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GUSEYNOV,A.M. Principal features in interpreting aerial photographs of nature and 6verelLture plantations containing a predominance of oak, hornbeam, beech, ash. and pear. Geog.sbor. no-7:121-127 155. (KIRA 9:1) (Photography, Aerial) (Aeronautics in forestry) USSR/Forestry - Forest Management K-4 Abs Jour Ref Mur - Biol., No 5, 1958, 20150 Author Gus eynov, A. M Inst Title The Valuation of Thin Trees for Intermediate Use. Orig Pub Sots. s. kh. Azeyrbaydzhana, 1957, No 5, 4o-42. Abstract A large number of model trees of young oak, beech. horn- beam, ash and walnut were felled on the territory of 5 Azerbaydzhan forest lands. It was shown that the size of mass in thinness basically depends on its diameter. For practical purposes it is enough to have tables of thinness, showing the mass only according to diameter. The volume of the thin sized oak in Azerbaydzhan in 22-30% larGer than in the central part of Russia. Card 1/1 - 45 Cou.-,Ytry : USSIR C--,t(-,Li-ory: Forestry. F-.r,.;st Cultures. i,ba Jvur: 10irliol., No 1.1, 1358, io 4861o Author GuScyncv, :,.M. List Title The Irrur Mar--.~,c,ld in the AzhikendBldy F-rcstry Establis!r,~i,!at - OrJ.G 1~ub: Lesn. kh-v,:., .1,:57, No 11, 78, ;,bstract: No abstract, K Card : 1/1 SOV-26-58-8-39/51 AUTHOR: Guseynov, A.M,, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences TITLE: A Linden-Tree Giant (Lipa-Velikan) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 8, p 118 (UsSR) ABSTRACT: There are 4 linden tree species in Azerbaydzhan, the Cauca- sian linden tree having the largest distribution. It is usually found together with beech and hornbeam but it takes in only 0.2% of the entire space occupied by forests in the Republic, The tree grows best on the most north slopes of mountains in mi~ied forests. In the Belokany Forest Economy in the basin of the Mazym-cahy river at an altituOe of 1;,100 m above sea level a linden tree of 40 m height and a diameter of 2.2 m at breast height was seen. It is 300 years old, There is 1 photo and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-issledovate*-,,skiy institut lesnogo khozyaystva i agrolesomelioratsii /Baku (The Azerbaydzhan Scientific Research Institute of Forastry and Agro- Forest Melioration //Baku) 1. LInden trees-..USSR Card 1/1 :'~ ~-i-lp %P", - j 1 .1 v 30(l) SOV /26- 59 - 5-3 7/47 ;a .~se Cand-i d it t.e of' A ~-ricol tlura I Sciences A UTII 1, 0 Ix TTT 1, Z Interesti-ri.; Cases of P'hot7utrcl~ism PERIODICAL: I'Vi VOkli'L, I ")Y~' II P11'?- !IF" ABSTRACT: The author describes abnormal sliapes taken by young treeS r-rowing in the sli-ude oV I-,lie old on.~is. `Mhen the olcl txel3s ii-re. cut; dc.!115 tho t-rees pesiirfit~ Llic-ir iipviard growth, v.~',Lich fli,-.,kes tlneir shape ljpacimeir~, descvibed b- the till author, (Fi.__1,iire I and 2), are -,.rowi.n,,-,, at, 1,1100 m abovo~ a Plantal-.i )ii Lit "Ille A(i:.-Iiikend liosklioz~l Azarbavd.zhans- SSR (Aal-I i kond Forestry A,iiriinistra'ion of the Kiro-,~a.)ad ForasLry District ii-i the Azerbaydzhan Card 1/1. 3SR). Thor, are 2 T)h,Dt,)gra:ph;,. GUSEINIOV, A,IM,.; GUSEYINOVA, L.A. Acuret4~on in tho woody plailt., of Uto fc;:ezitu of Azerbaijan. 130t. 48 no.11.0t!533-1537 0 163. 17-1~ 1. Azarbaidzilanakiy Iskly institut lasnolo klic- zyaysLva i agrolesomelioratELi. L 07146-67 ACC NR, AP7001034 SOURCE CODE: UR/0281/66/000/004/0099/0105 AUTHOR: 'AnIsImMoyna, N. D. (Moscow); Guseynovp A. M. Obscow); Sokolov, V. K. 43 (Moscow) ORG: none "Usagp of Digital Computers for Calculation of Special Operating Mod93 of Electrical Systems" Izv, Akad. Nauk. SSSR. Energetika I Transports No 4, 66, pp 9~'--105 Abstractt An analysis of the possibility of u3ing-digital computers in inve3- tigating the stability of special operating modes. A method is described and a program is presented for calculation of areas of static' stability on the "Ural-211 digital computer. An algorithm -is presented for producing coeffi- cients of the characteristic equation of the LaGrange interpolation formula, The method suggested is illustrated with experimental calculations. The program which is presented contains only four basic subroutines: 1) calcula. tion of elements of the characteristic determinant for p = pis where I = 0, 1. 