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~7 V AUTHOR: RW7W9 A.V. TITLE: Investigation of the Trans-verse Deforination of Carbon Steels (Issledovaniye poperedanykh de--,"ormatsiy uglerodistykh staley) 1:~MIODICAL:Fizika Metallov ir Metallovedaniye, 1958, Vol 6, Nr 4, pp 725-7133 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When the strain/stress curve of a metal test piece strained elastically is detenmined e:~q)erimentally, the two portions (loading and unloading) of the graph do not coincide and a closed hysteresis loop is folmed, the area of which is the measure of -the energy absorbed by the test piece during one loading cycle, Proper understanding of the mechanism of the formation of the hysteresis loop and the ability to -,pivdict its shape and area are of great theoretical and practical interest. Thus, for instance, knowledge of tae functions describing the deviations from the Hookels law ana of the constants by vJAch these deviations rLay be determined is nec.-essary in calculations of the non-elastic strain of vibrating structures. The hypothesis put fo-i.-,vant by Davidenkov Card 1/8 (Ref.3) who already in 19-38, pastulated that the GOV/126-6 4-,"2/.34 Investigation of the Transverse Deformation of Carbon Steels formation of the hysteresis loop is associated vrith the non-homo gone cu o cimraoter of po 1y c:tVst al line alloys and with the anisotropy '-f -cha cAlastic, 1)ropeities of the crystals has L,*-:,en c;onfi_52nied by the experimental results of many other workers. Th(;,- object of the present investigation was to study v-arious problems associated with the formation of the hysteresis loops during cyclic loading. Ite hysteresis loaps were dk-te:L-mined for both longitudinal and transverse (lateral) st-rai_ns, and the relationship between these two Taodes of straining (the Poisson7s ratio) vias -also studied, It was asserted by the present a-atqor in 1-J-i earlLer --jvork (Ref.10) that a transverse cross- so. ct ion of' in elas-ui,:-ally deformed 4- metal s cimea can, a, any g-Lven moment. be divided pe into a large number of micro-volumes which are subjecced to stresses whose value ranSes from zero to 6 --, applied stress, and that the relative proDortion of tii~ trans-urerse section of the specimen which at the gi-ven moment is deformed plastically, fn., is Siven by the formula Card 2/8 frL = 0Y/TI(Eqt.1) where TJ J-9 a new con.5-Uanr, of the Investigation of the Transverse Deformation of Carbon )'teels metal - "modulus of micro-plastici-ty". From the expression 1/1T= falay it can be seen that -the value of 1/jTis numerically equal to that -ela-r.-ive portion of the transverse section which anters the 1.ilasl%;3*_~ range when the actual stress is increased by 1 kg/cm4s In the same work the following formulae were derived: (i) Strain during loading, co, express ia terms ofTT E - Young's modulus, and Q - the actual stress (Eq.3~1 (ii) Strain during unloadii~g, TOP expressed in terms of IT, a, E and- a I - the max-awam. stress of the cycle (Eq.4) (iii) The widtk of the hysteresis loo-D (4e) at a &.1ven stress a I expressed in tenas of TT,, El a and 01.3 (The val.-Ldity of these fom-lulae was* coiLfirmed experiment- ally.) In his present work the author proceeds to establish the law governing the relationship between the coefficient of tra-asverse strain, p., and the applied 0-ta:,ass 0. The coefficient p0 can be considered as being determined by the coefficieuts of elastic and plastic transverse strain (py and ~in, _-L-e-spectively). A formals. (Eq.8) is dArived in which a. is axomssed in terms Of Card 3/8 Pyi, ftv 3311oi m3y and min where the last 1~bi-ee symbols c ,AN/12C-6-4-22/34 Investigation of the Transverse Deforalution of Garbon Steels denote the total number of deformed microvolumes. the number of microvolumas deformed. elastically emd the number of volumes deformed P last tc-_.-Ily. By taking Ik = 0.25 (Ref.11, 13) and I.LTI -_ 0.5 (keft'5)1~ and b5 making some simplifying assumptlion. this formula --an be simplified to give 4o = 0.25 (1 + --n) (Eq,-9). From this, and from expressions (, 12) obtained by the author in his earlier war!,-~ (Ref,l()), -Uhe final formulae are deri-ved irL xtiicl~ tae, coefficients of transverse strain during --oading (V-"O"j' and unloading (ro) are expressed in terms of a., ol aaid(j~ (Eq.1,--) and 14). The validity of these foriaulaa wao clat;cl-ed experimentally: The standard, tensile test pi(.~ees were pi:epared from five types of plain carbon steels and a chromium steel (40 Kh) in the Annealed, normalised and quenched condition. The accuracy of measurements of the longitudinal and lateral deformations was 0.1 and 0.01 IL rospectiirely, Fig.2~ shows the experimental 1N-,sultr. of t~e deteimination of po of the chromium steel. 1t can be seen that the Card 4/8 theoretical curve Ito = -f (a) is in a good agreement with Investigation of the Transverse ijeformation of' Steels the experimental points,, (Fig.3 shows that this relationship is not affected by the ampli.-~,ude of the loading cycle . ) It appears tha t wh ile during loading and unloading lio changes gradually its sralue d-rops suddenly to a minimum of 0.2~i at -,,he beginning of both the loading and unload-ing period . (In the high ztress region the experimental values of u are markedly larger than those calculated froDi Ue theoretical formulae. This is attributed to tdie fact that at the high values of the applied sll;ress a vex-j large proportion of t;he microvolumes is deformed plastically~) In the next stage of the aut-hor's work t;'.,ie aroblem. of deteraination of n is discussed., A generai formula for T", (Eq,,15) is obtained by sovLng eqx I L 3t on 13,. With the aid of the experinental datLa-(~. SVIfiea formula 0~136_ 0 is deri-y--d .:,,q,-LD and by ~L - 0. 