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30-58,-,1-20/44 The Physics of Nuclear Reactions With Small and Medium Energies . Conference in Moscow A great number of'phenomena connected with the non-apheroid- al form of equilibrium of the nuclei can be under--stood from' the viewpoint of the collective modele The following reports were deliveredl 1) P. E. Nemirovskiyi On results of the theoretical a~nalysis of the interaction of neutrons of,smaliand m*diuml *nor- gies with nuclei. 2) V. V. Vladimirskiyj To. V. Inoping S. 1. DrozdoyuOn~:prob- lems of the opticallm~s 3) V- M. Agranovich# A. S. Davydoyt O,n theoretical foundations; of the nuclear models. 4) B. L. Birbrair, L. A. Slivat On the form of equilibrium of the nucleus. 5) N. A. Vlasovs On excited states of the:o4,-partiole. 6) F. L. Shapirot On the problem of the state 0+. 7) 1* 1. Levintovi On the radius deterimination of the X-part- icle. Card 2/3 8) Ye. K. Zavoyakiyt On the construction of accelerators. 30-58-4,20/44 The Physics of Nuclear Reactions With Small-and Xedium Bnorgies.:Conforence. in Moscow 9) 0. Barshall(Mj)s Zn'the invest*,gation,of polarization 10.) U. JL. Aleksandrart ;On the :electromagnetic interaction of fast.noutrons and-nuclei. I'I)G. :N,. rleroys On works Of'his cioupeconoerning Auclear re- -aa-tionaV 12)A. I. Alikhazlovs "On mea6U2-UZ*UtS !of the p0lar12gAiOn Of electrons forming 'during A-decay,* Card 3/3 AUTHOR: I Inopin, Ye. V. SOV/56-34-6-12/51 ---- mm~ TITLE: The Scattering of Neutrons by Non-Spherical Nuclei (Rasseyaniye neytronov neefericheekimi yadrami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekeperimentalinoy i teoreticheakoy fizdki, 1958t Vol 34,t Nr 6# pp 1455-1464 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper calculates the scattering of neutrons by a7eerii- transparent non-epherical even-even nucleus (with zer6 spin). The shape of this nupleus may be a rotation ellipsoid with arbitrary excentricity. For the sake of determinateness,,the author investigates a prolate ellipsoid, using the adiabatic approximation. But in this paper the scatto'ring amplitude's are not calculated in the quasiolassical approximationp but by means of the well-known particular soluti 'ons of the wave equation in spheroidal coordinates. The solution of this problem may be reduced to the solution of the problem of the scattering on a nucleus with fixed orientation, that is to the determinatibn of the scattering amplitude (which depends on.the orientation of the nucleus) and to thelaverag- ing of this amplitude with respect to.the orientation. The Card 1/3 author then.introduces spheroidal coordinates. In spheroidal The Scattering of Neutrons by Non-Spherical Nuclei SOV/56-34-6-12/51 coordinates the wave equation has a set of:particular,nol,u- tions which may be characterized by the quantum numbers I and m . These numbers can have the same the quantum numbers of the orbital momenta and its projection. An ex plicit expression for the particular solution a given. In the third part of this paper the scattering amplitude~j ' are calculated. Then the various cross sections of thd seat- tering of neutrons by non-aphericallnuclei;are obtain .ed.1irst e.n expression is given for the excitation of all rotation; ttates, including the elastic scattering) and then f.ollows the to:tal cross section of all r-rocesees. Then the differential cross sections are calculated.-At last the~authiar reports on the numerical computations and on the comparison of their results with the experiment. The angular distributions for a spherical and for a non-spherical nucleus differ little for normal angles and noticeably-for grea-t~angles. The angular distribution of a non-spherical nucleus is more similar to the experimental results than that of,a spherical nucleues The non-sphericity has a noticeable influence on the scaiter- ing, but for more definite conclusions additional experiments Card 2/3 and more exact calculations are necessary. Especially the The Scattering of Neutrons by Mon-Spherical Nuclei BOV/56-34-6-12/51 contribution from thescattering with production of a compound nucleus has to be investigated. It would be advantageous to investigate the excitation of the rotation levels by neutrons. The author thanks V. H. Gribov for his useful 4iscusaion and'Z. V. Gerasimenko for-his help in the numerical computa;- tions. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 10 references#1 3 of which are Sovieto ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut 1kaderiiii nauk UkIrainskoy SSR (Physical-Technical Institute of the AS-tarewiksm) SUBMITTED: June 19, 1957 (initially)? and March 220 1958 (after revision) Card 3/3 No 46. .:,G -1 V4114a INOPIN' Y in, IE.V.j Scattering of high energy electrons on light nonspherical nuclei Lvith m- y in BnglishJ. Uk-.. fis..xhur. 4 no.1:17-29 J&-F 159. (MIRA 12:6) le'Fisike-takhnicheekLy institut AM USSR. (Blectr6se-Scuttering) d IHOPIN, Ye.V.; KAGANOV, M.I. [Kahanov, M.I.1; KRUGILTIal, A.A. [Kruhlykh, A.A.]; - MIZHNUK, M.A. (Khyzhniak, M.A.] Scientific conference of young scientists at the Physical and Technological Institute of the.Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.-Ukr. fiz. zhur. 4 no-3;406-408 Yr-Jo '39* (MIRA 13:2) (Physics-Congresses) (Technology-Congresses) 21(10) AUTHORS: Guseva, M. I., Inopin, Ye. V., SOT/56-36-1-1/62 Tsytko, S. P. TITM Fenetration Depth and Distributlon Chstracteor of AtomsInjected Into a s130 Isotope Target (Glubina proniknovenlya i kharakter raspredeleniya vbitykh atomov v izotopnoy pisheni SOO) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichoskoy.fiziki, 19 59, ~Voi 36#: , Ur 11 PP 3-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: in their introduction, the authors discuss: several inv sti 'Aons carried out previously in this field as e.g. by; ~B hi B~or) -.',Ref 1) and Nielson (Nillsen) (Ref 2). viz. theoretical in- vestigations of the penetration depth and,the distribution ; :data function of target atoms in the basellayer; experime4tal -rere obtained from proton and cv--particles acattering te0ts (Ref 3), resonance capture of protongi (Ref 2) and by means of tagged atoms (Ref 4)- The aim of the present paper is the invesiigation of:the;pene- tration depth of s13O-ions into aopp~r- s~d tantalum4backings in dependence on the backig material andion energy, as; well as the investigation of Si atom dilstribu~tion in the, surface Card 1/4 layer of the