handb9oka, manuala,'Otc.)~ ~ I (cameras) YAKCVIEV, Mikhail Fedorovich IOFIS Ye.A.0 kand, teWin. naulc, red.; FOMINO A.A., red.; .(Repair of camerae]Remont fotoapparatov, Fodjred. B.A.1oftmo; Moskva# Iskusetvop 1962. 191 p. (Bibliotooka totoliubitelia no.29) ~ (MIU 1,") t 10) (Cameras.-Maintoonance emd repaix) IOFIS,,,.X~_vae,v,AOqMXIch; MERDETSKAYA, N.N., red.; FODSHEBYAKIN, I.N., tekhn. red.; SHEBALIM, G-Yji., takhn. red. [Photography manual for school students] Fotograflia dlia shkollnika. 2. isd.j, perer. i dop. Moskvnj,.IokuOiatvo, .1963. 140 P. . (HIM: 16:9) (Photography-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) BARINOV, L.V.; GEODAKOV, A.I.; GRINEVICH, G.Ya.;jPFTq,je.A., kand. tekhn. nauk,- KRIMERMAN, P.M.; LAPAURI, A.A.; MINENICOV, I.B.; PANFIIDV, N.D.; PBUI, Y.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; PERTTSIK, A.G.; POLYANSKIY, N.N.j POPOV, N.A.; SMKONOV, A.G.; SUROV, S.G.; SHAS=Vp B.A.; TETMIXV. A.N.j red. (Budbook for the amateur photographer] Spravocbnik fo- toliubitelia. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskvaj, Iskusstvo. 1964. 472 p. (Him 18311) OF6 .0 USSR/Microbiology Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics. F-2 -,Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 31 19581 9844 Author Klelmer) G.I., loffo, R.I. Inst Title C!=,Y~-~ns for Obtaining High Activity of Strain 111 ew hybrid" (Preliminary Comminication). Orig Pub Antibiotiki, 1956, 1, No 6, 14-18 Abstract The productivity of a strainl!lnew hybrid" vas studied, vhich forms,,on Moyer and ICokWll nedium with phenylacetamide (0.1%) in flasks on roAerq:' culti- vations up to 4000 penicillin units per ml mder!condi- tions of experimental fermentors. Aerati=of the cultu- res had the determining effect on fungus productivity. Sup_ply of air oxygen to the culture depended basically on the intensity of mi YJ ng. In mixing air at 'a: speed of 320 rpm the medium,did not showthe presence of, dissolved oxygen; at the end of fermentation the medium cointained Card 1/2 WSR/Microbiology - Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics. F-2 /Abs Jour ReC Zhur Biol.0 No 3, 19581 9844 8Q6 Of the predecessor (substratit ?). in Mixing; air at a Speed of 420 rpm the oxygen concentration consisted of 20-25% during 36 hours of cultivation; byj Ithe cadIof fer- mm.itation the predecessor (substrate ?) vsp~l completely utilized. Under conditions of lower aeration (1 volume of air to 1 volume of medium per minute) in mixing with a speed of 320 rpm the activity comprised 2238 units per mi. Under conditions of the highest aeration studied (1 volu- me of air to I volume of medium per minute) in mixing with a speed of 420 rpm,.the maximal activity obtained was 4225 units per ml after 132 hours of fermentation. Card 2/2 MY=, G.I.; Joyo. stimxIation of penicillin fOrMtIOn in ft stra'n Of renicillium chrynogenm by compounds of blyaleat sulfur- Antiblotiki 4 no.4:24-29 Jl-A9 '59. (MIDA 12:32) 1. RishOdy 2&vod Reditainskikh PrOW&tOve (P=iCILLIUK pharnacol) (SUMM pharmcol) (PSNICUMN metab) ---LEVITOV--M.-M.--MNNERj~--G.~-I.7;-GMVTSWA)-Vi.-A.-;-ZAVIL&Y.I.q' AYA)--G- F.;- KRAPOVSMA ) K. L; YUDINA,, 0. D. "Penicillinacylase production by escherichia coli in kelation to cultiV .stion c9nditions. report, submitted for Aftibiotics Gong, Praguq'15-19 J*un All-Union Sci Res Inst of Antibiotics, Moscow, & Plwt for Production cf Medicinal Products, Riga. I.; rLEYIER , G. 1. Effect of fats on penicIllin production. Antibiatiki 8 no.8.- 684-089 A 163. (Mll 9 Ilk 27SO 1. Rtzhskiy zavod meditsinskikh preparatovo USSR/Eagineerint; Construction Industry BIBliograpby hn 48 "Soviet Technical Periodicals" 2 Pp "Stroi Prom No Reviews technical periodicals, among other: 11. K. Chayk~ls "Production of Tower Cranes for Residential Construotionop" I, M. lij IoEreri--li rfobi '(I-, nMechanization of Limestone Unloadingpll D. S Suspens-fon Cabla-wiziy~,e PA 43/49T42 FREYLIKH, Grigoriy Zabranovich; 10G, 111kolay Gi3orgri7evivh; SWIKO PG. S. , red. (Chan-ael-dredging fleet] Dnoliglubitellriyi flot. Ho- sk-va, Transportj 1964. 298 p. (MIRA 18:1) IOGI V.I.~ inish.; BEMMVICHp.I.N.,,.tekhnik Conversion of the.elidtricalsystem of 4 w64he fdrAissessablirg: and aaseqb1ing molds, in large-pannel housinj4b~asta~uctlon enterpriBles. Promoonerg, 18 no.ItI?-l9IJa 0.63,. (MMA 16 (Precast concrete,oonstruction) BUYANOVO V,T,; SHKOLY&RgffKO,, K.D;lOGj_V.I.j Berewichp.rm. Conixerning V.I. log and LNG Baresovich's &~ticli Omwnge In! the eletArical netvork of a saabine for disamssibUng,andIamombl:ing premat fortai in large-imel construation ot dftllJmgo.w prmo anarg. 19 noe W-45 J064 (MIRA 17e/) Munn D-3 'US, cular Ehysion Strtisti Category R/Atolnic and Mole Thormodynamics. 1,bs Jour Ref Zhur Fizikat No 3, 1957, No 6269 V. Luthor NosraeYanov, A.N.19 Joao B.Z.,. Strellnikovi. jj. A., 'Firsov, nt of the Fresoure-of Saturated Vepor of Solid Title Neauureme T." Un+$InA A11-- - *I,- n~.V' Abe Jour I Rof Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, No 3204 Author : logrnovskiY Irzhi Inst :N-ot--Mvan Suscoptibility During Experi- Title :Intorrolrtion of IrmunitY ^nd in-ontrl Strplqococcrl Infection. Oriz Pub tOhokhosl. mod. obzorso 1956t 20 No 3j 2)2-24T Abstrrct Nornri rcbbit, rnd those iminunizad with'5 woo-kly in actions r of strphylococarl rn,toxin rnd oc lier (for ~-3 or ~-6 months) inoculctions of P snpil doso (1/20 rald)"of a s~,~phylococcut infected with r strrin of staPhYlOdoe Us (S) Wood-46 waro -X, a strrin which produces rirny - -toxins, or with the loss toxi. 217. In thoirmunized rnd infoctod r!,bbitsi distinct phen- omonr waro noted of - air-ilrr degree of:i=wAty in both' groups, rnd of increpsod sensitivity end roretion In su.bse- quont infections. In comprrison with control vnimrls, th.o Cnrd l/P Crrd 2/2 USSR/Gonerri Probion, Of P-thology. Prthophysio, of InfOction, the Process U-2: Abs Jour R Of Zhur Biol,, No 7o 19589 NO 32404 brctorirl contont aTer, thei of loucocytas 11cs inor r r..)si lysis WN) otrongl-henod; in tOr-sed In vitro; how- stencu Of tho rythrocyt., h6- d'-OPpod, but than to the stn'~ b0ginning the toxin ,"ntigan I incrorsed- skin test, Phloc~O:Corl -fare estcbl4 for the strph Ishod ns positive. c fctrl dose Of S YICCOCC-rl bits di .4 the irmunized rnd pr After in ad orrlior -nd more often than t ovious oculPtion with rrb- 71though the z, he ly. rom t rol rnbbits, in the forr -icrobes disrPperred f cant he blood rnd organ, -or frster thrn in the control "nimpl.. In m~ Is I tho nt-m'hbich 8"0 " Positive skin rercti,n~ some rni- or Of s,ukocytos Of the lrtor typal. inoeul Of the blood droppod -tiOn- The course Of the infactio sh"PlY 'ftor n (f-vorrblo or Poor) did not depend on the degree of expression Of tj- or rntiraicrobe Llechrnisrls. X rntitoxic~ Only during c Poorer ariginnI in- fOction vnd r 8r,rt intorvrl bOtwoon two inf I-'ttor proceed more arsily. Octirns did the ,-IQGMOW, &low "d=Aiftloan-d-rovich; LTUSTIBIRG,, V.F., inoh.0 v*d. red.; SOKOLOV, I.D.,, in-sF.,, red.j SOADKINA, TA,, (800 timer calibrator]Sekundomer-ka3-ibmtor tip.0t 800~ Moskyag Filial nauchn. i tekhn.informataiij ~958*~: 17 p. *d(IM3 -tilme W 16t"n Ila" to M 6w to tltw~ immoM is c". by KlyashoiLk's: miload JC.A. 36, OW) with coats. diffetiong lrorn~ Mcpsma(C.A.49,11P). TiortemillsorrialmnlWw- nwat wilk the ampts. al la"th (C.A. as. lbasab Rank and Van Horm ICA. 40. IW44) mW wit mproduct , cof L's rosults. ailtmuda, salwom "pw p at, blow *.Wks=$ cit-Ce. M. V. Tflichtev arki V. I Isr. Fis. KUM. S. to, 100. and Too mm. jig p MCI alkd. I- tba 18-4mumme cantg. 