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.1. ~ .: - - ....: I . - I . ~! qb:;:--..l '''l.".1-7 ....... F- il-.I~- -- .- 11 -1 1 ! I , I , : : :1 !7 L ;~- ; I . I . I s ,T,ij ".;; .1. , i : ~ . I i" ~ I., ! ~ " . ! ~~ , " -~ 1- ; ~ -, T- -'- 1 -- t " 1, 11 L;~' 1 ' -I.- ; " S OIT,40 I*u'lr.,-Ck~~ ', I dizz:Ai . .1 L ~ . ." - I . I_A~;~, , - Z , 'I'vm-. proDlizv. -.;,.;-~,,~;--.--,l'3 ;~'. ~-, , ~,-, " . . 1) :-) L 31BD-66 EPA (s)-?,,/'EWT (M)/EWP(V)/T/'~-?iP(t)/EWP(k)/EWP(b)/EiVA (h)/EWA Cc) IJP(r.) _JD/HM - - - --- - --- ACCESSION NR: AP5015547 UR/02136/65/000/OW/00$6/0086 AUTHORSt Gubin As Iot K-atemn. B.,O.; Reznik, M. p.; zh!!kovska ye I Shitikovi. V. 1. TITLE: A solder for soldering. Class 499 no. 17R~_ SOURCE: Byulletenl isobreteniy i tovarrWM =akov, no$ 8v 1965, 66 TOPIC TAGSs solder., soldering, silver, tin, copper,, antirj6nVj--le&d, phosphorus ABSTRACT: T)Ws Author Certificate presents a solderfor soldering electric con- ductors wiWbilve -silicate stripaq containing tin, lead,; antimony,, and copper. To diminish the dissolution of silver in the silver-silicate stripe and to strengthen the connection# 5% of silver and 0.1% of phosphorus are introduced into the solder,, mbile its other components are hold at the foll percent cam- oving i positions tin 40.0 Go 560 an 9M 115 lead rumminder, no P" bovi".. ow UrHjutl 000 als an Joining: d non metal Card i/2- SUB 00 m . . . . . . . . . -T- Tr-, i n 4 ACC 4R 60 AP 2 7444 SOUR6F CODE: tIR 0 13 ~,/6 1; 0 i016N 10 251 AUTHOR: Gubin, A. I. (Candidate of technical qclences); Dohkinn, Ye. N. (Engineer) ORG: none 5Y; TITLE: Self-fluxing brazing jalloys for stainless steels and heat-resistant alloys no. 8, 1966, 25-27 SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, TOPIC TAGS: stainless stlel, heat Asistant alloy, Peg"t,w.t.=PM94n=ziag, brazing alloy, /VPr-4 brazing alloy, Mo_~y__,_7435-a brazing alloy, lKhN9T steel, El 437 alloy VPr-7 brazing a ABSTRACT: Brazing of stainless steels and heat-resistant alloys with self-fluxing brazing alloys offers numerous advantages. These alloys contain elements with high affinity with oZygen such as bolon, silicon and lithiu , which reduce oxidesl~f brazed metalcaTormtsor form low-melting compounds with ,,A,hese oxides. On the basis of experiments, a new se fluxing brazing alloy Wr-41fias been developed (Author Certificate No. 126730))tf-This alloy can be successfully used for high-frequency brazing of stainless steels without any flux and shielding atmosphere. It melts at 940-980C. In the as-cast condition, it has a tensile strength of 69-76 kg/mm 2, an elongation of 9-13%, and a density of 8.03 g/cm 3. The shear strength of IKhl8N9T steel joints brazed wi~h-,_Wr-4 alloy is 45-52, 33-40, 29-33, 26-31, 25-28 and 13-18 kg/MM2 at -60, 26, 2_0!~ 400, 500 and 600C, respectively. Two other self-fluxing Card 1 17 Mr. A71 701 I-AAG 1q-10/. ACC NRt AP6027444 brazing alloys, VPr- nd 45-a. have also been developed. Brazing can be done in a protective atmosphere such as argon, helium and nitrogen or in a 10-1 mm IIg vacuum. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. [ND] 77- - 1l/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS:,!;-P(, SUB CODE. 13.L__ Card kCC-NRt- kP6021826 SOMICS CODE: UR/Ola3/66/000/012/0135/0135 IIIVE14TORS: Gubin, A. I.; Dobkina, Yo. N.; Smirnova, Yu. A. OIRG: none TITLE: A solder for soldering ofproducts. Class 49, No. 183037 SOMICE: Izobroteniya, proryshlonnyye obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 12, 1966, 135 TOPIC TAGS: solder, soldering, tin, antimony, copper, silver ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a solder containing tin, antimony, copper, and silver for soldering products. To obtain soldered joints resisting corrosion. at all climatic conditions, the composition is taken in the following percent rela- tion: antimony 1 + 0.3; copper 2 + 0.3; silver 5 :t 0.3; tin-the remainder., SUB CODE: 13/ SUB14 DATE: Wun64 .urd UDC--- 621,791.35 GUHIN, A. F. Nakatyvanie rez1by rolikami: Sverdlovsk, ~bshgiz, 1947. 133 p. diagrs. Bibliography: p. (132) Thread-rolling. DIC: TJ1222.G85 SO: Manufacturing and Mechaniml ]~naineering In the Soviet Union, Library cf Congress, 1953. .. . , ,~ .; -1 ! , 1, . ~. 1 11 ..,...I II~ i. : .. I Z.Ofmy, I. R. and GUBIN, A. P,.,, Cand. of Vet. Sci. -AWOor- All-Union Inst. of Faper-Imental Veterinary Medicine "New antigen for RSK (Complement Fixation Reaction) in dir;gnoBis of brucellosis." SO: Vet. 27 (4) 1950, P. 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 *,A 1. GUBIN A. P. 2.. uss (6oo) 4. Strangles 7. Testing the therapeutic effect of ASD (Dorogov's active stimulant) in strangles. Trudy Vass. Inst. eksp. vet. no 16 152. 9. 112 ~tl _List .2_f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Feb. 1253, Unclaasifiecil i. GMIN, A. P.-. PO'-`DU3SA3:Y, I. V,Profo, YASIEWNTNIA, V. 1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Horses - Diseases SF. 7o Allo-blophoric method in the diagnosis of Infectious anemia of horseso Trudy Vaesoinst,edep.vato 19 noo 1 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. GTJBIN, A.P.,; SHABUROV, M.S., kand-vet.nauk Problem of contact infection of horses with Wectious anemia. Veterinariia 36 no.2:38-40 F 159, (MIRA 12:2) (Infectious anemia) GUBIN, h.P. kand.voterin.nauk; SHaU11OV, M.S., kairl.voterin.rauk Virulent properties of dr7 virus of infectious aaamia of horses. Veterinarita 36 no.10:28-30 0 '59. (MIRA 13t1) 1. VseaoyusTWy Inatitut okepartmentallnoy Yeterinarii (VIXV). (Infectious anamia) (Viruses) t ...... -,:I I $ 11' -, ., ~,T I I" I 1! 1 111 li! ilf ; I - I I t I i . - ~ . ACCESS 101 Vl'~i 701 V roi tbemif" k;4 GUBIN, B.~,, P-O~ , "'; ~, *"" - w$ liaden potentialities for reducing overhead expenses in construction. Fin.S.SSR 17 ne.3:57-62 Nr 156. (MIJtA 9:7) (Construction Industrr-Finance) K"t" C' Is il 19";7 71 A ~T, : 37 T GUBIN. B.Y., red..- RTUMIN. S.M., red. [Problems In economizing material@ in construction work] Toprony skonomii moterialov v stroltallstye; abornik. Moskva. Goefine- izdat, 1958. 170 'D. (KIRA 13:8) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-iseledovatel6sidy finansovyy Inatitut. (Construction industrY--Costs) GUBIN, B.; TIMOSHENKO, I.; ZAYDWI, L. Indices of industrial production costs. An. SSSR 21 noill:52-;58 N 16o. (MIRA 13:11) . 1. Rachallnik finansovogo otdola Moldavokogo sovnarkhoza (for Timoshenko). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika finarxbvogo otdola Moldaviskogo sovuarkhoza (for Zaydman). (Costs, Industrial) ARTRIOV, Yu.M.9 kand. ekonom. nauk; QALIPERIlqp N.S.# kand. ekon. nauk;....QUBDJ, kand. ekon. nm k; ZHUKOV, V.N.,, kand. ekon. nauk; OCHKOVfk_X.