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HUITGARY/Cheraicai Technoiogy - Chemical Products and Th'Ar Application. Elements. Oudes. Mineral Acids. Bases. Salts. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya., 110 17, 1958, 57958 purity after sulfuria acid processing, the solution must be neutralized to a pH of 6, in the presence of H202 by means of Al(OH) 3* Card 2/2 - 16 - jjc~R'.7 --,I T Thermcd,miri-c of th r-act.1 -edlic,lon. ot . " r, Im 0-,c 1-,; o cnni~v. 32. (Ko~~,~,SZATT L.To"'. .101. 12, no. I SO. r,;Olltfll-.r List or ~i*,ast, "'ll-OneM i-.CCe!7Sl-(MS ""0l. 'o, rin. 121, uncl . o~, -Inc 112 UTOK. 12, no. 3, -:ar. Furl-p-t a r v SO Fonthl:f List of "ast ':'iwonean AccorsionF ro. lincl . h Distrit Ws~ d .4 d 1 IC re A 9 o . 4 Ill 0, 4 il-P Y 11 tolidefised ph ases are insol. in each other, the systems contg. 0% In the gas phase only can be considered as univariant. If one tuldtil. cornpd. Is present, the system becomes bi- 0 " I 2 addal. gases occur, It becomes trivariant. variant:d i It the condensed phases are sol, In each other, The no. of variables Is the sum of till gases and all dissolved tompo- nents. H. INd. 112-1g.-Four reactions take place: ZnO + C - Zn + CO (1). MO + C - 2Zn + COs (H) ZnO + CO - Zu + CO~ (111). and CO, + C - 2C0 (IV). 11 these occur simultaneously, the equil. catulln. of the a 82 d C0 St d t i 6027 CO 48 010% d Z s u s u . , an . pro uc , . g of ti i ki ti f th di t M ti t th d 1 - le ne cs o e re= on n es o. m a pre nates. To avoid re-o", flon the Pou/pco, ratio should be :, 3000; to ensure this, a min. temp. of 1100' is itteded kept l; at w felt the rate of IV greatly exceeds that of LU. No re- * id l l Z b i i k Li l ox at on ta ace be ow 5W . n d lis to ap- es p eg ju * 1 6 T i f 11 I . coast. o 049 and 7. atin. he equ s I at pear at 7_ tit this tenip, the gas phase consists of 625' CO and r 38" lo CO,. At I atm. total prmure and 0.5 atin. pirtial Zu vapor pressure I Itegins at 000, It at 011A. und.JU at W; tile resitC.Ttive tellips., when starting from nortnal conditions, are 050. 1077, and JBIO*. L. G. Atviii HUNGARY/Chemical Tz!cllnolop~ H-12 ,j, Chemical Products and Their Pa"A, 2. - Electroihemical Induatriee, Chemical 8ourcea of Electric Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 10, 1958., 33146. Author : Z. NorNilti-, Inst ; Ac='&t7y af 53ciez!ces of Dingary. Title :tW.*-.-.-Lfac-*,;--):,-::.--.ig -,I' M-nganeae Sulfate Solution Fit for Electrolyzis from lrlr~t Washery Slimes. Inst :Acts, tecLm. Acad. sci. hung., 1957, 16, No 3-4, 2oo,-23o. Abstract: The tecbnology of manufacturing a sulfate electrolyte suitable for electrolytic Mn production is proposed. The basic operations of the technological process are: a/ ore reduction in a gas flow at 400 to 5000 in the duration of 1 hour; b/ cooling in a reducing Card 1/2 HUNGARY/Chemical TecbnoloMr, Chemical Products and Their H-12 ApplicaV-:n, Pazt, 2. - Electrochemical Industries, Electroplating, Chemical Sources of Electric Cur- rent. Abs, Jour: Referat. Zhurnal, Khimiya, No 10, 1958, 33146. atmosphere; a/ leaching at normal te-zmerature with th-- solution retuxaing from the electrolysis. The compositi6n of the solution is (in g per liter): (NH4)eo4 - 200, free H2SO4 - 60, MnS04 - a small amount. The yield of Ma was 93-33 or 94.o4ep depend- ing on the leaching conditions. Card 2/2 qOr'tVAT:-I) Comoutation of the economical ciirrent density ,:ecures the lowest speci.Pic power consumpt-Jon in zinc electrolysls. (To be co:ntd.) P. 135. KOIIASZATI L~LPOK. (Mai-yar Banyaszat-i es kohaszati fudapest, HungarT Vol. 14, no - 4, Apr. 1959. W 7 lonthly 1-Ist of East European Accessions (KEAI), If,, "401. 13 No. 6, Aurist 1959. Uncla. HOWATH$ Z. Thermodynamics of the reactions taking place during the oxidation period of copper refining,* In English. p.159. ACTA T---MIlr-k. Budapest, Hungary* Vole 25y no. 1/2, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959 Uncl. 7~Thsmo_dp- cif t a a coudd of load WES s clMohne. as"a and I&W Weber. t: VoAdisali Lapok 15, 26NW.; * CA SY,-MOU.- From the equil. const.~ calod. from the thermodynamic normal potential. the changes in the equil. Zn content of the refined Pb. In relation to the tempinand to the Ph content of the chloride 44. can be cgl4c4. Increase In the Pb con. tent and (or) it deavAsC In tetnp. will reduce the Zn content the refined product. L. 0; Ar"I-;,- -- -- ------- -- PALOVICS, Pal, okleveles kohomernok; HORVATH Zoltan, dr. Economical loading of alumin= electrolyzers under the existing circumstances in Hungary. Koh lap 93 no.4:181-It Ap 160. HORVATH, Zoltan, dr.; WBM,, Jozeef Themodynamic examination of the processes occurring during the. dezinciffeation of lead by means of chlorine gai. KOJI lap 93 no-51 193-199 My 160. .HORVATH, Zoltan, dr., egyetemi tanar; NAGY, Miklos, egyetemi tnnn seged History of training metallurgical engineers in Hungary. Koh lap 93 no.5s235-240 MY '60. 1. Kohomernoki Kar dekanja (for Horyath). 