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MM/Chemiatry - Hydrocarbon oxidation CaVd 1/1 t Pub. 147 - 4/21 Authors t loffe 1. 1.- Levin, Ya.' S- Sbkpl, qva Zo Vqi:ruront~.bij. 1. G.; 04d Title C Study of the kin.'etics, aiA michknia of vapiar-4phasOl thewoletf~ oxidation of benzene 'Yxith mold on Oular oxyg Zhur. fiz. khim, 8~ 1384-wlj%v: Auk' 1954, Abstract The kinetics of benzeTI4:,:ioiadaii4~-i4thlmoi,06 nslitre`14,ga at high hydr n~entra~ipi'-and ~~ IA pearbon cc 4 rM 4i and pressures. It was found that thG klneitiO: of ~A"~ion "Mictlon corresponds to the kinstlos,'ofi a degenerated oxplo~lom. The roUtion between the rate of reaction, benzene:o.Vgen ratio anA partiikl 0- pressure, was established. - The inhibiting efNct of the qmistz s~r- face on the volmetric, reae'UoO ot benzeneoMidatlodif is dis;*ssed. Six references: 2-USSR and 4-Fri?,lish (19294950).; Tables; #apha drawings. Institution The K. E. Voroshilov 54'entific Re s2earcih trt~ tut~4 Or,an Products and Dyes .Submitted t July 3, 1953 - -- - -I - --. ussa/chamiitry Oxidation Card 1/1 j 'Author Iofre, I.- I. Title Chain. oxidation of phenol,: Periodical, Zhur Fiz..Khim., 28, Edi:5,.772 7,74, ~!ay.1954 --Abstract.- ~The reaction of vartior-i-Ohase. ihermal oxidation of..- ien9. Wad Invest tic d r.0 .,,,a I- at~-610,-63 0--an" -GthnO q-Gf- jt.P4-.0 4-a sta The A~.ektloni -J~ -7 Its 3 ales qr spbnds to the equation of V. ~N 3 6h' n iiila .~Ion'I :Jemonov: rii 0 proa if the quartz surface, whieh.inhibits the 'Volt -metric qhaij. a. eatalyt la' q'ur- hail face reaction leading to ccflii'lete '6xidation is ~Iai:t T re atmf nt f -ice wiUi I th6 surfa iydrogen fluoridt- ~ve u 5 .11 t s1 ling, a r the Ho lyticaDy active surface 'centers, And the rate of reaction is chanred. Five referfmc~i~n 3 n t -1906, L-nO-orm-4n t-A tm n since mf. .Tab1e,,L-ra-hs.! U7 :.Institution The K, E. Voroihilov. Instituto of C ~r pa n i c -~ubmibted Aj>r11 10, 11953- . i I - jh!- : .~ 4!..- .. - -, ..4 .. '.. - 4 .. . .1 1: . I w, 4. 1 ;,1,: q1 hf-t",C-nw-Alfl -zillatinn or E .41 1 z - ... -:.. ~ , ~ W J, .1 . . ... - :, I ~~j ., ,,, i I ~ I I . - I . 1. 1 ., . . I I I I . ! , . . . I , I - -V N.- Tj IK C. USSM/Chemistry Oxidation Card 1/1 TO, 147 3/27, ~-Authors -:-Tof f6 1. 1$ Title lets rIzene -The. mechanism.of. incompL oxidation 0 be -Perlocac,41 Zhur.~fiz* kiAm. .29/9 5456ii seo 1954 155! :Abstract .of ~t,~~6na The mchanism Of ia'por--ph&-se";,dx1da~,idn , of phenol and found W be based,on the chain chair cess participated by the.p1mrjv1:ar4 . pa ai r = maernitude of'the activation energy .nee r oe peroxide radical was established, ;The 'mechanism' : sion during the process or vapor-phA:se 6xidatloa . Equations e---pressing the rate of ph 6nol and diphe of phenol donversion are included.~ Six refeirenoe is jHuo-~im-z-t jn4 Dyesp! Ition 1046i i pro 1C the, I cm+er- iqtib4d. 11 the Irate rUshland ~k USSR/Chamistry,_ Physical -chJudstr7 6rd Pub 147 -3/27 A~thors -9~ .1of& ~X nj 'Y p LO and Sherma 'ize Title t _Stu4y_of -the-kinetics, and 'me6hanismi. 0 r' - ~81 'ox1 ion:of a0 104 , alati o. - Of ~rl ver a 0 )**"-arbon9,il -Part, 5. Kinetics of~~ ion:; j:ddl vanadium catalyst Periodical Zhur-* fir.. khim. 26/22 269~~ # , ' Abstract t The Otut of , rAphthaUn'.o4d&t1612_'~i4i~toq Ath r I lk s ~ potassium-sulftte catai*st; wa's (vonducte'd with I i . ro h1i6&3jqiO1 resultant reaction producte 4 a ial 180thermou iieth d:deivelopd4 ped a t1 bri lo this l,1 . ~ I i I investigation is described. Formula determining t 4 rai 6 ~:of' reaetW . ' ir4 oi l naphthalin oxidation is included.. It was establis d th ii. A100 Wi ' the shifted into the internal-diff0ion:1 ture limit of this transition increases with t6i or 9 Wthe I sic ! , concentration of the raphthalin.. The rate or: ion; the MW ' ~ 1 1 : of the catalyst,, whieb isrege rat ng rda?.% on t h Marlhtfi ne ad duri i ~ 4 1 . 1 ; ' insider t molecules, and the desorption of reaction prodw 't il ar VAO -determinant factors of the oxidation process. Firt refO;r~nr-*ed:j 31 0SR ;and' - 2 tISA-(1935-1952). Tables; graphs; Arawingsol Institutions The Ko Be Vorcehilov Scientific Researc*h' InAitut f ftaw~ "0 a~ l UA Submitted t December 11 1953 OP I 9c . " - - - -,; -, I ~ . ~ :. I'l--, , - !I -t'. mqi " - . I A ~:j; -1 - z- a. - , -~1:111-1-.~11,~- '! IP 11 !1 1 , - 1: .1 .. t I :! I I : ~j . , . I . I AUTHORSt Malyshevt A. I.t Ioffej I. 1. 75-13-3.-25/21 ,TITLE: Potentiometrio Titration of Benzoquinone in a italeic Acid Solution (Potentsiometricheakoye titrovaniye,benzokhinons v rastvore maleinovoy kisloty) PERIODICALs Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 195001! Vol 13t Nr '3' pp, 374-375 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the catalytic oxidation of benzene with vanadium,cata- lysts benzoquinone (Reference 1), the, qua:utitative'deter- mination of which in of interest fortheJ10ontrol of1he' production of maleic acid, also forms beside maleio.'aoid, I ' the chief product of the reaction. R':zymkow ski (Rzhimkovs'kiy) (Reference 2) had worked out a metho4~for;the deteriination of benzoquinone by which the authors of the present papirp however, did not obtain any positiveresuits. For i!~he po- tentiometrio titration of the dark-dolore a solutioiw for- , ming in the oxidation the authors employed the usual io6i - metric method for the determination of bepzoquinono~(Re~- Card 1/3 ference 3). Benzoquinone reacts with'potassium. iodide itt Potentiometric Titration of Benzoquinone in a Maloic 75-13-345/21 Acid Solution Card 2/3 arf acid solution under formation of~free'iodine and1ydko- quinone. The liberated iodine was potentiometrically titra- ted with thiosulfate# a diatinctly.marked potential4rop occurring on this occasion. The results ihow a good4gree- ment. The whole determination only..iants,several minutesp As a compensation scheme in the yotentiom~otrio titra'tion possesses a higher reliability (Refe':;enoe~4), a poii4nti6- meter of tYP8 LP-5 was used. The,redox potential iWas measured by a platinum electrode wl~6, reference toga satu-.. 0 i~e in rated calomel electrode At a content of benzoquin(s. the order of magnitude,of OtOO05 mdl:the '*:~ror of this determination does not exceed 3% r6iiativoly).,The~d,etei- minations were performed at 20-50~0-~i Mfof a 011it thio- sulfate solution corresponds to 0,0054 g;benzoquin6he. ~ Formaldehyde exerts no influence upola the!: determinei't'lon, of benzoquinone. I direct potentiom6tric iitr'ation~o .f benzoquinone with thiosulfate is not'to be recom:mezId:,ed in the case under review. There are 1 figure, I tab15 and 6 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Potentiometric Titration of Benzoquinone in a Maleic', 75-13-3-2-5/27 Acid Solution ISSOCIATIONi Nauchno - iesledovatelvakiy inetitut organicheskWi polu.