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'1*.-'IA(,. FEV .-"4V I , t TI Ri 3.4 N 1c vt'rfaIrjv EM C 4 rare-earth oxides. "?hu-. (YIRA 18sill 1. GruzInaA-i7 institut itc-tal.1trei-i Gr-3t6arstvennogo komitleta po thernoy I tsvet-noy mctallrr.-.~j pr'. Goapl&nv SISR,. Submitted April 34, 1964. ACC NR: AF6028031 AMIKORS.- -1 SOURCE CODE: UR/0251/66/042/001/0151/0158 Gvolosiani, G. G.1- Dagdavadzo, D. I. 6Z:' Georgian Institute of Metallurgy (Gruzinskiy institut meta32urgii) TIT-LEs Gerimatric reduction of samarium. oxide SOMWE: AN GruzSSR. Soobahcheniya, v. 42, no. 1, 1966# 151-158 TOPIC TAGSs cerium, chemical reaction kinetics, chemical reduction, sam ium com- pound, vacuum furnace ABSTRACT: Kinetics of the cerimetric reduction of Sm2O 3 has boon investigated. Effects of the ratio Ce/Sm203, of the temperature and duration of the reaction, of the size of the cerium granules, and the pelleting temperature upon the yield of sarlariun were studied, and the results are illustrated by corresponding graphs. The reaction was conducted in a high temperature vacuum setup fitted with an automatic recorder by which the reduction could be followed according to the mothod described by G. G. Gvelesiani) N. P. Mgaloblishvili.. and A. A. Na.diradze (VysdcotomperaturnyY0 Ustanovki. d1ya issledovamiya vakuuntermicheakikh vosstanovleniy. Trudy Gruzinskogo in-ta metallurgii, No. 14, 1965, 199). It was established that the reduction process can be described by AMS0. + 2'C-~~;~,j2 SM'? + Ce,0' Card 1/2 rd GVELESIMU, 1,. D. Gvelesiani, 1. D. - "The distribution of human protozoa among tile villagea of Georgia", Byulleten' (Nauch.-is sled. in-t malyarli i mod. parazitologii im. Virsaladze), No. 2, 1948, P. 3-22, (In Georgian, resume in Russian), - Bibliog: P. 15-22, SOt U-43291 19 August 53, (latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, NO* 21, 1949). TOKHADZE, V.A.; GVELESIANI. K. Preliminary data on the treatment of rhaimatism in children with Tskhaltubo mineral waters. Pediatriia, Moskva ITo-1:17-19 Jan-Feb 51. (CLML 20:6) 1. Prof.V.A.Tokhadze, 2. Of the Children's Clinic of the Scienti- fic Research Institute for the Care of Mothers and Children of the Ministry of Public Health Georgian SSR (Director of Institute--Do- cent G.Tsagarsli; Head of Clinic-mProf.V.A.Tokhadze). i3JANI& K'. G. .......... Therapeutic use of open fresh air in rheumatism in children. Pe(liatriia no.6:41-45 N-D 154. (MTRA 8:4) 1. Is detskoy kliniki fakul't. pediatrii Thiliaskogo med. inst. (zav. prof. V.A.Tokhad a) (RHOWTISM, in infant and child ther., fresh air) (OLDUTE. ther. use fresh air In rheum. in child.) c c): 1! l L , , D -c,- n.; a tc :7,~ i o 0 1., Lon H 1~~> - . 1,1 T 71 El MrZLESAANI, X. !- Wine and Wine Making Maintain a high technological level during the wine-making season. Vin. SSSR. 12 no. 6, 1952. 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September Uncl. GVEIESILHI,K.I. We are improving production. Vin.SSSR 15 no.3:7-9 155. (Ni" 8: 8) 1. Direktor Moskovskogo vinzavoda No.2 Glavnogo upravleniya vinodel'cheakoy pronyahlennosti (RSPSR) (Wine and wine making) GVELESIANI) K.I.; PETROVSKIY, A.Ya. Use of silica-gel as filter matArial in beer filtration. Spirt.prom. 29 no.5:35-36 163. (MHU .17:2) 1. Moskvoretskiy pivovp-rennyy zavod. 