2' solving Eq.16 relative to'p,~. siirP*.'-ifd.ed formulae for j?o and a-, are obtained (Eq-L.?jB'j~ Pis. 4 shows that graphs o? both the original and s-Implified equations Card 5/8 ara almost identical which means 't-hat- with--Ln a wide Investigation of the Transverse Deformation of Catbon SteeL5 interv 1 of the applied stiessoa the variation of Po can be regarded as linear. Table 2 gives the values of 7; for normalised, pla-Ln carbon steels,, Therma'L treatment affect~3 rl to a considerable de-Sree- Table 3 shows that for both 'uhe steel (':,0 Ma) and -olain carbon steel (11-0) the value cf v-1 i-6 lov&est in -the annealed condition,, slightly largei ix- tLe --ormalised condition rind increases oorosidaralbl-y- after penchin-e;, In the final chapter of thEt presoiOl- wovlk formulae are derived in vuhich the transw~aEie ~- 1 11 d T rLn U! loading and imioading ajlo! I re!~:Pectiwelyy~ lire -as cf o t:-, R -A 0 e~cpressed in teri ri (Eq_23 and 24). The curves of the tram-,-dCx.r"e de-f;::rnoLiot.. ('Like those of the longitudinal deforaition) are parabo.'Lae . The theoretical hysteresis loops for 44-de plain carbon steel 60 are shown in Fig.C-. tnost:, f3r tj~e cj'aroallla steel in Fig.?,,, and the fact that thie !_-,q)ei-ime1i,.ta1 point-2 coincide almost exactly with the theoretical. curvas proves the correctness of the fo~Lmulated theory., Card 6/8 Equations 3 and 23 can be written in such a manner (Elq,.25) I UV/1 26,-1' 2/34 Investigation of the Transverse Deformation of Carbon Steels that the first terms of the right side of' these equations represent the elastic deformations of a perfectly elastic bod,7. Consequently, the se8ond terms ve the corrections for the non.-elastic deformation Eiq.26). Lastly, from equations 23 and 24 a formula f is derived (Eq.27) in which the width of the hysteresis loop of trazxsverse defoimiation (A e1) is exprassed in terms of E, a, I a and Tj . It is easy to show that- the width of the Eysteresis loop of longitud:Lual deformation is twice that of (,6 el). The same conclusi-on was reached by the re-sent author on the basis of experimental rescults Nef.16). The results of the present work have proved thei. expediency of the introduction of the concept of -the "micro-plas-ticity modulus": If its value for any given m&terial. is known, the hysteresis loop can be detexmined and the coefficient of the transverse deformation can be Card 7/8 SOV/126-6-4-2'2/34 Investigation of the Transverse Deformation of Carbon Steels calculated without resorting to complex and difficult experiments. There are ? figu-,es, 3 tables, and 18 references of which 1j- are Soviiat and 1 English. ASSOGIATION: Stalingradski7 Makhanicheski7 Ir-stitut (Stalingrad Mechanical Institute) SUBMITTED-. 15th September 1956 (Initiallj) 28th October 1956, (After revision) Card 8/8 ~S L -IT. M2. minnum chm. owbothim. Acid, low M.--.Ta too Orgawsche Vet Ifithkamm. 1. 1961) are 1. to :J& M. No mug. wt.. 'tlwtmcl Nwithc It, 114% 0 up to I's Nu to &Cam 'titsusawlem4mot.olgazlir it ot C mist front the tabulated valum f4w $- anti I I" which M In st'latitutmi by S, anti 341, by lilt, 0 1). SALIMANSM : - 1 1 ~, ,, K . -'a . "A Comparative Study of' the Growth and Dev~--lopment of Young Red Tambov, and Simmental Breeds of Cattle on Various Feeding Schedules." Cand Agr Sci, Moscow Agricultural Acad i-meni Timiryazev, Moscow, 1553. (RZhBiol, No 2, Sep 51d Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USS2 HiFher Fducational Institutions. (10) So: Sum. No. h81, 5 May 55 GY-SE'Z!:OV, G.A., cioUient. Role of the a-l-ranel cortex- in the -ew~~I,.-)ns of t',-,e o-wan--,n blood transfusion. kmerb. med. z',Iiur. no-9*.31-35 S ?62 (!":,L-,A 1~-Iii) 1. Iz Azerbaydzhansko,-,n :Lns-.-P.,-~a tologii i pereli-,rani-ya krovi. ALIYEV7 F.S., GYSEYNOVA, A.A. Characteristics from the viewpoint of engineering geolofy, of the Quaternary sediments in the region of Bulla Island and the (Caspian] Sea in connection with the conditions governing their formation. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 19 no.10.-49-53 163. (MA 17:6) 1. Institut geologii imeni akademika I.M. Gubkina. Predstavleno akadernikom AN Azerbaydchanskoy SSR A.D. SiLltanovym. -L .2z6a,5-66- Acc-M-s-MOO80711 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0065/66/000/001/0474/oo86 AUTHOR: Hyspecka, Ludmila--Gyupetaka, Ludm1la ORG: VU VZKG, Ostrava TITLE: The effect of carbon content on mechanicalproperties of structural Cr-Ni-Mb steel fter thermo-mechanical treatment SOURCE: Kovove materialy, no. 1, 1966, 74-~86 TOPIC TAGS: steel structure, carbon, plasticity, martensite, austenitei tensile-tes 4z UA ~._ p-t- -- 4-,~ , 'A~ +- +_. ~_-+ ABSTRACT: A number of experiments and studies dealing with the effect of carbon con- tent on the properties of structural steel after thermo.