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3/109/62/007/009/005/018 D409/D301 AU""Tio'.1s: -Gorlkov, V.A., Yelinson, 11I.I., and Yakovleva, G.D. TITLE: Theoretical and experimental investigation of pre-arc effects in field emission PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronikap no. 9, v. 7, 1962, 1501 - 1510 TEXT: A more advanced theory of the vacuum are is developed which takes iAto account the temperature dependence of the parameters of the e'mitter and is adequate for a wider range of variation of the geometrical parameters of the emitter. The heat-balance equation for conical emitlers is derived. After transformations, this equation become!s 2 a T + Z 6T - q1 (T) 8T T2(T) (T) 0, (7) 6r2 r br Ft- 1F + T 3 r4 whereq-1' is related to the SDecific heat, T2 to the radiation coof- ficient, and T3 to the current intensity and resistivity; r denotds Card 1/13 S/109/62/007/009/005/018 Theoretical and experimental ... D409/D301 the emitter radius. Equation (7) was solved by numerical methods. The dependences T = f(t) and T = f(r) were calculated for various values'o'L I; thereby the parameter 0, (the semiangle of the emitter cone), assumed the followir.- values: 15; 25; 35 and 450. "'he current density j equalled 2 108 A/cm?. The above theoretical' con- side:-.-tions were compared i,.,ith experiment. The theoretical and ex- Derinental curves were in good qualitative agreement; the quantita- uive discrepancies are apparently due to various 1"actors which'arre t 4 n o taken into accotint by theory tthe damping e.~ -'fect of the space charKe, the use of the mean current-density instead of ~he actual current density, etc.). The theoretical calculations for small se- miangles a 300), are qualitatively in arrreem.ent with the results-; of ".I.P. Dyke a. oth., (Ref. 1: Phys. ftev., 1953, 91, 5, 1045J. For values of a ---300, the authors obtained a stronger dependence of the critic_-1 current-density jerit on a. The theoretical and exDe- rimental curves jcri, = y(a) and j = i(t) with U = const., were in good agreement. No use of self-heating effects can be mad,?, in view Of the instability of the processes involved. In practice, it is most convenient to use emitters with large semiangle (a = 900 and Card 2/3 8/10 ~2/007/009/005/018 TheDretical and experimental ... D409YD301 above). Stich cathodes have grea-t stability in the "vacuum" are, 0 small emission-angles and considerable operating current-densities. There are 10 figures. 3UB?,'.IjTT-.IM: January 12, 1962 Card 3/3 MOTT, N.F.; TUZ, U. (Twosey W.D.1; SANDOMIRSHY, V.V. (translator); ~PRIKOVj V.A. [translator); ZHDAN, A.G. [translator] "The theory of impurity conduction". Usp. fiz. nauk 79 no.4: . .1 691-740 AP 163. (Electric conductivity) (WRA 16:3) '/FX1 PfL"T t Tjj:~( in I- I nly 4m SOURCE'CODE: URMW606606611:AW 027 16611T0 AVMC,Rt Gor,'k cow) rbangalina, R. Kh. (Moscow) KU ORG: none oe TITL& Some data on the detonability of ammonLum. perchlor-ate -VA - 0 SOURCE: Fizika goreniya I vzryva, no. 2, 1966, 21-27 TOPIC TAGS: amnmw6m perchloratg' solid propellan explosive ABSTRACT: Considerable differences in the critical diameter of ammonium perchlorate have been observed between batches produced in winter and summerm This is attribmted,, to the differences in water content. To investigate this problem, erperiments were made to determine the effects of Initial temperature (20-220C),_ the Water-contettt,,- the grain size, and the density on the-cri-tftal dks~~4Mmmai= -Paufibx~jatfi ~ WAX, results showed that the critical diameter is an exponential fftctiort of the initi temperature. The critical diameter of ammonium pprehlorate increases considerably even at low water contents (0.5%), while the critical diameter of trotyf is affect-eiw~ P-V h only at high water contents exceeding 42. Orig. art. has: 8 figu-rea,-1 SUB COD19: 21. 191 SUBH DATE: 123an66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REP: 0 MD card 8f UDC: 5-A =-A ilm- 00 1 XGV 0 V. K. Irregularity in the runr4ing of tjjs loom. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav;; tekh.teket.prom. no.204-91 163. (MIRA 16 6) 1. Ivanovskly tekstillnyy institut imeni M.V.Frunze. (Looms) -1,[. of ~;he shuttle in the stftrt no 3: 8 01 Om f 0 t h e rc.,;itJcn. iz1'. ',Y,,3. ucheb. zav.; te.'ch. 4eks. pro'.~. 11 10 LI, "TIZI e . GORDEYEV, Vaziliy Aleksandrovich; C-01,-'*'KOV) V.Y,; kand. teknia. naukj retsenzent; ISAKOV; 11.7.p kana. tekhr,. nauk, retsenzent; SIMIROV, Yu.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; AGADZHANOVA, I.A., red.; [Dynamics of the mechanisms for warp releasing and tensiar.- ing in looms] Dinamika mekhaniziLov otpuska i natiazlieni-Ja osnovy tkatskikh stankov. Ifoskv-,, Legkaia industriia, lc)65. 223 F. (MIRA 18-10) h'-A 9 2 h S/188/62/000/006/006/016 B167/B102 AUTHOR: TITLE: The dispersion relation for the ordinary wave with consideration of the wave magnetic field PERIODICAL: Moscow ' Univ rsitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya/W. 0" 1,962, 26-311 A T'r"'XT: Vihen waves are prnpagated in a uniform unbounded plasma placed in a field H0 , the frequency L) and the propagation constant k are interrelated byla dispersion relation resulting from the Maxwell equations and from the kin'etic equation. In general, the electron.distribution is assumed to be Maxwellian. This paper starts with an arbitrary electron distribution f (v,u) where v is the transverse component, u is the longitudinal component of the elec-.ron velocity with reference to H - In the general 0 dispers.ion relation.for the ordinary wave propagating transversely to H of the term accounting for the effect of the magnetic field vanishes when the Card 1/3 3/18 62/000/006/006/016 The.dispersion relation for the ... B187%102 velocity distribution is isotro~,ic: f (V,U) f'(V2 + u2). In this case, 0 0 the,dispersion relation is +. 