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if L 2n6"5 .1ai AT500340 ACCESSION 5- .-ABSOCCUMIR., - Toontratin" hauch6i"L98164 i scientific' research4 att I ig*tal fatroul mialifir "Uts Moscow (C A113141MEM INCLI '00 aim NO Rat Bovi, odf," t1J. 4-1 'IT Card: V3 4 t4 GUDKOV, A.I. wMwwo- - M~ Machining precise plane surfaces. Stan.i inetr. 28 no.3:37-38 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Killing machines) GUDKOV, A.I., inzh. Work practice of a trust. Stroi. pred. neft. Prom. 3 no.5:24-26 My 158- (MIRA 11:7) (Gamm rayi) BOOK EXPIDITATION S/ :AZ-4037981 Gudkov, Alekaandr Ivanovichl Leshakov,, Pavel Semenovichl Raykov, TAonid Gerasimovich External loads and aircraft strength (Vneshniya nagmzki i prochnost' Istatellny*kh apparatov),, Moscow, Oborongiz,, 1963# 479 P. illus,s biblio, Errata slip inserted- 3.,500 copies printed. ITOPIC TAGSt external load, aircraft strength,, aircraft, helicopter,, aerodynamic heating,, aerodynamic flutter, aircraft vibration, fatigue strength 1PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book is devoted to external loads acting on a flying iapparatus (aircraft and helicopter) and the strength of its design. The book gives basic attention to the actual problems of the strength of modern flying apparatusess~, ~dynamic loading, service life and fatigue strength of structures; strength at high' 1 'flight speeds considering aerodynamic heating,, etc. Besides presenting the*theo- Xetical problems, the book describes the experimental methods of invesvgatim structural strength, The book is intended for engineers who work in d4sign, testini, !and the use of aircraft. It can also be used as a textbook by studenta in aviation t iigher educational institutions, Card 1/k AM4037981 TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridgedls Foreword -- 3 Ch. I. Calculational conditions determining aircraft strength requirements - 5 Ch. II. External loads acting on aircraft parts - 42 .Ch, III. Basic information on vibration theory, Aircraft part vibration 98 Ch. IV. Statistical methods of studying the effect of dynauic loads an structures -- 147 Ch. V. Aircraft vibration - 192 -Ch. VI. Flutter - 215 Ch. VII. Fatigue strength of aircraft structures 247 Ch, VIII, Effect of aerodyn"a heating an aircraft strength 297 Ch. IX. Loading of helloopteri - 339 Ch. X. Experimental In"atigation of aircraft strength 391 Bibllograpby ~ 475 xR jw sov, 02 SUB COWs MSv AC- MBMITTEDs ZWct63 BUZ AOQs 06Apr64 Card, -11 GUDKOVJ, A.I. Now developments In the mechanization of the scraping of precisior., planes. Hashinostroitell no.12t6-7 D 164. (KIRA 18:2) RADO-Yr A.S.; SHUBIN, G.A.; TOPILIN. Ye.K.; -IIP.GTJCLMV, P-P-: GUDKOV, A.N.; p VEMNTAPIN. G.Te.-. SIEUBIN, V.F.: RASKHODOV. 0.F.,, MAKU1011, L.I.; IvAsHcHum, P.S.; KOIPJROV, S.G.; AGLOOV, P.F.; 11KNOV, A.F. Grigorii Mikhailovich Timin; 1876-1957. Pochvovedenis no.11: 103 N 158. (MIRL 11:12) (Tmin, Grigorii Mikhailovich. 1876-1957) SAAKYAN, Sumbat Saakovich, prof.; ZHELIGOVSKIY, V.A., akademik, retsenzent; GUDK prof., retsenzent; ULOYANOV, A.F., prof.,, retienzent; LETNEV, B.Ya., red.; DEYEVA, V.M., tekhn. red. (Agricultural machlnery(design, theory, and calculations); machines for soil cultivation, seeding and planting, placement of fertilizers, control of pests,.and diseases of agricultural plants]Sel'skokho- siaistyennye mashiny (konstruktaiia, teoriia i rischet).. mashimy dlia obrabotki pochvy, poaeva i poBadki, vneseniia udobrenil, dllw borl- by a vrediteliami i bolezniard sellskokhoziaistyennykh rastenil, Mo_ skva,, Sallkhosisdat, 1962. 327 P- (KIRA 16s1) 1. Veesoyuznay& akademiya sellskokhozyayatvennykh nauk in.Y.I.Lenina (f9r.Zheligovskiy). 2. Volgogra.dakiy sells'k0khozyayotvennyy ipatitut (for 6~dkov). 3. Saratovskiy institut mekhanizatail i elektrifikataii Selo~ khosyaystva, im.Kalinina (for Ullyanov). (Agricultural machinery) GUDKOV, Ale-ksaadr-Nikolayevich, prof., doktor tekhn. naukc~ SHKOLINIKOV, A.B., red.; BELOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Some problems of mechanization in agriculture]Nekotorye problemy mekhanizatail sallskokhoziaistvennogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 45 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Agricultural machinery) re; t ! j., ! j; I ; ~:! I ,I-. Vaco.-' Pressure of nonomers over syntl,,E;k, khim. (~4 1. Leningradskiy tekkulologi.-.he-, in.,Ultut. 1C. - I. - ~~ '' : I GUDYCII AJIT : YEI"'Ii, : , i ~ .1 v , ;~. i . Phase eauil-ibrium 'n certain ay~eous .1 - - - - ~ -1. . 1);ikl. 17hur. khi,-,. 