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"Vp-- IOFFE, V.I., prof,, red.; DAALI-BERG, I.I., red.; KHARASH, G.A.p tekha. [Results of the control of diphteria in Leningrad)Opyt bDrIby o difteriai v TAningrade. Leningrad, Medgis ~1962. 191 P. RA 16:1) 1. Chlea-korrespondent kkademii seditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Ioffe). (LENINGHAD--DIPHTZRIA)~~ I .1 f IOFFE, V.1 Study of imwmiplpgy in rhawtion, Vop, okj2, sAtf j dot, 7 5 13-9 my 162. (MIRA. 15: 6): 1, Is Instituta okeperimentallnoy meditaimrAMNSSSR. (REEUMATIC FEVM) IOFFE, V.I.; NOPYTOVSKAYA, L.P. Role of the hypophysial-adrenal. system in:immologleal and infectious processes. Vest.AMN SSSR 17 no'.5s.1,4-29 i'62. '(MIRA 15110) (PITUITARY BODY) (ADRENAL GLANDS) (INFECTION) (IMUNITY) IOFPZs V.I. Im=opathology as a problem in experimental ~nd olinical medicine. Test. AMN WSR 18 no.110-13 1163 1~~1~~MMA IM) i 1, Institut eksperimentallnoymeditsivy MIN &IRSR* .-OFFS ;_,STftIJKOII, A.I.; SF.U?V, V.V.; YHAY, L. I- t_jj, Experience with the wcperimental reproduction or a systemic lesion of the connective tissue. Vest. 94N SM 18 no,nt 29-38 163 Wn 17 t7)' 1. Institut eksperJmentallmy ineditsiny A1411 SSSR j I goskowki7: meditsinskly institat Imeni 1#14..geobanova. ,,IOFFE,7-VI ~OSIPOVA, Polina Vasiltyevrift; ad#dr, AlekBeyevna;'LIJR'*j~'I Nina 1-3 ikolayevna; KOZLOVA, Hina N.A. , red. (Whooping cough; its microbiology, ipmiunolop- ,jv apitciftc prevention) Kokliushj mikrobiologiiap in=.xojbg,',J&j spetsificheskala profilaktika. (BYIV.1.1offe A dr. Leningrad, Meditsina,, 1964. 2F2 p. (MIRA 18 1) GINETSINSKIY, A.G. (deceased); ZAKS, M.G.; KRESTOSKAYA, T.V.; SOKOIDVA, M.M.; KHAY, L.M, Change in the hyaluronidase and hyaluronic acid~uyste,m in the rabbit kidney in experimental interstitial nephritis. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.3:30-34 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii (dir. - chlen-kprrespondent AN SSSR G.M. Kreps) AN SSSR i Institut eksperimentallnoy meditainy (dir. - deystvitellnvy chlen ANN SSSR prof. D.A. Birtnlkov) ANN SSSR, Leningrad. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Ginetsinskiy). BIRYUKOV, D.A.v prof., red.; IOFFE,,,:Kj., prof., red., N,7YFAXii, ., prof... red.; 01MOV, Yu.M., prof., red.-, bVE7UV, S. A. P.G., prof., red.; VAKHTIN, Tu.B., red. (Problems of medical genetics] Problemy medit4i.nskoi ge- netiki. Leningrad, Meditsinal 1965. 246 p, (MIRA IS: 6) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SWR, Moscow. Institnt eksperimentalinoy meditsiny. 2. DeyntvitellzWy chlen AMN SSSR (for Biryakov). 10. "It V.I. (Laningrad) Problems of specific prevention of rheLzmatic fever In the light of concepts of the etiology and immunology of disenea. Vest. AMN SSSR 20 no.6s87-92 165. (141PA 18s9) a a 4 0*0 4 0 ff 9 F1 V FS &4 P.4 MIJI14 nits if J~ AAI 44-0:14 4A #-fr 119 tf.#_ JI f -0 0 oil of & blip" .00 oil do l ot'. Oil AS, 1 RAO q I I L 4~1 ~~At 11"Aft I 1 6 W 0 1: ti- v b it 000 00 0 il 0 0 0 0 so Sol* 0 Sit SO *to 0 a 0; 0: 41~ 0 46 ~is 0 0 ;41 0'o 09 9 0 9 41 0 0 00 00.0 W 0 is 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 S~; 0 * 0 0 me --- io--6 0 a o 0 *:,$ 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 * 0 4 0 o 0 4 i uo .......... 00 .00 00 06 PW jbjrn-lWk -I. oInk dO MDVift ormer" am f 00 c ' p &w mm rmm Ike o it is woomoy 10 voolw*r the SOM ker f W i k b 4 too 00 I o w c PO " of vw(twdki 4irA okm f 400 ull ~ CLASWKATI" bee 60 w t a%- 4s$ 01 w 1 0 & CR CK o IH t I thd 0 W 0 1 W 3 0 0 e 0,004906 Cio 41 0146A 40 6 0 46 0 IOFFE V. K. USM/Physice - -Acoustic$ NOVI'lutc-49 Laud-speakers "Soviet Electroacoustic Equipment, _j~ Pp Wjz Ak Nauk MR, Seir Fizr"- Wrar, NO 6) lq~ Reviews Soviet developmentof microphonei.and loud- speakers in three periods: 1924 - 1930, 11930 to, World.War II, and 1945 to present. Institutealre- lopew ;his equip,", it, &r6 Tust spoitsible for dove ent of i of Radio-Broadcaiting Reception and Acoumtics~(I~PA);j Sci Res Cinephoto Inst Cen Sci Res Ib~t;:of-~ oil V. c:j*Ud. p. c 04. Mi&j~o im" In his constructions be timed :Ct~PVL r4irbilectrics,. such an ammonia phosphate, besidesRocbelle salts. Production or piezoelectric telephone$'L desiped un- der direction of A. S. Sheyn) proved very pradticals and they are now use v1tK 4irystal receivers.' in the 'IWA in postwar years P. Ye. Shifeilln., Te; K. Gorbu- and Iofe des gae.d' _R0 sortmen of iamAeis of diffumor loud-speakers with powers fro& j 0.1 to 10 watts, electrodynanic telephone, and mean- uring, condenser, dynamic, (gradient) ribbon ond 04Tro (cardiod) ribbon microphones. IOFFE, V. K. "Intrinsic Noise of the Microphone#" Tr. Voss* no -to in-ta radioveshchat. privema i akustiki,, No ls 1954 The intrinsic noise of a high-(pality aderophons delmnds on the emf of electric fluctuations* For an induction microphone with intemal. resiv- tance Ri and sensitivity level N.. the following equation-lo known for the fluctuating voltage deterzrdning the level of equivalent acoustic microphonic noise: a- -AP -40+1c~ 416, F- This equation does not take into con- Bideration thi; fluStuation of loadingj, which affects the n*ise,Q by as much as 3 d6. RZhFizO No 3, 1955 S/046j62/008/003/004/PP7 Moz) BlOBIBI04 AUTHORSt Dneprovskayat I. A.* Levi tau P. I TITLk;i Attenuation of sound in the atmosphere PERIODICALs Akusticheakiy zhurnal# v. 0, no. 3, 1962, 301 307 TEXTt The excess attenuation tU of sound (200 - 2000 cps) in the atmoolhere was determined from measurements in 7 different tractu~of land (above~and near lakes) valleys',tptc)# The sound level at an altitude of 1.5 - 167 '11 above the &round was recorded objectively at the source (distance r -~5m); 0 and subjectively at the receiver (1-5 5 km), The exceas at(enuution(t (in db/km) is equal to (H - 1; 0 20logr/r. )/r wheke. ~ is the moleou,lar, attenuationg N is the sound level at r , N is the sound levol,at the 0 0 distance r f rom- the- source r.- *.-de pen d a- on the season of~,the year, on the time of the day, on the type of surface, on the distarce from the source, and on the frequency. its valu; generally increases with frequency. The presenc4 of an acoustic shade increased di naturally to t1wicetits normal amount. The results were-not uniform and often contradictory. For more Card 1/2 S/046/62/008/003/004/007 Attenuation of sound in the... B108/B104 accurate results, more statistical data would be required. J'here are, 7 figures., ASSOCIATION; Gosudarstvennyy coyuznyy n.