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GUSHCH.A, F.S., knndidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Replanament of intermittent process Machines * comb spinning of woole Teket.promn 16 no-10:33 (Woolenqad worRted spinning) ring frames in b;nby, 0 '56. (miRA loa) GUSHCHA, F.S.,kRnd.tekhn.nauk Factors affecting strength of sliver nnd roving in woolen asnufnature. Tekst.prom. 18 no.5:27-28 My '58. (MIRA 11:5) (Woo'len and worsted spinning) K 3r - AI Ye.G.; GUS.HCHA, F.S. , -kand.tekhn.nauk., starshiy nauchn y sotrudnik; TO R starshiy nauchnyy Botrudilik? EMISKEUSHVIL T 0 AY G.I., niladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik,- BOCHKAREVA, M.I., mladsbiy nauchnyy sotrudnik BRsic principles of the production line m-thod for the manufacture cf top silver in wool spinning. Tekst.prom. 21 no.12:17-22 D 1,61. (MIU 15:2) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sherstyanoy promyshlennosti. (Assembly-line methods) (Woolen and worsted spinning) 'r /26 30(l) 7, 2 1 -- 5) 9 - AUTHOR. Guslicha, G.]E. TITLE: New for the Fauna of 'the USLA 6pecies of Larwff Mite Tt1c)T_ bicula (N.) Muris (Oudemans, 1.910) (Acari,,Trumbicu- lidae) (Novyy dlya fauny Sovetskogo Soyu~_--a vid kle- shcha Trombicula (N..) Muris (0udemanq,lql0)(Acar i~ Trombiculidae) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RbR, 1959, Nr 2, pp 217-220 (UbbR) ABSTRACT: The author describes in detail a species of para- sitic larval mit-e hitherto unknown -for 'the fauna of the USSR. It was found on 16 June 1957 in the area of Belp,,p Tserkov', Kiyevskaya oblast'. Co!.,iparing thin, mite :iith the one described in reference 1, the auinor comes to the conclusion that thip, mite is identical with the one knoan for the fauna of tiie Card 112 CSR. 7/2) 1-5 c,"- 2- 26/2 Or New for the F:wna of the Uz)6R Species of LwwalMil~e Trcmiblcula(N~) Muris (Oudemam-, l~t-,-O)(Ac-,ii-i,Trunibictilidae) There are 3 dialyrams, 7 tables and 7) referencesi 1 0 of which is Polioh, I Gori:,~,uri niv] 1 AS60CIATION-, Institut- zooloc,ii All UkrSbR (Instituute of Zoology C~ 0 of the AS Ukr6bR) PREbENTED: By A,P, Markevich, Member of the Ab UkrbbR SUBM=D. Nakrember 10, 1958 Card 212 USWMK-I)C--60804 SOV/21-59-9-24/25 AUTHOR: 6ushcha, TITLE: New Data on the Distribution of the Mite Trombicula (L.) Russica (Oudemans, 1902) (Acari; Trombiculidae) in the USSR PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR, Nr 9, 1959, pp 1032-1036 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article, the author states that when studying the ectoparasites of rodents on the territor7 of the forest-steppe regions of the Central Ukraine.,and of the forest part of the Crimean mountain area, a con- siderable distribution of the Trombicula (Lentotrom- bidium) russica (Oudemans, 1902) was recorded., At first, this species was described by Oudemans C.Ref 1 7 - in 1902 according to a single larval mite obtained in Kiyev in 1898. A more detailed description war. made by Oudeman in 1903 and in 1909 Z-Ref 2, 17. As the results of the author's investi-ation, some differences Card 1/3 in the structure and ecoloSy of the T. russica larval 2412 New Data on the Distribution of the blite -Trombicula (1-J-) Russica (Oudemans, 1902)(Acari: Trombiculidae) in the U30"R mite, as compared with descriptions of other -authors, have been discovered -and new data surnlementinl-_ the descriptions obtained. Consequently, the aut!'-or gives a new bionomic and faunal description of the larval mite of this type. The material was collected on Apodemus flavicollis, A. silvaticus, A. agrarius, Clethrionomis glareolus, and Pitymus subterraneus,, The invasion intensity varied bet-ween 1-72 speci- mens, the extensity reached The finding of T. russica on rodents disproves the opinion that this species is host-specific for bats. There is 1 draw- ing, 2 photos, 1 table, and 5 references, 3 of which are Dutch, 1 Polish, and 1 German, ASSOCIATION: Instytut zoolohi~i AN URSR (Institute of Zoology of Card 2/3 the AS of JkrSSR GUSHCHA, G. I. "On the Thrombiculid Mites of the Ukrainian Central Forest Steppe." Tenth Conference on Parsitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSA (Kiev) GUSHCHA, G.I. [HuBhcha, H.I.] Aish'o'ngastia ulcerofaciens Daniel, 1957 (Acari, Trombiculidae), a mite speciea heretofore unknown in the Soviet Union. Dop.AN URSR no.4:540-543 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut zoologii AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR A.P.Markevichem [OiFeMarkevychemlo (Kiev Province-mites) MWADIM, A. S.j, GMWIy Y. A. mad- GUM=Y G. 1:. "About sources of InfWtIan dul%- lwS erjuip4w," VwWwl=w*P# Vol- 37P No. 20 X96Ds P- 32 1 9 A. Bj, QM026 1b. At ~~s, 0. 1.) - Uw Mot. - - md WarddolqW =a RmIth Mr 909 Mr. AwWWM- SWIcatamL $04 ad Imutmw at leakUWX Amd. ftl. tOw M MAZURMOVICH, i3.11., otv. red.; DOSIT.0, G.V., red. red.; S-',ORGGRZIiEVSKAYA, L.A., red.: FEDOPM.-M, I.A. , red.; ANDRIYCHUK, I.I.D., red.; KASIYAN, S.H., red. (Parasites and parasitosoij in man iind anirmls] Parazity i parazitozy cheloveka i zhivutnykh. Kiev, flaukova dwr~-.a, 196r~- 411 P- (ml-,IA 18;9) 1. Akademiyn nauk 1JUSH, Kiev. '. Klvevskiy wosuda-itverinvy universitet (for Hazurmovich). 