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S/609/61/000/003/3~~7/008 DO-59/D112 AUTHORS~., Gurtovenko, E. A.; Semenova, N. N. TITLE: An investigation of the evolution of bri.-htness of certain "-hromosDheric flares SOURCE.- Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Organi-zassionnyy kon"itet p0 provedeniy-u Mezhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo goda. Mezhdunp-rod- nyy geofizicheskiy god; infoi-mv-t,-ionrtrjljyull.eten', no. 3, 1961- 47--54 TEXT3 The paper pTesenf.s hotometric curves of the b--rir-htness of 17 flares AFR-2) rhromosphoric telesc.,~Pe Of the `av- observed by means of an 4 P-2 nay'a astronomicheskaya observatoriya All JSSR 1 Mai Ti Astronomicr~ Observatory of the AS UkrSSR) during the International Ge;rjhysical Year. The photographs Of all 17 flares are given. All flares shoted different intensity and were observed from the beginning to the end. The .1mages were good, and the con- t:rast of the obtained photographs high. The ~,hromosphere was cinematograph- ed onto panchromatic film used in serial photography and the film ras de- veloped by the Chibisov developer f r 6 minutes at a temDeralure of 180C. V/ The material was proTessed on an M42 (11F-2) microphotometer in whirh the Card 113 S/609/61/000/003/007/00C, An investigaiion of the ev~)Iution ... D039/Dl!2 re0angular gap had beeri ty a numbor or round Ciiaphr-,At:.-M~ nf, ent diameters ~Abstra,tter~s note: In the short summa:,y at 'he heal r,-f tl- *e arkicle 'Che m.4-croohotometer is ziven as M 4 (NIF-4)r in the itie-If 0 For large fl 4,Inte ato s-- -n+ers. howewer, as MF-?]*. ares d.L.. . gratinC i_- jpara'e cc measurements were made for each single centerduring which 1-.t was found ';:h--~ in o,:r-~Iain abases the fluctuations of brightness of the ceiters from poirit to point were syreftrorjous. This was a-.-,(-.ribed t-) atmit3spher-i-.; streaking olf tllnr- images, as in a number of insiances the fluctuation Df brightness of t1ae fla:,~e centers and the flu(--.fua "ions of brigh~xiess of the fa--ula~~ were Ulsc- _F,-L Aing the chanSP -~n the briChtness syn-,hxonous. Apay--~ from ~he c-urves de Ic of flares. the aurhors alsc. investigated the curvi?s of "he chanp:e in -.h= a:r.ea of t~e flare. These areas were found by drawing a vro)ection of th-, flarr onio 1 m-m--square paper and were expressed in millicathsrfa hemisphere. The authcrs arri7edat the foil-)wing conclusions- 1) The synch-onous +ions of the b-vight-ness of separate f.~enters of the multie~enter fliai~es a-ve, ir, :, place in the siome cases evidently gerviine cf p-.,-:tce5ses takinfx t'2) The evolution of* the ar-,vaq lags benind -th.-).t of the briCjitness. There are 7 figuree. Card 2,1 .3 S/609/-'~l/,)00/ao3j/0W/008 An inveztigation of the evolution .,, D039/Dll2 ASSOCIATIM Glavnaya astronomicliesicaya observatoriya All USSR ( Main AstronomIcal Observatory of the AS UkrSSR) V/ Card 3/3 GURTOVENKO, LeA. DIDYCHENKO, Ye.I. Diffraction apectroheliograph of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Izv. Glav. astron. obser. AN URSR 2:138-150 161. (MIRA 14;5) (Spectroheliograph) (Spectrograph) 5/617/61/004/001/001/001 D218/D301 AUTHORS: E.A. Gurtovenko, and N.N. Semenova TITLE: Spectrophotometric study of prominences and filaments in hydrogen lines SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Holovna astronomich- na observatoriya. Izvestiya. v. 4, no. 1. 1961, 31 - 54 TEM The horizontal solar telescope of the GAO AN USSR (Main Astronomical Observatory of the AS UkrSSR) came into regular use in 1959. In selecting research projects for the telescope the authors had to bear in mind the limitations of the instrument, namely the rela- tively small diameter of the image of the solar disc on the slit (75 mm) and the fact that there is only one camera available with the telescope. The observations were, therefore, limited to the study of filaments and prominences, and the present paper is a preliminary account of the re- sults obtained. The objects of interest were selected with the aid of the A cPP -2 (AFR-2) telescope. The H., and H A were recorded in the se- Card 1/4 S/617/61/004/001/001/001 Spectrophotometric study of ... D218/11301 cond order (dispersion -. 1.2 A/mm) on "Agfa rot rapid" or "Agfa ISS11 plates. The H line was exposed with a red filter which out off the violet rae.4ation in the third order. The other members of the Balmer series and also the H,K Ca lines were photographed on "Agfa blau ra- pid" plates. The calibration of the various light filters employed was carried out with the aid of the cODY-17 (FEU-17) photomultiplier. Neutral filters HC-8 and NC-9 (NS-8 and NS-9) were used. Twelve fila- ments and prominences which appeared between July 13, 1959 and October 289 1959 were examined. The interpretation of the results was based on the following considerations. It was assumed that the source function P of a prominence is independent of the wavelength~L , and the intensi- ty of emission of a prominence in a given line can be represented by P (1 -rc ). (2) In the case of a filament observed in emission, an extra term must be added to represent the emission of the photoshere transmitted through the filament. The result is Card 2/ 4 S/617/61/oo4/oo1/oo1/oo1 Spectrophotometric study of D218/D301 IA Next, it was assumed Doppler profiles and al arguments indicat, I P ( 1 - e + I'j(p e that the hydrogen lines of prominences have purely this can be shown to define P unambiguously. Gener- that P is the sum of two terms i.e. P + P Ia CP (1 - e + I;t+ e 1 2 IA oep I P + P ago (9) T1 A ocP whe:!