11-W C at, *am the O*Wift lag P A - lot (C + 0)), wbwe P is is =a. A, a. old c we 00"u. th" d"mw oil 1% isiberAd...CoJiubrAac&d.b.p.041PM. %'bkmwe. fil A (C,A. 49.11301) famd 40 exPil. VAW Of C.Ji.Md ftW. b.p.,A 11 On'dalke'. Out Yaws (CA.23.=U) kvwdtbe#&mtol*3ll4byvxpt., Pool W. Ilawatan tur"blea -Vapor--P.L ess 9; 24 Qjcanee," K. D. Tiliche~ev A. ~10L -1-1. .1 . . ~ - - ------------ ------ -- --- ------- ,U' Fi 'Viol XXV, No 11, W 1295,1299 By-~'graphia d f0wxd'd!oi~dwnce of difference betwen normal 'bp of n-alftnes andL co=espwdi4 15A- W -:vf CV.1ato=. iiiiie 7~ -'0 7------- -7 ~Q b**IcW= series, unifornly for hig~ier allmne 06~thia baols, caled normal b -tqrLC -0-C- _1 L7t. _bp d#ferent pressures of, individual 2-methylalkaws -Czr~-no of Catoms (.this is appli6able to othei~ bpoolegous zertee). Starting from- thir depep4wnee; mjA trom caled values of normal bp,. it vus POO- i"le for.tIM lat.tIM to of $&td vapor YMON on temp cq-c 2-methylalkanes. 24 CFi4-7 n0-17-N42- ~J) 10T13 UM/dheiistry Fuels, ~21 Dec "Refroative IndLms of ligber' A.~- '-V-7 "DOk Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol L=cE, wo 6P lo77-1oTq :Tbe rerractive indices of the norml bydrocarboxw-- at ")0-.!.,- tm. Z13 to C20 wax caref0ay-measured L -30Y imickoxii (Na D Line), 656.3 mi 111 ml crons (Na C.: Lins) .-A 331 4 a ons (-rm. F Li=), miliicrcnw*a-- row Mere detd down to the 5th place and a graph drimn shoving the a tr Ight Jim relationsbiV bet~re6z~`~ lr.,Ii~ive inclex and 1/x~ vhere N is the mmbir Of I CwbCm Ltc= in the byarocarbon. 21=5 B9 if - TWI'M'- .1,-V.- - - - --- - --- - - ---- - -- - ---- - - -- -- - -- -- - --- - -- ---- - 2. ~600) 4. Spectrophotometer 7, Spectrophotometric meaw-irements. Dokl. AN SSSR 87 no. 4. 1952. Discusses in a general form the effect,of Various degree's of monochromati3m, of emission on measurementa of absorption spectri Der .ives formlas for computation of discussed effect* Presented by Acad G. S, Landsberg 4 Oct 52, 256TiO8 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Eah"111= 1953.14classifled. Tj- !t I" determIntag thii in h-t-'; M'thod Sp p f temiti. lidth d1aft 1 0 a y 191, jj!.j)j(jl%ktl 6AM(I M U.S IOU rmcrry Cemint. NSF-tt-215,4 .'MI14 S'S'S-R' prvilcal dilil. of the jittcqWdral 0aractutistics ~A~ itih- ,rul dnlr- sorice froln the observel daUt ttm actelinth's ttvatel %vtre ilitpn,;ity Of tht MAI., filtill titill ividth of itit bmid. znd 11i Jntrs*ta(td intensity, Ifirty Ltta~~ IOGANSEN, A. V. "Methods of Calculating the Effect of the Resolving Capacity of a Monochromator and Some Results of Their Applica tion.0 Cand Chem Sci, Moscow Order of Lenin State U imeni. M. Va lownosovj 19 Noy 54. (VMp 9 Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended~at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (32) SO: SUM* No*521, 2 Jan 55 US5F/ Cheatistry - Spectraecopy Card 1/1j. Pub. 43 - 37/62 Authora Qimina# K. r,; Iopmen, A. V.; and Siryuk, A. 0. Title CApplication of infrared spectroscopy to the study of petroleum products PelriOdU&l 2 Izv. AU SSSR. Ser. fiz. 18/6, page 707, Noy-Deo .1954 Abstrat t E=eriments were conducted to deterkne the apj)Ucab~lity of tba groliap struc- tural analysis according to infrared absorpt~Loxl spectra to the studr of gaso- lines, kerosenes, oile and tarry substances (poitrolelai products). it was deteruinea -.nat infrared spectroscopy can find broal: &,ppLlcatian .11 '-he Is of petrolourns in a wide range of moleouiar voeiLghtzq Jpe,-troscopy aria y3 offera per-apoctives in the study of sLwp~,e ~jpdxocarbon trian "ne quz~ntitativu analyn-is metnod. Institution : Central Institute of Aviation Fuels and Lubrimets Submitted : I LL! A-l!i Wa../ Ptqtsics - Spectral analyeis Card 1/1 Pub. 43 - 39/62 Authe= tIog&nsen, A. V. Utle IStudT of the o5cillation apectrum of the vWJ qroup amd its Gman,14tative determination in hydrocarbon mixtures Periodical iIzv. AN 355R. Ser. fiz, 18/6# 708-709, Nov-Deo 1954 Abstract iThe infrared absorption spectra were investigatod fo .1-aUcenes, retinging from C o C, and C, By calculating the reaa;.vinj, power of Ow m0nocl),Lrom- :*8316~e to determine the intenfr-ty, arc vl-itl. cl' Ine ',6;-,-.3 'or* ttic hydrocarbons tested, ':'1,e ajlrt-o~: cf jr,..~c-.ra 1! !:~onsidei,wi nighIy viitarlf~ ii.19o Ior ~tKer 9spec-'a-y for nign rjo-lecu]Aar ones (syntnetliz mocer, references ~'SA ano, I USSR (1949-1953). Graph. Institution : Jentral Institute of Aviation Fuels and Lubrioanta Submitted t too.. l,~ Ow 34tv H r "a 8""K S"Pto"AT10M x V6040rignato N*v.slwhw C a Y'r-Y& Nook rosj,,-,pjX, I,. ya PO lP#ktr*jkcpLj. t~ if rr" I APOrs Of theiloth AII~Vgon -To LF p to sorlsaw"J"to unly-ti, 1951. 499 bn)sdppy) as ft'7*h.*y b ryk.; '*.4gogo doples Additlow Spans* spolotrookopii ACOA078 Akdeady, AN ,Tdlt ri . .1 Ollor, 44-1 TOO 4k Sam. ."0 M Burdt UM&t*rg U 3 - Rd4l 34-rarquic T, 'Y'a Po rant. 3.S., D"to I - .. A04dowle1#4 (ma r *- "Wgie&j And QthaaAUO:?. 14.p* D*oes4ftd). tar or nWotul and Xallh, $41onage, A* $.!I- URU043 3al*wag ;I top or ftlical Cawidate 0*r * -0 anudatq Of am "Itt"04t1cal allinass Candidate Of rjqaloal 4rd X, Too-~clldal 341sues m4rld "MUNKU041 satoa"'~ a.m., Candidate or nWfl'&l And wAthalmuca sounadvi Y-1. A. To.. Caft"dWoloal Aw mathematical a" milly-Ohmi, V.S:' or nwelou A. me* *AGO* and clubsaa M-ft, - "M on, of Be law" t Z"111. Tha r V%br*tl*W 'o"atri Q' 849M Ar..tfou"Urt And M--taklys V.D., &Ad IS M. y ColvQatlaft or Ab":, avoroid. 169thad flor'u' fteetra or %Sato f M~altr' conataai 4utndL*o &M &fttyler, no,N*QG, ts of A*eM�ao ad lJout'j;z r4thod $114 A.A. lt,4MA. hq,,lN&ta4 metals thi lkaxw- in the zz;=nj.:~.cotL*4 CoNst"t, at fflal"sUlFs L.D. UNG Visa of A me"W41- Xvd,I WIta awr"OuLtIlhouduft far U. ---------------------- 81211" 60 Or Abbarbj%j met" i4 WMW""' CAN ,5 3 SOV/32-25-5-15/62 A U TH 0115 Zelensk,aya, L. G., loga La-G~~ KurkaA , G. A. TITLE; Quantiltative Determinations of tho P,rodudho of Cap.