37 no.12!.?640-2643 ;' ( :,; - T" I o: -3 1~ :- "," , - f 1. leningradskiy tekhnolokicheskiy instibit imenii 1,Ellso-,,etq. GUDKOV, A.N., clriktor tel(hn.nauk, prof.; NIKULIN, S.N., Inzh. fiqine3 for selecting the forms for the working parts of a manure sp-eader. Trakt. i sellkhomash. no.9:29-31 S 165, (MIRA MIO) L 1288&6_ - WW ACCESSION NR; AT5023-162' UR/2892/651000/004/Oi33/0136 AUTHOR: Gudkov, A. N.; Kolobashkin, V. M.; Nekrasov, V. I.; Ushakova; N. PJ TITLE: The geographical distribution of:nuclear reactors SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheski institut. Voprosy dozimetril I zaah- chity at izlucheniy, no. 4, 1065, 133-136 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor, economic geo'graphy, air pollution control, atom4 ic energy plant equipment ABSTRACT:,The article presents the results of a review of Russian and1oreign literature for the period from 1957 to 1964. It is inten'ded to serve as an aid in Ahe study of the distril;ution of harmful contaminants in.the earth's atmosphere, A figure shows the rise in the power of atomic power reactors for the period 1951-1967 (including those presumed to be in operation). Another figure shows the change in the maximum thermal capacity of atomic energy, research; and transport reactors. An exponential relationship is proposed -ta predict the rise SUDM1N. Aleksey Illich, red.; FMOTOTA,A.I.. red. izd-va; BYKOVA,Y.V., TProgpecting for deposits of optical fluorite; mathodical guide] Poled i razvedb meatorothdonti opticheskogo fliuorita; matodi- cheakle ukazenile. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-takhn.tad-vo lit-ry PO geol. i okhrone nedr, 1959. 37 pe (HM 14:5) (Prospecting) (Fluorite) GIJDKOV,_4e~E!qiq4.r-,Eergeyevich; DERZHAVINA, N.G., red. izd-va; RIKOVA, V#Vt, tokhn, red, [How to search for piezooptical mineral resources]Kak iskat' plezooptiabookoe minerallnoe syrIe. Izd.2. Moskva, Gosgeol- tekhizdat,.1962. 39 p. (MIRA 15:12) (piezoelectric substances-Optical properties) (Prospecting) FUZANOV, L,S.; SUDERKIN", A.I.; 3HESITULI11, G.I.; BOAZAKOV, B.A.; GUDKOV A.S. nauchrrjy red.; SEMILETKOVA, Ye.K. red. izd-va; SjR.MOVA, T.M., tekhn. red. [Industry's requirements as to the quality of mineral raw material s]T rebovaniia prorysblennosti k Icachestvu r-drerall- nogo syrtia; spravochnik dlia geologov. I!io,-,Wa, Gosgeol- tekhizdat. NO-31[Piezoelectric and optical rdnerala)Flezo- elektricheskoe i optichaskoe syrte. lzd.2., perer. 1962. 46 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moscow. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-isiledovatellskiy institut mi- nerallnogo syr1ya. (Quartz) (Iceland spar) (Fluorite) 0DKOV,_A.&; KIYEVLENKO, Ye.Ya.; KONDHASHEV, S.14.; Y&C-AKOIJ, N.P., retsenzont; IAZIKO, Ye.N., retijenzent; FEETROV, V.P., retsenzent; TATARINOV, PJ'L., retsenzent; KHOTENK, M.M., retsenzent; MAKSIMOV, A.A., nauchn. red.; FEDYUK, V.I.# nauchn. red, [Fundamentals of prospecting for piezo-optic mineral de- posits) Osnovy poiskov i razvedki mestorozhdenii plezo- opticheskikh mineralov; metodicheskoe rukovodstvo. Mo- skva, Gosgeoltekhizdatp 1963. 217 p. (MIRA 17:6) LUPALI N.V., kand.tekhn.nank;-GUDKOV, A.V., ir%zh.; MAiMSHKO, F.I., Imnd. tekhn.nauk Operational and technical requirements for the automation of centralized traffic controi. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.2:46-47 F i61. . , (NIRA 14; 4) (Railroads-Signaling-Centridized traffic control) (Automatic control) GUMOT, A.V., -aspirant System using a computer for regulating the flow of rolling stock in open pit mines. Avtom., telem. i aviaz' 6 no.9:11-13 S ,62, (KMA 15:9) 1. Leningradskiy Institut inzhenerov ahelesnodorozhnogo transporta. (Mine railroads-Electronic equipment) GUDKOV A.V. inzh.; MARUSHKO F.I*, kand.tekhn.nauk; EYLEP A.A. kand. P it tekhn.nauk Over-all automation of mine haulage. Mekh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.4:56-58 Ap 162. (MBA 15:4) (Kne haulage) (Automation) GUDKOV, A.V., aspirant Programming of the problem of automatic train traffic regulation for railroad transportation in strip mines. Vest. TSNII MPS 20 no-5259-61 '62. (MM 15z8) 1. Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov sholeanckoroahnogo transports. imeni V.N.Obrasteova. (Mine railroads) (Programming (Electronic computers)) GUDKO.V, A.V., insh.; SHKOLIVIKOV, A.D., inzh. Studr of the use of calculating machines in regulating movement in open-pit haulage. Gor.zhur. no.2t46-49 F 163. (MM 16S2) 1 Leningradekiy institut inzheneraw shelevzodoroMmogo transport& (;or Oudkov). 2. Lmingradskiy gornyy institut (for Sbkollnikov). (Mine railroads) (Calculating machines) (Automatic control) G IT )),KD7, -^ . V, , -' aud . fekhn. liauk Dt~t~erm,-,ijat,lan ef the criterion (,~ ',At,fls -',n a I., 3~ transp,~~rt network. Sbor. trud. IM-H"! 