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Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 This package contains my summary of OS Services performed for other agencies. I used Jerry's notes but I made some essential changes. Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1A F, MANPOWER: Office of Security processing is handled by a GS-12 assisted by a GS-05 clerical. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: x5 Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management), Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 I. DIRECTORATE Administration II. COMPONENT Office of Security III. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The Office of Security reviews the security background of non-USIB agency representatives who have been proposed for access to sensitive compart- mented information and indoctrinates those repre- sentatives who have met the prescribed security standards. A. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: An Office of Security professional conducts a review of the security background and security processing of non- USIB agency representatives who have been proposed for access to sensitive compartmented information. As an adjunct, an Office of Security professional will indoctrinate those non-USIB agency representatives who have been approved and have the "need" for access to sensitive compartmented information. B. LOCATION: Washington, D. C., and environs. C. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED: Non-USIB agencies. 25X1A = D. BASIS FOR ACTIVITY: Top S the Director of Security of this Agency to establish a Special Clearance Security Control Center. E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Salary and travel expenses incidental to job performance. F. MANPOWER: Central Intelligence Agency, Head- quarters, processing is handled, on an as required basis, by a GS-14, a GS-13, and a GS-12. Field reviews as required are handled in the field by professional security officers assigned to liaison with the pertinent agency. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: 25X1A 25X1A Deputy Director of Security Policy and Management), x5861. Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Administration I. DIRECTORATE II. COMPONENT Office of Security III, SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The Office of Security will actasia a purchasing g aa nent for another U. S. Government agency if advantage to the U. S. Government. A. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: An Office of Security component will make an accommodation purchase of equipment for other USIB agencies when the purchase results in a rec- ognizable advantage to the U. S. Government. The advantage can be a financial one from a cost effectiveness standpoint or it can also mean providing security office industrial contacts to agencies with no prior involvement in a par- ticular field. B. LOCATION: Washington, D. C., and environs. C. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED: USIB Agencies: Central Intelligence Agency Department of State Defense Intelligence Agency National Security Agency Department of Treasury Atomic Energy Commission Federal Bureau of Investigation As well as the Service components: U. S. Army U. S. Navy U. S. Air Force who have representatives sit with the Board as Service Intelligence Observers. D. BASIS FOR ACTIVITY: Economy Act; 31 US Code No. 686. Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Cost to the Agency is nominal and consists only of the administrative costs associated with the transfer of funds. F. MANPOWER: No manpower commitment necessary beyond the administrative tasks associated with the transfer of funds. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: 25X1A Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management), x5861. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Administration I. DIRECTORATE II. COMPONENT Office of Security III. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The Office of Security provides the services of two professional security officers to the Defense Intelligence School to present a lecture and demon- stration 25X1A tration and physical threats. A. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: Two Office of Security professionals respond to a request from the Central Intelligence Agency Liaison Officer and Faculty Advisor at the Department of Defense, Defense Intel- liRence School, to present a three-hour lecture and 25X1A 25X1A presented to military personnel preparing for attache and liaison assignments overseas and is conducted at the school's request in January, June and October. B. LOCATION: Headquarters Building, CIA Langley, Virginia C. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED: Department of Defense, Defense Intelligence School. D. BASIS FOR ACTIVITY: The request of the Defense Intelligence School, DOD, made through the CIA Liaison Officer and Faculty Advisor at the school. E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Salaries of the GS-14 and GS-13 presenting the lecture and demonstration. F. MANPOWER: The GS-14 and GS-13 security officers presenting the lecture and demonstration. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: 25X1A Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management), x5861. Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1A I. DIRECTORATE Administration II. COMPONENT Office of Security III. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The Office of Security provides the services of a professional security officer to the Armed Forces Courier Service School to present a one-hour briefing on "The Soviet Courier System." A. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: An Office of Security professional presents a one-hour lecture on "The Soviet Courier System" to all military personnel attending the Armed Forces Courier School which is a prerequisite prior to their assignment as couriers. The lecture is given on an average of once a month between April and December of each year. B. LOCATION: Forrestal Building, Washington, D. C. C. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED: Department of Defense D. BASIS FOR ACTIVITY: In 1967 the Office of Security agreed to a request from the Director, Armed Forces Courier School for a one-hour presentation on "The Soviet Courier System" to be presented at a training program for Armed Forces Couriers. As the program became formalized, CIA's presentation as a continuing part of the course has been presumed by ARFCOS. E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Salary and travel costs incidental to job performance. F. MANPOWER: One GS-14 and one GS-13 equally divide the lectures. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management), x5861. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 I. DIRECTORATE Administration II. COMPONENT Office of Security III. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION On an ad hoc basis, the Office of Security provides Denied Area Reality Briefings to personnel of non-USIB agencies proceeding on official travel to the Soviet Bloc or the Peoples Republic of China. A. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: An Office of Security professional responds to ad hoc requests from non-USIB agencies to provide Denied Area Reality Briefings to personnel proceeding on official travel to the Soviet Bloc or the Peoples Republic of China. In most instances the traveler has access to sensitive compartmented infor- mation and/or is a senior officer in his agency. B. LOCATION: Washington, D. C., and environs. C. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED: Non-USIB Agencies. D. BASIS FOR ACTIVITY: The basis is essentially a historical evolution resulting from the services performed by the Office of Security for non-USIB agency personnel requiring access to sensitive com artmented information. As a further reference, the control 25X1A System manual, VI, F, page 10, specifically sets out requirements for an appropriate defensive measure briefing for an indoctrinated individual traveling to Sino-Soviet satellite areas. 