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RUKER, Yu.B.; RYVKIN, H.S.; GOBAVOV, A.A., red.; DROU2,111H, Tu.N., red.; KORNEY11VA, V.I., (Theory of relativity] Teoriia otnositelinosti. Moskma, Goo. uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo H-va proev.RSFSR. 196o. 211 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Relativity (Physics)) -6 C B L. 1- , , A . T . 25520. Mekhanika upro,,-,--vyazko-plastlui.skl,'P,.h tol IV RastLiizl-,Ein,-c .1 szlvqtiye privny shurnal te h. f'Lzik, 194c), vy-pA, C 1192-91-) 60; Letipial Ahurnal Statey, Vol- 34, !xoskvn, '1949 PORAY-KOSHITS, Ye. A.; GOBANUT, D. A.; AWEHYANIOV, V. 1. "Studying of supermolecular structures of silicate glasses by direct methods. report submitted for Intl Conf on Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids, Delft, Netherlands, 6-10 Jul 64. Grebenshchikov Inst for Silicate Chemistry, AS, Leningrad. ~- GOTIAROV, 0, They can't work in thie way any more. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no-3: 13-,U Mr 162. (MIRA 3-5: 10) T 1. Nachallnik Zhilivhchno-kommunallnogo otdola uvoda "Svetlana", Leningrad. (Leningrad-Houaing) GOBATSEVIGH, A.B. Certain conditioned reflex mechanisms of eptleptoid seizures. Zhur. nevr.i psikh. 55 no.5:32&-329 155. (K= 13:7) 1. Ilinika nervxWkh bolesney Voyenno-meditsinskoy akademil imeni S.M.Kirova. (IPILVST. physioloff, conditioned reflex mechanism of seizures) (Rwulx, CO]MITIOM, conditioned sechantom of epileptic neizures) 0 0 0 0 0 W;;, *all I f ; 0 f 4 f a it q 01 w is 64 it 14 IS I I IF 0 fog AS 11 w V- A Is w Is 19 g At 0 is IC 0 A A L,~ I , L~ L A 0 r U ic w It -I' SIOV W 00 go HydnmetailkwIllical Trealmenj a# Alluvial Ffichel (he by sin Aaamwailerel Neflod. (in RuValon P P Go i f 4 am 0 ro hAtAx-arA A. S. Sempnova. Jostrual nj Apil Chfinistry (USSR), v. 20. nos. 1-2. 1947. Is. 3 M. The so-cond 414 f the above process, the *~ l h l; i k F d l f s o eac n r e i mfute mtx inr out " l I j ~ COO o v Ammon &Ca n fst n a rom, reagents, was jrall v V o mercial wale. Results are tabulatoil and charted. V 1 - 00x 6 ~ 000 lr 1 16 6 soo 2 Coe At 0,1L A jTALLvKrvcAt LITFOATUNI CLA%1WKAI1Q14 AV 01 It , !; ; ty tv if ft 14 IT tt if o" 0 ; C9 It it 19 64 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 ~0:9'0:0 0: 011 0 * f 0 0 * 0 0 00 00 0 00000 0 O*g tree 0, tic it.. is, T-1 A 1 4 1w Er & 11 a 4 V a A 1 14 1 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 00010 e 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 **go* 'so 1. Experiences with permalloy materials proluced in Hungary; alsoo remarks by E. Juvancz anci P. Janos. p.41. (Kozlemenyel) Ehidapest. Vol. 2(', no. 112, 1956.) .1 _y 17X,7. "ncl. SO: 1 ~- . ~ . 1 .7.1. . ..I. ', 111] ;., t. -,f' 2urot)erin -~ccessionr IT " ' _1 GOBBI, I. Soft rnapetiC 3~;eet matera'als made 1n Hungary. p. 8L (;,;-,-yar Hiraciastedinikun. Vol. ne. 3, St:Pt. Ectithly Index of haot E'uropean Accessr;uns ~',---Al ) I C. Vol. Febmary 1958 `11 11 GOBP1 P 1. TECHNOLOGY PERIODICAL: MAGYAP fURADASTECHNIKA, Vol. 9, no. 213, June 1958 Gobbi, I. Dotermination of hysteresla factor by inea9uring velf-inductancti variation p. 98. Monthly list of ~%t European Acceosions (EEAT) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959, Unclaso. KINIM, Iva. dr.; CSERXMT, Edit, dr.; GORBI, Ida, dr. Cough plate as a device for early diagnosis In whooping cough. Orr. hatil. 