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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 2, 2003
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Publication Date: 
August 20, 1975
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010005-9.pdf456.01 KB
Approved For,.~.4ld~RnpQS ntin~?onn_ng0pgg..:~ a-w. SECRET 2 0 AUG1975 I)U' FOR: The Review Staff 5X1 eputy Director for Adnthistrst itnrl Senate Select Committee Request (ARTICHOKE/BLUEBIRD) 1. ,efeeroAce is made to the 7 August 1475 verbal request of ?r. Elliot :axwell, Senste Select Comuittee staff, to f the Office of Si caarity for certain documents roe a Office of Security uzu uubered file entitled :=ARTICHOi /BUU! I RD an=: Allied Papers, which Cr. Maxwell has reviewed. Forwarded herewith are three copies of a portion of those documents requested by Mr. Maxwell. These documents have been sanitized in accordance with estab- lished Procedure. of the docuents Robert W. -am. nay Director of Security tional coordination within the Agency prior to t: eeir release to the Senate Select C?eittee. These additional documents will be forwarded to the Review Staff via a separate memorandum. are not forwarded herewith in view of the no* Ori i)istribut o atts) 1 - D/Security w/o att 1 - OS Registry w/o att 1 - SAG w/att 1 - DD/PSI: w/attS 25X1 OS/PSI/SAG (19 August 1975) 25 25X1 ..SECRET OS 57001 Approved For Release 2004/03/11: CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010005-9 Approved For -Release Q04/03/11,: Z 83-01042R00080OZ-0005-9 1. Notes of trip to w/ Navy team 8-52' / 9-52 2. Copy of letter from OSI / CIA files in re wk. Army-is doing at Belvoir. 3. OSI tells me some wk. going in at gewoo Arsenal, Chem. Corps) he is going up there 10-16/17-52 & will find out anything we want to know. 4. Looked over some of OSI Bluebird & Artichoke files E Considerable amount of material there w/ & only can tell what we have had, what's good & bad. Have arranged for him to view material when he returns from leave. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP83-0104 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010005-9 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/03/11 : CIA-RDP83-01042R000800010005-9 Approved F elease 2004103/11 C14-RD 83-0,1040000800010005-9 urJfiT el:i't,y Di rector of accuri..ty (I'nvo-3tiE.-i L ons r iid t [,ort ~ t..6:.'r~ T. tl f /_ a .... i_ ~t~.:'17 i..t.~ i c-a.;...,L~ y S_ ~?:: ..~i t)..._~Lvt,~ 25X1A ILLEGIB In accords nco wit'l C3 pr o`li.3L )n) set fort-hl in Clandestine e~aG 'J1 {~C` Instnt G c :_Cil lTOa and T':.old lit' t?.i_r.i'.] Oil a GJ Jcrt occn; c.pr1'U or the US9 of the uL1tJ jvCt, as d(3;t:; i'].1]Cd in your as forth in paragraph 1, a Dove. . Subjects of covert ; ~'C' `i ty approvals are riot to represcnt