-61aclam- production on the Infra-red Spectrometer ITS-12 (Kolicile'st- vennyye opredeleniya produktov pruiiivcdstvA kaprolaktama na infrakrasnom spektrometre IKS-12) FEMIGD]CAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriyal 1959, Vol 25, Ir pp 299 - 300 (USSR) ABSTRACT; A lecture was held on this problem 4t tbo X11 Ysesqyuzn.oye soveshchaniye po apektroskopii (2:11,All-~nion confLrenc .e of Spec troscol.-,y) in Moscow in Novc:alior 1958- For aii!O.ysing several products of the caprolactam-production infra-red spectroscopy was used in tho case under disc-ozooion (Tab,'Le). The investi.-ations were carvied out 'on tbe zii(-.ctron6,,',erj IKS-12 which had an amplifior assembly FROU-18 eiectro- nic recurdinG potentiometer EPP-09.~The tet~ts vzere:6arried I out accordinr to the mothod of moaBxirijig111in point!' thusIthe value could be r.-produced with ,.in accu:vacy of 1 e'~ ig Card 1/2 Quantitative Determinations of the Prodncts of ~ sov/32-25-3-15/62 Caprolact-am-production on the Infra- red Spectrometer D.S_12 ASSCCIATION: Card 2/2 and the measiLiremonts could be accelerated. The concentration of the conponents vine graphically datermined from calib~Oa- tion curves. For determininE; cycloheiarie (I) and cyclopentane (II) tho mathod of a metallic interval Ptan dard, the method of a motallic wire aaToen'(Ref~2) was usea. Thus the content of the basic component (1) cotila be daterimint2d up to 0.4,'~o rolatively precisely as w611 as ofiall amo,,Lnts~ of the slightly aboorbable component (II) (ul-j', tc C,15c,-, ~'recise- ly). Cuvettes of 1TaC1 (liquids) and ~Iuvette~i protected b~ ., and a,,,-,re:jrI.IVe were used PlIthoro-plast (for no, ~j 0 for the tests. DuTation of the analys;_s: 15 minutee'to 1-~5 hours. There are 1 table and 2 references., Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iss~(,,dovatellokiy i. I)royektnyy in- stitut azotnoy promyshlonnosti i prodiiktoy'. ri.vz-anic~cIsIcog~o sinteza (State Soiniti`ic Research anil PlawAing Insti tiite for Indu8lury and Prudiict-o of Orga!1ir. Synthesis 5W 90T/32-25-3-IT./62, AUTHOR: Iogansen, A. V. TITLE: - of various The Determination of Open Small Chain*::- (CH ) 12 n Lengths From Infra-red Absorption Spectra (Opredeleniy6 otkrytykh tsepochek - (CH ) - razlichnoj dliny po infrakruenym 2 n spektram. poUloshcheniya) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25,,Nr 3,, Pp 302-303 (USOR) ABSTRACT: A lecture wa.~ given on this investigation at the XII V6eeoyuznoye soveshchaniye po spektroskopii (Twelfth 1 All:Union Conference of Spectroscopy) in Moscow in November 195 8. In accordance with the outer deformation oscillations of the C-H bin4ings, characteris- tic spectral bands can be observed in infra-red absorptiont spectra of saturated hydrocarbons with small - (CH !. chains ) 2 n in the range of from 720-780 cm TheInteneity and fiequ.ency of these spectral bands depend on the length of the non-ramified chains - (CH ) - in the hydrocarbon molecule and on the struc- 2 n - ture of the end radical. It was found that the chain -~(CH ) 2 n Card 112 can be subdivided: 1. - (n > 6), 11, - (n-4-~5), III. - (n-3), The Determination of Open Small Chaiiii, 2)n of Various Lengths From Infra- red Absorption Spectra IV. - (nn2), and V. - (nW1). A certain:absorption barkd,of a certain frequency, intensity, and length corresponds to each of these groups. Thus saturated hydrocarbon of. unknown atruoture can be considered a fiye-oomponOAt mixture of the structural groups I. - V. and the content of each of these groups can be determined from the infra-red spectrum. The,s.peotra of 25,in- dividual hydrocarbons were meaulAred and the structurai groups R-(CH 2)n- CH were determined from a sy'stem of equatioris. the 3 method was tested on 30 individual hyd~rocar:,bons and axtificial mixtures and thus the applicability of this, kind of determina- tion and its accuricy were proved. There are 1 table,and I Soviet refereaco. A"'30CIATION: Vsesoyuznyy naiiehno-i6uledovatellskiy:inaUtut neftyanoy promyehlennosti (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Industry) Card 2/2 5(2) POV/32-25-7-12/50 AUTHORS: Tarasovp A, It 9 Kudryartseval No Ac, loganson, A. V*9 Lulova, No I. TITLEt Automatic Analysis of Flowing Uses by Meah~s of Chromatograph KhPA-1 (Avtomaticheskiy analiz gazov v pot6ke na. khromatografe KhPA-1) PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriyaq 1959, Vol 25P Nr 7P: pp 803-805 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Ac, In collaboration with the Collective V~* Ro:Andersv Pop Frolovskiyt Ve P, Remnevt M, So Slobodkin and Ye. SO.Mulikh of the SXB of petroleum industry# an~nutomatio chromd tog3 raph - gas analyzer KhPA-4. was-designed (Flgl) for, the purp'oselof controlling the composition of San flows ih technological. processes of the petroleum retiring4'ndustiry and thq~jetioleum ehemioal industry. The device provides a thermostatil~i o1' the feeding analyzer (at temperatures abo4e room temperat~nre)q and the application of a detector of the hb&t ~qnductivity* The 10 separation columns can be sxohanged~nocorjiing t conditions of the analysis, A now col'Wan V1.1ing was useaq composed of tripolite from Zikeyev quArry) with an addition of paraffin-naphthene oil and soda. A sepaTation of the bydro- Card 1/3 carbons C 1-C4 occurs after !6 - 17 minutes and that of the 4 Automatic Analysis of Flowing Gases by Means of SOY/32-25-T-12/50 Chromatograph KhPA-1 hydrocarbons C after about 15 50minutes in col~um 1- 5 4 - 6 m long and 6 mm in dismetert filled w:ith the ab6ve'~ mentioned substanceg at temperatures 1)-~tween,40 - 200,and a flowing rate of the developing gas (altrogon) of 2 --~ 8 1/hour. Ethane-ethylene cannot be separated, 3ensitivity coefficients were determined and applied for the computition of the gas composition. The results of the analysis obtained by means of the appliame KhPA-1 were oompared to.ihos~ -of the chromatograph Frakt,.7vap (of the firm Carlo Erbe, Italy),(Table 1).,The reproducibility of the results achieved in'the analysis of industrial gases was also determined (Tabl~2). At present, a test appliance KhPA-1 is being tnetalled irk the gas fraoti.onaVIng plant of the Novo-Ufimskiy neftepererabatyva, . Tushchiy zavo,d (#ova.