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December 31, 1967
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USSR / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Appli- I-:,I
cation. Leather. Fur. Gelatin. TanhinE; Agents.
Technical Proteins.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 10509
Author GrYzlova, T.A.
Inst 19scow Te-cal-cal-Imstitute of the Lig~it Industry
Title The Technical and Economic Effectiveness of the Subs-
titution of a Nonpaste Method for the ftste Dvi~ilaticp
Orig Pub Nauch. tr. Mosk. telchnol. in-ta legkoy prom-sti, 1956,
vol 6, 37-45
Abstract The author proposes the replacement of paste depilation of
skins by a combined liming and unhairing operation at 320
in movable equipment. The advantages of the combined me-
thod are as follows: a saving of 6% is apieved in the a-
mount of raw materials expended per 100 1 finished skins;
Card 1/2
USSR / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Appli- 1-31
cation. Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents.
Technical Proteins.
Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 10509
Abstract :the consumption of intermediate materials is reduced by
4.%; a saving of .'~, hours is realize& in production time.
Skins treated by the nonpaste unhairing method have physi-
comechanical and chemical properties which meet the require-
ments of Soviet Standard 939-41 in all respects. The intro-
duction of the combined method facilitates the conversion
of tanning plants to production line operation, improves
working conditions, and increases productivity.
Card - 2/2
GRYZIDVA, T.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent
Analyzing the methods for the determination of the economic
efficiency of the now equipment and procedurea In light In-
dustry. Izv.vys.ucheb.s&v.ucheb.z&v.; tekh.lee.pron, no.6:
10-22 159. OWUL 13:5)
1. Mookovekty tekhnologicbeekly Institut Is&py propyehlennosti.
Rekomendovans. Imfedroy arganizatsil. proinyodetva I skonomiki
lGgkC7 pronyablennosti.
(Industrial =nWment) (Coate, Indw trial)
BASS, I.B., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; GRYZLOVA, T.A., kand.tekhn.nauk,
Prospects of the expansion of light industries during the period
from 1959 to 1965. Nauch.trudy MTILP no.18-.26-4o 16o.
(MIRA 15:2)
1. Kafedra organizatsii proizvodstva i ekonomiki legkoy promy-
shlennosti Moskovskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta legkoy
GXYZLOVA, T.A.,, kand.takhn.nauk., dotsent
Meoretical bases of the methods for determining the economic efficiency
of capital investments in the new types of industrial equipment.-Ibpairt
No.l. Izv.vys.ucheb.zaVe; tOkh*ISg.prOII. no.1:12-20 163.'(KEHA 16:3)
1. Moskovskiy tekhnologichoskiy institut legkoy promphlennostio
Rekomendovana, kafedroy organizataii proisvodstva i skonomiki legkoy
(ind4t~isl equipment) (Capital investments)
OVCHIIINIKOV, Semen Ivanovich;_qayZLO
IA,-T,,A., dots., kand.
tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; NOVIKOV, V.S., inzh.p
retsenzent; PLRffANNIKOV, M.N., red.
[Organization and planning of shoe industry enterprises)
Organizataiia i planirovanie predpriiatii obuvnoi pro-
myshlonnosti. Moskva, Legakaia industriia,, 1965. 174 P.
(MIRA 16:7)
YEMELIYANOV, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich- Prinimali uchastlye: GR7[ZLPVA2,
U.M., red.; VINOGRADOVA, G.A., tekhn. red.
(Direct dyes and their use in the textile industry] Priamys
krasiteli i ikh primenenie v tekstillnoi promyshlennosti.
Moskva, Rostekhizdat, 1963. 229 p. (MIRA 16:7)
(Dyes and dyeing)
(Color in the textile industries)
-Z~ - -----
Periodicals: PRZMLTj TECID~ICZTIY. Vol. 79, no. 17, Sent. 1058
GPZ-n!ALCWSKI, S. Final results in realization of the bill on the engineer's
degree. P. 830
Monthly List of East I~wopean Accessions (EEAT) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2,
February 1959, Unclass.
~-.. - '. 1. ) ., ~a-ra
Of percirin's ~ - ' - i a ee. "rom zxn a I -,,-a runs j rl
the light; of ".-he legislation ir force. Praca zat-ezp spol 6
no.!,;28-)2 F 164.
i R
la L .4 Ala -L.
.48 .1 1.1-8
Test ratings of turbodrilling without raising pipes. Neft.
khoz. 40 no.6:11-18 Je '62. (MIRA 15:6)
(Turbodrills) (Oil well drilling)
inzh; BYSTRITSKIY, V. Ya., lrlzh.; "fKOLISKIY, V.A., irzh.;
CIM~ASOVY A.A., inzh.
