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'The beginnings of th~-, telfj)- one. D. 317 105A s t r(,,:i ~. v o s r, r,:: j! j re n:: SOU'~~ -E: Enat Europenn List (r.EAI,) Lil,rnr~, of 0 ngress, lJol. ,, No. 1, J::nua.-,,, 1917 0 Gutwirth, 'V.-- J. Murgas; a biographic sketch. p. 206. EUXTROTECHNIK. (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha. Vol. 11, no. 6, June 1956. Source: EEAL LC Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 'T'l '_~T'._.7- u.~ 1. . . . r . ~r.? , , e a,-. 1 a. -, . 2_,; f -o-dr-~lCyani , a;. , ~-,l . . J., I-, --, ;:- -_ -,., .-2 . , - - .. ~onluh_'-- ~'i5iu oll Z ~.i I, op, ean Accession (' AL) - 01, ', ro. 7, JulY 19517. Uncl SO: E E E LC V - 1, .1 Outwirth, V. Gutwirth, V. Beginnings of Czech technical literature; a review of Presl's Technologie (Technoloe ). p. hh. Te--,,Ye-ws of new Ozech and Slovak technical books. P. 46. Books published abroad. p. 46. Vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1957 STR-,JJIR,'i'NSKk MYO':~A TE(MOLOGY Czechoslovakia So. East Etiropean Accessions, Vol. 6, I-1ay 1957 NO. I-) GUTWTIRTH, V. Code or teletype? p. 85. (Sdelovaci Technika. Vol. 5, no. 3, Mar. 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6. no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. GUTVIRTH, V. From the history of cables. F. 243, (Sdelovaci Technika) Vol. ~., no. PE, Aug. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (E!:'.Al) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 G i ICl 11 , V. From tho li-ist-orT of.' tho microyliona. P. 266 (Sdelovaci Technika) Vol. 5, no. 9, Sept. 1957, Fralia, Czechoslovakia SCI: :-TINTM !NDIX Oi~' ZAK ELROYERN ACCI-ISSICNS (K-;AI) LO, IwCL- 7, 1M. I, JAN. 195P GU'Ti-M FTH, V. 250 years of the Czech Institute of Technology in PraFrue. P-315. (Elektrotechnik, Vol. 12, No. 5, May 195,7, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East ",'Uropean Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1019. Uncl. G, T, J ?LT, V. T I-" CT' ~OL y nerindLeals: T',-'("FIIHj~ Vol. 0, nc,. 9, Sept.. lpl-" V. '.-hu~u tc. rj(, itin LC -n Accessi-is! Vol A r~f East Ei:r p .- "ai P50, GUTYAN, A.M., inzh. (Kaluga) Equipment used for loading rails. Put' i put. khoz. no.9!25 S 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Railroads--Equipment and supplies) (Loading and unloading) KOSHELnM, Ye.G.; ITEDUZHKO, IT.Ya., dorvzhn7,,;- utantpi7a ZAchepilovka, St&j -nsloy z`ozo -i TEGCJROV, 14. 1., dorozhny-f master (stantsiya Kakhovkn, Stalinskoy dorogi) ; GUWTAlk, inzh.: KOREN', P.T., putevoy ob1chodchik (Vill n.YUB')-.' G*R'I'if~NKOV, V.G., putevoy obkhodchik (Villnyus); UnSlUIEVA, M.N., dezhurnaya po pereyezdu (Vill ny-us);'BATAKIN, .3.11.; - PASECM-11K, A. I.; CHERDAITTSEV, A. Ye., dorozhny7 master (stantuiya Varkh-Neyvinsk, Sverdlovsko3r dorogi); STqOCHKOV, A.A., inzh. Letters to t4e editor. Put' i p-qt.khoz. 4 no.2:4o-42 F 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Mekhanik puteizmeritellnoy telezhki, otantsiya Kovell, Llvovskoy dorogi (f,or Koshelyuk). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika distantaii puti, stantsiya Galich, Severnoy dorogi (for Balakin). 3". Inzhener distantaii, atantBiya Sambor, Llvovskoy dorogi (for Pasechnik). (Railroads) GrIYAN~ A.M1, inzh. (Kalupa) ~i ~ -- 11 Realization of a project, Put' I put.khoz. 7 no.7,.,27 163. (MIRA 1.6slO) GUTVTAT~, Ye. M. (Professor) Dr. Tech. Sci. I I Dissertation: I'Theor-y of a Lubrication Layer." Moscow Inst. of I.echanization and Electril"ication of A,7riculture, izneni V. M. Molotov, 5 Mar 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Mar, 1947 (Project #17836) USSR/Keys jun 1947 "Calculation of a Prismatic Key," Ye. M. Gutlyar, 5 pp "Veatnik Mashinostroyeniya" Vol XXVII, No 6 Mathematical discussion. Gives the subject calculation, which has not been done before despite the simplicity of the construction of the key. Fully Illustrated with formulae, five diagram , and photograph. 14T81 1. ITIMIYAPI YF'. M. , 11 mf . 2. USSR 600 L. Separatoms (I-11achincs) 7. Unutpble equilibrim of a Bepurator shaft, Sell khomishina, No, 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con,,,:-ess, April 1953, Uncl. GUTIYAR, Ye.M.- Calculations concerning a sliding bearing with a dynaimic load. Izv,AN 6:8) SSSR Otd.tekh.nauk no.5:762-766 My '53. (Hearings (Machinery)) (MLRA (Dliachkov, A.K.) GUT'YAR, Ye.M. --::W. ~ . - . . " Most advantageous pressure in pneumatic tires of agricultural machines. Sel'khozmashina no.12:14-16 D 153. (nRA 6:12) (Tires, Rubber) (Agricultural machinery) GUTIYAR,,Te. X., profeneor; MLLIGIN, A.D., inzhener; SHRGEYEV, M.P., professor, reteenzent; BATURA. F.G., Inshener, rateenzent MANAKIN, N.V., inzhener, redaktor: SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhnichealdy redaktor (Machinery] Hashinovedenie. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 408 p. (MLRA 7:10) (Machinery) GUTIYAR, Ye M-. Resistance to the turning of a wheel in a track. &---I'k4hozmaFhLina no.2:23-25 F'55- (KLIU 8:3) (Soil mechanics) GUTIYj'JZ, Yo.M. Design or wooden connecting rods of variable cross sections used in nExicultural. nachinory. Sollkhomashima ne.3:1&-22 Mr '56.(MIRA 9:7) (Agricultural machiner7) 7_12i29 A'JTHORS8 Gutjar -M. e s e t t:lv, D., N t. 8 p i t, r. 5r P. i N , APro fes sore i o-c-t tr__84 0 _~_ T e- o h r i :1 a i. S c, ~ P a ci _-, 4 . TITLEs questions on Tea,-h.-_ng t'he Course in ",Mw~! Parts" (Voprosy prepodavantya kursa "Df_'TfUlk~ MA-3h].W') ReSII.ItS of the Discus- sions (Itogi diskussla) ?ERIODICALa Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 195'1~ 6, PP 56-57 (USSR) ABSTRACTs P'y r TbP t4ja EducatJon 5ubmittad to the Conference Of' RepresentarLves of Otla # 5 OF 19571 this periodlcal) the re- Moscow VLIZ sults obta-,ned frow the dlsciio~-i'-n of (juentions pertaining to the course in machine pfirfi Lit tht! highor technical institu- tions. The discussiono at the conferenor- proved that to im- prove the foundations of ~rafrlng, the adoption of a number of measures ir, this directi,:er. wqA riecessary, The discussions led to the following coaclu,~.iionst 1) The cour~se is to be giver.. a more preclse p1ace and roimber of hours in the ourriculum; 2) The lpcture J.!3 t(,, be rogarded as the basic, form to onn.vey tho theoretical foundations of the course,, The chair- are t,., improvo the methodic'al tea-hLrig, and ae..'.ect Card 1/2 the most i.mportarit and ;.-allaable '5.) The tims GTJTtYAR, Ye.M., doktor takhn.nauk, prof. Checking initial stresses in V-belt transmissions. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.1:36-41 '58. WRA i1:6) 1.Moskovskly institut mekhanizateii i elektrifikataii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Belts and belting) GTJTI,YAR,-Ye.M-,-prof., doktor tekhn. nauk Driving properties of a belt transmisoion with a tightener. Izv. vys. uchab. zav.: mashinostr. no.10:53-57 '58. (MIRA 12:11) I.Moskovskiy institut makhanizateii i elektrifikataii sellskogo khozyuystva. (Belts and belting) GUTIYAR, Ye.V.., -Prof., doktor toklin.nauk Determining the elastic modulus of driving belts. Izv.vys. uchob.zav.; mashinostr. no.1:3-7 '59. (HMA 130) 0 1. Moskovskly institut mekhanizateii i elelctrifikataii aelO- skogo khozyaystva. (Belts and belting) GUTIYAR, Ye.M., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk Xemento of the hydrodynamic friction theory. TruAy MDOSIGI IP no.l: 191-203 159. (MIRA 13:10) (Friction) (Lubrication and lubricants) Cyr) C I /11A PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 3OV/5055 Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po trenlyu i Iznosu v mashinakh. 