backing. Estimation of data is possible;by P~netratiozi Depth and Dil6ribution Character of SOV156-36-1-1162 Atoms Injected Into a Si Isotope Target 30 31. means of the reaction Si (.0.10P Allmeasurements with'this reaction were carried out on a silicon target with 940 keV protons. Pirst, the praparatiolof the isotope, target is deeoriW. The silicon isotope was electromagnetically pracipitated~(ioi cur- rent 30 1AA) on to the tantalum- or copper backing (14 mm4ia- meter, 0.2-0.5 mm thickness)(aae also references 5,6). Four ouch targets were produced, 3 of which with Cu- and one with Ta- backing. PreparatioD data are given by table 1. In the next paragraph the authors describe the investigation method, which is based, in principle, on meaf~;Uring the e-yiild: in the case of resonance at E - 940 kelp in the above-mentioned p reaction. shape, and height of the resonance peak were determined (Pig 2). Thi .a rosonance pdiak wan measured by means of the electrostatic precision gener6tor of the FTI AV USSR (Physical-Technical Institute, AS UkrSSR). The gL-yield~' was measured on a NeJ(Tl)-cr-ysta1 by mearts of the photomultiplier FE-U-19. A block scheme of the experimental arrangement is shown by figure 1. Results are given by diagrams and i tab~v 2. Figure 3 shows the r -yield of the reac ion s13O 1~1- for Card 2/4 t (P,v)P Penetration Depth and DiOribution Character of $07/56-36-1-1/62 Atoms Injected Into a Si Isotope Target 2 targets-with copper ba king, figure 4 shows the death -dis- tribution function of Si3O-ions in a tantgLlum backing. The authors obtained the following resultat 1) The penstration depth'of 00-ions' in tantalum in the case of an ion energy of 25 keV was experimentally determined as amounting to 30 mk /cm2, which agreem,well"with th 6 .9 2) The distribution of the silicon-6~toms:whidlilpeneA'r&tTd into, -the tantallim ba'6king is similar to 'the dj~tribution ;following from tha diffus'ion theory for thermal nelArons. 3) In a layer of 30 mkg/cm2 2 silicon atoms corresp6ndj;on '~hq average, to each tantalum atom, which indicates a coinsiclerable deformation of the tantalum lattice.and the existence of an intermetallic T&S12-compound. 4) The experimentally determined penetration &epth'6f silicon atoms in copper is 3 to 4 times gr"ter than that 16~9'Licu1iated on the basis of Nielson's formula and smaller than that' following from the theory developed: by No Bohr. The authors finally thank 4K. D. Sini011nikov and A. K U11ter for the interest they displayed in the work and for~their dis- Card 3/4 cussions, and they also express their gr4titude to Yu. .:P. Antuft- Penetration Dopth and Distribution Character of BOV/56-36-1-1/62 Atoms Injected Into a s13O isotope Target yev V. Yu. Gonchar, k. X. Llvov, P. M. Tutakin, and' Ye. G. Kopanets for taking part in measuroments, anal finally, 'they express their thanks to A. A. Tsygikalo and his',collabor- ators. There are 4 figures, 2 tablesio and:9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnichaskiy institut AkademLi nauk:Ukrainskoy ISR (Physico-Technioal Institute of the Academy:of Sciences,' Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: October 5, 1957, (initially) and September 15, 1958, (after revision) Card 4/4 24(5) AUTHORSs Tyso;tskiy, G. L., Inopin, Ye. V.t BOV156-36-2 33163 Kreanin, A. A. TITLEi The Scattering of Neutrons by Oriented Notiopharical Nual6i (Rasseyaniye neytronov oriyentirovatnymi neafericheakimi yadrami) PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichaskoy fiziki, '1959, Vol 36, Nr 2, pp 574-580 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In earlier papers (S#.I& Drozdovp Inopin, Rafs 1-3) the influence exercised by the nonsphericity of nuclei on total cross section in neutron scattering was investigated# At neutron energies of some tens of MWthe total neutron cross section varies as a result of nonsphericity by 2-3% in the case of experimentally observable nonsphericity. The nucleus is considered to be an ellipsoid with the semiaxes a and bj a is assumed to lie in the same direotion as the symmetr~r axis of the nucleus. If the direction of the symmetry alis coincides with the incident neutron beam, 0 - 2zb;'~; if the t symmetry axis is vertical to the inciding beam, then -L . 2'rr ab a/b) and, corre spondingly ~,LI611 ~ I or Card 1/3 (6 't 16 t The Scattering of Ifeutrons by Oriented SOV/56-36-2-33/63 Nonspherical Nuclei 1-1,61 < 1 .a/b values of 1. 3-1.4 -were found. experimentally, t' t whioh would correspond to a nonsphericity effect of 30-40- This value, of course, is based on the assumption of a com- plete orientation of nuclear spins, which cannot be realized in practice. In the case of incomplete~orientation the symmetry axis performs a precise motion:roun& the direction of spin, which is to be neglected only in th6 case of v6ry large spins, i.e. in the quasiclassical case. The authors' investigate these conditions and calculate the total cross. section and neutron angular distribution in neutron sea ttering on oriented nonspherical nuclei by using adiabatic approxiMa- tion (cf.Refe 1-3); this is justified in the case of neutron energies of more than several Nev. Concrete examples are calculated by means of the black nucleus mode;l; results therefore hold good only for the neutron energy range o':f several tens of Nov. Results show that the nonsphericity effects are more appreciable in oriented than in nonori:eated nuclei. The angular distribution of neutrons scattered * oni Card 2/3 oriented nonspherical nuclei shows noticeably azimuthal The Scattering of Neutrons by Oriented sov/56-36-2-33/63 Nonspherical Nuclei saymmetry. (T.,.38 3,4). A table contains~ the. formulae for for spin values between I and 7/2. There are k)/C?(O) 4 figures,' I table, and 8 references, 6of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnioheakiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy USSR (Physico-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences', Ukr SSR) SUBMITTEDs August 23, 1958 Card 3/3 INOPIN. rej Structure of gigantic resonance in photoinclear reactions. Zhur.skspA teor.fix. 38 ROO-2992-994 Mr 160. - I (MM 1397) 1. Fisiko-tekbalcheekty Lastitut Akademil zft*~MW& (Mmalel, Atomle) (ALclear /Aostione) 83723 S/056/60/038/004/016/046 lk - B006/D056 AUTHORS: _i=Ln~~ q Tishchenko, B. I. TITLE: Scattering of Electrons!)