0 kvTllu. *--,811~) 107-57-3-33/64 AUTHOR: Gudkov, B. (Tambov) TITLE: A~Silen-ium -Valve in Place of the Reverse-Current Relay (Selenovyy ventil' vmesto rele obratnogo toka) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 3, p 31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two parallel -connected 100-mm diameter selenium disks were con- nected in series with a 6-volt 60-w wind-driven gdnerator. The disks acted as a reverse-current preventing device, protecting the storage battery from dis- charge when the wind motor velocity drooped. At low wind velocities, charging each battery cell separately is recommended. Card I /I AUTHOR: -GudkovII B-p (Tambo V) 107-58-6-47/58 TITLE: Photographing of Dials (Fotografirovaniye shkal) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 6, p 55 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author recommends a method to radio amateurs for making radio receiver dials by a photographic method using a home- made photographic emulsion. Card 1/1 1. Radio-Amateur peraonnel 2, Radio equipment-Construction ZADOV, Alekeendr Grigorlyevich; ANISIMOV, Aleksandr Milcbaylovich; BAZLOV, Mikhail Hikolayevich-. BRAGIN, Viktor Alekseyevicb; GUDKOV, Boris AlAkmanarovlch. ICIROTKOV. Sergey Tikhonovich. 1777elevich: SHMMWIYBVA, L.P., vedushchiy red.; TROFIMOV, A.V.' CFetroleum industry in Krasnodar Territory] gaftianata promyshlem- nost' Krasnodarskogo kraia. Moskva, Goa.rAuchno-tekhn.tzd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1957. 69 p. (MIRA 11:2) (Krasnodar Terri tory-Pe troleum industry) S/84 62/000/000/126/129 D444YD307 AUThORS; Gudkov, B. S. Dzantiyev, B. G., Popov, V. N. and Rum- _i -1 ~_n' -8 e, v ~'_ ~ u ~_-' A - TITLE: Ex,)erimental methods for radiation-chemical iriveetigaticns on a nuclear reactor SOURCE: Trudy II VseSOYLlznogo soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. .64- by L. 6. Polak. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SS6R, 1962, 733-737 TEXT: Among reactions suitable for effecting in a nuclear reactor to make use of the kinetic energy of the fission fragments is the fixation of nitrogen in the gas phase to korm hydrocyanic acid, hydrazine and other compounds. The authors have studied Such reac- tions usin- methane, ethylene or acetylene as the carbon-containing and nitro-en and ammonia as the nitrogen-containing componerits. An 4p7--- 1000 ~IRT-1000) reactor of 100 kv capacity uras uned'by the In- stitut atomnoy energii A.N S'0_'SR (Atomic Energy Institute of the AS USSR) to StLidy the reactions under flow conditions. The exit gases Card 112 3/844 /62/000/000/ 1.2'6/ 129 Experimental metho(h' for ... i)444/D7jO7 were anaiy~~ed aftur being LLbsorbod or frozen ,)ut, The Change in pro duct yield With d0saue was studied by chang I V 0 ding tke ga:j velocity and with composition by chinging the velocity of ir1(1ividLMl (-OMPO- zienta, keepin the total constant. A model of a hot cell with di- rect input of reat;ents was also studied by depouiting various quantities Of Uranyl nitrate or boron ~tnhydrid~ inside the In theue experimvnt."' additional ~Acarlill's of tile exit gases, to re- iiiove -1L*ission frugmento, was required. In some ex:-,~,-rizmt~.Iits the diose and yield of product wore found simultaneously, thermal-neutron flux being measLLred with a sodium indicator. Por the system C, 2 if4 Nil3the radiation chemical yield varied from 1 to 3 molecules of HCN per 100 ev. 'dor"". on a larger scale is recommended. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki ;~N 6jSR (Institute of .hemical Physics, iW USSR) Gard ;~12 BALANDIN, A.A., akademik; GIJDKOV, B.S.; FEDOROVICH, R.11-1. Mechanism underlying the interaction of cyclohexane with the surface of a metallic catalyst. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:626- 628 Rr 164. (KIRA 17:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. GI .. KUV , b . S . ; ~AL,-'-117 'I , .4 , A ~ . r,,~kk i ~ ! ;AV 1 ~, . I .. 1 .1 , " .. . fsot.opu oxnfuinge ot' wLth rfeutori va --.r, wip-xlzed-me,~all coatings. Dckl. AN SSSR 162 no.4:343-,346 7,-:! 165. ~MUA 18;5) 1. InsitItut orlyfinLclieskoy khimii im. ANN -ISSP. Vapor j ",.r C CXI 1, irk AN S&, ta Lion o*' a blCuncl-ior)a.1 chara.-te-r i 66' a'iiO'- jkii therels no Ardeturia c' 4riliiij~bndeh'd- lbib W`;"es th ya o cycl*obu,, _e-T lyv~ q; e order Ft. I% R.- art.. 11 %panliph k ASSO TIOM es Uwe -ch No REF SOV: T:.-I GUDKOV B.S,,, b"LANDIN, A.A. akademik , ---y I Deube-rium exchange of cyclom-ntana over sprayed maLul catillysts. Dokl. AN Slcl~"R 165 no.511105--ri.w [) 16.