0 21r C & x 0 x vdudu = 0. (2) JE n- OH eH0 is the Larmor frequency, Wo 4-jiNe2 is the plasma frequency me m of the electrons,-$ is the Dolar angle in velocity space (Zlill , -r~- counted 0 from the x-axis), in (kv/!,~,,) are Bessel functions. By means of the principle of'the argument (Cauchy integral theorem in the theory of Card 2/3 S/168/62/000/006/006/016 The dispersion relation for the... B187/BlO2 functions) it is shown that G(k,(o) for any given real k has no complex solutions co(k) and that a real solution exists in every interval (n+1)(-),,), w!iere n is a natural number. This holds true also for a non-isotropic distribution if f 0(v,u) is a mon*otonically decreasing function with respect to the variable v. If this restriction upon f 0 is not fulfilled, then it is not possible to make any general statements as to the kind of solutions,owing to the method used here. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra statisticheakoy fiziki i.mekhaniki (Department of Statistical Physics and Mechanics) SUBMITTED: March 16, 1Q61 Card 3/3 GORIKOV, Yu.A.; CILEWIN, K.Ye.; BITYUTSKOV , R.S.; KUROSH, A.G., .-- ------ - red.; BITYUT.%OV, V.L. red.; BOLTYAJ.alY, V.G., red.; DYNKIN, Ye.B., red.; SHILOV, G.Te., red.; YMMEVIGH, A.P., red.; AIMAMOV, S.N., [Forty years of m9thematics in the U.S.S.R., 1917-1957; In two volume] Matematika v SSSR za sorok let, 1917-1957; v dvukh tomakh. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, Vol.2. (Biobibliography) Biobibliografiia. 1959. 819 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Mathematicians) PISKUKOV., Ni3colay So-menovich; UPPEERN, I.V., red.; GORIKOV, 'YU.A., red. [Djf'Lerentia.1 and integral calculi for institutions of higher tecImical, education] Differentsiallnoe A integrallnoe ischi- slenii.a dlia vtuzov. Izd.5. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," Vol.2. 1964. 3124 P. OAIRA 17 - 5) PISLUNOV, Nikolay Semenovich; KEFFRI, I.V... reri.; red. [Differential and intogral calculi for tecbnical schoo)- of higher education] Differontsia-Itnoe i integrallnoc ischislenlia dlia vtuzov. Izd.6. Moskva, Nauka, Vol.2. 1965. 312 p. (MIRA 18:5) ~ I j'. . , I i - t, 1. , FISKUNOV, Nlkula7 SeMerQvich; KIEFP-11 , J~V- , ; G:F-~ Y - - -'- red. [Differential and integral calculi for sch(,-):Ls of high-ar teelmical education] Differentsiallnot, i integrallnoe ischislenlia dlia ,rtu-.ov. Moskva., Naid:a. Vol.l. %-,d.6. 1965. 548 p. (1.1TRA 18z4) GNI'.D!!INX01, Boris Vladhvirovich; rec. [Couroe in probability theory] Kurs tetoril ,( . noi3tei. Yoskvap Naukap 1965. 400 P. ( VILT PC ~: i EL'SGOL'TS, Lev Ernestovich; CnjIA0y_~L7u.A.j red, [Differential equations and the calculus of xy~riatlowsj' Differentsialln-ye uravneniia i variatsionnoe Pchisle- nie. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 424 P. (Kurs vjssl)ei mnfpmn- tiki i inatemiticheskol fizJkI, no.3) (mlid 39a) G40RIKOV, Tu..P, One differential inequality of the fourth order, Nauch.dokl. vys.Bhkoly; fiz.-mat.riauki no-3:22-24 ~59- (MM 13:6) 1. Moskovsiciy gosudarstvenrqy universitet: im. M*V,Lomonosovae (Inequalities (Mathematics)) MIMI ACCESSION NR: AP4042777 AUTHOR: Gor TITLE: On the behavior of the solutions of boundary problems for the quasilinear parabolic equation as t approaches infinity SOURCE: ALI SSSR. Do1k-1ady*, v. 157, no. 3, 1964, 509-51.2 TOPIC TAGSs boundary problem; parabolic equation, existence theorem, Cauchy problem ABSTRACT: The behavior of the solution of.the parabolic equation D a --0 Y/ (X' a. Uj -(X, t. U, U.) (D/Dx denote total-differentiatibn with x) is investi- respect to gated as t-.*.w for the boundary problem (2) 0) a$ (x), u (0. 00. u. (1, A&; 1/3 S/0020/64/157/003/0509/0512 ACCESSION NRs AP4042777 and also for the first boundary problem a (X. 0) - 14 We U (O.~ 4 - q), A U Y. 15 qhffl. (3) 0 under the condition that Ti(t) -+ y, as t 1, 2). It is as- sumed further that for all u and p, and for (X, OED (00' (4) (5) 0 < a (x, t, u, p) < T, (x, u, A where a is a constant and yl(x, U, p) is some continuous function. An existence theorem is proved for the boundary problem (1), (2) under certain restrictions., The function to which the solution tenda uniformly is defined. A sufficiency condition for the exis- tence of the solution is stated. "X an grateful to my scientific 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042777 adviser A. M. Illin for suggesting the problem and for interested ~guidance of the work." brig. art. has: 14 formulas., Presented by Aoadadcian L G. Petrovskiy. 1ASSOCIATIONs Ural'skly gosudarstvenny*y universitat im. A. Me :Gorlkogo.(Ural State University) .SUBMITTED: 04Mar64 ENCL: 00 iSUB CODE: Mh NR REP SOV: 003 OTr.M: 001 3/3 \A ANDWRS, Vaslliy Itudollfovich; GORIKOVA, A.A.. vedufthchiy red,-, TROFIM(N. A.V., [Control and measuring instruments; an introductory courael Kontrollno-ismoritellnye pribory; vvodoyi kurs. Moskva, Gog. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1953- 143 (Petroleum industry) (M:MA 11:A0 (Automatic control) NIZITIN. Viktor Aleksant1ravich; -GCRIKq~AA,:A,.~ redaktor; XLTYMDVA,K.F., redaktor; TRCYINOV,A.V., tekb3didi"ikly reUktor (PrOssurs 10"Ou"MOnt SIA specialized instinaments for oil and gas refineries) Ismerente davlealis I priboz7 spetsiallnogo nasnachenjis v neftegazoperembotke.. Mosimm, Gos.n&uchnc-tekhn.izd-vo nof tianoi i gorno-toplivnot lit-ly, 1955. 255 p. (KIM 9:3) (Petroleum-Refining)(Petrolitum industry--Iquipment aad supplies) rzwlk ANURS, Vaelliy Rudollfovich; SHCHEPKIN, S.I., prof., reteenzent; NWSOV, N.Tu., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent: GORIKOVA, A.A.. -vedul3hchiy red.; TROYINOV, A.V., [Control an(I measuring devices; introductory course] Kontrollno- pribory; vvodnyi kurs. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. i2d-vo neft.i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 195.3. 143 p. (MIIIA 11:1) (Measuring instruments) KIYZMAK, Ye.M., prof. doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; TIRAN , V.D.,prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.- ZRIGAOR, K.Y., prof.,rod.; MURAVITU, I.M., prof..rod.; TIXHDMIROY,A.A., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; YIEGOROV, V.I., kand. skon. nauk, red.; CHMYGIN, H.M., prof., red.; DUHAYEV, F.T., prof., red.; CHHIINOZHUKOV, N.I., prof.,-red.