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-"'7. (l? 1--j L Z t--'> ' ~ C, ~--' ' " ') - ( STAYSLAYA, Ye.Ya.; GNVZL) ALUSAWROVA, Y.P. Arrors ~zA dangers of balneotherany in,g5uscology. Yopokursfisiater. i 22 uo*4:32-37 ~Y-Ag (NM 10-a1) 1. Zz Nouchno-ionledovatellmkogo balineologichookogo instituta n& Uvkszskikh Kiaerallrwkh Yodakh (dir. - dotsent I.S.Savoshchanko) (HYDROTHIRAFr) (WONNN--DISIMAS) VIRSKLYA, G.H.; AEIDW.DOV, K.S.; GNEZDILOVA, R.A. .; 1 1, . I Swelling and disgolving of polyvinyl chloride powder In dichloro- ethane and dio3cane. Uzb.khim.shur. no.6:35-39 '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Sredneasiatakiy goeudarstvennyy universitst Im. V.1.1menina. (Ethylene) (Ethane) (Diomne) GNIZDILOVAJ Ye.l.; DMITREENKO, I.I.; URIONOVA, V.S.; NA11HUMAIA, V.S. Characteristics of the temperature regime during dry periods in the steppe of the Black Sea region. Trudy OG14I no.21:21-26 *,60. (MA 34 ~- 10) (Black Sea region-Droughts) GM3ZDOV. S.V.; BIRKAH, P.R. . 11, ; . I Equilibrium of moisture in grain. N 1-16. Zamledelle 4 no.11:125-126 (MLRA 10-.2) (Grain-Storage) - I vrj~-J:j - I "''I--!:"--"--' GNEZDOV, Serag Vasillpvieh; ERK, Fedor NUkult.,yovicb; TRAII ~ p V-11TRIYEV, N.N., red.; 01106311KO, N.G., tekhn. red. [Meobanization of grain cleaning and drying) 14ekbuniza- tsiia ochiatki i sushki. zerna. LenIngrad,,,Leui.zdot 1962. 43 P. TRA 170~ for Chk2;.1pz;!--Y of "Separation of Iron and Cobalt by Ion-Exchunge Chromatolp,aphy" -'zl Vud S~-)-_ccp 30acov Itd-vo- AN IS1.UiP., i w- cm :L;t: oZ -';V(! Ziliall;' & '4:LsG'L41-jWL; 114d Eudid 0~m 'Y ~7-L'a V.:"Y CA b LIU!! uf A~z-.Ac. 507/78-3-9-19/38 AUTHORS: Korshunov, Is A.j Subbotinap A. I., Gnezdov, V. I, TITLE: The Chromatographic Separation of the loi~W-R-f-i~5n -and Cobalt (Khromatograficheskoye razdeleniye ionov zheleza i kobal'ta) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958P Vol 3, Nr 9, pp 2128-24,30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The chromatographic separation of the ions of iron and cobalt was carried out with the aid of the radioisotope of iron, 59 60 Fe , and of cobalt, Co . The cationite XY-2 was used as ab- sorbent. The initial solutions have a pH-value of 0,8 - 3. The elution of the iron ions was achieved by means of oxalic acid which forms an oxalate complex with iron* A separation of iron and cobalt is possible by means of the oxalic acid complex of iron. A method of producing radioactive iron oxalate was worked out. The oxalic acid solution of radioactive iron need not contain free oxalic acid. There are I figure, I table, and 3 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Card 1/2 SOV/78-3-9-19/36 The Chromatographic Separation of the Ions of Iron and Cobalt I ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gorikovskom gosudarstvennom universitete, Laboratoriya radiokhimii (Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry at Gor7kiy State University, Laboratory of Radiochemistry) SUBMITTED: June 8, 1957 Card 2/2 ZEMSKOV, I.F..; STEEPANOV, A.S.; GNEZDOV, V.I. Purificaticn of lead chloride-containing water with Ion exchande resins. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.3:6?4-676 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Water-Purification) (Ion exchange resins) (Lead ch1cride) GNIAZDOWSKA, J. GNiAZDOWSKA., J. Growing of z~lants in river* Pe 6* Vol. 9, no. 5, May 1956 GAXETA OBSERWATORA', P.I. H. Y. SCIENCE Warszawa, Poland Sot East European Accession., Vcl. 6. no. 2, Feb. 1957 GNIAZDOWS4, Jadwiga, mgr Research of the State Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology In the field of river vegetation. Oosp wodna 22 no.11023-121* N 162. 1. Zaklad Wod Plynacych, Panstwowy Instytut Hydrologitmno- Meteoro- logicany, Warszawa. Arma s !--i a neubom 'n!'tai 1. Fed. Fvl. Z' Elinik-I Dllagncs-~ykll Chorrb Dzle-l Akadandl M-ndyci-niC prcf. Ir. med. G17IA4IJDG',I'MA, Zcf,a; "J0.111115'KA, Anna Familial microcephaly in 2 sinters. Pedii-A. Pol. 39 r,,r,,J2z 1371-1375 D 164 1. Z Klinikl Diagnostyki Chorob Dzieci Akademit Hodyczmal w Warazaw1c, (Kiorownikt prof. dr. mod. Z. L-jmbanh). USSR/Soil Science - Or6anic Fertilizers. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 19, 1958, 6681o Aut,hor : Gnibeda, N. Inst : Siberian Sci. Res . Inst. of Grain Cultivmtion Title : Effectiveness of Organic Mineral Fertilizers In the Chernozens of Omskayn Oblast Orig Pub : S. kh. Sibiri, 1957, No 6, 42-48 Abstract : The results are presented of experiments conducted i;-_ the Siberian Scientific Research Instittite of Grain Farning in wich the effect of organic rdneral granules. on the jSer- ninatioa and growth of plants, the rdcrobioloaical activi- ty of soil and crop yield were studied, also of expezineiA3 with organic nineral rxixtures under grain crops and pota- toes. -- L.B. Card 1/1 GUI DA, N. G. __I_, ._IA=?'_&.nd Qmtornary deposits of the northern slope of Bash-ftu in the Gismar Rangeo IsvOW11o Geogoob-va D91-104 155. (MLRA 100) (Gismar Range-Physical geography) dlubENKO~ P.D., polkomik; BRYUKIIA11MV, Yu.A.t podpolkavnik Use of aviation in marine landing operations, MDr# sbor. 46 no.7; 42-48 J:L 163- (KIRA 16M) GNIDENKO, V.H. (Moskva) Determination of the orders of precomplete clasoms in thr -346 162. s4) valued logic. Probl.kib. no.8041 (H3RA t3, (logic, Symbolic and mathewtical) POGREB110Y, Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; GNIDETS, B., inzh.; TSIMBROVSKIY, A., inzh. Prestressed reinforced concrete cr%m girders with twisted clusters of reinforcement with loop ancbers. Prom. strol. i inzhe soor. 4 no,3:56-57 MY-Je 162* (MMA 15:7) (Concrete reiaorce nt) (Beams and girders) I " H ~ I 'I ~-! I I I :IF I I GNIDETS, B.G.tAush. Thin-walled precast culvert inlets. Avt. dor. 22 n0-5:20-21 M.7 '59. (MIRL 12:8) (Culverts) li III, GNIDETS, B.G. Manufacturing precast-concrete pipe headbands in die boxop Avt.dor. 25 no.12t24 and 28 D 162. (MIRA 19:2) (Precast concrete construction) GNIDITS, I.E., kandidat farmatseyticheakikh nauk-, KARPINKC), dotsent, zaveduyushchiy Xafedry takhnologii lakartetvennykh form i gulenovykh preparatov Vrovskogo meditainakogo inetituts.; KIMMKO, L.N.. profes- sor, direktor Llvovskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. Studies on glucoside extracts from water popper herbs. Apt.delo 2 no,2: 41-43 Kr-Ap 153. OMU 6:3) 1. Xafedra tekhnologil lsk&rotvonnykh form i galenovykh preparatov Llvev- skogo maditainakogo isetituto Ninlaterstva xdravookhr*noniy&17SSL (Glucos idea (Peralcorla) UM/Chemistry - Vegetable constituunts Card t 1/1 Pub. 116 10/20 Authors t Gnidets an Turkevich, N. H. Title Glucoside of smartweed Periodical I Ukr. khim. zhur. 20, Ed- 4, 396 398, 1954 Abstract 2 Smartweed., stabilized with alcohol vapors, wa&invastlgated to determine the chemical and medicinal values of the glucoside 6sitally found in'the weed. It was established that the semiacetal hydrwyl group, in the str- ucture of the glucoside, is in a free, nonsubsUtuted state. The actual glucoside content of the weed was determined bjr the other numbpr of the glucoside-containing extract. Five references: 2453,11R; 1-Ukrainina; 1- USA; 1-French (1908-1953). Table. Institution : State Medical Institute, Lvov Submitted : October 30, 1953 TURKEVICH, N. M.; GNIDETS, I. R.: KRYIA)V, L. S. Remarks on the nay edition of the State Pharmaco:!)ela of the USSR. Apt.delo 4 no.1!45-48 Ja-F '55 (MLRA 8:4) 1. Zz Llvovskogo maditainakopo inatituta Ministo-rutvatdravoo- khraneniya SSSR. (PHARK&COPNIA. in Russia, gth edition) GKIDETS, I.R*,- PIITTAZRKO, R.14. Seventh Conference of the Lvov Province Pharmaceutical Society. Ned.prom. 14 no.l.-64 Ja 160. (MM 13:5) (LVOv--PRAMCN"IGAL SOCIN33s) TURKEVIGH, M.M. (Turkelch, M.M.]; PINYAUK0, .. G.N.1D-~;TS ..'.!- [Hnidets', I. R. .- --- I.- - . Review of Bome pharmceutical periodicalB. Farmtsev. zhur. 15 no.1:85-87 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1 l.':Llvovskoye oblaotnoye nauchnoye farmatsevticheskoys obshchestvo. (PHARMACY-PERIODICALS) Nrj~EVICH, H.M. (Llvav); PINIANK0, l.ii.M. (Llvov); GNlDz',T3,..~.4,-,-(L'vov) Activitj of the Lvov Province Pharmaooutical So,:Iety. A t. delo 10 no.4s78080 Tl-Ag(161. ?M11IRA ]j,:12) MV-PIMIACEUTICAL SOCIETIES) F111"UZ111KO,; GNID,~TSP I.R.; TJWVL~*IVIG!i, N.M. Czech scientific pharmaceutical journals. Apt. deloo 10 no.5:84-85 S-0 161. (MI--iA U!12) 1. LIvovskoye oblastnoye nauchnoye farmatsevticheskoye obshchestvo. (CZEGH(X3LOVAKIA-PHAti!,IACY--rzRIODICALS) .GNIDETS] I.-R. [Hnidets' I.R.J- VOROiNqAp L.P. [Vorobiova, L.P;); SENDZYUK, L.A* tSendziL, L.A.] Production and analysis of a sterile solution of butadione. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no-305-39 161. (MMA 14:6) 1. Kafedra, tekhnologii. lekarstv L'vovskogo meditsinskogo institute, zaveduyushchiy kafedroy doteent Yu.O.karpenko. (PYRAZOLIDINEDIONE) PT-DORENKO G.Ya. [Frdoronko, H.IA.Ij- KAI"J: j'AY, L;X.; R. (finidets', I.F'.]; WDGANOVA, N.L. Use of bactericidal lamps in the pharmacy practice. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no.4:11-14 161. NIRA 17t6) 1. Kafedra. tekhnologli lekarstv (zaveduyushchiy kafodroy dotoorst Yu.0. Karpenko), knfedra mikroblologil (zaveduyushchiy ka,"adroy dotnent M.M. Muzyka) Llvovskogo miq. Architecture MI.-, bc th-s-coni volume of .1 W:wk' Imbl'Alell in Wit; and miltle-.4 Planning -- and Public Sq,vu-m-. It coritims .1 d--t~criptla-.1 of ,h- construction ind matnti-n.-mcp of t:,-d;nar.v ind mcclem hnnmved r-nd r.-.1 nf other rrvi.1 7-0 Im-oWle !-~1tvlr--- elt-ments Ouch us pavemmts. izalew-iys. rycle tracks. tramway tr-1clu). It also ileals %vith the nrganfsithn or minicipit raid cnivit'Udion work. the -hinterland" n[ munIcipt ru3i managrement. m'1 -Ath Ul,~ miln.enance of roa& and publiv squares. tj HIM ---- - - - - - -- - WIWI, Pli 11-111 till" I! v 111foll I 4 oA. Vie lneth,,,,J xL itf-hat Of.