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POLAND/Optics General
Abs Jour Ref Zhmr - nzika, No 3, 1,958, NO 6,852
Author Grzedzie
Inst -Nert-Gf-v~L,
Title Conference devoted -to Moleonolar Spectra
Orig Pub Ura,-nia (Polska)., 1957, No 41., 107-113
Abstract Report on the International Abit-miphysical Colloquium, held
in Liege in la',T
Card 1/1
Rev-'sicn of galac-tic coordinpte~3. r.- 138
1 C. ~ 17 TTI, y f,
(jolskzi Akaderd& Nauk. Komitp-' Ac'rcnozrvIL) Krakow, 'olard.
vol. 7, no. A~-.,r./June V,59.
Monthly list. of Ess', Eurq.ean Acce.~zdon (EFAI) LC, Vol. 1, no. 1, J;m. Y'V).
'7 Remarks concerning the hypothetical dependence of p/AV on galactic
latitude, Acta. aotronom 9 no.1:25.-28 159.
1. Astronomical Observatory, University,, Warsaw, and Institute
of Astronomy., Po3iah Academy of Sciences,, Warsaw.
AUTHOR: Grz~dzielskl, S.
TITLE-~ Intergalactic Qa~7in the Local Group of Galaxies
PERIODICAL. post,py astronomii, 1960, Vol. 8, No. 3,
pp. 171 - 173
TEXT: The present paper is an account of the iheory put
forward by C.D. Kahn and L. Woltjer in Ap. J., 1959, Vol. 130,
P. 705.
There are I figure and 2 English references.
Card 1/1
Gsa in the central part of the Galaxy. Postepy astronom 6 no.l,:252-262 160
Radio structure of the M 31 galaxy. Postepy astronom 8 no.1,:263 'LO
The magnetic field and the spiral structure- Postepy astronom 8
no-4:265-268 160
Selected molecular aspects of cosmic hydromagnatics4 Pt.2,
Postepy amtronow 9 no.3.-117-136 J1-S 161.
AUTHOR. Grzedzielski, S.
TITLE: Selected problems of molecular space hydrodynamics
HNIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 4, 1962, 33,
abstract 4A278 ("Post9py astron.11, 1961, v. 9, no. 2, 85 - 95,
TEXT: This is a survey. In particular, the article describes chavacteristic
quantities of plasma (sighting distance for collisions, mean distance between
particles, Debye radius, free path length).
S. K.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Selected molecular "poets of cosmic hydromapeticso
II. Microscopic basis of the fundawntal compounds. -
Postopy astron-m 9 no.3:117-136 '61.
Now system of Galactic coordinates Postepy astronom 9 no.3:
177-178 JI-S 161.
Selected molecular aRpects of cosmic hydromagretics. Ft.3.
Postepy astronon 9 ro-4:193-210 O-D 161.
An experiment in the confrontation of theory and observation.
Postepy astronom 9 no.4:235 O-D 061.
GRZEDZIELSKIJ, Stanislaw (Wax,oZawa)
The spectrum. Urania. 32 no.12:365-368 D 161.
(Astronomy) (Spectrum analysis)
- ------ ---
Stars escaping from association. Postepy astronom 10 no.2:
165-169 '62.
.GRZE,DZ-IMSKI., Stanislaw
Problems of diatributions and motions of the interstellar gas in the
central regions of the Galaxy. Postepy astronom 10 no.4:317-325 O-D
~ - - --- .- I
Rotatign of the galaxy nuolous M31. Footepy aotronom 10 no.4:359-361
O-D 162.
A mechanism of gas expansion from the c6ntral.partB of the
Clalaxy. Bul Ac Pol mat 10 no.31:583-587 062. 1
lo Astroncmical. Observatory, Warsaw University, Warsaw.
Presented by W. Iwandika.
On magnetic fields in H I clouds. Acta astronom 12 no.3g
154-180 162.
1. Astronomical Observatory, University, Warsaw, and
Institute of Astronomy, Polish Academy of Sciencep.
GRZEDZIELSKI., Stanisle6w; SMAK, A)zi.,C (Warszawa)
Birth and deht,h of stars. IvIsuchawiat no.lOt225-229 0 163.
G Rz. -r D z Pi: T-1c.1 ?a , S t - i ni ~:3 -1 a -.,;
Distributdons of interstellar gas in the cent.ral regiom
of the G&Iaxy. Pt. 12, Foatepy astronom 11 no.l-.21-49 163,,
f" . violet.
Continuouis spectrum of stars In the far ultra
astronom. 11 no.2.-179-181 163.
Hypothetical str,icture of the galactic gaoeous corona.
Postepy astronom 11 no. 3: 215-220 163.
~'*" 4*0~ ftam ,, ~' - ~J' .
On the cloudy-structure of the galactic gaseous corona.
Acts, astronom 13 no.3:143-156 63.
1. Astronomical Observatory, University, Warsaw.
.,R', Fb7IFI!iKL,
G ': ~
Impressions from the MSPAR Conferenne, June *;.,-j('!3 In
Warsaw. Postepy astrrcnom 12 no.l-~56-58 '64.
kv ~
Photoelectric! measurements of the polarization of the light of
stars of the known band width 1,1~30. Postepy astronom 12 no.