3," Institut zoologii 0 Ukr.S,':%It (for Boshko). LEVIN., M.I.;_GUSIICHA,_k.A.; AL'ITIAN, K.Z. , Otarshiy inzh.; PESINY I.Ya.; AKSENOVAJ, A.F. New reagents for feltwork. Tekst.prom. 21 no.12:48-50 D 161. NIRA 15:2) 1. Nachallnik otde3.a valyalino voylochnykh izdeliy 11onglav- leganabobytoyriye pri Vserossiyakom sovete narodnogo khozyaystva (for Ievin). 2. GIA*nyy inzh. 'rolentralinoy r-uchno-issledovatellskoy laboraforii khlopka i shersti Mosgorsovnarkhoza (for Gushcha). 3. TSentralInaya nauchno- issledovatellskaya laboratoriyu khlopka i shersti Mougorsovnarkhoza (for AlItman). 4. Glavnyy inzh. fabriki "Tekhvoylok' (for Pesin). 5. Zaveduyushchiy 2aboratoriyer fabriki *Tekhvo.,rlok" (for Ak-senova). (Feltwork) (Amonium sulfate) BONDARCHUX, A.S.; GUSHCHA, 0.1. --it'. I . Device for controlling the conditions of mine cables. Dop.AN 'URSR no.4-359-361 156. (WaA 9:12) l.-Ine.titut girnichoi spravi Akademil naut URSR. Predstavlano akadealkom Akademii nauk USSR GoN Savinyme (Cables) GUSHCHA, 0.1. Effushcha, 0.1.] Changes in total losses in the remagnetization of steel as a result of fatigue. Dop. AN URSTZ no.6:632-635 '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Institut gornygo dela AN USSR. Predstavil akademik AN USSR G.N. Savin [H.M. Savin]. (Steel--Fatigue) 1'~-7-n- '` T . u ~~ U. - , Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research into tljv fati~Sue brenl~do,.,-r. process for metals by the method of loss in magnetic hy-s- teresis and eddy currents." Kiev, 1960. 14 pp; (Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, TnSt of Mlechanics); 150 Copies; price not given; (KL, 50-60 / -~ - BOGOLYUBOV, M.V.; GUSHGHA, O.Y. Experimental investigation.of the atrength of certain IB-153 excavator parts. SbIr. prate I Inst. hir. spravy-AN UWR no.-6:122- 129 6o. (Excavating mnahinery-Testi*) (MIRA 13;9) I I -. I r 7 '- -,, - ;, _i " ~ - //l I 1 -1 'P-:1". - -1 , I i.l ~. I i. II 11 . q. - Cyclic Metal Strength (cont.) SOV/6025 and growth of fatigue crackfi, the role of plaqt1c deforift'.1on In fatigue fracture, an accelerated mothod of deter:;j1ntnF fatlgiw otreni,,th, the plotttng et' dllaiy,-~rm, 1-ind V'11'1011.1 catigno toot. motlwd:'.. Not" tiatn zu'%~ Pvt~vc.,01c"I Oil the sensItIvLty of hIgh-3trongth viLrol to aLrcono concentration, the erfect of stress concentraLlon on the criterion of fatigue failure, the effect of the size ractor on trip stren't,,th of Dictal. under cyclic loado, and or vildut'linco tvOtil of various machine parts. rroblerns cunnoctnd vilth eyelle nintal toughness, Internal.friction, and the efCcct of corrosion media and temperature on the fatlgue strength or metali, are also discussed. Ho personalities are mentioned. Each nrtial(~ In accompnnied by reforenoon, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: NATURE OF FATIGUE FRACTURE Oiling, I. A. Diffustonlean Mechanism of Formation and Growth of a Fatigue Crack 3 Card 2/V Cyclic Metal Strength (Cont.) SOV/6025 of Differently Treated Materials Under Conditions of Assymetric Loading Cycle 123 Ivanova, V. S. and M. Ya. Gallperin. Analysis of the Possibility of' Applying New Criteria for Accelerated Determination of Fatigue Strength 134 Lebedev, T. -A.., T. K. Marinets, and A. 1. Yefremov. Investi- gation of Cyclic Strength of Metals by Recording Fatigue Diagrams 141 __Gqshcha, 0. 1. investigating the Process of Fatigue Fracture of Met-HT-s-b~yed-suring Magnetic-Hysteresis and Eddy-Current Losses 14'( Panov, S. F. New Method and Unit for Vibration Fatigue Tests of Metals 153 Card 5/9 kt 9200 ID IL100 St)~ AUTHORt Gushcha, 0. 1. 11~~2/62/028/001/010/017 B108/B138 TITLE: Investigation of fatigue failure of metals by studying variations in remagnetization losses PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya aboratoriya, v. 28f no. 1, 1962, 75 - 79 TEXT: The hysteresis and eddy current losses in a metal depend on its electric resistivity which in its turn is partly determined by internal stresses and fatigue phenomena in the material. If the test metal id placed in a coil instead of'a core any hysteresis or eddy current losses can be observed. As the sum of both types of loss is observed, ferro- magnetic as well as non-ferromagnetic metals can be tested. The basis of the method is measurement of the .4-factor of a parallel oscillating circuit, which is dependent on the losses in the core of the induction coil. The measuring coil is shown in Fig. 2. One or more section5 are applied to the test piece, depending on its shape. For reasons of comparison, the initial conditions are also adjusted at an equivalent coil and then measurements with the test coil are made at various stages in the fatigue test. With this method ' fatigue can be detected and' Card 1/2 AUTHOR; Gqshcha-)-O-.-I--,-- 5/13'[/62/000/012/052/085 Aoo6/AlOl ,TITLE: Investigating the process of metal fatigue failure by the method of losses in magnetic hysteresis and-eddy currents PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1962, 103,'abstract 121636 (In collection: "Tsiklich. prochnost' metallov", Moscow, AN SSSR, 1962, A7 - 152) TSXT: The author investigated the effect of fatigue In rotating bending upon the electromagnetic and mechanical characteristics and microstructure, and upon the correlation of these characteristics during fatigue tests of Y 9A (UgA), YIO (UJO), Y12A (U12A), 4ox (40Kh) and ',AH435 (E1435) steel. Summary losses in magnetic hysteresis and eddy currents were-determined as electromag- netic characteristics. It was established that during the arising of fatigue, the total-losses in hysteresis and eddy currents, mierbhardness, and cyclic strength varied continuously, and that a close relation existed between these characteristics. Losses decreased at stresses below Cw, with a greater number of Card 1/2 S/277/63/000/001/001/017 A05Z/A126 AUTHOR: Gushcha, 0. 