-, CHMTY.I.A.. prof.. red.; PANCEMMOT. G.M., prof.. red.; DAXHNOV, T.N.. prof., HAMBUIN. H.3.. doktor khim. nauk, red.; AIRAZOV, N.A., dote.. VINOGRMV. Y.N., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; BIRYUKOV, V.I.. kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; TAGITHY, X.I., red.; GUMICH, Y.M.. red.; GORIKOVA, A.A. ved. red.; FEMOVA. I.G., tekhn. red. (Proceedings of the conference of technical schools on the problems of new equipment for the petroleum industry] HezhvuzovRkoe soveshchanie po voprosam novot takhniki v neftianoi promyshlennosti. 3.958. materialy... Moskva. Gos. nauchno-tekhn. :Lzd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol. 3. [Manufacture of petroleum industr7 equioalent) Neftianoe mashinostroenie. 1958. 222 P. (KIRA 11.,11) (Petroleum industry-Squipment and suppli6s) ZMXOVSKIT, Ye.S.; MM"ABSECYA, A.A.; N.D.; XOMMUISKIY, A.N.; KOHOOLUN, A.G.; _1U1SW?.TH, R.R.; KARTUSEIT, V.P.; DAVTDCVA. R.T.; TI~OITSKIY, V.I.. red.; GORIKOVA, A.A,, vedushchiy red.; PIMMVA, I.G., tekhn.redo [Establishing etandards for materifil consumption and stocks in the petroleum industry] Normirovanie raakhoda i proizvodstvennykh zapasov ounovnykh materialov v neftianoi promyshlenno-ati. Moskva, Goe.nsuchno-tekhn,izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-_-y, 1959. 252 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Petroleum industry--Standards) FANTAYEV, Nikolay Fedorovich; DIANOV, Vladimir Gevrilovich; OCRIKOVA, A..A., vedushchiy red.; KUKHOA, B.A., [Automation in the petroleum industry; elements of the theory and automatic controllers] Avtomaticheekoe regulirovaule v neftlanoi I)romyshlonnosti; elementy toorii i avtoreguliatory. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-Yo neft. i gorno-toplivnol lit-ry, 1959. 287 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Petroleum iuduatry) (AutoLwtic control) ISAKOVICH, Roinnn TrikovIevich; MAMIKONOV, A.G., doti,,unt., ratsenzent; GORIKOVA, A.A., vedushchiy red..; TH&I"OV, -`-- ' [Instruments and automation of petrolewn productionj Kontroll i avtomntizataiia dobychi nefti. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhn. izd-vo noft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1959. 398 P. (MIRA 13:1) (Oil fields--Production methods) (Automatic control) IVANKOV, Pavel Aleksandrovich; GORIKOVA, A.A., vodushchiy red.; POLOSINA, A.S., CAutomatic control of deep-well pump installations] Avto- matizataiia glubinnonesoonvkh ustanovok. Moskva. Goo.nauchno- teklin.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960. 125 P- (MIRA 13:12) (oil well pumps) (Automatic control) ZAVMV, Gornoim Illich, k:snd.tekhn.nauk:'.,GOR'KOVA, A.A., -v,~dushchiy red.-. MUHINAII B.A., - ld_-"---~ -'. (Nemetallichaskie futerovki dlia apperatury-neftianoi i nefte- khimicheakoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivaoi lit-ry, 1960, 149 p. (MM 13:3) (Petroleum refineries-Equipment and supplies) (Protective coatings) (Reinforced concrete) SINELINIKOV, Aleksandr Vasi-Ifyovich; ORIK VA A.A., ved. red.; MUKHINA, E,A., tekhn. red. (Means of automatic control of oil and gas well drilling] Avtomatizatsiia i sredstva kontrolia bureniia neftianykh i gazovykh skvazhin. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1960. 366 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Oil well drilling) (Automatic control) STR3YTS, Vladimir [Streje, Vladimir]. inzh.; SHAWYON, Miroslav [Splf-noL, Miroslav], Insh., doktor; KOT&K, Zdenek, inzh., kand.tekhn.Lauk; BAT-DA, Milan, doteent, inzh., kand.tekhn.nauk; GOLIDENBERG, G.M., inzh. [translator); SIMOTUO M.P., inzh., red.; GORIKOVA, vedushchiy red.; TROYINOV, A.Y., Chmdamentals of the theory of automatic control] Osnovy teorii avtomaticheekogo regalirovaniia. Moskva, Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.iv.6-- neft. i gorno-toplivaoi lit-ry, 1960. 332 p. Translated from the Czech. (MIRA 13:6) (Automatic control) SIMMOBIKOV, Aleksandr Vesillyevich; qORIKOVA, A.A., vedushchiy red.; MLIMINA, B.A., [Automatic control of well drilling, its method and equipment] Avtomatizatsiis i eredstva kontrolis bureniia neftianvkh i ga:covykh skvas;hin. Moskva, Gos.zwuchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960. 366 p. WnA 14:1) (Oil well drilling) (Automtic control) DIN.-ISOV, Sorgay Sorgeyevich; GORIKOVA. A.A., voduahchiy red.; MUKHIILA, N.A., [Electronic devices for control and automation in the petroleum refining industry) Blektronnye pribory kontrolia I avtomati- zataii neft6khimichaskogo proi2vodstva. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo naft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 196o. 474 P. (KOI 13:11) (Petroleum induBtry-Illectrio equipment) (Automtic control) Al'ISIYOV, Igor' Vasillyevich; GORIKOVA, A.A., ved. red,; POLOSI14'%. A~S,, tekhn. red. (Automatic control of rectification processesl Avtomaticheskoe re- guliravwde protsessa rektifikatsii. 2., izd. dop. I-Aoskva, Gors. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 179 p. NIRA 14:12) (Automatic control) (Distillation) TOPCHIYEV, A.V.~ aka4emik, red.; BABUSUINA, S.I., ved. red.;G0.0KOVA, A.A., ved. red.; YM-11IS)MLOVA, 0.14., ved. red.; '1.D., ved-. rind.; LEVIIIA, Ye.So. ved, red.; TITSKAYA, B.F., ved. red.; VO."Ol..'OVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Reports of the International Pe~roleum Congress, 5th. New York, 19591 Doklady V MeaMunarodnogo neftianogo kongressa, Vew York, 1959. Mo- skva, Gos. naucbn(>-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit- . Vol./+. [Transporta:tion, quality, and use of petroleum productisr Tran.- sport, kachestvo i primenenie nefteproduktov. 1961. 398 p. (MIRA 14!9) 1. International Petroleum Congress, 5th. New York, 1959. (Petroleum products) WRISOV, Sergey Dinitriyevich; GORIKOVA, A.A., ved. red.; POLOSINA, A.S., tekhn. red. [Undorgrouxkl otorage of par,; fron. the prvctico of the Kuybyahev 11-konmic Council) Ilodzermoc khranenie gaza; iz opyta raboty I'miliyahevskogo sovnarkhoza. Moskva, Gostop- tekhizdat, 1962. 