New method of turbodrilling without raising the drilling
pipes. Bezop. truda v prom. 8 no.9:39-41 S 161, (MIRA 18:1)
1. Ob"yedineniye Saratovgmeft'.
GRYZOV I.S.; VIOLDAVSKIY, C.P., Gfifil"Ff,07, F.F.
TeL3ting diamond Lil-i hi S*Iarat,ov Province. Burtr--mie
164. 0M, I PY, 185
.fancjy j g,-jzC-,roy rlromyshlonnostA
I. Upravleniye nef t~
soveta naradnogo yo bureniyu I
"Saratovnef t,-)gn-z".
GRZAMRI, Waclaw, dr.
The cathetometer and the possibilities of its application
in geodetic meanurementoo Frzegl good 34 no-411496-153
Ap 162.
GIMADZKI, W. . dre inz.
The aboolute focometer. Pamiary 8 no.5:253-254 My 162.
1, Laboratorilum Fokometrycsnel Warosamae
Ilia 622. UU V101:114
_qL _~, Typical UndergrooW Rupledws Mare.
0 g� u~k
11'5powy podsivriliny sklad material6w wybuchowych- Pirr%14d
(14crilcay. No 6, 1951. pp. 233-237. 1 fig. 2 tabs.
Principles of desdn of a typical store for explosives. The design
Is based on a repoled element ccrisbUnif of a store room o! the lu-
gest permissible dimensions wW a pair of roads of a Irnirth tvrres-
pondinit to the lowt-st permLulble whith ot Ilia solid brlwmn nminis
111111110141olts of the *WL' r*tweell (he are ill aevordance %lth
Lhow laid clown in the book by W UAII*w'gkl ..ExPloSive's And blastlutt
twehnique- Them dimensions. us, well as the delpth of buffers. mAy
be chanced in the ultimate wording of new regUW1011s; for tile ?X-
Plollatiou ct colileried now under 0011alderallon
Atelectasis in collapse therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Gruzlica 24 no.6:435-453 June 56.
1. Z Kliniki Ptyzjatrycanej A.M. w Poinaniu. Kierownik: doc. dr.
J. Jurkowski, Poznan, ul. Prsybyfl2ewskiago 49.
(COLLAPSE THERAPY complications,
atel~ctasis (Pol))
(ATEL?,CTASIS, etiology and pathogenesis,
collapse ther. (Pol))
GRZB, -S'.
PERIODICAL: GOSTODARKA WODNk. Vol.18, no. 8. Aug. 1958
GRZB, S. The Szeroka Biel Pet Bog used as a meadow. P. 377.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFJI) LC Vol. 8, no. 4.
April 1959, Unclass
GRZBEK, K. The submarine slide in the Podhale Flysch. p. 411
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) L.C. Vol 8, No. 4
April 1959, Unclase
GKEI~ALA, S. ne ar-rlication of prefabricated sections in hydraulic-engine-ring
const-uctions. 433- Vol. 16, no.9, S(%pt. 1956. GCSrZ'CDARFA
Warszawa, Poland.
7 -
East Europ#!an Accessions List (F~';~Al'), Vol- A~I
Poland /themical Technology. Chemical Products H-5
and Their Application
Water treatment. Sewage water.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimlya, No 1, 1958, 1748
A uthor : Juniewicz Stanislaw, -,Grzebala Stanisla.., Aulich
Title : Model Studies of Operation of Units for the
Mixing of Liquids
Orig Pub: aaz., woda, techn. sanit., 1956, 30, No 4, 135-
Abstract: A study of hydrodynamics of liquids flows in
different mixers (1:20 scale models) with the
view of determining optimal designs for the
dilution of sewage water used for Irrigation.
Also investigated was the mixing effectiveness
on change in the rate of flow of the liquids and
C ard 1142
Poland /themical Technology. Chemical Products h-5
and Their Application
Water treatment. Sewage water.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 1748
of the effect thereon of regulating partitions.
A mixer of simple design is proposed (detailed
drawings are Included) which affords the follow-
ing advantages! self-adjustability, absence of
dead zones and good mixing conditions.
C ard 2/2
ALAMKIEWICZ,, Kazinderz; GINKO, Tadeusz; GRZBIELA Jac(-k; 'ell
Substitution of ureteral defects with autologous ureteral grafts.
Pol. przegl. chir. 36 no.4a:Suppl.:467-479 Ap 164.
