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GOqIN, U. A., 6orin, U, A,. and Vasilieva, F. A.-*investigation in the Field of a Catalytic Conversion of Alcohols into Hydrocarbons of the Divinyl Series. V. Catalytic Fornation of Hydrocarbons 08H14 from the n-butyl-alcohol.0 (p. 702) SO: Journal of General Chemistry, (Zhurnal Obshchei !(himii), 1947, Vol. 17, No. 4 00990,00006*00000 ~ 11 11, ?1 , . , 11 LI ts Is 23 14 1? 0 $0 A 00 0411 tk.. 0 00 A ISIL Invegisallon in Lbe Firld ol CoWylic Ty"armatiow 00 4: of Alcobob into flydrecatbons of the Divinyl Scrim 00 VL Catalytic Formation of the Hydrowboat C44- O'D 6'rom Isop" ),I Alrobol. 11 Rikulan ) Tu. A. Gorin, =0 A., and A. Ilantel-va. Journat-of 000 Genlital Chro"isfry (U.S.S.R v 17(79), May ]:Ire: 194t, p. 917-tr9Z. 00 ON refemnees. 0 ;-60 00 9*0 !zoo U90 L*O u00 A$. NIL A WALLU41,K41, 1,1111RATUIlt CLAISWIWION Too iLet 0 (I a a Iw k di a i u 6' qt tt it ft 11 IVqst it ft cc ft it It it 01A1 GA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 410.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 a 0 0 e 00900 0 0 *Go **see* 0 0 100*0044041*000: 10 906*0106090990 I I I 1 1 4 1 4 1$ 41 11 is IN 11 4 IN 11 21 12 a a h 0 v A L v -- 1-1- AA I* S A, oi z 11, 1, X P it u m V! IN LF IN k, &I u A) a a rw 0 C&SAX.91c C4everaim of AkWwb into Ilydfacarbom of tlw Divimyl Scrin, VIL CaWytk Formallm of CJL "Y" a - from SeNrondary butyl AlroboL (11) Rtt%- 70YrA. Mwio and YUL A. florgman. ?Atiri-I sea ObsArkri Xhipoil"Pournal of General ChviniAtry). 100%1 17(70), July 1947, p. 1284 1294. unj .&P 4- ON( 4j'j-tjjT S J611 r0 AV! !or ft 00tropm Ira ItV matt hi I I a Pw 0 01 0 1 if 04 At 14 0 0 6 0 #)is 0 0 0 0 o o * 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 640010 e 0 A 4) 0000 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 96019 00 4116 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000 #0 0 =00 tro 0 Use, woo EOO I--- _W*_4S4 I ~' . .0 1 a it It 11 11 it 0 .1 )"fo" #?fill x.i%r 041 0011 1. # A , li. al.,vo 00 b. A-MV, "as U7.4'; tour.ri,d I., t1jus. 60- -d t t l I AM 6 h P CII -.00 r-wl Wrli all trAos orilit lo.l olu' i t 0 r So J, . , 00 Cislairtic Coamsion of f1cohols Into bivkbffi h drow V111 t b w C k t i l f 1 f = or lbr(:110 (CA. 41, 20%%~tf). W The t)I,Ncrvcd tricus - . . rans s a x ortnat olf o S 0611W yt formation of isAluOll, ill I)ArtiCUlAt the killlff to Pro- *a catelyalf; used In tht production of bit froln Othinol. thy G 1 Vi i d 111 III A D CA C date. In ausloxy it) I"Wil. 14011. "Ild IIUOII, diethylenic , . em i ll. . AII IIA. Wm. n an om 7 TS 7 ble I."A An't Ad"Uhl, hydroestImNit mith a colvilrate d:.1 . 21WI-01101,14 SA.) 1 )(In Rtmifin); cf. C.A. 41, ~I l fill. .1 C Atemly, is votrillfr ,,, 1, C I ,tic I..... .J th, kn"." 1 400 e Z739. -- (1) laut-litiOll Was paswil over a 30-voi. layer of it Il.iTtICH, Ifil")k 22, 2SOJI1101)) 111,41,11111. 4 2-cinapontrit LcbctlcV val&IM (C.A. n, 3kW) at a rate 00 A , l Th i f I ll i M) l 0 10) "etolvalixe- I'% o ra ca ./fil ll.' ni . (8 e typ .3 g.) V!z run. l. " compri. of Me gics obtidoell (at 375 ) will. (fit vol. ";,) It, 99 splitting off 11,0 and forming it dotible 1xind either In Ow ' 2111, CO 0.2 1, Cill, 0.11. CJ 1, 0.9k C.1 1. 72. 1. "dat 4 00 lkwition P-0 or ll-I. in contract (,I propinuilldol or hutyral- thtC41I.L~kite6int)-Nie#Cr-lt,, Ilol; it, followills tilt- lot. NIVAMC111011 - well, rXid. with I [A I And I*.,. h-Clin wict.frici. Ill thy fit.. a e 2' 11 -1 Moll, ICIIO. tIA01110IS. I I lilt 141tVI S11441111 V01111CIIII the oily Laycirs wort, flactu"I'lloj Will b, W-81% M1 RX) * * into isibutyl.14.1, ille fraction ill tic an'l fil fl, 115vant artit.). unit 1%I-N (tualvily uarlewted !so- . "I" products will be hwul.l. Ix. CaWYLIC trawor- 0. ON-W) f."jon is W1057P Iflo-ftclin. ' Il t ;I?ID* l f th I C 11 t &motion of At voixturit of Lillibutyl alcoboll writh "frialifellydir. ft O itiouP e ABL M t 1110: a - 4- . 3110 ( 1 4 l l 15 t 1 8 Vii, A 114nin, M I- OwsiIiiia, and F. A. . 8 1- 2. vo oad. co rijids. . , I . ;J, AW, 2lo0jkn ku~"). (1) fill Ilse villir valsly'lo, 60u I-M g., linotacteil iml-BUDII yiellis (with tv t I 'd dirtlivi,itiv hydiol-afl-to "ith cimitipt to iso-BuOll rtrartril), inrA. couslids. 1.45"". lan- ) "o PE MK Itvut,lt bonds does takc place if the tv)-litioll is inified so 0* 4 1,411"". 'W'317v; with CUIA!"ts ClisrutaLud with AcIl. in the mole t.itit) L; 1. With 5 1. catitlyllt. "1 0 09 -r liy the wt. ratio of the 41rhydrojemi;tj and dehydrating :W, 75% at it rair (COL) m1,1110 iiiiii.. Milt it. isti-Pnoll I lon the coftesixioclins 4"s wnt: cuts c' Low I film 1 1 1 " 90 1 a N 10111 r AM savc 4ilfl I jl^ 11, 11.4, CO :1.1. C11, 11 ft. 3 "0 ) to OR 40.1, e 1 . Imbl) v 3. 2.3. WI Av):3:1 t l i1 i (~i*kbil)37 2 l 72 %11. :(.7. V.11. 1A). C,11. IL.1A. I- C,11. r-7,ti. i-ithic I " go 0 - . Ca a . yi' . . I.W 83.4, 1-11, M-l". 23.5; at 4( -W. 19.21 (71O.Z3, 11).23). VI "to C tic .144 ..1 f tic ,"I CO, OA. lo.~K :1.A % ~'l 1 Acll. '_%l it, EfOll. ind of W~qvr. 34.2, U.M. 12.111. 1.011, 4.M. 54.4. 117be yield - xv 0 insa conirls. %as rutottly 1.5-2.30 0; only in I case did it A 3 11 l l t l t M c Cli with r-1,4vt to io-lltioll tract"l, I Ima"i -ith I 0 0 n hC rtt. atta n prol uc s me a ways : et s 1 j; ~110 N C t If f d trifect to ihr stim ix)-ilitOlt 1- Acil 16 0 ,tith to 00- [ . o orme a o art . ' t(-slHvt ft) lbr itum rr.cclvtl~ %a% fractitiviatcA Into itaws ' Cf -all, 12) On the stiltir vatsilynts. &1 373 . iso-MC1110. ( 10 11-fiff t"Mulvil.'I at it :15 NJ Ilk)* (32 Y'. 1, ic-itlor -1'_' 7':, tol,wi 1 75", . (hc middit. , fractiou (-'Ill K.) %4-, ill S-to,luirvir N.. 13 Into I). < OW W-70* (2.05). -,J-S* 7* MS 5 46) id 5 18) 37 07 L h - . M7, ( . . o . 1 . res ue ows t ,. 4"_ I T N -1 fraction b. 75-7% tiarrt1wrd down to h. 76-70.1' analyzeli , 00 goo* 900 0 : :10*0.000*00* ages *wwa, so 00 00 0 9 *0 so 00 of 00 09 00 CJI&4, w0. by hydrogenation over 11 I)JAck, by adAn. of kic anhydride. and by oxidation with KNI110'. was AW-1111fird as bIrvC:CIICII:ClI,. In the frartiocts Is. 70-3% 73-45% and 76,1-7', the contesils of the dirtby1ride hydr(*wbono wen 68-9. 77-5. and rnl,.. of ethyl -a cuic hydrombons, 31-1. 22.8. and 14.61., resp. The total content of djam CJJo was 83.7 ji.. 1.e. a yield of V~ %rith "r%to Acif reacted. (2) The rtac ion scheme is NIV%L ICI VOH - 2 it + me,01010. or Nfecl lell, Oil -I- AM - HtOlf + 26frC)IC)ID. lkfr.CIICIIO + Aell - (Me.01CM01I)CII.C1101 - HO + CIICII:CHCHO. me.0101:CHCHO + 2 11 - MN- C,IICIf:CIICH.OH; hfeCHCH:CHCIIOll IfO + NIejC:CHCII-.CJ-l,. 71on *0 *9 00 00 00 00 *0 90 00 so 0& Ow of 00 00 00 so a 0 a w 0 0 0 * 0 & 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . : : : : USSH/dhemlstrY - A-loohols, Dehydration or Apr 48 Chemistry - Alcohols, Dehydrogen&tjon of "Studies in the Field of Catalytic conversion or Alcoholo '_rnto Dl-.rinyl-Type 1~ydrocarbons: XY Study Of the ROacticn Of the Formation of Pipex7lene in tho P--ocess for Obtaining Divinyl From Alcohol," YIA. A. Gorin, I. K. Gorn, Sci Res Iab, Erperimental Flactory Imeni Acad S. V. Lebedev, 10 pp "Muz- Obshch Khim" Vol XVI1I (=), No 4 Investigates decomposition of an equimolecular mixture of aceta-ldehyde and crotonaldehyde on S. V. Lebedev'a modif ied cata2,vat,, an Its dehydro- gona,t,ng and dehydration components, and on a -M 8/4W38 USM/Chemistry - Alcohols, Dehydration of Apr 48 (Contd) 70130 mlxture of them. Shavs that under those condi- tions, formation of piperylane is very small. SuggOBts scheme of piperyleas and amWlcne formation In bebedavle prooess, based on the concept of condensation of acatone and acetaldehyde into athAidentacetone with nubaeTaent reduction and dehydration. Submitted 4 ipab !947. /49TLB /Chemistry - Alockols Tun 48 Chemistry - Cateaysis "Studies in the Field of Catalytic Conversion CC Alcohols Into Divinyl Series Hydrocarbons," Yu. A. Goriz, M. 1. D=ilina, N. P. Apdreyav,, All- Union Sci Res Inst Inani 71 PP 5 Y" "Zhur Obahch Ehin" Vol XMI 0 No Series, 12th article. Investigates reaction of a 2-.1 mixture of ethyl alcohol aad mothylethylketone on S. 'T. labadev's modified catalyst. Shows that diethylene and ethylene hydrocarbons vith six 9/49M .&/4;nyn5ev;ry - JuACcoAS %L;CDZQ) J= 40 carbon atoms are formed. The diethylene hvdro- carbon has a conjiumte system and is hexadlene- 2,4. The ethylene hydrocarbon to hexone-2. Paeudobutylene and insoln'ble condensation prod- Ucts -ire also formed. Sugg3ots scheme of for- attion of hexadiono-2.4 based on principles of formation of piperylene from a mixture of al- oohol an& acetone. Submitted 9 Apr 1947. 9/49M we 10* 0 0 a -W vil -I P.-a-A A, *46CISM AND 01,00141 "i: 009 00 C.Sialyfle 1VSftq(nrvnxtkwA eit Ager4milu Intn 14drocar. 0 Ge thp OlvinvI Serift. XW. Catalytic Svnth,,,I% of DIV6.1 PMM The Mum Mtorts: Mrthyl and Ivi- Alt"%, MeAvI AlreW mad Atomic. and 1~ *00 pmpvl AlreW mod Formaidebydr. (In Ruminn.1 Yu A. G5)rj-i and X. N. ChRrskava. Zhis"al nh.Arh,; Kh4WI (Journal of Orneral Chemistrv). v. IWO). July 1048, p. 1346-1349. felt 4 t. A NEVALLOGACAL Lnl**TW*t CLASSONCATION -j 1b)(184 L. Ov oat 111101(ht CA 11-- ksk U -A. 4 1 1 -V- AT,, PO Ls ; 'It 0 no An 0 TWO "*Is tiesna I I ; a, KM I 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a a 0 a 0 0. 0 oil 0 100 0 0 4, is 00 so 0 0 *-A -wo 6 Is as 0 0 0 0 * v 0 0 0 a 0, 0 6 0 0 0 *00 -00 .00 Zoo 400 too xes too* woo GORIN, Yu. A. I PIOTROVSKIY, K. B. 29541 Trudy Akadyemika S. V. Lyebyeva v oblasti Sintyetichyekogo Kauchuka. (K 75 - Lyetiya so Dnya Rozhdyeniya). Uspyeki-d Khimii, 190, Vyp. 5p S. 616-22, S. Fortr. SO LETOPIS' NO. 4o Ir- WwIL of aaadmaWas 5. N. LobW*v in the fieW of oyalb" L-11 . V .A. Gootim mt.J K. li. hu- IsovsKv. 7,41u. lated Catairtils has of Hosisiam Petiodi,oh, 1949. N- 7, A2. 3,S Catalytic Onvaidan of alcohou into hyd, the blvissyl =Us. XIV. Catalytic tt&Wc= 0~ butyl alcoW and its binary mItIturvo with methyl andfortgWilobytio. Yu.A.Cufinanfll.K.Gmn J. Gen. Che"j. (U.S.S.R.) to, 625-9(lov)(Millish translation).-Set C.A. 44, lwfie, E. J. C. Usm DtX7 Alcohols Apr 49 1 Clami CAU46te ~~"Reaearah In t~ha Fi&li of the Cat&Iytic Cauvors:tm of Altob*3o Into Rylrocarbons of the XvlAyl Series-, 1V~ Omtact C=Yersl= of Tertiary Butyl A~Udgaj - aU& Its Binary Mixtures by Mothyl Aloohol, amjrcm- "Ad4up" Yu. A. Gorial. 