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Method of fluorescence-bitumdoological analysts with five solvents
used In studying organic matter in sedimentary roj*v of the contral
regions of the Russian natfors. WW MOU nosll;93-114 136.
(N12A 13i1)
Coqwative studies of mthane-naphthone bydroaarbons from crudst
oils and disseminated bitumen substances# Ojeol,.nefti L gas& 6 ;.
no.8:52-56 Ag 162. (MIRA 150)
1, Vessoyum7y nauchno-ionledovatsl'Wdy geDlogoraw"doeWy
neftyanoy institutp Moskva, (Hydroaarbon10)
. ..........
Composition of naphthme-aroutic fractions of oi3jv: a.cattered
bitmainous substances and some crude oilm, Gedl. n*M i gata 7
no.:Lt33-40 A 1-63. (NEU 16&2)
1. Vp*s*yusMy nauabno-isaledantellakly -geol doobzwy
neftyanor institut.
Volia-Ural region-Bitumn-Analysim)
Volp-Ural region-Petrolets-AW"Ip)
I=inescent and bitumen studies of Paleozo4c rocks in the
greater Donets Basin. Trudy VNIGNI no,33QU-293 162,
Charac teris tics of saturated hydrocarbcni, frcm the oils of
some crude petrolp,ims and disseminated bitumenls# Trudy
VNIGNI no#33tI81-23.1 162o (XIIIA 3.8112)
Color of p-dialkylaminobensylidene derivativep of I-,pbenYI-3-
nothyl-5-pyrazolone. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.W650-4*55 Ag 1630
Synthesis of some substitut.ed p-dIaky1avdnobezzaId4;)b;rdOS. m4t
- ",6-266o (MIRA 16:11)
1. Vaesoy-uzW nauchno-isaledovatellokiy k1w1lotoitatitut.
--- -- --- - - ----- -- --- -- -- - - - - - - --- --- -
.RMIONOvAt K.F.; !L11")LAvApy.~
Microdeterminatlork of the specific weight or bttuminoms substances
of sedimentary roaka. Trudy VNIGNI no.271l%.4 16-0. WPA i1,33)
Metacil Jn thp treatment of rAfflatton injurfars (,sf the
urinary bladder. Vop.onk. 11, no.lls52-~i, 16!!i. (m [a 19r.1)
1. 12 Rostovskogo gosudnrstyennogo nnuchno-is4edovatel'skogo
instituta rentgenologit I radiologli I onkolqgli (direktor A.K.Pankov).
Development of the sturdiness of winter wheat ptems =der the
influence of vegetative hybridization. Dokl,Al SSSR 94 no,4:
779-781 If 154. (an 7: 2)
1. Kharlkovskiy sel'skokhos M stvannyy institut in. V.V.Dokuchm-
yeva. . (Wheat)
USIHV Agricullure Plant pbysioloa
caw 1/1 Pub. 22 -51/6o
Anthom IlynaluWa-Teentiloviche M. L.. 4~A ~6'%h4qGtI*'V#
4 jjjj,j!jijt;i~
Title 'm The structure of.secondary rootb wiA the sta. aty if! win tier h me
Perlodicid s Da. AN s= ioo/4o aoi-8030 rotp 10
Abstraot I The factors causing the death o vhoa~- ~r~ disc a tod.
A study of the root systa2m of c4 rtaft wiatsr~s oat .104s Obi 14a
great*r hmology betwon thsnsiur*,~-f the Of at vl~dy abo 'he
1. ; #
tire 1*~Orqju&,e
ground and the struoture of itcroot system.
1954). Tablet illustration.
Ir,s+'Atutlon s The V. V. DokuohAyev Agricultursl Institutsol u~rk!
Presented bys Academician A. Lo Mursatov, Novomobar 30.4954.1
COU14TRY Usjr?
CATEGORY i Cultivatea Plants. Cereals,
ABS. JOUR. RzhB:Lol., W". 104619
T 11 #IU$ M2,8VILWA~4AmOA61 Gurlyev,o 8 e.
. denw o
cadenW o
TITLE i Variation In Connection with Lodging.
ORIG, M. I Dokl. Z SSH, 1957, 113, No- Is 217-219,
ABSTRACT j Dynamics of the formation of attribute !ideter~iuing the re-
sistance to 1c4ging, differs In reclia
ts andislightly rs-
clinate varleties of winter wheat (expikimouto at narkoV
Agricultural Institute). In the IOW44 variety Odes$-
keys 39 tLe thlaknass of the ring of t6xturiil tissuo
of the atom is less and the amount of Ito growth in the
yerioa between the stages of spiking anO full;rlponess
changed very little In comparison with 4he noo-loQSing
variety Lyutesteens 238,
V.!V xk'44COV4 ~
7he marly diWosie of atherooclarosis, Mod, Interg, (BucUr.)
17 LO,41393-396 Ap 165,
1. Lucrare efectuatAi la catedra a in-& terapauticala lutitutulul
pentru perfectimar" medioilor "So M. KirovO I LanUVad.
POLAND/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-19
Application, Part 3. - Photographic Materials.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya) No 7, 1958) 22597
Author : XLkolaj ninski
Inst - -----------
Title Polish Photographic Industry of Pro-War Period.
Orig Pub Techn. Kinematogr., 1957, No 7 - 8, U-12
Abstract A review of the development of photographic wterial pro-
duction. in Poland, the foundation of vhich i$ tefex+ed to
1890. A list of photographic materials produced by'the
factories is presented. According to the author's
the pre-war production of photographic materials inilftland
satisfied about 60% of the country's reqairem~nts with the
exception of moving picture film, which was nlot mumfac-
tured in Politnd before the war.
Card 1/1
echnology Chemical Products and Their 11-19
Application, Part 3.- Photographic )1aterials.
Gardening on an enlarged collective farm. Sad i og. no. 4j 19112.
Monthl List Russian Accessions, Library of Congreast Juno,11952.,~ Unclassi~io~-
C 01 U ~N' T 116 1USSR
CATEGORY, Farm Animals. Q
ABS. JOUR. I Khftol., No. 69 19590 No. 25807
:--jj!jaikLxj_A. A*
Some Problems Pertaining to the Xwthod of
Evaluating ftlls Acearding to them Produet I-
vity or Their Daughters.
I Zhivotnoyodstve, 1958tNo 49 70-74
The problem Is raised whoth(c the Five rage
yield of daughters for all their Jacto'tions,
for some selected ones, or for Ivot one si W a
lactation is to be considered whap a baU is
appraised according to his prageAri, At the
Kostrouskaya Otate Br*oding and Djstr~butjng
Station the evaluation of bulls wMs emaducted
according to tile best and to the lastty termi.
nated lattation of their daugbters# The most
productive lactation coubines the milk yield
and the milk's fat content most aftantlageoUsly.