1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej Slaskiej Akademil Medycznej
w Zabrzu (Kierownik: prof. dr J. Gasinski) i z Zakladu
Anatomii Patologicznej Sl. Akademli Medycznej w Zabrzu
(Kierownik: prof. dr W. Niepo.Inmski).
GOILAB, Wieslaw; GRZBIELA, Jacak
lAte aequelae of avulsion of the malln bronchun. Fol. przogi. chir.
37 no.6:635-636 Je 165.
1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgic7,nej 31askiej AM (Kierownik: prof. dr.
J. Gasinaki).
Angiography of the coronary arteries. Pol. przegl. radiol. 29
no.4:401-407 Jl-Ag 965.
1. Z II Kliniki Chir-urgicznej Slaskiej AM (Kierownik: prof. dr.
J. Gasinski), z Zakladu Radiologii Slaskiej AM (Kierownik: doo.
dr. med. B. Romanowski) I -, Kliniki Chorob Wownetr-smych Slanklej
AM (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. J. Japa).
Anesthesia in the surgery of cleft lips and palate. Wiad. lek.
18 no. 21t1643-1646 1 N 1 65.
1. Z 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej Slaskiej AM w Zabrza (Kierowniki
Prof. dr. J. Gazinaki).
GRZEBALA, Teresa, ins.
Review-.of hydrologic and meteorologic phenomena in Jamukry 1962.
Goop wodna 22 no,4**I()S AP 'We
1. Saklad Prognm Hydrologicsnych, Panstuawy Instytut
Hydr6logiczno-Meteorologiczny, war"Mm-
GRWBALAJ, Teresa,, inz.
Review of hydrological-meteorological phenomena in April 1962.
Gosp wodna 22 no.7:326 JI 162.
1, Zaklad Fropos Hydrologiesnych, Panstwovy Instytut Hydro-
logiesno-Mateorologiesny, Warszawa.
GRZEBAILA, Teresa, inz.
Review of hydrological and meteorological phenomena in ~ky 1962.
Goop wodna. 22 no.S.'372 162.
1. Zaklad Frognox Hydrologic anycY . hmtowowy Inotnut Hydrologicano-
MDteorclogiezny, Waresawa.
GRMAU, Teresa, inze
Survey of hydrometeorological phenomena in October 1962. Gosp
wodna 23 no.ls42 Ja 162.
1, Zoldad Prognoz Hydrolog~cznych, Panstvowy Insty~ut ey-drologicano-
Hateor q;ogiczny, Warszawa.
-Vf!Y o" hydro)(It"'Inal arld pfi~tnoinontt in
S(-.ptonber 1963. Gonp wodna 23 Dhil p&-nStw
inst hydrol meteorol 6 no.r-.-.4W. DIO.
1. Zaklad Frognaz Ilydrologiczn-pih, Panalmowy InstyLut
GRZEBALA,Tj~.reqa, Inz.,
Survey of hkologia-metootologic pheEmena in November 1962. Gosp
wodna 23 no.2:88 F 163.
1. Zaklad krognoz Hydrologicznych~ Panstwowy Instytut Hydrologiesno-
Meteorologiesny, Warszawa.
------ 7-- imsainz.
Survey of hydrometeorological phenomena in December 19U. Gosp
wadna 23 no-3:128 Mr 163.
1. Zokltd Prognos Hydrole, czaych, Fanotwowy Instytut Hydrologic=o-
Notoorologiesay, Warssaw.
GRZE&", Teresa, inz.
Survo of hydrometearplogical phenomena in January 1963. Gosp
wadne, 23 no.4:162 AP 063'.
1. Zaldad Prognoz Hydrologioznych, Panetvovy Instytut Hydrologiczno
Mateorologicany,, Warszawa.
G.H7RAAU Teresa,, inz,
Survey of hldrowtoorological phenomena in February.1963*
Goop vodna 23 no*5:208 97 163e
lo Zaklad Prognos Hydrologicamychp Panstvowy Instytut
Hydrologiam4lotecrologicuWs, Warszawa'
- GRZERAT.A., Teresa, inz,
,Surve-y of hydrometeorological phenomena in March 1963. Goop
wodna 23 no*6,.234 JO 063o '
1, Zaklad Frognoz Hydrologioznychg Panstvowy Inatytut
Hydrologiczno-.Hbtaorologicznyp Warezavao
, , . - " 1 . . T i- ~ , ! :, I t...... .I If I-11 '? f* i , , ~t I I ~ 1, - I - - - - .. I ~ I - - , .. "
GRZEBALA, Teresa,.Jnz.