1, K, Gora, All-unjm sci ROD Imat lwai B. T. 14bedev, 4-j pp nft,ar 01?abzb Lalm" Tol ~UXY No 4 TA,vostigatel ccntaot~ conversim of tertiary bU'tjI a.lookLO. on the Ubydzrating compment of the cate- 4at, and on a cmverted S. V. Labodev cata4st OR 65/49= LiSPRVChamUtry - Alloahola (Contd) - Apr 1 49 At, 3WO =A 3800,9 chowing,that produots of caaAan- ogtim of blomer alcohols or hydrooarbous were zat fonset la thaze cases. Investigated o&t&Z4,f-Ic qam- w"ou of tle bla=7 aixtures of tertlar.7 butyl a!- 140ho,11.7, zwthyl alcohol aad f ormaldshyde an zdxtd 6 V. Lebodav cat&URU With 9585.'iind. 98&2 ",!+Jw re -t!v;Qr Ibbe ommouts at 300P IMA 3800, ahmag mat oampqLez proaucts of ecuMusation were not forms4-1a 'ther", ebme,&5 8ubmitteC 28 Jem 46~ UM/Cbmistry Alcohols )%Y 49 Hydrocarbons "Research in the Field of Catalytic Conversion of Alcohols Into Hydrocarbons of the Divinyl Series; XV, General Rules for the Formation of Diethylene Hydrocarbons With Conjugate Bonds," ~P ---T Tu. A. Gorin, All-Union Ord of Labor Red Ba=er Sci Res Inst. of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev, 6J pp "Zhur Obahch Khile Vol XIX, No 5 Suggests a diagram for the catalytic couversion of ethyl alcohol into divinyl: (1) ethyl alcobol -->, 67/49T53 USM/Chemistry - Alcohols (Contd) May 49 acetaldehyde~ (2) acet&1d6byde---> (-IAol).--+ crotonaldebyde, (3) crotonaldehyde-4crortyl. aicoho3., and (4) crotyl alcohol --4 divinyl. Sub- ndtted. 2o jan 48. I 0 9 f a If 11 Is -4 if "I it V a 0 a a A A- IL, Ow, ~W- ~,&Lm 1 W1. CAtalylk Trandwwatkm of Akei*U late HYd--- bms of i1w viviftyl serim XV. Gsaww LAMS of the of Owhykm llrdwwb- Wwb C-Ju. (in Rusplan.) Yu. A, (',,jrjn. 7hurmil Nalea am& ) l Ch im 00 rin r.y . Ob-thrk,i Khimii (JOUrlial ;)f Gencra 19(81). May 3949, p. 977-SR-l~ I D references. jj I L A OVALLURCKat, UTINJOWE 0,45101COsam u so 11,9 ft D $I up at a a X lt of it IN it N KID n I see =00 c0 0 COO, *60 2. see COO woo AA I I I 111 0 X 9 1 N N 5 A 0 ;10 0 T 0 g 0 4 akoholbythoiSN. L,bd,, tkm of aldehydes. altoboh. and hydrocarbons of the Off- phatit Offitsorith an Oren ZUMW of carbon Aftm. vu. A. Goirill. Zhat. Oblkhef KUM. Ij. C-en. Cbtm.) 20, 1506- 11544C I PN-)). -The caunem of the fornut ion of by-products in the vatalytic convcrOfm of LIM to butadiene are dilicu"ed in detail in the liSlit of the literature pl; mjcrrncrs)~ Psa- 14KC 14 I"toll 401 NIC1711XII010 over the Lebetlev cut. alyst in~~". thl: output of cro-ill lid butyl ales. in ccan. rKirim with the multo obtainM from pum PCOH. Also vulAlytic trrAtmmt (A Etolf-MeC1111:01CHO and Igim: IWIIO ruitts. on the debydro&vriating coimpoometit of the kaulyst results in forittation of cn)tyl and butyl ales. as wefi As 1-hetatiol and 2-hiltilem-1149. trqi. The followkil rese- Otin orht;))rs upprar to txpkiin the by-product forriwilon. but*tUrne forms i1a: Et0II - AM + 11f; 2A.01 MCC14011MIX110 - 11,0 + NteMIX11010; Me- C111:011CUO + Uif - liftclIX1101,0111 - 11.0 + 101,X14), CM. hirms by ifthydraticcl of M011 unit takes no ;~rl in tile loutudictic fornution. siourot its yieLd bests Do relation to the botadime yield. Cratyl fk. fac= by byd I tim of the sidthyde. and BoOll by rantilived h tion od either MCC11:040110 or PrC110. IKmI y y H tranJer from h10111. giving -110 lwy forin Iq druydrojenAtil.10 (11 AOL I'll, -Wu miv aric Iluolf. Tile mn.01 aint. j of mel' 4 Ac. lo Mcclij)II)CILCH'. U, 1,3-hulalluduil, 115.1chydr., Ii0n to .. .... writttion of tile 1,tcr; I ICIINI", JIUY ff)tln 11V I-1111C11"ll' 11, (j 1.1)illcllr ftu,illell fly dchydr i- lull, pf 1111,)JI. ~,r 1,y Of Niv- Ftco. 'Fliv Ac, 411,1 .,1A1%$dCS kn',X fly c(IfOrn,4- ilm (Ad"I [%,I. III(- piv.-Ill. foli,mrtf by dc- b."Iral loll h. ll,_il& 040y'le.. th"I livAl~,gril.tioll lt"641,1 frilvdVil.110 11,-S . ith 6 C ltolll%, hil'! C. of tile C c(oltili'll'i ft, ~W,Jjjd- I'Al, 16-1301111"" )IIYI All- .4 tile %ink,14 C, Ac~ or k,lrl. c( I_ C..l. .8. USSR/Chemistry - SIMthetilc Elastomers Jull 52 "The Study of Secondary _'L the Process of Catalytic Synthesis of Butadiene From Alcohol by the Method of S. V. Lebedev. II. Scheme of the Formation of Compounds With ai~ Uneven Nurz~h-r of Carbon Atoms, C, and C 3 " Yu. A. Gorin, N. A. Kalinicheva., All-Union Sci Res Inst of Soyn- thetic Rubber im2ni S. V. Lebedev '*Zhur Obshch Khini" Vol 221, No 7, pp 1256-1266 Studied the conversion of acetic acid and ethyl acetate over a catalyst suitabl-,- "or the (I) 229T47 GarJ I of 2, GORIN, Yu. A. svnthesis of butadiene from ale Eyamd effects of -the addn of acetic acid and ethy! acetate to ethyl ale on the latter's conversior to butadiene over that particular catalyst (contS dehydrating components.) Found that under Lhose conditions there was a ketonic decompn of acetic acid, with Cli the formation of carbon dioxide and acetone (the 4-4 yield of the latter comprising about 70~ of the 0 theoretical). States that the decompn of ethyl acetate under these same conditions resulted in ,a the formation, on the one hand, of carbon di- CO oxide, acetone and propylene, and on the other of ethyl ale, ethylene, aldehyde and a small amt of butadiene. The neg effect of addr, of acetic (2) 229T47 acid or ethyl acetate to ale on the yield of butadiene was explained by the changes to wb i ch theoe substances could be subjected under the conditions of the studied reaction. The possi- bility was assumed of the formation of carbon dioxide, acetone, and propylene in the process of catalytic synthesis of butadiene from ale by the S. V. Lebedev method, by mans of a chain of succesGive reactions: ale -->-acetaldehyde-.~- ethyl --I~ acetate -31, acetic acid -~, acetone --i, isopropyl ale propylene (3) 2329TIVT GORTNp Y11 A. Chomical Abate Vol. 48 no. 5 Har, 10, 1954. Organic Chetdatqv Side ieActions in the contact 6ynthesis of bivinyl from alcohol by the S.-VAcbedevinethod. JI. TbeRsWc-mesof formation of compounas with an.9dd number of carbon xioms X, end Q. YU. A. Gorin ,ind N'. A. K-MinichevrC.' J. Gen. Chem U.S.S~ R.- 22, 13W~-10~1(.Z2 ~Eug . t~rans a- Y, R 7S pis P brOU7,11 1.3-butan" cDbnl ! !u , ;, 44, ~J: j~ 12 - (IV " :t,%iQ c-at~.!,-5t ur over c2,' . ' , I- 'at, 0---hytlratini: it 1 Y4 Ti tilt, vonl, ll,zv Uutliy~l 'A As ouly laaLl'! tt of it ; -oly dodloll~-11 0 It I 11 1 l"'T I Cil,*Ilp- A :o i t Amin, Ow It- d to lit . u ?0M, ~'!r !_,m l tilt! Ic Ila -:57IV7, lotI C - all, C: , i 'tL;) l'! Ilt:ix io 'AiJU Cy 0 6 1 Card 1/1 Nb 151 - 377/3 7 Authors v Gorln, Yuo A&, aud Vasilpva, F. A. Title t~ onver6ion of alcohols into hydrocarbons of thm divinyl series alytid. a Part. l7.-.H-3ptaAene-l,3 arA, haptadieng-2,4 fron a n-tratyl alcohol-acetone mixture Pericdicdl i Zhur. ob. 1.,hin. 21 1794-1802, Oct AbBtract V 'rhe cvn~v-qraion.aia ~n-bulbyl alcohol-acetona tdxtura into G7HI_2 hydrocarbons jr-ith vonj*ated !bysten of double bonds was iiwastigated in the presence of a kixed tel~edei :batalyzt ummKly zissd for tho derl7ation of divinyl from ethyl A method tar cata"f ic cormersion of n-butyl alcohol-acetone inixtures:L"Ito diethylene hydrocarbons-, ba-sed or condensation of butyrov.8 al- dehyde with-acet one intro buty1diacetone, is described. The formation of hep- . tadieno, a;, a a6condary product of cataaytic conversion of ethyl alcohol into divinyl, in exp1libned. Thirty-tiro references: 23-USSR; 5-USA; 3-Crezzzar, and 1-41renobb (1915-1953). Graph. Institution t State Unlvnrsit:~, Leningrad Submitted t April 24, 1954 V.'aWitic Irandcrjustian in? Aicn*~m into ?ivlro-mrbow Wf IC4 -[vinyl zcdqo X5111. Contict ttAwlo-mvillon of. cf. CA. 42, 2Mf,; 49, i2~J1A.--hL trat4somiatinn of ftCHO -was! %ludlel o-.Pr the -Ratndti ll,aWj-iA band over h5 iudividuaT d6ydrDgmming aftd 0-- ,h)ja4tlnx ro%be4h L., CJ. U, SMJI) t WITIO.-O-Own t at PrCAO is mamerw, w 2LClb)i.3-brxr=j rrsjo Vll~ Caftlyst. wl~h tbc IiOd 4ediplaguit)) higber ternp. MA~c unne tmp.Ue dehydrocenaling cnUlp-t Sms a hlgheT 5~IL-J-,j thzn does the daydrating romjxl:=t. 'nut- LAIM' ibe y164 of 'the etbylbritnal 4s 63.221;7p w1 MATA, rt~jp,I, OlTr lbe 2-COW-menin pf Ac L-_-W. em the z0almi'v, cf 17.15, .1 11.8%, bativi cm PrCRO haro. ail md. X-,rAeL_! illvinvN-ciries. XIN. I J.1 - - ' t- t 7 : ft ,;. bzohc. V,. littures of ctI;yI find butyl r a lft Mi il, AcVkuya- V, S-. h-um.. a),,,! 2". F- (".-TIii.~N. G. 1~, 4~c~t itt Univ., K cf. C,1747, =73!~f; 511, 1 :1 U*W j-.2 Inixts. of LtOll AlA 1111011 n', ov..v fltu , (C.A. 2~. X,Iyz ~,. a ZJ: I ratio. Tz.,f.~ btfe; 1,341C!"ifivil'! in .5 hy phyv.vou~ tail' q, its tv tr-,br; ni a-)d bV 11) ill 0~,- 1111 Th', w:vi provol bv iurmifitin o" wi6, lmd 1"mIation of lyiZI; ui~ LL"-- anhy'llith. by If UO~ hydio-cark.)n- alrL.-rg !ht! t" v c ti., O;V hiltit~):J~nu p) i rL z:; Ile vi z~'17 1-1 s - Category: USSR Abs Jour: Zh--Kh, No 3, 1957, 7591 B-9 Author Gorin, Yu. A. and Deryevyagina, N. L. Inst Not given Title Investigation of the Catalytic Hydropolymerization of Acetylene to Divinyl over a Paladiurn Catalyst Orig Pub: Zh- Obshch. Khimii, 1956, Vol 26, No 4, 1087-1097 Abstract: The hydropolymerization of acetylene has been investigated in a flow system at temperature of 180-450', using contact times of 0 24-3.4 sec, H2 concentrations of 0-80 vollo. The catalyst consisted of paladium-coated clay (0. 1 - 1076 Pd). In the absence of H?, G2H 2does not react on passage over the catalyst; in the presence of Ha, C2Hz reacts to form ethylene, ethane, divinyl, n-butylene, as well as isobutylene, methane, 2-4-hexadiene, and benzene. The reaction achieves considerable proportions Card 1/2 -42- Category: USSR 0 Abs Jour: Zh- -Kh, No 3, 1957, 7591 B-9 at an H2 concentration of 1276; at higher H 2 concentrations, the conversion and the yield of C4H8 are increased, whereas the yield Of C4116 decreases. The curves showing the conversion to C?H 4and C 4H8 -4- C4H6 as a function of the initial 1-12concentra- tion are of similar shape and go through a maximum at an HZ con- centration of -- 5M A reduction in contact time leads to an in- crease in the yield of C4H6 and a drop to zero in the yield of C4H 8' The yield of C4 H 8 -+- C41-16 is increased when the Pd content in the catalyst is raised to 17o. The addition of polymerization agents (H3P04' copper phosphate, cobalt chloride, and synthetic alumina silicates) has no effect on the reaction. The authors are of the opinion that divinyl is the primary product of the catalytic hydro- polymerization and C4 H8 is secondarv. Following the theory of the semihydrogenated state, it is assumed that the reaction proceeds by the intermediate formation of adsorbed vinyl radicals with the sub- sequent reaction and hydrogenation of those radicals, Card 7 2/2 -43- C USSR/Kinetics Combustion. Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9 Abs jour : Referat Zhur - KhiMiya, No 6) 3.957, 18635 Author : yu.A. Coring G.A. Sergicheva. Title : ~ fudy Of ~Raaction of Acetaldehyde under Influence of Some Solid Catalysts. I. Transformation of Acetaldehyde and Its ',,4ixture with Water on S,V. Lebedev's Catalyst. 0,r,ig Pub : Zh. obshch. khimii) 1956, 26, No 9, 24"-2452 Abstract : CO, CH41 H21 C02) C2114) C3H6) C4H81 CH3 COCH 3; aivinyl, crotonaldehyde, 'bonzal.dehyde) O_tcjuya~-ie aldehyde an:1 O_xylene were separated from a C07 -~Ie:,:nixture of pro- ducts of acetaldehyde cracking an~i zord,.!nsation forming at 4%,0 on S.V. Lebedev's catalys',-- Tt was found that if acetaldehyde had been diluted ir'. I! -,ter, the for"la- tion of cracking products (CO, CHI,) dec-cased and the content of crotonaideh-ydc increased p- simultaneous decrease of the amount of higher condeiziation product Card 1/2 - 276 - USSR/Kinetics Combustion. Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - aimiyap No 6) 1957, 18635 the amounts of C02, H 2 and CH COCH increased on the dehydrogunating component of A.V. Lbedev's catalyst, if acetaldchyde had been diluted with water. The dehy- drogenating and dehydrating components of S.V. Lebedev's catalyst produce the same condensing action on CH3CHO resulting in the format-ion of cro-tonaldehyde, benzal- dehyde and other substances (in particular sorbinalde- hyde, as it seems). CH4 and C6H 5CHO were obtAined at the dissociation of o-dihydrotoluylene aldehyde on S.V. Lebedev's catalyst at 4000* Assuming that the formation of aromatic compounds occurs through crotonaldehyde, the authors propose a scheme explaining the formation of 'va- vious prod"cts in tha reaction under study. Card 2/2 - 277 - 41reseat anti future ~rtcpacts for tt:e dovalo-mert of p it- tbeaci of the principal njoncuie.,s of Irrall,tv. ductiot. Y Kh i-,_ A1.1, -.It * i~612 -Ayrnwi diont S i AUTIRS. kiy, G. M., Ratner, T. V., Lakarova, V. 79-11-~4/56 Gorin, Yu. A., Ivanov) v. S., Alferova, L. V. TITLE: An Investigation of the Composition of the Hydrocarbons C 6 - tile By-Products of the Catalytic Synthesis of Divinyl From Alcohol (Izucheniye sostava uglevodorodov C 6 - pobochnykh produktov katalis ticheskogo sinteza. divinila iz spirta). YERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimiij 1-0,57) Vol. 27, Nr 11) pp. 2927-2931 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The investigation of ethylalcohol in divinyl over a catalyst repre- sents a complicated catalytic process which is accompanied by a con- siderable amount of side reactions. In spite of the informative pa- pers by S. V. Lebedev and Ya. A. Gorin in the field of the catalytic formation of the combined dienes (CnH 2n-2) from alcohols, their binam ry mixtures, and the mixtures of the alcohols with aldehydes, and ketones with regard to the by-products, their composition is by far not sufficiently investigated. Of the insufficientlv investi.-ated by-products obtained on rectification of hydrocarbons the so-called hoxylene-hexadiene fraction (boiling point 6o-9oOc) is the object of the authors' investigation. On further recti:ication the following Card 1/2 were obtained beside other by-products. 1) hexadione-1,3. 2) 3-- An Investigation of the Composition of the Hydrocarboiw C - tye 79-11-W56 Ry-Products of the Catalytic Synthesis of Divinyl irom Ai~ohol. miEkthylpentadiene 1,3. 3) cyclohexadiene-1,3. Thus the presence of the combined dienes. 1) hexadiene-1,3. 2) 3-4.nethylpentadiene- 1,3 and 3) cyclohexadiene-1,3 was determined in the hexylene-hexa= diene fraction of the hydrocarbons, the by-products of the catalytic synthesis of divinyl from alcohol according to Lebedev, and the way of their formation was partially suggested. There are 19 references, 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION; The Laboratory of,the Factory SK and the Leningrad State,University (Laboratoriya zavoda SK i Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet). SUBMITTED: November 23, 1956~ AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Divinyl-Synthesis 2. Diene syntheses 3. Ethanol-Catalysis 4. F~ydrocarbons-Analysis Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Gorin, Yu. A. , Vasillyev, A. A. Makashina, A. Y. TITLE: Development of a Two-Stage-Proceas for the Production of Isopren From Isopentane (Razrabotka dvukhstadiyno,~o protsessa polucheniya izoprena iz izopentana) PERIODICALt Khimicheakaya Promysblennost', 1958, TTr 1, PP- 1 - 4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the All Union Scientific Research Institute imeni Mlember of the Academy S. V. Lebedev for Synthetic Rubber isopentane was catalytically dehydrated into isoamylene and then the latter into i3opren in order to obtain isolren. For the first dehydration staGe a catalyst (somewhat improved) was used which was developed by S. 11. Monozon in the above-mentioned institute for the dehydration of butane into butylene. The experiments were conducted with a steady catalyst layer of 40 ml at a temperature of 515 - 525 0C and a transit velocity of I - 2 1 of liquid isopentane for 1 1 of catalyst per hour. The obtained liquid reaction products consisted mainly (80,6~) of a mixture of isoamylenes, i. e. isopropylethylene, unsym- Card 1/4 metrical methylethylethylene and trimethylethylene in the 64-1-1/19 Dov(:Iopmant of a TwO-Stallve-Prooeaa for the Production of Isopren From Iso- 10. A procAtne tablo of !ill t-onotion prodtioUn Ui given. The docond dehydration ataiiet wati i,eirricO ont on a on- talst developed by A. T. J~enyaylo for the of bu- tylene into divinyl. The experimento were conducted with a mixutre consisting of (1 z 10 volume) isoamylenes (md nly trimeShylethylene) and steam, at normal pressure and 520 - - 580 C. The results obtained_showo that the optimum tempera- t1fro Imterval it, bntwooli 540 560 C, and that a prolonga- Lion (it' tho llurntioij or uio rottotJori improvotl the de- hydration process. The reaction prodtvt uottaltitti or of isopren. In a dehydration, where each of the above-mention- ed isaamylenes was debydrated separately the results showed that the trimathylothylene and the unsymmetrical methylethyl- othyleno are dohydratod With oqiml voloolty, 1-jopro py Is thy lone, howovert more alowly. In the inventigation of' the outalyclato it wan found that the isomerization and formation of an iso- uieric mixture takes place simultaneously with the dehydration of the i8oamylenea. In order to aimplify the working method which was complicated by the separation of the different re- Card 2/4 action products of the first operational stage with adjacent 64-1-1/19 Development of a Two-Stage-ProcesS for the Production of Isopren From Iso- pentane boiling points, a dehydration was carried out without a pre- vious separation of the mixture. A mixture of isopentane aijd isoamylene (60 : 40) was dehydrated on the conditions of the above-mentioned second stage. The results show that only the isoamylenes are considerably dehydrated. In the course of the further investigations the same mixture was dehydrated in vacuum and with the catalyst for isopren (first staGe). It was found tha a ad;alysate with 15 - 15 %0 isopren can be obtained at 580 C and 190 mm of mercury colQnnj whereby the catalysate can be dehydrated a second time after the separation from isopren and a new mixture with a correspond- in.- quantity of isopentane. Another variant of dehydration was carried out with an isopentane-isoamylenc mixture with benzene. The investigations are carried on, however, pilot plant experiments of dehydrationsof this kind are already carried out in one of the competent experiment stations. There are 9 tables$ and I reference, 1 of which is Slavic. Card 3A 64-1-1/19 Development of a Two-Sta-e-Process for the Production of Isopren From Iso- pentane ASSOCIATION: All-Union Scientific Research Institute 6f SyntAwtic Rmbber-imeni S-V. 4be4jm,. A"Udciagh. (Vuoooyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut sintetiches- kobro kauchuka imoni akadomika S. V. Lobodova) AVAILABLEs Library of Congrose 1. Isoprene (Pol~merized)-Freparation 2. Isopentane-Catalysis IsoaWlene-Gatalysis 4. Hydrocarbons-Pyrolysis Isopentane-Catalytic debydration. 6. Synthetic rubber- Preparation Card 4/4 'V. Z. 54-1-13/17 TITLL Stud3r of the Readtion of the Foxmation of Croton Aldeh,,,do FrCmAcetaldebyde (1,Luchem-re roui-,tsii v-qniya krotonovo,--o alldeL;iua iz uksuznD.0 ',L: Vestni!r Lenin---ra`sko:~o Univerciteta Serif.- Fi:7iild. i K'-iir.ii' (Nr 1) 1958, Nr J,, The development of a simple nethod of obtained croton aldehyde is of practical importance for the synthesis of important products. It is formed as an inter::ie(liate product during the process of the synthesis of divin,~'l 1'ru:,,, .,lcolio2 by the inethod developed by S. V. Lobcdev (ref~~. I and '11), alld in the c.-Aal tical producticn of divinyl from the :Axtire cth~;l alcohol acetaldehyde (ref. 3). .'.ccorJin.-- to dnt-- published I krefs. 5) the crot-,-n -Ideh~--e is acet- t lloml~,14, in tv,'o ~ti,, :(Is, 64P f)l be Card 1i 3 with a yield of 43 (ref. 6). It may also be f ormed in a Study of the Reaction of the Formation of Croton '~1,lehylc, 17ro: AeetAldebyU z;in~je I-ta,-e fro:-: tho ~;-IseouC j-)hI--_e unler the _-ct_-;)n of ~solid czArilyaors f.t incraazed te:iper-.ture (rcf~. "I - 13). AS r,,-.TthD-r initial zu"stf~.rcez fo-, tiie of cr~t~)n aideh,yCles tY th~, c,,-.t,,_-1ytic !_,etlhod fro::~ the ~,,..eouz 1-.ce `i~t=,eJicn' (21-00 yield, (ref. 14), trr.n.-Ibutane"'i-ol J 17) ,~re (ref. 11-), eritlhrcil Thoco ,i,Aho(',,; hjLvo, 131 crder to find ~7ut the )I, C" t 0!3 al,,Iehydo im.-_iediately fron acetaldeb-de h.4-1-h yie16 the ,;.uthors carried out an upproximative tliernodyna.-,-Acal calculation of the forming; reaction -)f croton aldehyde. As 110 exac thermodynamical characteristicz lire -vailable I,nr t_~-Ie majority of or~;unic comioi_,nds, t1ho free energies of the X.or;zation of aldehydes were cLlcul~ted accordin6 to the cuethod developed by V. B. Fv-llkovsliy (ref. 18). Similar raeults were obtained aloo when cu-1cillatin- accDrdin~ to the Q U data supplied by Brei~!ner - Tn~,.:,,, (ref. 19). The values of free enerE;ies viere taken fro,.., the tabled: (ref. 2o). Calculation was carried out for tale ~;aseouz; state at: 2)a, 500, 7100 and goo0l'- The equilibrium const---nt of the reaction (K 17aS card 2/3 calculated accordin~~ to the eqiatiDn RTlnk' (table 1 StuAy of.,the Reaction ofthe, Formation -of Croton Aldebyde 54-1-13/17 PrcmA&etaldehyde The ap:.iroximated thermodynamical calculation showed that the increase of reaction temperature and a less diluted acet- ~,ldeL.yde Zust PrcLote the for=attion of croton alaehyde. itill i-,reiAer increace 3f tei~~perat-nre ~-n_- .