30861. lL'lN-'3YlY, A.
Raporty Vozhdy-u. (Raporty 1. B. Stalinu a domrochnom v"olnanli nl&na
gospostavok). Oeonek, 19h9, No. 141, a. h.
Pruit Culture
Gardening on an enlarged collective farm. Smd i og., No. 4, 19,,S2.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Comrress., Junro 1952.:: Unclassifi6d,
j3M / Cultivated Plants. Yruits, BuTiss. M-7
Abe Jour s PAf Zbvr Dio1cgLj%,p No 13) 1958P No- !91,59
Author *-j A * ~A*
2 1 ~Ikl~y
rMst net Itute
TIMD t Strftbwry Se2ection at tAw Sabool Twa ot the XW*nt
ApIcultmral Institute
Grig Pub i1dobur1nsk. @be, Mmanodar, 'Sm. MAbansol 193
Abstract t The exporimet started by the mutbar In 1080 saw
vith the arvation at the follovieS varlatt" whieh
ripen at various time:
Vesearjap) Steptmwap Dseoort~ tubsol p~; k;mit
Nubant , Priusaidobnoga wt PoMqpV& JUMni 6 T~fy
have a good y1oldIvS capacity, tbey we i;~A~bj
romistant, they taste, vell. Tboy bave alio a high
C ard 1/2
ILIIN&V,",&., doktor sellkhoz. nauk; TATARIXTMj A.S.# floktor
biol. nauk; KUHZINA, I.A., red.j KOP11INA, U.N., bAbn. red.
(Varietal study and brooding of fruit, pltdta] Wrtovedenie
i selektsiia plodovykh rasteniij posobie d1la. praktichadkikh
zaniatii. Moskvaj, Selikhozizdat, 1963. U5 17c2)
- 14i# -
Lengthening the season of strawberry procausiog. Xons. i ov.
prom. 18 no.1106-37 ~ 163. ;(MIU 16s12)
1. Kharlkovskiy sallskokhozyavetvennyy institAtt.,
Sixtieth annivarsary of the Moscow streotcar lihoss Oor.khoseAom.
13 no.4:15-18 A 159. (AMA IL2:6)
~Moscow--Street railways)
&LOD 11.21 15'31D U~g 10 S/181/61/003/009/030/039
AUTHORS: Palatnik, L. S.,and 111inskiy, A. 1.
TITLE: The strength of vacuum-condensed copper:
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no. 9, 1961, 2813 - 2819
TEXT: The authors studied the strength of copper film condensed fron
vapor in a vacuum. Both tensile strength and microhihrdned1:)plotted
versus the temperature of the backing (polished coppw, shat - An
alundum crucible with tungsten heater served as a vaporizer. Backing and
film were separated by a very thin layer of rock salt, Ulcrohardnesa
measurements were made on a IrMT-3 (PUT-3) tester with autiomatic loading
(Ref. 9: L. S. Palatnik et al. Zav. lab., no. 9, 756o 1950). The
spevimens were shaped on a special stencil producing emoobh and intact
edges. The ends of the specimens were about 15~' thirker than the teat
part. The middle part of the specimen was ? mm wide and 6 inm long.
99.99% pure copper, deposited at a rate of 0.5 - I g/hin An a vacuum of
10-5 mm Hg was used in the experiments. Since the specimens were ra .ther
Card 1/3
The strength of vacuum-condeneed... B108/B138
sensitive to distortion, they were mounted in a supporting holder with
guide bars. The results show that the rtrength characteristics are
virtually independent of the thickness of the sample when -the experiments
are made at the same temperature (Table), but that they vary at different
temperatures. The figures in the table show that this condensed copper
has a tensile strength which is more than 4 times that of massive
annealed copper and twice that'of cold-worked copper. The highest values
of tensile strength (85 kg/mm 2) and of microhardneso (300,kg/mm2 ) of OU&
copper exceed even those of structural steel . The results obtained in
this study match those obtained in X-ray-structural investigations
(Ref. 6: L. S. Palatnik et al., M, 11p 824t 1961). There are 3 figuieDo
I table, and 11 references: 6 Soviet Tnd 5 non-Soviet. The moot important
reference to an English-language publication reads at follows: 1. W.
Beams. Structure and Properties of Thin Films. John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
New York, 183, 1959-
ASSOCIATION: Khart-kovskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut im..V. 1. Lenina
(Kharlkov Polytechnic Institute imeni V. I. Lenin)
Card 2/3
2 291' 1
AUTHORS: Palatnik, L~S.j Fedorovt G.V. and 111inskiy, A.X.
TITLE: Substructure and Microhardness of Vacuum Conden.-
sates of Copper
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov L m*talloveden;1yet 1961,
Vol. 11, Not 5, PP9 813 -816
TEXT: The physical properties of thin mete'Llic layers
produced by evaporation in vacuum is of grelmt'inierext,
particularly the relation between the structure d6d the
properties of condensates of various metals., In:this note
some results are described of investigations of the sub-
structure and the microhardness of condangatled copper filmis
produced from copper of an initipl purity of 99*~9$0%.
Evaporation was in vacuum of 10 ~' mm HS at a rato of
6-8 mff/m1n, using as a basis she*t copper, the t4maperature
of which was maintained constant durIng the experiment.
The microhardness of films 40 + 5 p was measured by means
Card 1/6
Substructure and Microhardness..2073/2335
of a n(,A-i-z- (Pmr-3) instrument with automatic .1oad
application, described in earlier work of two of.the
authors and V.M. Kosevich Met. 3 - Zavodskaya loboratoriyA,
1956, 6* 756). The substructure of the Mali we* investi-
gated by means of ionisation apparatus V4' (URS-501)
with Cuka-radiation; type II distortions and block
mosaics were evaluated on the basis of the vidth of the
interference lines. Furthermore, t 'he dislocation density
was evaluated; the upper limit of the disloaation densities
was evaluated directly from the widening of the interference
lines and the lower limit from tho size of the manatic blooUs,
The results are given in a graph and in tho Vollowing tablot
Card 92/6
-~ '*Aff; .11
S/ 1 ~101 1/0051015/01-5
Substrut,ture and Microhardness Igo-v3/11t:411
Bat* temearaturo.
C Dislocation 10' q,,*
top botttm
40 35 3.3
180 2.8 1.21
300 0.7 0.2
The maximum dislocation densItI,Pv, 1.3 x 10
are higher b-.1 one order of nagnttnd~v than thoihb dwI,*rmI.r,,*d
J. Will.lanson and R. Smallwan Motu 5 - Pr,cti-icky s,v-rr*m*nw-j,
fizikt, Vol. 99 1957, p. 95) by X-ray mathedis I,cc mw,#*I,g s m4t-al
subje-tted to vexy high plastic deforawkxou a#. low 'f4MP*ratU2-&I.