-mechanical treatment have produced differing opinions and even contradictory results during the past six years. This was because the steel used in the experiments was not of xuiiform composition and was subjected to differing treatments. A series of experimental tests were carried out recently by the Research Institute of the 'Klement Gotwald Iron Works in order to examine the effect of carbon content on the properties of structural Cr-Ni-Mo steel after thermo-mechanical treatment, and to attempt a more generally valid evaluation of tile effect examined. Potak's 'study CF_QtLiQa. I M. , Orzhekhovskly Yu. F. , Pevzner L. M. , Roshch-Ina I. N. , Yermakov, V. N. , RiTOM .ig6l, 5, 2.) was used as a basis for the experiment. All rolling operations were L 22625-66 ACC NR, AP60o8074 performed in the Foundry Research Institute (VUS) in Bratislava. The results of the experiment have shown that: (1)'rhe presence of carbon is necessary for sig ,fl! f i- cant increase in strength, the optimum value being 0.52% C. (2)For higher carbon content (0-4 to 0.52 %), the strength and plastic properties are higher after thermo-mechanical treatment than after conventional treatment. The strength and plastic properties also were shown to be in full agreement with the character of the fracture surfaces investigated in tensile tests. On the basis of experimental results, the author presents a concept of the influence and the so-called dynamic effects of martensite plates on grain boundaries of initial austenite. In steel with a higher carbon content, it was possiblelto obtain higher values of plasticity or strength after thermo-mgghanipal treatment!by limiting the dynamic effects of martensite plates. Orig. art. has: 4 figuiet, and 2 tables. [JKP] SUB CODE: 1;/3/SUBM DATE: O8Mar65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 018/ SOV REF: 002~ 2/2 r6 L(.- 3~,1: GYTSU, F.I., zasluzhenrry7 -7Tach Moldavskoy SSR (Bel'tay) We injuries in Beltay and surrounding districts. 7,dravootchran- nenie 2 no.6:7-9 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:6) (BILTST-RTI-DISEASMS AND DEFICTS) GYTSU, F. I. Causes of blindness in children as revealed by data from a study of the republic School for the Blind in Belitsy. Zdravookhranenie 5 no.2:39-40 Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz I gorodskoy bollnitBy g. Bel'tBy (glavnyy vrach L. Ya. Marmor). (CHILDREN., BLIND) GYUBBMW, Ye.R. Temperature and light limits of photosynthesis in Laminaria digitata. Nauk.zap.Kiev.un. 8 no-5:51-57 149. (NTMA 9:10) (Photosynthesis) (Algae) Daily dynamics of -content of chlorophyll In p-blild 1611-en. yubbenct and N. V. l3azlianova (P. F. T.t!sK;tft I rllll -I ~st. Nat. )cj.. Leningrad). Dokl4dy Akad. NauI. S.S.S, R. 105, ninx. lev-vl of chlorophyll - in 1, i4 found dining mid-&ty and die initi. tit tirli, imaning hv_ t.he differvive rcuciim G. 11. K.._ .41, .- p I KAUNSUYA, V.M.; TIKHOVSKATA, Z.P.; KISELEV, I.A.; GYIMBiN]CT, Te.R.; YALININA, AaV. 'Hydrobotany" [in Germanj, vol.l: Conservation of energy, by Yr.Gesener. Reviewed by VA.Katanskata and others. Bot.zhur.42 no.1:119-127 Ja '57. (Karine flora) (Fresh-water flora) (Botany--Zcolog3r) (Gesener, Yr.) GnWWAIIN, K. 9 FRAGNER, P. Tireatment of dermatomycoses with griseofulvin. Vest.dem.i ven. 34 no.8s20-22 160. WRA 13:11) 1. Iz II dermato-venerologicheekoy kliniki Karlova universiteta (dir. - prof. doktor K. Gyubahmann). Oblastma7a epidemiologichaskaya stantsiya Oblastnogo netsionaltnogo komil.eta Prag (dir. - doktor L. Gofta). (GRISEMLVIN) (DERMATCHUCOSIS) 1139 of hotor-o-auxin -in growing the Siberian larcn, !)~:h, Zap. Petrozav, gos. un. 12 no.3:43-46 164. 19: 1. lWodra botanik! I Cizlologii rastanAy gosudarst,iennogo universiteta imeni O.V. KulLgitiena. GYDDI,Sandor Didactic p.-~Ohtfts of circular movements. Fiz Szemle 60-63 F1 1. "Garay Janos" ginmazi-am, Szekszard. 15-57-7-10004 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 184 (USSRT AUTHORS: Konovalov, I. M.$ TITLE: Water Saturation on Sliding Slopes (Obvodnennostl opolznevykh sklonov --In Azerbaydzhan) PERIODICAL: Dokl. AN AzSSR, 1956, Vol 12, Nr 9, pp 675-681 ABSTRACT: The authors examined the classification of landslide movements, devised by the Institute of Hydrogeology K. Abramov, N. V. Glazov, and others, ~rlo-tivoopolznevyye sooruzheniya. Stroyizdat Narkomstroya, 1940. (Landslide-Preventing Structures. Structural Publications of the People's Commissariat for Constructio17 and concluded that is was schematic and formal, and id not reflect at all exactly the processes of landslide movements. A new systematic Card 1/2 outline of landslides is given, based on the principle Water Saturation on Sliding Slopes (Cont.) 15-57-7-10004 of water saturation, as exemplified in the northern part of the southeastern Caucasus and the Apsheron Peninsula. The following are the basic factors used in the classification: 1) depth of occurrence of the aquifer; 2) h drostatic head in the aquifer within the area of the slope; 3T persistence of the aquifer, 4) hydrochemical type and degree of mineralization of the water seeping through the sliding slope; 5) lithic character of the rocks containing the subsurface water and of the surface on which the sliding occurs; and 6) sources of the water seeping through the sliding slopes. Card 2/2 V. S. Kcvalevskiy GYbj,,, A.R. On the confining of ancient landslides to the marine terraces of the Apsheron Peninsula. Uch.zap,.AGU.GeU.-geog.ser. no.3:43-54 no.3:43-54 160. (MIRA 14:6) (Apsheron Peninsula--Landslides) GYUL 1 , A. K. -1. Cand Geol-Min Sci - (diss) "Lithology and physico-mechanical properties of clays of the ADsheronskiy stage of the Apsher- onskiy Peninsula." Baku, 19~1. 14 pp; (Committee of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education of the Council of Ministers Azerbaydzhan SSR, Azer Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Petro- leum and Chemistry imeni M. Azizbekov); 250 copies; free; (KL, 7-61 sup, 224) GYLLIJ- A.K. ~~I. Physicomechanical properties of clays of the Apsheron stage (as in the Apsheron Peninsula). Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 17 no. 2:119-124 161. WIPA 14:4) 1. Institut geologii AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR, Predstavleno akademikom AN Azerbayd~hanskoy 5YR Sh.F. Mekhtiyevym. (Apsheron poninsula-Clay) GYUL' A.K. Compression resistance of clays in the Apsheron stage of the Apsheron Peninsula. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR. Ser.geol.-geog.nauk 1. nefti no-3:39-45 ,61. (MIRA 15:1) (Apsheron Peninsula--Clay) MH P GYUL A. K. Granulometric composition of Apsheron stage clays in comection with their physicomechanival properties. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 19 no.5:17-19 163. (MIRA 17 Q) 1. Institut geologii AN AzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzSSR Sh.F. Mekhtiyevym. GYUL I , A. K. Comparative characteristics from tho viewpoint of engineering 0 geology of the Apsheronian stage clays in the Apsheron Penin- sula. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 20 no.3:47-48 164. (1-FI-RA 17:7) 1. Institut geologii AN Azer3SR. Predstavleno akademikom AN Azer SSR Sh.F.14ekhtiyevym. c It w r cl 1, 1 1 ! L I i0 r, !."I, I, wp or, 1, u c, ;,c ro I i, an c Ia ~; ol~ T-he Apsllrroll Pc'fli !1:;l;la. ( m r/ A:7 Azerh. S'.-l' nc). 47 164. I ris Li tut i N, Az,--r'-"!R . Fre(is t*,,qv lano alkadem. " kim i.. Azer,;Si' ASHUMV, G.G.; NASIROV, A.B.; ISMAILZADE, I.G.; GYnI, E.K.; MkICHGV, F.A. Hydrocarbon cor-,~osition of gasoline fractions obtained from Karadag waxy crudes (Puta. Supra-Kirmaki 3and series). Azerb. khim. zhur. no.li23-29 164. (MIRA 17:5) 124- 57- 1 - 563 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 70 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gyul' , K. K TITLE~ Ocean Waves (Morskoye volneniye) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Azerb. un-ta. 1955, Nr 1, pp 53-66 ABSTRACT. An analysis of data from more than 6600 observations of wave elements in coastal regions has led the author to the con- clusion that empirical formulas for the calculation of wave elements cannot be universally applicable to all areas and all circumstances. The existing conversion scale from wind veloc- ity to wind force (Beaufort number) and thence to a correspond- ing wave intensity scale, according to the author, does not cor- respond to any actual relationship between the wind and the wavi- ness in a coastal zone. Various data on the relationship between the wave parameters and the wind velocity are adduced. It is found that the ratio between the stationary wave velocity c and the wind velocity V is 0. 25-0. 5. The paper contains a number of unfounded assertions and vague statements. P.L. Card I1 1. Water waves--Data analysis GYUL, K-< - V4;4 9! IF ,It Morphology of the southwestern cost of the Caspian and tectonic movements of the present [in Azerbaijani with summary in Russian]. Uch.zap.AGU no.2:33-38 155. (MIXA 9:12) (Caspian Sea region--Zarth movements) GYULI, K.K.; ZHIRNOV. V.M. Some characteristic features of contemporary, oceanographic research. Uch. zap. AGU no.5:21-30 '55. (MLRA 9:12) (Oceanographic research) GTUL I , K. K. - Scientific session of the S.X.XiroT State University of Azerbaijan dedicated to the 200th -niTersw7 of the K.Y.Lomonosoy St&to Uni- Ow'' # TOrGIty IA XO~G - dh-mp. AW zko.S:WI03 155. (HLRA 9:11) 1. Prorektor po nauchnoy rabote AsgomurLiTersitsta imeni S.M. li- roTa. (Asbrbaijan State UniTereity) (MOGCOW UniTersity) GYUL', K.K., professor, radaktor; PEVZNER, H.. takhnichaskiy redaktor [Methods of studying the hydrometeorological system and the control of the water surface of oil fields in the Caspian Sea; transactions of the scientific conference of the S.M.Kirov Azarbaijani State University. of the Ministry of the Petroleum Industry of the Azarbaijani S.S.R., ind the Baku section of the Aral-Caspian Com~ mission of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.. June 16-23, 1956] Puti izucheniia gidrometeorologichoskogo rezima i osvoeniia akvatoril neftianykh promyslov Kaspiiskogo moria; trudy nauchnoi konforent8ii Azerbaidzbsinakogo gosudaret-vannogo universiteta im. B.H.Kirova, Hinisterstva neftianoi promyBhlinnosti Azerbaidzhanskol SSR i Bakin- skoi sektaii Aralo-Kaspilskoi komissii, AN SSSR, 16-23 ilunia 1955 9. Baku, Izd-vo Azarbaidzhanskogo univ.. 1956. 105 p. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Baku. Azerbaidzhanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitst. (Caspian Sea--Oil fields) 2YULI . Kasum 14,~z~ j oply, professor, doktor goorraf ichoskilch muk; SULHY- D.M.', professor, daktor goologo-wineralogicheskikh nauk, re- daktor; SHTEVNGELI , A.S., redaktor izdatelletva [The Caspian Sea] Kespiiskoe more. Baku. Azerbaidzhanskoo gos. izd-vo neft. i nauchno-telthn. lit-ry. 1956. 324 p. (KLRA 10:4) (Caspian Sea) GYUI.',' lCasimSyplip LT c h, Khms IN, __ggly, prof.; PROSHMITS, Grigoriy Gagigovi Atonid Aleksandrovich; TIAMBOVSKIY. G.I., red.; Sh'MDGFV, A.S., [Handbook for ehiphandlers in the Caspian Sea] Spravochnik dlia sudovoditelia Kaspiiskogo morla. Baku, Azerbaidzlianskoe gos. lzd-vo neft. i nauchno-takhn.lit-ry, 1957. 707 P. (MIRA 11:4) (Caspian Sea-Yavigation) GYULI, Kasum Iyazim ogly; ZARANKIN, V.M., red.; DIZHUR, I.Il.. red. izd-va; TIKHONOVAJ Te.A., (Caspian region guide-book] Putevoditell po Kespiiu. Moskva, Izd-vo 9forskoi transport,O 1959. 154 p. (MIMA 12:10) (Caspian Sea region-Guide books) GYLIL EbtjRn. K ir-Dgly, prof., doktor geogrnf.win1c; APOLLOV, B.A.,.prof., Za 2;1 -L red,; STIUU.OVA, H.A.,.red.; =GINIKO, Y-j.V., tekhn.rpd. (The Caspian Sea problem; based on a public lacture delivered in Baku] Problen4 Kaspiia; Do noterialam publichnoi lektsii, pro- chitannoi v Baku. Pod red. B.A.Apollova. Monkva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1959. 