- rtill lea-7er strzoriger condensation pr.-AwAs rit tije to these products, croton aldehyde mu.,;t be co-,sidered as an intermediate product. Calculations carried out are confirmed by experiments. There are 5 tables and 22 references, 9 of which are Slavic. SITDI.IITTED: October 25, 1957 AVAILi,BLE: Librar., of Conjresa 1. AcetaldelWde 2. Aldehyde croton-Amlysis Card 3/3 GORI.7, Yu.A.; IVANOV, V.S.,- T---.RWHMOV.A, V.K. Fornntion of crotOn Aldehyde from neetpldehyde [with summAry in Nnglinhl . Vest.TAU 11. no.4-i14-i4o 159. (MIRA 11:4) (Acetaldehyde) (Crotonsldehydo) AUTHORS t Gorin, Yu. A. , Ivanov, V. S, , Bogdanova, Ye. S~ playvi- A. TI T LE Dienic Hydrocarbons From Unsaturated Alcohols (Diyenrvyye ug.- levodorody iz nepredelinykh spirtov) 1. The Catalytic Dehydra- Vion of Crotyl Alcohol to Dinvinyl (I. Katalitichoskaya de- _,(3 opirta V (JIVII10) ITERIODICALi 7,11urnal, Obrshchoy Khimii, 1951,',Vol.28, lir 1, 3ij).169-1760.5,51?) ABSTRACT: The subject of the present paper was the dehydration cferotyl alcohol according to S. V. Lebedev. The authors used various components of a catalyst which permitted to model the process in its last stage, the formation of divinyl from crotyl alco- hol by dehydration. Moreover, it was their task to perform the reactions under different conditiorBand with tbe beat contact action of catalysts which might supposedly lead to high yields. First of all it was of Iractical interest to calculate the de- hydration of crotyl alcohol thermodynamically, as nothing was hitherto known on it with regard to free energy, entropy, mo- dification of the heat capacity by temperature. For this rea-- Card 1/2 son the calculations were only made approximately, based on 7-9-1-36/63 Dienic Hydrocarbons From Unsaturated Alcohols. I. The Catalytic Dehydration of Crotyl Alcohol to Divinyl the additive thermodynamic functions for organic molecule!;. The authors calculated the equilibrium constants of the de,-. hydration reaction of crotyl alcohol in divinyl and accord- ing to them also the yiSld of reaction products in a tempera- ture range of 300 - 890 K. From the approximate thermodynamio calculation follows that there exists not thermodynamic limi- tations for the given reaction. At a higher temperature the y1old of diviny! increases. The beat dehydration results were obtainad with Lobodovla ctitalyist - B,, In Lbo II(It&I pro(iticl-ri of tho outalyfiaover tWo oaLttlyrit tho withoro Votind -.I mothy-1, vinylcarbinol which is pmducod by the iaomerization of cro- tyl alcohol. The investigation results correspond to the con- ceptions existing on the formation scheme of divinyl from ethyl alcohol according to Lebedev's method, according to which this alcohol is an intermediate product of this process. There are 3 tables, and 22 references, 6 of which are Slavic. A B IrIOC 101-11 TAUJILAVad Otate Wvvralty (7,(jnJn(,rradrjki:j j,-rjrm(Ir1r.'1tvennyy univertYl. Wt) SUBMITTED: December 30, 1956 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 lo Che?dstry 2a, Hy&ooarbona 3, Alohole 4. Nhydration AUTHORS. Gorin, Yu, A.., Bogdanova, L.. P~ 79-28 3-2o/61 TITLEt Investigation Within the Field of Catalytic Hydration of Acetylete and its Derivatives in the Vapor Phase State (Iseledovaniye v oblasti parofaznoy kataliticheskoy gidra- tataii atsetilena i yego proizvodnykh)~ 1: Hydration of Vinylacetylene to Methylvinylketone (I. Gidratatsiya vinilatsetilena v metilvinilketon) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 3, .pp. 657-661 (usa) ABSTRACT: The present work shows that the hydration process of vinylacetylene into methylvinylketone in the vapor phase can be successfully carried out with zinc oxide, cadmium. tungstenate, the cadmium-calciumphosphate catalyst and tungsten oxide. The process takes place with a solution in a tenfold volume of steams The formed methylvinylketone In the reaction products is partly contained in aqueous solutions and partly in the upper oil layer from which it can be separated by rectification. Besides this~ ketone Card 1/3 polymerization products of vinylacetylene as well as the J11vosti,81ki"i f) I) W i f- I jj 11 t)1v P, I J)~') ?I Ca ly 1, y 9..; Hydration of Acetylene and its Derivatives in tiie Vapor Phase State,. I. Hydration of Vinylacetylene to Idethylvinylketone 2-acetyl-6-methyl-293-dihydropyran are obtained,, The results of the temperature influence and of the spatial velocity of vinylacetylene on its hydration process in the presence of various catalysts are mentioned in a table. From the data of the table it can be concluded that cadmium tungstenate has the greatest activity and selectivity with respect to the yield in methylvinylketone, The maximum yields in methylvinylketone which had been obtained by the mont effective conditionn ubove thp ineritioned aittalyota are not leau than those of the hydration of vinylacetylene in the liquid phase by means of mercury catalynts, as mentioned in publications. The investigation on the lengthiness of a con-tact reaction cycle showed that after 3 operation hours the activity of the catalysts drops in consequence of the deposition of polymers and resins on their surfaces. The contact action of the catalysts can be regenerated in the flow of a mixture of air and steam at from 400-450oc- There are I table and 17 references.. 8 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Investigation Within the Field of Catalytic Hydration Of 79-28-3-2o/61 Acetylene and its Derivatives in the Vapor Phase State. I. Hydration of Vinylacetylene to Methylvinylketone ASSOCIATION: Vuesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteti. cheskogo kauchuka (All-Union Scientific Research Insti- tute for Synthetic Rubber) SUBMITTED: March 27v 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Gorin, Yu. A., Bogdanova, L. P. 79-28-5-4/69 TITLE: Investigation in the Field of the Catalytic Hydration of Acetylene and its Derivatives in the Vapor Phase (Issledovaniye v oblasti parofaznoy kataliticheskoy gidratatsii atsetilena, i yego proizvodnykh). II. Hydration of Phenylacetylene of Tertiary Bntylacetylenc- of Dimethylacetylene, of 14ethylethylaoetylene and of Ethyl- vinylacetylene (II. Gidratatsiya fenilatsetilena, tret- -butil-atsetilena, dimetilatsetilena, metiletilateetilena i etilvinilatsetilena) PERIODICALz Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1956, Vol, 28, NV 5, ppo 1144-1150 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In the previous paper (Reference 6) results were descri- bed which had been obtained in the hydration of vinylace., tylene on solid catalysts which contained no mercury com- pounds. In this paper the authors tried to hydrate other mono- and disubstituted derivatives of acetylene on the cadmium-calciumpho8phate catalyst. It ras shown that this way ketones of different structure can be obtained from Card 1/3 acetylene derivatives. Hydration in the vapor phase takes Investigation in the Field of the Catalytic 79-28-5-4/69 Hydration of Acetylene and its Derivatives in the Vapor Phase,I1. Hydration of Phenylacetylene of Tertiary Butylacetylene of Dimethylacetylene, of Uethylethylacetylene and of Ethylvinylacetylene especially effectful a course for the monosubstituted acetylene derivatives, this is less the case with disubstituted ones; these latter do apparently not react as quickly, and only with small yields of the hydration pro- ducts consisting of ketones; this is probably because of their structure. Thus the hydration conversions of some mono- and disubstituted homologB of acetylene on cadmium.- -calciumphosphate catalysts in the vapor phase were investi- gated. In comparing the depth of conversion of mono- and disubstituted acetylene homologs in the hydration process in the vapor phase on a catalyst it was found that on the same conditions their activity depends on the nature of the radical at the triple-bond. Disubstituted acetylene derivatives do not hydrate as quickly as the monosubstituted ones on these conditions. Schemes were proposed which de- monBtrate the course of hydration of acetylene and of its derivatives in the vapor phase on solid catalysts. Card 2/3 There is 1 table and 19 references, 13 of which are Soviet. Investigation in the Field of the Catalytic Hydration of Acetylene and its Derivatives in the Vapor Phase. II. Hydration of Tertiary Butylacetylene of Dimethylacetylenef of Methylethylacetylone and of Ethylvinylacetylene ASSOCIATION: Vacnoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kaiichuka (All-Union Scientific Reaearch Inntitute for Synthetic Rubber) SUBMITTED: April 24, 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: TITLE: D1ene-,Hydx,.v:;a-rbc,-,s of Ursaturo.-!.ed Alcohols ua-. levodorody iz --pirtov) I!. The Catalytic De- hydration of TiE:'--'i,! Alonhol ai-.d of 2--Et'-y1hexene--2--o1---1 in Dler~e--Hydro:~&.rbor-;,A (11. Kataliti-!heskaya degidzatat2iya tigl~w,vogo spir-,a i 2--etilgeksen-.2--ol~-1 v diyenovyye ugievodorody' ) PERIDICAL, Zhurnal obshchey klj,'m7l. in ~ I , 58, Vol. 0B, Nr 6., pp. 1421-1426 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Already earlier the authors fouTid (Ref 1) that the use of the components of the cataly-st aocording to S. V. Lebedev (B2 ) and of the phosphate catalysi makes possible the syn-- thesis of the diviny! of croty-1 alcohol in a gocdyield. It was of interest -"-o inves-r. igate, nhether these catalysts could also be used in the dehyd-z-ation of other a,.P--unsatu-. ra ted alcohola in order tc, obtain hydrocarbons consiBting of a system of doubie bcnds. The catalytic dehydration of tiglic alcohol to, iooprene by means of the ab:-ve mentioned Card 1/3 catalysts wa-z investigated. The phoLiphate catalrst il.~i already .3 u V, '17 (9- -2B--G-- 1 /63 Diene --Hydroa arb one of Unsaturated Aicohols. II. The Catalytic Dehydreation of Tiglic 'Al,-ohol and of 2--EthyIh(,xene--2- -o! --- in Dierte- Hydrocarbon.? usad in the industrial synthesis of the divinvl of butylene- 94001-1,13. The isuprene yieid with the above mentioned ~~a- talyets is 6? 5~, calculated for the tiglic. alcohol. The ca-- talytit.- dehydxation of 2--othylhexenc-.2--ol.-I wao inveotipted the same way. The yield of hydiocarbons (calcula'Zed for C8~ ) for either oata.