1. TITLE: Investigation of the process of fatigue break-down of metals by the method of magnetic hysteresis and eddy current losses PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdelInyy vypusk, 48. Mashinostroitellnyye materialy, konstruktsii i raschet detaley mashin, no. 1, 1963, 3, abstract 1.48.16 (In collection: "Taiklioh. prochnost' metallov." M., AN SSSR, 1962, 147 - 152) TEXT: The ef f eat of fatigue of Y 12 A (U12A), Y 10 (U10), Y 9 A (U9A), 40 X (40Kh) steels, 314435 (Ei435) heat-resisting alloy and steel rope on their electromagnetic and mechanical characteristics and microstructure was investi- gated as well as the interconnection of these characteristics in the process of fatigue. All samples, with the exception of the rope, were subjected to rota- tional bending test. In the process of fatigue of U12A, U10, UqA and 40Xh steels as well as of EI435 heat-resisting alloy the changes of summary hysteresis and eddy current losses in the metal on one hand, and the changes of microhardness Card 1/2 VOROBRKOV, A.M. (Kiyev); GUSHCH&, 0.1. [Ytmhcba, 0.1.] (Kiyev) Investigating the strength of a thin cable. Prykl.mekh. 6 no.2:220-224 16o. (MIRA 13SS) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN UW% (Cables-Testing) -GUSHCHA,,-Fo#_ Kazin, irovich; SAAKIYAN, Yu.A.31 red.; BOROVINSIKAYA, L.M~, tekhn. red. [Asphalt-concrete operations] Asfalltobotonnyo raboty. Rostov.- na-Donu, I~ostovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 53 P. (MIRA 14: U) (Asphalt concrete) BOBYLEVA, Vera Ivanovna; YAKOVENKO, Ye.P., red.; ABBASOV, T.,tekhn. red. [Asphalt concrete pavements] Asfal'tobetonnye pokrytiia. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1962. 62 p. (MIRA'16:7) (Asphalt concrete) GUSHCffA, V. . . -,- w - 7 7. - Eliminate shortcomings in educational organization. Prof.-tekh. obr. 14 no.1:3-4 Ja 357* (MLRA 10:2) 1. Nachallnik Uchabno-metodicheakogo upravlaniya. (Technical education) GUSEQjk--T&BE,NGHUK, G.M. (Hushcha-Tebenchuk, luf.],; GAIRMIZA, S.Ya. ffkx ~yza, S. IA. J, starshiy nauchn3rf sotrudnik Intestinal lamb]-iasis in children of a nursery group and its treatripnt. Ped., akush. i gin. 23 no.3:24-25 161. (MIRA 15W 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut okhrany materinstva i dotstva im. Geroya Sovetskogo S 2a Prof. F.M.Buyka (diraktor - zasluzhennyy vrach USSR M.D.Burova M. (GIARDIASIS) MARKOV, VlAdimir, akad.; GUSHCHAROT, Georgi K., asp. Free nitrogen utilizing bacteria on roots of role of Irazanlik. Isv. m1krob. inst.. Sofia Vol.4.-49-60 1953. (AZOTOBAMR, on rose i0ots) (CLOSTRIDIUM. pasteurianum on rose roots) (PLANTS rose: Azotobacter & Clostridium pasteurianum on roots) 14- GUSHGHEnO, I.I. -1. %m~a,rks on the Kronotskiy volcano and Vulk. sta. no.26*.-75-80 157. - (Kronotskiy its side formatulone. Btul,, (KIRA ll - ~) volcano) GUSHCHENKO. I.I. Status of the Koryak volcano in April-May 1957. Biul. bulk, sta- no. 28:21-22 159. (HTAA' 13:12) (Xoryak volcano) GUSH-CHENKO, I.I. Volcanic activity in northern Kamchatka in 1957. Biul. Vulk. sta. no.29:3-6 160. (MM 14:3) (Kamchatka-Volcanoes) GUSHCHENKO, I.I. I -- Volanic activity in northern Kamchatka (Jan.1 thro-.Zb Dct.15, 1958) Biul. Vulk. sta no.3ft3-6.160. 414IRA 14:3) Omehatka-Volcanoes) -GOSHCHENKO, I.I. I Mechanism of the formation of-pyroclastic material. Trudy Lab. vulk. no.22:131-142 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) GUSHCHENKO, I.I. Characteristics of partial oxygen pressure in the chminey of the Dezymya=yy Volcano in the procems of eruption, Dbkl, AN SWR 148 Tko.1:191-193 A 163. (MIRA 16s2) 3~-edatavleno akademikm D.S. Korzhinskime 1. (Besymyannyy Vblcano) Gu"11CHWOOP 1. 1. 1101.1, Y'.; $i. Biul. vulk. ata. f)QPA 1830) GUSH'il-14liKO..,--Iva.n,Semenovich; PESKOVA, L.B., red.; YUDENICH. N.V., red.; IHITROV, P.A., [Management of railroad buildings and structures; organization, planning, economic activity] Khozisistvo zdanit i sooruzhenii zheleznykh dorog; organizatsiia, plantrovanis, khozialstvannsia doiatellnont'. Moskva, Gos.transp.zh~l.-dor.Izd-vo, 1959. 183 p. (MIRA 12:3) (Railroads--Buildings and structures) GUSHCHENKO, Igor' Ivrinovich; NA;~;'CHCI, S-1.1, Otv. rod. [ABhos of northern Kbmobatka and thp coridlr.Lono of I'lie"r formation] Peply Severnoi Kamchatki i 7uslovila ikh obrazo- vaniia. Mosk-va, Naukap 1.965. .143 p. (MIRA 18!12) KASIMOVA, F.A.-! KlCFlYEVA, D.D., RArrl.!C.V, Hexachlorbenzene based on normal hexane, ,izerb, ~hjm. .,hur. 165. (MIRA 18,7) 1. Inst-itut, neftekhimicheak:Lkh protsessov AN AzerSSR. GUSHCHERKO, M.S., kaniidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Review of "Compressed gas vehicles" G.I.Samoll, I.I.Golidblat. Re- viewed by M.S.Gushchenko). Avt.trakt.prom. no-1:31-32 Ja 155. (MIU 8:4) 1; Ukrdortrans NIIO' (Samoll, G.I.) (Golldblat, L.I.) (Automobiles--Engines (Con- pressed gag)) kel GUSHCHENK0. V. "Growth, Development, and Utilization of Light by the Potato Plant Result- ing from Application of Certain Agrotecitnical Methods." Moscow Order of Lenin Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Moscow, 1955. (Disser- tation for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences) SO: M-972.1 20 Feb 56 GUSHCHENKOO N.; KOSTYUSHKO, K. Floors made of coumarone tiles. Straitell (Floors) (Banzofuran) no.9s23 S 062. (MIRA 15:12) GUSHCHE 9,,9,F.,v i-.nzh. . I . - Plastering under winter conditio". Transp. stroi. 