2.. Dekani titkar (for Nagy). HORVATH, Zoltan, dr.; WEBER, Jozsef Thermodynamic examination of the $rocesses occurring during the dezincification of lead by means of chlorine gas. Koh lap 93 no.6:268-273 Je 160. i. Faclatv Ifft"-W HORVATH, Zoltan~ dr. "Femipari Kutato Intezet Kozlemenyei", vol.3,, 1959; a periodical review by Zoltan Horvath. Koh lap 93 no.9:429 S 160. HORVA7H,, Zoltan.. egyetemi tanar (Miskolo) The work of the Department of Met&3.1,urgv. Borsod szemle 6 no.6.184--86 ~U. HORVATHS Z., doctor of; WEBM,, J. The Parkes process with zinc addition in two stages S;ranting minimm zinc consumption. Acta techn flung 40 no.3/4:263-284 1162. 1. Metallurgical Department of the University for Heavy Industry, Miskolc. - -HORVATTI -1921!!njr.; WEBER, Jozmmf 91!1 The Parkes procesm as a work method Insuring double addition of zinc in special view of the 3east use of zinc. Koh lap 95 ro.3:108-114 Mr 162. - HCRVATH Zoltandr.f egyetemi tanar; MIHALIK, Arpad, tanarseged Experiments relating to the elimination of lead sponge formation being observed during the manufacture of white lead pigment. Koh lap 95 no.8:360-366 Ag 162. 1. NNE Femkohaszati Tanazek vezetoje (for Horvath). .T40,qITAU, Zoltan,__Or, 11'.,.~16AI, Fert!nc, Dr, candida-.r-s o~' ve~r--razry sciences; Veterinai7 'medical University, '~epartr-pnt of 'Vedicine andl Olinic (Allatorvos- -I[,udo:-,an3rJ. ~-yeteg Bel-yo-ryaszati Tanszek es Klinika' (chairman: HORVATH, Zoltan, docent, candidate of veterinary sciences). "Kidney Clearance Tests With a Sin-,le Injection of Phenol Red, Without Urine Testin,-. II. Clinical Application." BudaDest,'Mai.-Var Allatorvosok LaDja, Vol 18, No 8, Au- 1963, pa-es 321-323. Abstract; 'Authors' English summarj modified] Phenol red is the most suitable test of the kidney clearance in cattle,since concentration tests can not be used. Favorable results -,-here obtained with Unis methad i--x the testLn~r of kidney function in otheranimal species as well. Cows with severe kidney illi- uairment -lave half-times (t1/2) between 40-75 'minU-1-cs, Tn cases of lesser disease the half-time was 26-38 minutes. Similar results were obtained, in horses and do;~s. T-he values obtained were in agreement wi-th the clinical and patholo.aical findin--s in most of the cases and indicated the degree of affection in the kidneys correctly. No references. 1/1 HORVATH, Zoltan, dr., agyetend tanar I - - ----------------- 1, x The now reform c#4Ticulum at the Faculty of Metallurgy. Koh lap 96 no.2s56-61 F'163. . . 1. Nehesipari Muszaki Egyetem Kohomernoki Kar dekanja. HORVAITI, Zol'~an, dr. , dekan I Glilde. Koh lap 97 no.ll:Suppl:Ontode 15 no.lL4 of cover N 164. 1. Chair of Metallurgical Engineering, Technical University of Heavy Industry, Miskolc. Veterinary Medicine F UNG A Ry ,,RlLqn,_2.r, professor, R0ZSA1!F-,,YI, Tibor, Dr, adjunctus; Veterinary FORVATH,_Z TP Zica]C~ University, Fepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinic (chairman: 'qORVATH, Zoltan, Dr, professor, cand. of vet. sci.) (Allatorvostudomanyi Egyetem, Belfryoayaszati Tanszek es Klinika). "Current Principles of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Indigestio Pro- ventriculorum I. DiaS,nosis." Budapest, Maryar Allatorvosok Lapja, Vol 21, No 7, Jul 66, pages 289-296. Abstract: (Authors' En7lish summary modified] The procedure involved in the diagnosis of rumen inactivity is discussed including some complementary methods such as the examination of the rumen contentsthe takinF, of rumino- graphic records and the Use of a ferro5cope. In addition to anamnestic data as well as L.-eneral and detailed clinical examinations, the followin..- condi- tions are also considered carefully when studying the etioloi-y of the syn- drome; fullness and gas content of the forestomach and the results of the rumen content examination (physical condition, pH, infusoria, sedimentation, aas production, cellulose divestion, nitrite binding ability, amount of volatile fatty acids). Special attention is paid to the runinograms and to the results of ferroscopic examinations. By feeding ensilaCe alfalfa to ~ri U:4- ~A.Kv. n; ROZSAHEGYI, Tibor; HORVATH, Zoltan, Budapest, Magyar Lllator~~i~ _C~~Ja, Vol 21, No 7, Jul 66, pp 289-296 two groups of cows (four animals each), the authors succeeded in producing a so-called real, primary indigestion. The results of rvaen content and ruminographic examinations are described in detail. The findings indicate that the above diagnostic and complementary methods greatly facilitate elucidation of the etiology- 5 Eastern European, 3 Western references, 2/2 97 H0X,1ATH,,_4o4 j1,_Dr, professor, ?-0Z3AH_)YJ, Tibor, Jr, adjunctus, JONY-E, --, -A, . 