31 P. (Vsesoiuznoo obshchostvo Do rnsprostranoniiu poli- ticheskikh i nauctinykh zn8nii. Ser.9, ?izika i Ichimiia, no.19) (141M 12s10) Waspinn Son) GTULI, K.K., prof.; YLISOVA, S.Y.; KISI11, 1.M.; TERTIMOV, A-A.; KASHKAT, M.A., akudemik, red. [Physical geography of the Daghestan A.S.S.R.] Fizichaskai-vt geografiia Dagentanskoi ASSR. Maklochkala, Dagestanskoe knizhnoo izd-vo, 1959. 248 p. (MIRA 13:2) (D~ighestan--Physical geography) GTULI, K.K.; ZHILO, P.V.; GUSETNOV, A.G. Effect of the Caspian Sea level fluctuations on the shipping in the Azerbaijan S.S.R. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. 59r. geol.-geog. nauk no.4:127-133 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Caspian Sea-Hydrography) GY'ULI 9 K.Ko Articles on a "unique gulf". Uch.zap.AGU*Geol,-geog.ser. no.5t47-571 159. (KMA 14: 6) (Kara-Bogaz-Gol--Salinity) I GIYULI, KA. -- ---- ~ Effect of the lowering level of the Caspian Sea on the shore area of Azerbaijan in connection with problems in petroleum industry. Trudy Okean. kom. 5:300-3C4 059e (KIU 13:6) (A&erbaijan-Petroleum in submerged lands) (-;YUL' GYU.L') K.K., doktor geogr. nauk, prof.9 red.; ALIYEV, G.B., kand. geov-x. rzuk, red.; ZAVMEV, V.G.9 doktor geogr.nauk, red.; RUSTAMOV, S.G., doktor geogr.nauk, red.; SHIKRTJNSKIYI E.M., kand.geogr.naukv red.; BAGDAT- LISHVILI, D., red. izd-va; IWAYLOV, T.9 tekhn. red. (Proceedings of the Geographical Society of the Auxbaijan S.S.R.) Tru- dy Geograficheskogo obshches-tva Azerbaidzhanskoi SOR. Baku, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1960. 365 p. (MIRA 14.-6) 1. Geografichesko obshchestvo Azerbaidzhanskcy SSR. Merbaijan-Physical geography) GYULI K.K. - -1 --- Conference on the Caspian Sea problem. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6:139-141 N-D '60. (MIU 13:10) (Caspian Sea) GYUL', K.K. History of geographical studies of the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijaai. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Serv geole-geoge arsuk noo2;89-97 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Caspian Sea-Geography) - GYU11, K.K.; ZAVRIYEV, V.G.; KOSA.REV, A.N. Hydrological condi*Ions at the mouth of the Kura RIver during lugust and Septembar 1958. Veste Moske un. 8er*5: Geog. 15 no. 5:61-66 5-0 160. (MBU 13:11) 1. Kafedra okeanologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Kura River--Hydrology) GYULI, K K. prof VLASOVA, S.V..; KISIT;, U.:..; TKiUjVll' ali uchastiye: 3ADAYEV, A,D~; l,'UIID;aSFOV, V.D~; PAZUKTIN , red.; KHA31N, L,N., teklin, red, Divers of the Daghestan A.S.S.R.]Reki Dagestil -nskaJ ASSR. (By] K.K.Giull i dr. Makhachkala, Dagestanskoe knizhnoe izd- vo, Ic)61. 368 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Dar,hestan-itivers) GYULI, X.Y. Some results of research coordination in the Caspian Sea. Biul. Okean kom. no.8:10-11 '61. (MdRA 15:1) (Caspian Sea--Oceanographic research) ABDUU,AYEV, I.K., red.,; GYULI,.K.K., red.; lWAGIPOV, A,I ,ip rt:d.; EV, Yu.G., red .[de - j KASHKAY, MI.A., red.; KLMEDALIYE eased MEKHTIYEV, Sh.F., red. [Atlas of the Ai,,erbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic) Atlas Azerbaidzhanskoi Sovetskoi Sotsialisticheskoi Respubliki. Puku, Glav. upr. geodez. i kartografii Gos.geol. kom-ta SSSR, 1903. 213 1). (,X,14~A 17:6) 1. Akader.,:iya nauk Azerbaidz"Lanskoy 3,111, Bakii. In5titut. F,eO Fraf i i - AFOLLOV, B.A., red.; GYULr red.; ZAVRIYEY , V.G., red.; * 619 y BAGDATLISHVILI, D., -ffd. iad-va; IBRAGIMOV, M., tekhn. red. [Materials from the All-Union Coqerence on the Problem of the Caspian Sea] Materialy Vseeoiuznqgosoveshchaniia po problme Kaspiiskogo moria.,Baku, Izd-vo AN Azerb.SSR, 1963. 381 P. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po probleme Kaspiyskogo morya, MOSCOW) 1960. 2. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Apollov). ~Caspian Sea) Vol 4 A o/ooo /oo 9/oo i /oo2 E190/E580 ATJTHORz Gyula, Em8d -1 ................,.....................I TITLE~ The Influence of flea t-Treatment an([ of' Alloying Elements on the Strength and Corrosion of Al--Mg--Zn Alloys with 8-9% Mg+Zn Content PERIODICAL: Koh~szati Lapok, 1960, No.9t PP~385-3W TEXT- The paper is part of a "Candidate" thesis, The work aimed at establishing the effect of alloying elements ori the plastic deformation, heat treatment, strength, electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance of Al-Mg-Zn n1loys with 8-9,10' total Mg and Zn content. Previous work is summarized with reference to Varley, Day and Sandorek (Ref,g). Experimental. 