8 no.3:14-16 Mr 158. (miRk r1,:4) (Plastering-Cold weather conditions) -Lk '13MK'i i KU, K. L. , 1 !1:., h 11,14%, inzh.: KI, Using trays in transportinj~ bricks piled by "oerlparllInt" mothod. Tmntip.otroi. 9 no.7:56-57 JI '59 (I-ML 12: 12) (Bricks-Transportation) GUSHCHEMCO, N.F., in-,h. The beat brigade of the Southwestern Trust for Transportation Installations and Structures and Railroad Fooder Linos. Tranap.stroi. 9 no.8:12-14 Ag 159. (MIRK 13.1) (Construction workers) (Railroads--Buildings and structures) GUSHOMTKO, NI.-F. F in7h. Constructing folazdations for r.-:ntai::t ayptrr- qupp~,_rt.*, in daap ds-pressions. Tranap.Btrol. 10 no-1:55 Ja 16-~- (mlu 131: 6) (Ilectric lines-Poles) GUSBCHENKO, N.Y., inzh.; KOSTYUSHKO, K.L., inzh. Using couplings in connecting hoses. Tranap.stroi. 10 no.8:55 Ag(~60. (MIRA 13:8) se couplings) GUSHCHEIIKO, N.F., inzh. Fibrobituninous panels as local beat insulating material. Transp. stroi. 10 no. 12:52-53 D 060. (MMA 13:12) (insulation (Heat)) GUSHCHENKO It' F. :Lnzh. nf 9 Team converted to economic accountability. Trunsp. stroi. 11 no.8:l4wl5 At 161. (MIRA 14-.9) (Konotop-4onstruction industry) GUSHCHEMO, N.F., tarshiy inzhener All the workers mastered allied specialties. Transp. stroi. 12 no.2: 7 F .162. MDA 15:7) 1. Kiyevskaya nox-mativno-iseledovatel'skaya stantsiya Orgti-ansstroya. (Building) GUSHCHENKO,-N-F., inzh. Excavator operator Pavel Zorin. Transp. stroi. 12 no.819 Ag 62. (MIRA 15:9) (Excavation) , ~-~; 1,11 !., W. , 11'.1 i. , , - . I , I ': F. 11, , I vtr; rk rrl--~~ ' I ~-!s of a pailn~u Fibrt- TT~iar.!41- 9 -; - 1-3 1 c ~H-Z--,,', Ift I !, -1 v I ': -.- " 8 s. '~f ) , I' ~,,f - - I Ku , K. 1., Brigade worKs tha new '!~-a-asp. strol. 15 no.4:31-32 Ap .6,9. (IMIRA 18:6) 1 ';tarEih-*y inzii. KJyGvsk,,)y rormatimo--41is'edauateVskoy stantail 1 -1. Org trans 3!.royij. (f or Gushe--hanko) . 2. -ins truk tor KI yev-qkoy norma- tivnc-issledovatc-llakoy stantsil Orgtrannat.rovR (for Kosty-u-shko'. SAVGIIENKO, A.I., Inzh.i GUSHCHEITKO N F l.nzh.; KOSTYUSHKO, K.L. Reinforcement of hollow panels by high-strength wire. Transp. stroi. 15 no.6:26-28 Je 165. (IAIRk 18:U) 1. Instruktor peredovykh metodov truda Kiyevskoy normativno- issledovateliskoy stantsii TSentrallnogo instituta normativnykh issledovaniy i nauchno-tekhnichaskoy informatsii v transportnom stroitellstve (for Kostyushko). -NKO~ %"~M,~ New developments in the of hidr;s and, K--jzh.-- obuv. prom. 6 no.9g216-28 S 16L. OCUIA 17~12') GUSHCHENKOV, Ye.M. :FXfect of synoptic conditions on the flow of water from the Barents Sea and the continent i6to the Kara Sea. Probl.Arkt.i Antarkt. no.7:39-44 161. OIRA 14:10) (Kara Boa--Hydrology) GUSHCHENKOV, Ye.M. Distribution and metamorphization of Pacific waters inthe Arctic Basin. Okeanologiia 4 no-1:36-42 '64. MRA 17:4) 1. Arkticheskiy i antarktichookiy natichno-isilficlovatellskly institixt, Leningrad. GUSHEV, A. (V. Turnovo) Mikhail Kvartirnikov. Mat i fiz Bulg 6 no.2t55-60 Mr-Ap 163. I AdOX3810N Nits APA015544 SOURCE: RZh. Metallurgiya. Abs. 11E1 2 AUTHORs Sokoll, LA*; Gushchevq Aje, TITLEt Argon are welding of allor.steel. pipes 8/0137/63/000/01VE017/EO17 CITED SOURCE: Sb. Progressivn. metody* svar~i na montazhn. rabotakh. M., 1962. 133-14Z TOPIC TAGS: argon are welding. are welding, pipe welding, 3teel pipe welding TRANSLATION: The manual Ar-arc welding of alloy steel pipes is performed with the AR-9 torch designed by the NIAT (NauchM3~, Institut Aviatsionnoy Tekhnologii Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Tedhnology). It is universal and uses vari-ous 'd-electrode diameters (1-6 mzd), which makes possible the welding of pipes of differing wall thickness. Automatic Ar-are welding makes possible the joining of straight alloy steel pipe sections'8-219 rim in diameter; it can be performed with consumable and non-consumable electrodes. In the welding of pipes 8-26 mm in diameter -with a wall thickness of 1-1.5 =, the NIAT I-SS-19 and NIIKhIMASh Card 1/2 ACC=ICN NR; ARA0153" (Nauchno-13sledovatell3kiy Institut KhAndchesko o Ka3hino3troyeniya - Scientific Research Inatitixte of Chemical Machine Buildingi AGN-8-26 welders are used. 15-219 = pipes are welded with the AN units designed at the NIAT. V. Fomenko. DATE ACQs 09Dec63 SUB CODE: ML ENCL: 00 Cwd 2/2 VASIL'YEV Mikhail Vasillyevi..-h; GUSHGFEV, Sorgoyll. y j (Your wisteries, naturel,]Tvoi taii-q~, prirod,-,,Ii lloskva., Sovetskaia Rosaiia, 1960. 166 p~ (MIRA 15:8) (Science) GUSHCHEV, Sergey What is it7 A breakthrough of the front of biological incompatibi- lity? Tekh.mol. 31 no.1:32-34 163. (NIRA 16:3) (Transplantation of or,,.-anB, Tissues, etcj AZERIIIKOV., V. ; ARLAZOiIOV, m.; ARSKIY, F.; DAYJi.T!OV, S.; DELOUSOV, I.; 3IIR4KII", D.; VA'-EL', I.; VLAADD-11IROV, L.; Q~Q YELAGIN, V.; YERESHKO, F.; WURBINA, S.; KAZAWiOVSKAYA) G.; KALIND', Yu.; KELER, V.; KONOVALOV, B.; KRE711IDLIN, Yu.; LE-JEDEVY L.; PODGORODNIKOV, IA.; RABINOVICH, I.; REPIN, L.; ,SMOLYAN, G.; TITARENKO, V.; TOPILINA, T.; FEDCHE21KO, V.; EYDELIVAN, N.; EI-VE, A.; NAWOV, F.; YAKO'V'L---V, N.; MIKHAYLOV., K., nauchn. red.; LIVANOV, A., red. [Little stories about the great cosmos] Malen'Ide rasskazy bol'shom Kosmose. Izd.2., Moskva, Molodaia gvardiia, 1964. 