3d, 1958. Gidrodinamicheskaya teoriya smazki. Opory skollzheniya. Smazka i-smazochnyye materialy (Hydrodynamic Theory of Lubrication. Slip Bearings. Lubrication and Lubricant Materials) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR. 422 p. Errata slip inserted. 3,800 copies printed. (Series: Its: Trudy, v. 3) Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedeniya. Resp. Eds. for the Section "Hydrodynamic Theory of Lubrication and Slip Bearings": Ye. M. Gutlyar, Professor, Doctor of Tech- nical Sciences, and A. K. D'yachkov, Professor, Doctor of Tech- nical Sciences; Reap. Ed. for the Section,OLubrication and Lubricant MaterialA G. V. Vinogradov, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: M. Ya. Klebanov; Tech. Ed. 0. M. Gus Ikova. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for practicing engineers and research scientists. _G~~ Hydrod3rnamic Theory (Cont.) SOV/~055 COVERAGE: The collection, published by the Institut mashino- vedeniya AN SSSR (Institute of Science of Machines, Academy of Sciences USSR) contains papers presented at the III Vaesoyuznaya konferentsiya po treniyu i iznosu v mashinakh (Third All-Union Conference on Friction and Wear in Machinel which was held A ril 9-15, 1958. Problems discussed were in 5 main areas. Hydrodynamic Theory of Lubrication and Friction Bearings (Chairmen: Ye. M. Gutlyar, Doctor of Tech- nical Sciences, and A. K. D'yachkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences); 2) Lubrication and Lubricant Materials (Chairman: G. V. Vinogradov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences); 3) Dry and Boundary Friction (Chairmen; B. V. Deryagin, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR)and I. V. Kragellskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences); 4) Wear and Wear Resistance (chairman: M. M. Krushchov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; and 5) Friction and Antifriction Materials (Chairmen: I. V. Kragel'skiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and M. M. Krushchov, Doctor of Technical Sciences). Chairman of the general assembly (on the first and last day of the con- ference) was Academician A. A. Blagonravov. L. Yu. Pruzhanskiy, -1- u-Kr1-1ur--Dear1ngs for turbo- electric generators and other heavy machinery, experimental data on the lubricating characteristics of many different lubricant materials, the effects of additives, Operating and environmental conditionsy corrosion, and accelerated wear testing. Many per- sonalities are mentioned in the text. References accompany most of the articles. Hydrodynamic Theory (Cont.) TABLE OF CONTENTS: SOV/5055 [I.) HYDRODYNAMIC THEORY OF LUBRICATION. SLIDING BEARINGS Gut'var._Yg,-X_ Modern Trends in the Development of the Hydrodynamic Theory of Lubrication 3 Aleksandrov, L. I., N. P. Artemenko, L. M. Fel'dman, and Yu. V. Yakovlev. Setup for Testing Supporting Bearings of Powerful Turbines 9 Bulovskiy, N. N. Investigation of Friction Processes in Heavily Loaded Sliding Bearings of Rolling Mills 17 Vypov, G. P. On the Unsteady Motion of a Viscous Incom- pressible Fluid Between Closely Located Moving Surfaces 25 Golubev, A. I. On the Motion of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid In Short Bearing Gaps in the Laminar and Turbulent Flow Regimes 30 Ti, GUTITAR Te,M doktor-tekhnonauke prof. GraphoanalytICal asiculations for sliding bearings without using external circulation-system. Trudy HINAMH 10:5-15 '594 (MIU 13:12) (Bearings (mmahinery)) (lubrication and lubricants) GUITAR, Ye.H., doktor tekhn,nauko prof. Limit ellipticity of a pin and of the hole of the bearing and thq gap between them. Trudy MD(&W- 10:16-24 159. (J(IU 13: 12 ) (BeariW (Mahinery)) GUTITAR, YS.K.t_4q~-tor teklm.aauk, prof. Calculating unstrained bolts. TTudy KINSSER 10:25-28 159. (MMA 13312) (Bolts and nuts) GUTITAR, Ye.M.. doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Investigating the performance of the V-belt type variable speed gear. Trudy NIM330 1012g-" 159. (MIRA IJ312) (Gearing) (Belts and belting) !if itr Ill-, j GUTIYAR. Ye.K., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Work of friction in T-belt drives Trudy NIKISLH 10;47-56 '59- (Belts and belting) (Iriction) (MMA 13:12) ,__GUTIYAR, Ye.M., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Optimum belt speed and maximum belt power. TrucV MIMESKH 104-57-62 '59- (Belts and belting) (MIRA 13;12) GUTIYAR, Ye.M., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk InvestiD ting tractive properties of a belt by sliding curves. Vest.mash. 40 no.7:31-33 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Belts and belting) SHATS, Yakov Yudelevich; WT2-UR,Ya-M., doktor tekhn. nauk, pro:V., retsenzent; IVANOVI P.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; DMIIWV, L.N., red. izd-va; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. (Fundamentals of the design of coaxial gears] Osnovy proektiro- vaniia. optimalInykh soosnykh peredach. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit- , 1961. 202 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Gear,~79 GUT'YAR, Ye,M. , doktor tekbn.nauk, T I'Of. Volume thpor-j of cruzhing. Izv. TSKhA no.4:163-166'. '(1. (YURA 14:9) (Crushinp machinery) THUDD, Georgiy Konslantinovich, Und. tekhvi. nauk; FOLOTSKIY, M.S,, kand. tekhn. nauk., retsenzent_L G~UTA YO."- Goktor tekh-n. Z_ 'y -'~~hrre~. 'IRTAROVA, A.F., nauk, Prof., red.; GH&U-OVA, I.. te tekhn. red. (Contact fatigue of gear-wheel matorials] Kontalctnain ustalost' materialov dlia zubchatykh koles. Moskva, Mash z, lc,162. 402 1). rmIRA 15:6) (Metals-r-atigue) (Gea-ring) GUT 9YAR, Ye.m. - Pressure on the contact elliptic area. 322-331 162. (Friction) Tren.i izn.muh. no.15t (1,MiA 15:4) CHERNAVSKIY, S.A.; (ItUTIYAR, Yo.I.I., prof, (j-,)kt.ov tokhn. imuk, -~f' I retownze Inyh., rviuchn. red.; GILIDENBSAG~ M.I., red.izd-va; UVA-,iOVA, A.F., tekhn. red. [Slid-int, bearings] Podshipniki skollzheniia. Illoskva, Masligiz, 1963. 242 p. (MIRA 17:3) GUTIYAR, YeA, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. About an.extremum property of screw-type spur gearing. Izv. TSKHA no.4:230-232 163. (MIRA 1?:l) doktor tu,-Min. nauk, Resistance of cars moved by trLictdori or a drivIng mechanism to the rollin on the track. lzir. TSfdfA ilo.1:110-116 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Railroad motorcaxo) ;Iwi AUKSIANDROV, M.F.3 doktor teklm. naW~, prof., ret5enzent [Braking devicep for machinery] Tormoznye ustroistva v mashinostroenii. Moskva$ Mashinostroenie, 1965. 675 P. (MIRA 18:7) L h1602-66 0117 ( tMr I TJ I ACC NRt AF6ojB529 SOURCE CODE: LqVO3Bl/66/0O8/O06/17o2/17O7 AUTHOR: -GxWenokp Ye. P.; Kudz#p A. Yu. ORG: Dnepropetrovsk State Univers!k (DnepropvtrovsN~,psudaptvermy universitat) TITLE: Dependence of polarization of single crystal JLW~io ajO5 on the humidity of the surromwUng atoosphere SOMCZ-. Fjxiks tverdogo tela, v* 8, nob 6P 3966p 1702-1T07 TOPIC TWB-. 