2:121 164.
GRZM=SKA, Zof ia
ASKAHAS, Alina: MAMMA, Zofia
Case of generalized staphylococcal Infection In newborn infant.
Pediat. Polska 29 no,3:283-285 Mr '54.
1. Z Misjok-lego Sspitala Dsleclecego No.1 w Varssawie, Dyrektort
prof. dr mod. k3tanklevies.
(117ANT. INWBORN, diseases,
*micrococcal Infect,)
(KICROCOCCAL IMMOKS, In infant and child,
BIERNACKI, lndrzej [deceased]; CHELCHOWSKI, Vlodaimierz; CZARNECKI,
Wincenty; GRZEDZINSIXI; ~kgjjQ~ps,
Effect of high launidity, a bio-meteorological factor, on
patients tteated. in Giechocinek during the summer of 1960.
Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 34 no.ltl9-32 164.
1. Z I niniki Ghorob Vewnetrznych AM w Warszawie (kierow-
nik: prof.dr.nauk meO. A.Biernacki (deceased]) i Samodzielnej
Pracowni Biometeiorologicznej PIHM w Warsxawie (kierownik:
prof. dr. S.ZYCIL).
Those who whittle airplanes. 1-;.t.
French aviation p.8,.
(SK'R"'YDLATA FOLSIU. Vol. '13, No. 25, Ka3,- 1957. !,;arszavm, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EL,';L) LC. Vol. 6, Ho. 10, October 195-1 . Uncl.
GRZEGLNEK-WIECF,K, Brygida., mgr inz.
Orlgination, lzooessing and applAcation of blast furnace slag 0
in chunks as building materials Wiad hut 18 no,9;281-286 S
J, 4 4
z' 7.
ibljjty~' f ~dtdv WOO
Jr7ego adicl i
, A,
Id, -
t',vi)n act' lrclii~n 14 ell
er .1i W eski I I U~6ii4 , W
t Ar bblrisbli
I!" IrS 'I Wtw, vaize t.,
Theorle Tj*
_PddiLi6n,- Wit
ij)Hkatioh ikvk~, MI.-
diemnd betj~jcftt
*yi iiiu
~P. ~Ca: onn
W7 0
,zj: 0 1~ E
Natbamatical Reviews
vqi. 4 vo. n
Dec. 1953
Qrsegorezyk, A.* and, C. On Janissevokils
Anat Soo
property of topological spaces. polono.
Math. 25 (1952), 169-182 (1953),
Lot 3 be a connected, locally ponnected, Normal T
spaceg and suppose.that, whenever A and B are closed
connected subsets of S such that S- ~(A.vB) is
oonnected,then knB Is connected. The authors
deduce that, whenever 0, D are:~components of any
.closed subsets A, B of S such thEt (AvB) is.
connected, thin CnD is connected; and.that this~
in turn implies the same property with "closed"
replaced by "open". If further S is: compact metric,
all these properties are kno~mzto be:equivalent
to one another (from the:factIthat they make ovary
true cyclic ilement of S a 2-sphere; see 0.
Nuratowskit Fund. Math. 13, 3D7-318:(1929)). In
the general case, the question of equivalence remains
open. appendix it is pointed out that the,
results eitend to &:suitable class of "closure
algebrae" (R. Sikorskit Fund. Math. 36, 165-206
(1949); theme Rev. 12, 85]. A. H.zStone (Manobester)o
Grx"alm k A. On the definitions of cookputabk real I
cdons Fund Math. 44 (1957), 61 _7 I.
!he auF5TrM%--1n1?C pn (1) of computable. real
-continuous function was proposed in Fund. Math. 42
(1955),168-2D2 (MR 19, 238]. under the name "computable
real function". It was based on the notion of computable
functionals. In the present paper, four alternative - de-
finitions (11, 111, 111 and 111") based on computable
sequences of real numbers. and two (IV and IV') based on
computable sequences of open rational segments, are
;proved equivalent to 1.
er I
nd 1, a real function 97 is computabla cDntinuous if
and only if (i) for each computable sequen fa.) of reals,
the, sequencMeq(aj)) is computable and (H) 4p Lis Compu-
tably unifo y continuous Cm an obviotis sense) with
the rational segments. For IF, (Q. is replaced by
tiort thikt,- for a - recursive enumoation: of the
rationals.r. without repetition, the se4uence fip(rts)) is
computable. For III and 111'. ~ is reqni~ to be continu-
ous, so that (ii) can be formulated in texihs of rational
Cr 1' 2- e,9 a K Z-A
Definitions IV and IV' are similar to that
combe (C. R. Acid. Sci. Paris* 240 (1955), 2478-2480;
241 (1955), 13-14, 151-153; MR 17, 225). G. Rose.
Definability of sets in models of axiomatic theories. Bul Ac Pol
wt 9 no.3;163-167 161*
1. Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
Presented by A. Mostowski.
A kind of categoricity. Col math 9 no.2:183-18'1 162.