111 p. MIRA 15-3) (Gas--Storage) REKHADOV., Azizaga Aliagayevich, rJoktor tekhn.naukj 1;EMEYE17, V,F red.; GORIKOVAJ, A.A.P ved. red.; FOLOSINA, A.S., tekh--. red. 4 - ------ [Cathodic protection of steel structures against corrosion in sea waterlKatodnaia zashchita ot korrozii. stalInykh sooruzhe- nii v morskoi vode. Moskvao Gostoptekhizdat,, 1962 249 p. iMIRA 15:9) (Cathodic protection) (Hydraulic structures-Corrosion) ABRUKIN, Abl-a-m L"eovich3 KHIRJ,YKH, Leonld AnJreyevich, V.V,~ redl~; GOR~KUVA "_-A, ved. red. , YA~~,T___- VA., Z. 1. tekhn. re r [Remote control In petroleum productionjTelemekhanizatsiia dotyrchi nt:.fti. !-,cskval Gostoptekhizdat, 1q62. 3102 p. (MIRA 16:2) Remote control) (Oil fields--Equipment and supplies) "!4q,4 TROTOMOV, Alcksc~r Ivanovich; GORIKOVA, A.A., ved. red.; VDIMIOVA, V.V.$ tekbn. red. [TGchnical equipment for the corurpressor stations of gas pipelines and its operation]Tekhnologicheskoe oborudovanie kompressorny1ch stantsii magistrall Wkh gazoprovodov i ego ekspluatatslia. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 326 p. OURA 15: 10) (Gas, Natural.-Pipelines) (compressors) ISICKOVICH, RorAn Yakovlevich; GORIKCVA, A.A., ved. red.; TAKOVIEVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. - , [control and automation of petroleim and gas production] Kontroll i avtomatizatsiia dob~chi nefti i gaza. Noslwa, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 354 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Petroleum production) (Vatural gas) (Automatic control) . I.. . 1:7.- a c -., -' -: h . C, 1 1 TK-Sjj~K1fl1AZ1"HOV, GOR 'JOVA, A . k. , vej . ra~; [Instruments and methods- fov auturviti-c :!cntro..' Jr t-he oil and gas industry] Prihory i srelstva kont- rolia v reftianoi i gaz.-,vii pro.-iysh1-3rLn,-)sTi. Mc--kva~ Jzd- vo "Nedra,,,, 196~,. 271 F;. 0,UP.'. 17-7) ANDERS, Vasiliy Rudollfovich; SMIR14OV) F.F., retsenzent; GORIKOVA, A.A., ved. red.; VORONOVAI V.V., teYhn. red. [Monitoring and automating the refining of oil and gas] Kontroll i avtomatizatsiia protsessov pererabotki nefti i gaza. Moskvap Izd-vo "Vedra," 1964. 390 P. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Naeballnik tsekha Kontro1''nykh priborov i avtovatiki zavoda Neftegaz (for Sinirnov). 1-Y, 7 '.' "r ' ' I BELASH, Paljpl MaksiracrvIch, prof., dol.tor ,eklin. na"' i ,I !., ~ , .. r.- uoL.i., ret::.erizont.; A.,%, : ~% -,. . [Trimciples of cm.puter engineering' -v~--l lrlo'- takhrlld. Mask-va, Nedra, 1964. 34-9 p. QGi'-'.;jI(OVA, A,I,~ Mineralogical characteristic-s of the Ydddle and Upper Eocer.,e sediments in the southern part of the ilk-Tulagay plateau (ri-J-dudle Emba). Uch.zap. SGU 74,-.261-265 '60. (Emba VnIley-Rineralogy) GORIKOVA, A,Vi, Effect of certain vitamine on succinic dehydrogennee in rabbit organs [with summary in English). Farm. i toks. 21 n0,5178-81 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) lo Kafedra famakologii (zav. - prof. K.A. Shlmelov [deceased)) Saratovsko o meditsinakogo inatitutaa* 51TANINS, effects, on Succinic dehyclrogeansea metsb. (Rua)) (SUCCINIG DEHYDROGENASB, metab., eff. of vitamins in rpbbit (Rug)) GORIKOVA, A.V.; GR3BIRVA, L.S. Effect of antituberculosis drugs and of ascorbic acid on the succinic debydrogemse activity in various organs in rabbits. Farm. i tolm 21 no.6:53-56 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Xafedra patologichookoy finiologii (zav. - dots. P. Ya. Novorasova) Sarstovskogo gosudaretvannogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SUCGINIG RZHZ 10GULS31, metab. in various organs, eff. of anti-tuberc. drugs & vitamin G (Ras)) (VITAMIN 0. off. on succinic dehydrogenase metab. in various organs (Bus)) (TUMOUIDGIN, tuberculostati6 draga, eff. on auccinic hydrogenase metab. (Rue)) GOR'KOVA, A.V.. kand.zed.nank SDt* changes in the adsiactlUtriphosphoric acid content and in succinic dehydrogename activity of Filatoy's flap during its formation and ulgration, Ortop,otravu.i protez. 20 no-IIS33-36 1 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. 12 patofiziologichookoy laberatoril (zavedr7nahchiy - nauk A.V. Gorlkvwa) Saratowskogo uauchno-losledovatellskogo institute, travmStologli i ortoWil (direktor - dotsent U.N. Rodin). (SM TWSPLMATION metab.) (SUCCINIC DIKYERDOMSI metab.) (A=MSIJMT=PHOG'BrRIC ACID) NO~ORASOVjkp F.Ya.; FEYGELISOV9 A.S.; KOROBKOVq G.G.; GORIKOVA, A.V. Influence of cortisone on the growthIof experimental tumors. Trudy Bar. gos. mad. inst. 26.72-75 590 (MMA 14.2) 1. Saratovskiy meditsinskiy institut, kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav.-sotsent P.Ya. Novorasova). (CORTISOVE) (TUMORS) NOVORASOVA9 P.Ya.; ~,EYGELISOTI, A.S.; KORDMIOVP G.G.; GORtKOVAp A.V. Change of some biochemical indexes in experimental tumor growth and following treatment with cortisone. Trudy Sar. gos. med. inst, 26:7-640 159. (MM 14,2) 1, Saratovskiy meditsinskiy instituts. kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent P.Ya. Novorasova). (SUCCINIC DEHYDROGEHASE) (TUMORS) (CORTISONE) 1,11"'C' 11,11, (~V~ " I., P IT 4 Call a oz-.), X. r e C t 0 _- Of S-. 0-1 ~y y; C U C: L. -u e O'__ T. C S U - uor C)~ --..a C11 C V - - -0 7 04, Sciences, c'., c- ab o a t o i r - 13.~I 13 1 C , rI ~j and i d a L, - L .!-m, 0 earci T-s"itutle of d --'I I.e C C)L- of -U"e C.~-__ -,Les - U L, L director, u S'aamt-ov, JSS_:~. on,,' ';tatc of 'he Bndocril al System DurJng Spine Ln- u u u u j Casc~)_Js Leh '~_o 24, 14 June 6" g;-Li_ Ceslych, Vol CII, A t'otual 0-f 56 iDatuients were investuiratled. injuries ,N-cre localized as necl-r- snine -11, c1r..cst -)-~Dine - 24, loin ST,,_ine - I'd, and 3 injuries o-f conus medullaris and ca-ada ecuina. T-Owmt-ionin.,,~.- of 'U'.,-e t1hyroid ,C-,Iand aas e~:,mm .ined in 32 ccazcs. 1tef"'111-Is of 0-X.a-minat ion-, sl-lowod a sub.,;tantial reduction an in t',he oercenta!-,e of intercenting 113' b-Ir the t*.,.Y---G--d d U-1- 'PCs- t 22 cascs, n th.,~ pc.,:~-colit-age a 'he level oi- ..--.e low-or nm.-ial liiiiit. '2he L,'e-,cent"Lon s~ueed aloo re7 duced. .-.e mznber of cosinno-pI,illes col,=licuou~-,ly 10...T. It seemns that reduction of' act-iv4ties is co-.~i-ecled o--nomena concerninIg central and re'llexion dampening in ',he hig~her noruions of tile central nezrvous syst-em. :,deduced hormonal activity may adi-mr,mPyl-, r)-p nncLe~ Oe a manifest"a on of the- __.mj - -; " - - - -, - - 4 SUPONI'lSKAYA M A kand. med. nauk; GORIKOV4, L.V. si-. - k I F * . " .