2. ..., n; 2) diagonalization and com utation of the characteristic deteminant for the same values of pi; 35 determination of the coefficients of the characteristic equation by the LaGrange Interpolation formula; 4) computation of the elements of Rothts, table and Mmtion of the state of the pyatem or the flom of disruption of stabi4lv- 'Orig, art. has: 2 figures and 9 fonifulast - [JPRS: 38,49V card 1/2 L 07146-67 ACC NRs AaP7001034 TOPIC TAGSt digital computer, alogorith / Ural-2 digital computer SUB CODEs 09 SUBM DATE: 02Feb66 ORIG REFs 010 Cwd 2 /2 ALLAIGiVERDITEV, S.R.; GUSITNOV, A.N.; KRINTSMAN, Z.Z. Determining reservoir pressure without shutting In the wells. Azerb.neft.khoa. 39 no.9:28-29 S160. NIPA 13:10) (Oil reservoir engineering) t,S-TOV, S.M.; GUSERIM, Distribution of haemanphos-19 agents in t~e rminart,,! of i'!ze-rbaijan. v Izv. All Azerb, &!R. Ser. blo-". I mad. nivAc nD.1,;3 -.4" '~ 3. (?., r i~p', - 17: 5) 4ADZHIYEV, G.A.; GUSr,.YNOV,, AA I SAFIRO, B.A. ------- - Role of underground w4terg In the pdrtW collapin t VOT in horizon 1 of the pro&ctive formation of the Kyurovd~g oil*=- Dokl. AN Awrb. SSR 19:35-40 163. W-wa?~ 16:4) 1. Institut geologii AN AzSSR. Predstavleno akademikA AN ASSSR M.V.Abramovichem, (J~rurovdag region-Oil field brines) ASAEOV9 S.M,; GUSEYNOV, AN. Study of the morphology of Haemonchus nematodes in ruminants of Azerbaijan. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Azerb. SSR 23;117-124 164. (MMA 17: 9) AKHYY,DOV, M.G.; GUSFYNOV, A.N.; NABIYFV, G.I. Using non-drairifge hydrochloric ncidization of injpct:Lon 4ells of the Oil Well Administrntion of the ShIrvan Petrol-um Trust. Nefteprom. delo no.2:1&20 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Goqudnrstv,-nnoyp ob"yrdineniye Azf-,rbnyd,.,"--skoy n(-ftynnoy prorVshlp.nnosti i Neftepromyslovoye uprnvIeniye "Shirvnnnoft"'. f~ r, P, r -3 c t o ri c r. n i i t I i experilriez~tal lrorwlnjc!u'C- wen- e ks ve r i me &4111 rzc- f j, 2 1 o I o 'e r. t, a'" I r, 4A Is USE Y "loll I I 3R34DOT ENT 1. GUSEYNOV, A. R.; Dotsent 2. USSR (600) 4. Menstruation; Uterus - Surgery 7. Surgical operation for the preservation of monstruat16n In hysterectomy., Akush. I gin., No. 1, 1952.. Iz Akushersko - Ginekologicheskoy Kliniki (Zav. - Zasluzhennyy Deyatell Nauki Prof. Gadzhn-Kasimov) Azerbaydzhanskogo Meditsinsicogo Instituta. 9a. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, March 1952 UNCLASSIFIED GUS~-,Yli;V, A. !'~. GUSEYNOV, A. R.: "'The retention of the menstrual cycle after myometrecton7" (Clinical experimental-physiolorical and experimental-morphological research). Baku, 1)55. Azerbaydzhan State Medical Inst. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Science of Medical Sciences) SO: Knizhnava ietopis', No. 41, 8 Oct 55 GUSMOT. A.Z. . "4MM-1 . Crestpd wheat grams under dry-farming conditions Stappis in the Azerbaijan S.S.R. Izv.AN Axerb.SSR '55. (Shirvan Stepp*--Crested wheat grass) in the Shirvan no-7:87-96 ii (MLRA 9:1) GUSEYNOV, A.Z. - - " -- - --%I ~ ~' ~-,- ~ W" ~ , " ~ ~ ~ Mineral composition of some true grasses of Azerbaijan at various stages of growth. Uch. sap. AGU no.9:39-64 156. (NIaA 10:4) (A2erbaiJan--Gra9ses) (Minerals in plants) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fodders, Abs Jour Rof Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, 53676 Author Gusepov,-A.Z. Inst Title Bulbous Barley as a Feed Culture Orig Pub Zhivotnovodstvo, 1957, No 4, 59-61 Abstract In 3-year experiments conducted under the conditions of Shirvan steppe (Azarbaydzhan SSSR), the hay field of bul- bous barley (Hordeum bulbasum) comprised 21-72 cwt from I ha, depending on the phase of the development. Consi- dering the high yield, good aftermath and good consump- tion by cattle, the introduction of bulbous barley is recommended for cultivation on and soils in the regions of the dry semi-deserts of the USSR. -- N.G. Shaposhni- kov Card 1/1 71 - Abs Jour : 1,4:L ~74 Aut..,Dr : Stat,-, cal Titic: i,,,-.rits )f IL,c S1 -_'c-scuo Gr:,,as Fc-scuca slilcat.a Z. Hack. cf ill-ta, 1957, Abstract T`_J_,3 rcr,:)rts -of tlnc s(u.,Uk:;s .)r tipc~uik) fQ.-Cuu, rc.:4tica Sillon-a -ack. ( F. willa SSp. VZM'. (T). i1i"_ -,_~,-r,l. Ito its nutricut CJ1. (T .1cy. Vio -2 _)r-jU_ins 11a (T) i3 nbourvi,(! 'ur-11j~ 41 thc ilow---rin. an,' 1,4174 ",I)s UT-,Ur C collulc)s~_' I -U. ~j a-1.". oopocl, y !~Y Jntroc.UcT~i :I. 's' into I_aidor ari'. Cul'; Car,! 2/2 09 11 GUSWNOV, A*Z. -6omposition and nutritive value of some drought-reysistant perennial gramineous forage grasses In Azerbaijan. Izv. AN Azerlb. ssR no.i:35~46 158. (KIRA 11W (Azerbatjan-Grasses) GUSETNOV, A.Z. Changes in the vitamin content of some perennial forage grasses in Azerbaijan. Uch-. zap. AGU no.4:55-63 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Azerbaijan--Grasses) GUSBYROV, A.Z. Dymamics of reserve carbobydrates in some drought-resintent perennial grasses of Azerbaijan. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.i'uk no.4:11-23 '59. (HIRA 12:12) (AzerbaiJan--Granses) (Plants-Asaimilation) OUSEYN-:)Vj A.Z., kind.biologicheskikh nauk, dotsent Results of introducing into cultivation some wild perennial forage plants unler conditions of dry farming in the Shirvan Steppe, Azerbaija~ S.S.R. Trudy Azerb. gos. zaoch. ped. inst. 6:115-143 *on - (MIRA 14:8) (Kura Lowland--Grasses) GUSEBOV, A.Z. Utilizi%f the aftercrop to increase the productivity of pastures in the arid low-lying regions of Azerbaijan. Izv. All Azerb. SSR. Ser. -Lliol. 1 med. nault no.5:17-21 t60. (RHA 14:9) (KURA LOWLAND-PASTURES AND MEADOWS) her-A.5 in mass rc,-.-Ep;--:jn el patllent,s. A-~erb. no. 3; "--"8 Mr 165. 1. 1, lknfe4ry km -urgll,-.:ie~3koy -d Rullko, nauc-hny~ rukovoil till Gerc-~ SotsiAlistdcheskog~ .,a-ilushenny:, A.7. YeVdok-MC,*~-) 1 kzlf'edry ifukrab---Joo]~ (rektcr D---- I ck -1. y GUSERIOV, R. M. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences at the Institute of the People of Asia "The Soviet Theme in Progressive Persian Poetry." Vestnik Akad. Nuak,, No. 4, 1963, pp 119-145 GUSEYNOV, B.Z.; NADZH&FOV, Sh.G. Effect of saturation Irrigation and mineral nutrition on photo- synthesis and the inovement of asalmi.lates in white miLlborry under the arid conditions of the Apsheron Peninaula, Izv. AN Azorb. SSR, Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.2:3-8 162. (MMA .17:6) (RJSNYNOV. B.S. - WMMM Iffect of fossil organic *atter of i5etrolem origin an tho growth and development of tree seedlings. Dokl. AN Aserb.SSR 12 no-7:519- 523 '56. (KIaA 9:10) lo Predstavleno alradealkam Akademil nauk Aserbaydsh^nskoy SSR A.I. Karayevm. (Seedlines) (Fertilizers and mnnurss) USSR/Forestry Forest Plants. K-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2Y 1958, 5909 Author : Guseynov, B.Z. Inst : Academy of Sciences AzerSSR Title : Growth and Development of Several Tree Species Under the Influence of Boron and Manganese. Orig Pub : Dokl. Akad Nauk AzerSSR,, 1956) 12, No 11, 865-87o Abstract : Experiments were conducted with =x1berry and osagp orange seedlings in vegetation pots filled with soil from the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of AzerSSR. Boron and manganese fertilizers on an NP base, whether in- troduced into the soil-.-or applied extra-radically, effec" ted a sig;aificant inprovement in the development of the above-ground organs of the seedlings and also increased the weight of the roots, especially the fibrous ones. Card 1/2 Card 2/2 U,I;SR/Cultj.,,atcO. I'lants Fo~!Jt=. Abs Jour Nj 'iuthor G--,.scync-v, B."., Dist r-s--',:4--nicall. Listitutc, All SIM Title T-IC MCCt Oi.' S011 Naltsc.-'-~ 3n tho Growth, Devcl j;Yici-,t cuiC. Water Ratio 01. S,, crol"s. Clri,; Pub Ir. iii-1-'a botnn- ",.T,f AzLl~bss!'~, 1957, 20, 202-221- 'Vostr, :q)eriments of the I .urarsk A=1 li-nry ac t I:-, Vic Q I Stat-ion of the J~Cajcriiy ,,f ;cJ,L-.-Iccs of tiiu, A7.u-,.-b3*.C-.-i,*,,,,..I. S.M', vith alfalfn an(~. S!,a:.Jnla iL,,.Ocr arid comliti.:Is -u"ic soil wistir.-C c-~n"*-!I-t at h V!a 2c:isity t"r. ~,Aai," z tmcl th c t1cpVa ) C c ro A systam penaturaILA"Dr. 1/2 ALIYNV, G.A., akademik,; ABTITALYBOV. M.G., prof., reel.; BKRZIN, Ya.M., skademik. red.; GADZHIYEV, F.M.,, red.; GYMOAKHKEI)OV, A.N., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; IVANOVA, N.I., kand.sel'skokhoz.nituk, red.; KARAYHY, A.I., akademik, red.; GUSZYNOV, D.M.. red.: GUSEYNOV, B.Z., prof.. red.; PEM, Taj.. red. I ~' -V Z-vaimm [Abstracts of reports of the Third All-Union Conference on micro- elements, April 1958] Tezisy dokladov Vaesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po mikroelementam, Aprell 1958. Baku, Izd-vo Akad.njiuk Ater- baidzhanskoi SSR, 1958. 398 P. (NHU 12:3) i. Vaesoyuznoye soveshchaniya po mikroolementam. 3d, 1958. 2. Akademiya nauk Azerb.SSR (for Aliyev, Karayev). 3. AkademiYa nauk Latviyakoy SSR (for Berzin). 4. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk Axerb.SSR-(for D.M.Guseynov). 5. Chlen-korrespond*nt Akademii nauk SSSR (for Pay"). 6. Inatitut pochvovedaniya 1 agrakhimit AN Azerb.SSR (for D.N.Guseynov. Allyev. Gyullakhmsdoi*- 7. Instit"t biologii AN Latv.SSR (for Peyve). 8. Stglinakiy ms~itsinskiy Institut (for Ivanova). 9. Institut botaniki M Azerb.SSR (for B-Z.Gussynov). 10. Azerbayd2hanskiy Institut zemledollya (for Abutalybov). (Trace elements) GUSBEYAW,- B.Z. WOW"a"""M"MM4 Metabolism. grovith and development of the white mulberry as in- fluenced by different ratios of mineral fertilizers. 