-e the first term represents photospheric emission and the second the intrinsic emission which is due to the excitation by electron impact and by recombination. The fraction IA./I;( in Eq. (8) represents the rela- tive distribution of intensity in a Froaunhofer line. Eqs. (2) (3) and (8) Card V 4 3/617/61/004/001/001/001 Spectrophotometric study of ... D218/D301 were then used in conjunction with standard optical-thickness calcula- tions to determine the optical thickness T 9 , the Doppler half-width '&XD' the quantities P, and P 2 , the population indices N. and N k' the electron temperature Te and the velocity vt. The interpretation is lar- gely based on the work of V.M. Sobolev (Ref. 4t Izvestiya GAO AN SSSR no. 158, 12, 1958). It was found that the electron temperatures lie within the range 4000 -' 120000C. The average temperature for prominen- ces is 58000C, while f~r the filaments it is 90000C. It is stated that this is difficult to explain. Detailed numerical tables of results are re- produced, but it is stated that the results are only preliminary. They indicate that self-absorption must occasionally be taken into account in the case of the H and H6 lines. The self absorption in H is con- siderable and must e allowed for. Acknowledgements are exprTsed to Professor V.A. Krat for advice and to M.I. Solyanikova and T.V. Orlova for assistance in analyzing the experimental material. There are 5 fi- gures, 5 tables and 11 Soviet-bloc references. Card 4/4 3/035/62/ooo/c)10/033/128 AOO1/A10l AUTHORS: -Gurtovenko, E. A., Didychenko, ye. I., Semenova,. N. N. TITLE: On some results of observations of chromospheric flares PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 10, 1962, 51, abstract IOA358 ("Izv. Gl. astron. obsery. AN USSR". 1960, v. 3, no. 1, 67 - 73) TEXT: A relation between area, brightness in maximum and duration of flares was investigated on the basis of observations with an kDP-2 (AFR-2) telescope from July 1, 1957, to September 15, 1958. Altogether, 200 flares were analyzed. It has been discovered that the relation flarea versus bright- ness in maximum" is approximately linear with ~iome*dispersion of points. Sev- eral peculiar flares constitute an exception; it is flares In which luminous matter is concentrated in narrow long filaments, and flares having several centers. The relation "area versus duration" reveals a monotonic variation: flAre duration grows with increasing area. It has been found that relative dy,t'lition.of the pre-maximum period decreases with increasing class of a flare, Card 1/2 S/035/62/000/010/0')3/128 On some results of observations of... AOOI/AIOj whereas for subflares the pre-maximum and post-maximum periods are almost equal. it is concluded that statistical studies of flares should be conducted with a more extensive and homogeneous materials, and that first of all a detailed clas- sification of flares is necessary, since, e.g., the "area versus brightness" re- lation may be completely different for flares of different types. R. Gulyayev [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 212 41278 S/035/62/000/010/026/128 AOOI/AlOl AUTHORS: Gurtovenko, E. A., Didychenko, Ye. I. TITLE: The solar diffraction spectrograph of GAO, 'AS UkrSSR PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 10. 1962, 46, abstract 10A336 ("Izy. G1. astron. observ. AN USSR", 1961, v. 3, no. 2, 138 - 150) TEXT: The authors describe in detail the horizontal solar telescope (spherical mirror D=20 cm, F-8 m) and the diffractionspectrograph of the Main Astronomical Observatory, AS UkrSSR, manufactured in Klyev. Linear dis- persion of the spectrograph in the 1, 2 and 3rd orders of the spectrum yellow &A, regions is equal to 2.55; 1.21-and 0.74 A/mm respectively. The methods and results of checking the slit for wedge shape and checking the quality of the grating are described, as well ai of'investigating the instrumental profile and astigmatism of the spectrogr,iph and scattered light in it. Examples of spectrograms taken with the described instrument are presented. I. Zhulin [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 AUTHORS: Gurtovenko, E. A., Semenova, N. N. 4.1.2 kE`1 ~( " 3/035/62/000/010/035/128 AOOl/A1Ol TITLE: Spectrophotometric stueq of prominences and fil&ments in hydrogen lines PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya. I Geodeziya, no. 10, 10,,0'2, 51, abstract IOA361 ("Izv. Gi. astron. observ. AN USSR", 1961, v. 4, no. 1, 31 - 54, English summary) - TEXT: Spectra of several filaments and prominences, corresponding to them at extending to the limb, weL-- taken by means of the horizontal solar tele3cope of the GAO, AS UkrSSR. 1i was assumed, while Interpreting ineagure- ment results, that profiles of Investigated hy~rogbn lines were of the Doppler nature. The function of sources P is considered as independent of the depth. and the wavelength. Moreover, it is assumed that the glow of prominences (fil- aments) is composed of two components, one of which is due to scattering of .phAospheric radiation and the other to the proper emission of a prominence (filament) caused by recombinations and electronic impact excitation. On 'Uqese C,ard 1/3 3/035/62/000/0 10103511,18 Specirophotometric study of... A001/A101 assumptions, the intensity of prominence radiation I p and intensity of fila- ment radiation can be expressed by the formulae: IX ph exp IP= (P1 + P2 IAoph If = (P I+ P2 exp + ph exp Ill., D ph where P1 and P2 are functions of sources for the processes of radiation proper and scattering respectively, I Xph/IXOph Is distribution of intensity in the same line of photospheric spectrum.Using the method of successive approximations, such parameters r" A A DP 2P 2 b , Pit P N (population of the second level of hydrogen atoms) and Nk (population of excited levels) were selected, for which measured Card 2/3 1 S/035/62/boo/blO/035/128 Spectrophotometric study of... A001/A101 line profiles coincide with those calculated by the above cited formulae. The main advantage of such a processing method of photometric data is complete on account of self-absorption for all the lines without exception. In particular it is proven that self-absorption plays a great role in origination of the H '(3 lines. The magnitude of N 2 increases, in some cases,*with the number of the .line. This can be explained by drawbacks of the model.adopted, namely by that P varies actually with depth. The proper emission of a prominence P 1 fs usually less than the fraction P dueto glow excitation-by photospheric radiation. Dop- pler half-widths Z-\'\ 0~2filament and prominence lines differ systematically from each other in Ach 'a way, that electronic temperature In filaments is higher, on an average, by 30000C than in prominences.,In one of the filaxientswere 9'pserved phenomena of ei.,C~?tive nature, simultaneous changes of vrj~ P, quantity. There Oe 11 references. R. Teplitskaya TAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Q&rd 3/3 4; A: S/214/62/000/003/002/004 1046/1246 AUTHORS: Gurtovenko-,--E.A, and Rakhubovsky, A.S. TITLE; Filnment contrast variation between the center and the limb on the solar disc SOURCE: Solnechnyye dannyyet no-3, 1962? 