-i. institut radioveshcliatellnoLo pr4rema;i akustiki im. A. S. Popova Leningrad (8.,tate All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Radiobroadcasting Reception and Acoustics imehi A. S4 Popovo Leningrad) SUBMITTED., November 15P 1961 z A- -V*'*-L q e Zhuft&1 'ftsopi ftmee nlb y Y Fiziki, Vol 31 No 4 (10), Oct 56, PP 583-595 Dispersion relations have been derived for the following cases: non- ,scattering of -A-mesons on nucleons, including scattering into small vanishing angles; photoproduction of 7t-mesons on nucleons and iicattering~ 1:~~ of nucleons and antinucleons by nucleons. "The method of obtaining the disperislon relationsAs based. on 1 on .4be assumption: the impossibility of propagation of speed ~4*eater than the speed of light. In all other Instance$, assiumpti ~mtde for the sake of convenience and could be replaced by other ar not using the concept of an S-matrix in its present form," The problem as to whether the microcausality requirement is a ne c e ~ij. condition for validity of the dispersion relations~is discussed, Pary Is- --ibicriM -tbkt for: certiln - t -ei'. of ~*161aiivn of caWsikllty. 1446 Ais" 1! _yp relations still hold. AtTi "We'A'Lfrrive at the, falle"Vig! COUCIU41044. It ~4~4:WO4 to be in contradiction with the dispersion relations,:it wIll indicatel,' that propagation of signals with speeds greater than the speed of llgh~~ takes place at small separations. At the same time, agreement of expeirl- -weents-I data with the dispersion relations cannot eliminate-violations 411-11 ca=a1ity at small separations, and propagation of the int"S?-~tion be tvol: points lying not inside a light cone but inside *~hyperboloid app6 lmpds a Ible. L, D. Lt,"au, I. Y&. Pamranchuk., K. A.. TerrW~4 psyal),;j and. itt e we-r 4 )AM ilirlluli.1111ill NUNN= Mwil Hit V11101IM141'"ll" III 110"I lift 0 Obi AdW* d VAIBO* TIM: III Ao"Wo tov. 9 41'! M7. . "t OW do rim *NOW 4.416t.. ii Awl" I* In "0 "M i4 its o0 at N Mill oww"Wfilso, Thi 10 00 hn*Abo ww.=" i7z;f V, ";zII=w Sam 5=06 .dT Activ* husmod wM nobvi&r i SOD-!! A. IN on. W, Coo ""eve% -'- ~t! PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/340? -18 1,3) SoveshchAniye po primenonlyu rodkozemelInykil elementov,dlya ultichsh*n1ya fiziko-mekbanicheakikh avoystv kopstruktalonnykh I spetsfalinykh staley I splavov Redkoze%el Inyye elementy v stalyakh I splavakhj *QY so0VaBhchM*.. i. (Rare Earth Elements In Steele and Alloys; Tvaniactl*ns of a Confe~rence on the Use of -Rare Earth Elements To Improve the Physi- cal an'd 14echanical Properties of Structural and Special Steele and Alloys) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1959. 246 p. 2'rrata slip Inserted. 3,150 copies printed, Ed.: A. A. Prozhogin; Ed. of Publishing House; A. L. Ozeretskayi; Tech. Ed.; P. 0. Islentlyeva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineerep technicians and scientists engaged in the metallurgy of heavy and nonferrous metals, and may be used by students of higher educational . schools, who are specializing in the metallurgical science of these metals. Card 1/5 Ratio Earth Elerents (Cont.) SOV/3402 COVERA01j., The collection containo 14.artioles which give general. results of investigations and uses of rare o4rth's as alloying~ components In steels and 61loys. The influence of rare earth additives in improving the technical properties of structural, fire-resistant and other steels and alloys is also described. Figures, tables and references (mostly Soviet) accompiny each article. No pqrsonalities are mentioned. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Kagan, B. I., Candidate of Economical Sciences, Inst1tut m1nero- lpgil, gookhimii i kristallokhtmii redkikh elemont:v Nx1SSSR (Znstltute for Mineralogyp Geochemistry and ChemIc Crystallm- graphy or Rare EArth 'Elements, AS USSR),o The State of. Rare, ft-rus Production and thi Trend In Its Development ( nori- Soviet Literature 0, 5 Yeremichev, V. V., Engineer, Candidate of Chemical Sdionces; X. M. Nikolayev; and P. Kuzlmina, Engineer# Methods of Do- termining Small Amou4s. of flar6 gartho In Steels 26 Rare Earth Elements (Cont.) SOV/3402 V. P. Terekhov~ Savitskly, Ye. M., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences$ and V. A. Tsikalov, Engineer A Investigation of the Physicochemical Interaction of Rare Eart Metals With Iron and Steel 31 Reznikova, S. Ya., Enginearo Effect of Rare Earths on the Sulfur and Oxygen Contents of Molten Steel and the State of Sulfur In Solid Steel 50 Kultygin, V. S. Engineerv Dependency of the Mechanical Proportion of Structural Steel 37KhN3A on Reducing $gents and Methods of Extraction 77 Gulyayev, B. B., Doctor of Technical Scienceo; LA. Shapranov, Candidate of Technical.Sciences; 0.. X. Magnitskly, Candidate of Technteal Sciences; and Z'. D. Nevzorova, Ingin*er-' Influence of Rare Earths on the Crystallization and Mechanic'61 Properties of Cast Steel 92 Vorbolfsk~ya, Ye. D., Engineerl I. V. Isakov, Enkineer; and Card 3/5 Rare Earth Elements (Cont.) SOV/3402 A. Ye. J~hlebnlkov, Doctor of Technical Sciencese ThwEffect for of Cerium Additives on the Properties of Cr-NI-Mo Stewl . Zhaped Steel Casting 118 Golldshtayn, Ya. Ye., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and D. Zhizhakina, Engin6eiN The Effect of Ceriui~ on the 0 . Structure and Properties of Cast and Forged Stool 1~0 Kopp, L.- P., Candidate of Technical Sciencess and 0. K. Petukhov, Candidate of Technical Sciencese Stuoy of the Effect of Rare Earths on the Physicomechanidal froper- ties of Or-Ni-Mo Steel 155 Studnits, M. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Yu. K. Konov, Engineer; and A. I. Sokolikovo Eilgineer., The Influepce of Rare Earths on the Nature of Fractqre ' 183 of Steel and-the Structure and Properties Danilova, G. P., Candidate of Technical Selences; Milltsev, Doctor of Technical Science's; M41, P00javko, V M . . Card 4/5 Rare Earto Elements (Cont.) SOV/3402 Candidate of Technical Sciencei, Additives for Welding Titanium Alloys 196 loffeo,_V. