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-~-~vee1--F~r-Relee 2000 0.09 _
he following events ,and documents relate to the National
Security Council's adoption of a program for the encouragement
of defection, for more effective utilization of defectors and the
arrangement of more liberal rehabilitation and resettlement
facilities for them during the period from 1945.951:
1. The Yalta Agreement on Repatriation, 11 February 1945,
w-la~~ii provided for the speedy repatriation of prisoners of war
and civilians of the British Commonwealth, the Soviet Union and
the United States, liberated by the Allied Armies then invading
Germany. As a result of the difficulties which arose in 1945 in
connection with the unwillingness of many displaced persons and
refugees to return homP~ the Departments of State, of War and
of the Navy agreed to a comprehensive repatriation policy which
stated that the following would-be repatriated to the USSR~r-
against their wishes if necessary, if they fell into one of the
three categories: 1) those captured in German uniforms, 2) those
wbo had been members of the Soviet Armed Forces on or after
June 22, 1941,~1~3) those who had collaborated with the enemy.
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outside the above categories would not be forcibly repatriates
but Soviet authorities would have access to them and an opportunity
to persuade them to return.
2. United Nations Developments Since 1946: a resolution
passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 12 February',.
1946 stated that: "No refugee or displaced person unless he be
a war criminal, Quisling or traitor will be forced to return
Lour~'~ry ~ii5
to the countries of t-hem-r origin if he has valid objection for
so doing .
3, On 15 December 1946 the General Assembly voted to create
the International Refugee Organization (IRO) to deal with all
aspects of the displaced persons and refugee proplem - principally
repatriation, resettlement and rehabilitation. The General
Assembly's resolution of 17 November 1947 reaffirmed the Assembly's
position that the main task concerning displaced persons is to
"encourage and assist in every possible way their return to their
country in accordance with the resolution of 12 February 1946,"
The principle of "valid objections" remained in effect.
Approved For Release 2000/09/02: C~A-RDP83-007648000700020006-8
"~ . 'Approved For Rele~e 2000/09/02 :CIA-RDP83-OOR000700020006-8
3o The Clay-Sokc~lovsky Agreement of 14 August 1940:
called for the return of Soviet defectors, deserters and political
refugees who entered the U,S. Zone in Germany. The Army inter=
preted this to mean those who entered the U.S. Zone illegally and
later softened this to mean only those who were actually
apprehended for misconduct. Controversy arose after it was
determined that the Soviets were using the Agreements to dis-
courage defectors by falsely asserting that the Agreement provided
r _-
for indiscriminate fore~ble re-patriation.
4. Council of Foreign Ministers'ecision on 23 April 1947:
recognized the rights of the Soviet officials to visit their
nationals (presumably including defectors) in the displaced person
camps. On July 11, 1947 the Joint Chiefs of Staff instructed
General Clay, United States Military Governor in Germany, to
facilitate the emigration to other countries of displaced persons
unwilling to return to the country of their origin.
5. State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee (SNACC):
on 17 March 1948 the Department of State member presented a memo
which said in essence that the free world could make excellent
use of Soviet desertors, but that there were two de-~"errents to
their use: 1) the absence of assurance of asylum, and 2) the
absence of an organization in the democratic world to take care
of the wants and needs of such men.( It also recommended that a
study be instituted. A SNACC repo-rt of 25 May 1948 dealt largely
with the procedures,