-Ufiwkiy Petroleum Refinery) for the automatic analyels of butane-butane fractions. The production of a test series of automatic industrial chrcmatographs XhPA_1 swill be carried out in Moskovakiy zavid KIP (Moscow Works KIP) in 1959. TheTe~are 2 figures, 2 tablesy and 2 referencest 1 of nhich is,Soriat. Card 2/3 ..12 0 Automatio Analysis of Flowing Uses by Meams of. SOV/~2_25-77 /5. Chromatograph KhPA-1 ASSOCIATIONs Vsesoyusnyy institut po pererabotks Aefts i gasa;l olucheniyu iskusetyennogo zhidko6 to~llvs All-Union Institute for the Refixiing 6f'Petroleux and Gasp f and-for the Production of Artificial Liquid Fuels) Card 3/3 TARASOV, Aleksey Issarionovich. Prininali uoluistlys; 6MU, A.T.; ZININA, K.I.; POLYAKOVA, A.A.1 XOGANSU V.: FROLOTBUT, PJo; LULOVA, N.I.j LITOTA, L.A., MUIUMA, N.A.. [Games obtained In petroleum refining and wthods'of thoir analysis] Gazy nofteparerabotki I wtody 1kh analiza. ',Moskva$ Gos.nauohno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. I gorno-toplivmol 34t-rye 1960. 222 (MIRA 1)s2) T;etroleum--Astining) AUTHOR s logansen, A.V. SOV/51-8-147/493 U renc6 'oa the TITLEs Discussion of Some of the Papers Presented at the --onf q Theory of Spactroscopla Instruments PSRIODICAL: Optika I spektrookoplya,, 1960p Vol 8, Ur I.,.,p 126 (USSR) ABSTRAM In 1953 the author (Io&anson) measured the lppara~,Ur. functions. of an IKS-11 spectrometer in the region of 1.014 IL, Using a p1lotoceltl as a receiver and limiting the alit to 0.1-~.2 of: its total hei64t. With a UP prism the follorwing apparatus -funlrtio-n' half -Adthmi, were obtained: 32 ji (alit width s 20 1~L, alit hoight h 4 1m),L 39 -A (s = 30 IL, h - 4 mm) , 47 IL - (a 20 )L, h - 30'mm) , 53 (U' = .30 )L, h = .30 mm). Since in the region beyond 311 thero is still no reliable method of measuring AVerf, It ia desirable to detGxinino AV,,ff iii the near infrared region and to extend these determinations to Pifthor wavelengths and other prisms with appropriat ,-3 corractions for' diffraction and the slit curvature. It vrould bo,wieful to establish standard bands for determination of AOerf in various resion;s of the spectrwa. For this purpose it would be net-nssary to measure absorption band parameters usin6 instrwa-zinte :-with,hl6lh ro1;ol-V1,n& power. Note. This 13 a completo tranalatiot, includIng I table. Card 1/1 ZAKHARKIN, L.I.j KORNEVA, V,V.; IOUN4EN, A.V4 AAvnj t1i S of bvdro$en cfifo-r,:d-8 -andacetJ`a,".*a~'cI;4 to,isomeric 9" cyclododecatrioneo, Dokl~AN SSSR 138 no,2111:373-3176 IV 16L'-pl. (KEPA .140) 1. Institut elemutoorganichookoy khimiJ. ASAIMIii. nauk SM6 Predstavleno akademikom M.I.Kabachaikom.. (Hydrogen chloride) (icatic a,aid) (Cyclodadecam) IOGAMN, A.Vt; KURKCHIj G.A, Study of the interaction bQtween acetyl*vo and a4vients using infrared spectrao Opte-i opektro 13 mo.4:4;80-487 0 162,t (MIRA 16:3) (Acetylera) (solvents) (SpectrW,, Infrared) KOIITORGVICHP L.M.- IOGANSEN LEVCIIENKO,, G.T.; S914114A;, D.N.; BOBRMFAp V.P.; STE V,A* Cbromatographic andpis of acetyledo hydrocarboM.'. 7m.lab.1 28 no.2:146-U8 162. (=A 1~,w I* GosudaretvamW nauchno.-iosladovatellokiy:li proyaktw institut asotnoy promyehlennooti i produktoy.organicheekogo sintezas (Hydrocarbono) (cbromatographic swayals) IOGANSENj, A.V. KMCHIO G.A.; ICOANSEN A.V. Gas-chro-tographic determination of the solubility of gages and vapors in liquids, Dokl.,AN SSSR 145 no,5#W85-1088 162. (MIRA 15 s 8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i pr*yvktnyY institut, asotnoy promyshle,~nosti i produktoV orgmicheskogo sintesa. Predstavleno akadomikon M.M.Dabininym. (Gases) (Solubility) (Gas ohrmatography), -jQQA&9Fap-A,,,V.; BROUN,, E.V. Structuralp-group analysis by infrared aboorpUon isfectral determination of methyl groups in saturated hydrodarbons and alkyl benzenes. Trudy Kom.anal.khim. 13067-379 163., 1. VsGsoyuxn4 ~auchno-isolsdovatellskiy institut pIo pererabotIce nefti i gasa i polucheniyu iskusetvennogo zbjdkogo top4ft. (Hydrocarbons--Absorption spectra) (Methyl groAp) (Benzene darivatives) 3DlUxj A.G.~ OG 'Qpantitad determination of aromatic rings in be4vy "-Iietraleum. products according to the infrared~absorption spectrum. Trudy KomanA1-khJm,-2,3j393---IW 163. 04MA .16:5), 1, VosooyuzW nauchno-issledovatellskiy institutpo pirerabdtka: nefti i gaza i polacbeniyu iskumstvonnogo zhidkogo' topliva. (Aromatic compounds-Aboorption spectra), (Fairoleum product3) ZF.LENSKAYA, L.G.; IOGANSEN, A.V.; IKURKCHI, G.A. Measurements with the IKS-12 infrared "stromets,r, Zav,lab, 29 no.4t433-437 163. (iRk 16-5) 1. Gosudarst"nnyy nauchno-iaeledovatellskiy institut alotnoi promyohlennosti i produktoy organicheakogo sinteia. (Speatrometry) BROUN, E.V.; IOGANSEN, A.V. Check for*the photometric Beale of double-boom inf~Oarsd appardtus, Zav, lab, 29 no.lOtl264,-1266 163- (MIM 16 t 12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchdo-Issledovatel'skiy I proyisktnyy institnt~ azotnoy pronwahlennosti i produktov organicheakogo ainteza, IOGANSEN,, A.V.; I.TTOVCHMO,, G.D. Conjugation effect in the infrared spectra of nitro com- pounda. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no*6sl367-.1369 D 163. 1, Gosudarstvennyy institut azotuoy proWshlennonti i pro- duktov organicheskego, vintexa. Prestavlano akademikam A.N. Tereninym. ICGANSEN, A.V. "--'U's2~?-&uble-beam spectroDhotometers in measuring the integral infrared band intensity. Opt. i spektr. 16 M.5:8~31-3--820 My '-64. (MIRA -1'1-.9) ilq'R~m PW Is I&XV91 HE! R..) IF I I 11.41M I I . i. ~ ~- jjj; .-- .-A. -,!t 1 N!" - 1 i H It . i .. - - w 177711,11771 ~.Twl i -. i - - . I : *1' - , -: I.. ~ ~:.. - . - . . I.. . . It . I - , :. if ~,:Ij We - " ,I-,,- I I . I i . I 1 ;1,-. ". . , ~ rl:i, '. I . i ~ , , ~ . I ;f% , " .. 11 11 I , , , ~, i ,fi ~-M 7,t, M.P.j -A--YAC- N-INVA, L.V. CourpGrzilliozi of the p,-oduatm of &.e oxidatica cf cyzlohexalle MI-m. pron. 42 mo.9A,60-661 5 1655. (MMA 9 10GANISENT, A.V.; LIT9TCHENKO, G.D. Characteristic bands of valence vibrations of the nitro group in infrared absorption. Part 2-.- Correlation of f're-' quencies and Intensities with molecular structure. Zhur. ~ prikl. spekt. 3 no. 61538-%7 D 165 (MIRA 19t1) IV IAWKHIMI V., samestitell nachallnika; IOGANSZN, I., axkhitojktor. Reconstruction of Leningrad's motion-picture theaters. linomekhanik no.11: 30-32 N '53. (MIRA 6: n 1. Otdol kinofikataii Gorodakogo upravlentys kallturyj Leningrad.. (leningrad-4oving-picture theaters) (Koving~pict~rs theate're-Leningrad). J~ ------ --- --- 41 fr - j SLKMROVSKIY, Mikhail Yederovich, malter-allfreyshchik (LenIngrad); IOUISW& K.ZF. arkhtt' hor-khudothniki do.tsent, nauchn ~*' q 7r 4ktar; RA redaktor isdatellitra; FMIKIM, Te.A., takhni.ebookly rediktor. C~6'wor'k of a motor .interior finish painter]Iabota masters.