114,o-200 C111/G444
AUTHORSs Grzegorezyk, Al Mostowski, Al Ryll-Nardzewski, C.~
TITLE~ Definability of sets in models of axiomatic theories
PERIODICALA Referatiirnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. !, 1962, 13, 14,
abstract 1A89-(Bull. Acad. polon. sci.- Ser,, sci~ math.,
--stron, et phys-, 1961, 2, no. 3, 163 - 167)
Let' correspond to every formula~o of the elenent.-.rl-
theory T a preEicato, depending on the same number of variabies
(whi:h run throuph the domain of the,natural numbers) as the formula
The set ~Tfz,. of the predicates thus obtained is called a model of
the theory T, if all theorems of this theory are true in The
means that the formula f is satisfied in ML in case
sign 67~Y T
one gives the free variable x. of the formula the value j. With
each formulall of IT one can connect.the set of those models
for which ho a I- - of all m~jels '~d~ is a topologi-
knT . The set
cal space,, if for a base of open sets the set system is taken.
It is proved that the space M is an absolute G,~ Let be
V 10
Card 1/4
Definability of sets C111/C444
a sequence of formulas of the theory T with the only free variable
X'7 and lei't- ',- for n. 1, 29-, $- being the sign of de-
I T"n -o T
duction in T.. The theory T is called ~,-closed(with t-espect to the
sequence ',r if for every formula .p it from
follows ~- T ""o
(n The model ed a 4-~.-standard model
2,., is call
T n
(with re spect to the sequence L ), if to every i>, 1 there exists
an n :1. 1 such that IC (x -I- (X,), where are
b i h 'ITO(xl)' lh(x,)
obtained by substituting in IA-1, the variable x by x.,. It is
0 En 1
proved that in case of the theory T beingf.~,-closed, tne set of all
its,.,.-standard-models is a set of complete category of the type Go-
in M. The set of natural numbers Z is called reDresentable in T
(with respect to the sequence'r~,,), if there exists a formula 0 with
the only free variable x 1 such that from n6Z it follows T x1
(-Z and from nt, Z it follows " -1 2-~ X, The set Z is
n I T
,7alled d- fj.r~Oblf- ija r.11Q laodel by ait! of ~.u~ f orwm.L4 if n ( Z is
Card -9/4
Definability of sets... C111/6444
equivalent to 1= oft 3 x, (IL.Akf) - Obviously every set representable
in T is definable in every model of T. The following basic lemma is
less trivialt The set M z of those models in which a given set of na-
tural numbers Z is definable, is a set of the type Ferin M; if M z is
not of the first category in M, then there exists a finite extension
of the theory T in which Z is representable.
If M is no element of M, then M is called anO-stan-
dard-model(with respect to the sequenceX ), if the formula X is
n 0
interpreted in Ot by the set-theoretical union of the interpretations
of the formulas Irl P T2 ... The set Z is then called definable in M
(with respect to the sequence Tt-' ), if there exists a formula of the
theory T, and an estimation (i n M) of the free variables of the for-
mula I such that the formula _-1Xj(rir.AY) is satisfied in M, if and
only if n'EZ.
By aid of the basic lemma one proves;
1,,) If T is axiomatizable, and if all recursive sets are representable
Card 3/4
Definability of sets C111/C444
in T, then the following set families are identical with the fa-lily
of recursive setsA
a) the family of those sets, being representable in T;
b) the family of those sets, being definable in all models of T.
2.) If T is(O-closed, if all hyperarithmetical sets are representable
in T, and if the set(of the Goedel numbers) of the theorems of T bt-
longs to the class n of the hierarchy of' Cliny-Mostowski, then the
following set families are identical with the family of hyperarithme-
tical sets;
a) the family of those sets, being definable in allci-standard-models
0f T;
b) the family of those sets, being representable in T~
[Abstracter's note: Complete traiislation.'j
Card 4/4
An example of two w9ak essentially undecidable theories F and F*.
Bul Ac Pol mat 10 no.1:5~-q 162.
1. Lwtitute of Mathematics,, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
Presented by A.Mbatowoki,
A theory without recursive models. Bul Ac Fol. mat 10
no.2:63-69 162.
1. Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
Presented by A.I~bstowski.
GRZEGORCZTK, A. (Wzu,sziiua)
A note on the theory of propositional types. Fund math
54 no. 1:27-29 164.
Recursive objects in all finite types. Ibid.:73-93.
Results of therapy of alcoholic psychoses with renerijine (Rerpaoil).
PoIRki tygod. lek. 13 no-30:1148-1151 28 JUIY 58.
1, (Z Klialki Psychiatryasnej A, M. w BIa3.ymmtokm; kierownik: KLiniki
Luajan Korzeniowski). Bialystok. Klin. Psychiatryczna A.K,
reserpine, statist. (Pol))
(R3S3RP:LN3, ther. use
alcoholic psychoses, statist. (Pol))
A case of psychosis after attempted suicidal hanging. Near. &c.
polska 10 no.6:869-871 160.
1, Z 111nikI Psychlatryesnej A.M. v Blalymetoku, Kierownlkt
LJorzenlowski. I
Case of deforming coqpnital teratosis palmarls st plantarls.
Polski tygod. lek. 10 so.51:2646-1648 19 Dea 55.
