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HR U, YO ZW , L. V. ; .!~O!- 1~ew spectrophotometvic method 1',)r de.-terminitiF monoamlne oxiam~e tictivItY ~') lAver homogenates. Vop. mt-d. W jp_-Ip 164, (J,'JJU-~ 17:19) . I _ Institute of Biological and ~'~edlcal ~~eadezy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Xosc~,,w. '-iA IF,:!) I. labc na or b- lns~ituta :iElrl RMA, i a s c(!RE I MI Se-. tor-hordr-ta jf lie rat r w ~aricu ~-.V'L Mi. B4.0e.1.1mila Z~q ro.6.u1093-1102 11-0 tc,,-jya blokhlmii aninov lcc~y -~Id:ia i"'141 --n:,,1jtijta- biologichenkry I N !4oakv&. Submitbed April -1:, !?61 n :i:!i I IN V MI, i R.S i3~nlilne oxidas6) AVf-l-oll Of rlj~. b'lc(,,l ac-I.-Drity bY* jv'-rfftzAJv k1- I:" Ap 0 &1 T RA Instituta bl.C l.L,giCheS'ir:)y i ;Y"ll SSS',R, R--.)Skva. VEREVKDIA, V.Z.; MIDNIEVA, L.I.;MMO, M.I.; RU-1101,1011A, L.A. KHODERA, (Pol'sha) lnh~ibition of the actiiQity of mitochondrial amine oxidasea by s=e tricyclic compotihds. Dokl. fill SSSR 157=-,I.*191-193 Jl t64 (MA 17:8) 1. Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinakoy khimii_ALU SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I. Oparinym. GORKIN, V.Z.; KLYASI?rCRIII, L.B. Simple method for the preparation of the manometric liquid for work with Warburg's apparatus. Lab. de1c. no.1:58-59 165. 0,11-'a 18. 1) 1. Laboratoriya biokhimii aminov i drugikh azotistykh osnovaniy Instituta biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii AI~Ui SSSR, Moskva. BRTJSOVA, L.V.; VIYUGOVA, L.A.; GCRKIN,-V..Z. Method of determining the monoamine oxidnse activity in the brain. Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 37 no.3t463-4.71 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut biologichaskoy i meditsinskoy khimii AMN S9SR, Moskva. 2. Sotrudnik Instituta psikhiatril MAN SSSR, Moskva (for Vlyugova). r T N p - I . . J~, 11 x :,r, .- - - L151 9~ rn;hE r. : f'O. - il -tt '. 'T&F: , 5 7 . t , , i ~ 59 ~~--,`p '6~. I 1-~:4) GWK]q~.V.Z.; KMOSSKIY, N.A.; KLIASWORIN, L.B.; KOMISSAR(ArA, N.V.; Wift'YEVA, r..A. --~PWHKCV' V.A. Substrate specificity of amino acid oxidase. Biokhimiia 29 no.l*. 88-96 Ta-F 164. (IURA 18:12) 1. Institut biologicheakoy I meditainskoy khimii AMN SSSR I Inotitut khimU,-prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR, Moskva, Submitted Alwil 28s, 1963. on e Vc. 1. . 1 .1:. CORKIN$ V.Z.-, KRIMIEKKOVA, R.S. Effect of cysteamine and other mercaptoamino compounds on the activity of mitachondrial monoamino oxidase. Biokhimiia 29 no.51992-"8 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Laboratorlya blokhirdi aminov i druglkh azotistykh oanov&niy Inatituta biologicheskoy i meditsinekoy khimii AFN SSSR, Moskva. GRINBATIN, F.T., -professor. nsuchn;yy ruk-ovoditell; KRWISEV, F.N., %amestitell elarnogo vracha; MINMV, A.M., glavzi~y vrach; zaveduyusbehiy; KMIKOV, Yu.A.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. Decision of the joint conference of the Gorlkiy branch of the All-Union Hechnikov Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases and of epidemiologists and bacteriologists of the Gor'kiy Rrovince, Municipal and District Sanitation and Epidemiological Stations of May 15, 1952. Zhur.mikrobiol.P.Did.i immun. no.3.-96-99 Mr 153. OaM 6:6 ) 1. Gorlkovakiy institixt epideniologii i mikrobiologii (for Grinbaum and Kulikov). 2. Gor1kovskaya oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya stan- tsiya (for Krutsev). 3. Gor1kovskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiolo- gicheskaya otantBlya (for Mineyev). 4. Klinika detakikh infektsiy Gorl- kovskogo neditsinskogo inatituta (for Gorkin). (Typhus fever) GORKIN. Ye.N., dotsent. Effect of syntomycin upon the course of measles. Pediatriia no.l: 71-72 Ja-F 154. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Iz kliniki detskikh infektBionnykh boletney Gortkovskogo meditainskogo institute im. S.M.Kirova (direktor - doteent N.N.Mizinov). (measles) Golucill., YE. N., KOMM, Z. A., YEROFFIEVA, 0. P. "Salmonalloses in adults." repoit submitted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epideilliologista and Infectionists, 1959. 0 0 4 0 000 0 1111 00 0 0000 so 0001 . '1111i I. !, a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 see 0 g it! I - I : 00i to if ;v & ;# " " At IN IN IN 0 1 V IN 9 At wo A A-Y-A A, S., 1 61 'A j 0 S ~k,%vtu% OVIKIM11 Ab 66MI!q% ~.Lj, Pip dis2mlatica of carbomylbemmoohim, Z. 1). (-.,jkjn. J. V h3slol. kv.S.S. 1k.) I. -- Me %pml CA diwwn. (A dog blo(A wd. wilh CO and jJ) cd I ndt in the dark is strongly inhibited, and 01 1~ -1110 4 ZIFIM111.f. airinfight. UltrivAdetirradiAtionell a m1uplaximn 'With davXVILM his uct mrmiumo, tfkmL~ tea Whm d"j- pdmnt~a 1AMO&I \U a minalarw cAmw~M*'111h C(A 'Vereirradijity1h)r 10min. withfunlym Alight iurrraw- 00 fliwa-11. waq Ohwrved. Iffadid. .00 0 a rrvatimutwitt, ; see I and (1, + 51% CO, k rivulnillmded in the thrrapy of j CO ptimming. S. A. Karialm 00"! ago 0: 3 a** too see so 1 8*0 1:00 no* '00 - ---------- r 0 &JIVALtURGICAL WMATIM CLAISIFICATION 'IN IL NO&W. Of woo 1430,00 %1 a eft. act M, ~_Cm i 4,14111 OK 0%, lit so 7-.--1--1 - F I I I F IN 0 IF u IN if v Al 0 pp a 0 Ip 0 Al $1 itt 111 141 a it it a kul A 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 It * 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 o o 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * ~66 0 Va 0 0 * 3 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 9 -41;w;;;o ow W 0 0 A a. . X.-P, I a J~ 7, Y V. X_J L. -I 1 .Al 14 VC M U4. 0 00 4 Vorf4% -00 ...... . ... 6flu Call taltravicask Y~ A~ adI46~ on cjjzP, 2 the red 0 J. W, 11, 7,, Milli. 