~by Nuclei Acc.ording to the a-Particle PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichemkoy fiziki, 196o, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 1160 - 1166 TEXT: On the basis of the structure of a-particle n Liclei' the present paper theoretically investigates the elastic and inelastic electro 12 C scattering and analyzes experimental data concerning the nuclei Be;" 16 and 0 . The target nucleus is considered to be a system *f, aivyartidles at rest relatively to one another whicho as a result of the J&etion of the ' field of the incident electrons, rotates as a whole. ' The,rkational.states are taken into account in the calculations by the quantum,nuabors I and K; 6IK (e) is searched for, where 0 is the scattering angle.talculations are carried out in Born approximation, which is sufficiant for investigating electron scattering from light nuclei. First, Be9 is investigated (for the Card 1/4 83723 Scattering of Electrons by Nuclei.Acoording to 8/050/60/038/004/016/046 the a-Particle Model B006/BO56' simplest nucleus with a-structure Bee is unstable). I. = 5/2, Ko 0 3/2; the excited states are characterized by K-KO=3/2 and I - 5/2, 7/2 For the elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections on excited states ex- pressions of the form a (a) . Xcr (e) [j 2(qd )+YJ2 (qd)) are given, where IK OL 1 1,2 the j, are spherical Bessel functions, q is the transferred momentum, '2d - the distance between the a-particles, and a (e) the elastic a scattering cross section on an a-particle; X and Y are numerical constants. For electron energies 0f-4.200 Rev the terms with i 4 are smiallt and one ms`y put 6 Theme results are compared in fig. I with 5/2,3/2(e) " 25' 67/2,3/2(e) corresponding experimental data (for an electron energy of 190 Rev, 1 elastic scattering, 2 - inelastic scattering fron the 2-5-Mev level, 3 inelastic scatt'ering from th6 6.8-Nev level). The C 12-nucleus is investigated in the following; the three a-particles are assumed to form the corners of a regular triangle. A formula is first given for the Card 2/4 83723 r cf Scat r4 n- -.1t;ct.rciis by Accor(iing to S/ 0 the B006,/BO56 purpose of 6et-~r.isining the rntations'j level encrgy E whivil -i.S 6i."cun"Jed, after whic;h forbi-Aan tire glvcyi for the crons sertion.-) X Oso ellistic scattering or level 2+ tind 3 Accordir., th c 7cormulms! (6)9 the differentirti cro:,fj ,~cticms are cm1culated fr,-v mr,4 olectron energy of~ 187 Mev, and are compared with experiptertal values in Figi 2, (as a finction of 6); 1 - ~~lastlc soatlt,ring, 2 - lnr!lasti~ scatterixig fr6A the 4-4~-Melr level, nnd 3 - inei-i.,;tic scattering from the 9.0-Mev 't ev el .in Fig. 3 the mirves 6" (6) calculate(I for 420-Mey elect'rons are coirpare6, with expcri- 16 mantal da t P_ . Th v 0-nucle-,i is consiL.crct to be a r I a j,'; 4, t., t ra h edT~o'n 2 with a-p,trticles at the corners, cr (P) - 16o Wj ild, holds for 00 d6 a 0 elar,'%1-ic scrAvering. In Fig. 4 the - (g)-curves calrulat6d are compiRred dl with experimontal data (ror R -420 Vev). Finally, thj~ reniilIto obtainod el are discxicscd. TLcre are 5 fignres and 18 references: 1 Soviet, 1 Italimpl 2 Dutch, British, and 12 US. Card 3/4 83723, Scattering El.,etronL lly 'iLxic-i llccording to 0 3 8/ UU 0 1 tile a-l-'art!.uje moe-el AS~~GCIAT10N: inotitut Akaderji. nwa, hLllcraimikoy nnj T#-c~jnpjggv ril' riu, Acadam- c1. SSW S ub N, I TT i~ 1.) Augunt 121 85684 3/056/60/038/006/026/049,/A4X 13006/~ .070 4-5-0 0 AUTHORS: D. X., Inopin, To. V. TITLE: Motion of Nucleon) P(nan AnisotropiTOscillator Potential. Taking InITTo'count Spin-Orbit Interaction PERIODICAL. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichesko~ fiziki, 19601 Vol'. 38, No.. 6, PP. 1765-1770 TEXT: A method is proposed for the calculation Of thewave functlions and level energies of nucleons moving in an oscillator pot:;ential. This proble appears in treating the bound state of individual nucleons according to the generalized.model (where it wa's solved by Nilason). and is of particular interest for deformed nuclei, as was,, .shown by A. So D'avydbv et al and B. T. Geylikman. The method proposed.,in the-prescit paper is suita;le for calculating the wave functions and. eigenvalues'of; nucleon energies in non-axial nuclei. It is mentioned An the:introduction that this method differs from that of Nilsson in important respects, and this difference is discussed. the present method is,based on the smallness of Card 1/4 85684 Motion of Nucleons:in an Anisotropic S/056/60/038/006/026/640/iM Oscillator Potential Taking Into Account B006/BO70 Spin-Orbit Interaction the spin-orbit- coupling constant (C:ZO,O5) In the representation of them the spin-orbit coupling is diagonalized when~terms ic oscillator a i t o n so r , p only up to the order of x,2 are considered. Taking into account the spin- orbit coupling, the Hamiltonian describing the motion of the nucleons in the nuclear field has the form: -.0 12 r p /2 i~ V(~); coapling constanti, H - H + As-* grad [v Ho 0 .1 Z4)2 2 d Taking x (a+ f ak) M 1; M nucleon mass); V(?) X i ~2 and - 0 holds' for f S l - [a-' al a (a' a where a ' la P 0' ta l l k k k1 l k k k the operators a and a+, the Hamiltonian takes the form k k H 70. (a a + + a +a la+a, 0 are Pauli i i i d + '-ik1c`if k k I I 2 L ~ I matrices) in the approximation made here; addends &.otitainlng terms of the Card 2/4 85684 bloti'A -of Nucleons in an Anisotropio S/056/6O/O36/Oo6/026/049/XX Osci4htdr Potential Taking Into Account B006/BO70 Spin-,brbit I nteraction + type ;a a -a a~ can be neglected. It is shown in the followinG that the 1 k 1 '-probllem can be reduced to a simple analytical solution in the limiting' ca se of a -'trong deformation of the nucleus.. Since the spin-orbit couplings.. m -ra contribution of the order the case of 6 strongly non- akes, of )G2 nucleus wi -Vh large non-axiality cannot be considered. In-tho... case,.of a strongly non-spherical nucleus with arbitra y no!-axiality,'Ithe: termsi.whioh are non-diagonal with respect to nz are negligiblet.and 4ftei onical trans a car~f for~iatlonj the Hamiltonian takes the form: + VA?