- Nell--asova, d.281 kv.i~ Some indices of biological evaluation of skin homografts preserved by. varl,ouu meLhodtt. Ortop., travra. i protez. 25 no.():66 Je 164. (MIRA IS: 3) 1. lz Saratovskogo instituta travmatologii I ortopedii (dir. - dot5ent Ya.N, RQdin). GOR'KQVA,,,I.i'. (Koscow): "Specific rtmature and defcmation fctturc.,, of sed-incmt:ay rcclm at various staget; of lithification". miyort presented at 11he 2nd All-Uidon Congress on Thooretic.-a and Applied 1.13-ch,mics, Eoacnw., P5' Jan - 5 Feb 64. I ul!HKH~A 114I.A.; i..Y:',jJlfT3-,,V;,, F,7i. (Eature of the strength aho. deformation l2r.-purties of loess] Privorla Ilrochnosti i deforl;~Iltololulye O'so IDenrlc;sti .Les!:i:,vyl.h piorcid. Mo,-~vil, IlFlulvA, 1964. 11.7 p. IV: I j a a a S a 4 11 A. i L. A- I, A (i P. I 1 10 v I I 1 1,0 it 1A :v V I Atlinvial slititliar lit malimml mola I N1. l4ickma. Wj JJ. 30,11T- cof mj..~V~ Irmi-a-S the ditivirsion, alky. and plasticity of safine "Is. The cohesion of cruitts and r-tructural unit5 inctra" a, the Na unci-m-s in the eitchanar coinlih- l(rm-al if car- 0 hmml- 1,v ticittitis The wil twith HIL'I tmi,ai- the %is- 1'.1.1v .4 flit mKituert.41- l"(Tv 00 ;4 0 00 JeA '.09 INC -269 Olb it S u It 10 It n m it x .4 1 11 ia n ~ TO 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 :::: 0 0 1 11111 a e 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 o ~ O*() Soo* 111011111 111011011 1,10 ooo S o0 0*0 000 41111,111 of Ito**# o j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .1 0, Pi~ 1101.P m . As 1. 4, .. 0 A I I k b) Q 4, 11 C2 A Character of water of hydratlem and its roir in the tomin- 00 tion of a Weecticon between soil amd foundsticm soil per. * ' .00 tides. 1. it. Co-r ko%~p, Pet(4~rv W. S S. R ~ 1038. Nn. I0. W*35, 45360- I-nt-t ,m-pf~m, If t.4 ,I Il't ~ it, -I R... ........ wit-I 11'~ 0., p., ~ 1. ........ .....I 00 see go v:0 : W 'q 'j , 0 xx i 00 old ~ & 0 * 0 a,* f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CIO 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a 0 0 0 0 0 a .6 0 0 ' a a 0 0; 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 a 0 0 o 6: 6 as 0 * 0 0 1 so 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 00 A L3 Soo 0ow a r LWO-0 whicb In the a6lat C~Ddi to Up the uy vi~ A a. V-" drkd &W F. ( f 1640bo 44P go, dot 00 op a b lp am mV It, JA A 1 8 *J 0 1 N 01 0 A 0 31 6 1,0, see 00# mo* Coo of* we* fs** wfo 11 '-i,-~,-,j :-~,_, i.6:i---p , -,, ~, --, 1 !. - - - , - - i i i 44 4 4 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 12 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 It, L A J,,; T V A I Ah 0 k( A: ft A tion gestey lo the formation of bonds between clay P4-1% s III, Ott,-- In L.-lin "hich have no usmims, "Alcr Q'Im't I$&- -gregati'm 113 dMir. stgreguti ... I Ow ad-Owd (-.11"m O ltn%,- 1'. 1., milmd(T , II I 4 0.", U% 60 *0 I , It , It 0 It 1 0 . 000 00 0 0 0 *Mf 00 0 0 a, ., I 0 0 0 4) 0 0 0 to 0 f, A. 0 r 41 t I t 00 of The iUftU&nt* Of WAttT On tht mWeg-tion of dispersed a I ems of W) and olber motenals from the cround 00 tIItA(wl,-rv 1 1948, '-1;0 w2trt a~ the di.Iw-ri,m rwAm ~f -il- ;4 1 If% knolm, 1wivinni1r, am) I lAv, 111 9, a-A. 00 At .1 walt-1 kv.40: (1) iiwiomr or malty , ~ivll 111-4. aduirlied fir the sailfmv ,( the -NA III'- it the diffuw' Ilmlille favc, "I I'm. '01 111, 0 " 1w 1*4W jlb4-; 13) fF- wal'.1 A, Iv%.-l 1. Ifie -11 I IL;oo 16 1. if Rit-,ttv "'Ildition; at ~" I,, file '-fa j,"t, ~ al3jriguipellsicits. QUAIII.,141a are Riven .... 1hrm"I'llf". 0 Im.l. .1"d .If .: contunt tif the diffortrial Ymml %Oik at Ille 'I I!w relation of the3c mit'litioll. (If II'M Of the inAtmil, tr~ted- Th, a,Wni"I iwi, -it 111, 0 11IT'lefft leyck ififfilelicf. thr 'I.Oulily "I the differvilt wik Nwe u1 1, Imi'le at 'i'lWar "66 66 00 A I It %L A VIJAUVIWAL LlIfIll.lool (LAilaw A T.C. *It Pw': It v- AV ~;* o too 0 0 0 o;o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0-& 0 0 0 0 0 IMO Off 1#0 4! old) U41110 IN J1 f, Ad P J., -A... I AA 0 C-Mtmsod disperse "Items of 00 kuvo, A:#M#d, Asp. 11. 113 A(l 1140). of hms alml hydralon on the met h. 1XIIi- r111.111 ! -00 00 :-90 00 00 1, -q roe 00 01A r ITALLUR(Itat LIMITM CILAWSWICATIPIO =60 ~110 C-G 00 1 V 14 5 A u tll*"~Ilktip py tot,,, CqK wa 91K Zot I )A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iob4d:::::Iooo*oooeoooo:,Oooee0000000;0*0000.10000000000000 'PRIKLONSKIY,V.A., doktor geologo-mineralogicheskik~ nauk; GORiKOVA, I.N. 0101INA. N,A.; RMOVA, N.S.; GIOMK, V.F.; RODID 77.17 -rur izdatellutva; POLYAKOVA, T.V., tokhnicheskiy redv-ktor. [Engineering geology characteristics of Khvalynian clays in relation to their fortration kexomplified by some trans-Volga regionslInthenerno- geologicheskie obobennosti Khvalynekikh glinistykh porod v eviazi a usloviami Ikh formirovaniia (na primers nekotorykh ralonov Zavolohlia). Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1956. 152 p. (Akadepiia nauk SSSR. 1~Lboratoriia gidrogeologicheskikh problem*ru4y V01913 OGRA 10:3) (clay) a-OR I KO Effect of moisture and tbxture on the chnnge in mechnnicrl pro-*pertles of Trudy Lab. gidrogeol.probl. 14:222-232 '57. (0197) (MMA 11:5) GORIKOVA, Clays and thoir strength in the light of modern concepts of colloid chemistry. Trudy Lab. gidrogeol. probl. 15:26-52 157. (MIRA 12:12) (Clay) (Soil mechanics) -j7-j,::-:t,-! !L- - *: , 1 - - - J-1 -- :-,, 1 . I 'I I GORKOVA, I - M. --- "Structural and Mechanical Properties of Some Clay Soils." paper distributed at the International Clay Mineralogy Congress in Brussels, Belgium, l - 5 Jul 58. Comment: B-3,li6,859 AUTHOR: Gor ~ kova, M. TITLE!, The Deformation Peculiarities of thc. Natural and Dispersed Structures of Some Clays (Deformatsionryye osobennosti ye- stestvennykh i dispergaisionnykh strukrur nekotorykh gli- nistykh porod) PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurrial, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 5, PP 585-593 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The structural-mochnni:al properties of clays of difffc-rert genetic type are studied, The specimens consisted of glau- conite, hydro.