The resulla are in good agreemeut wiflb thoise ipf GoA,, BOA4q*1.
and D,,W.LP&shl.,v- (R*C. 6 -, Inst. Metals,. 19.51), 67., 12, 449)~
who dotormined the d:%olvzoation donxtt~- in
Card 3/6
Substrui,,tur #nd Hit-robardress 907:3/ t114
f1lims of 1 000 - 2 000 A thick (1-0 .1. 0'1 ~Wh J Tha hi $h
zicroharftsve of the filAO Invostital-*4 by rWi 40,hors of tbli*
paper (sawx1muin of about 300 kelsm to -011 th* A;A119a
num'ber of d1mlo,~-stious and t-ther d1%t,urb&rt,- i# of Rh* r
cryst*1 stru~.tnre which are unit,,vraty diar-.~kbiavt.*d ~,hro%gboO;
the volum&. The dArength of the I'llas was 3,1+ tiaiii Ps hiigt4
an for w&selve ttopp*r in the &un*s1*d mvt&ti,, A If tho,
toisperoturo of the ba,es is inareasiod to 450 C, th~ mi-oxahardn*its
of the -tsondenved film d&zreases to valuel that. ars ;ejh&r.%,Lt orl o tie
for annooled vlopper (H it w. 40 - 4.5 kg/m 1. 113hLa is probab) Y-
due to #in incre-as# in the sobillity of the Oook's of tho
condansing metal wbith takes pl&c a &P a r *exklt of inr -reo4ing
the temperature of the base and leads to * dattireovo in the
density of the d*fotts of the crystal and thus to a
decreassi in th* microh&rdness. It can be a*szx from the graph
that the inzr,oas* in the nicrohardu*4v of 'the ~ondensatib on
roducl-ug the bas* temparature is &*,companied by a -Matining of
th;doxonic blecks and this is in agreement with mockern visvis
Ca 6
Substrqcture and 2%licrohardness .... H073/1033
that hardening of the.pure metals is caused by refining of tile
mosaic blocks. With increasing temperaturo olt the, base tho 1:
type II microBtresses are reduced. Copper -films form with a base
temperature of 180 Od for only ins igni f icant mi cro-dist ort ions,
L a/a 6 0.5 X 10-3 . and these decrease. still .further with.
increasing tomperat,4re. However, the microhm-rdnes
a of a condens-
ate roduced in the case of a temperature of tho bagie of
180 C is over four times higher than the micioliarilness of films
prodUced in the, case of a base tompardture of 450 ;'C
01 '= 270 ka/mm 2 and 60 kg/mra2, respectively) 4. tAbstractor's
IL - 2
note: "k's/cm 11 is obviously a printina error). it is poi7~ted
out that forfhegiv6n. mechanism of hardenin,(, of copper, the
type II stresses are apparently not a charnctorist,'Lo of the
substructure, which is necessary for conservirtgo tho, hardened
state. There are l.fi5ure, I table and 6 retarez~cos:
-L see text).
7 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.( Englisl
Card 5/6
17 T, Tolm
Substructure ald Microhardneas E073/F-335
ASSOCIATIONS: Kharlkovskiy politelchnichoskiy~ Institut
irA. V.1. Lonina (Xhmi~llcov Polyteckmical
Institute im. V-I., Lenin)
Kharllcovskiy S'oqudarstvennyy universit ot
im. A.M. Gorlkogo (Kfiarlkov State; A.Mo Gorlldy),
SUBMItTED: Novombor 28, ig6o'
lri=re: 206
OF- -t-
J, I o JUV 200 J00 4'00~V
Card 6/6 remnepairypa oim?oap~-ro,
BI 2 5/B1 02;
AUTHORS: Palatnik,. L. S., and
TITLE: The effect of vacancy hardening in viouun condensates 0
copper and silver
PFMODICkL: Fizika tverdogo telat ve 4P no. 12, 1962, 5564-3567
TEXT: The particularly high strength of mitallic -~acuun condensat*s4a due
to particularities of their substructure. Such condensates show 006* a
very high dislocation density ( > 1012 062). The deviation of the littioe
constants of Ag and Cu condensates from the normal value is'here deter-
mined by X-ray methods and the abnormally high vacancy density is estimated-
The metals were purified additionally by heating them in vacuo to more then
10000C. Cu, and Ag condensates were evaporated on a Ou backi" at
10-5 mm Ug at a rate of 0.5-1 p/min and the concentrstiolL,of the vacancies
was determined radiographically. The initial purity~of Cu was 99.9~% and
that of Ag 99.95%. The interplanar spacing 1 of tho,cu an& As condensates
was determined from the diameter of the interf*renco,ringo in high
Card 1/3
The effect of vacancy hardening eve B125ID102
precision negative X-ray pictures under Cu and Ag radiation and by
comparing these pictures with those of Ag and F* standards. Since the
radiographic lines of high strength Cu and Ag foils are smeared out$
a was calculated also by the microphotomotric method developed by Re AsimkN
(Jo Apple Phys.9 311 410, 1960)o The error of a (0,02% for Cu and 0.01%i
for Ag) is not bigger than that in the usual evalvation of the X-ray
photographs with good line splitting. The lattice constant of films of
maximum strength condensed on a backing at 50, 100, 250 or 3060C is ~y
0.055% (Cu) and by 0.03% (A9) smaller than that of ordinary crystals.
Such condensates are in a non-equilibrium state. After those s4mylos
have been stored for two weeks at room temperature the lattice constants
revert to the standard value. The decrease referred to in the lattice
constant may be due to the following effects: (1) To the occurrence of
macrotensions (I-type), (2) to the formation of solid substitute solutiome-
with elements of rather small atomic diameter, (3) to vacancy hardening.'
(4) to other "growth defects" during the condensation, But it Is by far
the most probably due to vacancy hardening, The radiographically
determined vacancy density was found to be 0,1-0*2%. This.le higher by
one to two orders of magnitude than that of non-squiltbrium bulk metals
The effect of vacancy hardening ... ID12 02
hardened by.usual ~ethodss There are I figure and I tableol
ASSOCIATIO: Kharlkovskiy politakhaichoshy lasti6i is# To to L*ains~
(Kharikoy Polytechnic Isxtltmt*-lm*ni~V* 10 Lenin)
SUBMITTED: julylgo 1962
card 3/3
V-Y0 D299/D302
AUTHORS Falatnyk, L.S.0 and
TITL3: On strength Properties of vacuum-condet3ed copper
f ilris
PBRIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 1. 19629
77 - 79
T.-DXTI: The connection was studied between the st'rength and the con-
aitions, lander .-ihich vacuun-condensed copper filias vere Prepared;*
sDz~cir,,,en thic'ness varied between 13 and 200 -~z.