+(2x'~l (afax a+lal). Fig. I shows the n cl; ar'; u 0 H A~ 0 x I 1 11 1 ; ; ' . y Y .ener& as a -function of non-axiality: a -,oscillator witho-4't':spin_orb1 t couplling; b - real oscillator. The non-physical region-is ~shaded'. Broken. ,.lines; show the case when.a small perturbation of the nucleuB'displacels the e'pergy minimum. From the curves it can be concludbd th~t,'the spinr, orbit,' 'coupling stabilizes the axial nuclear form against the influenoie of', small;, perturbations. G. Ya. Lyubarskiy is thanked for discussions. The3~e Card A .3 85684 o'n' of an Anisotropio 60/036/006/0 Moti S/05 :680iaator Potential Taking Into Account Boo6yBOTO SpinJOrbit interaction .are figures and 3 refer'ences; 2 Soviet and 1 Danish. -ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnipleskiy,institut Akademii nauk Ukra'in'sXo SSR (Institute of -Physics and Technology of the Ac'ademylaf Sciences Ukrainskaya SS -SUBM17TED: December 21, 1059 -4/4' ard C INOPIN,, Ye.V, [Inopin., IE.V,); T15HCIIEIIKO,, B.I. Deformations of light nuclei. Ukr, fiz, zhur. 6 np.,3,.291- 296 MY-Je 161* (MnA 3-4: 8) 1, Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut AN TJSSR., Mmr'kOve (Nuclei,, Atomic) TISHCHENKO, B.I.; KRESNIN, A.A.; INOPIN, Ye.V. Motion of nucleons in defo=ed light nuclei. Isv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.1:138-147 -Ta 162. (KIM 15:2) 1. Fiziko-tokhnichoWdy institut AN USSR. (Nuclear spin) (Wave meehanies) S/185/62/007/004/001/018 D407/1)301 AUTHORS: Inopin, Ye. V., and Berezhnoy,,Yu. A. TITLE: On the effect of spread of nucleus boundary on diffraction scattering PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnalp.v. 7, no, 4', 19629 343-347 a TEXT: A simple method is proposed for ascertaining the effect of nuclear-boundary spread on diffraction.scattering, It is shown that the free path of the scattered p~irticles*:can. be estimated by comparing experimental and theoretical results, The diffraction-scattering amplitude of a particle by a non- spherical nucleus is iK f - W( )e dp, 2 7r Card 1/4 S/185/62/007/004/001/018 On the effect of... D407/D301 where c,~ is the deformation parameter, 0 --the scattering angle, K--the wave vector of the incident particle,76 --the chan ae in the wave vector during the scattering. The function P ) characterizes the absorbing properties of the nucleus. The spread of the boundary is described by the function W C0( WOW ~ (.1 U )duo .(2) where the function (P (z) has to be a positive quantity Whi6h decreases rapidly for large values of the argument. From Eqpo (1) and (2) one obtains =i,x Z F( E) (z)e dz,, where F(O chara cterizeB the spread. If the~function: is taken in the form Card 2/4 8/185/62/007/004/001/016 On the effect of... D407/D301 z e (7) 2 then K sin E? e 4 0 Ve As an application of the above theory, the scattering of 24_nuclei is considered (elas' particles by Mg tic scatteringlas. well as Beattaring with excitation of the first vibrational level of the Mg24_atom). ThQ differential cross"osection curves (theoretical and experimental) of the elastic scattering are compared. Thi? width of the spread 6 0.79. 10-13 cme The, Card 3/4 S/105/62/007/004/001/018 On the effect of... D407/D301 differential scattering cross-section curves (with excitation of the first vibrational level) were also compared. It was found that theory and experiment were in good agreenient in the region 2A of large angles. The free path ef ck. -particles in Mg -r-atoms. was estimated; it was found to be 2 -10-13cm, which is in goods agreement with the results of other investigators.. There are 4 figures and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non'-Soviet-bloc,'t The references to the English-language publications read as follows: J. S. Blair, Phys. Rev., 115, 928, 1959; D. K. McDaniels, J. S. Blair, S. W. Chen, G. W. Farwell, Nucl. Phys., 170 614v 1960; J. S. Blair, G. W. Farwell, D. K. Daniels, Nuel. Phys., 17, 641, 1960; C. E. Porter, Phys. Rev., 99, 1400, 1955. ASSOCIATION: Pizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut AN URSR (Physico- technical Institute of the AS UkrRSR)l Kharkiv SUBMITTED: August 21, 1961 Card 4/4 VADIA) V.; INOPIN,, Ye.; YUSEF, M. Electron scattering by nuclei according to theo( -particle model of the nucleu6. Zhur. eksp. iteor. fiz.,45 ng-4:1164- 1166 0 '63. KRA 16:11) -L~ 11956 MCI) --ARX-1 M OW , -~i. 7- ~J - L 4 4 TITtA( 7-1 acatturi tal noy _hu=aL A_ ax6en no. 3, 106A, 892-4195 1 TOPIC TAGSt - inel a stic.,a-catte ring, parity, differential C'.!ros.B Sectioal AZZ2RACTt Theq)urpq_~m-of th4B paper was to verify a hypotliesis firat, acivanced lay _G~endean.Lny -~Phya. Rev. v. 1.14, 1297, 1959). that the -crass----section for forward inelastic ecatterinq vanishes ferent i a I en- there is a,,ear-i -Lange. Altbough ihis hypothealm was prove,.d w% -ty & on t! ba-818 of th-3JI.9torted-wave method by Kroum4nqa *nd mccax ~:Iiy (Phys. Rev,., 62, 1961),. it was considerodlof *ntorest tm, Obtain -to aj:Lrule a derivation not brass tion 4 qa the 44-0 Uaw N NR 1 4 - - - - - - -~ e a Ut 4 his ~cejld,, A Ital 01Mlatlofts --- ------- Vere 6 t e~ !no a,ifut S r ade' to the direct LnteractLaa Thechanism. The reaults ahow that the differential forw*rd ing cross sections are either very small or, very Large, dd!p-eridin(i on whether the parity of the nucleus has chanqed durlng t I- c, 9 ~7a t - ter, n5 o r not. 7ho r,-,; ~i t,-3 '-nd j.- i~ Cna,,-- for CA !3r)jj1, less part Cl'; t ~)wii f'r~:wm extrmoel-,, qenoral 0 ,.1 ~i t I Inp t n-uT I Iori r e rv,; i*111 of the inelastic acati-.iyring ap~,et.ri3 l.r. the -:id*' abatic npproximation, Is tased to ru ~e. It is further shown t1lat %Qjeream it ar, b e, safely aaaumed that thqra Is no parity changa if the angular distribution has a large value in the forward direction, tha oppoalto conclusion calls for a more detzUled analysis. Orig. art, hass 16 J r d INOPITT, Ye.V. (Jnopm, IF.V.]; _mfim.Erm, A.V. (nihobekn, O.V.) Effect of diffusion of the nuclear bouridnry. fiz. zhur, 9 no.11M61-1164 N 164 (KIRA 18zl) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskly Institut AN Ukr&SR, Kharlkov. U""/00$41/6 51/4)413/() lno~ i YC. e (S 2 4 TLZ: Dif f-r --act, 4nd I.SOURCI~' 2;li k 1965, noy, 0. 1624 teoretlch# I Okoyl 441:kj, T01"IC TAGs,, Racrq 413r P" 13 CV f ACCESSTON A P 'gradual trans.tio, other fact' "Yer Oil the surface of in "Sregarded i. the bouri'darl fled eXuerimep dtribute R 1P.- OMI, aTA'Ajj4 ACC Nit, AP8001144 SOURCE'dOM: UR/0367/U/002 -5 -V AUTHOR: Jhopl~, Ye. M ORO. None TITIE- (~ptioelpotentidotattuetwolualdw.d.outes--,--- SOURCE: Yadernayaftzika, v. 2, no.,3, 1"S, 423426 TOPIC TAGS: nucleon, Fermi gas, excited nucle us ABSTRACT: On the buts of. the theory of Optical mad 1~, A votentw prop. (3, sitanko Ms-the!chauge In the toag "r y part. of th6 opilcal (ZhETF 43. 