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7 ~ww IiLi K 1 -1 a 7 KALIYU. P.I.-, LOGINOVA. Yo.A.; WIN, S.To.; kATSK0, BA.; STIMIRAM, O.N,; BROIXZIY. H.5., red.; ROKAYOVA, Z.A., talchn.rtd. (14orbidity in the rural popalation: from datsi on vEsltis to tharapoutic and propli-qlactic Institutions Lm ton rcxal dititrictal Zabolovoemoutl sel'skop naseloniia; po wtorialom cbrashchive- moati v lachobno-profilaktichookie uchrethdoniin denintl sel'akikh raionov. Pod red. F.I.Killiu. Moskva, Goa.lid-wo iivadlit-ry Modgiz, 1960. 236 p. (PtRA 14:2) (PUBLIC IMALTH, RURAL-- grAIIIhT ICS) T KALIYU, P.I.; LOGINUA, Yo.A.; HATSKC, B.M.; WIN, .!~..Yeq STELIKAMI, O.N. Kedical visits of the rural population relatod to d:lseaaev of the respiratory orgams. Klin.ned, 38 0 160, (kn 13t3l) 1. Iz Institute. organisataii zdTavookhrancM,,rn i Istorii meditsiny- imeni N.A. Semwhko (dir. - Ye.D. Ashuftov). (REVIRATORY ORGANS.-DISMFS) (PUELIC MaMio RURAL) BEI"ILIN, Viktor Illich; ILIIN, _Sje., red.; LYUDKOVSKALA, N.I., takhn. red. (Study of general morbidity among the po;mlatlorn in n Kural district) Opyt izueheniia obDhehei zabolevaerx.,Ai rmvilonila sel'skogo raiona. Moskvn, Vedgiz, 1961. 10,1 -1). (1-11M -115-7) (Plyussa District (Pskov Province)) -Riblic hecatli, Rxiral) KALIYU, P.I.; LOGIMNAt Ye.A,; IM11N, S.Yo.; II-1-ATSK0, :3_11.; 373LIMA33f, 0.11. Incidence of circulatory diseases imong the rurtil populat!an tin ravealed by visits to therapoutic inatittitiorw . Zar-Wfa R030 Fadere 5 not 4:22-28 Ap 161. OM11-u% 11034) 1, 1z Instituta. organizatsii zdravookhraneniya 1. Istcril ineditsIn'r imeni N.A. Semashko. (CARDIOVASCULAR 3Y3TZM-DI3Z;AS.,;.S) WIN, S. Ye. (Moskva) Analysis of the recordr of mdiral oxaminatIti-no of" ,. tmda i prof. zab- 5 no.7:21-21,1' workers. Gig JI 161. (MMA 15:7) 1. Nauchno-metodicheakoye t7uro manitnmoy stiMaUki Ministarstva zdravookhraneniya RSMI. (YOUTH-CARE MID (YOU TH-alpLoymn,r) LW L Uii ll,~ IN , J. Yu - 112'AT-6i'UU, ; ~.~ ',- ~ ~. i;. ls~ . -1 . . 3 i (fAoskva) Structure and 1~~vul of a~tundtLIIC` of the. nira.'i popilriticTi at and therapeutic inotit.litions. Sov., zd.,,nv. 21) no.'71:17-22 161. 01*1 - --A 15. 1. Tz In3tituta orl.;arilzatsii zdrAVuokl,ra.-.ion!;j,ii i imaeni ';.A,!;o,-La.-,hko Kinistor.stva (IJW~LIL; IU~ALT'l, ,,ljiLiQ _-ILI -va) 'U!, S.Yo. (1,11ooL Some problorw in the complex sttuly of tho jil,tito i-~,f Lealth o~ adolescents. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.2:44-47 (,M-1RA 15:3) 1. Iz oreanizatL3ionno-ma*Ad$ihesl-.ogo *WOn. (zior. Z.T. DyudirA) Instituta (,!Iaznykh bolezrioy imeni GollrugollLsa (iiir. - A.V. Roslavtuev) i Nauclmo-wtodicheskogo byuro statistiki (dir. L.A. Brushlinskaya). (ADOLESCEECE) J~ .1 /y , 'r KAM, I., kandidat tekhnichecktkh anuk; Inzlmaer. -- " 1,4; 'Us* of machinery in taking off and putting on trach: whe*1.0. Ayt.transp. 32 to.7:16-19 JI 154. (MIJU 7:9) (Automobiles--Wheels) GLACHO) L. (Nizluiiy Tagil); IL'IN, V. (NIzhniy Tagf'.); HALI ''KOV, I. (I','izImiy Tagil); IUMIKOWMY, 31-11. (Rizhniy Taj,--11); A5GATU71111, j N. ~Mzhniy Tagil) Electronic bridge circuit for fire prcvciitiori syatms. Pozh.delo 7 no.8:26 Aa 161. (]:.fIRA. 14:8) (Fire alarm) (Bridge circuits) WIN. V. Medical requiremonts when flying Jet transport airlplaims. Grazhd.ior, 13 no-7:33-34 J1 156. (MLRA 9:9) (Aeronautice-Medical aspects) jL'IN, V., inzh. Spread the experience acquired in utilizing the exchanp car center. Mor. flot 22 no.3:7-8 Mr 162. (NIFA 15:2'1 1. Gosudarutvennyy proyaktw-konstruktorskiy i nou.chno- iosledovateliskiy institut morskogo transportIL. (Cargo handling) (Railroads-Gars) KHUSHChMIOVICH, kh.; RADAVICIPOS, E. [Radmvi-ius, H.J; ULUJIN, I.j RYCHKOV, A.; MYM114AA, E. [K~ndmAa. Increase the scopd of efficimoy work in finuielal organs. lible SSSk37 no.lz62-68 T& 163. (MIR& 16Q) 1. Predsedatell komlsoli po ratsionalizatoroklm prfoll1ozheni Hinisteretva finansov Belorusskoy SSSR (for 11hrisbeifitmovich 2. Predoodatell komissii po ratvionalizatoralilm pr4kilimbimiyu, Wnlatarotva finanvov Litovakoy SSR (for 14%d4tq-ll3h3nm)., 3. Pre~a-e- datell komiesii po rats ionalizatork 9 im prod" loithenilmn tmningrod- skogo oblaotnogo finznso-vogo otdela (for KmAriin). 4. Predsedstel* komisaii po, ratsionalizatoiskLm rtredlozhemlymi Tomalollo oblastnogo finansovooo otdela (for Rychkov). 5. Prcdsedatell k(adsaii po rats ionalizatorsk im prodlozheniyen Minis tervtva flimmitov F4tovelcoy SSR (for Myandmaa). 6. Predsedatell komissli rlD ratid-omalizatoelcin predlozheniyam Pit HinIstarobre f inansov Chmi,alinkoy VM (for ntin). (Finance) (Sugeest16i ayuitivna) god 'UP] ILIIN V. Ndse requirements andOincrease responsibilityl o SSSR 37 no.5: 30-32 My 163. 6L- FIAIRA 160) 1. Zoneatitell ministra finanoov Ch4h&kov UWR. (Chuvashia-Finance) (Chuveshi& and l3wpoction) WIN 7. (Frun-e)- ZAITSE11 V. (Guynakak, Digs s tans I.,dy, kAt'l- YEf?jWdA=Vj 'Ki- (SerjZ~ov: MoskovAoy obl. ); CHUGAYEVSKIYO U.), inzl,,,. (v-0flk0v44yIi Oblast'); BRUKVII'-, N. (Fdyev); SYCHAYEV, So (M:rtI.Lchch:`,).; TE'VIL"29:14P V., (Rostov-na-Donu) Exchange of experlerice. RALO no.WO,33t.36,391.40,511 Ap 165. i_ I L 11 1 -AVADS)KIY, 1.- 1. , . ------ Steam Boilers Block mount for PK-10 boiler, Elek, sta., 23, no. 6, 1952 Monthly "'ist of Ausgian Acce9sions, LibrRry of Conereas Uctoba-r 19.r)4! Unclrtnnified. ZAVAD'SUY, v. I.; V. A.. 3team Joiler3 - Testing Hydraulic testin,-, of boilers wtth the helP 0,4' colrioreqsM air. 23 r,:,. '1. .1952. Monthly List of Russian 4ccessional Library of ConKrons, IY52. Uncl-mal, If it?d- ZAVA106M, B.I., inshener; IMIN, inshoner. Installing a boiler on previously prepurad poet foundation. kle:c.-nta~ 24 no.9:51-52 5 153. (xy2A (~:J) Ooilers) 't - 1 , ~ ,- -); P 4 ~ " - 1~,: , ~ I !, ~~ I, :~ , I , " : , , A.. -, -, , . .~ I . : ~, ~T -~ I, :. "r, w-, , I ., .7~ r.~ , r 11 ',, .. , ' ' ': -~ '! * , ...- 7 , -.,, ":~ , 7 1 ~ I , 7 ' 0 L. --r-, 54' .; ',~ ; )'Ilm :," ~'-ir ~5 USSR / Pharmacology, Tox1colo3y, it-trootica. V Abs jour Ruf Zhar - Piol., 14) 20, 1958, "'lo 94~,24 Authol, Inst lot given Title :Dynamica of Morphological Charir,,ou ol thr;; Nervous Systam In Alcoholic Intoxicatioa, OrIS Pub :Zdrfivoolthrationiyo (Kishinov). 1956, Wo. 2, 28--37. Abstract Lvory day 2,5 - 3 of puro othy'l I'LlCO1,101 di- luted with 2/11 wator wai3 asminlot,:.n:;f`~ into oach rabbit (100 aulmala) dL11'in,, the, cour~l-) of 1--~ yec~rs. 1t was shown that alcoholle tatoxl,~otion offoctod all the olemonta of th,:.