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-IJC&ozdetskiy, N. A'.]
------- -1-
Controve:rsial problems-of landscaping. Natura Geogrefie 14 no,2:
88-90 mr-Ap 162~
Karst in the region of Caucasian mineral waters. Biul. MCIIP
Otd. geol. 37 no.6:142-143 N--D W. (MIRA l6sS)
G*kTOZ,DETSKIY, II.A,, prof. (Moskva); CHIKISEEV, A.G. (11-Ic-skva)
Development of slopes. Priroda 51 no.9:92 S '&~. (MIRA 15:9)
(Slopes (Physical geography))
GVOZDE,TSKIY, N.A., prof. (1-loskva); CHIKISHEX, A.G., lfand.geograf,nauk (Moskva)
Karst and national economy. Priroda 51 no.9.*121-12-2 S 162.
(MIRA 15:9)
Pbysicogeographidal regionalization. Izvo Voes geog ob-va
94 no.6:459-464 11-D 162. (HK 16-11
(Physical geograpb3r)
GVOZDETSKIY,j,_&., prof.; ZHUGHKOVA, V.K., dote.; ALISOV, B.P., prof.;
VASILIYEVA, I.V., dota.; VAPJAMOVA, M.N., takhnik-kartograf;
DOLGOVA, L.S., dots.; ZVORYKIN, K.V., at. nauchnyy sotr.;
ZEMTSOVA, A.I., assistent; IVANOVA, T.N.; LEBEDEV, N.P., st.
prepodavatell; LYUBUSHKINA, S.G.; NESMEYANOVA, G.Ya., mlad.
nauchnyy sotr.; PASHKANG, K.V.J. st. prepod.; POLTARAUS,B.V.,
dots.; RYCHAGOV, G.I., st. prepod.; SPIRIDONOV, A.I., dots.;
SMIRNOVA, Ye.D., mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; SOIXTSEV, N.A., dots.;
FEDOROVA, I.S., mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; TSESELIGHUK, Yu.N.,
mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; SHOST'INA, A.A., mlad, nauchnyy sotr.;
Prinimali uchastiye: BELOUSOVA, N.I.; GOLOVINA, N.N.;
L.I., red.; YERItAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red.
(Physicogeographical regionalization of the non-Chernozem
centerl Fiziko-geograficheskoe raionirovanie nechern#zenmogo
tsentra. Pod red. N.A.Gvozdetskogo i V.K.Zhuchkovoi. Moskva,
Izd-vo Mosk. univ,, 1963. 450 P. (MIRA 16:5)
(Physical geography)
GVOZDETSKIY, Eikolay Ar-dreyevich; MJEHELOV, Illikolay Iwano-,-'lch;
rdaa-. red-.;
KOSHELEVA, S.M., tekhn. red.
(Physical geography of the U.S.S.R.: Asiatic part) Fizi-
cheskaia geograftia SSSR: Aziatskaia chast'. Moskva
Geografgiz, 1963. 571 p. (MIRA 17:21
[Problems of landform study; materials] Voprosy landshaftove-
deniia; materialy. Alma-Ata, AN Kaz.SSR, 1963. 390 p.
(MIRA 17:5)
1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po voprosam landshaftovedeniya.
6th, Moscow, 1963.
GVOZDETSKIY,_ ~iko.lq Andreyevich; SMIRNOVA, N.P., red.; BELIGHENKO,
R.K., mladshiy red.; GCLI7SYN, A.V., red.kart;
(The Caucasus; nature study] Kavkaz; ocherk priredy. Moskva,
Geografgiz, 1963. 261 p. (MIRA 16:10)
(Caucasus--Physical geography)
AUTHORS: Gvozdetskiy, N. A., Chikishev, A. G.
TITLE: The Conference on applied karstology
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Serlya geologicheskaya, no. 1, 1963,
124 - 126
TEXT: The Conference was held in Moscow on Apr~'~l 23 - 25, 1962, and was
attended by 35 representatives from 16 scientifical and Industrial organizations.
The Conference was opened by N. A_G-Yozde-t-4kiy who reported on the activities of
the Geographical section of th_eMioscow Society of Natural scientists. The follow-
ing reports were delivered: A. G. LykoshIn on the Investigation of karsts for
hydro-engineering construction by geological engineers; V. S. Polevoy on the use
of geophysical methods to study karsts in areas of hydrological engineering struc-
tures; I. A. Savarenskiy on problems considering karsts in industrial and urban
construction in the Dzerzhinsk region; A. Gvozdetskly on "Karst in the region
of Caucasian Mineral Water Sources"; I. Ginzburg on mineral resources connected
with karst processes; G. I. Bushin8kiy on bauxite and phosphorite karst deposits;
Ye. T. Bobrov on "Karst bauxites of the Yenisey ridge' and the adjacent region of
Card 1/2
The Conference on applied karstology Aoo6/A1O1
the Siberian platform"; N. A. Lisitsyna on "Karst bauxites in the Kazakh foldings
and the Turgay depression"; B. N. Ivanov and V. N. Dublyanskiy on "The importance
of the Crimea karst in national economy"; A. G. Chikishev on "The Importance of
the Central Ural karst in national economy"; I. K. Kudryarshov on the influence.of
karst on agriculture in some Bashkirian regions; The reports delivered were dis-
cussed by D. S. Sokolova, V, A. VArsanof'yeva, N. A. Krasil'nikova, S. A. Slad-
kopevtseva, V. S. Polevoy and others. The Conference approved the methods of
karst investigation, including geophysical means, electrical teismic and ultra-
sonic prospecting. It was decided to investigate in detail the development and
expansions of karst; to study the origination of karst bauxites, to control the
purity of mineral water sources and to continue research in the agricultural re-
gions of Bashkiria.
Card 2/2
N.I.Sokolov as an investigator of karst. Nov.kar.i spel. no.3il5-18
163. (MIRA 16:10)
MUETKI., N.A. [Gvozdetskiy.., JI.A.J~ ISA(ZITKO, A.G. llsaahanko, A.G.]
Physical and geographical problem of the division into d-' ~ "f 3 e
Analele geol geogr 17 n0,3:94--99 J1,.S 263.
In the Academic Council cf -,,he Geogr~iphica]. Fa,..-ul.ty of Moscow Univerqity.
Vest. Mook. un. Sor. no.*)4,7-NJ73 --Mv&,Ap ;630 (MA 16:3)
Nscou-Dissertationa., Academic) (Geography)
".Katst of the Matsokha and Moravian by V.Stehlik, J.Kuns~y. vast.
Mosk,lian. Ser. 5:.Geog. 18 no.3:80 MV-Jig 163. (MIRA 16:6)
(Moravia--Karst) (Stehlik., V.) 'r (KLmsky, J.)
Conference on applied studeis of karst. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol.
28 no.1:124-126 Ja 163. (Karst) (MIRA 16:2)
~tDOS'EYEV', 1,A- ot;v, red.j YEASKOV, V.A., red,j SOLOVIYEV,
A.I., red.
[qussian geographical explorations of the Caucasus and
Central Asia in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th
i:enturyj Russkie geografichesk-'Le issledovanila Kavkaza i
Srednei Azi-i v XIX - nacliale XX v. [By] L.A.Gvozdetsii i
, 1944. 156 (1,111RA 17:11)
dr. Moskva, Nauka
OM-E-131HY, N.A., prof., red.; LOPATINA, L.I., red.