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and V.M. Burov, 9WRIWieri Blectrochentical Method of Producing Hibeh Metal- - Magnes$um Alloys foi, Modified Cast Iron 204 Kopp, JL. ?.,,Candidate of Technical Sciences; L,N. Sh1g1d1na, Engineer; and 0. D. Sudakova. The Problems of Causes for the LOW Plasticity of-Kh23N18-Type Steel at High Temperature and Possibilities of Improving This Condition With Rare Earths 211 Neymark,-V. Ye., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Investigation of the Mechanism of Modification In metals 231 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 TM /os 3/23/60 FV 4r 3 15 11 ti Wit M ik VES, fil I' A, V.. /Y7 Fv I aQ 'a A 0Hill$ -414 Mid A I-A 00 Vs VVIE 0, 14 io Olt A i J.; .a - 00 ~t n! toll to S%4 S/137/61/000/011/0k7/123 A0601AID] AUTHORS: Ioffe, V. M., Burov, V. M., Shkollnikov, E, M., Bondarenko, L'. 0.0 __ZMffa-ro-V-,--7-. A., Chichagova, N. P, TIM: Cerium modifiers for obtaining cast iron with spherical graphite PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal'Metallurgiya, no, 11,1961,3, abstract 1119 (V sb. "Polucheniye izdeliy iz zhidk. met. 8 uskoren. kri*talli- zatsiyey". Moscow - Kiyev, Mashgiz, 1961, i47-149) TEG; The conditions were olarified under which A Is pbasIble to;"e for modifying aCe alloy instead of MS. In using the Ce alloy, it'can be fed1nto the ladle directly while filling it with the crude iron. The necessity for the high-temperature heating up of the crude iron and Pf usitg an autoclave w4 cryolite drops out. It was established that, Fe-Ce allay,with 5Kg is suit- able for use under steel-plant conditions. 25 experiments were carried out in modifying crude iron with Ce. An alloy of Zr (011M6 [FTsm6]) :was introduced into the ladle in the quantity of 0.27 - 0.28 % of the weight of the crude iron. it was established that alloys of Fe-Ce with 5 - 8% Mg make it possible to modify the crude iron directly in the ladle without any protective devices, and the Card 1/2 8/137/61/000/011/0&(/123 Cerium modifiers for obtaining ... Wo/Aim crude Iron undergoing modification by a Ce alloy should not contain > 0.03% S, so that the casting be pure and have no nonmetallicimpurities - modificablon products. The microstruoture.and the characteristics of Mg- and Ce-crude,frons are practically the same. A, Savellyeva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 V. M. Certain problem involved in the calculatib CIAO C!~UA,-* of Apo no-04:55-57.163* (IM 1644) (Plaotiom industry-~Imuce) im?np V. M. (Kamm I Hazard of high-frequency currents and protectivs meam=es in industry;-frcm records of the International Scie'ntifiaCce- ference of Representatives of Industrial Ilygien1b ThAitutea of Socialist Countriemrp held In Moscow on Oc"r 1"1,1961. V.M.Ioffe. Kaw. med. zhur no.107-98 Ja-F"61 (MIRA 3.6all) 7 ;7 C tOf the S truc, tur of Cable Insulat- The Upon Its Dielectrir~ Constant," V. it. e.. Ene?-7 S el Res Inst of the Cable Ind stvo" No !I, -pp 40s-44 tha A ~ee~n t.. bi~~ tV*fj"1 ValusE of the dielee const of cable in- mul-a-,ing, 7,,,aper obtained and thbss ~:alcd from the generally accepted formalKa. i Zerive:5 formulas for the dielec coast which ,take into consideration the capillary canalsl~ perpendicular to the surface of the-paper. Those formulas give values for the dielec const wbieb Wee quantitatively with expt. Shows that the,' structure of insulating paper affects its dielec donst. Sub=itted 30 Mar 51. 201%2 VOINOV$ 3.0,1 FAL.MVIKOV, Yo.j.; TOPILISKlyt 11N.; BOTMOVII, 0,5,.; V,G, V.P.; KUSOY, '.F~; SHALIM A,-G.; Developing a procedur4 for the maldng of limestone AAd alvmina semifinished products for the preparation of optbatia slag. Stall 22 no&2:12&132 F 1629 (MM 15:2) (S3A9) (Zleatric furmose) AUTHORSs Zayohikova, L.B., Lutchenko, H. H. #Ioffes V-Pot 32-8~-7/61 TITLEs The Complexometric Determination of h Lead Content in Lead Concentrations (Kompleksometrichoskoye oprodeleniye syintsa Y avintsovykh kantaontnt4&) PERIODICALt Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol- 2*3,, Yr 8, pp. 91o-911,(USSR) ABSTRLCTs For detorminingthe lead contont in lead concentrations the al- ready known method of complex titration at.ter previous aliaina- tion of lead-ooncomitant elements according to the sulfate method is employed. It is known that lead conoentratte-often contain va- rious additions in considerable quayititiont up to 26% silicic acid, up to 30% pyrite, up to 15% of thcoxides of,calcium, cop- per, aluminum *to. and nearly always also barium in the form of baryte. By treatmont of the samplo,,with,'eulfuric acid the lead is separated from the majority ofthe o ther elements with the exception of barium and caloium,.If they.are pros ,#at in certain quantities which exceed the..soluVility.:)f their sulfates in-the solution to be invostigat*d. Therefore o& precisolAnv4stigation has to be made of the influence of the barium and calcium con- tent on the complozom*tric determination. IAccbrdlng,to *xisting data barium reduces the r*sulta'4ue to the formation of.amMOni- um acetate which is difficult t~o dissolve. Calcium, however$-in- creases the results. Up to 2% the baryto content is of no influ- Card 1/2 encep but above that it effects a reduction of:the results, *hic) 32-8-7/61 The Complexometric Determination of the Lead Content in Lead Concen- trations. can, however, be avoided by filtering away baryte together with the insoluble companion after the action of nitric and hy&rochlo- ric acid. CaO content up to 16% is not distubing, since such quantities of caloi=aulfate dissolve and do not come tnto the titration solution. It was also found that the content of 7 9 sodium- or ammonium-acetate in volumes,of from 9o to loo ml ex- erts no disturbing influence. Temperature variations between 2o-350 C in the titration solution exert no influence on the re- sults. Two analyAle processes (on a barium content up to 2% and a higher barium content) are described here. There are 1 table and 2 references. AGMAMTIORt.State Scientific Research Institute for Ferrous Uetals~(Gosu- dar2tvennyy nauohno-iaeledovateeskiy institut tsvetnjvkh