3 Sandor, Dr, assistant professor; Vpterinar-j Medical Univers ity, Department of Internal Vpdicinp and Clinic (chairman: HORVATH, Zoltan, Dr, professor, cand. of vet, sci.) (Allatorvostudomanyi E6yetem, Belv-yo:,yaszati Tanszek es Klinika). "Prevention of Perforative Reticuloperitonitis by ~Ieans of a Mai-netic Sound." Budapest, Ya~,~yar Allatorvosok Lapja, Vol 21, No 7, Jul 66, Pajes .302-306. Abstract: (Authors' Fn!,l1rh sunmary modifieJl After positLve ferroscopic findincs, a modified Melikszetyan's ma7netic bouJie that is simple, in- expensive and easy to handlp wis pis!ied in 76 exr_rinental cattle. In all, 119 sharp metal objects, over 2 cm lon7 and suitable for causinq perforation, were removed from 43 animals (56.5 pet, cent). Probing of short duration was ineffective but 90 metal objects from 26 out of 30 experimental animals were successfully removed by magnetic probing of 2Li hours' duration. The effectiveness of the procedure was increased by small doses of parasym- pathetic stimulants. Tbe procedure was preceded by rastinc for 12 hours in every case. The procedure is harmless and can be successfully performed in every animal with the exception of those having esopha,'~eal stenosis. Metal 1/2 98 HUNGARY . UO-MLE-e-Zoltan; ROZSAHEGY1, Tibor; GONYE, Sandor, Budapest, Magyar Al1atorvos_o-1k-L-Zp'Ja, Vol 21, No 7. Jul 66. pp 302-306 objects imbedded in the wall of the reciculum can not, however, be removed with a magnetic probe. Periodic performance of 24 hour magnetic probing of older cattle is recommended to decrease tho number of metal carriers and to remove sharp metal pieces from the reticulum which may cause perforation. 6 Eastern European. 10 Western references. L 4c~aq2-6o ACC NR, A16034301i SOURC& CODEI 10J/00W66/060/005/02J-7/0221 D Professor) Doctor of Technical Sciences, and MIHALIK. ,KQ&VA Arjpad, Associate Professor, "Investigation of the Reactivity of Carbon-Containing Substances" .,Buda;est, N0jAZAtiAjyjLk# Vol 99, No 5, May 1966, pp 217-221. 'Abstract: Among the characteristics determining the suitability of various coals for industrial purposes one of the most important one is reactivity. .Means for determining the reactivity of coals were presented and discussed.: :It was shown that the Boudouard reaction, C02 + C a 2CO) provides the most suitable basis for this determination. The principles and techniques in- volved in determinations of.reactivity on this basis were presented in some detail. The equations chaiacterizing reactivity comprise the relationships ~between diffusion) grain size., reacting surface, gas pressure, and the lilceql~l Some examples were presented for the applications of the relationships dijP-.j1 cussed. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 18 formulas. &FRS 36,8673 ORG.: none TOPIC TAM: coal chemical reaction SUB CODE:- 08,07 1 suBM DATE: none / ORIG REFi 004/ OTH REF: 015 f',r UDC Y and Dr Gyula universit 1 ct r r (egyatomi Prof .,-Drat. Zq~ 0 u C! docens),Oa-.4-Ldatos of Veterinary ;J*ciuncos; Chair and Cl-.'nJ.c of internal ',I~edicine (Ealg,yo,Yyaszati Tanszek es Xlinika), University of Veterinary Science (Allat- orvostudomanyi -'-Yoten)- "General Veterinary Xedical Trainin,-. at the University of Veterinary Sciencef, Budapest, ~111~torvosoic Llan-, Vol 21, No 8, Aug 6'; p?. 148---7,1. Abstract r~uthorls S'n,--lish sur=ary, moczifiodl: Authors renort on t~7e organization of tho trenural vutorinary pra,~tice of studenLzs, introduced at the University of Veterinary Science, BudaDcst, two years allo, and on the experiences acquired in this oractice. Fourth- and fifth-vear students, in :-I-ou-)s ol, 6 cr 7, call or, state fanns, cooperative farms, state verorinary stations not far fror Budapest, durin'- 'the first 4 days of each week, and carr3- out practical veterinary work urder uiroction of an instructor and in col-aboration with t*,-Ie vCtar-"nary 5~;r-con in charL7e. Some of these place5 are vis.-Ited once evax~j t-.,.,o -wrecks. Tine authors consider th-is practice and the experiences acquired durin its c0li.-st~ advantageous not only Alrom the vaterinar;[ point of vIew, but a-so as a teach-Ing tool. 29 References, mainly Western. MATOK, Gyorgyne; HORVATH, Zoltanne; KORACH, Mor; EMOD, Gyula; HEIACZ9 Worgy; PESTHY, Iiszlo A. new type cf primarl electric source used in telecommunication techniques; alsoo remarks by Z.Horvath, and others. Muszaki kozl Mata 26 no.1/4:321-333 16o. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Tavkozlesi Kutato Intezet (for Matok) (Telecommunication) MATOK, Gyorrme; HORVATH, Zoltanne The role of inhibitors in develqing dry batteries. Wgy ker. folyo-4r 66 no.9:367-369 S 160. 1. Tavkozlesi Kutato Intezet., Budapest. H(RIVATH, ZS. Causes of unsized fiber waste. P. 205. MAGYAR TEXTILTECHNIKA. (Textilipari. Muszaki es Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 11, no. 5. May 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), IC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. 7;'1'1-()) L. - U Signif icance of delirdtation of spheres oC aut',ority in cominc t ion "kith tot-mr, With the jurisdiction oC a county. p. V3. Vol 7, no. 6, June -P7ZFGLkD PAPIER"'ICZY. Lodz, Poland. So: Eastern Faropean Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 195~, HORV-A TIf BORS , Erno Constructional members with concrete skeleton system and their building technology. Magy ep ipar 12 no.3:121-135 ,63. UjHUYI, Janos; BONTA, Jozoef; DEAK, Gyorgyna~-~ -kOA.L EMO Constrticting middle and large blocks from foam slag concrete. 14697 ep ip 10 no.2-.65-70 461. 1. "Magyar EpItoipar" szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja. HORVATHOVA,',B,1'azena., promovany geograf Temperature of Slovak streams. Vodohosp cas L! no. 1: 5- 15 '64. 