[.Materials on the physicogeographical regionallza-ulon, of
the U.S.S.R.; Siberia and the Far East] Materialy po f-J-
ziko-geograficheskopra raionirovanil.u SS.Ia; Sibirl i Dall-
nii Vostok. I-'oskva, Izd-vo Mosic. univ. 1964. 232 1, '
(MLIU 17:6),
CHUPAKIIIII, Vik-tor Mikhaylovich; GVOZDE'~-'SKIY, N.A., doktor geogr.
nauk, prof., otv. -i., 1.11 -1
[Physical geography of the Tien Shan; natural and geographical
characteristics) main problems of landform mapping, and
comprebensive pbysicogaographical regionalisation] Fiziche-
skaia geografiia Tiaril-Shania; prirodno-geograficheskie oso-
bennosti, osnovnye voprosy landshaftnogo kartirovaniia i kom-
pleksnogo fiziko-geograficheskogo ravonirovaniia. Alma-Ata,
Izd-vo AII Kaz.SSR, 1964. 371 p. (MI iLk 17: 5)
Tasks and prospects of comprehensive physical geography,. Vest.
Mosk. un. Ser. 5: Geog. 19 no.2:25-31 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Kafedra fizichaskoy geografii SSSR Moskovskogo universiteta.
K~trst of ft.-e regilm cf the Caucasian m1neral wattjrfi. Irudy MOIP 12 ~ '05...
135 '64. IMTRA l8ti,!
MILIKOV, Fodov NikoltiyovIoh, prof.; 6VOIDETSK-1Y Ni~-olrly
Andreyevich, prof.; STRIGI BFLITOW05
[Physical geography of the U,S.S.R.; general survey, the
European U.S.S.R., the Caucasus] Fizicheskaia geografila
SSSR,- obshchii obzor, Evropeiskaia chast' SSSR, Kavkaz.
Moskva, Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry., 1962. 4-75 P.
(MIRA I8z5)
1. Voronezhskiv gosudarstvennyy uni-versite-1. (for Millkov).
2. Moskovskiy gosudarstvemiyy universitet (for Ovozdetsk'Ly).
Ef fact of heiniLmhe on the atundance of muskxatE on Lhe Alaku ;I ~ftqk--
rat Fann. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.2-.5&-59 163.
(MIRA 17:10)
Karst phenomena in North Ossetia. Biul,. 901P.], 'rj --
S-0 164.
Karst of the Nalceral'skoye Plateau in western Ga-.~)rgla, lbld.i1-57
(MTI,n -~S~
- 2)
FEDINA, Aleksandra Yefimovna; GV~ZDEj�AIY,-jj.A., prof., rrA .;
LOPATINA, L.I., red.
[Pbyalcogeograpbica.1 regionalization; aid for correspr-'-
ence school students attending the geographical faculties
of state universities) Fiziko-geograficheskoe raionirova-
nie; posobie dlia studentov-zaocbnikov geograficbeskikh
fakul'tetov gosudarstvennykh universitetoy. Moskva, Izd-
vo Mosk. univ., 1965. 140 p. (MIRA 18-6)
YANSHIN, A.L., akademik; YAKOVLEV, Yu.Ya. (Moskva); PLOTKIN, S.Ya., Ir-and.teklm
nauk (Moskva); GVOZDETSKIY N.A. prof.; IJOVIK, I.B. (Moskva);
Ye.D. (Moskva); BELOV, S.V. (Leningrad)
Books. Priroda 54 no.7:56-57; 71; 104-111 Jl 165.
(MIRA 18:7)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. II.I.V.1omono-sova (for
" i '. I I . C'. I.: i, ~ t
It " t" -.- I I*_,; - - ~ . , .
... -~ !;:I 0--d z` f,,;' karL~-~ i -i :i." .'' n 'rudy
Ir fic'! orry, -, - . . I
1-1) IT '.-- 15 - 5 - '- jL '~S 5 .
Types rX R;--r 17-, irl th~ -*fv,,::,5u~.. .1 b i d . : 4Y 5
(miat, 1,Qr)'
L 2366-66 Wr(l) GW
-ACCESSION MR: AP5020107 UR/0251/65/039/001/0101/0107
AUTHORs Gvozdetskiy. N. A.
TITLE: Karat of the Caucasus in comparison with the karat of othw mountainous
.regions of the SSSR
!SOURCEi AN GruzSSR. Soobshchaniya, V, 39, no. 1, 19652 101-107
~TOPIC TAGSs- erosion, solvent action, geography., f,221o pswu., carbonate
ABSTRACT: The author has described restricted examples of the most interesting
regions of the Caucasus having characteristic types of karst in order to compare
these with other mountainous regions of the SSSF. The limestone ranges of western
Georgia probably have the greatest karat development in the Caucasus., possibly
in the entire Soviet Union. Here, on the Nakeraltskiy Plateau,, azi Rmch as 30%
or more of the rock has been removed by solution. The rocks are Lower Cretaceous
limestones, and the characteristic features are sinks within sinka, up to the
third order, with brush-covered slopes and floors. Thnse have no counterparts in
other parts of the SSSR. Bare limestone karat on the Fisht-~Oshten-Lagoaaki
Plateau, in Upper Jurassic limestone, exhibits deeply disoacted sinks that have
Card 1/2
L 2366-&
Ideveloped along fracture lines. Sinks at all stages of development are presentif
The region resembles the limestone ranges of Abkhaziya and blengeliya. The high
~Mountainous karst of Arabiki shows almost conical forms, The sinks in the
Bzybskiy Range are very similar to those on the Fisht-Oshten-Lagonaki Plateau,
'The karst regions of the eastern Caucasus are similar to the moderately high
regions of the Central Asian ranges (the Karatau and the front chains of.the
;Turkestan and Alai Ranges on the southern border of the Fergana valley). Grass-
'covered karst regions are widespread in the Caucasus. The conditions for their
formation are very specific, and comparable regions are seldom found elsewhere.
:;Gypsum karst is found on the western half of the northern slope of the Main
~Caucasus. It -is also found in the Peter the First Range and in the northern
foothi3ls of the Zaalai Range3 as well as in some Centria Asian regions. Orig,
art. has: 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSRI Institut geograf ii im. Vakhushti
(Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR) Institute of GeognapkV)
SUBMTED: l:1Dec64 ENCLs 00 -4q, 6 SUB CODEt BS
NO REF SOV: 023 OTHER: 001
Card 2/2
Undimir Foliksovich Piotrovskii, 1876-1965. Vest. Mosk.
un. Ser. 5: Geog. 20 no.5:83 3-0 165. (MIRA 18:12)
of the Caucagus as cmrArad with karet J ;the,- mountain
of the Soob. AN Gruz. SISR 39 no 1:101-10
X. 165. (MIRA 18:10)
_. Institut geografti imelni Vakhushti AN Gru?.93R. Submitted
December 8,, 1964.
YA-USHOVA. AiF.; GEE=,,P., S.Yu.; Cz',:(;Ill'K, V.Pi.,- ZUE-SNIVI, S.I..,-
SOKOLOV, i1.4.- LICF,(QV, B.TL.-.,' GORE-T-SKIY, G.T.; SjfrF, 7.S.;
Noristantin KonstantinovIcli &irkovls vole in -Iie creation and develop-
ment of the paleogeography of Uie anthropogenla (the Quatvarnaj-:")
~L -y of scient-ill-Ic
,,-riod; on his 60th birthday and the /,Oth annLversai
work. I7v. Vses. geog. ob-va 97 no-0177-3?9 J'J-Ag 165.