11, fall"AoNd With a rut'"'r All P. And ~li CJIL~ 1 o a =rd "501111 niplifly by rtilroarraik,ti 411 dAM,,#Td When ax"rd to ultraviokit " hl I r. . S radiation West effeded with a quarts H$-vaprar lamp at a distamv of hn cm alitniatelly on It* r4bi anti I k %i l -00 I .. a to r over an arm 2) X 211 con. In 4 tnistrawWal 49 is min rat, it, 11, 1 khm hear it,,vivin the "Pan asiadve Uw 4th M]Ia 00 -9 go t , . milli wit, days. 111U.N11 t.1cuV"Y want ansau?"i in 9 00 o r1 Ilarlaaw with controllp, by ... POO 00 L 31 and itryllitoryte (witt. ~1 fullits F. Smith =00 go coo go ZOO MAL .809 lit ij ISO 41 a Z- Itoo V- -T A I Ir of 9 OR 9 u AT $111M 1, IT In it OR a .34 0111,6169 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-ow *an 0 0 0 60 06 0 0 600 0 o 0 0 00 0 000 0 : : 6 * 00 0 -a*- 0- 0.08-0-6 * 00 0 GMMij, Z. D. U-ItIeVIAIA IrsedUtIm a* a ftictor IncreaidnS pbpdologLcal actlvtty In subUrnom work. Gig., sanit., Mo*u No. Us NOV. 50. P. 19-= la Ot the Ukrainlan Central InetAtute of Lab*r Hygimmi and Ompktiaml Diwases, CLHL ws 38, Narch- 1931 I , L.; .L G ) E~ I " ~ , -. ; "K." ;'- -.- ~ , -, -J- w ~~ 2. USSR (600) )4. IiiduEitrial hyriene 7. lrl,7nual an practical studies in indusLriz-il K. L'~Drevova, Z . i. isra.4ellson, YE- :1). 1A. 1 cq:ilevskaya; revieweau by ;~. Gorhin, ''I. K,~niiinikiy, L. YE. kllbiLskaya, G. iwtashenko, G-.IF. i Sar., no. !~, 1953. 9. Month]. List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Inril 1953, Uncl. GORKIN, Z,P.; KARMINSKIY, M.S.; MjKjjAYLOvsKAyA, ye.F.; ALBI"TSKAYA, Ye.S.; `*~J'*VMTOV, Ye.S. Physiological and hygienic basis for an effective program oir indus- trial training for locksmiths In trade schools. Gig.i san. no.12: 18-22 D 153- (nRik 6:12) 1. Is Kharikovakogo meditainakogo instituta I remeslennogo %ichili- Bhcha no. 4.. (Technical education--Curricula) (Fatigue) GORKIH, E.D., doktor meditsinskikh nauk, professor. ~~j :~h, .biltraviolet ray clinics In the coal industry. Svetotakhnika 2 no.4: 4-7 j1 156. (KLU 9: 10) I.Xharlkovekly moditainakiy institut. (Coal miners--Diseases and hygione)(Ultraviolet rays--Therapeutic use) ISTAVET, A.; XHOTSTAMOV, Z, ; ARKHIPOV, A., SIMAXLYANSElY, Z,; KIKBAROVSKIY, Ta.; PASTWWK, A.; TONGAUZ, M.; ARROLIDI, l.; BYKHOVSKIY. B.; qQ4KJ&_Z.; 2HISLIN, I..- ZAD20M. I.; KOYIUNSKIY, B.; MILL&R. S., jUVTRDTSjjfV. Professor B.M.Aranovskii; obituary. Gig. i san. 21 no.10:62 0 156. (MLRA 9:11) (ARANOVSKII, SOLOMON MOISIUVICH, 1885-1956) AVBITMYA. Ye.F.; GORKIN. Z.D.. professor Time mflax as az Udex state of the higber nervous activity 72 U, k Mai 'LQ-.?l 2, -2z kJfV417 919JJVZV tTW8 X)29J-')r0VB)r0gD MV1WfiJJ2B)rVgV IAWWR, ~Mwmo w1wrEmmo conlitioned time reflex In etw1ento of vocational schools aa higher nervous funct. test (BU13)) (SCHOOLS. same) ALIBITSKAYA, Te.F., GORKIII, Z.D., WO'IIISKIY, 14.S., MIMUMVSKATA, YE.F. Phyciological and hygienic basis for the orennizntion of stop training in machinery trade; Gig, i Gans 23 no-9:35-38 S'58 OIDU 11:11) lo Iz kafedry gigiyeny truda Ehartkovskogo meditsip-skogo instituta; (INSDUSTRY A14D OCCUPATIONS, machinery indust. schools in Russia (Rus)) (SCH00iis, hygiene (Rua)) 7lj '(7 A12- GORKIN, Z..D. (Khar'kov) Ultraviolet radiation of industrial workers and experience in ita application. Gig.truda i prof.zab. 3 ne.4:36-39 Jl-Ag '59- (14IBA 12:11) 1. Xafedra giglyany tnts Meditsinskogo instituta. (ULTRkVIOLBT RAYS-TH30urmic USE) GORKIN, Z.D., prof.; POPOV, I.D,, dotsent (2iarlkov) Introduction of nev technology and further tasks in the improvement of labor conditions. Vrach.delo no.6:621-623 je 16o.' 01IRA 13:7) (IlMSTRIAL HYGIENZ) GMKIN, Z.D.; CHJ2U=VSKIY, H.I. (Kharlkov) Teaahing labor hniene in the 12th term at the 3--nitation and Hygiene Famaty of the Xharkov Medical Institute. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 4 no.2%36-37 P 160. (MIRA 15:3) (KOMOV-INDUBMUAL HYGIENE--STUDY AND TFAACHING) GORM Z D.; SkKHNOVSKIX, *Ya.D. ===n1_= Caustruction of buildings without skylights and vindowa. Gig. i san. 26 no.7:120-Jl 161. (MIRA 15:6) (INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) ACC-',\4' J- Z. AUniOR: A b i t s k a va, 71' eo r ORG: Department of Labor Hygiene, 1"harkhov 'I'lvdicni -Institute (KI if,lcivn 1 j~, --ny ruda Khar'khovskogo meditfilnsko5~o instituta) TITLE: Vie effect of ultraviolet irradiation on 'he. Nuctional. -.ondi!ioq OHSIC cerebral nervous processes ill MMI S SOURCE: Cigijlena i sanitariya, no. 6, 1966, 1.7-20 TOPIC TACYS: ultraviolet radiation, cerebral cortex, humin nervour, system, condiLione(~ reflux, ABSTRACT: The effect of ultraviolet radiation on tile hi6ier nervous acti-~itv of 15-16-yr-old technical school students was stu(lied. The riotor-speech i-,iethod of Ivanov-Smolenskiv and t"ie method of directed speech reactions (association test) were used to est~m;-te the function of both signa'l systems (Pavlov). I'he radiation source was a P11K-2 riercury-quartz lamp with a wavelength of 136-400 mp. B-J'o6oses were determined for each student, since indivi6ual sensitivity to IN ra'jiill.ion varies widely. Doses were given ,vingly (1 1/2, 1, 1/2 biodose) or repeatedly (1 1/2 -in--~ 1 biodcjse). The si)b,jectsplaced 75 cm from the source, were exposedi thc w~ilit) to UV rays simu.1tancously Frro-,,,, two sides. Indices of higher ner-vous ~-,cti.vftv cmployed' inclx.,I(d the ac~~ur,icy of conditioned reflexes, the length of the peried Card 1/2 - ------ UDC: 615.831. 76-0119. 71-.07:6-11-82Y. 1--- ACC N R: AP6018714 motor and speech rvactionf;, the quality of re!iponnes, absence of or tion of words, and ervors in pressing buttong. Ton 51,iidentc- wer.. stw!ied in 500 experiments with rvpvate(l iryadintion with 1 1/2 I)Lodo.~-,e (237.9 ments Ghowed Tio changc in the accuracy of conditioned reflexes o,- in the len, g t of the latent period of a m,:)cor reaction to a word st 'mulus. llowevr2r, repeated irradizi- tion with this dose Lhe functional colidi lion of Lhe )nd ~;i ,w!." :,V;:t the.following ways: 0e latent period of the speech reaction de--rew;ed response reactions improvc!d, and the number of avoidance reactio-is dcoppcci. [10 incompleteness of thj!; iviprovement In the functional condition of the second systei-ii was demonstrated by the nu-mber of rvpeLitlvc~ or erropeous response,-;. L Z, s concluded that thl", SeCOnd si~,,nal systum, iI,'I,'4k2d L-II ~;!)LeCll, jS MOre M1 the first system (sensory), since it can be stimulated by ultra-vtolez Orig. art. has: 4 --ables. SUIB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATF, 19ju165/ ORIC REF, ~00/ ,~T D P RE S S Card GORKINAP I.S. Effi,etiveness of a progressive piecework system for paying the wages of drilling crews and