A The microhardriess
V"as also measured. The obtained results .-iere compared .-)ith those~
frov. X-ray structural analysis. Copper (of qn.99 !,' purity) viao w
porized in a vacuum of 10-5 mm lig at a rate whir.)i ensurecl them for-ma-
'Lion of a 0.3 - 1 u-thick film per minute. Two i,apo:z~izers were usied
simultaneously. The fracture inveezigations were carried out on it
testing machine with 2 load-intervals (0-5 and 0 - 30 kg)& 3-o'eci-
laen's with undamaged edges were studied first. The axperimental re-
sults showed that the strength characteristics of 1112te copper filn,-
condensed at same temperature (250 1 1000 are practically indepen-
Card 1/3 Y
On strength properties of D299/:DY'2
dent of thickness (in the range of 15 - 200 p). A stiidy ot,
mens with dama-ed edges showed that their gth is consieera;lY
lower than that of the undama"ed ones; the microha:-drits.9 rerlailis un-
affected. B-Aperiments were also made with coppor filins ( -.,35 u
thick)t condensed at different temperatures(fr'oi3 140 to 4000C).
Alms, condensed at 130oC# have the gollowing
ximum microhardness 11max = 300 lke/mmz- The obtained values are cor.-
siderably higher ihan those for massive annealed copper (a = 10 and
H = 40 kgl=2). with a further lowering of temperature, the brj't'.-Ic-
ness of the films increases greatly. The high straneth of the: con-
densed copper films, whose Laximum values exceed those of stecl, is
due to the presence of a large number of dialocatior-a and othe.- ae-
fects, uniformly distributed in the films. A lower o!stJm,,.~.te of Such
dislocations in the condensed copper films, is of V.1"ie ordo~- of 1012
cm-2 X-ray structural and electron-dif:~raction studios showad a i4e-
crease in the size of zhe mosaic blocks of nvta:11ic condensat"es;
thus, the size of the mosaic blocks in the copwr filns vas found
to be 2-10- cm approxmately. At the sane tine, the angles between
the =.Lsoriented blocks are increasing (reaching tenj3 of de.-rees).
Card 2/3
,in strength properties of D299/D5(:)2
These f~-ctors aTe mainly responsible for the increase In stre-nat'n-.
conclusions: Vacuum condensates have very great sttren~;;th, foiir-ri-
ilies as -re,,.t as that of annealod copper and ti,.?ico t1hat of tempt-red
copper. The strength char,acteriatics are determinect by the cor-~-i-
tions of preparation and do not depencL on specimen ~V'.,Ilaknezo for
v.-lues of 13 - 200 ~i. These properties of meral rilms, open x-,F,1w ~:03-
sibilities for their use. There are 2 figures, I table and 7 rqle.11-
ences: 4 45cviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The -uo the
English-language public,%tions read as follovio: 1,o. Daw-zls, St
re and Properties of Thin Vilms, John Wiley and Oons Inc., .~.'ew'York
1959, P. 183; I.'J. 1.1,enter, imy- rashleyt ibidemp p. 111; U-A. Aeu-~
gebauer, j. Appl. Phys., 31, 1096, 1960. i
ASSOCIATION: Yharkiv5lKyy politekimichriyy Instytut in, V,I. Lenina,
(Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute im. V.1-. Lenin),
SUBMUTTED: July 20, 1961
Card 3/3
Strength characteristics of coper and silver -imcum, condonoateme
Dckl. AN SSSR 146 no.lt79-81 S 162*
WM 15:9)
L Kharikovskiy politakhtdchookiy institut ilqo: V. 1. Lonina.
Predotavleno akademikom SPA, Tok&inWdmo
(vocuis metanurgy) (strength of matorialo)
MM61 [tell if V-=1 alvarw 11111MMI
L lo5i)7-63
ACCESSIOIN HRt A-F3000106 /604/0620/~6 ~J.
AUTHCRt Pslatnik L. S.; 111inakin A, L
;TITIE: On tho strength of vacuum-deposited 6"er, .1111-'01
SOMCEI Fizil* Metallov i MeltaillovederAyer V. 15,
nI Av 146v 60i~
;TOPIC TAGS: %scuum-deposited film., copper filt,, copper"Obwo0tun WIM,
microhardness, tensile strength, ductility, s=ealing arra4l' 4mtatioa
WMM Tht Kharlkovskiy politakhalc !!I
, Pr
(Khartkov Pcl)technlc Institute) hms etWied mtcha4cal ICU
+ 0.8 to 1,5% Cr. and Cu + 0.3 to 0.4% Or Mmk'30 t 5~'o ttkle~iri6sitad o~
r1at Cu substrate in a vaev= of lr$ w lie itt'the mts or 2,.- 04, ~ji n. Tho
rewilts show that the strangth of Cu filza, is siguilricAntIr Urre4lioi bj slloytng
with Cr. For a he MiCrOhMAM6 MrA tOngilib StrOngUl Of %j1,"KAl4r$4d CV.
respeativeIrp increaso to, 410 1
fib:m, 300 and 63 srA 1201 k~j mat for Cgbw
of CU + 0.8 to 1.5% Gr &lloT. Tba, lattvir values are wre, than tviae, tholas rar
ag6d zzesive chromium bronse (0.7-.V, Cr)j, which bam a nicroltardnisjos I!t or
150 kg/=2 and a. tensile istrength of 55 kj/mm2. A*waling of vacuira4-deposltad,
caed 2/2
L 1050T-63
ACCM1011 HR: AP3000206
~Cu-Cr alloys at a temperature close to the eging,temw~&W#4 ~or it ~1 CU.6
~alloys increases the du~-tilitj of thd former but ban no apftftsaWo 04foot 010
itheir strength. In unLilloyed Cu Ulms the miorohardneos a4i'tandlo, atrovath~
14rop to 160 aod~ 50 kg/=21 - respectivoly, aft*3~ aMoaliog WNW :4011, 1. hr,, - I
1while Cu-Cr alloy films bsgin to soften at~temperatvres a 000. tho shapil
:of the stress-strain diagram for Cu-.Cr alloy tilms indIeatosl that OeIr high
strength can 'be ascribed to a preat number of erfa*tivell plivied 4U1oc*tionar*
Orig. art. has: I figure and I tabl*.