Survey of hydrometearological phenomena in April 1963, Goap
wodna 23 no.7.,278 JI 163.
1. Zaklad Prognoz Hydrologicznych, Panstwowy Instytut Hydro-
logiczno-Moteorologiczny, Warszawa.
GRZFBALA, Teresa, inz.
Survey of hydrologic and metcoiological phenomena in Yhy 1963.
Gosp wodna 23 no. 8 A058 Ag-S 163.
1. Management of Hydrologic Prognoses, State Institute of
Hydrology and Meteorology, Warsaw.
CR?I-,BALA, Teresa, inz.
Survey of hydrometeorological~p~enomena in june 1963.
Gosp wadna 23 no. 10:397 (1 '6j,
1. Department of Hydrological Prognoses, State Institute
of Hydrology and Meteo ology, Warsaw.
GRZEBALA, Teresa, Inz.
Survey of hydrometeorological phenomena in July 1963.
Gosp wodna 23 no. 10098 0 163.
1. Department of Hydrological Prognoses, State Institute of
Hydrology and "eteorology, Warsaw.
GUEBAIA, T. , inz.
Survey of ;aydrological and meteorological phenomena in
October 1963. Goop wodna 24 no. 1: Suppi-sment: Panstw
inst hydrol meteorol 7 no. 1: 42 Ja 164.
1. Zaklad Prognoz Hydrologicznych, Panstwowy Inst-yttit
Hydrologiczno-Meteorologicz.ny, Warszawa.
GR,.i~Bi'd.A Teresa inz.
Review ol, hydrclogical and ff&iteor0ogicp.1 phancmena in Llecember
1963. Gosp v-dna 24 no.3~5upplement: B u1 panstw in--t hydro
meteor 7 no.3s.'20 Mr 164.
1. Laboratory of Hydrological Prognoses, Srate InstLtute of Hydrc-
logy and Mleteorologyp Warsaw*
GRZEBALA, T., inz.
Survey of hydrological and meteorological phenomena in November
1963. Gosp wodna 24 no. 2:82 F 164.
1. Zaklad Prognoz Hydrologicznych, Panstwowy Instytut Hydrologi-
czno-+Ieteorolo.giczny, Warszawa.
GRZEBAIIA, Teresa, Inz"
Review of hydrometeorological phonomersi In ';eptembe-r 1k.164.
Gosp wodna 24 no.121Suppl.-Oid F-11IN 11 no.12',476 164~.
1. Department of Hydrologfcal Progro,,iB of thc State
Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology, 'Warsaw,
GR;:*,F',BAL A,_ -Tere sa, i nz.
Review of hydrological and metufzorological phenomena JLn mlugu3t
1964. Gosp wodna 24 no.11:438 N Ib4,
1. Department of Hydrological Prognoses, Stnto Institute
of Hydrology and MeteorolDgy, Warsaw.
GRZE:BALA, Teresa, inz.
-1--, ..... --'-
.Review of hyd-ometeoro)ogical phenomena in December 1964.
Goop wodna 25 no.3:128 Mr 165.
1. Department of Hydrological Prognoses of the State Institute
of Hydrology and Meteorology, Warsaw.
GRZT,,BALA, Teresa,
Review or hydromoteorological phenomena in October 1964. Gosp Wodna
25 no.l: Suppl: Blul inst hydrol moUior 8 no.1:36 165.
1. Dopprtmnt of Hydrological Prognosis of tho "State Instit-~,te of
Hydrology and Meteoroloa.
Polish Technical Abst.
No- 1 1954
Mechanics, Electrotechnics,
6' 2 1.914.1-0:111 : 674.02
Vt7,rzeh3LskI C. Rwk3%lye Force in 3111tinx Wood.
,SI?a adporowa nrzy frewwrilu drewria". 130rona Pra",. No 5, 195:1
up. 1-50-156. 8 figa.
The prcvistoi of gwrds and Pirticularly of -:uitab!e devices W
prevent recoil of the material worked Nq, In the cise of certain millinp
-1peritions, a m3tter of cons~darablo difficultv. The nuthor proves the-
oreUcaUy that it Is po*sIble In millins
,! wcoi to devL-e such conditions
as to reduce the value at the resstive force durmg milling operadonzi
iM thus minim4c the rL-,k of recoil of the m-Atenal de:.ilt with.
GRZi~IALSYIJ, C. Work safely- it-, the construction of woodworking.
. . . p. 281.
Vol. 0', rio. 10, Oct. 1954,
Warszawa, Poland
So: East Europeon Accessior;, Vol. 5, No. 5, IMay 1956
DZIKIELEWSYI,, Andrzej, mgr inz.; GRZFBALSKI, J&n, mgr inz.