'dielectric polarizationp ferroolectric property., barium titanate, tan- talum containIng alloy, electric hysteresis, atmospheric humidity, surface property ABSTRACT: This in a continuation of earlier work (M V. T, 2&5,, 1965 and prpce ng papers) on the ferroelectric properties of single crystals of barium titanateAp vhicb tantalum oxidG is added. The tests were made on B&TiO3 with 0 3 % m0 ;V~L205) grown deposited by from the solution in a potassium fluoride melt. Silver electr;~esl cathode sputtering. The dielectric constant and the dielectric 10E angle were mea- sured at 1 Me by variation of the reactance, and at audio f~requencies by a bridge method, The dielectric bysteresis loops were investigated at 50 cps by the Sawyer- Tower procedure. The electric conductivity was measured with an ohm meter. The re- lative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere was produced with the aid of satvirated salt solutions. The results showed a strong i=rease in the dielectric constant and in the dielectric losses with increaning humidity, when measured in a weak field,, and an increase in the crystal polarization in strong fields. The dielectric constant GUTIYEFLRES, F. (Moskva) - - Stability of undergroun4 multihinged open syntoms. StrOl. MOM. i rasch. Boor. 2 no.5:21-27 6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Underground construction) (Structures, Theory of) GUTlYIRRYS, P.A., kand.tekhri.natik Calculation of round platen under axially symmetrical loads. Nauch. zap. M IIIVIH 20:15-30 158. (MV 13--6) (~Iwtic platemand shells) GUTYRA, I. student health nyatem in CzechoslovAln. Vrach.delo no.3:313-314 0-000$00'm Mr'58 (MIRA 11:5) 1, Knfedra istorii medltsiriy (Zav. - dota. P.T. Petrov) Misrikovskogo meditainakago inatituta. (CZMCHOSLOVAKIA--PUBLIC IMALTH) (2 (_1 I PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV/6246 Soveshchaniye po toeolitam. lat, Leningrad, ig6i. Sinteticheakiye tseollty; poluchenlye, lealedovaniye I prImenenlye (Synthetic Zeolltes: Production, Investigationoand Use). Mos- cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 286 V. (Serieez Itat Doklao) Errata slip inserted. 2500 Copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniya khimichookm nauk. Komlsiya. po tooolltam. Reap. Eds.: X. M.'Dubinin, Academician '\and V. V. Serpinekly, Doctor of Chemical-Boienose; Ed.: Ye. 0. Zhvkovskaya; Tech. Ed.t 3. P. Golub'. Slneorm engaged PURPOSSi This book is Intended for molenti4to and on In the production of synthetic moolites I ular #love*), and for chemists In general. 0`7N_ Card Synthetic Zeolites: (cont.) SOV/6246 COVERAGE: The book in a colleation of reports presented at the First Conference on Zeolites, held in.Leningrad 16 through 19 Marah 1961 at the Leningrad Technological Institute ImenI Lensovet, and is purportedly the first monograph on this subject. The reports are grouped into 3 subject areas; 1) theoretical problem of adsorp- tion on various types of zeo3ltos and methods for their Investi- gation, 2) the production of zoolites, and 3) application of zeolites. No personalities are mentioned. Referenoes follow in- dividual articles. TABLE OF CONTEMS z Foreword 3 DubInin, X. M. Introduation. 5 Card 2/11 ~3 Synthetic Zeolitest (Cont.) P&vlova, S. N., Z. V. Driatskaya, and M. A. Kchohiyan. Application of Synthetic Zeolites in Determining the Content of Nor-l Alkanes in Gasoline Fractions Galloh, P 'N., _Ij T. Golubahenkg V. S. !ol Outyryi and ~"n;.stgW,_ttFonV&c')f the Possible Application,of Synthetic Zeolites as Carriers and Catalysts for the Dehydrogenatlon and Cracklng of n-Paraffins Palek, M., P. Iru, 0. arubner, and 0. Beyer. Synthetic Zoolites as Molecular Sloven With Color Indication of Water-Vapor Pressure Jklyusov, V. A., N. N. Umnik, N. N. Kulov, X. M. Zhavoronkov, 0. 1. Faydell, and D. 0. Zisman. Purifying Formaldehyde From Moisture and Formic Acid With the Aid of 3ynthetio Z6011tes card UM 253 260 263 267 GALIGHY P.N.; C-OLUWHENKO, I.T.; -QUTMLYA,.-A.A,-; GUTYRU, V-~;-; DOLINSBY'A' E.S.; 140ZDOR, Ye.V.; ITEEDLUX) I.Ye. Hature of cokelike deposits formed on CaC-type moleculox sieves in the cracking of n. alkanes. fieftekhimiia 2 no.2:193-195 Rr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 2, Institut kbimii polimerov i monomerov All USSR i Institut fizicheukoy khimii imeni Pisarzhevskogo All USSR,, Klyev. (Paraffins) (Cracking process) GALICH P.N.; GUTYRYA, A.A.; GUTYRYA, A.A.; A) GUTYKY V.S.; NEYXkM, I.Ye. Certain features of the catalysia of alkanes over zeolites (molecular sieves). Dokl.AN SSSR 144 no.l.-147-150 Vq 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Institut khimii polimerov i monomerov AN USSR i Institut fizicheskoy kbimli AN USSR. 2. Chlen-korrespoadent AN &Sa (fot Gutyrya). (Paraffins) (Catalysis) (Zeolites) GUT5YA,. L..8.-, and MAEW-MaOV, B. M., (Prof.) -- Balm "The Remote Results of Surgical and Conservative Treatment of Patients Suffering from Obliterating Endarteritis." Report submittel for the 27th Congress of Surgeons of the USSR, Moscow, 23-28 May 1960. 77, V L.; Illypotension due to acizte adreroccrLlcal fn orthoped.-c practice. Eksper. kh-ir. i anest. rlo-3:7f-'19 rly-je 1. 111krainsidy or~oFi!di.L L travma'Llologii Wir. - dotsent I.P. Alekseyenko, naiichn~,y ruko- voditell - chlen-Imrrespondent AMN SSSR pror. F.a,. BoT-danov), Kiyov. A 4 a f-. nt 1---[Lm j M_p Q 0 S k V --A t I AA IS U W U 0 1. _s 66 -00 of -00 946 ail .00 04 i t! Muldvalow boaft in aFpsk ocilitcake and drudwal 9 toommosaft 41 Molecow refracdoot. V. S. GO(wrya. 1. ' , 1 0 . - Gew. Cions. (U. S. S. R.) 6. W, -9: cf. C. A: 2% 1770 00 CAk-us. board on Laimialt-116mitein Tabellen I I VZO. 9w). show that mt. consts. of C and H should be awigned vex. values in caks. p4tachims 4 rual. Wrartkin. Cousts. IA* corresponding to single, dixibir and triple twinds we not sirmple multiples. MI-4. fCfFWtWnS calcd. hy convvn. 01 lk%W of plopomed "Irthods are in Perfect agreement for a sefiesof era. cuitisidi. V. A. Kalichevikv a V a wo 0 64 r ,6. '00 0* A I I L A NIIALCURGICAL LITIFRATURI CLAII)POCATM. C I Goo! .4, .1 0., . I 1 1 .11 "-. "' . Too 04 -.n -LI Q~' 'I-t .I If I X 0. 1j; 13 :1 s w bUISAWN011, opp (met *11 111 man Ilcgfton I AW) q,D*s v Get- as w w so 0 0 0 0 0 06 0000 is o so * o 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 Go* 0 0 0 00 *so LLL , , , " " Uo 11,51, 4D 0 is llullullm till to a v t-1-1- M.-Arc Joe -a -.-I, A.. k A loo-pplis -- 1 1. -1 - - 00 -L pirs-1,11 will' 00 it --so P-P-11110111 Of JdcOW t-W O1111100,1114, obtained fmw cracked gas. M. %. t)-mil' a CIA/ --%', $,_GijtubyA, AurbAUsImmkoll NofirawfLAktirs~r w 19M. No. 3. tat 11.1 olant I A& t I Pre", I(tO I C(q) 1=1. by Cwir, 11 ;1k".,tJ .4. AT. 2703). tile .0 49 Cal"It j a 0 S ciackcd ICA, vwas pasha thtouzh a chawcoall absorber, a imbber char" with tinAtts abric it %al -0 tht-hed writ h H;ha. through a hydrolymer for the mpu. of ale. fttmi I he elk Vlottiftific mcid. The vapore of ale. pa" tbrvalh a c4mmimser into the receiver. twifief. comicnwr Alld it) storalre. The We. obtalott! Is 14% The yield Varied from 1wrau-4, of 11i4pnipotilim of varktills Paw of the equipment and un4atisfartofy rrst-orration pri)- etifure u."I in reconditioning the charcom). Ttic expts. are dr"IKA in dctail An well aq tile app. gilld V26)U4 feCoMnlrFl,fRl;MQ.M" nuUt, A. A. IlochtfinKli S L A 447'&LLU'RGKAL LIMAjoal CL4jWl1CAf1GN 3 .IF 0.1 00 is AV OU 0-0- *its ON em 0 6 zoo as 0 use ....... ilia 1) 4m -1., a V I at a 9 a a V 0 0 71-0 'w V, V a 0 0 4 6 __0 -i 0 0 0 7 1 9 N 11 11 11 U 11 ;4 If 10 to 0 is At b if 19 M IV 11 It AS w a as, avail 4wuuoe* r -A _x r- a ii j t I a L-L AA 0 go U It. k s t..& l- 9. ist ..t. 1.0 1.11-V P T r qv' Protiflandiss Of am" &M Oftylsonis Olskissed from go 11. lof. A. Mlin &M V. S. Guiturya. 00 IM"'Mi 40 . It.-rho-sell" ar tau 0 3, cf. C. A. 27. 43 bovililot _:: attivaW carbooll qvjjA made an a sormi. 