1. 2 oddslalu dermtologlasnego Sspitala Vojewodsklego
Xsessawle; ord7mator: dr. nod. J.Kostolowski. Sspital
Vejewodski v Isessoute Odds. Dervatologlazzy.
(EMTWX FALWARS Nf PIA22MS, came reports
Lympbankioma circumscriptum of the skin. Przogl. dorm., Warez.
6 n0-3:233-238 May-June 56.
1. Z Oddzialu dermatologicznego Szpitala Wojewodzkiego w
Rxeszowie Ordyniator: dr. J. Rzeszow. Przychodnia Skorno-
Wenerologiczna, arottgera 26.
(LYMPHAJIGIO14A, case reports,
skin (Pol))
(SKIN NEDPLASMS, case reports,
lymphangioma (Pol))
ACTH therapy of tabetic pain. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.10:
467-469 5 Kar 56.
1. Z oddzialu dermatologicsnego 3spitala Wojewodaklego w
Rzeszowie. Ordynator: dr. med. Julian lostolowski. Reessow,
ul. Turkienicza 33.
(ACTH, therapy,
tabetic pain (Pol))
ACTH In tabetic pain (Pol))
GRZEGOILOZYK, ileslaw (Rzenzow, ul. Swierezewokiego 8. Pow. Poradnia Dermatologiczna)
Skin diseases in sportsmen. Polski ty4ad. lek. 14 no.13:577-580
30 )kr 59.
1. (Z Komisji Lekarsko-Sportowej WMF w Rzeszovie i Powiatowej
Foradni Dermatologicznej w Rzeszowie; przewoduiczacy Komisji i
Kierownik Poradni: Leslaw Grzegorczyk)
Ln sportsmen (Pol))
skin dis. in sportsmen (Pol))
Considerations on the application of the preparation weandoeten-
calcium Sandoz" In dermatological therapy. Przegl.derm.,Waraz.
46 no.4:379-385 Jl-Ag 159.
1. Z Powiatowej Poradni Darmatologiasnej w Rzestowie. Kierownik:
dr. L. Grzeeorazyk.
_.L s
On the problem of the effect of epoxy phenol-rormaldehyde resins on
workers' skin. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no-50:1942-1944. 10 D 162.
1. Z Wojewodzkiej Przychodai Medycyny-Pracy w RzeEzowie; dr med.
L. Grzegorczyk i Oddzialu Chorob Zawodowych Wojewodzkiego w Rzeszowie;
ordyantor: dr med. L. Grzegorczyk.
-Vwcmotor neurosis of upper extremities as an occupational disease
of metallurgical and foundry workers. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.51:1977-
1983 17 D 162.
1. Z Vojewodzkiej Przychodni, Modycyny Fracy w Rzessovie; dyraktar:
dr mod. L. Gra6goretyk i Oddsialu Chorab Zamodowych Sspitala
Wojewodzkiego w Rzoozovis; trdynator: dr mod. L. Graegorazyk.
GRZLG,0-aCZM, 3.
''Deter!.- "nation of Yanganese, Chror-imr., Tungsten, Nickel, Vanadiur, 1,.olybdenu- Gobalt,
and Copper Content in Steel by the Application of a Photographic Ft-thoi!.11 D. 140
(HUTNIK, Vol. 20, No. 4, Apr. 1953) ~arszawa
SO: Yonthly List of E4st Euro-ean Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 2, No.10
0 P -%P
ctober 1953. Unclassified.
NIKOUNNICZ, Eugeniusz; CZAJKA, Stanislaw; GIBAUEMWA, Maria;
PlbIqZEK, James; STANOCH. Adolf
Pneumothorstat tuberculosis dispensaries In Cracow, 1943-1954.
Gruzlica 24 no.8:637-652 Aug 56.
1. Z DzIalu. Terenowego Instytutu Grazlicy v Krakowie Dfroktor:
prof. dr. St. Hotnung I z Poradni Pr;~ciwgruslIczycb w Krakowie
KleroqnIcy: 4r: Z. Grsegorcsykowa, dr. X. Xrakowska. dr. Ds. Lanscaka,
dr. K. Mulak, dr. J. Pieniqtek, dr. A. Stanuch, dr, N. Visjowski.
9 ion $be
jourpal of the Science of asilibe
whole, =-MW nbetswo (04b cif 2 - 4;::!tI$w7lvm
Food and Agriculture oxya" "Id) th" owi
dinitro-awal type., thoung with CSCN,'iitw SirayipC with
AprU*1954 plant-growth regulators quickens developmefit of the gross" which
Agriculture and Horticulture. tAe the place of the d ntm~ J~A. "'a point method for.
the determination of respw ve COYMMA by ipreaves a"
should be used to preficisace to the botaxAcal Wmaynia of he
only a put of the dicotyleikinous weedo Sets, lato the bay. =*
Plant-growth regulators awAlarate the floimirlaiii and ased formation.
of Terazatmix q
,$~Juak, hut only 3-4.8 (it the seeds preestwe
their germinating pawn. 11. The hern'44 action of growtb-
regulating substances and c9rrooive agivats Is studiect In fidd exped-'
Tn*nts with autumn J" and who") a" (whist. barley.
asd oats) corn crops. The elect of tba,=411111 sub-
stances Is found to bi mom lasting as theyaffict Ww the * "butting
power of the wred weds, ~ Optimum emi. of, her md bat
qwaying ciinditions are sought and the effect of different agents
,on tile corn and straw crops and an different speci of
Bffect of typhoid toxin on ovaries. Prsegl. laki, Krakow 8 no. 4-.