- ,produktov i krasiteley im. X. Ye.joroshilovat gDekva; (Moscow Scientific Research Institute for OrganioJnt4r- mediate Products and Dyes imeni K'.: Ye.,Voroshilov~) SUBMITTED: April 9, 1957 Benzoquinone-Determination 2. Mdleic~ a,cid-ChenxLeal analysis Card 3/3 2d-1-6-4-34/61 AUTHORS: Ioffe, 1. 1.9 Vollkenshteyng F. F. TITLE: The Trend of Contact Oxydation Reacti 0-n8 on Semiconducting Catalysts (Benzene Oxydation Serving as an Example) (K voprosu o napravienii reaktaii kontaktnoga' okisleniya na polu rovodnikovykh katalizatorakh (na. primers okisteniya benzola PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118,,Br 4, pp. 747-750 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors here examine the phenomens''Mentioned in the title, from the aspect of the theory of catalysis, which was developed by r. F. Vollkenshteyn (Tefer4nce 5,6,7). Convenient objects for the investigation of the mechanism of the process are the simplest aromatic compounds (benzene, naphtalene), because at them sharply marked trends in the heterogeneous-catalytic and homogeneous reactions are observed. The authors suppose that it is possible to make various assumptions on the possible Card 1A mechanism of the oxydation of benzene.on electron- The Trend of Contact Oxydation Reactions on Semicondacting 20-118-4-34/61 Catalysts (Benzene Oxydation Serving as an Example) Card 2/4 semiconductors and Hole-semioonductors (e.g..Yanadium pentoxide and ouprio oxide, or ouprous, oxide). Uere, thii authors proceed from the assumption thAt in case of th,e adsorption of benzene one of the bindings in ihe,ben:,ene molecule is ruptured and that the valence which has beooms free in this way is saturated by the free valence of the catalyst. Here are two and only two possibilities: In*oas~ of the adsorption of the benzene molecule either a C-H-binding or a C-C-binding can be ruptured. As adsorber here a crystal of the type M R is examined (M denoting m r a metal and R a metalloid)t which is regarded to be 'built up of the ions M+P and R-q (pm - rq)-~Most of the semicon- ductors used as catalyst*-(oxides, sulfides) may hayB':a lattice of this type. First the adsorptionAs investigated here, in the case of which a C-H-bindtng is ruptured,~In this case the adsorption leads to the,dissociation o:f:the benzene molecule into 2 ions, as is illustrated here schematically. This mechanism is possible in case of~ electron- semiconductors and also of hole-semiconductors. The The Trend of Contact Oxydation Reactions on Semiconducting 20_11$444/0 Catalysts (Benzene Oxydqtion Serving as an Example) difference between these types of semiconductors becomes noticeable in case of the interaction of the compounds which form on the surface, with the vagrant(bluzhdatl~ free valences of the catalyst. Th-as the electrically neutral radical which is located on the surface, forms on the hole semiconductors, whereas it,practioalli cannot form on electron semiconductors. Then the adsorption of a benzene molecule with the rupture of a C-C-binding is in- vestigated. Also here the process of adsorption leads to the production of a positive and of a negative valence on the surface of the catalystp whereon the netative valence (hole) remains free and the positive valence (electron) combines with the benzene molecule, retains it on the surface, and transforms it into an eleatrically charge 'd radical. Such an ion radical, which is located on the surface, practically forms only on electron semiconductors, but on hole semiconductors. The here examined hypothetical mechanism is very much achematized, it only:shows the way* to the understanding of the action of semiconducting Card 3/4 catalysts in the oxydation benzene. The Trend of Contact Oxydation Reactions on Semiconducting 20-116-4-34/61 Catalysts (Benzene Oxydation Serving as an Example) There are 7 figures, and 15 references, 11 of which area Soviet ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organioheskikh oluproduktov i krasiteley im. Voroehilova cientific Research Institute for Organic SemiproductB N and byes imeni Voroshilov) Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physical Chemistry of the kS'USSR) PRESENTED: July 8, 1957, by P. A. Rebinder, Member, Academy of Sciences USSR SUBMITTED: April 24, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 10(2)95(4) AUTHORSz -_IoffeL I. I.1 Grigorov, A. P. SOV/64-59-3-13/24 TITLEs On the Theory of the Reaction Rate in a Pseuido-liquid~Catalyet Layer (K teorii skorostey reaktsiy v ps'evdoqzhizhennom'81o-e katalizatora) PERIODICAL: Xhimicheskaya promyshlennostf, 1959, Nr 3f ~p 57-64 (USSR), ABSTRACT: Although the application of.paeudo-liquid catalyst IaVOrs offers advantages, it may on the other.1hand cause a reduction of the catalyst (C) capacity e reduce the reactioWrat6 or change the selectivity of (C~ I tiols of proc6ss6s:with Investiga n (PCI)iefs 1-4, 12, 22) which took place recently, mainly dealt with particular questions. Some general properties therefore are examined in the present paper, The~suppqsition that:the application of a (PC) eliminates the influence of the diffusion, is often found in publications 9 but it :is wrong. An inhibiUon of the reaction by means of an outside diffiision is oax~sed:by the fact that the diffusion in the (PC) is vegulatedby the proportion of the gas permeating the layer in the f orb of little "bubbles", by the linear dimensions of'these bubbles and by the diffusion conditions of the gas in the bubbles. An ex4mple of Card1/3 the contact oxidation of naphlbalene into pbtlialic acid by, means On the Theory of the Reaction Rate in a SOV/64-59-3-;13/24 Pseudo-liquid Catalyst Layer of the air served for constructing a diagram.on the influence of the di Spereity of (C) on.the reaction(A. 1. Tiahcheinko collaborated)(Fig 1). Two equations (3)~~and (4) are derIved which explain the course of the reaction in the POI as well as some forecasts regarding the reaction rate (RR.). Them application of a "compressed" (PC), i.e. of a, net on the. (PC), proved useful in the naphtbELlene oxidation mentioned above (Fig 2). An increase in the density of the o4talyst pst:r,ticles accelerates the reaction taking place in the:diffusion area. One of the linear dimensions (the height) of the gas Ilubbles mentioned above, is proportional to the distance of the. distribution grid, so that an approximate valuation can be carried out with regard to the influence of the height of the (C) layer on the RR. An example shows that an increasobf the height of the (C) layer reduces not only it&activityj~ buts also the selectivity of the (C). In accordance with piLblication data (Ref 21) it was found that a mechanica1mixture of the gas Card 2/3 Qn the Theory of the Reaction Rate in a BOV/64-59-3-1.3/24 Pseudo-liquid Catalyst Layer with the moving (0) partioles plays a much smaller r8le~than. the sorption-deeorption mechanism. Two bd~rdep~.