^;. (Mipu .1():I) 1. Institut orgarlicheskoy khiirdi im. N.D.Zolinskogo AN SS,(,R, Subm-Itt.ed Jul,v 3, 1965, 77 tM Roll. C:c ;pi Ap -q MtA Wig$ "PAD m M :Si "y T;*~~', i 3-~ I.% m 1 .:-7 UMA4athematics Topological curves 1/1 1 hb.Z 2/49 Autbore Gudkov) D. A. n special real al,pbraic fit" A complete topologicalIclassification of no curves of the 6-th order on a real projective plane. Periodical Dok. AN SSSR 98/4, 521-524, Oct. 1 ,1954 Abstract Definition of a topological non-special type:curve of the 6-4h: order A.s. given. A table showing All topologically possible topoldgicallmnon- type curves of the 6-th order is,prepented. Two theot'OMW are also presented proving.which types of curves,.indicated on' the table, can exist and which can not. Five references (1876-1954).; Graph. Institution Presented Vy. Academician L G. Petrovskiy June 23, 1954 I - k. I " k11, --p -2'~ Call 1;1,: ')Y 110 1': ~ Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress, M--)scow, Jun-Jid '56, Trudy '56, V. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 pp. Gudkov., D. A. (Gor'kiy). On the Topology of Plane Real Curves of Sixth Order. 14q GUDKOVI D.A. Bifurcation of simple double points and cusps of real plane algebraic curves. Dakl. AN MM 142 no.5*-990-993 F t62. (KatA 15:2) 1. Issledovatellekiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut GorlkovskOp goiludaretyannogo universiteta im. N.I.Lobachovskogo. Predstavlfto akademikom I.G.Petrovskim. (Aggregates) (Curves, Algebraic) GUDKOVJ, D.A. Variability of simple double points on real plane algebraic curves. Dohl. AN SSSR 142 no.6:1233-1235 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Issledavatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Gorlkovskogo gosud -s-t3Ee=vgD universit eta im. N.I.Iobachevskogo. Predsiavieno Ar akademikom I.G.PetrcyvskJn. (Aggregates) (Curves, Aigebraic) GUDKOV, D.A. (Gorlkiy) Some problems concerning the topology of plane algetraic curves. Mat. abor. 58 no.1:95-127 S 162. (MIU 15:9) 1. Gorlkovskiy ionledovatellakiy fisiko-tokhnichookiy iwtitut pri GorIkovskm gosudarstvannom universitate imeni N.I. Lobachavokogo. (Topology) I(Curveas Algetraic) GUDKOV, i..A. kly) Ine concepts of roughness and exponential nonroughness for plane algebraic curves. Mat. sbor. 67 no.4t481-527 Ag 165. (MIRA 18t8) GUDKOV, F. There must be corrections. Okhr.truda 1 3 no*2:16-21 1 160. (Mllu 1. StarBhiy takhnicbeskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo ktomitata profsoyuza rabochikh ugollnoy promWshlennosti. (Labor laws and legislation) KAPLAIRTS, N.D., otv. red.k_GUDKOVj-1?AF,_E_.qtv. red.; RATNUOTA, A.P., red.izd-va; GALANNA, T.T., [Instruction on safe work methods for stope mining In flat and Inclined seams) Instruktolis po bezopasnym metodam robot dlia gornoraboebago ocIdetnogo sabola no pologikh I uddonnykh plastakh. Izd.2. Moskva. Goe.nouchno-tekhn.isd-vo lit-ry po gornoun dolu. 1960. 46 p. (KIRA 14:3) (Stoping (Kining)--Safety measures) KAPLANETS) N.D., otv. red.; GUDKOV, F.F.p otv. red.; SHOROKHOVA, A.V.) red. izd-va; IVINSK&V,-d.-H-.P-tekhn. red. [Safety regulations for the loader-hauler] Instruktsiia po bezopasrqm metodem rabot dlia nasypshchika-otkatchika. Odobrena Prezidiumom TsK Profsoiuza rabochikh ugollnoi prmqohlennosti 11 marta 1959 g. Moskva, Gos.nauohno-tekhnAzd-vo, lit-ry po gor- nomu delu,, 1960. 26 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Coal mines and mining-Safety meamires) XAPUMS, N.D., otv red P- GUDKOV.J F.F., otv. red.; RATVIKOVA, A.P.,, red. i;d_va;' CAWIOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Safety regulations for the minor working with a pick ham- mer in steep seams] Instruktaila po vezopasM metodam rabot dlia zeboishchika na otboinom molotke na krutykh plastakh. 2 izd. bdobrena Prezidiumom TsK Profsoiuza ralbochikh xigoll- noi provqshlermosti U marta 1959 9. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 28 p. (MIRA 15:3.) (Coal mines and mining -Safety measures) KAPLANETS, N.D., otv. red 'GUDKOV., F.F.,-otv. red.; RATNIKOVA, A.P., red. izd-va; GAIANOVAJ, V.V., tekhn. red. (Safety regulations for lot and 2d class mineral Instruktsiia po bezopasnym metodam rabot dlIa gornorabochego I 1 11 raz- riadov. 2. izd. Odobrena Prezidiumom TsK Profsoiuza rabochikh ugollnoi pronWshlemosti 11 saia, 1959 g. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhr..izd-vo lit-ry- po gornomu delu, 1960. 