56-61 TZXT-. Allowin,- for the limb darkening of the undisturbed chromosphere, the aut hor obtains the following expression for the luminance of any solar formation aq. a function of the angular distance 0 from the center: if= 0-55-106(Ef/E U) y (0) erg. ce2. see -1. sterad-1 where Zf,E~ are luminance of the formation and the undisturbed Card 1/3 S/214/62/000/003/002/004 1046/1246 Filamen-c contrast variation.... chromosphere in arbitrz~ry units, y(O) is the ordin-,.Ae of the experimental chromospheric limb d-orkening curve. The expression cL rk 119ty LA 19) obtained for --n ide-lized homogeneous curtain-like formation, makes possible the calculation of the average optical thickness of the formation on the limb, t f , from purely experimental characteristics (aIf/d(sin 6, ),a,~,A(sin 6 ) are tangents to the 1,C=IgO~An 6 ) and Iu=lu(bin 6 ) curves). In the concrete case of fil=.nents, the luminance variation follows essentially the chromo- spheric limb darkening up to sin 0.85, whereas near the limb ard 2/3 S/214/62/000/003/002/004 Filament contraB t. variat ion... 1046/1246 the drop in filament lumimince is somewhat more rapid. Since applicatior of the ideali7ed eauation (7) gives T' eff= 0.8 at 0 variance with actual thickness of protuberance in the H,,& line, the observed lumin.~nce.drop near the limb is only par- tially, if at all, explained by the simplified curtain model; comprehensive interpretation of the If(isi'n 0 ) curve should allow for the inhomogeneous structilre of solar formations. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION; Glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya Akademii nauk USSR (141ain Astronomical Observatory AS UkrSSR) Card 3/3 GURTOVFNKO, E.A.; RAKRUBOVSKIY, A.S. Emission edge of hydrogen filaments. Izv. Glav. astron. obser. AN USSR 5 no.1:68-92 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Sun-Observation) ASTAPOVICH., I. S.[Astapov7ah I S.1, doktor fiz.-mtem. nauk; VSEKHSVYATSKIY, S. K.tjVa;khxvjata'kyj, S. Y,.], doktor fiz.- matem; nauk., prof.; GORDELA=, Sh. G., kand. fiz.-wtem. P Ro A.]v kanda fiz.-matem. nauk; G~RTO_ 7g~k [Hurtovenko V _j? DtL6 nauk; fiz.-matem. nauk; TORZHEVSKAYA., G. P.[Torzhavalka, H. P.),, zhurnalist Telescope of "Nauka i Zhyttia.0 Nauka i zh3rttia 12 no.2:32 F '63. (MIRA 1614) (Astronow-Observations) GURTOVENKO, Ye.A. (Hurtovenko, E.A.), kand. fiz,-matem. nauk Telescope of the periodical Mauka, i zhyttia.u Nauka. i zhyttia 13 no.lq.-54-~55, 61 N 163. (MIRA 16M) i~ GURTOVENKC, Ernest Andreyevich[Hurtovenkc), E...',.]; 'M.J., red. [The quiet sun] Spokiine sontse. Kyiv, Naukova durka 1965. 43 p. (141RA 18:9~ 1, i ; :1 I ".Ij ACC INRi AiW03554dl SOUIZCE' CODE,: UH /0 26 9 /66 1000 10 1 () lot) ~)O,i AUTHOR; Gurtovenko, E. A.;Skorik, K. Ye. TITLE: Fra-clectrophotometer for studying the spectrum of limb flares and !wonlinences SOURCE: Ref. zh. AsLroriomiya, Abs. 10.51.373 REF SOURCE: Solneclinyye dannyye, no. 12, 1965 (1966), 56-62 TOPIC TA6S: solar spectrum, solar limb, limb flare, limb prominence, limb flare measurement, limb prominence measurement A138TRACTz The instrument Is desigaed to measure ray velocities and the profile of the I-Icy line in the spectrum of any formation on the solar limb during its evolu- 'Lion. The output of the spectrogrqph is rigidly fitted with a photomultiplier using a searching guide. The guide is fixed in such a way that 4.1he HY line of the III order is in the field of the ocular micrometer, when the 1-b line of the II order reaches the photomultiplier. Fol.low-ing a rearrangement of the guide, the instru- m ent may be used to register other lines. The output slot is 511 x 0. 07 A, the dark current of the photomultiplier is 10-9 at a voltage of 1880 v. Use is made of Card 112 UDC: 522.56 ACC NRi A1160355,14 a three-stage d-c amplifier with an adjustable time constant. The zero drift is 0. 1-0. 2^v/hr at an output load of 100 ohm. Recording is done on an EEP-09 device. The scanning rate is 1/14 A/sec, but can be increased twofold. When determining ray velocity, the tying in to the wavelength system is carried out by ,nean.s of two lines which are "written" in the spectrum at a fixed distance. One of the lines is directed on the Ily line in the field of the guide. The article includes a bibliography of 12 titles. A. Bazanov. [Translation of abstract] [DW] SUB CODE- 03, 09/ Cc.,d 2 / 2 ACC NR' AR6035296 SOURCE CODE: UR/0 69166/000/009/0052/0052 AUTHOR: Gur..tovenko, E. A. ; Rakhubovskiy, A. S. TITLE: Change in solar prominence characteristics during the sunspot cycle, Part 1. Balmer lines of hydrogen SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 9.51.442 REF SOURCE: Solnechnyye dannyye, no. 9, 1965, 49-56 TOPIC TAGS: solar prominence, solar activity, sunspot cycle, astronomic observatory, hydrogen line ABSTRACT: An attempt has been made to investigate the behavior of the Balmer decrement in the solar -prom inenc e spectrum during the sunspot cycle. Spectro- grams are developed for a number of solar prominences observed in 1957-1964 at the Main Astronomical Observatory, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR, as well as at the Kiev University observatory. * Use was also made of results of robservations of other authors (1952-1959). It was found that the available data are not sufficient for reliable conclusions. The preliminary results indicated that C.,,d 1 / 2 UDC: 523.77 ACC NRt AR6035296 during maximum solar activity, the intensity of the Ha-146 line is considerably higher than during the minimum, and that the change in the decrement is inBignifi- cant for the HP--H6 line. Bibliography contains 23 titles. (Translation of abstract] [NTI SUB CODE: 031 2/2 IMITRMKO, P.A.; GURTOUNKO, O.G. Effect of electrolytes on absorption of phosphoric acid by noil. 1)0-povidi Akad. Hauk Ukr. R.S.R. '50,' ko;5. 