metallov) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 -LiL SOV/137-58-8-18104 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr8, p270(IjSSR) AUTHORS: Gurl yev, S. D. , Zaychikova, L. G. , laffe,. V. P.;' arayevlli N. F. j Lutchenko, N. N. TITLE: Increasing the Precision of the Methods of Determination of Li6ad in Lead Concentrates (Utochneniye metodiov opriedeleniya svintsa v svintsovykh kontsentratakh) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n. -i. in-t tsvetn.. met, L958, Nr l4, pp 9-20 ABSTRACT: The results of experiments in the studs, of th~ effect of: Ba, Ca, S'02, and S04 impurities on the determination of large quantities of Pb in Pb concentrates are described. The optimum analytical conditions are described. Methods for the determina- tion of Pb by the molybdate method in Pb concentrates contain- ing < 30/6 of barite, also the determination of Pb by the chromate method with < 470 S04 in the concentrate are adduced. 1. Lead ores-Impurities 2. Lead-Date.imination P. K. Card 1/1 SOV/137-58-12-23959 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal . Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 12, p 7:(USSRI) AUTHORS: Gurlyev, S. D., Ioffe, V. P. TITLE: Behavior of Fluorine in the Roasting of Fluor.ite (Fluorspar) Pove- dcniyc ftora pri obzhige flyuorita (plavikovogo shpgata) PERIODICAL: Sb- nauchn. tr. Gos. n.-2. in-t tsvetn. met., 1958, N r I It i J)p 58- .60 ABSTRACT: In order to clarify the behavior of F during the roasting of sarriple's of Zn concentrate, fluorite is roasted in a mixti~re wi 'th sphalerite. The result of the experiments performed makes evident that even 2 ho!irs of roasting of a fluorite and sphalerite mixture at 60.00 C does not:en- sure complete combustion of S and that substantial F losses occur: even at 7000. F losses at lower temperature, inay:~be due to a high concentration of S02 produced in the roasting of th.e splialeritq:- This causes partial decomposition of the fluorite, resulting in convi:~rsi on of a portion of the fluorite F into volatile HZ 1.- 2* The results of a - series of experiments showed F losses to occur af a lower tempera- Card 1/2 ture (500-6000). To oxidize sulfide S in the determination of F in SOV/l 37-58-8- 18107 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Iqr 8, p Z71 (USSR) AUTHORS: Gur'yev, S.D. , loffe, V.P. TITLE: Photocolorim'etric M~ethod ~oe germination of Fluorine in Zinc Concentrates and Electrolytes With the Use of Thorium-a lizarin Lacquer (Fotokolorimetricheskiy nictod opredeleniya fto.rtlt v t.sinkovykh kontsentratakh i elektrolitakh is primenenlyern toriy-alizarinovogo laka) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n. -i. in-t tsvetn.' met. , 1958, Nr 14, pp 61-66 ABSTRACT: The method is based on the discoloration of. alizarin re:a lacquer by the combined action of Th an&F-. To determine F in Zn concentrates, 0. 5-1 g of the specimen is fused with:'i Na2O?. The cooled melt is leached out with 30 cc of wat 'er,; the.solution with the precipitate is transferred into a distdia- tion flask, 0. 1 - 0. 2 g of quartz and several drops of phenol- phthalein are added, then from a dropping funnel 1:1 H?SO4 is added, and finally concentrated H2SO4 so that its conderitra- tion would become 1:1. Then S'F4 is diitilled off at 140 - 1600C. 100 cc of the distillate are collected, it is neutralized with Card 1/2 NaOH solution to phenolphthalein and evaporated to a volume of SOV/137-58-8-18107 Photocolorimetric Method of Determination of Fluorine (cont.) 20 - 40 cc. After filtering the solution is transferred :into a 50-cc flask wh~,ch is then filled to the mark with water. 1 - 5-cc aliquot portions are transferred into 50-cc graduates, and diluted with water to 30 - 40 cc, 5 cc of alizarin red indicator and one drop of 0. 3N HNO are added, and the graduate is.filled up to the mark with water. After this ~ cc of Th reagent are added and aft.e~;r 30'min- utes the solutions are measured for optical density on the FtK-M type photo,- colorimeter using a green filter. The reading is taken on the left-hand drum and the F content is determined on the calibration curve. The contents of F,in electrolytes is determined by the same method. V.1 N. GURIIEVI S.D.; ICFFE, V.P.. Photocolorimetria determination of bismuth in tungsb3n conceutrates, Sbore nauch, trud, Gintsvetmeta,uoilS.:41-44 161; (KIRA 16.-7). (Bismutb-4ualpis) (Tungsten-Analysis) IOFFEY V.P. Determining iron in thallilm and imam concentrates. Sbor. nauch. trud. antsvetnete, no.19&736-739 162. l(KMA 1647) IffnIV.S. (Kookva) A case of obronic gastric torsion. Klin. med. 41 no,&2tl29-130 F163 (MIRA 1793) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtichaskoy terapii ( zav. - d6yaWitelt- nyy ohlen AMN WSR prof. V.Kh. Vamilenku) I Homkoviftgo ordena, Lanina meditsinskogo institata iwmi LM, Sedhenova. 137-58-5-!87711 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, 1958,~ Nr 5, p 6 (65S'* AUTHORS: loffe, V. Ye. , Kissin, D. A. ,Stanishevskiy, B. A. TITLE: Grinding of Coke Fines and Limestone to 3:-- 0 rn rn Partic le Size for the Purposes of Producing Sinter ChArge (Drobleniy'e:' kok- sika i izvestnyaka do razmera 3-0 mm dlya 11glome rats io'nnoy shikhty) PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Mr. ri. - i. In-t metalloY, 1957, Nr 3, pp 10-21 ABSTRACT: Operational conditions of grinding equipment employed at;the sinter shop of the "Zaporozhstall 11 plant for grinding of, coke.' fines and limestone were investigated, i1h orde.r to establish op- fimal grinding regimens which would yield a. g 'round product' of the required quality with the greatest possible: output. ! When em- ploying four-roller grinders of the NKMZ type to obtain' ground coke dust containing at least.93 percent of 3-0 mm particlep, it is imperative that the rollers be turned every third day, 'th springs be systematically Ughterted, and thl: productivity of the grinding unit be adjusted to a rate of 13-14 t4r; the c6ke, fines, Card 1/2 being ground is not to contain particles exceeding 26 mm. Ham- 137-58-5-8771 drinding of Coke Fines and Limestone (cont. mer-type crushers are best suited for the grinding of time stone in sinter shops. To ensure an output of approximately 100 t/hr of product containing at least 92-94 percent of 3-Omm particles from hammer-type crushers of the MO type with a diameter 1450xIZ30 mm, it is essential thatlevery crusher be equipped with four sifters, that at least 140 solid cast hammers of steel 013L be used, and that the crushers be reversed systematically; the hammers must be replaced once every ten days. 