50 F" 15-1) (Coal mirAs and mining-Safety measures) STANILEVIC11, V., mastpr; LEBNDEV, A.. sloaarl; BRYKOV, B.. slonar'; RAPPOPORT, A.. slesar'; GUDKOV, G., Blesarl Hardship does not frighten us. we can overcome it. Sov. profsoiuzy 8 no.2:18-20 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Depo Moskva-Sortirovochnnya. (Diesel locomotives --Maintenance and repair) 3001) SOV/29-99-2-23/41 AUTHORS: Brykov, Boris, Partgruporg of the Shop, Gudkov, Gennadiy, Brigade Leader TITLE: The Members of the Firs, Shop of the Comwinist Work Are Allowed to Speak (Slovo Liujut cnieny pervogo tsekha kommunisticheskogo truda) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhil 19591 Nr 2, p 26 (USSR) ABSTRA:CT: To the question raised by the editors of the periodical "Tokh- nika - molodezhill how they ims~gined future to be, the following answers were given by: 1) Boris Brykov: I imagine the following picture: on the place beside our depot - which, by the way, will be twice as wide, high and light - domens -.3f small cars will stop. These vehicles belong to the worb*rs who arrive in them for the morning shift from their villas and-apartments. In the workshop, there are no brigade leaders or masters. Every worker knows his place and his work, for each of them has a medium or higher technical education. Moreover, work will be ideally organized, We have already started this organization. Card 1/3 A complicated and powerful technology will be applied in trans-, SOV/29-59-2-23/41 The Members of the F-irst Works Department of the Communist Work Are Lllowed to Speak port. Steam anginea will belong to the past just as otagecoach, hors* tramways and buses, Dit~sel ~~Iectrio express trains, powerful electric engines, two-atoried atomic trains will form the park of the depot "Sortirovochnaya" in the future. 2) Gennadiy Qudkov: I am dreaming oV the re-equipment of our workshop. How-muoh manual labor could be replaced by machine workl The realization of this wish is near: we have started the technical re-equipment of the depot. In fi4ture, the engines will be repaired on an assembly line. Automatic machines will ow,-,lift and dismantle them and work the parts. The required spare parts will be supplied in time on another assembly line. A working day will laf3t 5-6 hours. And then ..,, all cultural achievements will be at onals disposal. One will be able to do what one feels inclined toz reading, theater, circle, sports, learning. Everything will be provided for. Of course, Communist life will not be a delightful idling. It seems to me that also then there will be certain difficulties and conflicts. For mail is much more complicated than any ever- ao-compli a ate 4 No technical directions for use are sufficient for him. Therer fore, we should prepare ourselves in advanoe for the future Card 2/3 life. We must examine ourselves in practice, and care the best The Members of the Pirst Shop to Speak Card 3/3 SOV/29-59-2-23/41 if the Communist Work Are Allowed and worthiest inside us. Gtrl)YOV, T . 28915 GUDKOVi I. Chleny Tsentralbrykh Komitetov Profsoyuzov-Avarigard Profsoyuznogo Aktiva. Prof. Sovuzy, 1949, No. 9, c.19-21. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 GMXOV I Improve the work of trade-union organizations of the machine.-tractor nta~ tions. Sov.profsolusy 1 no.4:21-27 D '53. (NLTIA 6:12) (Nachins-tractor stations) 1. n T"PP,, 01 T7 -(.TTDK()'~rI T. 2. USSR (6co) 4. Agriculture 7. Raise the level of work of the professional organizations of the machine-tractor stations and of the state farms, F. 1(hitrov, I. Oudkov, Prof. soiuzy A, no. 5,, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, APRIL -1953. Unclassified. L) SHMAMINS P.I.; GUDKOV, I.N.; JXHITROV, F.T.; IJOYOSPASSKIY, V.V., red.; SHADRIILA. N.D.. [Collection of directives on the work of trade unions] Sbornik rakovodiashchikh materialov po organizatsionno-mosBovoi rabote profsoiuzov. Nosirval Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1957, 167 p. (Trade unions) 11 - 5) GUDKOV, I.; MOSIN. A. Unite similar organizations. Fin. SSSR 18 no.12:72 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1.Zavedvyushchiy Leninakim rayfinotdelom Noskovskoy oblasti (for Gudkov). 2. Inspektor byud2heta (for Kosin). (16enino Dim trict --Electric i)ower) GUDKOV, Ivan Nikanorovich; XTACKOV, H.M., red.; MALIK, Z., [Statute as the basis of trade-union democracy] Ustav - osnova profsoiusnoi demokratii. Moskva, Izd-vo VT6SM Profix4ist. 1959. 92 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Trade unions) Igo ALIKHODZHAYEVA, M.A.;,qUDKOV, L.V., SHEMIN, A.V. Selective coating of receivers of radiant solar energy. Gelio- tekbnika no.6-.19-24 165. (MIRA 1941) 1. Ocoudaretvennyy nauchno-iosledovateltskly energetichookiy Institut imeni Krzhizhanovskogo. coD! :4 Petrunin, A. M Shkrob, V. N.; Starostina, Z. I., Gudkov, N.