-Jine caseil'of the adsorption-desorption mixture are explain6dt and I considerations are given on the activity~,of th;e M. Thore are 2 figuresp 1 table, and 35 references, 13,of ir.bich are 36viet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledova.tellskiy institut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley, HIOPiK (scientific Research Institute for' Organic Semiproduots and Dyestuffs, NIOPiX) 5.3400 77289 SOV/63-4-6-23/37 AUTHORS: loffe, I. I., Klimova, N. V., Brodskiy., M. S. TITLEt . ............, Brief Communications. The Catalytic Oxidation Of Acetophenone Into Benzoic Acid PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya nauka i promyshlennost', 1959, Vol 4,1Nr 61 PP 799-800 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solid acetophenone from phenol-acetone plants is,:now; used as fuel, in the form of phenolic tar. For the preparation of benzoic acid, the above acetophenone wasi catalytically oxidized both in vapor and in liquid phases. In the vapor phase, oxidation was carried out with air I oxygen over a mixture of Va and Mo oxides, tin vanadate,- supported on siliga gel and chamotte; molar ratio of~ acetophenone-air :30, 1:60, between 200 and 3000. Benzoic acid .(32%~, maleic acid, and C02 were identified. ' ied out with air In the liquid phase, oxidation was carr and with pure oxygen, at normal pressure, over Mn, Co, Card 1/2 Cu resinates and striarates. The best reuits were Brief Communications. The Catalytic Oxidation of Acetophenone Into Benzoic Acid 77289 SOV/63-4-6-23/37 obtained by using Mn resinate as catalyst. The optimal conditions were: 1569, rate of oxygen 5.1/min, the rat 'io catalyst-acetophenone 2 g:1 g/mole. Tho conversion was 60-65% and the yield 70-75%. Benzoic acid, formic acid, formaldehyde, maleic acid, and CO' were identified. 2 Purified acetophenone was used in both cases (98.5-99%' pure). Technical aeptophenone inhibited the oxfdation~ The method of separation of benzoic acid.from the rea.' tion products was a preliminary distillation:of recovered, acetophenone, follaw~d by extraction of benzoic acid with hot water. After recrystallization, the' benzoic acid has mp 1220 and 99.5% concentration. The yield by the above process was 8396. There are 4 figures; and 3 references, 2 Soviet, 1 U.S. The U.S. reference is: H. AigRiley, A. B. Gray, Org. Synthesis,,15, Nr 9, 67 35). ASSOCIATION: Voroshilov Scientific-Research Institute of ajes and Inter;- mediates (Naurhno-issiedovatellskiy institut poluprodt&tov' i krasiteley imeni K. Ye. Voroshilova) SUBMITTED: April 29, 1959 Card 2/2 5(4) SOV176-33-4-18132 AUTHORd: Ioffe, I. I., Levin, Ya. S. Kronicb, 1. G.. TITLE: Investigations n the Field of the Kine0ce and the Mechanism of the Vapor Phase Oxidation.of Aromatic 'Pydr6carbons (10;01640- vaniya v oblasti kinetiki i mekhanizma arof Iaznogo okisleniya aromaticheskikh uglevodorodov). VII. The Effect of Witter Vapor on the Thermal Oxidation of Benzene '*41- Molecular Ox.1rgen (VII. Vliyaniye vodyanogo para na termicheakoye okisloiye benzola molakulyarnym kislorodom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii01959t Vol 33p TTr*4,PP 863-16a (035R) ABSTRACT: The investigations of benzene oxidation'with an oxygeft~wat pr . vapor mixture were carried out in. an apparalum and accbrdi,~ig to the method of the work reported in:reference 2. The watar vapor (WV) was introduced into the qna:vtz reaotor (Volu~me 'of 50 or 100 ml) by an automatical3yoperating porti Ioner. In order to examine the specific influence exerained:by Nv) ;arallel investigations were carried out with oxygen~nitrogen m ixtures (Table 1). It was found that in the mix'turoB vith (WT);(u~der the same conditions) a phenol (I) yield whi6h is by 26.4, high- er is obtained. With rising tomperatura the yield in (1) is reduced (with and without,(WV), Table 2). 4 ";n increase~of the Card 1/2 reactor volume gives the same yield of (1) at the same dej;ree SOT/76-33--4-18/32 Investigations in the Field of the Kinetics and thelgechaniiim of the,Vapor Phase Oxidation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons. VIZ. The Effect ol' Water Vapor, on the Thermal Oxidation of Benzene Ifo.lecular Ovigen of conversion of benzene at a simultaneous temperature decrease, and a prolonged reaction time (Table 3)o The reduction of the ratio benzene/oxygen in the reaction mixture:leads to an~ GX- tension of the process of complete combustion (Table 4) *An increase of the relative amount of the (WV) added leadsto the eneral conversion of benzene ang imarea3es the yield in (I) ~Table 5 for experiments at 725 in a 50 uil reactor). The positive influence exercised by ('37V) on tho yield ini (1) is explained from a point of view already described by way of benzene oxidation (Ref 4). There are 1 figure, 5 tablesp and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskikh poluproduktov iikrasiteley im. K. Ye. Voroshilova (Institute of Organic Semi-Products and Dyes imeni K. Yeo Voroshilov) SUBMITTED: September 25, 1957 Card 2/2 4 r. It , 1, ~ ! - I I r lap 0: it IF PHN .1 fL~ xF r H . I V; --, I fi it 111 n 1 1; 11 ; I Ir 14 it 14 all a Eli IOU IOM,__ ~--, MIKOLLUT, Yu. T-, BRODSKIY, M- S- Liquid-ph4ae contact-catalytiC oxidation of organict c.oppounds on noble meWs. Part 1: Oad4atlon of phenovithanol into phenoVacet iC acid Kin. .1 kat. 1 no. 1: 125-126 XT40 .160. WRL 1310) 1. Ilauchno-Insledovatel'skly inatitut organic~ssklkh polupro- duktov i kraniteley in. X-Ye. Vorpshilova, MoAva. (Platinum) (Acetic acid) (ithawl) B/064/60/000./004/0'10/021/XX BO13/Bo69 AUTHORS: Ioffe' I. I.V Pialmen, L. M. NORM TITLE., Statistical Analytical Method of the Maorokinetics of Processes in the Pseudoliquid Layer of a Catalyst PERIODICAL: Xhimicheskaya promyshlennost 1, 1960, No- 4, pp. 23-29 TEXT: A statistical method of analyzing the processes taking place in the pseudoliquid layer of a catalyst is described here. The method is based upon a study of the distribution function of the time the gas stays in the layer. The authors wanted to clarify the'causies of the specific inhibition of the reaction in the pseudoliqu,Ld layer, and to. identify the quantitative characteristics of the process t 'aking place therein. A two-phase model, similar to that of Refs-3 andA, and consisting of a gaseous and a pseudoliquid phase, was chosen, for the analysis of the pseudoliquid layer. The generalized hydrodynamic characteristics of the system - the distribution function of the time of stay in the layer - which Is of decisive importance for the investigation Card 1/4 Statistical Analytical Method of the Macrokinetics of Processes in the Paeudoliquid Layer of a Catalyst 9/064/60/000/004/010/021/XX B013/Bo69 of the paeudoliquid layers can be expressed by the parametera h and 0 h denotes the rate constant of mass exchange between the pha'ses; OJ is ~the fraction of gas