ways to perfect this system. Trudy VNIIBT no.10:127-135 163. (WRA 17:4) QORK I NA14-J,5 , Economic efficiency in the use of drilling pipflf3 ninde frati light alloys. Trudy VN11BT no.12:93-97 164. (MDIA 1824) Penzonakoy obinsti). / - After 42 years in the public health services. Felld. i akash, 23 no.,11159-60 N158 (Mru litil) (VITUSOVSKAYA, RATALI IA GRIGCRIEVRA, 1896-) TONGUR, V.S.; SPITKOVSKIY, D.M.; TSEYTLIV, P.I.; GORKNA1, N.B, Relation between the configurational stability of desoxyribonucleic acid and its molecular weight; radiosensitive and radioresistant forms of desolyriborrucleic acid. Biofizilm 6 no. 1:9-14 161. (MIM 14; 2) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy biologii MIN SSSR9 Mosk7a. (DHSOMIBONUCLEIC ACID) (MIATION-PMIOL-OGICkL EFFECT) KUZINJ, A.M.; GORKIIih, N.B.; KOPYLOV, V.A.; KRYUKOVA, L.M. Nature of metabolites produced in irradiated plant leaves. Radiobiologiia I no.5:659-662 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Institut, biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSRJI Moskva. (PLIUITS-EFFECT OF RLDIATION ON) (PIANTS-METABOLIS14) S/205/61/001/005/003/005 D299/D3o4 AUTHORSi A.M. Kuzin, E.B. Gorkina, V.A. Kopylov, and L,M, Kryukova TITLEs The nature of the metabolites which form in the irradia- ted leaves of plants PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 1, no- 5, 1961, 659 - 662 TEXT: Experiments were conducted to determine whether extracts from Vicia faba leaves inhibit cell devision only in homologous tissue or whether this inhibiting action extends to the cells of other species. An attempt was made to determine whether extracts from irradiated and non-ir- radiated leaves affect the cell division of Eacherichia coli B, The leav.- es were irradiated with an P 9 [1 -1 (RUP-1 ) apparatus in a dose of 15 kr at an intensity of 212 r/min. Some 24 hr after irradiation, extracts were macie from the leaves and were added to the meat-peptone broth in which the E. coli were cultured. The results confirmed the authors, previous obser- vations (Ref. 6: Dokl. AN, SSSR, 137, 4, 970, 1961) that 3ubstances form in the irradiated leaves of plants which strongly inhibit cell multiplica- tion., It was found that the semiproducts of the fermentative oxidation Card 1/ 2 L/ S/205/61/001/005/003/005 The nature of the ... D299/11304 of tyrosine had a similar effect on E. coli B as did the meristematic radicle cells of Vicia faba. Only the low-molecular producta of tyrosi- ne oxidation, and not the high-polymer melanines, inhibited cell divis- lon, The results conform to a hypothesis that the phenol compound meta- bol~sn is dititurbed in irradiated leuvon, in wh"'ch there form oxidt0Jon semiproducts of a polyphenol and semiquinoid nature, responi3ible for dis- turbance of cell division. There are 5 tables and 7 references.. 6 So- viet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR), Moscow SUBMITTED% May 19, 1961 Card 2/2 BOGATSKIY, V.V., otv. red.; C;ORII'LIY,, Yu.l.~ red.; DO~~CVOL'SKIYY, YIFh-l,,!EUYTE, Sh.D., red.; MIA., red.; KO;?.OPET,,, .9 a PELITEK, Ye.I., red.; FNYIJBERG, W.S., red.; KHAZAGAROV, A.M.j, red.; SHESTAKOV, Yu.G.~ red.; LIFSHITS, L.., red. [Geio'oa Rnd gooebomiatry of the mineral resources of Krasnoyarsk Territory] Geologiia i geckhipiiia pole-.nylch isl:opaerVkh Krasnoiarskogo kraia; sbornik statei. Krasno- iarsk, Krasnoiarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1964. 197 p. (1-111RA 18:9) 1. Ki-asnoyarsk.Va kompl-el,,snava ekspoditsiya. 14- V /~ - 14. 0 AID P - 611 Subject USSR/Electricity Card-1/1 Pub. 27 - 15/35 Author : Gor1kov, A. A., Eng., Moscow Title:, : An improvement in the use of welding transformers Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 8, 65-67, Ag 1954 Abstract The arrangement described permits a considerable improve- ment in the efficient utilization of the transformers and the obtaining of 15 to 20 per cent of economy in power consumption. Three diagrams. Institution : Not given Submitted : Ap 6, 1954 .. .. .. ....V AID P - 3001 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - A/28 Author : Oorlkov, A. A. Title : Voltage Etabilization in a lighting network Periodical : Energetik, 6, 23-25, Je 1955 Abstract : The author describes methods employed in large city networks to remove voltage vibrations. He presents stabilization connection diagrams and gives formulae for the computation of transformer capacity and other data. Two diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date GQR'KOV, A.A. L~)erating system for welding transformers. Elektrichestvo no.2: 64-65 Y 156. (MLRA 9:5) (Blectric transformers) GORIKOV, A.A., Inzh. -1 , , : ,'tp ~ Using mounted sy-nchrOnDUS generators In construction machinery. Stroi. pred. neft. prom. 2 no.12:25-27 D t57. (MNRA 11:3) (Electric Generators) --GORJ40V, A.A. , insh. Ittroie Hlodtric nafety neaBures in pipeline conatructions. - 3 no.9122-25 S 158. -12) t ruboprov (MiRil 11. (Blectric ryAchinery-Safety measuron) i GALIFMIN, A.I., ka~nd.tekhn.nauk,-,.90R'KOV, A.A., inzh. We need mRobines vith electTic and hydraulic driving. Strol. truboprov., 5 no.lltl4-16 N 160. (MIRL 13:11) (pipelines) i GCIRIKOV,A.M.; SOKOLOV,L.S.; CHERKPANOV,V.A. On the problem of a radical improvement in Moscowla municipal and suburban transportation system. Gor.khoz. Hook. 29 no.6: 3-7 Je 155. (KLRA 8:8) 1. Metrogiprotrans (for GorIkov). 2. Moskovskiy metropolitan (for Sokolov) 3. Institut generallnogo plana g. Moskvy (for Cherepanov) (Moscow--Rapid transit) 1. GORIKOVI A. V.*-I EME - 2. W>SR (600) 4. Sieves 7* Sifting in stationax7 sieves. Mekh, trud, rab. 6,, No. 9. 1952. 9. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, j.,,Mry -1953. Unclassified. GORIKOV, A.V.. inzliener, laureat Stalinskoy premii. Loading of sand into barges and reloading it from barges into railroad cars. Mskh.trud.rab. 7 no-7:43-45 JI 153. (XLU 6: 7 ) (Sand-Transportation) GORIKOV,::AIV., in2hener, 1MIreat Stalinskoy promit. I ,,, I, I I :. ~ - I, ' N . ' '- i,1,'- Quarrying at the Kuybyshev hydroelectric construction proj,~ct. Mekh.trud.rab. 7 no.10:38-42 O-N 153. MRA 6*0 ((~aarriee and qwwrying) (Khybysh-ev hydroelectric power station) Cr- OR J Cira VI jPub~ 70."