368 p. (MIRA 18:4) ABDULIN, A.; ALEKSEYEV, I.; BANTLE, 0.; BOBROV, L.; BOZHANOV, B6 BOYKO, V.; BONDAREV, K.; BORZOV, V.,- VERKHOVSKIY, H,; G~WPOI~ V.; qqqHqHFV, S.;.DEBABOV, V.; DIKS, R., DMITRIYEIV, A.; ZHIGAREV, A.; ZELIDOVICH, Ya.; ZUBKOV, B.; IRININ, A.; IORDANSKIY, A.; KITAYGORODSKIY, P.; KLYUYEV, Ye.-. KLYACHKO, V.; KOVALEVSKIT, V.; KNORRE, Ye.1 KONSTANTINOVSKIY, M.; LADIN, V.; LITVIN-SEDOY, M.; MALEVANCHIK B.; MANICHEV, G.; MEDVEDEV, Yu.; MELINIKOV, MUSLIN, Ye.; NATARIUS Ya.; NFYrAKff, A.; NIKOLAYFV, G.; NOVOM---YSKIY, A.; OLISHANSKIY, N.; OS'~UN, S.; PODOL'NYY, R.; RAKHMANOV, N.; REPIN. L.; RESHETOV, Yu.; RYBCHINSKIY, Yu.; SVORENI, R.; SIFOROV, V.; SOKOL'SKIY, A.; SPITSYNP V.; TEREKHOV, V.; TEPLOV, L.; KRARIKOVSKIY, A.; CHERNYAYEV, I.; SHAROL', L.; SHIBANOV, A.; SHIBNEV, V.; SHUYKIN, N.; SHOUKIN, 0.; ELISRANSKIY, I.; YUR'YEV, A.; IVANOV, N.; LIVANOV, A.~ FF-DCHENKO, V.; DANIN, D., red. (Eureka] Evrika. Moskva, Molodaia gvardiia, 1964. 278 p. (MIRA 180) mcm, S. 4629. Xladojyye vysokikh vrozhayev. (Ispollzovaniye bolot). III., Gookulitproovetizdat, 1954, 20 c.; 2 L. Ill. 22 cm. (Vaesoyuz. c.-x. vystavka). 25.0W ekz. 30 k. - Na obl. avt. ne vkazan. - (54-58066) p 631.615 SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statay, Vol. 7,, 1949 GUSHCHEV, S. Sto.-y about artificial petroleum. Takh.mol. 22 no.7:12-15 JI 154o (KWA 7:6) (Petroleum products) -~uslmfnr~ S. OSTROUMOV, G., inzhener; GUSHCHEV, S., inzhener. The machine has coma to the stock farm. Takh.we-1. 22 no.8:14 Ag 154. (Agricultural machinery) . GUSHCHEV, Sargay ....... Flames under the ground. Takh.mol.24 no.4:1*-38 Ja '56. (Laos@) (Youndatiops.) (KlRA 9:9) In an article "Breakthrough Jao Space" 13ergp-X.. Gushchey gives a: popu- lar account of the trip of two dogs in a rocket to an altitude of 110 kilometers and their safe return to earth. The animals withstood an acceleration of 1,150 meters per second. A parachute which opened auto- matically at a height o-P 4,000 metaru provideA for ~Lheir safe return. (Tekhuika-MDlodezhi, No 6, Jun 57, pp 16-19) (U) GTIOUX, S. Cutting tools. Tokh.mol. 25 no.6:1-2 Je '57. (XLRA 10:7-i (Cutting toolq *~ GUSHCIUIV, Sergey. "Wftmftft Break-through into co:mic space. Znan. sila 32 no.7:16-19 Jl 157. (Space fligh ) (Atmoophere, Upper) (MIRA 100) PHASE I BOOK ExpLorrATION SOV/5494 Vasillyev, Mikhail Vasillyevich, and Sergey Zakharovich Guahchev Reportazh iz XXI veka; my zapisali rassk&zy dvadtsati devyati sovetskikh uchenykh o nauke i tekhnike buduohchego (Reports From the Twenty-First Century; Stories of Twenty-Nine Soviet Scientists on Science and Engineering of the Future) [Moscow] Izd-vo Sovetskaya Rossiya, 1958. 243 P. 50,000 copies printed. Ed.: V. A. Golubkova; Tech. Ed.:'G. I. Kleyeva. PURPOSE : This book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The book contains 27 articles (told reporters by Soviet scientists) dealing with probable future progress in physics, chemistry, electricity, metallurgy, engineering, mining, medicine, biology, agriculture, zoology, transportation, exploration of space, and photography. Attention is given to automation, automatic underground gasification of coal, use of new metals.modernization of oil fields, atomic electric stationst production of metal parts by the process of explosion, explosions Card--l/-T Reports From the Twenty-First (Cont.) SOV/5494 in dam construction, cancer, internal longevity reserves, machine diagnoses of illnesses, surgery vs. treatment by ultra- sonic vibrations, mechanical heart substitutes, human body banks, 11medical engineerinq*enriched fodder, *superfertilizers", arti- ficial snowfalls, agriculture vs. "mariculturen, radiochemistry, power beam vs. wire, machines doing intellectual work, *HF auto- mobiles" (with "radio motors"), "artificial sun" (electromag- netic ra s focused above a cit. which cause heated molecules to shined, future ocean ships, railway dreadnoughts*, Moscow of the futuref moving pavements, wheelless and driverless auto- mobiles, electric cameras, the industrialization of Siberia, use of underground heat, climate on the moon, antimatter, and photon jet. Names of the interviewed scientists are given. There are no references. TAKE OF CONTENTS- INTRODUCTION Mission Into the Future 5 Card.-2/,-7 - AUTHOR: Gushchev, S. 29-4-11/20 TITLE: The Years 1761, 1851, 1958 ... (1761-y, 1851--Y, 1958--Y~-o) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika Molodezhi, 1958, Nr 4, PP. 19-19 (US3R) ABSTRACT: If the time since the creation of the earth (approximately 5 thousand million years ago) would be represented by means Of a long road, i.e. the 40 000 kni long equator, then -the stretch covered since the origin of mankind would be only 4 kilometers. Keeping to this scale, only 1,5 m would have been covered since the year 1761. The first industrial ex- hibition took place in London In that year. Both the power- loom and spinning-frame which were invented precisely at that time, were exposed there. They opened the eyes of men to their achievements and to the possibilities in all fields of eco- nomics. 