+ Ikilveilli ItIl 4.1bl'OuibOill) U, ofe, 17 th, fon,-~ L-f ti br;~-gti mt.t~x,,,rk, * [I. In dhown MA IIU41~r. dol: lyug, It, q.,=i!,ar an U! PtijpUer i let 2!lt th~ Uri IQ 111d) I& jjj 131,tiN.td4,~1 ~,tft a u.,., otu rzrij 1 %vild ird il -,,jU litod -i of per.i.-:11-iri In t e i3 t.3. (I . n IL'7 b N I c t. I Ak I,:% I 1 1'4 t3 j tcJ. T,f6fm~-flk.~ jV L jj-, I mA. r, r, ik. GNIWOWSKA, H.; KWIECINSIKA, K.; MOLIER, S,; TYBOROWSU, E, Effect of ki-ndergartene on health, mental ~evelapsent and p)7sical efficiency af children. Pediat Pol 37 no,2:151-164 F 162. 1. Z Sekcji Higieny Sskolnej Kierownik: dr M. Rudol"kokuwska Instytutu Matki i Dziecka Dyrektor'. prof. dr ned. F. Groer z Pracowni Teorii Wychownia PiZyo2nego Instytutu Naukowego Kultury Fisymej I Akadenii Wychowania Fi2yesnego Kierowniki prof. dr med. Z. Gilewicz i z Katedry Psychologil Wychowawczej UW Kierounik: prof. dr M. Zebrowska. (CHILD CARE) (SCHOOLS) SZYMANSKI, Stanislaw; SZCZERBINSKI, Wieslaw; GNIEWS&W,'.-Irena Influence of tiality of pine seedlings on the height growth and morphological differentiation of four-year-old plantations. Sylwan 104 no.4:17-33 Ap 160. 1. Zaklad Ogolnej Hodowli Lasup Wyzesa Szkola Rolnicza, Poznan. 8/130/60/0W/01 qj~;i AOO~/AOO I AUTHORS., Berdyanskiy, M. G., Brodskiy, :, .1, Voynov, V, Gnile GrInval'd, V. A., Kryuk r, G, Ya, TITLE: Mechanization and Automatio n of a Core-Extract,~r of a Continuous Pipe Polling Mill PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, No. 11, pp. 30-33 TEXT- Information Is given on the mechanIzAd and alitomated operation cf a core-extractor of a continuous pipe-roliing mill Including 'the following compo- nentsi a rest (Fig. 2); an automatic trollr~y (Fig. 3),; a core-dropping machine. (Fig. 4) a pipe-ext-ractor (Fig. 5) and a pipe-dro~pping machine (Fig, 6). The pipes with the cores are supplied to the rest whose jaws retain the, pipes du,-,ing the extraction of the cores. The opening of the jaws a1lows the passage of the cores only. The jaws are exchangeable depending on the diameter of the mfv. One or two coris may be extracted. The sAmultaneous extraot-lon 01"*two cores is performed with the aid of the automatic, trolley. Two torw_s with jaws ar;~ opened when cmtacting the cores allowing the passage of the ('.ore h"ads whic!h fall upon the pawl tall and disconnect It from lhR protubqran.-~e on t.h+ tract.t.on hocA nob. Card 1/7 S/I 3(:V60100010 ! 1/009/011 A006/AOO I Mechanization and Automation of a Core.-Extractor of' a Continuous 'Flips Rolilam Mill A spring puts the lever underneath the pawl to preient its P.,.lutching with the aforementioned protuverance during extraction. Under the effec". of Its prope,- weight the hook is switched on. The tongs, brought together by a spring, clamp the core head and extraction is started. After completed ot~xtractlon the tongs are opened and the core released. The trolley moves back to +Je rfAst. 'The cores, are :r-~moved and rolled down Into a coollng bath, After removal of the mandrils, the pipes are extracted from the res,:~ and dropped a homsirg,, The Info:rMation inoludes the detailed description of the automatir- contrcl systtjm, Card 2/7 S1 I 30/tX,/OC