~ nurvaus ,i, nervi.) ~!ells, t'h,~'r c~x- soft corobrum membratio. telisio".1 Vosaolr, and ~Sllu. Thu :1,'IrsL p-,.riod (20 dayo) Is charructorizod with acutO PrDf!~,'IMCD In thc form of awolling, and hydrupy In 11.11 partij Card 1/2 IL I IN, V. A. (Nervous system in alcoholism) Harvnaia sistotita pri alkogoliznO. Kishinev, Kartia moldovenianks. 1959. 101 p. (HMA 13:2) (ALCOHOLI5M) (MYOUS STSTSM) ILIIN, V.A.; KCZLYAK(JV, V.V.; MPIN, B.I. Tensiometria equipmont foi the control of floatingr dock i3trongth. Trudy LKI no.35:5-12 162. OIIJLA 16:7) 1. Kafedra, stroitellnoy mekhaniki korablya Lealmirradalcogo korabletroitallnogo instituta. (Floating docks) (Tensiomtmi) it r I 1~ n I, I, it t oI i.c v4. . 11 1 ~ I .. I . ~I I . ~ ?. . ,, t . I f I I' V 5 t 11 5 P t ;I n r f. it f, n ri i'l r t .1i 1,n I ti-I lit 1) 'L 0 r 11 ~iltarminlng the I t e te r r- i na I po -1 t n r (1 11 j -lie 11 Orig. art. hmst 66 '1 T 'r 'rT n - 17 Old EML 6 EMIL'] I A 1',q ~1'~ f! 14 e~ 11 114:. jj:~ f~ -art, tw v r- a d 1. 1 produc-pid mr, exi a attenwati-on in tha rat* Ro of th-e-- ImMiatad-AD. theu likilli-itill IttJA-tedill- L-A .,,.Fj f r -Tir p r1: a III' I ri 'J r I' lk ITT wr= --711-777T 11:711711 F 1T,1- I--,;I I IiV, ,7. T77. -irp tPinperarure waip 11 T h I El I 1,.:i -I ~ - ~, .: I. e c t: I f c) t: F1 e I` I a t 11 C!, m 11 -i- o ri t on t ii ti -y -,I r I h arld Mct li-I P p ex r (',u n Ali t,: I 7. 1 3 1: ILITN, Viktor Androyevich; MCMIKO, J.p i~vdl (On the border between two e:laments] ria grani d7tLkh l3t~khii~ Monkva, Folodals p-ardiia,, 1964,, I.In P. (.111RA WIN, T.A.,,kapltan neditainskoysluzhby Two types of orthopedic apparatus for treating stiffoosm of the talocrural joint. Toon.-med. zhuro no,6:05-86 Jm 151, (HUIA 9;4,)) (ANKLX--DISXASXS) (MHCPXDIC APPARAIM) ILI IN, V,A, dommoka Orthopedic apparLtus for the treatment of dIffloulty of movement of the ankle joint. Xhirurglia, Moskva no.4%87-88 Apr 1953. (CLKL 24:4) 1. Of the Clinic for Hospital Surger7 (Director -- Profs Go No DAvydov)0 Arkhangellsk Medical Institute. 2. Deals with braoeo attached to shoes, ILI IN, V.A., bLvAUL&t w41tdLn9kM muk. Now osteoplastic mthod in treating habitual anterior dislocations of the PAnd.1bular joints. Stmatol*gii&, no.6.-46 N-D 055 (MM 991) (JAn-&MMY) -- - - - -- - - - - - ---- - - - ----- - - - -- --- -- ILIDA, Ye. I. Cadd Med Sel -- (diss) "Blood Supply of T-andon Flexors nf tho Finger Bones in Man," Omako 1960, 16, pp, 112 copies (Omsk State Medical Institute im M. 1. Kalinin) (IM,, 49/64), 128) IL1111) V*A4, I- Use of new accelerated methods for t pplying plaa tic lontzil splints. Stomatologiia 39 no.6:56-58 N-D 160. (~MU 15: 11 ) 1. Iz Stalinskogo nauchno--is ale davatellskogo inatitmt4i traMatologil, ortopedii i protezirovaniya (dir. 7 T,A,Revenko). (PLASTICS IN WIC110;) DLNTAL PvXGUIMSIS) L *00_"R'__AP601'301 SOURCE CODEt UH/0413/61')/W0/0W/0097/b AUTHORSt Bobrovp I. I.; Ivanov, X. G.; Illin, V. A. ORGs none TITLE: A method of depositing a printed winding on ferrite waXere o: I mem*!X Zibe Class 42, No. 160852 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proqrshlennyye obraztoy, tovarnyye znaki, no. St 19669 97 TOPIC TAGSt atorage device, printed circuit, computer memoryo forrite core memory ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for depositing a. printed windir4l on ferrite wafers of a storage cube. The method increases the produativity of labor and simplifies the technological process. A negative picture of the winding is Applied to the copper-coated ferrite wafer by printing with a polygraphic pignent and a deep steel stamped forn. A galvanic silver plating of the printed windin'g-is produced in an acid electrolyte. The pigment is removed, and the copper is etched awV from the blank sections by an etching agent. The silver film of the winAing io not destroyed,, SUB CODEt 09/ SUM DATEs 1qNov64 I J, ?_' UDCt 681.W.07.002.2 ~; 7F ~ ! CU M X 41 0 00 000 Imp" F F ' v a A a " * 11 k V W , 0 A 0 IA W IS A A lk 00 -00 60 .00 6011112"s pboooo*"o at I" lo"440CIF bortwooloo the so"64 00 if Jolod the owed". c1lo"40 do thor 11wist tof won" in li"I faice "tiorq l"Costials Oil the iftuoducum 00 oplool oplitittioulyto %. Witt. V. V. zwllwtKhi ido.) etid %, I 1katlev. J, J or-N ' I Areffi. Phyt. W. 1.4. 14, K ) J. %',I 11,11t tj W"11116 A C witk 4,4 .41t. 04 N*cl mood .4 imk*lt Ill Sold with VIM .44". ol-11"0111 as$ aseeulivi to Ill, INSCII. It 4 lkdi 111C 111-1111 4, a -.1 a C -totem with go ft.m. '4 ' f .141 A&T-0011111V fliAlVi llsk 14 111411'AW4 low 141411410 a 11111t, W1.4-ff'olyfir tied difforre very Ottally (I.Ml thill J Ill, r0 001"Idiki. asidell. fh? intord" Ill lilt, lot.Al 0.1 w1-11111 t4 quislitalively oralskilloord 4 oll-alks 144111tolif 41401%4.1 .,to thr 04.11"Opliolli dW Ill.. 4v M.-Itifill M Ill. SOO .41-10 14 $$14111'4111ord toy 1114- itif 414111111111 v"lorrs Abism dw -4 k~ file #t"J. Ittoil #4 M. 00 m-oplit-li. lilt the orismio -4 NA(' %1. (41%1 r moo goo goo we or -goo CLAsswit-Allas UO AS. ILA .11FALLO&KAL Lilt*& i it 4 1 a pw it W OIL s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 * 0 4 * 0 0 0 * 0 O 0 0 Go 00A so 0 0 0 so 6 0 A 9 0 K L f T. 11 , X f j 44 41 -~4 it Rapid ddloonslutilfa d suffulk 464141 In chotoliuma *ffing hathil. %. A Will. It, UNII 141 A i Ims), --Thi to flat, pAt Out tirvall. At %?tklj Cr deptiltilhin Ilm-i-im,st. of 11A)l ' rl 1, 10 It, the 4.111. lm ll.wil qn,, lem,blij ;*I [fir V~4iW Ill k ' 11,141, ."ther .1.1016.0m IwIttig Coast, Vwlfw '11 17-19 ",ift I'll I llill 1411N it. ill Ike 1.1kh. Tilm -11 vitut.'t arr ktill. 0d I)IIAmp. MI 41111 ~.1111.1014 133, -4 37 6 N it I , 1 1, I S; M.) '; l4sl 1111.29. ).loll* a1wr lifer flevull,mo, Na Allfir lwk4 .1woAlItin tho ' s btat Obje, if,$$ li-ve ("Of . Nall Inar I keevirliaLlIk"I j i J ~Ofil I V.slkt,tv .4 the fivell".1 illon limil. 4-0 ur jd~almj -It At tiwi 10 .11 In Imle l%I-4.61d v o" 1. ZOO, It, Ni 1 -1 111.1 11 lelj~ '41. Im . Ill I'M111.11 11-te 1-1.11184-01. Ill.- it .1111. ar r 00 ifht,. fir. 4A., I fird, l" 1-f., 1-1-le afi . " ~ NA- illl Ill . ..... Iv I'll 11". .1 .... 14.11V I. ,;,, the a pf" VA,IuL, i. flit millp I, Mf- i F -io A 9 f le -I", Atut 11sec'.1. toil imllml " tet I. it If dil-T ktim of", %ith 1110 kils.wil V1 "I Itir see IF M. K~11-11W.11 0 to 0 0 0 0 60 111 0 0 0 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *4 go 0 so e 0 0 s 0 0 o 0 -0 0 a ~2 0 0 a 0 9 0 t * 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 O'c 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 111 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 411 cbf0ftiou eating of goal 4rd" taftoof 44 "der - Cost. K. 1. K-SALivAost 111141 V. A. jj*bj. 