!~~ 7/9 :Gpr,4kov'A. V.p Engineer) Recipient of Stal-in Award Titae 2 Experiments froin the stone crushing plants (quarries)of the Kuybyshev Itrdroelectric Plant S'Heki'~. str~o;i. 3,p 27-301 Har:h 1931) Aitxvv~u IDati on the machinery (stone crushers, sifters, load feeders, etc.), emriloyed 'by quarries supplying structural mterials for the Kuybyshev I~ydroelacbric Plant on the Volga River, are presented. Drawings; illtstration. Instd.tution SubW.tteid AGAPOV, D.S.; ARTIBIWV, B.H.; VIKTOROV, A.M,; GINTS, A.N.--GORIKOV~ A GUSYATINSKIY, M.A.; KARPOY, A.S.: KOLOT, I.I.; KOMARJCVMTr, KORYAGIN, A.I.; KRIVSKIY, N.H.; KRAYNOV, A.G.; NESTHROVA, I.E.; OBJIS, LS~. kandidat takhaicheakikh nauk; SOSNOVIKOVI K.S.; SUKHOT- SKIY, S.F.; CHLIKOV, G.O.; YUSOV, S.K.; ZHU, S.Ya., ekademik, glavnyy redaktor; KOSTROV, I.N., redaktor; BAROKUKOV, A.V,, professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. re"I.-tor; KIRZML&R, D.M., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; SHESHKO, Ye.F., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh asuk, redaktor; AVERIN, N.D.. inzhener, redaktor [deceased); GCIRIKOV, A.V., inzherier, rodaktor; KONARWHY, V.T.. inzhenar, redaktor.- ROGOVSKIY, L.V.. inthenar, redaktor; SHAPOVALOV. T.I., inzhener. redaktor; RUSSO, G.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; YILIMONOV, N.A., inzherer, redaktor; VOLKOV, L.N., inzhener, redaktor; GRISHIN, H.M., professor. doktor takhnicheBkikh aauk, redak- tor; ZEIRIII, V.D., professor, doktor takhnichookikh nauk, redaktor; LIKHACHNV, V.P~, inzhener, radakt6r; KOVIWICV, V~H-, kandidat takhni- chaskikh nauk, redaktor; MIKHAYLOV, A.V., kendidat tel:hnichaskikbn *auk, reduktor; PATROV, G.D., inzhaner, rednktor; RAZIN, N.V,, redaktor; SODOIAV, V.P., Inzhener, radektor; FMINGER, B.P., inrhaner, redaktor; TSYPLAKOV, Y.D., inzhoner, redaktor, ISAYXV, N.Y., redaktor; TISTROVA, O.N., redaktor; SXVO.WSOV. I.M., tekhnicheskiy redsk-tor [The Volga-Don Canal; technical report on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, the TSimlyanakays IWdro development and irrigation works (1949--1952); in five volumes] Vblgo-Don; takhnichmskii otchet (continued on next card) AGAPOV, D.S. -- (continued) Gazd 2. o otroitalletva Volgo-Donskogo audokhodnogo kanala imant V.I.Ianirja. TSimlianskogo gidrousla i orositellnykh sooruzhanii (1949-1952) v piati tomakh. S.IA. Zhuk. Moskva, Goe.energ. izd-vo. V01-5. E(Zaarry management] Karlernoe khozinistvo. Red.toma I.B. Koatrov. 1956. 172 p. (MLR.A 10:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo elektrestantaii. By-uro tekhnicbeskogo otcheta o Btroitellstva Volgo-Doaa. 2. Daystvital'ayy cheln Akademil stroitelletva, i arkhitektury SSSR (for Razin) (Qaarries and quarrying) GURIKOV, A.V,-, laureat Stalinskoy premii. Providing the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Station site with nonmineral building materials. Mekh.trud.rab. 9 no.12:18-22 D 15$. (MLRA 9:5) 1. Gluvnyy inzhener upravleniya nerudnykh materialov Ktiybyshev- gidrostroya. (Building materials) (Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Station) GORIXDV, A.V., inzhens-?, law-eat Sta"Unski-'v praird-le Problem of supplying mn-mineral building materlall~ ~,,, lwyk engineering projects. Mekh.strci.32 rin.1:14-18 Mr '5-51. (MLRA 8:4) (Qmrrieg and quarrying) GORIXDV. A,V., Inzhener. 1. 2xperience in operating 28-3 of cover Jl 156. (Crushing rock crushing plants. Mekh.trud.rab.13 no-7: (MIRA 9:9) machinery) GERASIMOV. N.A.. inzb., nauchnyy red.; red. 'ftd-vs, ; STEPANOVA, B.S., tekha. red.: MIMKINA. T.H., tekhn. red. (Gonstriotion and operation' of large stone crushing 1plants] Stroitellstvo i ekspluatatsiia krupnvkh kamnedrobiltnykh zavodov. Roskva, Goo. tzd--;vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit., 1957. 130 P. (MIRA 11:10) (Stone, Crushed) AUTHOR: Gor1kov, A -V.p-Engineer TITLE: reased__!~i_iEtion to the Production of Materials (Bol'she vnimaniya proizvodstv-a stroitellnykh materialov) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya Stroitel'stva, 195?, pp. 8 100-9-3/11 Natural Building kamennykh No.9, - 11 OSSR). ABSTRACT: According to the directives of the 20th Congress of the Soviet Co=iunist Party, unproductive stone quarries and ballast- and sand-pits should be closed and large regional crushing and sorting plants for stone agCregates should be built. A 1.8-fold increase in the output of natural stone material is foreseen during the 6th Five-year Plan. However, this branch of the industry has been rather neglected and even the bloscow building organisation faces chronic shortage of these materials. There is no mocbrn sorting and crushing plant in the Moscow region. Various building organisations have erected small crushing plants in different places, e.g. in Karansk (in the Stalingrad region). 2 crusLing plants were erected: one by the Ministry for Coal Production and the second by the Donbasskanalstroy. The Soksk stone-crushing plant, together with the KuybyshevSidrostroy are working Cardl/5 number of small quarries; the output reaches 2 million m of 100-9-3/11 Increased Attention to the Production of Batural Bu-';_ldin- Materials ballast/year. The Soviet 1.1inistry for Transport is completing the assembly of a stone-cr4shinG plant in Ishinsk with an annual output of 100 000 m--). The 1,,Pinistry of Power Stations envisages bie construction of a stone-cr-ashinL- nlant rith an 3 annual output of 400 000 m Roads and all -necessary bridges, as well as ancillary services are constructed to all these plants. Sinall quarries are not equipped with excavators and up-to-date machinery. Large rc--6ional plants are to be erected to achiev 5 complete mechanisation (capacity 350 000 to 400 000 m /year). The first vol~~a-Donstroy plant appears to be the best planned plant, altl-DuGh it is not quite up-to-date in desiFn. Basic chanGez were carried oat in, the design of the crushing plants of t-he Kar-sk, Kalil-.hhovok and i4ovosibirsk Power Stations. Tbe expacted outil~it could lot be achieved at the Kamsk stonc-crushin~; plant. hc crashing: r.zchines W4 -1500 - 1200 mm cannot bc used in con,-~unction with U1.1-11. The plant has only 1 sieve, CM-60, vihichcbes not f~rade to 25 mm fractions. In consequenCe, t'..ecc fractions are wasted. The drive to the receivinC, bunlizcr is in thc form of a header which limits the supply and conseqaentul.7 lorers the out-put. The crushinG plant at iqovosibirslk- .ias built at -,,he same time (jard2/5 100-9-3111 Increased Attention to the Production of vatural Buildin-Irr, 11'aterials as the concretinG plant. Both are 100 km fror. the quarry. The materials have to be convc--ed by rail and up to 405% of the material is returned by rail, the rest beinG waste. There are many shortcomin---s with reCard to the planninC. The receiving, bunker is not di-L7-nsioned correctly, the concretinG yard is too small and the work of the crushing plant is virtually paralysed. A second crushinE nlant had to be designed to secure the sup!)ly of ballast necessary for the construction of the i4ovosibirsk 1-1,7dro-electric Power S-ation. U mihe Kakhovsk Power Station has a very larGe output (800 - 850 /hour). So far, the improvements planned by tEe Gosstroy, to arrive at a standard type of crushinf---- ?,!ant, have not been very success- I ful. Uipronemetrud have proposed 4 scheme for lurifyinE, sand P the planned output being 400 000 m-)/year. 1 -2 rm. -rain sand 0 containing 1(Y16 impurities is Lised. The receiving bumker of the Zhirnovsk stone-crushinE plant of the Mlinistry for Ferrous Metallurgy is constructed with a restrictinis wall. rig. 1 shows the correct couplin,- of the bunter with thne conveyor belt. NIIOMS has carried ont tests on the r,radin[~ of ballast usinG vibratinC sieves. A forrula was calculated, r-ivin,,- the output capacity of there i)lants. Tl-iis forumla, sho7;inC that the Card3/5 output is iiLdependent of !Aie accuracy, of sievini-; and trying to 100-9-3/11 Increased Attention to the Production of Aatural BuildinS Materials prove that the larger the quantity pas-sed throuffh the sieve the bigger the output, ,,.,as proved incorrect. The Bratsk Hydro-electric Power Ptation is located on thecrossing of the Angara and the diabasic strata, the latter bein:7 a hard building material. On the sitc of the power station sand gravel deposits, containinr-- sand are found. This site , 2 50% 1 was chosen because sand occurred there and laruge quantities of gravel are obtained which hitherto could not be used because the majority of machinery vas designed for crushing of diabase. Only 505/0' of the required quantity of sand is produced. To increase the outrui of sand, the srall fractions of ballast should be crushed. A large variety of crushinZ~ and gravel sorting machines has been manufactured recently. However, defects bave been observed on some of these machines, e.g. the lamellar feeders are i.;ade without devices for cleaning the drums (which often causes brcah,dovins). The height of the border does not permit correct jointin;,-, of the bunker and of the lamellar feeder. The side plates of the "jar" crushin- machines are fixed ri-ith :!rotrudin,,: bolts ~'.,hich tend to break off due to the constant iir!-a-1ts caused by the tones. This also (;ard4/5 causes frequent breakdowns. The-::e defects can be eliminated 100-9-3/11 Increased Attention to the Production of Natural BuildinC liaterials by the type of fixinC indicated in Fig.2. There are 2 figures. AVAILIBIS: Library of Congress Card 5/5 1. Construction materials 2. Construction-Equipment 3. Construction industry-USSR GORIKOV, A. V- V.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GORIKOV, A.V., Inzhener. Conference of workers of the no=lneral materiqls enterprises. Gidr.stroi. 26'no.6:6k62 Je 157. (MLRA 10:7) uilding materiRls--Congresses) GORIKOV, A.V., Inzhener. Xxperience operating rock products supply organizations at Bites for hydraulic Btructures. Gidr.stroi. 26 no.8:8-15 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Quarries and quarrying) AUTHORs Gor1kov, A.V., Mining Engineer 127-58-6-17/25 TITLE: On the Planning of Crushing and Grading Units (0 proyektiro- vanii drobillno-sortirovochnykh ustanovok) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnai, 1958, Nr 6, pp 60-63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Almost all new crushing and grading units are faulty and need readjustment after a few days. The author describes many such cases. lie finds that the main cause of it is an inadequate approach to the problem of the construction of such units. At the request of Gosstroy, different organi- zations designed various types of such units, but every one of them is adaptable only to a specific requirement of a given industry. Gosstroy must revise the methods of preparing general projects and instead, collect projects for individual units and from this mass find a satisfactory project-type. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Gidroproyekt AVAILABLE. Library of Congress Card 1/1 14 Gradera-Maintenanoe GORIKOV. Aleksandr Yasillyevich; CRI-RK, Yuriy Isaakovich; SHLAYR, I.B., tatsenzent; )GIBOY, R.V., inzh., retsenzent; PETROV, G.D., inzh., nauchnyy red.; KARIYAjJSKIY, L.P.. red.; AKULOV. D.A., red.; SOKCILISKIT. I.F., [Reconstruction of quarries supplying building materialB to tba Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station] Rokonstruktaiia karle--Uo- go khoziaistva dlia stroitel*atva Stalingradskoi GES. Moskva, Gidroproakt. 1959. (miRA 13:6) Hydroelectric Power Station) (Quarries and quarrying) (Sand and gravel plants) GOR'KOV, Alel:sandr Vanillyevich- BOGOSLOVSKIY, V.A., inzh., red.; I- -,red.; IMEIEVA, L.V., (Organization of storage and transportation of nonmetallic materials at construction sites of large hydroelectric power installations] Organizataiia transporta i skladov nerudnykh materialov na stroitallstvakh krupnykh gidrouzlov. Moskva, Orgenergostroi, 1959. 