0 ttom. wale for the reactivation of activalord C u,,wd in :00 the prcpn. of allcit. were unzatiostsoclory in contrast to the 0* lab.cipts. The stesom treatment of the vent C consisli-d 00 is in first preheating the chlove, placed in a botart. and then admitting superheated strorn at short intervak. =06 The results wtrt sati4factory. V. Ibid. 1944, No. 2, no* 00 90 3. -The inioter uwil for contacting II$SO. with ethirl -tie moo plovides for efficient convorliskin through Irvoij contact 00 .0 411, L of'tbe stotniziil acid with the gall. The mixer w;is V rquipp"I with pathilt-9 and rotated at tOW-101k) r. It. oil. go The leid consumption (at a prorris temp. of alitut Al') was 3.2 Its. per kg. of 100% CjIfb0I( (1111ditt"L The Moo* 00 application of pressure (up to 15 atut.) lowered the acid consumption to 2.4 kg. The pectin. of isolimpyl atc. from cracked cam was tried at 25'. 90% IIFA)4 being goo used. whmby other co"iturnts of the gas wcre tuit '00 lltwk(41. The wid consumption amountord to 4 4.2 ILW. per k1t. 1% A sk. at atm. pre-.witire. A. A It, so 12! It too to, -olo., woo 1100 Lai 110 4.1 it, 0 1 a Ow a 0 -W-1 0 It- .a 00 t. 0. ON a 0" 0- 0. - : 0 0 000 o : 0 e 00 00 0 004 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1o o o 0 0 o 0 0 a 0 0 0 o a 0 0 W0441 g F i oes so* so 60004*40i4l ff A L 41 1, L a 1 JUA l 11 4 . It Ij 11 It U M U M 01 40 41 k pt t 0 . *;0* J " 0 4 - - - - -I - , _ . -f-vtot (40 00 00" lee 00 21- 0 A lee lee FRUMRATIA CF ETHYL ALCOHOL FROM PMUM -ASPL. .-I.A DaIfn -09 ani VS-104;arla Gosud 16such T oh Gorro ~ieol Neft Izdst, 19,14 " 1 T B N 6 1 .00 he interr-etto o.3, 325-1 . 1933, 99 4 ; 1935, 395. ; dt 00 C2H4 with H2SO4 (d 845) was carried out in a taver with it 00 rotating ~Ltral C short (e) equipped with PuJdlei and e Vo 0 0 a, perlorated disLs. S rotated at 61,10 rju. The t&-np w-,--* T-Ro . cool 0 A contirricu-- method for hydrolysing the pr-~ t P de!!crlbed. Ais-ILA MiTALLUPGOCAL LFIERAT101 CLASIWKATPCU IIGW A Ov aft b u 19 AV 00 U tv It 3. of 51 At a 5 PC 91 a It It KAD(I I 0900 09:1:10.00000 000 :Taso* 10 6~41, 0 0 0 0 0'.0.0-10-0.00000 2 cog see too two C.I,- wee III AM I I I N 0 0 8 1 W 10 0 4j Q 3 4 V 0 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 a f 0 t k: if 12 a 14 13 10 of x i J) at b 14 21 26 21 A, $1 Ij U M 1$ 41 U 41 0 A -f-j: --r- 91 1 -AL-P r Q P I I U Y Pe U 1. 0 A -I-- t- -1. 4 2~1 M% -0 0 =e*w of Properatioa of ethyl alcohol from Pe. -941 trOleumPsts- M.A.Dalinand%, tUWI'.k, - -60 lit AU-J'Ar* Ar, -A ~-,E T A 'I't-Irker'sLa, I'a W, (Z~. "'CZ6. *VA~Ibd&J- MM, NO. 3 32&-46; 0 C 23, 74.40-1,- I-ji- b0- ;b*04r 00 atij,-The 14heat C"G%Weion tit C111, was ONAL111490 tower with a nmating evatral %Wt tquipped with paddles .00 00 and P-fomted disks. Tb.Aatm.%,,,Jatti(wjrtvoilili,mls 06 Pvr Ulin-- tbc C-114 ccutcut It the #,a awouniti too t ht., ICHIP. was 7A) -*)* am t11C 11PS0,; wed had a Ali. r 143, ThtK- ccadition. ..-umf a 1hwoucti, q1titak' 00 W t 41# all of Add and gas; k)wtt- and hjx&-r pet4b, tj the tojjw in-lut:vd tow" y1cids. ru hydrolysis of othyi jwforic *a "cid-F-ty-W-8 9. of the ethyl Mlfurk Scid iniit. anti 53 x. MID a -it p1wed into 2 different funnels con- 00 "cOrd 10 Oft ct)"Amon tube where a partial mixt. of the h(JUM1110011PUCC. ThitMilLt.lNLSWdthttlint0a%'Xftit-AI xe 0 with glasi beads and heated by an ekc. CPd. H.So. was Continuously siph4wed oflat thebottomol thiscylindcr. whiletbeak. i"sand Wam moved Upwardly &tWkwbW4 441jul. of the latwC Ix,rtionit, to be finally toatkawd in a Licbtg ctutdcnwi, 200 thil yields WS g. C,11,011. A. A. lt(whifiruck I 4-11"Alto" C"1110' KAtIC- ges It T- -on V, 4. N311, ptj, -.Vol ga (VE Ktilt Ice( L3n I to a,"; z 0 0 0 0,* 0 a 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a , & 0 0 0 0 0 0 * /I 1OZ- 0 " 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * o 0 00 06:# ly A I --L P. ;-U mpok malecal". V. S. -00 0e c J. 4MIU. S. & A.) 4. 408-19( t~M of Thide's themy of resklual valetwIm"t": 00 a"" am amyiene dmi". in (be Usht U1 the nnww dam q elf t t"quency and Int M-f: 4i'. so LAUC Lewis W. Huts =00 0901 o0j; Sou Fee COO !see See tio ASM.SLA MATALLOPMAL LITINANNIF CLASSWKAT" "Go IRN 14.11V we OD Ilion.) 44V C" 481 Cf 13.1 Ill r W 14 9 4.1 43 3 1, mill U 0 p p it 0, Of If 'A Ig Ill it to it it x IKW A 1 -114 and 0 g g 010 see 004 A 0 * 0 0 49 e 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4k 0 a 0 41 0 0 40 0 0 0 41 0 40 *1* 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0.0 * 0 .0-0 0 : 0-0. 0 0 0 0 SA 11.111-1to 0 0 Ga 4. 0 see a a I is 11 ii it w is I, I? if 212 MINIS Aftallf joil U 13 m is m 1) 0. j .1 a A A.-S I -&Nil MW _. 1-1-M AA DRA9 A 9 Alb ,o o: 0 A reffile-fat ol the pmacbm of hyd-bon molecules *irtosbaemOloasWOsisthsiutfmtomkbmds. V.S~ J Gin. CA.. (U. S. S. R.) 4. 1117-N2 00 2 JA 41S .00 A d .1 the parachm ineminent 9 0 liven in the litmtum ftw unsaid. OWns. in relation to 00 0 fl-ler-at. strain. in the double and trililt Nulds- -00 0 .3 ai 11 1 so .00 &%a-SLA ATALLUNGKAL LITINAUJIlt CLAISOPICATION LAD 0 00 aillit la a- ill -_V -I- V-F'1 T1 le to to at a it It Ilul is f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 00 00 06 *0, 0: so" A I C D V G 16 A L 6 0 0 No 4 1 1 Ww I tu im 13 A 00 0 00, odw oat 40 wilid Nava 364041420 J ..fA .f . b I I . so oft OWN oqo G%VT pou"lloo " 00 omm ftl%tno*A OW pas 6-1pu o"T4o9L;-29 , A oe - '0s in in moon qsmi l C. 00 ll 1) P im V o R -V 00 Oft POUNUOD (fm%o!t 4q!s jo PRO**@ Wu 7. *0 0 Pm im jo 9LI 49ju Gq4 luTpivo 00 -SIP Ptfv It&qJ*ov VWMMq9ojVftUq~ o2seeW Aq 992 too P~Rovjo WJJ P"WOds's "A 1 *-'(269 #2261 6-9 ljo 00 00. 29-1;g 19 9~,: 0"4T form Uom Jowr) UTTVa .1 ON P" see *2 *A *TA 609V RWj0UW MU aTljTVZqV ~ TIMM MDU MWIV U"119 .40 qoltynna 00 1 00-1 i! 00- 9"0 o .io I i i 0, o 0 0, 0s 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 * 0 I NY 11 u U w 13 it 1y is 19 a it 0 a 30 b Java NI"n 32 a J. a % v a 0 43 41 a a nA a L 2 a JL-4 'Noctilts .-4 6T, chookal ndbolb for convellins Opthelic Petrol"Im pate used by the Asneft. -00 AwrbdldAajvAv Ntrf(wn.v Khm%ultliv IV14. Ni A, V.- A svotmi diwusaim im Ifiv Invini, 4 ak-."' c1 -40 lirfiVS., IVCIRIWtA 011 OILWaI641 Still 1104 k itig ud the saws. ill r~mikuoik jju~., Still xa-% etackni in thr liquht liham mul in tbr vaixw phav- it 008 I-rm-nivi will m Ific-raitirr Ituirs W 43 rrim,git"L it iij,- A. A. 11-htimirk W moo :;to M goo co* 00 tj Alm-11, 0974I.LURGICAL W9114TWIt CLAWFICAtION I I" WOO I a Ow 0 a a I le a 9 A U 16 A' RIP) U1111,11r, Alp'll".111FIspir 0 00000 a 0 0 0 go 0 00 "0 2 A o 0 0 0000 0 go 000 4 o a Ap is if a is 23 A Y a X a if v 11 v 0 m v 0. IT 1 40 41 " As 0 a C, A -L.-t A. It L-X.A~ 1, -A 1 1-1-1 AJ A (Att A A A..@ 4t; 00 00 .00 00 00 a Rvilining aftlassfift cumpmda obtaimed from plitiftileum -00 0 Okktuuva, NI. A, llailln cold V, 161-14hi-va J- j 0 NAIAL141111.1f Nrft~l- X6--L,t- IW4. it. All S 00 In Ow Iffillind 4if C.If. alul 1,11%tv All't Willi _0 49 11.4). in a li'mWintal rvfilxl~r -jtI(pj.,f With pact,flem 0 00 at achied to a sludt mutting at (k1(1 INA) r. 1). in., Vic :0 ~id stm-liki be intputtwt4t (it bmtehr* and a rutacrAd of situlitr 1% eawntial after nwh toratnwist. This vwO.A lowefs like arld "'Imamption h, IWI,. *Ii-fachwif a* -tults were obtained In a vAjx*-ptl1&-w limt,'"t "likh was efftctcd by Imumpint; the cru,k C.11. thr-als two towcrs in sucrea-m. and ti~itinje it with a 76-M)% COO clVid in the (list, and a 05% mrid in the strund towrr. 'lie total Witt vM10111111,61n vakni. ,it a 114141,~. U641 .01 A. A, MwItilitigh so* go 00 goo ;.I A10,14A "TAILUASK&L LITIM47VA9 C%AIScsKA?M" .4. 