'Ifed. Pro- S.S.S. ft. 1949. 'No.:1,13-4. --r)W atittv it P)Iiol*d %ith fine emery. at WSW. destwitud cutholk-ally in a "a" ul %*AOlI 10; NAXIh 25. N*41`4). 25: Sas.440~ 3 1-2 mist. at 01-41)% 6 xmp.,~soq. dm. tkxsvr ftessonvel %bould tat av4WI, riand; etched 5-141 w. In, OL . fi;v IICI; finwd; and PlAtal to d $a". of cros 3,v)-741, 111W14.1- : US It!ivaltnt Cr 2-:3 #.A.. as 51 -3, A-A amp./owl, din" :411 miss. The Cr o-Ating Is 0 0 fh~k and forovess its be 1e" Ptsrous than a 15 as Ni depoW on the xame boxio .Urf.vv. The Cr cf,poaft is milky and ma be polisliwed. %'. Tht L ItAIA1604" dnw Crom It. 1. Kow V-A-ILU. Afed. Prom. L.S.S.R. 1949. 34-B.-Atirr san;;JJnf at )WIDW1. the wAIr 11 rtmvcd b 20-30 min. ticking in Il~S0, 34, IICI 23. I IjO 50 val. at W7o*o lbrn The rmiting dark tIrImAlt 1% rrtnuvrd Ivy ;P.fV) min. lrunwrikm in a IINO& win. of .50 fjO' whach kaws a skpmr ourtawe. S. I IkOl HAMM tt 00 A It"M blethoM W -~Ij ba$bwio Add Is Chmaka 40 %.1 3. Mr. pf, Is*- 131). lua 6 6 9sm"w4m into F:1411bdl b ~ 4-f ulse.wip, kl airtid" Whirb appew"i in ZOV41440mys 1.4 so 14. Nov., m 1390-101. Th# sk4litminitiUm o4 N, l 4 4 see 4 00 wtn )qra at I arki in 0 mit"ll 1 sling t I as 0 lo *m%I on Ow durine Ifir vJm4r.4V.i# .-I Ilm- 00 1-6lum A -Io"ijokwi 4-1 41- s-41-11 1% , is Nitr I, 1-1)%tumismehimoist"Opessawbys pkbiy of - I it wi. t Ite e tirt hxI ran I* &MJW in pmtk*.- j. c. m. to 0 1 406 too lie 0 . ..... Iwo dw 4 4. M3 .1,; I 0 '1' Ill I I it -4 11 14 0 1 41 J4 4q 1 0 .. 4 ka ~ 6 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 lei 0 410 * 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a 6-0 a a a 0 0 0 * a 0 a Se e 0 411-0 0 0 o_* 0 0 0 0 e 0 00 goo * 014 41 ILIIN, V. A. Photographic Chemistry Photochemical method of reproduction on metnl, Red.prom., -io. 2, llli2. Monthly List of Ru'solan Accessions, Library of Congrogs, Junot 1!?52 ,~~nmlaosif i-qd. WIN, V.,&.; KRITSKAYA, V.X.; KURDTUKOV, G.V. I Anisotropy of distortion of the crystal lattice of "artarsite. Doklady Akad. Nauk S.B.S.R. 85, 997-9 '52. (KW 5 : 91) (CA 47 no.22:11868 153) WIN, V.A. Oalvanic costing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Kedspiron. n0.2; 12-15 Ap-Je 155. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Mediko-instrumentallwy ordena Lenina sayod 81rasnolpardaysts.'" (APPARATUS AND INSTRUM3NTS, aluminum & aluminum allqy mod. instmwnts, galvanic coa t ing) (ALUMINUM, aluminum & aluminum alloy mod. instrunants, galvanic coating) ILI IN. T.A. Improving the screw fit of threa& parts. Hed.prm. 10 xio,405-37 G-D 156. (KLR4 10: 2) 1. Hadiko-instrumentallay ordens, lanins savoi "VasnorarAmysts'. (SCMD( CUTT ING) !L(~- " 1 ,J' 1 -1'- . GOBZRY,Al. P.N.; ILOIN, V.A. ,,, Method for studying the nature of plating distribution on thre&d profiles. Zav.lab~ 22 no.10:1207 056, (KEMA 1035) LLeningradskly inotitut tochnoy mekhamfti i optiki i zavod NKrasnogvardeyets*. (Metallography) I , - C;- 1~ , -;--, A- I - . ILI IN, V.A.; KURTTS, L.Ya. Using the electric jet method for determining the thloictions of electrodeposited coatings. Med.prom. 11 no-9:5D-52 S 057. (MICELA 10:12) 1. Hediko-instrumentallrory ordena loantne zavod OlErsentig-vardeyets" (NLNGTROPIATING) V 137-58-1-Z014 Transla-.ion from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p276(USSR AUTHORS: 11' in, V. A,, Kurtts, L. Yu. TITLE- Electrical Jet Null Method of Determining the Thickness cf Coatings (Elektrostruynyy null-t-netod opredeleniya tolshchiny gall vanopokrytiy) PERIODICAL: Materialy po obmenu opytom i nauchn, dofl-,,.zh. v med. prom-sti 1957, Nr 3 (22), pp 90-92 ABSTRACT: It is shown that the existing, widely employed intermittent-jet, volumetric-jet, and drop methods of deti.-i-mining the thicl(ness h of plated coatings do not provide resall.8 of j;uFficient accurucy, particularly in measuring small thickreoses. A nwx instrument for electrical jet determination of h has been elaborated Jind developed. By means of this method, the end of dissolution is determined by the change in the enif of the "plalinum-specit-nen" voltaic cell developed as the coating dis:i;alve.4, at the point where the jet of solution impinges upon the spec;1mer- At the instant that the undercoating or base metal of the part Is exposed, the emf of the voltaic cell will chanKe. Mewiurernent of the emf is Card 112 by the null method. An external emf ir, conmicted potentio- 137-58-1-20A Electrical Jet Null Method of Determining the Thickness ofCoatings metrically counter-current to the emf of the voltaic cell. The potentiometer is used to attain complete compens;%tion of the emf that had arisen and to hold the galvanometer pointer to zero. A pronounced deviatt[on of the hand of the instrument indicates that dissolution has come to an erid. It. is shown that the instrument affords a significant acceleration and also an increase in the ac- curacy of the measurement of h of multiple coatings, with determination thereof independently for each layer. T. W 1, -teatingo.-Thicknotia--Determination.-.~~thods Card 2/2 ~AASX I BO,),( ~.'aWrPATIO',' sq/3963 x1lino Vitaliy Alekseyevich i avintsevaniye (Tin YJAting and IA&d Platitig) MbSCOW KROW, Zp 4 -vyp. 45 IMIZ 1958. 31 P. (Series: Bibliotechka gall van*tekbm,L7rAP s.Up inserted. 9.,500 Miss printed. General Ed.#. P. M. Vyachmelavovp Candidate of OmmIstryj, IMeent; PArdever: V. A. Fedorov., Engineer; Editorial Board: P. M. V5mchesl%vor (Chairman), S. Ya. Gr-llikbesp Candidate of Tachtical Sciencesp and A, M# Ysmpol'Is4'rp Migineer; Ed, of this book,. A, K. Yampolskly; %umqIxkx Ed. for Literature on the Design and Ogeration of Machineryl (XAm;tngmd DivIsloa$ Masbgiz): F. 1. Petisov, Engineer; Zd* of M31sbing llmwe: N. Z. Simmovskiy; Tech. Ed.: L. V. Sokolom, : 7Us book is intended for skilled varkeraj. labormtory techniciansp and foreman of electroplating and electrofondmg vhqps, COVERACM: Ohe book is the fow-th volwme of the "Utlele LUmary of Electrodeposit1mv series, The author revieve tbAt eleLrtrodeposition of tin and lead on wrtals from various electrol,~rte empositions., deseribes preparation mathods., properties and special charv.,terixties of electrWTW4., and polirts ote. sawces of ma.3Axneiom In the elecImodelposition proomms, Card 1/2 Tin Plating an4 10ad P3AtiDC SOV13963 No personaUttles are wntiawd, 11vare are 3,3 refejmnaaa., aU Sariet., TARIX IV CoMITWITS: Forevord 3 Ch. 1. Tin Plating 5 1. Properties and pi=Wses of tin coatiags 5 2. Tiz plaiting from acid electrolytes 6 3. Tin plating from alkall electrolytes lp. 4. SpecM2 "sea of tin plating is 5. Inspection of tin-plated articlAs and removal at detectlyb corstings 20 Ch. n. Ioad Esting 23 6. Properties and pirpose of lead coatitigs 23 T. Xlectrolytes for lead plating 24 B. Specific cases of lead plating 29 9* Materlals used in tin and lead platirg 31 Bibl.iography 33 AVAILMM Library of Congress. (TS67036) JA/adw/ee Card 2/2 8-24-60 Yliam I noin, viwy AukA"vvich - ftjWwv*ajye i kAdwirmaW (ftITWiXIM NA C44MIUM PIRUT40 Mwcov K&sbgIz-S, 1958. 