JAMOCIATIONt Khorckovskiy politelchachrookiy inatitut, 1w kna
.!'(Kh&r1kav Pol.,rtechnic Institute)
ISUBIMTM: 0,10ct62 DIATE ACQ: UX=631 ENCU 40
Card 2/2
Tt L-:.
TOPIC TAGSt'lm cop-~,N I. cof, cl(pas Ate vaeutsm dgip,oa i ttlI cc p) p a, r if I L
vacuum deposi t e d f i I it c a p p r f 1. lm f L I m ra i c ro h a n-(ia em Ioc. T r
s t r tic re
To r. r.
k d
I t f3 T 1A I k3 r
f. 0 f J Q o b t a n c d a f: 41 c 3, il e [Is & c, i i
a d I
LIZ. aLo
F L J;, li o ii Io i i c-i v trn I c r o
1 4'
Card 5/ 3
In N
'111111,111pilimp- -oil no, 111 1 In$
I R111
Stabilization of high-strength vacuum condens*tes# Dokl. AN
SSSR 154 no. 3:575-577 Ja 164* (MIRA 170)
1. Kharlkovakiy polj~-ekhnichsskiy institut ims. V.I.Lanina,
Predstavlenn akadeaftew S.A.Vokshinskim.
1~ t-13
Ell. q~,
.3 It
a --inflrur- -tti
U-1 Q 11 V.-In
T TT --T -7 1
I iza t I o n at high "Oemp
~~ tc&~21
M- Z"
Electron mioroacopyof copper vAcuum condionsatem, Flu mat, I
meWlmd, 18 no,31461-464 8 164, (14vu val)
1. Kharlkovskiy politekbaiaheakiy inatitut imoni Lenlrat.
L 141098-66 JV
ACC NR, AP60 729 SOURCE CODE: UR/018./66/ iTO-6/2515/,2517
AUTHOR: Palatnik, L. S.; Il'inskiz, A. L; Sapolkin, N. P. 141'
ORG: Kharkov Poll4echnical Institute im. V. I.Lenin (Kharkovskiy politekbhicheskiy
TITLE: Strength of yacuum-deposited multilger films
SOURCE: Fizilca tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 8, 1966, 2515-2517
TOPIC TAGS: thin film, vacuum deposited film, multilayer f0m, V*2=XMzd=,=tr=k
*=aparf*j metal deposition, metal film, hardness, coMr film, ir0ft , yield strosa,
elongation V! 'WI
ABSTRACT: Multilayer k,2.n:-c22per films were prepared by alternate deposition of Fe
and Cu on the ring-shaped copper substrate in a vacuum of 54j10-5_1.10-4. The total
film thickness varied within 15-25 p, and the "pitch," i.e., the summary thickness
of each pair of Fe and Cu'layers, varied from 0.03 u to 2 w. in the pitch range
from 2.0 to 0.5 V the microhardness does not change; it bag a value of 300-360 kg/mm'
An the pitch decreases from 0.2 to 0.3 p, the microbardness:sharpIr increasoi, azd at
a pitch of 0.03 p, it reaches the value of $00 kgl=m2. which is approximately 5 times
greater than the microbardness of solid metal. ?e inemaeo the elastic properties
and decreases the ductility. For instance, the yield strength at 152 Fe is 35 kgjmM2
and at 30% Fe, 70 kg/=a2. The corresponding elongation values vtra 2 and 0.91. Nulti
Card 112;
. . ...... ...
ACC NRi AP6026729
layer films present the possibility of creating new types of %ater;Lal. whose strength
properties far exceed the properties of compoaents. Grig. art. has: 2 figures. EWW]
SUB COM. ll/ SUBM DATE-. 26Mar66/ ORIG REF- 004/ OTH RE)!'-. O(X)/ ATD PRESS:
Card 2/2 hs
i FII 1191i",
Classification manual of oviDositore of larva and rura of Inaeets harmful to forestit
Moskva, Goo lesotekhn. izd-vo, 1948. 335 p
. I ' - I
- 1---l .1. -
Nadzor za khvoc- i 1-istogryzushchimi vrediteliard v lesakh i proil:noz lkh massovy1ch
razmozhenii fControlling coniferous leaf beetles in the forests and forecasting
their mass reproductionT Izd- 3-0. Ifoskva, Goolesbumisdat, 1952- 144 P.
SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions., Vol. 6., No, 5, August 1953
IIJ I - I 'I ~-h- SUIT - A
Helping those taking courses for raising qualifications of COI]Octivt farm foresters,
Lecture 5: Control of insect'p6sts in forest belts and nurseries. IL'i-naldy.
Los t gtop'4, No. 7, Jl. 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congreas. Septeniber U-cl&,s
Scraper for collecting eggle of the v-nppired silkworm. L*u. Irlioz. L, no. .12, 1951.
Monthly List of Rusaign Agggmalone, Librpry of Congraus, April lg!i2,
TUSOV, Aleksey Alekseyevich: VOROJITSOV, Alsksay Ivenovich; POUCKAMA,
Yekaterina Nikolayma; STROKOV. Vyacheslar Vesvolo4lovich; FUMOT.
Sergey Konstantinovich; IHRAWSOV,N.N., redaktor; A.I.
kandIdat eel I skokhozynystvemqkh nauk; HAUOV,A.A,!;IIQAHIRftP.d
tekhnicheekly redaktor
(Forest protection] Lesozotshchita. lsd.2-oe, perer. Pod obehohoi
red. S.K.Flerava. Moskva, Goslesbumisdat, 1955. 438 p.
(MMA 9: 1)
1. Prepodavatell Khrenovskogo leenogo tekhnikupia (for RoAlkov)
(Forests and forestry) (Trees-Diseassuand pbsts)
US,c*,R/General and Specialized Zooloey - Insects* P.,
Abe Jour : Hof Zhur - Biol,) No 8) 1958s 35318
Author : Illijiukiy) A.I., Tropin) 1*V*) Anfinnikov) N.A., Lorene,
Inst : The AU-Union Scientific Research Institute of Forestryo
Title : Control Measures of the Acorn Posts,
Orig Pub : Sb. rabot, po, lean* kh-vu) Vacas ne-i, ilt-t losovodetva i
mechanise leans kh-va, 1956, Me 32j 235-238,
Abstract The treatment vith DDT and HCCK of the fndt-bearing plaut-
ings of the oak vas not effective alpinst the acorn wacylle
The acorn veevil was very resistant to DDT and HCCK:
only a threefold treatment of the plantings sh*rply increa-
sed the preservation of the acorns. Expenses for aeroche-
mical. protection of the acorn crop are varrojited when tjie
fruit-bearing is appraised by not less than three points
Card 1/2
- 24 -
fL:1N-STe,V( M- j -
USSPYGerorrl md Spocirl Zrology. Insucto
Abs Jour i r1of Zhur - Bicl., No 6, 1958, No 25767
Author zHlirrldi A.Iot Lornas X.F.