-- kand. ekon. nauk; OSKORDOV, V.P., starshiy ekonomist; BIRNOOLISTSt S.B., doteent, kand. ekon. nauk; SIBIRYAKOV, L.Ye.; IVANOV9 N.V.; RLBINOVICH,, M.A.t ekspert; LIPSITS, V.B.9 kand. ekon. nauk; VOLKOV# S.I.r kand. eko~. na4; KOROLEVAj Ye.P.9 atpirantka; RTUMIN, S.M., red.; SUBBOTINA, K.# red.; TELEGINA, T.t tekhn. rqdo [Planning and calculating the cost of industrial production] Voprosy pla- nirovaniia i kallkulirovaniia s6beatoimosti prozWshlennoi produktsii. Mo- skva, Gosfinizdatv 1961. 183 p. (MIRA 34:8) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-istyled6vatio-I'Aly fluansoyyy institut. 2. SotrudnW Naucbno-iseledovatellskogo finimovogo institute, (for Artemovp Gallperinp Gubin, Zhukav, Ochkov. Oskordov). 3. VseBoyuznyy zaochryy finmsovo-ekonom. institut (for Barngollts).4.Glavnyy Wkhgalter Ploskovskogo elektrozavoda (for Sibiryakov). 5. Starshiy k*Dmlttant Upravleniya bukhgalterskogo ucheta Ministerstva finansov SSSR (for Ivanov, Rabinovigh). 6, Vacballulk podotdela obshchikh ekonomicheskikh voprosov tsenoobrapovaniya Byuro teen pri Gosplane SSSR (Lipsits). 7. Moskovskiy ekonomiko-ptatisticheskiy in- stitut (for Koroleva) (Costs, Industrial) GUBIN I B. Index of Industrial production coBts. Vop. ekono no,3:91-96 Mr '61. WTU 14:3) (Costs, Industrial) (Index numbera (Economics)) USATOV, I.A.., kand. ekon. nauko GUBIN B.VQ,*--kand. elcon. nauk; SM11MV, A.D., dots.; LAPTEV, Ye-.1t-., ZHIN, V.P., kand.ekon.nauk; GMEROV, R.M.; KOBYUNOV, S.N.; PSHEINSM, P.P.; M11OV, N.M.; FILATOV, N.L.; FILIPPOVA, E., red. izd-va; LUMEV, A., telchn. red. [Economics and finance of socialist enterprises)Ek-onomika i finansy sotsialisticheskikh predpriiatii. Moalmas Gosfinizdat.. 1962. 404 P. NIRA 15:9) (Industrial management) (Finance) GUBIN Boris Vapillyevich; SMIRNOV, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; USAIGV, - ---!v~~" A;.GOLUBNICHIY I., red.; VORONINA, R., tekhn. red. [Principles of socialist management in industry] Osnovy sotsialisticheskogo khoziaistvovaniia v promvshlennosti. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 226 p. (MIRA 17:3) Via I a dis, s Sn. Kr. .5 IL Or .3 :fA as Se All fit -MUHIN klou tw4 M& Sko I Slajvx.~ 71 for - 16s-- *1 tl* the the.iiinto. nou Its of 1,~ deptKI 4 C4, 'Of co thp amto~ 0 a Wtal thv dowil - to - V wero4o6otid cc*IT; valuc Iiirger than at l(O-200 t tM bas6i of altv ww~ latilla. -.1 pey F !~ticidng ~T 0, in. ~ jWb6*jhbj &`pt 'as: i 1~*dty 416 alwir, the kpg-j Weiphlidbie iiajiil~4!of 1 e gradUidl ;:Ij,ah_dt4~tN d thei 4ecriflp txpirii:n. The OtAt6 of dWbeAr britto t lllM-TCJ)C~ ~S MOSCOW' SIDPINMY, B.A.; -GUBIX, Y.A& M Sufates In the Black Sea water. Gidrokhis. mat. 25:16-27 155. (HLRA 9:6) I,Norskoy gidrofislobeekly Institut Akodsoll souk 833R. (DIR sea,--sulfates) I ~ WUM~ SMAL31 Akodefts vook Moviom S14nnualwMI UwUtut at UrZ:) MIATMP of(St"A*S8"I*ItaI'MITiU-ft'y. owe 13) a" IN. 8 AA. Solowashow, Mosser or fteleal old Oft-anatteal r. L.K. Hiklr.1 IV. U; MU01.9 H... M~g SU Gausouse of srusion is Inteaded tor geopkMalsts, . branghwelauts. and oessio'gi a' . COOMMI lb"*.*VUOUG "" alth ProblemS In the phystes and chow- IOUT at som water. ZadIvidual papers treat the turbulent thernial evolooSIVIly as& beat aseksop In son water, the pulantlans In aLr Save, as sausity at the Week sm. the doteraInation of "Islam. onsmaim. bad eqnsr le ass water, vid the dateralnatlon of 01"Ve in atioamberU preoWtot". FINU-0 tables, and graphs 0"61PW IM artleloo. 