Report on the 10th Polish National Scientific7and Technical
Conference on Welding. Inz i bud 20 no.5:178-180 My 163.
1. Zaklad KomstrukcJi Metalowych, Instytut Techniki Budowlemej,
GUEBIELUCH, Zofia., mgr; OGAU., Henryk., mgr in2,1 KUBIGA, Lunjan., mgr inz,,
Occurrence and distribution of silver in the flotation of copper
was, Rudy i metals 8 no,4:135-137 163.
KROL. Jert POLAKOWM, Loch; GRMDW. K~Lzimierz (Poznan, Dzierzy-naklego
Tendon transplantation on the foot after poltoWelitis. Chir.narz.
ruchu 20 no.2-.101-109 1955.
1. 2 Iliniki Ortopedycznej A. M. v Fornanin. Klerownik: prof. dr
W. Dega
ipouOmm"Is. surgery
foot tendon transpl.
(,,Ocff Xascles.
te;don transpl. in polio.)
GRZaLEII, Kazimierz; SWIDERSKI, Gerwazy
Local stimulation of delayeo bone union vith the aid of pharmeological
preparations. Ghir. narz. ruchu ortop. polska 26 no.6:709-711 161.
1. Z Klin:Lki Ortopedycznej AM v Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr W. Dega.
BEHHARDOZYK, Karol; GnMBIEN, Kazimiers
Surgical correction of foot deformities in cerebral palsy. Chir.
narz.ruchu ortop. polska 26 no-3:259-264 161.
1. Z Kliniki Ortopedyesnej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr W.Dega.
(FOOT &bnorm) (CEAURAL PALSY compl)
GRZEBIEN. Kazimlerz
E7aluation of knee surgery in chronic progress-'ve rheumatism.
Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. Pol. 28 no.?a727--"28 It,3
1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej Akademii Medy--znej w Pomanir-
(Klerownilc: Prof. dr. W. Dega).
The Sulfur Ydning and Processing Plants in Tarrobrzeg. Przem
chem 41 no.6036 Jo 162.
GRZEBINSKI, B.,-mgr., inz.
Graphic determination of the diameter of materials for
pressed Yee"Is. Prsegl mach 21 no.7:217 Ap 162.
01' S~f ~ 7,11 ~ I i , ( 1 4- :~
Application of out through sleeves easing the unscrewing of
damaged screws from the supporting holder. Machanik 35 n0-5:
289 My '62.
An adjustable drilling davice. Mochanik 35 no-51291 My 62.
GRZEBINSKI, Bronislaw, mg;. inz.
Influence of initial deformations of the extreme coils of spring.
n* - their characteristic.- Przegl mech 21 no.12:379-380. 25
Je 162.
GRZEBINSKI, Bronislaw., mgr,. inz.
Machining with a vibrating tool. Hechanik 35 no-5:318-321 Je
1. Huta Zygmunt, Bytom.
GRZEBIVSKI Boleslaw, mgr. inz.
A way of using less time for reading design drawings.
Mach-qnik 35 no.8:1+60-461 Ag 162.
1. Huta Zygmunt,
GPMBINSKI, Bronislaw
A scribing instrument. Mechanik 35 no,,12.-676 D 162..
GRZEBINSKI, Bronislaw, me,,r inz.
Styrofoam and its use in foundry. Przegl odlewn 13 no. 11:
294-295 N 163.
GRIMINSH, Pronislaw, mgr Inz.
Elements of logical pneumatic systems. Przegl mech 22 no. 23:
731-733 10 D 163.
1. Zygmunt Steel Works, Bytom.
GRZEBINSKIP Bronislaw, mgr inz.
Determination of the optimum number of pieces given over for Bimal-
taneous machining. Przegl mech 22 no.10t308-311 25 W 163.
1. Huta Zygmunt, Bytom.
,., .. I I I I ; .I
GRZEBINSKI,# Bronislaw,
Types of grease
194 A 163.
mgr inz,
used in wire drawing. Hutnik P 30 no.6tI93-
- ~ I I- I 1 11 1 1
Dri3ling device with expanding jig bushings. Mechani 36
no.1:47 163.
- ~ ~ jj - I I - I ~i:- ~ .-- .. 1 ,
GRZEBUISKI, Bronislaw, mgr inz.
Brushes as tools for metal machining, PrzegI techn 84 no-4:7 27
Ja 163 a
f, 1 ~I ~ - I , , I ;~ ~ - ". - ,
GOSZTOWTT, L., doe. mgr inz.; KOWAISKI, V., mgr inz. I P44BRISKI,
. mgr-. inz.