11 Joe V 0 A1 " 1, 1 , An I Ia tis 0-01--p 10 1 I to 9 0 or IT 11 It a a R a (I n I I 0 o 00 to 000 0 0 0 00 4 0 a a 00 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Is* 000-000*000 of 000001000000 logo so *1* 00 9 0 0010 0 0 0 0 9 u n ..p W If ITT. LOTIO IT. III, I" Iola., ITMIN11IT1101v go. ;j t: *or set 0 ox v *3 111 -V. 07o0 oe* .1 q1=11ta Ul -q--jpAq,pjw`;`t1T p -sop "1 01 M" al "01130" vjqj -fix"at 'PI-IJORK 011111 PQt"AVW GA AM130-1 PM MWtqd Alt%& go '-001-% It O'HO"OUN)lY 4111A 13M Im OP W imf)Iiii) POO -"PAq J"-- P- -PIPE-- OM091 -01 '6 'AQVZ -MVIF P- A8RV 'M A '911111104MOV A1q jo *-Me sWix -W- #o *"Win p wWV Is so Ir 00 9- so e, a I !n 04 4 1 i It 14 1- 1 y -IT- 00 0 Do0 0 0 0900 00 a 0 0 0 00 0 o 40 is Iso0 tp q, ~11 Alk - Ak *be 00007-49 -ML-M&-Ak . : ~ 1: .1 ~. 1-1 Ml rN I IS I] I it MO: !:u'v I t;lj I 00600Q69 00 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 6060606 0 00 0 Ojos** 06 00 W-W * 0 It a 4 0 Is 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0,0 *to 6 0 4 61 0.3 Ili# is 1 -.01111114 Ij Is ft It Ir i1, a J :t *o A a I a -L. -1 W 11., 4 t . 06 00 00 -00 00 A of oftl ab" ffew -00 00 @ft. Vu. S. S. tum M. A. _ ~_ ' _49* 00 hausbaf Qw *1 ins, -00 -in a systmatic in- No. S. W-W; d C. A. 39. V. 0 * =,, = 74 ::7 : = = ~ .00 00 Ali- ,. N y y ..00 0 1, a isiq Sivv a cam. ykw of Rio" ftom C.H. and Roh. A h1011 ickf v 160 If W (lwid commi ititm 37 '00 . C. . . pw t y tts witb4ml catel 7) and 9 with Vc (18 00 J; . y , catalyst. mW WA) and 22with As calmlyfit, In The :A 0 0 ivwtkm temp. with Ft cikt%,A sbould be M-10 This 00 mits udge an Ft F Cow t of The 14190. '0 SDh=T' 24 WhW N ==k W 0 4 M 7% 0 _ - n .. o . . Y _ 45641 b ib C A 29 W d h d d 0 ewr . ave ten e ). a sM.;Ust . ( t ti n h 6 Ch S f b t 00 as om o ve citta s, suc . reac e amm ac yi , $ catalinigally in both dkwtkvn. and kwwr the Rt01( titid 04 00 pcowfttd contact. Shitten Wrtwnr". A. A. ft. . zoo ';o 0 '00 0e _OO -.00 ASN.$Lk alt ALUMCKAL LITIRAYLOI CLASSIFICATICh 1 00 0 3 : ", lie" I I -Ab 0 T- 0 L 'J.~ -, j7j--~; .; , - "'i' - 1~1 '111 00 s 70 ~ u .0 r it it 11 p ; jjrfjW M14 Kit IN W .1 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4111 01 ' T S 4 14 W N 9 At a 3 A;1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 G 0 0 6 0 0 SO OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO000 040,004060600000000000 J *;; I u As it u 13 is Is Is va 0 a 41 a a ss: v PIU As I I LN t $11 CIS ,% .019 Iti I -, - --, *on ...T a "01031MIST11) 11011101011111 111360111111T IfisI-S%v oz 00 00 or 00- '12"H14"I 'V'V .1111.10113.1 f1m.163tod u1 poywop irsa3aW NO ROPIA03 WIVIS U,,q H01,1 00 ' I ,Vol ' k O x 00 u-I'v ovy A'w f(61 C q stevillp I/Ijj - 00 puss ulle(I K - no , assallips, LU4 i ~~ 4 1 l ve pt, -iltim Diii 00 oe 99 I -T-T-s A II L 1 0 5 -1 t. is w was: tysta attic" sit. -i stn ri it 0' 4 1 0 t 0 1 r I S! *1 0 0 * 0 0 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 A As 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 4 0 0 0 0 go go 6 is 11 It m A )I , IV v s, Is it x ss% L If 1, It j I, L A x r u a i I v T A I L 4.1. w it 1.6 1 d I I A 00 40 inses compeaLfisse of Symithelic ethyl alcohol and tkt -41114111 0 kameme of various factors durissig its sysitliessim. V, S. AI. A. Dalin Au'l It. -%Awwlame NeApsm Kkes. 19M. Na. 5. %' -Tbe pr"- 00 c1XV01 Isalsallamts-'st ptopylvileiti, C.H.I.-Ads; to t1wf.gII%4- tion of greal 4MIS. of IKAYtIlCrv usul i-1,1011 Illid 10 a 00 f! -00 "t"t4idetable Illwerilla in IN: yirld of V.1011 In thr frelli- Ilivilt Willi ItOls.. Cvlwtl. 14A), list. loolk'l, a:: lKs3ymcristivit; pvrop"ti~ tluut s-,ak" wid. Ilial, pl~-Ilrv P.Musst" polytowl"lion. VIC hyllfulyss), of OIC COI)l- 00 saurk wW ishoulil be cam"I uut at clc,,mt~l wtur-i- end COO 00 the hyd"yStit FW%KJUL-1 must tv rapittly rriumcd (mut the rVecti,"I V~I. 1; CAll 1~ Itill",sra litu" list KtOll by 0 0 0 IWIIIN Willi 115 I'"VISIV,11111t 1.1'serwre. 0: A. A. 1LOallujil, 00 If 400 so j A I S L 4 ssEtALLURGICAL 4,01RAMNE CLAIStFICAMI. too - .; 6 Ir!rl tw" 6-"-. --4X' It is It it a it it M&O A 1 ~14 0 0 a 0 4D 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 111 a a a & 0 0 0 0 00 00.0 0 000 0 0 411, 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0; 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 'w 00 00-4 00"' 00 00 fill ..v pearestbot Do. 4 0 so .0 .0 .0 .0 ou 9u. 11 is .5 ohnifibulgismaA. 00 0 d umbeehis Orn. 00 Mom-, ' 0, 0 09 11i; `llw~ MW of eyeac WAYM=1 "hk1fro. 0 0 M j;, d- -AL- forrAffib; Awj"d hr Gnaws 0 . 0. AM. ON c%q C30, oc L 0l Ab a at #~~la thp VAX C4 it, linkiev bwwm & by do Wo:d, 0 6 fA 96 .46 1900 It. T. U06 A 0 - I L A 1111 TAL4.11111111110CAL 641141141%lift CLAUWK&TOR 9 1 b 0- 0- 00 i4 1, to airi "at O%v rat T! amill .4101 W 11 1 w 41 9 As a I NATIVIS1,00 pow** i 1 0 * 0 oooo ::ooos o0 0 0000 00 00 :1 0 : 0 :::: 0 0 0 0; 00 - w 111, W_- IMF w_w_w_qF_w_ 4 4) 0 4 0 4 111 0 0 0 0 0 6 (111 0 0 0 4 0 4 G 0 0 W 04 -41 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 I 1 0 1, 0A - 10 is Is b it is OF 40 -0 41 it 0 0 ji~ 11~11 imp 111141111 T';* 0 0 ~ .Cf I 00 CW212 gtmqtrjc&l "rties of carbon Wralloillon -06 0 J. Gen. ( Arm - 6. 14N. v" 0*a f C. A. N. M-W. 314- '- I tic tcLtlu,u N 1.- l f m C G 00 09 It'at, 'i v. ilti w a the change or at. Cvasts. W %L R. (hQ,,Ic anti triple 1,01h &oil that 4)1 --At. of tht C 0 0 in the some wries cannot be expre"kIl bY a tetrahedron *Tl l i l 6 w Cs. t p Itt,ight line without considering the bond mu conSt. of furmula K (49/0). Where K Is (be at :0a b and a wr mists, anti 4110 Is tile TtlAll-)" ti triple, agrees IwItrr with the tilill. vol." and the bwd mil : I lilleal Iclatill" (cf. evidencr than tile Pre~"UJY P!Olluj" f the d I e 0 e o ei g ma C. A. So, b6751). investigation 15 JCln a of the existence of a Imisaililt relation resulting cvkkncv 0 lwtwcm the distortions Of exaltation Of 161. R. cf a sub- 0a %tance with a sp. structure iuwl thw I)l "At. VIA.** Of C 1; gi q 0 t.traliechons. proceeding ludrptirdently of tile Chatilies 411 l anc the illisition of valencts, in multiple bonds. C. B 00 izogi ;ago 0 0 "TAILUNGICAL LITINATLOF CLASSWICAMn i tloo .11 a.. C., .. . ........... I U a AT PC LS RIF 00000i06069000000;0 -1411, Ot a., AN i N t a OW * - 9 1 1 A a I-, goo 0: o 0006 0 4 0 i 0 00 0040 0 4 Gooo 0 0 i 0 0 o,-00 0 9 i 0 0 Ogg 00 0 06606 0 0 0 0:* ie i~00 0 0 -00 w-#-- r 4-41 -TM "al. 0: A . - , , - , I II .."~ .-- -I.-- -... . ..... .. ...... .... .... FgC; Cauk 00 JI" ch". cirm, ZOO .00 coo 00 00 Soo I too Q too to#W ILL 0 00000000000000e000 o : 0 I 0 -GIVE ~v 1 03 1 1 a 4 1 4 1 Q 4t o it 'I It '1 4 tfx~vu alga bra A 00 4 M J A L A-A k--y - I A I A A-- 0 M-10 r 01.1 00 - so Synthfiels of latipropyl alcohol from Pei it 11.11111 -.%111 % s- , I Itot at all by 1.0 4vul. L 1 I ~l ,x 1 v..t,-uu:pi~#tt atmainut hi?.2 19. 1,( 00 1.:Ihl*; %fill 141 W; 0, pl~-qfj,j * 1 lic 1 I)( acid it 23 2 A &A, Ifer kii UIC, so J: - e-IItWf1W Adle 00 rw U~j STIA1,11ii. ptIbLvis Air dv"Il~ are tal"llalaur Fifterls Mfelrnn~. lo - 0 to ro 0 v a -,p D- a M-t-1- i A A COV1113 00 drum gam I "t'.0, I I, I, V, 1.~141:%, I 1- 111,1 LX -J It, - --ti,umpiwn 1 IwIfl'. 4 11, thl-nillip. A Alld III . ...... 11,t cis A~ It. 300 also aro . age ago wee 21 ago age wee 114,140 ...... Z. I I -~- T-- l- 0 ILO 0 'y or a Ly it 41 a It R a K a a it 1, 1- -V -i aw 0 14 a 'I w W go 4 0, 0 0 0 o 0 0;0 00 o 0 0 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 MA 006 00 60 0 ree-4 4- a 0 a 7'41 gi 0 a 4 W W 6 W 4 1 1 1 1 .4 ?4 W it it it I, is I. 1 s~ it U 11 14 11 IS it 11 It a It 17 34 I. a 1, 6; .0 U .1 is V 0 60 AA L, 11 1~1 A r- I.A.A. a R IF 11 A 1 1. 