2horw am 121 reforeasess 92 Sawlet, 28 --masumb- a eason. a. Fronsh- end I Sao"&. *aswa. 0-1- aso-Stausnow "IF41 awbow sabseen to. Asser- ISIM Of Pgr~* 210081raWAVOM 70 'Ifielotsew. B.A.. N.V. Taxable". and O.A. Toreftlafts. Mo. gamesee" in sm sat CMP~"UM or Bleak see water we VIONIGNIN or wassir 89 nwftvasv~&& a Suft at tba Comeause of ftweed" Sob- SWOME IR-I PARGA - 6 OMPNOft Is 00 ASSIT Md 8144k SONS 113 ILA6, me W.V. z1banomr. An Integrated me"" for "vis in am v4pers Xv we T.IL 3bavoi-m--kine. Me ft*Um of Noter- GWW so sm mates, IV Loo 19 a" W.M. 3havereakIna. SetwedesUes or a Air ProespItaten by UN 80"IMI Mebod 143 asawase AIDTHGHSs Skopintsev, B. A., Gubin F ' A., 20-119-1-33/52 A. Voroblyeva, R. V., Vershin ~n TITLE: The Composition of the Salts of the Chernoye Sea (Black Sea) (Solevoy sostav vody Chernogo morya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 119, Nr 1, pp. 121-124 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In October 1954 and in June 1955 water samples were taken at 5 points from all depths in the open part of the sea near the 43th degree north latitude. The'chlorine content was determin- ed argentometrically, the alkalinity by direct titratio- with HCl, the sulfates by the weight method and Ca as well as Mg complexometrically. Table I gives the average quantities of this determination. The highest content deviations of individual components at the same depths of all 5 places from the average attained 0;, which was characteristic of the upper layer (0-150 m). Farther down the deviations are less than 1~1 except Ca and alkalinity. The absolute content of all salt components in the Chernoye Sea (Black Sea) is smaller than in the ocean, except the alkalinity. The chlorine Card 1/4 content increases from the surface to the bottom. The. change The Composition of the Salts of the Chernoye Sea (Black Sea) 20-119-1-33/52 of other ions at the vertical is represented in table 2 as ratio to the cblprine content. In this manner the contents are compared with those of the oceans, where the latter are constant (ref. 1). The elevated values of the cited coefficients in the upper 200 m of the Chernoye Sea can be explained by a comparatively higher influence of the waters of the flow of the rivers for the higher values of these coufficiontu than they are characteristic for the ocean. The changes of the ratios s04 and HCO are connected with the biochemical C -~- +Lo 1 (%o) C, and biological processes occurring in the Chernoye Sea: a) the reduction of SO 2- at the bottom of the sea with a 4 simultaneous formation of hydrogen sulfide and HCO 3 , b) the oxidation of H23 in an intermediary zone (from 125-150 m to 250-300 M) under formation of sulfates and a corresponding decrease in HCO- (ref. 2). A marked change of Ca2+ in the water near the Lttom was not observed. Table 3 gives the calculated average composition of the water in the Chernoye Card 2/4 Sea. Little difference in comparison with reference 4 is to The Composition of the Salts of the Chernoye Sea (Black Sea) 20-119-1 -3/3/52 be found. At a depth of 150 m from the bottom the salt content is close to the average content of ocean water (ref. 1). Further the salt content in the Chernoye Sea at a depth of 0,150 and 2000 m was calculated. According to the modern conception of the water balance of the Chernoye Sea 400 km2 water annually run out through thl Boafor (Bosporus). The