95 no-33:895-897 15 Avg 54. 1. A Badapeatt Orvostudmianyl Baotou losegesseegtant Intesotebol (lgasgato: Dabis Iasslo dro offetent tanar so a Yovarost Team* 11. ker. Oyerookklinikajarol (1gasgato: 91ralyneat Robert dr.) koolmonyo (WHOOPING COUGH, disposto CoV,gh plAte) GOBBI, Istvan Direct calculation of tho rumber of turns of solenoid coils. Hir techn 13 no.o1232-233 D 162. 1. Blektroakusatikai Gyar. A, GOBBI, Istvan - --- Electrochemical terms established by Faraday, alettrolysis, electrodes, ioneL. Fiz szemle 13 no-4:113 Ap 163. GOBBI, Istvan Possibility for new tyF* transformer constructions by means of applying semi-anisotrope transformer sheets, IfIr techn ll~ no,3:100-102 Je 163- 1. Elektroakusztikai Gyar. GOBEAJA, Petro Thraughly organizing the mintenance of cultural work. Munca sindic 7 no. 5: 1&-20 My 163. 1. Presodinte al comitetalui. sindicatului do la GospodarMe Agricole do Stat - Mosneni, regiunea Dobrogea. GOELEC, Borio, inz. (Zagrub, Gundullcova33) -;g, A special starch syr4 V '-h&rd cararttls. ?*Lnilm JULY 18 Suj,,TA...-Prerfxn iryl 17 no.6-..1.1,17-IAI,3 Jo t 63 . 1. To';iaieki dir-Ator produzeca "Josip Krao"-.. Zagn-eb. GOBEC, R. Yugoslavia (430) General - Serials Junior high schools of music in LjubIjana. p. 9. LJUDWA PRAVICA. (Kcaunistiena Plartija Slovenije) Cammmist Party of Slovenia). Vol. 12, no. 177,, Deember 22, 1951., Fast buypew Accessions List, Library of Congress, Vol. 1, no. 13, November 19 52. UNCIASSIFIED. ZE'IAYSIIVILIY O.P.; BAKVTIDZE, T.A.; G013ECI.II,YA,.,--.B ...,K.; "'."'i-LATIECF, M.A. Results of alkopar trials in foci of necatoriw.:io. '-k-,6.Rraz. -303 My-,Je 4. i para".bol. 33 no.3:302 161 (M.IRA 18.2) 1. Institut m(ditBinskoy parazltologLl i Lrcp.'.-!herkv%t MfAltsIny Imeni Virvaladze Ministor5tva ldrivookhraneript Gm.,%~zwk-oy SSRP Thilisi. GOUCHIYA:. G.V.; XV"V.VSXLRI, T.D.; kl[AKKHIWgRI, H.D,, [Sconoaq of Abkhazia; a statistical manual] %rodnoo khotisistvo Abkhazukol AS9; statisticheskit sbornik. LSukhuil Abgosisdat. 1957. 116 p. (MIRA 110) 1. Abkhmsian A.SS.R. Statistichaskoys upravloniye. (Abkhasle-Statistice) KVEKNESKIRI, T.D., otv. za vypusk; GOBBCHIYA, G.V.j ot-v. ia -vypuBk; GORDZ- ZIANI, S.A., tekhn. red.- [Yerty yearo of the achievements of Soviet Abkbasif in figures) Do- stizheniia Sovetskoi Jbkbazii za 1+0 let v tsiftakh. ltbilisiq Go&- statizdi~tq 1961. 206 p. (MIRA 3W) 1. Abkhazimn A.S.S.R. Statistichs!k, .,r sprayle". (Abkhazia--Statistics), GOBECAM,%, T._-_~ Technical societies advisivg meat packers. Mias.ind.SSSR 31 no.2: 32 160. (UM 13: 8) 1. Nauchno-tokhnichaskoye obshchestvo pishchovoy promyshleanonti Gruzinskoy, SSR. (Tiflis--Packing houses) rur 4-3 Ct t t.!t ul t A' COTTY71II-011VILT) "Decay of Scalar Mesons with Emission of Fadiation." Zhur. Eksptll. i Teoret. Fiz. 20, 893-7 (1950) Oct. The probability of a decay of a scalar meson resulting in the formation of an electron and a neutrino has been investigated by Bethe and Nordheim (Phys. Rev. 57, 1098 (101110). 