114-115 1952. (CLML 22:5)
1. Of the Institute of General and Bxpertmental Pathology of Krakow
Medical Academy.
.1-114-NNINWO Ito mom
Z r- Ge~ R F
Grzekdrzeww J. S rtaE~ Constil
jablits d, Wood.M 6: Ilse of Ce
the RISE Wrodaelloll or
: giuwxjo.~
Oa rw arnz
s a n Attnenti$w '~u
d tkrJ) WOJIIW-~
r0 1 pr7emyst noirty, .1 spdjpwxy~_,~'40. P.,
311,-314. 8 I~bs~
UperimenLs we L
Mcarried out th Ping 2~njj)~"_
wL aview to-d6e&
mum iuelhuct
for malataining bload In ~Jlqufd, form.: -and obt4inift'g
serum. Mcveover iogital process was devckped lbri suhstitutl
serum for sausages. This research lert to the - lollOWIM, t co~~
cluslottd: 1) the best.means far maintaining. blood- :n 140iijuld f6ml: In
lhe in,!Utod of fibrin
leparation whia does -,Aot call lot 'tabillsi-s,
tat ~ ed fro bjdb~r
bot-h expensive and in short aupply; zythe. serum 91) 1! rn,
bern vvm'!
from %vlalch fibrin has ate. Lk bither pt.010,ln Valft R
-Su dar properklnr In blnding~ waler ftlug
possess0s, n%oreoverj Poe
guloijon thzn:plas= Irc4n I)jokd .1till)IIIjed ivith -Aidliijit clilitleAW.,.~
- - it wn &-ablinbed by 3stripling that strum Ii
t'exce0ing per can', reli b-~e
sausage & and c.", to an extent no
use In
~bcef at P014A.
Influence of twofold pasteurization on the durability and quality of canned ham. P. 24.
GOSPODARKA MIESNA., Vol. 7j, No. 9 Sept- 1955
(Polskie Wydawnictwa Gospodarcze) Warszawa
Prsypravy i surowce pomocnicze pr przerobie migma (Seasonings and awciliary
raw materials at the processing of meati by J. arsagorsevics. Reported in New Bouka
(Nome Ksiaski.) March 1, 1956.
GINO, Leezek; I,
"% W f
Ronal diabetes of types tygod. isk. 11 no.4:158-i63 23 Jan
1. V III 111niki Chorob Vwnetrszycb~ Slasklej A.M. v Bytoulu;
kier.: prof. dr. K.Clibinski. Mytm. u1. Valftsa 3 a. 2.
renal, type B, diag. & ther.)
KIDEM. d1s.
gl"osuria, type B. diag. & ther.)
B(I K th"S K 4 , fit Lr,:., :1
in -.-I -I -a ~-l :1-
atarx-ei and fome. .-FT.
merits- FoL, phann. 21 164
1. Z &Lklhdii Fanaaajl
v %ra-z-aw-16 (Kierou-1ke d,--;. dr. L.
GRUG011EK, Ifenryk, ragr.inz.; MARONA, Rudolf, mgr; SOZANSKI, Jakub, ingr.irz.
Recent type of distillation furnaces for t~e production of raw zince.
Rudy i metale 7 no.6:275-279 Je 162
I i I II I I F-; V 4H, PON I UO VW I fl i~ it MIN if MN
ACC NR: AP5026673 PO/0053/65/000/010/0498/0504
AUTHOR: Wolkenberg, A. -
TITIX: Investigation of secondary storage batteries having Ag/AgO electrade'l
SOURCE; Prze*glad elektroniki,
no. 10, 1965, 498-504
TOPIC TAGS: silver zinc battery. *storage battery, nickel cadmium battery',
-ABSTRACT: The electrical prope#ies of Ag-Zn aocamulators 'of
Polish productio6 ard desa-
cribed. The experimental Investigation of the electrical properties of Ag-Zn accumulators
produced in the CLAW (Type C10) is described. The accumulators teAted.were found tb main.',
tain their nominal capacity after being stored for two months; after 12 months storage they had
only 50% of their initial capacity. They were compared with similar lead- acid and: alkaline
accumulators. The shortcomings of Ag-Zn accumulators i are discussed (high cost ,ofproduc-
tion, low life-time, poor performance at low temperatures; they last. only 30 - 40 discharge-
charge cycles). It is concluded that the Ag-Zn accumulator is a special source of *Iectrical
energy to be used profitably only for some special purpose; no widespread use of this type of
accumulator is recommended.. The second part of the paper is devoted to similar Investigation
of Ag-Cd accumulators. The experiment shows that the capacity of A9'-Cd accumulator,is de-
pends on the manner of discharging to much greater degree than Is the case with Ag-Zti accumu -
lators. The life-time of Ag-Cd accumulators is somewhat smaller than that of Ag-Zn accumu-
Card 1/2
...... .. ..