-tyst was also very Good. The liydxo-. -2a'rans CaH114 obtained by means of the one oi the other are identi,~al a-Ad mainly consi-4; of 21--athy1hexadiane-1,3 which has to be regardsd as ini-iial product in the hyd-ration. As the -~atalyti,-. dehydratioxx of crotyl alcohol and of the CLP-unsatarated alcohols having ar, alkyl grQup in the a--po- siti---n, obviously takes the same co,.Lrse under the formation of bouLd dienF,~z,, the ass-amptli-3rL by Ostromyslenski-y; that in the inteimediate stage of the reaction compourzds with an alleiie gToup can. occur, muct be regarded as unfourided~ as the w,~thors ma-Lnta--'-r.. There are 2 tables and 21j references, 12 -cf which are Sovirt. Card 2/3 , 7T~7-23-6-1/63 _,~_ .. I Diene -Hydrocarbons of Unsaturated Alcohol-:. Il. The Catai.-.ftic Dehydrat-Jor of Tiglic Alcohol and of 2-Ethylhexene-2-ol-1 in Diene-Hydrocarbons ASSOCIATION: Loningrradskly gromidaratwinnyy univorm-itnt (Loningriml Mixto lhilvorit)ity) SUBMITTED: May 2o, 1957 1. Card 3/3 GORIN, Tu.A.; GORM, I.E. ---- -- Vapor phase catlytic hydration of acetylene and its derivatives. Part 3: Catalytic hydration of acetylene over various solid catalysts. Zbur.ob.khim. 28 no.9:2328-2333 S 158. (MIRA 11%11) 1. Vuesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitut sinteticheskogo lcalaebuka. (Hydration) (Acetylene) I , 5Q) SQV/ t)4-59-3-3/24 AUTHOR: Gorin, Yu. A. TITLE: Vapour Phase Hydration of Acetylene Into Acetaldehyde on Mer- cury-freo Catalysts (Parofaznaya gidratatsiya atsetilena v ukausinyy alldogid nt% n(-rtutnyPh katalizatornkh) PERIODICAL: Khimicheakaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 3, I)p 8 - 14 NMI ABSTRACT: A oonnidel-able drawback of mercury-containing catalysts for the hydration of acetylene into acetaldohydu, in thcir poiaonousness and the high price of Ug as well as the corrosion protection which has to be provided because of the aggressive medium necessary (ENO 3 and H2so4). A number of patents, mainly foreign, therefore suggests other catalysts, an industrial appli- cation of which did not seem-to have been carried out up to now. The various catalysts mentioned in publications, are given in the present paper, and they are explained in detail, the corresponding data are given (Tables 1-8). The following con- clusions are arrived at: cat4lysts containing free phosphorous acid and copper- or zinc salts, lack the stability necessary for an industrial application. The application of combustible Card 1/2 catalyst carriers (coal, cuprene), prevents a regeneration of Vapour Phase Hydration of Acetylene Into Acetaldehyde Z7OV/U_5q_3_3/2,1 on Mercury-free Catalysts the corresponding catalysts in the air- or air-steam current. Zinc phosphate with or without activation by means of copper phosphate (0-4~'-) possesses good activity, selectivity and sta- bility, and it can be regenerated as mentioned above, but ex- hibits the drawback of allowing only a short period of contact (3-4 hours). Copper-calcium phosphate catalysts with 0.1-0.2% of copper phosphate show the drawback of possessing only insuffi- cient stability (300-600 hours). Cadmium-calcium phosphate cata- lysts completely fulfill the requirements, they were used during 2600 hours in the Karagandinakiy zavod SK (Karaganda Works for Synthetic Rubber ) without losing their activity in the test, and they can also be regenerated with nitric acid in case of a disactivation. (Results of laboratory tests are graphically given in a table). There are 1 figure, 8 tables, and 30 refer- encea, 24 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 AUTHORS; Gorin, Yu. A., Bagdanova, L. F. ~rjv/79-29-2-4/71 ......... ....., TITLE; Inveatigation of the Vapor-phase Hydration of Acetylene and Its Derivatives (Issledovaniye v oblasti parofaznoy gidratatsii atsetilana i yego proizvo(Inylth). IV. Afffliation of Ethyl and Butyl Alcohol to Vinyl Acetylene Under the Influence of Solid Catalysts (IV. Prisoyedineniye etilovogo i butilovogo spirtov k vinilatsetilenu pod vliyaniyem tverdykh katalizatorov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 2, pp 365-366 (USSR) ABSTRACT Card 1/3 The reaction of vinyl acetylene with alcohols is of great interest, as it leads to the formation of various products, depending on the catalyst and the reaction conditions chosen (Refs 1-5). Gorin showed (Ref 6) that by using zinc oxide as a catalynt at 325' in the vapor phane, ethyl and butyl alcohol affiliate to acetylene, forming vinyl ethyl and vinyl butyl ether. On comparin- the affiliation of these alcohols to acety- lene by a solid catalyst with the same affiliation of water under equal conditions, the authors assume the first product forming from the affiliation of water to acetylene to be vinyl alcohol (in analogy with vinyl ether), which i4 its turn iso- merizen to acetic aldehyde. An attempt is made in the present Investigation of the Vapor-phase Rydration of SOV/79-29-2-4/71 Acetylene and Its Derivatives. IV. Affiliation of Ethyl an,.' Butyl Alcohol to Vinyl Acetylene Under.the Influence of Solid Catalysts paper (in analogy with the affiliation of water to vinyl acety- lene) to affiliate alcohols to vinyl acetylene under the influemce of solid catalysts, zinc oxide being employed in the first place. On attempting the reaction of vinyl acetylene with ethyl and butyl alcohol, two molecules of butyl alcohol were found to affiliate to the hydrocurbon at the acetylene bondp under formation of a 1cotal: 41f9 elf + ?C if 61f 2 4 9 3 OC 4H9 The yield of ketals was up to 20 The yield of the reaction products of vinyl acetylene with othyl alophol wan low, only up to 20 %, mont probably bocauue Card 2/3 Investigation of the Vapor-phase Hydration of SOV/79-29-2-4/71 Acetylene and Its Derivatives. IV. Affiliation of Ethyl and Butyl Alcohol to Vinyl Acetylene Under the Influence of Solid Catalysto of their low stability under the reaction conditions. There are 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut sintetiches- kogo kauchuka (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Synthetic Rubber) SUBMITTED: December 16, 1957 Card 3/3 5 (3) AUTHORS: Gorin, Yu. A., Ivanov, V. S., S OV/711- 2 9 -4 -13/7 7 1,LM1-n-b-v-a-,-T-. G., Zlato-urshaya, V. V. U TITLE: D i one Tlydroc~-rbons Fro%i Unsaturated Alcohols (Diye-ovyye u~jovodorody i2 nepredellnykh spirtov). III.Catalytic Cleava~,-c of Allyl Carbinol (III.Yataliticheskoye razlczheniye allill:arbinola) PERIODMIL: Zhurnal obshchey lzhimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 41 PP 1104 - 1100, (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the strenL;th of previous investigations of the autho2s 0) and other chemists (Refs 1-8) it is shown in the present pa;~er that under conditions under which an a, P-unsaturated alcohol (crotyl alcohol) readill, splits off water and yieldin,- divinyl with 05-80 Molelo, tho alll oa-rbinol pr.-.- riarily undergoes cleavage, thus yieldinE propylene and formel- dehyde. The authors investi-at,a tho lirccess of the catalytic uransformation of allyl carbinol or- some dehydratine covponents or the catal,,st of S. V. Lebedev at 3500 as well as on the si- licaCel-tantalum catalyst at 3700. Under these conditions di- vinyl is formed from allyl carbincl in s-mall quantities only. Card 1/2 It was found that on the deh,,,dratin~; co-n-,onents of the cata- Diene Hydrocarbons From Unsaturated Alcohols. III.Cata- 30V/79-29-4-13/77 lytic Cleavage of Allyl Caibinol lysts B and B, of Lebedev chiefly a cleavage of the allyl car-- 0 binol takes place to Give propylene and formaldehyde. The data obtained do riot support the assumption that the formation of divinyl via the allyl carbinol is possible in the process of Lebedev. In order to complete the above-mentioned data it must be said that the transformation of butanediol-1.3 on the dehy- drating component of the catalyst of Lebedev takes place under the formation of a considerable quantity of propylene (-Ref 15)- 1n the liquid cleavage products of butanediol -1.3 on the Lebe- dev catalyst methyl alcohol was found (Ref 16). ComparinJ the data obtained by Lebedev and those of the present paper it may be assumed that butanediol -1.3 splits off in the be-in- ning one molecule of water and is converted to allyl carbinol which is cleft under the influence of the dehydrating component to Give propylene and formaldehyde. The latter is reduced to methyl alcohol (Scheme). There are 1 table and 26 references, 17 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Lenin&Tad State TThi7P_-tftj) SUBMITTIM: February 10, 1958 Card 2/2 5 0) AUTHORS: Corn, 1. K., Gorin, Yu. A. SOV/79-29--7-4/83 TITLE: Investigation in the Field of Catalytic HydratJon of Acptylene and Its Derivatives in the Vapor Phase (Issledovaniye v oblasti parofaznoy kataliticheskoy gidratatsii atsetilenA i ye-o pro- izvodnykh). V. On the Influence of the Anions of Solid Cata- lysts (V. 0 vliyanii anionov tverdykh katalizatorov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 7, pp 2125 - 2129 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to investigate the influence exerted by anions upon the catalytic hydration of acetylene and its derivatives, the authors chose cadmium- and calcium salts of various acids. Cad- mium served as an active cation, calcium, on the other hand, as an inactive cation (Ref 2). The latter was intended not to mask the catalytic properties of the anions. The simultaneous effect of some of these anions was investigated on catalysts with acid character, viz. phosphoric and tungstic acid and the anhydrides of molybdic and vanadic acid; these are compounds which are sufficiently stable and r~)t volatile at hiCh temperatures. All catalysts were tested rc the same temperature, & sa-me rate of Card 1/3 flow of acetylene and its dilution with steam so that the ex- 1. 