9 1 _A - I I AA IS M W Uff k k A 4 i_#, of A jo~ fmi'm POW, I I I I I A.1b Paso IN 1.4 Hydratlosi of Wake. 1. Action of aqueous sulfuric i_404111 we seld molludomis on propylsime to the presance (if highly active Calstlysift. %, S, C;ut)IYA nil(] V. L. Buillilskayu. Agellsulifshillukof Xiftj4jac Khos. 1937, No. 1, '0) s. -A pro yleft otas mcd in the vislits. itlic pirl-ii is. desciribetill. Tit tresitintrut was carried out at 3 t ;17" rr 00 with 04. 41). 70 awl WJ% l1e;(J. ill the pit.wilm "1 -90 CWSOo H41104 and AjSO, catal),ts. The higbeqx C'll. 00 convirtairm (76.3%) smas reached with AgOls anti -00 00 MTO INSO., While a 111.611,0 C.11. Vkal Il't'l, 1114, .00 rStl the CfAIVVr11J')U 91 the lW9111111119 lif the off ti Tuartion, latter fewhing a certain stage of erjuil. f Wl b b h i i zoo . a irr a s ort time, th owerytir, sip) reschsA s tq eing, without the catalysts. ADSO. although being the tikst i s active only as long as the proVylene is n~t ~,mt- Cata" pkiely "utd." with H.50t. CuSf)i showed vriv little "be 00 stiMly, while lfjK)I prornoted the catalytic serimi of tht wallit oft hi- react inn vessel. 11stastmT, thir react ista wai not se 00 Is",nionest to mmy appirstrimbla, talent milthoush the pfc,thict hly Colitatilirstatcd asith F'. l ame hi A del llc4l ch a 00 . ar. a W g 4CO141 airti-ristk- of thist tractirsti im Iliven. The ilirrct h0tation F.Mction of pr'sisylvne When treated %illt 11,S). dmi not take place not onl at ordinar but even at witi s - y l y 711* If i l ffi f 4 75 i d i d h [moo - . 4ti m c aci ere s orme mtpropy ivit, , w 1111(iff the illyritigated ii ~ufflcienrly mhhl~ see a ent is n-I initdu ed int if drolyzin ti r ti h I J u te este m a c y g g d : %phrre, an if the hydrolysis reaction is not 4CVTkf%IUd 11) will"Jiswista the JIJC. formed firmn file maclioll'qiIII-Ir. 12, A. A. 11cwhilinill, 6 S a . I L I &I TALLUAGICAL LITISATIP111 CLASIOICATION S4304.1 .4p 'P., a., LL t U IS AV so it I Se It * 0 T alit T I~ 0 -OW 0 a a I III W 0 1 1. Igo IN I All I V 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 A t 00 or so u: 00 a 00 S1 0 Vic N 0 a 0 0 0 All 0 0 6 060 s s it 4, 'S s s 4, o -Ve-v- W ill-- ~~ 1.0 . ~ I IS a a in IV it if Ar If if a If M JS Ap 40 40 a 41 14 a R 0 a , f. I At Ol A a 4 1 4 V ist All m, -0 f. T.96 AS. ILA It IF 0000000000000000000 000 0 so.* U1 .0 '#~Vlatftl N(,(. TU lie"Un at lethylese with sWusic add. M. A. c' INfin Anil V. S. (autyrys, O'KAllair Ifill Net' 7 64 71; Wh4ft. /4." 1, N- .00 11 1), 111' IR(Iff ill ilia ITSIAW file ~Ullik-I altiffill0l' -00 Ault she Ito, of vialliakole oil this In'lls, all still J'ami'Dit lb, "Pts, was 001wil" is #A Op. Us WtLbh 16 Wuw flow W .00 C,1(4 pawiled all"ir tizvolving pimahtlam -tied with file "d. -40 The shape a# thm paMics and their surfam kinfluttmard -so *it up for the fraction. the amt. of wid lived of Cella Is, uvng a 20-25% contest. of C.11, with a Ifit-1.1 affil. pres. -00 sure the ififentir results wetv obtained in 7 hers. m wro: obtained by other Ittv"flifators in an autoclave Provided 800 with a miter with 98% of CjH4 at 15 atm. perrmurer in '.'I =00 air entire hers. Hills. with a tW~% conceit. of Call. with PAX or 99.7% WSO. zhowarl limit tht their. of the, traction r.0 6 .".I the euill. of twill moral life davrer.-I dlo-t 1111"riv =00 ith the fmanval-'if till, Call. -1-1. ahela,. ill.- Wh1of the Z. illectraluard 11114'allily. Fhr )WIt 1-Uh, lealle 111-tAlli-li coo with IOU% Call, whow Cunicul. Wait, kcpt cou,,t. throughout the exPI, ELMS. On the ab-tition all a 2,10% courn. of Call, by varyinj cowns, of HiSIC)i St I atm. arut at 10-12 Coo itins. pa4ellim permit deducing the following tclAthinship 00 81.4) (y - 1.19) - C, whrre x L% the ooteen. of the add in %. y the anit. of acid it"I in kit.Aft. of life.. C a Const. equal to 27.1145 at 1 Allies. and 19.1~) 11 11) 12 mill, 00 'ro itu-Lrt! a 111110111471, Coca. of SC141 Coll,%ulliption title 10 ;1 ks./lieft. of ale, instead of the Ibrinelical LI lig., Ow 4--id :40 0 hould not be less than volictf. sit I atoll., a4mal Isof 1- it eassfil'i"Itly hiall pieseautv it 91.41~' Octal kfilult I avall't ba- L-00 used. This would Permit the usiliLtion 4 the hYdrAY-i,a rise 09TALLUROICAL 1.111ROM products 4 kroo, for the ablauri,tion of Call, in 4 COH- thruous Velveduction C Cle. W. R. liviin 12foo dd 0., 114 to 0 a--# j--v'-'TA Is o' If 00 Ad a it It ill It U t. it 01 L* M I illes 411001111100::006044100000046609i 00 00 * 0 so 0 0 00 0-0-0 0 a 01 00 0 0 411 0 a 0 00 00 0 0 a 0 si~ - . .. . .- -- I - , , :- -I 114115 -ri!!timil q~~ "MU [MidiliwIrtiv Ptilillifol~ilillill.~~"t~ll",I t", ill- - -1 -11 - - ... -.. 1. 11 - 0 go *0004 . 0-0 094*606 00 0 0 0io-O 0 -_* 0 To * 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 a a 00 0 * * * o 0 0 o 4 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0a 0 0 cs-o 61 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 0 0 a : 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zi I I I . , 4 1 1 . x !! :1 11 11 11 1. - V A .1 k -7 U 11 M 1'. ~, I . I. .., . I . A P -L--1 ' A. .4 P W It 00 A ! 00 J -00 II eamettrical perties of carbon w1ralbadrom CaUin p -00 J 00 s and exalm an of mall mar rwraction of am~ d1olefts. j r % 2 00 V. i. V-14t J. Gete. Chtm. I U. S. S. RA T. 2 12 - I s M -00 A. 31. 210I.-The applk-atk-m of the I HIC17); I 00 previntUimethttah to t1w dew. at the rstallation (it M. R. * 9 S4,~tlicllefiw 6 discumad. 'M resdut are mopared ^ith the data of otber investipaws. The Work on 00 X addid. exptl. evidem-e anti Its interpretation 6 lwins 09 06 a continued. Seventeen refertners. Chu. Want: v 00.3 00 j. zoo 00 .1, ZOO 90 ago so Of f -00 00 1 - ;:G 0 -0411 As s s L w A..tL~rrICAL UTER&TUAt CLAMPICATICh :20 0 t ell A Joe U AT ! It 11 It if 61 9 At it R it n 0 0 * 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Oo *go*.* * oq* 0000 o** 000 00 9 0 0 00 go 0 a 0 o 00 0 it. 0 .. . ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 so* 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ; o 0 0 0 0 * dt & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1W W Ir W 0 0 0 6 0 03 1 1 1 a 1 6 1 f I 111 11 12 11 14 u it it is t9 a ji, u 13 J4 6-26 27 )s 14 x 11 11 U W 11 6 1! :3 Q Aj 0 0 A I C-11 r L--A- a -A It 1--l- 1 0 Y J AAAAAX W UA 7~- -at. oe Hydggtim cil Propylvias With AS Mquecus sulfuric Acid -00 *Wvtiw V. fi. GuiWra'and V. L. lluinit%kavw. I IpplW (.%m. (U. .4. 1). R.) 10, 10121 01(in NX7: 00 ir (liclsj;d.(tAkwingabstr.-Incarryiricoit the rearimi i-00 0* bttwccn MCUIX11, (or its Inixt. with %trion) 411.1 0 (of higher) U.SOo. white intevWvt stirring is appli"l, addw I he Yield -J isiv r F ll i A d A NO 0 b s m nevisima e ma . or y. M under tbrw conditions Is the mune As with tit W '4 -j i T -00 -00 hv k-414- 107& 113504 and a AgNOi or Fe mit catalyit. 00 lytic actkm of As awl Fe Win is equaliArd Mien aplAving .00 00 intensitm; sigitatim. The advantage of livatutent of O 0 %IcCH:Cffo witb an wW In the preunct of 6(raill Conikis S 00 a l~ in Ax uninteirrupted course while treatiortit visiliont itunt 00 permits the uke of onice ccincd. Acid. I lie Lit tur I ri At - l h l i 400 wa v c ment perinits inttnsive stirring on act induicria 00 a yield of ak. WAS and a percentage of MCC11 Cut coo 00 0 0 livitration &-to times higher than in a continuoui prmt-. -0 A. it. I'MirIwsiv L 0 00 o 0 000 4, 0 coo 1 600 41 goo A goo 'i S a - I L ASI?AttURGKAL UYINATUR11 CLAISWKATICIO ti f i L too woo 10. 