31% - 1962), the author cal~ula potendaFc-msed by excitation of the- nucleus which ii described ~'aa a "cleonic Ferml g with aftnite temperature, Without giving a good quantitative air6~M64~'~ such an gipin-aph provides a correct qualitative picture of the nature of, the changia~k the ~i;otical potential with increasing energy of excitation of the nucleus. 9M Increasing ener';Y' of~ ~'ha'' scattewed 'umaeon. It also gives the correct order of magattude for the relative chafto; of "AIrbal potenH4 Certain qualitative coaclusions are drawn with regardto the effeq of tataperattre oi; the ~Tsal - part of the optical potential. Author to sincerely gratefid to A. G~- Sitehko for u"d AW, cussions. Ori& art. has: I table and 20- formulM SUB CODE: 26/ SUBM DATE: OMM/ ORM RM 001/ OTH REP. 001 INOPIN, Ye.V.; KRESNIN, A.A.; TISHCHEIIKO, B.I. , -.I- Alpha-particle model or the nucleus and electron scattering. IAd. fiz. 2 n0-5:802-809 N 165. (KLRA 18:12) -N I IN theor-f of diffraction scattering of pmri,icles by cinrilex nuelm . Zhur.eksp. I teor.fiz. 49 nn.6jl.?96...I80l b 165 (MIRA 19sly 1. Fi,.iko-tekhnlcheskjy instiltut AIN lPk r.'611. Stfbmitted MA Y 4, 19651. J. 4, L 17654-66 SOURCE COM: U~6/!!~`i/:04 0$/1 .ACC NR: AP6002723 82h I V, AUTHORS: Inopin, Ye. V#;,' Tisbehenko,; B . X. 1-~ 0 eb :OM )Physicot chnical Institute,'Academy f 0ence rSSR I ,(Fiziko-tekhnicheskly InstItUt AkademlT r nauk ':51t) -'Z) t -4 fTITLE: Description of Inelastic diffrao6ion s64' tb 00 b 6 Y :plex angular momentum method 1SOURCE; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I tooretichedkoy li~ikt v-~ 49 4no. 6, 1965, 1824-1830 TOPIC TAGS: particle diffraction, Inelastic sea: terin'-, sea ttorilig it ;cross section alpha particle reactions ~ABSTRACT.# A new method, which has recently, beenj ~pr~oj' ~;ed by 6~ft. of .1 !the-authors (Inapin, ZhETF v . 48,:162iq, 196~) z t I descrlp~~an ;of :elastic diffraction scattering by'composite:nucl4l, 66ii. Wbi ch. tt) tshown in a companion paber (Inopin, with A.-~A. 10VI snin~~ZhHTF v.", 4 :1796.. 1965,p ~ ACC NR: AP6002720) to be: In ~ agree emeht- 'i wit.W the ava4 lable experimental data, is used to obtaln~a unified d~~'L~03AD~iOn of ola~!t C ~-Card~ J/2 L 1765"6 ACC NR: U6002723 j and, inelastic scattering of spinless partialm: I 'A simple anal~ytib ,expression for the inelastic-,acattering cross.6ekati6jijs deri*ed 6n the basis of the complex angular -momentum metlioC tj4 S-i.fiattik Mira- meters introduced In the earlier papers,arelusodforjt~e Inelaotie. !scattering in this paper. The expre*6sion obtaloed ~~O'jos the~kell i !known Blair phase rule, for which a more rigoroti6 pr6df is obt4ln4d In this paper than in the past. The results ar4. ~ com'jiii~md' with~ ex I periments on the scattering of a particles ~yljjve djflt6rent h1oli, 24 48 58 66 88 (Mg $ Ti P Ni . 'Zn Sr ), and the, comparibpn it~dic~ates t3 US'- !factory qualitative agreement between the theo~jandlthe~ exper iftenital,' ;data. The authors thank N,'-Ayq~q and,j. 81 ir &P sendi, a!' fojre* 'pu lidat preprint of their paper be ion a;`4!"to A.' Kre; :for valuable discussions. Orig. art:.:'ba's: 5 fi res,l: 16 rTmt its land! to '3 tables.* SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 02Jun65/ ORial no: 0 d P18F 1512 i Card 2/2 not -7- L 44375-6(_ EWT(1)A!-,vr(m)/T ACC NRi AP6020215 SOURCE CODE- tIR/0056/66/0501006/1592/1602.$" a AUTHOR: In ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Science, Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institute Akadernit nauk Ukrainsko SSH) y TITLE: Inelastic diffraction scatterinz SOURCE: Zh eksper I teor fiz, v. 50, no. 6, 1966, 1592-1602 TOPIC TAG8: inelastic scattering, scattering cross section, nuclear spin, particle scattering.;. ABSTRACT: A method has been suggested for solving the.problem of tnelasttc~ scattering of particles by nuclei, accompanied by excitation of Collection Mates. The method to based on the possibility of separating the variables In the central field when the scattering involves large angular moments. It has been shown that as a result the inel fl- scattering cross section can be ex rms as pressed in te of the L Card 1/2 L 440375-66 ACC NR, SOURCE CODE: T i K0. A. V. No YE_ V,!- SHEBE i '75"N"Ginone Diffraction Scattering of Particles with Excitation ;of monopole Nuclear oscillations" ~Moscow; Yadernaya Fizilca; September, 1966; pp 482-485 TOPIC TAGS: inelastic scattering, scattering cross section ;Abstract: The method of complex angular momenta Is used to f I .: .I !calculate the cross-seotions for the inelastic diffraction Iscattering of particles leading to the excitation of.monopole !nuclear oscillations. A comparison of the formulae with pre- Ivious calculations, based on the distorted wave method, made fit possible to determine the limits of the applicability of this ~Method. The distorted wave method can be applied under the :eondition that the Inelastio scattering oross-sectlons are !considerably smaller than the elastic scattering a;ross-seotion. Orig. art. has: 17 foriulas. CJPRSt 38#7641 SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 04Dec65 / CRIG REF: 002 OTH W7 : 001 EELCHESTNOV., K.A., mekhani INOSHEVSKIY, A.V., master goryachago peredela Wo;,k has become easier. Metallurg 8 no,2:34 F 163.~(HM 16:2) is Liotoprokatnyy teekh Nool Severskogo metallwgic~es to savoda. (Rolling mills-Technological innovatio7da) -- - - V. - L. - - ---- - - - - - -- - Inosov, V. L. - "Determination of the transitory process in the stabilized linear systems,n Sbornik nauch.-tekhn. statey (kkad. nauk Ukr. SSR, In-t elektrotakhniki), Issue 2. 1948, p. 19-46, - Biblio: 14 items SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 15, 1949) IrOS0V-,-v-.L- Inosov, V. and Dashevskiy, L. K. - "Igniting of mercury valves by a dielectric," Sbornik nauch.-tokhn. Btatey (Akad. nauk Ukr. SSR, In-t elektratekhniki), Issue 2, 19L'8, P. 122-35, - Blbllog: 5 items SO: U-4355, IL, August 53, (Ietopis 'Zhurnal Invkh Statey, No. 15, 19L9) iliosov V L. Inosov, V. L. and Khrusheva, N. V. - "Phase meter for measuring the phase displacement angle between two voltages for audio frequencieL, having a low expenditure of power.0 Sbornik nauch.-tekhn. stetey (Akad. nauk Ukr. SBR, In-t elaktrotakhnski). Issue 2, 19~8, p. 136-40 SO: U-k355, 14 August 53, (Imtopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 15, 19L-*9) -V . T CAnd Tech Sci V.L. Inosov., "AnalysLs of Operationally Coniected Reg lating systems.,' Avto i Telef Ixv 6t 19118. ITJOSAV, V. L. 37308. Stabilizatsiya reguliatorow donolnitellrvpn koatanxi. Ssborlikc n,-,uchn-taklm. Sta-tyey (Akad INaiuk ukr. 35R, In-T Zlektrateklmltd). vil). 