44 P. (flalool jjb34otofta gvW"="kWkaj. 31 B.,000 c%des 1winted, Mmatoa 021P 10V1101, amral Zd.: P. X. Vy&CbAGJATOVj* Candld&U of MavdIstvyp.'DV*mt; ao~uwt V. A. ftdoro7, ftglwer; Mt=Ul Bo4rd: P. K V~80te0l4ww (ft4it"IM)o S. y&. arjjjkbas,, CaAadate of Tvabulcal Solarmthp And; A. X. YomplIskLyp cagim"w; rd. of this book: A. X. *fwwII&kAY; Mum ding Ild- fft Literature on the NaIgn and Operatift of Mmahiml-7 (liftlow" DIVULUX., Kaghgiz): y. 1. fttioar.. ftlucerl 5d. of MAShi* IOU"; it. Z. simmovokly; Tech. M: L. T. Sokolms. PMP=s TU3 book In IntAmdad for skilled varIvOllp )AVParfttQXY tOcI=IaU",v and foremm of electroplating and cloctrafominig COWJAW: I-Mm book is tb3 tb_t-d vol=o of ti2a 0111A,14, MbrW7 of Moal"- depositioe series, The ymportles of =tjajyrr*3jvq gina sad oadr4m coatIngs on steel am descrIbod. The compmit.1.0a of ocmm= eIOCtr'J3,YtGs used la'alectroplatingy mWoft of pmp*--Imkg Momp muLd ways of oliuduatlng Card 113 ro~ I~!'~IH~'yt-Alekazy.pyiqh; BOGORODITSKAYA, V.A., inth., rotsenzent; VrACHESLAVOV, P.M., kand. khIm. nauk, dote., riW.; GAILIFRES, S.Ya., kand. takhno nauk# red.; IAMMLI$KrY, A.M., lub., r,06.; ' DUMSOVAp G.A., red. izd-va; BARDINA, A.A., Wim, rW. (Tin and lead plating]Lushenia i svintesvanle. Pod r(id. P.M. Viachealavova. Izd.2., dop. i perer, Moskva, Mash tn 1961-33 P. (Bibliotechka gallymnotekbn1ka, no.3) &I~A 16:2) (Tin plating) (Lead plating) FEDOTIYEV, N.P., prof.; WIN, V.A.; CiX.RNOZATONSItATA, X.R.; YAMPOLISKIY, takhtw nauk, red.j 011ILLING V.A., red.izd-va- GVIRTS, V.-C, takhn. red. (Electrodeposition of silver from solutions of cyan1de- free complex salts jElektroosashdonie serebra In raotvorov netsianistykh komplekanykh solel. Leningrad, 1962. 18 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno-takhnicheokoi propagand:r. Olawn peredovym opytom. Seriia: Zaahchitnye pokrytlin, no.$) (MIRA 16:3) (Silver plating) IL'INp._YAt-AIIy Alekseyevich; BRUK, E.S., inth., retsmijistont; VYACiEbLAVCkr, P.M., kand. khim.nauk,dots., red.; GRILIKHES, $.Ya., kand.tekkhn. nauk, red.; YAMPOLISKIY, A.M., Inzh., red.; mracka, G.A., rail. izd-va; RARDINA, A.A., tekhn. rod. (Zinc and cadmium plating]TSinkovanie i kadmirovanit. Pod red. P.M.Viachealavoya. Izd.2.j dop. i perer. Moskva, Hashgis ' 1961. 48 p. (Bibliotechka gallyanotakhnika, no.2) (MIBA 16t2) (Zinc plating) (Cadmium plating) BELINKIN, Arnolld Abramovich; BASINIV) Lev Nikolayevich; red.; GRIGORIYEVA, I.S.., red. izd-vaj tekbn. red. [Mechanization of ornamental grinding and polishing oporations] Mekhanizateiia dekorativwjkh shlifovaltno-poliriwalfrorkb rabotj opyt zavoda. "Krasnogvardeets." Leningrad, 1961. 30 1). (NDA 15ts) (Grinding and polishing) YAMFOLISKIY, Anatoby Mhaylovichl ILTIN x-Y :P ~JUIILOVY I.A.v inzb., rot son z4i;-tI'-CIfmKEZ' H.B.11 band. -tekpm. ,, red.; OVISIMMIKO, RAi... red. izd-,va3 SMIIIETININA, L.V., nauk tekhn. red, (Brief bandbook of electroplating and electroforning] Kratkii spravochni galivanotekbn:Lka. Yoskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 244 p. WIRA 15:7) (Electroplating, .-Tandbookap winualaj. etc.) ABRAMOVA, Nina Nikolayevna; HATIKOVA, Irina Favlomap red.; GRIGORIYEVA, I.S., red. izd-va; GVIRTS, '.L.-v--tekbn. red. [Bright zinc plating in an ammoniate electrolyte) Hilestiashch" tainkovanis v ammiakatnom elektrolite. Leningrad, 1963. 13 P. (Laningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnichookoi propotandy. Otmen peredovym opytom. Seritas Zeshchitnyo pokrytil*, no.1) (MIRA 16s5) (Zinc plating) FFDOTIYF,Vp H.P.; WIN, V.A. Electrodeposition of silver from noncyanAm eleotmlytss. Zhi,r. prlkl. khim. 36 no.l3tl763-1768 Ag 163. (MIRA 161ll) DMG, A.I., glav. red.; TRATTZININOV, V.A., glav. red.; TASY111'.11" Ya.Z., doktor toklin. niluk, prof.) red.,- VORONOV A.A., prof., red.; AGE7KIll, D.I., doktor tekhn.nauk rod.;WULOV, M.A., red.; VEI,"IKOV, V.A.j, doktor tekhno nEiUK? proj'*j red.1 SOTSKOV, B.S., red.; CHELYUSTKIN, A.B., dolftor teklin, nauk, red.; PROKOFIYEV, V.N., doktor teklm. nauk, prof., rod.; IL'IN,.._v_,A.-, doktor tekhn. nauk,, prof., red.; KITOY, A.I., d~_k_tor tekhn. nauk, red., KRILITSKIY, N.A., kilind. Tim.-mat. nauk, red.; KOGAN, B.Ya.p doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; USHAAUV, V.B., doktor teklm. naukt red.; LEHNE;(, A.Ya.p dok-tor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; FELIDBAUM, A.A., doktor te):lz. miuk, prof.,P red.; SIIREYDFJI, Yu.A.,. kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; UARKEVICH, A.A.j, akadenik, red. deceased]; TWOFEYEV, F.V., -red.; IASLOV, A.A., dots., red.; TRUTKO, A.F., inzh., red.; LEVIN, G9A.j prof., red.; LOZINSKIY, M.G., doktor te.1ft. nauk, red.; NETUSHIL, A.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; nPKOV, V.I., red.; ROZENBERG, L.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, pv)l'., red.; LIFSHITS, A.L., kand. tekhn. na-Wc, red.; AVEN, 0.1., kand tekhn. nauk, red.; BLANN, O.YjBltLml' 0.1,1.], red.; ll'.OYDA: V., inzh.,prof.,red,; WEHL', L.[ lrockl,L.] inish., knad, nauk, redo; VAYYHAPDT, Kh. Weichardt, 1-1 1, Inoh., red.; WCHX~OVA,F.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, st. nauclin. red. (Autoriation of production processos and imiustrial Olectronicl3l Avtomatizatsila proizvod.-itva i pror%q,jahlennala eilektronika; entviklo- pediia sovi-emennoi tekhniki. ~loskva,. Soljetnka~et eritaiklopediia. V01.4. 1965. 543 P. ~"TRA 18:6) WIN~ V.A.; SHASTOVA, G.A. Some studies on the theory of communication in sysbims of regul&tion and control. Izv. AN SSSR. Tekh. kib. no.~tI12- 113 S-0 163. (MIRA 1602) IL I IN., 4 -;ks.,YjArovich, 6oktor t-ikhii. rawk. prTif, .1, [Re:.,.ote control and its use In the national eaonoLV] Telemekhanika i ee primenenie v narodnom khozlaistva. I-110AVRO Naukas 1965. 