1. Hydrometeorological Institute, Bratislava'Branch. SEDLAK, J.; PIZL, M.; Tecbniclca spolupraca 11ORVATHOVA, 0,;. HALAMA, M, Progesterone in the treatment of edema in cardiac InsufficlenC7. Preliminar7 report. Bratial. lek. listy 42 no.5:278-283 162. 1. Z Centralneho laboratoria OUNZ v Martine, prednosta MUDr. J. Sedlak, a z internebo oddelenia OUNZ v Martine, prednosta MUDr. M. Pizl. (HEART FAILURE CONGESTIVE ther) (PROGESTERONE ther) AU1'HORS: TITLE: .231h5. Z/045/61/000/002/001/001 D231/D304 PERIODICAL: Na'ter Ivan- HorvAthovA, Son"a and Netschev', Drahomild a (Bratislava5 The influence of-inelastic internal resistance on the velocity.of bending waves in elastic bars Matematicka - fyzikAlny.c'asopis, no. 2, 1961, 131-145 TEXT: The mathematical investigation of ,.rave velocity in elasti,c bars has been undertaken at several levels. The simplest theory, neglecting the internal residtance, has been given by G. Kol'skiy (Ref. 1: VoIny napryazheniya v tverdykh telakh (Stress Waves in Solid..Bodies) Moscow 1955 expressed in the differential eq-jation C2kA ey + ~!_Y = 0. (1) 0 DX4 &2 Kollskiy is also quoted as-having prepared graphs Z-Abstracter's note: Not given-in this papex.-2 which are compared with the results of the more exact theo3~y given by Rdyleigh (Ref. 2: Teoriya zvuka Card 1/8 Z/04YO1 000/002/001/001 The influence ok inelastic... D231 D30~ (Theory of Sound.) Moscow-Leningrad 1940) and also by S. Timoshenko (Ref. 6.: Pruz'nodt a pevnost, Prague 1951) essentially in the form of.equation 4 2 2 2 a Y + Y cok W k' a4y -0. (4) x aXIOt2 Taking the inelastic internai resistance Ihto consideration the authort obtain equation 1+1 C2k:e 04Y + 0-Y =0 0 &1 Ot2 (14) derived in accordance with Ref 1 (Op. c1t) and corresponding to Eq. (1) and if one proceeds according-to Ref. 2 (Op. cit) 2 a 4Y 12 2 34 Y I + I-L k - + a Y - k (19) . ) C2 LIX 2T_ 0 aX4 a12 2W is obtained.corresponding to Eq. (4); on solving the equation, the Card 2/8 The influence of inelastic... the authors obtain 23145 Z/045/61/000/002/001/001 D231/D304 1 + A VT' c2k2 + i 2,5,z. 57 o 2,j-t t (22) 1 (l + i k2 (I + ~L) E LK -A G \--4r)t.4 C4 /.tG at + 0. 2)z 0/ 0 the dependence,-of--the.velocity on the wavelength being expressed in '27ccok C= + (17) (21) C C, I+ +(tYl 24' 2!llj:, Card 3/8 23U6 ..Z/045/61/000/002/001/001 The influence of Inelastic.... D231/D304 and CO J11 +1EGD[I +Ty) 4 'uG c T2 E (25) 2 4( 3 ( 0 ~2 4- T~Tr) 16 27r in accordance with Ye. S. Sorokin (Ref. 3: Metod ucheta neuprugogo soprotivleniya materiala pri raschete konstruktsiy na kolel?aniya Sbornik TsNIPS, 1951), where + i E 6 ) (10) and- T I + 'i G -y (11) 2 rc In these expressions the inelastic internal resistance.causes a slight increase,in the wave velocity. According to Sorokin's new Card 4/8 The influence of inelastic... 23W Z/045 /61/000/002/001/001 D231/D304 hypothesis-(Ref. 12: K teorii vnutrennego treniya pri kolebaniyakh- uprugikh sistem. (On the Theory of Internal Friction During Oscilla- tions of Elastic Systems) Moscow 1960), u.+ iv ) EE (loa) and. . I' u + iv G~ (Ila) where f_L~ ~2 ~47cj 27t + I ~ ~2 + W (12) If ond expresses the inelastic internal resistance according to this new theory As (u + iv) c2k' 04Y +12Y 0 a(2 (28) + iv) c,20 ~~Y- + k' 1)4Y 0. ( U. aX4 a.,CZat2 (32) Card 5/8 Z/04%600"00/00-2/001/001 The influence .og-inelastic.o. D231 304 and V)2C.2 *2 f(u + k 4~, Y A:2 + (u + 2 V) _E a 4Y I+ PEE _a4y 0 (35) . 2 C at' 01 the dependent wave velocity is given -by expr6ssions C 2nck 1 1+ I O (30) It) C CO 1 - + (- 1 (34) 2f. k and C= c ~O 4 .1 ~2 + juG - - , + I+ I + uG -4 pG 2]12 + - ,, E 2.k) E ~ E E (38) + 21 2 ~4n Card 6/8 233.45 Z/045/6L/000/602/001/001 The influence of inelastic... D231/D304 Here the inelastic internal resistance causes a decrease in the velocity. Taking a value of 0.2 for Y , the correcting factor becomes according to Eq. (22) Z-Abstracter's -note: Sorokiu's old hypothesis2 1 1.000 14; comparing that with the result obtained according to the new hypothesis where one obtains the correcting factor Z 0.999 987, it is clear that the decrease in velocity is only approximately 0.0013% of the speed; this value is practically negligible except in the case of materials with a high value of JP(e.g. ferroconcrete). The author gives the following glossary of symbol values: I# a coefficient of internal energy absorption; Co E = modulus of elasticity (in tension); s - specific al.-, k a4k_ masa of - bar mater:L I moment.of inertia; S - section- al area of the bar; t a time; 6 relative lengthening (under ten- sion); ), = relative movement (under compressioZ; x a right angle coordinate referring to the equilibrium position of the bar; y a deflection of single points from axis-_G a modulus of elasticity (compression); c - wave velocity (bending waves); 0* - normal stress; Card 7/8 The influence of inelastic... 23145 Z/045/61/000/002/001/001 D231/D304 T = tangential stress. There are 1 figure and 12 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the 4 most recent English-language publications read as follows: S. Timoshenko Phil. Mag. 41 (1921) p 744; D.Bancroft Phys. Rev. 59 (1941) p. 588; G. E. Hudson Phys. Rev. 63 (1943) 46; R. M. Davies Phil. Trans. A. 240 (1948) p 375. ASSOCIATION: Katedra fyziky Slovenskej v Bratislave (Department University) vysokej skoly tekhnickej of Physics, Slovak Technical SUBMITTED: June 15, 1960 Card 8/8 0 0 0 a 4 4 0 6 it I it 41 4t d 1 It a a 64 10 it U I x x 41 4" eat t, tj is w s 4 4 to a A It S a P A- a 1A 0 4X 0 U f h I fi t fjabtot Woo a' hYd'"torbasts *a (14CS ABC Uj46 11.,tvithy. KmIme'siyek 4hirj. k d U -* o " 0,"NO KOMS 20. 