(mIRA 3..S:,8)
150th anniversary of A.T. 14iddendorfCls birth. Vest. Mosk.
un. Ser. 5: Geog. 20 no.6:86-87 N-D 165.
(IMIRA 19: 1)
Interrelation of tectonic iointing and the force of Inarginal
resistance in the regions ~f carbonate karst. Biul. 11401P Otd.
geol. 40 no. 6t160 11-D 165 (MTRA 19:1)
1. Submitted Ma'Y 28, 1965.
~ 1 i : I ~ - - ~ ~ t ~ -~tp- ! I -:~ - ; ~
t I - ;~ ; ~1 -
11YABUlKOW. A.M., Prof.; SHMIUK114, I."',; O"AITSHKIN, Yu.G., prof.;
.1,A., doktor geogr. nauk
Senior Soviet Geographer;1875- ; 90th birthday of Aleksandr
Nikolaevich Dzhavakhishvili. Vest. Mosk. -an. Ser. 5: Geog.
20 no.5:82 S-0 165. (MIRA 18.12)
GVOZDETSKIY, N.A., doktor geograf. nauk
International Speleological Congress in Brno. Vest AN` SSSR 34 no.10:
97-98 0 164. (MIRA 17:11)
GVOZDETSKIY V inatruktor-letchik (g.Syerdlovsk)
.On the ground and An the air. Kryl.rod. 12 no.6v25 Je 161.
(MIRA 14,6)
*'0 D230/D301
073/ /1
AUTHORS,. Levitskiyq S.M.9 and Gvozdetskiy-,
TITLE: The influence of the constant electric fleld on the
start of pulsed microwave discharge in a gas
PERIODICAI: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v,, 7. no, 1, 1962,
133 - 141
TEXT: This is an examination of the effect of a constant electric
field on the start of pulsed microwave discharge as a function of
pressure and kind of gas, pulse repetition rate (p.r.r.) polarity
and amplitude of the constant potential. Two distinct cases are
considered-. a) The effect of d.c. voltage on the start of the in--
tial breakdown, b) the effect of d.c. voltage on the existence .~,f
self-sustained oscillations, Measurements carried out in air at
pressures of 10 - 150 mm Hg and 800 p.r.r. showed that the d~c,,
field had little influence on the breakdown or time of the statis-
tical lag. At low pressures below 10 mm Hg, when the striking time
was sufficiently long, the effect of the d,c, voltage was analo-
Card 1/3
The influence of the constant ... D230/D301
gous to that of incident c.w. power; at the time of discharge for-
mation the field draws the electrons to the electrodes increazing
the losses of the electrons and increasing -the power required for
initiation of the discharge. Tabulated results of the influence oi
d.c. voltage on the existence of self-sustained (simmering) dia-
charge show that in the presence of the field the stability increa.-
ses as the power increases. The effect of varying the D.r.r. on the
microwave discharge is shown in two families of curves with and
without applied d~c. field. In the case without field and low p.r.
r.'s the discharge requires a more intense microwave field and
for the following pulse are the same as for a single pulse, In the
case with a d.c. field and different the curves do not
differ much from each other. The action of the d.c~ fLeld in the
interpulse period is to accelerate the deic-nization o-f the dischar-
ge gap and lower the concentration of the free ele,~~trons at the
start of the following pulse,z furthermore, applicat-'Lon of the d.c_
field removes the simmering discharge and reduces it -.o the case of
breakdown at individual pulses,, At pressures hLigher than 110 mm Hg
the application of the dc_~ field cannot prevent the occurence of
Card 2/3
The influence of the constant D230/D301
random breakdowns and it may prevent continuosy simmering discharge.
The graphs and tabulated data represent the results of experiments
made in air and in argon at 10,000 Mc/s. There are 6 figures, 2 ta-
bles and 12 references: 9 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The
references to the English-language publications read as follows: L.
I. Varnering S.C. Brown, Phys. Rev., 1950, 79, 6~ 946# S.C. Brown,
Breakdown in gasest Handb. der Physik, 1956, 22, 531; W.A~ Prowse,
L.E. Lane, Proc. Phys. Soc, B, 1956, 69, 1, 33.
ASSOCIATION: Kiyevski~ gosudarstvenny universitet imo T.G. Shev-
chenko ( tate University of Kiyev im. T.G. Shevchenko)
SUBMITTED: May 59 1961
Card 3/3
Displacement of an electric arc in a magnetic field. Avtom.
svar. 16 no.10:54-62 0 163. (M-IRA 16:12)
1. Institut elektrosvarki imeni Patona AN UkrSSR.
Investigating a direct current welding arc (flat and 6onical
arcs) rotating in a magnetic field. Avtom. svar. 16 no.12:1-6
D 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Institut, elektrosvarki imeni Patona AN UkrSSR.
Green light for tractor trainfi. Avt.trarisp. 38 no.7:12-13
ji 16o. (MIRA 13:7)
(Tractor tmins)
00 A
00 A
06 a
of a
oe V~
0 0 0 0 potooooo
9 - 4
- ------- ~~D-Pe
0 0
iA--b 1--s I
Va. ilU4,111INJOAL A.
.4" lum"
C" .IS
ulaw w
camus a movemmem of It. *M IC,
tM dka~wAm id two. my,:,, ==Ma
coaW-.qp WA a 1. J, IL
3-P of ft
IT* UO "0, -0 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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e 00 0 0 of* :0 0 0 0 0 00 4 0 so 0-0-4
IXO 40
43 FT, 100
0 fo 06060000006000
0 0 *L : 0 70$1~
- 0-0-0-0-0 * 0 0 0 0 0 6 60
doktor tokinn.nauk,; KNOM. inzh.-
tekhn.sluzhby,; KASHIRTSEV, I.A.,
(Reconstruction of industrial buildings; examples from practice]
Vosstanovlenie promyshlennykh zdanii; primery iz praktiki.
Moskva, Dorizdat Gushosdora NM SSSR, 1945. 75 P. (MIRA 12:11)
(Industrial buildinpa-Maintenance and repair)
GVOZDBV, A., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor.
Letter to the editors. Stroi.prom.25 no.8:20-21 A~ 147. (IMRA 9:1)
(Reinforced concrete)
-~ -J 'If .1
27697 0 razvitii teorii rasveta zhelesobetonnVkh konstruktsly v
SSSR. Trudy iv vasaoyvs. konf-taii po betonv i zhelesobeton.
Konstrvktaiyam. Ch. 2. M-L, 1949, is. 3-19.
SOt Knishwya L*topia, Vol. 1, 1955
(-,VO'i-.DYF,T, A. A.
Myetod Payed-elli-fogo FzvnovZTesiya v Fri--qyenyenii K Paschyetu Zilyelyeeo'- etonnykh
Konstruktsiy. Inzh. Sbornik (Akad Nauk SSSR, In-T myeklianiki), T.V. vyp.2, 19h9, S.
320- Bibliogr- 5 Naev
SO: Letopis' No.40
USSR/physics.- Shells May 50
"Review of V. Z. Vlasov's Book, 'Structural Mechanics
of Th-In-Walled Spatial SystemF,"' A. Gvozdev
"Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Vauk" No 5, pp 785-787
Subject book ("Stroitellnaya Mekhanika Tonkosten-
nykh Prostranstvennykh Sistem," 42.2 pp, 222 1-11,
State Publ of Constr Lit, 33.80 rubles) consilers
shells, structural members, and whole structures
formed from plates. Chapters axe. (1) mathematical
theory, (2) shells with various boundary conditions,
(3) closed multiconnected Prismatic shells (4) prac-
ticaj- applications, (5) stability of Prismatic Shells
of thin-walled be- and columns of variable cross
IM 163T73
USSR/Physics - Shells (Contd) Xay 5 0
section, (6) thin-walled sectional beam pf open
profile, (7) bending of plates, (8) variational
method, and (9) prismatic systems with rigidly fixed
ribs. Vlasov was awarded Stalin Prize for tbis work.