bubbling through. These parameters can be calculated on the basis of experimental data from formulas (24), (25), and (28): -1 ol (t IA t . S exp (- hV/ &j v) (24) ; 01 (t2) A5 exp [- hT[/(I_W)Vj :(25); CIO 1 S (t)dt = SO/S (28). o - concentration'; index 1 - croIas section of ou~t!let; S - area under the outlet ourvel t - chart time; v - volume rate of the current; V - volume of the layerl d - diameter of the apparatus; S' - area bounded by curves SZ (t) a~nd ol(t). The method concerned was tested with the system shown in Fig. 2. The concentration of the passing gas was measured on its iaBcapO: -from the system by means of radioionization. Helium was used for the purpose. The air consumption was measured with a coupled diaphragm, Tho'circuit of the system was worked out in a way as to ensure the synchronization of the pulse emission with the taking of the oscillogram. The distribution Card 2/4 Statistical Analytical Method of the 8/064 60/000/004/010/021/XX~ Maorokinetice of Processes in the 3013, BOW Pseudoliquid Layer of a Catalyst 0 functions for an empty volume, for an Ammobiles and a poi eudoliquid layer were determined with an average particle size of 190g. Tho distribution functions were estimated from the "degree of Qomp~otness 1"..Experimentall.. data allowed the following conolusionsi 1) As ixpeated 1~ the immobile'; layer approache,s the conditions of an ideal displacement; 2) turbulent washing in an empty volume is considerable; 3) gas!mixing in a short pseudoliquid layer ai low linear velocities is lose appreciable 'th~wi in an immobile layer; 4) the "degree pf compactness" of the distribution! function drops sharply with an,increaso of the suspended layer. This ~aotll cannot be explained by a single-phase model. h and.w are calculated for the pseudoliquid layerat a height-to-diameter,ratio 02:304. The theoretical conclusions and the correctness of the.chooon. model were confirmed. Prooeeding from a two-phase model, the prooe,be:oan be calculated from ordinary differential equations of the niaterial bal:ance, vhich are written for every individual phase. Using h andW it is set up a dimensionless criterion which embracas the hydrodynamic and kinetic factors, and oharaoterizea the:porformano'* of 3/4. Card 'Statistical'Analytical Method o;f the S1064 6016001004101010~11XX: Macrokinetics of Processes in the B013YB0691~ Pseudoliquid Layer of a Catalyst the system as well as the range of the reaction owirse:* CP - h(l Q cal- rfatel- )/kId W.11 denotes the rate constant of the chemi su reaction'; cr is the specific surface.of the catalyst. There are 7 figu.;es, 1 table, and 8 references: 4 Soviet and 3 US. Legend to Fig. 2: 1: oil separat#j, !2-. receiveri 3: courxte:~; 4; coupliad diaphragm; 5: mercury pressure ga,ugel '17 1/4 6: regulatorl 7:, column;: 8:, ioniz61t.ion chamberl 9: rotam1plerl.10:-cocki 11: volume; 12: motor A7 vithreduot~ion e gaug,~ j. gearl 13: diaphragm pressur 14: gas,'container~ Card 4/4 I.I.; PISIM, L.H. Statistical method for anQrxlng the morokinatice of processes &rising in the fluidised bect of a Catalyst* Xhim.prom" no.4:287-293 is 160. (Kft 1318) Oatalyois)' (nuidization) IOFFE,-LI4- DOBROVOL ISKIYj S.V. I LEVIN) Ya*S,; GRIM RX; KAMBULOVAP V.A.; KRONICH, I.G.1 SbKOLOVA, Ye.V. Similarltr of reactions. catalyzed by liquid and aolid 6c4p., Probl. ki~.-'i kat. 10:294-297 160. NML 1415) 1, Nauchno-issledovatel'okiy institut orgunicheakikh pqlu~roduktorv krasiteleyo (Acido) (Napht"hylamize) (KAPM01), IOFF EVIN, Ya * S. Manufacturing phenols by the direct oxidation of benzeme. Org.: poluprod. i kras. no.2:88-117 61. (MIRA 14: 11) (Phenols) (Benzene) I.I.; GRIGOROV, A.F.; RUb[LWSFV, R.P.; IVANOVA, E.T. Effect of macrokinatic factors on the oxidation rate of naphthalene In a fluidized cata4pt bed. XbIm* Pro=- n0-,41258-24 Ap 161, (KM 34:4) tNaphthalene) Ill.; NIKOLAYEV., Yu.T. Liquid phase cattact-catalytic o;ddation of organic:compounds on noble metals. On, i kate 2 no*2:245-246 Mr4p 161, :(MIRA 14:6) Hauchno-isoledovatellakiy institut organicbmakikh poluproduktov i krasiteley imeni K Ye, Voroohilova. ?Acetic acid) (Ethers) (Oxidation) M.V.) GILLER. Kinetics of the vapor-phase contract, oxidation of furfurolo, I Kin* i kat. 2 no&2:25Z-257 Mr-AP 161. (MIU 14:6) 1. Institut organicheskogo sinteza AN Iatviyekoy SSR, Riga i Nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut organicheBkikh poluproduktov i kraoiteley imeni Ka Yea Voroshilova. (Furaldehyde) (Oxidation) M. L.M.;~_IOFFE, --I.. I.- Reaction kinetics of flow systems. Kin,i kat. 2 noo.4:606-621 Jl-Ag 161. OaU 14 10) I., Nauchno-iaoledovatellskiy institut organicheskM poluproduktoy i krasiteley imeni K.Ye.Voroobilova. (Hydrodynamice) (SpU= (Chemistry)) ---KAMSKIY, V.BG-; KOVA, Z.I.; LYUBARSKIY, A.G.; VOYL-VODSKIY, V.V.; IOFFB I I Electron paramagnetic resonance study of the structure of ~6%862-866 vanadium-molybden= oxide catalysts, Kin.i.kat,,2 noi N-D 161. (MIRA 34:12) 1. Institut khimicheoXoy Miki AN SSSR i Instit-ut orguniobeskM poluproduktov i krasiteley imeni I.Ye. Voroshilova* (Catalysts--Spectra) 2821 J/ S/076/6 035/010/012/015, B106/BVO AUTHORSt Ioffe, 1. 1., Yezhkova, Z. I., Lyubarskiy, A. Go (Moscow) TITLE: Catalytic activity of mixed vanadium oxide catalysts in vapor phase oxidation of organic compounds PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. ;io, 1961, 2348 2351 TEXTt The authors studied the catalytic activity otvanadium oxide, molybdenum oxide, and vanadium oxide - chromium oxide catalysts in the vapor phase oxidation of benzene and that of vanadium oxide, molybdenum oxide, titanium oxidev phosphorus oxide catalysts in the vapor phase, oxidation of furfural to maleic anhydride. The authors tempted to clarify the mechanism of the activating effect of oxide additions,of other e,le-. ments on the catalytic activity of vanadium pentoxide. The catalyst's for furfural oxidation were produced by aspirant V. A. Slavinskaya (In-t organicheskogo sinteza AN Latv. SSR (Institute of Organic~Synthesis of the Academy of Sciences Latviyskaya SSR)). The catalysts wers analyzed by X-ray diffraction, moreover, catalytic activity and selectivity of the catalysts were determined in continuously circulating and in continuous Card 1/4 28293 S/076/61/035/010/012/015~ Catalytic activity of ... B106/B110 flow plants. The authors thank V. V. Voyevodskiy and V.~.B. Kazanskiy for taking the epr spectra for part.of the catalysts. The X- *ray diffraction phase analyses were carried out in cameras of type WA (RKD) with OrKa?