'Izv.AN Azorb. SSR.Ser.biol. i sollkboz. nauk no.1:9-19 ' 59. (PURA 12:1) (Az orba i J an--Mulb or r7- -]Pert iliz era and manures) OSEYNOV, B.Z.; WOMOV, A.M. Water regimen of some arboraceous plantB under Prid.conditions. Izv.AII Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.i sel'khos.nauk no.40.25-)2 59. (MIRA 12:12) (Trees) (Plants, Effect of aridity on) GUSEYNOV, B.Z., doktor biologicheskikh nauk, prof. 0% - --------------------- Water economy of seedlinga of some arboraceous species during foliar application of boron and manganese. Trudy Azerb. gos. zaoch. ped. inst. 6:93-102 159. (MIRA 14:8) (Plants, Effect of boron on) (Plants, Effect of manganese on) (Apsheron Peninsula--Woody plants--Water requirements) GU S MW V. - B. Z . Plant physiology in Azerbaijan. Fiziol.rast. 6 no.6:754-756 I H-D 159. 01IRAt 13:4) 1. Institute of Botany, Aserbaidjan S.S.R. Academy of Science, Baku. (AzerbaiJan--Botanical research) GUSEYNOVp B.Z.; NADZHAFOV9 Sh.G, Effect of auturation irrigatioft in winter and irrigation during the growing period on the water 'economy of some trees. Izv, AN Azerb, SSR. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no, 4:27-34 '60, (MIRA 14:2) (AM)AIJAN-TREES-WATER REQUIREMENTS) OUSHYNOV, B.Z. LPhysiology of drought resistance in arboraoeous species of the Apsheron Peninsula] Fixiologila xasukhoustoichivosti drevennykh porod Apsherons. Baku, Isd-vo Aked.nauk Axerbaidsanskoi M. Vol.l. 1960. 219 p. (KiRA 14:0 (Apsheron Peninsula-Tress-Physiology) (Plants. Iffect of aridity on) GUSEYNOV, B.Z.; ~W-MDOV, A.M. Water economy and yields of forage crops sown at different times and by different methods. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i med. naWc lio-5:11-16 160. (RIIII 14:9) (FORAGE; PIANTS) GUSE)I'OV, B.Z.; DZIIAFAROV, F.S. Effect of organic fertilizers of petroletun origin on the water economy, growth, and development of the cotton plant. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.6:29-35 160. (KIRA 14:9) (AZERUIJAI,T.-COTTON-FERTILIZERS AND MOUR-PS) (PETROLEUM INDUSTRY-BY-PRODUM) I ____ZMMLG7 , B. Z. , - KWDOVA. Z. Yu. Iffect of certain ratios of macro- and microelements on carbohydrate-nitrogen metabolism In the Russian mulberry [in AzerbaiJani with summary in 'Russian]. Dokl.AN Azerb. SSR 16 no.1-71-75 160. (MMA 13:6) (Plants-Metabolism) (Nulberry) GUSEYAUV, B. Z., DZH"AROVA, F. S. - ------ Effect of growth substances of petroleum origin on carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the cotton plant. Dokl-AN Azerb.SSR 16 no.5:503-506 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Institut botaniki AN AzerSSR. . (Growth promoting substances) (Cotton) (Planta-Metabolism) GUSZYFOVy E.Z.; NADZI-Lu?O11i Sh.G. Effect of winter saturation and .3easonal irrigation on vater metabolism and top growth in certain tree varieties. Do',:I, PJT Azerb. 3SR 16 no. 11:1101-1104 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut botani1ki All AzorSSR. (Trees) (Plantsq Effact of soil molstura) (Irrigation) GUSiMIT-Vi h and 'n i-'V0wt Effect of 0 ~j ;% yj s3i~ 16 nc. 12 - Y7~3'1- -124 corn. Dol I- (I-J-~*~'- 14:2) V-~, .zerSSII. Predst-vlsnc 1. InLitit JVT Azerssl", ( ~-' i I -),: : U., -L -- I I -h (Corr-, GUSEYNOV, B.Z.; MUEDOV, A.M. Effect of different seeding times and methods on the metabolism of forage crops. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.bivI.i med.nauk 3s3-8 161. (HIM 140) (Azorbaijan-Grassos) (Sowing) (Plants-Mo tabolism) - GUSEYNOV.J,_B.,Z.; c.~-aOVA) Z.Yu. Effect- of different methods of trace element application on carbo- hydrate and nitrogen metabolism in corn. Izv. All Azerb. SSR. Sera A biol. i iiied. nauk no.10-.3-14 161. (MIM 15:1) (TRACE ELEMOTS) (COAN (MAIZE)_FFAITILM.,~' AND ANUIaS) (~-'Z- ATRUEROV, S.A. OPhysiology of drought resistance in arboraceous species of the .ApOheron Peninsulaw bY B.Z. Guseinov. Reviewed by S.A. Alekperav. Fiziol. rast. 8 no.2:25'8-259 161. --- (MIRA 14:3) Plantop Effect of aridity on) psheron PezUsula-Trees-Physiology) R (Guseinavy B.Z.) GUSEY11OV, B.Z. A11-Union conference on the use of organic substances mined from the earth to increase the yields of farm crops. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol,. i med. nauk no./+:97-101 161. (IldU 14:7) (AZERBAIJAII-FERTILIZERS AND MMRES-COIIGRWMS) ,x GUSEYN'.')V, B.Z.. ------ Effect of different soil moisture and temperature on changes in the sucking power of arboraceous specips during plant growth. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Spr. biol. 1 mpd. naul; yin.