'A.Sh. 1. Sintering--Materials 2. Coke--Applications 3. Calcite--Applicatiphs 4. Sintering plants--Equipment Card 2/2 SrOV/133-58-10-2/32 AtTTHOW: Kissin, D.A. ' Ioffe V.Ye., Staniobeyaklyt B.A. and 1,7 f ' " - ~-_ Karpusbinskiy TITM. Pre-heating of Sinter Mix in Mixime, DrUms (Podogrev aglomeratsionnoy shikhty Y smesitelInfth barabanakh) PERIODICAL: Stall'. 1958, Nr 10, pp 86? - 869 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By increasing the initA.&I temperatture of the sinter mix, its overwetting can be either dec:vease(l or completely prevented, thus increasing its gas permeability!and there- for increasing tLe output of siater. The effect is more pronou.meed with finer particle siZo ot the 6inter-42ix components. la 195?, pre-heating'of -the sinter~mix in the mixing drum waz introdu~~ed on the works. Gas burners for coke-oven gaa and compressed air were placed ia the mixing drum following the wetting zon~j (see figure); the removal& of the ccmbustion products was obtain6d b natural draught caused..'by a chimney of & throughput capacity of 9 -- 11 000 0/h. Obaer-rations of the plant operst ion without and with pre-teating of the mix indicated that bi ink-re8sing rhe i"Itial tempexature, Qf the mix ztrom 28 33 0 to 48 49 C~C, the output iucre&sed:by;3.5%- Card 1/2 Pr~-he~.-ting of Sinter Mix in ]Lix-.,.ng Drums SOV/1313-58-10-2/31 The plant was producing fluxed sinter,of a,.CsO/SiO 2' Xatio of 0.9. It is pointed out that a yearly e0onomy of, 1 350 000 roubles was obtained. This,;could be further improved by applying cheaper fuel and improvin 'e; the thermal efficiendy of the installation (at present~40~6). There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet references4 ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Zaporozhstall" (Zaporozho,tall Works) Card 2/2 POBUDONNSKIT, I-M-, ARTEWTV. S.A.. V4RSRAVSXIY, D.Y., 10m, T.T9. ZRIGIR, S.M.. SOBXIN. I.B. Incidence. causes. and features of the clinical course of gonorrhea reinfection In sales [with summary In Inglishlo' Voitodem, ivem., 32 no.3o.42-" MY-Je 158 1117.) 1e Is otdola gonorel (savo - prof, 1,M* Porm4oulnek1r) TSentralln6go nsmahm-Isele4ovatol'skogo kothno-vanerologIchaskop Instituts (direktor -,usuk N.M. Turanov) Minieterst*,a sdravookhranonlya RMR. 2. Tgemtrallan.kashoo-yonerologialisokly Wtitut (for Artemlyev). 3. 4-Y Mookovskly koshno-vinerologichookly dispanser (for Varshynkly), A, 2-y Moskovokly koshzo-venerologlabeekly dispansere 5. Ob"yedinenWa poliklinika Hinisteretva putey sodbahchenlym (for Sobk1u), (GOYMMA, reinfoot., Incidence & clin. courso.(%u)) LISENKOt-I.S KISSIN, -D.A.;-IOFFE, V.Ye.L NOVIKOV, Rxperimental sintering vith a parial substitution of coke breeze Biul,TSIICHM no,4:36-37 161, (KMA 14:3.0) 1, Zavod RZ rozhotall". 4P0 (Sintering) (Coke) USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and Patho- S-4 logical). Nervous System. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, q9064. Author : Magrupov, As I., Ioffe, Vo Yua, Mirzamukhamedov, M. A. Inst :Not given. Title :General Charaoteristio,of the Pathogonosis, Clinical Course and Pathomorphology of a unique Form of Toxic Encephalitis. Orig Pub: Sb. nauohn. tr. Samarkandsk. med. in-ta, 1955, 100 5-11. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 27 v uracnra Phamiacolor;" tAnd Toricolowy. Tai,-.Tcoloj~y. Foisonous Plants AP13. J0111R. t IMHO Iof f 7. Yu. TIME t On the Problen of the of PoisomLnp by Tvichodenina ~ncamm DO ncts. niha~rooklur. Uzbe~~Aztluna 1 55 No 7 ITO rbSt-rn(,,t lard: IOM. V.Ytt., prof. zaaluzhennyy dOYAtOl' naukio, 1AGMID(AlOolt. ---------- - Black's test in diagnosing' cancerous diseases* Vradh.delo no.94969 S158 (mm IWO le rafedra gospitallnoy terapii Samorkandskogo maditainakogo instituta; (OANM) 1CM. V.Yu.; IMAKULIYEV, B.1h. .Ascorbic acid metabolism in normal subjects OV00*4 to hot 011mati [with summary in llnglishl* Top-pit* 17 n0,637-40 N-D 15A#~ , 04IRA 1~: 2)~~ 1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (say. - laslushowa7 advat-01, nanki prof. V*Tu. loffe) Samarkandskogo meditainatogo Instituba Ila. akad. LP# Pavlova. OUT, effeetso on vitamin 0 metab. (Rum)) (VITAMIN 0, metabo off . of heat (fts)) IOFFE.9 V.yu., prof.; GI"WIYANp A.N.s OW.mod.*Auk Therapeutic value of the now preparation nitranal. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no.6-.40-42 Je 160a (MIR& 15-i2) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terapil Sama kan go gosudarotvemo .go meditainakogo instituta, imeni LP Pavlovas (NITIWIOL) IOFFE, V.Yu.; GAR&IIYAN,, A*N* .1 1 - ~~ttt~,J~-x,;..- ~ Therapeutic value of nitranol. Khim. I med. no.l6sZr-.29 161. (WRA 17t 8) IOFFE, V,Yu., prof, Functional state of the pancreas in some diseases of the Inter- .63 nal organs. Rauch. trudy SamMI 23s64-69 (KIIU 17 13) 1. TZ kliniki goopitallnoy terapii Samarkandskogo meditalnekogol instituta. The.main economic problem of the USSh. Moskva, Gosplanizdat. 1939. 81 p. (43-35516) HC335.J558- 1. Rus!Aa - Econ. condit. 1918- 2. hussia Com. Abramov'ch Economic competJ Lion of Oocialism and capitalitm; statistical diiita 1~01. propaE~Zind!~-bs. (I'Loskova) Goss, izd-vo polit. lit-r- y, 1939. 118 P. (51-4691h) HC57.j63 1. Eco:~ordc conditions 1918-1945. 2. Russia Econ. condito -1916-1945. I I 1 91111 111HUT191 JUFFE - YA'I%-o-v- --A br A mov- I ch ---- -- --- --- - -- - - ---- -- The planninE of industrial production. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1948. 1419 p. (50-27595) T56-j56 1. Industrial management - Russia. ?ygra _!MZNNSOV, P.V., red.; PONOKUMA, A.A., IMV~j Lek -xi j 9 (The U.S.S.R. will overtake and surpass the United Sta~es In economic comj*titionj 681SR dogonit i peregotit Whi V ekonomi- cheskom sorevnovaniio Moskva, Gooplanisdat, 1959. 