Inot iAll-Union sc.-rosecrah Institute of Forostry.
Title sChomicvl Cnd Agrotochniorl Meens of Controlling Postiforcus
Soil Insects. (Khimichookiya i egratekhnichaikiyo mory bor'by
a vrodnymi pochvennymi nrookomymi.)
Orig rub i Sb. rrbot po loon. khuvut Vaos. no-i. in-t lasovodstyr i
mokhrnizme loanogo kh-vrg 19%, vyp. 330 66-91.
Abstrrct I Lorving frllow the forest smd soils for two yotro (seven
trortmonte) docrorsad the numbers of Mmy bootla larvea only
by 59~, but in combinrtion with rn KOH trfirtmcnt ir, 20 rnd:40
kg per hoctvro it docrersod their numbers by 706 cnd 90%.
On the rvorcgo 97% of onstorn Mry bactles !md 9Q% of their
ono-yorr Irrvro perishod whon 8925 hoctrrop wora dusted with
c 12% dust of HCCH (16 kg por hoctrro), Th* dusting of the
seedling rooto of tha rino true with r M dust 6r the wetting
with rn HC suspension (0.25 por seedling), the powdoring of
WINMIT, Andrey I-atl)mvlt-hk&nd.sellskokhat.nouk; IMUNTWV.
Nikolay Nikolayevich; MMM, Sj., red.; STIMUMA, A.$.,
red.ixd-Te; TUMM, A.$., tekbnorede
Eilecent developments in the chemical control of forest -pests]
Novo~ T khiuichookoi bor9be a vreditelismi lose. Hook". Gos-
losbumizdat. 1960. 133 P. (NIRA 14: 1)
(Forest Insects) (*praying and dusting)
GUSEV, Valentin lyanovieb,prof.,lesnay entozologj RIMS=-KWAKOV,HJJrhAJ1 Niko-
layeviobp prof.j leanW entomolog L1873-19511; TATSENI'KOVSMo A3*kmey
Vladimiroviah; SMUTWICHI, Vladimir Takinlavichp Ism "KIM01"I
POLUBOURBOV, Ivan Ivanoviaho Issnoy Outmolo& ILI AJA Actis, I,
retsenzentl POLDZHERTWj PoLop prof.p retan"ii . 8OVj X.iot rod.j
ARNOLIDOVA9 1*8*# redo Ud-yaj BACHURINAp A.Hop tokbzo redo
[Forsat entomoloal LeszMa entomologi4a. W.4.0 peroro pW obsUU&
rukovodeftou i red., V-I,Ousevae Moskva., Goals OftiodiLt # 19". 4" P.
(KIPA 2411)
1. ZaveduMbehiy kafedroy entmologil Ukraftokoy Wa4mii m91140-
khozyaystv9rjWkh sauk (for Ounv)
(Foreot ismets)
ILIINSKIY Ipat' evich; BREDIMIN$ A.M..t red.; TINZIMp V.Ly
Mred. tg-n=
N.H., tekhno red,
bn. red.;
(Ouide to forest posts] Oprodelitell vrediteloi loom. lHookva
Sellkhozizdatp 1962. 391 p, (Forest inoacts)
__T~l INSKIYA-1-
(Guide to forest postolOprsdolitoll vroditelei leve. Wokvmo
Izd-vo aellkhos, llt-ry, sburnalov i plakatovo 1962. ! 391 p.
IKIRA '16si)
(Trees-Diseases and posts)
Clogging of fishing nets with the diatom Halwilra italic& durlzg
the period of winter bloom In Rybinsk Ressrvoir. Trudjr Gidroblel.
ob-va 9:183-194 159. (MIRA 12:9)
1.1netitut biologii Yo4okhraullishch AN SSSR.
(Rybinsk Reservoir-Diatom) (Pishing note)
AUTHOR: illinskiy A
TITLE: Increasing the Adhesion between quartz and;a Metalli~
Film Evaporated on-to it in a Vacuum (Uvelidhoniye
prochnosti stsepleniya Wartea. s metallitheskoy plenko
nanesennoy ispareniyem metalla v vakuuma)
PERIODICAL: 11'ribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 1958,,Nr It P 144
ABSTRACT: A method of increasing the adhesion of metallic elec-
trodeq to quartz plates is described. The method was first
suggested by A. K. Burov (Ref.1) in 19512 and consists of:a
preliminary deposition of a thin layer of BIP glue between
the quartz and the metal and subsequent polymerisation of
the glue. One of the factors which limit the production
of high intensity ultra-sound is the inoufficient stability
of metallic electrodes deposited on quartz :plates. It wets
shown experimentally that the above metliod increases the
adhesion between metallic deposits and quartz and plates
metallised in this way gave in the megaoycle region tlie
following intensities: 350 WIcV` (continuoua) and2
550-600 W/cw~ (pulsed) over an area of 40 - 50 em
Card 1/2
SOV-1 20-56-1-40/43
Increasing the Adhesion between Quartz and a Metallic Film.
Evaporated oato it in a Vacuwa.
There is 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya anizotropnykh struktar MI SSSR
(Laboratory 'of Anisotropic Structares, Academj of Ociences,
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1957.
1. Quartz--Adhesion 2. Metal films-AdheiPion 11. Glue--Applloatioas
4. Ultrasonic radlation--Propagation
TLI-- " -d`eal
- -]L-- - - -- -- --- - - - -
.j, 1.~:A
The vegetation of the earth ]4oekva, lzd-vo kkadsaii nau;c SWI 17* 4~8
Pe map. (Geograftia rastenii, 3) (~2-5~A'057)
i - -- - - - --- - - -- - --- -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- I - --- --- --- - -- - --- - ---
I I I"! If( A. 7.
"K. A. Timix-jazev as a dw-winist." (pp. 189-207) by A. P. llylit:s'ky ,
. SOs Journal of General Blol (Zhurnal Obachol Blologil) Vol. 41 NO. 4, 1943
-I A. ?I.
*Migrations of Connon Native Names of klants,," Priroda, Ilo.1,, 1949
ilvil Ujw)~Sdr Porfirlyevich; TWOTAKOVA, L.To, # ""k"r
,a i li i, I ~
cveget~tiom pap of the wor2d; for sodwdary sob4le) Korta rastitoll-
nosti sire: ucbsbusla Alia arodmi shkoly. Re&.'Ireti~kova. 'LJ..
Moskva$ 1954, 9112)
I Glanoys iVravlodye g"esU J
ka rt ograf I I .