422,I(IGM.-No w4fig. naut !uRmn could be peoduced an do" by mb,-ujameow Of An Oily Gain. of stthkhokt1saw. Appli. 6 - - to the uttfam of the Ais of -kT mwed vwxwrtmil s tu t y P 0t- -fth both nwsbykbWmjhrvw wd bgusml,. R&ts wem MOO" tfAdsnt 10 INAh AMU. 8w(att bardeningilith O r 00 u any rancams turichn. S. S, tit HOAT a l; 00 l 00 00 0 **a 00 lee kYWE CLAIWOPKATION m4TALLUNGKAL LITIO Do It 49 it &V t,, 0 0 0. 0 0 0 4 00 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 Ve lee too too ......... too 0 0 *00060000000 KGRVATHY L. Soviet mining rescue appartus. p. 649. (Banazati Lapok, Budapest, Vol 9, no. 12, Dec 1954) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC Vol 1~, no. 6, June 1955 Uncl ZIF 4:1 rr (Joiirnql on prosicctinIc- ind m..inin- isijecl je ',',mFarj--n ifrir4 an,4 c -'I production. f~rthll,) Vol llj ro ov. onthl", 1-;S+ of -`::ot Z~',.,ronc:ln iccp 9, no-2. Feb. 196o F, L r *a $Uvsf SWt SWN*ao. Tibor VC-almird'a . 11calvithy (Univ.. 8 Ist flung.). magpir -Krpm-. - Jlsb Ai 4 5224-41(1949)._~ dc'vk'c'j w" C=Stfwttlgl for ll~se PUqx*e ~Iscratchlag the surfemo(lk ! Silver electrode during cfectrollYllis. This electrode was Preltd. from a thick wire by Issunincring it into a disklikc ,(.Uns- c(mtg. various ansts. of AgNOg, KAg(CN)j, 9 101011 were electrolyzed and the Inech"Imll of depitaltion of As oil the cathode was studied. (;&WOM %j was bubbled through the soins. durit It-chollysis to inhibit the disisolving: of All in the cyanide :3a, The nuu. current ds. were dctd. at which the Ax ppin. ou the cathode still agreed with the law of Faraday, these y4lue, are Called "Untits" of I(X)';. Ac pilto. 7*his linsil was the highm in AgNo. solos. a, coinparell to other Wnj. If %iffe"tkal concti.. and the lowest in m4m. of Ag(NH,),Olf. JU Value of 1100% increased parallel to the' uscrealse of Ag Macn.. but showed no alteration when KNO, or Silsoll was added to the "". at a given Ag concu. The addis. of Mesa KCX to a sWn. of KAg(CN)j diminishes! the value of IMS. faciftsing (he temp. In the ln(ervalo--20, increased the value of Ili*% by &?,out 1% for each degree centigrade. A correlation of the atustlic-dhatsiviag qiffect jothecuffeutd., shnilmir to that of the cathode waa observed. 7,be numeric vahm of llms~ aVocared somewhat her for the anole i 7U presence No of NO.. KCN`. and *qW.011 Increased ,j;; TW- Of &-Wic ltsa- - The results of exists. show no 514- nA-t differemeas 1;;~wccu clectiltslytic pptn. of A# from AS loss hydrates Present in simple assists. a( Ag Will and Clectrolytie pp,, of Air In alechani-ts ol, tll~ ProC, coalspl~T i-a The the the lo'llOw"C' T-b "rik" front file soln. by tile follce t1i th arr U r %U the AlIrf,w, of calls, firl 1, the,, Is At Jose front the as I Ide. -htft ill,, are n' culrdl- US611. The lon Iransr, by this Pon * I&Y a misalficunt role -" 'r 'file is rePIA"VI h. ,a the ~Iet "Irre"t 4 E`Kt principle., us 'it" fe" ect. Calen. l.'I _. .1howed that the I ~=n" Of thr)-avrr I"" mtwUe1Ttb1,b,ct5.uU'ft&t`,c, (48 X!le cSillodt and the interior of I he 4,4m In. 71115 1 'ablailled in oth" r4+1 " In sscrovilance with Diffulinn act it' an'ts- '"I'lle-r--idin S' ",Y tra"'Irr, A, I"% %-aloes. 1,, 9 to the* cat hwic current .1 the c&w 0( . UP I'. t h, (braillu,", ujW.4 Convat d*' ist-tv, ill,, 11 x6lelkv or Allf.l. C,IO MlIAcr I hc fol hiso; - an't 'It -14 rl-11111PNI ably Clue 1.) a layrr covel WHIC Offect, t'low, 1,41" V Ilid Not ring the surf ~~J_ Ill xvills that his layer I Ace o( the xmxl~ jIW of All a- m"Jaies lxlmss%henth~, k - IWtw"n it I I wily es than "t ve scar of -fifitt"gon which is "d I of Ch, ,4, alter X'h ,C11 and the Ii surface of ano&. 1. In rrpeet to Ag L F ally I', f , 4 HUNGARY / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 3. - Drugs, Vita- mins, Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-nimiya, No 18, 1958, 61966. Author : Istvan Floderer, valailt HorvaQy. Inst :Not given. Title :Chloropromazine Determination in Pharmaceutical Preparations (Largactyl, Megaphene, Hibernal). Orig Pub: Acta pharmac. hung., 1957, 27, No 4 -5, 152 - 160. Abstract: A colorimetric method of determination of ac- tive substances in preparations containing chloropromazine (I) /Targactyl, megaphene, hi- bernal (aminozin In USSR17 was developed. ~t is based on the color reaction of I with Fe chloride in a hydrochloric medium. The con- ditions, under which I can be detected in con- Card 1/2 58 -iUNGL HY / Chemical Technology) Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 3. - Drugs, Vitamins, Antibioticsi Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyaj No 18, 1958, 61966. Abstract: centrations from 100 to 4001f in 25 ml, were determinedlexperi-mentallYe It Was found con- trarily to bibliographic data that the rod colored reaction product was ng~ an oxidation product, but consiAted of a Fe complex. The unsPlit active substance can be easily deter- mined in the presence of dissociation products. Card 2/2 FIBDERER, Istvan; HORVATHY, Valeria SLudy of tho correlation bet-vicin the lilt wi~i oxidn",-,ri or -nme imlnodbenzyl and phenothiazine derivatIves. Act pharm. H=9. 