1. M-ZOE-1 , A. A.
2. USSR (6oo)
/,. Technology
7. Problems of contemporary reinforced ccnerete 's.!oskva, Gos. i--d-vo lit-
ry po stroit-vu i arkh-re, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -A!3ril -1953. Unclassified.
G'VOZDEVp A. It . Prof . (Re-vriewer)
"Reinforced Concrete Construction,"by K. V. Saklinovskiy, Stroy. prom.,
303 No.9, 1952
IrSSR/Engineering - Construction, Apr 53
"Temperature-Shrinkage Deformations in Massive Con-
crete Blocks.."'A. A. Gvozdev
Iz Ak Nauk, M, No 4, pp 493-504
Discusses preventive measures against cracks in con-
crete during setting period. EmphaEizing extreme
complexity of calculating internal stresses in con-
crete, attempts to outline method for such calcula-
tions by values of temp-shrinkage changes in volume
of concrete block. Claims that simplifications sug-
gested in developing this method permit its practical
application. Presented by V. V. Sokolovskiy, Corr
Mb Acad Sci USSR 19 Sep 52.
GYOZDZV, A.A., professor, redaktor; RALBINOVICH, I.M., professor, re-
_~-PILOWMO-BORODICH, X.M., professor. redaktor; U'AWITIV,
A.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, nauohnyy redaktor; TU)UUIN, D.M.,
inzhener, redaktor; SMOLOYAXOTA, M.V., tekhnIcheskiy redaktor.
(Research on the theory of structures] IssIsdovaniia po teorii sooru-
shenit; abornik statei. Pod red. A.A.GvozdsTa, I.M.Babinovicha, H.K.Fi-
lonenke-Borodicha. MoskvA, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry stroit. i arkhitaktury.
Vol. 6. 1954. 570 P. (MLRA 7:11)
(Structures, Theory of)
STMLETSKIT, N.S., professor, doktor takhnichookikh nauk; MUSH, V.M.,
profeBsor, doktor tekhaichookikh nauk; GVOZDZY, A.A., professor,
laureat Stalinakoy premli, doktor tekhnj-cR`e's'j_M- "n"WiLk; ONISHCHIK, L.I.,
profeasor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; GOLIDNNBLAT, I.I., doktor tekh-
nicheskikh nauk; KARTASHOT, K.N., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk;
BIWIN, V.A., kandidat takhnichankikh nank; TALI, K.E., kandidat tekh-
nicheakikh nauk.
Discussion of the problem of building calculations using the method
of limiting states. Strol.prom. 32 no.4:41-42 Ap '54. (K&RA 7:5)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk, deyetvitel'nyy chlon Akadexii
arkhitektury (for Streletskiy). 2. Vitse-president Akademii arkhitak-
tury (for Keldysh). 3. Chlea-korrespondent Akademli arkhitektury (for
Gvozdev). 4. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii arkhitektury (for Onishchik).
(Building--Tables, calculations. etc.) (Reinforced concrete
GVOZDZV, A.A., professor, laureat Stalinskoy premii.
"-=. ":~-'.
Development of the use of precast reinforced concrete construction
elements in the U.S.S.R. Strol.prom. 32 no.10:23-28 0 '34-(MIRA 7:11)
(Precast concrete construction)
BCRISHA.NSKIY,M.B., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GVOZDFV,A.A., professor,
doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; MIZZRNYUK,B.14.,
inzhener-, SHERMAN,L.N., arkhitaktor
Precaat reinforced concrete beams developed by the State Planning
Institute of Industrial Constructiop and the Central Scientific
Research Institute of Industrial Construction. Rate. i izobr.
predl. v stroi. no.81:20-22 '54. (KUtk 8:6)
(Girders) (Precast concrete construction)
j!02DW~, A.A... prof essor, laureat Stalinskoy prenii; XARANYMM, I.A-.,
"~-*'-ner, redaktor; ROSTUFTSEVA, M.P., redaktor; VOLKOV, T.S.,
!,takhnichookiy redaktor.
[Research on the strength, pliability and creepage of building
materials] Issiedoranie prochnosti, plastichnosti i polsuchoeti
stroitellnykh naterialow. Pod red. A.A.0yosdeva. Koskya, Goo.
izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhItekture.. 1955. 217 P.
OWA 9: 5
l.Hoacow. Tgentral'Vy nauchno-isoledovatel'skly institut pro-
syshlennykh cooruzhenty.
(Building materials)
SO V/ 124-38- 2- 2167
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 2, p 95 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Gvozdev, A.A.
TITLE: The Creep of Concrete and Means for Its Investigation (PolzucFest'
betona i puti yeye issledovaniya)
PERIODICAL: V sb: Issledovaniye prochnosti, plastichnosti i polzuchesti strcit
materialov. Moscow, 1955, pp 126-137
ABSTRACT: As is known, the linear-creep relationship between deformation and
stress, in particular in monoaxial stress conditions, can be expressed
in the form
a-x(t) t cx(t)
X(t) ---T- - fE(u) ~EkL'u) clu'
.E t)tI
G-x W t
E W - f -C (u) RF(t, u) du
F-Tt-) x t x
Card 1/2
SOV/124-58 -2-2167
The Creep of Concrete and Means for Its Investigation
where L(t, u) [ this should more property be LE(t, u); Transl. Ed. Note) is the
influence function of preceding elastic deformations on the observed total deforma
tion and RE(t,u) is the influence function of preceding total deformations on the
observed stress. One of these functions can be determined experimentally while
the other can be obtained from the relationship between the kernel and the resol-,
%ent ot the Volterra integral equation. Experimental curves are adduced for L
and it '-s shown that stresses exerted upon a concrete specirnen quite recently,
and also stresses which occurred when the material was young, may leave a sig-
nificant effect, even though the effect of stresses applied in the interim period
may have been erased to a significant degree.
N Kh. Arutunyan
Card 2/2
GVOZIW, A.A., laureat Stalinskoy premii
Present state and problems of theory in reinforced concrete construction.
Bet. i shol.-bet. no.2:37-44 My 155o (KLRA 8:9)
1. Chlon-korrespondent Akadeimff ArkhItektury SM.
(Reinforced concrete construction)
GVGZW, A.A., professor.
Second congress of the International federation for Prestressed
Reinforced Concrete meets in Amsterdam. Bet.1 shol.-bet. no.9:
331-332 D 155. (KIJA 9:3)
(Amsterdam-Prestressod concrete construction-CoWesses)
B.G.; KUGIUMNKO, V.A., redaktor; BARSXOV. I.M.. redaktor;,
RUBANNNKO. B.P.. redaktor; GORSHKOV, A.P., redaktor izdatellstva;
STRELITSKIY. I.A., tekhnichookiy- rodaktor
[Construction practices abroad; in countries of Western Burope. Based
on material gathered by a delegation of Soviet building specialists]
Opyt atroitallstva zo rubezhom; v stranakh Zapaclnoi Avropy. Po
materialam otchatov delegatsii sovetskikh spetsialintov-stroitelei.