6~ P. (MIRA 12:8) (Russia-Iconomic conditions) (United States-4conomin conditions) 5(17 AMORS1 Vol'fkovioht S. T., TUrOWZt F- V-t $0/64-59-2-5/23 roffet.ya. A.9 Loving A. U. TITLE: Prospects of the Production and Application d X-ineral F~wtilisers in East Siberia (Perspektivy proizv6detva:iprimenenlya minerallnykh udobreniy v Vostoobnoy Sibi#) PERIODICALs Kbimicheskaya promyshlonnost', 1959, Nr 20 py 112-115 (USSR) AMMM if all seed areas in East Siberia (73); 1wire to, ,be oupplied:with mineral fertilizers (UP) in ths normal do."O",; ayearly smoomf of 40WW T of N atid'5140W T of IK20 ould be 2, 426M T of P 0 IF 2 necessary. Data.concerning this sulilloat ~ublidbed by the sovot PO izacheniyu proizvoditellnykh oil pri AN SMSR CSOPS) (Counoil for the Study of Productive Forces at the AS,VSSR;':(SOPS)ar%g,lower because woods and meadows were not taken intolaccount. With respect to the industrial development in (MI for lhe~ooming 7-Myeaxo a yearly amount of 60000 T of N., 100000 T tkf P4 , and 6= T'of 2 5 K20 would be necessary for a systmatic supply 'and according 'to pre-calculations for the year 1975 (for,:660000:0 hectares). 20M T of 14.1 211000 T of P 0and 1$0000 T of 1120. The Card 113 .2 5P Prospects of the Production and Application of Mineral. SOV64-59-2-5/0 Pertilizers in East Siberia assortment of the (UP) ahould consist mainly of 4oiacentrated CNF) in order to reduce transportation costs. The high -percentage of tiansportation. costs in the price of simple superphosphate is illustrated in a table for 3 works of fertilizers .(T4Lble). Devildoe ammoni= nitratei 'urea (with 4011 )An anlaportant UP as well an 2 the combined nitrogen-phosphorno-potambita,fsrtiiisers are an important branch of produationj in this con;nectlon.nitrio-acid treatment of phosphates to nitrophos and'dtrophoska is of special interest. For the development of.a phosphor6v fertilizer industry by extraction of phosphoric acid from nitiirrd phosphates onIT the remote Norillsk complies-with,tho corresponding prerequisites. The following deposits are taken into consideration for the production of HP in Ws The problem of-exploitation of the gypsum deposits in the Irkutsk aid other &rain has still to be investigated. The phosphorite deposits at the Wang&, the &rea of -the tributary of the Toni aya TuWaka (Ref 1), which are already being exploited, to well as thwarests .~ersr Slyudanka and on the Lake Bsykalp -the phdaphorits deposits between -the Card 2/3 Angara-Ili district and the Bratsk Elecitria-power Statio~ ad well Prospects of the Production and Application of Mineral., SOV/64-59-2-5/23 Fertilizers in East Siberia as the biggest phosphorite deposits of Dibl* *ad-Kart Tadi"ne! three power plants in Bratsk, Krasnopwiki~rmd'i~nineyok.arig,,, regarded as the basis of the productioapf.moncentrated fertilizers from eleotrotbarmal phosphoric &aid, the.c"city of wM6h is, ooinputed. Potassium fertilizers will not belprodiiceid in 33 before 1965, they will be supplied from Berexniki *ad ftlikmmsk.-Borine fertilizers may be produced from the K,Ar&'Ti.4 pbov;horites containing 36% P205. and 7-8% R3B03' Adoordi~g to 46pproxim&t calculations, capital investment for a comyl te V a OU ply of HS with nitrogen- and phosphorus fertilizers will b4 appr6ximatelY 4 billion rubles. If potassium and phosphorus prospe .olting proven '*o be successful and the nemsery industry mill be built up in ES, ihe total aum of capital investment will rise t6-&'bout 5,2 billion rubles. There are-1 table and 4 Soviet %~Ofersncsia, Card 3/3 ra.G., doktor ekon.natk; TIMISKIT, K,A,, k9ndmkon,aatLkj OWROVSKITj A.0.0 kand.okon.nauk; .1111VSHITS, 1,&, doktor akon.nat*; CHUGWOTv 13*199 kand*ekononauk; SHCKIM. N.A., k)qnd.e)wa.n'8Uk; URANKIN, T.T., kand.ekon.nauk; RVZHNMID, Sh.Lav kand.okon.nau ; XOBMTHT, A,H., doktor ekon.usmk; OPATSKIY, L.Y., doktor ekon,nauk; TASTLOUT, N.Y,, doktor ekon. 'nauk;,RUDMO, CANN kand.okon.nauk; BTSMOZOROT. A.S.9 kand.geogrossuk; 1010TA. U*L5 kznd.ekon*nauk-. KRUTIXOT, IOP.0 kand.geogr.naut-, MWIMMATAs V.S.40g; red.izd-va; MMCHENKO. G.N., [Special featurts and factors In the distribution of-branches ok the national economy of the U.S.S.R.] Osoba=6'sti i'faktory raxwehaheniia otraslai naradnogo khosisistys SM. !Xaskva, 1960. 692 p. (MM 14:3) 1. Akademiya, nauk WSRe Institut ekonomiki. (Hoonomio xoning) OMMTKOt VJ I IOPPE la,A.j OBOTAX=v X.P.; BRYWVp P.N.0 KUDAOVt V.M.1 SAM- BORS;dit-W.".-riosigov, V-0-1 IXMAMY, P.P,; WflKTWp~N.N.j 13PSI L,Ya.1 YAK084 A.A.;* BUNWO 4.A.j- BOGWOURI O.TOj POIATAIEVp U.N.f ZAGLADMt S.M,; SOBAM38KMP',- VO'I.1 NIXOLAW# D.Not redol PWPUWA A.A.9 tekb3m. red. EUnited Staton in loosin the economic Oomp6titioul SSU proigr~vaut okonomiobealcoo aorevnovanies Moskyaq led-vo Wran, 6L 295 pe 1. Moscow. Nauobn6-iesliidolo.+Al'W*'4koaftubowdy~, Izatitut. 2,10 actrA- nW Nauohno-isoledovatellikago"4k*nbidobo$W 0 instituta Oonkommi- sovets. &SM (for -aU oxaspt'l llk6l#*vv PbiWnvwm) (UnItAdistate"06abldo 00nutlusY (Rusal"conmia conditl*m) 1OFi'E,-Ya.A-.f; NIKONOVA, I.I.; CIMRTKO, V.P.; NAYDMIOV, G.N.; ZININt B.N.; NOCHEMNA, L.P.; NESTEROV, L.I.; XISTMUV, N.I.; KUDROV, V.M.; FAK, G.V., red.; PONCVAMAi-A4dj, tekbn. red. (Structural changes in the industries of the United~States,, Great Britain and German Federal Republic In the postuar year]Strukturnyo imneneniia v promyshlennosti MMA,'Ang3ii i FRR vpoolevoemiye gody. Moskvap Mconomizdatj 1962.~ 417 p. (MM 15: 10) 1. Moscow, Hauchno-issledovatellakiy ekonomicbipokiy irotitut. (United States-Industriao) (Great DritaiA-Induotriea) (Germaxv, West-Industries) IOFFBO Ya,A,; ISUPOV, V.T.1- POKATAYEV, Yu.N.; FODWRNOVA~ V.t MUMIN, Yu., tekhn, red. (Socialist and capitalist countries In figuron; a.brief statistical reference book) Strany aotBiali7~sla I kvita- lizma v tsifrakh; kratkii statisticheskil, sgavochnik. Monkvaj Politizdat) 1963. 207 p. WRA 1731) MUnSHWO B.K., kwid.mednauki IOFMA-~ phonocardiography. rop.pat.krovi i krovoobr. 'no.6t/A-59 s6i.l. (MM i613) :.66 S/019/61/000/018/024/073 A152/AI26. AUTHORSs Voznesenakiy, I.A.; Artemenko, Ye.P.j Ioffe, Ya.I., YakovlevA TITLEz Telescopic mast FERIODICAL: Byulletent izobreteniy, no. 18, 1961, 22 - 23 TM(Ts Class 21&4, 660,. 