38M1 'Ohissian summary. 391-2). (CA 47 no.21:11623 153) (MI-RA 6:4) KHARKHAROV, A.A.j GURTOVEMO, S.I.; KALONTAROV, 1.1a. Investigating the hydrolysis of cj7es containing chlorine derivatives of heterocycles as a reactive system. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no-4:99-102 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Leningradskiy takstil'W institut imeni S.M. KLrova. Studying the kinetics of the hydrol:,!-,'s of' d:T,~; in alkali and acid medlu. Izv. vys. u(,,'iiQb, 7.,;v.; teld-,. .y teks. Dro,.?I. no.3:95-101 164. (lKTRA 1 10) 1. Leningradskiy institut tekstillnoy i legkoy prumyshlemnosti imeni Kirova. 1. DI "I"i, "KC, "1"0' C. G. 2. ussft (6oo) 1~. Soil Moisture Analysis 7. Removincr colorim, iiiatter from anueous extract,s of solonetz soils, Trudy UINIDISOZ 6, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, `aY 1953. Unclassified. I;.-;; 7~FNlllli-ill till 9541, TH I I To V i Ye rx", t Witmer H 11.1 06467 AUTHOR: Gurtovnik, A.S. SOV/141-1-5-6- 1V28 TITLE: The Theory of the-i4o,lecular oscillator PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1958, Vol 1, Nr 5-6, pp 83 - 87 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The systems of Eqs (1) proposed by V.M. Fayn (Ref 1) are examined by the small parameter method. It is shown that when the number of active molecuIez N is less than a part1cular value the oscillator is in. stable equilibrium. When this latter value is exceeded the condition becomes unstable. At the critical value nearly simusoldal oscillations are excited with a frequency close to the natural frequency of the resonator. The amplitude of these oscillations increases with N When K is much 0 larger the oscillations become unstable. More complicated doubly-periodic oscillations can arise but this topic is not pursued. The set of equations (1) can be much simplified if expressed in terms of the small parameter Cardl/2 I/Q as (7) and an approximate periodical solution is found C6467 The Theory of the Molecular Oscillator SOV/141-1-5-6-il/28 at the bottom of p 85. Satisfaction of the Routh-Hurwitz criterion leads to the expressions (3.1) for field strength, polarisation and number of active molecules. There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION.: Issledovatellskly fiziko-teldmicheskiy institut pri Gorlkovskom universitste (Physical Technical Research -Institute of Gorlkiy University) SU13MITTED: May 26, 1958 Card 2/2 S/123/60/000/04/02/003 Translation fromt Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No 4, p 23, # 15706 AUTHOR, Gurtovnik, I.G. T=- Combining Plastics When Manufacturing Machine! FartsN PERIODICAL. Za tekhn. progress (Sovnarkhoz Gor1kovsk. ekon. adm. r-na), 1958, Nos 8 - 9, p 41 TEXT,~ For the manufacture of machine parts It Is sometimes necessary to use press powder with a high fluidity, while separate components of these machine parts should possess a high stability. It is not always possible to meet. both requirements if only one material is '_,,-)ed. A description Is given of -the method suggested by the author of manufacturing machine parts of plastics with the ---om- bined application of two materials, one with a higher fluidity (K-21-22), the other of higher stability TK) (PTK). 3 f 4rures. Card 1/1 SjN.K. 25M SCV/117-59-4-26/;36 AUTHOR: Gurtovnik, I,,G,,, Engineer TITLE-, --fi-astic Slide Valves in Compressed Air Distributors PERIODICAL- Mashinostroitel", 1959, Nr 4., p 58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The described plastic slide valves shown in photograph)., made of compressed "K-18-2" and 'K-21- 22" powder by conventional pressing in a 50--ton press, were tested in work conditions and proved fully suitable to replace the bronze slide valves used U4. t8 now. They can be pressed in 6-7 minutes in 160-, 5 C, and require only slight rubbing with "GOI" paste after pressing. There is I photograph. Card 1/1 n, ~4' 1 -G-(JFcTPVL)i$ Aro settoorial f'UcLU(LtLcjlIS in tho woigi-o, ol, nuv~~rn infants. Trutly Tadzil. rnned- il; ia' ZFAv--,diqu.-IiIcikjy --y -12 '14. Sinzetrol Le o, i:; I 1~i nn'l ny! 1, ~:;Iut,-!Y, 1. GURTOVOY. B. L. 2. 'USSII (600) 4* Fistula, Vesicovaginal 7. Prolapse of the urinary bladder through vesicovaginal fistula. Akush. J gim. no. 6 1952. go Monthly List of &sflian Accesslau, Library of Congress, Much 1953- Unclassified. GURTOVOY, B.L., kandidat maditainskikh nauk Surgical obstetrics in the "Canon" of Ibn-Sina (Avicenna). Akusho. I gin. no.4:81-81+ Jl-Ag '55- (MLHA 8:11) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii ( L. To. Gurtovoy) Stalinabadskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Avitsenny. (OBSTETRICS, Abu Ali contribution of Ibn-Sina) (BIOGRAPHINS Ibu-Sina. Abu Ali) GURTOVOT B.L., kandidat moditainakikh nauk (Stalinabad) Certain cha,~actoristice of vaginal cytology and its relation to fetal sex. Probl.endok. i gorm. 2 no.6:99-102 N-D 156. (KERA 10:2) 1. Iz kafedry almaheretva i ginekologii Staliaabadakogo meditsinskogo Instituta (Ur. - chlon-korrespondent Aakademii nauk Tafthikskoy SSR Ta.A.Bakhimov) (VAGINAL SMEAR, in pregnancy, relation to fetal sex Pas)) (SJM CHARACTERISTICS relation of maternal vaginal cytol. to fetal sex (Rus)) (YE-rus , sex, relation to maternal vaginal cytol. (Rus)) GURTOTOT, B.L.,Apteent Removing a leach which remained for 8 days in the vagina of a 5-year o3A girl. Akush. i gin. 33 no.2:114-k15 Kr-Ap '57. .(MLRA 10:6) 1. 