35 no.3:98-103 ftr 16 5 HOFIVATIC, Dr. Ivan "A Contribution tolhe Troatinent of Pasteurellosis in bi means of Streptoqycin". Director of Vet. Inst. at Flostar. SOURCE: Vet. SVEZAK 2, P. 390, 1953 HOTRVATIC , Drago, inz. (Zagreb) Computing the superelevation in composite constructions. Gradevinar 16 no.10:354-359 0 164. HMVATIC) Ivan (Zagreb., Izvrono voce W) Safety in ried tranaportation. Tehnika JupSuppl.:Prehran ind 17 n003.*557-561 Mr 163. 1. Drzavni podeekretar za saobracaj Izvrsnog voca NR flrvatkBe, Zagreb. HUI - 4 1 ~ -,. "Prosnoectc for c"evel-orrion", of the industry or F-as for f;orestic fuel, co'~e, the proces- sinc of coal in 1914.11 Keldja U Indu5triji, Zailreb, Vol 3, 11o 1, J,,~n 1954, p. 26 SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 1954, Lib. of Congress HORVATICp Zal,41ko, dip!. inz. c-1. Influence of the cf (-,I. Lh3 resistor logic swit~b. kut,-Zatlka 5 no.39~71~:-227 'T(4 1. fnstitube cr-"* -7hgineering, 7agi-2b, Unska u-'. bb. BANYASZ, T.; JAKO, J.; HORVATTH, I. - On the effect of treatment with butylbiguanide on the liver function. Acts. med. acad. sci. Hung. 21 no.3:257-262 165. 1. 11. Medizinische Abteilung und Zentrallaboratoriuza des Bajcsy~-Zsilinszky-Krankenhauses, %idapest. Subaitted 11-11ovembe." 16, 1964. . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOR~ATOVICOVA-IIASTELOVA, Alzbeta -T iozef KULK, Jozpf ::V,%,L%, nd Al:!4etA !1'CRVA:Otp1AVV-'A Delartment. nf riart rt.7%joio&j, uoTo-fl-ESTFYVF-riv~ Slcv-aM--X9'dc-m~, of 'ciences, C7.cchoqlov&k Academy of SCIEnces (Cdunl~.ric fyziolo3Le rastlin~ Liolo~~icky ustav Slcvenslejl akadrmle vied, Ce5koslovenska adalkemi4.vied), Bratislava, "Some Data About ChIcrosis of Black C-scrants.11 3ratislava, ai gLa, Vol 17, No 11, 1962: TF 795-803 !!~bkipjkct german suttuiry modified]: Cause of this disease Is excessive calcium in the soil and remedy 20% sur-arrhoorhat* solution Soured an at weekly intervals for two week3 or more. Iron chelate, MA or ferrous sulfate solution were ineffeeWe. There art 3 tables, contact rhotograrh of leaveel 13 Western and 4 Czechoslovak references. liclAVAY), !Iaszlri The UnitAd Incandescent Lamp and i:lectrictty C,)mFary. Szabvany kozl 16 no.7;118 JI 164. BALB4TFFY,*(stvw-,, dr. eg,~,ell-enj aaJ.-~:ak,,us; ';,_HORV;AY, egy-,-~a--!- a,-. j unkt, u. a I Studles on L~,Jnoeeptjl, a new ju,'roamicte W-1tr, J vri'-- Last -ing effect. Magy allallorv lap '41,9 nc.51:1715-179 My 164 j.6' Chair of Phar-Lanology (Hpad of Chair: Univ. V'r,:,f. Dr. igno Kovacs), Univerg-fty of Vetarilvtry Iladicille, Budapest. HOPI-I'ATHY S. "New VUS-EA 3 austenitic electrodes for high-parameter power engineering." P_ 78. ZVARANIE. (Finisterstvo hutneho pruMslu a rudnych bmi a Ministerstvo strojarenstva). Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 8, No. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EW.), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. HORYCH, S. (Zatec) Magnetic amplifier drives. Automatizace 5 no.2:53-54 F 162. EMYCHY 3. Irvituntlorl ro;v):c-d(j:r of Fjf$jj-t;r,-,)t - no,63173 JR ~63, t. .)..4 HORYCH, S. Automation of oil cleaner operation. Elektroteahnik 18 no.9: 265-266 S163. HORYGHI S. HORYCH, S. New electrical equipment for the machinery industry. p. 26. Vol, 12j no. 1, Jan. 1957 ELEKTROTECHNIK TECHNOLOGY Czechoslovakia Sol East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 HORYCIT, S. A new capaeltV bridge. Elektrotechnik 17 no.l.-17-18 Ja 162. HORYCH, S. Electric drives of regulating bars of nuclear reactors. Elektrotechnik 17 no.6sl7o-171 Je 162. HORYCH, S. Automatic time oontrol in spot welding and seam welding. Elektrotechnik 17 no.2.*58-59 F 162o HORYCH, S. Operation of heavy machine tools. Elektrotechnik 17 no.6: 172-173 Je '62. HORYCH, S. Germanium welding rectifiers. Elektrotechnik 17 no.10:291 o 162. HORYCH, S.~ I The AEG airconditioner. Elektrotechnik 17 no.10:293 0 162. HORYCH) S. Remanent contactor. Elektrotachnik 17 no.lJ.;319-320 N 162. HCRNH, S. Mosaic svitchboarda. Elektrotechnik 18 no.1:15 Ja 163. ilwycill S. ~) ~~ I - Air and gaa hurddity irer-sauriment. Sliakt-.r- 1~ 1.1~ r ~ ~ 171 Je 163. HuRy:"H, 'J, Cultl.vA-tor -A',h clecttrlnic- control. !': " -- 1~ '- - -. ~;,. r, n -. !~ 2' T. r . 1 , 22 Ja 1*05. MW, inz.; WHOUSEK, Z.,- IfCRYCHj, S, Rsiorts. ElektroteOhnik 18 no.7-.202-205 Jl 63. HORYCH.9 S. (Zatec) Meaaurement of revolutions of combustion engines .dth batter-y- ignition. Elektrotechnik 18 no.5.-lU--W 1-17 263. HORYCHP S. SV1 relay amplifier. Elektrotechnik 19 no.1-15-16 Ja164. 0 1*W, -)I H L"(Y(311, S. Cathodic anticorrosion protection. Elektrrtechnik 19 no.4M2 Ap 164. HORYCH, S. Direct clirrent engines with permanet magnets. Elektrotechnik 20 no.40L12 Ap 165. HORYDy Wanda; JEZEWSKA, Ewa Apropos of spinal manifestatione in vertebral angiomas and theIr early recognition. Pol. tyg. 19k. 18 no,35:1311-1313 26 Ag M3. 