1; t 11*1 Ttivomt I gat ~tm I AU1 f, P 1. Pi I (1 6 r C' ft t It I y f, IIfy I r rl r. A611 UYI Wnl Ind T t-A D a TiL 1 .3 ~1144 If, th-a T_-4 r ?3 1 4 1,41 t, [wo--r, t jj rj i f 1,.! t~,) PhOMPhaten Of cadmiliff, proved to be the moot actiYe ones. The influence exercised by the anions of the salts on the hydra- tion of acetylene in the vapor phase becomes manifest only in the case in which the catalyst contains a cktion which in nqp- able of activating naaty)c?nq or n hydrotron inn (Proton). In tho t,014bilaa of Itit J1140tiva atstioll tlAa alliona 11hVe hardly any effec e.g. Ca**). The nature of the anion in cadmium salts seems to t exercise no influence on the primary activation processes of acetylene and on the formation of polar complexes. The effect of the anion on the hydration of acetylene results only in a variable capability of transforming acetic anhydride into by- pro(lucts. In table 1 the results of the catalytic activity of Cd- nnd U-nalts ara compared with thone of tho oorronpondIng oalta. Thoro aro 3 tabloo and 21 rofijrcinooti, 17 of Wh1e), aro Soviet. Card 2/3 Investigation in the Field of Catalytic Hydration of SOV/79-29-7-4/63 Aoetyleno and Its Derivatives in the Vapor Phase. V. On the Influence of the Anions of Solid Catalysts ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka imeni S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev) SUBMITTED: July 2, 1958 Card 3/3 5(1,3) AUTHORS: Gor~Li,,;.Yu*,-;.A. , Sokolova, S. G., SOV/20-125-1-20/67 TaM_eleyeva, A. K. TITLE: Determination of the 2ole Played by I'lethanol in the Contact Process of Divinyl rrcduction From Alcohol by Usin,- ;7~e-t-haanol Marked With Radioactive Carbon C 14 (Vyyasneniye roli metanola -v kontaktnom protsesse polucheniya divinila iz spirta s primeneriiyeim metanola, mechennogo radloWktivn5-in uglcrodlom flu,) P11,11IODICAL: Doklady Ak-ademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 12'5, Nr 1, PP 701-02 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 1,41ethanol -is one of the products of catalytic transformation of ethanol in divinyl (method devised by S. V. Lebede7). Methanol forms as a by-product and is no admixture of the initial ethanol. Its separation from unreacted ethanol in the reaction -oroducts ("reclaimed" alcohol) is very difficult so that methanol partly enters again the production process and accumulates up to -_-2-57% Methanol may form also by reaction from possibly formed formaldehyde (Refs 1, 2). The first author (Ref 3) expressed the assumption that formaldehyde may separate Card 1/4 the aoetic and crotonic aldehyde (intermediate products in the Determination of the "ole Played by 1.7ethanol in the SrCI'/2C- I 2=- 1 -20167 Contact Process of Divinyl Production From Alcohol by Usiri3 '.:ethanol Iarked With Radioactive Carbon C14 divinyl formation) by condensation from the reaction sphere and thus, it may reduce the divinyl yield (Refs 4, 5). For the solution of the problem mentioned in the title a series of experiments were carried out at 400' on the Lebedev industrial catalynt by a tranefornation of an alcohol - aldehyde mixture (q', aoetio aldehyde) with an addition of 2-5~5 mnrked methanol. The fractions obtained from fractional distillation are characterized in table 1. They corre-oponil to hydrocarbons rith 4, 5, G, 7 and 8 C atoms. The residue after the distillation of divinyl corresponds to fraction C5* The nature of these substances has not yet been determined. Among others amylene, piperylene, and isoprene (Refs 1, 7) were found in the C5substance3. The results of radiometric determinations are shown in figure 1. Tt may be conoluded from it that the C5fraction as well as fraotion C, i.e. the fractions with an I odd atomic number have the highest activity. Fraction C 4 Card 2/4 (divinyl) contains no C14. The activity of fraction C 6 is Determination of the Role Played b;( in the 1-)0-1/20-12--- 1-20/10 Contact Process of Divinyl Production From Alcohol b,y Using Marked "Vith Radioactive Carbon C14 hardly a quarter of that of C 51 C8 lags considerably behind C 7' The oc,%urrencc of a certair, i-adic-ctivity in the fractions -~-.ith an equal number of C atoms may be explained by an insufficient Practionation. However, C hydrocarbons might have formed 1 6 + partly in the reactJon C+ ----) C + C (a partial crackinj). This 7 6 may hold also for the C 8 fraction. In any oase, these by- processes are of no great, importance and cannot eliminate the above regularity. On the basis of the results the authors give hypothetical schemes wh4r .-,b indicate that methanol participates in the formation of hydrocarbons of the odd series. The assumptions made by Lebedev (Ref 1) on the possible participation of formaldehyde in this process are the most probable ones. The C 7 hydrooarbons may form as condensation products of formaldehyde with C6 uldehydes which are by- p--oducts of the Lebedev pT-cess. it may be seen from scheme 1 Card 3/4 that formaldehyde forms the cr-,tonic aldehyde and +hus, Determination of the Role Played by L'ethanol in the SO'1/20-125-1-20/67 Contact Pi,oceva of Di,.rinyl Product-ion rcm Alcoho2 by Uz;ir,, i.iethanol Marked V 1 With Radioactive Carbe 1 C14 reduces the divinyl yield. For this reason the removal of methanol possibly may increase this yield. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vs9soyuznary nauchno-issloclovatellskiy institut sinteticheskoco kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scicntific Research Institute for Synthetit~ Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev) PRESURTED: November 15, 1956, by L. A. Kazan3iciy, Academ-1cian SU13MITTED: July 28, 1950 Card 4/4 gal 411 Ila, I lit -V Iva It I Is's JIM :81 I 4's S//0791/60/030/011/020/026 300 1 /303"~ AUTHORS, Gorin, Yu. A., Svetozarova, V. M., Gorn, 1. K., and _K_ru_p_y`_r,1_1eva, T. A. TITZIE: investigation on the Catalytic Hydration of Acetylene and Its Derivatives in the Gas Phase. VII. Study on Copper-phosphate/ Calcium-phosphate Catalysts PERIODICAL: Zhurna 1 obshchey khimii, 1,060, Vol. 30, No. 11,pp. 3817-3822 TEXT: Basing on the publications Refs. 1-8, the authors of the present work studied the action of copper phosphate and various other copper salts as agents for 'bringing about the hydration of acctylene. Calcium phosphate was used as second component, since Ref, ~ mentions the greater stability of oatalysts prepared with this carrier. The authors tested the copper phosphate catalyst, and its mixtures with calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate, which is inactive itself, is activated by addition of 0.01-111. copper phosphate, this activation increasing with higher percentages of copper phosphate up to a maxi-num at Higher percentages reduce the Card 1/3 investigation on the Catalytic Hydration of S/o7q/60/0~0/011/020/026 Acetylene and Its Derivatives in the Gas B000055 Phase. VII. Study on Copper-phosphate/ Calcium-phosphate Catalysts activity. The authors were interested to find out how a variation in oalcium-phosphate composition would affect the copper-phosphate/calcium- phosphate catalyst. Several catalysts werp prepared which contained 0.1% oopper phosphate applied to mixtures of secondary- and tertiary calcium phosphate of various compositions. It was shown that the application of 0-1 - 0.3% copper phosphate onto calcium phosphate leads to highly active and selective catalysts for the hydration of acetylene. It was found that the activity of the copper-phosphate/calcium-phosphate catalyst de- pends on its content of neutral and acid calcium phosphates. Catalysts of a composition approaching neutral tertiary phosphate have the highest activity. Addition of 0.1 - 0-3~ of other copper (II) salts to the calcium phosphate has about the same effect as addition of the same a-mount of copper phosphate. The activity of catalysts prepar?d with metallic copper and copper (I) chloride is low. By applying the cop-er-phosphate/calcium- phosphate catalyst, prepared in the required manner, the hydration process of acetylene can be carried out in a 100 h working cycle at an average catalyst working life of 600 h. There are 1 table and 14 references: Card 2/3 Investigation on the Catalytic Hydration of Acetylene and Its Derivatives in the Gas Phase. VII. Study on Copper-phosphate/ Calcium-phosphate Catalysts 11 Soviet, 2 US, 1 French, and 1 German. SUBMITTED: October 24, 1959 S/079/60/030//011/020/026 B001/BO55 V I/ Card 3/3 S/.079/60/030/011/021/026 B001/BQ55 AUTEORS: Gorin, Yu. A. and Gorn, 1. K. TITLE: Investigation on the Catalytic Hydration of Acetylene and Its Derivatives in the Gas Phase. VIII. On the Role of the Carrier in Two-component Catalysts During the Hydration of Acetylene to Acetaldehyde PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 11, Pp. 3822-3826 TEXT: It is evidently still assumed by researchers that in the catalytic hydration of acetylene and its derivatives in the gas phase, the catalyst has no effect on the water molecule during its addition to the acetylenic bond. The authors of the present work, however, studied the activity of various two-component phosphate catalysts and obtained experimental results which indicate that the catalyst is actively involved in this stage of the reaction. In an earlier paper (Ref. 8), the authors found that the copper- phosphate/calcium-phosphate catalyst, among others, is very active and that the calcium phosphate itself is inactive, its only effect being that of Card 1/3 Investigation on the Catalytic Hydration of S/079/60/030/011/021/026 Acetylene and Its Derivatives in the Gas BOO1/BO55 Phase. VIII. On the Role of the Carrier in Two-component Catalysts During the Hydration of Acetylene to Acetaldehyde increasing the surface development of the active phosphate. In order to increase the surface of the catalyst by means of other carriers, activated carbon, burnt silica gal, and pumice were used in combination with active phosphates. The authors studied two types of catalysts, using copper sulfate as active agent for the one, and cadmium phosphate for the other type. The experimental data obtained for phosphate catalysts composed of two components, with different carriers, are listed in a table. These data show that not only calcium phosphate but other alkaline-earth phosphates also give active catalysts in combination with copper- and cadmium phosphates. The use of activated carbon, silica gel, and pumice as carrier for the phosphate gave catalysts with greatly reduced activity, and caused side-reactions as well. It is concluded from these data that the role of the catalyst in acetylene hydration in the gas phase is more colai~lex than appears on first sight. It is thus shown that activated carbon, burnt silica gel, and pumice, the surfaces of which are seemingly electroneutral, Card 2/3 Investigation on the Catalytic Hydration of S/079/60/030/011/1,021/026 Acetylene and Its Derivatives in the Gas B001/5055 Phase. VIII. On the Role of the Carrier in Two-component Catalysts During the Hydration of Acetylene to Acetaldehyde cannot be used as carrierB for the above processes. Alkaline earth phos- phates with their ionic crystal structure, however, prove to be good carriers for these catalysts. It wan also found that the activity of' the catalysts in the gae-phase hydration of acetylene is determined not only by their ability to activate acetylene, but is probably also determined by the effect of the catalyst on the reacting water molecules. This effect aDDarently consists of an additional polarization of the adsorbed water molecules under the influence of the ionic lattice of the catalyst or the carrier, thus easening the reaction of water with the activated acetylene molecules. There are 1 table and 11 references; 8 Soviet, 2 US, and 1 German. SUBMITTED: October 24, 1959 Card 3/3 6 61 AUTHORIS,': Gorini Yu,, A., Ivan0vt V. S. TMEs Explanation of the reaction of the form3tion of ctrtain by- PTOdUCtS in the process -of catalytic divinyl synthesis by 2~. VLeb ed ev I o metb oa Weolativt~,yy zhurnal. X11ifflUlls no- 4p 1963, 221, abBtract 4M62, (In''colIectionj Xataliz v vyssh. shkole. Tr. I Mezhvuz. sove~hohaj%iya.. no. 1, pnrt 2~ M., Mosk. un-t, 1962, 258-274) TEXTs The authors prasemt diagrams for the foxnEition of CH OH, all7l 3 carbinol, hexadi6ne-lt,3$3-methylpenta~ii-1,3-ene and eyclohexadi-1,3-ene$ which obtaiue:a as I,by-produets from thm contact synthesis of divinyl from C 11 OH by the n6thod oT S. V. Lobedev. [Albstracter's notes Complete tran3- 2 .5 lation. Card I/I GAYEV, G-P-; GORITSXIY, YU.A. OxYhemometer for infants and young childrene Trudy MEI no.49:96-110 163. OCRA 17:3) GORIN, Yu.A.; '-ROITSKIY, A.N.; L.M.; 5HATOVA, I.I.M. Development of the process of the gas phase hydration of acetylone to acettO-debyde on nonmarcury catalysts. Khim. prom. no. 4:265-267 Ap 104. (MIRA 1717) y I?