river-flow into the sea is 350 km . From this the average quantity of salt is calculated which is brought out through the Boafor (Bosporus) and which is brought in with the rivers. As the salt balance of the Chernoye Sea is balanced, the difference resulting from the above-mentioned components represents that quantity of salt which annualy runs into the Chernoye Sea from the Uramornoye (Marmara) Sea. The waters coming in this way amount tofv195 km3. In order to maintain equilibrium concentrations of Ca 2+ and HCO - in the Chernoye 3 Sea, 12 or 85 km3 respectively less of water from the Nramornoye Sea is needed. The quantity of CaCO3 corresponding to the above-mentioned quantities of the Marmara-water will evidently be precipitated from 6the water of the Chernoye Sea. Card 3/4 For Ca + they represent 5,4.10 tons or about ~30% of the The Compooition of the 2alts of the Chernoye Sea 'Black Sea) '20- 1 1,)- 1 -33/52 Ca 2+ annualy brought into the Chernoye Sea by the rivers. Such a ohemogeneouo carbonato-aedimentation mainly takes place in the region near the coast (references 3,5). Then the authors discuss the statements of reference 8 and state that for the displacement of a water layer of 17 m thickness about 130 years would be necessary, which disproves the ab73ve-mentioned statements. There are 3 tables and a references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSQbIATIONs Mor8koy gidrofizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Marine Hydrophysical In3titute AS USSR) PRESENTEDs July 13, 1957, by N. M. Strakhov, Member, Academy of I Sciences, USSR SUBMITTEDs May 12, 1957 Card 4/4 IVANENKOVy V.N.; GUBINq F.A. Water manses and hydrochemistry in the we6tern and southern parts of the Indian Ocean. Tftdy MGI 22:33-n5 060. (MIRA 14:3) (Indian Ocean-Sea water-Compooition) - - T .1 . - I - GUBIN, F. F. Prof., and AYVAZIYAN, V. G. Dr. Tekh. Sci. Studies "Report on the Technico-Ecohomic ZMEEM in Hydropower Constz-.,ction Projects," abstracted in Gidrotekh. stroi., Nos. 5/6, pp. 28-29, 1946. Glavgidroonergs-troy : p :' -;; ~ , ~ I I I- I:-: q, 1 , , GUBIN, F.F.; KRIVCIIEIZKO, G.I., kandidat teklinichatikildi nauk. rodaktor; ` 4-M&t,' A.D., t,khnicIwskiy redaktor. [Collection of designs of hydroelectric power stations] Atlas gidz-o- elaktricheskikh stantsil. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo 1948. 60 plans (in portfolio). Supplement - (Yaplanatory note] Poiasnitellnaia zapiska. 53 P. N12A 8: 4) (Hydroelectric power stations) !j Bib,do:-, r; TK1081.GB 1940 30vi'-A 'r'w-r~inh- rt mic, GUBIN, F. F., Professor Doc Tech Sci Dissertation, "riydroelectric Power Stations." 28/-3/50 Moscow Urder of the Labor Red Banner %igineering Construction Inst imeni V. V. KuO."hey SO Vecheryaya Mo-~pkva Sum 71 GU B 114, F. F. leb 52 UIUSR/Geophysics - Hydroelectric Dams "The Most Modern Hydroelectric Power Plants," Prof F. F. Gubin, Dr Tech Sci and Stalin Prize Winner Priroda,,No 2, pp 9-11 States that uresent large-scale Soviet hydroelectric plants (on the Volga, Oka, 'Dnepr, etc.) were constructed by en6incers trained by Acad B. Ye. Vedeneyev, G. 0. Graftio, A. V. Vinter, S. Ya. Zhuk (Stalin Prize winner), Dr Tech Sci V. D. Zhurin, aad others. Remarks that the efficiency of the turbines is 90-921% and that of generators Is 96-97%. 