62 p. (HIIL4 12:10) (Hydroelectric power stations) 28(l) SOV/118-59-4-22/25 AUTHOR: Gor1kov, A.V., Engineer ~ -1-- ----- ----- -- TITLE: Engineering Abroad - The Production of Non-Metallic Building Materials in the GDR PERIODICAL: Nekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1959, Nr 4, PP 58-61 (USSR) ABSTRACT, The article deals with exp2oitation methods in the quarries of the GDR and describes various drilling machines for the boring of inclined and horizontal Dlast holes, rock crushers, a machine for the washing and sorting of sand and pit gravel mixtureS7 and various transportation means (belt con- veyers, elevators, etc.) There are 7 diagrams. Ca-rd 1/1 GOR IKOV, A.V. , inzh. -411 .. Means and inothods for improving tho quality of crunhod stone. Stroi.mat. 5 no.7:18-21 JI '59. (MIRA 12:10) (Stone. Crushed) GORIKOV, A.V., in2h.; CHLEK, Yu,I., inzh. AutomtIon of stone-crusbing plants. Makh.stroi. 16 no.11: 10-14 N 159. (MIRA 13:5) (Crushing mchiner7) (Automticn) RATIKOVSKIT, Leonid Petrovich; BOGOSMVSKIT, V.A., inzh., reteenzent, nauchnyy A.T., inzh., reteenzent; BUSHUYRVA, N.A., rod.1zd-va; RUDAKOTA, N.I., (Producing concrete aggregates using rock products] Proizvodstvo nerudnykh materialov - sapolnitelel dlia betonn. Hoskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po strolt., arkhIt, i stroit,.wterialam, 1960, 203 p (HIRA 13:5) jAggregates (Building materials)) (Quarries and quarrying) (Sand and gravel plants) 67243 5 14~( 30 ( 5) AUTHORS: '~antoroviQh.L.Il.,Corresponding M&ember SOV/20-129-4-5/68 of the AS USSR, and TITLE: Some Functional bat Arise in Analysing a Single- Product Economic Model /--- PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,yol 129,Nr 4,pp 732-735 (13SSR) ABSTRACT: For the investigation of economic processes the authors recommend mathematical models which lead to differential- and integro- differential equations which can be integrated numerically step by step. Thus it is possible to determine the influence of several factors (parameters of the model) to the economic characteristics of the process. The models may serve also for an examination of the exactness and legality of several methods of calculation usual in economy. Three cases are considered,e.g.: Let t be the time, T(t) be the set of work at one's disposal, H(t) be the raw materials at one's disposal. Let 10(R,T) be the set of goods produced in the unit of time. If U(R,T) is assumed to be a homogeneous function, then n I l n- a& k ) TJ (R, T) =IR41T cip (CO) Card 1/2 0 67 24 3 Some Functional Equations That Arise in Analysing SOV20-129-4-5/68 a. Single-Product Economic Model where p(*:,) is a weight function. Let n-1. Let the function U(R,T) characterize optimal methods of production. Then the curves U-const. are convex; for this it is sufficient that p(W) is not decreasing. Let the part (1-t) of the production be consumed, let the remainder be stored; then (3) dR - rU(R(t),T(t)). dt ASSOCIATIOII:Leningradskoye otdeleniye matemp-ticheskogo instituta imeni V.-A. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR (joeningrad ~eqji y D.athematical Institute imeni V.A.Steklov AS_U-"~ 2Z)n) SUBMITTED: August 22, 1959 X Card 2/2 I M1101114 fill 111V11 If I I I IR'l I I IV !.*I-, V T-'7;1;1R 19 Ilk', Il L 22249-66 EWT(1) IJP(o) 00 rACC Mt. AP6010996: SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/003/0738/0758 AUTHOR: ~ychkov, Yu. A.;' Gor'kov, L. P.; D--yaloshinskiv, I. Ye. ORG: Ustitute of Theor4itical Physic Aca-demy of Sciences SSSR Sinstitut teoreti0eskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE. Ibe possibAity of effects similar to superconductivity in a one-dimensJ system SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimntal'noy i teore-ticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 3, 1966, 738-758 TOPIC TAGS: superconductivity, superconductor, Fermi particle, BCS theory, electron pair ABSTRACT: It is shown that the Fermi state of a one-dimensional system Is unstable relativi6 to an arbitrarily weak attraction between the particles. In distinction to the three-dimensional case, it is the particle quartets near the Ferimi surface which exhibit specific properties similar to those of the electron pairs in the BCS theory. Instability changes ~ the ground state in Such 2 Way that a spectrum gap appears and the structure period doubles. However, the new ground state is c4able of passing a cur- rent without energy,dissipation. Interaction with the lattice leads to the appearance of an effective interaction between the nectrons. If the effective interaction be- L 2224~_66 ACC NP4 AP60109196 bet:wYeen the electrons. If the effective interaction is repulsive (tut weak), the system renains in:thse metallic state of all temperatures. The problem of fluctuations is discusbedo [CS) SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DAT16-1 060et65/ OnG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 005/ -Card 21?" not -p 7;1 ON TF.I,i;'*' 411SY-NIPTOTIC APPEARANCE sa ot G01-1421= amd IDw znetrv),d (p~,,yjj. Rev, CorrEmons are Inlro bCPd In Groen'ti eleclrm~jtuZctlon for the 0 c)rjt,,., c~f %L L GGRIKCV, L. P. GOR'KOV, L. P- --"The Quantwu Electrodynamics of Charged Particles -Ath Zero Spin." Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Physicomathematical Sciences.) So.: Knizbnaya Letopis'. No 7., 1956- SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1225 AUTHOR ~GORIROIVJ _L_P_ TITLE I'ge-dREENIS Functions of Charged Particles within the Domain of the "Infrared Catastroph.9". PERIODICAL Zurn. eks i teor. fis, ~20, 790-791 (1956) Publ. 4 ~*1956 reviewed 8 / 1956 This report deals with a derivation which explains the additional singularity 2 2 2 (e2/2n)(-X_d (M Ap -m )) .1 1(0)) in the GREEN'S function of a charged paitiole inde- pendently of the nature (spin) of this particle. GREEN'S function is here de- fined in the usual manner: G(x,xl)= < (V(x), T(xl)),~oand the FOURIER'S compo- nent of G(X,xl) within the domain p 2 M2 . is defined by the matrix element < 0 17(x)1 p > , where p 2 - M2, i.e. it is sufficient if, in the FOURIER series of the operator T(x), only the part of the spectrum with p 2, m2 is de- 2 2 termined. In the state with p _ M there exists a particle which is in inter- action with the electromagnetic field, and the quantity A _ IP2_m2 I m-2 is a measure for the energy of the photons which this particle is able to emit cir to absorb. The assumption is made, which is confirmed later, that with this effect only coupling with the low frequency part of the electromagnetic field is of essential importance. On the occasion of the selection of a system of re- ference in which the motion of a particle is nonrelativistic, the following Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 30, 790-791 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA 1225 nonrelativistic SCHROBDINGER equati-v applies, m + eA0 (x) + (1/2 m)(D eA(x))~j Y(x), where This equation is suited for the description of the interaction of the "free,' part of FOURIER'S series T(x) (p 2 _ m2) with the low frequency part of the electromagnetic field. After some transformations the following GREEHIS function is herefrom obtained: t t G(x,xl)=G x,x1) < P P i A (XI, x) d-r exp f i ~ j A,.