( ;7" Study J I Olt:! tIon of .,ci i;; i~, - g iscp*~,e:ie by the delydroFe-,.,-at--' -m I; n-r I, Mefti,~'ntalia 4 no.'.",.194-199 s 1. voe~;Ovu:myy hogo t-,&uchillca GORIN, Yu.A.; CI)MI, LK. ,--- - ~ '-~ - ~- ': - I Vapor phase catalytic hydration of acetylene and its derivatives. Part 10; n-Pentenes, by-products of the hydration of acetylene to aceta'dehyde on cadmium-c-alcium. phosphate catalysts. 21 r. org. khIme 3. no. 12:2090-2094, D 165 (MIRA 1.9-.: ) 1. Vaesoyuznyy naucbno-issledovatellskiy institut sintetichesko- go kauchuka Imeni Lebedeva. Sulinitted October 29, 1964. ACC NR, AP70DO336 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/022/0094/0094 INVENTOR: 5qx1u,_XjL. A.' Charskaya, K. N.; Rodina, E. I.; Kropachev, V. A.; __74t Alferova, L. V.; Kuren gins, T. N. ORG: none TITLE: Preparative method for elastic tetrahydrofuran copolymers. Class 39, No. 188670 [announced by the All-Union Sceintific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber im. Akademician S. V. Lebedev (Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sinteticheskogo kaucbuka); Institute of Macromolecular Compounds' AN SSSR (Inatitut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSRI) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 94 TOPIC TAGS: elastic copolymer, bulk copolymerization, tetrahydrofuran copolymer, readily curable copolymer , QC?01~ Mev, 3 CqO\,1"PrMdV,%OV) ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of preparing elastic copolymers of tetrahydrofuran with oxacyclobutane or organic oxides by bulk co- polymerization in the presence of diethyl zinc hydrolyzates or of a system, con- sisting of aluminumalkyl hydrolyzates and oxacyclobutane derivatives. To produce vulcanization, the method provides for 'the copolymerization of the above- mentioned monomers in the presence of unsaturated epoxy compounds (e.g., alkyl-l-pro- panol or butadiene epoxide) as the third monomer- 5107 SUBAODE: 11o 07/ RIBM DATS: O5ju165/ ATD PRESS: %Ora. III iinci__ 678,83*66, _067-M ACC NRi AP6025626 SOURCE CODE: INVENTORS: Gorin, Yu. A.; Rodina, E. I.; Charskayaj K. H. ORG: none TITLE: A method for obtaining rubber-like copolymers of tetrahydrofurane. Class 39, No. 183396 la-nnounced by All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni Academician S. V. Lebedev (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka)7 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promy-shlennyye obraztsy) tovarnyye znaki, no. 13) 1966) 79 TOPIC TAGS; rubberj synthetic material; copolymer, copolymerization) monomer) catalyst, aluminum compound, ethyl ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining rubber-like copolyiners of tetrahydrofurane with the derivatives of oxycyclobutano by copolymer- izing monomers in the mass* The products of aluminum alkyls hydrolysis are used as catalysts. To obtain easy-to-vulcanize copolymers, 3-mothyl-3-aUyloxymethyloxycycl butane or its mixture with the derivatives of oxycyclobutane (such as 3-ethyl-3- chlormothyloxycyclobutane) is used as the derivative of oxycyclobutanes SUB CODE i 1l/ amm DATE: oaug65 Card 1/1 mcs 678-83-074:66.o62.785+547-5~3 AUTHORS: Gorina, A. A., Kargin, V. A., Kozlov, P. M., 64-8-2/19 '-go-trelev, V. N. TITLE: Production of Goods Prom Fluoroplast-4 (Pererabotka ftoroplasta-4 v izdeliya). Investigation of the Preforming Process (Iseledovaniye protsessa tabletiroyaniya). PERIODICAL: Nhimicheskaya Promyshlennost', 19579 Nr 8, PP- 5-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigations concerning the detection of processes for the production of goods from fluoroplast-4 were started in 1949. Foreign references (references 3-6) and the original variants of the laboratories of L. V. Chereshkevich (NIIPP) and of L. F. Vereshchagin (IOKh AN) were at the disposal of the NIIPM where they were produced. The production method was diyided into the following 4 stages: 1) preparation of the,pulverulent fluoroplast-4 for preforming: a) thermal treatment of the powder, b) aeration of the powder. 2~ Preforming 3 Caking together 4 Cooling of the finished product. In the investigation of Card 113 the production method the papers of P. P. Balandin Production of Goods From Fluoroplast-4- -64-8-2/19 InvestiCation of the Preforming Process (reference 9) about the computation of the prese process of dry refractory materials as well as the papers about the preforming process in press powders were taken into consideration (reference 10). The purpose of present paper was the detection of the optimum specific pressure in the preforming from the pulverulent fluoroplast-4, as well as the detection of the optimum thermal retardation of the tablets at this pressure. As criteria for the optimum pressures and preforming times the variations of the linear dimensions and of the specific weight of the pressed samples were chosen. It is shown that the preforming from the pulveralent fluoroplast-4 at specific pressures of not below 300 kg/CM2 and not above 750 kg/cm2 is to be carried out. It is shown that a thermal retardation under pressure is necessary in the preforming. For the investigated dimensions of the unworked pieces a formula T = A H D Card 2/3 was found. This determined the dependence of the amount Production of Goods From Flunroplast-4. 64-8-2/19 Investigation of the Preforming Process of the thermal xetardation of the height and diameter of the unworked pieces. T - optimum thermal retardation of the unworked pieces of fluoroplast-4 under the preforming pressure, in minutes. A - constant (in the polymers investigated here it amounted to 7P7 - 9,1) H- the height of the unworked piece. D - diameter of the unworked piece. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references, 2 of which are Slayie. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 GORINA, A.A.; KARGIR, V.A.: KOZLOV, P.M.; KOTRi;LiN, V.N. "." I...... Procesoing polytetrafluoroathylone into Induatrial arLiclee. Ylin. prom. no.8:453-457 D 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Etbylone) (Flas tic Ei--Holdi rig) KARGIN, V.K. ; GORINA, __A.A.--_,WRETSKAYA, T.Ii. Electron microscope study of the mechanism of sintoring of polytetrafluoroothylone (flunroplast-r). Vynolcomenood. I rio.8:1141,-1147 Ag '59. (MIRh 13:2) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy inatitut plastichaakikb mass. (Rthylana) 50), 15(8) AMOS: Gorina, A. A., Kargin, V. A., Koz1ov, P. MI. SOV/64-59-2-9/23 TITLE: Preparation of Phtoroplast-4 in Finished Products (Pererabotka ftoroplasta-4 v izdeliya) tnvestigations cc the Sintering Process of Semifinished Product_~-) (Issledovaniya protsessa spekaniya zagotovok) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyrhlennost', 1959, Nr 2,.pp 134-139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The process of pelleting was discussed in the preceding paper (Ref 11 The investigations of the sintering of semifinished phtoroplast-4 (polytetrafluoroethylene) (PP)-products was carried out in two stages; first, the optimum conditions for the sintering were examined, and second, the mechanism of the process was investigated, Volume- and linear shrinkage are regarded as criteria for the evaluation of the summation processes in sintering. Since the proportion by volume between the crystalline and the amorphous component of the polymer is a ftinction of temperature, corresponding X-ray analyses were made, and it was found that at a temperature of up 'to 30CP no considerable changes in the degree of crystallization are to be observed. Only at 340 0 the polymer loses its crystal Caxd 1/2 atmoture (Ref 2). The sintering of semifinished products should Preparation of Phtoroplast-4 in Finished Products SOV/64-59-2-9/23 (Investigations on the Sintering Process of Semifinished Products) therefore take place 4375~+-5 0. The experiments were made within a large range of palleting pressure -C50~-500 kg/cm2) and at sintering temperatures of 340, 360, 380, and 40DO at two different beating velocities of the tablets to the sintering temperature,and at three different cooling velocities of the semifinished products after the sintering. The change in the linear dimension and in the density of the sample was examined for the evaluation of the sintering process. The results obtained are graphically represented (Pigs 1-6). Optimum pressure in pelleting was determined to be 350-500 kg/cm?. In -the oase of small produots of (PF) the heating velocity to the sintering temperature is of no importance, the optimum temperature range for sintering is 375+150 (lower Umit for low thermostability, upper one fcr highly Thermostable polymers). Sintering takes place until the complete clarification of the polymer. There are 6 figures and 9 references, 4 of -ah-1.,,h are 3oviet. Card 2/2 5(4) AUTHORS: Gorina, A.A., and Kargin, V.A. TITLE: A Study of the Sintering Lechanism of Fluoroplast-4 Stocks - 1. A Study of the Sorption Process PERIODICAL: Kolloidn~y zhurnal, 1959, Vol XXI, Nr 3, pp 276-1282 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors report on a study of the sorption of low- molecular matter by fluoroplast-4 (polytetrafluore- thylene) and the diffusion of dyes in fluoroplast-4. The foremost task to be accomplished was the evalua- tion of the molecular pacllcin(~ and the microporosit,-T of the material, particularly du-rin,- the sintering process. The investigation lias sl~ovn, that pressed stocks (tablets) of fl oroplast-LI. under specific pressures of 500 kg/cO do rot exhibit maoroporosity. At an increase of the sintering temperature the sorp- tion capacity of fluoroplast-41 diminishes, reaching itso minimum value at teriperatu.