3, 194~,, s. 71-80 SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statay, Vol. 7, 1,Y~9 nous 40 ~-_-jqqmp*undLm8__of R-igh-Power 53mchronous Gener- a vith-Sir-zlect-r-c-m-a-P-6 i-c--461tage-Carrector," z4 VW_- ~L. Inosov, L -V. T812 in GWididates Inst of Blec Eng, Acad ScilUSSR, 8.pp [._-_'aSlektrich&stvO,". No 9 Discusses' excitatio-n- iy-ite-m- for:-SyAchrozous CTS Orr t ', combining stator current compounding- rVilie dicciter-witli-eli~6.tromapetic,vpltage car- ,-*Octor whicl~ uses saturatee. iiingforzer~as --mon- -linear element in the measuring device and magnetic- ;:applifier for increasing the reaction on the 153T30~, Ge nerators, Syncbro- Bep 49: nous ~(Contd) ~.,.'*Zcltation circuit. :V01tage corrector is fed voltage transformers of the generator. De- Ue as a vhole does not have any breaking can- to or moving" parts. It is reliable and easy. P, -operate and maintains constant voltage vith 1% variation. C, A*; 50 tricity - POVIar: kanis Voltage Regulatore Experimental Compounding Installation With an glee- Voltage Corrector on a ~5,000411owatti .2iiibogeiirator," V. L. Inosov, Cand Tech 5; V. Ye. Rrvt1kove, IW, L.J. Tsukerulkj Cand Tech'S:ci) ~Ilek Stants" No Describes Installation and gives results of trialm,.~ Do- signed by'Inst of 11*c ]h%, Atud Sa of Ukmlhlw Mp wd ritted to T2-25-2 turbogonerator made by "Zlektrosj~LWI., Plant imeni S. M. Kirov. Concludes correctoi in simple --iod reliable, iince It has no moving parts or tron omponents. Should be widely used at USSR power tic c_ -.":41a Ons; 7-T ........... System of Automatic Excitation X*gulati 4A.-Byacbronoux-Genersto" __V, Zngineers "Babochly Inergetik" No 1, pp 15-20 A-0-scribes,,constraction,aad discusie -a rr A&YIces generators with elettromagnetic corrector of voltage. System has J~qXloving, advantages: NecessW7. Ancrease ~_ In __OXA6~_ tlb= occurs An --caiiiii-6f _3:arg* i6i_ aiiii ov*rlosdi*g of-generator' and voltage decreases; ri9quired volUW Is mintained vIth + 0.5% precision; device bas so 2062k7 /Zlectricity Generators (Contd) jkn~,32_, i zone of insensitivity and functions at slightes deviations of current andL voltage; sUWlicity an& depe=labnity due to absence of mving parts, coj,&"!. tacts and electron-ionic devices. INOSOVO -I-" method f or studying the stability of p0mr systems t'knd optimm characteristics of automatic voltage regulators for gone- rators uW for long-distance transmission. Sbor.trud.Inst.e.10- ktrotekh.AN UHM no.8:63-73 152. (KM -10:2) (Ilectric power distribution) (Voltap rogulators) INOSOV, V.L.; IRTJTIKOVA, V.Ye.; MMINSKIT, ...... Stabilising tramforwr In the circuit of an electromagmetic Toltme corractor. Sbor,trud.1nst.*1*Mro%skh.A3 UM no.S.-227-lM 132. (Voltage regulators) (Blectric transformers) (NM 10:2) INOSOV, V.L.; 13MIKOVA, V.Te.; TSUKhWIE, L.Y. ". - Blectromagnetio duplex voltage corrector. 3bar.trtAJnst.*l*ktro- takh.Al UM no.8;139-147 132. -(" 1012) (Voltage regulators) I IMBOY. T.L.; MIGHAIW, G.I. Note es C&MUefjo in 116dol"I Scismois T.L.Nwdzfs article Mmmm- slouless Parameters or I Wled msgwtlc ampliflersom Moro UmAJustoo2ektrotekbe Al t= no-10:133 1530' (mm 835) (y44wtlo sonflors) -lim B. T. R. JED, 47n- cokuwan -4 cwm-i16 md voluwm'tm Vol. No. 4 W. ---roj, amd Excilmdom (Ftuatam) Apr. 1954 t, V. TIMWJ 11ektkilestco.- IM = 1~ irleering Slectrioal Eng Discu, we of tions witb compounding dcvfcet and eleettl=gnotic U111, I:trrectum, W high %vkago lioncroue- Diagram. graphs. ta m. INDSOV Viktor lAontlyevich; TSUIUMIK, Lev Veniaminovich; fAMWVA, A.X., AAA r WRIMIONOV, G.Ye., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Compounding and electromagnetic voltage corrector in s7nobronous, generators] lompaundirovanie 1 eleirtromagnitnyi,korreitor naprias6s- niia sinkhronnykh generatorov. Moskva, Goa. energeticheakoe Izd-TO, 1954. 149 p. DOW 8:1) (Zlectric generators) -- - - --- -- -- - - - - ---- --- -- - - INOSOV, VA. (Kiyev) - ~IA i ~~, Functional stability analysis of energy systems amd requirements for servomechanism controllers operated in such systems. Avtom. i telem. 15 no..4:298-309 Jl-Ag 154. (ML" 7:11) (Electric controllers) (Servomechanism ) AID P 16o6 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 15/27 Authors Inosov j-.Y..--L, Doc. of Tech. Sci.,,Shestbpalov, V. N~. , -9-ni-'"and Rybinskiy, V. Ye., Eng.: Title Arrangement for the measurement of the coasting angle of a synchronous machine Periodical Elektrichestvo, 3, 70-72, Mr 1955 Abstract The authors designed an arrangement to measure the relative angles between the emf ectors of the v generators at the various electric power stations of an electric power system. They describe the structure and functioning of the arrangement. Two diagra6s Institution; Electrical Engineering Institute of the Academy of 'Sciences of the USSR Submitted Ag 24, 1954 Subject Card 1/2 Authors Title AID P 1617 USSR/Electricity Pub. 27 - 26/27 Berkovich, M. A., Vinogradov, N. V.~, and Semenov,V.A., Engineers, Moscow V. L. Inosov and L.N. Taukernik. Com d w_g~grjyg andthe Oenerators, GosenergoiZdat, 1954, 152 PP., Periodical Elektrichestvo, 3, 86-87s Mr 1955 Abstract The authors summarize the table of bont6nts of the book which describes various arrangements for compounding with the application of~ele~tromagnetic voltage regulation. These arrangements'are used in the USSR as the basic methods of automatic regulation and field forcing of the excitation of synchronous generators. The authors point, to the merits of thel. book as well as to several deficiencies, many of them consisting in poor proof-reading. f7dl +1111 IM'"OR iA~vf Q: W-t%rW)-Vj 11i4fl-the ni6t~rt ' ': ' may i Uo ho to4tvmtj ftt- ii-awn, fithrtirq nn4!tt=9. r,)r aal it! :.I f INDSOV,-V.-Li--KIIUTIKOVA~--V-i-Tti-- InvestigatIng the conditions of synchronizing excited generators operating out-of-step with the system. Sbor.trud. Inot. elektrotekh.AN URSR no.13:84-97 156. (KWU 9110) Ollectric generators) INOSOV, VA. Synchronous compound-wound motor and the theory of its opera tion. Sbor.irad.Inst.slaktrotekh. AN MM no.14:93-116 156. (KM 9112)1. (Ilectric motors, ftuohronous) INOS-OV, V.L.; KRMIKOVA, Me. I - - 'ed, A, 'Fj;~Vx henatic diagram 6f electric tractorcontret with a singlephase cable. dbor.trud.Invt.els)rtrotekh. AN MM no.14:124-126 156, (Tractors) (Remote control) (MMA 9:12) MUM jiln ai I A4 qutv raullanda, Oct. 