Reviev of publications. Przegl mech 23 no.6:183-188
25 MrO64
TITLE t MachininS vith a vibrating.
OtRIODICALi Hutnictvf~ s+rojfrGnstv:f i4hhl id, t4ibbide
hosOods(fski'literAtury$ V-909 -80 A
318- 0i Polish) 1,:
tools I r. Oi4moute #A eii
TEM The th*6ry pi
a fk ara One-ilbeas .:7
tests t vwrioui , vfbfttf6.ii Oqueficiemi d
influenc* tit the iiischidisig imp*ed'on the. vairID'um Aaiwvleterli iw
nd the'sti '''k chi a ~ai
process a r6at- 6 - speed chankso cM the;ws a a SidtA00"
Were i U atod#-
Abs+raeterlm notol 'Complete translation
Card 1/1
1 PC LAX,)
Sc~,-ace Circle
and ~AJAC, Henry,
itodcockie ~oln Anat-mio-
.3 a to I i o w) I t th o :! ia.t rof Pat-mla-tcal An it Cj ;!v (.Katedra
Ana to ~.di Pa to Ia "i czn'.~)) vt%terillary UL 0~ SO ?I tit ydZ1 --I he-
s)t z!~t-j I a 0 In i c 1, 1. -i
t c rv n a, rIt S: Zt a
I I tu r 0.. i T) i.161blin (Llroctor: pror. Uv. radoa sz
4; ' L I" ,, C I
"I~Lcoracicwn of the Stooi!acuh and 00odatium i") wi-I
V-) L I J
r a r t on itudirits,' owti :z t,-jY a,uJ ea re')
~f tht) Ll L*raturo. Olrvrs III 'ALI 's arp ni~ ~~ and t1s.1all v 1) C, t
the )r1naary causa of dzat~l. k~ithors iLbiscrate ~jnd Llescrit'je
a.,lat.,mlical -:Ind ChXl 'it% ~Yh!.Ch L-10~1
Omrld 'All-A discuss tvie asso.:;1.C1Lnd )henwnona. k'~iore iAro Ox
c'-ference." of which 01reo are 'IoLiSh, L,vO 'III 'iA.S111, anti
Isolation of the f -Isomer. from.. teWx2ical,: hesichloredyclobe=ne.
Pt. 2. Przem chem 39 no.1:32-34 Ja 160.
.. 1. Iristytut Przemyslu Organicznegop Warszawa, Zaklady Ghemiczne
AZOTV Jaworzro
GA41"XiiUK~ Zygmluit Vrakow)
- -----
CordItIons of geological field work in the Mongolian Peoplets Republic.
Wozechowiat no.9;22&Q29 8 262.
GRUCHOWW, Jerzy; TOMASIK, Zdzislaw
Hydrogenous refinement of raw benzole. Chemia stosaw 4 no.l:lM-n3
96o. (EW 9: 10)
1. Zaklad Syntezy Organtemej PAN9 Prawmmia nr.11 ve Wrodaviu.
(Benzene) ~u,-dropn)
Studies on refining raw benzol. under hydroann pressure
in the presence of catalyzers. Wiad chem 16 no.8:1512)-~,125
Ag 162.
1. Politechnika.,, Wroclaw, i Zaklad Syntezy Orgunicznejp Polska
Akademia Nauk,, Pracownia, Nr. U,, Wroc3Aw,
PROSINSKI. Stanislaw; ADAIMISKI, 7eCiryn; .iABICFI, Ryszard;
Chemical composition and some physical and mechanical
properties of poplar wood from a plantation irrigated by
town sewage. Roczniki wyz szkola rol Poznan 16:91-100
1. Department of Chemical Technology of Wood, College
of Agriculture, Poznan.
-G-RIE _L_`1 IVS K
GrzeezyAski T., Fabislak.M. The llystra-lIounder Method In ilia 'Timber
Mattida hygrosondy w pwesiv stusacula drewna". PrzitmYR i pcxew-~,
No. 0, 195k p0 14 15 1 fig.
A now method, developed, it the Dtpalmunt of Mechanical Tmhno-~
logy of Thuber of; the higher Attriculturil School ut Purnab, fo~,' keep-
Ing chetk. an ni)lstur(i content of timber: A. varlotts- IjuInts of section.