1-1 GVELLSIANI, L. G. FOGELIJU. M. - Nauchn. sotr. i GVELESIANI, L. 0. - Kand. tekhn. nauk St. Nauchn. Sotr. Tbilieski,v nauchno-issledovagel'skiy institut sooruzheniy i g1dromorgetiki.. Issl*dovaniye kozfitaiyenta, sherokhovatosti tunnalsi na doistvuyushchikh gas sakavkazlya Page 84 SO: Collection of Annotations of Scientific Research Work on Construction, comoleted in 1950. Moscow, 1951 USSR/Ezgineering Hyftaullcs., Power, Feb 52 "Seconl, and C-dilatraction of Hydroelectric Power Stations," L. G. Gvelesiani, S. Ya. Vartazarov, Candi~atez Tech Sci "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 2, pp 44-46 Conference in Tbilisi Nov 51, for exchangii Of information among construction, planning, xei- entifie -esearch and operational organizattvwo Brief1y-describes reports, delivered at Confer~--. ence, and outlines suggestions detg futures, trend 212168'., Of activity in discussed field. Next confireme is scht&duled for 1952 in Yerevan. 212T68 'kM?ME,T'F7A-I Hydroelectric owor Stations Second Transcaucasian Uonference on Projecting and B1.1ilding of HydIro-electric Powel- Stations, Gidr. stroi. 21 Nfo. 2, 1952. ,'.'onthlv List of Ilusrian ccesslons, Librai7 of ~'onuress, July 1~--'52, 1711C LA S 'I I 11M. Electrical Engineering Abstracts June 19,154- Electrical Engineering f)21.315.65 : 621.315.669.3 2339. Prefabricated trammission line su;prts or stmi-rtinrorced cjwretc viade by the centrifurml njethoil. L. IP,'IGVEtESIANI AND 131. P-1111-MM'SON. Elek. .9iiiiFili, ]n Rosslan. . Supporh for transmission lines of .,6-10 kV, 35 kV and ir-shaped supports for 110 kV lines, and poics for ovcrhead contact lines are dcscnbcd ivith dimcn- sional sketches and some details of design, fabrication and ctection me(hods. The stmi requimment is tabulated for' 6-110 kV and compared With that of steel to%vcrs. Suggestions for further reduction of weight am made such as revWon of keplalions, use or sliding clamps in order to reduce maximum forocs, and the nw of drilling machines for excavatfons tor i-edutiflon orerection cost Theuse or sted towers for rigid supports and concrete for fkxiblc supports i. the most economical. F. RUSEMANN I-, Z~l If' - G- L. G. I ro e I o I J ctr'-c Powur -1 ~' J- Second "Cranscauca5ian corisultat4kon on hydroe'lectric I-awer plant 3idr. stroi. 22, No. 1, 1",~53- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Cor',.L-r-:.,,-.0, June 1115','. Uncl. 1. G LESY'NII, L. G. 317" It 2. ussR (6-vo) 4. Hydraulics t n U_ 7. "Fundamentsls of hydraulics." S.V. Izbash, licviewed by 1.3. Gvelewm i, 22 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,- ~PRJT 1953, Uncl. GVELRSIANI, L.G., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; SHKALITSILI, X.P., in,-,hener. ,Q'Zwm~ Operating'an alpine water reservoir. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.5:9-13 My '53. (MMA 6 -.6 ) (Reservoirs) GVELESIANI, L.