'ftie case of ~ spontaneous disintegration of a scalar meson into an electron ~ neutrino, and a photon is examined here. The eleintntary Probability diverges logarithmically. MIRIANASHVILI, M.M.; GOBEWHISHVILIO M.S. Solution of equations of the gravitational field b,~r the "falling box* method. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 33 no-3043-548 Mr t64 WIRA 17t8) 1. Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. 2. Chlen-korrespon- den AN QmzSSR (for MirlanashvIli). 1111 V;4 !',I; MIRIANASHVILI, M.M.; GOBEDUISHVILI) ~1.5. Radiation during hyperbolic motion of a charge., Soob, AN Gruz. SSR 39 no.3:551-554 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Tbilisskiy gosudarotvennyy univernitet. 2. Chlon-korrespondent All GruzSSR (for Hirianashvili). T. 29- -- ACC NR; ~.pOO16358 SOURCE CODE: LFii/~i2rl/65/'039/C~,)3/1)~51/C5~4 AUTHOR: Ydrianashvili, M. M. (Corresponding member AN GriaSIM); 20~)edzkiishv~ If. S ORG: Tbilisi State University (Tibil-is8kiy gosudarstvennyy Miiveraitet TTTLE: Endssion during hyperbolic motion of a charge ' "J-1 13 3111 ;%CE: AN GruzSSR. Soobshcheniya, V- 39, no. 3, 1965, 551-554 TOPIC TAGS; electron Xmotion, casuality principle, electromaj;r-etic tield ABSTRACT: Some*authors consider that during hyperbolic xotio;n .(Motion at constant acceleration) an electron does not radlixte energy. Others, particularly Fulton and Rohrlieh (Classical :Radiation from a Uniformly Accelerated Charge, Annals of Physiosm; .vol 9, 41t 1964). In a detailed study of the queation. *Ame to - L, v bo the conclusion that the hype- 110 motion of a charge to aooom- :1 panied by the radiation of energy. Fulton and Rohrlich studied Athe motion of an electron In the inertial system 3 In which mo- 'tion of the particle Is described with the aid of z and dt where (f or,. t o, Cor 115 L 25778-66 ACC NRs AP6ol6358 .(-ZO is a unit vector along the direction of the zaXID). 7Ae .field potentialop created by the oharge, are L'yeonar-V1khert(si:O)' potentials RP 6w Q ,and the condition of casualty ~1-1 guarantees that (2) Is a delayed potential. The fields obtained by Fulton and Rohrl1oh In aooardanoo with the -oasuality condition are satisfied In the region z 4 t:;;PO but ave unstable when Z-/ t 0, since the fields*for Z 4 t = 0 should be emitted when t If the charge Is moved along a ll.ght cono by z = 4co. &wever, motion of the particle of the end mass along;: the Sight cone means that it has precisely the speed of light, but only in the physical sense. To eliminate this difficulty, It Is assumed that a particle In a definite interval of time - tle- t-"rtf moves In a homogeneously constant field and that when 1;:> t" the field Is out off and it continues to move according to the inertia of Its constant speed: I.e., In the region V4 t