18 world exhibitions took place until 1914. The Soviet Union participated in many international world exhibitions, amongst which are Chicago (1893) and Paris (1900). The Soviet Union has exposed at all important international exhibitions since 1924. The most important ones were in Paris, 1937, and Card 1/2 in New York, 1939, The Soviet Union gained a tremendous The Years 1761, 1851, 1958 -- 29-4-11/20 success at the exhibition in New York. According to the number of visitors (16,5 million of persons within 5 months) the pavilon of the Soviet Union took the first place. Then, the Soviet Union was the first socialist state in the world arid demontitrated the atiocass achievod 1),,, two five-years- schemes. The exhibition in Brussels gives the Soviet Union a chance to demonstrate once more the advantages of socialism. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Exhibitions-New York-USSR exhibit 2. Exhibitions-Brussels- USSR exhibit Card 2/2 )V/2c AUTHOR: Gushchev, c .. ~ :I( ,J-58-12-12/40 TITLE: The Experiment Testifies to Its Greatness (Yego velichestvo opyt svidetel'stvuyet) PERIODICALt Nauka i zhizn', 1958, Nr 12, I)P 35-37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with biological experiments con- ducted by the Institute for Experimental Biology of the AMN USSR. The director of the institute, Professor I.N. Mayskiy outlines the -tasks of the institute, which consisted mainly in the study of pathological changes in organisms. Special atten- tion is given to tests on the regeneration of or-.. gans, which were carried out by G.V, Kharlov, Z.A. Ryabinin, Professor L,,D. Liozner, Experi- ments with cancerous tumors were conducted by the following coworkers of the instituted A.F. Sakha- rov, G~V, Suvorova, Professor I.N. Mayskiy, Profes- sor V.S. G03tev, A.K. Saskov, P.P. Filatov, S.V~ Card 1/2 Sukhorukikh and 0,,Ye. Vyazov.. The equipment of the SOV/25-5118-112-12/40 The Experiment Testifies to Its Greatness institute will soon be supplemented by an elec- tronic microscope, and a new device for examining the damage done to cells by powerful sound waves. A.P. Pekhov has recently explained the operation of an ultramicrotome, with the aid of which bac- teria of 2 microns can be cut into 200 equal sec- tions,, This "knife" is made of ordinary thick glass. There are 2 photos, 1 drawing and 1 dia- gram. ASSOCIATION: institut eksperimental~noy biologii AMN SSSR (The Institute for Experimental Biology of the AMN USSP) Card 212 AUTH,~R: TITLZ, A Film on the Con,-u,;,:t Of Space ~Yill::~ o shturt.ic neba) P-: :,Rl'-;D!CAL: Tekhnika- i'olodczhi, 1953, Vol. 26, 11r 3, pp. 24-225 (U.;:,R) ADSTRACT: T'iis is a criticism on thQ :;econd asLronautic film "The ~.'Iay to the Stars". According to the oninion of the critic, it vas turned quite up to date. 1t3 main value consists in the i-,a-)-.y combination of the M.6,,i scic;utific nivc~.Lu of thL Scenario With the expr~:sGive -artistic represc!itatioa. The fili:-. is encyclo- T)~.Idic. It dem,=Lrates the in.ost ir:iportant .5tan-vS of the histo- ry of r-,)c"*-.c%'-coiir,'~ruc'kiori. it s~',-)vrs the pursoinality of K. Z. Tsiolkovsl iy (re-prescated by tiw fam-~)us --r-tist of the RSFSR G.I. solovlyev), Ipives an account off rhQ sputnil,-.s and leads the w3ectator int-) thL; futurt-, to th.-% inhabit,-d satellites vuld to tac.: iloon conqu-,rc:d b-?- !:iun. Th,~! erid----nvor of nrcblc::.~s -of astronautics leaffl t.-) r-orie duficiencius. The ') ~7;, , ..jUCh C-,ndCtj-k.;C,. Tt th~~refore Guf- story of the lil2l Was 1, fc;rLd a Lo::;s in at'raction Eor the 3-,)ccl-tor. Th-c fir'st 7a--t I L Card 1,/L of thv film is arti.---.tically !)(ALur s in c u t h,~ 5econd A Filn o.,, th-- Z Space 2~9-3 -17/2 part chiul'iy in devoted to thu of ~ec'tnical vnr-im-~c:rinS. ;-, hu ia'~-eru~;t in such films is very o'h t1w autliorr. o~ scenarios and I - . .> - .11C ,Iroduc~~rs ~ftoult:L of "ect In thir, fi:~Id. T:1,;rc are 8 f i~j!lres. AVAILA-i'L,!;: Library of Con;,rc,-.s 1. Interplanetary travel - Theory 2. lKotion pictures - Applications 3. Study and teaching USSR Card 2,12 VASIL'YEV, il4u;G CIMII,, S.-IMSIWANOV, A.H., almdemik; SHCHRRBAKOV, D.I..akademik; ENOLIGARDT, V.A., almdamik; ZHEREBAK, A.R., prof.; LEBIRDEV, S.A., akademik; ZBIUEVICH, L.A.; GRAWV, A.S.; GOLODOVSKIY, M.G., prof.; STAlffMVICH, K.P., prof.- Ahead with the dream! Znan-sila 33 no.12:24-25 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Chlen-knrrespondent AN SSSR (for Zendevicb). 2. Direktor Nauchno- isaledovatellakogo instituta proyektirovaniya obohchestvennVkb zdaniy I sooruzheniy (for Gradov). (science) 29(0) SOV/29-59-3-8/23 AUTHORS: Gushchev, S., Teplov, L. 'TITLE: How Was It ...? (Kak eto bylo ... ?) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhi, 1959, Nr 39 PP 14-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article the au.thors report on the succe5zful launching of the space rocket on January 2, 1959. Before the rocket was launched, accurate computations of the proper time of launching and the trajectory had to be made with complicated electronic computers. The rocket could not be seen when it took off and on- ly a weak earthquake was noticed. Its flight was watched by locators and in the middle of the screen there was a small bright soot to be seen. After leaving the troposphere the top of the rocket inclined toward the east and the first stage was de- tached. After the first thirty minuteo the rocket had also cros- sed the ionosphere. Now it was difficult to determine the motion of the rocket from the earth curvature. The computers now did not calculate the trajectory with respect to the earth's surface but with respect to the orbit of the earth. The trajectory of the rocket somewhat declined below this plane. In this moment Card 1/3 the next stage was detached and the rocket lost its flashing How Was It ... ? 