148 P. 0,1141^iA 18:10) WIN$ V. A. Cand. Tech. Scio 014rg Lima with Partmeterm which Vary According to tAngthj" Elektrichelstvo,, No.21, 1950 Inst* lutomatics and Telemschanics, AS WSR IL IN, V. A. UM/Eleatronles - Trussistion Lines 21111OW %L Xatching "Selection of a Nonhomogeneous Long Line foi.1- XpAtcll- ing Impedances Over a Wide Band of Frequemc~es, " V. A. Il'i Inst '~f Automatics and Telemeell, ACW1 Bei USSR *Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol K Alp No I Py 395-11199 Shows that an impedance-transforming line w3th very low-frequency distortion over a wide band oT fre- quencies can be obtained by selecting the pwaper variation of line parameters along its length. Submitted by Aced A. I. Berg 5 Oct 51. 2,14T,41. 1LIITI, .; SOKOLUI, F. Electric Current Rectifiers Use of selenium rqctifiers. Kin0mokhanik no. 90 1952. Monthly List of Ritssian Acceqsions. Library of Congres,,. No,romber 1952. Unclassified. ILI IN, T.; SOKOLOV, 7, Now scheme of selenium rectifier bridges used in the VS-60A rectifiers. Kinomakhanik no.4:18-22 Ap 153~ Off-RA 6:6) (Zlectria curvent roctifiers) I U4, V. A. "Multi-Channel Distance-Measurement Devices with Interim Division" from thir book. Remote Control of Power Systems published by the AS USSR, 1954. t V. i1, . GAVRILOT,M.A., otystatronnj7 redaktor; r~ '.L~A'j , rO'-dAkt(xIj XUSITSKIT, S.P.. rodaktor; KURDYTXOV, K.P., redaktor; *WIV, T.3., redaktor: RAYNW. R.L., redaktor; ERTUTNT, A.M., redairtar-, 0004, Te,D., takhnichoskly redaktor [Telemechanics in power engineering systems] TmIsmak1honisatsit& suergosistem; materlely soveshchanita 1952 C. po telaxekhanIzOull energostatem. Moskva, Izd-vo AkaAsuil nauk SSSHI, 1954. 213 P. (MA 80) 1, Akadenlya nauk SSSR. Institut sytomatiki I tolen4daulkle (Remote control) (Electric power) T1TT------F1T-T ---------- UM/ Flecl.-ricit y Instrumentation Card 1/1 t Pub. 124 - 6/35 W-hors t Ilyn, V. A., Dr. or Techn. So. Title t New Instrument for large electrical-rower syst:, ~ Vest. AN SSSR 7, 41-43, July 1954 A-betract The de,,re1o;Trent of a new instrument - tell for mudura-.- irent of delta-phaae dlsr.'Iscsrents~, for manumi, mnd acitxona4tio aw*r&l~ of the performance of generators etc., it dase.-Mbed. The hele- phaseveter, desigred and constructed b-,r the Imitituto of A-litomatics and Tolemechr-nics of the Acad. of Sc. USSR, rjomsisUl of tranamiji.t1q; and receiving units and functions on HF-power Unes. 111%istrati.orl.s of the two seTarate parts of the tele-phaser,att!! ane 1.nal%ided. Institlution : Submitted : WSR/Physics - 61actrodynamimy, Card 1/1 Authoi- t t1lin, V. K. Electrodynamic problems tor monideally conduo,CUIR b4lifei havid ili~jlar Line a Parl-odical DokI- AN SSSR-, 97, Ed. 2t 213 - 2160 July 1954 Abstract The developmont of' an approximts method of sDlixtiom of alectro4ynamic problems thatt may take place! in finding a behavilor ol' aon-4,d-eally conduz- tive badie-i having anirilar lines (earitour). rciur rt-I;mire fir. e is InstItutien : ... Presented by - Academician S. L. Sobolev, Lpril 8, 1.954 USSR/tlactronica - 'Pub. 22 - 1_1141~ Authom Illin, V. A. ion of non-ideal radio va, ve (puides I Title Periodical Dok. A14 SSSR gsl6s el'25-928, October 22,. 1954 Abstraot I A solultion of r, problem of non-j.dejaj. wive Gglides im cotisiderddo 11he 3C1,1' I -in r~,MQI AtIll F pM!C"L.31(hU IM 'to the 1: t tr v&lu(l W, 4- ct, 0 V13 Ll,:l Sav,url _RL~j, L -t,. r-, T. G+ I tU+,:, 0-_ -11~ os sa I.I. V. LcIL Presented byt Acadezniclan D. A. Vvedensldyp X-ay )lp 1.954 NPRIPIMPUM Man" A" U- -)rS TitIc D-*f'r,-c"-,v; of vaucis dun to idl(11013. L (0-m u~.-! thn 7,ra6lom of shore rofraotion Periodical Dok. At: S~~J'R 47 5(:',,, 110V I., IY514, Abstract A r-t- ho,i of :in ;.onroximnt-.-~ zolutlon Of the., 'problea ot ftlootro~-~m,",, ~Mc wame:~ !I r(litfluct I'll, ('t-Ir w1w.11) w0ge is 11-id i~ i fmi 1xi *1,-1, :)%:1, 1-1 iinp: of a Solution In!jt itulk. iuri Presented by 1kc-dornirl--n 1!. .11, 19~,,,4. . .1 11 / V. 13. USSR/Automatics and Telemechanics FFD-a554 Card 1/2 Pub. 10-1/15 Author 121in, V. A. Title The principal scientific problems of telerttel.,~niw; (remote contr*l) Periodical Avtom. i telem. 16, jul-Au4g 1955, 321-327 Abstract Lead article. The author states that telemechatAcu to employed In electric power systems. - in railroad, air, thmi water transportation, in the petroleum industry, in mining, in large factories, in ir- rigational uyst~ms, etc., wherever th~~ control point is separated from the machines by distances of sevel-al i:jr lijil ))Jmdz, of kilometers. One of the main characteristics of telemechanics is the presence: of extended channels of communications c)vrr wb1ch apecia.1 reports (in- foroation) are transidtted. In the tjolution of' one or the umin problems of telemechanics, i.e. the reliable transmission or in- formation, arise more particular problems: iater~erence stability of the systems and also the 1;reciaiort and reliability of operation of the technical means of telemechemica. The problem of inter- Cerence stability in the gener&l form was atolv!d theoreticelly by V. A. Kotellaikov for fluctuationai interVereace of the "white noise" type. The appiicati,-% and certain development of V. A. Kotellnikov's theory of poteatial interference-.stability to tauka of remote control was given in a work of (3. A. SMastova, paxt of Card 2/2 FD_2654 which was published in this journal. Aa effi~ctive bray to de- crease transmission errors is the use of the itethc)(I of compenoa- tion, of feed-back converters, and the method of ppriodic sending of calibrating signals. Application of a op(bcial raae of the meLhod of compensation was deucribed im an ai.-Idclo- of V, I. Stepanov in this journal. The most important. tash.,j of telemechan.