-mica, kaolinite IjurassIc and Quaternary sand- colloid clays from I:oscow and Salekhard, The natural struc- ture of the Jurassic. c-lays is distingu3.shed by -a relatlv~ humidity of 0,.40, a high yield point of 5-S . 105 dyn/-.M 6 / 2 a high Strength Df 1,9 - 10 dyn/cm , and E~ high elastic modulus, The coagulation struct-u-1e format4ctn Jr. -he clays is effected by the binding of particles as EL consequence of the spontaneous intermittent thinning of thE! hydrate-ion layers jef, 77~ The structure of c_lays formed by stabil- ization, due to hydrate-ions and highly-stable molecular ad- sorption layers, cannot be regarded as coagulation structures, but as stabilized layers. The study of stabili7,~+i- -i coapiil tion structures by means of the Volarovich visco- Card 1/2 simeter /_Ref. proved the dIfference in their deiormasion The DeformatiOn Fecul.Lar4Lties Of thE NatUrl-Ul Some Clays ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: propexti es. There arE: thrce Cil-c-Aps c4f clay-s- 1) Liquid- like clays of the sanC--~;olioid qu-Jck--s,--.n,-' -cype !Ind --ccent marino sediment3~ This group Is -!,,arac+er~-zed by the coincidence of the rhflolo,~ical ~,,urvco and the curves for the dependence of the effective i-isccs-fty cn 'L.')E? st.:~ess (Figure 4). 2) "lays wr'th -Icc-e rtru,~t-ur;-- , 1--i-e- ancient Black Sea and Novoyevksinskiye sediments. Vuey ar--.~ clara-:- terized by large ati..i ue'~-.':een -,;a~' 1-ni.tial -.`L:-~cosily an,' t1ne viscosity of the destroyed 5truct,~r6s. Jurassic clal~s, which are the most arxj.~-~nT of -che st,,d--'c-d 2peximens, Thixo- tropy is only weakly develo.~ed. There are 6 graphs, 1. table., and 0 0-ov.-iLet re.'Brences~ Laboratoriya gidrogecloeicheskikh problem All SSSR imeni F.P. Savarenskogo (Lal-oratory of 11yiroLec1,,:.'-ir~al Problems of the 'USSR Academy of Sciences imeni F,---. December 4, 1957 1. ClaZis-Properties 2. Clays-Deformation 3. Clays-StrucTural analysis Card 2/2 3(0) SOV/20- 123-2- 37/5-0 AUTHOR: -G_a~a~l . ~11_ TITLE: Structure Formation in Marine Sediments (Strukturoobrazovaniye v morskikh osadkakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, PP 343-345 (USSR) A3jTRACT; The study of the process mentioned in the title and of the alteration of the sediment properties during diagenesis is of direct interest for lithology and Engineering Geology. By such a study the muds can lie adequately described, and the general rules governing the sedimentary rocks can be trought to light. The authoress uses the methods cited in referEnces 1 and 2 to study the quantitative characteristics of the structural mech- anisms and the rheological propertiou of the marine sedimente. She has investigated the Quarternary sediments in the Black-Sea and the Sea of Azov from a depth of 1.5 to 10 m below the ground Durfaoo. Thoje codlmentB contain up to 65~~ of grains less than 0.001 mm in size, which consist of clay minerals, finely dis- persed calcium carbonate, organic substances, colloidal iron Card 1/3 compounds, and other amorphous mixtures. The bitumen content in Structure Formation in Marine Sediments SOV/20-123-2- 37/50 these sediments is high (UP to 4K. Likewise, the portion of the insoluble humin which is firmly cemented with mineralogical components is also high (up to 60~)j acid humin constitutes 7-20% of this. The absorption capacity (yemkost' DOgloshcheniya) var,ie,q between 9 and 23 mg of water per 100 grams of absolutely dry mud. The salt content decreases with depth, from 6-10% to 2%. The high degree of dispersion of the cemented phase and the consriderable Ole-etrolyte content favor a marked hydrophilic co- agUlation of the organic-mineralogic materials. These form vt~ry spongy, absorptive spatial structures. The moisture con- tent of the upper and organogenic mud horizons reaches 200-300%b, calculated on-the basis of absolutely dry mud. The sediments studied are typical, young, coagulation structures (Refs 1,2), which are plasti'ficized by organic substances in varying de- grees. Figures 1 and 2 show the variation of the structural- mechaixical properties with depth. The uppermost horizons have practically identical fluidity, have no pronounced elastic properties, are weakly viscous, and show a weak thixotropic structural recovery. All of these properties appear in the deeper lying sediments (Refs 1,2), and can serve as indications Card 2/3 of sediment transformation in sedimentary rocks. The rate of Structure Formation in Marine z-;07/20- 12 3-2- 37/ 5 ri diagenetio sediment alteration always depends distinctly on their composition and facies conditions. From these investiga- tions, it is concluded that the formation and diagenesis of the sediments studied are typical colloidal-chemical, spontaneous processes of synaereeis structure formation and of natural aging by hydrophilic organic-mineralogic, dispersed systems under the bio-geochemical conditions concerned. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya gidrogeologicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Laboratory of Hydro-Geologic Problems of the AS USSR) PRESENTED: June 18, 1958, by P. A. Rebinder, Academician, USSR SUBMITTED: June 18, 1958 Card 3/3 -J/7 -~UTHOIR: Popov, I.V. , Gor'hova, ~-:iid KotTov, F.71. ------------- - -- TI'TLE: In !;~emoriam of Viktor .-1.eksazidro-,,ich Prik'--Ionskiy PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, '~eriya geologi- cheskaya, 1959, 'Nr 9, pp 96-9a (IMSR) ABSTRACT: This is an obituary notice on Professor V.A. flriklonskiy, Corresponding ]-,!ember of the AS USSR, who died on 13 February 1959. The deceased was a specialist on hydrogeology and engineering geology. He was the director of the Laboratoriya gidrogeologicheskikh problem AN SSSR (Laboratory of Hydrogeological Problems of the AS USSR). Card 1/1 GOR'KOVA, I.M.; RYABICIWA, K.H. Stu *. of structural and neebanical properties of some clays. Trud~ Lab.gidrogeol.probl. 22:9-40 '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Glay) (Boil mechanics) - GOR-11KOV4, _.I.04.,; DUSHKINA, N.A.; RTABI CHNVA, K. N. Structural and mechanical properties of silts of the Black Sea and their diagonetic modifications. Trudy Lab gidrogeol.probl. 