'rho method, brielly citllied the Wygro~Saundw- Method, maket; It posalble
lo observe the tenslaniq odUltutling hj ducing tha.dryfitit' ji
mra3s.'. i
Tito underlying principleAsthe measurement of electrical cooddellully! i
by meantr of ary such electric: hygrometers its work on Ilia; bh~jq of
ohinle resistance incosurernimls. The ~
mothod* ~niakcs pusalblez~portly
outornallc control of the drying procesiL
j~ .
O=CZD- ISXI,-. T. - FABTS'T,*.Y, M.
A new method of measuring moisture in the process of drying lumber.
p. 154 Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1955
SOME: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC., Vol. 5, no. 3, Mar. 1956
R A. Pplw"=77
a mi
p 40*~
r rU6,
-typis~d 4piI;nP16, thq 'Propfrrt eg-1
ii*f 114 'iib6d 1~" dkali'*tfjj
r.M' ngtl
rahive k6
ltte:aeq~ 43"1 dc
r In
- -.71 c
Methods of testingthe endurance of glued joints.
P. 55, )Przp-,kysl Drzevnty. Vol. 7, no. 2, Fb. 1956, Wars--aw, Poland)
Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (F-FAI) TC. Vol. 7, no. 2.
Febru ary 1958
GRZI;D.', R.
Automotive transportation in industrialized building. p-1.20'.
MOTOFffZACJA, Warszawa. Vol. no, 4, Apr. 1956.
SOURCE: East European Acession (REAL) Library of Congress
Vol. 5, no. 8. August 1956.
q2,E D /!~, UJ 1,E,4 -),91 LJ
BMR, Stanielaw; GRZM, Wielsaw
Blectrocardlograpbv during rest and effort in boxers. Acta pbysiol.
polon. 5 no-3:303-307 1954.
1. 2 Instytutu lankmage lulty Ftsyesnej. Mullm ZdLrovia Czlowleks,
Klerownlk: doe. dr T.Orloveld prsy 1. 111nice Chorob Vwnetrzt7ch
AkadmIl "esnej v Warssawls, Flerowulk: prof. dr A.Blernackt.
boxer's BCG during rest & effort)
In boxers during rest & effort)
(SIUSS. effects. (=ST. effects.
an IBCG In boxers) on NCG in boxers)
DORU, Stanislaw; GRUU, Wisslow.
sm Preparation of ft'g-talis lausta, acotyldlgitoxin. PolskI tygoLlek.
10 no.45:14WI467 7 Nov 55.
1. 2 1 111alki Choro'b VwzetroWh A.M. v Warusawle; klerevalk:
prof. dr. mok mt. A.21waacki. Varesava 21-Obwle, ul. Usluterva
Vlolkb4o 20.
. acetyl di0tozin)
A case of aneurysm of the aorta with rupture into the right bronchus
Folakle archomedevowne 28 no.2124,5-2.51 1958
1. 1 1 111niki Chorob WownstraWch A.M. lisrownik: prof dr uaAk
mod. A. Biernacki I % Zakladu Anatoyali Patologic-sneJ A.M. v WaresawtO
Kierwnik: prof. dr nauk med. L.Paszkiewics. Adres autora: V-va
I 11inika Chor. Vewn., A.M. lawogrodska 59.
Into right bronchus, syphilitic case (Pol))
aortic aneurysm with rupt. Into right bronchus (Poi))
130BIR,Stanislaw; GRZFJMv Wieslaw (Wars 2;awa-Okec is . u1: Kazimierza Viewago 20.
Duration of T wave & its relation to pulse rate in zwrml persons
(sportsmen). Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.13.'573-577 30 Mar 59,
1. (Z Instytutu Naukowego Kultury Fizycznej: kierownik: prof. dr noto
W. Hissiuro, Klinika Zdrowego Czlowielm-kierownik: doc. dr sod. So
Bober przy I Illuice Chorob Wewnetrsnych A. No w W-vie; k1erown1k:
prof. dr nauk med. A. Biernacki)
T wave duration in sportsmen, relation to pulse
rate (Pol))
T wave duration in J1CG of sportsmen. rel&tlon to pulse
rate (Poi))
rate In sportsmen# relation to T wave duration In
BOG (Pol))
GRZFMA, Wisslaw
Some remarkm on the so-called intermittent bundle branch block.
Polskie 30 no.3:423-430 160.
1.9.1 1 Oddsialn Vownetrsnego NieJakiego Sipitals Oroebovskiego
v Warssawie. "nator: dr mod. A. Soaska. Dyrektor: dr mod.
R. Masstak.
OWART BLOCK case reports)
DROSZCZ, Waclaw; PRZEDA. Wieslaw
Studies on therapeutic and side effects of N-isopropy1noradrenalin
sulfate (aludrin). Polski tygod. lek. 16 no-35.'1346-13/+9 28 Ag '61.