- radiation. The specimens were produced by evaporation of a mixture.of solutions of coimsponding oxalates and ammonium sa n dfb with subseque ~t heating to 4000C. Figs. 1 and 2 show the change of catalytic activity of the examined catalysts with the composition in the oxidation of benzene to maleic anhydride. A comparison of the determined phase compositions and the epr spectra with the activity of studied catalysts show that the in- crease of catalytic activity of mixed vanadium oxide catalysts is due to the increase of concentration of defects in the V20 5 lattice. These defects are caused by molybdenum, chromium or titanium atoms penetrating into the V205 lattice in the formation of solid solutions. When the tested V 20 5-Moo3catalyst is annealed at high temperatures, a cansiderable de-: activation occurs, since the oversaturated solid MoO 3 solution existing, prior to annealing changes over into state of equilibrium, then having less m003 and thus also fewer lattice defects. It is, therefore, probable that Card 2/4 28293 s/o76/61/035/010/012/01 5 Catalytic activity of... B1061ijilo pure,V 0 can be successfully used as catalyst hen the a lia W a pound to be 2 5 oxidized itself, e. g. naphthalene) causes a cons iderable :concentration of defects in the V20 5 lattice (by forming.a non-stoiohiometric excess of vanadium). In other cases, however) oxides of other,elements which form'i solid,solutions with V 205 must be added to vanadium,pento~iide in order to' create the required concentration of defects. Concentration and chaiact6r of defects and thus also catalytic activity and sele(itivi,ty of the catalyst itity and ki can be varied within wide limits by,variation of quat nd o~ additions. In order to substantiate the mentioned rules, further pap(irs! will study connections between.activity and selectivity of vanadium oxide catalysts, on the one hand, and concentration of lattice defects, on the' ot her hand. Also the crystallographic characteristics of,oxides to be added to V 205 will be det ermined. There are 2 figures, 1,table, andj referencess 4 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The referenoe to Ue English- language publication reads as followas K. Tarainat S~. Teranishi, T. Vasui, J. Chem. Soc. Japan. Industr. Chem. Seat., ~_01 1222, 1957. Gard 3/4 1-5193 S/076/61/035/010/012/6!5 catalytic activity of... B106/tllo ASSOCIAVIONs Institut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley (Instft'uie of Organic Semifinished Products and Dyes) SUBMITTED: March 4, 1960 ' Alteration of activit el Pi nd ti it f di bd i l s ec v t-~mo u e vaina y a y o g y catal sts as dependent on the MOO content 3 Legendt (1).Total conversion of 0 (2) conversion of C into C 6H ~6 4 3 Alteration of Fig. 2. v an selectivity of vanadium-chromium ' catalysts as dependent Fig, Fig. I % Fig. 2 YLg 2 on-the Or 0 1content 2 3. Legends. (1)'Total con- V - Ave version of a 6H 6# (2) conversion of 0 H into, 6 6 C H 4 2Q3' ..... IZV% V AWW C rd 4/4 a ~11mulugol PIS IEE14, L.M.; ICM, I.I. Dynamic progra=dng method for calculating optitua conditions -for chemical readt=. Reactors of ideal mixiug. lihim.prom. no.5:352-359 My 162. WIRA 15:7) (Chemical reactors) IOFFE, I.I.- KLIYDVA, N.V.; MAKEYEVI A.G. Liquid phase catalytic oxidation of organic compounds on noble metals. Part 3: Oxidation of ethylene glycol to glyoxal Kin.i kat. 3 no.1:107-110 '62. iMM 1~0) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy in stitut organicheskikh Produktovi krasiteley imeni K.Ye.Vorosbi-lova. (Ethylene glycol) (Glyoxal) (Catalysts) S/195/62/003/1002/001/00'3 B075/E436 AUTHOR: loffe I.I. TITLE: All-Union onference on the heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of organic compounds PERIODICAL: Kinetika i kataliz, v.3, no.2, 1962i 171-174 TEXT: A meeting,was convened in Riga to present and discuss, papers on heterogeneous caisAytic oxidation of organic compounds derived1from petroleum. The papers presented dealt.with four main groups of subjects: 1) mechanism of action of heterogeneous catalyst; 2) kinetics of the catalytic oxidation; 3) synthesis with the use of catalytic oxidation; dev lopent of technological processes for the catalytic oxidation of organic, compounds. In the first group of papers, 1.1.1offe dealt with the significance of the place of primary attack of An organic molecule with molecular oxygen, relationshipo'betwea'n'the speeds: of the reactidn and desorption'stages of the catalytic proceAs,'~: electron-donor or acceptor characteristics-of the catalysts and: reagents and kinetics of phase transitions of catalysts. S.Z.Roginakiy discussed the speed'of electronic-transitions In the- Card 1A S/195/62/003/002/001/003 All-Union Conference E075/E436 system catalyst -reagents. A series of.papers by L~Ya.Margol,ia,.' E.Kh.Yenikeyev, SoS*]3abkov, Yu,A.Kozlova, M.I.Temkin, V.Ye.Ostrovskiy, N.I.Popova and others was devoted to.m6dification of the heterogeneous oxidation catalysts leading to an increase ih their selectivity. I.I.Ioffe and V.V.Voyevodskiy and co-authors reported on their investigation of the mechanism of Action of;' mixed catalysts with the application of X-ray atid EPR analysi4* The second group of papers came from the Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova (Physicochemical Institut6 imeni L.Ya.Karpov), Institut fizicheakoy khimii AN UkrSSR Unstitute of Physical Chemistry AS UkrSSR), Institut organiches~~go sinteza~ AN LatvSSR (Institute of Organic Synthesis AS Latvian SSR). G.K.Boreskova and co-authors'reported on the preparation of catalyst and kinetics of the oxidation of ethyjene.~ N.I.Popova, Ye.Ye.Vermell and F.A'.Millman described~the oxidatioil of isobutylene, piperylene and isoprene to aldehydes on a copper catalyst. Most of the papers in the third group dealt with the oxidation of propylene to acrolein. A-beneficial influence'of. water vapour and selenium on the process was mentioned in the Card 2A S/195/62/003/002/001/003 All-Union Conference E075/E436 papers by N.I.Popovaand co-authorst A.M.Garnish and co-authors, B.D.Kruzhalov, A.G'.Polkovnikova. and'co-authors, S.S. 'Bobkov, A.I.Kirlyan and co-authors. N.D.Ruslyanova and*co.-authors described,the ways of increasing the yields of phthalic anhydride and- anthraquirione prepared from the anthracene fraction of coal tar. B V.'Suvorov reported on a direct synthesis of benzo- and .I phthalo-nitrites. Yu.T.Nikolayeva and I.I.Ioffe described a new method for the synthesis of aryloxyacetic acids~ V.L.Plakidina and co-authors gave more precise conditions of oxidation of dibenzatronil to dioxyviol~ntrop. R.M.Flid and A.Ye.Krasotkin'' demonstrated the superiority of the process of combined oxidation and dehydration of alcohols for the production of ketones and' aldehydes over that of normdl oxidation processes. , I.I.Ioffe and R.M.Flid and co-authors presented:data on the selective preparation of glyoxal by the oxidation of ethyleneiglycol. Yu.D.Kernos, B.L.Moldavskly and S.S.Bobkov"desic'ribed new synthcaes of maleic anhydricre.and acrylonitrile from olefines,&, In the fourth group of papers, L.I.Oks veported on the production of phthalic anhydride with'the application of boiling film or Card'3/4 S/195/62/003/002/001/003 All-Union Conference E075/E436 catalyst. A.F.Grigorov and R.P.Rumyantsev described a process for the oxidation of o-xylol to phthalic anhydride. A.A.Avot, S.A.Giller and M.V.Shimanskaya reported on the production of maleic anhydride from furfurol by the method of NIOPiK. VM.Dobkin dealt with the question of automatic.direction ahd regulation of exothermic processes of heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of organic compounds. Some other papers, previously published, were also read. Card 4/4 IOFFE I.I.; YEZHKOVA, Z.I.; LTUBARSKIY, A.G. Phase composition of mixed vanadium catalyots,for the oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Kin.i kat. 3 no.2.