50V/ 29- 59- 3-8/23 tail. It had attained the parabolic speed of 11.2 knihiec, When the motors stopped, also the last utage weighing 11 1/2 t had reached its trajectory. The top was detached and a rotating ball with aerials and a magnetic feeler on a long rod was hurled out. Each part of the disassembling rocket had the same speed and therefore they flew side by side. Suddenly -a seeming deviation from the trajectory was observed on the prDjection set up ac- cording to data calculated by the computers. Yet this was again a paradox of space travelling. Due to the different directions of motion, the projection of the rocket lagrgod behind the rota- tion of the earth. After one hour of flight the rocket had al- ready covered a distance of more than 10000 kai from the earth. The data of the magnetometer gradually became inaccurate and the magnetic field of the earth became weaker. It a distance of more than 30000 km the rocket had already left the magnetic field of the earth. The instruments in the rocket could only measure cosmic radiation in its original state. Two counters recorded the number of charged particles hitting the rocket, while two photomultipliers analyzed the composition of radiation. After eight hours the rocket had already covered a distance of more ard 2/3 than 100000 km. At a distance of 113000 km the quartz clock had Was It ... ? SOV/29-59-3-8/23 released the fuge of the vaporizer in the right moment, whereby the metallic sodium evaporated in the space as a yellowish cloud several 100 km long. Although radio locators can record the dis- tance from the earth every second, it is yet VCT'y difficult to determine the accurate position by radio location. The flash of the sodium cloud that was observed for tieveral minutes permitted a precise determination of the trajectory. Meanwhile the preci- sion instruments in the rocket communicated their observations to the earth. They served the purpose of measuring the degree of density of cosmic gases, and should answer the question whether they are less dense farther from the sun. Further, they recorded the number of corpuscules emitted by the surt. A man, whatever his intelligence, health and reuctivity, could never observe and record everything as precisely as these instruments. Therefore, it is unnecessary to risk casualties. At a eistance of about 400OOkm the attractive force of the moon becomes effective. If this line were crossed, the rocket would fall on the moon. The Soviet rocket had another program, however. The instruments com- municated the size of the magnetic field an& the radioactive in- tensity of the moon. Communications of the rocket were received still for a long time until it was fully integrated by the solar 3/3 sphere and became an artificial planet. There are 6 figures. 10M, 15(6) AUTHOR: Gushchev,- 3. SOV29-59-6-5/24 TITLE: How to Produce Substances Harder Than Diamond (Kak sozdat' veshchestva, tverzhe almaza?) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhi, 1959, Nr 6~ PP 7 - 9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an interview with Professor L. F. Vereshohagin, Director of the Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy (Inotitute of Physics of High Pressure). After the effect of high pressure had been detected, it proved to be the key for the conversion of substances into others, and could be applied very profitably in chemical industry. As Academician P. L. Kapitsa. once said, not only the rules themselves are interesting to-physicists but even more the variations of the same. In the physics of high pressure, the mysterious jumps arising in matter under the influence of pressure are especially interesting. On the basis of equ--tions of state, it is easy to compute the volume of a substance at a pressure of, say, 8PW atmospheres and room temperature. An experiment shows, however, that the substance behaves according to the formula only up to cert&in pressure, and then suddenly reducesits volume. By means of -the X-ray method of measuring the compressibility worked out by Soviet scientists, it Card 1/3 was found that this sudden reduction in volume is not due to a How to Produce Substances Harder Than Diamond SOV/29-59-6-5/24 change in the crystal lattice. Its cause is a compression of molecules and atoms whereby the electrons must change their position. As the Soviet scientist Yu. N. Ryabinin showed, pressure creates conditions where a great number of electrons are set free. This also explains the fact that aubstances, which normally do not conduct the current, become conductive. But not only pressure causes a compression of atoms. Also low temperature allows them to condense, making the volume smaller. It was possible to find out that durability and strength, which together are termed plasticity of the substance, do not depend on the. crystal lattice but on the number of external electrons in the atom. Thus, it was possible to convert helium into a solid body by a simultaneous