BUKOWSKA, Hanna; GRZEGORZEWICz.,.2fjie-slawa; PAWLAK, Elzbieta
Determination of panthenol in bulk and in pharmaceutical forms.
Pt.3. Acta Pol. pharm. 22 no.3:249-254 165.
1. Z Zakladu Farmacji Stosowanej Instytutu Farmaceutycznego w
Warszawie (Kierownik Zakladu: doc. dr. L. Krowczynski).
AUTHORS: Grzegorzewski, I.; Jarosifiski, I.; Masters of Zngineering
TITLE: Inspection of jet engines
PERIODICAL: Wojskowy Przeglfd Lotniczy, no. 8, 1960, 32 - 37
TEXT: Dealing with'the development of the complicated design of jet
engines the authorsstate that continuous inspection of jet engines and Investiga-
tion of their operation is indispensable and of high importance. Inspections per-
formed for maintenance purposes help the scientists in their efforts to improve
existing types and to design new types of jet engines. The inspections and in-
vestigations are classified according to various criteria erA require special tools,
equipment, laboratories, etc, by which the achieved observations, tests, results
and data can be evaluated. Use of cameras, recording devices, eta, are indispens-
able for exact investigation of the manifold mechanisms of jet engines. Attention
should be paid to the health and safety of personnel and to fire, noise and ex-
plosion protection.
Card 1/1
j JA-1371 M, I, J
I, 'io. evel iern
-aided missiles -..s one oi' 'u..e basic direcL. -is of oprieli't-, of nod
aeronautics. -p. 3.
'-'CIJSM"fY PRTEGLID l,r"-T(_'FY. 1 "13, h) '.Jarszawa, Poland.
I- -- (Dowd-zb-zo WoJsk Lotrucz c.
12, no. 1, Jam. 195"0.
lily list of Fast Eurc-.)ean kccessic
ont, ris L", Vol. L';, no. 7, Julyr 1959.
'96'-5-0 0 0
1A / ~,-5-0 68879
26f3B~ POL/44-60-3-6/16
AUTHOR-s Grzegorzewski, J., Graduate Eagineer
T=: The Application of Nuclear Drive in Aviation
PERIODICAL.- Wojskowy Przeglad Lotniczy, 1960, Nr 3, pp 24 - 32
ABSTRACT: The author gives a general description of nuclear powered jet and rocket
engines and the aspects for their use as aircraft propellant. The
principle of direct action nuclear jet engines are shown in Figures 1 and
2 and of one with indirect heat ex&.. a nge in Figure 3. For successful
employment of these and also of pulse jets as shoWn in Figure 4. materials
withstanding temperatures of 1,5000C are required but such are not yet
available. An atomic powered rocket engine as shown in Figure 5, using
liquid bydrogenllor water as propelling medium, would operate on even higher
temperatures. The author states that at the present time no aircraft is
flying on nuclear power only; however, atomic powered engines are being
tested in aircraft propelled by conventional eagines. As the first step,
he predicts the development of atomic powered turboprop engines and mentions
Card 1/2 intensive re-gearch on propeller blades which are supposed to work efficient
The Application of Nuclear Drive in Aviation PoL/44-&-3-6/16
ly at and beyond sonic speeds. He also predicts compound drive, usIng
conventional and atomic jet engines, as shown in Figure 6. The great
weight of the currently built atomic reactors would not allow construction
of atomic powered aircraft weighing less than 150 tons at the present
There are six diagrams.
Card 2/2
GRZEGORZWSKI,l J., rigr.,inz,; JAROSIKSKI, J., mgr.,inz.
Tegting of.jet engines. Wojsk przegl 13 no.8:32-37 Ag 160.
Examining aeronautical and rocket equipment, by means of Jet
propelled sleighs. WoJsk przegl 15 no.8:38-49 Ag 161.
GRZEGL)Fa~W,-J.,_ mgr.,i-nz.
The heat barrier. Wojsk przegl 15 no.10:35-42 0 161.
J_U 0 Grzegorzewski, J., Master of Engineering
TITLE: Problems of aerodynamic heating
PERIODICAL: IVojsko%"j przeglqd lotniczy, no. 1, 1962, 17-27
TEXT: A basic description is given of countermeasures against aero-
dynamical heating at supersonic speed. The article is a continua-
tion of an it'em. which appeared in the no. 10, 1961 issue of this
periodical under the title "Barjera cieplna" (Heat barrier). The
following subjects are discussed in broad outlines in this article:
cabin refrigeration, uneven stresses in aircraft structures due to
heating% the effect of aerodynamical heating on the hydraulical,
electrical, fuel and lubrication systems of an aircraft, counter-
measures against aerodynamical heating of aircraft parts and pro-
tection of rockets and ballistic missiles against aerodynamical
heating. There are 5 figures, 7 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Grze Master of Engineering
TITLE: Rocket engines with solid fuels
PERIODICAL:- Technika lotnicza, no. 3, 1962, 72-80
TEXT. A survey is given of the developments in the design
of the rocket engines with solid fuel, based on American achieve-
ments available to the author. A comparison is made of the various
properties of solid fuel mixtures, their suitability and limitation
of applications as rocket propellants. A description is given of
rocket design features including the design of the combustion cham-
ber, ignition devices, materials used and the regulation of the rate
of combustion, starting and stopping of the burning process- The
properties of American propellants and missiles are described in
detail. There are 18 figures, 2 tables and 10 references: 7 Soviet-
bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language
publications read as follows: M. Barrere et al., "Rocket Propulsion",
Card 1/2
Rocket engines with solid fuels D265/D302
Elsevier Publishing Company, 1960; G. Huggett, G.E, Bartley andIA.