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; MIKMISON, Ye.E., kan6idat tekh- nauk. Demountable supports of electric transmission lines made from centrifugal reinforced concrete. Slek.sta. 24 no.10:26-29 0 153. (MLHA 6:10) (Electric lines-Poles) Q~ V E_ i, E 'S A /V Subject : USSR/Engineering AID P - 2117 Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 6/20 Author Mikhellson, Ye. E. and Gvelesiani, L. G. Title Transmission and communication line towers made of centrifugally-spun concrete pipes Periodical: Gidr. stroi., no.3, 19-21, 1955 Abstract The article describes the research and work done bl the Tbilisi Scientific Research Institute of Construction and Hydro-Power Engineering on the assembling of towers for communication and for the 6 - 10, 35, 110 kv lines which differ considerably from the design used abroad. Details of construction of various types of towers and their erection are explained with diagrams and tables. The savings achieved by using centrifugally-spun concrete pipes are stressed- Two diagrams. Ins+itution: None Submitted : No date GEGELIY-A. T.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; GYEMSIABI, L.~.- red.; DZOTSMIDZE, Sh., takhrea. (Submerged intakes and buttress dams] Donnye i bychkovye vodo- zabornye plotiny. Tbilisi, Goo.izd-vo *Sabehote Sakartvelo,' 1959. 125 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Dams) (Hydraulic engineering) GVELESIAN kand. tekhn. nauk Conference of water-power engineers in Ladzhanur. Gidr.stroi-31 no.2:62 F 161. (MIRA-14:3) Ir Predsedatell gidroenergeticheskoy sektsli Grusinskogo Pravleniya Nauchno-tekbLnicheskogo obshchestva energeticheskoy promyshlennosti i 7.ATnestitell direktara Thiliaskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta sooruzheniy i gidroenergetiki po nuachnoy chasti. (Ladzhanur Hydroelectric Power Station) XARTSIVADZI3, G.R., kand.tekhn.nauk; KVITSAREDZY3, 0.1., kand.telchn. nauk; SAUTMIDVA, Ye.S., kand.tekhn.nauk: GVELESUM, L.O., kand.tokhn.nauk liffect of temperature and moisture conditions on the increase of deflections in bent reinforced concrete constriiction ele- ments subjected to long-time loads. Bet.i zhol.-bot. no.l: 27-31 Ja 16o. (MIRA 13:5) (Strains and stresses)- KVII'SARIDZE~ 0.1., kand.tekhn.nauk; GVELLPSIANI, L.C., imik. Relaxation of stresses in wire strands in relaxation to varying methods of tightening the reinforcement. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.l: 29-32 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Concrete reinforcement) KVIT'SARIF)ZE, 0.1.; S,~CpTj-,,LOv,,t Ye.S.-, CII.TTF p - STg~~ I, Long-time deflections of bendable reirforced concrete ejemejLs In .9 dry c!:Umte. Trudy inst. strci.meUli. i seism. All Gruz. SSR 9- 8 -- I 163. -L7,,.]-)) ACC NR: A.'7009579 SOURCIE COM"'. AUTHOR: Mirianashvilf, 2-1. 114. (Corv-sponding 1-tembor ol the Academy of -clenca5 Ck)orglan SSR); Kalcushadze, T. I.; ORG: 'Milisi State University (TbillssMy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TIVLE: Mixed cadmium ferrites of spinel structure SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Soobshcheniya, v. 44, no. 3, 1966, 557-561 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, crystal lattice structure, saturation magnetization SUB CODE: 20 ABSTRACT: Tho articlo considers mixed cadr-Auni forrites, which aro solid solutions of magnotic forritos Mo Fn2 01:, (Me = Co, Ni, Cu, Mn. otc.) 1-rith a cad-i-dum farri 0).). The electron confiaurations of zinc and ca ~e (Cd Fez U ions are idonticai, as Is also tha structure of the lattice in which 'ho Z.211,11". 