-allfrii- shchika. Zenipgrad, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit, I OxIdait.0 1956. (Decoration and ornasezit). 21(9) AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/4 lo-ansen, L. V.0 Rabinovich, M. S.:~ SOV/56-35-4~-311/5- Coherent Radiation of,Eloctrons in th eS,)Tnchrotroll j (Kocerentnoyo izluchehiye olektrondV v sinkhrotron4 I) Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoretiCh:,sk0y.fiziki,1 1954V Vol 35P lir 4o PP 1013 - 1o16 (USSRY, In a 100 MeV-synchrotron the electrqns r-~diate within a wide frequency range. From radiofr,equen,ci,e3 with~ wave lengths of the order of the t-rijecto;4 length up to ultraviolet- or also X-ray radis.tioii. Within the range: ;k>> average distance betw6en tjie'. electrons in the bunch radiation is partly coherent o' aerent radiation in the synchrotron dependID' above all on the phase vibrations of the electrons. Basic ex- perimental investigations of coherent radiation were carried out by A.M.Prokhorov on a 5 MeV synchrotron (Refs 1,2).Rytov ( FIAN-report, 19541nvest-iga-ted coherent radiation on the assumption that all particles in the bunch perform phase oscillations with Coherent Radiation of Electrons in the Synchrotron.'I SOV/56-35-4-31/52 one and the same amplitude'. The problem of coherent radiation of tho bunch in to'ho ca'pe of any frequency distribution with respect 'to plihoo oscillations has hitherto not been invesT1,11r ~ted. A detailed investijation of physical proceenea and particle looses during the time of a~.-,celo:~ation is therefore of interest. The authors f1rot Investie,l-at,ed the case of a single (relativigtic) -Aectron re- volving on a circular orbit (r ) with tha*a-,igle velocity W and performing sma?l harmolll c phase vibrations 0 (Sit tj0 ). It holds that sinA t, whei-e $denotes the amplitude of phase vibr,--.tio---ia The potentials of the harmonics and the electr~on field (Fourier (Furlye)) is given, and the,distribution of particles with respect to phace vibrations is investigated (Liuville), as vrell da the oa3e of a steady distribution: Distribution denoity w(~,~,t)-= vr(4). The true distribution` in the b-onch has hitherto been but little investigated..Yrom ex- Card 2/4 perimental amplitude distribution ctu'yeo for the Coherent Radiation of Electrons in the SynchrotroxiJ BOV/56-55-4-31/52 synchrotron of the FIAN SSSR (Phydics Inpt-~tute AS USSR) at (250 MeV (Ref 4) data ar6p however, take .n for tt(~) an f ~). Pinally, the authors invf3sti&ate e range of wave length, for vrhich,radi!,.tion is coherent, by means of the form factor for steady distribution, and in the last paragraph non-ste-ady. distribution is investigated. The expression derived in this paper by means of the potential of a modulated electron and of the diatrIbutida,ful-Iction', of the particles in the bunch for tbe spectn"Ir of tll,"e radiation field potential of the bwich id liali-lid for' sufficiently low harmonics for which, the :rl~idiation is coherent. In conclusion the authors nk A.M. Prokhorov and Yu.M.Ado for valuable discu4;sionv and: for discloQing experimental data be:~o::e tlwir publlOativ~n. There are 4 Soviet references. Card 3/4 Coherent Radiation of Electrons in the Synchrotron,I SOV/56-35-4-31/52 ASSOCIRTIOIT: Fizicheckiy institut im. V.N.Lebedi.-vn. Akmdomii ruikisssll (Aysics Institute imeni F.N.Lebedev of Academy :of Sciences USSR)jMorkovs1r-iy gosudarstve-nnyy pedagogicheshiy institut (Uoscow Pedagogiodl State Institute) SUBMITTED: May 21, 1958 Card 4/4 24(5) AUTHOR: Iogansen, L. V. 30'1156-36-1-45162 TITLE; The quantum Corrections to the Radiation of a Relativiatic Rigid Rotator (Kvantovyye popravki k izl~ucheniyu relyativiststkogo zhestkogo rotatora) FERIODICALt Zhurnal-eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheek oy fiziki, 1959, . : Vol 36, Nr 1, pp 313-314 (USSR) ABSTRAM Calculation of the quantum corrections to.:tbe radiation of an electron in a synchrotron is dealt with by several mathematically very complicated Soviet and foreign!.papprs, especially one by A. A. Sokolov et al. (Hof 1) Thq: author of this paper proceeds from the motions of, 'these ;artl'cles~ in an axial magnetic field. This warrants .a ci 'r dular motion iind weakly focusing forces ne ar the sti~ble orbit. The':Ioll6wing is shown by the present paperi itis easy to obtait nearly the same results by completely neglecting excitatiolL oi,P betatron oscillations and considering t~e electrofi,to be an absolutely rigid rotator. The char4cter~of ~he forces varranting such a rigid focusing is not specialized. A possible interactian of electron spin with the focusing fielas is not ti4kenlinto Card 1/3 account. The plane of the orbit with the radius a is considered The Quantum Corrections to the Radiation of a SOV/56-36-1-45/62 Relativistic Rigid Rotator to be an xy-plane, and the center of retdrenqi is assumed to be in its center, The Dirac (Dirak) equation: for the free azimuthal motion then has the form 2 (lic/ia) (sinyq. - coay(x (E mc t'OrL 'C ne y positive eigenvalues of energy one.obtains )21(1 + 1) + (MO2 2~ 1/2 E1 =twi tc/a To each E, there correspond 2 eigenfunctions which are also the eigenfunctions of the operators~of the project4.ons of the total angular momentum on to the axis. The author here investigates the case of a circular:motion with the macroscopic radius a with relativip~ic velocities..Sucli a motion is, by the way, quasiclassical. The author in this connection investigates the transitions of the eiecliron.,Ifrom the state I(-)to the state , where 1-1 'A&1 is assumed. IF, A formula is written down for the frequenny of the quantum emitted in this transition. The probability of a -transition Card 2/3 with variation of the projection of the electron sl;~_r. The Quantum Corrections to the,Radiation of a ;soy/56-36-1 .45/62 .Relativistic Rigid Rotator ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 is proportional to~'* and th T f 0:60 only the transitions with conservati 1: on of electron polarization are of importance in the approximation unaer Investigation. e1 Next, an expression is given for th intensit of the radiation with the frequency 0 into the solidi'angle 4 In the n limiting case 1-4o*'the exact classical formula is obtained, and by integration over the angles one obtains the totalf, efficiency of the n-th harmonic. In ihe ultrarelativisti~p case the total radiation efficiency 6an be; calaulate&o The author thanks Professor M. S. Rabino~ich for valuable adylicea There are 3 references, i of which iq Soviet. Mohkovskiy gosudarstvennyy !Astitut 0 11 6,6, 60 Wk, S t A t a Pedagogical Institute) June 25, 1958 21(9) KV/561-37-1-oa/64 4 ..,&UTHMS: loganson, L. Rabinovichp*11. S. TITLE: Coherent Electron Radiation In a Synchrotron. II (Kogerentnoys izl.uoheniye elektronoy Y~sinkhrotrone. 