11 cm -3- 1%, u C' t, 1, 0 At K a W a K a a it or 4 (W 0 It W I W 0 '1 ii 1,10 1 a I 3 0 0 0 A 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 SI - - . . , , , I ~. , -1 -1 ~, o; I" f 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 e a 4 0 0 0 6 -C M I K L -1-11 It T 1 0 09 IX 4-A t A I so jig -00 Ith ;~61c acid '-Go ,00 Mechanism of the offactioll of U19fins w "'IV O"St. (U. S. S. R.) 0. 00 h,~ J.,tillin-cil till,fitts with lliO. was studied 00 it ,,;Olf HoOll awl i*.-AmOlf with x i differvilt lwlllxt- -11 little alid 00 balowl(lig the lifl.-li. .,( thll I,%.- Uat. ill 00 Milli 44 tile tv-0111141 Artills, lit, lIcill (licit 41, 41141 1 lolls. ['fir W-111,11111 1-111(il 11low thlit, 90 ittittasi, ill NAlIttlkill. ft Ill. (C. .1. 31. 141112.1. 90 Ill' Milli IhilV111011,111.41i 44 014'JiII4 IIV II,.'Al, rAvIl 1111irt, miltle *I I'm tirmll, Ol') atill lifults dulatitat 4-1 %villAct Wll .-l- I file ., ledvil.m. air illbillilell. while at it to-Ill. %.IlilA,t tile 1,11411411"ll d lx4yincito takes plav withimi. it,.- ..1 -ill. ,=00 :0 j tilitilicla. At itmun temp. t tic highly I.Aynilft - ire 0 00 isatiml ptlWC14% It by delly'll"locilatioll (f,,r- Illatkin ud hilghly 1111561d. clitillhIA'), tile it teactit"14 takilljo 00 placr fit lift lift"" is .1111 ilIj,!hr Ill'ictm of by'll..drilati"ll j,`4*0 At hijoher lettips. (;k)* still illher) thir high title -4 d0tv &0 ir i,.! alrogittatititt rithet ivtKttl% vit lilitipletcly Whiltila ittv hr Irlitomialb"I 4 'Orrillm 0. Otiliallill, Milli ClAvell. Joe llee A I I L A too It 0 111 It AV -0 Alf. . . it it is ut ill to: 0( 9 P! F, It It OF MW A I 1& #44 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111, 0 0 * - 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 00 00 ***o 0 000000 so Goieo*oi 0 W49P. GUTYRTA, V.S. GUITRIA, V.S. Nefti Azerbaidzhana. Ba~oj, Amefteizdat, 1945. 129 -. (Azerbaidzhanskil nauchnD-issledovatellskii institut naftapererabotyvaiushchei promyshlannosti.). DLC: 1ID9575.M3B35 SOi LG, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified. & se ;t ~iaia- r'- ip*- AJ.-C A t--A--j_L_JL- L -A, A ~ Z.-- IL A 367o. KMAKISM OF CATALYTIC RWMMG OF THM=j CRACKM OR :01 WORKED DISTILIATES WITH ACTITATID CLAY. GuVTy&p V, So# Gonoh4rovap ~ M. A. and F lfeityanoi' biov. 1947 Atanova, M. 1P. ("erbsidshanskii so 0 "1. 26,, (1/2)0, 24-27S abstr. In China. Abotr., 1946, vol. 42: VA5i. Several thermally crooked or reformed distillate# were m*joot*d to catalytic refining four different ways to determine this reaction 0 Mchanin Involved In the catalytic trestaont with clay at tomporaturso :0 round 4000. They weret (1) treated with nonactivated clay at 200- 100 00 40091 (2) hydrogenated ovez an aronatising catalyst of the A121h-Cro 0 i W 90 MA 30 atocerhares; (3) treated In the vapour phiob type at 350 t as; a typical Ismorizing catalysto i.e. activated A1203, at 250-4.Wj ~j 1 (4) treated in the vapour phase with activated ally at 4000, The 00 -; unsaturated hydrocarbons prevent in the distillates consist predominantly 1,; of hydroaromatles and anpMones havIng 1-2 double bonds in the i ~-i e leux or aide chain. The Cramp composition and octow numbers of the products Indicate that tr*atmnt over ols7-typs catalysts involves ..,I hydrogen-disproportlonstion in which vart. of the cyclic olefInt is UMATWOR CLASUPKATKI6 1 L 11MCAL . ' !4~ via., 11119 jil. V *'v off U40, III P 0 0 0 Ai-VT-a ' A ; -, ;M', 40 U 0 n t -t a AV C, i *Ali 16 1 15 9 Is 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I, MM - - M- 0 Is Mi 4 1 6~ 1 1U UL 0-0-4--w-w- w 0 0, 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 a00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 00 0 0 0 0 0o * a 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 00 of *0 dehydrolomtod to arommitles and the other part Is hydrogenated to *0 00 maphthenes. The two reactions rm owom ntly and thus compensate of each other with re"t to hydrogen oonsimption. Straight chain 90 oleflus are hydrogenated to the corresponding paraffins. 04, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 so 00 00 so 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *0 *4 00 00 00 go 00 00 00 00 L 00000000*0000*00000*06O*oooooooooooooooo :::O a * 0000*0***0000090000*0OO)o*oO*Ooooo o 04A 11-1 **A 41* 90 of 11 t fa It- I -L-L-L-A -r- a lw~ f4pi P "vital 010 P193P#11,11 "W Machismo d do Imuddeg Al" d simmewumon. VA Ve U. A. Ganchown, &W M. P. Kabom. A QZveloaasm ROJ Flarift. acti"WANNO. = asa *Zivatfd ben- toque. OW "Uth"k ahmimeminte ww "td as ara- nutising catalysts at 4004HD* for lbermal cracking dis- tMates, Rogwdlew at do - of dw aluniscosilk-ste anti the 196C i= somp., stoma 0% of tbr 011"s wrtir Mawr temp. inciftod, On V of npkbmn datswaxed and the Y of L ?be der" of artt- fftat= dw dm%7drQ~iOm Capacity of the te =;zbY the y and sou"we of the olefins In tbe distillate wativer than by the cyclization capacky Ot the catalysts. ltowh AI ILA AdVALLUUKAL LjttN4TWff CLASISKAM low SIV14is" 1414#U -At dv aft 0 00 00 _419 R see r-0 0 coo t:e 14- aw 4 A U I III; -,j;;-1 %and is a 'I w v 9 A aI T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,e *Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a IT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 St 0 * 0 * 0-0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a MIS ISO 0000 000 000 0 ISO 0 6 0 000 0 0 At 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 00 MiSt a oil *14 oil 4 TO Ii It 11 1 T, 1i 4 , A 1, 1: 1; I~ 11 1 !! - . 11 . .; 1; A SO r_.9 _r. r Q R-1 1 -9 1 ~_W A-J M M rC W-W,a- k i A 00 400 00 -00 so -00 -00 00 CT ARCMA.IZIN,, AC'71(1:.' i-- AILU! 00 V.Z., Gonahexrovn, M.A. nnd Knbanovit, (1:0M M. I): i 1 -0 0 0 4D S*43011.,) 19,40. vol. 26. (1), ell,dr. lit :hwm. Alvtr.. .00 go JI Vol. 43. 309b). Floriuius nttt~irt-l ~00 66 a 1'~ itmi activatnd bmitonit". and eyviLhoQ moro -00 00 a! tested n3 aromntizin- catnlystr, m, 400-1-.C-' !01' 00 crackizir- distillates. Rel-ardlns,3 Of 0;- nniur,i u." zoo 0 0 silicate and 'he reaction teliverature, aro~=: 60 af _he 00, 06 olefins were conrerted into aonaLicr, Eind nzk-'~thffnns. .'-.3 t;,.e 5410 So St reaction tomparaturn incremood, the quantity of rmpht!innos dooroanod and tho kluantity of arorm, ic!s Die) -:00 derrm" or avom,.Li.~atiou vous datfirmhio,i t1in inhyuro -wial i, n capaci ty or the tested`, -atalysts rind 1~y he avviti tv t ild zoo J i! str-mlairn of' 0-4 ol"firim in Lim disL1111O.- ritthor thmi 1~:, the 110411 I oyolittalou oupattilty or uiv, ontaly-ita. 96 :9.00 &SO-ILA ARTALLUACKAL LITIMATI41 CLAS SWKAT 100 It I If 0., Ott keg U a IV wi 11~,, ml I S I ION 0 J q v . 0 n 11, at It it wittri if ormwn Ojos J,, QL 0 0 so 0a 0 6 0 to 0 000 0 101 GO 0 a Is a 0 0 a 0 :1o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o is 0 9 0 * 0 0 0 0. 0 a 0 * 440060 see-stes a r-0. 0 .4 0 0 * 0 0 a 40 VP 0 0 * 0 * ISO ot AKHMEDOV, Mamed Nadzhaf ogly; KARDASH, Ita Matveyeviia;&Pz~RYA, . - I.jj"Ut. V.S. prof., red.; KRANSKOY, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, 0"mOOTET'.-, GONCHAROV, I.A., tekhn. red. - (Methods for carrying out the prod=tIon process on petroleum refining units] Metody vedeniia tekhnologiche- skogo rezhima na neftepererabatyvaiushchikh ustanovkakh; iz opyta raboty zavoda im.A.A.Andreeva. Baku, Aznefteizdat, 1954. 67 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gutyrya). (Petroleum-Refining) KULIYSV, Ali Huss, professor. daktor khimichoskikh nauk ; YRTA V. S. . professor. redalctor; GONCHARCY, I.A., tekhniche-c~.7,4-gsw4w-*7mwuigi.o-- (Ways of improving the qualities of petroleum uluchahaniia kachestv neftianvkh emazoehnvkh izdat. 1954. 