(:21-27 (MIRA 14:8) (WOODY PLAFTS-WATER REWEUMM). GUSEYNOV, B.Z.,- RZYAEV, G.A. Effect of trace elements on corn iield under dry faming conditions in Shemakha District. DokI.An Azerb. SSR 17 no.5:429-422 161, 1. InstitiA,botaniki AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Prodstavleno akademikom AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR V. R. Volobuyev'YM. (Shemakha District-Corn (maize)) GUSEYNOV, B.Z. Effect of microelements on the oxidation--reduction processes, growth, and development of some woody plants. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.i med.nauk no.3:7-12 162. (MIRA 15:9) (WOODY PLANTS-FERTILIZERS AND MANURES) (PLANTS, EFFECT OF TRACE ELEMENTS ON) GUSETNOV B.Z.- MAMEDOVAP Z.YU. i-==i4-4, Effect of microelements on the growth and development of corn at various temperatures. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.1 med.nauk no.4.3.1-21 162. (IMU 15:12) (PLANTS, EFFECT OF TRACE ELEMENTS ON) (PLANTS, EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON) (CORN (MIZE)-FERTILIZERS AND MANURES) NV (vvi ss AZ n-p-,~., ~,uloao~! pu-a PTOT,~ u1 -,-tj j() ~~1)11-41:, "7`1 4MUSSfID US 3 R --ral For i.,i Soil Ici ence Ab i q 5 3 4 C) 3 lluvnrr (.rusejnov, Eovsumov, R. S eidov, 7. V. t i t ut. L-S. ,on Losi froia ?-Utr,--~,en I'eztiliz~-r3 App2ied The Nitrow to ~hc' Soil !~,v. T~ Az~:i:Y')STR, 1957, 111-121 Accoruing to lalboratory and fiold ru-search made by the Academy of Soiences i~zfcrbEc~rd!'.'MP. 39*1? 11aa j Iftrid -4~ltl appliccl to t1,.(! soil in differ- 1 ti 5 3 1,3 for F., ard corrc-.3.nondInj-ly 511,.6 ur,6 64.9% for bof~ 3, ')rv the NR. On i;hF- oll of Lczik, nskiy Rayon, 9 and 39 da7/i3',aftur placement, ti.(- , I' losses were 3O.C? and 71.3,,., for L dint; corre'oporAl"rlY 50.2 f or N ISoI"OlcIv and 68.91jv 2/2 t~rjt- :6niii!s ol: Azr~rbayjzhan show A con,Adurable N los3. Thi,.3 P-mount grovrs will, does of LhL, furtilizL;r, )vitti the lonpth or the period Since the clay this was applLed to Ule soil, and -41th hilber soil toviperaturu2. Ir tho field test on tIIx-. pru.,--brown soil cAI' .~~onhe~~or., -O'ter 9 and 16 dav6 the losses comprlseJ 1&.6 and 63.8% 1/2 ABDULLAYEV, Aaker Alekperovich; VLADIMI16KIY, Abram locifovich; GEFTLER, Leonid Mikhaylovich; GINZBURG, Mark Yeikovlevich; -GUSEYNOV, Chingis Saibovich; ZUBAREVI, Ye.l., ved. red.; -M~W ~, ~.. _~. bred. - [Automation of gas pipelines in foreign countries]Avtomati- zatsiia magistrallnykh gazoprovodov za rub9zhom. Moskva Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 109 p. (MIRA 16:3~ (Gas, Natural-Pipelines) (Automation) T GUSEYN2,V,,, Cb.S. f ~ Effect of the accumulation of liquids on the hydraulic renistance of gas pipelines. Gaz.prom. n0.507-40 163. (MIRA 16N6) (Gas, Natural-Pipelines) GUSMOV, Ch.S. - - Do r~ riiitiow of the volmm of accumulation ip the lower sections of a gas pipeline (case of a sharp boAd), Trudy MIMGP no.45s93-97 163o (MIIUL 16: 7) (Gas pipes) GUSEYNOV Ch 3 Effect of oil and solid deposits on the capacity of gas pipellnea. Trudy MINKHiGP no*45:106-3,11 163, (MIRA 16:7) (Gas pipes) GUSEYNOV, Ch.S. On methods for obtaining and preserving thrombocytes. Probl.gemat. I perel.krovi 4 no.8i43-48 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena Ionina Instituta getuatolo.r-ii i perelivantya krovi (dir. - doyetvitellnyy chlen AY.N SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (BWOD PUTFdSTS) Ch EAGDASAROV, A.A.; GUSEJNOV. C.S.; CFMOV, G.A.; BIRJUZOVA, V.I. Preservation of thrombocytes and its clinical application. Cas. lek.ceek. 98 no.49/50:1509-1515 4 D 159- 1. Ustredni ustav hematologie a krevni transfuze, reditel radny clen ANN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov. (BLOM PRESICRVATICS) (BLOCD PLATURTS) CHERNTAK, N.B.;,QUSBYXOV. Ch.S. Stucly of oxidative pbosphor7lation in isolated mitoebondria of human blood platelets. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.2:476-479 a 6o. (KM 13:7) 1. Mentralln" institut rematologii I perelivaniya ~xoyi* Predstavleno akademikom A.I.OpLrinuz. (MITOCHONMIA) (]BLOOD GILLS) (MUMION, PHrSIOLWIGLQ BAGDASAROV, A.A., prof .;..-GUSEYNOV, Ch.S.; CHEUMV, G.A.; BIRTUZOVA, V.I. Preservation of thrombocy-tes and th6i-r clinical use. Sov. mod. 24 no-4:17-24 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - doystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (BLOOD PLATELETS) CHERYUK!, N.B.; SVEJUSITSKAYA9 M.B.; _GUSEYNOV, Ch.S. ?eatures of the carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism of stored -thrombocytes. Probl i gemat. i perel. krovi 5 no. 9:3~'-45 160. (MM 14; 1) (BLOOD PLATELETS) (CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM) (PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM) GUSMOV, Ch.S.; CHERNOV, G.A.; LAGUTINA, N,Ya.; BIRYUZOVA, V.I.; --DAN=A, -t.A. Some problems in the mechanism of hemorrhage in thrombasthemia. Pediatriia, 39 no.293-8 F 161. (14IRA 3.4*R) 1. 