(x I , -r d-r 0C T TI(exp Y 13 Q 0 where G O(x,xl) is the GREEN'S function of the free particles. This expression is averaged over the vacuum of the photons and is several times transformed. In the case of an adiabatic interaction the values of all integrals extending over the lower limit may be omitted. Integration is described. The high fre- quency domain leads to renormalization effects which, however, cannot be worked with accuracy by means of this method. Eventually 2 2))(e 2 /2n)(3-dl(o)) G(p) (p) (m2 / (p _m is found. G o(p) is thus distinguish.: GJ(?om the GREEN'S function of the free par- ticle by a renormalization factor. Thus, the occurrence of the aforementioned singularity in the GREEN'S function of the particle on the ocoasion of inter- action with the electromagnetic field is connected only with the classical properties of the electric current due to the uniform motion of the particle. INSTITUTION: Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Science in the USSR. 1,1W 4P1;R1M%,I1WMM C-4 L) kov, i, P. SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1885 AUTHOR GORIKOV,L.P., CHALATNIKOV,1.11. TITLE The Electrodynamics of the Charged Scalar Particles. PERIODICAL gurneekep;i teor.fis,.Ll,fase.6,1062-1078 (1956) Issued: / 1957 L.D.LANDAU, A.A.ABRIKOSOV and I.M.CHALATNIKOV investigated the asymptotic be- havior of GREEN'S functions in the case of high momenta of electrodynamics with spin 1/2 by means of the direct solution of integral equations. The corresponding steps are taken in the course of the present work with respect to the electrodynamios of the Particles with spin zero in KEMIERIS formalism. At first IC RIB 0-formalism is discuseedi it is very similar to DIRAC'S equation for the electron. Also the interaction between mesons and the elec- tromagnet~c field can be described by means of the KLEIN-GORDON- and also by means of P-formalism. The scattering of light by light results in a finite expression in the case of summation over all permutations of the emitted quanta. The following is discussed in detail: GRWIS function of the photon, GREEN'S function of the meson, the basic equations, and the gradient trans- formation of GREEN'S function of the meson. Summary: The present investigation shows'that the electrodynamics for spin zero is formally similar to that for spin 1/2, but conditions in this in- stance are, in general, more complicated. When deriving the integral equa- tions the results obtained by the perturbation theory must be widely used. Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,~1,fasc.6,1062-1078 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1685 When selecting d1~wdtan equation with three "summits" can be written down for summit parts. If d1 is selected in this manner, it is sufficient, in the approximation investigated, to determine GREEN'S function of the photon and meson and of the summit part. The COMPTON diagrams are then equal to their zero-th approximation. In this case employment of the equation with three summits leads to the correct expression for GREEN'S function of the photon. This is brought about by comparison with the results obtained by other methods which make use only of the perturbation theory and the postulate of renorma- lizability. For GREEN'S function of the meson both methods furnish the same results. At dl ~ dt the equation for the summit part cannot be applied. In this case the expression for'GREENIS function of the meson must be determined by gra- dient transformation (any dl) of such expressions as were determined on the condition d1 = dt. It is interesting that the difference between the exact GREEN'S function of the meson and its zero-th approximation is not reduced to gradient transformation alone as is the case in ordinary electrodynamics. INSTITUTION: Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Science in the USSR. 9 MEMOMMIF111111 031HE. off 311111111;1 lill vill 1111 ME U1111ful fill I It,;: .fh.t~ I V:-- El ~j [)j-7_j jili ...... Pltfl:. -IF. I bf hiwlor of -.jj,~ I mmlmw iN OaLh; IUM AUTHOR GORIKOV L.P. F$, - 2685 TITLE N-o Limiting Momenta in Scalar Electrodynamics --- (Dva predollrqkh impullsa v skalarnoy slektrodinamike - Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperis. i Toorst.Fiziki, 1957)Vol 32, Nr 2, PP .359-362 (USSR) Received 5/1957 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT In connection with the conclusion drawn by 1. Ya. POMERANCHUK (Dokl.Akad. nauk-1957, Vol lo3, loo5 (1955), that.charge, on the occasion of transi- tion to punctiform interaction, becomes equal to zero, the '-wo-limit- value scheme becomes especially interesting. The present wyork investiga- tes this problem in th eloctrodynpmics of the parti-l-r with spin zero. Two cases are possible: I-Q)A,. Here the i ate gr ilftoii' domain can be subdivided into two arti domiLi >>k., b)Ak~> jW14 k. P mi &)Ap p The author investigates the summit part r,,t p~>1. integration over k is carried out iia the doinaixA?