- ics are the creation of convertera with stable coefficients or conversion, the development of the theory of converters, and I;h'i' working out of methods for increasing the acinLeacy of telemeterir% devices. The problem of increased reliability is connected with application of magnetic elements with rectumIgALlar hysteresis loops, treated by K. G. Mityushin and V. A. ZhozhIkashvili in this journal. The theoretical principles (rolrerning the reliability of telemechanic systems for &iven probability of output from in- dividual elements were for the first time gilren iii a report by Sh. G. Bebiashvili at the MaY 1955 session im honor of A. S. Popoir; his procedure of calculating permits one to deteradiie the pr3ba- bility of disruption of operation of a systein in time according to the given-in-time probabilities of output fr(mi tho individual elements. The next important problem of telmnechnvIC3 is the transmission of the maximum tin Lint of Information %rith the leust volume of signal, the so-called problem of the erfer-,tiveness, of transmission of information, as treated by V. A. Hj:)-.el'i2ikor. Another important problem of effectiveness Lo the separation (se- lection) of signals. USSR/Rutom,tics and te'LemechanicG Card 1/1 Pub. 10-7/15 Author : Illin, V. A., and Novikov, A. I. (Moncow) Title : Choice of multichannel pulue telezetering systemu Periodical : Avtom. i telem. 16o Jul-Aug 1955, 372-381 Abstract : The authors consider the most characteristiq~ multichannel ttlemeter- ing systems. They present quantitatives evo.luati,:,no of them. On. the basis of expounded criteria they compare flim systitma and awtlyze the trends of their development. They conclude that the daveloptiont of telemechanization nece3sitates a wider applioatiari vf multitbannal pulse systems, which in industrial telemechiiinics 1~exmit a more ra.- tional transmission of several remote readiml-1,i Prom one poiut to anothor. In aviation multichannel radiol;oliplietering 11j'atemil pin,%flit more convenient tran.3mis.;1on or Infornatioa acceiiictry for a4epl=ies and create the po5sibility of the automat 1. zatl. ion of' take-off, flight'. and landing of aircraf 1. The authors notei 1:hat oone of the most, prospective co=- utators in telemeteriag qitems Eiro conmutatorr. based on magnetic elemento with rectangular hyt5tere!ois loops. Fouxteen ref- ercnces, e.g. "Trochotrons and their ap liciLLion," VoprcBy ra)~t~tuoy tekhaiki [Problems of rocket techniques~, No .1, 191j2; "Collei-tion of translation on the technique3 of transrds.~sic)u of -;isults of ne"ure- ;,,ients b~ radio, under the editorskiiy of P. L Yell'dokimov, B. K~.,- " M 11tar), 'Fress, 1955. Krivitskiy and Yu. A. Shumikhin, Institution Submitted March 16, 1955 _TA_AU&2&w. S"07 it GAVRILOV, M.A. , otvetstvennyy redaktor; ILI EN, V.A., redakt or; MMKISWOV111, V.A., radaktor; PMOVSKIT, A.M. V.,S., reftkior; OSTIAUU, Y.M., redaktor; POMINSKIT, V.V., rodrAktor Utdatel'sty4t; KISWAYA. A.A.. tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Remote control in the national economy) TlemookUnima-ti0iia v narodnou khosiaietva; materialy soveshohantia, Hoskvs, Isd-vo Alradoxii nauk SSSR. 1956. 481 p. (MLIL 9:8) 1, Soveshchanlye po telemekhanizatsil v narodnom khosymistye MR, Kosoo%ft 1954. (Remote control) (Telemeterins) "Basic Problems of Scientific Research Works in Uic, Y-Ailid rX TeIr.Irp-try" (Osnovnyyo problerv nauchno-issledowitollsky1ch mbot I? ahlmsti from the book TelemechanIzation in Nttional Ecqnprpy, p-). 5-1-58, Iv- AN SS-M, Moscowt 1956 (Given at meeting hold in I-Iloscow, 29 Nov.-I, Dec. 54 UY Inet. of Mitarzatien nnd Telemechanics &S US',R) ILOIN, V.A. KASHTELYAN,; POZIN, N.V.;URjiSOy. I.1). I 16lectronic excitation reCdator for mynchronono generators operating on long-distance transmission lines. lzv.A:f SSSR.Otd. takhonauk no,12il4-29 D '56o Nuu loll) (Alectronic Instruments) (Blectric Conerasors) IL'IN,A.,-A. 117he International Congress on Cybernsticu (Na:mur, bal4jim .1956)" Novoya vremya ZN-ew Time_J, 1956, Ro. 33, Fdges 26 - 28. WIN, V.A, Notes on V.S.Malov's paper "On scientific problens of tijumechnnicsO. Avtom.i telem. 17 no,2:192 F 156. OUMA 9:7) (Malov, V.S.)(Telemetering) (Remote control) ILOIN, V.A., doktor takhnicheakikh nauk. i - ~'4;4w I.: Lt the Congress on Cybernetics. Vest.AX S$SR P6 no.11:72-75 X 156. (Mazur, Belgiun--Cybernatics--Congressom) (MM 9:12) I- ILZIll, V. A. (rr. Tech. Sci..); !-'U,^lV, P. S. (Ca-nd. Tei,h. "Basic queations of t-he- theory of tele-leaw-,rr-ment." paper read at the Session of the Acad. Sci. USSR, on Scle-ritiric Problems of Automatic Production, 15-20 October 1956. Automatika I telemckhanika, No. 2j 1~',7j p, 162-192. 9015229 IN) V, n-, AUTHOR j~'IN YA, ~ITITLE On the Structure of TranamMw;on Lini.,a for Distributed (0 atrukture telemekhanicheakikh linij d1ya raBsredo~~c,-_herm, yektov -Russian) PERIODICAL Avtomatika i Telemekhanika,1957,Vol 18,Nr 7,,p;, 653-61J() (U.S.S.R.) IBSTRACT The security dependent on the structuro as vell &a the relative length of trarBml.ssion line,,j rre 1r,vet3t,1gat,,1ir3., Oarz~eount of the analysis the following reoommendationD are made for the selection of transmission lines for distributed objectst. 1,4 te&m J.iv-,1ot3 the best structural quality. For this rwon It has to bo recomm- ended for objects distributed over a, plano if tbo nunber of points is N,>>l. 2.-The curves POLO 9(m) hav* suitable maxima, rk - PkLk P and F k are the probability of thi doimaing o:t a noc-operating Ano or a beam line ' Lo and Lk are the tonal length of a not op.- erating line or a beam line m is the nvjaibe~- of the beema. The coefficient of the quality of the line/-), da,.-ireasos Wj, brab-,ut 10 % in the case of a 1,5 fold def"ress ,or at increase of m comp- ared. with moptimum, Thergfore the numbor of the beame W.' can be ta.. ken 1,5 - 2 fold greater or smaller that, without deteri- orating the quality of t~- line in rolatiov to its structure. 3, Card 1/2 The number of beams m> m, optimum has to be -ohoser- if the shortening 14 t V. AMORSI Belevich, K-V-j Demeshin, 7.?*, Illin, V.I. 103-10-7/10 Suvaroyt G#D* (Moscow) TITLEs The System of Remote Control for Oil !'ieldm. (Ustema radio- telemekhf~niki dlya nefteprosyslov) PERIODICALt Aytomatika i Telemekhanika, 1957# Vol- U), Nr 10# Pp. 934-W936 (USSR) ABSTRACTi In cooperation with the design office for the mamufacturs of apparatuses (KBNP) the Institute for Autoattin and Remote Control of the Academy of Science of the 139SR has developed a, remoie radio control system with an ultra inhort wave radio channel for centralized controlling of tho entive oiltifold according to the results of analysis on I;ho pvlnoiplas the construction of systems with spread objeota. Tho system ooowras for each remotely controlled bore hole i) an ,j.utomatic transmission of the damage-signsl to the dispatcher point, 2) ilemoto measuring of the bore hole debit without signal of the iftspatohev 'by means of transmission of the signal over the filling ot the autonstized holding capacity. 