1z kafedry akusheretva i ginakologii (zav. - prof. L-Te. Qurtovoy) Stalinabadakago maditainskogo Instituta Imeni Aviteenny. (VAGINA-70"IGN BODIM) (LUCHES). GURTOVOY, B.L., dots.; AX111MOV9 V.Z., Bohlen's test in gynecological 74-79 Jl-Ag '571- ordinntor diseases. Akush.i gin. 33 no.4: (KIRA 10:11) 1. It kafedry akusherstva i ginskologii (zav. - zaaluxhennyy deyatell nauki Tadzhikskoy SSR prof. L-Ye.Ourtovoy) Stalinsbadakogo meditslnBkogo Instituta. (GY14XCOLOGIGAL DISEASES, diag. Bolen's test in cancer & in non-neoplastic die.) GURTOVOY, B. Elbirtovoy, B.], Pfoblem of atorIlIty In the 'Medical canon" of Ibn Sinn (AvIconna). Ped., a1cush. I gin. 20 no.1:63-64 158. (MIRA. 13:1) 1. Kafedra akusheretva I ginakologii Stalinabadelcogo meditsiuskogo instituta im. Avitesulmi (direktor - chlen-korrespondett AN Tafthikskoy SSR Ta. A. Rakhtmov). (STXRII,ITT) (AVICINU, 980? - 1037?) GURTOVOY, B.L., dotsent Some p:-oblens in the care of gynecolo,,,ic patients. Zdrav. Tadzh. 8 no-4-13-15 JI-Ag 161. (GYNECOLOGY) (ME'l 14: 10) GURTOVOY. B.L. Trace elements in parturients' milk under the climatic and geographical conditionB of the dry subtropics. Zdrav.Tadzh. 9 no.5:58-60 162. (MIRA 15:1~)-' 1. Iz 11-y kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - dotsent P.L.Gurtovoy) Tadzhikslogo meditainakogo instituta imeni Abuali ibni Sino. (TRACE ELEMENTS IN THE BODY) (DUSHANBE-MILK, HUMAN) QURTOVOYVB,L. Content of some trace elements in the milk of puerperanto under the climatogeographical conditions of and subtropical areas of the Tajik S.S.R. Vop. pit. 22 no-5:70-73 S-0 163. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. 1z 2-y kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (2sav. - dotsent B.L. Gurtovoy) Tadzhikskogo meditainskogo instituta, Dushanbe. GURTOVOY., B.L.; IMSHENEVSKAYA, K.11. Calcitun and phosphorus in Lhe milk of parturlents unagr the cli.matuic and geographical conditions of dxy subtropics. Zdra-,,,. Turk. 8 no.1:16-19 Ja 164. 0141RA 17,,5) 1. 1z kafedry 6,ushenstva I ginekologli I 'viveduyt-:3~;ei-;?y - doltsent B.L. Guxtolroy) Tadzhikskogo gosudarstvennogo Me ~L4 -' r,.S~-, ~k_ r.,go institute imeni Abi,,ali Ibn--SiTIO. GuitTcxcy, c. K. U~~/Madicine - Light, Perception Jul 1947 Medicine - Irritation "The Problem of the Direction of Changes of the Absolu.te Light Sensitivity of Twilight Sight During the Action of the Acoustic Irritation," G. K. Gurtcr7oil 4 pp '!Byul Eksp Biol i Med" Vol XXIV, No 7 Describes methods of conducting experiments. Results by Kravkov, Semenc-7sltaya ~md Vishaevekiy showed a lowering of sensitivity. 1L--14 .0: v P')- 10 --111, no ti; Ila the j 'Ile o-c v'l!c ixrn~nt juk. 7 oll, l.-Ojjoc:,T-Olro-o uj ~Olr GURTOVOY, G.K. [Visual qualities in achromatosis] Svoistva zrenlia akhromatoy. Mookva, 1950. 22 p. (MI-RA 6:9) (Albinoo and albinism) (Sight) GURTOVOY, G. K. G. K. Gurtovoy and S. V. Kravkov "Spectral kdaptometer with Range Adjuster," which appeared in the Journal, Problem of Physiological Optics, Vol. 10, 1950. u-14ol, 25 JulY 53. "Reactions to Colors in the Color-Blind (Achromates)" and "Spherical Aberration and Diffraction in the Eye," Ibid. GURTOVOY, G.K.; KRAVKOV, S.V. - Effect of the color of illumination of one eye on the reaction of the other. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR 78 no.2:391-392 31 Yhy 1951- (CLRL 20:9) 1. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR S.V. Kravkov, deceased. 2. Sector of Psychology, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences USSR. GURTOVOY, G.K. Considerationo on photography of tho pupil in darkness. Probl. fiziol. opt. no.lOtlO6-111 952. (MIRA 7-11) 1. Laboratorlya btofiziki, izotopov I isluchenlya pri Otdelenii Biologicheakikh nauk AN SSSR. Sek-tor paikhologii In--ta filosofii AN SSSR. Zav. laboratoriyey prof. A.M.Kuzin. Rukovoditell gruppy chlen-korr. AN i AMR SSSR prof. S.V.Xravkov [deceased] (PHOTOGRAPHY, of pupil In darkness) (PUPILS, photography in darknOBS) GURTOVOY, G.K. Iffect of color adaptation on color balance. Probl. fiziol. opt. no-10:39-51 152- (KM 7.-11) 1. Laboratorlya biofisiki, i.gotopoy I isluchenly pri Otdolenil biologicheskikh nauk AN SSSR. Sektor psikhologil In-ts filosofil AN SSSR. Rukoyoditall gruppy Maen-korr. AN i AMN SSSR S.T.11ravkov. [deceased] (COLOR VISION, eff. of color adaptation on color balance) (ADAPTATION, OCULAR, eff. of color adaptation on color balance) USOR/Optics Physiotogical Optics K-9 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 1318o Author Gurtovoy, G.K., Gurevich, L.V., Murzayeva, L.B., �ire-f-sk~~a, L.I'., Yampol'skaya, T.G. Inst Title Investigation of the Laws of Color and Three Dimensional Visions and Their Use for Increasing the Effectiveness of Road Signals. Orig Pub : Tr. In-ta biol. fiz. AN SSSR, 1955, 1, 136-157 Abstract : Starting with the premise that the problems of visibility of road signals are insufficiently well developed, the authors have undertaken an extensive investigation of the influence of such factors, as the shape of the signs, the combination of colors of the image on the sign and of the background, the dimension of the sign, and its illumina- tion. As a total the following recomendations were made: (1) With respect to the shape -- rectangle (1:4 to 1:10), Card 1/2 0 USM/Optics Physiotogical Optics K-9 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 13180 triangle, and circle. (2) With respect to color -- yellow sign against a red background and black on yellow. (3) With respect to the image on the signs -- make them solid and of different configurations, increasing the di- mensions to I meter on roads of class I -- III and illu- minating them with a 25 -- 60 watt bulb. The recommenda- tions have been incorporated in the present stand rd. Card 2/2 GURTOVOT, G.K.; TILIGINA. 