1. Z Osrodka Szkolenia Neurologii Studium Dookonalenia Lekar2y; kierownik: doe. dr med. Ee Jezewska, z Panstw, Szpitala d1a Nerw. i Psych. Chorych w Pruszkowie, dyrektor: dr med. F. Mamanowski, ordynator oddz. neurol.: dr med. BmniBlaV Stepien i z Instytutu Psychoneurologicznego; dyrektor; prof. dr med. Z.W. Kuligowski. SPINAL NEOPLAMS) (SPINAL CORD) NEUROLOGIC MMMSTATIONS) (ELECTRCIMYOGRAPHY) ~ (HEMANGIaMA) - HORYD, Wanda; DOBOSZ, Janusz A case of lelernicke's encephalopathy. Neurol. murochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no.1:71-73 ia-F 16-4. 1. Z Oddzialu Neurologicznego Panstwowego Szpitala dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych w Pruszkowie (Ordynator: doc. dr. med. I. Wald). HORYD, Wanda; BUKSOWICZ, Czeslaw The problem of epileptic seizures and EEG hypersyndronism in cerebral palsy in children (Little's disease). Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.6:829-834 N-D163 1. Z Oddzialu Veurologicznego Instytutu Psychoneurologiczne- go, Poznan; kierownik: A.Dowzenko. MEKIPTA MEDICA See 8 Vol 12/3 Neurology Far 1567. CATAMNESIS OF PATIENTS TREATED FOR TUBERCULOUS CEREBRO- SPINAL MENINGITIS IN THE NERVOUS DISEASE CLINIC OF THE MEDICAL ACADEMY IN GDA14SK DURING THE PERIOD 1948 TO 1954 - Katamneza chorych leczonych z powodu grutliczego zapalenia opon mdzgowo- rdzeniowych w Klinice Chordb Nerwowych A.M.G. w latach 1948-1954 - Ho in. Chor. Nerw. A.M.. Gdadsk - NEUROL. _"oryd W. and Kicideka M. K1 M-ROCM.PSYCHIAT. 1956. 7/suppl.4(563-565) During this period, 154 adult patients were treated with streptomycin and 4-amino- salicylic acid. Of the 56 patients who either still survived in 1956 or were since discharged. 31 could be regularly followed-up. Sixteen were regarded as cured. The remaining 15 remained under after-treatment. Of these 31 patients. 28 had resumed their daily work at the time of writing. Kukowka - Grelz (L. 8. 15) 4 HORYD 2 Wandg ..- Prelimins y experimental treatment of facial neuralgia vith acupuncture. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 12 no.5:715-719 162i 1. Z Oddzialu Neurologicznego Panstwowego Szpitala d1a Nerwowo i Psychieznie Chorych w Pruszkowie Ordynator: dr med. 1. Wald Dy-rektor: dr med. F. Kaczanowski i z Oddz. Neur. Panstw. Instytutu.Psychoneurolo- gicznego Dyrektor: prof. dr med Z.W.Kuligowski. (ACUPUNCTURE) iFACIAL NEURALGIA) P01-1-ND HORYD, 'Wanda and JUE11!SKA, c-urolj,,y Trainini,, Center Phyjiciunsl 11o~;tiraduato Trairina Progrx:i (Studium Doskconalania- LoIcarzy) (Director: Docent, Dr. med. E. JEZB1,.,',5KA), State Ho~5pital for Norvous and Psychic DiLorders (Panstivowy Szr3ital dla Nerwouo i P~.;y- chicznio Chorych) in Pruszkoi-ir (Director: Dr. med. F. KACZA- NOWSX1) and its Neurolooicel Division (Odd-zi--al _%Tourolot,,icz- ny) (D~roctor: Bronislaw STEPIEN), and the Psyche- neurologica-I Institute (Instytut Psychoneurolo.-icz-ay) (Di- roe fl-or: Prof. . 'Dr. mod. Z. W. KULIGOLSKI) I'Madullar Signs in the Cou-"so of Homangioma of the Verte- bral Column. Case Report." Warsaur, Polski TycTodnik Lolarsici, Vol 18, No 33, 26 jiu- 63, PP 1311-1313 Abstract: EAuthors' English summary] Authors report a case of hemang-ioma. of the vertebral column, which was difficult to diagnose, since the only clues, in addition to x rays, ccme from OIG tracings, and authors discuss the importance of the latter in diagnosing diseases of the central nervous ustem. 11 refs: I Polish, 4 German, other Western. 1 1 KULIGOWSKI, Zygmunt; FOFYD., Warda; Postapoplectic epilepsy. Neurol., neurochir. psycn-lat. Fol. !/, no.31369-376 My,-Je 164 1. Z Oddzial-la Neu:-ologicznego Lnstyt-atu Psychoneuro2ogr1cmego (Ordriator i dr-ektor: Z.14. Kullgowakl) i z Ifeurol-c- gicznego Panstwowego Szpitala dla Nerwowo A. l'sphyrjinie Chorych w Pruszkowie (ltrdynator* 1. Wald). -HORYD, Wanda Spastic paralysis of lower extremities in 4 related cbildren. Neurol., neurochir., psychiat. P01. 15 no.1:165-168 Ja-F'65. l. Z Oddzialu Neurologicznego Panstwowego Szpitala d1a Ner- wowo i ~aychicznle Chorych w Pruszkowle (Ordynator: doe. 1. Waldj- HORYD., Wanda; PATEISKA, Teresa Conservative treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy. fleurol. neurochir. psychiat. P01. 15 no-3:433-438 My-Je 165. l. Z OddzIalu Neurologicznego Instytutu Psychoneurologicznego w Pruszkowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. A. Dowzenko) i z Wojewodzkiej Poradni Przeciwpadaczkowej w Poznaniu (Kiero,.mik: dr, med. Z. Huber). S/081/62/000/020/0~3/040 B162/B101 AUTHORS: Maciaszek, Stanis-raw, Horyl, Lubomir TITLE: Pneumatic foaming of urea-formaldehyde resin. Part 2 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 20, 1962, 506, abstract 2OP138 (Tworzywa wielkoczasteozkowep v. 61 nos- 7-81 1961t 237-239 [-Pol.; summaries in Russ. and Eng.3) TEXT: Diagrams and description of the equipment for foaming of urea- formaldehyde resin "in situ" (a general layout chart and a diagram of the foam-producing and mixing tanks) are given. Different alternative equipments for foaming are considered in deta4l. fAbstracter,a note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 'A-C6 los 0110 mr, Hill- ra 4:A, lit IM,--M-Mw4wAp- 10 Pr ~W, Jzll -60 05ti ~ --Ra(Ltl.Y Ni Wdi; feutid a aritubk Cook- pat~d wiril acid- i-2zd 1JkA4tix:ms, kant-Y NV-walyzvo :h- fcrnaisUm, of smcnbd9ry anume& mad TMI alkylu2*111 WiLs Cprvk4 out the "IaaetAon --fttlir btin tuwvgd (45111- or by builthm it INI'l. C4 zu wu,, -0 c-~t:klt'C tr, -ut nim-tva. Thm Oolds d the. l1logt-.1 ~rc-n "MIS t1t) 7-21"p., A lair of '2191 jc. ~4i. IN-01i, anA 105 g. kaney 141' ,U) ;a a auuYvitvel lirs. -4t 2W' iprts~ sule 11 11V fikilvallun- tha tut-t. N;N':219M -tuad4allylated amines or as by allclUtiotyat pripwy -rarn-tic &mine th Id ichols. I- -V Ota j Hanousek I . , 1957. Rea ag in an autoclVe2.10 males PhNHI (1), 5,40 males abs. HtOlif, twd 5.Mc, Raney Ni (U) 6 hrs. to 220, filtering, and disig. the mixt. gives 2.1% unreacted Milt, 71.8% PhNHCt.