PrAmRtio equipunt ftr asombUng bnatherm, 11
no.7s" Jyl 162.
1, Vilyanavoldy avtosavas
AurHDRt avestSikov 1111"Idys A. S. (K06M) iq~
TITM Computation of umaguide, tromfo of eopapim f0m
SOURM zhurnal Vy4chlalltellnoy Matematiki, L satematichmalko$, floijoit, it. it
1963t 4784A
TOPIC TAGSt itaveguide, propagation, paravitia v&v*9 approXioatial
AMMOTt Tho matbore. oorroot the defeat *f nsglaoting tim dfoll 4ir potmffli. 14
waves on the amplitude of ther beale, Ixopagating wave. They oonsl4wo tho accims..
tical problem where the WIL11 of tha 1MV491lide is complet-31y flwd.1110., outaido a.
segment of langth d the aurfaca SUM ot an irregul&r oylirsdHe&I aoinei.d4bd 14th
the aurftav o-! the correnponding regiLlm, wavaguidee with tvoi distgnat cl-oss 141c..
tions. The source of oacillationa iis amewned to bo in ow of' the rogulAx Yam-
guides. Th6n the mathamatic&l problem redueem to the detaralzation ot the siolutiort
of the equati,)n (anclomwo 1, eqw,tion 1) in tbb region D twoded bi~ SIGM,
homogeneoun cmditlon (equation 2) and the conditions on t1wi Wi,41114 ro&vUr- "xix
(oquatlon 3), Here (MI. xjL) and (K2j, ~,Z) am the oylindritcal =MdUAtas of 1; 6o
corresponding reguUm parta, Nin *M PHjlm &ro the aigoaftos-tioall ot the twi oravis
L 33560-6)
A=WIC11 NRC moollol
seotions (equtttion 4)t Gamram amd CANKAM, aimt the aclasteAts Of, jW000,q4Ltjoft in
regmiar viveguidee, and Rm and % sire thia unknovu ampUtudoO a reftneted tod prei-!
vious vmvea. Solution Is unomplished by m choine of coordrates ojut 4 asqU013410
of approrximatima. FinaArv these remults am. compand. with; the C0:",1pt*t1c tj30r-yi,j
It is shown thLt wider certain cireumatameemp short-,va", appromixat.".da rtws marfio.
44 tm 148
j ci*ntly accurate results. Orig. art, Max 65 formilaer 3 fio4vealv 41 2 b!
SUBMIMDt Mrvla DAMS ACQ t l0J`ur0 t 'Xil
Sun Gms 00 110 1W gms 005 6ropm otl;
CO(d ......
Pneumatic unit for the assembly of stuffing boigia. Art,prox.
29 no.9:38 S .163. (MIRA 16pq)
1, Ullyanovskiy avtosavod.
()kchine-shop praotic*)
, P,
, I
I -, ~ . I
.- --., Fl, . 7nt~,_ ". -it"! - - A 2 , y : . ,,
,-, I 1 11 .It ~ . III-. . .,
I . I . ! . 11 ;
-k~- -", - - 1 - i"'Thkm I %,~,"
r -
Starting genoratoro in parallel ope3ktion uWal an 3,RCh relay* .
Razved. i okh. nedr 2.6 no*4:50-52 Aip,"60. (MIR& 150)
1. Ministerstvo goologii i okbramy nedr SM.~
(Electric re2ays) (Electric generators)
AUTHOR: Il'inskiy, A. S.
ORG: none
TITLE: Propagation of electromagnetic oscillations in an irregular waveguida oU
complex form
SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vychisiitel'nyy tsentr. Sbiirnik robot, no. 5, 1066.
Vychislitel'nyye metody i programmirovhniye (Computing methods and pro&ramzi*g),1227-
TOPIC TACS: waveguide, electromagnetic wave, wave propagation, irregular wavegulde
ABSTRACT: Recently there*has been considerable success in solving problems Involving;
the propagation of waves in irregular waveguides. A problen-of interest and~practical!
importance is that of matching waveguides of differing cross sections.. The scalar
acoustic problem has been previously treated The present paper is devoted to cal
culating the electromagnetic oscillations in a waveguide tract consisting oftwo, semi-~'
infinita*regular waveguides of round and rectangular cross aactiona connected by an Iq
extended smooth adapter.. The electromagnetic problem proved to be substantially more,
complex than the scalar, but methods existed which were successf~illy used in this i
wor1k. The problem of electromagnetic wave propagation in an irugular waveguide with,
ideally conducting walls reduces to finding a -solution for the Kavaell equations
4 1/2
ACC NRj AT6035247
rot E C31 ik 1/.
rot*' --IkE
in region D surface R of the irregular waveguide with condition's
in EI!,R0 (1.2
aid certain more complex conditions of reflection and excitation. This is the start-;
ing point of the investigation which embraces both theoretical and numerical'uethods
.of solution*. In conclusion the author thanks Prof. .%. Gi Sveshnikoy under whose.
supervision this 4ork was conducted. Orig. art. has: 84 fomulas and 2 tabl"'.
SUB CODE: 09, 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 004
Efficient use of electric power In prospecting enterpriseso
Razved. I. okh. nedr, 28 no.7151-52 J1 ~62, (MIRA 150)
L Mlinisterstvc, geologii I okhrW nedr 3.8-4M.
(Electric power) (Prospecting)
. - , AuatoU7 VladimiroTich
(nectria motors and sUa%Urs used In pological PVOMPOOt-
in] Ilaktrodvilatell I pvw*ovala spparatumv~ ispollimeswo
na, geolopra"osbr#h rabotakh. Mosimap Nedra, 66 Pi
(MIRA 1816
I I T-t- -'-T I I I /
__J__ 'r _ , _ - _1 1_,T --, I - -- -- ---- -- - - -- - - - - --- - ---- - - -- --- --- -
il / Ij / - - I 1.1
IL'INSKIT,B., insheser, (c.Xitsan')
I--------- ow .. W4.
Preatioal advice. Prow,koop. tio,4:56-38 AV~55, (MIAA 8;11)
nnd repair)
LTAKMITSKIT, Valerian Taygenlyevich. professor, doktor tokWcheeklkh
nauk; ILIN radektor: VOICHOK, X.M., tekhalcheskly
[Desl&n of harbors] Prosktirovanis portor. Im2ingrad, Isd-vo
"Rechnol transport,* laningrodskoe otd-nis, 1056. 47o p.