11~) q PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoyi teoreticheskoy fitiki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 10)s YP 118-124 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The authors investigated the electromapeti* interaction d electrons in a thin relativistic bunohluniolr: coherenVi adiation in a sypohrotroni In the present paper .it 1* assumed ~ ha% all particles in the bunch move on Q;ial circles at *he same linear velocity v ~- c. Theref,orep4he ~statron vibrations are neglectedt and also the Instantaneous davlations of thO energies of the particles are not considered s,This is also ' justified becauss'in practice the density of, the 'bunchin ~he synchrontron is much lover than its lor~gth. Thereforal the transverse dimensions of the bunch in the ftrot approximation do not enter the expressions for the tangential forces dot Iirmin- ed in the present paper.' Also the interaction of the b;uIim~ob vith the chamber valls,.with the poles,of the magnet, abd Card 1/5 r 1110~ lit Coherent Electron Radiation in a Synchrotron, II with the other building olemonte.of r~&l a4cielliatorSAS hot considered, and It is assumed that the' eleoitions,movei Jn the unlimited free spaces In the 4 Paita ot, the present paper, the following factors are oalauXated~l Thc-intikaotion between 2 charges in the bunch, the-aotion of.the buhch~ on a single electron* the forces for soati.bunch models, and finally the short-range intezaotion.-The auih*ra thaz*., Academician 1. Ye, Tamm for the communication of results of a paper not yet publiahed (Ref 4). There are I figure and 6 references, 3 of which are Sovieti" ASSOCIATION:, Fizioheakiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva.kkadomli nauk SUR (Institut: ofUPhysica imeni,P. N. LebedaAi of ihe Academy of Soieno 8, aw). Moskovskiy gosudarstyennyy pedagogicheskiy inotitut im.,Vo I. Lenina Moscow State Pedagogical Institiite imeni Ve I. .Lenin) Card 2/3 .21 AUTHOR; Ioganseng L, Vo TITLEt The Influeno* of Interaction on the Fhase,Xption of~Zlootrons in a Oynohrotron no fasovoye avisheAiye olektronov Y minkhrotrons) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Usperizontallno I teoretlohiskoy'~flvikip 1959# Vol 3 7, Nr I p pp 2" - 300 (UGSRI~ SITRAM q 014) the lihen oaloulsting electron storage sym~ems (160 x0vt x I ~ sloatromagn*tio interaction forces Qf4100t~OAN in tht olister have hitherto not been taken into aaccian-t. In the preignt ~"Lettsr to the NOW the axkthor endeavors to evalq%te the influ#Aoo oz. * 6 0 ercised b th f rees upon the phan e motion of the slaottrons, ~1 as also t~e an or dimensions of such a *W~erj If the inter 100- actiOA fQTC04 Ore iA e4uilibriums It to axs~mad in thin 00 tioA that the following holds for the ongulax dimmnsioiis: 4( 1 3 0 (Hof 1)0 W that the chamber wells ands $ho~ mWet do not Anflu~ once electron Interaction, Theme essumpttono are JuSiMS4 for sufficiontlY small cluster$# In 1946v Io Ye..T4= already I .A- vestigated the influence of interaction forces on the electron card 1/2 motion in a synchrotron for a special 0400. Ila the present paper The Influence of Interaction on the Phase Moti.on.of SOV/56-37-1447/04 Electrons in a Synchrotron several relations are deduced-and then discussed for'~a circu- lar orbit and for.the ultrarelativistic case.6 it wao:found that taking the interaction forces into ao! 'ooun~ influonces the re- sults obtained very considerably, Th6autli*T thanks No' Be Rabinovich for his valuable advice. There ire 2 referencts, I of which is Soviets ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaratye.MW pedagogichookiy'.institut (Ifoscow Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 4, 1959 Card 2/2 S/056/60/038/004/020/048 B006/BO56 'kUTfick I Rabinovich, Id. S log& Ls~~. TITLE: Coherent Radiation of Electrons in a Synchrotron.' III PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fitiki, :1196001 Vol- 38t No* 4s Pp- 1183 - 1187 TEXT3 In earlier papers (Refs. 1,2) ths authors already investig~teA the action of the coherent radiation forces upon the ftase~motion of i ele6 trons in pL synchrotron. However# the screening effect of the vacuum chamber walls was not taken into account, and the: particle clvst~ei w" assumed to move in an unbounded free space. The same q~iestions we're dealt with in the presek article, but screening by the"chambek walls wad faken into account. For reasons of simplicity it in aasUmed that the cluster moves near an unbounded perfectly conducting plant or 4etween two such planes The image method was found to be well suited for dealing,with such a problem. First, tangential ansatzes for thio forces acting tangentially and perpendicularly upon an, electron bare given and discunsed.1A Next, the interaction forces in the electron cluster are investigated, and Card 1/3 83727 Coherent Radiation of Electrons in a S/056/60/038/004/020/048 Synchrotron. III B0061BP56 approximation equations for the acting forces are. obtained.'Fig. 11 8~ows the dependence of the coherent forces f % coh(IPIP) givekil by (7) on theI azimuth tp for a cluster of Gaussian shape. In the Maxiinum this for-,e,is of the order of Ne 2pI/a2..8/3 .The powers of the 40rcer f given 0 2 2~ 12 by (5) and those given by (7) are of the order of N e:P/a V P3*and 0 2 2 %2t~8/3 N e op , respectively. Fig. 2 shows the do' 0 pendoiace of the coherent forces f T (in Ne 2/&2 units), which act Upon ai single ele Iotron of a square cluster on 4; for the special case f~o M X/8, p 0.1. Herefron it may be seen that the regions near the cluster enAs plaT the main,parl. Finally, approximation formulas are given and discussed for the~foroie acting in the interior of the cluster. The effect produced by the' forces (5) and (7) upon the phase motion of the electrona is:eqtimated~ Ths~ minimum angulir dimensions of the cluster due toithe forces given by~ (5) - without the shielding effect of the walle being taken into acc46unt are of the order of i"10 -(2uNe/&V)3/7, and the anmlogous quantity taking Card 2/3 83727 Coherent Radiation of Electrons in a 5/056/600038/004/020/648 Synchrotron. III DoiD6/BO56 shielding into account due to the forces given by i(7) is z% (2% NeP (V is',the effective aaplitude", of t~eij high-f ie4uezicy voltages pa _b/A e-- 19 b -distance bets.e4n the cluster and the *orIe:oni4g planes a -radius of the partial* orbit, Z8 _ effective4agular 0 dimension of-the cluster, N - number of electrons)?