It., 11ils, "Solid propellant rocket", Princeton University Press,
1960; G.P. Sutton, "Rocket propulsion elements", London 1960,
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Grzegorzewski, Jerzy, Master of Engineering
TITLE: Combustion chambers of aircraft turbine engines.
Part 1
PERIODICAL: Technika lotnicza, no. 6, 1962, 165 - 171
TEXT: The basic requirements of a combustion chamber for-a gas tur-
bine are stated and a detailed account of gas dynpic processes pre-
vailing during the combustion is given. The actiolt of swirling in-
jectors is treated in detail .and their performanab in various phaseq
of combustion is studied. Combustion chamber los6es which are divi-'~
ded into gas dynamic and heat losses are discussed in terms of the
coefficient of overall pressure losses & and the coefficient of hy-
draulic losses ';'correlated by
1 - 5 Ma2 (6)
where Ila, Mach number for the cases of high7' and moderate
velocities and related by
Card 1/2
Combustion chambers of aircraft D286/D308
k Yla 2
k - 1 2 k-1
20 + 2 Ma 1)
for lower pressures and higher velocities, The heat losses are ana-
lyzed in terme of the coefficient of heat emission
0 + a0l)t C t C ael
c2 P2 c1 P1 (15)
VI lower calorific value of fuel, a air excess coeffIcient. The
inter-dependence of the heat and!gas dynamic losses.and the influen-
ce of a are discussed with reference to the recent Soviet sources of
information 'in this field. Therelare 11 figures.
ASSOCIATION:- Instytut lotnictwa (Institute of Aviation)
Card 2/2
Grze-orzoi.&H, Jerzy, I:aster o.L. -,iS - ering
T:CTI,Z. Combuction chambers of aircraft turbine engines.
Part ill
P El., "~ I UD 1 C.:' a, Techniha lotnicza, ILO. 10, 1962, 291-296
="C2: The iuvesti-ations of cor.Coust-ion cham,)crs for reseca-ch
purposes a-ad perfornailce -Lcsts are discussed. The visual observation
of the hydrodynamic pro--)crtics of flow in the combustion cham:3er
using a plane chan~.,cr uicdcl in a vatcr tunnel is described. 'L*"rlc dis-
tribUtio-11 Of the seco-adar, j
.1 air injected into the combustion ch'=.I)Qr,
its velocity, the dircctioa 0.4' 'low alld ACLIC depth oJ2 --cnatration
which influence t1ic com!-rustion process and the flame extingrutshi'ng
characteristics are sl--adicd on -a space model. ;-ethods are giveL
for studyin- the fornation of the air-fupl mixture, its sampling
alld ~hc i-av'cstigations o,.'L: the si.:c and the path of atomized mixture
drorilets. The description of the test-ri-s and equi-pzu~nt is follow-
measuring air-and conswk3tion,
Cd by one of the methods o
kjard 1/2
Combustion chambers ... D265 D303~'
temperature and prcs5urc distribution znndl the :)hotomctric exhaust
gas analysis. The photcqr,'ranhic method of recording, the test data,
their utilizatio-~-L for plott-in,, thc rcsults awnd 3recautions to be
observed during tcsto arc diocussed. z", analySIG is griven Of- faults
~r,countcrcd durinIl- t`ac- t--sti-n,-; and their Prevention. 2m estimation
Is made o" the mc--gnitudc of the error introduced by the datermina-
tion o-L-' the coe-E-ficient. of heat emission in the combustion c1-AzmbCr
.Lron the parameters obtained during tests. There =e 9 figures.
Card 2/2
Combustion chamberia of aircraft turbine engines. Techn lotn
17 no*8:235-242 Ag 162.
GRZEGORZEWSKI, Jerzy, m(;r inz.
Combustion chambers of aircraft turbine engines. Pt. 3.
Techn lotn 17 nco.10:291-296 0 162.
- m
GRZEGORZEWSKI,, Jerzy, mgr inz.
Untribution to the methods of testing combustion ebambers of
gas turbine engines. Tecbn lotu 18 no.92230-233 S163
("' !-, ';
- - 0 ;.' .. - 1. 1, Jc-.Z,::Y, =g-- ill, .
" t Lid , (
-s on th,~ combu-- I !on zonn cj' the c,;~,amj)f 1. .,~ ~,
- - n vaprz i vi ng
burners of an aircraf'L turbJne engine. Techn L,)*-,,i "19 rLO-6.-',"'55-
158 je '61+6
1. Institute of Aeronautics, I!arsaw.
L I J a r Zy, T, (r, r' tile
4 0 '64.