(IU), and 10.6% PhNEtj. Analogously is obtained 50 001 b-Ilu- N'HCiH4NH]3u. An alternative method cQnsists'AW-Ating 'I mola 1, 12.0 g. EtOH, and 11.0 g. It 16 hr3. to JWI with remov f H.0 Xielding 8.4% 1 and 05.1 111 .%,. ka Ztjtrlry is b,.l Ill. :d 71.5,0 PhNHBu. 'rCu :Aoryna, J. T 112L '-Gri the Ile la L ion:ilnip Between the Distiociatioa Gonc,tant and tho :3olubility of Organic Iti'-;fo- e~c-id;s and the Aiidity .4unctions ORD'! Plul 9 *Chetft Listy, I I ,?2, lio A 8 T -he ~--.utvor propost!.-, 'Jet~-rillinatiOLI Of ttie and :~vq-:~ ;d:-.Lociati!-~n ooristants of aromatic aci'd-!, 'DI.; the %;':1n OF solub~!~-ty data at known v311sups of w4d.-Ity fuzir,,oii V,. Erv.iix- tion,s haciL, u#~aki de.- 'vfti gtving 1epemi-nce of - (.S/CC, -.L~) - *iiere So iti thr- -.,:,ncantration 0 Er ;n (~f zindi saoc ia ted d .r 1i !m4 6 1..- tho! sum of the ccinc~mtratirma of ArSO, tw%' Ar*:~,J~i~'. The -infLection. point in rhe Ic? r 3/1.2 -1 ve. Flo curved correspondt3 tri 4 13 COUNTRY zecnos, In v a ki a 3_.Ll CA 2 ZG OR'-! joup. 56491 T ITT PUL A D 3 rRA CT !L hans bee,~n that '.11e PV~ fc,r tiie first and 1 3 secord dis.,~ocjaT;j_~)ns of p-toluenesuilfonic acia and z_xyjene3uj foci; c acid are -3.14, -3-10, and re*pectively. Knessl 2 V C.,1TWICRY % ABS,, JMMo & RZKhlmvp No* 5 1960p Nos 17120 AUIT-TOR t,.__fforLn_.2_, J. No t KI.Ven Th.-~ 'Pelationship Betviecn the Diss-:,ciatLcri Corvz,,,,Ant n r! thtz SolubiLity of OvL7,anic Sulfo Acitis in M-lute Sulfuric Acld and 'the Acidity Functions Ii, and H* 'lPTJBjj CoLlection Czechoslov Chem Corrmua, 24, No 5, 1599- 1601 (1959) A BVIT-4 CT t See RZhKhim, 1959, No 16, 56491. of th,, Madium X /Rotation between the soluliflity, the degree of acidity of, the Medium, and the dIssociation comatants of 1,5-naphtha- lenedisulfonic add and 1,5- and 1,8-anthraquinonedisulfonic acids. 1. 11(!jV11'1 M,2kiimO Wav orLanickfth symhe-4. Commums. 24, Lj~'-41(10501-lirmll tilt! silly. (A the 1,&-' naplithalenedisuffoijic acid (1), 1,5- (11), and 1,8-anthraqul- nonedisulfanic acids (III) their dissocri. consts. were com- puted graphically. The values of pK.%,-ojjj and pKAcs(jjjj*, are: 1 -3.58, -6.47; 11 -3.95, Ill -2,38, -3.90. 1 The effect of change in the degree of avidity (if tilt! mediuni on the solly. S of the aromatic ~jflfonic avidsrean be expressed by (lie relations: Wit- and log GNI /S'.) E. tirdi)_- dard 1/1 aht ~4 HORYNA, J. Transformations of aromatic nitrogen substances in solutions if fwaing sulfuric acid. In German. Coll.Cz.Ohem. 24 to-11:3574- 3SIST '59. MAI 9:5) 1. Organisoh-technologisches Taboratortum I, Porechungsinstitut fur organteche Synthesen, Pardulbice-Pyb1tvi. Oritrogen) (Solutions) (Sulfuric acid) HORMAP T.; JMICKA, V. Polarographic and polarimetric measurements by means of graphite electrode impregnated with wax. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.7tl769-1774 JI 160. (EFAI 10:9) 1. Forschungsinstitut fur organische Syntheses, Pardubics-Rybitvi. (Polarograph and p'olarograpby) (Polarlmetry) (Electrodes) HORYNA, J. Contribution to the clarification of the mechanism for the dissolution of carbonic acid in a mixture of strong mineral acid with water. Coll Cz Chen 25 no.11:2720~2732 N 160. (EEAI 10:6) 1. Forschungsinstitut fur organische Syntheseno Organisch- technologisches Laboratorium I, Pardubice-Rybitvi. (Carboxylic acids) (Water) (Hydrochloric acid) (Nitric acid) (Sulruric acid) HORYNA. Jaromir "Physical organic chemistry* by Jack Hine. Reviewed bT Jaroslav Horyna. Chem prum 11 no.11:599 N 161. 1. Vyzkumn7 ustav organick7ch syntez. HORYKAY J.; IMNOUSEK, V. Nitration of zmphthalenesulfon-ic acids. II. Nitration of 1,5- and 196-naphthale,AsdiBulfonic aelds in sulfuric acid. Coll Cs ehem 26- no.1:79-90 -Ta 161. (EEAI 10:9) 1. Organisch-tecbnologisches Laboratorium I., Forachungsinstitut fur organische Synthesen, Pardubioe-Hybitvi. (Nitration) (Naphthalonesulfonic acid) (Naphthalonediaulfonle acid) (Sulfuric acid) HORYNA, -J. --- SoLubility of the naphthaline-l-sulfonic acid and naphthaline-2- salfonic acid in various concentrations of sulfuric acid. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.5sl324-1326 IV 162. 1. Forschun-sinstitut fur organische Synthesen, Pardubice-Rybitvi. 0 YORYNA,_-!L.; JEHLICKA, V. Vibrating mercury capillary electrodes for oscillographic polaro- graphy. Coll Cz Chem Z? no.5:1326-1329 My 162. 1. Forschungsinstitut fur organische Synthesen, Pardubice - Rybitvi.