~ Ther'*:are 2 figur*Ia and 4 referenoest 2 Soviet and 2 US. ASSOCIATIONt Fizicheakiy institut in..P. N. Lebode*x Aks'dVaii nauk:SSSR (Institute of Physics, imeni.,P, Sciences U~q SUBMIT~Mt September 30# 1959 Card 3/3 77~ 25203 S/05 611040100610241031 B108%209 AUTHORt Iogansenj Ls Vo TITLE: Resonance diffraction of waves in an Inhomogeneous sand--~ wich -type medium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretiolieskoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 6, 1961t 1836-1843 TEXT: The author intends to formulate basic and geaeral~'laws of resonance diffraction. For the sake of simplicity, he considers only scalar waves in a semiinfinite resonance system. The equation of a spalar harmonic. wave reads as follows: 4 T(i~) + k 2 ?(-r*) - 0 (2), where k 2~ - (nqc 2: . The boundary conditions for the boundary of two media (plane, z=0 are the following- g'Tl/2t - OT2/3t' 91f 1/~z ' QT212z (3). , The waves are assumed to hit the boundary from the xz-plane. The sandwich medium occupies the semi-space x) 0, In the following? the author uses the approximate solutions of the general scalar wave equation ASp- (n/c),2y 0 (1 'whith Card 1/5 25203 S/056/61/040/006/024/031 Resonance diffraction of waves... B108/B209 have been taken from Ref- 3 (L. V. logansent ZhTF (i .1i pritit)). Itia shown that total internal reflection occurs when the~waves from medium I in the domain z < 0 fall upon medium II in the domain z > 0. The author discusses a resonance system consisting of four layerso Of which numbers II and IV have a low refractive index but I and III a high one. The:,waves t are assumed to strike the media at such an angle Thai total reflection occurs from the plane P12 and P 34 (see Fig.). Penetration of waves through layer II is due to its small thickness dl. The transfer of energy into layer III is of resonance character and depends on the thickness, d2l cf' layer III (resonator). When resonance conditions are fulfilled, the amplitude of the wave in resonator III will rapidly incre~sep provided the system is unbounded. If there are boundaries, this resonance accumula- tion of waves will take place in a certain region bordering the boundary, i.e., a peculiar region of resonance diffraction having a characteri,stie length will arise. The resonance conditions,which are periodic across the thickness of the resonatort d2p have the following approximate formi Card 2/5 25203 B/05 61/040/006/024/031 Resonance diffraction of waves... BlOBYB209 2 11) . (n~ 0)2 tan(kfd kzl(qz + qzl)/(q q21 - k' (9), wherel:~(k + k z 2 reB z z X 2 2) and (k _ q (nl,&)/c)2. For the case of exact resonance, the wave X z amplitudes ia resonator III in the region x> 0 are equalAO (X) 2 2 2 "2 d, ) (1 A (x) 1-1 B + k )(q + k , )/2qk'j ex P P (qz z z ~(q z 23 23 (11), and the amplitude of the Yrave reflected from the first interface is equal to JBP 12 (x) 1 - 2,-x/101. JAIJ(12), where the c h'aracteris,tic, length of resonance diffraction is given by 2) 12 )21 0 (kx/k,) [(q' + k (q' + k, )/2q7V exp (.2q dj)(d 1/q + 1 /q z z z z z z 2 + Z' z (13), which, for an infinite system in the region x,>>l0 is found in, the, following form: (00)12/ 1 0 [(A,, A 12 (d 2 + Vqzi + 1/4' z tana 5) 23 Card 3/5 A'5R/61/040/006/024/031, Resonance diffraction of waves... B108/B209 Mention is made of V. L. Ginzburg. There are I figure and 4 referencess 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBIAITTEDs January 19, 1961 Card 4/5 A S/051/62/012/002/019/020 E032/E514 0 AUTHOR: Ioxansen L V TITLE: A total internal reflection resonance-fi1ter of limited size PERIODICAL: Optika i spq1(troskopiya, v.12, no.20 1962, 318-39~ TEXT: In previous paper .s (Ref.l: Opt. i spektr., 11, 54~2, 1961; Ref.2: ZhTF, 32, No.4, 1962; Ref.3: ZhF-TF, 4o, 1838, 1,9�1) the author showed that total internal reflection filters exhibit. a peculiar form of resonance which is associated with the presence of reflecting boundaries and that -revious.theories: which do not take into account the presence of boundaries cannot be used in practice. This phenomenon is important liot only,~n optical total internal reflection filters but in any plane-rayered systems in which the propagation of electromagnetic, waves is associated with the resonance effect. The resonance effect always arises when the waves are incident obliquely on a plane-parol-lel system in which resonance accumulation of ener$y t6kes place. The resonance diffraction effect should occur in interference filters, Fabry-Perot etalons and so on. The effect has not been Card 1/2 A total internal reflection S/051/62/012/002/0-19/020 E032/E5i4 noticed because it is largely masked by absorption effects and imperfections in the system. It is emphasized that this effect has nothing in common with the normal diffraction effect clue to the limited aperture of the system. In the pres,ent paper the author extends the analysis given in his previous three papersIand gives a detailed theory of the characteristics of an arbitrary finite resonance filter with total internal reflection. Formulae~: are derived for the amplitudes of waves transmitted and reflec 'ted by the filter, for the local and integral transparency of the filter at the maximum of the transmission band and for the local and integral reflection coefficient and the energy stored by t1he filter. The form and the half-ifidth of the local and-integral, transmission band are also determined. The calculations refer to the case of plane-parallel waves with the electric vector parallel to the reflecting layers. The paper is entirely~theoretical and no numerical'experimontal results are reported. Theile is I figurp. SUBMITTED: Marcfi'-.2, 1961 Card 2/2 6) r"7 370,58 8/057/62/032/004/004/017 B125/MIOS L7o 3 60 AUTHOR: logansen, L. V_ TITLE: Theory of electromagnetic resonance sy6temi~with internal total reflection PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fitikil v. 32, no. 4,,1962, 406-418: TEXT: 111he passage of electromagnetic waves through,systems of dielectric plane layers (including thin, totally reflecting intermediate layers) is: considerably affected by the geometrical dimensions of the .system. The theory of A. F. Turner (J. Phys. et Rad.p 4441 1950)s which doeo'.not consider the effect of the system boundaries,.holds only asymptotically for infinite systems. The theory of the prevent author is free from.such shortcomines and permits the calculation of a resonance condenser with internal total reflection. The author considers steady ascillations:in nonmagnetic media (g - 1) with a-polarization, I.e. the electrical vector lies in the separating plane. The relations A + B -,F + G (2.8) an(I ~ A - B - i(qz/k,)(F - G) (2.9) between the complex amplitudes A, B and F, G, on b~ ides of the separating plane determine the coefficients of Card 3/057/6 2/03 2/004/004/017 Theory of electromagnetic Bl'25/BIOB permeability and reflection. For a slowly changing amplitude, the equixtion A(X,Z) (x,z)exp [-i(k x + kzz)j yields the approximat6 solution x AO(X,Z) :C(x-(kx/kz.)z) (2.13), where f is an arbitrar-$ Ainotion. In 'chis case, the "orthogonality" conditions A,= sA exp [i (ot kx kx)), k, (2.14) aad k, -4- z exp [/(tot A,. sB (X 77 k (2.15) A3 sF -f- I ezp[1(w1-kv-iq,z)1, (X qY Z) AA==sG X-il'-z exp [i (cot- hold referring to planes in which amplitudes and phases are constanto The approximate relations tI -1--) G (P - G% (2.1.13) and A= W, k, 2 k, 9r B L i G-+-' I -i- Card 2/0 k' 2 k,) -Y,,.k, k,9 3/05 62/032/004/004/0~17 Theory of electromagnetic ... B1 25Y111 08 k IF=!. (I -1-i-L )B--L- --- 2 2( (2 19) k ks k- G= 1 2 -L-) ~A 2 q, 2 qk hold for the slowly.c~anging, complex wave amplitudes.,. The'.approximat~e resonance condition for semibounded rooonance conaensere (Fig. 2) is~ tg (k,dj) pas. Exact resonance' however, does not appear with (3-~) and F-~!.0 (E (kid but with z z 2 k1) 29,k' qZ exp (--2qdj). q If electromagnetic waves polarized in the plane of incidence: propagatei obliquely in a plasma -Nith plane layers with continuously variable dielectric constant, the energy "seeps through" and concentrates in a Card 3/0 3/057j62/032/004/004/017 Theory of electromagnetic ... B125JBIOB narrow range-behind the totally reflecting boundary. The complex wave, for- mulas derived in the present paper are formulated also~for bounded condensers. The required properties of these systems can o4ly be realized with dimensions which praotically cannot be achieved. .Syetoms with thle usual, poorly transparent reflecting layers do not show these shortcomingn. Totally reflecting systems with.a not too high resolving power can be used for broad beams if metallic reflecting layers cannot be applied. E. V. Shpollskiy is thanked for his interest in the present study' and V. L. Ginzbur6 for 'a discussion. There are 3 figures and 7 references: 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references to English-language publications read as follows: P. Leurgans, A. F. Turner. J. Opt. Soc. 4mer.t.1Z, 9831 1947 H. D. Polster, J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 31, 1038, 1949; A. F. Tuirter. J. Physo. et Rad., 1-1, 444, 1950; A. E. Gee, 11. D. Polster. J. Opt. Soc# Amer-,.~Jp .1044, 1949. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTE~: Card 4/0 Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy pedagogicheakiy inWtut im. V. Lenina. (Moscow State Pedagogical Institute imeni V. I. Lenin)' November 14P 1960 (initially), May 3, 1961 (after revision) IOGANSENt L.V. Resonanec. diffractioniof elastic waves in pla ~ed wdia Ath total internal reflections Iwo vys, ucheb, *II-76rudlofiz, 6 ~ no.5s958-963 163. (KIRA 16t 12) 1. M69kovskiy filial Kiyevakogo instituta grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota. S/051/63/0141601~0'22/031 z0 E039/Zl2d AUTHOR s I,- V-'i A finite totally ileflecti III TITLE ng.resonance filter, p nee: 1963 v 131-1,30 PERIODICALs Optika i spektrasko i~a, vil4b TEXT., This paper is a,contliuati n o n 0 f previous work j0ptika i spektr. , v. 12, 3 1962,! 266), on t~he iq629*3i8t and v,JL 0 calculation of the characteristics of *.totally reflecting resonance filter extended,to take into accountlifinitesize and, :,absorption of electromagnetic waires in the niaterial'of. the f;'.. *..The Ponditions necessary foi securing a Wighly!:trans parent 'filter in'~this - case are given by"' 4 ~>>Ro and 4111 where. - L is ~the r i ong' th 31 ,ax near ditiension,'Of the filte al s~ r not' def 1xied) and in the ratio of the'energy abs6rbed inside thetfilter to the energy incident'on the filter from outsid*4~,'; Th~ trlmnsparency:~-. is:then given by the approximate formula: to T (Lj 6) 2n i T q-17) Card 1/2 I API N- s/o5l/63/614/001/022/6~lt. A finite totally reflectingX.., E039/9120 where' ;F is the tran pardhcy, and 6_ = X2/n2' where 'k2 is the absorption Index and n2 ttAs refrdctive indbi of the filter': material. 'The condit:on ?Li~> 4 imposen, a limit on the 0 geometrical size of the filter, and the condition 1141 impose* a limit onithe selection of.material from which the filter can be j- made. Note that analogous conditions must be fulfilled for i~- Fabry Perot interferometee made-in the form.of a :planet-paraliel transparent resonaAce plate,)with semi-transparent~,mirror coatings 'on both sides. -SUBMITTED: January 6,1962 Card 2/2 L OY4 ~q,, -lot) 8104816 3/027/001/011/04 3 B163/B1801 AUTHOR d energetic characteristics of reson' ce filte TITLE& Spectral an a an rs~ with total internal reflection,.taking account of their' geometrical dimensions PFRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. -Izvestiya. zicheakaya, v :21 no. 1, 1963, 24t- 26 TEXTs The transmission and -reflection 9haradterietics are'aalculatea, for.:, iad -boen the total reflection fiiter prdipose'd-by Leu,rtatis And Turno, It I predicted that the pass band could be narrowed to"any qegreet with com, plete transparency in the band maximum, simply by.increasing the thickness' - o~ the two total reflecting layers. This was not confirmed:in the is Turner' a theory applicable, which ittributes this dis- crepancy to imperfections in the total reflecting layers, Here it is ~ .dim ensionall shown that the problem cannot be treated correctly by a ones . approximation and that energy from the-incident radiation'in the- resonator-layer betwben-the two total reflectingtllayers. If a coordinate'. Card 1/2 5/048/63/027/001/011/045 Spectral and energeticoo. B163/B180 system is used in which the layers are-perpendicular to the z:- direction,' and the incident-wave vector liea in the x - z - plane, the filter propen.~ ties depend on the x - coordinate, and one must distinguish between the... local transmission coefficient-'T(x) reflection coefficUnt R(x), and energy accumulation coefficiint C(x~ on one side',.and their integral valu(s on the other. These are obtained by averaging the'local coefficients over the filter dimension in x diiebtion. The shape of-%be local pass band varies slowly with x, its half-~widths decreasing with increasing x. Th6 new theory is in good agreement with experimental results of Rozenberg (Optika tonkosloynykh pokrytiyj (Optics of thin-film doatings)', Fizmatgiz, M-t 1958). This paper -was presented at the 14th Conference on'Spectros-I copy in GorIkiy, July 5-12, 1961*. There is 1 figure, Pard 2/2