Turbine combustion engines. Przeg] terlln 85 rj~.41, -1.1 5
]L!,~ Lil
L 41196-66 E1,VT(d)/E.V(f)/T--VF JZ~D
F P T kLap
ACC Ni~_AI~~iff~~5 SOURCE CODE: Po/oo44/65/000/012/0028/0037
AUTHOR; Grzegorzewski, Jerzy (Master engineer)
ORG: None
TITLE: The present state and some developmental trends in aircraft tarbine engines
SOURCE; Wojskovy Frzeglad lotniczy, no. 12, 1965, 28-37
TOPIC TAGS: turbine engine, -turboprop engine, aircraft engine
ABSTRACT; The author reviews the state of the art and planned Improvements in the de.--
sign and production of turbine engines for aircraft in the United States, England,
Italy, France and West Gerypny. Some new improvements in engine design include the
use- of liahtve alloyaj(heat exchangers, multistage units and air-cooled turbine
vanes. The development of double-flow turbines is discussed and some examples are
given. Sane of the latest advances in turboprop engines are also considered. It is
pointed out that improvements in engine design have increased the time between repairs.,
as vell as the total service life of turbine engines used in aircraft Orig. art. has," .
8 figures.
SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: none/ SOV REF: 002/ OTH REF: 005
aircraft engine- mtu""_
card 1/1
Wa-RV -AP6031487 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0008/66/000/004/0499/05,
AUTHOR: Grzelakowska-, Barbara
ORG: Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Experimental Biology im. M. Nencki.
Warsaw (Zaklad Bi'ochemii Instytutu Biologii Doswiadzalnej)
TITLE: Biochemical properties of folic acid metaboUtes
SOURCE: Chemicke listy,, no- 4. 19669 499-522
TOPIC TAGS: biochemistry, biologic metabolism, enzyme, molecular structure,
hydrogenation, organic nitrogen compound
ABSTRACT: Biochemical and biological properties of metabolites of
folic~-a6id'are discussed. Analogues of folio acid are the first
'substances that were known to have a cytostatic antimetabolite
.character. They found application in treatment of certain growths
IThe antimetabolite may either have the basic structure of the mol-
,ecule similar to that of folio acilk, or the structure may be sub-
stafitially different. 4-aminoanalogues of folio acid, and their
thydrogenated and formyl-derivatives are discussed. Hydrogenation
!.of the pyrazine ring limits the efficiency of the substances. Biol-
.ogical propardes of folio acid antimetabolite are discussed* The
:influence of the analogues of folio acid on the methylation reac-
;tion is discussed. Interaction of folio acid analogues with enft
lzyme aysteM89 and the changes that the analogues of folio... acid- un--' a.n animal organism are discussed. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 8 tables.
1JPRS: 36,4641
SUB CODE: / SUEM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 01.0 / SOV W: 002 / OTH REF; 234
- - 914,
KWIATKOWSKI, Adam; SZfMSKI, Czeslaw; _(A;2~QQ4QW
Faver:'Inerease of the electric power,'Aation by 8.1% during the night
building tubular burners in 8!~,oilerg of the Skaleczno Power
t. Gosp paliw 11-~Bpecial issue noi(95)t59 Ja 163.
AUTHORS: jjrkegorzewicz, j6zef, Pgdowski, Konstanty
TITLE: Apparatus for the production of acetone from acetylene
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk, 47. Khimicheskoye i kholo-
dil'noye mashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1963, 40, abstract 1.47.245 P
(Pol. Pat., al. 12g, 4/02, no. 45035, October 10, 1961)
T EXT : The article has not been reviewed.
Card 1/1
. , , C , - ......
GRZIEGORE'dicz j W-r. it,
- Y
Dry battery wit.1i pyri(Iine depularization. uhemla stosow 8
no. 2:277-276 164.
X.11KOI.-ISEA , Han nit; YZ ) leli- c-tillwaa
Determim-ition of' pantothenol "r, (11-1
dater min a Lion in pre parationo a nd, st t.~on--- fov n" :7-r- La
llo.l. pharm. 21 nc.2:169-174 16-~.
1. Z Zakladu Farmacjl Stoso-.~eunej ln,-Aytut~.,
Warszawie (Kiarovmik: doe. cir. 1-
wt C-1, ri.- ~ ,i.a?,, i , tilt , ~%.,'A- I.A, ~ ;',, . . ; ~'-
on the treatment -'I' infectious htpaLatls
o'~xtir,ethasone. W-,'ad. lek. 18 no-15:1213-1219 I Ag 165.
I. Z Oddzialu Zakaznego .1-pitaleL Mejakiego r::!-. 7 w latowicach
!(-~-d 1 2.
4. ynator: dr. med. M. _,,~Cura'
j, -, .-: K - . -- -- - m4; r ! *. -, .
GR- .. 11 , ": , "y ~
Turtine -onbu&t.lo.: ong.1nea in p~w--.r erg-rivering Przc.:g-'-
techn 85 n:i.52219 4 2-7 1) 164 .
"First National Technological Conference on Prepressed Concretes organized by the
Institute of Construction Technique in karsaw." Y4y 18-20, 1953. p.258
(Inzyniera I Budownictwo, Vol. 10, No. 8, Aug. 1953, Warsaawa)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 6, library of Congress, June,
1954, Uncl.