- 1. ORG: none TITLE: Use of AD33 wrought aluminum alloy in the manufacture of large parts operating under marine conditions SOURCE: Alyuminiyevyye splavy, no. 4, 1966. Zharoprochnyye J. vysokoprochnyye splavy (Heat-resistant and high-strength alloys), 312-321 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum. alloy, high strength alloy, metal property/AD33 aluminum alloy ABSTRACT: A method of manufacturing large AD33 wrought aluminum-alloy parts has been developed. The alloy contains 0.83% Mg, o.63% si, -o.4% Cu, and 0.2% Cr with an impurity content of not more than 0.1% Mn, 0.23% Fe, 0.17% Zn and 0.035% Ti. Machined, round ingots, 570 mm in diameter and 1280 = long, and 292 mm in diameter and 740 mm long were forged into disks 820 mm in diameter and 600 mm thick, and 56o in diameter and 375 mm thick, res e tiv ly. The disks were solution-heat treated at 520C, water quenched, and ficially aged at 160C for 17 hr. In this condition the disks had a tensile strengt f 30-35 kg/=2, a yield strength of 27-30 kg/mm2, and an elongation of 8-12%. Tn-isotropy of mechanical properties did not exceed 2 kg GUITSBUIRG,, 9_B.4 1111.1i"; ,y of me and '3 mir turn I Vin Le. r_' a I ~~i rrrjgr vin arid [Tee h no Lx test assignmenu: with met.hodnloginal instrwi.lcns on theIr perfomance. Methodological manual for studflrts of subjects not related to mechw-illcal engineering iii special corre- spondence high schools (based on 7 grades; 120 hourq)~ Tek"- nologiJa metallov t konstruktslorzkye materialy,. programaq zadaniia dlia kontro.llnykli rabot s metodichaskirrA. uRazanliard po jkh vypolnenilu. Metodicheskne posobie diia iuchashchikhsia nemashinostroitelln y~h syetsiallnostei h, rrfxinJbh spe.- tsialInykki uchebn.0h zavedenii (na baze 7 klasso-.:; ob"em i2lb chasov). Moskma., Vy9shaJa shkmla~ 196,11. ~,.5 p. i. Russia (1923- U.&S.R.) Ministerstvo 1 srednego spets-'Lallnogo obrazovRntya. TSentrallrqy Piet odiche~-kiy kabi.-. net to srednemn spetslal~nomu obr5~zovanjyu. GUIDKOVA., L.F.; LUKCMSKAYA, A.I.; REZNIKOVSKIY, M.M. Effect of the testing conditions on the value of the elaotic recovery of rubber compounds. Kauch.i res. 21 no.9:1'?6QI s 162. (MIRA 15:i1) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti. (Rubber-Elastic properties) N' KUNOVA, M.V.; BELIVICH, Ye.F.; GMSHAMOVICK, D.Ye. ; EDEDV M F 4sedl PAKBDMDVA, A.S. Tendencies of the alterations of geological conditions In the Tolge, Delta aid the northers Caspian Sea region, TrWiy GOIN no.28:39-& 155. Mn 9; 6) (Volga Delta--Physical geography) (Camplan Sea-Seashore) GUDKOV. M.P., kand.geol.nauk; GORSHKOVA, T.I., kand.Vhim.nauk Changes In the concentration of organic matter in sediments of the Northern Caspian due to the lowering of the water level. Trudy VNIRO 38:88-105 '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Gaspian Sea--Organic matter) GUDKOV, N. F. "Aspergillus in Young Turkeys.u Dr Vet Sci, Kazan' State Veterirmwy Inst imeni N. Ye. Bauman., Min Higher Education USSR,, Balaya TserkovI, 1954. (KL, No 3. Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 5569 24 Jun 55 USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Di.seases Caused by Eacteris. and FUngi. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12251. Author OwUov N. F. Inst Institute 6f Agriculture Title Proteins and Protein Fractions bf Serum in Large Homed Cattle with a Positive Brucellosis Reaction According to the Blood Serum Reaction. Orig Pub: Nauchn. zap. Belotserkovsk. a.-kh. inta, 1957, 6, 163-166. Abstract: An examination of protein and protein fractions of blood serum in large homed cattle with a positive brucellosis reaction according to the blood serum reaction (13SR) did not reveal any objective indicators for a differen- Card 1/2 DESHEVOY, G.M.; MIRDSHNIGHENK09 B.Ya.; LASTOCHKIN, S.V. Prinimali Uehastiye: B9RDIN, N.R.;.GqDXOV, N,M.;,5F.RGMV, M.A., inzh., reteenzent; YAKOVITSKITO O.N., red.;LRKINA, T.L., red.izd- va; KUREPINA, G.N., red.izd-va; SHCHETININA, L.V., tekhn. red.; SPERANSKAU, O.V., [Manual for a lay-out meohmic]Spravochnik ra=etchika- mashinostroitelia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 375 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Laying-out (Machine-shop practice)) KHOTNYANSKI7. ~.; ZHARKOVSKIY, I. (Tbilisi); GQE~qy', P. Returning to the published. Za rul. 21 no.6:20 Je 163* (KIRA 16:11) 1. Predsedatelt soveta samodeyatellnogo avtomotokluba Wskovif- kogo rayona, Kharikov (for Khotnyanskiy). ACC NRi T7002537 C17, A)) SOURCE' CODE. UR1041316610001( 1310011 1IRF-12MRS: Gudkov, P. I.; Luklyanov, N. A. ORG: none TITLE: A device for fa3tenina of products. Class 7, No- 186939 SOT1iCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zaaki, no. 23, 1966, 11 TOPIC TAGS: mechanical fastener, sheet metal, metal forming machine tool 111 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a dev-ice for fastenin.