2; 2+ and,cd i2ns crystallize. The radius of the Cd ion is 30% greater than that of the Zn + ion, uo that for tho conversion of tho Cd 2+ ion in a mixnd cadmium .Lerrito 4-nto an extremely magnetic ion with 8 ~i, ther6 should be prosnnt in the second coordination sphere a greater numbor o divalont magnetic Xe2+ ions with vacancies in the otter 3d sholls 'than in the case of the zinc ion. A table is given of experimental data for the saturation magnetization of trio mixed cadrrLium, Mel Cd joX Fe2 04 in Bohr magnotons, extrat)olated for The article also presents curves expressing the theoretical'dependence of the saturation magnetization of cadmium ferritos on the concentration p of cadmium. Orig. art. has:' 4 figures, 3 formulas and 1 table. JPRS: 40,1027 Card 1/ 1 0 DOLABERIDZE, L.D.; POLITOVA, Yu.V.; GVELESIVII? L.T.; DUALIA'ShViLl", A.G. Colorimetric determination of aluminum Jn geo2ogic rocks. Zav,lab~ 30 no.22:1439-.1441 164. (MI-RA MI) 1. Kavkazskiy institut minerallnogo syrtya. I -, - N 1: J 0 1. A B El. I D '-"' E, I. , 11 . -, I 1 0 L I ' r 0 11 ', Y i j . V , -, G ~ I " i, - ~` 1.~A . I I . 11' . 1, H. 1. T , I A ~, ~ ! -1 -i ~, L I , -.1 .,- ; , Detfimination of alumInwi, In ,i).Lvnt,3vl and ;Ind ill titanomagnetit,e~ and mangannose orei. T~-ijdy KIMS nc,5z8l--94 163, (HIRk 3-S.-IO) GVELESIANI, P.I. Protecting buffers of air-borne mateor9graphe against icing. Meteor. i gi;~rol. zo.6:39 Je 156. (MIRA 9:9) (Meteorological instruments) "Llflnt%rco of '!~A-Tiobcl' nn tho ',u:tl:L-L., of Broad." C.-!,nd To& 3ci, Tlji-i-isi Stito U. :bnerd I. V. strlin, Tbilisi, 1954. (El, 0 '11, Jarl 55) '31.U-,re-r Of SCie,,Itj I l4ssertaticns Dvfc-,~- t h - _fiC and Technica' led a U' SH ~ig er Dlucatioo,.D. Tnistibations (13) SO: Sm. 1-10. 5108, 29 Jul 55 -4 1. -/~rfdc&Uom w vqae by askingol. Rd&-Orb,i F. P. Kiladit, and V. P. Gyakni2ni (Tmincait6 ifint 8 C~Itch Id-, ~ta. 4, il ft--dtomlcii kept in ~m ii4 (L-a tbe-iatio, of'I -5) or, sc 16 -a; !Them malss lu~ dildi:With a irliat 0 i~ L&V, - 1'e-MC11j, i 670: at thLi -=n. the nonW.* Vart*ltsvkiej~ rptd, 4ad ir-." moved. DAY HISOJ JVZS fitdttlfl(fdd by Me:Wj[aC. BtfOre~tlsc thd Stager.'stwL was hoil(A uv4c!r rr6g pordictsor for 30 mim , Focr the pmpa.- of chwuparte winds and fo~ ather Wiligs to 1 9, of (10i d3k. ill the traL64 thc products: *"01 wem ulasrutqrit;~ ftted frorn the Opt, d0r, Wdays; -~A (-!~LmpqiNa AMpe variety CkLuj shvRed the [QuoWtax chm'~ ti-teristfoi:bdoom- and aftes, thei r tmtrrl :pR 3.2, lr-2~ i 7.0. T.O. valla", mcwcfw. (T WC. 10A IOA W1. ;4clulutudd 4S. IM [ton Sib, m IK-O.'mp. P r t* the w(us all t II 04!1 91 K WON -0-tat dwmila 0: 1011 fj ad ~tsp of III P 1u u 4 f/CompuOve filvestigation of btatonitet ait clawil 'dZents for wine, A. K. Rodupala, V. P. Gvel-5iiini -atl C P. P. Kiladze. Vizr