-194-200 Mr-Ap . 162. 15:11) 1. Nauchw-iosledovatellskiy institut orgaaLcheakikh poluproduktov i krasiteley imeni Voroshilova. (Hydrocarbons) (Wdation) '(Vanadlum oxides): I WEI i0m, I.I.;--LYUBARSKIY,, A.G. Kinetics of the catalytic oxidation of benzene to maleic an]Vdride. Kin.i kILt. 3 no.2&261-271 Mr-Ap 162. (MMA 15 S.U) 1. Nauchno--iseledovatellskiy institut organicheiUkh poluproduktov i kruiteley imeni X.Ye'voroshilova. (Benzene) (Nkleic aWvdr:Lde) (Utalyslo) - - - -------- SLAVINSKAYA, V.A.; GULSVSKIYq NJ.; SHIMANSKAYA, X.V.; GILLER., SA.; Mnstige of furfurole catalytic oxidation,' KinA kat. 3 no.2t276-281 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15ull) 1. Institut organichaskogo sintesa AN LaWyekoy Ssaj, Riga i Nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut orgunfi~eskikh poluproduktov i krasitelay imni K-Ye.Voroshilova, Moskva. (1N=a1dehyde) (Naleic anhydride) (Catalysts) FISMZN,9 LA (Flolmen, L.M.1; IOFFEV I.I. Kinetics of the reaction in the flowing systems,, Analele chLmis 17 no.2s85-103 AP-Je 162. , Optiml process in at sequence of adiabatic reactors with ideal displacement. Dokl.AN SSSR I" no-3s6O9-612 Itr ~62* (KWA 15.,5) lo Nauchno-isoledowatel'skLy inotitut organicheo'kiWpoluproduktov i krasiteley, Predstalleno akedemikom I.A.BelandiMi. (Chemical reactors) FISIMM9 L.M.; IOM, I.I. Amount of informtion required for designing:reactorn by the dynamie programing method. JKinJ kat. 3 ~ no.4,493~-561 n-Ag 162. OURA 1.518) 1. Naudhno-Looledovatellskiy inatitut organicheakikb poluprocluktoy i kraBiteley. (Chemical reactors) PISIM, L.IL;-LOTI ~,-I- Optimal process in a sequevqo of reactors with ideal mixing, DOkI*AN SSSR I" noe4sS53454 Jo 162* (XMI 150) 1, Nauchno-imelodovatol'skiy inetitut organicheskikh poluproduktow i krasiteley. Predstavlono, skademikm A A.Balandinp. (Chenical reactors) IOFFE I.I.; LYUBARSKIY,, A.G. Kinatice of beterogenous catalytic oxidation of-maloic anhydride. Kini kate 4 no.2:294-298 Mr-Ap 163. (KMA .16 5) .1. Nauchno-issledovatellekiy institut organiaheakikh poluproduktav i krasitslay imeni K.Ye. Voroohilova. (Maleic anhydride) (Diddation) (Cat"il) - - - --- -- - - - - - --- ~L - -- - -- -- -- ---- - -- -__- ~ - __-_ -- -- -- --- - -- - - -- - --- -- ~ .1 - IOFFE.. I. I.; MARGOLIS,, L. Ya. -- - -- - - -- -1 - - -- IOFFE, I.I.; KLIMOVA, U.V. Liquid-phase oxidation of hydrocarbons on solid semiconducting catalysts. Kinj kat. 4 no.5:779-782 S-0 163. (MIRA l6tl2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organichoskikli Poluproduktov i krasiteley. 11ILMMUIPH DOSOVIT,5KIY, Ye.l.,- IqFF? j 1j. Kinetics of oxidative decarboxylation of copper benzoate. Kin.i kat. 5 noo6slIO4,-1107 N-D 164s (WRA l8t3) Is Nauchno-iWsdovatellskiy institut organichos,kikh poluproduktoy i krasiteley. L. M. (PisImen, L. PIS214EN Calculation of the optimum operation of chemical reactors. Magy kem lap 19 no-. 2: 93-99 F 164. 1-0 Szerves KozbenBo Tormakek as Stinezeksk Tudom.anyom'Mitato Intezete, Moszkva. - -------- ---------- ACCESSION NRz AP4012976 3/0020/04/JL54/004/0903/090': AUTHORS: Ioffsp I.I.; Yeshkova Z.I.j Lyubarsklys.A.G. TITLEt Concerning the nechwim of oqgmda compounds oxidation over solid nonmetallic."talysts SOURC1h AN SSSR. D61d&dy*,, y. 154, no. 4L, l9b4# 903-90b TOPIC TAG3z solid nonmetallic oatalyit, ox1dat1on:oat*lyst,, pi catalyst, sigma catalyst ABSTRACT: The present work in a discussion and derivation of 1 Me based on the experimental work by A.G. Lyubarski (dandidate theids Moscow, 19b3) and constitutes, therefore, the conclusions of the: ,.thesis. Oxidation of organic compounds consists of the following stages: 1. electron transition from reagent to catalyst (chem- option), 2. XLeatron transmission from donor (re"ent) to acceptor oxygen), 3. Incormratlon of eleatronB by the.oxygen xlolsoule 61-forming O-Ion, and 4. Interaction of organia ion with the O-Ion and the formation of the oxidation product. 'The'' 1/2 i Card ACCESSION M AP40129T6 first stage is a complex formation with fillUA ofid-orbits of cations. The capacity of catalysts to form IT -coogexe* on their' surface in oontact with hydrocarbons having double~and triple bonds depends on the acceptor capacity of the catalyst. Stage 2 Is achieved by straight interaction of electrons with Oxygen# re- charging of Ions and zonal oonduotIV3.ty, (inlr-aot:L-4i%rod~~0atalysts). Stages3 and 4 are not discussed in the trtiole# which concludes with' some recommendations on how to synthesize selective o--activating catalysts which do not destroy the double CvC bon4 during oxidation. Orig. art. has: 2 figures#.l formula# no tables. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno, iseledovatellakly Institut o-MAniebeekikh poluproduktov I krasiteley (Solent1fla Research ImUtuts of Intai-- i mediates and Dyes) SUBMITTEDt OlAug63,-'. DhTZ AOQ: -96F064 MCLS, 00 SUB CODEs CH NO R1W SMs 006 0 00.4 2/2 Card ... ... ...... GOLOVANFlIKO, B.I.; SHAMPOV, A.Mi.; TOFFE' III.; F.G. ---- L~~ lt~ Obtaining phthalic anhydride by conjugated vapo:r., 1~-a~t. oxidatian of hydrocarbons on vanadium catalysts. Neftekhlmla 4 no.4:591-5~2 JI-Ag 164. (1-11 RA 117: 10) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut nefteklilmir-heskikh proizvodstv, Ufa. SHARIFOVP A.Kh.; GOLOVANENKOt B.Iq T I.I,; BORSHCHEWD,, V.P.; FATKTLLINA, N.S. Obtaining phthalic anhydride by oxidizing a petroleum naphthaline; fraction. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.8s22-23 164. (MMA M10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov, Leningrad, i Nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut nefte- khimicheskikh proizvodstv,, Ufa. -~-L' 19372-66 M 22A62' ACCESM Nm AP5015461 UR10310/4 W/M 3! AU MH Rt,Qaripam At Khot FatkuUinal MITUs Preparation of phthalio amby6irtJ bV axldauodof lAhe mm 7ftacum of crude oils MR03s, ftf teperaraboft I nef takhImbAs 2 TOPIC TAM oruxle votrolaum naphthOmeal vxicimotio;rillk Abstracts Noti6g that.-Ln the*03A.t1i Swou"t 'it 't6~-iii itaphttial4lRi JL~Mlvosk as larte as that produced f kba coke, ;the::4ki th4cll ~ 4#ic ifi'iheir st%~Aes 9 ithe vapor-phase catalutLe oxidation of arii~tto~ 6yielding phthelic anhydride. They ahou tlwt mloi t'~ *'b* 11 pltj~h~*Wn6 ;conterrt, the phtholic-anhydride yield way re;q " oratic4l. 1 h 941 Howeve lhla i~a a 1~ t~t Aw d at ttmkqj;4o.