- of products. The device contains a casing with an immovable base and a movable pressure plate mounted within it. The pressure plate is supplied with a compz-essing mechanism. To provide for fa3teniing and bending of a product made of sheet miterial and having various con- figurations and geometrical sizes, the device is supplied with a bending plate hinged to the casing. The pressure plate is made up of sections consisting of rotary levers. The levers are free along a common axis and may bo moved independently along this axis. SUB CODE: 14, 13/ SUBM DATE: O4jul64 Card uDc: 621.9a1. 1VAMOV, V.A., doteent, kand.takhn.nauk; KUNITSKIY, L.P., dotBent, kand.tekhn. nauk; KOFXAKOV, L.I.. dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk; GUIIKOV,-!~,j., dotsent; PRIM, N.S., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; BRTANTS3*,--VJ,, inzh,; SIKALO, P.I., inzh.; NOSOV, G.M.. inzh.; LUKAUDWO. L. red.; BMIR, K., red.; F&MICHINKO, I., red.; ZEISHKOVA, Ye., tekhn.rede [Wooden construction elements; analysis and design] Dereviann" konstruktaii; prinery ranchets i konstruiroveniia. Kiev. Gos.ild-To lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit.USSR, 1960. 537 P. (KIRA 13:9) Milding, Wooden) GIIDKOV) P.N., dotsent, -Kinematic systems of transport and dumping bridges. Vgoll Ukr. 6 no.1:26-29 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kiyevskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut. (Transporter bridges) GUDKOVJ, P.N., dotsent Overburden bridges with adjustable hei;ht of the bridge support. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.6-.23-24 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Kiyevskiy inzher-erno-stroitellmyy institut. (Transporter bridges) GUDKOV, P.N. [Iludkov, P.N. I (Kiyev) Steel lattice cantilever having an even resistance to bending. Ilrykl.mekh. 8 no.3;324-329 1621. OMMA 15:6) 1. Kiyovskiy inzhenorno-atroitelInyy institut. (Beams and girders) US=/haao - Wired Radio Jul 50 Vacum Tubes W~Iicl reasing the Power of the VUO-500 Wired Radio Installation," P. Gudkov "Radio" No 7, pp 19-23 Describes method of Engr S. I. Aleksandrov# Ads of,Wired Radio Net of Moscow Oblast, for increas- ing Wver of VUO-500 -to 1, 500 v, eliminating & Mniber of parts, Aanging UP-8 amplifier to metal tubes, power unit to Class AB2 wiplifica- tion, and using negative feedback. Tubes used are as follows-. UP-8 amplifier--6ZhT (6j7)., two 164"2 S Radio Wired, Radio Jul 50 (Coutd)- W, four 6P3; V-8 rectifier--three VO-188 keno.~ trOns; VUO-500/1,500 amplifier--tvo M-600 and - Uree V-28400, eliminating neon bulbs, two anti- dynatron tubes, and two M-600 from earlier model. l"T82 GUDKOVI P. PA 174T96 IBM/ dl'O L. ~Wiflervl -oct. 50 WUB-1 and UV-l Applifters With 6F5, 6C5, and W Tubes" P. Oudkov -Radio" No 10,.pp 20-23 AppliflersUB-1 and UV-1, used with TOT-11 TUPT4, AN W*o qO-P-1, W-Sh-1 and other vired.radlo centers.-. were desigoed to qpeftte'vjth~SO-UB~ M. Snd UG-186 tubes from carbon ader6phones. Vla-'mms and ditscrittion. show how these outmoded t6iei can be replacei by &P5; 605, wad. &6 tubes th Permit use of dynamic viiirop "q'VrC C t dodist U 6jrA&_oj ljb"~Wr 06':;5 at,- 171s"6 GUMOV, P. "Establishment of a rural radio point." So. Radio., Vol. 7, p. 28, 1952 GUDKOV. P.P.; MALININ. R.N., redaktor; SIVORTSOV, I.M.; tekhn. redaktor. [Installing radio outlets in apartment buildinaj Radlofikatelia xhilykh domov. Hooky&, Goo. energ. ind-vo, 1953. 39 P. (MM 7:7) (Raalo) T., t?SSR/Miscellamous Bibliography -Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 23/24 Authors ...Qudkov, P,, Chief-,'EngLneer or the Moscow Radio-Relay Network Department Title An inferior textbook. Periodical Radio 6, 62, jwie 1954 -review of a book entitled :~"Radioficati ri~Supeivisorll (Nad t~shchik, Aliattact A Smo r -Hadiofika 11 ame 7 taii)t bj Y . ~.I. Avr nko published b tSvyazlizdat (Publishing House for Comunications), 1952,.13 presented. The book is intended as a text and instruction book for signalmen supervisors. Numarous.theore- ,tical and practical technical: errors, requiring corrections Are pointed out. institution S ub mitted D-KO V)- USSR/Miscellaneous - C=mnications Card 1/1 -j Pub. 133 --7/20 AutbM s Gudkov, P. P.0 Engineer I Search for damages in underground cable lines I Vest anazi, 7,. page 15, Jdy 1954 Abstreat I A contact method of searching for damages in underground cables placed in polyvinyl chloride sheathe, Is described. The now method, which employs special contact probes, makes it possible to detect leakage points with resistances of up to 200 kohm,with;an aceuracy~;of 10.5 M. The main requirement of this method is a thorough knowledge,of:the underground cable location. Drawings. Institution Submitted KGZLOVSKIY, Arbadly Stepanovich; GUIKOV,P.P., rodaktor.