Moskva. Goo. It-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitaktui-e. 1956. 365 P.
(Jurope, Western--Building) (MUIA 10:1)
SO'V/ 137- 57- 10- 101091
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 95 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Gvozdcv, A.A.
TITLE: Specifications for Cone rete- reinforcing Bars (Trebovaniya k
profilyani dlya arniatury zhelezobetotinvkh konstrLiktsiy)
PERIODICAL: V qb.: Ratsionalizatsiya profiley prokata. Moscow, Profiz-
dat, 1956, pp 339-3-14
ABSTRACT: The following measures are recommended to improve con-
crete-reinforcing bars Expansion of the production of de-
formed sections of Nr Z5GS steel (bars 10-40 mn-i in diam and
rods 6 -9 mm in diam), and development of a weldable low-alloy
steel not subject to cold shortness, organization of mass pro-
duction of 40 to 90-rnni diam rods for hydroelectric construc-
tion. A low-alloy deformed rod capable of being butt welded
and having a G-b of the order of 100 kg[mrn2 has to be devel-
oped for prestressed structures, and the manufacture of low-
alloy, heat-treated 7-mm deformed rods having
07 b > 150
Card I/ I kg/rnrriz to reniforce prestressed structures niust be perfected. V-0.
GVOZDNV, A.A., professor.
Some practical problems related to prestressed reinforced
concrete. Bet. i zhel.-bet. ao.1:29-31 Ja 156.(HLRA 9:4)
(Prestressed concrete)
GVOZ A~A.4-professor.
"The ultimate-load theory applied to the design of reinforced
and prestressed-concrete frames* [in English] by A.L.I.Baker.
Reviewed by A.A.Gvozdav. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.11:412-413 19 '56.
(KM 9:12)
1. Deystvitelinyy chlen Akademit strottel'stya I arkhitektury
(Reinforced concr'ete construction) (Baker, A.L.L.)
GIIOZDEV, A. A. (Prof.)
"Noteworthy Shell Construction in the Soviet Union,"
paper presented at 2nd Internationation Symposium on Shell Const-mction in
Oslo, 1- 3 July 1957.
SO: Bauplanung-Bautechnik, No. 11, 1957.
A'1,M1'0RS:Gvozdev, A.A'. (Professo:,), and Dmitriyev, S'.A'. (Cand.Tech,
601.) - 97-5-6/133
TITLE: Calculation of prestressed concrete, ordinary reinforced
concrete and plain concrete sections for the preventioy-, cf
crack formatic-n. (K raschetu 'Dredvaritellno
obyoLWkh Zhelezobetonnykh i tetonnykh secheniy po ob::-Ei-,-.-
aniyu treshchin).
PERIODNPI: "Beton i Zhel6zobeton" (Concrete and Reinforced Conc-;,:et-.)
95 j, No-5, pp.2G5__--_;_11 (USSR).
Z'LBSULICT: Stress diagrams are used as basis for the above calcula-
tions. In these diagrams the stress in the tensioned zoiie
is represented by a rectangle in the tension area and its
base Rp = the breaking stress. Professor V.I.Murashev re-
commended a simplification of the calculations by extensio.-
of the linear stress diagram from the compressed zone t.c, t'c-.-
tensioned zone so thatthe magnitude of the extureme tensicn-
ed fibre = 2Pr(Viz.Fig .1). This simplification gives mulih
more simplified formulae wLich are of great advantage dur-f-Ag
the calculation of prestressed sections. This s 'implified
method is described in the work by Professor
"Investigations on Ordinary and P~estreqsed Reinforced Con-
crete Constructions" (Issledovanie Obychmykh i PredvarLte-11114-
Card 1/2 Napryazhennykh Zhelezo'betonnykh Konstraktsiy) which mis
Calculation of prestressed concrete, ordinary reinforced
concrete and plain concrete sections for the prevention of
crack fomation. (Cont'.) 97-5-03
published in the "Sbornik Trudov TsNIPS (QHWnC), Stroyizdat,
1949. It contains tables and instructions for the calcula-
tion of prestressed constructions (I - 148 - 50, 1 - 148 -
52). The calculation of crack formations in pretensioned
and ordinary reinforced concrete constructions effected by
bendirg or eccentrical bending is carried out by using the
simplified formulae.
There are 9 figures.
ard 2/2
I."/ " -1 - - P 147, 1/1 1 -I
~-/ AIII
0- c - 21- - - '. , I
GVOZDBV, A.A., prof. doktor tekhn.nauk
r-- I
Thermml shrinkage stresses in concrete blocks nad MASSIve
constructions. Sbor. trud. MLSI no.11:11-41 157. (MIRA 11:3)
(Concrete construction) (Strains and stresses)
1-1 , '* ~' .1 . ;;: :i_ )
GVOZDBV, A.A., prof.
...... I
Calculating tension losses caused by friction in prestressed
structural components. Bet. I zhel.-bet. no-12;503' D 157.
(Prestressed concrete) (MIR'k 11:1)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 119 (USSR)
AUTHOR: ._ Gvozdev, A.A.
TITLE- Temperature - contraction Stresses in Concrete Blocks and
Massive Structures (Tempe raturno-usadochnyye napryazheniya
v betonnykh blokakh i rnassivnykh sooruzheniyakh)
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr, Mosk. inzh. -stroit. in-ta, 1957, Nr 17, pp 11-43
ABSTRACT: A presentation of graphical and analytical techniques for the
approximate solution of problems on propagation of heat in
concrete blocks and massive structures. Formulae permitting
computation of temperature and contraction deformations and
stresses are derived with due allowances for creep phenomena/
The expressions obtained are applied to conditions existing in
concrete blocks of hydraulic structures reinforced in various
fashions- Computations of temperature-contraction stresses
are carried out in order to determine maximal permissible
dimensions of blocks. A number of measures is recommended
for the purpose of increasing the size of the blocks: a) Reduc-
tion of cement consumption; b) employment of cement with low
heat emiS5ion, c) cooling of concrete by means of a system of
Card 1/2 pipes embedded in it. The Last technique, however, is Costly.
SOV/ 124-58- 3- 3411
Temperature-contraction Stresses in Concrete Blocks 1cont.
It is more expedient to cool the concrete before laying if construction work
must be performed during the hot season of the year, Wherever possible
it is advisable to cover the surface of the concrete with heat- insulating
material and employ a filler with a small temperature coefficient of expan-
s ion.
K, S. Zavriyev
Card 2/2
GTOZOV, A.A., prof., doktor tekhn.ruiuk; XORNET, AJI., kand.takhn.nouk;
KHATIN, B.N., red.izd-va; SOLUTSHYA, L.M..
(Temporary technical specificntions for desilmine, ronatniction
elements made of lightweight concretes with oynthetic aggregates]
Tremennye tekhnicheskie usloviia po proektirovanilu konstruktaii
iz leddkh betonov a lskustvannymi zapolniteliami. Moskva. 1958.
20 P. (KIRA 13:4)
1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Iastitut betona
i zholazobetons, Perovo. 2. Laboratoriya konstruktaiy iz yacheistykh
i legldkh betonoy Usuchno-inaledovatol'skogo instituta betona I
zhelezobetona (NIIZhB) (for Gvozdev, Kornev).