22:55-69 159. iMIRA 13:4) (Black Sea--Silt) (Soil, mechanics) ---~jfLR~LQVA -I.-nauchnyy sotradnik; XOROBAVOVA, I.G., nauchnyy sotradnik; WIVA, N.A*, nauchnyy aotrudnik.; RVjTOVAp III.S., nauclmyj sotrudnik.; SAFOKIMIA,, I.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; CHEPIK, V.F.. nauchnyy sotrudnik; PCPOV, I.V.p doktor geol-mineral.naul,,; SnTIVA, G.S., (Nature of stability and deformation characteristics of clay rocks in connection with conditions determining their formation and wett-Ing) Priroda prochnosti i deformatsionnye osobennosti gli- nistykh porod v zavigimosti ot uslovii formirovaniia i uvlazh- neniia. Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 152 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. laboratoriia gidrogeologicheskikh problem. Tnzidy, vol.29). (MIRA 14:6) (Clay) GORIKOVAP I.M. ~ -1 - - I I Quick and tbixotropic properties of d!Fperse -,ledimpntar( rocks. Koll.zhur. 23 no.1:12-19 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Laboratoriya gidregeologiclieskf kh problem AN SSSR, K)skvii. KMILOVY F.V., hand. geol.-v,in. naul,, otv. red.; BEZI-XE, !'J'., dolrtor geol.-niner. nauk, red.; BEIYY, L.D., dol--tor naulh, red.; TYKOVA, V.S., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; GOR I KOVA, dolctor geol.-riner. nauk, red.; GTMEV, A.M., red.; YEMELIYANOVA., Ye.p., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; KOLOI-MIT-KI-Y, N.V.,, doktor geol.-riner. nauk, prof., red.; 1,=EV, Z.A., doktor geol.-niner. nauk, red.; POLISHIE', D.Te., karid. teklin. naul~, red.; PUPOV, I.V., doktor geol.-riiler.-nauh, prof., reCi.; 111dKLOINISKIY, II.A., prof., red. ldececised]; RUBBTSETEMI, A.L., doktor geol.-niner. nauk, prof., red.; Sa-M-717EV, Ye.M., doktor C:eol.-miner. naukp prof., red.; FILDEYMI, F.I., kand. geol.- miner. nauk, red,; ZOLOTOV, P.F., red. i-.d-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., tekhn. red. (Baterials on the engineering and geological properties of rocks and methods for their study] I=henezmo-geologicheskie svoistva gornyl,h porod i metody ikh imcheniia; materia-lq. Moskva~ Izd- vo Akad. nault SSSR, 1962. 362 p. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Soveshchimiye po, inzhenerno-geologicheskim svoistvam gornyhh porod j rietodm ikh izucheniya, Moscow) 1c57. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent Akadernii nauk SSSR (for Priklonskiy). 3. I-oskovskiy gosudar- stvemWy urdversitet (for Sergeyev). 4. Laboratoriya gidrogeolo- gicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kotlov). 5. Kafedra "Osnovaniya i fundementy" Moskovskogo instituta Jnzhoncrov vodnogo khozyaystva (Rubinshteyn). (Rocks) (Engineeriiig geology) GORIKOVAI 1.1-1. ------- -.- Current state of the study of chalk and chalklike rocks from the point of view of engineering geoloCy. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol. probl. 44:5-15 162. Omu 15:7) (Chalk) GORIKOVAP 1.14. Water-chalk relationship, sagging, relative consolidation, and consistency of chalk and chalklike rocks and tbb dependency of their ultimate strength on the porosity and moisture. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probl. 44:51-63 162. (Ma 15.7) (Chalk) GORIKOVAY 11M. . ~ .1 - - - ---- ---, Plastic strength. "sensitivity," thixotropy, and flowage of cWk and chaiklike rocks. Trudy Lab.Eidrogeol.probl. !4:64,.75 162. OMiA 15:7) (Chalk) GWKWA, 1.14.,; DUSHKINA, N.A. Structural-nechanical properties and deformation features of chulk and chalklJke rocks. Tx-udy Jab,Ig-Jdrogeol.probI, 44:100-2-V+ 162. ( MU .15 - -1 /' (Chalk) G OR I KGVA ~ - I.11~14...--- --- Conclusion. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.p.-obl. 44:115-126 162. OWA 15:7) (ChalIc) GORIKOVA, ;r#A,MJ,LIjay~ovna [Structural and deformation characLer:i sties of ot~dimen ary rocks of various degrees of compaction and lithil'it!ationl I turnyu i deformatsiornye osobennc):3ti cosado 'n -k)i vc- Struk rod rf)zJIchnr.,I stepeni. uplotneniia i Nauka) 1965. 126 p. Ifl;ll I U fill I v ~ ur, -.1 ACC N"' A-7,17003447 Monograph UR/ Gorlkova, Irina. Mil\hayloma Theoretical principles governing the evaluation of sedimentary rock for purposes of ,eology encrineering (Teoreticheskiye osnovy otsenki osadochnykh poros v I ID inzhenerno-geologicheskikh tselyakh) Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka", 66. 0135 p. illus. , biblio. , (At head of title: Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Gosstroy SSSR. Proizvodstvennyy i na-u-chno-issledovatellskiy institut po inzhenernym, izyskaniyam v stroitellstve) Errata slip inserted. 2, 000 copies printed TOPIC TAGS: geologic survey, geology, geologic research facility, soil, civil engineering, chemical mechanics, lithology Cl PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book analyzes basic regularities established by the author, for the behavior of sedimentary formations as a function of their composition, state, and the character of their structural bonds. A classifica- tion of sedimentary rock and a set of classification characteristics are present- ed for evaluation for engineering geolo,--ry purposes. The book is of interest to engineering geologists, specialists in the geology of sedimentary formations, C' C:ll lithology, mining, soil mechanics, soil science, building engineers and specialists using sedimentary rock as materials. Card 1/2 UDC: 552. 5:6 24. 13 1. 1. 00 1. 