1. Z I KlIniki Chorob Wevaetranych A.M. v Warmsavie; kierownik: pror.
dr mad. Andrzej Biernacki oraz z I Oddzialu WevnetrzUego Miejakiego
Szpitala Grochowskiego v Warszavie; ordynator'. dr med. Adam Sonka.
OUR. : RZXhim., No. 1,4 59, 36237
AU'."40R : Ford-Dowski, T.; GrZedzicki
','he use of Papler for
Detect,Lon and Determin-atIon rof Scme I?,.I;_nor-
Elements of the Soil
0 ',-1, 1 GP', PChem. analit., 1~58, 39 No 3-42
ABSTRAG"' For determination of K and Ila ',-,he so-J.-L sample
to be _-rialyzedl is treated with hot water, the soil extract
is con.:,ontrated and placed on a '28x4-5 CM St-ip Of No 4
Whatman 0.215 IM 'NIH,,)2C03 is used as nert elecl-rol~~
% v
Affer rpal,.-Jng tor 60 mlnutes a curi-ent of 30-14-0 ma ck-rivcd
from a ~C-10 v supply source, the chrouiatoC-,ra--L;,. is dried at
110. -30 min-utes. The paper is -,,hen moiste~ned, the spotE
of alkali- metal carbonates are &-voloped with bronaothymol
blue, c= out and analyzed by the titrimetric met-Lod. The
'I~E-.crminat~Lon error is of 2_6%. On determination of Cu, Fe,
an the chroniatograp'hy is carried out w_,tl,,
.1 'd INn in soilS7
lir-, 3 Whatm,-."n paper, using as electrolyte a mixture
CARD: 1/2
C A f -~,. G 0 RY
AFJ5: UOUR. r-,1Z*,[hiM. 5, 0 8621
7AB TRACT HCI - C:T,13COOl!a7 111"?14
Cl (30 01- 0 1
i current cf 50-100 ma from --, 25U-330 v sc,-,rce is
1 e 4-
.,,a lor 30-2(- ' m:"nutes. ll:,ost conl~
'0 .e separ.~ztj..xi is
-,v~--- In the of e,~
s-rparatuc-,d. Fe alic', lln, are with a ncgatlve
o' 3-5 and r,~.spcct,'imely. 1.11. polyansrl--Ty,
C. RD 2/'
I--- - ---
A new method of obtaining active oilicon, Wiad chem
16 no.5:33"34 My 162.
RODZIEWICZv Wlodzimierz; BVIIASIK, Sy1weater; GRZZD~ICKI, K~zimierz
Exchange of S-atoms thiosaIts and polysulfides studies by
the application of 3pse Rocz chemii 36 no.9:1361-1363 162.
1. Department of Inorganic Cherdstry and Department of Physics
IIS Institute of Technology,, Gdansk.
RODZIEWICZ., Vilodzimierz; GRZEDZICKI, Kazimierz
Radiometric qualitative and quantitative deter,-,iii1,.--,;:.. -.
ootassium In the presence of anmon-Ju.-i-, Chem, am-41 8 no.3:
381-388 163, -
.1, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Politechnika, Gdansk.
_'Warmw), WyiW poodor6w.
V, . #Gized6oska., Barbara, &ud-.'Zaki9t-. Stef.
natpoodi calkowft-0 podcs"
V s, W
30 cxawra'1094 roku. ERM-Its of thq- measureinents of &MALI walki duriont
the totil iklijwe'of thajoun VIMMnI'w,. t(314):179-182.
)june.30,1934.] Pnqi#d Goofisya%Y, % a
19~6. 2fip,~table,inii,---Frenc4sumiz~aryp.1 2, DWB, DW-.Globalradiation intensities
measured da -toudiness and temperature.
during.a schir eclipse am ta 0&
presentei i., ag *1 -DW-weather prevented
Tniies ot first 6ontact, maidmum and last tact are indlcatvR7
eas ents Other than ZMaI radiadwL SaVed 11fodins: 1. Global radlAoor
iaduu~d m urem
measurements durinit eclipse 2. Sotar Wipe, June.- W54 I Suwalki, Poland.-G.T,.,-'
T -
Impediments m the wdy to realization ~,f :Llrent:L(.,i:--
tecbn 84 no.380.6 U ST63
Patent agents in chemistry. Przagl tochn 85 no.2:3, 11 12 Ja
Inventions and rationalization. Przegl techn 85 no. 30:
4, 11 26 J1 164.