*t: of 4 catslyllt~ LVU h 2 OA F ASSMAMNs VNIln0ft2MIM, -UpAn"PA 1111nort BJMIIT=s 00 t, too 00.1~'~ an a* NO P" MV1 002 OTMS 002 . i I . 1: 1: I ~. Saw-1A IOFFEP I.L.9 Prof. Modification of dermatomic tecbnice KbirurgilA 35 no. 5:236-137 MY. 159. (MIRA 13:10), 1, Iz kafedry operativnoy kbirurgil (Zav. - proT. I.L. loffe) Saratovskogo maditsinakogo instituts (diro - datoent B,A. Nikit:Lu)* (suRaimasTumns AND APPARATus) KRUGLIKOVA, G.N.; IOM, I.L. Use of plastios in the Gorkiy Economic Regiono AwUnootroitevl no. 5 -.7-8 VV 162. (KaiA 3,5 s5) (Clorkiy Province-FLOti*B) I&IF E, 1. L. Ioffe, I. L. "The surrical anatomy of the r~.ot of the tril'acial nerve", Voprosy neyrokhirurgii, 19419j No. 1) p. 56-6)~) - Biblioe-. p. 63-,(~t-, SO: U 3042, 11 ~Iarch 53, (Letopis 'Zhurp-al lnykh Statey, No. .7ji 19-149). 10FRE, I, L. O-jr./t prinencidya orplAchoul'oLo otold'a dlya is"'rotc,"IrmLly". Icorroziormyl,h preparaucFv. Vracheb. dulo, 1949, j.:0. V, 257-3. 747-46. SO: Letopis, No. 32, 1949. lays, I. L. Technic of radicootoeW of the trigominal nerve br ocoioital apprtwh. Yopr.neirokhir. no.2:43-31 Kr-Ap 1~0. (CM 190 i 1. Of the Departuent of Operative Surgery (Head Prof. N.A.Qrsa'411),~ First Zeningrad Medical Institute Iment Academician I.P.Tavlov). 1. L., Prof. Tendons AnatoTicosurcical survey of rational mmethods of surgical t~-orap,;- 1:1' !deli Ix-ra-.1ali 'is of 0 - 4 diaital flexors in the wrist, Khirurgi ia No. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, H&Y 1953. Unclassified.* 2. USSR (600) Tendons 7. Anatomicosurgical survey of rational methods of surgical,,therao of tendovaginitis of digital flexors in the wrist. Khirurgiya Fo. 12, 1953.. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress? May -IS153, Mc 1. -4 USSR/Human and Animal M6rphology - General Problems Q-1 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologii, No 16, 1957, 70223 Author Ioffe, I.L Title Of Surgical Anatomy of the Palm Skin Creasers.. Orig Pub Tr..Twkm. med. in-ta 19551 5-6, 92-94 Abstract By the method of layer preparation and X-ray-40 bjlnds of adults of both sexes were studied..' If ~ou diiride the distal crease (rascetta) in four equal,parti by three points, then the radial artery goes to the,rh'diaLpoint, the middle nerve to the middle point - an&the elbow nerve and artery go to the elbow point., The last one runs parallel to the proxizal~phlm crease) (liinea~vlta- i ing t4e,.sur- lis), at the middle it turns laterally~ form face palm arch. The proximal part of lines. vitali,s - cor- responds to the medial edge of the.middle.aerve. ''If-the two ends of the crease are connected by a stiaight~line and the latter is devided in three parts by two points Card V2 45 USSR/Human and Animal Morphology General Problema Abs Jour Referat Zhur Biologii, No 16, 1957, 70221 then to the proximal one is directed the mutcular branch of the third nerve, the damage of which luavios the -thumb incapable of resistance. "The closed to the knif.r. 4zone forms here a quadrangle with a side approxoil,5 cz long. If the radial end of the proximal palm creas''..e and.:the' elbow end of the distal crease (linea mensalis) are con- nected by a straight line than it will pass on the level of the distal parts of the metacarpal boaes,~and the pro- ximal parts sinovial cELvities of the tendons of :Uexors II-LV, and sometimes V fingers, and may serve as a pro- Ximal.limit for the incision to unsheath the~volvulus of the sinovial cavity. Card 2/2 46 Zy (Norriel rnO Ertthololdr-ftl) 11orvous usSR/Hunan vnd Aninrl 11orpholo, Systor., Abs Jour t Rof Zhur - Biel., No 7# 1958t No 31242 Author t loffo LL* Inst of the Pelmaris DMIch of the Modirl Title i On the Surgief-I tnttony Norva. Orig Fub : Tr. TurL-3. r-'Od. In-tnq 1955, 5-6t 95-98 Abstroct : No rbstract Cord 32 Modification of the technic of oseo plastic log amputation, Ortopo, trevooprotess 19 nosl:59-61 Jm-F 158o (MIRA 11:4) 1. Is kmfedry operativnoy khtrargit (sav. - pro f. I*L.loffe) Serstowskoge mailitsinskogo instituts dir. - dots. B.A.Vildtin) (ANPUTATICK log. modification of bons plastLo technic (Rua)) Some problema of apPendectoiW technic. Gov. mod. 22 no.12:47-53 1) 158. (KIRA 12: 1) 1. Ix Wedry operstlynoy khirurgli (mv. - prof. 1. L. Joffe) SjMtov- skoge meditainakogo institata (dir.' - dots. B,,A. NIkItin), (APPREMICKY tochak, problem (Ike)) IOM. I.Les prof. (Shratov) ONsthods In examining surgical Patt onto* by I.$. Widenbaum. Reviewed by I*L* loffs. 111n.mod. 37 U0,11:150-152 W"59. (MMA 13'"63) (MMOUT) ANT0111-OV, A.M., prof.,, red.; VOLIFKOVICHp M.P.p prof., rad.; ZAKHAROVA, G.N., dots., red.; IVANOV, N.R.p dots.0 red,j prof., red.; POY, A.M., prof., red.; SHAMARB, P.L., prof.p red.; SHERISHORINA, SoLp profotreds (Transactions of the First City Conference or:Yoling Sci- entistap Medical Section] Trudy Pervoy gorodskoy kouferentaii molodykh nauchnykh rabotnikov. Meditsinskala sektaiU. SaratoTj~ Saratovskii meditsinskii in-t.. .1963. 295 P. (MIAI 18-5) 1, aorodskaya konferentelya molodykh nauchWkh rabotnikov. Me- ditsinskaya sektsiya, Istp Saratov, IOM)'I.L., Prof. Device for external determination of internal~sizes of the blood vessels. Nkrurgiia no,1:136-137 f63,, (KMA 1735). 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (zav. -prof. I.L. loffe) Saratovkkogo maditsinakogo instituta. -----CHUYKO, N,M., doktor tekhn.nauk; RUTKOUKIY, V.B., inzh.; DANIGHM, R.Ye., inah.; PEREVYAZKO, A.T., inzh.; BORODULIU, G.M., inzh.; TIEGUBENKO, A.F., inzh.; SUMILI, Yu.F.., insh.; FRAMOV, V.P.,, inzh.; VOLOVICH, V.G., inzh.,# Prinimall uchastiyet ;OFFEE, I.M.0, inzh.; LAVRENTIYEV, M.I., inzh.,- PARKHOMMO, G'P., inzh.,--~' DEMIDENKO, V.I., inzh.; RYSIN, re.M., inzh.; VOROBIYEVA, T.H., inzh. Inert gas blowing of metal in the ladle invacuum. Stall 22 no.9t8O9-811 S 162. (vacuum metallurgy) (Protective atmosoores) U.JJMKIY, V.M., kand. takhn. nauk; RUKMAN, G.L., inzh.; FELIDWH, G.B., inzh.; DENISEMOx S.A.9 inzh.; SMOLINA, Z,K.p inzhol KOSTOGRTZ, F.L., Inzh.; IOFFEp I.M.1, tekhnik Experience in introducing remote control of pumps at. the S.MAirov mine, Shakhts strol, 9 no,10t27-28 0 165, (MIM 1M) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchao-isaledovatel'skiy institut organizataii I makhanizatsii shakhtnoge stroitalletya (for Zalineklyp Rukman, Felldman). 2. Inatitut Aytonatuglarudprom zavoda *Krannyy metal- list" (for Denisenko, Smolina, Kontogryz) 3. Yakovlevokoye stroltellno- montazhnoye upravleniya tresta Soyuzshakhtoo3uaIteniya (for Ieffe). off O'd o0a 00. so* , J' j" j77 li 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 V It U a L id a Abo PROW91f,ts ~Qf I P*,WbmftMdW" ied 144~ " W" WM Oddl ft Mxvu it -fri"I t"it iu All"MS of &W- h -00 as S dmopc9ft dWutesmo!v and the smim salu obWfad are txtd. with 11.0. illoo LIT IIATM CLASINKATON skoo 31 "1 v Mail* map 0-1 got - 1, V-4f- , NJU1,1488 " 9 q "t it r0000 -1 1 IWAR& ffllr&tlAo 3 P v a is, a at a a It 44 It - *0*00000000*000400000ooo::ooooo4 000000000000000000000000 . *,.. 