3) A bilateral tole phone - radi o- oonmuni cat ion with signal call of the dispatcher# A d4itaitall description of the apparatus follows. The apparatus was teiiited amA set to viork on Card 1/2 the Tuymazeneft' oilfield. The Technical CoviLail of the Ministry AVMOR: Gesbalin, X. G.; Demsb1n, T. P.; V.~'A 95-58-3-9/17 TMZ: A System for the Tolemechanization or 01311ald Opurutions WIth 'the Aid of Radio Channels (Slatc= dlya teleimlikkanillatall nefte:pragyslov a rp-diokanalcm) FMIODICAL; Neftyanoye khozyayotvo.. 1958, Nr 3, PP 35-41 (P.WR) AMTRACT: The article describes a central radio telocont;ta system dasigned according to specifications vh1ch vere approved by the foriner Tec:wicel Council (TL-khacheskiy sovet) of t1vt UNR Miniatwy of the Petroleum industry. Tie system Includea mutanatic transinission of emrgency signals and oil yield data to v. cea-lml station,, and, two-way radiotelephone ccmvm1cation. Dwrgewy signals eav 11'rans- mitted from contact transmitters vb1ch vDie developed anti pM11uced by the Design Office of the FeLroleiari 141histry (?M HP) aad try tbe Institute of AutowLion and Telemtthan!Co of Mw Acadew of Saiences, (IAT AN). The w3-1s are grauped In frrth 1-17 clusters of 1-20 Vells each. The "tam includes a m1ni=ra wiwflx~r of Mlays (Fig. 1),, an R-106 radio station with 18 Mxad wuvesp a turiwordtting imit (Fig. 3), a coding unit and generators (PLg. 4), sind a decoding urdt vith a group amplifier (Fig. 5). Ilig. 2 9~jwa the jgl;aeral stracti.)rn of a Card 1/2 system operating on the prinelple of friqoency selection and A System for the Telezw-chpalzatirn of OdIfled. C~?qrationti inclu&s 20 rvZlo channels. The crwUng qr psxattw an-I ppner3i;ars represent cue unit consisting of a radio t-obe, tuo t~Vratr-Dnrj vith a coldHIlh-90 ee-I-ha&j three WM eIrIctrmegnetic vait! -!-:,c; Fr- pa-tt~ratcjin 4ith d1scharge t-.-beit. The electric fiel Intensity of 4;rw.. 't a .0,115 is givein in Tal:~,.(-. 1. Tbr. ww su".essI'My tesl~ed at the 5th oLi-field cX Qa Stahe A:I.L-Uj:Lon Assoclatica of the TL,;,Tw,::, 013. Ema C-aa llneluatrj~ (TIaVnazane-ft ), and rprormcl highly relt 0-ble j simpi-a, P-ad Ew-ttable for the o2 oilfluld arle-Irations Ln the FAwte-,-,., S-a~~-Ial prodrc-14.on of appt~ratus for SFT'--l system irIll te i-a 19~,~. atn 6 fiou.-Is itai(I 3. tr-iue. AVAILAWX: TXo:.-r.:.-j of C-xngm- an Card 2/2 30(7) AUTHORSs Illin, V. A., Doctor of Technical 5 -3 -1 33/46 '-Sc ~enc5`s,~anitskiy, S. M.) Candidate of Toc.rinicul TITLE: Soviet Scientists on the Exposition (Sovetskiye uchenyye o vystavke) PERIODICALt Vestnik Akademii nauk jSjR, 1958, Nr 11, pp 112-113 ABSTRACT: The authors were mainly interested in oxhibito from the field of automation. In their opinion the Belgian pavilions presented the greatest number of interibsting- exhibits. They mention the exhibits of some large Bell;,ian firms as Vie'Ll as of Belgian branches of American firms rjig--tal compute:,s rhich can not only be used for office and bai,,s:injF operations, but also for the automation of production proceuseffi a contazt.- less automatic telephone exchange for 36 partiesp und other features). In the field of metalwor4d-ng inachinery with autcmatic controls the pavilions of the USSR, Great Britain and Belgium are mentioned as Tforthty.?iile seeing, Whereas the corresponding exhibits in the US pavilion are culled somewhat less interesting. The Soviet pavilion contained Card 112 electronic control apparatus as well as th-j ,jimulator plant Soviet Scientists on tho Exl;ogition 307/111J-58-1 1 --33/48 IM -8 and othor exhibits which could bit operhLted by the visitors in contrast to other pavilions. Final.1y the 6,uthov states that some of the exhibits in the Soviot, -oavilion were less effectively arranged than thcnoe in Czec'h pavilion. Furthermore, lie expre.3san hi,,i -iston:ishment Ut the fact that the USSR oxhLbited neveral oti~iolato r,~-cording: instruments. There is I figure. Card 2/2 AUTHORSi Illin, V. A. Kurdyukov, K. P. TITLE; Tr 'eq u_e n -cy Me"thods of Remote Control of Diopersed Objemets (0 chastotnykh metodalch teleupravleDiya rasi~redotochennytai ob"yektami) PERIODICALt Avtomatika i Telemekbanika, 1958, Vol. 19, Yr 2, pp. 174-1136 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of the analysis of different nethods of selec- tion a frequency selection cont: 1 mothod for distributed objects is given. The construction principles of the fre- quency equipment of a retaote control with frequency :relC which has an oscillation circuit in ijeries connection was investigated anddeveloped. The probl4ims ol' the structure selection of remote control lines for disLributed objects was investigated in Reference 1. The following is ihowni 1) The frequency method for the selection makes it possible to have a mihimum number of relays per object. This essential- ly reducco the number of electromagnetic ';elays within the Card 1/,%, system with distributed objects. The xemote control apps.ratus Frequency Methods of Remote Control of Dispea~ded Objn-cts 103-2-6)~ at the objectcan be very simple with this mathod, it opera- te3 reliably and meets the demands for standardization with different capacities of the system. 2) Vith the frequency method in the case of the control of Via obje,.~t being carried out according to its selection a irron,3 aelee.-tion as well as the control of another object can occux undd!r the influence of a disturbance. This basic deficiency of W-Le frequency method can in principle be eliminated I)y using the combined frequency-polar- or frequency-combination soloction rethod. 3) With distributed objects it is in many cuses useful to select an electric oscillation -LC-cirenit, in series aon- nection, as described, as element for the frequency selection. 