263T94 . . ... I ,- ?:I ~: f- :, - ; , . j! PIII.. GUBIN. F.F., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, profetisor, laureat Stalinskoy premii. On-the-spot account of the building of the Mingechaur Hydroelectric Power Station. Nauka I zhiznl 20 no.6:5-7 Je 153. (MY-RA 6:6) (Mingechaur Yqdroelectric Power Station) (Wdroolectric power stations) DZM,-:P,rOVSKIY, N.N., professor, aoktor tekhnicheskikh nauk: BLIVITAK, TP.V., profesnaor; rMill. F.P., professor; ABRMIOV,ll.R. profesacr ROZAJ.PV, N.P., vunu;Rjv-,--r.A., BORaDIN, P.V., POSIRDOV, M.A. YUMEVICH,D.P.. PERSOlf, U.N., tekhnichaskly redaktor. [Tntroduction to hydrtutllc engineering] Vvedenio v gidrotekhnilru. !!nskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po atrolt. I. arVh1t. 1955. 301 P. (Hydrmilic engineering) (MIMA 8;8) GUB IN, ... ~ ---rof.. doktor tekhn.nauk 'i - , Foreword. Trudy MISI no.16:3-7 156. (MIRA 11:81) 1.Zaveduyushohiy kafedry ispollzovaniya vodnoy erergii Hoskovskogo inzhenerno-stroitellnogo instituta i1m. V.T. KWbyshevs. (Hydroelectric power atatio-am) GUBIN. F.. doktor takhnichaskikh mauk, professor. Now a h7drooloctric power station Is built. Stroitel ino.2.26- 28 7 '57. (MI2A 10:3) (ftdroelectric power stations) 98-1-7/20 A13THORSt Gubin, F.F., Prigorovskiy, N.I., Doc tore of Technical Sciences, Professors and Khesin, G.L., Engineer TITLEs Investigations of a Built-in Hydroelectric Power Plant With a High Massive Dam (Iseledovaniya vatroyennogO varlanta gidro- elektrostantsii 8 vysokoy massivnoy plotinoy) PERIODICALs Gidrotechnicheskoye Stroitel'stvot 1958, # 1, pp 29-36 (USSR) ABSTRACT& Tensions occuring within the structure of built-in type hydro-electric power plants during the periods of construction and operation are influenced by several factors, of which the most essential are the pressure of the water from the head water and the weight of the installation itself. The strains which might occur at various transverse profiles in the design of the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Plant were examined in de- tail for the preparation of the technical project. As a result of these studies a profile was developed for future projects which showed a more favorable distribution of stress than pre- Card 1/5 vious designs. The article deals with the methods of research 98-1-7/20 Investigations of a Built-in Hydroelectric Power Plant With a High Massive Dam and the results obtained. Investigations were facilitated and analyses were simplified by making pressure measurements of weight and hydrostatic pressure separately. The authors present several formulas of the effects produced by pressure from the outside and by the weight of the installation. Ex- periments were conducted on flexible models which were subjec- ted to strains up to the limits of elasticity. To insure reli- ability of results, the following two types of three-dimen- sional and flat models were used: 1) Tensometric models con- sisting of materials with a low modulus of longitudinal ela- sticity (organic glass, neoleucorite). 