'L, -9+CL) The 6v_ Wr,,Va. 17, IV.). 10, pp, 936 owl-atilm of 6it refar filirr df~ bit is tsmLd -wafi the mpw ngnal. Dic f1t4umc-t Ly E2 lAurc Of tht 11, alirfulla- Ifirbin a mllvaw band olml tke -C u C .41 !~N~ WN ir; d it 44 I_F 7 ij ii. idiii HI: 'li!.! it it -it - J~ ;I ibl. J SOV/1 I Z-58- 1 -455 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 1. p 68 (USSR) AUTHOR: 4n~, ~V..L-. TITLE: Compound Excited Synchronous Motor (Sinkhronnyy dvigatell smeshannago vozbuzhdeniya) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Avtomatizatslya proizv. protsessov Y ap kh., MOSQOW,~ AN SSSR, 1956, pp 226-234 ABSTRACT: Today's synchronous motors are 1. 5-1. 7 times: more expensive and heavier and have efficiency inferior to that of induction motors of the-same kilowatt capacity. Presence of an exciter In synchronouh'motors reduces operating r eliability - However, a synchronous motor with field winding con- nected as shown in the accompanying circuit diagrarn is free of the above dis- advantages. From experimental data and an analysis of motor operation, the following conclusions are drawn; (1) unity power factor can be kept ivithin 0 to 1. 25 of rated load; (2) stalling torque is no lower than:,that of other motor types; (3) starting is simple; (4) compound-field motor efficiency is no lower Card 1/2 Compound Excited Synchronous Motor than,that of normal synchronous machines and of wound-rotor induction motors for the same values of kilowatt capacity and rpm; (5) weight, size, and cost of the motor are approximately equal to those of a wound-rotor Induction motor for the same values of kilowatt capacity and rpm; (6)~ the compound-field, motor with selenium rectifiers is easier to manufacture within 4 to 50 Jtw (possibly to 100 kw). B. Ya. G. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Electric motors--Performance 2. Induction Motors--Performanoe A'UTHORS Inosov,V.L. Doctor of Technical Soiences,Professor, 105-9-5/32 Lachuk,A.M.,Engineer T.ITLE A Frequency Supervisory Control Device with Synchronous Filters. (Chastotnoye ustroystvo teleupravlaniya a sinkhronnymi filttromi- -Russian) PERIODICIL Elektricheetvo, 1957, Nr 9, pp 23 - 27 (U~.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT A remote-control device with a frequency code was worked out at the Faculty for Electrificgtion of the Ukraini&4 Agrioultil-ral Aca- demy. It is of low capacity and can be used for the control of ob- jects spread over a large area. It consists of single-type blocks which in themselves are combined to an audio-frequency generator of low power and a narrow-band filter which,however, is not based on resonance phenomena but on the synchronism of the signal fre- quencjJand on that of the local generator. This filter is described in detail by the authors in A,1956,Nr lo. The now plant was in- stalled in the agricultural energy system Korsun' - Shevchenko in July 1956 and has been working without disturbances until now. After this Luchuk A.M., developed a synchronous filter with cry- stal triodes. The description of a filter generator with crystal triodes is given and the problem of the ponsible capacity of in- stallationB with such a filter is investigated. The principle of this filter is as followes the executing relay of the filter reacts only if the frequency of the arriving si"I coincides with Card 1/2 that of the local generator. As, howeverp such a coincidence Is 105-9-5/32 A Frequency Superyisory Control Device with Synchronous Filters. little probable, the phenomenon of taking account of the local- generator frequency by the frequency of the arriving signal in those cases where their difference is small, is utilized. There- fore the zone of response is determined by the zone of capturing. The apparatuses described here can easily be produced according to the newest process for: the production of radio apparatuses~ There are 2 figures and 4 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION Ukrainian Agricultural Academy. (Ukrainskaya sel'skokhozyaystvennaya akademiya). SUBMITTED April, 28,1957. AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: INOSO Pk - 2566 -MMLY-1- TITLE: The Answer to A.A.Pervozvanskiy's Notem. (Otvet na zamoobaniya I.L.Pervozvanskogot Russian) PERIODICALt Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 195T, Vol 18, Nr 3, pp 284 -:284 (U.S.S*R;) Received 4 / 1957 Reviewedi 6 / 1957 IBSTRICTs This is the author's reply to Pervomnskiyle (krtomatika-i Telemekhanikaj 1957, Vol 18, Nr 3, PP 282 - 283) criticism of his work in Avtonatiks, i Tolenekhanika 19549 V0145, ;r 41 1) The asymmetry of the coefficien been taken into account, though not in the manner !sciksh&dcne by Bulg~akov in his book "Oscillations". The method suggested is notiffected here. The.suggested simple conditions~cannot be exten.ded;to alosed control systems. 2) It in shown that the system is passive and that the term investigated can be replaced by a passive term with positive dissipation function. 3) It in stated that the logic of this remark is inco:mprihen- nible. The parameters determining stability are contained in the equations derived, Card 1/2 PA 2566 The Answer to A.A.Pervozvanskiyls Notes. Summarizing,,the author rejects the statement that his nethod in based upon erroneous theories and leads to ttohnically untational conclusions. ASSOCIATIONa Not given PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTEDs AVAIIABLEt Library of Congress. Card 2/2 INOSOV# doictor takhas muk, prof.; KRUTIKOVA, VoTs., kand, tekhn. mauk KAMENEYA, Vera Alsksandrovna; IHOSOV, Y.L.,,,z!qd.; BORUNOV, V.I.. Pavel Petrovich Kolmiaev. Koskva, Gos.energAzd-vo, 1959. 94 p. (NEU 13:1) (Kopniaev, Pavel Petrovich. 1867-1932) A ~A altj Avg I I lb a is 8/194/61/000/012/055/097 D256/V303 AUTHOR: Inosov, V. L.- TITLE: Comparison of frequency signal selection methods PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalg Avtomatika:i radioelektronika, no-. 