0.F. Formation of a conditioned reflex connection between visual and motor analysors with respect to the color and weight of objects. Trudy Inst.biol.fiz. no.1:200-204 155. (MIRA 9:9) (CONDITIOM RES ONSR) (HURING) (SIGHT) USSR/Optics Physiological Opticsp K-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35931 Author: Gurtovoy, G. K., Seletskaya, L. I. Institution: Institute of Biological PhysicB,, Academy of Sciences USSR Title: Concerning the Problem' of the Connection Between the Sight and Hearing Analyzers Original Periodical: Probl. fiziol. optiki, 1955, 11, 14-18 Abstract: It is shown that just as a sound stimulus increases the threshn-ld of the light sensitivity of the eye during the process of dark adaptation, so does the conditional stimulus act In exactly the same manner. Such stimuli were the putting on earmuffs ' bearing against the shoulder aff the subject, and the rhythm of stimulattcm itselt. The latter indicates that a reflex with respect to time took place. Card 1/1 , GURTOVOY,,G.K, _ -- , 71~r . -.. Evolutioa of the eye. Hauka i zhizal 23 no-9:32-33 S 156. (KLU 9: 10) I.Stftrehiy sauchayy setrudaik Iastituta biefiniki AN SSSR. (M) (2voi;JT Iciff) GURTOVOY, G.K.; BURDYANSKAYAq Ye.O. Visual sensations induced by X irradiation of the eye using doses in the miUiroentgen range. Biofizika, 4 no. 6:708-713 159 iMBA 14:4) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSRp.Moskva i Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inBtitut glaznykh bolozney imeni Gall- mgolitsat Moskva. (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (VISION) GURTOVOY. Georgiy KonBtantinovich; SLWNOVUAYA, U.N.,; VYAZWSU,i, V.N., red,izd-va; BMJZGULI I V.V., [Byes and vision] Glas i zranie. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 93 P. (MIRA 13:6) (Bye) GTTRTOVOY, G.K.; NOLIEH, Ya.V. Curves of color silln tion in tricbromat obtained by direct determin- ation of radiation power. Biofizilm, 4 no.3:336-344 159. OWU 12:7) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Mo*va. (COWR VISION, physiol. color summt1on curves in trichromates by direct power determ. (Rae)) GURTOVOY. G.K. - of Hill's article on biophysics. Biofiziim, 4 no-3: 380-384 '59. OGA 12:7) (BIOPHZIGS) A 4~1 Aw "14, tv, " GURTOVOY G X - BURDYANSK&YA, Ye.O. I--- a- Dosed X-irradiation oF' various regions of the head and visual perceptions. BiofizIka 5 no-3:354-.161 160. (MM .13:7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki Akademii nault SSSR, Moskva i Gosudar- stvennyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitut glaftykh bolozney im. Gel,mg0l Itsa Moakma. (VISIION) (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGIGAL EFFECT) (RADIATION-DOSAGE) GURTOVOY, G.K#; BURDYANSKAYA, Ye.0. Threshold of reactivity to X irradiation in different regions of the human retina. Biofizika 5 no. 4:474-478 160. (MIRA 13:12) la Institut biologichaskoy fiziki AN SSSRp Moskva i Institut glazrWkh bolezney imeni Gel1mgolltsas Moskva. (RETINA) (I RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) GURTOVOY, G.K.; ITSIKSON, L.Ya.; BYVSHEVA, 0.11. Radiophosphorus diagnosis of ocular tumors and the ways for its improvement. Vest.oft. no-3:9-15 My-Je 162. (MIFLI 1528) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, glaznykh bolezney imeni Gellmgoltsa (direktor A.V. Roslavtsev). (PHOSPHORUS--ISOTOPES) (EYE-TUMORS) -qURIOVOY.-G.FI.I Intravital study of 'Ahp c-,!' .i.-i of labeled subs'--inces Into eyc tissue. 8. 68 163. (MIRA .17:8) 1. Institut. glaznykh bolfizney imani Calliagol"I'mi, M-.-,.qkva. GURTOVOY, G.K, r-:g Methcd for a mcire ra Cj4 C, (part imilarly ocu-,.ar). Bic.Xl,,lka8 1. Goslidarstver~ryyna-Lichno-i-ssledovat.-31'skly boleznp-y imeni Gellrngolltsa, GuIvrovoy, G.K. Radioisotope diagnoBla of* eye tumorci. Mel. v9d, F no.g; 17-22 Ag 163. -,-7, --1r,,) 1. Iz Instituta glaznykh ~olezney imeni KI)LIZHh'IKOV, G.A., polkovnik zeditainskoy sluzhby; GURTOVOY, mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; KOSHTOYANTS, K.B., 'kbVAizVk., z.1.4. Some clinical characteristics in the course of influenzo during the 1959 epidemic. Voen.=W'-zhur. no.11:72 N 161. (MIRA 15:6) (INFLUENU) D[gp U wL GURTOVOY, L.Ye., prof.[doceaoe4-- IVANITSKAYAA Yn.'P., (Joktor med. nauk; MAZRBITS, A.M., prof.; PREYSMAN, A.B., prof.; STARTSEVA, L.N., kand. med. nauk; THUYEVTSEVA, G.V., kand. med.nauk; SHUB, R.L., zasl. deyatell nauki LatTiyakoy SSR prof.; YAGUNOV, S.A., prof.(deceased]; PERSIANOV, L.S., prof., oty. red.; ZHMAKIN, K.N., prof., zaal. deyatell nauki RSFSR, red.; RYABOV, G.Z., red.; WWOVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. (Multivolume manual on obetetrics and gynecology) Mnogotom- noe r4kovadstvo po akuaheratyu i ginekologii. Moskva, Med- giz. Vol.4. Book 1. (General gynecology] Obshchaia gineko- logiia. 1963. 674 P. (MIRA 16!9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk (for Yagunov, P~arsiiqninov). (GYNECOLOGY) GURTOVOY, M., ROMISKIY, V. Machines for the meat Industry. Mias.ind.SSSR 32 no.6:8-9 ,61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Poltavskiy zavod "Prodmash". (Meat industry--Equipment and supplies) 9 A J.-I , U.-L 4 7r f-fl,tal I I I I I - - . V.. q W pad __.&MQxQL. J. Exog. rksow. Pkp. ill. S. S. R.) IT. -A 1941) bW I 0 z , nwt ( s dewibed or dintkluubing werderuketrons dected by rwastaW &Mj ly pan. m T low. frorn "-w ropidly in- cream F. It. R. WAkLUNGKAL L111*4702 CLASIFICAM04 - Worn A 0 N 0 0 0 u of lose it & It it op at 9 a Kali 1111W 0 0 0 0 0 IVERONOVA, V.I., prof.; GOIAJBKOV, P.V., prof., red.; KONDILENX0, I.I., dots.. red.; GURTOVOY, X-Ye., dots., red.; MARIAHASHVILI, P.M., dots. red. Ci~rogt'r.~a'm.."'i.n.-'general phyaics for physics and physicoms theme tics f8CUltiaB Of state universities) Programme po boshchei fizike dlis fizicheskikh i fiziko-matematichetikikh fakulltatov gosudaretvenzwkh universitetov. [Kiev] Izd-vo Kievskogo gos. univ. Pt.l. [Mechanics. Molecular physics. Xlectricity and magnetism. Optical Nekhanika. Holakaliarnaia fizika. Ilektrichestvo I magnetizm. Optika. 1956. 8 p. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Russia (1,923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo vysshego obrazoveniya. (Physice-Study and teaching) USSR/Electronics Ellectronic and ionic EF:,)dssion H-2 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika,, No 5., 1957., 12298 Author : Gurtovoy, M.Ye., Sosenko.