(Lightweight concrete)
GVOZDXV, A.A., prof.,doktor tekhn. nauk; MIKHAYLCV. V.V., prof.; DMITRIYET.
kand. tekhn. nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudaik; VLATUH.OV, B.A.,
kand. takhn. nauk, starehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TABXMN, R.I., inzh.:
KOSTYUKOVSKIT, M.G., kand. takhn. nauk; VASILIINV. 3.I., insh.;
pri uchastii kand. tekhn. nauk O.Ta. BIM i inzh. I.S. PRIKHOD110;
THMKIN. L,Te., iuzh., red.; PlTROTA* V.V., red. izd-va; BLIKINA, R.K..
tekhn. red.
[Instructions for designing prestressed reinforced concrete
structures] Instruktsiia po proektirovaniiu pradvaritellno
napriazhennykbLzhelezobetonnykh konstruktaii (SN 10-57); utverzhdena
Gosudarstvannym komitatom Soveta*Miniatroy SSSR po, delam stroite'll-
stva 14 oktiabria 1957 g. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-r7 po stroit.,
arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1958, 239 Pe (NTRA 11:5)
1. Rassia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvemwy komitet po delam
stroitelletva. 2. laboratoriya teorii zhelezobstona i armatury i
Iaboratorlya prodyaritelluo napryashenufth konstruktsiy Nauchno-
iseledovatellskogo inatituta betona i zhelezobetona Akademli
stroitellstva i arkhitektur7 SSSR (for Owozder, Mikhaylov, Dmitriyer,
Kalaturov). 3. Gosudaretvennyy institut tipovogo proye4irovaidya
i tekhuicheskikh iseledovaniy Glavatroyproyekta (for Tabankln,
Kostyukovskiy, Vasillyev). 4. Deystvitellnyy Alen Akademii
stroitelletva i arkhitaktury SSSR (for Gvozdev. Kikhaylov)
(Preotreaged concrete construction)
GVOZDEV, A.A., inzh.
Precision adjustment of universal-joint partz. IZ7. 778. ucheb.zav.;
prib. no.2:32-35 '58. (MIRA 11:7)
l.Gosudaretvenrqy Sovuzn7y nauchno-issledovatellslrdT institut.
(Universal Joints (Mechanics))
AUTHORS: Skuridin, G. A. and Gvozdev, A. A.
TITLE: On Boundary Conditions for Jumps in Discontinuous
Solutions of the Dynamical Equations of Elasticity
Theory. (0 krayevykh usloviyakh dlya skanhkov razryv-
nykh resheniy dinamicheskikh uravrieniy teorii
PERIODICAL: lzvestlya Akademli NaWc SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya,
1958, Nr- 2, pp. 145-156- (USSR)
ABSTRACT: At. the present time asymptotic representations are
important in many branches of mathematics and
theoretical physics. In Refs. 2-7 the application
of the asymptotic, method to the solution of dynamical
problems in elasticity theory was indicated, and the
fundamental equations for j~-uns in discontinuous
SOIUtiOnr, Of *.he equaticns,. b-)Lh for honogeneous, and
for inhomogeneous media, obtained. However,
for the furt.her devel,~pxent ol' the a~;ymp~otic method
i,~ io essentia-1 ~o forri,,ulaie the ba.-.ic bounriary
Card 1/13 condition3 for jumps in dis-,ontinuous sc-luticns.
On Bowidary Conditions for juirrps in D-*.~,c(,,.it-.itu(_,u., Sclutions of
the Dynamical Equations c.L'
This makes it possible -to solve problems immediately
for JuTs in displacemer,~-.~, ai,d velo,~Jtier, without
reference to t1to 1 F .jj eq , tio --
u I ~ 1, Ic ~CT 11a 11-
The passage L,-- the re'al-ions, in Iliese
equations Lwast be accom.-~anled by a -Amilar transition
-in Lhe boundary Su~-h a
transition is absenL from Ref;-. 4 awi 5. For
simplicity the authors ~-cnsider the I.-wc-dimen'.-ional
case -.41th two-dimenSional and plane
boundaries, of steptaraticr; t,,J~, ~,he of
applic~ability of "iLr: of t'ie Lola~.d
element", the true for cirvUinear
boundaries (qef.g). Th,~ au"Lar.-, )-gin by di;3cussing
the travsformation of the fundamental equations of
Card 2/13 mot-ion in an inhomogeneouo elaotic mediwn:
On Boundaly Conditions for J-mps Ln Diqc;ontii--,Uou.s ."olation-s of
the Dynamical -.I;cilaation- c)f ~',Tazticity Theory.
u i
x div L- + 2
j7y 7
'~ ' A- Z
L v +
2 aiv u- +
1 2 1.
T Uk.1)
, YY
'y cz
A 1) LL
VII + ,Z
L3 +
di v
2 + E
Z7 +
z z
"Y ,) z
whe re L is L--iac^s operator:
L + d L +
j 0 J
Card 3/13 J.
--50' -2-1; /18
on Doundary Conditions for Jumps 4 '-- D-iscontiLl-LOIJIS ~ola+,-ion---! cf
the Dynamical Equations of
\72 + -(,rad
~L 2 2 ~I
177 + + i. )-ra d
If the auxiliary -~,-:iriable .,s inilrodu:-ed bj- the
Card 4/13 relation
49-58-2 - 1118
On Boundary Conditions for Jinaps in Discontinuo-us Oclutions
the Dynamical Equations of Elasticity Theo:r-j,,
d d
ds dri
denotes differentiation alort- a ray) and P
and are defined by
2 2
then the equations for the jump discontinuilt.-ies in the
Card 5/13 displacement vector -2k, a re
On Boundary Conditions for Jtunps -Ju W_z.:,~oritinuous Solutionl~ of
the Dynamical Equations of
dP 1
2-=- + -I (E ". )
d,r, + 2~iL
d_q 1 0", q. 1.0
2- +
.&(Grad p) ra d 0
d1r2 It
respectively for and transverse waves,
After solving these =(juations the authors go on ic,.
deduce the boundary ccndL'-'.o,:as �Poi, t'-e,,e case c0
'I L
reflection of elas~7:1'~; wa-.i-F frol-a -Clrle- boundaq:,-Y ---' a
half-space. It is supposed tha-t on the boundary
of the half-space th=-re fal'!.s a lon-tdi 1 e la s 4: _i
wave whose wave-fror-i- '-.-Li -11bP halff'-space (x, t)
is defined by the equatic-1-1
.a - '(1,-)8)
.~, (x (h
Card 6/13 ~ 7. t 0
."Oll(lil;j.011:': Ol
t_ I
ij-znote by u t.
ctor o -f 'J' T r~! -and
(u 0 1' lle 31,7e r S
2 C
rille, 3!E-
ve Ve C C o:
11 e -_-
r c;
f C' c.
If the boundal-,
Luen the
U., I
-h via
49,-. ~'~ 8- 2, 1/118
On Boundary Conditions for Ju a
ps 1 r,
in Disconti-nuous ojutioj~, 0-
the Dynamical Equations of Ela,,,.ticity Theory.
lc~ 'A 1
0 i 0 1 2
y y y
2 Y=o
0- c
,'*l 42 61if 1 a1v i'~,*
2 0
y y
lit A
x -V y
V#~ V.