141186 (661297/26 of March 31, 1�60)4 1) A is- lescopic mast for rigging up antennas and other devices, provided withaLlifting mechanism incorporating a reducing gear, the distinctive feature.of which con- sists in that, for the purpose of increasing the operational reliability of the lifting mechanism, especially under complex meteorological conditions, the lift- ing mechanism is made in the form of a worm, which is connected with the reduc- ing gear and installed inside the fixed lower section of the mast; the lower part of each mast section contains discs with nuta (vd2ich are screwed on or off the worm when the mast is being mounted or dismounted, ralsed or:lowered) and an, automatic look in the form of a.block which can be shifted so as to automa- ng link on the tically connect the ends of the mast sections through a connecti upper part of each section. 2) Tn order to increase the reliability of as^.:tIon Card 1/2 8/019/61/000/018/024/073 Telescopic mast A152/A126. connection, as described above, the looks are made in the form of a head with cams situated in the annular grooves of a clutch, and connected with the mant sections. Card 2/2 Ambryonic umbilical hernia, Akush. i gin. 32 no.4:85-86 A-Ag '56. MU 9:11) 1e Is kbirurgicheskoge otdolonlya (save A.I.German) bollnitay imeal Semasbko g.Pashkina. 3901). 09 005jO09/0 - 48,62/0001 S19 osco-P'f def act Jtrasonjo datL O'f Oooss thle 91 hat th a C; or 200 tform of yLe stj.'Ya .161-55 vy 1962, ct-Lon the jzve no. 4'nstr'a rd ad i~ a 0v th and 4 'ti.OU C'xj" tallursi-1011 the rooo I t$; Ljr rap -n - tri ,amended" Shox%%,d be foot, 1 d. .rooo ts .'h do ~'hjs' :L-AS r.corde .Lt -j. 5 tes OOLGr c I - por %SOTL3.0 ion 0 .06ses .t. are Ir %)~T 1. SI-t 10 f t S vi-th 0 0 'pr 0 -f the PO Mai 0 T11 thor ,.13.t5 the OA &A-Vo res 11 511owins "n resu ant the ~-a en 5 -L% .Srap t arOA0 t ad al:14 tl-Le tetem nd bjr coMpr, de'$j.Sne a, alen .,,lerfteTL t verbe,3. 0 do5j.4 jde 06 Shor ti Pro.%r equiv t b 0 1 Men IL?94%ra tAls r -alno ra Of 86 ackal-9 . a to The , three ,t2.o %a fo er, a of: 05S1- t ast 0. a0p. toclope- tI a pi. t 00601-L 91 r'On '00 06 d6ef!er- dosr-'ri-bOs j'ChA'C'11 lt a 0 W 0 a jdonl . Z'id of OSU 0 all 5 . 1:10't3.0 ey-am"no 10cat rise j.on the -nat 'Paxt t-a e a:),- ayo r 3 t a rd:L%I-. i. a coop f 11 r e-POrt - 0 for or 0 aan reco 40-4 .prilraarl 06 the ro ev:LO a f or orajOatins tsi ee CL 00 b et%.r 00 act aof sots. 00 er 0 Card 30,071 S/148/62/OdP/005/009/oO9 Recording the process Of to** E'193/E383 stand in which the toot piece can be rigidly hold, the spring- loaded probe being housed in a probe-holdor mounted in a carriage, free to move along and 'across It.he a.urface of the' test piece, pFovision also having been made for rotgting the probo-holder,(around its vertical axis) through 180 . The position of the probe relative to the centre line of the wold- is determined with the aid o~ linear scales and a protr'actort The second unit comprises the defectoscope and a photocameral the latter being.rigidly connected to the former to,facilitate focusing. The photocarnera Is provided with an attachment (4 frame, transparent visually, opaque emulsion-vrise,*with a vertical slot in the middle) with the aid of which a photo$raph of adintegrated oscillogram can be made; in this:Way, a photographic record of each defect can be obtained. The registering device consists of a rectangular frame', the long side of which is provided with a linear scale 'identical with Y that mounted on the coordinating device. In this.'frame a paper Ll blank is inserted on which the outline of the cross-section'of the examined part of the test piece has been pr6viously drawn. Card 2/ 3 39071 s/148/62/000/005/009/009 Recording the process of .... 1-:193/8383 The frame with the blank is then mounted on-to the coordinating device in such a way that the scales of the twoldevices coincide. When a defect is detected its position,size andicharacter are plotted on the blank from data on the travel of the central pencil of the ultrasonic beam through the test piece, a separate blank being used,-4o register each defecto There are 5 figuros. ASSOCIATION. Khayt' ovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitbt k (Kharlkov State University) SUBM17TED: December 29, l961 Card 3/3 8/032/62/028/002/032/037 B124/BIOI: AUTHOR: TITLE: Localization of defects in ultrasonic tests PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 2p 1962, 242-245 TEXT: Simplified accelerated localization of defects.,Ivithirefringent' selector heads immediately on thecontours of the component by ultrasonic tests is described. The position of the axis of radiation is determihed~ with an equal-sided triangle having a vertex angle equal to the dou'vie angle of refractionr (Fig. 1). The triangle can be freely displaced:' along a fixed horizontal rule, the zero point of which corresponds to the'aXis, of the welding seam. At the m6ment when the maximum signal is obtai4ed from the reflecting surface on the screen of the flaw detector, the' accurate position of the angle at which the ray enters the metal is ~recorded with respect to the welding-saam axis. The total length of the pathlof radiation in the component is calculated from 1 a F (t-t, Pt - d,~ -where a is the propagation velocity of transverse oscillations in the metalt V Card 1 S/032/62/028/062/032/037 Localization of defects in ultrasonic ... B124/B1Q1 is the time between the moment when probing radiation,is Btarted.and.that of probing when reflected impulses are received, tt is the time of passitge and reflected rays in the detector priamv and d is the equi-vLlent dilstance between the piezoelectric cell and the point of emergence of the ultrasonic- ray axis from the selector prism. Defects can be located more accurately by using two detectors with different angles of incidence, or by repeating the measurements with the same selector head in a different position.# The angles of inclination of-the emitter and the properties of:the metal under examination lead to various values of the angleo~.P. In order to avoid the necessity of using a grdat number of triangles, the device:shown in.Fig.'2 was developed, which permits the choice of the optimum angle of inclination for the piezoelectric call in the selector head. A special setup securing tight contact of the prismatic probe with the sample and allowing both sides of the welding seam to be subjected to the action of ultrasonic:. waves at several points was also developed, There are 3 figures and. I Soviet reference'. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im-iA- M. Gor?Xogd . (Khar1kov State University imeni A. M. Gorlkly) Card 2 000 0-0980000000006 a 41 q 01 - 0. 4 403 441 oo;ie liwi- A-A--C-I-TEM AL I-Ow Offs M044 fooccl"s ov 004 CA 1-90 00 0 c 009 .00 191.11 00 Ham $r twom 00 40 .2 x0li coo 00- coo lp 49 0 a A S aS L A OWTALUAGICAL LnIvAlk" CLAUMAIIIN silleva wit 4mv "t 's 04i u 8 mi la As ;Iff * 1) 40 a, A! , ; 0, 1', ,, ; A U, a 't 0 0 Wo 0 0 46 0 0000 0000 0 t'0 0 4 0 0 0,02: 0:6-0 0 0~00 004.1 46 if* 0 0 6 1 1 1 -- 1&' 00 00 0 * * 0. _04 a * 0 OIOLO 0 0 * 00 ~Ls a's I a 0-0 0 0; *Voi 0.0, 0 0 a ..0-04 qt lop l a 4 A) A U Al V At H 41 *0 4 P*K11141 AND o0 -40 o Via. & 106 and 8, B. blupitu, u4sit. pr. -IMUopbtu is pMduced by vim- oo -auiw WW gma6cw. WiLb IN(ka all con. 09 -i denuti m sw ddwdmtim : 400 0 .3 no* goo 0*0 004 of Cos it goo *Go See use Lee goo $pow 'r 4~6_ 44 - " - 11 0 bu u AT I* in ol P K a x + ~01 s a~", I V 90 so 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 WO a 00 0 0 0 * o 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 ; t s A i 00 00 0 041 0 00 0 0 IPP O 0 0 0006,6 0_$_qk_*,jL NOSOVP G.L.; j,r"I*TT'yPJ`, I-M.; 13'~Iiif- IOFFE, Solidification and cooling of various brand steel Ingots in ingot molds. Stall 25 no.6:529-534 Je 165. OQRA 18-6) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgichankiy kombhm~t i Vceso-tznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy Institut metallurgicheskoy teplo- tekhniki. ~Tl j BURKSER, V.Ye.; IOFFE; IVA14ITSKIY A.V.; ~' NYDElUON, Yu-YO.; SEROVA, A.M. Investigating the Irregularities of the heating of abeet ingots in compartment-type, heating furnaces with a, sliding bottom. Stall 25 no.6%569 Je 165. (MIRA 18:611 1. Ni2hne-Tagillskiy metallurgichoskiy kombirat. IOM, Te.D. The problem of preliminary *oil processing in controlling biting mIdges. Ned.paras. i paraz.bol. 28 no.4s484 il-Ag 159. NM 12:12) 1, Is parasitologichookogo otdola. Stalingradskoy oblastnoy manitarno- epidemlologIcheskoy stantall (glavnyy vraobt ZOX. Dr;oxdova, xav.~ otde- lom G.G. Eiva). '(DIPTRU) (BOIL) 10FFIES Te.Y. "Operating Conditions in High-Voltage Distributing InstalUtions"N: Gosenergoizdat, Moscow/Leningrad' 1949., 55 ppo 2 rables 404opekso so: w-14151 3.1 oct 195o. A, - ------ --- Electric Circuit Breakers Rapid repairing of electric circuit breakers. Elek. eta. 23 No. 4 (1952) ifizh.: SO: MO List of Russian Ace"sions, Library of congreje, Auavt,,,t 1952 10m, YGv#Gk,,FF,11111F11OVich- GORT33SKIY, S.M., redaktor; YORONIN, X.P., .C T 7 r4 noWnic es y r ter. Dasks Involved In the operation of high-tension substations] Operattynals, rabota n& pedstanteliakh vys6kago napriashenlia. Isd. 2-e. per*r. Moskva Go*. energ. Is&-vo, 195k 980-pe~ W" 831) Ollectric substations) (Ilectrio power distribution.-Nigh tension) NIKOLAYSVAI N.Y., inzhener; FAKYATHYKH, A.S., inshener; KUSOWI, T.P., inzhener; KAKWMOV, L.D., inshener; DANYILIAN, G.E., inzhener; ions, B.F., inzhener; GWZDICV,A.V., Inshmner; KLZtQ,'fiT'YEV, D.P., Ownen-Ur-, MOSIKIN, V.S., inzhener.' On the organization of service for district substations. Alsk. sta.25 no.2:36-42 F 154. (MLRA 712) 1. Azenergo (for Nikolayev&, Paayatnykh and Makhmarov). 2. Donbassenergo (for Musatoy and Panyelian). 3. Mosenergo (for Klementlyev). 4. Gorenergo (for Ioffe, Grazday and Koalkin). (Zlectric substations) AID P 2412 .Subject USSR/Electricity card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 11/33 Authors Rytalin, A. M., Donbass Power Systw Blagonadezhdin,, V. M., Kuybyshev Power, System ' Knyazevskiy, B. A., Moscow Power System Vollfson, I. B.,.Kirov Power System Musatov, T. P. Donbassfower System Ioffe, Ye. F-., Oorlkiy Power System Title Discussions on ',the volume,'l of Instru6tioni and operational documentation for power substations Periodical Elek eta 5. 37-43, MY 1955 Abstract The,article refers to an article by ROg. 0'. B. Yakusba ., 1 v6 953) and gills publlsh6d in this periodical (No. 10. , a- sW=rized account of opinions and answers received from readers. The subdect of the discussion is the: documentation Involved in the operati6n of substations.- The need for standard instructions and a decrease In the amount of paper work is stressed by all correspondents. Institution: None Submitted No date ol~ An P - 4049 Subject USSR/Power Card 1/1 PUb. 26 - 7/33 Authors : Ioffe, E. F. and E. I. Kondratl7evsl~ Eng6. Title : On planning the operation of power~plants. Periodical Elek. sta., 120 24-25v 1955 Abstract A short discussion on planning effiolentloperation of thermal power plants in fuel consumption and output. Institution None Submitted No date AID P 4058 Subject USSR/Power Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 16/33 Author Ioffes E. F. Ibm M Title Discussion-in the Oorlkly Branch of the All-Union Scientific Society of Power.Engin6erv And Techniclalnl on the extent of remote-control Ot substationO. Periodical Elek. ate. 0 12, -Ar"45, 1955 Abstract A report on the conference of PAy-:23, t: 1955 on ",no 0 , control of iJO-and 35 kv substattons. long Sow swWest are presented. Institution None Submitted No date MUSATOV. T.Pe, inzhener; NMOVSXIY, L.D., inshener: IOM, Te.7 inzhener; POBEGATIO, K-Koo inzhener; XMIN, 112Z A, VASILIYV, A.A., inshenere On permanent wrkings on the supports of electrIo trhnomission lines. Blek, eta, 26 no,lsO-45 Ja 155. (MMA 8:3) Ollectric lines-Overhead) RMLIN, A.M., inshener; BUNIAMIMIN, V.N., Lahener; MAM-SM, B.A.. Inshemr; VOLIPSON, I.T.. inshener; KUUIW. T*Po, inshsiwrl IMP Te.F., inshener Tolum of instruotions amd operatt" papers for slactrie ribetations. Kek.sta. 26 no*5:37-43 Nr '559- Ilektrometl .0 MWOMOrgo f a 2 Noisiergo (f. VT8'nftvm=rcO U~-Tollifwon). 5., Stalinskly setevoy raron'Doub"maxierip. 6. "ner9*0 U. lotfe). embstattafte) I077N. Te.P.. inshener; ZDAMATIYXTA, To.l. Planning the operation of electric power st4tionts xlskstao; 26 no.12:24-25 D ~55. (MI" 9: 4) (Blectric power plants)