12, 1961, 60, abstract 12V521 (Avtomatiz..i.pri- borostroyeniye. noel. Kiyev, Gootekhizdat Ukrainian SSR, 1959, 40-43) TEXT: A comparison is presented of the following.signal-selection method for frequency systems: 1-) The resonance method, 2) the syn- chronous deteotion method, 3) the self-correlation method, 4) the method of syn--hronous storing. It is shown that thesemethods are in general.equivalent. The best method proves to be the method of synchronous detection owing to the obtainable low Q-value of the filters. The method of synchronous storing is not selective as regards the higher-order odd harmonies, however, the sensitivity decreases pro-portionally to the number of the.order of the harmo- nic. The self-correlation method is useful only for separation of Card 1/2 S/194/61/000/012/055/097 Comparison of frequency soo D256/D303, a single signal on a background of 8tochastic.disturbance. The synchronous methods of detection require synohl'onization of f110:10- cal oscillator with the signal, performed by fiequenoy capturing or seilf-tuning of the oscillator, The local oscillator is used at the same time for reply signalling. /-Abstractor's note: Complete translation. aid U:j :11 "t., fill ).,I. I _y-9-OY&--Vtk-lql!-Lg-qn-t_'yovich; nMIXOTA, Talentina Uypul"vna; KAMITA, Vera-TI-eEwndroyna; PULTANSIT, N., red.; GOMVIMO* Lop takhnerade Esynchronous motor@ with excitation from semiconductor rectifiers] 31-kh onnys dyipteli a vosbush6nien.ot.polu- provodnikovykh vypriamitelai. Kiev, Gas. 0&-yo t6khn.lit-ry us=, ig6o. iz3 p. (NM 14:2) (Blectric motors, Induotion) INOSOV V L 'i LUTSM, V.A. [Codo-pules telemetering ags for the amtraliz~d control of C" maisuil Kodoinpullmis, aistema teleismronlio dlia diapstaharisatsii magiirtcaltrqrkh gazoprovodovo Moskvap 1960. . 11 pj (Ifttsraattozal~ Federation of Autowtic Controlt lot Intarvational Cong"sev'Mompows 1960,.Dokladyp to.39). (MIRA 14s8). (Telemstoring) (Gas distribution) B/102/60/000/005/008/QO81: D251/D3.05 AUTHORS: Inosov, V. L. and Lutalkyy, V. 0. (Kiye'v) TITLE: Code impulse telemetering systems for dispatcher'ser- vice of gas mains (Short notes from the speech at the First International Congress of IFAC) PERIODICAL: Avtomatyka, no. 5, 1960, 78-80 TEXT: The author describes the work done in the Instytut.avt6za-' tyky Derzhplanu URSR (Institute of Automation of the State PI" ~of the UkrSSR) to construct a suitable telemetering system for dis- patcher servioe of gas mains. A code-diBC system based on manome- ter and vibrator sensors wad found to be suitable, and germanium~, photo diodes ~A-4 or fiA--Z(FD-1 or PD-2) used as indicators. ~ Thi system was based on the following technical data: 1) The system employed the control and registration at a central dispatcher' point of the data collected at the control points; 2) the maximum number of control points was 30, the maximum volume of data from~- each point-8 measurements and 1 emergency signal; 3) the error of Card 1/2 3/102/60/000/005/006/008 Code impulse telemetering D251/D305 the telemetering system was +,0.5%; 4) the time~:for testing and registration at the control-~oint of I parameter was 0.2 - 1 B .eag depending on the speed of the teleprinter; 5) the width of the, frequency band for high-frequency telephone channel working was 300 c/8, for a double pipeline - 600 als; the telemetering was contactless. Initial tests on the Dashava-Kiyev pipeline gave po- sitive results. SUBNITTED: Nay 30, 1960 Card 2/2 35321t B/103/62/023/002/012/015 D230/D301 AUTHORS.- Inosovo Volot and-Skirtap B.K. (Ki'ev) Y TITLE: EvELluating the combination frequency level and the permissible fluctuation level of frequency code tele- me(!hanics signals sent simultaneously PERIODICAL: Av,,;omatika i telernekhanikap v. 23P no. 2, 1962, 214 -- 221 'performed an.a- TEXT: Evaluation of component combination levels is lytioally and the possibility of applying the simultaneous fre Iquen- cy samples is e--camined as a function of the couplingohannel para- meters. The eng:Lneering aspect is largely governed by the permissi- ble limits of Vle variation of,attenuation in the coupling channel The combinationlrequencies can, in certain unfavorable conditions;,/ exceed the operating level of frequency selectors; this leads to. spurious operati-n.of the device. Analytical evaluation of the com- bination frequency levels is presented for the most frequent trans- mission case of two sinusoidal signals of equal amplitude. The beat Card 1/2 S/103/62/023/002/012/015 Evaluating the combination D230/D301 analysis of these two signals results in the following simple rule: The ratio between the largest combination frequency level and thei', a-Lgnai level at 'the output of a non-lineart double fi~equency tr.ans- mission section is equal to the amplitude ratio of the largest harmonic curve, and being the maximum output beat envelope, to~the amplitude of the fundamental of this curve. For fixed levels of com- bination frequer-cies the permissible transmission range of teleme- chanics signals, applying simultaneous frequencies, can be calc;ula- ted simply. In the experimental work, results were obtained by us- Ing a frequency spectrum analyzer at the output'of typical non-li- near sectionsi These results are tabulated. There are 7 figure6, 4 tables and 1 non-Soviet-bloo references. SUBMITTED: September 27, 1961 Card 212 doer -a re: 101 L I-H. 0 L! hi ll -TAALE F C0 11TINTS j . j COntcntg an4 T) IL r Code a C r i.. t o I' I n n n o 1 9 35 C, r n g E, 1 11 f o r m a f~ n 1, a b 1 1. 1 t 9 Imo r0 lli!r f re nit lit cult fit vl.~!-- , 6 jAji2 a AH5 04a 4 1.7 ;, t th ppg; n If ~3:- Methods [if pli 'r, for Thf oxm-at~dn lxarl~s~l d''4 1 3 4. He tho'd 5 (1 fcompar-ing tiodtrk ali:0 .46ibin %o i bb A ~Lm I., a! a-ve- r a transfer fmart-ying capacitfan m-nd icalfabtttttei~ cm'&~ 346 4 i a r A' I P-, v it I ki a t I on of to(it"q syntemm (17 r .1-n - e 7 41 1 m 1i L n n t v c d F- u. I t 4, r f r, ~j ~J r i ii 14 n I I'l., Coding. and Codes In Cormun i cri Loris EIngineering Codiag problems pAcu:Uar to qaT.%rpun lica t 1~ a ill i!vq I r ig 2. Charactertaties of ~i AP" -ding- m saage-Ai &' 121 1 Ij 66401-C 1wi 4-d4 7; fd a$ 7-- nf liazelo L-L `11 MIN Ail 4i I thv~ e-llmbili-k -1;1 OA 1 digital Computers tfhr 'a u gh '~fi its eo f cod"i V mf 't c It oid 1 mu rov i n s th~o reliability (t,f II)iTi4rv-dect M, itl - cd 1!,!L dl4f t ItI c na n,,j t o i, the usi, of coding mothoda. Card -J, DO all 1 M --Y.---Ts I j-rlE I- ill.,-Iyl-,--U.-C"-.-;---T,:Osgv,- V-. 2. USSR (600) INOSOV Tu.L. lash.; GIM'1W, A.Yu., inzh. rdghtweight bearing units In highway bridge j1pans. Avt.dor. 22 DO-8:23-24 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) (Bridocts, Iron and steel) INOSOV, Yu.L,,, inzh.; GI*IELIFARD, A.Yu,, inzli. ErtictJng contituous spans afloat. Transp. stroi. 14 no. 6:12-15. Je 1U. (MIRA 18:2)