2: Y=O a
x x Oy- -~y y
for the reflocted ivave, thecae
equ,a"Uions it d.-'. " LIS2ALI ACd -11-1h;i%, on t-lie 0
card 9/13 we have
On Boundary Conditions for J-LLrdpr:- J.- Discontliyao-Lls SL-,)T,-LtJ-C;pz
the Dynamicall;quations of ",Ola
L'-- ~ 4 4~ - -L e-Zcu 0--
-and that ~j. -
Grad 2
Correspondi-n6 eouaticmi, are, also derived fcr
case o-.L' a frac bcup.dai-y. --ke a-
deri-vp, the boundlary for a airec-c
the case of a
(Friedrichs) and K,:~'-Ier obt!-~it-aed -na- S s -~- 0n,!7- -T, -a
direct wave 7.t. i.-4,-e o~L i,-;,,-o h---LJ.d half ~5~a,--oS
by usinz- t-11c; that the direct wave-Ifron--
h 4-
lzmovai from outwith. Ivil, ai.1 1-LO '.7
the asym - I
ptoti.~: etllod~ .,his pa.-per tl,,.(--
obtain the boimdary zo-nditions 'Lo--
five and 'fixed boundar-Li-s-, of on
on which a transverse wav-- i~3 iricilden-,
Card ic,/13 boundary the following expresSio--j~- fci--p
an Doundary Conditions for JLn
the Dynamical liquations of Elastic-it-7
the displacement vectcx o-*i~ 'u'.-.e
boundary y 0 are :~btain-6d:
'a C 2),
2 Y=O
v (2) 0 Y
2 y=o
Card 11/13 ~3
On Boundary Conditions ff c, r D--
the Dynamical Equations of i i t r7,.1
j J-s free "he c.orre~-prn
';*]hen the boundary d:L-IL:
u2 ly=o f-, p
2 y=o
Card 12/13
49-518- - - _2 --1/1a
On Boundary Conditions for Jumps in Discontinuous Solution!-, of
the Dynamical Equations of Elasticity Theory,,
There are 4 fi6ures and 1-7 reflerences, of which 3
are EnElish and 10 Russian.,*
ASSOCIATIOY: Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Instlitute of Earth
ysics. (Akademiya nauk SSSR; Institut fiziki
SUBMITTED: April 22~ 1957c
AVAIIABLE : Library of Congress.
Card 13/13
DAVYDOV, 3.S.,- KARTASHOV, K.H.; GYDZD!Cf, A.A.; M*l,Hr, ~ WV, V, j
Methods for farther expanding the production of vracaat reinforced
concrete. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.3!81-88 Mr 158. (MIRA 110)
1. Devotvitellny7e chlen7 Akademii stroltel'stya i arlhitektury, SSSR.
(Precast eoncrete)
WIN o K. 1. - 'DUMnSLOMI t.14rancts of
1!=y .lee,ents, (a.-Lon rf)
UE~IZXYA YO- I- - *Rno-arch on ecnd1ttc,, of
work and uItteate state or ta-i f . . . . f
Wustrial buil!lngs' (B-t= 11)
VEFI~, 0. YA. - 'AtedArch on the concrete
strength theory" (Session 11) ., I
BANOV (fau) (probably 111klay 11. BcSd&nnm~1W
and KMtWV (fnu) - 'General regulatLona
MOPWIE-fisv ItustnLcUms on designs
erection and maintenance at net roofs in
the U5BR$ and the mndt of meant t--
Utation of flat root structures to the
USSR' Nesten VI)
DONSFAMlay, M. a. - "Resistance of file.
iOrc-OT _c0fic~r1w members to the effect of
transverse forces" (Session 11) --- -
A. A., Prof. Dr. - 'Pro sent state
-MAM, of design of bu,11ftng strocturW
voyton It) 01,1A... r I ..J.
Gri~Driy F., Prot. - "Zoatern
-oyew experisuce" (Session IV).
WHOW, V. V., "a UMM, F. V. - *Problume
Of JaL%Lng b*~Vy *jjWM-t4 in pree"t
dvvUlN-td* (Session IV)
MMUMN W. I., prov. Dr. to
CIGCki 9 Ind ~Uffd*~0 Of mjnfOrtm4 WsCmU
mnbwo* (9664tom 11) . .. L
0"YAnw, v I., not., Promwent br somaiw zzi
al stand" to Present a pope in Session
ur title not givem. Kamer or Us ftearift
Committee for the Congress.
Y43AEM, Aloksgry A., Prof. Dr. ;"birsip of
eurrim cmatity of slaw MA emus 17 %M
Us', h~ftft aw"Awe (vasawn 11)
IMM F. 1P-, Q_UM, 0. A., Prot. W., WA
7WUJK, D. A. - -Stability of witi-o"
101"101 at b�Wr al~w (saawles NI
ropw%o to be od""M rw Ift au. ammerogs ggga "M awl"I Assow.
MAl. ftm-U for SaMme Nommord4 amuss ama ftemmAmum, aftogrems.
U-10 so Am.
BERDICIDWSKIY, G.I., k.,ind.tekhn.nnuk; DMITRIYEV, S.A., kPnd.tek!ui.Iwuk;
MIKHAYLOV, X.V., kand.telr-hn.riauk; GVOZDZV,.A.AR_, Drof., doytor
tekhn.nauk; MIIaLkYLOV, V.V., prof., doktor tokhn.nauk; BULGAKOV,
V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; VASIL'YEV, A.P., kand.tekJin.nauk; YEVGENIYNV,
I.Ye., kand.toklm.nauk; KULI11, kand.tekhn.nnuk; SMOV, A.A.,
kand.tekJin.nauk; FREIQMI, I.M., kand.tekhn.nauk.; BELOBROV, I.K.,
inzh.; MATKOV, N.G.. inzh.; MITNIK, G.S., inzh.; SIMYAR, B.L.. inzh.-,
SHILOV, Ye.V.,:hzh.; MASEM 0, I.D., inzh.; NIZMUCIFOKO, I.F., inzh.;
FILIPPOVA, G.P., inzh.; MIZMUffM, B.N., laind.tekhn.nauk; SOYNMID,
N.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; BILATIY-,,V, P.K., kand.tekim.nauk; BARBARAMI.
I.P., kand.tokhn.nauk; MITGARTS, L.B.. kand.tekhn.nauk; SHIFRIN, M.A.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; FETROVA, V.V., red.izd-va; TMIKINA, Ye.L.,
(Temporary instniction on the technology of making prestressed re-
inforced concrete construction elements] Vremennaia instruktsiia po
tekhnologii izgotovleniia predvaritellno nBpriazhennykh zhelazobe-
tonnykIn konstruktsii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.
stroit.materialam. 1959. 255 P. (MIRA 12:12)
(Continued on next
BERDICtiF,VSKIY, G.I.---(continiied) Card 2.
1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut botona
i zholezobetona, Perovo. 2. Nauchno-iseledovatellslciy institut
betona i zhelezobetona Akidemii stroitellstva i arkhillektury 3-9.0
(for Gvozdev, V.V.Mikhaylov, Berdichovskiy, Biill,,qkov, Vasillyov,
Dmitriyev, Yevgen'yev, K.V.Mikhaylov, Mulin, Svetov, Frenlmll,
Belobrov, Kntkov, Mitnik, Sklyar, Shilov). 3. Nniichno-issladovatell-
skiy institut orgmnizntali, moklumizataii i toldipomoshchi Alvido-mil
etroitelletva i arkliltektury =R (for Minenko, Nizhnichonko, Fi-
lip-pova, Mizernyuk, Sheynfelld). 4. Nauchno-issiodovatellskiy inst-4-
tut GlavinosDrometroymaterialov (for Balatlyev, Barbarash). 5. Nauc'.Ulo-
issledovatellskiy institut po stroitellstvu Minstrolra RSFSR (for
Kitgarts, Shifrin). 6-. Deystvitellnyye chleny Akademii stroitellstva
i arkhitektury SSSR (for Gvozdev, V.V.Mikhaylov).