4) The frequency relay worked out vith it currvnt circuit in series connection can be used ir the frequency combina- tion selective method which extends the ranga of applicability of the frequency method. Only one relay is uzed here per object- 5) An amplitude frequency nothod fo:x, the control of the position of the objeat is given. This makes it posoible to simplify the remote signal system for lines of up to Card 2/2 5 - 10 km. There are 12 figuros, 2 1,thbles, Und 6 SovIet. references SUNITTTM - Arri.] 1q, 1957 1.:-Frequency--Control systems-Mathematica.1 analysis AUTHORSt 111in, V. A., Novikov, A.l.k1doucow) .101-19-8-5/11 TITLEs New Principles for the Construotion of Tdonetering 3yatuma With Pulse-Frequency and Pulse-Width Modulation (Novyye printaipy postroyeniyu siat(in teleizmereniyEL 9 vremya-impullanoy i shirotno-impullij~noj mo(Wlyataiyey) PORIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhaniku, 1958, Vol III, Nr 8, pp 757-761 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As a result of the work intended for the construction of highly stable transducers (modulators, demodulators etc.) new, simple highly stable pulse-frequency sand pulse-width transducers were proposed and developed at the Institute for Automation and Telemetering of the A$ Uj511 (InstitLht avtomatiki i telemekhaniki AN SSSIR), which were denoted as exponential transducers. They are described an4 the foundations of their theory are detailed. The exponential pulse-width transducer consists of a bridget to the ono branch of which belong the resis,an(jes it1 and H 2' whereas the other capacitance and a resist4ince or an inductivity and a resistance. A diode in insertad imto the diagonal Card 112 connection of the bridge. The fundii.nental formulae are New Principles for the Construction of TelemoterLng, 11()3-19-6-5/11 S~rstems 'With Pulse-Froquency and Pulse-Width Modultition written down. A new method for the construction of a multi-channal system with pulse fropen,~y modulation and a time separation of the channtpla without a commutator is given. Furthermore the diagr4m of the trt~.nsmitLer (parodatchik) and of the receiver of a ono-channel telemetering syutam BOT-1 is givon. Thi,3 fis done primarily to replace the outdated system of the Briatol Company (Bristol'), The characteristic particularity of tha receiver is the memory element. The churactoristico obtained on tho basis of the investigation are givon. The errors of measurement correspond to those of equipmant of fLrat grade. The ay3tem operateo normully, when the reaistance connected in series to the lauds io varied from 0 -to 10,000 ohms. There are 8 figureo. SUBMITTED: April 1, 1958 1. Telemeter systemo-Design 2. Tellineter systems-EqApnent 3. Transducers--Design 4. Electric bridges-Performance Card 2/2 GESHELIN, M.G.; IWISHIN, V.P.; IL'Iff. V.A. Uainp a ractio channal fof-iii~~'control of oil wells. left. khos, 36 no.3:35 41 Mr '58. (HIIIA 11:4) (Remote control) (Oil wells) rROLOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich; KLOCiMOVA. Tovdoklya Vasill7ownat, WIN, T A usuchnyy red.; HIKITINA, R.Dvo redo; "UL, --- =--, , U ROKS I tej~ a 0 EP6tochsmical method of preparing printed cirmdts] Votokhimichoskii sposob isgotovleniis pechatnykh stheis. Leningrad. Goe.soiuznoo lsd-vo sudostrolt.proWshl.. 1959. 76 p0 (MIRA 12t6) (Printed circuits) G6345, 80V/142-2-4-,./26 9 (2) 2 AUTHOR: -1in,,--'V-. A. TITLE: On Cybernetics PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Radioteklinika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, pp 399-404 (USSR) ABSTRACT! This article was published to attract the attenticn of readers and authors to contemportary rndio ringineering, problems in cybernetics. The article is intended to be a subject of discussion. The author reviews briefly the present development of cybernotion and presento two block diagrams of simple control. circuits. He men- tions research on cybernetics performed in the USA (Harvard University, RCA) and in Germany, There are 2. block diagrams and 9 Soviet referencein. SUBMITTED: April 21, 1958 Card 1/1 9W 307/30-59-~,-8/43 AUTHORs Illin, V. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences .r~ TITLE: Important Trends in Telemechanics (Vazhi4yye nstpravieniya v telemekhanike) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 5, PP 30 - 34 ABSTRACTj In the Inatitut avtomatiki i telemokhaniki Alcailemii nauk SSJ3R (Institute of Automaticn and Talemechanics oe the Acadf)UW of Sciences, USSR) a cycle, of investigatiDlw on the elimination of disturbances of the telemechanical systems in the case of weak fluctuation disturbances was concluded; the investigations were carried out on the basis of the thilory vorked out by V. A. Xotellnikov. The optimum parameters of the systems were determined from the viewpoint of elimirattiori..of'dis turbanc els . In the field of reliable telemeohanioal,devid4.9 three' directions have developod3 the development and use of f4irromagnetio ele- mentg with a rectangular hpiteresis cycjej the construction of contact-lese frequency selectors (t,-hai3ti:,tnyy izbiratell) on the basis of LC-circults and filters with fq.-.rrom;~,gnetic cor*aj the construction of exponent,~al converters iiis well. as telemea3uring and control devices with contactrIetis elomentm (see figures i Card 1/3 and 2). A telemeauuring system was constructed on the bitai V . ~-409- Important Trends in Telemechanics SOV,50-59-5-8/43 of exponential transformers vhich has better charactoristios than those hitherto used. Its accuracy of metkouremen't amoanta to 99 % and its range of applicability to 501) km- The .' I-Union Conference on Automation and Telemechaoics lu PetroldLl. Prospecting, held in April 1958 approved of the frequenoy systems as t-he most appropriate ones and recommended to intro- duce them. In 1958 about 900 boreholen 1-i th+ petrolvam fioilds were telemechanized and further vork iii Carried out in ;.hlsi connection. Characteristic of modern automatic systems is the still growing use of digital computerm. At prilsent alreadT a number of comprehensive telemechanic oyjitems to 'r,petr~)Jeum fields, gas pipes, railroad tranijport Is alroady constructed the scientific bases of which are still insufXiciently worked outj this leads in some cases to unfavorable i)olutiona. V. I. Siforov, M. A. Boblashvili carri#W oQ% Interesting work in connection with the reliability of iiystetita with a chain circuit, as is applied, for example, in radto relays. In conclusion, the author of this paper states tKat the elabora- tion of scientific bases for the construation and the -theory Card 2/3 of teleautomat'ic and complex systems i1i to be regardqid aa,th Important Trends in Telemechaniob $0/30-59-5 -8/4 5 most important direction in the developmont of modern telemechanics. He calls for invest Igations in the institutes of the LS USSR to be conducted on a far largov scale, ais it vill only under these conditions be posolbIt to solve the tasks of the 7-year Plan in this field. Thero are 2 figures. Card 3/3 -WIN, V.A.; KURDTIMT. K.P.,- STAPARDY, T.I. (MoskyaL) The IST-1 combined remote control system for dispersed abjectso Avtovsi telen. 20 no.2:249-252 If 159. OGIU 12- 3) (Remote control)