application of low cooling and pressure - 272.20C and 26 atmospheres. American scientists proved by experiment that a reduction in distance between atoms facilitates the release of electrons, and that tellurium passes into a metallic phase at a pressure of 4W atmospheres. The 3oviet experts P. T. Kozyrev and D. 11. Nasledov found out that a simi-lar conversion takes place in case of selenium. It was also possible to make artificial diamonds. American scientists worked 4 years at the Card 2/3 construction of an apparatus capable of generating a pressure of V How to Produce Substances Harder Than Diamond 90V/29-59-6-5/24 about 10C~= atmospheres and temperatures above 2POO 0. The artificial diamonds are twice as expensive due to very high costs of production, and are less beautiful in appe&rance. But they are of utmost importance for technical purposes. They axe extremely hard and can even scratch the faces of natural diamonds. This means that man has already surpassed the limits of strength established by nature. Professor L. F. Vereshohagin finally said that nothing could be predicted about the prospects opening in the field of high pressureq for science and life have excelled the boldest forecasts. There are 3 figures. Card 3/3 12.1100 3 2632 S/029/62/000/001/001/004 AUTHOR: Gushchev, S. D037/Dll3 TITLE: Ships will travel over land PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhi, no. !, 1962, 8-9 TEXT: This popular article deals with an inclined ship elevator with a turn- table designed by the "Lengidroenergoproyekt" under the guidance of engineer Bodnev. The elevator, intended for the Krasnoyarskaya GES (Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Plant) is to be used for transporting sLps over land along a by-pass of the dam from the river 'to the water reservoir and vice versa. A large chamber for carrying the ship is placed on a bogie carriage and rolled on rails into the tail race water. A boat slowly pushes the ship into the submerged chamber which is then closed by lifting the rear wall. The water level in the chamber is 2.8 m. 'When the self-powered bogie carriage leaves the water, 900 cu m superfluous water gush out through apertures in the chamber walls to reduce the load on the bogie, and the water level in the chamber consequently drops to 1.8 m. The bogie carriage now weighs 2,300 t and together with the ship over 4,000 t. Moving at 1 m per sec, the device climbs to a height of 117 m and covers a distance of 1,213 m in 20 minutes. After turning 1800 on a turntable,66 m in diameter, the vehicle starts the Card 1/2 32632 S10291621000100110011004 Ships will travel D037/Dl13 descent. The gradient of the slope is 1:10 and is the same as that of the ascent but this time a distance of only 485 m has to be covered. After 6 minutes,the elevator submerges and stops. The water level rises again to 2.8 m. A tugboat removes the ship from the chamberand another ship takes its place. The device completes 15-16 full cycles per day, Up to 2.9 million tons of load could be transferred annually if a siding were built on the turntable. The inclined elevator will pay its way within 2-3 years- Such elevators will also be used at the hydroelectric power plants on the ,ingara, Yenisey, Irtysh and Nemunas rivers. Yevgeniy Danilovich Kalimanov, Boris Proklovich Petukhov and Eduard Ivanovich Root (deputy director) of the Gidroenergoproyekt Institute are mentioned. There is I figtire. Card 2/1 VASIL'YEV, Mikhail Vasillyevich; , JAW&V,"kharovich- tP GOLUEROVA, V.A., red.; AVDEYEVA, V.A., teM.;~ie (Reportage from the 21st century] Reportash is XXI veka. 2., dop. izd. Moskva, Sovetskaia Hossila, 1963. 338 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Science) (Technology) GUSHCHIN, A., zasluzhenz*-y master sporta Adjustment of a Pistol and a revolver. Voen. znan. 39 no.12: 29-30 D 163. (MIRA 17: 1) 1%, y :t .. , maslll~:' '. - " I' ,h, I :~ :.~ ~ I'lol,.i)-s in 11cocr. inar. 4,- .-' (*t.f-F,.;k 17A-12) !jvOj,UI At 3ilholiettes frorn a pistol. Voen. zn&n. 41 no-4:315 AP t6c: ~, d (MIRA 18 -.3) MSHENKO, D.V.; VISHNEWSKIY, N.Ye.; IGUSHOIEVSKIY, A.B.,- CHERNOUSOV, N.P. Selecting a reactor for the production of isobutysulfuric acid. Khi.m.prom. no-4:271-273 Ap 162. OMA 15:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov i Leningradskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo i konstruktorskogo instituta khimichaskogo mashinostroyeniya. (Isobutyl sulfate) (Chemical reactors) Rate nrJ -,lilloctivIty of the f-om ~,vdrrc~,.rbon fraction,; iiiit.h Ac-ld. Nhi;ilt -658 S 165, no.9. 656 0 r- F~ C', IML I ~4 liza u ,I: co c VE31LOV3KAYA, T.; BERGRYEV, S.; GUSHCHIII, A.; VORONOV, 0.; GORSUOV, V. For the hoalth and happinnes of children! Z& bezop.dvizh. no.6:8-1.0 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) m 1. Direktor detskogo parlm im. Favlika Morozova. (Children-Recreation) (Traffic safety) - -1-41411 11,1111i 1 GUSHCHIN.. A. I. "A Double Gas Analwer," Elek, Stan., No.10., 1949, 0 GUSHCHIN~ A., zaalualimW naster aporta Pistol shootift in 000-titions. Voen. zaan. 39 163. (Pistol shooting) no.3:24-26 Mr (MIRA 160) GUI~JFUTI." A. 1. Dust. Explosion Measures for preve%ting explosions oil peat dust at electric power statiohs. Elek. sta. 23 no. 2, 1952. Inzh. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April lc?r~2. U17CLISSIFIED. K. POPOV, lio ar