99.5% Al, electrolytic Zn and 99,9% Mg were melted irl. an electric resistance furnace, under a flux composed of 36% mgc-L 2' 20% CaF 2, 34% KC1 and 10% NaCl, to give alloys of the followin%, nominal composition: 1) Al-6%mg-2%Zni 2) Al-5.5%M9--3%Zn, 3) Al-3%Mg-5%Zn, 4) Al-2-5%M9-7%Zn; 5) Al-1%Mg-8%Zn. Tile actual composition of the 80 mm dia., 120 nun long chill-.cast blocks is shown in Table 2 and, by numbered rings, in the Al-Mg-Zn. equili- brium diagram of Fig.l. The blocks were scalped to 70 mm d2a.: Card 1/11 11/014/60/000/009/001/002 E190/E580 The Influonco of Ifent-Troatmont rind of Alloying Elements oil tile Strength ant) Coi-rosion of Al-Mg-U AIJOYS %'r'i th k1--1)% 1-1.g+Z11 colli %-III homogenized at 4500C for 12 hours and extruded into 8 x 211 mm rods ,,11 tho 250 ton of tho Fertiiparl Kutato' Itit'elzot (Nott. Ferrous Metals Research Institute). Tomperattire, mpeed mid extrusion are given in Table 3. Values obtained on ma t eri a I pi e heated at 400*C for 3 hours, followed by 4500C for 2 hours, are shoiirn in Table 4. Extrusion pressures measured on some other alloys (Ref.4) are included in Table 5 and Fig,3 for purpos~c-s of omparison. The extruded rods were cold rolled to 2,9 rmn tiiickneSs 4nnealed at 320*C for 2 hours, cooled in the furnace and cold rolled to 1 inin (60% cold work). The effect of intermedi-ate heai ~Yeatment was studied on rods rolled to 3 mm, then quenchod trem 400 '~C in wafer and cold rolled to I nim (67% cold work), Vicker,3 hardness w-s measured on specimens homogenized at 200, 300, 4oo. 420, 450, 4800C for 1/2, 1 and 2 hours, and aged at 20':C for 3, 5, and 10 days or at 100 and 130% for 4, 16 and 48 hours. Tensil~_- test specimens were homogenized at 420 and 48occ for 1 hour and aged at 200C for 10 days or at 1000C for 48 hours, conductivity was measured on homogenized an,! aged material., and Card 2/~ H/0111/6o/ooo/009/001/002 E190/E580 The Influenre of Heat--Treatment and of Alloying Elements on the Strength and Corrosion of' Al-Mg-Zn Alloys with 8-9% Mg#Za Content corrGsion resistance of similarly treated teyis:tle test pieces tested if, a 3% NaClj 0.1% H202 aqueous solution for 31 days (stirring test). Experimental Results.. The alloy No.1 exhibited thc- highest., alloys NosIt and 5 the lowest resistance to deformation both in cold and hot working (see Tables 3 and It and Fig.3). This is explained by the more severe lattice distortion caused by Mg atoms. In ordc-r to compare behaviour in heat-treatment systematically- the MgZn 2 content of the five alloys was calculated (Table 6)i alloy No 4 is close to the a4-MgZn2 quasi-b�nary section- whilst Nos. 1 2 and 3 contain excess Mg, NO-5 excess Zn. The results of solution treatment on Vickers hardness are summarized in Fig.4 (Heng. kerti,. as rolled). Heating at 2000C for 1 hour released zitresses and hardness dropped, the drop was bigger at 3000C and the effect' Of solution treatment became evident at 4000C and above only. '1111'e behaviour of the Mg-rich alloys Nos. I And 2 (FLg_4.1.)-8) suggests that Zn hi-nders the dissolution of Mg, Fcr- tit-is reason these all-.Ys. Card 3/1t H/olli/60/ooo/009/001/002 E190/E-580 The Influence of Heat-Treatment and of Alloying Element--; on the Strength and Corrosion of Al-),Ig-Zn Alloys with 8-To' Mg4-Zn Contc-Ilt harden less in solution treatment than alloYs Nos, 3 Ik and 5. all of which contain more Zn. To be concluded. There are 7 figures and 6 tables, car.:i 4/4 UYULA, Joszcnzjzky, dr. Experience with preventive gynecological unti-cancer e7aninattiom; conducted in the village Lorinc in 1953-1960. Noperu-s-zoofaw 41' no.10:31-1 0 161. 1. Lorinci (Ileves mogye) korzeti orvosa. (GENITALIA FEMALE neopl) L 1-7r,28-66 j&~_w-TT6035007 NR: SOURCE CODEs 11U/2502/6~1047/002/0199/0709 AUTHOR: lionkovszky, Olga H.-Mankovski, 0. Yh. (Doctor), 111deg, KnIman-411dogj, K. and Mahes, Gyula--Mekhesh.. D. (,Professorj 'Doctor) of the Institu a cology at the University Medical School In Pecs. oil::~ PIG "Allylphenol and Prophenylphen.ol Derivatives" Budnpcst, Acra, Chimica Hungaricae M6 pp Vol 47, N (English article] The synthesis and properties of 2-ciethoxy-4-pro- 1)1,1%-,~-,-?'-morptiolinoe-thoxybenzene, 2-mathoxy-4-propenyl-2'-morpholinocthoxy- benzene monoethiodide, 2-mettioxy-4-propenylphenoxyacetylpiperi 950G and by continuous-introduction into-the reacrtiop vessel which is subdivided Anto zones co=unicating through apertures. The bottom part of - the roactLon- vessel is provided with a jacket and a thermometer. II is introduced from- below-and I is added as aqueous solution at certain zones of the flow-of II; causing the PH of the reaction mixture to rise from 3.5-5.0 to 6.2-7-0. The final-molar I-to-II ratio is between 1 t 10 and 1 : 2. The condensa~ tion-product is 8vaporated continuously at atmospheric pressure and-after- wards kept at go C for some hours. Example, 423 ml/min (2.6 moles) of a 56% solution of II with PH 3.5 Is introduced into a 22.5 1 reaction vessel Ceird 112 Manufacturing process for glu'd ... S/081/62/000/019/052/055 BIOI/B186 (cubic content 22-5 1) p% solution of I with pH 10 (adjusted by adding KOH) is added at 95 - ;00 C at- 5 points, totalling 222.5 ml/min (I mole). The reaction mixture is left'for 35 min in the reactor at a pH of 6.8; subsequently it is led into the evaporator heated with high-pressure steam----- -and then, as a*foam, into th6"separator. The steam imters a caoler.Thedondm- satecontains 6-9%'of II. From the -separator- the 75% solUtion of resi-n--pan"tr 0 through a cooler where it is-cooled to 95 Cl-before entering a beat-insul- ated vessel vfhere it is k t for 5 hrs. The solution of the final resin is drawn off oointinuously. FAbstracterle notet' Complete translation Card 212 ELCH, I.; SZMUK, I.; GYULAI, N.; VIRANYI, A. Investigation of the pituitary and adrenal gland system in experimental fever; nev method for eosinophil cell count. Orv. hetil., Budap, 93 no,35:1117-1125 2 Sep 1951. (CIML 21:1) 1. Internal Department (Head Physician - Prof. Dr. Imre Bach) and Laboratory (Head Physician -- Dr. Imre 53muk), Peterfy Sandor-utcai Metropolitan Hospital, Budapost. GYUIAI, E.; S=ITO, L. The role of ACTH in the pre-operatiVe DYeparation of hyperthyroidism; neuroendocrine relations between thyroid function and the hvpophysio- adrenal system. Ory. hetil. 93 no. 49:1392-1396 7 Doe 1952. (CLML 24:1) 1. Doctors. 