(Prestressed concrete)
MURASM, V.-A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; MIRONOV, S..A., prof., doktor
tekhn.nouk; Ar-FXSANDROVSKIY, S.V., kand.tekhn.nauk: TALI. K.3.,
kand. takhn. nauk; DKITRIY3V, S.A., kand.tekYui.nnuk; HULIN, N.M.,
kand.tokhn.nauk; SIULOV. E.Ye., k-qnd.tekh-n.nauk; REMIROVSKIY,
Ya.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; TABEITKIN, N.L., inzh. (deceased]; KALA-
TUROV, B.A., kand.takhn.nauk; BRALME, Z.I.. inzh.; KRYLOV, S.M.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; POKIN, K.F., doktor tekhn.nauk; GUSEV, N.M.,
prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; YAKOVLEV, A.I., inzh.; KORENEV, B.G.,
prof., doktor tekhn.nqulc; DEM&WEVICH, Yti.V., inzh.; MOSMN,
V.M.; LURIYE, L.L., inzh.; KAKARICIMV, V.V., kind.tekhn.nauk;
SHEVC1014KO, V.A.. inzh.; VASILOY.21"l, B.F., inzh.; KOSTYUKOVS1IY,
M.G., lcmnd.tekhn.nauk; HAGARIK, I.L., inzh.; IL'YASHHVSKIY. Ya.A.,
inzh.; LARIKOV, A.F., inzh.-, STULOY, T.T., inzh.; TRUSOV, L.P.,
inzh.; LvYUIK0VtXIY, I.G., kand.tekhn.nauk,; POPOV, A.N., kand.telr-hn.
nauk; VINOGRADOV, N.M., inzh.; USIMCIV, N.A., kand.tekhn.nank;
STMMOV, P.M., inzh.; TER-OVAIESOV, G.S., inzh.; GLADKOV, B.N.,
kand.tekhn.muk; KOSTOCHKINA. G.V.. arkh.; KUPJX, N.M.; OSTROVSKIY,
N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; PE'-TU-M'SH'T3YN, Z.H.. in7h.: BUKSff,7rg, D.I., inzh.;
(Continued on next card)
NURASHR, V.A.--(continued) Card 2.
KIMYLOV, T.G.. kand.tekhn.nauk; SIGALOT, 37.Te., kand."V-7-1.nank;
GVOZIZV, A.A.,_prof., retsanzent; KIKHATL4DY, T.Y., prof., retsen-
z4_ni_-,PA�T_'-RRX . P.L., prof., rett*'~~nzent; SMIN, K.A., Inzh.,
retsenzent; T3MM, L.Te., inzh_ ~~.~tuclinyy red.; KOTIK, B.A., red.
isid-va; GORTACH3VA, T.V., red.izd-va; WMTMW, L.T-R..
(Handbook for designers] Spravochnik proektirorshchika. Pod ob-
shchei red. Y.I.Rurashava. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.,
arkhit. i strait.materialam. Vol.5. IF~recast reinforced concrete
construction elemental Sbornye sholezobetonnve konstruktsii.
1959. 603 P. (MIRA 12:12)
1. Akndemiya stroitel'stva i arkhitaktury SSSR. Nauchno-issiedo-
vatel'skiy institut betona i shelesobetona, Perovo. 2. Daystvitell-
nyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Hureshav,
Gvozdav, Mikhaylov,V.V.-'Pasternak."*S6bin). 3. Chlen-korresp. Akzk-
demii stroitelletva i arkhItektury SSSR (for Hironov, Ousav, Hoskvin,
(Proonst concrete construction),
AUTHOR: None given
TITLE: Information from the Commission on Prestressed and Precast
Reinforced Concrete Constructions (V Komissii po
predvaritellno napryazhennym I sbornym zhelezobetonn5,m
PERIODICAL: Beton I Zhelezobeton, 1959, Nr 1, p 44 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In December 1958 a session of the Commission on Prestressed
and Precast Reinforced Concrete Construction was held in
Moscow. This Commission was appointed by the Academy of
Building and Architecture of b8SR (Akademiya stroitellstva
I arkhitektury SSSR). The following papers were read:
Programmes and Planning for 1959/1965 - N.K. Proskuryakov,
Director of the Department of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
Constructions of Gosstroy of DSSR;
Report on the Commission's Activities In 1958 and Plans for
1959 - V.V. Mikhaylov and A.A. Gvozdev Members of
Reports on the Third International Congress on Prestressed
Precast Reinforced Concrete - S.S. Davydov, Vice-4resident
azzim*62 of ASIA SSSR; V.V. blikhaylov, Member ASIA SSSR# 40
--- GVOnU, A.A.
--- -------- . ,
Samq~rewate of the International scientific conforonce, on designing
construction elet~ehts,-Det. I zbel.-bet. no.?-:80-81 P '59.
(MIRA 12:3)
1. Doyetvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitol'stva I arkbitektury SSSR.
, p ::: 1. -;
.. I i ..
GVOZIEV, A.A., doktor tekhn. naWc, Prof.
properties of concrete essentially important for
structw-al mechanics of reinforced concrete construction elements.
Trud7 IIIIZHB no-40-17 159. (MIRA 12:9)
(Concrete--Testing) (Strains and strossee)
AUTHORS:Gvozdev, A. A., Chekin, B. S.
TITLE: Letter to the--Editor
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya,
1959, Nr 7, pp 1087-1088 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author sent the following comments to the editor,
In Nrs 1 and 2, 1959, of this journal, two articles (Refs
1 and 2) were published on seismic waves, in which the
coefficients of wave reflection and refraction were ex-
pressed by two differing formulae. In the opinion of
the authors the formulae in the second article are the
correct ones. but a new version is suggested. There are
2 references.
Card 1/1
GVO=V, A.A.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; DHITRIY&7, S.A., kand.tekhn
nauk;MULIN, H.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; RALDIR, V.A., kand.tekhn.
nauk; 13RODMaY, A,Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; SCKOLOVSKIY, F.I.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; FRIEKAN, A.M., miaashiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
Prinirwl uchastiye KAWTAN. S.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
KLIMOVA, G.D., red.izd-va; KATJMOVA, G.D.,
(Instructions for using hot-rolled ribbed 30KhG2S steel re-
Inforcemants in making prestressed reinforced-concrete con-
struction elementel Ukazaniia po peLmeneniiu goriacbekatanai
armatury periodicheskogo profilia iz stali mrki 3OKhG2S v pred-
varitellno napriazhennykh 2helezobetonnykh konstruktaiiakh.
Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.,, arkhit. i stroit.mterialam.
ig6o. 21 p. (MIRA 14:1)
1. Akademiya stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut betona i
zhelezobetona, Perovo. 2. Nauchno-issleeovatellskiy inatitut
betona i zhelezobetona (for Gvosdev, Dmitriyev, Hulin). 3. Devotvi-
tellnyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for
Gvozdev). 4. Laboratoriya metallichaskikh konstruktsiy TSentrallnogo
nauclino-iBsledovatellskogo Instituts stroitelinykh konstruk-tsiy (for
Baldin. Brodskiy, Sokolovskiy, Fridman). 5. Chlen-korrespondent
Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Beldin). 6. Hauchno-
issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizataii i tekhni-
cheakoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu (for Kadetyan).
(Prestressed concrete) (Reinforcing bars)