- P.P. Inst : Title : On the Depth of the Ioln-Electron Emission Orig Pub : Nauk. povidomlennya Kiivslk. un-tu, 1956, vyp. 1, 11 Abstract : Brief report on the work of the authors, in which they ob- tained results that show that the ion-electron emission upon bombardment by fast hydrogen ions is a phenomenon that takes place within the volume of the emitter., and is not localized on its surface. Card 1/1 SOV/1 12-57-6-13026 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 6, p- 195- (USSR) AUTHOR: Gurtovoy, M. Ye. TITLE: Fluctuat Electron Space-Charge Compensation (Kolebaniya kompensatsii elektronnogo ob"yemnogo zaryada) PERIODICAL: Nauk. zap. Kiyevsk. an-t, 1955, Vol 14, Nr 8, pp 189-193 ABSTRACT: The author of the article discovered fluctuations in the anode current of an electron tube that operated with a compensation of electron space charge (Gurtovoy, M. Ye. , KoLvalenko, G. I. , Fiz, zap. -AN Ukr SSR, 1941, Vol 9, p 249). Sper_ially~manufaaursd.diodsa cd .3 -types, filled with Ca, K, Na-. were investigated. Ions- of. alkali metals ar-e farmed because of the contact ionization of their atoms that takes place on the surface of an incandescent cathode. These' ions are continuously delivered to the next-to-cathode range of the negative space charge and cause its compensation. Thanks to this fact, anode currents equal to the saturation currents were obtained with various and even with zero anode voltages. It was discovered that under certain conditions, the Card 1/2 SOV I 112-57-6-130?-6 Fluctuations of Electron Space-Charge Compensation voltage-current characteristics of the investigated tubes showed dips. Appearance of the dips was always accompanied by anode-current fluctuations. These fluctuations are caused by fluctuations in space-charge compensation, which in turn are due to fluctuations of the positive-ion concentration near the cathode. Effects of the tube-filament temperature (filament current) and the vapor pressure of the alkali-metal tube filling on the amplitude and frequency of the fluctuations were investigated. It was found that fluctuation amplitude increases with increase in vapor pressure. The strongest fluctuations were observed in the tubes filled with Na vapor. The fluctuations have a frequency of about 300 Icc and their shape is fairly close to sinueoidal. In case of Na- filled tubes, -the fluctuation frequency in about 180 kc. L. I. A. Card. 2/2 S/10 62/000/005/122/157 D230N)308 _'t.UT11O,-HS: Hurtovyy, ?,.Ye., and Krulykivs1kyy, B.K. '2ITLE: The ii-"luence of an overall state of the substance on -L the ion-electron emission PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. !,vtomatika i .-adioelektronika, n.o. 5, 1962, 45, abstract 5zh3O4 (Visnyk Xyyivslk. un- tu, 1960 (1961)9 no. 3, ser. astron., fiz. ta khimiy, no. 2' 33-35) . 9 T-E'X"_,': Using a. mass spectrometer the secondary electuron emission of Pb was investigated whilst bonbarding it with ions of Hg, Pb and Bi. isotopes, viit.h energies of 2 and 4 keV. It was established that (a) as Pb target is purified, the difference between the secondary emission coefficient (s.e.c.) of the solid and molten Pb decreases and finaily becomes negligible; (b) s.e.c. rises substantially with ion energy; (c) s.e.c. is independent of the kind of ions (with specified limits). Lkbstractor's note: Complete translation]. Card 1/1 ZiaRMSKIY, 0.2,.[Z4muds'kyi, O.Z.], kand.fiz.-mat.naulc, dots.- GLLRTOVYY M.Ya. J~~ [Gurtovyi, M.M.1; KRIVOSRVYA, A.S. [Kryvoehaia, A.Lj, red.; VOIKOVA, U.K.. ~kchiavementaof modern physical Doniahnannia suchasnoi fisyky. ?id red. O.Z.Zhmudelkoho. Kyiv. Derzh.uchbovo-pedagog. vyd-vo 'Radianalka shkola.0 No-5. 1957. 310 D. (KIRA 1l.-6) (Ptwaice) h5768 S/194/62/000/012/072/101. D295/D308 AUTHORS: Gurtoviy, M. Ye., Ostroukhov, A. A. and-Pekar, S. I. TITLE: Theory'of space-charge compensation in Qlectric vacuum devices PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no, 12, 1962, 55, abstract 12 Zh 344 (Nauk zap. Kyyivslk. un-t ' v. 18, no. 3, 1959, 173-18i (Ukr.; summary in Rue.)) TB'XT: Experimental and theoretical papers that~consider the com- penbation,of volume'charge in the interelectrode space by charges of opposite sign are briefly reviewed. A theory,of a vacuum diode filled-with gas vapor ionized at the'surface of'the hot cathode is developed. A system of two Boltzmann equations for the distri- bution functions of electrons and ion* and of Poie6on equation with ULlitable boundary con(litiono is solved. The thermionic current and tlit;'surface ionization of atoms of, gas are taken into account at the cathode, and the absorption and reflection of electrons and Gard 112 V194/62/00U/012/072/1-01 Theory of upace- j)295/1)308 the neutralization of atoris are talcon into account at the anode. The equations are solved -Cor swall cone entrut ions of the gas when the collision integrals may ue iiee;1ccted in Boltzmann's equations; the case is also considered of t single potential minimum in the vacuum. An equation is obtained that connects the depth of tlie po_ tential minimum with the electron and ion currents, the anode vol- tage and other parameters of thc gas and of the diode; this equa- tion makes it po;3sible to dutermirle the appearance of full compen- uation of the electron charge by the ion charge, for which the po- tential minimum in the vacuum vanishes. Expressions for the through electron and ion currerits are ihown. An aiialysiB of the results obtained shows t',iat the case conuidered of low gas pressures in- cludes the range of opuratin~, conditi(~as of a vacuum diode which is of interest in practice. The reSLIlt3 o.-I the investig- ittion can be- LL,jijlicd to tvhe theory of thermoelectron converters of thermal ener- gy at lov, .)ressu:.-e. 10 refurences. Abstracter's note: Complete .trarlo -7 Ca-rd. 212- GURD-NOY, N.N.; ll,'DCHEV V.D.; KRUSHKIN, V.I. p Adaptive cbara~-.ter!Btlct; of the skin of the external Part of the acoustic analysor in birds. Zool. zhur. 44 nc.2: 304-306 165. (141HA 18: 5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennpj universitet. V . 1-1. , dotsent, ; !T' 11"ITNik , LM.T~ , dotoont -- ,l-! ii~Ti ~ VOY ~ Second .~siaLic Con-7ress of Obstetricians and Gynect-d-C-6isto. Akush. i gin. 38 no.5:122-124 5-0 '62. (MIR.-A 17:11) FAYDYSH) Alel:sandr Nikolayevich [Faidyeh 0-14-1, kand. fiziko-mat. nauk; -- GUM'OVYY., II.Yu.[Hurtovyi,, M,1U.1, kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, otv. reT,,; ST ROSTENKO, T.M., red.; MATVIICHUK, O.A., tekbn. red. (Themonuclear reactions; on the natural and artificial suns] TexTwiaderni reaktsii; pro pryrodne i shtuclme sontse. Kyiv,, 1961. 