2. National Rheumatism and Baths Institute (Director -- Dr. DeneB Dabovitz), Second Internal Department (Head Physician -- Dr. laszlo). SUHT0, Laszlo; FjJiKAS~ Karoly; Gyului, Arno Sjoegren syndrome. Orv hetil 95 n0-15:413-416 Ap '54. (IMAT 3;8) 1. Orszogoe Reuma es Fwdougyi Intezet (Igazgato: Dabovits Densm dr.) II, Belosztalyanak (fooryos: Szanto Laszlo dr.) so Prosectura- janak (foorvos: Farkas Karoly dr.) kozlemenye. (SJONGRIN SYNDROMI *pathogen. & ther.) DANYI, MI-L-ily, dr.; YULOP, Jozsef, dr.; GYULAI, Xrno, dr.; SCHULHOF, Odon, dr.; Szanto, Laszlo, dr. Spontaneous symmetrical fractures: Milkman's syndrome. Orv hetil 95 no.18:482-486 My '54. (IML 3:8) 1. Az Orazagoo Roilms. as Furdougyi Intezet so a Balneologiai Kutato Inteset (igazgato-foorvos: Dubovitz Donee dr., tudomanyos vezeto Schulhof Odon dr.) II. oz. Belooztalyanak (foorvos: Soanto Laszlo dr. ) Reuma Oaztalyanak (foorwas: Schulhof Odon dr.) B-reuma Oaztalyanak (foorvos: Danyl Kihaly dr.) kozlemonye. (BONIS, dim. *Kilkmanlo synd.) SZANTO, Laszlo. dr.. ; GYUIAI. Nrno, dr. Rheum tic pneumonia. Orv. hatil. 96 no.9:235-239 27 10ob 55- I. Orszagos Aheuma as Furdougyi Intezet (igazgato: Dubovitz Danes dr.) II. Belo3ztalyanak (foorvos: Szanto Laszlo dr.) kozlemenye. (PIMMONIA, etiology and pathogenesis, rheum.) (RHEU~ITISM, complications, pneumonia) PARKAS, Karoly, dr.; GYULAI, Erna. dr.; SZAIM , Laszlo, Ir. Non-specific thyroiditis. Magy. belorv. arch. 9 no.3:65-72 June 56, 1. Orszagnm Reuma es Furdmigri Intezet (Igaz.: Dubo~its, Denes, dr.) 11. Belssztalyanak (foorvo-j; Szanto, Laszlo, ar.) es 14soki utcal Korhaz (Igaz.: Farkas. KarolF, dr.) kozl. (THYROIDITIS non-specific. incidence ed pathol. (Hun)) GYULAI, Brno, dr.,; KATONA, Maria, &r. Applications of intra-arturial transfusion in non-surgical cases. Orv. hetil. 97 rio.6:165-166 5 Feb 56. 1. Az Orszagos Reuma as Purdougyi Intezet (igazgato-, Dubovitz Denes dr.) 11. sz. Beloaztalyanak (foorvoa: Szanto Laszlo dr.) kozl. (DIAMMS, RILLITUS coma. with shook. ther., intra-arterial blood transfusion (Han)) (SHOCK In diabetic coma, ther., intra-arterial blood transfusion (Hun)) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION intra-ar_turial, in shock In diabetic coma (Hun)) 41 ~eo ',ir-ery Ocl_ 5757. PRE-OPERATIVE PREPARATION OF HYPFRTHYROIDAL PAT I E*NTS WITH THYROSTATIC DRUGS - Hyperthyreoticusok mut6tt 4116k6fizltove thyreoBtaticus szerek ig6nyhcv6teI6vet - Gyulat-JI-and Lovioz L. OrszAgos Reuma- 6s FUrdoOgyi Int. 11.-IF.~elosztAl. dr, Sebtiszeti Oszt.Al. K6zI. - ORV. IIETIL. 1958, 99/40 (1373-1379) A comparison is made between 100 hyperthyroidal patients who had been operated on after preparation with iodine only. and patients who had been given thyrostatics preoperatively. Judging by experience in 401 cases using the latter method, Sig- nificant decreases are produced by thyrostatic treatment both in mortality (G% to 2.216) and in the number of crises (1476 to 6.7%). There was no mortility ill 249 operations during the post 4 yr. and crises were observed in only 1.6%. The aver- age period of preparation was 59.4 (28 to 191) days. With this length or preparation, the authors' material presented no crises. The disadvantages in the application or thyrostatics, which are toxic side effects (only 2% in the authors' material) and the protracted preparation, carry no weight when compared to the danger inherent in forced pre-treattrent with iodine only. Appropriate combination with iodine can be used to see to It that the condition of the goitre does not increase the technical difficulties for the surgeon. Aft SZANTO,Lakizlo,dr.*, FORGAGS,Pater,dr.; LIGETINX,Ravicisky Alice,dr.; VMKIRDY, Iasz1o,dr.; GYUIA-I,,Xrno,dr. I Study of antithyroid drugs by radioactive-paper chrowtographic methods. Orv. hetil. 101 no.13:444-448 27 Mr 160. 1; Orszagos Reunn es 7urdougyl Intezet, II. Beloaztaly,Orszagoo Balneologlai Kutato Intezet. (IODINE radioactive) (THYROID ANTAGONISTS pharmacol.) SZANTO, Laszlo. dr.; qYU4;_. Brno,,. dr.; STURM. Jozaef. dr. Death caused by myxoa-Ifma. Orv.hetil. 101 no.42:1487-1489 16 o 16o. 1. Orazagoe Reuma e9 ]Purdougyi Intezet, II. Belosztaly. (9nMIKA case reports) ,Iiii ill SZANTO, laszlo; U'YULAI,--Erno Nei=ological involvemente in rqxedema crisiB (coma). Magy belorv. arch. 14 no.2:71-75 My 161. (MYMEKA compl) (NEUROLOGICAL MANIFESTATIONS) 41, I I I f t Urt, "I I t i I I,!, I,, - I , , , j , ; T I t I , - z J ~ , . i : z -, '. , -.- ~: .. '. SZANTO LASZLO, L.; RMCZ]x'Y, Alice; V-ULAI, Erna; GORGE11YI, Frigyes Chronological formulation of the effect of thyroid antagonists, (Studies on the therapeutic mechanism of 1-131). Kiserl. orvostud~ U+ no.2:165-173 Ap 162. 1. Orszagos Reulia es Furdougyi Intezet, Budapest. (IODINE radioactive) (THYROID ANTAGONISTS pharmacol) -, I , ,I ;- - : SZOTO, Laszlo, dr.; GORGENYI Prigyes, dr.; GYUIAI, Erno, dr. ACTH-loading studies in hyperthyroidism. Magy. belorv. arch. 16 no.1:22-26 Mr 163. 1. Orszagos Reuma- es Furdougyi Intezet II. Belosz-taly. (CORTICOTROPIN) (HYDROCORTISONE) (HYPERTHYROIDISM) (ADRENAL CORTEX FUNCTION TFZTS) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) JHUNGARY GYU-jAI,_.:E,rno, Dr, KATONA, Maria, Dr; National lnstitu-ce of Rhewriatism and Balneology, II. Medical Department (Cr5zagos Rleuma- es Furdougyi Intezet, II. Belosztaly). "Potassium Perchlorate in the Treatment of Hy,,),~rthyreo:;is." -Budapest, Or-vosi Hetilap, Vol 104, No 21-9, 2 June 63, palges 1028-1033. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary modified] The authors report the results of perchlorate treatment on 86 hyperthyrootic patients. The cessation of symptoms and increase of body weight were noticed after an average troatment of ).) weeks. Prev-1ous treatment with iodide COM- pounds delays the effect of the Perchlorate. Combined treaLment, with iodide is strongly contraindicated. Perchlorate was used effectivcly in the preparation for surgery although its relative merits to tha combined use of organic thyreostatica and iodide were not evaluated because of the insufficient number of cases. The prolonged success of this conservative treatment is discussed. Clinical signs of a resulting increase of TSH secretion were hardly noticed. Increase in the size of Ahe goiter is rare, increase of the exophthalmus even more so. Tran- ! 1Lq1tory symptomatic relapse was noticed in 7 per cent of the cases. J Y/2 GY,j'-Al , Erno. i -men Lal data on Lhe prolbl,-~m or -~rEutinf; nypert.~ Y -oidisr, I _i I wD~h ACTH and glycocorticoids. Crv. hetil. 106 -22 0 2 L' 4-' 7 N "5. 1. Ornzaps Rheumn es FurdOUgyi Inte'Let (IgILZJ-,atO fOO-VOS: Farkaf,, Naroly, dr.). ; "t * " 7.." '. 0 V,1 L) a t C" v JC.7, A t 5 ~:-j: r a i"'h e ia lys I s o r L I, I L s zo no c~ r... - 'I 4""yr-)id sn-r:'ery is sujtm:~J to ~akj 5,~ PI-OCPdUl-eS Usek"i ilt i P pa rn e n ts r14' w T 0 pcct to t',jr. r, t o s Li r, - i ca I prepa ra t i o i j~; 1~ 1 -1: T", r c. in, -o~ 0s SA I - y op~ I'.- t1) S I S 5 ~j T 1-1 c. n r th :3 f tn a Fe 5 u i-fo in;~,! a t a s ta e o f ',iyp,- rthyrol'Il' r. s t i x z~ *-i ri cr-, t: 's L; IOO.S t 0 p e mi tvp crises anti pronouncot: F~l c u ri s a r e St.,11 wUh relatIvr frequoncy. Drug's which lnh-"L;1-~ ~'unctl*on w,.i-e ~:-!Aom utied in pr,,- np#~rativf, orpparatiori, w`th tlh~l cxc~!~- --on c)*:' io-116f~. T*np nufribi~r rif laLf~r disabilities is riot 12 jim-arian. 2-~ rf~'erericps. S,A i Mortal dur,-_., f 'S "'It! 2 lilt m :S' Nl I !TIP P-41,11 HPIRI MeflM111 T GYULAI, F. Evaluation of Hydraulic Energy Dissipat, rs. ENERGE.,rICA SI IIIDRC,TEIINIC", (Energetics and Hydr logical EngineerinF) #2:81:Feb 55 GYULAI, F tE CIINOLTY Experimental research regarding the cavitatien phenomencn in --cial pumps. P-41 Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Baza de Cercetari Stiintifice, Timisoara. STUDII SI CFRCETARI STIRITIFICE. SERIA STITII-E TEH'g!C7~ Timisoara. (Journal on technical sciences issued by the Scientific Research Base in Tirrdsoara, Rumanian Acadenw.) Vol. 4, no. 1/2y 1957 Monthly List of East European Acessions (EF:AI), LCy Vol, 83 No. 3 March 195?, Unclass. GYULAI, F.,_ and others TECFJ,13L,-GY Influence of cavitation phenomenon on characteristic curves of centrifugal pwaps. P. 71 Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Daza de Cercetari Stiintifice, Timisoara. STUDII SI CERCETARI STIINTIFICE. SFRIA STI-ME TKI~TICF. Timisoara. (Journal on technical sciences issued 1:y the Scientific Research Base in Timisoara, Rumanian AcaderW.) vol. 4, no-, 1/2, 1957 Monthly U-st of East European Acessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. F. No. 3 March 1959, Unclass. GYULAI F. "Paralleling converging lines during the enlarf-ement.11 P. 41 KEF ES RANGrECIINIKIk (Optikai es Kinotechnikai Tudomanyus Eg-~Tsulet) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 5, No. 2, Apr. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (LC, Vol. 6, No. 6, June Uncl. IFTFIT- P GYUIAI, F.; ATITON, Viorica; ANGHEL, A.; D03INDA, V., ing.; CIOCIRIAN, C. Station for the experimental research on axial pumps. Studii tehn Timlsoara 9 no.1/2:153-161 Ja-Te 1162. 1. Secretar stiintific al Comitetul-ui de redactiet "3tudii si cercetari,, Stiinte tebnice" Timiaoara - (for Dobinda). I'VHI: 181111' F;F, TTII GYUIAI, F.; POTENCZ) I.; CIOGIRLAN,, C. Some optical and acoustic observations on the cavitation phenomexic-n in axial pumps. Studii tehn Timisoara 9 no.1/2:37-42 Ja-Je 16-0. GYIJIAI, F. Ow-, wgo wTesting pneilmatic and hydraulic machines" by A. Barglazan, I* Anton, V, Anton., I. Preda. Reviewed by F. Gyulaio Studii tehn Timisoara 7 no,3/1+:359-360 J1-D 160. BARGLAZAN, Aurel, dr, ing. [deceased]; GYUIAI, F.; AVGHEL, A. ijc~erifi4ntal research on the conduct of annular chamber in centrifugal pumps. Studii tehn Timisoara 7 no.3/4: ji-D 16o. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for Barglazan). nil cav L tit Lion clim-lic t,!T.j !7 ti'! (:ut-vos on Wi ng-blacin pumpa. Cep It., no. 1:80-90 Rr 1. 1.aborcil.ory Hydraithc Fxleiln-~eri zn~:, q!urmnllim of i . - I Tirnis,),:-4 (ror Cyuni, Potencz, GYULAT, Ferenc, dr, Photography of' docorations. Kep linng I I no.2:62-3 of' cwj~!r Ap (,5. SORA, Ion; VIORICA, Anton, conf. ing.; GYUL.11, Fraacisc, corif. Ventilation of closed asynchronous engines corresponding to the 0.6-100 kw power range. Electrotehnica 12 no-4:121-124 Ap 164. 1. Chief Planning Engineer, "Electromotor" Plant, Ti,-..1soara Uor Sora). 2. Chaj- of Hydraulic -"achines, `imisoal% Polytechnic Institute kfor Crica, Gyulai). --q)MAI,_T~renc, dr. Literesting machines for phototechnic processes. Musz elet 15 no.16:1 Ag 160. (EEAI 10:1) (Photograpby) IP~llrltifit,~~t,,:;ti~FF.-~,!i?e,f,tf,ti:r-.L,,~,i,li;!-,t--~,-Ir,~~, , , ".., , . . . , , , - , . .. .,:- GGYULA-I,_ _Ferenc,dr. . Diaprojectors. Musz elet 16 no.8:1 Ap 161. (EEAI 10:9) (Projectors) GYMA!, Ferene, dr. Removable magazine for Contarex and Contaf2ex cameras. Kep hang 3 ro.1:3 of cover Ja '62. f7fULTAI, Ferene, dl: Bellows to the Exacta, Varex and Exa II cameras in case of close focusing. Kep hang 8 no.1:16 Ja 162. GYULAI, Forenc, dr. AGFA REGISTRIER - COTRA (AGFA registering camera) . Kep hang 8 no.1:18 Ja 162.