1z TSentral2nogo ordena Leniiia izietitata. gemato'Logii i pwreli- vani7a krovi Ministers-tva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (dir. - deyst- vitel'nyy.oblen:AMF SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov) i detakoy kliniki (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AM SSSR prof. Yu*IP* -Oombrovskaya) I Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Imeni I.M. Soohenova. (HMOPHILIA) GUSEYNOV. Ch.S. (Moskva) I Thrombocytoo, their properties, role in blood CDagUlUtion, and preservation methods. Usp. soor. biol. 53 no.2:85-104 162. (KIRA 15:5) (BLOOD PLATELETS) GUSKMOV Ch.S.,- FEWROVA, L.I. Isolation of leucoa-ytes'from donor blood for experimental and clinical purposes. Probl. gemat. i perel. kro-wl 8 no-48 52-56 AP?',63 (MIRA 17s2) 1. 1z laborator-U fraktsionirovanily belkov krov.1 ( zav. prof. G.Ya. Rozenberg) I konserv-1TOvenl7a%rovi (zav. - prof. F.R. Vinograd-Finkelz) TSentralinogb ordena Lenins. instituta gema- tologii 1. pereliv-anl7a, krovl' (d1r. - dotsent A. Ye. Kiselev) Ministoretva zdravookhrenenlya WSR. C L,,L, j-, r? t -~- y :. 1:.!-, 'AYATS. 1-1r). ; GUSEYNHV, Gil. . i:~ ii!:i - , ~.,- ~ - -,A ~. ; a. Juvellile hamorrhages COMPl[CCILOd bir dlS0I*d('l'0 Of Qw. blood votliril- lation system. Akush. 1 913. 40 no.2:69-74 M!-Ap 'n,". (ml!'I'A 1,1:1111 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut akusbersLva i ginakologii (dir. - prof. O.V. Makeyeva) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR i TSentrallnyy orclena Lenina institut gematolof,.Ii ;- krovi (dir. - dotsent A.0. Kiseleva) Ministerstva 2dt-avcorkhrane- niva SSSR, Moskva. ROZENBERG, G. Ya.; UL'YANOVA, N. D.; GUSEYNOVY Ch. S.; CIERNOV, G. A. --- "Freeze-drying of Thrombocytes." paper-presented at the 4th Intl Course on Freeze-Drying, Lyoni3,France, 20-30 jul 1,64. Central Inst of Scientific Research in Hematology & Blood Tran,5fusion, Moscow. teklin. Val-? L crank-o'lat ",' c" the -method for Trar"Sl). n-D . I -sld - dorozlmo- ,Tkra'r '-st 1, tut. ALIYET, Aslan, nachallnik neftepererabatyvayushche7 uetanovId; GUSFnioV, D.A., kandidat takhnichc3skikh nauk, redaktor; UDALTY, A.M., redaktor. [Experience in operating air tube petroleum refinery stills] Opyt rst- boty na atmoefernoi trubehatoi nefteperarabatyvaiushchei ustanovIzze. Baku, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. iz(l-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1951. 32 p. (WaRA 8:4) (Petroleum--Refining) OUBMUOV.-D.Aa. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-, SPEKTOR, Sh.Sh., redaktor; T=NCHAR67, I.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [overcoming damage losses in petroleum refineries] Bor'ba s avarila- mi na neftepererabatyv-aiushchikh ustanovkakh. Baku, Gee. nauchmo- tekhn. izd-vo nef tiancd i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1953. 133 P' (Petroleum-Rel'ining) (~~ 8:4) 1w C-r Li 5 L j Nj' D; ALEKSEROVA, Zamilya Selim; KOWASH, It& HatveyevnA; NESTMERNKO, GalinA Yofimovna; G1JSrnTOV, D.A., redaktor; WITRIJ, A.M., tekhnichasKy redaktor -2--oww"w- [Equipment of the laboratory of oil refining plantis] Ckorudovants. laboratorli neftepnreabatyvaiii5hchikh zavodov. Baku, Gos. nauchno- tekhn. iza-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnot-lit-ry, Azerbaifthanskoe otdelenie. 1954. 42 p. (MLPA 8-6) (Chemical laboratories--Apparatun and supplie5) (Petroleum--Refining) -qMX.MV,, PAebrail Alakpor ogly; ISKAYIOV, R.G. , dotoext, kandidat takhnichs~Xlkh nauk, redaktor; RZATXV, I.M., takhalchaskiy raiaktor. (Technoloa of producing lubricating oilej Takhaolfiglia proisvodstva samochafth masel. Baku, Azerbaidshanskoe goo.izd-vo neftianoi i . nauchno-teldm. lit-ry, 1956. 