92 P. [Microfilm] (Lubrication and lubricants) lubricants] Pati masel. Baku, Aznefte- (MLRA 9:12) I%, GUTYRYA, V.S.; PISHNAMAYMAIM, B.F.; KO-qFMI VA, L.M.; ALIYXV,A.P. Activated silica from serpentinite as an adsorbent for extracting aromatic hydrocarbons from petroleum fractions. Dokl. Azerb.SSR 10 no.1:3-10 154. (KL'RA 7:7) 1. Institut nefti Akademli nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SM. (Silica) (Petroleum--Refining) ISMYLOV, R.O.; SPEKTOR, Sh.Sh.; GUTYRYA, V.S. Ivaluating the degree of utilization of rav materials by operating crews of oil refineries. kzerb.neft.khoz-35 no.7:27-29 J1 '56. (Petrolaua-Refining) ZULIYUGAROV, Z.G.; GTJTYRYA. V.S., red.; MMIANN, G., red.izd-va; POGOSOV,Y.,,--..----- - (Effect of synthesis of catalysts in cracking and their D17sico- chemical propertleel VlUanie uslovil sinteza krekirulus~chikh katalizatorov na ikh fiziko-khimicheakie svoistva. Baku, lzd-vo Akad. nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi 50. 1957. 221 p. (KKRA 11:2) (catalysts) (Cracking process) ZULIFUGAROV. Z.G.; GUTYRYA, V.S.. profesaor. radaktor; PZVZNXR, K.I., tekhnlothov~xy MINIM - [Studies on the physical and chemical characteristics and refining properties of Azerbaijan clays and gumbrin] Iseledovanie firiko- khimicheakikh avoistv i otbelivaiushchei sposobnosti glin mesto- rozhdanii Azerbsifthanakoi SSR I gumbrina. Baku, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Aserbaidshanskoi SSR, 1957. 247 p. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondsnt Akademli nauk SSSR (for Gutyrya) (Azerbaijan--Clay) ALIYEV, V.S.; GUTYRYA, V S. The contribution of scientists of the Azerbaijan petroleum industry- to the development of Russian petroleum refining methods. Azerb.neft.khoz. 36 no.11:47-49 K '57- (11,IRA 11-2) (Petroleum--Refining) KUh1YEV, Ali Rasa ogly, prof.; KULIYhV, Raoul Shirin ogly; AWYEV, Mamed Ibragim ogly; GUTYRTA, V.S..,proftT-doktor khim.nauk, red.; SHTICY14GEL I , A. 'Ye-&A . id-~a [Production technology and investigation of lubricating oils from Baku petroleum] Takhnologiis polucheniia I isaledovanis masel Is Bakinskikh neftei. Baku, Azerbaidzhanskoe gos.izd-vo neft. I nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1958. 6114 p, (MIRA 12:9) (Baku--Petroleum) (Lubrication and lubricants) 6 30V/8l-59-io-3640:,: Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal- R'himiya, 1959, Nr 10, p, 439 (USSR) AUTHORS!.- Nasirov, A.B., Gutyrya, V.S., Zullfugarly, D.T. TITLE- Effect of Some Conditions of Catalytic Cracking in a Eubbling LayV of Synthetic Alumosilicate on the Formation of Aromatic the Composition of Gasoline 11 PERIODICAL- Sb. tr. Azerb. n.-i. in-t neftepererabat Drom-stj_, l9r,8, N. 2, pp 44-55 (Azerbaydzhanian summary) ABSTRACT- The catalytic two-stage cracking of the kerosene-gas-oll fractioas of Baku petroleum has been investigated; the first stage is realized in an in- stallation with circulating bubbling alumosilicate catalys-t, the second stage in a reactor with a stationary bubbling layer of the same oatalyst. Gasoline of two-stage cracking obtained from two types of petroleim of different characterized by approximatel:f the same hydro- carbon composition depending on the temperature In the first staged with an increase in the temperature of the first stage from 4P-0 to 48oOc, in gasoline of the second stage the content of aromatic h~ydxocarbonz In- Card 1/2 creases from 29.4 - 26.1 to 35.0 - 42.5% a' the exper-7se o! ,he reduction NASIROV, A.B.; GUTYWA, V.S.; ZULIMIARLT, D.I. Chemical composition of gasoline from two-stage catalytic crackine. Sbor.trud.AzNII NP no.2;56-69 Ag 158. NIPA 12:6) (cracking process) (Gasoline-Analysis) sov/81-59-8-28958 Translation from: Referativnyy zhumal..Kh'Amiya, 1959, Nr 8, P 503 (USSR) AUTHORS: Nasirov, A..B., Gutyrya, V.S., Zullflagarly, D.I. TITLE: -Hexame'r.111Ylenes of Gasoline of Two-Stage Catalytic Cracking PERIODICAL: Sb. tr-Azerb. n.-i. in-t neftepererabat. prom-sti, 1958, Nr 2, pp 70 - 76 (Azerb. summary) ABSTRACT: The characteristic is cited of naphthene-paraffin residues remaining after chromatographic extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons from gasolines which tire products of the two-stage catalytic cracking of the gas-oil fractions of Balakhany heavy and Surakhany choice petroleum. Inde- pendently of the nature of the initial raw material, a temperature in- crease in the first stage leads to a decrease in the content of methyl- cyclohexane and 1,3- and 1,4-dimethylcyolohexanes and consequently of the total content of hexamethylenes in the product. N. Kelltsev Card 1/1 GUTYMIJ. Preparing residual stock for catalytic cracking. Sbor.trUd.Az, NII VP no..4.,42-53 159. (KIRA 15~5) (Cracking process) GUSLYNOVA., L.Sh.; GUTYRYA, V.S. Effect of aromatic hyL'xooarbonB in Baku petroleum on catalytic cracking indices of distillates from this petroleum. Sbor.trud. Az NII NP no.4-54-68 159. OMA 15 45) (Cracking process) PHASE I BOOK MCPL40ITATION 3ov/6246 Soveshchaniye po teeolitam. let, Leningrad, 1961. Sinteticheakiye toeolity; poluchenlye, Inaledovanlye I primenonlye (Synthetic Zeolites: Production I Investigation,and Use). Mos- cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 286 P. (Series: Itst Doklady) Errata slip inserted. 2500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk SSSR. Otdelonlyo khIndaheskikh nauk. Kondsiya po tooolitam. Reap. Eds.i M. N.-Dubinin, Academician and V. V. 3erpinekly, Doctor of Chemical-Solenoes; Bd.: To. 0. Zhukovskaya; Tech. Bd.t S. P. Golub'. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for scientists and engineers engaged in the production of synthetic soolites (molecular sieves), and for ahommists in general. Card 14 11Y /I.-,P Synthetic Zeolites: (cont.) SOV/6246 COVERAM The book is a collection of reports presented at the First Conference on Zeolltea, held In.Lenlngrad 16 through 19 Parch 1961 at the Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Unsovet, and Is purportedly the first monograph on this subject. The reports are grouped into 3 subject areast 1) theoretical problem of adsorp- tion on various types of zoolltes and methods for their Investi- gation, 2) the production of seolites, and 3) application of zoolites. No personalities are mentioned. Referenoes follow in- dividual articles. TABLE OF CONTEMS: Foreword 3 Dubinin, X. X. Introduction. 5 Card 2110-g Synthetic Zeolitest (Cont.) SOV/16246 Pavlova, S. N., Z. V. Driatakaya, and M. A. V%hchlyan. Application of Synthetic Zeolites in Determining the Content of Normal Alkanes In Gasoline Fractions Galich, F Cl.!T~ ~Go~:Iubohen~k A. A. Outyrya, U.A. Outyr%"in"d Investigatiob of the Irobsible Applicatiowof Synthetic Zeolitea U Carriers and Catalysts for the DehydrogenatIon and C king of n-Paraffins 7 Palek, M., P. Iru, 0. Orubner. and G. Beyer. Synthetic Zoolites an Molecular Sieves With Co Indication of Water-Vapor Pressure Nalyusov, V. A.,, N. N. Umnik, N. N. Kulov, N. M. Zhavoronkov, 0. 1. Faydell, and D. 0. Uszoan. Purifying Formaldehyde From Moisture and Formic Acid With the Aid of Synthetic Zoolites Card t4ft 253 260 263 26T GALIGH$ P.N.; GOLUDCHENRO, I.T.; GUTEIYA, A.A.; GUTIIZYA,,V.S-- DOLINSKALIJ, MIOZDOR, Ye.V.; NEYRARK, I.Ye. Nature of cokelike doposits formod on CaC-tn)o molecular sims in the cracking of n. alkanes. Neftekhimila 2 no.2:193-195 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Institut Ichirnii polimerav i monomerov AN USSR i Institut fizich.eskoy khimii imeni Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR,, Kiyev. (Paraffins) (Cracking process)