25X1A E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Salary and travel expenses incidental to job performance. F. MANPOWER: The security officer (GS-15, GS-14, GS-12) assigned to conduct the briefing. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management), x5861. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 I. DIRECTORATE Administration II. COMPONENT Office of Security III. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The Office of Security provides the services of a security officer to provide briefings to other USIB 25X1A agencies on equipment. A. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: At the request of other USIB agencies, an Office of Security professional will provide briefings on the and 25X1A 25X1A on techniques and equipment. As a specific example of this service, Office of Security professionals regularly brief at the National Cryptologic School, National Security Agency, three times a year. B. LOCATION: Washington, D. C., and environs. C. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED: USIB Agencies: Central Intelligence Agency Department of State Defense Intelligence Agency National Security Agency Department of Treasury Atomic Energy Commission Federal Bureau of Investigation As well as the Service components: U. S.. Army U. S. Navy U. S. Air Force who have representatives sit with the Board as Service Intelligence Observers. D. BASIS FOR ACTIVITY: Historically, USIB agencies not having a particular security expertise available will request the Office of Security, Central Intelligence Agency, to brief their personnel on the subject. Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1A E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Salary and travel expenses incidental to job performance with approximately six man-weeks of time per year devoted to this activity. F. MANPOWER: A professional security officer, usually a GS-12, conducts the briefings. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONDUCT: Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management l, x5861. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 I. DIRECTORATE II. COMPONENT III. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Office of Security The Office of Security provides the services of a security officer to conduct surveys of proposed facilities for storing sensitive compartmented infor- mation received from this Agency at non-USIB departments and agencies. A. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: An Office of Security professional, on an as required basis, conducts physical and counteraudio surveys of facilities at non-USIB depart- ments and agencies, including White House offices, that will be used to house sensitive compartmented information received from this Agency. B. LOCATION: Principally Washington, D. C., and environs. C. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED: Non-USIB agencies. D. BASIS FOR ACTIVITY: DDCI April 1962 memorandum directing the Director of Security of this Agency to establish a Special Clearance Security Control Center. E. FINANCIAL COST: Salary and travel expenses incidental to job performance. F. MANPOWER: The security officer or officers (GS-12/13) assigned to conduct the survey. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: 25X1A 25X1A Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management), x5861. Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Salaries of the training officers. F. MANPOWER: Approximately two man-weeks per year by security officers at the GS-12 level. 25X1A G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management), x5861. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 I. DIRECTORATE II. COMPONENT III. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Office of Security On an ad hoc basis the Office of Security provides the services of a staff security officer to conduct physical and procedural security surveys of other:U. S. Government organizations. A. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: An Office of Security professional, on an as required basis and at the request of other components of this Agency, conducts security surveys of safekeeping facilities of other U. S. Gov- ernment agencies to insure that the organization con- cerned has the requisite facilities for the storage of Agency classified material. B. LOCATION: Washington, D. C., and environs. National Security Agency National Science Foundation Naval.Ordnance Station 25X1A Military Assistant to the Vice President President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board National Federal Credit Union Administration National Archives Export-Import Bank of the United States DIA Security Staff Department of State Security Staff House Judiciary Committee, Impeachment Inquiry White House Office of Telecommunications, IRAC Department of Commerce USAID/State Department Federal Energy Agency Cost of Living Council Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Interagency Training Center Department of Interior Congress and Subcommittees (during appear- ances by DCI and other senior Agency officials) FAA Office of Investigations and Security Internal Revenue Service Federal Bureau of Investigation 25X1A 25X1A IS FOR ACTIVITY: In accordance with mow". E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Salary incidental to job performance. Survey usually requires a period of three to five days. F. MANPOWER: A pro'essional security officer, usually a GS-13, is assigned to conduct each survey. G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: Deputy Director of Security (Policy and Management , x5861. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 E. FINANCIAL COSTS: Salaries (including benefits) of the officers assigned to the school is approximated to be $87,490 annually. F. MANPOWER: The professional security officers assigned to the school are usually a GS-15, GS-13, and GS-12. 25X1A G. AGENCY EMPLOYEE TO CONSULT: Deputy Director of Security (Policy and anagemen , x5861. Approved For Release 2000/09/02 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140002-0 USE ONLY t2OOOIO9/02 : CIA-R ff Bi@Q1 010011 ET ^ UNCL rid FoiTeIio ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Assistance to Another Federal Agency FROM: EXTENSION NO. 5X 1 A Policy and Plans Group 5311 DATE 20 January 1975 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) C/PPG 6 ttached is a consolidated 2. DD/PAM 131975 ata base. Suggest that it e reviewed by the Deputy Directors for its accuracy 3. and completeness. 4. 1-2: I am sending copies 25X1 8!9 2-1-fnrji,~A in your name to the other two DD's as a final check of the accuracy and completeness of the attached 7/11-13 data base. This copy I intend to circulate in 7. P&M. '" 8. Z - 3 ? f tc--~ ~~-"~... d 9. 10. 12. 13. VZ~/ 14. 15. FORM SECRET CONFIDENTIAL UNCLASSIFIED 3-62 610 EDITIONS USE ONLY e se U- 0' I NCLA5SIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS DD/PTOS ..-...- 2 ...... 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: .ntt-ac hed is the total 7/11-13' data base consolidated by PPG. Before we submit it to.the Inspector .General, would you make a final review to ensure its accuracy and completeness? 17 t OLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER I_ JOF/Oi~k ."E. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE D N~-4ft"WOJOV i FO1RM67 237 -N0. 237 Use previous editions 00' Cw 20 PI Q a UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECR ~b p( i- OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP 3 0 J TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE IN IT A 271975 1 C/PhySD 3 C /~ s Octet 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Please review the attached for accuracy and completeness and respond to me by 31 January 1975. r Sao'-e'~~ ~e~wF /'2S~ - ' 1A F &D HERE TO RETUR TO S NDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. ATE DD/PTOS 1/24/75 c e I FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 1-67