37 P. (Tovarystvo dlia posbyrennia politychnykh i nauko- vyldi znan' Ukrainslkoi RSR. Ser. 6, no.20) (MIRA 15:2) (Thermonuclear reactionB) 17(4) AUTHORS: Vorontsov, N. N., Gurtovoy, 11. W. SOV/20-125-3-59/63 TITLE: The Structure of the Abdominal Gland in Cricetini - Cricetinae- Rodentia - Mammalia (Stroyeniye arednebryushnoy zhelezy nastoyashchikh khomyakov (Cricetini - Cricatinae - Rodentia - Mammalia) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19~9, Vol 125, Ur 3, pp 673-676 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Cricetini - Cricetinae - Rodentia - blammalia has in the middle of its abdomen a special gland (as mentioned in the title) which has hitherto not been described (apart from the mention in references 4, 9). Many rodents have special skin glands, the occurrence of which in the individual groups and their function have been little investigated (Refs 5-7)- In the axial line of the body the glandula abdominalis is located befo-re the genitals (Fig 1). Externally it looks like a small slit-shaDed depression surrounded by a horseshoe-like wall. The open part of the horseshoe is directed to the front. A thick, fat-like excretion fills the slit completely. The medial sides of the wall and the bottom of the slit are covered by especially short Card 1/4 hair, whereas the hair of the lateral parts (of the wall) does The Structure of the Abdominal Gland in 3CV/21V-12r--~-r9/6,1! Cricetini Cricetinae - Rodentia - Mammalia not differ from the rest of the hair. Figure 2 shows a sagittal section through the gland of the Cricetulus eversmanni Brandt. With respect to the way of excreting the gland can be divided into two parts: a. Simple glands in the oentTAI part at tho bottom of the alit excrete directly into the hair follicle (Fig 3) in which connection each gland opens into the upper part of the hair follicle through a wide excretory duct. b.The peripheral part of the gland, forming the mentioned wall is clearly built up by little lobes (Fig 4). The lobes excret the secretion into a common du'ct. It may be assumed that the mentioned gland originates from an intensive development of the sebaceous glands of the paxt of the body concerned. Apparently, it seems to function only during the reproductive period. In Phodopus sungorus Pall.the gland becomes noticeable during the fourth week of life. It develops more rapidly in hamsters born in spring which are capable of reproduction already in the same year. In animals born in fall the gland does not develop before spring. After the end of the reproductive period the gland has one half or one quarter of its original size and it is possible Card 2/4 to overlook it when examining it from outside. When they first The Structure of the Abdominal Gland in SOV120-125-3-5916 71 Cricetini Cricetinae - Rodentia - 11ammalia meet hamsters sniff at one another just in the region of the abdominal gland. Their excretion may be of importance for marking off the individual housing places. The gland is equally developed in males and females and was determined by the authors in 12 different types of hamsters (mentioned with their names) which they unite to (Ref 3) Subtribus Cricetini The Palearctic genus Calomyscuo Thom. has no such gland just as the related Reithrodontomys Giglioli, and four further genera of Cricetinae. They were found by other zoologists in Sigmodon and Peromyscus. This point contributes to a closer relationship between Peromyscus and Cricetini. In the South African Mystromys albicaudatus Smith this gland is not developed. Apart from other characteristics the existence of the abdominal gland facilitates a rather clear demarcation.between the Palearctic Tribus Cricetini and 4 other genera, Card 3/4 Tho Structure of the Abdominal Gland in SOV/20-125-3-59/6"i Cricetini - Cricotinae - Rodentia - Mammalia Thus, it is impossible to include Calomyscus (Refs 1-3) in the group of Tribus Cricetini Simpson (Ref 8). The histological pa"-t of the paper was worked out by the second author. There are 4 figures and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOU: Zot3logicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im.Me V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: December 10, 1958, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, Academ-ician SUBMITTED: December 7, 1958 Card 4/4 -NETOY9, Nikc~.l~y,.Y~ko~gey~c~~;~ATVEYEV,3.S., prof., red.; DANILICHENKO, O.P., red.; CHISTYAKOVA, K.S., [Comprehensive laboratory manual on zoology of the vertebrates; anatomy section] Bol'shoi praktikum po zo- olcgii pozvonochnykh; anatomicheskaia chast'. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., Pt.l. no.2.[Cyclostomata] Kruglorotye; metodicheskoe rukovodstvo dlia biologicheskikh fakulftetov gosudarstvennykh universitetav. 1963. 59 p. 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Nachallnik oblastnogo shtaba Kor.- munisticLoskey pirtii, sek-rotart oUastnogo komitata Vsesoyuznogo Leninskoge Kommunisticheakogo soyuza moledezIA (for Titov). 5. Prod- sedatell kolkhoza IlZarya kon-unizmall, selo Tashlyk, VkrSSR (for Yaml-A). (Communist Youth League) ,GURMUYA, Sh.A. Case of torsion of the left testicle in the guiaal canal'simulatin(,7 strangulated herr". Sbor. trud. Mled. nauch. ob-vo Abkh 2:250-251 159. . (ila 14:10) 1. Iz khirurgicheskago otdeleniya Sukhumskoy gorodslco~ bollaitay imeni V.A.Shervashidze (zav. WeleniYam G.N.Emukhvari, glavnyy vrach N.Ye.Bendeliaai). (IMIIA) (TFSTICLE) GURTSKAYA, Sh.A. Operative removal of a cyst of the pancreas. Sbor. tnd. Yled. nauch. ot;o.,,vo Abkh, 2;252-253 159, (WRA 14: 10) 1. 1z khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Sukhumskoy gorodskoy bollaitay imeni V.A.Shervashidze (zav. otdeleniyem G.N.Fmukhvarl, gla*nyy vrach N.Ye. Bendeliani). (PANGREAS--SURGERY) GURTSKAYA, Sb.A. -------- Lymphatic system of the small intestine and its mesentery under normal conditions and following resection. Ekop.khir.i anest. 6 no.2:33-35 161. (MA 141-10) (LDIPHATICS) (IYMTIM) (mmum)