0600*60 0006004 L I I lk ploco its AW 041foolitiff Miles , rtlo~- pot 00 60 43 000 toy 00 -A %*#Gw %It 001 art Pal 1 0 A a 3, #,T 00 0 0 OA Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0, 0, We 1~~ - 1;00096 *90 be Woo a*** *a:** 0:*0000009:9 00000.0* 00*0000000000090 I C. 1. It 1 14 L 0;.%.IDPV A I luvoll lic"XI)l RJ334 als VIA sic alzil 444$I Co At IS n Will &is %Dto "M1130,11SITI)13XISTIVIIIII at t: oil son ra 00 00 00 00 09 12. 00 00 00 P),wil Jxwljqrl (v -it up-wPlism -11131 'f, Altif 100 e0. 11 v pity H-1 AR om ftimm 00 of- 00- 0't" 7-1, -f 4"i _.0 09 .i i IF M Yl N It a it If Q H it 1'0 if, t t t #4 a 6 Ft 10 v a 6 . . . . . . . . . . - -- Imso 1. S. A c 00 "d mosswmnlk. I . '."~ W sw d l1ftilm A Whmeo Prow, 3 is Til"N' cm. Til 0 g -',f ttedicting the QtmVrV4tU;3MrM"(WC"A_ 14,406h thal ;:;,'i She comm. 'A Wnt IIPSOs dePM41 but C41Y On thO tcmP 00 9 a t; of the reactim and tht q6twe of the WHOMOUd CmPd- 00 bet Am cm the propatkms of the 2 reagents. to t1m "Momation of jpt.UcCjH&NOl, studied by Mar0ages 4 (C.A.S.21M),tiscolimentilPm 1~tIWWVh-kNW 00 .2 nj the mpetions ot auffonatica &W hydrolysis; d%dl (4r./dj) - (d)r,/tU) - MA - 00 4 lo: in w" k. mW k4 or vadablei'mm! nit dettf. by Lim newly of the snedium, or X. Them matwm SMY pdo. giving W ~ of suffunatiou and to the com, to the a only I imm By direct suffocation of CvJf6 at a WAldff- In the folio of a- to and age, temp. the twil so tbmby UK equit. 4 the A114matiou- is f%`dCW O(W 9 l. L UTNATON WSWICOOP low I"aii9a 0 41 ; a d : ; 0 **:so 0: 0 a ; 0 _44~_ - -- TA A 7T 71- ....... ACLIW lee wry prolonged N*timil with, form*tkiii of cunWrtaltir .60 I WM, p,*,,tk, of A- in tha nfixt. of IS* jime" then 6 Cki'm Euwn (C. A. S. nd 12). 11w ratio a- its 0- w -00 at the Oate d r4W. is vqW toThe Mind the Ca,111150' welotity corfis. ot thr Icensakittil W the 11 Ito"" div" by .40 the ratio of the ittiocity axes. of their hydruly*is. arm .00 &pea& only (in them corfs, The tmmula is spOkable to RU cam of luffous" producing s dw gate of "U. thm MUIR be =J evuW im~- At )% and IVA N)% w- CmH", " sturally dailmd. whi ch Value skotly ap- in 29.3% ar O(h I obtatfaet! by prokmerd 000 4 of M th I f H i h . , Ua t at a o O w Y1 CO of f fullmatim love that with a alixt th roe . e o one Y hydrolyzable -m the ratio d the 2 is nw. ble. hereby the pf JIM of the rtmor ea dnAystd It l i c D i 0`0 y dcrtrewi s gradua . iane _-so Joe 0 wee 0 AM I 1 0 OW 0 0 6 OF 0 9 a 0 0 0 6 * 0 so** * o 0 ; 0 is 0000 4 0 0 0 *L 0 * 0 0 0 0 a & 9 9 0 9 Of 6 0 6 0 * 6 6 4*4-WAk- # a 4 a 4 & * # a # ( (I * - sis ty v-1--me it it fi- 4 11--o -0, w ' , * , ! l -1 t. - X IL a 2 8 I_ I A 0 'x W k tti A : - CA .&cot of I I f I ! ! , .. _ ~ ~ .1---l.. _-..... ~ _ 0 VA r"W". 1. 0. IGO, J. CAMP, c". I ft Ia., U S. -00 .00 00 t W6 A remim. The t~&O#(ftvm * a *Od I the retie bdwqm kbe emb"twe that NWMM" 0 m"ammew bring modumated WO t*nrfol* is #" amOk - ~ 0 tim wit h Imming-H.W), tak" *ft vkb 11W 'rft ' 60 1 1 ON at a ki 1l blow raft thm w" 5 to a -wdrr "W"" CI .00 00 1, see 3 00 ft ' low. W S-12-Irw OMN. nib 0 atimaltbommimmlit do i k l 4 I 60 - 00 , ur op ing w ngs y lOD1w 110'. , Thaw it banil that t o i k = roo 00,3 Io I" sev"al dam an mw ww6q tat far I lo law a wo Jbirturem the 6awars, L it. fqW. of the 10 tw)t =00 00"k 00 a 008 0=9 a IAO 1 mito 64 TAUVRA.St At U111141bilt (LASUPK4110ft At' it 4%. Alt T Joe u if AV go w; 4, Man Ita It wn fills 1 0 0 00 0;0 000 0 0 0 Of a 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 00 0.00 06 00 ' 4 0 0 00 0 A 000 9 0 * 0 0 0000 0 6 0 ** *ego 1. 06 000 w0 00 so c e mgm-NI MR fin 1! run! 6 4 6 4 A I ill it tj it w -4 to I? it _.j,_jjjjj a ji ji ff A-M-10 it m it Id a a L? a x a 44 I A 2 a il- 4v alge - A.~_& : q-: I.-, .. - 1-0 4-0 it. Ad dw am so I . (U. S. 8, R.) L : l i 1 1 f h W) 11 "Va o t t e lee. low Will ykm of mome- Tbv yW of marsomalimpic tbr damm a 111tamb 40 ift "06 bo In lomb,ows "amm" low. ' mot With IN ;rb The . brim obtain d At . NOW immiiiiii. be - TW do i Mb e Isto Giber MORO- " om ll w ~ i"Wfego 1111011, tie lim bloolow 61 t he zoo w r. Bricks get as* ~ woo l I L 111 i :So i A~ ILA Ole lk I 4A MC lee 6-i a if * a0 -B 94 0 A --- - -------- U tam. J .S. 1L7.21.71 d"_ -Wnbr kk- 6 w wm =blow A. W. P,,ft "u, a bbdlw -09 ma F-A.,v b " Y , W WV- V. Cd Wl Ikk 40 1 W ' t 7 b zoo -ft rv S,7,% , A. , A, th smd do mv~ - M -1 M -,- ammed. ~m ~lm w,dwd d "= *Go a** ' p Wow i~m &SO-IL& 141ALLURGICAL LiTal be sod. a a. 1p; m ONO U 9 AV dD ASI; At To a j UP K4 01* 0 : 0 a 0 10 4 0 a 0 0 * 0:* 0 0 4 xe 4j too W" IN Itritbl: All W a IIA Aft A rida all s A a t 0 ; 0 0 00 0~*~* 0 0 : to 00*0*0 0 wo 0 mV IWO T pliplow 00. fe 0 Impm "W�R wiwow se 90 lie ITT A L I -b ~JI I-'I-T-l'-'J 1- 0-10 00 9 0 0 0 'go 0 -MO 9 U01 of** 0,00 so 0 0 0 0 e 0 of -to 64 0 0 0-0 0 6 0 0 0 0-0 0-4-0 4 '0000 - SWO 0 0 0 000 0- 0.44 09-0 ogi 010c 0 06 00 00 0 0 0 4 0 lp 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 O.Ooeo @a 60 41 ....... .......... 0. Not Sol& .00 .00 moo, A.0 see V-1wo 0 ";.1 mra h7jidb U 10 0 0 a 4 4 It a tc a KLO 0 0 0 10 It t Dili) bV Sipe., a.; 40 C.A- tip!" got". t's A tlc-0~101 Pit. new compli. weft pftpd. bythe *%Wk**wtWo 2.2 -d=r-U 1-biphe"Ututyl Ytwm -00 C. of 30% VtC4 an varims wpotbolt,im Weekly stiol smhz~t VIA. in but IV and 1womem. wfto~ we 00 2,2'-l)iby& 4 l,I'-bin&pbtbyJ-#,7o Abullook odd. ta- Amoreftew, VhA4 Oda with 1W.. 2,3AJI- .00 *0 orlow a I. Ila' wrlem. m. 3W-4'. from pbm4t&mw by boow~katjw km. Demsum sod miltmatiso with AIC4, trytt& 6m see vetop &W his* c" "'if-INe alit ml- In HA sk., 41her, btattat. b= 27-d=. zoo 2.7 1. is 100 cc. MO at 201. 110 wit d1hyftte, hwol- - thakne &INI l1r, In glacial AcOH a1,50. iA. 000 2.21-VAydmj-I,l'- boloyi-8.61-41owbow sew hm Lthydrozymplithahme (a) by brolphomelixt wftb 2 zoo 2 .Zph wok. Ra crystal% hum 114c4l At-ON. m.- IW-91. 110". 9A. in HIO, IWd. IN Gk.*'gWft slightly - in IHIA OW. iolbrAwft am mk-. ;3,6A- beptshydrate from FW% ale. giving 2.2'-dA7drfty-l*l*- Tr1hn=0-2,74hY*14"PhfA&kft (M) by j"wjw&- 1!*! .00 binsplimbyl % k" of #uUo* Vow c 2,7 .7 I-Tefts- dft ofth S "o, l4r, hMUW &t loop, VM4 Itm 11,741- 0 t7imphlbaltat: with Feclo gim blow 2,01, With atm. 0% vepd. tither in s4. air 4k. 00N. SAIlAx-Taiw do I Mb~ -dihyhowyWzwp&thFl, No salt. cokw- *Wft*k acid of 2.21 kas cry,tals. ftsmn 2.2*. 00 F IC tit it 'OOT41 UO we 0 9 0 0 00000 eozooolo 0 04 ova 40 0 0 00 010 49 0 46 0 0 0 OJO a 6 * 0 00 0 *;a 0 * 0 0 0 41,41 jeo Deal sp:.!244-651, 1 711to WbIll -.Put; 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 4"a1 10 0; 0', 0 0 0 a 41 0