371 P. (KIRA 0:6) (labrication and lubricants) it; MORIN WHEN 1941MIlull ill WK PlUli 1,14 r.4 UV57-IMUTP Itwk! 771 -77-7 a 1, USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-16 and Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 319-33 Author : G~seynov D. A. Title : Improved Unit for the Production of Special Cylinder Oil for Steam Engines. Orig Pub: Novosti neft. tekhn. Neftepererabotka, 1956, No 7, IP-15 Abstract: In the production of special cylinder oil for steam engines from the asphalt and high-,boiling oil mixture derived from Balakhanskaya petroleum deasphaltization with liquid propane is effected by the method of counterflow extraction in a /4 Card 1 2 USS-R /themical Technology. Chemical Products I - 16 and Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abe Jour: Referat Zhur - KhImiya, No 9, 1957, 31933 column, at a temperature of 44-480 in the bottom of the column, 50-54' at the top, and a pressure of 32-34 atmospheres gauge pressure. To obtain the special cylinder oil with a coke content not exceeding 2.5% and a viscosity of 60-70 centi- stokes at 100*, the ratio of weight of propane to weight of starting product, in the extraction, must be in the range of 2.5 : I - 4.0 : 1. A diagram of the unit is shown. Card 2/*2 Ti. GUSZIBOV, D.A. ===WMWMWft- Kethods for improving the grade of cylinder oil [in A-zerbaijani with summar7 in Russian]Azerb.neft.ldioz-35 no-11:33-35 N 156 (IILRA 10:43 (Irabrication and lubricants) ol I il- j~p kp RJAMAZOV, Seyran Arutyu..ovich; SPEKTOR, GUSEYNOV PStpbp ,_qZ_ogly; FA Sh.Sh., red.; ALITMAN, T.B., red. izd-va. [Technology and mechanizFktion of the production of petroleum bitumen] Tekhnologiia i mekhanizateiia proisvodatva neftqbitiimov. Baku, Azerbaidshanskoe gos.isd-vo neftA nauchno-tekhn.lit;-ry, 1957. 180 P. ',MIRA 11:1) (Petroleum) (Bitumen) G "himanovich, k a na. tekhn. naiul'. t Lc--v lelikovich inzli.; retserizent; KMEYMOVA, K.F., ved. ved. [Techmological calculations of prccez~sesl i'ekhnologicheskie rasch t~, rer-botki nefti. Moskva, Kiiimiit, lc;r~4- -I ACC INIR: Alp'f-'001`661- 5 C U.' i C;-" C 0 D., Ml./02-4~ 16010221009100-)9100L~? 4. ~ D, jWhmadov, Sh. T.; Magerramov, 1-1. 11.; Yhalilova, R. A.; ov A, I.lasifov) A. ORG: Instituto for Chemistry of Additivos (.Tnstut khimii prisadok) TITI-G: Allylation of naphthalano, (x-mothy1naohthalcno, tetralin, aconaphLhono, biphenyl and fluorono by allyl alcohol in the presence of acid catalysts SOURCE: AN AzorbSSR. Dolklady, v. 22, no. 9, 1966" 39-42 TOPIC TAGS; calyl alcohol, naphthalene, diphenyl compound, fluorone, aconaphthene ABSTMCT: Allyl derivatives of polynucloar and condensed aromatic hydrocarbons wore synthesized by allylation of tho lattor with allyl alcohol in the presence of the iacid catalysts ZnC12, FoCl and SnC14-6H20. ZnC12 was found to be the most effective 3 catalyst. The following comuounds were obtained (yields are given in 'Parentheses): ally1naphthalene (68-3%), aliyl-a-methylnaohthalene al' etralin (55-&~)) Lylt allylbiphenyl (14.5"), allylacenaiphthene (j4.8~ and allylfluorene (c0.01,'---). The effect of different reaction parameters such as temperature, ra-tio of the reacting coi-iipononts, amount of catalyst, duration of exDerimont, etc. on the yield of the iproducts was studied. Monoallyl derivatives were found to form. almost exclusively. If FeC13 or SnC14-6H20 are u-sed, the allylation reaction is slow and the yield of allyl derivatives does not exQeed 15_205t. The paper was presented by Acade,--dcian -Cardl A.CC-NR: -- APi d" 62 AN AzoFoSSR Kuliyev, A. I. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. SUB CODE; 07/ SUBM DATE:-. l4Feb66/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH RFF: 006 -Card.- 2/2 AKHW,,DOV, Sh.T.; GUSEYNOVo...P.A.)' HIRZOYEV, B.M. - ~, ~ ~ :7, ~:.. II Synthesis of eymenes by alkylation of toluene. Uch. zap. AGU. Ser fiz.-mat. i khim. nauk no.5:59-75 161. (MIRA 16.-~) ( re ne) (Toluene) (Alkylation) (,nr c KAKUPWITSKIY, V.A.; GUSEYNOV) D.G. Fatigue strength of automobile crankshafts reconditioned by electric are welding. Avtom, avar. 17 no.3t7l-75 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Ukrainskiy dorozhno-transportnyy nauchno-isnledovateltakiy insti- tut. I ?".IIYF.VI*rSY.IY , V~ ~i , k1, ad.. telk-hn.ratilk; G661~~,NCJV~ K ~ , ~' nA. Fatigne etrtngth cf autmobile cT-a-rLK,,.ihp-'-9 rooond~tloried by weaving arc builld-lip welding. SEvarofircizvo nc-,~Os2l--23 0 164. (MIPA 184.1.1, GUSHMOV, P.K., inzh.; KMIYEV, G.R., inzh. One cane of continued operation of&Bynchronous compensator in spite of a break in the excitation circuit. ItInk.sta. 213 no.12:65-66 D '57. (KIRA 12:3) (Illectric machinery, Synchronous) -.1.1 UUSEYN~)V' D.;A. L)r. Agricult. DC?L. Dissertation: "Fertilizers from tne Waste Products of Petr,,)leuin Procesaing and Their Effectiveness on Soils of Azerbaydzhan." Soil Inst imeni V.V. Dokuchayev, Acad Sci USSR, 26 Feb 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Feb21947 (Project #17636) GUSTINOV ) P. M. Guseynov, D. 1% "The P~'ect of organic material of petroleun origin on the structural composition of soils", Izvestiya Akad. nauk Azerbay~,zh. SSR, 1949, No. 4, p. 128-42, (In Azerbaijani, resume in Russian), - Bibliog: 25 items. SO: U-4630, 16 SePt. 53, (letopis 17,hurnal Inykh Statey, No. 23, 1949). CILJ~~'EYNCV~ D. I,". Agriculture 8-- Plant & Aninall Industry Application of by-product gunibrin for the purpz)se of increasing the yield of fielk. crops. Baku, Akademiia nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR,, 19r1. Month-- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1952. UrICLA-`SFIED. GUSRYNOV,D.M. I I '. - - -1 - Effect of iron compounds on the colorometric detection of phos- phoric acid, ammonia and nitrates. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 10 no.11: 793-798 '54. (MIRA 8:10) 1. Institut zemledeliya Akademii nauk AzerbRydzhanskoy SSR. I.. (Agricultural chemistry) USSR/Soil Science - Or(pnic Fertilizers. j-4 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 9, 1958, 39028 Author : GuseYnov) D.M. Inst : Institute of Soil Science and Agrachemistry. Title : Contribution to the Problem of Methods of Application of Manure on Soils Emerr,-inL,?, Out from Under Cultivation of "Chaltyk" in Lenkoran Z:)neo Orig Pub : Tr. In-ta puchvoved. i aUoklAriii, AN AzerbSSR, 1955, 7, 9-Pi. Abstract : 7ai important alkalization of the soil is noticed, when manure is introduced under seedlings on weakly acid, neutral and weakly alkaline soils of the Lenkoran reGion. This circumstance has an unfavorable effect on the LTowth of plants. The Introduct-1.)n of (11114)2- S04 (I), '~)f 112SOI~ (II), of alkyl acid (aciJ refuse of a petroleum Card 1/2 USM/S.-Al Scicnec - Orf,;anic Fortilizer.,-. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 9, 1958, 39028 converting plant) (III) and of sulfur (IV) rnis& the acidity of soils in voC,,etative experiments. IV does not Give positive results at the beLdiining and its effect makes itself felt only 1 -2 months after introduction* The positive effect of II and III manifests ---tself imme- diately but faces in 2-3 moliths. The mixinG of manure with I - IV and with superphosphate prevents the alkali- zing action of manure on soil, Card 2/2 - 17 - 1:1 . .il- GUSiYNOV,D.M.; GUSF.YNOV,A.),. ~ - ~ -. W .. .., Use of small dosages of organic mineral substances to increase cotton crop yield. [In AzerbaiJanil Dokl.AN Azarb.SSR 11 no.2: 123-130 '55. (MLRk 8:10) (Fertilizers and manures) (Azerbaijan-Cotton groving) GUSEYNOV,D.M.; YEDIGAROVA,N.N. The stimulating action of an organic substance of petroleum origin on plant growth and development. Dokl. All Azerb. SSR 11 no.4:273- 278 '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Institut agrovedeniya i ae;rokhimii Akademii nauk Azerb,-Iydzhan- skoy SSR (Plants, hYfect of chemicals on) GUSMOV, D.M.; MOVSUMOV, Z.R,, -,,, ~~k -7. 1, Losses of amonis, nitrogen in soils In the Leakoran subtropical zone. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 11 n0.8.539-543 155. (KLRA 9:1) l.Institut pochvovedeniya I agrokhinii AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. (Lankoran lovland-Fertilizers and manures)(Ammonia)(Nitrogen) GUSUNOV D.M.; YEDIGAROVA, N.H. Stimulating effect of (organic matter of a petroleum origin on the growth and development of plants. Dokl.AN Azerb. SSR 11 no.12: 861-867 %55. (KM 9:7) l.Institut pochvevedentya i &grokhtmit AN Azerbaydzhamakey SSR. (Growth promoting substances) p- -h -1 Powth of punto and ntkm&g..I.zu D. M. rlustrilov, N- H-Jigamill- &W 0. S. Kaxltnovit (" m4 Agrmhem. ,Akl-/'IuSt-- Md;u)- - Fixid. Rastemil 3, j)l . . I . I OMW-4-0-IM% Of ofir. natter of petrok-Lm lndustrkd waste' resul ed, lucrease g t of rowth Qla wide nrktyuf ~Mlmu*m tallinus. Pill Ell ogx-y 0 A J), 7" /,Effect of ther growth subststice of patrolorult4'origin cm Itcrop of obbage And tinnataeo. D. If. Gundiiw Asadatf. and A. Vu. Aliev. Poklady .1110aL tW 4 bdyjlh4n~ S.S,R. 2 123-KI05OXin Rusiian)i-Lab, arid fichl tests Blinvo-d that the addn. of the 11rowt-h stitnulato's which elist in tha higher petroleum fractiona (iiiispecifitit otherwise) serve to increase the crop or tommoes up lo, .138% and of cabbage up to 206%. when addgd to the utu'. mat mineral fertilizer material; the pcttol~tifit niaLctial mit added at the dose of 0.250,'o to the sail mass. 0. INf. X. ~ 01 , Im' GUSEYHOT, D.M.- ALIYETI, A.,; ASADOV, Sh, Zffact of fosall organic matter on the development of tomatoes and cabbages Ein A!,erbaijant with summary in Russian]. Dokl.Al Azerb. SSR 12 no.3:19-'3-202 156. (KLU 9:8) (Tomatoes) (Cabbage) (Yertilizers suA manures) ALI YEV, A. TU. Sh.D.; Iffect of small applications of gumbrin on cabbage and tomato 71eld. Dokl.AN Azerb.SHR 12 no.4:279-283 156. MRA 9:8) (Gabbage) (Tomatoes) (Gumbria)