11 X~Ii7003447 TABLE OF CONTENT [abridged]: Foreword -- 3 Cl~' A. The state-of-the-art of the problem of rock formation classification for engineering geology and other purposes -- 7 -Ch. 2. Results of surveys of sedimentary format4ons using methods and concepts of physical and chemical mechanics -- 17 Ch. 3. Highly dispersed rock of low density and lithification 46 Ch. 4. Highly dispersed rock of high density and lithification 57 Ch. 5. Highly dispersed rock of medium density and lithification -- 63 Ch. 6. Properties of bonding sedimentary formations -- 70 Ch. 7. S-Lreng'Ah and deformation properties of loessal soils -- 77 Ch. 8. Sandy stabilization soils (initially quicksand) -- 93 Ch. 9. High strength eruptive, metamorphic rock and sedimentary forma- tions -- 98 Ch. 10. Some suggestions on methods of determining classification indices 1071 Conclusion -- 120 Literature -- 128 Card 2/2 SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 19Jul66iORIG REF: 125/OTH REF: 003 MhYEVJKIY, H.H.; JLVDFYFVA. I.A. ; ROWLIMMO, Ye.A.; TJRAZO'VA, A.?.; BOND~MVA, A.S.; TIHOYMAVSKAYA, Ye.A.; MUMA, V.G.; GCR'KUVA, IT.F.; TAYSHM, Y.M. Aurantin ancl its effect on experimental timors. Antibiotiki 4 no.4:43-46 JI-Ag '59. (HIHA 12: 11) 1. Laboratorlya eksperimentallnoy biotera ii (zav chlen- korrespondent AHN SSSR prof.M.M-Mayevski7 Institu*t; eksperimentall- noy patologii i terapii raka AMN SSSR- (ANTINHOPLASTIC AGMMTS pharmacol) (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacol) DIJ"A'v-EX 'V G G `0 R I K QTV P. 1, - Gomparative churucterlsti-n of The blological and ant'r-Icrobial Off6lat Of amill and itfl itnalognic. lliauch. t-mJ.,- Kaz. go.ns med. Insto 24:15-3-IQ 0 9 j i 1. Kaflodra mlkrobl.ulf~gij, t' zEj va,j kafedrit famakologii (zav. - dotsc;nt T.l,'.Raspcpc)va) Kazan- skogo mc-~ciitslnshogo instil-ill-o -' "al%~.rjru organ-'c"-.e.,,koy 1-n.", ~: I K, ~Mll (7.av. - prof. A.I.Razimcr) En'-7am,,kogo inst, i tu La. GOR11107A, V. I. I - "Designing Radiation Drying Installations.," Sub 11 Apr 47, Moscow Order of Lenin Power ZngineerirC Imst imeni V. M. Molotov I Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947 SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55 GORIKOVA-, V.I. -- Comprehensive list of rantions used by abstract Journals !14 in the Soviet Union. KI -10.2:7-11 163. (MIRA 16:11) 11" ": GOROKEOV, F,K.,;. kan5.tek'!,.-i. - ! :,V _F. V -r-u PAVDOV,, L~L; kand, tek-h-n. B.M.. doktor tePbn- na.-.Y, -S-:!.! OT KU R Bj- T G V ANS. kand. tekhn, naL;P., pf~ lf*~ r E. -Z ~ESYTC9 Z.B- r ed [French-Russian eleutrl~:~C! anginearing d~,:~tt.iomrT'j Frantsuzskc.- russkl~ Fr~i red, lll,.S-Kurbat~vol i B.M.~Turoevs, l4otkr4i~ !~,vO #'!it I:i~ L(Ijl(%i.~.iU;. l9v). 720 P. le"12) TALIFOV, Sh.T.; ABDULUYVIA, Kh.S.; _qPRI-KOVATA-. G.P. Phot,ometric determination of small amounts of indium uith bromopyrogallol red. Uzb.khiin.zhur. 6 no.5:16-19 162. (MIM 15 -.12) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I.Lenina. (Ind btir,--Analys is) O~vrcgallol- red) TALIPOV, Sh.T.i DZIIIYANBAYLVAp R.Klj.; ASt4CV, K.A.; GORIKOVAYA, G.P. Photocolorimetric determination of niobium. Uzb. khim. zhur. 7 no.4:18-22 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni V.I. Lenina. GORY-OVENKO, F. Work the oo4mmnist way. G3-azhd.av. 18 no.4:25 '61. (MIRA 14:4) (Ulan-Ude,--Aeronaitties, Commercial) I,, " - A , t~ - C. ~ G~ ~ f -), c; ~ -, I-.- A t, ! ~ c ~. ,, V, GORKOV121KO. N.Ye.; LINIVOT, A.D. ~ . kitomatizing individual units of a concrete plant. Ayt. dor. 21 no.l: 29 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Conveyirg mehiner7) (Automatic control) (Water supply) TSUEMANIK, I. P. GCRIKOVETS,T.G. Acetylene condensation with chIDrobenzene. Zhur.ob.khim. 25 n0.5:919-921 MY155. (KLRA 8:10) 1. Institut khimii Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (Acetylene) (Benzene) -ma USSR/Geological Prospectin-, iron Ores 19146 "Iron Ore Deposits of Central Asia," Kh. 1-1. Abuluilayev, A. 3. Batalov, V. G. 0xortkovets, PP "Sovet ;.3eologll No 2) Describes Abial. deposits, located 17 km fror, Abail RR Station; SusinEensk magnetite depoAts, located around upper reaches of U~ram River; Turan-ly deposits, sone 26 !an '.ron "Dallverzin" Farn located near Begovata. .1. PA 69T42 15-57-4-4468 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 19b7, Nr 4, p 64 (USSR) fiUTHORS: Abdullayev, Kh. M., Gortkovoy, 0. P., Shmalevich, G. D. TITLE: Composite Dikes in the Kuraminskiy Erebet (Range) Uzbekskaya SSR Z-O slozhnopostroyennykh daykakh Kuramin- skogo khrebta (UzSSRf PERIODICAL: Zap. Uzbekist. otd. Vses. mineralog. o-va, 1955, Nr 8, pp 221-229. ABSTRACT: The author makes a detailed investigLtion of composite dikes in the basins of the Akluash and Chadak Rivers. The dikes cutting across the bed of the Mayli-Katan- Say, have a perfectly symmetrical structure. The central part is composed of granite porphyry, the outer zone of diabase porpi-iyrite. The contact between the zones Is locally sharp (only on the upper surface); at other places it is transitional. A thick (10 m to 12 m) Card 1/2 composite dike, passing along the left and rl,ght borders 15-57-4 -4468 ComDosite Dikes in the Kuraminskiy Khrebet (Cont.) of Chadak-Say, also has a symmetrical structure and contains five zones: a central granite porphyry and lateral granophyre and diabase zones, Other composite dikes do not have the symmetrical structure. Study has shown no regularity in the variation in thickness of the different zones in a single dike. The zones clearly must 1-iave been produced from a single intrusion of magma and subsequent differenti- ation. The composite dikes formed by intrusion of basic magma along the contacts of earlier formed gr&nite porphyry dikes. The slight thickness of these latter permitted strong heating daring intrusion of the basic magma. As a conseqUE,nce, the contacts between the granite porphyries and the d1abase porphyrites are transitional, especially on the lower contact. In other examples the age relations between the rocks forming tt-B different zones remains obscure, but the method of formation of these dikes is apparently the same. Card 2/2 0. V. B. ABDULIAYEV, Kh.M.i akedemik; ADNIONG; A.S.; VOROVICII, V.A,;,G(21KOVOYO-O'p.; XALA-BIIIA, M.G.; MAIAKHOV, A.A.; MATISOKINA, T.M.; MLRJMODZHAY-V7, I.R.; RADZHABOV. F.Sh,; TURASHEVSKAYA, E.S., red.izd-va; MRIKOVAYA, Z.?., tekhn.rod. (Principal features of magmatism and metallogeny in the Chatkal- Kurams mountain ranges) Oanovnye cherty magmatizma i metallogenii Chatkalo-Kuraminakikh gor. Pod obshchei red. l(b.H.Abdullaeva. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1958. 288 p. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskov SSR (for Abdullayev) (Chatkal Mountain Rantge-Minernlogy) (Kurame Mountain -Range-MiDeralof,7)