-,es betuvicen 3270 C and 'lard 1/3 390 0. At hiGhor sinte-rinG tciipcratu_-cs, the sorption OV/- A Study of the Sintering Llechani~m of I'luorop t -4 Stu-ock,~, 1. A Study of the Sorption Process capacity increases. Thic s'Lie-,'s 4.-hat the r-4n' . k. erinC. process can be realized bct-~,----cn --'70C Luid ~9COC. 0 Detween 327 C and ~0'000-, this -pr,,~,co-rs pro- ceeds very slo-~-J'ly, so tha---, jpr -~-: c -L;-ic ally it -All not be realized in this intei--val. ILt tem.peratu.-es abolic: 3900C destructive and relaxinC proce--ses can be ob- served. The latLer result in hiL,-1-h--.r -,:;orozii-,,- ind, consequently, in an incrc:-',z~o in the sorption of the inaterial. The opl-ii.-u--i -L U il for the sint-ering of t-,bllets is 375�1-"C. The fact thot dyes ident-ically -, o11',:,eth,;lene and fluoropiast-4 testifi-,-~s, that in both cases, the ,dyes diffuse in the mass of the polym-1ric substance and do not penetrate throuFh its j'-)o-C U U _ - s. In poly- ethylene, the rate of diffuoion is- c~)nsider--bly, higher than in fluoropl,'--tst-4. Durini,- , the sintering Card 213 of the tablets, a closer j'L'.c1-.inG of" the po-L~mcr 'zOV/'c--`1 -_7-V25 A Study of the Sintering Mechanism of i.'luoroplast-4 Stocks 1. A Study of the Sorption Frocess macromolecules can be observed. This is due to the greater mobility of the molecules ~it high tempera- tures, which leads to the destruction of the mole- cu'ar interfaces. The authors mention the Soviet scientist I.F. Kana-ets / Ref 12. The.-e are 5 graphs, 5 tables and 3 Sovict refei-ences. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellski,-,, i proyektnyy institut plasticheskikh mass, Moskva (Scientific Research and Planning Institute of !!astics, Loscow) rD SUBLITTED: 24 h1wj, 1958 Card 3/3 -J j2077 S/1 0-0/60/0',V/011/05/021 PGO 111, 5061 AUTHORS: Glukhov, Ye, Ye., Gorina. A, A_ Shelion, A. V, TITLE: Deformation Properties of Polymerq'i PERIODICAL: Vysokoaolekulyarnyye noyedin.entya. 1960, Vol, 2, No, 1, pp. 30-45 TEYT The authors discuss equation ( 1 ", E inI 'C 1; 'C.' )./,c] & : I he def ormatA on, v the t ime. (,0 an-i ii ~knl i~~,n Cl ~ (f,.ln F Ee I- f')/ E- "I ((% .~ ;trecja- 1-ta Thcy establish that only the value of 6. for the ~-ele-,rqoi and temperat,are need be known to calcufate. t in aT. -on'37ant Stress For a quantitative examinat4on it -is aufj n 1'11n:tior r":;'flts ee -"((1,T), for wbich equa;ion (7) is 9: '.D ri h. twc' measarements, It is further explained a- e 1, ai c M1`112 1 V 3 1 s n,) t u sabl e f o r t h- -. P Card 1/3 82077 Di~formation Properties of Polymers Boo!, /B06 I oii,-vo when the coefficient EO values ar,~ be:w~,t:fl fln'i That is proved by experiments on Ftcr:,p'-i- 4Varid i-%- n :I;IOTabI The authors' experiments were carrif~d vi? h 9t: apTlq~'A^Illk wh,,ch fliaie it possible to riic-~rd the deformation ;,rr.-. al rl t a nd + ^mpta ra t ur o u r.-A ~T- pu r e s hea r 9 t -f! i i ef til-2 tempera?.ure cyi the deformarier. prkr~--z 3 given in Table F-ig- 2 shows th~-. rh-2 CI:Iefficient o. fc~r Ftoroplast-4, The de."--ta- h pc-lywier after cooiing Jin various wqy,, ar~., fr,~-n ., - ~ T -3 'T at, gives the deformation properties Qf hig :,: ~ .-., - *i-. ,. ' -~ r d,~riziily polyetby~-ene. and p .2lZprrpy.-* 1) ro r,~ r., r t i e s o, f !, ar i ~u s sa m p I e s c. f F! r r, r. t1:-' T i - - -x v e a! -. t,, -:,,v r; he theoretical conolu sions., whi,~h ar-? purposes~ The :~,:,natants 71, and o. 'h~ r3,.,-- :1 polymer, the c:fastan*,s 6. and v,, its Wher. known, the deforwarion in a given tiz.-e i' g-I'ven 7- arld *f~mrverat ir can be caloulated, There are 2 flgqr'Rs~ -d 2 Soviet and ? US, Card 1/3 82077 Deformation Properties of Polymers S/190/60/00~/01/05/02-i B004./P,)6 ASSOCIATION. Naurhno-iseledovatell!~kiy Jnst"ut (Sci ent i f i c Resear,:!h in s t 1o f SUBMITTED. July 16. 1959 Card. 3/3 0 0 OAF-*-" SO v 9 v v v w- 11 I K11 k t'j a P1 4. 41 Q 11 U Of.4 aL -& t L I -" t -4 0 Is Ix --A ... L--L A?I -00 00& 00 il VMW1WVdtk I f l j ' w, vIws o vu canismir%, in.,11141inil ltlAinittl ' - bl h : SO jj- vu a rlic isibla-ti, I v, -yot Mokid, vis, , in air, *aIrt, 1-1 dild:14% all. Iff"I. r. 010% 11",A), W.", It Po" 4. N at T of I ie 'r IIN(k, III anti 71)% AvOil. 1h -tJ -'Ah N-011. III. 00 a ! and N11,011. I'm M. lil;nd M week% are dewtilted. Ths- tt,t. included trimilr strength. vhmxol~m. Itatting-. and 7see 00 -welling. Ns tnitatfirne i ublwr with,too.1 I he mcM. I wt let h 1 vo 0 00 t ." d. -t-l Th.A..l 1-1 .... ... -2-.' A. P-Wfl &10 0 *0Z 0 00 go* 00 -m- is.SL A sfTALL,,pGKaL L11IRMORI IL-IIIC-1-- ve 0 - 4 j 7-1-- % 1--Y-71 jA -1 a 0, rD U is IS: , ;0 00000 0 Z Wjt OlUff 1901 " I? it ; 00 00000 0 90 00 0 as K13A its 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 ' 0, 0 00 000 0 4 0 0 0 00 00000 so Of a 0 0 'o 0 0 00 0 0 9 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Is it w It k 1 - 1; 4 AA r . L --L -J -fi- . . -13 --- I --A, L N IN F U 0 1 ki W . a so 100 -T a .09 t -00 Vubber as an anticorrosive inAttrial, ChenlicAl fe. -to ado S. :bonltv and the coefficient of vulcanization. T" l1: " ro 1 410 A, Ckmina. J. Rs..M-f- INJ it', S " R I 0o A 19M.AWSH 'it; If. C. .1.30,%Ov. 1" .4 V.1 -t, a s l- a ot Cbmile rocitg. 25 .1 5 IWI u~ U1 S III I I JIAI I S ~4 1 ubt.~S . . I volng. differrat fillffs~ reclaimed rubLwr and Na butadstic 00 J, rublw, In W% &q. HCJ. 22.3 mild .70 11'so" -.5- " 7579. - H 8 d 17 HNO 2A W l M 00 't fin . and . O l, 112 ., , 1 ,,, At ithr ocid, 38% Ik- arid And 307, N.011 at 70% JZ; e* ?4, 111 stA 40 *tvkk see drittillwil. (lit IINO, the t(~%~ oe- wrswd. %I 0A, And AW.) 1Q.11litr willi.hititt flie Owinkifil. lw(tvt Own 41111 .4( 1411.1,el. 1h, (e.1, 0 A niaJetailcl. file trIalk"I twtwtrfl vuhinn"ll"a and Frbhtasicv W stiff rn-bber mild ebtm14r. Six irfI,trjwr~. A P-141 00 'Do IS 0 .00 00 ~,Io a * 0 f -. A V . I I . .1 1 - I " I ~ . I I I I I a a I k C I t t A %% 90 4 ;7. 43 l 4 o it I- it if M 4 i l 0 1 9 Re 0 4 a 0 00 0 0 : 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 - 4 0 4 " , 2 M 2 0 a 00000 O 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 * S # 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 4 10 0 9 a 0 8 00 0% 0 v 0 W S * S * # & #T& 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ow OW OW OW i I is I U :1 It 4 a j it n is 34 it it n is m x it I: I) b, lt I. x is e At A A L Q L--1 A. - be CC M .I..Q -1 1 It A -1.0 0 rubbortortittais, =i ~ -00, %I) Askova and 1. Ca isol*Vvit. .1. P"IdIer Zu . (C. ti. S. K.) 1916, No. 8 9, imml -11. - 1 -00 is A therrimsircm-CJ14 crynetit (Prepil. it -00 0 smokcd street and t-phrriolmullonic avitt) was vnisted ,it 0 the surfskv of OW un,tal. fulitirl ma% III vit -00 "llachril. *train -Vuk ani grit at IM" lim UN 410 now atid .00 00 krin Under 2 allu. ail lor"UT1 till the tvIIIII. IIII'llik-Al III 00 70-M)". Thicadhiribum tomerl Scs,N; kg. I.s J~ .1311 -00 to At 48. Ekvatcd Ictulm ilturva--ed the adhi-simi and at 0 0 66 90" it waxIlkit. W sq. cut. Brass mut"- --'I"liv clietul- . cally ckarmil fit was brass-plavil Mija thicki andt-imptivil it tilt it C411. cruient of rubber -C lilark. The Im-ui 14 rut, - 40 liter "OSI Own villcullizeil till lhl% visiting. Fire 81111-1,111 III natural rubber was fit kg. tier sq, %:in.. that 44 quilictat No Imitadirriv rubber 44 *nil if chhm,4.tct. mla,tt to Ille adbri4m did not rhanv front L111' I,, IIW. Lajrr~ 00 alhimask cepreal mortU4. The mist. Limett contained librivil 1:411 allmunin Ul-73 part. Iter Wil louts of late% (Rrvem-0, .1; -0 a 00 atul accelerator. Gminaldchydr (a unall pro;matiml III ) 00 inaliv tbir cemetit Inner watef-r"Atant anti a j,tr.%rtvm- tive. After mating. the metal was heated in air at I00 0 =*-: 125, (of It, .31) ruin.. the Unvulvallitt-d Tublict allached allil 00 vulicanited in a Inex- The adh"6,ri I,, t-1 III natilral jublier wax 43 kx~ 14-t 4. clu., that j.~y"IIIvIiv No hulm. 400 dielthir tUbIKf 47. of vhhjttlvvtw subtler 11; it. M (it. surfact 00 was climm"Ily treated to inim-ow the surface (if the ron- N* 0 tact): natural rubber 411, itynthetir Na butsdirne rubber 00 V. ThPPA"nndiiiiiotchaiitvfriiiii'-Nl* tip 110'. A. Pr,I,,ff A 0 ti 00 00 It i;.7 7 T. I - 07 u u At or) 14 9101 1, 4 1 T bps 4 fla Rvt plull aNiN13-1 I is 4113 ~i 016 & 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 1111 0 0 0 0 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 111 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 : : : 6 0 4 *#We a- oWo 000-0-* t f a it u almllit tin SJOIJIV 0M)l hj?X)v m A A I. _U A.-I .1 .11 F 9 0 S I V V i !~ -4 1 1 'LA 0 " IV U 4 4 Open vuleanitatiOG Ul' it'n'Ina, metaffic and wdez ap- paretub and taAke with rubber, M. Fmlw~v, (.;j?rIjij -id L. Antos--- k 1937. Nti~ 9. 48-41 A d,scription 0 thr X UL SkWk jm~ 00 A. '00 =00 00 00 '3 =0 0 04 a wee Ji i-00 0 00 'Go A1111.11LA 04TALtURGICAL LITCRATWI CLASSOKATION to 10 00 I 0.. Q.- e, -5-13-- N-71 "' ~408 U IL .0 IT P vp It a As ii; Is Is ow n 0 q 000'a 0 0 00 0 0 j 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 ID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, * to 0 0 0 0 J* SO 0 0 0 0 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 a 9 0 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0a 1b 6 0 *a 0 171 0 0 0 0 9 0 00 0:00900000004 a 0 : : : 0 0 Ca 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 I : I t I a I Q .1 u 11 Is 16 1? Is " it zi a h b h .17 .3 21 h J, I., D p k. k V b1 11 a 110, .0-,* 5~ -1--A It I L AA 0) CC LIDU I J11 I t. I A Adhesives Irani synthetic rvbbi,r. A I ji C, fa,,41,kaw ),Ij NO-hr, p ) 1940, 'N. 00 -00 to ic 101rd. Thr Ic,l Owr.wwwit6 weic jj,)%jj I,%. all. -00 h-m- -imoudant, aficr 4 11 -LI)l Ut MAIIIIATY of I') wippins ulf Almrul L'.041 K. lot I clu. A&W, j C t,lwk -00 K.-,u 11 Poe -00 '00 00 Leo of 1w we* 00 ~i AIS.SLA "IALLVFGKAL tiTIN&TGRE CLA11WK&TION iiit~ . - ti L I I Od 0 W -W m 9; 1, n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 : c 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 a