- VORONIN.K.P., takhnlchesk:iy redaktor [Iustalling antenma on roofs] Ustanovks antean as krysbakh. No- akwa. Goo.onarg.izd-vo. 1955. 46 p.(Kessawala rediobibliateft. no.219) (KUU 9:3) (Television-Astonme) (Radio-Anteumo) USSRI t1iscellaneous Telephone posts 1A -Pub- -_89 13/27 :Authoro t Gu.dkov,, P. :Ferroconcrete:p6sts -26 Radio 8, 25 Aug 1955: typesof.~6ienV' -on used bi the* report is presented on the and ir General . manufacture of ferroconcrete posts for overhead ccmi~~catlion:line6. Tables; drawings. Institution Submitted' 11. 1 ~* 1. ; li,~ - ; ; A J] x I ! - I It H 1, i - ~ I 1 1 1 . .: 1 1 i ;! , , 1 1 ~ It GUDKOV, P., inzh. How to Install telovision antennas for collactive IiBe. Stroitell no.9:24 158. (14IRA 13:3) (Tolnvision-Itntennas) GUMZLYA, A.N., inzh.; NALNTOV, A.A., inzh. Prinimali uchastiye: ROZEILBKRG, Ya.G.; SMEYEV, M.F.; t-P.Pj--~WROVA, V.Ye., red.; KARABILOVA, S.F.,, -[Regulations oiL the con;129~jg and repair of overhead communi- cation-iifies And wire"I castRing networks] Pravila stroitelistva i remonta vqzdiashnykh iinif's;ri"zi'i rediotranaliatsionnykh setei. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit,ry IDo voprosam sviazi I radio. Pt.3. (Construction an& repair of overhead and underground lines and residential equipment for wire broadcasting and telephone networks] Stroitelletvo i remont stoachnykh I podzemnykh linii i oborudovanie domovoi rasprodelitellnoi radiotranalistdionnoi i telefonnoi vnutri- ralonnoi setei. 1960. 198 p. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Russia (1923- ..U t.S.R.) Ministaidlivo,avyaZi. (Wire broadca;ting) (Telephone) GUDKOV, P.P., inzh. A poor manual. Vest. sviazi 24 no.11:31 N 164. (MIRA 18:2) Djs,i:--ri-,, t 1-on: V Tl,,il of lethfine ~-,'ynthesls frm Gr;rijo!i i-orlo-ld,110 1',"d flydroc----n Usihg the Flowini, '-y~,~r ol, F.Lia-li-tinod Catalyst (Wor LnCrell'sing tll~~ la'lue of Gall.-.1"Itor 27/11/50 llo-,icow Oi-(.IL,,r oC Lanin Ghu. Itist SO Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 - ~ t ~~, ~ I r -. - -1 A! USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of Solid Mineral Fuels., 1-12 Abst Jowmal: Referat Zhux - Xhimiya., No 19., 1956, 62549 Author: Gudkov, S. F. Chernyshev., A. B. Institution: None Titlet Study of the Process of Methane Synthesis in a Unit with a Pseudo- Fluidized Catalyst Bed Original Periodical: Izv. AN SSSH, otd. tekhn. n., 1955, No 5, 154-156 Abstract: Using a laboratory unit a study was made of the reactions of CH4 synthesis from water gas in a pseudo-fluidized bed on finely granular fused nickel catalyst of 40 to 20 /,L particle size. The process was conducted at 3200 and 3700 and space velocities from 11,500 to 58,84o 1/1 of catalyst per hour. Investigations showed that use of low temperature and high space velocities reduces the significance of the side reaction CO + H20 = C02-t H2, while high space velocities of the gas contribute in addition to equalization Card 1/2 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Applicaticni. Treatment of Solid Mineral Fuels, 1-12 Abst Journal; Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62549 Abstract: of temperature within the entire bed of the catalyst. Composition of the resulting gas, with all other conditions being equal, almost does not depend on the number of recirculation or the catalyst. With such an effectuation of the prodess the possibility exists of con- siderably simplifying the design of equipment by eliminating in the reactor the devices for utilization of a heat carrying agent, and feeding into the pseudo-fluidized catalyst bed the gas mixture with- out preheating it to the reaction temperature. Card 2/2 s' tro' 4E4j/ D ili i C A4;;Bjj& ran z l~m ti d~ M _1 T il " i0scilini am CO + Ul..i Tim ah'*I, O&A a - 04- t ' 140 &WI Co + Ad v2 o~ thc~ W~'niiiuiw pralonibuuimoti6eiit 1), 4iw 61 M ratio (1.0-3 : tevip.02040"VITS.- I , We (10'000~-W; ~-W%) and qig& Ow yI Ca"I , " . r Wco 4110o Th d the optk.',*. of to , . h t " -the optilnum~Hso, r temw 32-4-MO!, AIOIW - " L cit t W W O_W~w 1.11. cxtAlysi/ liply-144 *MO- ti' 0-1 at OD,- HAM OM OA VT 320 '000 J*Ahatplyi after 3a 7 0.4 -71 ~~ " ~ (A. T, C 1 ': - -"' I Iv"OV, A*K..~, G ANISONYAN, A.A. Recovering formaldehyde vapors from loan gases at lowered temper- atures. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.1:132-138 157. (NIM 11:1) (Pormldehyde)