2) Optical models of transparent, optically active materials. The deformations were measured by means of stress trans- ducers with 10, 5 and 3 mm basis, glued onto the surface of the model or placed inside the model. The errors at measur- ing the deformation of the attached stress transducer by means of the electronic device "KCA-," JIMAM " do not exceed 2 - 0. The authors present several formulas by which the Card 2/5 tension inside the models given by the stress transducer can 98-1-7/20 Investigations of a Built-in Hydroelectric Power Plant With a High Massive Dam be computed. By using the data obtained from the inside loads, the hydrostatic pressure at different water levels of the re- servoir can be established. The testing of tensometric models under realistic load conditions was carried out by a centri- fugal machine of 2.6 m in diameter and by means of applying several concentrated loads to the gravity centers of the volumes of the model. New methods were made possible by using new "optically" active materials: styrene alkyd resin (material MHXM-11MAM ) and epoxymal (with resin IA-6 or 3-40 ). Special research, conducted with the Candidate of Technical Sciences N.A. Shchegolevskiy, showed the feasibility of pro- ducing optically active materials based on epoxy-type resin and "inoculated" polymers with a broad range of elasticity moduli. The separation of main stresses within the models which are subjected to the combined pressure of hydrostatic loads and their own weight is accomplished by numerical inte- gration over the increments of tangential stresses. Besides, a less complicated method for separating the main stresses Card 3/5 in flat models was developed with electric models using 98-1-7/20 Investigations of a Built-in Hydroelectric Power Plant With a High Massive Dan current-conducting paper. Isolines obtained on electric models are shown in figure 1. Aesearch conducted on flat optical models of stresses subjected to combined action of their own weight and hydrostatic load were carried out on models made from epoxymal, which permit to carry out the "freezing" of the model and to subject it subsequently to hydrostatic load at indoor temperatures. Volumetric tensions existing in different sections of the model were determined by means of cuts taken from"frozen" modelsv(figure 21 Examinations of the cuts were conducted by means of a polarization microscope 11 M11-2 11, and by applying a double-beamed light in the polarization device. The conducted experiments made the evaluation of the tensions prevailing in this type hydroelectric power plant at the combined stress from its own weight and hydrostatic presBure, during periods of operation ypossible, as well as at different stages of construction. They further permitted evaluation of Card 4/5 the effect of different structural changes on the tension pre- 98-1-7/20 Investigations of a Built-in Hydroelectric Power Plant With a High Massive Dam vailing in the installation, and,in conformity with the findings, made it possible to recommend the most favorable structural shape. The tests also showed the relation exi- sting between the tension within the installation and the filling of the reservoir and the sequence of pouring cement. The examinations disclosed the effects of various structural changes on the stress status of the building, and made possible the selection of the most favorable shape, dimensions and location of the machine hall. An analysis of the testa led to the general conclusion that tensions occuring within the hydroelectric power plants, both during the time of con- struction and operation, do not exceed safety limits. The stability of the installation sir its cczyonent Farts is nct endangered, and there is no need for rain-forcing. There is 1 table, 6 figures and 4 Russian references. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 5/5 AUTHOR: Gubin, F.F. , Doctor of Tecli.-icol 6clen-,es, .-rc-`es- s - or TITLE: Biblio6raphy (Bibliograflya) "Tbe Turbitne 2quipmentl of the H-droelectric Power Plants", Nianual for Pro- jecting, 2nd E-dition, Revised and Supple-en'l-ed, Utider the Go-lieral T.Idi'Loi,ehip cf Mc-rc- ZOV (Deceased) ("Turbinncye oba-r%idovani-ye trostantsty", rukovods'vo alya iz.d. ,-toro,fe,pererabota.,iiic,,~iId shchey reda.!-.'1-.s--'yey prof. A..A. 7,'orozc-va~ PERIODICAL: 61-63 (kUSbR'/ A.BbTRACT: This is a review of the above book. Card 1/1 GUBIN, F.F., doktor tpkhn.naxik Certain problpms ioncerning the study if the runners of hydraulic turl-A'no!: of pre5ent-day hydroelectric p,)wer stations. Sbor. trud. KIS1 no.35:~-11 '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Hydraulic turbines) qGLBIN"JL--F,F.-*; 'UTITREV) yeol'. Choosing the relation of the height of a spiral inlet section, to the width. Izv.vyveich*zav*; atrois i arkhito 5 no-4:137-144 162. (MIRA 15:9) I. Momkovnkiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znmeni inzhenerno- stroiteltnyy institut imeni. Kuybysheva. (ffydraulic -turbines) - GUBIN,-F,F,., doktor tokhn.nauk, prof.; KHESIN, G.L., kaad.tekhn.nauk; SAKHAROV, V.N., inzh. Using pliotoolastJc coverings for studying the distribution of stresses and deformations in confrete structures. Gidr.stroi. 34 no.11:25-27 N 163. (MIRA 17:3) natur HE.UfAKOV, A.A., retsenzent,; KVARDAKOV, A.F., dots.., retsenzent.; ORLOV..V.A.pkand.tekhn.nauk,dotn. nau~, [Econoadcs of water management, and hydraulic construction) Ekonomika vodnog--i khozialstva -i gidrotekhnicheskop str3ltel, latva. 11,11o3kva, Stroiizdat, J -65. 302 p. (MIRA 18:8) 1. 'Lameslitell Tekhnif~heskogo Soveta Gosudarstvennogo pro-izvo,1stvennogo komiteta po energetike i elektrifika- tsiI SSSR (for Belyakov). 2. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy gidrav- 1W. gidroscoruzhexiiy 11avosibirskogo in7honerno- stro'r,eJ'rc&1-j institu.-La im. V.V.Kuyb3rsLeva (for Kvardakov). CWT(M) '11~ RIM_. L 2 LIZ5 ACC NR- AP6012083 SOURCE-' CONA 7, AUTHOR: Nesmeyanov,_A. N.; Kozlovskiy, A. G.; ~4W46___E_1__~?___11~revalova Gt ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovski osudarstvennyy universitet); institute of Organoelemental L~r_2u_rids AN SSSYR tInstitut elementoorgan-i .icheskikh soyedineniyF TITLE: Protolysis of mercury derivatives of,ferrocenel~ AN SSSR. Izvestiya. SOURCE: Seriya khimicheskayap no 3, 1965, 580 TOPIC TAGS: titrimetry, ferrocene, mercury compound, dioxane,.Chlorine compound ABSTRACT; The Rate constants were determined for the protolysis'of mercury ,derivatives of ferrocene - chloromercuroferrocons and diferrocene-mercury .using hydrochloric acid in 90% (by vol=e) aqueous dioxane. This quantity of acid not entering into reaction was determined by potentiometric titration. The reaction rate in all Cases is described by a second-order kinetic .equationo 1he protolysis rate of diferrocene mercury is six tiines greater than the cleavage rate of di-p-anisylsercury under the same conditions. Orig. art. has'. 1 table. [JPRS3 SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 18Jan65 ORIG FEF: 002 UDC: 531-1+342-9~ GUB3. F.V.. podpolkovnik med.sluzhby (L'vov) A typical form of congenital sWotonia (pArmyotonia). Vrach.delo no.8 851-853 Ag'58 (MIRA 11:8) (KrOT01IIA) 17(13) S