(Harbors) KISA 9 8)
Hauyne from alkaline syeAites of the Alay Range. 2ap, Vses.*n.
ob-va 91 no.1:109-112 062. (KIP4 150)
1. Leningradakiy gosudaratvennyy universltet4,
Way Range--Hauynite)
I ~ ! jigum!
too. ecuol t:S91 9 t q .11 f 1,
41 04v
1 4 1 1 1 t' tt t3 W 6 4 T? it IV 8~ It IF IT -11 H -P 9 -M In 11 F M M a Is Al- 0 -41 41'r
oL L it r- A- I i I " ;-
'"P-44 I-A 4 -A-A-1-
Asplookoss during lit* bull" of wMIDI'Malue lur.
wes with failed ve God mew of mwas Motion.
D. 11160. AtioldlivP - Do Ul
IS, No
lovoiling Willi moh"I sell Ilto + ct) ~ C11.)
wkn itis luroaov is lovind lout In
rtv"ldne 44 tlor diattit"otwu voilyn, wid in thc pto lime
wool the woonoviklou. The rause III wch
004 uplumidous is lbor owking in of the exictoal &k. olikh ill too
I - im,
Imn Is due to commortlool Wbkh are Wt "I . toostr
000 'Y% for -egivatilso; aftl cwm.V. owh IrAlis
00 =hu. A. IT, T
b;T;:ins oriplumiuma but mfurina sea
km and ill"Maing r"I&I rackwy of IlW sivotorat'.
Itartin rufftace. M. G. stout,
141-11 L& IS I &LLVftlCAL Lffff&TVR Ct OSVPIC610 a so
u a AT to Ill; - 11 01 ON a $1 1 w
0 to p It a A 1 $4
G* 100000 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 0
ter, is ewwwlv iudi-
TI: Slow bmkb
peoutective c am 1,WUSWI-
B. D. ~7/49292
*Wthods for Contro3ling Illsh Tewerstmvm or the
Alr and Thermal Currents in the ftsic Bb"s of
Yorrow Not&Uvrgy Plants," S. D. lllinskiy, 8 pp
i6ig i San. 110 12
Describes basic measures put Into operatlo~ at
*wlms shops of metallurgical plants to 44kre"#
&b teqpntur*s and decreaso thermal conit6tion,
.-ikid.zediiation currants' to protect workers ~ A64
VqdU* pradvictlon. - Iftntlons vise of forced draft:
syrays to cool the air, wd lptcial;
aothU% for worlmn,
DUNATKFaIT, K.H.; _~kl P;X 11JUOY, N#V.; Z01119s S.Y.1
red.; MIXXAYLOVA, V.V.* takhn,red.
(Safety regulations in sintoring plants] 111ravils, bestopmenosti
v aglomeratsionnom proisvodstye. Noskyap Oos,nauabno-tekhn.
ixd-vo lit-ry po chernol L tevetnot motsllurgii, 1 60. 44 P-
IMA 13:11)
1. Soyuz raboohikh mtellurgichookoy promyshlonnosti SM.
TSentrallnyy komitat., 2. Yessoyusnyy nauchno-Iselsdovatel'skir
inetitut organizatsii prolsvodetva I truda chaftoy'notmIlurgii
(VIIIIOCHZMT) (for Dunayevskiy, 11tineklyo Sinebryukhov).
(Sintering-Safety messures)
(Metallurgical plants-3ofety masures)
ZORIff, S.V., red.; KMAIWA, T.Y.,
[Safety regulations in the electric steel jimeltimg industry)
Pravila besopasnosti Y elaktrostaloplavillnom prolmdetvae
Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhtAid-vo lit-ry po chernol i t~mvetnoi
metallurgii, 1960, 94 p, I (K1U 13:11)
1. SoriLs rabochikh metallurgichaskoy prorqshlennostl 3SOR.
TSentrallnyy komitet. 2. Tsesoyusnyy nouchno-Isisladov,kellakly
inatitut orgonizataii proixvodstya I trude chernoy metallurgil
(VNIIOCEOMM) (for 111inskiy, Petrenko, Sinebryukhov, Duneyevskiy).
(Metallurgical plants-Safety wasures)
7A)Mp S.T.9 rejj#';'b6wz9INs[ATAO L.T., takhnored.
(Safety regulations in rolling--sill practioel Pravila box-
opasnosti Y prokstnom proisvodstva. Moskva. Oom.n*aA_bno-t9kkm.
izd-vo lit-ry po obarnoi i toyetuoi matallurgli, 1960. 112 p.
NIRA 13: 7)
1. Soymz raboo" metellursichaskoy prowshlennosti. TSentral-1-
nyy kamitat. E.~Tsesoyuznyy mmahno-Iseladowwtallskiw inatitut
organisatsii prAzvodstva i truds, o'hernoy metallurgii (for Da-
nayevskiy. Illinskly, Sinabryukhov, Torkell).
(Rolling mille-Safety wasures)
S.V., red.; DOBVZHIN=AYA, L.V,, tokho.rody
Ellefety regulation In the open-hearth proossa) Proils box-
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TBontralla" koultat,
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izd-val ISLENTIYEVA,, P.G., tokba, rod.
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1, Professionalinyy soyus raboohikh metallurgit*eskor
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(Pipe mills-Zafety M"Aures)
(Welding-Safety measures)
I.I., red.izd-va; GINZBURG, R.Ya,o taltbn. rl)d,.
[Safety regulations in the bessemer steel prodvation'Process)
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1. Professionallrqy soyuz rabochikh metallurgichookojr pro-
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Restraining the head for surgery of the larynx and imtermxill*ry
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1. Blynkays krayevaya veterinarnVa polikliniks.
How tt, prevont the freezing of clap, Stro.1, nat. 11 no. 12t
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1VINSKIT, E.Y., inshener.
Simple constraotion of the hatches of sectional chambers *f a Babcock &
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Sealing flange joints without dismantlinjo Aborgetik 2 no#2sl6-27
F 134. (mm 734)
(fteam Onglass)
ILOIN3KIT. B.T., inthener.
Simple method of detecting cracks In machine parts, Jkorgetlk 2 no.3t
11 Kr 154, 70),
smid ropdr)
Air collector with a water indicator glass. Anerptik 2 no.3:22 My 1,44
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AID P 713
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card '1/1 Pub. 29 - 6/26
Author Illyinskiy, B. V., Eng.
Title Safety arrangement for low pressure Ooilldrs
Periodical Energetik, 9, 13-14, S 1954
Abstract According to the 1943 Rules of Boiler Inspection, every
steam boiler operating at 0.7 atm or,less has to be
provided with a safety device. The author briefly
describes the functioning of such an arrangement.
2 diagrams.
Institution None
Submitted No date
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Repairing a crankshaft. Lespvm,, 14 no,6:23 A 131f* MRA 7W
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11..f -t.
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Throw-out protective apparatus for fire-tube boilers. Promonerg. 11
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(Dollars--Safety m"Ilmness)