~k&. The domain b) makes Ino contribution to the expression for the pola? za ion tonsor. Thus P At_AY\ only the li- lit valu*Ap is noticeable in theor au~ 2 Ap))j/1k. The au hor investiga- tes tke equation of the summit part'~orIil;his case. Let p,~'l apply. For the auxmit part and for G(p) the solution is sought in the following form: G'(p) - rp -aI(p")IMP"), Mpo -'1,1) - Pa(pO). For the limits of the integration domain/iJk~p be valid. AtA /M~1.' B"(P.,P-1,1) YQ(P a)+ ut in the case of the (fl~-pdl*)p-lal(p")d(p*)SO(pl,ll) applies, integral furnisken no logarithmic contribution and B,,(p.,p Card 1/2 applies. Two Limiting Momenta in Scalar El*ctrodyiiamics PA - 2685 Now the equation for GREENIS function of the photon is doiait with: If k)).Ak, it applies that dt(k*) - 1. k(Ok holds. Then, like f ormerly in tke aase of the integral for tke pol.A~ftzation tessor, two integrati- Z~l Ak>~k. Bk this method the on domains occur: a)4y>>.Ak~p~k b)Ap),)p~ following equation are found: dt(O)a -1+(**/3Tf)vln(Aa -0~' -- at. kk I V % 1 1 at k ~~N For the charge apparently 0 0 ;8/,. a-1 ap ii... 3. P Polarization of the vacuum of the particles with spIn zero changes GREEN'S function of the photons in exactly the same manner as in ordinary electro- dynamics. Gradient transformation on any dl can be carried out. ASSOCIATION Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Science of the U= PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 15.12-1955 AVAILULE Library of Coxgress Card 2/2 -IvIrl alurr-rwomimiyu, ,J k L L; AUTHOR s GorIkov, 56-2-13/47 TITLEi Stationary Conyeetion in a Plane Liquid Layer Near the Critical Heat Transfer Point (Statsionarnaya konvektsiya v ploskom sloye zhidkost~\Iblizi kriticheskogo rezhima teploperedachi) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret, Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 20), pp. 4o2-407, (USSR) ABSTRAM The ascertainment of the symmetry and the amplitude of motion in the case of overcritical conditions necessitates the study of non- line equations. The present paper discusses the results from such investigation for the nearly critical conditions. The plane hori- zontal layer of liquid with the thickness h is bounded by two planes, which are kept at a temperature difference; Three diffe- rent kinds of boundary conditions can be imagined: a) two fixed planes, b) one fixed plane and one free surface, c) two free sur- faces, For the case c) the formulas are particularly simple. At the outset the equations of stationary convection are written down. Then the boundary conditions are given add every quantity occuring here are expanded into fouries series. The solution of the equation derivated here is given; The amplitude of the convection motion is proportional to the square root from the parameter'A~' which characterizes the overcritical state of the heat transfer. In the equations obtained here only the moduli of the absolute Card 1/2 values of the amplitude of the motion X appear, which means, that Stationary Convection in a Plane Liquid Layer Near the Criticil Heat Transfer Point. 56-2-13/47 ASSOCIATION: BUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Urd 2/2 the proportion between their phases cannot be determined. With the help of the relation X -jXjei6 a connection between the pha- ses is obtained. By a transformation of the coordinate origin all phases can be set equal to zero. The principal term of the solu- tion is given explicitly. This solution shows hexagonal symmetry, and a periodic structure in the x,y plane consisting of regular hexahedron prisms. In the centre of these prisms the liquid moves upwards and near the walls downwards. The solution is also given for the second case. The corresponding flow permits rotations of third order with respect to the vertical axis and it is symmetri- cal with respect to the x-axis. The intensity of motion in the case of stationary heat convection in a plane layer of liquid un- der nearly critical conditions is proportional to the root from that parameter, which characterizes the overcritical!-state of the conditions, The significance of Prandtl's number, too, is shown. There in 1 Slavic reference and no figure. Institute for Physical Problems AN of the USSR (Institut fizi- cheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR) FebruarY 5, 1957 Library of Congress Ps 56-3-14/59 AUTHORS: Gor1kov, L.P., Pitayevskiy, L P. 4 TITLE: The Scattering of Light in He - He Mixtures. (0 rasseyanii eveta v smenyakh H*3 i H94) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol-33, Nr 3, pp. 634-636 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The scattering of light in He3 - He4 mixtures below theX -point in theoretisally treated. It is shown that the spectral de- composition of the scattered light ctntains 5 lines. For these lines formulae for the calculation of their intensity are given. The width of the liqes can be estimated and for ~-/Ly near the oriticial.point -1o-7 is obtained, which is less 1han the distance between- the linemA'f the inside doublet. There are 2 Slavic references ASSOCIATION: Institute for Physical Problems AN USSR (Institat fizicheskikh proble Akaaenii nauk SSSR) : SUBRITTED: March 5, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Gortkov, L, P. SOV/56-34 TITLE: On the Spectrum of Energy of Superconductors (Ob energeticheskom spektre sverkhprovodnikov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentalinoy 4- teoreti,:11eskoy Fiziki; 1958; vol. 34, lir 3, pp. 735-739 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First, brief reference is made to 4 preliminary works dealing with this subject, A method based upon an idea developed by L. Cooper (k1uper) (Ref 1) is proposed in the present report. According to this idea * all results can be determined in a short and simple way by means of the apparatus of the quantum theory of the fields, First the Hamiltonian of the problem is wr,-tten down explicitely, The interaction is put equal to zero everywhere, except the range of the particle energy 2-4 in the visinity of the Fermi-limit 6 F (from le, C, + The author to 'F subsequently passes over to the version developed by + Heisenberg. The conditions for the operators LF and I Card 1/3 which depend on the time, are written down., The Green On the Spectrum of Energy of Superconductors S7V/56-311 -3-31155 function Gap(x - x^,) is defined as mean value of the basic state of the syatem~ Gap (x - x1) - -i